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Marathon Overall Staffel

Gornergrat Zermatt Marathon 2017 - Marathon Overall Staffel

Rang Staffelname LäuferIn 1 LäuferIn 2 Zeit Rückstand Stnr Kat/Rang Schnitt ¦ - Zermatt ¦ - Sunegga ¦ - Riffelalp ¦ - Riffelberg ¦ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. TEAM Fribourg Epiney Jérôme Schaller Laurent 3:13.13,9 ----- (2153) Diplom M-STMä 1. 4.34 ¦ 1:25.31 2.¦ 53.21 2.¦ 29.20 2.¦ 24.59 2.¦ 2. Les Muchachos Zufferey Yannik Bétrisey Yvan 3:22.09,9 8.56,0 (2076) Diplom M-STMä 2. 4.47 ¦ 1:34.43 10.¦ 53.39 3.¦ 28.13 1.¦ 25.34 3.¦ 3. sports-heroes.com Kammerer Jessica Hecktor Matthias 3:27.17,9 14.04,0 (2144) Diplom M-STMi 1. 4.54 ¦ 1:38.24 14.¦ 53.47 4.¦ 30.13 4.¦ 24.52 1.¦ 4. Stoked&Salewa Erpen Michel Gerber Simon 3:29.09,9 15.56,0 (2078) Diplom M-STMä 3. 4.57 ¦ 1:31.25 6.¦ 1:00.41 7.¦ 30.17 5.¦ 26.45 4.¦ 5. Süssmost Grieder Corinne Lang Brian 3:35.14,0 22.00,1 (2086) Diplom M-STMi 2. 5.06 ¦ 1:41.27 18.¦ 56.47 5.¦ 29.57 3.¦ 27.01 5.¦ 6. LGD Powerbank Marty Patrick Lorenz Daniel 3:44.30,2 31.16,3 (2114) Diplom M-STMä 4. 5.19 ¦ 1:35.54 12.¦ 1:01.22 9.¦ 35.49 13.¦ 31.23 16.¦ 7. Family Business Fleischmann Philipp Fleischmann Meinrad 3:47.11,8 33.57,9 (2116) Diplom M-STMä 5. 5.23 ¦ 1:33.29 7.¦ 1:05.50 15.¦ 35.05 11.¦ 32.46 23.¦ 8. Jurasüdfuss Siegenthaler Daniel Lingua Michael 3:53.45,1 40.31,2 (2128) Diplom M-STMMä 1. 5.32 ¦ 1:46.07 25.¦ 1:03.21 13.¦ 33.52 8.¦ 30.24 9.¦ 9. Nini et Mimi Konrad Niklas Laville Emilien 3:53.52,2 40.38,3 (2140) Diplom M-STMä 6. 5.32 ¦ 1:33.50 9.¦ 1:11.45 37.¦ 37.21 20.¦ 30.55 12.¦ 10. TV Länggasse Bern Gruber Thomas Jenni Mirja 3:55.05,7 41.51,8 (2123) Diplom M-STMi 3. 5.34 ¦ 1:33.37 8.¦ 1:07.53 23.¦ 39.29 35.¦ 34.06 33.¦ 11. Team Carrière Fieschi Santo Villars Léonard 3:55.43,0 42.29,1 (2113) Diplom M-STMä 7. 5.35 ¦ 1:55.12 47.¦ 59.58 6.¦ 32.22 6.¦ 28.08 7.¦ 12. Rhonerunners Albrecht Beda Stocker Ewald 3:57.13,4 43.59,5 (2164) Diplom M-STMMä 2. 5.37 ¦ 1:43.14 21.¦ 1:06.14 18.¦ 35.48 12.¦ 31.56 18.¦ 13. Elsa & Paul Birrer Mathias Gygax Katja 4:00.04,0 46.50,1 (2072) Diplom M-STMi 4. 5.41 ¦ 1:37.39 13.¦ 1:11.08 34.¦ 37.58 22.¦ 33.18 25.¦ 14. Summit All Up Sophie Samuel 4:01.21,9 48.08,0 (2044) Diplom M-STMi 5. 5.43 ¦ 1:52.17 36.¦ 1:01.56 10.¦ 34.29 9.¦ 32.38 21.¦ 15. Vallée Verte Vuagnoux Bruno Derolland Philippe 4:01.26,8 48.12,9 (2073) Diplom M-STMä 8. 5.43 ¦ 1:31.00 5.¦ 1:10.36 29.¦ 41.01 47.¦ 38.48 70.¦ 16. Lauberhorn Glashüttner Barbara Zenger Stephan 4:02.21,2 49.07,3 (2049) Diplom M-STMMi 1. 5.44 ¦ 1:56.30 52.¦ 1:00.55 8.¦ 34.32 10.¦ 30.23 8.¦ 17. CABombes Ansermet Nicole Bosi Atena 4:03.13,8 49.59,9 (2064) Diplom M-STFr 1. 5.45 ¦ 1:46.04 24.¦ 1:06.59 20.¦ 36.43 16.¦ 33.25 26.¦ 18. FR-VS Diserens Céline Charbonnet Nicolas 4:03.22,9 50.09,0 (2093) Diplom M-STMi 6. 5.46 ¦ 1:57.02 54.¦ 1:02.23 11.¦ 33.25 7.¦ 30.31 10.¦ 19. Nu än Rundi! Heinzen Lukas Zengaffinen Cédric 4:06.14,6 53.00,7 (2124) Diplom M-STMä 9. 5.50 ¦ 1:39.51 15.¦ 1:12.13 39.¦ 39.03 28.¦ 35.06 41.¦ 20. SANI Weiler Christoph Heuberger Thomas 4:07.53,0 54.39,1 (2027) Diplom M-STMä 10. 5.52 ¦ 1:25.27 1.¦ 19.41 1.¦ 1:43.49 154.¦ 38.55 72.¦ 21. 11.11. Summermatter Jörg Grand Günter 4:08.12,0 54.58,1 (2129) Diplom M-STMä 11. 5.52 ¦ 1:48.09 30.¦ 1:09.09 25.¦ 39.32 36.¦ 31.20 15.¦ 22. Team Bracaillons Theytaz Jean-Pierre Haefliger Laetitia 4:08.20,8 55.06,9 (2097) Diplom M-STMi 7. 5.53 ¦ 1:28.04 3.¦ 1:17.11 67.¦ 43.02 61.¦ 40.01 79.¦ 23. Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team Ineichen Lukas Maier Konrad 4:08.35,2 55.21,3 (2136) Diplom M-STMä 12. 5.53 ¦ 1:44.25 23.¦ 1:10.46 30.¦ 38.41 25.¦ 34.41 38.¦ 24. Rhone Runners 2.0 Albrecht Fernando Lengen Matthias 4:09.44,9 56.31,0 (2151) Diplom M-STMä 13. 5.55 ¦ 1:35.10 11.¦ 1:16.40 62.¦ 39.34 37.¦ 38.20 67.¦ 25. Turbohiäner Bünter Chrigi Suter Irene 4:11.04,3 57.50,4 (2079) Diplom M-STFr 2. 5.57 ¦ 1:53.38 41.¦ 1:07.20 21.¦ 37.11 19.¦ 32.53 24.¦ 26. Perfect Fit Nina Mark 4:12.56,9 59.43,0 (2018) Diplom M-STMi 8. 5.59 ¦ 1:43.39 22.¦ 1:13.23 46.¦ 41.22 50.¦ 34.30 36.¦ 27. c-energize.de Running Tea Weich Bernd Weich Christian 4:16.04,9 1:02.51,0 (2034) Diplom M-STMä 14. 6.04 ¦ 2:08.27 86.¦ 1:03.00 12.¦ 36.34 14.¦ 28.01 6.¦ 28. Willingers Willinger Hannes Willinger Christof 4:16.19,3 1:03.05,4 (2149) Diplom M-STMä 15. 6.04 ¦ 2:00.08 65.¦ 1:07.32 22.¦ 36.37 15.¦ 32.00 19.¦ 29. Halle's Worldrunners Wollbrück Andreas Richter Anton 4:16.23,8 1:03.09,9 (2131) Diplom M-STMä 16. 6.04 ¦ 1:56.38 53.¦ 1:06.17 19.¦ 38.13 23.¦ 35.14 43.¦ 30. Gommerwolf Hischier Claudia Fallert Wolfgang 4:16.38,9 1:03.25,0 (2032) Diplom M-STMMi 2. 6.04 ¦ 1:53.59 43.¦ 1:08.08 24.¦ 39.20 32.¦ 35.11 42.¦ 31. LAT Sense Bürgisser Nicole Schindler Nicole 4:16.50,8 1:03.36,9 (2174) Diplom M-STFr 3. 6.05 ¦ 1:50.12 33.¦ 1:13.20 43.¦ 39.10 31.¦ 34.07 34.¦ 32. Oneness-Home Peace Run Kriess Nrishata Rother Bharu 4:17.03,6 1:03.49,7 (2159) Diplom M-STMMä 3. 6.05 ¦ 1:51.21 35.¦ 1:10.33 28.¦ 38.42 26.¦ 36.26 49.¦ 33. Running Turtles Fux Joël Dossetto Lionel 4:17.59,9 1:04.46,0 (2139) Diplom M-STMä 17. 6.06 ¦ 1:49.00 32.¦ 1:13.13 42.¦ 39.06 30.¦ 36.39 52.¦ 34. Tschuggi Runners Zurbriggen Alain Cotting Max 4:18.55,7 1:05.41,8 (2110) Diplom M-STMä 18. 6.08 ¦ 1:53.41 42.¦ 1:11.33 35.¦ 41.07 49.¦ 32.33 20.¦ 35. Thuner Bärgschnägge Lanz Raphael Lanz Cécile 4:19.10,2 1:05.56,3 (2098) Diplom M-STMMi 3. 6.08 ¦ 2:05.07 72.¦ 1:05.52 16.¦ 37.09 18.¦ 31.00 13.¦ 36. Fix & Foxi Ulmer Cornelia Egli Gabriela 4:20.38,0 1:07.24,1 (2105) Diplom M-STFr 4. 6.10 ¦ 2:01.31 67.¦ 1:09.23 26.¦ 37.48 21.¦ 31.54 17.¦ 37. z'Karlowiisisch Lehner Hans-Peter Kalbermatter Gabriel 4:21.23,6 1:08.09,7 (2143) Diplom M-STMä 19. 6.11 ¦ 1:47.28 28.¦ 1:16.06 59.¦ 42.23 54.¦ 35.25 47.¦ 38. ABC Marxer Brigit Grimm Alexander 4:24.19,8 1:11.05,9 (2028) Diplom M-STMi 9. 6.15 ¦ 2:12.42 99.¦ 1:03.36 14.¦ 36.48 17.¦ 31.11 14.¦ 39. Team 07 Maier Susanne Dirr Harald 4:24.53,0 1:11.39,1 (2066) Diplom M-STMMi 4. 6.16 ¦ 1:50.35 34.¦ 1:15.21 55.¦ 42.22 53.¦ 36.34 50.¦ 40. Epinettes Epiney Florence Epiney Astrid 4:25.12,7 1:11.58,8 (2152) Diplom M-STFr 5. 6.17 ¦ 1:46.25 26.¦ 1:16.51 65.¦ 43.55 68.¦ 37.59 64.¦ 41. Di Andere Schriber Jan Bur Franziska 4:25.29,0 1:12.15,1 (2007) Diplom M-STMi 10. 6.17 ¦ 1:48.52 31.¦ 1:16.40 61.¦ 41.44 51.¦ 38.11 65.¦ 42. Metrys Metry Sabine Metry Otto 4:25.44,4 1:12.30,5 (2042) Diplom M-STMMi 5. 6.17 ¦ 2:01.30 66.¦ 1:11.40 36.¦ 39.04 29.¦ 33.28 27.¦ 43. mit ohni.... Nordström Karin Fahrni Matthias 4:26.44,4 1:13.30,5 (2127) Diplom M-STMMi 6. 6.19 ¦ 1:57.05 55.¦ 1:14.35 52.¦ 39.41 39.¦ 35.21 45.¦ 44. Richard's Richard Christian Richard Marie-Claude 4:28.01,3 1:14.47,4 (2045) Diplom M-STMMi 7. 6.21 ¦ 1:41.17 17.¦ 1:22.47 91.¦ 43.40 64.¦ 40.16 83.¦ 45. Caves-Montani.ch Montani Natal Montani David 4:28.57,1 1:15.43,2 (2092) Diplom M-STMä 20. 6.22 ¦ 1:56.04 51.¦ 1:16.40 63.¦ 39.37 38.¦ 36.34 51.¦ 46. Hoch - Ybrig Steinauer Marc Reichmuth Sonja 4:32.15,8 1:19.01,9 (2001) Diplom M-STMi 11. 6.27 ¦ 1:30.45 4.¦ 1:25.42 106.¦ 56.00 137.¦ 39.47 75.¦ 47. Mobra Montani Matthias Brantschen Reto 4:33.10,9 1:19.57,0 (2176) Diplom M-STMä 21. 6.28 ¦ 1:59.07 64.¦ 1:15.56 57.¦ 40.37 41.¦ 37.29 57.¦ 48. like a boss(ert) Bossert Stephanie Bossert Hugo 4:34.43,6 1:21.29,7 (2111) Diplom M-STMi 12. 6.30 ¦ 2:07.31 79.¦ 1:12.09 38.¦ 41.00 46.¦ 34.01 31.¦ 49. Embd United Lengen Michi Lorenz Stefan 4:35.00,5 1:21.46,6 (2071) Diplom M-STMä 22. 6.31 ¦ 1:42.57 20.¦ 1:10.53 31.¦ 40.46 44.¦ 1:00.22 150.¦ 50. LES GROGNASSES Monin Xavier Lachat Romane 4:35.20,8 1:22.06,9 (2024) Diplom M-STMi 13. 6.31 ¦ 1:40.54 16.¦ 1:25.49 108.¦ 47.58 95.¦ 40.38 90.¦ 51. Team Fowler Tim Sam 4:35.27,7 1:22.13,8 (2030) Diplom M-STMä 23. 6.31 ¦ 2:04.46 71.¦ 1:14.25 50.¦ 42.34 56.¦ 33.41 29.¦ 52. les chawattes Dupraz Sandra Chollet Olivia 4:36.26,0 1:23.12,1 (2036) Diplom M-STFr 6. 6.33 ¦ 1:57.37 57.¦ 1:18.36 76.¦ 42.31 55.¦ 37.41 60.¦ 53. ge järnet Bucher Theophil Bucher Mirjam 4:37.11,9 1:23.58,0 (2168) Diplom M-STMi 14. 6.34 ¦ 1:58.49 62.¦ 1:21.58 86.¦ 42.40 57.¦ 33.44 30.¦ 54. City Sport Lörrach Drescher Christoph Drescher Silke 4:37.37,6 1:24.23,7 (2112) Diplom M-STMi 15. 6.34 ¦ 1:54.39 46.¦ 1:19.56 79.¦ 42.53 60.¦ 40.07 81.¦ 55. All Blacks - Kadeli Expre Arnoux Kathrin Dähler Stefan 4:37.58,5 1:24.44,6 (2125) Diplom M-STMMi 8. 6.35 ¦ 2:09.02 89.¦ 1:13.47 47.¦ 41.06 48.¦ 34.02 32.¦ 56. draussen zu hause Biner Cécile Amacker Pascal 4:38.15,5 1:25.01,6 (2084) Diplom M-STMi 16. 6.35 ¦ 2:11.54 97.¦ 1:13.06 41.¦ 38.44 27.¦ 34.31 37.¦ 57. Père & Fils Borloz Patrick Borloz Willy 4:38.28,4 1:25.14,5 (2109) Diplom M-STMMä 4. 6.35 ¦ 1:42.16 19.¦ 1:25.51 109.¦ 48.55 104.¦ 41.24 93.¦ 58. Rennst du schon oder gehs Gonzalez Cristina Osswald Anja 4:38.55,3 1:25.41,4 (2062) Diplom M-STFr 7. 6.36 ¦ 2:09.57 94.¦ 1:13.21 45.¦ 40.36 40.¦ 35.00 40.¦ 59. Die Glisen 62iger Näfen Lucia Walther Colette 4:39.15,6 1:26.01,7 (2165) Diplom M-STMFr 1. 6.37 ¦ 1:55.59 50.¦ 1:18.26 74.¦ 45.59 82.¦ 38.50 71.¦ 60. Up to you Pache Bernard Pfaeffli Nicole 4:39.36,0 1:26.22,1 (2088) Diplom M-STMMi 9. 6.37 ¦ 1:58.04 59.¦ 1:17.43 70.¦ 45.55 80.¦ 37.52 62.¦ 61. Bärn76 Siegrist Kathrin Lingua Denise 4:39.54,1 1:26.40,2 (2118) Diplom M-STFr 8. 6.38 ¦ 2:17.15 107.¦ 1:09.39 27.¦ 38.41 24.¦ 34.18 35.¦ 62. Slowly Roadrunners Luder Hans Bigi Hebeisen Thomas 4:40.27,1 1:27.13,2 (2099) Diplom M-STMä 24. 6.38 ¦ 2:07.50 81.¦ 1:14.31 51.¦ 40.41 43.¦ 37.24 56.¦ 63. DH Haenggi Dominik Haenggi Daniel 4:41.51,5 1:28.37,6 (2142) Diplom M-STMä 25. 6.40 ¦ 1:47.39 29.¦ 1:23.14 95.¦ 47.24 92.¦ 43.32 110.¦ 64. Denn sie wissen nicht was Tuqi Ästu Ackermann Nadine 4:41.57,2 1:28.43,3 (2138) Diplom M-STMi 17. 6.40 ¦ 1:52.38 37.¦ 1:22.24 88.¦ 45.17 77.¦ 41.36 94.¦ 65. Go for it Wenger Iris Götz Nathalie 4:42.21,3 1:29.07,4 (2013) Diplom M-STFr 9. 6.41 ¦ 1:47.20 27.¦ 1:22.59 93.¦ 48.51 103.¦ 43.10 105.¦ 66. LT Wetzlar Daus Daniela Krause Ralf 4:42.31,6 1:29.17,7 (2085) Diplom M-STMi 18. 6.41 ¦ 2:23.22 124.¦ 1:06.02 17.¦ 39.26 34.¦ 33.40 28.¦ 67. Blacksheeps Blumenthal Nino Lochmatter Thierry 4:43.16,8 1:30.02,9 (2090) Diplom M-STMä 26. 6.42 ¦ 1:54.28 45.¦ 1:19.47 78.¦ 45.57 81.¦ 43.03 104.¦ 68. Tornados Lehmann Peter Häfner Oliver 4:44.14,3 1:31.00,4 (2132) Diplom M-STMä 27. 6.44 ¦ 2:08.11 84.¦ 1:14.01 49.¦ 41.59 52.¦ 40.01 79.¦ 69. Jura Team 2 Dobler Jérémy Boillat Pierre 4:45.38,7 1:32.24,8 (2160) Diplom M-STMä 28. 6.46 ¦ 1:57.08 56.¦ 1:21.15 83.¦ 45.26 78.¦ 41.47 95.¦ 70. Romania Berindei Vlad Antonescu Andrei 4:47.25,6 1:34.11,7 (2023) Diplom M-STMä 29. 6.48 ¦ 1:58.58 63.¦ 1:21.38 85.¦ 46.53 89.¦ 39.54 77.¦ 71. Cresta Sella Krieger David Truffer Paul 4:48.01,2 1:34.47,3 (2077) Diplom M-STMä 30. 6.49 ¦ 2:04.33 70.¦ 1:18.42 77.¦ 43.51 66.¦ 40.53 91.¦ 72. Bärggitzis Eggenschwiler Beat Zehnder-Eggenschwiler Tan 4:48.16,3 1:35.02,4 (2050) Diplom M-STMi 19. 6.49 ¦ 2:09.36 93.¦ 1:18.14 73.¦ 42.46 59.¦ 37.38 59.¦ 73. S&D Fasel Stéphane Perrottet Didier 4:48.48,5 1:35.34,6 (2009) Diplom M-STMä 31. 6.50 ¦ 2:09.26 92.¦ 1:15.25 56.¦ 44.44 71.¦ 39.12 74.¦ 74. Bergaufbremse Lange Kitty Blum Benni 4:49.11,9 1:35.58,0 (2102) Diplom M-STMi 20. 6.51 ¦ 1:58.43 61.¦ 1:23.11 94.¦ 45.03 73.¦ 42.13 99.¦ 75. LLC Marathon Regensburg Jesau Martin Dorner Franz 4:49.39,2 1:36.25,3 (2058) Diplom M-STMMä 5. 6.51 ¦ 1:55.49 49.¦ 1:22.42 89.¦ 48.19 98.¦ 42.47 103.¦ 76. Kandertaler Ladies Ursula Barbara 4:50.42,7 1:37.28,8 (2150) Diplom M-STMFr 2. 6.53 ¦ 2:12.05 98.¦ 1:17.36 68.¦ 43.40 65.¦ 37.20 53.¦ 77. Badasses usem Flachland Mahrer Ändu von Kaenel Maya 4:51.14,0 1:38.00,1 (2075) Diplom M-STMi 21. 6.54 ¦ 1:58.41 60.¦ 1:24.52 101.¦ 45.45 79.¦ 41.55 96.¦ 78. Jura Team 1 Klinger Sandra Dobler Yannick 4:51.49,7 1:38.35,8 (2161) Diplom M-STMi 22. 6.54 ¦ 2:21.03 119.¦ 1:16.39 60.¦ 43.17 62.¦ 30.49 11.¦ 79. Hotel Kronig Kronig Liliane Neuberger Laura 4:52.47,5 1:39.33,6 (2157) Diplom M-STMFr 3. 6.56 ¦ 2:17.16 108.¦ 1:14.43 53.¦ 43.26 63.¦ 37.21 54.¦ 80. Eggimann Sport Brunner Matthias Eggimann Konrad 4:53.41,9 1:40.28,0 (2155) Diplom M-STMä 32. 6.57 ¦ 2:05.12 73.¦ 1:21.21 84.¦ 44.53 72.¦ 42.14 100.¦ 81. Kundmatten-Runners Jermann Franziska Fluri Monika 4:54.19,2 1:41.05,3 (2148) Diplom M-STMFr 4. 6.58 ¦ 2:08.29 87.¦ 1:21.10 81.¦ 46.52 88.¦ 37.46 61.¦ 82. Bärgschliicher Bless Marco Rölli Armin 4:56.51,7 1:43.37,8 (2063) Diplom M-STMä 33. 7.02 ¦ 1:58.01 58.¦ 1:22.16 87.¦ 53.10 130.¦ 43.23 107.¦ 83. BURwald Grünwald Samuel Grünwald Jonas 4:57.18,3 1:44.04,4 (2004) Diplom M-STMä 34. 7.02 ¦ 2:07.29 78.¦ 1:22.50 92.¦ 46.27 85.¦ 40.29 85.¦ 84. Amira Arregger Stephan Arregger Yvonne 4:57.20,1 1:44.06,2 (2052) Diplom M-STMi 23. 7.02 ¦ 1:54.18 44.¦ 1:29.37 122.¦ 50.51 121.¦ 42.32 102.¦ 85. Hardrunners Hardegger Nicole Hardegger Karl 4:57.51,9 1:44.38,0 (2154) Diplom M-STMi 24. 7.03 ¦ 2:31.17 139.¦ 1:10.59 32.¦ 40.38 42.¦ 34.56 39.¦ 86. Turistä Baer Natascha Schärz Beatrice 4:58.11,1 1:44.57,2 (2146) Diplom M-STFr 10. 7.04 ¦ 1:53.14 40.¦ 1:29.20 121.¦ 48.11 97.¦ 47.24 130.¦ 87. Züri Hegel Stocker Raoul Kreienbühl Reto 4:58.19,4 1:45.05,5 (2172) Diplom M-STMä 35. 7.04 ¦ 2:22.54 122.¦ 1:15.07 54.¦ 42.45 58.¦ 37.31 58.¦ 88. Schnell-Mued-Fixi's Fixemer Bernd Fixemer Kathrin 4:58.25,6 1:45.11,7 (2026) Diplom M-STMi 25. 7.04 ¦ 1:52.42 38.¦ 1:33.34 138.¦ 49.54 112.¦ 42.14 100.¦ 89. Team Mo-Ni Morard Martial Niederhauser Eric 4:59.18,6 1:46.04,7 (2095) Diplom M-STMä 36. 7.05 ¦ 2:33.31 142.¦ 1:11.06 33.¦ 39.23 33.¦ 35.16 44.¦ 90. Hoop Elena Trondle Reto Jeitziner Patrick 4:59.30,4 1:46.16,5 (2162) Diplom M-STMä 37. 7.05 ¦ 1:53.02 39.¦ 1:27.29 114.¦ 50.47 120.¦ 48.11 133.¦ 91. grenzgänger Aebischer Michael Buchs Renato 4:59.38,3 1:46.24,4 (2051) Diplom M-STMMä 6. 7.06 ¦ 2:20.57 118.¦ 1:17.47 71.¦ 45.08 76.¦ 35.45 48.¦ 92. Manu - Ela Lüpold Daniela Jordan Manuel 5:03.16,1 1:50.02,2 (2137) Diplom M-STMi 26. 7.11 ¦ 2:19.58 117.¦ 1:17.08 66.¦ 47.24 91.¦ 38.44 69.¦ 93. Pieology Yin Jiahui Isler Damian 5:05.37,7 1:52.23,8 (2017) Diplom M-STMi 27. 7.14 ¦ 2:28.13 132.¦ 1:13.50 48.¦ 45.05 74.¦ 38.28 68.¦ 94. Les Chicha Even Katrin Even Yannick 5:06.45,3 1:53.31,4 (2003) Diplom M-STMi 28. 7.16 ¦ 2:21.04 120.¦ 1:18.30 75.¦ 46.35 86.¦ 40.35 87.¦ 95. Echo vom Schaufelbühl Wüthrich Tina Rellstab Gfeller Anna 5:06.45,6 1:53.31,7 (2070) Diplom M-STFr 11. 7.16 ¦ 2:13.33 101.¦ 1:24.33 100.¦ 48.41 102.¦ 39.56 78.¦ 96. Broglär Bellwald Johann Bellwald Andrea Luca 5:07.46,3 1:54.32,4 (2057) Diplom M-STMä 38. 7.17 ¦ 2:08.21 85.¦ 1:23.51 96.¦ 50.35 119.¦ 44.58 118.¦ 97. 2fast4Sam Walser Sonja Heynen Sandro 5:08.43,3 1:55.29,4 (2089) Diplom M-STMi 29. 7.18 ¦ 2:28.08 131.¦ 1:17.36 69.¦ 44.40 70.¦ 38.18 66.¦ 98. Sabine und Christoph Sabine Kolczewski Christoph Nübel 5:09.21,0 1:56.07,1 (2166) Diplom M-STMMi 10. 7.19 ¦ 2:17.44 111.¦ 1:23.59 97.¦ 48.36 101.¦ 39.01 73.¦ 99. que trepasse si je faibli Nollot Léa Tartre Maccime 5:09.42,7 1:56.28,8 (2015) Diplom M-STMi 30. 7.20 ¦ 2:31.20 140.¦ 1:13.20 43.¦ 45.07 75.¦ 39.54 76.¦ 100. Running Chefs Rudolph Tony Pohl Hauke 5:10.31,9 1:57.18,0 (2056) Diplom M-STMä 39. 7.21 ¦ 2:15.47 104.¦ 1:25.41 105.¦ 48.28 99.¦ 40.34 86.¦ 101. Räubertochter & Stallburs Geiser Yves Barelli Ronja 5:11.30,5 1:58.16,6 (2107) Diplom M-STMi 31. 7.22 ¦ 2:29.08 135.¦ 1:20.29 80.¦ 43.52 67.¦ 37.59 63.¦ 102. Team Auto Marner Holzer Ismael Marner Willy 5:12.04,7 1:58.50,8 (2130) Diplom M-STMä 40. 7.23 ¦ 2:04.12 69.¦ 1:29.06 120.¦ 47.51 94.¦ 50.53 141.¦ 103. Lozärner Grashöpfer Keller Salomé Keller Martin 5:12.05,2 1:58.51,3 (2046) Diplom M-STMi 32. 7.23 ¦ 2:10.34 95.¦ 1:27.15 112.¦ 50.04 114.¦ 44.11 111.¦ 104. you&me Haussener Monika Kalbermatter Alice 5:12.59,3 1:59.45,4 (2147) Diplom M-STFr 12. 7.25 ¦ 2:12.52 100.¦ 1:28.28 119.¦ 50.31 118.¦ 41.06 92.¦ 105. Beauty and the Beast Stöcklin Rolf Curti Esthy 5:13.42,6 2:00.28,7 (2167) Diplom M-STMMi 11. 7.26 ¦ 2:03.43 68.¦ 1:28.17 117.¦ 50.26 117.¦ 51.15 142.¦ 106. Dreamteam Thönnissen Chase Evelyne Chase Dennis 5:14.23,4 2:01.09,5 (2103) Diplom M-STMi 33. 7.27 ¦ 2:17.22 109.¦ 1:25.30 104.¦ 46.52 87.¦ 44.37 117.¦ 107. Jurasüdfuss Suter Carmela Suter Markus 5:15.29,1 2:02.15,2 (2053) Diplom M-STMMi 12. 7.28 ¦ 2:36.47 145.¦ 1:16.44 64.¦ 44.35 69.¦ 37.21 55.¦ 108. C&M Favre Chloé Volken Michaela 5:15.50,1 2:02.36,2 (2011) Diplom M-STFr 13. 7.29 ¦ 2:24.26 127.¦ 1:24.23 98.¦ 46.24 84.¦ 40.36 88.¦ 109. mission possible Biner Christa Willisch Elke 5:16.12,3 2:02.58,4 (2163) Diplom M-STFr 14. 7.29 ¦ 2:14.31 103.¦ 1:27.20 113.¦ 49.07 105.¦ 45.13 119.¦ 110. DW Widow Claudia Dorn-Jenny Andreas 5:16.17,6 2:03.03,7 (2054) Diplom M-STMi 34. 7.29 ¦ 2:49.44 152.¦ 1:12.51 40.¦ 40.56 45.¦ 32.45 22.¦ 111. di Pfiffe Andenmatten Sibylle Millius Nadine 5:16.35,5 2:03.21,6 (2006) Diplom M-STFr 15. 7.30 ¦ 2:23.02 123.¦ 1:25.42 107.¦ 47.41 93.¦ 40.08 82.¦ 112. ischers Gruppji Imwinkelried Nicole Michlig Nadja 5:17.08,0 2:03.54,1 (2094) Diplom M-STFr 16. 7.30 ¦ 2:27.28 130.¦ 1:18.07 72.¦ 48.09 96.¦ 43.22 106.¦ 113. Sabine + Fredy Schaller Fredy Schaller Sabine 5:17.27,6 2:04.13,7 (2020) Diplom M-STMMi 13. 7.31 ¦ 2:15.57 105.¦ 1:28.08 116.¦ 49.57 113.¦ 43.24 108.¦ 114. Mitlöifer Lengen Fabian Sarbach Kathrin 5:17.33,0 2:04.19,1 (2120) Diplom M-STMi 35. 7.31 ¦ 2:09.21 90.¦ 1:30.59 128.¦ 52.36 127.¦ 44.35 116.¦ 115. Boom-Boom Imboden Martin Lochmatter Michel 5:18.21,3 2:05.07,4 (2171) Diplom M-STMä 41. 7.32 ¦ 2:17.59 113.¦ 1:22.45 90.¦ 49.49 110.¦ 47.47 131.¦ 116. MiSi Schorr Michèle Stocker Silvie 5:19.40,6 2:06.26,7 (2117) Diplom M-STFr 17. 7.34 ¦ 2:07.12 77.¦ 1:35.27 145.¦ 50.17 116.¦ 46.43 126.¦ 117. Skywalkers Zurbriggen Gerd Lauber Joshua 5:20.13,2 2:06.59,3 (2061) Diplom M-STMä 42. 7.35 ¦ 2:24.47 129.¦ 1:32.58 136.¦ 47.04 90.¦ 35.23 46.¦ 118. DerWegIstDasZiel Grossenbacher Jasmin Gruber Joel 5:20.35,9 2:07.22,0 (2122) Diplom M-STMi 36. 7.35 ¦ 2:18.26 114.¦ 1:26.41 111.¦ 49.41 109.¦ 45.47 122.¦ 119. mo-moll team Thomi Muriel Henggeler Ramona 5:20.56,8 2:07.42,9 (2014) Diplom M-STFr 18. 7.36 ¦ 2:06.14 76.¦ 1:31.42 131.¦ 57.15 141.¦ 45.44 121.¦ 120. Süesses Fröchtli Frei Dominik Ackermann Nicole 5:21.07,4 2:07.53,5 (2135) Diplom M-STMi 37. 7.36 ¦ 2:05.17 74.¦ 1:33.17 137.¦ 53.27 132.¦ 49.04 135.¦ 121. Gruyere Team Meuwly Alexandre Bussard Brigitte 5:23.39,5 2:10.25,6 (2069) Diplom M-STMi 38. 7.40 ¦ 2:07.35 80.¦ 1:35.24 144.¦ 54.33 135.¦ 46.06 124.¦ 122. Green city attack Dietl Anna Potkowski Kathrin 5:24.43,4 2:11.29,5 (2065) Diplom M-STFr 19. 7.41 ¦ 2:24.02 125.¦ 1:30.11 125.¦ 49.51 111.¦ 40.37 89.¦ 123. Speedy Gonzales Wellig Michèle Meyer Sophia 5:25.42,7 2:12.28,8 (2121) Diplom M-STFr 20. 7.43 ¦ 2:19.54 116.¦ 1:31.20 130.¦ 50.13 115.¦ 44.14 113.¦ 124. the running gag Arnold Melanie Mueller Simone 5:25.42,9 2:12.29,0 (2170) Diplom M-STFr 21. 7.43 ¦ 2:19.53 115.¦ 1:29.51 123.¦ 51.42 124.¦ 44.14 112.¦ 125. Sister Act Lange Svenja Lange Karen 5:25.48,5 2:12.34,6 (2040) Diplom M-STFr 22. 7.43 ¦ 2:08.11 83.¦ 1:36.00 147.¦ 54.19 134.¦ 47.17 128.¦ 126. Gegis Chrampfer Kovacs Ladislav Gruber Walter 5:26.23,5 2:13.09,6 (2037) Diplom M-STMä 43. 7.44 ¦ 2:07.56 82.¦ 1:34.14 142.¦ 53.55 133.¦ 50.16 139.¦ 127. Oneness-Home Peace Run2 Horwath Stefan Vujaklija Madlen 5:27.57,5 2:14.43,6 (2158) Diplom M-STMMi 14. 7.46 ¦ 2:17.50 112.¦ 1:26.23 110.¦ 51.21 123.¦ 52.21 147.¦ 128. Team Laufcampus Butz Gisela Platzek Rüdiger 5:27.58,3 2:14.44,4 (2016) Diplom M-STMMi 15. 7.46 ¦ 2:24.20 126.¦ 1:30.48 127.¦ 50.53 122.¦ 41.55 97.¦ 129. Schnuggerbuggerli Schmid Patrick Jaeger Florence 5:28.05,1 2:14.51,2 (2096) Diplom M-STMi 39. 7.46 ¦ 2:30.49 138.¦ 1:25.19 103.¦ 48.28 100.¦ 43.27 109.¦ 130. flower power Janes Chanel Janes Michèle 5:29.05,9 2:15.52,0 (2068) Diplom M-STFr 23. 7.47 ¦ 2:09.21 91.¦ 1:35.39 146.¦ 58.26 145.¦ 45.37 120.¦ 131. LCA Bern Freiburghaus Elsbeth Siegenthaler Ursula 5:29.16,0 2:16.02,1 (2060) Diplom M-STMFr 5. 7.48 ¦ 2:16.44 106.¦ 1:31.01 129.¦ 55.08 136.¦ 46.21 125.¦ 132. Badmintoncracks Zuccolo Melania Nyffenegger Christian 5:31.55,0 2:18.41,1 (2035) Diplom M-STMi 40. 7.51 ¦ 2:49.06 151.¦ 1:16.05 58.¦ 46.23 83.¦ 40.19 84.¦ 133. Bietschi-Runners Zenhäusern Ivan Burgener Pascal 5:35.02,2 2:21.48,3 (2005) Diplom M-STMä 44. 7.56 ¦ 2:24.46 128.¦ 1:32.23 133.¦ 53.19 131.¦ 44.33 114.¦ 134. DIGA Weyermann Gabriela Rovina Diego 5:36.15,5 2:23.01,6 (2021) Diplom M-STMi 41. 7.58 ¦ 2:33.40 143.¦ 1:24.27 99.¦ 52.14 125.¦ 45.53 123.¦ 135. Monison Monica Allison 5:36.57,8 2:23.43,9 (2043) Diplom M-STFr 24. 7.59 ¦ 2:17.38 110.¦ 1:32.42 135.¦ 56.03 138.¦ 50.33 140.¦ 136. SaSchüe Schuler Sebastian Sarbach Stefan 5:37.27,6 2:24.13,7 (2106) Diplom M-STMä 45. 7.59 ¦ 2:32.25 141.¦ 1:25.18 102.¦ 52.51 128.¦ 46.52 127.¦ 137. Saaser Moetjes Vallaey Matthias Sablon Koen 5:39.16,9 2:26.03,0 (2091) Diplom M-STMä 46. 8.02 ¦ 2:13.59 102.¦ 1:36.12 148.¦ 57.30 143.¦ 51.35 144.¦ 138. Rennsteig Noack Dirk Lisso Rogér 5:42.38,3 2:29.24,4 (2081) Diplom M-STMMä 7. 8.07 ¦ 2:21.28 121.¦ 1:33.39 139.¦ 56.10 139.¦ 51.19 143.¦ 139. #ChrysoJeffRunToSeeMatter Chrysoberyl Francisco Laguitao Jeffrey 5:43.19,1 2:30.05,2 (2055) Diplom M-STMi 42. 8.08 ¦ 2:28.13 132.¦ 1:30.11 124.¦ 52.54 129.¦ 51.59 146.¦ 140. Aletsch Sport Riederalp Eyholzer Nadja Berchtold Marion 5:43.41,3 2:30.27,4 (2067) Diplom M-STFr 25. 8.08 ¦ 2:43.52 150.¦ 1:28.27 118.¦ 49.24 107.¦ 41.58 98.¦ 141. Les Bourgeons Bussard Gabrielle Mielisch Bussard Arndt 5:47.58,5 2:34.44,6 (2141) Diplom M-STMMi 16. 8.14 ¦ 2:39.10 149.¦ 1:27.52 115.¦ 49.18 106.¦ 51.37 145.¦ 142. Fortuna 21 Frick Ruedi Schneider Walter 5:48.08,9 2:34.55,0 (2039) Diplom M-STMMä 8. 8.15 ¦ 2:28.34 134.¦ 1:32.29 134.¦ 57.25 142.¦ 49.39 137.¦ 143. Aacho Remo Marion 5:48.53,4 2:35.39,5 (2119) Diplom M-STMMi 17. 8.16 ¦ 1:55.44 48.¦ 1:44.39 151.¦ 1:08.05 151.¦ 1:00.24 151.¦ 144. zeitconcept Laufteam Hausch Patrick Kabelitz Torsten 5:50.08,9 2:36.55,0 (2101) Diplom M-STMä 47. 8.17 ¦ 2:30.23 137.¦ 1:33.43 140.¦ 57.51 144.¦ 48.10 132.¦ 145. Gerstenmalz Müller Madeleine Müller Stefan 5:50.27,1 2:37.13,2 (2012) Diplom M-STMi 43. 8.18 ¦ 2:33.49 144.¦ 1:32.12 132.¦ 57.02 140.¦ 47.23 129.¦ 146. The Mountaintigers Kolovrat Ines Takouk Karim 5:58.07,7 2:44.53,8 (2173) Diplom M-STMMi 18. 8.29 ¦ 3:02.44 155.¦ 1:21.14 82.¦ 49.33 108.¦ 44.35 115.¦ 147. Ulmer Spechte Specht Jens Specht Simone 6:01.54,9 2:48.41,0 (2100) Diplom M-STMMi 19. 8.34 ¦ 2:38.24 148.¦ 1:34.00 141.¦ 59.55 147.¦ 49.35 136.¦ 148. Tortues de Coubertins Le Thanh Devaud André 6:04.05,6 2:50.51,7 (2031) Diplom M-STMMä 9. 8.37 ¦ 2:38.20 147.¦ 1:36.17 149.¦ 59.37 146.¦ 49.50 138.¦ 149. Jock n Kaz Ferguson John Foster Karen 6:06.32,2 2:53.18,3 (2029) Diplom M-STMMi 20. 8.41 ¦ 2:11.46 96.¦ 1:45.54 152.¦ 1:07.22 150.¦ 1:01.29 152.¦ 150. Pirscherberg-Team Sennebogen Margot Booß Karsten 6:09.49,4 2:56.35,5 (2059) Diplom M-STMMi 21. 8.45 ¦ 2:37.38 146.¦ 1:34.25 143.¦ 1:01.37 148.¦ 56.07 148.¦ 151. Lonza macht dich fit Stucky Sarah Stucky Stefan 6:11.41,0 2:58.27,1 (2082) Diplom M-STMi 44. 8.48 ¦ 3:00.18 154.¦ 1:30.21 126.¦ 52.30 126.¦ 48.30 134.¦ 152. Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team Riedel Subarnamala Anke Veizaj Daniela 6:13.15,4 3:00.01,5 (2134) Diplom M-STFr 26. 8.50 ¦ 2:30.08 136.¦ 1:41.11 150.¦ 1:01.45 149.¦ 1:00.11 149.¦ 153. JMY séniors de Coubertin Schopfer Jean-Marc Schopfer Yvette 6:26.00,3 3:12.46,4 (2019) Diplom M-STMMi 22. 9.08 ¦ 2:06.06 75.¦ 1:52.59 153.¦ 1:20.33 153.¦ 1:06.21 153.¦ 154. Emmaliina & Kati Emmaliina Kati 7:19.31,0 4:06.17,1 (2033) Diplom M-STFr 27. 10.24 ¦ 2:53.43 153.¦ 1:59.26 154.¦ 1:17.21 152.¦ 1:08.59 154.¦ 155. Gwagelis Racing Team Rohr Philipp Marin Clémentine 2:08.53,0 Zermatt (2115) M-STMi 45. ---- ¦ 2:08.53 88.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦

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