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Corrida Bulloise 2017 - par nom "D"
catégorie rang nom an pays/lieu équipe temps retard doss overall moyenne ¦ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6-F20 212. D'Epagnier Stephanie 1984 Fleurier 37.11,7 13.51,2 (2252) foto 6-Fem 346. 6.02 ¦ 6-Hom 304. D'Onofrio Mario 1978 La Tour-de-Trême 33.03,8 12.47,6 (5156) foto 6-Hom 369. 5.22 ¦ G-U6-Ac 121. D'Onofrio Samuel 2014 La Tour-de-Trême 6.00,3 2.19,3 (5155) foto --- 8.00 ¦ G-U16 12. Da Costa Ruben 2003 Chardonne Triviera 11.22,2 1.05,1 (5565) foto --- 3.36 ¦ F-U6_Ac 97. Da Silva Barata Mara Beat 2012 La Tour-de-Trême 1-2T-4 La Tour, Francey Nadine 6.18,2 3.03,0 (418) foto --- 8.24 ¦ F-U8 57. Da Silva Costa Iris 2010 Bulle 4V-2 Bulle, Romanens / Jaquet 6.20,4 1.21,6 (300) foto --- 5.30 ¦ G-U12 17. Da Silva Gonçalves Joao A 2006 Onex Athlétisme Viseu-Genève 7.02,1 0.53,0 (1266) foto --- 4.01 ¦ Adap-Jun 34. Da Silva Joao Carlos 2009 Fribourg Special Olympics 14.00,3 8.37,6 (1368) foto --- 12.10 ¦ G-U10 75. Da Silva Mota Gonçalo 2009 La Tour-de-Trême 4H La Tour, Menoud Tavares Fab 5.26,3 1.15,4 (432) foto --- 4.43 ¦ G-U6 30. Da Silva Pimentel Thomas 2012 Bulle 4.22,9 0.57,1 (2253) foto --- 5.50 ¦ 6-F20 15. Dafflon Caroline 1984 Avry-sur-Matran PRO Cycles 24.55,0 1.34,5 (2255) foto 6-Fem 19. 4.03 ¦ G-U6-Ac 115. Dafflon Curtis 2012 Vaulruz 5.55,6 2.14,6 (2256) foto --- 7.54 ¦ F-U10 70. Dafflon Emy 2008 Vaulruz 6.00,2 1.42,3 (2257) foto --- 5.13 ¦ F-U10 130. Dafflon Flora 2009 Echarlens 6.28,7 2.10,8 (2258) foto --- 5.38 ¦ Pop-Fem 17. Dafflon Geraldine 1979 Vaulruz 18.33,3 6.40,3 (2259) foto --- 5.53 ¦ 6-F40 102. Dafflon Valérie 1975 Broc 43.02,2 18.51,3 (2260) foto 6-Fem 392. 6.59 ¦ G-U10 140. Dal Molin Simone 2008 Bulle 6V-2 Bulle, Huguenot Corinne 5.53,7 1.42,8 (1587) foto --- 5.07 ¦ G-U8 217. Dall'Aglio Jules 2011 Vaulruz 7.09,6 2.10,7 (2261) foto --- 6.13 ¦ F-U14 90. Dan Young 2005 Würenlingen 9.03,7 2.45,8 (2262) foto --- 5.10 ¦ CAdapt 59. Dang My-Van 1991 Fribourg Sport Handicap Fribourg 12.52,3 8.10,2 (1329) foto --- 11.11 ¦ 8-M40 20. Daniel Christophe 1973 Marsens 31.11,5 4.01,2 (5433) foto 8-Hom 52. 3.49 ¦ F-U8 54. Davet Emilie 2010 Bulle 3-4 M, Morlon, Overney M.-Laur 6.19,0 1.20,2 (316) foto --- 5.29 ¦ 6-Hom 355. Davet Patric 1967 Bulle 37.37,5 17.21,3 (5078) foto 6-Hom 421. 6.07 ¦ 6-F20 85. David Fanny 1987 F-La Tour-de-Trême 30.50,8 7.30,3 (2264) foto 6-Fem 141. 5.00 ¦ 8-M40 22. De Cristofano Salvatore 1977 Orpund 31.31,0 4.20,7 (5547) foto 8-Hom 62. 3.52 ¦ F-U12 96. De Dycker Nia 2006 Château-d'Oex 9.23,8 3.03,5 (2266) foto --- 5.22 ¦ G-U6-Ac 253. De Figueiredo Hugo 2013 Bulle 7.38,9 3.57,9 (2267) foto --- 10.11 ¦ F-U8 223. De Grado Laura 2010 Bulle 3L-1 Bulle, Zaugg Régine 8.03,8 3.05,0 (221) foto --- 7.00 ¦ F-U8 52. De La Fuente Quiroga Vict 2010 Renens VD Running Club Renens 6.17,4 1.18,6 (2268) foto --- 5.28 ¦ 6-F40 64. De Lisbona Eva ???? Charmey (Gruyère) 33.15,5 9.04,6 (3339) foto 6-Fem 229. 5.24 ¦ Walk --- De Meris Sandra 1969 Versoix 56.10,1 ----- (5472) foto --- 7.14 ¦ CAdapt 53. De Nicolas Cassandra 1990 Fribourg Special Olympics 11.46,2 7.04,1 (1399) foto --- 10.14 ¦ F-U12 167. De Raemy Charlotte 2007 Echarlens CS Marsens 11.02,9 4.42,6 (1451) foto --- 6.18 ¦ 6-F40 30. De Raemy Sylvie 1971 Echarlens CS Marsens 29.43,1 5.32,2 (2270) foto 6-Fem 106. 4.49 ¦ G-U6-Ac 16. De Rivaz Arthur 2012 Bulle 4.25,0 0.44,0 (2271) foto --- 5.53 ¦ G-U6-Ac 95. De Salemos Ethan 2012 La Tour-de-Trême 1-2H La Tour, Vial Wicht Sylvi 5.46,0 2.05,0 (404) foto --- 7.41 ¦ G-U12 57. De Salemos Maxime 2007 La Tour-de-Trême 7T-1, La Tour, Radrigues Sylvi 7.48,0 1.38,9 (449) foto --- 4.27 ¦ G-U10 165. De Séguin Des Hons Joël 2009 Bulle 5C-2 Bulle, Imhof Florance 6.05,4 1.54,5 (214) foto --- 5.17 ¦ F-U14 74. De Seguin Zoé 2005 Bulle SA Bulle 8.40,4 2.22,5 (1024) foto --- 4.57 ¦ G-U10 37. Décorvet Grégory 2008 Granges-Paccot 5.07,9 0.57,0 (2272) foto --- 4.27 ¦ F-U14 36. Décotterd Alicia 2004 La Tour-de-Trême 7.32,1 1.14,2 (2273) foto --- 4.18 ¦ F-U12 41. Décotterd Clémence 2006 La Tour-de-Trême 8.21,3 2.01,0 (2274) foto --- 4.46 ¦ 6-Hom 88. Décotterd Philippe 1982 Bulle 26.15,8 5.59,6 (5634) foto 6-Hom 134. 4.16 ¦ 6-F40 11. Decotterd Vérène 1976 La Tour-de-Trême CS Marsens 26.21,1 2.10,2 (2275) foto 6-Fem 34. 4.17 ¦ 6-Hom 93. Decroux Cédric 1976 Cully Footing Club Lausanne 26.30,6 6.14,4 (2276) foto 6-Hom 142. 4.18 ¦ 6-Hom 85. Decroux Fabrice 1968 Lausanne 26.06,1 5.49,9 (2277) foto 6-Hom 129. 4.14 ¦ 6-Hom 250. Decroux Laurent 1976 Cully 30.57,4 10.41,2 (2278) foto 6-Hom 313. 5.02 ¦ G-U6-Ac 146. Decroux Théodore 2012 Cully 6.14,9 2.33,9 (2279) foto --- 8.19 ¦ 6-Hom 59. Decurnex Christian 1965 Commugny 25.09,9 4.53,7 (2280) foto 6-Hom 98. 4.05 ¦ 6-F40 50. Decurnex Fabienne 1970 Commugny 31.40,1 7.29,2 (2281) foto 6-Fem 177. 5.08 ¦ F-U10 196. Defaux Mathilde 2009 Bulle 5C-2 Bulle, Imhof Florance 6.59,1 2.41,2 (215) foto --- 6.04 ¦ G-U12 142. Defferard Cyril 2006 Bulle SA Bulle 9.02,5 2.53,4 (1025) foto --- 5.10 ¦ G-U14 33. Defferrard Johann 2004 Bulle Pédale Bulloise 14.26,7 3.31,7 (2282) foto --- 4.35 ¦ Adap-Jun 7. Defferrard Julien 2003 Fribourg Special Olympics 6.50,5 1.27,8 (1369) foto --- 5.56 ¦ Adap-Jun 15. Defferrard Madelyne 2001 Fribourg Special Olympics 7.56,4 2.33,7 (1370) foto --- 6.54 ¦ F-U12 145. Defferrard Maëlle 2006 Villargiroud 7-8H Villorsonnens, Giordano C 10.01,6 3.41,3 (944) foto --- 5.43 ¦ F-U6_Ac 233. Defferrard Natalia 2014 Neyruz FR 10.36,6 7.21,4 (2283) foto --- 14.08 ¦ 6-F20 89. Defferrard Rachel 1991 Bulle 30.59,7 7.39,2 (2284) foto 6-Fem 149. 5.02 ¦ F-U18 21. Déforel Ophélie 2000 Sâles (Gruyère) 17.36,9 6.49,5 (5021) foto --- 5.35 ¦ 6-Hom 128. Defrancisco Ludovic 1979 Lausanne 27.31,9 7.15,7 (2285) foto 6-Hom 182. 4.28 ¦ Walk --- Deillon Séverine 1979 La Joux FR Mounabeach 1:06.24,6 ----- (2286) foto --- 8.34 ¦ G-U12 105. Del Mastro Hugo 2007 Bulle 6C-2 Bulle, Gross Nicolas 8.36,0 2.26,9 (216) foto --- 4.54 ¦ G-U8 287. Del Mastro Noah 2010 Bulle 3V-2 Bulle, Stemmelen 7.54,8 2.55,9 (701) foto --- 6.52 ¦ 6-Hom 357. Del Matto Oscaro 1975 Riaz 37.39,1 17.22,9 (2288) foto 6-Hom 423. 6.07 ¦ 8-M20 21. Delabays Alexandre 1993 Treyvaux Cremo SA 30.38,1 2.54,4 (2289) foto 8-Hom 38. 3.45 ¦ 6-Hom 332. Delabays Benoît 1959 Le Mouret 34.32,7 14.16,5 (2290) foto 6-Hom 397. 5.37 ¦ F-U6 55. Delabays Ernestine 2012 Vuisternens-en-Ogoz FSG Bulle 5.11,0 1.54,4 (2291) foto --- 6.54 ¦ G-U8 66. Delabays Liam 2010 Bulle 6.03,5 1.04,6 (2292) foto --- 5.16 ¦ 8-M40 78. Delabays Marc 1972 Romont FR CARC Romont 36.10,7 9.00,4 (2293) foto 8-Hom 208. 4.26 ¦ 6-F20 53. Delabays Marion 1997 Treyvaux 28.57,5 5.37,0 (2294) foto 6-Fem 81. 4.42 ¦ F-U12 116. Delabays Tiffanie 2006 Romanens 9.35,2 3.14,9 (2295) foto --- 5.28 ¦ 6-F40 10. Delachaux Aline 1976 Gimel 26.16,2 2.05,3 (2296) foto 6-Fem 33. 4.16 ¦ F-U6_Ac 122. Delacour Elisa 2013 Pringy 1-2Hc Duvillard, Schneider Jul 6.35,8 3.20,6 (561) foto --- 8.47 ¦ G-U10 132. Delacour Romain 2009 Pringy 5H Duvillard, Geinoz Camille 5.49,2 1.38,3 (588) foto --- 5.03 ¦ F-U8 64. Deladoey Clémence 2011 Riaz FSG Bulle 6.24,3 1.25,5 (2297) foto --- 5.34 ¦ 6-F20 106. Deladoey Myriam 1980 La Tour-de-Trême Lundi 6h 31.33,1 8.12,6 (2298) foto 6-Fem 174. 5.07 ¦ G-U8 170. Deladoey Simon 2010 La Tour-de-Trême 4H La Tour, Menoud Tavares Fab 6.48,0 1.49,1 (433) foto --- 5.54 ¦ G-U6 20. Deladoey Vincent 2012 La Tour-de-Trême EPF La Tour 4.12,8 0.47,0 (1185) foto --- 5.37 ¦ NordWalk --- Delaquis Lucienne 1967 Rossens FR 1:10.58,0 ----- (2299) foto --- 9.09 ¦ G-U16 40. Della Santa Florian 2002 Marsens CS Marsens 13.48,3 3.31,2 (1452) foto --- 4.22 ¦ F-U8 43. Delobel Milla 2010 Le Pâquier-Montbarry Le Pâquier 6.11,9 1.13,1 (1593) foto --- 5.23 ¦ F-U14 42. Delos Marta 2005 Corbières 7.43,3 1.25,4 (2301) foto --- 4.24 ¦ 6-F20 144. Delpédro Nadège 1993 Nuvilly TPF 33.31,8 10.11,3 (1625) foto 6-Fem 237. 5.27 ¦ F-U8 167. Dema Sarah 2011 Bulle 3C-1 Bulle, Chassot / Jaquet 7.18,7 2.19,9 (202) foto --- 6.21 ¦ F-U8 11. Demierre Aline 2010 Grandvillard SA Bulle 5.36,4 0.37,6 (992) foto --- 4.52 ¦ NordWalk --- Demierre Christian 1967 Vuadens 1:06.36,6 ----- (2302) foto --- 8.35 ¦ G-U8 183. Demierre Etienne 2011 La Tour-de-Trême 3T 1 Bulle, Dafflon Stéphanie 6.54,6 1.55,7 (511) foto --- 6.00 ¦ F-U6_Ac 99. Demierre Manon 2013 La Tour-de-Trême 1-2T-4 La Tour, Francey Nadine 6.20,2 3.05,0 (419) foto --- 8.26 ¦ F-U6_Ac 149. Demierre Norine 2013 Châtel-St-Denis 7.04,0 3.48,8 (2303) foto --- 9.25 ¦ 6-Hom 371. Demierre Richard 1972 Châtel-St-Denis les frassiens 41.35,1 21.18,9 (2304) foto 6-Hom 437. 6.45 ¦ F-U6_Ac 15. Demierre Solange 2013 Grandvillard 4.39,4 1.24,2 (5109) foto --- 6.12 ¦ 8-M20 1. Demierre Stéphane 1990 Siviriez The Zen of Running 27.43,7 ----- (1568) foto 8-Hom 3. 3.24 ¦ F-U8 211. Demiri Marisa 2010 Riaz FSG Bulle 7.53,7 2.54,9 (1164) foto --- 6.51 ¦ F-U18 11. Demonchy Julie 2001 Bulle 15.33,5 4.46,1 (2305) foto --- 4.56 ¦ 8-M50 63. Demont Max 1961 Eclagnens NathandMax 38.08,5 9.03,1 (2306) foto 8-Hom 261. 4.40 ¦ 6-F50 16. Dénervaud Béatrice 1965 Siviriez CARC 31.34,4 5.13,3 (5637) foto 6-Fem 175. 5.08 ¦ 6-Hom 167. Dénervaud Dominique 1962 Siviriez CARC 28.33,8 8.17,6 (5638) foto 6-Hom 224. 4.38 ¦ 8-M20 27. Dénervaud Rémy 1996 Les Sciernes-d'Albeuve Team Platypus 31.21,6 3.37,9 (5563) foto 8-Hom 58. 3.50 ¦ G-U12 18. Denervaud Thom 2006 Les Sciernes-d'Albeuve CS Neirivue Jeunesse 7.04,1 0.55,0 (1215) foto --- 4.02 ¦ 6-Hom 329. Depresle Benoît 1974 Bulle UCB Team 2 34.27,7 14.11,5 (1638) foto 6-Hom 394. 5.36 ¦ 6-F40 76. Depresle Christine 1975 Bulle 34.23,7 10.12,8 (2307) foto 6-Fem 271. 5.35 ¦ G-U12 31. Depresle Max 2006 Bulle 7.20,9 1.11,8 (2308) foto --- 4.11 ¦ G-U10 118. Depresle Owen 2009 Bulle 6V-1 Bulle, Brasey Jolliet M.- 5.45,5 1.34,6 (875) foto --- 5.00 ¦ G-U6-Ac 192. Derguti Sohan 2012 Bulle 6.46,3 3.05,3 (2309) foto --- 9.01 ¦ Walk --- Déruaz Serge 1972 Fribourg 1:09.59,3 ----- (2310) foto --- 9.01 ¦ Pop-Fem 15. Deruelle Nadège 1983 Martigny 18.03,4 6.10,4 (2311) foto --- 5.43 ¦ G-U8 30. Dervey Theo 2011 Hauteville 5.43,0 0.44,1 (5234) foto --- 4.58 ¦ F-U6 60. Dervey Zoe 2013 Hauteville 5.14,2 1.57,6 (5233) foto --- 6.58 ¦ F-U8 76. Desbiolles Rebecca 2010 Bulle 3L-1 Bulle, Zaugg Régine 6.33,5 1.34,7 (222) foto --- 5.42 ¦ G-U12 104. Deschenaux Arthur 2006 Grandvillard Glisse Club Romont 8.35,5 2.26,4 (2313) foto --- 4.54 ¦ F-U10 195. Deschenaux Elly 2009 Progens 5H Duvillard, Geinoz Camille 6.58,4 2.40,5 (589) foto --- 6.03 ¦ F-U16 40. Deschenaux Emma 2003 Sâles (Gruyère) 8.55,0 2.41,4 (2315) foto --- 5.05 ¦ F-U10 75. Deschenaux Faustine 2009 Prez-vers-Siviriez 6.02,0 1.44,1 (2316) foto --- 5.14 ¦ F-U16 22. Deschenaux Justine 2003 Sâles (Gruyère) 7.39,6 1.26,0 (2317) foto --- 4.22 ¦ F-U12 159. Deschenaux Lou-Ann 2006 Progens 7-8H Duvillard, Breachbuehl De 10.34,8 4.14,5 (608) foto --- 6.02 ¦ G-U6-Ac 34. Deschenaux Nathan 2012 Riaz EEA Riaz, Gremaud Véronique 4.46,8 1.05,8 (735) foto --- 6.22 ¦ F-U10 192. Deschenaux Pauline 2008 Villariaz 6.57,4 2.39,5 (2318) foto --- 6.02 ¦ F-U10 39. Deschenaux Salomé 2009 Grandvillard CS Neirivue Jeunesse 5.43,3 1.25,4 (1217) foto --- 4.58 ¦ G-U10 144. Deschenaux Virgile 2009 Prez-vers-Siviriez 5.54,9 1.44,0 (2319) foto --- 5.08 ¦ G-U6-Ac 254. Descloux Edgar 2014 Bulle 7.39,8 3.58,8 (2320) foto --- 10.13 ¦ G-U6-Ac 54. Descloux Flavien 2012 Prez-vers-Noréaz 5.09,0 1.28,0 (2321) foto --- 6.52 ¦ F-U6_Ac 165. Descloux Louise 2012 Bulle 7.19,1 4.03,9 (2322) foto --- 9.45 ¦ 8-M60 14. Descloux Marcel 1948 Riaz CS Marsens 39.44,9 7.37,1 (2323) foto 8-Hom 300. 4.52 ¦ F-U6_Ac 135. Descloux Margaux 2015 Prez-vers-Noréaz 6.47,8 3.32,6 (2324) foto --- 9.03 ¦ G-U6-Ac 18. Descloux Matteo 2013 Bulle 1-2V-6 Bulle, Conus Tatiana 4.30,5 0.49,5 (284) foto --- 6.00 ¦ G-U8 120. Descloux Noé 2011 Bulle 3V-2 Bulle, Stemmelen 6.23,5 1.24,6 (702) foto --- 5.33 ¦ F-U12 38. Deseyn Robine 2006 Leysin Croc-Kil... Leysin 8.19,5 1.59,2 (5399) foto --- 4.45 ¦ F-U16 1. Deseyn Thibe 2003 Leysin Croc-Kil... Leysin 6.13,6 ----- (5400) foto --- 3.33 ¦ G-U10 171. Desplands Lucas 2009 Les Moulins Gym Château-d'Oex 6.09,2 1.58,3 (1234) foto --- 5.21 ¦ 6-F20 223. Desplands Stéphanie 1987 Les Moulins 38.45,3 15.24,8 (2325) foto 6-Fem 366. 6.18 ¦ F-U10 46. Despond Charlie 2009 Riaz FSG Bulle 5.47,2 1.29,3 (1165) foto --- 5.01 ¦ G-U16 31. Despond Jehan 2002 Gruyères 13.18,8 3.01,7 (5513) foto --- 4.13 ¦ F-U6_Ac 13. Despond Pénélope 2013 Riaz EEA Riaz, Gremaud Véronique 4.34,2 1.19,0 (736) foto --- 6.05 ¦ G-U16 23. Despond Zacharie 2002 Grandvillard 12.32,0 2.14,9 (5517) foto --- 3.58 ¦ 6-Hom 106. Despont Florian 1991 Bulle 26.53,9 6.37,7 (2326) foto 6-Hom 156. 4.22 ¦ G-U10 219. Dessarzin Anthony 2009 Morlon 3-4 M, Morlon, Overney M.-Laur 6.34,7 2.23,8 (317) foto --- 5.43 ¦ F-U6 53. Dessibourg Maé 2012 Hauteville 5.07,7 1.51,1 (5391) foto --- 6.50 ¦ Pop-Fem 2. Dessibourg Malika 1986 Hauteville 14.12,2 2.19,2 (5300) foto --- 4.30 ¦ 6-Hom 24. Dessibourg Valentin 1986 Hauteville CS Hauteville / Team CrazyPric 23.36,9 3.20,7 (1630) foto 6-Hom 55. 3.50 ¦ G-U6-Ac 205. Devaud Bryan 2012 Bulle 6.59,9 3.18,9 (2327) foto --- 9.19 ¦ 6-Hom 5. Dévaud Loïc 1987 Fribourg 21.52,1 1.35,9 (5635) foto 6-Hom 19. 3.33 ¦ NordWalk --- Dey Daniel 1964 Pringy 57.49,8 ----- (2328) foto --- 7.27 ¦ F-U8 139. Diabi Bintu 2010 La Tour-de-Trême 3T-2 La Tour, Gachet / Morin 7.09,6 2.10,8 (846) foto --- 6.13 ¦ F-U8 133. Diallo Binta 2010 La Tour-de-Trême 4T-2 La Tour, Francey Dominiqu 7.07,6 2.08,8 (818) foto --- 6.11 ¦ 6-F20 34. Dias Delphine 1987 Bulle SA Bulle 27.31,9 4.11,4 (1097) foto 6-Fem 51. 4.28 ¦ F-U6_Ac 68. Dias Emma 2012 Yverdon-les-Bains 5.49,8 2.34,6 (2329) foto --- 7.46 ¦ F-U6_Ac 55. Dias Eva 2013 Bulle 5.40,2 2.25,0 (2330) foto --- 7.33 ¦ 6-Hom 315. Dias Hugo 1981 Yverdon-les-Bains 33.40,2 13.24,0 (2331) foto 6-Hom 380. 5.28 ¦ G-U8 314. Dias Kyle 2011 La Tour-de-Trême 3T 1 Bulle, Dafflon Stéphanie 8.54,2 3.55,3 (512) foto --- 7.44 ¦ F-U12 180. Dias Ramos Lucia Soraia 2007 Bulle 13.54,4 7.34,1 (2332) foto --- 7.56 ¦ G-U12 86. Dias Thomas 2007 La Tour-de-Trême 8.10,3 2.01,2 (2333) foto --- 4.40 ¦ G-U8 215. Diaz Elio 2010 Vuadens 4H Vuadens, Gremion/Vonlanthen 7.09,2 2.10,3 (659) foto --- 6.13 ¦ F-U12 133. Diaz Marion 2006 Vuadens 7H Vuadens, Ferlay 9.51,2 3.30,9 (684) foto --- 5.37 ¦ G-U8 261. Didier Ferdinand 2011 Broc 1-2Hc Vuadens, Oberson Elisabe 7.33,9 2.35,0 (636) foto --- 6.34 ¦ G-U12 73. Didier Paul-Antoine 2007 Broc 5H Vuadens, Gapany Catherine 8.02,3 1.53,2 (668) foto --- 4.35 ¦ 6-F40 93. Diez Anna 1969 Bulle 37.53,5 13.42,6 (2334) foto 6-Fem 354. 6.09 ¦ 6-Hom 95. Ding Samuel 1986 Fribourg 26.33,2 6.17,0 (2793) foto 6-Hom 144. 4.19 ¦ 8-M40 11. Dischl Benoît 1976 Grimisuat 30.01,8 2.51,5 (2335) foto 8-Hom 32. 3.41 ¦ 6-F20 43. Diserens Céline 1984 Semsales UCB Team 2 28.26,3 5.05,8 (1639) foto 6-Fem 66. 4.37 ¦ G-U10 53. Dizerens Thomas 2009 Marsens CS Marsens 5.17,4 1.06,5 (1453) foto --- 4.36 ¦ F-U10 205. Domingues Alves Daniela 2008 Bulle 5L-3 Bulle, Morand Marie 7.07,2 2.49,3 (457) foto --- 6.11 ¦ 6-F20 133. Domingues Romina 1983 Epagny 33.00,5 9.40,0 (1712) foto 6-Fem 223. 5.22 ¦ F-U16 39. Dominguez Cloé 2002 Bulle 8.53,0 2.39,4 (2336) foto --- 5.04 ¦ F-U8 246. Dominguez Jimenez Inès 2011 Bulle FSG Bulle 8.35,6 3.36,8 (2337) foto --- 7.28 ¦ G-U8 273. Dominguez Oliveira Gabrie 2010 Bulle 3C-4 Bulle, Tercier Florence 7.40,1 2.41,2 (1582) foto --- 6.40 ¦ G-U8 276. Dominguez Oliveira Raphae 2010 Bulle 7.42,4 2.43,5 (2338) foto --- 6.42 ¦ 6-Hom 307. Doninelli Charles 1946 St-Blaise 33.11,2 12.55,0 (2339) foto 6-Hom 372. 5.23 ¦ 6-F60 5. Doninelli Rosa 1950 St-Blaise 32.39,5 4.26,0 (2340) foto 6-Fem 211. 5.18 ¦ F-U8 85. Donnat Méline 2010 La Tour-de-Trême 3T 1 Bulle, Dafflon Stéphanie 6.37,6 1.38,8 (513) foto --- 5.45 ¦ 6-F20 114. Donner Damaris 1988 La Tour-de-Trême 32.00,7 8.40,2 (5181) foto 6-Fem 188. 5.12 ¦ G-U6-Ac 189. Donner Simeon 2012 La Tour-de-Trême EET-2 La Tour, Seydoux Corinne 6.45,5 3.04,5 (830) foto --- 9.00 ¦ G-U10 77. Donzallaz Diego 2009 Vuisternens-devant-Romont 5.26,6 1.15,7 (5204) foto --- 4.44 ¦ 6-Hom 204. Donzallaz Hugo 1996 Enney 29.19,7 9.03,5 (2251) foto 6-Hom 264. 4.46 ¦ G-U6-Ac 9. Donzallaz Loris 2012 Vuisternens-devant-Romont 4.14,7 0.33,7 (5203) foto --- 5.39 ¦ G-U12 72. Donzallaz Lucas 2007 Vuisternens-devant-Romont 8.00,6 1.51,5 (5205) foto --- 4.34 ¦ NordWalk --- Donzallaz Nathalie 1983 Siviriez 1:06.36,6 ----- (2341) foto --- 8.35 ¦ G-U6 41. Donzallaz Romeo 2012 Bulle 4.36,8 1.11,0 (2342) foto --- 6.09 ¦ 8-M40 74. Dormond Olivier 1973 Froideville 35.36,1 8.25,8 (2343) foto 8-Hom 198. 4.22 ¦ 6-U18 18. Dormond Thibault 2000 Froideville 25.20,4 5.04,4 (2344) foto 6-Hom 100. 4.07 ¦ NordWalk --- Dorthe Christel 1980 Vuadens 1:05.53,3 ----- (2345) foto --- 8.30 ¦ NordWalk --- Dorthe Léo 2006 Vuadens 8HB-Vuadens, Tercie Annie 1:05.49,5 ----- (899) foto --- 8.29 ¦ G-U10 106. Dorthe Noan 2008 Vuadens 5H Vuadens, Gapany Catherine 5.39,5 1.28,6 (669) foto --- 4.55 ¦ 6-Hom 291. Dorthe Pierre-Alain 1964 Matran ACPM Matran 32.26,7 12.10,5 (2265) foto 6-Hom 355. 5.16 ¦ F-U8 84. Dorthe Zoé 2011 Vuadens 3H Vuadens, Suchet / Progin 6.37,1 1.38,3 (865) foto --- 5.45 ¦ NordWalk --- Dos Santos Claudine 1964 Avry-devant-Pont Amicale gym, Avry-dt-Pont 1:04.53,8 ----- (2346) foto --- 8.22 ¦ 6-U20 7. Dos Santos Costa Gabriel 1999 Thônex Athlétisme Viseu-Genève 21.11,2 1.24,8 (1267) foto 6-Hom 10. 3.26 ¦ G-U6-Ac 162. Dos Santos Gomes Wyston 2013 Le Bry 1-2H Pont-en-Ogoz, Meier Manue 6.26,5 2.45,5 (356) foto --- 8.35 ¦ F-U8 253. Dos Santos Layony 2011 Avry-devant-Pont 1-2H Pont-On-Ogoz, Rauber/Esse 10.31,3 5.32,5 (928) foto --- 9.08 ¦ G-U6-Ac 105. Dos Santos Robin 2013 Avry-devant-Pont 1-2H Pont-On-Ogoz, Rauber/Esse 5.50,4 2.09,4 (929) foto --- 7.47 ¦ G-U6 79. Dos Santos Ruben 2013 Neirivue CS Neirivue-Jeunesse 6.23,9 2.58,1 (2347) foto --- 8.31 ¦ NordWalk --- Dougoud Corinne 1984 La Tour-de-Trême 1:12.15,8 ----- (5443) foto --- 9.19 ¦ F-U6_Ac 224. Dougoud Eleonore Lisa 2014 La Tour-de-Trême 9.14,7 5.59,5 (5382) foto --- 12.19 ¦ NordWalk --- Dougoud Georgette 1955 Lentigny 1:10.01,6 ----- (2348) foto --- 9.02 ¦ G-U10 127. Dougoud Loan 2008 Gumefens 3-4-5H Pont-en-Ogoz, Bersier J 5.47,3 1.36,4 (333) foto --- 5.02 ¦ NordWalk --- Dougoud Marie-Christine 1962 Lentigny 1:10.03,9 ----- (2349) foto --- 9.02 ¦ G-U8 255. Dougoud Maxime 2011 Marly 7.29,4 2.30,5 (2350) foto --- 6.30 ¦ 6-Hom 40. Dougoud Thierry-Emmanuel 1975 Pensier 24.27,9 4.11,7 (2351) foto 6-Hom 73. 3.58 ¦ 6-Hom 162. Dousse Alexandre 1988 Fribourg 28.26,3 8.10,1 (2352) foto 6-Hom 219. 4.37 ¦ 6-Hom 252. Dousse Christian 1961 Fribourg 30.59,4 10.43,2 (3964) foto 6-Hom 315. 5.02 ¦ 6-Hom 189. Dousse Kevin 1991 Avry-devant-Pont 29.03,6 8.47,4 (2353) foto 6-Hom 248. 4.43 ¦ 6-Hom 69. Dousse Philippe 1983 Châtel-sur-Montsalvens Les angoisses de la Gruyère 25.42,0 5.25,8 (2354) foto 6-Hom 110. 4.10 ¦ 6-Hom 210. Doutaz Jerome 1985 Enney 29.24,7 9.08,5 (5163) foto 6-Hom 270. 4.46 ¦ G-U6-Ac 306. Doutaz Joachim 2014 Bulle 9.38,0 5.57,0 (5049) foto --- 12.50 ¦ F-U12 179. Doutaz Louise 2006 Pringy 7-8H Duvillard, Breachbuehl De 11.47,6 5.27,3 (609) foto --- 6.44 ¦ F-U8 192. Doutaz Lydia 2011 Bulle 7.40,2 2.41,4 (2355) foto --- 6.40 ¦ 6-F20 204. Dovat Joëlle 1978 Maracon 36.41,3 13.20,8 (2356) foto 6-Fem 334. 5.57 ¦ G-U8 220. Drar Yacine 2011 Riaz EEB Riaz, Pasquier Monique 7.10,9 2.12,0 (747) foto --- 6.14 ¦ G-U12 169. Drassius Amine 2007 Gumefens 5-6 H Pont-en-Ogoz, Cosandey C 10.11,4 4.02,3 (500) foto --- 5.49 ¦ F-U8 91. Drassius Lina 2010 Gumefens 3-4-5H Pont-en-Ogoz, Bersier J 6.41,1 1.42,3 (334) foto --- 5.48 ¦ G-U6-Ac 307. Dromelet Oscar 2015 Pringy CS Neirivue Jeunesse 9.38,5 5.57,5 (1218) foto --- 12.51 ¦ F-U6 67. Dromelet Rose 2012 Pringy EEA Duvillard, Schafer/Aubry 5.20,2 2.03,6 (542) foto --- 7.06 ¦ G-U6-Ac 169. Droux Colin 2013 Villarlod 6.30,0 2.49,0 (2357) foto --- 8.40 ¦ G-U6 76. Droux Ethan 2012 Avry-sur-Matran 5.18,9 1.53,1 (2358) foto --- 7.05 ¦ G-U8 269. Droux Matheo 2011 Villarsel-le-Gibloux 7.37,1 2.38,2 (2359) foto --- 6.37 ¦ F-U12 10. Duarte Leonore 2007 Viseu-Genève Athlétisme Viseu-Genève 7.23,6 1.03,3 (1268) foto --- 4.13 ¦ G-U6-Ac 316. Duarte Rodrigues Mateo 2013 Bulle 9.52,0 6.11,0 (2360) foto --- 13.09 ¦ F-U12 111. Dubey Auriane 2006 Domdidier GYM St-Aubin 9.32,7 3.12,4 (2361) foto --- 5.27 ¦ F-U14 22. Dubey Chloé 2005 Delley AC Murten 7.02,8 0.44,9 (2362) foto --- 4.01 ¦ G-U10 61. Dubey Colin 2009 Delley Delley-Portalban 5.20,7 1.09,8 (2363) foto --- 4.38 ¦ 6-F40 19. Dubey Danièle 1975 Cottens FR 28.24,9 4.14,0 (2364) foto 6-Fem 65. 4.37 ¦ G-U10 202. Dubey Noah 2009 Domdidier GYM St-Aubin 6.25,4 2.14,5 (2365) foto --- 5.35 ¦ 6-Hom 124. Dubey Stéphane 1967 Cottens FR 27.28,9 7.12,7 (2366) foto 6-Hom 178. 4.28 ¦ G-U16 6. Dubois Loïc 2003 Bernex AVG 10.26,7 0.09,6 (2367) foto --- 3.18 ¦ Walk --- Dubreuil Melodie 1986 Chavornay 1:18.05,1 ----- (2368) foto --- 10.04 ¦ 6-Hom 64. Ducarroz Marc-Antoine 1990 Bulle Police cantonale Fribourg 25.33,5 5.17,3 (2369) foto 6-Hom 105. 4.09 ¦ G-U6-Ac 60. Ducarroz Noé 2013 Vuadens 5.14,6 1.33,6 (2370) foto --- 6.59 ¦ F-U6 72. Ducry Camille 2013 Dompierre FR 5.51,1 2.34,5 (2371) foto --- 7.48 ¦ F-U6_Ac 214. Ducry Margaux 2015 Dompierre FR 8.37,5 5.22,3 (5428) foto --- 11.30 ¦ F-U6_Ac 110. Duding Laura 2014 Riaz 6.31,0 3.15,8 (5363) foto --- 8.41 ¦ F-U8 211. Duding Lauryne 2011 Enney 7.53,7 2.54,9 (2372) foto --- 6.51 ¦ G-U14 35. Duding Mathis 2005 Avry-devant-Pont Pont-en-Ogoz, Singy Emilie 14.34,3 3.39,3 (368) foto --- 4.37 ¦ G-U8 227. Duding Nathan 2010 Riaz 4HB-Riaz, Romanens / Caille 7.13,5 2.14,6 (383) foto --- 6.16 ¦ G-U6-Ac 342. Duding Rayhan 2015 Riaz 12.51,5 9.10,5 (2373) foto --- 17.08 ¦ G-U10 209. Duding Timéo 2008 Avry-devant-Pont Pont-en-Ogoz, Singy Emilie 6.29,3 2.18,4 (369) foto --- 5.38 ¦ 8-M50 98. Dufaux Eric 1966 Chernex 46.35,7 17.30,3 (2374) foto 8-Hom 384. 5.43 ¦ F-U8 128. Duffey Léa 2011 La Tour-de-Trême FSG Bulle 7.05,6 2.06,8 (2375) foto --- 6.10 ¦ G-U6-Ac 277. Duffey Noah 2015 La Tour-de-Trême 8.10,4 4.29,4 (2376) foto --- 10.53 ¦ NordWalk --- Dumartheray Béatrice 1952 Mont-sur-Rolle 1:08.54,4 ----- (2377) foto --- 8.53 ¦ F-U6_Ac 234. Dumartheray Erin 2015 Vuadens FSG Bulle 10.47,2 7.32,0 (1244) foto --- 14.22 ¦ G-U6-Ac 234. Dumartheray Gabriel 2013 Vuadens FSG Bulle 7.20,2 3.39,2 (1245) foto --- 9.46 ¦ NordWalk --- Dumartheray Jean-Michel 1952 Mont-sur-Rolle 1:08.30,8 ----- (2378) foto --- 8.50 ¦ NordWalk --- Dumartheray Patrick 1978 Vuadens 1:00.37,3 ----- (2379) foto --- 7.49 ¦ G-U6-Ac 199. Dumas Elliot 2012 Villars-sur-Glâne 6.48,9 3.07,9 (2380) foto --- 9.05 ¦ 6-Hom 109. Dumas Fréderic 1973 Neyruz FR CA Fribourg 26.59,9 6.43,7 (2381) foto 6-Hom 160. 4.23 ¦ Walk --- Dumont Christelle 1968 Onnens FR 1:17.00,1 ----- (2382) foto --- 9.56 ¦ NordWalk --- Dumont Hervé 1969 Onnens FR 1:02.46,0 ----- (2383) foto --- 8.05 ¦ 6-Hom 123. Dumont Michel 1956 Grolley 27.28,5 7.12,3 (2384) foto 6-Hom 177. 4.28 ¦ 6-Hom 82. Dunand Christophe 1994 Epalinges 26.01,9 5.45,7 (5597) foto 6-Hom 126. 4.13 ¦ F-U14 91. Dupasquier Betty 2005 Estavannens 9.10,4 2.52,5 (5275) foto --- 5.14 ¦ NordWalk --- Dupasquier Christiane 1957 La Tour-de-Trême 1:14.57,1 ----- (2385) foto --- 9.40 ¦ 6-F40 62. Dupasquier Edwige 1972 Marsens Team CrazyPrices 32.53,7 8.42,8 (1631) foto 6-Fem 220. 5.20 ¦ NordWalk --- Dupasquier Elisabeth 1963 La Tour-de-Trême 1:08.52,0 ----- (2386) foto --- 8.53 ¦ 6-Hom 259. Dupasquier Frederic 1984 La Tour-de-Trême Les amis du PSG 31.17,8 11.01,6 (2387) foto 6-Hom 322. 5.05 ¦ G-U8 82. Dupasquier Killian 2010 La Tour-de-Trême 3T 1 Bulle, Dafflon Stéphanie 6.10,9 1.12,0 (514) foto --- 5.22 ¦ G-U8 91. Dupasquier Lenny 2010 Bulle 6.13,7 1.14,8 (5043) foto --- 5.24 ¦ G-U6-Ac 160. Dupasquier Lou 2013 Estavannens 6.26,1 2.45,1 (5277) foto --- 8.34 ¦ G-U12 135. Dupasquier Roméo 2007 Estavannens 8.55,2 2.46,1 (5276) foto --- 5.05 ¦ G-U6 38. Dupasquier Sam 2012 Sorens Team Dupasquier Raboud 4.34,1 1.08,3 (2388) foto --- 6.05 ¦ 6-F40 63. Dupertuis Marie-Claude 1969 Ollon VD 32.57,8 8.46,9 (2389) foto 6-Fem 222. 5.21 ¦ F-U10 27. Dupont Ioumi 2009 Epagny FSG Bulle 5.27,6 1.09,7 (1167) foto --- 4.44 ¦ G-U12 84. Dupont Nino 2007 Epagny 7-8H Duvillard, Breachbuehl De 8.09,0 1.59,9 (610) foto --- 4.39 ¦ 6-Hom 308. Duraku Adrian 1989 Givisiez Sottas SA 33.13,3 12.57,1 (2390) foto 6-Hom 373. 5.24 ¦ 6-F70 2. Durgnat Yvette 1946 Chernex 38.46,0 6.36,3 (2392) foto 6-Fem 367. 6.18 ¦ G-U6-Ac 236. Dürr-Auster Loukas 2013 La Tour-de-Trême 1-2T-5, La Tour, Perriard Soni 7.21,6 3.40,6 (411) foto --- 9.48 ¦ F-U14 60. Durrett Lucy 2004 Bulle 8.20,9 2.03,0 (2393) foto --- 4.46 ¦ 6-Hom 343. Dürrwang Loïc 1990 Carouge GE 35.49,8 15.33,6 (2394) foto 6-Hom 408. 5.49 ¦ 6-Hom 152. Dutoit Swann 1987 Hauteville O2 mountain bike 28.08,6 7.52,4 (2395) foto 6-Hom 209. 4.34 ¦ 6-Hom 10. Dutoit Thierry 1978 Lussy-sur-Morges Sport-attitude.ch 22.17,5 2.01,3 (2396) foto 6-Hom 32. 3.37 ¦ 8-M40 25. Duval Olivier 1969 Cheseaux-sur-Lausanne 31.40,6 4.30,3 (2397) foto 8-Hom 66. 3.53 ¦
total 269
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