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(31) 21.1km Couples

Auffahrtslauf St. Gallen 2017 - (31) 21.1km Couples

Rang Team Läufer 1 Läufer 2 Zeit Rückstand Stnr ¦ - Gallusplatz ¦ - Reitstall ¦ - Ziel ¦ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Nussgipfeltruppä Hug Andrea Frei Stefan 1:29.40,6 ----- (3671) Foto Video ¦ 40.16 4.¦ 21.36 6.¦ 27.47 10.¦ 2. d'Bündner Nusstörtli Ghulam Kalim Süess Stephanie 1:30.35,9 0.55,3 (3656) Foto Video ¦ 39.19 2.¦ 21.37 8.¦ 29.39 23.¦ 3. Tempobolzer Bohm Beni Müller Simon 1:30.45,4 1.04,8 (3502) Foto Video ¦ 41.41 5.¦ 21.21 4.¦ 27.42 8.¦ 4. Notkerhasen Brehm Thomas Brehm Martina 1:31.25,1 1.44,5 (3628) Foto Video ¦ 40.02 3.¦ 22.25 18.¦ 28.56 16.¦ 5. Zwei Fliegen die Rennen bis si Litscher Susanne Baer Benjamin 1:31.43,1 2.02,5 (3534) Foto Video ¦ 45.28 20.¦ 20.22 1.¦ 25.52 2.¦ 6. Hänsel und Gretel Hug Sabrina Oberhänsli Fabian 1:33.24,3 3.43,7 (3627) Foto Video ¦ 43.48 13.¦ 21.34 5.¦ 28.01 12.¦ 7. NiLi Flütsch Nicole Lieni Widmer 1:34.49,3 5.08,7 (3657) Foto Video ¦ 44.19 16.¦ 21.48 10.¦ 28.41 15.¦ 8. PRYZM Aregger Marcel Sandmeier Fabienne 1:36.12,2 6.31,6 (3561) Foto Video ¦ 43.24 9.¦ 23.12 25.¦ 29.35 22.¦ 9. Gmüre Power Gmür Ronja Gmür Magnus 1:36.47,5 7.06,9 (3632) Foto Video ¦ 45.03 19.¦ 22.14 15.¦ 29.29 20.¦ 10. Hootters Huber Davis Sutter Sonja 1:36.48,8 7.08,2 (3649) Foto Video ¦ 44.57 18.¦ 22.34 21.¦ 29.16 18.¦ 11. Gauschlarunners Zogg Peter Zogg Nino 1:37.07,6 7.27,0 (3654) Foto Video ¦ 46.50 27.¦ 22.23 17.¦ 27.53 11.¦ 12. Sportfreunde Hank Diethelm Markus Brügger Thomas 1:37.13,2 7.32,6 (3510) Foto Video ¦ 43.31 10.¦ 22.37 22.¦ 31.03 35.¦ 13. Carrel Brothers Carrel Adrien Carrel Cédric 1:38.09,7 8.29,1 (3531) Foto Video ¦ 43.08 8.¦ 24.22 34.¦ 30.39 31.¦ 14. two generations Weibel Dominic Weibel Marcel 1:39.02,8 9.22,2 (3515) Foto Video ¦ 42.54 6.¦ 25.15 42.¦ 30.52 33.¦ 15. TV Schönenberg-Kradolf 1 Maurer Pascal Niklaus Robin 1:39.34,2 9.53,6 (3513) Foto Video ¦ 43.34 11.¦ 23.37 28.¦ 32.22 46.¦ 16. A-Team Pfister Andreas Keller Andrea 1:39.39,9 9.59,3 (3501) Foto Video ¦ 50.06 52.¦ 22.04 12.¦ 27.29 6.¦ 17. BIGMAT Berger Birgit Berger Matthias 1:39.50,3 10.09,7 (3592) Foto Video ¦ 50.20 53.¦ 22.12 13.¦ 27.17 4.¦ 18. Langlaufclub St.Gallen-Appenze Reisser Moritz Meyer Christian 1:39.53,2 10.12,6 (3523) Foto Video ¦ 43.55 14.¦ 24.39 36.¦ 31.18 37.¦ 19. bava:-) barbara valentina 1:40.28,1 10.47,5 (3519) Foto Video ¦ 34.56 1.¦ 35.50 149.¦ 29.40 24.¦ 20. Team Rutz Rutz Andrea Rutz Patric 1:40.48,8 11.08,2 (3514) Foto Video ¦ 47.06 29.¦ 23.12 25.¦ 30.30 29.¦ 21. UBS-Sprinter Vollmeier Peter Baur Roland 1:40.59,7 11.19,1 (3659) Foto Video ¦ 43.46 12.¦ 24.46 38.¦ 32.27 47.¦ 22. FastFoot Heller/Valeria Schmalfuß/Maximilian 1:41.02,4 11.21,8 (3537) Foto Video ¦ 51.36 59.¦ 21.45 9.¦ 27.40 7.¦ 23. #mirmacheddasnurwegemgratisbie Keller Marc Aepli Beda 1:41.34,8 11.54,2 (3626) Foto Video ¦ 55.07 88.¦ 20.43 2.¦ 25.43 1.¦ 24. fighters Aiezza Nicola Aiezza Giosué 1:41.47,7 12.07,1 (3518) Foto Video ¦ 44.56 17.¦ 26.37 66.¦ 30.13 25.¦ 25. Pläuschler Näf Jeannette Näf Raphael 1:42.07,7 12.27,1 (3524) Foto Video ¦ 49.33 49.¦ 23.11 24.¦ 29.23 19.¦ 26. Hitch05 Maron Leonie Zürcher Tobias 1:42.20,8 12.40,2 (3529) Foto Video ¦ 48.54 42.¦ 23.53 30.¦ 29.32 21.¦ 27. Katharina+René Germann Katharina Würzer René 1:42.22,1 12.41,5 (3507) Foto Video ¦ 45.57 23.¦ 24.40 37.¦ 31.44 40.¦ 28. TV Schönenebrg-Kradolf 2 Zehnder Corinne Eugster Philipp 1:42.32,5 12.51,9 (3511) Foto Video ¦ 53.54 77.¦ 21.12 3.¦ 27.25 5.¦ 29. MauchLan Langenfeld Maren Mauchle Christian 1:42.38,5 12.57,9 (3505) Foto Video ¦ 53.47 76.¦ 21.37 7.¦ 27.14 3.¦ 30. MegaJoule Blättler Priska Blättler Alex 1:42.47,5 13.06,9 (3509) Foto Video ¦ 49.53 50.¦ 22.30 20.¦ 30.23 28.¦ 31. Nimm 2 Egli Karin Marigna Franck 1:43.10,2 13.29,6 (3520) Foto Video ¦ 47.17 31.¦ 23.54 32.¦ 31.58 42.¦ 32. Running Gag Bearth Nora Brasser Sven 1:43.33,1 13.52,5 (3508) Foto Video ¦ 50.45 54.¦ 23.34 27.¦ 29.12 17.¦ 33. Die Rheintaler Zäch Patrick Zäch Tina 1:43.53,9 14.13,3 (3538) Foto Video ¦ 52.59 72.¦ 22.19 16.¦ 28.34 14.¦ 34. Schule Speicher 6 Ponjavic Luka Gavric Karlo 1:44.18,3 14.37,7 (3646) Foto Video ¦ 44.03 15.¦ 26.53 73.¦ 33.21 54.¦ 35. Team Hablützel Hablützel Roman Hablützel Tanja 1:45.08,8 15.28,2 (3516) Foto Video ¦ 55.00 87.¦ 21.49 11.¦ 28.19 13.¦ 36. giraffs Scherrer Philipp Scherrer Carmen 1:45.33,7 15.53,1 (3542) Foto Video ¦ 47.45 35.¦ 25.29 47.¦ 32.19 45.¦ 37. Hoschis Hostettler Andreas Karin Frank 1:45.52,0 16.11,4 (3521) Foto Video ¦ 45.29 21.¦ 26.01 56.¦ 34.20 66.¦ 38. Rockhoppers Romer Melanie Romer David 1:47.00,7 17.20,1 (3612) Foto Video ¦ 57.02 102.¦ 22.12 14.¦ 27.45 9.¦ 39. Pschöttis Moser Manon Signer Carole 1:47.36,5 17.55,9 (3651) Foto Video ¦ 47.22 32.¦ 25.39 49.¦ 34.35 67.¦ 40. Team Chili Schiess Christian Dudli Verena 1:47.49,7 18.09,1 (3517) Foto Video ¦ 43.07 7.¦ 27.07 77.¦ 37.35 108.¦ 41. Baila Külling Fabrice Külling-Züger Eliane 1:47.55,4 18.14,8 (3641) Foto Video ¦ 47.00 28.¦ 26.50 71.¦ 34.05 62.¦ 42. MAGIC2 Merz Stefan Merz Nadine 1:47.58,0 18.17,4 (3606) Foto Video ¦ 46.26 25.¦ 27.11 79.¦ 34.19 65.¦ 43. Rim-Team Rimann Beat Rimann Tamara 1:47.59,0 18.18,4 (3597) Foto Video ¦ 50.55 55.¦ 25.21 44.¦ 31.42 39.¦ 44. Brügges NIgg Denise Barenbrügge Stefan 1:48.22,4 18.41,8 (3530) Foto Video ¦ 54.09 81.¦ 23.54 31.¦ 30.18 27.¦ 45. Gretli- Flitzers Schönbächler Nicole Engler Katja 1:48.24,8 18.44,2 (3577) Foto Video ¦ 45.46 22.¦ 25.50 54.¦ 36.47 94.¦ 46. marmottas Bärlocher Katrin Gritti Nino 1:49.01,9 19.21,3 (3660) Foto Video ¦ 48.30 38.¦ 26.27 63.¦ 34.04 61.¦ 47. GB1 Gmür Claudia Gmür Adrian 1:49.58,3 20.17,7 (3522) Foto Video ¦ 46.16 24.¦ 26.47 69.¦ 36.54 97.¦ 48. SchmidSpeed Schmid Karin Schmid Marcel 1:50.08,9 20.28,3 (3598) Foto Video ¦ 49.13 44.¦ 25.42 50.¦ 35.12 74.¦ 49. 21 km zu viel Rudolf Melanie Rutz Silvan 1:50.11,8 20.31,2 (3503) Foto Video ¦ 51.55 66.¦ 24.38 35.¦ 33.38 57.¦ 50. Blue Birds Fiess Priska Lehner Stefan 1:50.14,5 20.33,9 (3512) Foto Video ¦ 47.22 33.¦ 26.15 61.¦ 36.37 93.¦ 51. Gemeinde Tübach Götte Michael Götte Andrea 1:50.51,4 21.10,8 (9327) Foto Video ¦ 49.59 51.¦ 26.08 59.¦ 34.43 70.¦ 52. Flumi Aebersold Michaja Müller Flurina 1:51.13,1 21.32,5 (3559) Foto Video ¦ 48.16 37.¦ 27.20 82.¦ 35.36 83.¦ 53. Kangaroos on Tour Moser Fabienne Romualdi Yanick 1:51.14,8 21.34,2 (3536) Foto Video ¦ 58.03 111.¦ 22.53 23.¦ 30.18 26.¦ 54. #Machtsnüt Luzi Katharina Hauser Pascal 1:51.48,7 22.08,1 (3613) Foto Video ¦ 50.56 56.¦ 27.07 78.¦ 33.44 59.¦ 55. Jayrom Deziel Jaya Wildhaber Roman 1:51.50,5 22.09,9 (3526) Foto Video ¦ 58.22 116.¦ 22.28 19.¦ 30.59 34.¦ 56. Gürgen Express Gürgen Esengül Gürgen Göksel 1:51.52,0 22.11,4 (3546) Foto Video ¦ 47.07 30.¦ 27.37 86.¦ 37.07 101.¦ 57. Gesundheitsdepartement 41,3 Schwegler Hans Troxler Fabienne 1:52.24,8 22.44,2 (3576) Foto Video ¦ 48.41 39.¦ 27.14 80.¦ 36.28 90.¦ 58. Tomati Salwender Beate Salwender Thomas 1:52.33,2 22.52,6 (3668) Foto Video ¦ 55.28 89.¦ 25.38 48.¦ 31.25 38.¦ 59. Steingruber Steingruber Jasmin Steingruber Monika 1:53.22,7 23.42,1 (3663) Foto Video ¦ 49.08 43.¦ 27.22 83.¦ 36.51 96.¦ 60. Studis Studer Alexandra Studer Bert 1:53.33,6 23.53,0 (3581) Foto Video ¦ 54.10 82.¦ 26.05 58.¦ 33.18 52.¦ 61. Copa Cabana Gmür Corinne Gmür Patrick 1:53.35,8 23.55,2 (3540) Foto Video ¦ 49.27 45.¦ 26.38 67.¦ 37.29 104.¦ 62. Los Deportivos - Arequipa Stojanovic Nemanja Monica Andrea 1:53.56,7 24.16,1 (3664) Foto Video ¦ 47.49 36.¦ 26.26 62.¦ 39.40 118.¦ 63. BuGaLu 2 Dudli Michael Jäger Bruno 1:53.57,9 24.17,3 (3544) Foto Video ¦ 47.28 34.¦ 27.49 90.¦ 38.39 112.¦ 64. born to share Ramsauer Andrina Ramsauer Ruedi 1:54.06,2 24.25,6 (3573) Foto Video ¦ 46.37 26.¦ 28.14 95.¦ 39.14 115.¦ 65. S Eseli het en Stempfel überch Anderegg Doro Fischer Jan 1:54.56,6 25.16,0 (3541) Foto Video ¦ 1:00.32 127.¦ 23.44 29.¦ 30.39 32.¦ 66. Himmugüegeliflitzer Brandes Claudio Fehlbaum Lisa 1:55.14,1 25.33,5 (3557) Foto Video ¦ 56.48 101.¦ 25.20 43.¦ 33.05 49.¦ 67. Monday-Runners Häni Sandra Vetsch Mathias 1:55.22,6 25.42,0 (3583) Foto Video ¦ 58.17 115.¦ 25.07 39.¦ 31.57 41.¦ 68. Lupe Studerus Peter Studerus Lukas 1:55.24,0 25.43,4 (3556) Foto Video ¦ 55.50 93.¦ 26.09 60.¦ 33.24 56.¦ 69. Runde-Dreiherinnä Damann Leandra Thoma Ramona 1:55.26,1 25.45,5 (3528) Foto Video ¦ 51.49 62.¦ 27.39 87.¦ 35.57 85.¦ 70. Kreislauf Kreis Cathrin Kreis Valentin 1:55.46,5 26.05,9 (3570) Foto Video ¦ 52.17 69.¦ 26.52 72.¦ 36.36 92.¦ 71. F&T Süess Franziska Süess Thomas 1:55.47,6 26.07,0 (3582) Foto Video ¦ 51.49 63.¦ 28.57 111.¦ 35.00 73.¦ 72. Running Turtles Kuster Patrick Sutter Selina 1:55.53,0 26.12,4 (3549) Foto Video ¦ 54.02 80.¦ 27.02 76.¦ 34.47 71.¦ 73. Nadibelle Gubser Isabelle Osswald Nadine 1:56.05,8 26.25,2 (3553) Foto Video ¦ 52.07 68.¦ 28.29 102.¦ 35.28 81.¦ 74. cosi Krauer Corinne Silvana Pasca 1:56.19,3 26.38,7 (3550) Foto Video ¦ 51.47 61.¦ 29.04 112.¦ 35.27 80.¦ 75. Team Wisel Niederer Karin Burtscher René 1:56.21,5 26.40,9 (3645) Foto Video ¦ 51.10 57.¦ 27.41 89.¦ 37.30 105.¦ 76. Thalmann-Blitz Thalmann Christine Thalmann Daniel 1:56.26,9 26.46,3 (3543) Foto Video ¦ 54.51 85.¦ 26.57 74.¦ 34.38 69.¦ 77. rama Corrodi Mascia Widmer Rainer 1:56.45,7 27.05,1 (3653) Foto Video ¦ 55.37 90.¦ 25.46 51.¦ 35.21 79.¦ 78. Schule Speicher 2 Eggimann Ceril Ezgon Shala 1:57.25,3 27.44,7 (3630) Foto Video ¦ 53.39 75.¦ 27.28 84.¦ 36.17 89.¦ 79. Koller's Koller Simone Koller Daniel 1:57.29,6 27.49,0 (3586) Foto Video ¦ 1:00.05 122.¦ 25.15 41.¦ 32.09 44.¦ 80. Gesundheitsdepartement 39,5 Hanselmann Heidi Hanselmann Armin 1:57.32,8 27.52,2 (3634) Foto Video ¦ 51.40 60.¦ 28.31 104.¦ 37.21 103.¦ 81. PeSi Kluker Petra Angehrn Simone 1:57.38,3 27.57,7 (3591) Foto Video ¦ 49.29 46.¦ 28.19 98.¦ 39.49 119.¦ 82. Tagesgmües Mayer Catherine Weishaupt Thomas 1:57.48,7 28.08,1 (3571) Foto Video ¦ 53.59 78.¦ 28.31 105.¦ 35.18 76.¦ 83. Haselchrücher Mathias Patrick 1:57.49,4 28.08,8 (3567) Foto Video ¦ 54.02 79.¦ 28.28 101.¦ 35.18 77.¦ 84. Schule Speicher 5 Sturzenegger Silvio Ponjavic Ivan 1:58.15,9 28.35,3 (3648) Foto Video ¦ 54.21 83.¦ 26.47 70.¦ 37.07 100.¦ 85. Team Zutt Zutt Martin Zutt Florian 1:58.33,8 28.53,2 (3667) Foto Video ¦ 52.45 71.¦ 28.44 109.¦ 37.04 99.¦ 86. Duo Edelschweiss Schönenberger Irene Faust Silvia 1:58.45,6 29.05,0 (3578) Foto Video ¦ 49.29 47.¦ 30.30 125.¦ 38.45 113.¦ 87. The Puffies Strey Christopher Strey Bianca 1:58.52,7 29.12,1 (3555) Foto Video ¦ 1:00.07 123.¦ 27.36 85.¦ 31.09 36.¦ 88. team runaway Kasper Manuela Brassel Martina 1:59.22,8 29.42,2 (3564) Foto Video ¦ 55.58 95.¦ 26.34 65.¦ 36.50 95.¦ 89. the roosters Roost Tanja Roost Thomas 1:59.23,6 29.43,0 (3574) Foto Video ¦ 1:01.27 134.¦ 25.49 53.¦ 32.06 43.¦ 90. Fabiana und Dania Federli Fabiana Diem Dania 1:59.23,8 29.43,2 (3614) Foto Video ¦ 55.42 91.¦ 28.43 108.¦ 34.57 72.¦ 91. Olivia & Katia Wyss Katia Meile Olivia 1:59.27,1 29.46,5 (3527) Foto Video ¦ 49.32 48.¦ 29.14 114.¦ 40.39 126.¦ 92. We are groot too Patric Bänziger Nadine Brühwiler 1:59.33,0 29.52,4 (3661) Foto Video ¦ 58.06 113.¦ 28.05 93.¦ 33.20 53.¦ 93. C&M Ferrari Cristina Hämmerli Marcel 1:59.33,5 29.52,9 (3604) Foto Video ¦ 57.42 109.¦ 27.41 88.¦ 34.10 63.¦ 94. Herzis Berger Stefan Neuberger Nadine 1:59.36,7 29.56,1 (3563) Foto Video ¦ 1:00.54 130.¦ 25.26 45.¦ 33.15 50.¦ 95. Duo Infernale Burger Sabrina Weigert Florian 1:59.37,2 29.56,6 (3525) Foto Video ¦ 1:00.54 129.¦ 25.27 46.¦ 33.16 51.¦ 96. M&M#s Running-Team Eigenmann Martin Dörig Ramona 2:00.01,1 30.20,5 (3532) Foto Video ¦ 1:05.02 146.¦ 24.21 33.¦ 30.37 30.¦ 97. Team Raphti Bannwart Tina Fessler Raphael 2:00.03,0 30.22,4 (3562) Foto Video ¦ 1:01.09 133.¦ 25.09 40.¦ 33.43 58.¦ 98. Farmhouse Gehr Marco Gehr Pamela 2:00.06,1 30.25,5 (3594) Foto Video ¦ 55.48 92.¦ 28.36 106.¦ 35.41 84.¦ 99. Tschenadi Frei Jennifer Herzog Adrian 2:00.18,8 30.38,2 (3539) Foto Video ¦ 58.04 112.¦ 28.18 97.¦ 33.55 60.¦ 100. Die Schöne und das Biest Rutz Carmen Rutz Regula 2:00.22,4 30.41,8 (3575) Foto Video ¦ 54.45 84.¦ 28.03 92.¦ 37.33 106.¦ 101. Berggämse Sager Kathrin Graf Andrea 2:00.37,6 30.57,0 (3545) Foto Video ¦ 51.15 58.¦ 28.15 96.¦ 41.07 130.¦ 102. GIASTHI Romualdi Esther Romualdi Gianni 2:00.52,1 31.11,5 (3535) Foto Video ¦ 56.12 98.¦ 28.10 94.¦ 36.29 91.¦ 103. Früchter Frei Melanie Schlüchter Roland 2:00.54,5 31.13,9 (3602) Foto Video ¦ 57.25 104.¦ 27.17 81.¦ 36.12 88.¦ 104. Bernis Schrieder Bernadette Schrieder Bernhard 2:01.10,7 31.30,1 (3588) Foto Video ¦ 57.25 105.¦ 28.27 100.¦ 35.17 75.¦ 105. Flinando Runners Rebmann Ann Azzato Marion 2:01.15,2 31.34,6 (3652) Foto Video ¦ 48.44 40.¦ 30.19 123.¦ 42.11 135.¦ 106. Meinwen Künzle Hans Künzle Erika 2:02.16,2 32.35,6 (3558) Foto Video ¦ 1:02.36 141.¦ 26.39 68.¦ 33.00 48.¦ 107. Iliotibialband-Syndrom Hochreutener Katja Breu Silvio 2:02.42,7 33.02,1 (3636) Foto Video ¦ 1:02.01 139.¦ 26.27 64.¦ 34.13 64.¦ 108. siebesiechä Bürgisser Stefan Bürgisser Annelies 2:02.58,5 33.17,9 (3629) Foto Video ¦ 52.43 70.¦ 29.58 119.¦ 40.16 123.¦ 109. de Name isch egal Wild Nicolas Kellenberger Selina 2:03.05,3 33.24,7 (3584) Foto Video ¦ 48.53 41.¦ 31.54 137.¦ 42.16 136.¦ 110. Steiners Steiner Astrid Steiner Andreas 2:03.10,1 33.29,5 (3619) Foto Video ¦ 1:04.00 143.¦ 25.47 52.¦ 33.21 55.¦ 111. SuHe Heidi Arno 2:03.10,9 33.30,3 (3665) Foto Video ¦ 56.45 99.¦ 28.51 110.¦ 37.34 107.¦ 112. Brönschi-Express Bosshart Nicole Stauffacher Willi 2:03.21,5 33.40,9 (3609) Foto Video ¦ 1:02.05 140.¦ 25.58 55.¦ 35.18 78.¦ 113. "Frog King & Lion Queen" Müller Katharina Flückiger Marc 2:03.54,4 34.13,8 (3643) Foto Video ¦ 51.50 64.¦ 30.56 128.¦ 41.08 131.¦ 114. Dä Yugo und dä Yann Sikman Spasoja Kuster Yann 2:04.09,4 34.28,8 (3579) Foto Video ¦ 56.46 100.¦ 30.20 124.¦ 37.03 98.¦ 115. Stucki-Heierle Stucki Ralph Heierle Chris 2:04.11,7 34.31,1 (3635) Foto Video ¦ 56.11 97.¦ 26.05 57.¦ 41.55 134.¦ 116. Kofel Koster Marco Frefel Annina 2:04.26,6 34.46,0 (3593) Foto Video ¦ 1:01.28 135.¦ 28.23 99.¦ 34.35 67.¦ 117. Team Erlenholz Lutz Cornelia Solèr Corinne 2:05.03,6 35.23,0 (3560) Foto Video ¦ 57.30 107.¦ 29.44 118.¦ 37.49 109.¦ 118. HuGo Stricker Corina Stricker Gabriela 2:05.15,4 35.34,8 (3580) Foto Video ¦ 53.38 74.¦ 29.58 119.¦ 41.39 133.¦ 119. MaMi Grunder Michel Mauchle Patrizia 2:05.47,6 36.07,0 (3533) Foto Video ¦ 58.28 117.¦ 29.08 113.¦ 38.10 111.¦ 120. the twins Neff Karin Neff Priska 2:06.12,7 36.32,1 (3644) Foto Video ¦ 1:00.32 126.¦ 28.30 103.¦ 37.10 102.¦ 121. Weidelly Philipp Weidel Ngoc Mai Ly 2:06.17,6 36.37,0 (3666) Foto Video ¦ 51.55 67.¦ 32.51 141.¦ 41.30 132.¦ 122. Heimvorteil Stucki Christina Allenspach Manuela 2:06.40,5 36.59,9 (3590) Foto Video ¦ 56.01 96.¦ 31.17 130.¦ 39.22 117.¦ 123. Team Rupp / Raschle Rupp Guido Raschle Oswald 2:07.09,2 37.28,6 (3655) Foto Video ¦ 55.57 94.¦ 30.13 122.¦ 40.58 129.¦ 124. Dreamteam Natascha Werni 2:07.13,2 37.32,6 (3554) Foto Video ¦ 59.44 121.¦ 29.38 117.¦ 37.51 110.¦ 125. little sunshiine Holderegger Astrid Ley Daniel 2:07.20,7 37.40,1 (3585) Foto Video ¦ 51.54 65.¦ 31.09 129.¦ 44.17 147.¦ 126. U17 Pearls Meile Isabelle Vetterli Petra 2:08.10,6 38.30,0 (3642) Foto Video ¦ 1:00.25 125.¦ 31.43 135.¦ 36.01 86.¦ 127. HeLaHe Helfenberger David Helfenberger Andrea 2:09.00,9 39.20,3 (3011) Foto Video ¦ 57.28 106.¦ 31.20 132.¦ 40.11 122.¦ 128. Colu Runners Columpsi Regula Columpsi Paolo 2:10.19,2 40.38,6 (3566) Foto Video ¦ 57.06 103.¦ 29.18 115.¦ 43.55 146.¦ 129. Wehrli Power zum 3. Wehrli Sibylla Wehrli Heinz 2:10.35,0 40.54,4 (3600) Foto Video ¦ 57.31 108.¦ 30.04 121.¦ 42.59 139.¦ 130. thugblatt squad Holenstein Dominik Pema Michelle 2:10.53,9 41.13,3 (3637) Foto Video ¦ 1:08.20 153.¦ 26.58 75.¦ 35.35 82.¦ 131. BaSta Bastianelli Renato Stach Esther 2:11.54,5 42.13,9 (3552) Foto Video ¦ 1:00.23 124.¦ 30.33 126.¦ 40.57 128.¦ 132. Happy Feet Schulze Selin Stricker Carina 2:13.22,3 43.41,7 (3610) Foto Video ¦ 1:01.53 138.¦ 31.34 133.¦ 39.54 121.¦ 133. Team Hochzeitstag Bloch Sabrina Bloch Marco 2:14.11,8 44.31,2 (3607) Foto Video ¦ 1:05.31 147.¦ 29.24 116.¦ 39.16 116.¦ 134. Pizolhasa Pfiffner Stefan Sulser Angela 2:15.21,8 45.41,2 (3551) Foto Video ¦ 1:00.52 128.¦ 31.20 131.¦ 43.09 140.¦ 135. Steinlaus Hollenstein Petra Niklaus Andrea 2:15.59,6 46.19,0 (3547) Foto Video ¦ 1:01.05 131.¦ 31.57 138.¦ 42.57 137.¦ 136. Die rönners Gfrerer Estelle Wild Fabienne 2:16.05,9 46.25,3 (3621) Foto Video ¦ 59.28 119.¦ 33.38 143.¦ 42.59 138.¦ 137. We are groot Kohler michael Sturzenegger jasmin 2:16.18,7 46.38,1 (3662) Foto Video ¦ 58.10 114.¦ 33.28 142.¦ 44.39 148.¦ 138. MaRi Ledergerber Ricarda Vetsch Markus 2:16.43,0 47.02,4 (3605) Foto Video ¦ 1:04.17 144.¦ 31.48 136.¦ 40.37 125.¦ 139. Apotheke in Gossau Meier Armin Meier Claudia 2:16.50,6 47.10,0 (3572) Foto Video ¦ 1:04.47 145.¦ 31.34 134.¦ 40.28 124.¦ 140. Hobbyläufer Sutter Ramona Gloor Gabi 2:17.26,9 47.46,3 (3589) Foto Video ¦ 59.41 120.¦ 34.01 145.¦ 43.44 143.¦ 141. Finn for Fun Vainio Thomas Vainio Nathalie 2:18.30,5 48.49,9 (3620) Foto Video ¦ 1:01.06 132.¦ 33.47 144.¦ 43.37 142.¦ 142. Praxis am Geissberg Mosimann Rahel Löpfe Chantal 2:18.43,2 49.02,6 (3617) Foto Video ¦ 1:14.44 155.¦ 27.56 91.¦ 36.02 87.¦ 143. The little runners Losa Gianna Bargues Nina 2:19.52,8 50.12,2 (3587) Foto Video ¦ 1:01.34 136.¦ 34.32 147.¦ 43.45 144.¦ 144. Cool runnings Brüesch Irina Korga David 2:20.03,4 50.22,8 (3670) Foto Video ¦ 1:03.48 142.¦ 32.23 140.¦ 43.51 145.¦ 145. Schule Speicher 4 Kaeser Sanja Manser Eliane 2:20.58,0 51.17,4 (3638) Foto Video ¦ 53.20 73.¦ 36.31 150.¦ 51.06 152.¦ 146. hopp Mathis Kevin Brüesch Nadja 2:21.19,2 51.38,6 (3669) Foto Video ¦ 1:05.53 149.¦ 32.05 139.¦ 43.20 141.¦ 147. Duracell Häsli Platt Hansruedi Platt Anja 2:23.04,3 53.23,7 (3624) Foto Video ¦ 1:13.28 154.¦ 28.43 107.¦ 40.51 127.¦ 148. M&M Menzi Michael Wyss Marina 2:23.23,9 53.43,3 (3625) Foto Video ¦ 1:05.40 148.¦ 38.32 154.¦ 39.10 114.¦ 149. Traumtänzer Sutter Remo Monstein-Kunz Ariane 2:25.23,4 55.42,8 (3599) Foto Video ¦ 58.56 118.¦ 38.27 153.¦ 47.59 151.¦ 150. SaMi Kramer Michael Kramer Sandra 2:25.29,8 55.49,2 (3640) Foto Video ¦ 1:14.47 156.¦ 30.52 127.¦ 39.49 119.¦ 151. Schule Speicher 3 Gegenschatz Nina Zellweger Leana 2:25.31,1 55.50,5 (3631) Foto Video ¦ 1:01.50 137.¦ 36.57 151.¦ 46.42 150.¦ 152. Kenias allerletzte Reserve Traber Linda Gantenbein Riccarda 2:27.59,7 58.19,1 (3611) Foto Video ¦ 57.47 110.¦ 38.23 152.¦ 51.48 153.¦ 153. Tätsch Bäng Meringue Schlittler Nadia Traber Alice 2:28.42,1 59.01,5 (3618) Foto Video ¦ 54.59 86.¦ 41.12 156.¦ 52.30 154.¦ 154. Cookies Hollinger Nina Wälter Rahel 2:29.10,8 59.30,2 (3608) Foto Video ¦ 1:08.10 152.¦ 34.52 148.¦ 46.07 149.¦ 155. Schule Speicher 1 Schwarz Ana-Isabelle Niederer Vanessa 2:35.03,1 1:05.22,5 (3647) Foto Video ¦ 1:07.34 151.¦ 34.08 146.¦ 53.20 156.¦ 156. Bittantes Bittante Denis Marquez Elizabeth 2:38.55,1 1:09.14,5 (3623) Foto Video ¦ 1:05.57 150.¦ 39.40 155.¦ 53.17 155.¦

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