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Course de l'Escalade, Genève 2019 - (88) Course relais Mixtes
rang Relais Relayeur 1 Ralayeur 2 Land Ort Team temps retard doss moyenne ¦ 1ère boucle ¦ 2ème boucle ¦ 3ème boucle ¦ 4ème boucle ¦ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Les petits pédestres dont un Thibert Emma Fieux Baptiste F-Ferney Voltaire Les petits pédestres dont un a 27.19,9 ----- (434) foto video 3.32 ¦ 7.14 8.¦ 6.19 1.¦ 7.43 6.¦ 6.03 1.¦ 2. NOARINA Callealta Marina Garnier Noah Chêne-Bougeries NOARINA 28.19,3 0.59,4 (452) foto video 3.40 ¦ 6.13 1.¦ 7.51 21.¦ 6.41 1.¦ 7.32 22.¦ 3. Bolumar / Jeanbourquin Bolumar Jenna Jeanbourquin Matthieu Genève Bolumar / Jeanbourquin 28.40,4 1.20,5 (522) foto video 3.43 ¦ 6.37 2.¦ 7.32 14.¦ 7.12 2.¦ 7.18 16.¦ 4. Les coureurs fous 1 Palama Anthony Dilonardo Olivia Genève Les coureurs fous 1 29.40,5 2.20,6 (425) foto video 3.50 ¦ 8.10 33.¦ 6.36 2.¦ 8.36 25.¦ 6.18 2.¦ 5. ECOTRAIL GENEVE Giauque Gaelle Palfi Xavier Grand-Lancy ECOTRAIL GENEVE 29.43,9 2.24,0 (380) foto video 3.51 ¦ 7.36 18.¦ 6.48 3.¦ 8.40 27.¦ 6.37 4.¦ 6. Harbich / Picard Harbich Amélie Picard Sébastien Bernex Harbich / Picard 30.01,8 2.41,9 (403) foto video 3.53 ¦ 8.00 27.¦ 6.56 6.¦ 8.17 18.¦ 6.47 7.¦ 7. The Avengers Mir Caroline Steed John Assens The Avengers 30.02,9 2.43,0 (501) foto video 3.53 ¦ 7.43 21.¦ 7.22 10.¦ 7.56 10.¦ 7.01 12.¦ 8. Suter / Kuonen Suter Fiore Kuonen Stéphanie Genève Suter / Kuonen 30.22,3 3.02,4 (493) foto video 3.56 ¦ 6.40 4.¦ 8.04 29.¦ 7.38 4.¦ 7.59 32.¦ 9. Athlé St-Julien 74 Camboulives Aline Camboulives Daniel F-Bonne Athlé St-Julien 74 30.32,4 3.12,5 (338) foto video 3.57 ¦ 7.18 11.¦ 7.55 24.¦ 7.45 7.¦ 7.32 22.¦ 10. Geneva Runners Alpagot Tolga Hess Sarah Genève Geneva Runners 30.38,6 3.18,7 (399) foto video 3.58 ¦ 7.21 12.¦ 7.58 25.¦ 7.47 9.¦ 7.31 21.¦ 11. Chaffard Kervio Kervio Julien Chaffard Gaëlle F-Cernex Chaffard Kervio 30.44,8 3.24,9 (355) foto video 3.59 ¦ 6.52 5.¦ 8.23 36.¦ 7.22 3.¦ 8.05 37.¦ 12. Fun Radio Rothlisberger Estelle Marano Matteo Thônex Fun Radio 31.35,8 4.15,9 (394) foto video 4.05 ¦ 7.33 16.¦ 7.59 26.¦ 7.57 11.¦ 8.05 36.¦ 13. Geinoz / Schmocker Geinoz Nicolas Schmocker Chrystelle La Tour-de-Trême Geinoz / Schmocker 31.46,6 4.26,7 (396) foto video 4.07 ¦ 8.45 45.¦ 6.54 5.¦ 9.10 39.¦ 6.56 9.¦ 14. 2 Berenger Marie Roullet Genève 2 31.59,6 4.39,7 (332) foto video 4.08 ¦ 8.08 32.¦ 7.38 15.¦ 8.47 31.¦ 7.25 19.¦ 15. Ebsary / Soulier Ebsary Cooper Soulier Elise Genève Ebsary / Soulier 32.06,5 4.46,6 (377) foto video 4.09 ¦ 7.53 25.¦ 8.02 27.¦ 8.41 28.¦ 7.29 20.¦ 16. Team POPAO Van der Bent Pauline Paoliello Yannis Veyrier Team POPAO 32.11,7 4.51,8 (499) foto video 4.10 ¦ 9.00 52.¦ 6.52 4.¦ 9.36 51.¦ 6.42 6.¦ 17. Jambe Brönnimann Nelly Spirgi Luca Thônex Jambe 32.12,5 4.52,6 (409) foto video 4.10 ¦ 8.19 35.¦ 7.30 13.¦ 9.05 38.¦ 7.17 15.¦ 18. Pinky Banana TEAM 3 Matthey Louis Voellinger Perla Chexbres Pinky Banana TEAM 3 32.15,7 4.55,8 (461) foto video 4.11 ¦ 7.17 10.¦ 8.31 42.¦ 8.11 14.¦ 8.15 40.¦ 19. Di Luzio Di Luzio Christelle Di Luzio Christophe F-Ville la Grand Di Luzio 32.20,9 5.01,0 (367) foto video 4.11 ¦ 8.07 31.¦ 7.54 23.¦ 8.38 26.¦ 7.40 27.¦ 20. Belay / Kathiravelu Belay Yared Kathiravelu Niduna Genève Belay / Kathiravelu 32.26,3 5.06,4 (343) foto video 4.12 ¦ 6.53 6.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ 7.34 25.¦ 21. Ecole de la Tambourine Philipp Gabrielle Philipp Michel Vessy Ecole de la Tambourine 32.34,2 5.14,3 (302) foto video 4.13 ¦ 7.51 22.¦ 8.16 35.¦ 8.26 22.¦ 7.59 33.¦ 22. Po-To Métrailler Pauline Hüttenmoser Thomas Genève Po-To 32.41,4 5.21,5 (465) foto video 4.14 ¦ 8.27 39.¦ 7.43 18.¦ 8.56 36.¦ 7.34 26.¦ 23. Back to bikini body Hirschel Jessica Stierlin Florian Vessy Back to bikini body 32.56,1 5.36,2 (340) foto video 4.16 ¦ 8.36 43.¦ 7.24 12.¦ 9.38 55.¦ 7.16 14.¦ 24. Les Chpouicks' Rupp Damien Polli Laureline Genève Les Chpouicks' 33.05,4 5.45,5 (423) foto video 4.17 ¦ 7.15 9.¦ 8.36 43.¦ 8.07 13.¦ 9.06 58.¦ 25. Gasser / Fasel Gasser Kamal Fasel Amandine Genève Gasser / Fasel 33.29,6 6.09,7 (395) foto video 4.20 ¦ 6.38 3.¦ 9.26 64.¦ 7.41 5.¦ 9.43 68.¦ 26. Tschassü_Tsépkoi_paske_E=MC2 Malquarti Mathias Trachsel Joëlle Lausanne Tschassü_Tsépkoi_paske_E=MC2 33.30,1 6.10,2 (510) foto video 4.20 ¦ 9.36 69.¦ 7.23 11.¦ 9.17 42.¦ 7.11 13.¦ 27. Montandon / Debry Montandon Sophie Debry Adrien Laconnex Montandon / Debry 33.32,0 6.12,1 (447) foto video 4.20 ¦ 8.47 46.¦ 7.41 16.¦ 9.29 50.¦ 7.33 24.¦ 28. NOTRE-DAME DU LAC Massanes Carole Meliz Emmanuel Cologny NOTRE-DAME DU LAC 33.41,8 6.21,9 (314) foto video 4.22 ¦ 8.45 44.¦ 7.52 22.¦ 9.18 43.¦ 7.45 28.¦ 29. Victoria & Guillaume Collignon Guillaume Mühlig Victoria Lausanne Victoria & Guillaume 33.43,3 6.23,4 (516) foto video 4.22 ¦ 7.41 20.¦ 9.01 51.¦ 8.16 17.¦ 8.43 50.¦ 30. Cacquevel-Bihel / Bertraud Cacquevel-Bihel Ebeline Bertaud Adrien F-St Julien en Genevois Cacquevel-Bihel / Bertraud 33.59,9 6.40,0 (325) foto video 4.24 ¦ 8.51 51.¦ 7.47 20.¦ 9.22 45.¦ 7.58 31.¦ 31. Y'a pas le feu au lac Vagneux Loïc Vagneux Stéphanie Bernex Y'a pas le feu au lac 34.07,6 6.47,7 (520) foto video 4.25 ¦ 9.37 70.¦ 7.17 9.¦ 10.15 69.¦ 6.56 10.¦ 32. Assal / Gold Assal Coline Gold Temisan Genève Assal / Gold 34.09,0 6.49,1 (337) foto video 4.25 ¦ 9.04 55.¦ 8.08 32.¦ 10.02 65.¦ 6.53 8.¦ 33. Forfert / Gobaut Forfert Bertrand Gobaut Cindy F-Cessy Forfert / Gobaut 34.13,0 6.53,1 (327) foto video 4.26 ¦ 8.00 28.¦ 8.52 47.¦ 8.46 30.¦ 8.33 46.¦ 34. THALES Bouchet Thierry Bouchet Alessia Genève THALES 34.20,7 7.00,8 (500) foto video 4.27 ¦ 8.33 42.¦ 8.27 39.¦ 9.12 40.¦ 8.07 38.¦ 35. KEN-BARBIE Michel Ken Binder Laura Monthey KEN-BARBIE 34.29,2 7.09,3 (410) foto video 4.28 ¦ 7.35 17.¦ 9.09 54.¦ 8.16 16.¦ 9.27 63.¦ 36. Vallenet / Arimont Vallenet Claire Arimont Jean-Marc F-Annemasse Vallenet / Arimont 34.38,6 7.18,7 (515) foto video 4.29 ¦ 8.48 48.¦ 8.15 34.¦ 9.23 47.¦ 8.11 39.¦ 37. DuPont Running Team Perrin Ludovic Cataye Lucie F-Viry DuPont Running Team 34.57,4 7.37,5 (376) foto video 4.32 ¦ 7.37 19.¦ 9.42 69.¦ 8.05 12.¦ 9.32 64.¦ 38. Bemyben Meier Estelle Coulin Benoit Vésenaz Bemyben 35.10,6 7.50,7 (344) foto video 4.33 ¦ 9.11 59.¦ 8.02 28.¦ 9.50 58.¦ 8.05 35.¦ 39. Marcathrun Jacquet Marc Laprevotte Catherine Grand-Lancy Marcathrun 35.19,6 7.59,7 (443) foto video 4.34 ¦ 8.24 37.¦ 9.10 55.¦ 8.49 32.¦ 8.55 54.¦ 40. Costa / Lazarus Costa Maria Lazarus David F-St Julien en Genevois Costa / Lazarus 35.26,2 8.06,3 (326) foto video 4.35 ¦ 7.52 23.¦ 9.38 67.¦ 8.18 19.¦ 9.36 65.¦ 41. Demonsant / Hiltbrunner Demonsant Mathéo Hiltbrunner Alexia Petit-Lancy Demonsant / Hiltbrunner 35.29,8 8.09,9 (365) foto video 4.36 ¦ 7.52 24.¦ 9.16 61.¦ 8.14 15.¦ 10.06 77.¦ 42. Rocket Team De Matteis Melody Fol Cyprien Plan-les-Ouates Rocket Team 35.47,4 8.27,5 (472) foto video 4.38 ¦ 9.35 68.¦ 8.06 30.¦ 10.11 67.¦ 7.53 29.¦ 43. Hospice général collaborateu Thai Sonia Grin David Morges Hospice général collaborateurs 35.49,5 8.29,6 (404) foto video 4.38 ¦ 9.04 54.¦ 8.38 45.¦ 9.50 59.¦ 8.16 41.¦ 44. Ecole de Luchepelet De Paoli Floriane Schiff Guillaume Bernex Ecole de Luchepelet 35.53,7 8.33,8 (303) foto video 4.39 ¦ 9.11 58.¦ 8.29 41.¦ 9.37 54.¦ 8.35 47.¦ 45. Firmenich Joannes-Dumec Charlène Bartholome Jérôme Genève Firmenich 36.00,5 8.40,6 (388) foto video 4.40 ¦ 11.07 86.¦ 6.56 7.¦ 11.14 79.¦ 6.41 5.¦ 46. Les COMBATTANTS Sasaki Lika Maury Bastien Genève Les COMBATTANTS 36.15,4 8.55,5 (424) foto video 4.42 ¦ 9.24 65.¦ 9.01 50.¦ 9.20 44.¦ 8.29 45.¦ 47. Oberson / Gerber Oberson Marc Gerber Marine Collonge-Bellerive Oberson / Gerber 36.18,9 8.59,0 (454) foto video 4.42 ¦ 7.29 14.¦ 9.51 72.¦ 8.52 34.¦ 10.05 76.¦ 48. SIG Dupont Zamperini Isabelle Dupont Nicolas Laconnex SIG 36.31,7 9.11,8 (488) foto video 4.44 ¦ 9.56 72.¦ 8.25 37.¦ 10.14 68.¦ 7.55 30.¦ 49. Romaya Payne Romain Manzano Amaya Plan-les-Ouates Romaya 36.35,8 9.15,9 (473) foto video 4.44 ¦ 10.01 74.¦ 7.42 17.¦ 11.26 81.¦ 7.24 18.¦ 50. Droin Droin Pascal Droin Véronique Thônex Droin 36.48,0 9.28,1 (374) foto video 4.46 ¦ 8.18 34.¦ 9.39 68.¦ 9.37 53.¦ 9.12 61.¦ 51. ITX SA Grenier Samantha Grasset Julian F-Annecy ITX SA 36.55,1 9.35,2 (406) foto video 4.47 ¦ 9.19 63.¦ 9.03 53.¦ 9.56 63.¦ 8.35 47.¦ 52. Pinky Banana TEAM2 Matthey Laurent Brandli Gaële Chexbres Pinky Banana TEAM2 36.59,2 9.39,3 (462) foto video 4.47 ¦ 9.01 53.¦ 9.11 56.¦ 9.49 57.¦ 8.57 55.¦ 53. 99 Reinhard Lea Oliveira Da Silva, Davide Thônex 99 37.05,4 9.45,5 (333) foto video 4.48 ¦ 9.23 64.¦ 9.12 57.¦ 9.37 52.¦ 8.52 52.¦ 54. BERNEY ASSOCIES Biedermann Théo Branco Ferreira Elodie Genève BERNEY ASSOCIES 37.15,5 9.55,6 (308) foto video 4.49 ¦ 8.06 29.¦ 9.24 63.¦ 9.52 60.¦ 9.52 74.¦ 55. Ilona / Olivier Camut Olivier Béatrix Ilona Genève Ilona / Olivier 37.21,1 10.01,2 (405) foto video 4.50 ¦ 8.27 40.¦ 10.05 75.¦ 8.59 37.¦ 9.48 72.¦ 56. Jalenques De Labeau Jalenques De Labeau Hugue Jalenques de Labeau Camil F-Paris Jalenques De Labeau 37.23,3 10.03,4 (408) foto video 4.50 ¦ 10.45 84.¦ 7.43 18.¦ 11.33 82.¦ 7.20 17.¦ 57. Luthy / Jopp Luthy Maxime Jopp Stéphanie Genève Luthy / Jopp 37.34,3 10.14,4 (439) foto video 4.52 ¦ 11.14 88.¦ 6.57 8.¦ 12.46 89.¦ 6.35 3.¦ 58. PATMAN Mermin Patrick Gaillard Emmanuelle F-Pers-Jussy PATMAN 37.41,1 10.21,2 (457) foto video 4.53 ¦ 9.42 71.¦ 8.47 46.¦ 10.43 73.¦ 8.28 44.¦ 59. Ecolint Bradshaw Gavin Stressing Natalie F-Sciez Ecolint 37.45,1 10.25,2 (306) foto video 4.53 ¦ 9.06 56.¦ 9.37 65.¦ 9.52 61.¦ 9.08 60.¦ 60. KMN De Mestral Louis Peku Jasmina Genève KMN 37.47,6 10.27,7 (412) foto video 4.54 ¦ 8.31 41.¦ 10.15 80.¦ 8.44 29.¦ 10.16 78.¦ 61. Gerber / Venturi Gerber Alain Venturi Danaé Genève Gerber / Venturi 37.47,8 10.27,9 (401) foto video 4.54 ¦ 8.48 49.¦ 9.53 73.¦ 9.27 49.¦ 9.38 66.¦ 62. WINHER Winet Stephanie Buhler Vincent Genève WINHER 38.05,2 10.45,3 (519) foto video 4.56 ¦ 9.18 62.¦ 9.12 58.¦ 9.53 62.¦ 9.40 67.¦ 63. ECOTRAIL GENEVE Zefferer Marie-Christine Badart Marc Thônex ECOTRAIL GENEVE 38.22,3 11.02,4 (379) foto video 4.58 ¦ 8.47 46.¦ 10.25 82.¦ 9.23 46.¦ 9.45 71.¦ 64. ca suffit! Héritier Héritier Letitia Compte Petit-Lancy ca suffit! 38.31,1 11.11,2 (351) foto video 4.59 ¦ 7.31 15.¦ 11.08 87.¦ 8.34 23.¦ 11.16 89.¦ 65. Kirchofer Kirchhofer Laila Kirchhofer Lorenz Lausanne Kirchofer 38.38,2 11.18,3 (411) foto video 5.00 ¦ 10.31 79.¦ 8.37 44.¦ 11.12 78.¦ 8.16 42.¦ 66. GEV 4-5 De Krahe Sébastien Huguenin Marion F-Cessy GEV 4-5 38.55,6 11.35,7 (328) foto video 5.02 ¦ 8.49 50.¦ 10.29 84.¦ 8.53 35.¦ 10.43 82.¦ 67. NOTRE-DAME DU LAC Nové-Josserand Nicolas Nové-Josserand Lydiane Cologny NOTRE-DAME DU LAC 39.03,2 11.43,3 (315) foto video 5.03 ¦ 7.22 13.¦ 11.58 95.¦ 7.46 8.¦ 11.56 92.¦ 68. Creusat Creusat Julien Creusat Virginie F-Divonne les Bains Creusat 39.05,9 11.46,0 (361) foto video 5.04 ¦ 7.59 26.¦ 10.48 86.¦ 8.20 21.¦ 11.57 93.¦ 69. Schrag / Rattaz Schrag Jessy Rattaz Matthieu Lausanne Schrag / Rattaz 39.06,7 11.46,8 (478) foto video 5.04 ¦ 10.41 82.¦ 8.11 33.¦ 11.53 84.¦ 8.20 43.¦ 70. Bonvin / Severac Bonvin Josua Severac Emma Genève Bonvin / Severac 39.15,4 11.55,5 (345) foto video 5.05 ¦ 7.00 7.¦ 11.52 94.¦ 8.19 20.¦ 12.03 95.¦ 71. Tamara Schmidt-Millasson Patrici Schmidt Donovan Le Lignon Tamara 39.24,9 12.05,0 (496) foto video 5.06 ¦ 10.40 81.¦ 8.57 49.¦ 10.41 72.¦ 9.05 57.¦ 72. yapaslefeuaulac Delavy Francis Rochat Valérie Vessy yapaslefeuaulac 39.50,9 12.31,0 (521) foto video 5.10 ¦ 8.06 30.¦ 11.27 88.¦ 8.50 33.¦ 11.26 91.¦ 73. Usellini / Usellini Usellini Cindy Usellini Claudio Chêne-Bougeries Usellini / Usellini 39.58,6 12.38,7 (511) foto video 5.11 ¦ 10.30 78.¦ 9.13 59.¦ 11.17 80.¦ 8.58 56.¦ 74. Serviette FC Bordier Guillaume Bordier Marion F-Rumilly Serviette FC 40.01,0 12.41,1 (480) foto video 5.11 ¦ 9.28 67.¦ 10.07 76.¦ 10.27 71.¦ 9.57 75.¦ 75. Tautu / Justafré Tautu Tautu Sherban Justafré Tautu Anne Choulex Tautu / Justafré Tautu 40.04,5 12.44,6 (497) foto video 5.11 ¦ 10.33 80.¦ 9.18 62.¦ 11.04 77.¦ 9.07 59.¦ 76. Ecolint Barmecha Rakesh Barmecha Ritika Genève Ecolint 40.05,0 12.45,1 (305) foto video 5.11 ¦ 9.14 60.¦ 10.37 85.¦ 9.41 56.¦ 10.30 81.¦ 77. Daniel / Lubicz Daniel Antonin Lubicz Rachel Chêne-Bougeries Daniel / Lubicz 40.26,9 13.07,0 (363) foto video 5.14 ¦ 9.18 61.¦ 11.48 91.¦ 8.34 24.¦ 10.45 84.¦ 78. Daddy & Oli Fessler Olivia Fessler Yves Petit-Lancy Daddy & Oli 40.44,0 13.24,1 (362) foto video 5.16 ¦ 9.57 73.¦ 10.10 79.¦ 10.07 66.¦ 10.27 80.¦ 79. Cornalin Racing Team Pasini Alyssa Pasini Alexandre Féchy Cornalin Racing Team 40.44,2 13.24,3 (358) foto video 5.17 ¦ 10.48 85.¦ 9.02 52.¦ 12.01 85.¦ 8.51 51.¦ 80. Val et Nico Baud-Guyot Valérie Baud Nicolas Athenaz (Avusy) Val et Nico 40.47,7 13.27,8 (514) foto video 5.17 ¦ 10.20 76.¦ 9.49 71.¦ 10.54 75.¦ 9.43 68.¦ 81. Rondine Veuthey Carole Goliasch Fred Genève Rondine 40.53,3 13.33,4 (474) foto video 5.18 ¦ 8.26 38.¦ 11.50 93.¦ 9.15 41.¦ 11.21 90.¦ 82. Les 2 fantastiques Cottier-Angeli Sarah Zeller Corentin Carouge GE Les 2 fantastiques 40.58,2 13.38,3 (418) foto video 5.18 ¦ 8.19 36.¦ 10.00 74.¦ 9.24 48.¦ 13.14 97.¦ 83. Geneux / Bechir Geneux Elisabeth Bechir Daniel Plan-les-Ouates Geneux / Bechir 41.19,1 13.59,2 (398) foto video 5.21 ¦ 10.19 75.¦ 10.09 78.¦ 10.59 76.¦ 9.51 73.¦ 84. C.H.Châtelaine Dorenbos Alyssia Dorenbos Alyssia Le Lignon C.H.Châtelaine 41.20,8 14.00,9 (349) foto video 5.21 ¦ 11.29 90.¦ 8.28 40.¦ 12.43 88.¦ 8.40 49.¦ 85. The Winner Couple Lopes Christophe Gambone Laura Genève The Winner Couple 41.23,1 14.03,2 (502) foto video 5.22 ¦ 12.29 96.¦ 8.25 38.¦ 13.28 94.¦ 7.00 11.¦ 86. Mohs Running Mohs Nicolas Mohs Sheena Chavannes-des-Bois Mohs Running 41.45,9 14.26,0 (446) foto video 5.25 ¦ 10.44 83.¦ 9.38 66.¦ 11.37 83.¦ 9.44 70.¦ 87. Moreno / Moreno Moreno Fiona Moreno Fantin Genève Moreno / Moreno 41.58,0 14.38,1 (449) foto video 5.26 ¦ 10.23 77.¦ 9.44 70.¦ 10.48 74.¦ 11.01 86.¦ 88. Team Cora Garcia Alejandro Solarte Sandra Châtelaine Team Cora 42.03,9 14.44,0 (498) foto video 5.27 ¦ 11.33 91.¦ 8.53 48.¦ 12.19 87.¦ 9.17 62.¦ 89. La Marine Marin Antonio Gil Marilyn Grand-Lancy La Marine 42.20,9 15.01,0 (415) foto video 5.29 ¦ 9.25 66.¦ 11.45 90.¦ 10.00 64.¦ 11.09 87.¦ 90. Baer / Baer Baer Ernst Mahé Baer Peter Genève Baer / Baer 43.18,9 15.59,0 (341) foto video 5.37 ¦ 9.10 57.¦ 11.49 92.¦ 10.17 70.¦ 12.01 94.¦ 91. Les Wurms Oye Hendrik Lui Dawn Genève Les Wurms 44.01,7 16.41,8 (437) foto video 5.42 ¦ 13.10 97.¦ 8.07 31.¦ 14.44 96.¦ 7.59 33.¦ 92. Sakkal Miville / Miville Sakkal Miville Noémie Miville Christophe Perly Sakkal Miville / Miville 44.17,6 16.57,7 (476) foto video 5.44 ¦ 11.13 87.¦ 10.16 81.¦ 12.03 86.¦ 10.44 83.¦ 93. Scrambled legs Vuille Vanessa Finn Carlson Founex Scrambled legs 44.32,7 17.12,8 (479) foto video 5.46 ¦ 12.10 93.¦ 9.15 60.¦ 14.11 95.¦ 8.54 53.¦ 94. LAHappyTeam Camenzind Lucia Borissyuk Andrey Genève LAHappyTeam 45.29,6 18.09,7 (417) foto video 5.54 ¦ 11.35 92.¦ 10.08 77.¦ 12.52 90.¦ 10.53 85.¦ 95. En avant la Creuse Zoll Heike Moulinet Roland F-Prevessin Moens En avant la Creuse 46.01,0 18.41,1 (382) foto video 5.58 ¦ 12.19 94.¦ 10.29 83.¦ 12.53 91.¦ 10.18 79.¦ 96. Andreolli / Leve Andreolli Elena Leve Amaury Genève Andreolli / Leve 48.30,2 21.10,3 (324) foto video 6.17 ¦ 11.20 89.¦ 11.31 89.¦ 13.27 93.¦ 12.11 96.¦ 97. Montchoisy Magnin Virve Magnin Claude Corsier GE Montchoisy 49.14,3 21.54,4 (323) foto video 6.23 ¦ 12.29 95.¦ 12.02 96.¦ 13.26 92.¦ 11.16 88.¦
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