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Triathlon Yverdon-les-Bains 2018 - par nom "B"

catégorie rang nom/lieu an temps retard doss ¦ SWIM ¦ BIKE ¦ RUN ¦ équipe/lieu ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TRMS 11. B3 Bulle Triathlon (B3) ???? 1:27.00,4 16.29,6 (12) ¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ CH SM 12. Bagnoud Geoffroy 1995 1:09.28,5 3.22,0 (1201) ¦ 9.02 9.¦ 1.35 14.¦ 37.55 13.¦ F-Thoiry SFAG2 1. Bähler Carmen, Thun 1973 1:12.08,6 ----- (1392) ¦ 9.29 3.¦ 1.46 3.¦ 37.59 1.¦ Intersport Rieben Thun OMAG2 36. Ballian Loukas 1972 2:51.41,9 45.14,6 (378) ¦ 28.22 21.¦ 3.14 33.¦ 1:21.45 39.¦ Clarens OF 17. Bapst Linda 1985 2:57.51,6 47.17,7 (453) ¦ 34.43 18.¦ 2.39 17.¦ 1:22.03 18.¦ Prilly SF 4. Barandun Barbara, Vessy 1995 1:20.08,5 3.10,1 (1344) ¦ 10.45 8.¦ 1.47 3.¦ 42.45 1.¦ triathlon club genève SFAG2 9. Barraud Marylin 1964 1:33.10,2 21.01,6 (1341) ¦ 13.04 12.¦ 2.52 10.¦ 47.09 9.¦ Suscévaz OMAG1 13. Barroso Franck, Savigny 1980 2:19.38,5 9.51,8 (336) ¦ 26.23 18.¦ 1.58 19.¦ 1:05.12 14.¦ TriTeam Pully SF 33. Barthélemy Saskia 1991 1:50.11,4 33.13,0 (1367) ¦ 14.38 33.¦ 2.36 22.¦ 57.59 31.¦ Lausanne EM12 3. Bärtschi Romain, Concise 2005 19.47,7 1.44,1 (2199) ¦ 3.55 5.¦ 1.09 2.¦ 8.55 3.¦ tryverdon SMAG1 19. Batschelet Maurice 1983 1:17.58,5 15.13,1 (1128) ¦ 10.58 21.¦ 2.03 27.¦ 41.52 26.¦ Täuffelen SMAG3 6. Bättig André, Gurmels 1960 1:24.05,2 8.09,0 (1285) ¦ 11.18 4.¦ 1.32 2.¦ 43.24 5.¦ Tri Team Lutry OFAG2 7. Bauer Nicole 1971 2:49.08,0 21.59,8 (434) ¦ 33.49 8.¦ 2.07 5.¦ 1:17.49 5.¦ Pully OMAG2 27. Bauer Stefan 1971 2:44.14,5 37.47,2 (387) ¦ 29.51 29.¦ 2.28 23.¦ 1:16.07 35.¦ Pully SMAG3 2. Baumann Jean-Pierre 1957 1:16.26,2 0.30,0 (1330) ¦ 9.46 1.¦ 1.59 3.¦ 41.19 2.¦ Fleurier SF 27. Bawab Noura, Lausanne 1992 1:42.20,8 25.22,4 (1409) ¦ 13.18 26.¦ 4.06 33.¦ 53.24 27.¦ DNH JM14 13. Bazeyidio Michael, Cugy FR 2003 57.47,1 13.06,1 (2103) ¦ 13.47 15.¦ 1.28 12.¦ 28.09 14.¦ Triclub estabroye SMAG2 7. Beausire Cedric, Bavois 1972 1:13.13,1 5.45,9 (1289) ¦ 8.13 2.¦ 1.40 7.¦ 39.00 10.¦ TRYverdon SFAG1 15. Beausire Dominique 1976 1:32.42,7 18.08,4 (1370) ¦ 14.26 18.¦ 2.51 16.¦ 47.40 15.¦ Bavois JM14 9. Beausire Loïc, Bavois 2003 52.32,9 7.51,9 (2085) ¦ 9.32 9.¦ 1.34 13.¦ 26.20 9.¦ TRYverdon EM12 4. Beausire Nathan, Bavois 2006 20.12,2 2.08,6 (2193) ¦ 4.06 6.¦ 1.18 6.¦ 9.16 6.¦ TRYverdon EF12 1. Beauvir Claire, Nyon 2005 19.15,1 ----- (2208) ¦ 3.28 2.¦ 1.03 1.¦ 9.26 3.¦ Triathlon club Genève SR-M 4. Piller Pierre-Alain 1956 1:10.06,1 2.54,5 (1037) ¦ 9.03 5.¦ 1.17 9.¦ 39.37 5.¦ Grand-Lancy OMAG2 1. Behar Gregory, Lutry 1969 2:06.27,3 ----- (393) ¦ 19.26 1.¦ 1.25 2.¦ 1:01.48 2.¦ Tri Team Pully OM 17. Bénet Maxime, Bouveret 1993 2:18.00,9 19.09,1 (349) ¦ 25.39 20.¦ 1.26 10.¦ 1:04.14 18.¦ GX Racing OM 20. Benoit Guillaume 1987 2:22.55,8 24.04,0 (350) ¦ 26.17 21.¦ 2.13 30.¦ 1:05.59 22.¦ Biel/Bienne SFAG3 2. Benoit Poulard Agnès 1962 1:37.01,1 1.39,6 (1356) ¦ 14.09 2.¦ 2.28 2.¦ 52.02 4.¦ Orbe OF 6. Benz Sandrine, Steinach 1984 2:15.55,9 5.22,0 (445) ¦ 23.42 9.¦ 1.27 6.¦ 1:05.12 5.¦ Tri Frauenfeld SJM16 12. Berchier Jérémy, Sévaz 2001 1:26.23,3 21.45,0 (1182) ¦ 8.57 7.¦ 2.00 12.¦ 47.31 12.¦ Trikids Esta Broye SJM16 5. Berchier Samuel, Sévaz 2001 1:13.31,2 8.52,9 (1183) ¦ 8.29 3.¦ 1.37 10.¦ 39.16 5.¦ Trikids Esta Broye OMAG3 9. Bernasconi Henri 1958 2:46.36,8 27.15,0 (365) ¦ 30.30 9.¦ 2.16 8.¦ 1:12.47 8.¦ Peseux SM 42. Bernet Dominique, Lausanne 1987 1:21.55,1 15.48,6 (1096) ¦ 10.41 30.¦ 2.14 43.¦ 43.12 43.¦ TTL SMAG1 35. Bertherat François, Lausanne 1981 1:25.21,8 22.36,4 (1067) ¦ 11.21 28.¦ 2.37 38.¦ 44.18 40.¦ En Roue Libre SF 8. Berthod Faustine 1987 1:25.49,2 8.50,8 (1349) ¦ 10.51 9.¦ 2.14 14.¦ 44.38 9.¦ La Tour-de-Peilz SF 19. Besson Cindy 1992 1:31.42,9 14.44,5 (1390) ¦ 11.55 16.¦ 2.26 17.¦ 48.22 20.¦ Froideville OF 2. Betschen Elia, Montmollin 1999 2:11.24,9 0.51,0 (424) ¦ 20.42 2.¦ 1.22 4.¦ 1:04.02 3.¦ RedFish JM14 8. Betschen Loic 2004 52.31,3 7.50,3 (2111) ¦ 9.05 2.¦ 1.22 10.¦ 27.19 10.¦ Montezillon JM14 6. Betschen Matias 2004 48.59,4 4.18,4 (2113) ¦ 9.26 8.¦ 1.02 3.¦ 25.18 6.¦ Montezillon SMAG2 45. Beugin Stéphane, F-Les Rousses 1972 1:34.36,5 27.09,3 (1287) ¦ 14.20 54.¦ 2.57 42.¦ 49.43 50.¦ U-BAIN SMAG1 43. Bezençon Gaël, Pailly 1977 1:28.18,8 25.33,4 (1169) ¦ 13.25 53.¦ 3.40 62.¦ 43.35 36.¦ Team Pracondu EM12 2. Bialon Nicolas, Montalchez 2006 18.59,1 0.55,5 (2163) ¦ 3.20 1.¦ 1.12 4.¦ 8.38 2.¦ Red Fish Neuchâtel SMAG1 4. Biere Yannick, Yverdon-les-Bains 1978 1:10.55,7 8.10,3 (1151) ¦ 8.49 3.¦ 1.49 15.¦ 37.48 5.¦ Les YAYAC OMAG2 32. Blanchard Hubert 1972 2:49.33,1 43.05,8 (373) ¦ 26.27 12.¦ 4.45 39.¦ 1:12.16 30.¦ St-Saphorin (Lavaux) SMAG1 33. Blaser Bernard 1979 1:23.07,0 20.21,6 (1153) ¦ 11.20 27.¦ 3.03 50.¦ 42.15 30.¦ Saillon OF 12. Blaser Deborah, Baden 1987 2:33.19,4 22.45,5 (446) ¦ 31.28 13.¦ 2.37 16.¦ 1:08.53 10.¦ Triathlon Club Baden EF10 9. Blatter Alix 2008 29.02,2 9.30,1 (2198) ¦ 4.36 6.¦ 2.21 10.¦ 12.51 9.¦ Lausanne OMAG1 20. Blatter Arnaud 1977 2:28.05,4 18.18,7 (300) ¦ 26.10 14.¦ 1.51 15.¦ 1:09.43 27.¦ Lausanne SMAG1 20. Boden Matthew 1978 1:18.52,8 16.07,4 (1081) ¦ 11.27 31.¦ 1.48 13.¦ 42.37 32.¦ Grandvaux OF 11. Bodenmann Robine, Bern 1997 2:32.46,4 22.12,5 (435) ¦ 29.48 12.¦ 2.08 11.¦ 1:11.31 12.¦ 3athlon Bern SF 10. Bolli Kim, Yverdon 1999 1:26.04,1 9.05,7 (1368) ¦ 12.12 19.¦ 2.42 23.¦ 43.30 5.¦ Union nautique yverdon SF 13. Bolli Mia, Yverdon 1997 1:27.06,0 10.07,6 (1369) ¦ 12.55 25.¦ 2.02 10.¦ 43.28 4.¦ Union nautique yverdon SR-H 4. Geiser Alan 1993 1:13.09,4 9.47,4 (1002) ¦ 7.09 2.¦ 1.09 7.¦ 41.24 7.¦ Blonay SR-M 15. Bona Urs 1966 1:29.20,4 22.08,8 (1039) ¦ 9.02 4.¦ 1.17 8.¦ 45.41 12.¦ Fiez OFAG1 3. Bonnaud Delphine 1977 2:25.28,4 3.35,0 (415) ¦ 26.54 2.¦ 2.17 5.¦ 1:09.35 4.¦ F-Labergement Ste Marie OM 28. Bontemps Philippe 1993 2:33.37,6 34.45,8 (312) ¦ 23.21 9.¦ 2.50 39.¦ 1:07.21 23.¦ Renens VD OMAG1 19. Bouille Julien, La Chaux-de-Fonds 1982 2:26.52,7 17.06,0 (247) ¦ 31.31 43.¦ 1.56 18.¦ 1:03.27 7.¦ NEUCH AVENTURE OR-H 1. Brunet Sullivan 1988 1:59.08,3 ----- (224) ¦ 24.48 5.¦ 1.07 3.¦ 59.18 2.¦ Bussigny SF 17. Bourquard Laetitia, Sugnens 1985 1:30.24,1 13.25,7 (1333) ¦ 12.39 22.¦ 2.13 13.¦ 45.36 12.¦ TRYverdon OFAG1 9. Bourqui-Pittet Martine 1977 3:04.36,8 42.43,4 (437) ¦ 34.21 10.¦ 3.09 10.¦ 1:21.57 9.¦ Vaulruz SM 33. Bourquin Mirco 1988 1:17.15,9 11.09,4 (1202) ¦ 10.54 33.¦ 2.02 34.¦ 41.02 34.¦ Prêles SM 31. Brand Louis, Chêne-Pâquier 2000 1:16.41,9 10.35,4 (1112) ¦ 11.23 43.¦ 2.25 46.¦ 39.07 24.¦ Union nautique yverdon JF14 1. Brandt Noélie, Yvonand 2003 51.52,5 ----- (2083) ¦ 10.14 7.¦ 1.24 5.¦ 26.09 1.¦ TrYverdon EF12 5. Brandt Ophélie, Yvonand 2006 22.00,4 2.45,3 (2187) ¦ 4.17 5.¦ 1.15 4.¦ 10.10 6.¦ TrYverdon SFAG1 18. Brasey Mélanie 1977 1:35.42,1 21.07,8 (1391) ¦ 14.26 19.¦ 2.56 18.¦ 47.34 14.¦ La Chaux-de-Fonds JF14 4. Brechbühl Alisha, Langnau i. E. 2004 53.03,9 1.11,4 (2087) ¦ 9.23 5.¦ 1.42 8.¦ 27.30 5.¦ Radsport Emmental SM 36. Breuer Jeremy, Les Cullayes 1998 1:18.29,7 12.23,2 (1154) ¦ 11.09 37.¦ 2.04 36.¦ 43.22 44.¦ Tri Team Lutry SFAG1 20. Briend Anne, Yverdon-les-Bains 1978 1:41.13,1 26.38,8 (1379) ¦ 12.45 13.¦ 2.49 15.¦ 51.46 20.¦ Les YAYAC EM12 6. Brunner Mael, Coffrane 2006 20.20,7 2.17,1 (2202) ¦ 3.52 4.¦ 1.16 5.¦ 9.05 4.¦ RedFish triathlon Neuchâtel SM 44. Bry Iohannès 1993 1:22.29,6 16.23,1 (1061) ¦ 11.56 51.¦ 2.06 38.¦ 41.51 37.¦ Yverdon-les-Bains SMAG1 56. Buffier Mickael 1982 1:37.10,8 34.25,4 (1249) ¦ 12.41 49.¦ 3.13 55.¦ 50.12 59.¦ Missy SMAG2 11. Bühlmann Peter, Muntelier 1965 1:14.13,2 6.46,0 (1297) ¦ 9.25 9.¦ 1.46 10.¦ 38.50 9.¦ RTM SF 26. Burdet Loriane, Romanel-sur-Lausann 1984 1:39.53,0 22.54,6 (1342) ¦ 12.22 20.¦ 3.24 30.¦ 52.31 26.¦ La VICTeam OM 34. Burdet Vincent, Romanel-sur-Lausann 1984 2:41.20,4 42.28,6 (256) ¦ 30.30 37.¦ 1.35 18.¦ 1:12.31 31.¦ La VICTeam OMAG3 11. Buri-Ritter Werner, Hettiswil b. Hi 1959 3:02.51,1 43.29,3 (397) ¦ 41.25 11.¦ 3.00 10.¦ 1:16.16 9.¦ Sädubach Runners SM 46. Burri Bryan, F-Le Sentier 1992 1:22.41,7 16.35,2 (1109) ¦ 11.48 50.¦ 2.27 48.¦ 44.38 54.¦ U-BAIN OM 31. Bussard Loïc 1999 2:35.30,2 36.38,4 (302) ¦ 27.55 26.¦ 1.34 17.¦ 1:11.54 29.¦ F-Prevessin Moens OF 13. Bussard Morgane 1996 2:39.24,7 28.50,8 (440) ¦ 22.37 5.¦ 1.46 10.¦ 1:20.57 16.¦ F-Prevessin Moens OMAG1 37. Bussink Mark 1978 2:37.42,8 27.56,1 (296) ¦ 30.40 40.¦ 3.25 48.¦ 1:08.26 23.¦ Founex OMAG1 11. Busslinger Frederic 1977 2:18.15,9 8.29,2 (265) ¦ 20.45 1.¦ 2.03 24.¦ 1:10.47 32.¦ La Conversion SF 12. Butcher Claire 1984 1:26.43,8 9.45,4 (1397) ¦ 10.33 7.¦ 3.22 29.¦ 45.27 11.¦ Cernier
total 80

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