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Swissalpine 2017 - Swissalpine Marathon K47 Men
Rang Name Jg Land Ort Team Zeit Rückstand Stnr Kat/Rang Sertig Pass ¦Sertig Dörfli ¦ Ziel ¦ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Wenk Stephan 1982 Uster SCOTT Running 3:47.03,3 ----- (1001) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 1. 2:28.34 1.¦ 31.03 1.¦ 47.25 1.¦ 2. Lombriser Gabriel 1981 Bern Salomon / Goldwurst-Power 3:54.19,9 7.16,6 (1631) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 2. 2:31.49 2.¦ 31.52 2.¦ 50.37 3.¦ 3. Auf der Heide Moritz 1987 D-München SCOTT Running 4:00.25,8 13.22,5 (1002) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 3. 2:37.34 3.¦ 32.36 3.¦ 50.14 2.¦ 4. Metzger Gregor 1990 Wil SG Motorama Holenstein / SC Hulft 4:18.46,3 31.43,0 (1551) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 1. 2:44.06 4.¦ 36.17 9.¦ 58.22 8.¦ 5. Backhausen Majell 1987 AUS-Red Hill South SALOMON 4:20.58,4 33.55,1 (1543) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 4. 2:54.25 8.¦ 34.47 5.¦ 51.45 4.¦ 6. Rollier Baptiste 1982 Boudevilliers SCOTT RUNNING 4:24.46,1 37.42,8 (1343) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 5. 2:54.09 7.¦ 34.01 4.¦ 56.36 6.¦ 7. Meier Fabian 1984 Aarau 4:29.27,6 42.24,3 (1692) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 6. 2:49.34 6.¦ 38.58 17.¦ 1:00.54 16.¦ 8. Borgialli Riccardo 1991 I-Nonio (VB) Salomon Italy 4:31.08,2 44.04,9 (1003) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 2. 2:48.46 5.¦ 36.06 7.¦ 1:06.15 34.¦ 9. Burgherr Martin 1975 Aarau 4:35.06,9 48.03,6 (1609) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 1. 3:01.19 12.¦ 36.07 8.¦ 57.40 7.¦ 10. Schmidig Matthias 1984 Brunnen 4:36.59,2 49.55,9 (1272) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 7. 3:00.00 11.¦ 37.28 12.¦ 59.30 12.¦ 11. Ellefsen Vidar 1958 N-Asker Golder Associates AS 4:39.37,1 52.33,8 (1127) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 1. 3:06.39 15.¦ 38.51 16.¦ 54.06 5.¦ 12. Schaller Jürg 1979 Solothurn MegaJoule 4:41.17,5 54.14,2 (1620) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 8. 3:05.25 14.¦ 36.58 11.¦ 58.54 10.¦ 13. Brasser Christoph 1968 Tobel 4:41.20,5 54.17,2 (1608) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 2. 3:04.36 13.¦ 37.44 13.¦ 58.59 11.¦ 14. Giger Martin 1984 Winterthur OLC Winterthur 4:47.28,1 1:00.24,8 (1319) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 9. 2:59.09 10.¦ 43.58 41.¦ 1:04.20 26.¦ 15. Bettler Martin 1980 Lavin 4:47.54,7 1:00.51,4 (1525) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 10. 3:07.49 16.¦ 39.14 18.¦ 1:00.50 15.¦ 16. Rich Clemens 1985 Aarau 4:48.31,4 1:01.28,1 (1393) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 11. 3:11.03 18.¦ 38.40 15.¦ 58.47 9.¦ 17. Lehismets Priit 1979 EE-Tallinn Voka/ 4:49.24,2 1:02.20,9 (1470) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 12. 3:09.41 17.¦ 39.25 19.¦ 1:00.17 13.¦ 18. Berweger Peter 1969 Walchwil ASVZ 4:54.04,5 1:07.01,2 (1593) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 3. 3:15.58 27.¦ 36.29 10.¦ 1:01.36 19.¦ 19. Dziedzic Pawel 1983 Bülach 4:55.16,9 1:08.13,6 (1478) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 13. 3:15.45 26.¦ 37.55 14.¦ 1:01.35 18.¦ 20. De Mulder Diedrik 1978 B-Gent Mr T Triathlonclub Gent 4:57.48,2 1:10.44,9 (1223) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 14. 3:11.04 19.¦ 41.24 24.¦ 1:05.19 30.¦ 21. Biner Gustav 1971 Adliswil SSC Langnau 5:00.55,1 1:13.51,8 (1540) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 4. 3:14.54 25.¦ 45.18 59.¦ 1:00.41 14.¦ 22. Unterhuber Stefan 1988 I-Terenten (BZ) ASV Terenten 5:01.59,7 1:14.56,4 (1249) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 3. 3:13.25 21.¦ 42.06 28.¦ 1:06.28 36.¦ 23. Bösiger Patrick 1970 Busswil BE Laufträff Büren 5:03.39,6 1:16.36,3 (1270) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 5. 3:13.34 22.¦ 43.28 35.¦ 1:06.35 39.¦ 24. Baumann David 1972 Gossau SG 5:05.29,1 1:18.25,8 (1111) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 6. 3:20.22 31.¦ 42.39 32.¦ 1:02.27 22.¦ 25. Barrucci Martin 1978 Amriswil 5:06.52,8 1:19.49,5 (1235) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 15. 3:14.51 24.¦ 46.07 62.¦ 1:05.54 33.¦ 26. Di Cristo Marco 1987 Dübendorf TVU 5:07.06,0 1:20.02,7 (1287) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 16. 3:22.07 32.¦ 43.51 37.¦ 1:01.07 17.¦ 27. Hammig Robert 1981 Sursee laufsüchtig.ch 5:10.37,2 1:23.33,9 (1674) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 17. 3:18.54 28.¦ 45.10 56.¦ 1:06.31 37.¦ 28. Prothmann Felix 1984 D-Stuttgart TSG Balingen 5:10.47,6 1:23.44,3 (1183) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 18. 3:20.04 30.¦ 44.55 50.¦ 1:05.48 32.¦ 29. Fischer Ronny 1990 Grüningen 5:10.52,9 1:23.49,6 (1526) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 4. 3:19.09 29.¦ 41.14 23.¦ 1:10.28 58.¦ 30. Nüssli Dave 1968 Dägerlen TV Dägerlen 5:11.11,6 1:24.08,3 (1651) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 7. 3:22.21 33.¦ 35.30 6.¦ 1:13.19 80.¦ 31. Käppeli Michael 1971 Illnau 5:11.16,9 1:24.13,6 (1645) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 8. 3:24.36 36.¦ 42.17 30.¦ 1:04.23 27.¦ 32. Kathriner Marco 1976 Oberdorf NW 5:12.35,5 1:25.32,2 (1348) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 9. 3:25.05 37.¦ 43.46 36.¦ 1:03.43 25.¦ 33. Arnold Erich 1983 Schattdorf Steve-Events & imholz Sport 5:14.43,2 1:27.39,9 (1297) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 19. 3:23.23 34.¦ 44.21 47.¦ 1:06.57 43.¦ 34. Jäger Andrin 1994 Elgg ASICS FrontRunner Switzerland 5:17.43,1 1:30.39,8 (1589) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 5. 3:30.40 46.¦ 42.03 27.¦ 1:04.59 28.¦ 35. Eggenschwiler Ruedi 1961 Welschenrohr Lg matzendorf 5:18.09,6 1:31.06,3 (1581) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 2. 3:28.35 41.¦ 42.14 29.¦ 1:07.19 45.¦ 36. Stäheli Martin 1971 Niederuzwil 5:19.07,9 1:32.04,6 (1655) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 10. 3:26.50 40.¦ 45.28 60.¦ 1:06.49 41.¦ 37. Bösch Toni 1953 Davos Platz Track Club Davos 5:20.33,2 1:33.29,9 (1638) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 1. 3:33.37 50.¦ 44.10 42.¦ 1:02.45 23.¦ 38. Haglund Ulf 1971 S-Västerås SK Skinnsberg 5:20.49,9 1:33.46,6 (1361) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 11. 3:32.57 48.¦ 42.47 34.¦ 1:05.05 29.¦ 39. Mustonen Martti 1960 S-Norrtälje 5:21.00,7 1:33.57,4 (1681) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 3. 3:30.06 44.¦ 44.21 46.¦ 1:06.32 38.¦ 40. Kempf Säm 1987 Bürglen UR Steve-Events & imholz Sport 5:21.04,6 1:34.01,3 (1300) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 20. 3:23.25 35.¦ 44.17 44.¦ 1:13.20 81.¦ 41. Groetsch Bernhard 1969 D-München 5:21.30,6 1:34.27,3 (1417) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 12. 3:38.53 63.¦ 40.13 21.¦ 1:02.23 21.¦ 42. Kuratli Hans 1961 Mosnang LRMosnang 5:22.44,6 1:35.41,3 (1362) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 4. 3:29.12 42.¦ 45.00 53.¦ 1:08.31 49.¦ 43. Ruch Samuel 1980 Zürich 5:25.35,7 1:38.32,4 (1632) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 21. 3:26.04 39.¦ 46.40 71.¦ 1:12.51 76.¦ 44. Hentschel Mario 1982 D-Böblingen 5:26.48,3 1:39.45,0 (1603) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 22. 3:37.37 59.¦ 47.05 78.¦ 1:02.05 20.¦ 45. Steiger Daniel 1962 Volketswil 5:27.20,3 1:40.17,0 (1358) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 5. 3:34.14 52.¦ 46.15 64.¦ 1:06.50 42.¦ 46. Beskow Andreas 1976 S-Huddinge Runacademy IF 5:27.42,8 1:40.39,5 (1420) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 13. 3:34.54 55.¦ 40.08 20.¦ 1:12.40 74.¦ 47. Schönenberger Urs 1971 St. Gallen FC Kirchberg 5:29.25,3 1:42.22,0 (1592) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 14. 3:29.22 43.¦ 46.35 69.¦ 1:13.27 82.¦ 48. Scherrer Kasper 1984 Pany alpinrunner.ch 5:29.26,0 1:42.22,7 (1621) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 23. 3:32.53 47.¦ 46.25 67.¦ 1:10.07 55.¦ 49. Leuenberger Marco 1972 Oensingen 5:30.14,3 1:43.11,0 (1667) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 15. 3:38.42 61.¦ 43.57 39.¦ 1:07.34 46.¦ 50. Wicki Roger 1974 Winterthur 5:30.14,9 1:43.11,6 (1671) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 16. 3:34.09 51.¦ 45.00 52.¦ 1:11.04 61.¦ 51. Kathriner Reto 1973 Cham Laufgruppe Cham 5:32.04,6 1:45.01,3 (1325) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 17. 3:34.48 53.¦ 47.46 84.¦ 1:09.30 53.¦ 52. Schaefers Martin 1957 D-Kalletal 5:32.20,7 1:45.17,4 (1675) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 2. 3:39.35 66.¦ 44.18 45.¦ 1:08.27 48.¦ 53. Probst Pascal 1973 Metzerlen 5:32.21,2 1:45.17,9 (1529) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 18. 3:38.50 62.¦ 44.11 43.¦ 1:09.19 52.¦ 54. Lishinsky Natan 1995 ISR-Jerusalem 5:32.36,3 1:45.33,0 (1384) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 6. 3:40.20 68.¦ 40.53 22.¦ 1:11.22 64.¦ 55. Viklund Johan 1984 S-Umeå Nord Access 5:33.26,0 1:46.22,7 (1233) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 24. 3:37.15 58.¦ 45.02 54.¦ 1:11.08 62.¦ 56. Tangen Paal 1968 N-Asker Norges Rederiforbund B.I.L 5:33.56,9 1:46.53,6 (1657) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 19. 3:33.15 49.¦ 54.05 168.¦ 1:06.36 40.¦ 57. Vandam Nicholas 1987 USA-Denver, Colorado 5:34.03,7 1:47.00,4 (1636) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 25. 3:25.51 38.¦ 51.59 136.¦ 1:16.12 99.¦ 58. Moos Yvan 1973 Ayent ES Ayent 5:36.53,7 1:49.50,4 (1591) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 20. 3:39.11 65.¦ 43.58 40.¦ 1:13.43 85.¦ 59. Müller Tobias 1990 Basel Fox and Featherstone 5:37.30,3 1:50.27,0 (1479) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 7. 3:30.06 44.¦ 53.53 163.¦ 1:13.30 83.¦ 60. Scheuber Adrian 1968 Büren NW Dream Team 5:37.41,9 1:50.38,6 (1367) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 21. 3:42.39 73.¦ 44.27 48.¦ 1:10.34 59.¦ 61. Scheler Raimond 1962 D-Mihla SV Mihla 5:39.13,4 1:52.10,1 (1556) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 6. 3:36.07 56.¦ 47.35 82.¦ 1:15.30 94.¦ 62. Zehnder Felix 1966 Wängi Run Fit Thurgau 5:39.42,1 1:52.38,8 (1259) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 7. 3:42.30 71.¦ 47.40 83.¦ 1:09.31 54.¦ 63. Draper Ben 1986 GB-London 5:40.14,1 1:53.10,8 (1227) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 26. 3:34.51 54.¦ 45.07 55.¦ 1:20.15 128.¦ 64. Pösentrup Ludger 1962 D-Münster LSF Münster 5:41.04,1 1:54.00,8 (1653) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 8. 3:42.56 74.¦ 46.22 66.¦ 1:11.44 67.¦ 65. Fetz Marco 1986 Chur 5:41.08,5 1:54.05,2 (1562) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 27. 3:45.14 81.¦ 46.40 72.¦ 1:09.13 51.¦ 66. von Rotz Marco 1991 Appenzell 5:41.11,3 1:54.08,0 (1444) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 8. 3:48.49 92.¦ 46.37 70.¦ 1:05.44 31.¦ 67. Marchetti Marco 1976 Davos Platz FC Davos 5:41.49,2 1:54.45,9 (1545) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 22. 3:42.36 72.¦ 47.01 75.¦ 1:12.11 70.¦ 68. Strassmann Nils 1993 Münchenstein 5:41.55,1 1:54.51,8 (1436) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 9. 3:48.20 89.¦ 42.47 33.¦ 1:10.48 60.¦ 69. Graf Volker 1965 D-Mannheim VFB Stuttgart 5:42.57,5 1:55.54,2 (1214) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 9. 3:42.17 70.¦ 49.23 102.¦ 1:11.15 63.¦ 70. Archer Ryan 1975 USA-Maple Valley Washingt 5:42.58,7 1:55.55,4 (1239) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 23. 3:43.09 75.¦ 46.48 73.¦ 1:13.01 78.¦ 71. Sieber Daniel 1976 Scharnachtal Lauftreff Spiez 5:43.12,1 1:56.08,8 (1353) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 24. 3:48.58 95.¦ 41.40 25.¦ 1:12.33 73.¦ 72. Diethelm Rolf 1965 Siebnen 5:44.28,7 1:57.25,4 (1458) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 10. 3:45.23 82.¦ 46.16 65.¦ 1:12.48 75.¦ 73. Minayev Pavlo 1978 CZ-Prague 5:44.32,7 1:57.29,4 (1363) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 28. 3:47.31 88.¦ 45.31 61.¦ 1:11.28 65.¦ 74. Marti Andi 1973 Müllheim Dorf 5:44.35,7 1:57.32,4 (1522) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 25. 3:42.13 69.¦ 49.08 99.¦ 1:13.13 79.¦ 75. Montell Mans 1979 S-Gävle 5:44.41,0 1:57.37,7 (1505) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 29. 3:45.34 83.¦ 47.03 77.¦ 1:12.03 69.¦ 76. Veil Andreas 1969 D-Friedrichshafen 5:46.26,0 1:59.22,7 (1283) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 26. 3:46.26 84.¦ 45.17 58.¦ 1:14.41 92.¦ 77. Rusnac Adrian 1990 Luzern Loolaba 5:47.58,5 2:00.55,2 (1619) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 10. 3:54.25 104.¦ 50.13 114.¦ 1:03.20 24.¦ 78. Van Dessel Kurt 1978 NL-Bosschenhoofd 5:49.29,2 2:02.25,9 (1120) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 30. 3:46.37 85.¦ 52.43 150.¦ 1:10.07 56.¦ 79. Fluri Dominik 1973 Olten 5:49.35,4 2:02.32,1 (1445) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 27. 3:43.40 76.¦ 44.47 49.¦ 1:21.07 141.¦ 80. Ostertag Andreas 1957 Erlenbach ZH 5:50.34,7 2:03.31,4 (1699) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 3. 3:56.10 112.¦ 42.30 31.¦ 1:11.53 68.¦ 81. Pope Thomas 1983 GB-London 5:51.17,8 2:04.14,5 (1136) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 31. 3:55.33 109.¦ 41.51 26.¦ 1:13.52 87.¦ 82. Suler Michael 1971 Wald ZH 5:51.24,6 2:04.21,3 (1635) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 28. 3:47.01 86.¦ 50.02 111.¦ 1:14.20 89.¦ 83. Bakkefjord Jan Harald 1966 N-Rådal 5:51.57,3 2:04.54,0 (1496) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 11. 3:44.08 79.¦ 47.25 79.¦ 1:20.23 131.¦ 84. Scherz Samuel 1986 Uzwil 5:52.49,8 2:05.46,5 (1654) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 32. 3:48.22 90.¦ 48.17 87.¦ 1:16.10 98.¦ 85. Bitzer Michael 1961 UAE-Abu Dhabi 5:52.56,9 2:05.53,6 (1680) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 12. 3:43.44 77.¦ 48.35 93.¦ 1:20.36 134.¦ 86. Woodeson James 1980 Küsnacht ZH 5:53.50,0 2:06.46,7 (1426) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 33. 3:44.13 80.¦ 44.57 51.¦ 1:24.39 193.¦ 87. Chambers Philip 1981 GB-London 5:53.54,0 2:06.50,7 (1260) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 34. 3:39.48 67.¦ 50.26 116.¦ 1:23.38 179.¦ 88. Ummel Beat 1960 Suhr BTV Aarau 5:57.19,2 2:10.15,9 (1531) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 13. 3:44.07 78.¦ 51.27 131.¦ 1:21.44 148.¦ 89. Ludwiczuk Slawomir 1983 Arlesheim 5:57.42,6 2:10.39,3 (1156) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 35. 3:54.43 105.¦ 51.21 126.¦ 1:11.37 66.¦ 90. Ziegler Philippe 1993 Zürich 5:58.12,5 2:11.09,2 (1697) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 11. 4:02.53 133.¦ 46.14 63.¦ 1:09.04 50.¦ 91. Steinegger Lukas 1988 Schaffhausen 5:58.56,5 2:11.53,2 (1634) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 12. 3:48.42 91.¦ 51.10 124.¦ 1:19.03 121.¦ 92. Metzger Felix 1958 Waldstatt 5:58.59,4 2:11.56,1 (1577) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 14. 3:38.21 60.¦ 54.42 180.¦ 1:25.55 210.¦ 93. Keusch Marc 1988 Ennetbaden SixPack 5:59.24,1 2:12.20,8 (1278) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 13. 3:47.19 87.¦ 55.32 192.¦ 1:16.32 101.¦ 94. Aeschbach Daniel 1976 Reichenburg 5:59.35,9 2:12.32,6 (1372) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 29. 4:01.30 126.¦ 49.41 107.¦ 1:08.24 47.¦ 95. Marti Hanspeter 1976 Glarus Runningteam Taste of Nature 6:00.41,9 2:13.38,6 (1517) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 30. 3:36.40 57.¦ 52.31 146.¦ 1:31.29 261.¦ 96. Koszutski Matthieu 1987 F-Nancy 6:00.46,8 2:13.43,5 (1649) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 36. 3:58.59 121.¦ 48.12 86.¦ 1:13.34 84.¦ 97. Bühler Marco 1976 Chur 6:02.09,3 2:15.06,0 (1217) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 31. 4:02.09 129.¦ 49.50 110.¦ 1:10.09 57.¦ 98. Krauss Silvio 1985 Brugg AG SixPack 6:02.34,6 2:15.31,3 (1279) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 37. 3:48.51 93.¦ 50.46 120.¦ 1:22.56 171.¦ 99. Hewitt Angus 1995 NZL-Wanaka 6:02.48,2 2:15.44,9 (1494) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 14. 3:49.19 97.¦ 50.48 121.¦ 1:22.40 167.¦ 100. Hess Ralph 1963 Weesen 6:02.49,0 2:15.45,7 (1698) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 15. 3:56.40 115.¦ 48.54 95.¦ 1:17.14 105.¦ 101. Sekeris Igor 1972 NL-Leiderdorp 6:04.33,2 2:17.29,9 (1118) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 32. 3:59.42 122.¦ 48.54 96.¦ 1:15.55 97.¦ 102. Gressbach Christian 1980 Wattwil 6:04.38,9 2:17.35,6 (1345) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 38. 3:53.48 103.¦ 53.57 165.¦ 1:16.53 103.¦ 103. Belcastro Jean 1964 F-Brinckheim 6:05.01,2 2:17.57,9 (1147) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 16. 4:02.12 130.¦ 48.24 89.¦ 1:14.24 90.¦ 104. Taylor Andrew 1989 GB-Kings Heath 6:05.07,9 2:18.04,6 (1273) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 15. 4:03.55 135.¦ 48.18 88.¦ 1:12.53 77.¦ 105. Rutishauser Thomas 1973 Unterlunkhofen 6:06.42,7 2:19.39,4 (1457) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 33. 3:48.57 94.¦ 57.12 211.¦ 1:20.33 133.¦ 106. Ostling Johan 1972 S-Fjärås 6:06.52,0 2:19.48,7 (1508) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 34. 3:55.50 110.¦ 48.42 94.¦ 1:22.18 161.¦ 107. Stocker Daniel 1980 Zug 6:07.16,6 2:20.13,3 (1474) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 39. 3:49.14 96.¦ 51.22 128.¦ 1:26.40 219.¦ 108. Wagner Hansueli 1964 Pfäffikon ZH 6:07.34,6 2:20.31,3 (1578) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 17. 4:05.09 137.¦ 48.29 91.¦ 1:13.55 88.¦ 109. Berger Manuel 1976 Zürich 6:09.21,5 2:22.18,2 (1198) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 35. 3:50.18 98.¦ 52.20 143.¦ 1:26.42 220.¦ 110. Fourie Jaco 1984 GB-London 6:09.21,9 2:22.18,6 (1195) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 40. 3:57.53 117.¦ 52.42 149.¦ 1:18.45 117.¦ 111. Bannwart Reto 1960 Dübendorf 6:10.19,0 2:23.15,7 (1314) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 18. 3:58.35 119.¦ 51.07 123.¦ 1:20.36 134.¦ 112. Müller Tobias 1983 Schänis 6:10.47,5 2:23.44,2 (1650) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 41. 3:51.00 99.¦ 1:01.16 261.¦ 1:18.30 116.¦ 113. Sprotte Achim 1968 D-Hockenheim ASG Triathlon Hockenheim 6:11.03,4 2:24.00,1 (1119) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 36. 3:57.22 116.¦ 49.01 98.¦ 1:24.39 193.¦ 114. Jung Patrick 1987 Lenzerheide/Lai 6:11.07,8 2:24.04,5 (1288) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 42. 3:55.05 108.¦ 56.56 205.¦ 1:19.06 122.¦ 115. Raichle Volker 1969 D-Owen 6:12.10,9 2:25.07,6 (1130) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 37. 3:54.46 106.¦ 55.09 187.¦ 1:22.15 158.¦ 116. Beaume Jacques 1961 L-Fentange 6:12.44,1 2:25.40,8 (1403) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 19. 4:05.20 138.¦ 54.57 183.¦ 1:12.26 72.¦ 117. Kretschmer Ulrich 1966 D-Villingen-Schwenningen 6:12.58,4 2:25.55,1 (1326) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 20. 3:51.29 101.¦ 55.02 185.¦ 1:26.26 216.¦ 118. Ganter Robert 1968 D-Köln Lauftreff Decksteiner Weiher 6:12.59,9 2:25.56,6 (1359) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 38. 4:00.01 124.¦ 45.11 57.¦ 1:27.47 231.¦ 119. Donzé Beat 1977 Merenschwand 6:13.17,9 2:26.14,6 (1416) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 39. 3:54.55 107.¦ 51.21 127.¦ 1:27.00 223.¦ 120. Weber Jack 1961 Pfeffingen SC NETSTAL 6:13.40,6 2:26.37,3 (1575) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 21. 4:06.22 142.¦ 51.37 132.¦ 1:15.41 96.¦ 121. Zumdick Reinhard 1963 D-Münster LSF Münster 6:14.13,9 2:27.10,6 (1320) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 22. 3:55.51 111.¦ 53.44 162.¦ 1:24.38 192.¦ 122. Streich Simon 1987 Niederried b. Interlaken 6:14.20,7 2:27.17,4 (1373) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 43. 4:08.17 146.¦ 51.24 130.¦ 1:14.38 91.¦ 123. Janki Renato 1979 Näfels 6:14.36,6 2:27.33,3 (1176) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 44. 4:05.49 141.¦ 51.21 125.¦ 1:17.25 108.¦ 124. Bodenmann Peter 1952 Pfäffikon SZ 6:14.55,6 2:27.52,3 (1425) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 4. 4:01.47 127.¦ 52.44 151.¦ 1:20.23 131.¦ 125. Schaerli Fabian 1993 Münchenstein La U 6:15.08,8 2:28.05,5 (1435) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 16. 4:02.18 131.¦ 52.12 141.¦ 1:20.37 136.¦ 126. Wüst Carlo 1962 Davos Platz 6:15.32,9 2:28.29,6 (1673) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 23. 4:06.47 144.¦ 48.59 97.¦ 1:19.45 127.¦ 127. Antener Beat 1968 Ormalingen 6:15.53,7 2:28.50,4 (1155) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 40. 4:01.54 128.¦ 49.33 105.¦ 1:24.25 189.¦ 128. Laville Hervé 1996 Münsingen 6:16.24,0 2:29.20,7 (1614) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 17. 4:03.21 134.¦ 56.35 201.¦ 1:16.27 100.¦ 129. von Rotz Markus 1960 Alpnach Dorf 6:17.24,6 2:30.21,3 (1658) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 24. 4:09.59 149.¦ 48.29 92.¦ 1:18.55 119.¦ 130. Hill Walter 1953 GB-Charlwood Crawley AC 6:17.27,2 2:30.23,9 (1347) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 5. 3:58.57 120.¦ 57.07 208.¦ 1:21.22 145.¦ 131. Bebenek Michal 1976 PL-Kielczow 3M Running Team 6:19.50,4 2:32.47,1 (1225) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 41. 3:56.24 113.¦ 1:01.02 257.¦ 1:22.23 163.¦ 132. Teuscher Philippe 1981 Thalwil 6:19.59,3 2:32.56,0 (1164) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 45. 4:05.27 140.¦ 48.24 90.¦ 1:26.07 211.¦ 133. Vinkov Yury 1983 RUS-Odintsovo 6:20.08,1 2:33.04,8 (1447) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 46. 4:02.52 132.¦ 55.08 186.¦ 1:22.06 154.¦ 134. Brodmann Sascha 1973 Flüh OLG Basel 6:20.30,9 2:33.27,6 (1477) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 42. 4:13.55 159.¦ 47.01 75.¦ 1:19.33 125.¦ 135. Zuberbühler Thomas 1974 Herisau 6:21.17,8 2:34.14,5 (1600) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 43. 4:16.09 170.¦ 49.45 108.¦ 1:15.23 93.¦ 136. Martin Mark 1975 USA-Healy 6:21.29,6 2:34.26,3 (1473) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 44. 4:06.34 143.¦ 52.41 148.¦ 1:22.14 156.¦ 137. Gansner Andi 1973 Sulgen 6:21.35,3 2:34.32,0 (1402) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 45. 3:51.01 100.¦ 58.13 227.¦ 1:32.20 271.¦ 138. Pons-Seres Brauwer Juan A 1986 NZL-Wellington 6:21.47,4 2:34.44,1 (1421) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 47. 4:13.29 157.¦ 47.34 81.¦ 1:20.43 137.¦ 139. Pons Seres Cristian 1989 E-Girona 6:21.47,5 2:34.44,2 (1405) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 18. 4:15.45 167.¦ 43.52 38.¦ 1:22.09 155.¦ 140. Eschbach Nicola 1997 Füllinsdorf 6:22.27,3 2:35.24,0 (1448) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 19. 3:39.01 64.¦ 1:09.40 335.¦ 1:33.46 282.¦ 141. Shigemitsu Akitomo 1960 J-Tagawa 6:22.39,6 2:35.36,3 (1389) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 25. 4:18.16 175.¦ 50.36 118.¦ 1:13.46 86.¦ 142. Wullschleger Marcel 1969 Olten Velo-Art 6:22.44,5 2:35.41,2 (1258) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 46. 4:05.20 138.¦ 53.40 161.¦ 1:23.43 183.¦ 143. Amstad Florian 1977 Rieden SG specialriders.ch 6:22.47,2 2:35.43,9 (1587) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 47. 4:11.23 152.¦ 50.04 112.¦ 1:21.19 144.¦ 144. Amrein Denis 1987 Luzern HSCL 6:22.55,0 2:35.51,7 (1356) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 48. 3:13.04 20.¦ 55.32 193.¦ 2:14.18 388.¦ 145. Eggenberger Stefan 1994 Grabs 6:23.05,0 2:36.01,7 (1663) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 20. 4:04.17 136.¦ 52.08 139.¦ 1:26.38 218.¦ 146. Kasper Frank 1972 D-Augsburg 6:25.07,4 2:38.04,1 (1646) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 48. 4:00.13 125.¦ 54.36 178.¦ 1:30.17 255.¦ 147. Elliott Robert 1969 USA-Houston TX 6:25.36,2 2:38.32,9 (1149) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 49. 4:12.48 155.¦ 55.00 184.¦ 1:17.47 111.¦ 148. Hagmann Gion 1968 Thalwil Arosa 6:25.57,9 2:38.54,6 (1493) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 50. 4:10.45 151.¦ 54.55 182.¦ 1:20.17 129.¦ 149. Saluveer Ago 1979 EE-Harjumaa Voka 6:26.56,6 2:39.53,3 (1157) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 49. 4:15.26 166.¦ 50.46 119.¦ 1:20.43 138.¦ 150. Micach Michael 1981 D-Bexbach LG Run`N Ride Bexbach 6:27.17,8 2:40.14,5 (1186) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 50. 4:10.33 150.¦ 57.13 213.¦ 1:19.31 124.¦ 151. Winkler Simon 1978 Basel BC 74 Basel 6:28.47,3 2:41.44,0 (1274) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 51. 4:14.44 163.¦ 54.25 174.¦ 1:19.36 126.¦ 152. Guerreiro Nuno 1984 Davos 6:28.53,9 2:41.50,6 (1360) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 52. 4:13.47 158.¦ 50.08 113.¦ 1:24.58 197.¦ 153. Aeschimann Riccardo 1986 Interlaken 6:29.23,3 2:42.20,0 (1415) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 53. 4:12.31 154.¦ 1:04.34 291.¦ 1:12.17 71.¦ 154. Roediger Alexander 1968 Zürich 6:29.45,5 2:42.42,2 (1687) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 51. 4:19.44 181.¦ 52.10 140.¦ 1:17.50 112.¦ 155. Brasser Andreas 1978 St. Gallen 6:29.58,0 2:42.54,7 (1602) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 54. 4:12.29 153.¦ 58.40 233.¦ 1:18.48 118.¦ 156. Day Tom 1995 NZL-Dipton 6:30.12,7 2:43.09,4 (1519) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 21. 3:52.53 102.¦ 49.25 103.¦ 1:47.54 357.¦ 157. Schilter Patrick 1970 Schwyz LFC Anfield 6:30.14,7 2:43.11,4 (1163) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 52. 4:21.18 183.¦ 49.46 109.¦ 1:19.09 123.¦ 158. Keller Stephan 1959 Uster Bachtel Runners`s 6:30.46,8 2:43.43,5 (1630) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 26. 4:15.55 168.¦ 51.59 137.¦ 1:22.51 170.¦ 159. Alpiger Karl 1966 Grüt (Gossau ZH) 6:30.47,2 2:43.43,9 (1128) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 27. 4:09.55 148.¦ 58.07 226.¦ 1:22.44 168.¦ 160. Hauptfleisch Helge 1974 D-Viernheim 6:31.10,8 2:44.07,5 (1498) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 53. 3:58.07 118.¦ 52.56 156.¦ 1:40.06 328.¦ 161. Discher Marc 1986 D-Limburg 6:31.23,0 2:44.19,7 (1294) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 55. 4:32.11 208.¦ 52.04 138.¦ 1:07.07 44.¦ 162. Maes Dirk 1973 Baar 6:31.45,4 2:44.42,1 (1216) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 54. 4:09.23 147.¦ 1:01.12 259.¦ 1:21.10 142.¦ 163. Zbinden Peter 1959 Guggisberg Lauftreff Spiez 6:31.56,4 2:44.53,1 (1355) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 28. 4:19.03 179.¦ 50.35 117.¦ 1:22.17 160.¦ 164. Vandeperre Ward 1991 B-Heverlee 6:32.42,9 2:45.39,6 (1332) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 22. 4:16.41 171.¦ 46.31 68.¦ 1:29.30 246.¦ 165. Niederberger Pirmin 1986 Fribourg 6:34.33,2 2:47.29,9 (1411) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 56. 4:07.28 145.¦ 1:03.01 285.¦ 1:24.02 185.¦ 166. Schondelmaier Emil 1989 DK-Århus N 6:34.57,6 2:47.54,3 (1250) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 23. 4:13.04 156.¦ 54.29 176.¦ 1:27.23 226.¦ 167. Belcastro Joseph 1966 F-Wattwiller OXYGENE 68 6:35.39,0 2:48.35,7 (1148) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 29. 4:14.38 162.¦ 51.57 135.¦ 1:29.02 240.¦ 168. Fleischmann Sascha 1976 Reichenburg 6:36.11,4 2:49.08,1 (1611) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 55. 4:18.38 178.¦ 51.24 129.¦ 1:26.09 213.¦ 169. Howl Richard 1979 GB-Edinburgh 6:37.14,7 2:50.11,4 (1140) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 57. 4:18.23 176.¦ 1:01.16 260.¦ 1:17.34 109.¦ 170. Krämer Eugen 1978 Kreuzlingen TV Konstanz 6:38.04,0 2:51.00,7 (1583) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 58. 4:27.09 193.¦ 52.51 155.¦ 1:18.02 113.¦ 171. Stegmann Milo 1987 Zürich 6:38.12,8 2:51.09,5 (1574) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 59. 4:15.06 164.¦ 54.12 171.¦ 1:28.53 239.¦ 172. Hilti Patrick 1962 Solothurn 6:38.47,2 2:51.43,9 (1643) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 30. 4:17.37 174.¦ 54.02 166.¦ 1:27.08 224.¦ 173. Exer Markus 1976 Fontnas 6:38.54,9 2:51.51,6 (1610) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 56. 4:17.32 173.¦ 51.51 134.¦ 1:29.31 248.¦ 174. Scherrer Clemens 1986 Klingnau SixPack 6:40.43,8 2:53.40,5 (1381) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 60. 4:16.00 169.¦ 48.00 85.¦ 1:36.42 306.¦ 175. Jais Bernd 1970 D-Berlin 6:40.45,3 2:53.42,0 (1255) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 57. 4:27.35 194.¦ 55.22 189.¦ 1:17.46 110.¦ 176. Bertschinger Yves 1985 Davos Platz 6:40.54,1 2:53.50,8 (1387) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 61. 4:19.04 180.¦ 1:00.30 253.¦ 1:21.19 143.¦ 177. Basler Bruno 1963 Thalheim an der Thur 6:41.11,3 2:54.08,0 (1424) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 31. 3:59.52 123.¦ 1:01.10 258.¦ 1:40.07 329.¦ 178. Thommen Urs 1961 Bubendorf solo 6:42.00,4 2:54.57,1 (1160) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 32. 4:15.22 165.¦ 56.10 197.¦ 1:30.27 257.¦ 179. Manser Matthias 1966 Elgg 6:42.39,6 2:55.36,3 (1535) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 33. 3:56.29 114.¦ 58.04 225.¦ 1:48.05 358.¦ 180. Neumann Hans-Jürgen 1963 D-Tübingen antenne 1 Laufteam 6:43.30,9 2:56.27,6 (1238) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 34. 4:27.00 192.¦ 52.36 147.¦ 1:23.53 184.¦ 181. Plüss Christian 1962 Uster 6:43.38,9 2:56.35,6 (1617) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 35. 4:37.44 221.¦ 50.13 115.¦ 1:15.40 95.¦ 182. Hellström Mathias 1980 S-Göteborg Aktivitus Sports Club 6:43.58,0 2:56.54,7 (1464) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 62. 4:20.20 182.¦ 53.14 158.¦ 1:30.23 256.¦ 183. Kukuk Christian 1986 D-Duisburg 6:44.01,8 2:56.58,5 (1162) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 63. 4:31.55 207.¦ 49.26 104.¦ 1:22.39 166.¦ 184. Frei Heinrich 1958 Winkel 6:44.16,5 2:57.13,2 (1391) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 36. 4:31.03 202.¦ 56.25 198.¦ 1:16.47 102.¦ 185. Bast Björn 1981 D-München Mountain Hunters 6:45.15,5 2:58.12,2 (1101) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 64. 4:26.31 189.¦ 56.26 199.¦ 1:22.17 159.¦ 186. Zahner Alex 1966 Davos Frauenkirch 6:45.45,0 2:58.41,7 (1495) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 37. 4:39.09 224.¦ 49.21 101.¦ 1:17.14 106.¦ 187. Schroeder Bernd 1966 Zürich freizeitsportler.ch / cityrunn 6:45.51,8 2:58.48,5 (1370) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 38. 4:28.23 195.¦ 51.49 133.¦ 1:25.38 205.¦ 188. Fender Norbert 1959 D-Rutesheim marathon4you 6:47.24,5 3:00.21,2 (1451) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 39. 4:28.34 196.¦ 57.09 210.¦ 1:21.40 147.¦ 189. Mathew Mitchell 1968 GB-Farnborough 6:47.43,6 3:00.40,3 (1504) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 58. 4:31.49 206.¦ 58.54 236.¦ 1:16.59 104.¦ 190. Kuoni Reto 1986 Zeiningen TV Zeiningen 6:48.24,5 3:01.21,2 (1107) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 65. 4:17.06 172.¦ 1:01.34 268.¦ 1:29.43 252.¦ 191. Welsh Thomas 1986 GB-Broxbourne 6:49.16,5 3:02.13,2 (1178) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 66. 4:24.30 187.¦ 1:00.11 251.¦ 1:24.34 190.¦ 192. Fässler Albert 1961 Berg SG 6:49.27,7 3:02.24,4 (1691) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 40. 4:40.44 233.¦ 49.40 106.¦ 1:19.02 120.¦ 193. Dutoit Maxime 1974 Bursins 6:49.50,6 3:02.47,3 (1401) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 59. 4:33.54 210.¦ 52.21 145.¦ 1:23.34 178.¦ 194. Lampart Mathias 1979 Muttenz 6:49.52,9 3:02.49,6 (1613) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 67. 4:31.23 204.¦ 55.56 195.¦ 1:22.32 165.¦ 195. Pflugshaupt Kaspar 1971 Zürich 6:50.59,3 3:03.56,0 (1165) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 60. 4:29.23 199.¦ 57.14 214.¦ 1:24.21 188.¦ 196. Loiudice Giulio 1958 Schaffhausen WhatsApp Runners Schaffhausen 6:51.08,2 3:04.04,9 (1364) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 41. 4:32.51 209.¦ 54.34 177.¦ 1:23.42 180.¦ 197. Schnetter Christian 1984 D-Siegsdorf 6:51.57,3 3:04.54,0 (1115) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 68. 4:29.03 198.¦ 55.24 190.¦ 1:27.29 229.¦ 198. Steiner Armin 1979 Uerkheim 6:53.03,9 3:06.00,6 (1623) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 69. 3:14.49 23.¦ 47.27 80.¦ 2:50.47 389.¦ 199. Meier Markus 1961 Kaltbrunn 6:53.17,9 3:06.14,6 (1516) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 42. 4:21.48 184.¦ 1:02.15 275.¦ 1:29.14 244.¦ 200. Ludwig Ralf 1968 Bottighofen 6:53.30,5 3:06.27,2 (1323) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 61. 4:38.20 223.¦ 53.17 159.¦ 1:21.52 150.¦ 201. Salumaa Marko 1979 EE-Ilmandu küla Voka/Ilmandu 6:54.11,1 3:07.07,8 (1143) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 70. 4:39.22 226.¦ 51.05 122.¦ 1:23.43 181.¦ 202. Sommer Max 1956 Winterthur 6:54.20,7 3:07.17,4 (1622) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 6. 4:24.48 188.¦ 1:07.07 314.¦ 1:22.24 164.¦ 203. Berne-Werb Andreas 1979 D-Weil am Rhein 6:54.22,5 3:07.19,2 (1696) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 71. 4:54.59 288.¦ 53.07 157.¦ 1:06.15 35.¦ 204. Gabathuler Jürg 1973 Neukirch (Egnach) 6:54.36,6 3:07.33,3 (1664) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 62. 4:36.55 220.¦ 52.45 152.¦ 1:24.55 195.¦ 205. Hahn Wilfried 1966 D-Altdorf easySoft Offroad-Team 6:55.27,2 3:08.23,9 (1268) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 43. 4:31.44 205.¦ 1:00.09 249.¦ 1:23.33 177.¦ 206. Vetterli Thomas 1954 Wermatswil 6:55.45,5 3:08.42,2 (1515) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 7. 4:34.52 214.¦ 59.06 238.¦ 1:21.46 149.¦ 207. Towler Callum 1990 GB-North Harrow 6:55.52,9 3:08.49,6 (1187) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 24. 4:42.33 241.¦ 55.59 196.¦ 1:17.20 107.¦ 208. Klibor Sebastian 1978 Erlenbach ZH 6:56.41,9 3:09.38,6 (1648) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 72. 4:38.20 222.¦ 57.24 216.¦ 1:20.57 139.¦ 209. Cormier Sebastian 1978 D-Radolfzell Lauftreff Radolfzell 6:57.17,4 3:10.14,1 (1395) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 73. 4:35.01 215.¦ 54.05 168.¦ 1:28.10 234.¦ 210. Ruoss Peter 1957 Hüttwilen büelhofcracks 6:57.43,3 3:10.40,0 (1414) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 8. 4:28.46 197.¦ 1:01.32 266.¦ 1:27.24 227.¦ 211. Knobel Ueli 1952 Davos Platz Track Club Davos 6:58.32,5 3:11.29,2 (1604) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 9. 4:24.24 186.¦ 1:02.32 279.¦ 1:31.36 263.¦ 212. Ludäscher Martin 1985 Rothenthurm 6:58.40,6 3:11.37,3 (1590) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 74. 4:34.40 213.¦ 56.59 206.¦ 1:27.00 222.¦ 213. Weiss Jonas 1994 Herrliberg Curling Club Brienz 7:00.46,1 3:13.42,8 (1419) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 25. 4:46.04 255.¦ 54.18 172.¦ 1:20.23 130.¦ 214. Knell Sebastian 1976 Dübendorf 7:00.47,2 3:13.43,9 (1449) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 63. 4:26.31 190.¦ 1:02.28 278.¦ 1:31.46 266.¦ 215. Schmierer Philipp 1983 Zürich 7:00.47,6 3:13.44,3 (1459) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 75. 4:26.40 191.¦ 1:02.22 276.¦ 1:31.44 265.¦ 216. Johansson Stefan 1969 S-Norrtälje 7:01.47,9 3:14.44,6 (1678) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 64. 4:36.45 219.¦ 58.18 229.¦ 1:26.43 221.¦ 217. Oppliger Urs 1956 Hindelbank 7:01.54,0 3:14.50,7 (1569) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 10. 4:39.23 227.¦ 57.54 221.¦ 1:24.36 191.¦ 218. Remaut Pieter-Jan 1991 B-Heverlee 7:02.21,7 3:15.18,4 (1366) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 26. 4:31.22 203.¦ 1:01.44 270.¦ 1:29.14 243.¦ 219. Veraguth Marco 1974 Winterthur 7:02.47,5 3:15.44,2 (1599) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 65. 4:39.47 229.¦ 59.17 240.¦ 1:23.43 182.¦ 220. Knopf Christophe 1975 Vuisternens-en-Ogoz CA Farvagny 7:03.47,6 3:16.44,3 (1161) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 66. 4:51.24 276.¦ 46.54 74.¦ 1:25.28 200.¦ 221. Pisani Massimiliano 1973 I-Roma (RM) 7:04.45,1 3:17.41,8 (1616) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 67. 4:42.31 240.¦ 53.25 160.¦ 1:28.48 238.¦ 222. Homlicher Marc 1979 Trimmis alpinrunner.ch 7:04.50,0 3:17.46,7 (1409) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 76. 4:45.57 253.¦ 49.19 100.¦ 1:29.33 250.¦ 223. Oppitz Ulrich 1966 Bern 7:05.23,2 3:18.19,9 (1008) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 44. 4:41.04 234.¦ 56.45 203.¦ 1:27.34 230.¦ 224. Suter Thomas 1957 Meilen 7:05.57,3 3:18.54,0 (1292) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 11. 4:41.11 235.¦ 59.05 237.¦ 1:25.40 207.¦ 225. Sturzenegger Christoph 1948 St. Gallen 7:06.17,5 3:19.14,2 (1399) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 12. 4:41.19 237.¦ 57.31 217.¦ 1:27.26 228.¦ 226. Stuber Stephan 1993 Münsingen 7:06.29,2 3:19.25,9 (1418) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 27. 4:30.53 200.¦ 1:01.21 262.¦ 1:34.13 286.¦ 227. Prados Cesar 1980 D-Darmstadt DSW Darmstadt 7:06.42,2 3:19.38,9 (1523) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 77. 4:44.41 249.¦ 53.54 164.¦ 1:28.06 233.¦ 228. Gujer Sascha 1987 Zürich 7:06.56,9 3:19.53,6 (1580) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 78. 4:49.45 267.¦ 54.27 175.¦ 1:22.44 169.¦ 229. Gregores Jose Antonio 1969 Attalens 7:07.23,1 3:20.19,8 (1232) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 68. 4:35.50 216.¦ 1:00.40 254.¦ 1:30.51 259.¦ 230. Ram Nimrod 1976 Bern israel 7:08.10,1 3:21.06,8 (1443) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 69. 4:33.55 211.¦ 1:09.11 332.¦ 1:25.03 199.¦ 231. Wright Chris 1983 GB-London 7:09.17,2 3:22.13,9 (1172) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 79. 4:42.36 243.¦ 1:00.53 255.¦ 1:25.47 209.¦ 232. Lucy David 1990 GB-Clapton 7:09.29,3 3:22.26,0 (1184) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 28. 4:34.18 212.¦ 1:05.16 298.¦ 1:29.54 254.¦ 233. Burri Stefan 1968 Münchenbuchsee 7:09.35,3 3:22.32,0 (1102) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 70. 4:45.31 251.¦ 58.24 230.¦ 1:25.38 204.¦ 234. Blatter André 1968 Ittigen 7:09.37,1 3:22.33,8 (1132) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 71. 4:45.32 252.¦ 58.25 231.¦ 1:25.39 206.¦ 235. Eder Stephan 1964 D-Radolfzell SBK-GCH 7:10.05,5 3:23.02,2 (1693) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 45. 4:54.41 287.¦ 54.20 173.¦ 1:21.03 140.¦ 236. Jussel Daniel 1992 Davos Platz 7:10.06,3 3:23.03,0 (1277) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 29. 4:18.27 177.¦ 59.56 244.¦ 1:51.42 375.¦ 237. Haschen Jürgen 1962 D-Kassel 7:11.25,1 3:24.21,8 (1566) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 46. 4:22.37 185.¦ 54.53 181.¦ 1:53.53 381.¦ 238. Weiss Martin 1965 Wetzikon ZH Freizeitsportler.ch 7:12.13,9 3:25.10,6 (1637) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 47. 4:42.00 238.¦ 1:02.10 274.¦ 1:28.03 232.¦ 239. Dadason Valdimar 1997 ISL-Dalvik 2 fat boys 7:13.30,7 3:26.27,4 (1135) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 30. 4:50.20 270.¦ 1:04.46 294.¦ 1:18.23 114.¦ 240. Steindrsson Starri 1997 ISL-Kpavogi 2 fat boys 7:13.30,9 3:26.27,6 (1137) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 31. 4:49.52 268.¦ 1:05.12 297.¦ 1:18.26 115.¦ 241. Rupps Jürgen 1983 D-Hochdorf TV Hochdorf 7:13.50,0 3:26.46,7 (1295) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 80. 4:59.05 301.¦ 52.50 154.¦ 1:21.54 151.¦ 242. Kaufmann Markus 1977 Chur 7:14.01,4 3:26.58,1 (1597) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 72. 4:42.24 239.¦ 1:05.19 299.¦ 1:26.16 215.¦ 243. Pleuler Markus 1967 Fällanden 7:14.09,4 3:27.06,1 (1412) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 48. 4:51.01 273.¦ 57.32 219.¦ 1:25.35 203.¦ 244. Zimmermann Dirk 1980 D-Dudenhofen 7:14.25,5 3:27.22,2 (1174) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 81. 4:49.07 263.¦ 54.39 179.¦ 1:30.38 258.¦ 245. Talon Eliezer 1983 Zürich 7:14.26,0 3:27.22,7 (1207) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 82. 4:47.41 259.¦ 57.13 212.¦ 1:29.31 248.¦ 246. Bark Nick 1968 GB-Farnham 7:14.29,8 3:27.26,5 (1126) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 73. 4:40.10 230.¦ 56.33 200.¦ 1:37.45 315.¦ 247. Weirich Aloyse 1958 L-Bettembourg Beetebuerg beweegt sech 7:14.40,4 3:27.37,1 (1296) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 49. 4:44.41 248.¦ 1:07.59 323.¦ 1:22.00 152.¦ 248. Tegtmeier Thomas 1979 D-Horn-Bad Meinberg Hoppelmoppels 7:14.50,1 3:27.46,8 (1286) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 83. 4:14.01 161.¦ 1:38.43 390.¦ 1:22.05 153.¦ 249. Hess Christoph 1974 Alpnach Dorf 7:14.51,1 3:27.47,8 (1642) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 74. 4:56.24 293.¦ 55.12 188.¦ 1:23.14 174.¦ 250. Smith Bork-Frithjof 1974 Basel 7:15.04,3 3:28.01,0 (1633) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 75. 4:47.59 260.¦ 59.44 242.¦ 1:27.20 225.¦ 251. Wolfstädter Martin 1974 D-Freiburg 7:15.08,0 3:28.04,7 (1570) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 76. 4:53.09 280.¦ 52.45 152.¦ 1:29.12 241.¦ 252. Suter Pirmin 1969 Baar Laufgruppe Cham 7:15.19,7 3:28.16,4 (1330) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 77. 4:46.21 258.¦ 59.14 239.¦ 1:29.43 251.¦ 253. Ludwig Martin 1963 D-Rastatt SG Stern Rastatt 7:16.02,7 3:28.59,4 (1350) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 50. 4:51.04 274.¦ 1:00.00 247.¦ 1:24.57 196.¦ 254. Thalmann Jean-François 1966 Aarberg TV Aarberg 7:16.10,6 3:29.07,3 (1565) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 51. 4:51.11 275.¦ 59.57 246.¦ 1:25.01 198.¦ 255. Hegner Guido 1971 Galgenen 7:16.50,4 3:29.47,1 (1571) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 78. 4:44.14 245.¦ 58.44 235.¦ 1:33.51 283.¦ 256. Egeler Dominik 1975 Gutenswil 7:16.58,2 3:29.54,9 (1180) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 79. 4:52.02 277.¦ 55.24 191.¦ 1:29.30 247.¦ 257. Rasmussen Rene 1961 DK-Fredericia FREDERICIA LOBEKLUB 7:17.08,7 3:30.05,4 (1438) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 52. 4:52.58 279.¦ 59.56 245.¦ 1:24.14 187.¦ 258. Knoll Peter 1965 Basel 7:17.35,1 3:30.31,8 (1676) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 53. 4:44.36 247.¦ 1:09.32 333.¦ 1:23.26 176.¦ 259. Schneider Hannes 1968 Ennenda 7:17.53,8 3:30.50,5 (1369) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 80. 4:31.02 201.¦ 1:03.20 287.¦ 1:43.30 342.¦ 260. Seils Thomas 1963 D-Duisburg LC Duisburg 7:18.03,6 3:31.00,3 (1117) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 54. 4:48.02 261.¦ 57.31 218.¦ 1:32.29 272.¦ 261. Vermeeren Mats 1991 D-Berlin 7:19.41,0 3:32.37,7 (1333) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 32. 5:05.54 314.¦ 52.20 144.¦ 1:21.26 146.¦ 262. Hürzeler Hansjürg 1959 Wetzikon ZH 7:20.55,3 3:33.52,0 (1544) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 55. 4:48.48 262.¦ 58.30 232.¦ 1:33.35 281.¦ 263. Gafner Albert 1981 Davos Glaris 7:21.17,4 3:34.14,1 (1231) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 84. 4:40.31 232.¦ 57.09 209.¦ 1:43.36 343.¦ 264. Gehri Fabian 1988 Richterswil 7:21.31,3 3:34.28,0 (1392) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 33. 4:54.15 283.¦ 1:03.12 286.¦ 1:24.03 186.¦ 265. Ruf Roland 1974 Wildberg VCHITTNAU.CH 7:22.00,8 3:34.57,5 (1413) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 81. 4:40.16 231.¦ 1:07.47 321.¦ 1:33.56 284.¦ 266. Straub Günter 1946 D-Niederlauer 7:22.09,9 3:35.06,6 (1512) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 1. 4:50.57 272.¦ 1:05.42 303.¦ 1:25.30 202.¦ 267. Steigmeier Walter 1957 D-Oberlauringen 7:22.10,4 3:35.07,1 (1511) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 13. 4:42.33 242.¦ 1:13.29 354.¦ 1:26.07 212.¦ 268. Waldner Thomas 1965 Abtwil SG 7:22.35,2 3:35.31,9 (1244) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 56. 4:49.58 269.¦ 59.33 241.¦ 1:33.04 276.¦ 269. Sanchez-Valdepenas David 1973 D-Frankfurt 7:22.41,8 3:35.38,5 (1472) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 82. 4:44.46 250.¦ 1:00.21 252.¦ 1:37.33 312.¦ 270. Edwards Tim 1974 Küsnacht ZH 7:22.50,1 3:35.46,8 (1486) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 83. 4:43.10 244.¦ 1:06.34 312.¦ 1:33.05 278.¦ 271. Ramirez Arturo 1969 Thalwil 7:23.02,3 3:35.59,0 (1351) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 84. 4:55.43 292.¦ 58.41 234.¦ 1:28.37 237.¦ 272. Wirtl Sascha 1971 D-Penzberg LAVA People 7:23.38,0 3:36.34,7 (1123) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 85. 4:44.35 246.¦ 1:12.31 351.¦ 1:26.31 217.¦ 273. Haefeli Dominik 1989 Baden Milo Runners 7:23.40,6 3:36.37,3 (1152) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 34. 4:46.08 256.¦ 1:01.24 264.¦ 1:36.08 300.¦ 274. Nordström Niklas 1990 Freienwil Milo Runners 7:23.41,3 3:36.38,0 (1153) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 35. 4:45.59 254.¦ 1:01.32 267.¦ 1:36.09 301.¦ 275. Zellweger Dominic 1985 Au SG 7:24.11,3 3:37.08,0 (1468) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 85. 4:55.14 290.¦ 56.46 204.¦ 1:32.10 270.¦ 276. Zellweger Simon 1987 Dussnang 7:24.11,9 3:37.08,6 (1685) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 86. 4:49.20 266.¦ 1:02.47 281.¦ 1:32.04 267.¦ 277. Bäuerle Werner 1958 D-Konstanz Konstanz 7:25.10,8 3:38.07,5 (1357) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 57. 4:53.38 282.¦ 1:00.09 250.¦ 1:31.22 260.¦ 278. Mukherjee Anindya 1975 Kloten WYOP 7:25.30,0 3:38.26,7 (1547) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 86. 4:39.39 228.¦ 1:02.35 280.¦ 1:43.15 340.¦ 279. Bhattacharya Indranil 1974 Zürich WYOP 7:25.31,0 3:38.27,7 (1554) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 87. 4:35.52 217.¦ 1:00.01 248.¦ 1:49.36 367.¦ 280. Krilovs Ringo 1980 EE-Voka Voka 7:25.53,2 3:38.49,9 (1141) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 87. 4:56.55 294.¦ 1:06.42 313.¦ 1:22.15 157.¦ 281. Wulz Valentin 1945 A-Klagenfurt KLC-Klagenfurt 7:26.28,1 3:39.24,8 (1462) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 2. 4:52.10 278.¦ 1:08.31 327.¦ 1:25.46 208.¦ 282. Diender Kevin 1981 NL-Zwolle 7:27.24,6 3:40.21,3 (1342) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 88. 4:39.15 225.¦ 1:12.12 348.¦ 1:35.56 298.¦ 283. Gums Patrick 1971 NL-Zwolle PEC 1910 7:27.24,8 3:40.21,5 (1346) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 88. 4:41.16 236.¦ 1:10.24 340.¦ 1:35.44 293.¦ 284. Bassi Martino 1984 Grono Trail Moesa 7:27.27,8 3:40.24,5 (1262) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 89. 4:58.15 297.¦ 1:06.09 310.¦ 1:23.03 173.¦ 285. Vettickal Bobby 1984 Grono Trial Moesa 7:27.30,0 3:40.26,7 (1263) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 90. 4:58.29 298.¦ 1:06.00 308.¦ 1:22.59 172.¦ 286. Dänsel Mats 1957 S-Älta Team UltraSweden 7:29.49,5 3:42.46,2 (1561) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 14. 4:54.39 286.¦ 59.52 243.¦ 1:35.17 291.¦ 287. Zwahlen Pascal 1966 Leuggern 7:30.20,9 3:43.17,6 (1158) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 58. 5:09.40 321.¦ 58.16 228.¦ 1:22.23 162.¦ 288. Jones Gareth 1947 GB-Newport Chepstow Harriers 7:31.29,1 3:44.25,8 (1256) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 3. 5:05.30 312.¦ 57.41 220.¦ 1:28.16 235.¦ 289. Carvalho Pedro 1975 P-Viseu RUN FORREST RUN 7:32.13,2 3:45.09,9 (1388) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 89. 5:02.04 306.¦ 57.59 222.¦ 1:32.09 269.¦ 290. Pacheco Jorge 1972 P-Moscavide RUN FORREST RUN 7:32.13,3 3:45.10,0 (1385) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 90. 5:02.04 307.¦ 58.00 223.¦ 1:32.08 268.¦ 291. Franchin Pedro Luiz 1987 BR-Sao Paulo NUCLEO AVENTURA 7:33.07,5 3:46.04,2 (1439) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 91. 5:05.40 313.¦ 54.11 170.¦ 1:33.15 279.¦ 292. Andrews Richard 1967 Zürich 7:33.22,1 3:46.18,8 (1200) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 59. 5:02.37 308.¦ 1:01.26 265.¦ 1:29.18 245.¦ 293. Mercelis Anton 1991 B-Deurne 7:33.46,9 3:46.43,6 (1328) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 36. 4:49.16 264.¦ 1:19.01 372.¦ 1:25.29 201.¦ 294. Nord Henrik 1971 S-Segeltorp 7:33.52,0 3:46.48,7 (1112) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 91. 4:54.21 284.¦ 1:01.56 273.¦ 1:37.34 313.¦ 295. Jackisch Florian 1990 D-Braunschweig 7:34.31,7 3:47.28,4 (1191) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 37. 4:59.21 302.¦ 1:05.24 301.¦ 1:29.46 253.¦ 296. Votteler Moritz 1979 D-Bad Urach 7:34.44,2 3:47.40,9 (1131) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 92. 4:36.38 218.¦ 1:09.38 334.¦ 1:48.27 361.¦ 297. Christen Simon 1987 Aadorf 7:35.54,1 3:48.50,8 (1305) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 93. 4:55.19 291.¦ 1:12.12 349.¦ 1:28.21 236.¦ 298. Kunz Rolf 1962 Uster 7:37.16,3 3:50.13,0 (1480) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 60. 4:59.36 303.¦ 1:04.45 293.¦ 1:32.54 274.¦ 299. Hau Bernd 1964 D-Heusweiler 7:37.17,7 3:50.14,4 (1594) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 61. 4:53.12 281.¦ 58.01 224.¦ 1:46.04 351.¦ 300. Krause Steve 1980 Wiesen GR 7:37.26,3 3:50.23,0 (1555) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 94. 4:54.30 285.¦ 1:00.56 256.¦ 1:41.59 335.¦ 301. Holzinger Adrian 1967 Greifensee 7:38.16,3 3:51.13,0 (1644) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 62. 5:13.00 326.¦ 1:01.50 271.¦ 1:23.25 175.¦ 302. Steigmeier Linus 1956 Villigen 7:39.27,2 3:52.23,9 (1224) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 15. 4:59.00 300.¦ 1:06.27 311.¦ 1:33.59 285.¦ 303. Bjeldal Kurt 1962 DK-Randers SO 7:40.14,4 3:53.11,1 (1518) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 63. 4:49.19 265.¦ 1:11.26 346.¦ 1:39.29 326.¦ 304. Karsten Christian 1970 D-Frankfurt 7:40.44,8 3:53.41,5 (1520) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 92. 5:07.02 317.¦ 57.00 207.¦ 1:36.41 305.¦ 305. Huber Albert 1978 Davos Platz 7:41.02,1 3:53.58,8 (1171) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 95. 4:58.53 299.¦ 1:05.35 302.¦ 1:36.33 304.¦ 306. Gaude Erik 1976 S-Habo Habo 7:41.47,1 3:54.43,8 (1103) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 93. 5:10.18 323.¦ 54.05 167.¦ 1:37.24 310.¦ 307. von Salis Andreas 1985 Bassersdorf 7:41.59,6 3:54.56,3 (1122) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 96. 5:00.13 305.¦ 1:03.41 288.¦ 1:38.05 317.¦ 308. Valance Stephane 1980 F-Meyrargues 7:43.44,6 3:56.41,3 (1538) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 97. 5:04.46 310.¦ 1:09.45 337.¦ 1:29.13 242.¦ 309. Wilhelm Michael 1974 Bottmingen LSV Basel 7:43.58,4 3:56.55,1 (1151) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 94. 5:08.06 318.¦ 1:02.52 282.¦ 1:32.59 275.¦ 310. Franscella Valery 1989 Ascona SP Locarnese 7:44.26,3 3:57.23,0 (1284) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 38. 4:57.01 295.¦ 1:09.57 338.¦ 1:37.27 311.¦ 311. Wellauer Christopher 1953 Davos Platz 7:48.23,7 4:01.20,4 (1313) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 16. 4:57.14 296.¦ 1:16.36 368.¦ 1:34.31 288.¦ 312. Maurer Martin 1961 Möhlin LSV Basel 7:49.53,7 4:02.50,4 (1201) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 64. 5:10.12 322.¦ 1:01.22 263.¦ 1:38.19 318.¦ 313. Schlegel Johannes 1967 Solothurn Hochschule Aalen 7:49.57,5 4:02.54,2 (1167) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 65. 5:03.16 309.¦ 1:13.06 352.¦ 1:33.34 280.¦ 314. Theiler Alexander 1980 Oberglatt ZH 7:50.03,1 4:02.59,8 (1422) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 98. 5:12.36 325.¦ 1:01.41 269.¦ 1:35.45 294.¦ 315. Sköldén Arne 1955 S-Älta Stockholms Gerillalöpare 7:51.25,5 4:04.22,2 (1371) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 17. 5:06.11 316.¦ 1:07.28 317.¦ 1:37.45 314.¦ 316. Rickel Thorsten 1974 D-Limburgerhof LG MuLi 7:51.55,9 4:04.52,6 (1173) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 95. 5:11.20 324.¦ 1:06.07 309.¦ 1:34.27 287.¦ 317. Hauff Volker 1953 D-Balingen 7:52.38,0 4:05.34,7 (1582) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 18. 5:24.38 351.¦ 52.20 142.¦ 1:35.38 292.¦ 318. Van Beek Henk 1959 Altbüron 7:54.22,8 4:07.19,5 (1317) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 66. 4:55.06 289.¦ 1:09.05 331.¦ 1:50.11 369.¦ 319. Sill Michael 1961 D-Reutlingen Silly Runners 7:55.07,9 4:08.04,6 (1670) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 67. 4:59.36 304.¦ 1:18.33 371.¦ 1:36.58 308.¦ 320. Haase Michael 1974 A-Wien LC Wienerwaldschnecken 7:55.24,6 4:08.21,3 (1104) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 96. 5:13.49 328.¦ 1:08.44 329.¦ 1:32.51 273.¦ 321. Gollner Heinz 1951 D-Dortmund Viermärker Dortmund 7:56.44,3 4:09.41,0 (1194) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 19. 5:09.08 319.¦ 1:10.13 339.¦ 1:37.22 309.¦ 322. Böni Andre 1970 Wollerau 7:57.21,5 4:10.18,2 (1390) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 97. 5:17.18 335.¦ 1:05.20 300.¦ 1:34.42 289.¦ 323. Mcnamee Ciaran 1975 Tann 7:58.18,8 4:11.15,5 (1308) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 98. 5:15.47 332.¦ 1:02.56 284.¦ 1:39.35 327.¦ 324. Sellitto Alessandro 1980 Davos Platz Hockey Club Davos Senioren 7:59.47,0 4:12.43,7 (1344) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 99. 4:50.36 271.¦ 1:26.52 385.¦ 1:42.18 337.¦ 325. Ammann Christian 1973 Oberwil BL 8:03.00,4 4:15.57,1 (1394) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 99. 5:15.46 331.¦ 1:11.19 345.¦ 1:35.54 297.¦ 326. Randmäe Margus 1981 EE-Tallinn Voka/Kahe Silla Klubi 8:03.06,9 4:16.03,6 (1142) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 100. 5:32.10 357.¦ 1:04.47 295.¦ 1:26.09 213.¦ 327. Schwarzmeier Timo 1982 Magden Mountain Hunters 8:03.35,7 4:16.32,4 (1116) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 101. 5:19.30 340.¦ 1:04.37 292.¦ 1:39.27 325.¦ 328. Brenk Heiko 1969 D-Preußisch Oldendorf 8:03.49,5 4:16.46,2 (1266) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 100. 5:13.44 327.¦ 1:13.39 356.¦ 1:36.26 302.¦ 329. Bielefeld Frank 1964 D-Bonn 8:03.54,7 4:16.51,4 (1252) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 68. 5:16.32 334.¦ 1:08.46 330.¦ 1:38.35 319.¦ 330. Ibsen Carsten 1955 DK-Randers 8:05.55,5 4:18.52,2 (1576) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 20. 5:09.39 320.¦ 1:10.36 341.¦ 1:45.39 348.¦ 331. Drescher Peter 1958 Tann 8:06.54,3 4:19.51,0 (1311) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 69. 5:26.21 353.¦ 1:01.55 272.¦ 1:38.37 320.¦ 332. Käser Thomas 1987 Salmsach 8:07.37,8 4:20.34,5 (1007) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 102. 5:19.01 338.¦ 1:05.42 304.¦ 1:42.53 338.¦ 333. Syring Rolf 1949 D-Metzingen TuS Metzingen 8:07.42,1 4:20.38,8 (1331) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 21. 5:14.47 330.¦ 1:11.16 344.¦ 1:41.38 332.¦ 334. Messerli Lukas 1983 Koblenz 8:08.14,8 4:21.11,5 (1431) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 103. 5:21.43 343.¦ 1:07.33 319.¦ 1:38.57 323.¦ 335. Willi Tom 1973 Leibstadt 8:08.16,3 4:21.13,0 (1433) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 101. 5:21.43 344.¦ 1:07.36 320.¦ 1:38.56 322.¦ 336. Kühne Lutz 1980 D-Konstanz TV Konstanz 8:08.16,6 4:21.13,3 (1429) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 104. 5:14.43 329.¦ 1:17.00 369.¦ 1:36.32 303.¦ 337. Barcik Jan Pawel 1992 Davos 8:08.51,3 4:21.48,0 (1700) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 39. 5:05.06 311.¦ 1:25.50 383.¦ 1:37.53 316.¦ 338. Herberth Jürgen 1958 D-Weiden Team Klinikum Nürnberg 8:09.15,5 4:22.12,2 (1234) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 70. 5:23.13 348.¦ 1:07.22 316.¦ 1:38.40 321.¦ 339. Baranski Rafal 1971 PL-Opole 8:09.17,4 4:22.14,1 (1310) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 102. 5:35.16 361.¦ 1:02.25 277.¦ 1:31.36 264.¦ 340. Richner Jonathan 1986 Aarau 8:11.33,4 4:24.30,1 (1339) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 105. 5:43.22 364.¦ 56.37 202.¦ 1:31.33 262.¦ 341. Lüke Christian 1968 D-Etzelwang 8:12.09,2 4:25.05,9 (1327) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 103. 5:19.19 339.¦ 1:10.50 343.¦ 1:41.59 335.¦ 342. Liechti Alexander 1955 Bisikon 8:13.23,8 4:26.20,5 (1271) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 22. 5:33.02 360.¦ 1:04.33 290.¦ 1:35.48 295.¦ 343. Parragi Laszlo 1946 Dietikon 8:13.47,4 4:26.44,1 (1606) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 4. 5:23.04 347.¦ 1:07.21 315.¦ 1:43.21 341.¦ 344. Weiss Christof 1967 D-Murrhardt 8:13.47,7 4:26.44,4 (1584) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 71. 5:36.10 363.¦ 1:04.32 289.¦ 1:33.04 277.¦ 345. Chapman Langdon 1972 USA-Campbell Hall NY 8:14.24,6 4:27.21,3 (1432) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 104. 5:15.52 333.¦ 1:16.33 367.¦ 1:41.58 334.¦ 346. Krasa Peter 1944 USA-Pebble Beach 8:14.33,8 4:27.30,5 (1205) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 5. 5:18.19 336.¦ 1:07.49 322.¦ 1:48.24 360.¦ 347. Ciubotaru Eduard 1975 R-Bucharest 8:15.00,4 4:27.57,1 (1196) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 105. 5:29.05 355.¦ 57.16 215.¦ 1:48.38 362.¦ 348. Deck-Meier Felix 1963 Watt LAC TV Unterstrass/SSC 8:16.45,1 4:29.41,8 (1236) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 72. 5:32.10 357.¦ 1:02.54 283.¦ 1:41.40 333.¦ 349. Gehrig Luca 1988 Winterthur 8:19.13,1 4:32.09,8 (1170) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 40. 5:25.10 352.¦ 1:08.09 324.¦ 1:45.53 350.¦ 350. Plessmann Steffen 1977 D-Stuttgart MTV Stuttgart 8:19.22,1 4:32.18,8 (1557) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 106. 5:22.13 345.¦ 1:08.23 325.¦ 1:48.45 363.¦ 351. Huber René 1956 Kloten 8:22.30,1 4:35.26,8 (1665) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 23. 5:32.27 359.¦ 1:14.10 358.¦ 1:35.52 296.¦ 352. Vögeli Bernhard 1958 Buchs SG Lauf-Treff Buchs 8:22.57,3 4:35.54,0 (1539) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 73. 5:23.58 349.¦ 1:15.56 364.¦ 1:43.02 339.¦ 353. Bolliger Fredy 1950 Oberentfelden Laufgruppe Aarau 8:23.57,0 4:36.53,7 (1659) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 24. 5:20.39 342.¦ 1:05.45 305.¦ 1:57.32 384.¦ 354. Eble Michael 1984 D-Bonn Team Red 8:25.05,2 4:38.01,9 (1298) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 106. 5:22.44 346.¦ 1:05.51 307.¦ 1:56.29 383.¦ 355. Andersen René Emil 1974 DK-Store Merlose 8:26.52,7 4:39.49,4 (1440) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 107. 5:24.02 350.¦ 1:23.43 380.¦ 1:39.06 324.¦ 356. Näf Reinhold 1951 Meggen d'Bärgläufer 8:29.19,3 4:42.16,0 (1312) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 25. 5:20.00 341.¦ 1:28.17 386.¦ 1:41.01 330.¦ 357. Waeber Roger 1951 Bonaduz 8:29.33,0 4:42.29,7 (1302) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 26. 5:29.33 356.¦ 1:15.49 363.¦ 1:44.10 344.¦ 358. Peacock Essau 1965 DK-Copenhagen Kunta Kinteh Runners Fund 8:37.44,9 4:50.41,6 (1466) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 74. 2:57.56 9.¦ 3:51.54 391.¦ 1:47.53 356.¦ 359. van de Weerd Philip 1974 NL-Elst Utrecht 8:39.12,5 4:52.09,2 (1375) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 108. 5:28.29 354.¦ 1:24.36 382.¦ 1:46.06 352.¦ 360. Gunnarsson Roland 1959 S-Mölndal Mölndal 8:39.44,7 4:52.41,4 (1641) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 75. 5:55.18 372.¦ 1:09.41 336.¦ 1:34.44 290.¦ 361. Wyss Fabian 1980 Merenschwand 8:40.57,7 4:53.54,4 (1475) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 107. 5:43.37 366.¦ 1:12.13 350.¦ 1:45.06 347.¦ 362. Lang Simon 1989 GRL-Nuuk 8:41.37,5 4:54.34,2 (1695) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 41. 5:18.35 337.¦ 1:34.42 389.¦ 1:48.20 359.¦ 363. Oetiker Heinz 1958 Otelfingen 8:43.11,8 4:56.08,5 (1615) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 76. 5:35.49 362.¦ 1:21.33 375.¦ 1:45.48 349.¦ 364. Kolar Peter 1959 Eich 8:46.58,8 4:59.55,5 (1471) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 77. 5:55.12 371.¦ 1:07.29 318.¦ 1:44.17 345.¦ 365. Steinhart Bernhard 1954 D-Waldkirch activateyourlife AYL 8:48.10,4 5:01.07,1 (1595) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 27. 5:43.35 365.¦ 1:14.00 357.¦ 1:50.35 370.¦ 366. Sumner Philip 1974 GB-Weybridge Elmbridge road runners 8:51.51,6 5:04.48,3 (1428) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 109. 6:05.38 378.¦ 1:05.00 296.¦ 1:41.12 331.¦ 367. Jorgensen Hans Ulrik 1971 DK-Frederiksberg 8:55.30,6 5:08.27,3 (1558) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 110. 5:46.59 367.¦ 1:22.06 376.¦ 1:46.24 353.¦ 368. Conrad Toni 1984 Davos Glaris 8:56.48,1 5:09.44,8 (1489) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 108. 5:52.22 368.¦ 1:14.51 359.¦ 1:49.35 366.¦ 369. Wurmbach Patric 1971 D-Heinsberg TEAM MELDELÄUFER 9:02.42,5 5:15.39,2 (1124) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 111. 5:53.27 369.¦ 1:16.30 365.¦ 1:52.44 378.¦ 370. Seiersboll Michael 1980 DK-Egtved Kolding motion 9:03.20,8 5:16.17,5 (1209) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 109. 6:01.09 375.¦ 1:15.06 361.¦ 1:47.04 354.¦ 371. Miess Bernd 1943 D-Berlin 9:05.59,8 5:18.56,5 (1546) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 6. 6:05.17 377.¦ 1:23.44 381.¦ 1:36.57 307.¦ 372. Henzmann Daniel 1965 Bülach 9:06.06,2 5:19.02,9 (1182) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 78. 6:04.34 376.¦ 1:10.42 342.¦ 1:50.49 372.¦ 373. Blumenroth Michael 1964 D-Frankfurt LG Mauerweg Berlin; Spiridon F 9:06.29,6 5:19.26,3 (1168) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 79. 5:54.32 370.¦ 1:19.57 374.¦ 1:51.59 377.¦ 374. Odgers Ian 1968 GB-Dereham 100 MARATHON CLUB 9:07.57,9 5:20.54,6 (1398) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 112. 6:06.21 379.¦ 1:12.11 347.¦ 1:49.24 365.¦ 375. Gysel Christoph 1956 Zuchwil Weissenstein Runners 9:10.14,6 5:23.11,3 (1199) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 28. 5:56.54 374.¦ 1:26.02 384.¦ 1:47.17 355.¦ 376. Sharun Ilya 1966 RUS-Moscow lazoreviy vepr 9:12.42,7 5:25.39,4 (1537) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 80. 6:08.41 381.¦ 1:13.21 353.¦ 1:50.39 371.¦ 377. Sprössig Lutz 1942 D-Dresden 9:16.31,3 5:29.28,0 (1316) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 7. 5:56.03 373.¦ 1:31.30 388.¦ 1:48.58 364.¦ 378. Winkler Beat 1981 Guntershausen b. Aadorf 9:17.59,9 5:30.56,6 (1219) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 110. 6:11.46 382.¦ 1:08.35 328.¦ 1:57.38 385.¦ 379. Wietzorek Michael 1965 D-Ulm Double Expresso 9:21.23,9 5:34.20,6 (1456) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 81. 6:12.23 383.¦ 1:15.21 362.¦ 1:53.38 379.¦ 380. Mizaikoff Boris 1965 D-Ulm Double Expresso 9:21.25,6 5:34.22,3 (1455) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 82. 6:08.16 380.¦ 1:19.20 373.¦ 1:53.49 380.¦ 381. Heide Nils 1968 D-Stuttgart 9:22.01,8 5:34.58,5 (1683) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 113. 6:32.34 385.¦ 1:13.29 355.¦ 1:35.57 299.¦ 382. Mugele Peter 1966 D-Esslingen 9:29.31,4 5:42.28,1 (1688) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 83. 6:23.11 384.¦ 1:15.00 360.¦ 1:51.18 374.¦ 383. Siegle Jürgen 1961 D-Tuningen TG Tuningen Wild Socks 9:39.35,4 5:52.32,1 (1684) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 84. 6:40.11 389.¦ 1:08.28 326.¦ 1:50.54 373.¦ 384. Binias Jürgen 1960 D-Duisburg LC Duisburg 9:47.53,1 6:00.49,8 (1220) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 85. 6:45.39 390.¦ 1:17.13 370.¦ 1:45.00 346.¦ 385. Kreis Yves 1975 L-Schifflingen 9:50.45,5 6:03.42,2 (1397) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 114. 6:37.38 388.¦ 1:23.07 378.¦ 1:49.59 368.¦ 386. Daryani Rajesh 1975 UAE-Dubai Dubai Creek Striders 9:54.22,8 6:07.19,5 (1485) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 115. 6:36.56 387.¦ 1:23.29 379.¦ 1:53.57 382.¦ 387. Colaiacovo Roberto 1990 GB-Farnborough 9:57.07,2 6:10.03,9 (1497) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 42. 6:36.02 386.¦ 1:16.30 366.¦ 2:04.33 386.¦ 388. Brenn Marcel 1953 Winterthur Lindberg Jogger 10:03.06,5 6:16.03,2 (1660) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 29. 6:48.44 391.¦ 1:22.25 377.¦ 1:51.56 376.¦ 389. Ninck Martin 1944 Goldswil b. Interlaken 10:31.00,2 6:43.56,9 (1682) Diplom Foto Video SM-K47-M 8. 6:54.53 392.¦ 1:29.48 387.¦ 2:06.18 387.¦ DNF Schenk Dominik 1966 Meilen 4:53.19,6 Sertig Dörf (1189) Foto Video SM-K47-M ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Gastel Otto 1967 D-Owen Blau-Gelb Groß-Gerau 5:19.44,9 Sertig Dörf (1226) Foto Video SM-K47-M 4:13.57 160.¦ 1:05.47 306.¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Daleo Alejandro 1975 Au ZH 5:41.56,4 Sertig Dörf (1434) Foto Video SM-K47-M 4:46.12 257.¦ 55.44 194.¦ ---- ----¦ DNF D'Agostini Loris 1981 Uster Freizeitsportler.ch 5:06.02,6 Sertig Pass (1626) Foto Video SM-K47-M 5:06.02 315.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Jansson Hans 1957 S-Eskilstuna Eskilstuna Trailklubb ----- ----- (1185) Foto Video SM-K47-M ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Söderberg Thomas 1966 S-Eskilstuna Axa Sports Club ----- ----- (1190) Foto Video SM-K47-M ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Miniati Giovanni 1980 I-Vedano Olona (VA) Fratellanza popolare Grassina ----- ----- (1264) Foto Video SM-K47-M ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Blättler Walter 1951 Emmen TEAM CRESPO.CH ----- ----- (1265) Foto Video SM-K47-M ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Behounek Michael 1956 Riehen ----- ----- (1379) Foto Video SM-K47-M ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Kamm Matthias 1964 Lachen SZ ----- ----- (1441) Foto Video SM-K47-M ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Bernardini Mario 1970 F-Vincennes ----- ----- (1476) Foto Video SM-K47-M ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Bill Walter 1958 Derendingen ----- ----- (1492) Foto Video SM-K47-M ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Sadayappan Venkatesh 1974 CZ-Prague India ----- ----- (1669) Foto Video SM-K47-M ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦
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