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Stage 4: St. Christina - Kaltern am See - nach Ortschaft "B"
Kategorie Rang name team Zeit Rückstand Stnr Overall km/h -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Men 24. Après-bikers 4:33.22,4 44.13,0 (202) Teams 29. 21,976 Master 39. Apresbikers 5:34.26,7 1:27.51,1 (329) Teams 145. 17,963 Master 41. Belgian Baikers 5:35.11,0 1:28.35,4 (347) Teams 148. 17,923 Master 89. Bikeaholics 6:22.35,9 2:16.00,3 (302) Teams 247. 15,702 Men 95. BIR Team 6:45.41,0 2:56.31,6 (221) Teams 271. 14,809 Grand Ma 56. Campinaboys 7:26.16,5 3:08.05,9 (409) Teams 317. 13,462 Men 104. CMC - ELBOKA 7:27.51,9 3:38.42,5 (222) Teams 321. 13,414 Men 62. CMC-J&J 5:23.45,5 1:34.36,1 (224) Teams 121. 18,556 Master 115. CMC team 7:27.04,7 3:20.29,1 (223) Teams 319. 13,437 Master 108. Cyclic-Vojomag 7:08.32,8 3:01.57,2 (260) Teams 301. 14,019 Men 108. E O C 2 7:40.04,5 3:50.55,1 (149) Teams 332. 13,058 Men 107. EOC 7:40.03,3 3:50.53,9 (104) Teams 331. 13,058 Men 59. JB bikers 5:17.21,1 1:28.11,7 (152) Teams 111. 18,931 Men 18. Jonic 2.0 4:23.30,3 34.20,9 (270) Teams 22. 22,799 Grand Ma 43. lads 4 dads 6:43.30,8 2:25.20,2 (368) Teams 270. 14,888 Men 85. Luc and Son 6:01.00,8 2:11.51,4 (205) Teams 207. 16,641 Master 26. MTB P 5:19.14,4 1:12.38,8 (160) Teams 112. 18,819 Master 78. Muylle Brothers 6:10.01,8 2:03.26,2 (382) Teams 229. 16,235 Master 131. PR team Morkhoven 11:00.00,0 6:53.24,4 (243) Teams 372. 9,102 Men 94. Punica Racing Team 6:40.19,8 2:51.10,4 (110) Teams 267. 15,007 Mixed 15. Sjoukje en Tom 5:54.52,3 1:31.44,1 (393) Teams 191. 16,929 Master 117. Smeyers 7:29.12,1 3:22.36,5 (211) Teams 322. 13,374 Grand Ma 13. sons 4 mums 5:17.11,0 59.00,4 (370) Teams 109. 18,941 Men 34. Team B & B 2 4:41.37,9 52.28,5 (281) Teams 43. 21,332 Grand Ma 11. Team b and b 1 5:13.51,2 55.40,6 (118) Teams 99. 19,142 Men 27. Team Wildlife 4:34.02,0 44.52,6 (71) Teams 32. 21,923 Men 41. Technofit 4:50.55,3 1:01.45,9 (180) Teams 57. 20,650 Grand Ma 37. Technofit-2 6:17.00,0 1:58.49,4 (217) Teams 238. 15,935 Grand Ma 18. Technofit Grand Masters 5:24.45,6 1:06.35,0 (358) Teams 123. 18,499 Mixed 34. www.REEVAX.be 7:12.12,9 2:49.04,7 (235) Teams 306. 13,900 Men 101. M&M's 7:16.36,6 3:27.27,2 (272) Teams 309. 13,760 Rider 233. Schori Rolf Stöckli Racing Team 5:20.11,6 1:31.02,2 (115-A) All 237. 18,763 IF 7. Purtschert Philipp GO-IN.ch / Bikeschule-Olten.ch 5:52.14,2 1:21.58,8 (106-A) All 379. 17,056 Out 1. Zuber Stefan Hedgehog 5:40.36,3 ----- (193-A) All 331. 17,638 Grand Ma 20. Yantra - Antihot 5:32.58,9 1:14.48,3 (341) Teams 141. 18,042 Rider 473. Fischer Fred jb BRUNEX Felt Team 3 6:11.33,2 2:22.23,8 (131-A) All 482. 16,169 Rider 303. Richard Daniel tortugas de berna 5:35.10,7 1:46.01,3 (339-A) All 308. 17,924
Total 37
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