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38. Kerzerslauf 2016 - 1,4 km Overall
Ränge: Rang 1-500 (ab 4.23,3)
Rang Name Jg Land Ort Team Zeit Rückstand Stnr Kat/Rang Schnitt ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Métraux Dorian 2004 Leysin croc-kil...Leysin 4.23,3 ----- (30047) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 1. 3.08 2. Rosamilia Valentina 2003 Hunzenschwil 4.26,3 0.03,0 (41089) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 1. 3.10 3. Wipfli Ramon 2004 Bern STB Leichtathletik 4.27,2 0.03,9 (30073) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 2. 3.10 4. Dolet Estelle 2004 Martigny CABV Martigny 4.30,5 0.07,2 (31029) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 2. 3.13 5. Rentschler Cédric 2004 Nidau 4.31,0 0.07,7 (30055) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 3. 3.13 6. Berchtold Jael 2004 Spiez TV Spiez 4.32,5 0.09,2 (31109) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 3. 3.14 7. Tschannen Benjamin 2003 Murzelen 4.36,6 0.13,3 (41049) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 4. 3.17 8. Maeder Leo 2005 Villars-Tiercelin Running Team Prilly 4.37,4 0.14,1 (32045) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 1. 3.18 9. Amherd Ivan 2004 Gamsen TV Naters 4.42,0 0.18,7 (30001) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 5. 3.21 10. Oliveira Lucas 2005 Cheseaux-sur-Lausanne Running Team Prilly 4.42,7 0.19,4 (32063) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 2. 3.21 11. Iseli Florian 2003 Wyssachen 4.44,4 0.21,1 (30034) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 6. 3.23 12. Münger Florian 2005 Wohlen b. Bern 4.45,6 0.22,3 (32061) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 3. 3.24 13. Berli Nico 2003 Aarberg 4.46,5 0.23,2 (30010) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 7. 3.24 14. Ryser Yanis Emanuel 2003 Kerzers OS Kerzers 4.47,0 0.23,7 (30059) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 8. 3.25 15. Giudice Dario 2006 Rüfenacht BE Gerbersport 4.47,7 0.24,4 (32020) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 4. 3.25 16. Amherd Pascal 2007 Gamsen TV Naters 4.49,4 0.26,1 (34003) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 1. 3.26 17. Feyer Joel 2005 Plaffeien 4.51,3 0.28,0 (41014) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 5. 3.28 18. Balli Liza 2003 Schüpfen TV Lyss 4.51,7 0.28,4 (31007) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 4. 3.28 18. Schneider Lionel 2003 Schenkon STV Sempach 4.51,7 0.28,4 (30061) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 9. 3.28 20. Antener Gian-Andrea 2003 Ormalingen SC Liestal 4.52,9 0.29,6 (30002) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 10. 3.29 21. Suter Lenny 2005 Kerzers 4.53,3 0.30,0 (32099) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 6. 3.29 22. Lehmann Noe 2005 Koppigen Koppiger GP-Team 4.53,4 0.30,1 (32039) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 7. 3.29 23. Christen Laura 2005 Biezwil 4.53,7 0.30,4 (33019) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 1. 3.29 24. Maurer Damian 2005 Busswil b. Büren 4.53,9 0.30,6 (22250) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 8. 3.29 25. Hofer Tim Owen 2004 Aarwangen OLV Langenthal 4.54,6 0.31,3 (30031) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 11. 3.30 26. Catalini Jessica 2003 Murten AC Murten 4.55,1 0.31,8 (31019) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 5. 3.30 26. Van der Kaaij Noémi 2004 Vevey Triviera Kids 4.55,1 0.31,8 (41092) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 5. 3.30 28. Ris Raphael 2004 Münsingen lg gerbersport 4.55,8 0.32,5 (30057) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 12. 3.31 29. Schuepbach Jamie-Lorin 2005 Schüpfen Gerbersport 4.55,9 0.32,6 (32087) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 9. 3.31 30. Bätscher Fabrice 2007 Spiez 4.56,3 0.33,0 (34008) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 2. 3.31 31. Bersier Nicolas 2004 Ins Primarschule Ins, Klasse 6b 4.56,9 0.33,6 (30012) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 13. 3.32 32. Milz Julien 2004 Corcelles NE Red Fish Triathlon 4.57,2 0.33,9 (41035) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 14. 3.32 33. Bayoudh Saïd 2003 Fribourg CAF 4.58,8 0.35,5 (41061) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 15. 3.33 34. Sigg Manuel 2004 Thun all blacks thun 4.59,1 0.35,8 (30063) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 16. 3.33 35. Bourban Karel 2004 Chabrey 5.00,3 0.37,0 (30079) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 17. 3.34 35. Taferner Lyam 2003 Müntschemier Prim BTM 5.00,3 0.37,0 (30067) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 17. 3.34 35. Wegmüller Muriel 2003 Rubigen Gerbersport 5.00,3 0.37,0 (31103) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 7. 3.34 38. Lehmann Mike 2003 Koppigen Koppiger GP-Team 5.00,4 0.37,1 (30042) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 19. 3.34 39. Steffen Luca 2006 Matzingen Jugi Matzingen 5.01,8 0.38,5 (32094) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 10. 3.35 40. Schneider Loic 2005 Schenkon STV Sempach 5.03,1 0.39,8 (32085) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 11. 3.36 41. Zumwald Noé 2004 Schmitten FR 5.03,2 0.39,9 (30077) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 20. 3.36 42. Kälin Nordin 2006 Salvenach 4. Klasse JLS 5.03,6 0.40,3 (32029) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 12. 3.36 43. Zurflüh Dario 2006 Koppigen Koppiger GP-Team 5.04,8 0.41,5 (32120) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 13. 3.37 44. Moretto Elia 2006 Ulmiz 3.Klasse Schule ABGRU 5.05,4 0.42,1 (32056) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 14. 3.38 45. Vogt Noé 2007 Schmitten FR 5.05,5 0.42,2 (34130) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 3. 3.38 46. Maurer Marc 2004 Payerne CA Broyard 5.05,9 0.42,6 (30046) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 21. 3.38 46. Ziswiler Nadine 2003 Dotzigen 5.05,9 0.42,6 (31107) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 8. 3.38 48. Behrens Laura 2003 Monnaz 5.06,0 0.42,7 (31009) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 9. 3.38 49. Behrens Adrien 2003 Monnaz 5.07,2 0.43,9 (30009) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 22. 3.39 50. Rapp Noémie 2004 Epalinges La Côte Runners 5.07,8 0.44,5 (31063) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 10. 3.39 51. Frank Stella 2003 Kerzers OS Kerzers 5.08,0 0.44,7 (31032) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 11. 3.40 51. Mattenberger Noémie 2006 Bussigny Running Team Prilly 5.08,0 0.44,7 (33078) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 2. 3.40 53. Vogt Lisa 2004 Schmitten FR 5.08,2 0.44,9 (31099) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 12. 3.40 54. Braig Kilian 2003 Gurbrü wgg 5.09,2 0.45,9 (30017) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 23. 3.40 55. Moser Simon 2004 Düdingen TSV Düdingen 5.09,3 0.46,0 (30050) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 24. 3.40 56. Düerkop Franziska 2005 Wabern STB 5.10,7 0.47,4 (33031) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 3. 3.41 57. Zumwald Laurine 2006 Schmitten FR 5.10,9 0.47,6 (33138) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 4. 3.42 58. Frei Manuel 2007 Zürich 5.11,1 0.47,8 (34034) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 4. 3.42 59. Berset Jeanne 2003 Villarsiviriaux 5.12,1 0.48,8 (31110) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 13. 3.42 60. Laciga Jan 2004 Kerzers 5.12,6 0.49,3 (30040) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 25. 3.43 61. Bühler Flurina Sofia 2004 Kerzers 5.12,7 0.49,4 (31017) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 14. 3.43 62. Michoud Lucy 2006 Cossonay Les Traîne-Gourdins 5.13,0 0.49,7 (33080) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 5. 3.43 63. Berli Silvan 2006 Aarberg 5.13,6 0.50,3 (32005) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 15. 3.44 64. Wipfli Noée 2007 Bern STB Leichtathletik 5.13,8 0.50,5 (35137) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 1. 3.44 65. Zobrist David 2006 Fräschels 3a Kerzers 5.14,4 0.51,1 (32119) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 16. 3.44 66. Wenger Gaëtane 2005 La Chaux-de-Fonds La Chaux-de-Fonds 5.14,6 0.51,3 (33131) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 6. 3.44 67. Strittmatter Fabian 2007 Rubigen 5.14,7 0.51,4 (34125) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 5. 3.44 68. Gfeller Simon Jakob 2004 Sumiswald 5.15,0 0.51,7 (30029) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 26. 3.45 69. Tanner Andri 2006 Murten 5.15,6 0.52,3 (32101) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 17. 3.45 70. Müller Silvan 2007 Bern 5.15,7 0.52,4 (34088) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 6. 3.45 71. Minder Jannis Orlando 2006 Wyssachen 5.15,9 0.52,6 (32054) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 18. 3.45 72. Freudiger Oliver 2004 Bargen BE LA Aarberg 5.16,0 0.52,7 (30027) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 27. 3.45 73. Amherd Andreas 2005 Gamsen LFT Oberwallis 5.16,6 0.53,3 (32121) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 19. 3.46 73. Scherling Sina 2003 Guttannen 5.16,6 0.53,3 (41043) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 15. 3.46 75. Lehmann Levin 2007 Koppigen Koppiger GP-Team 5.17,2 0.53,9 (34073) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 7. 3.46 76. Jornod Leonie 2003 Murten 5.17,6 0.54,3 (31046) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 16. 3.46 77. Winther Christensen Mikke 2006 Murten Jebon 5.17,7 0.54,4 (32114) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 20. 3.46 78. Frauchiger Lukas 2004 Worben 5.18,1 0.54,8 (30026) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 28. 3.47 79. Wenger Félix 2007 La Chaux-de-Fonds La Chaux-de-Fonds 5.18,4 0.55,1 (34132) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 8. 3.47 80. Mathys Luc 2006 Kerzers 5.18,5 0.55,2 (32050) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 21. 3.47 81. Pfister Océane 2004 Penthalaz Les Traîne-Gourdins 5.19,3 0.56,0 (31062) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 17. 3.48 82. Harnischberg Lenny 2004 Yverdon-les-Bains 5.19,4 0.56,1 (30030) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 29. 3.48 82. Lüthi Tamara 2004 Cordast 5.19,4 0.56,1 (31053) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 18. 3.48 84. Bortoluzzi Céline 2003 Muntelier 5.19,7 0.56,4 (31014) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 19. 3.48 85. Bajraj Dian 2004 Kerzers KGPS Kerzers 5b 5.20,0 0.56,7 (30004) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 30. 3.48 86. Egli Fabienne 2005 Münsingen Team Gerbersport 5.20,3 0.57,0 (33034) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 7. 3.48 87. Souissi Yanis Amir 2005 Kerzers Primarklasse 4b, Kerzers 5.20,6 0.57,3 (32093) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 22. 3.49 88. Götschmann Noemi 2006 Urtenen-Schönbühl Gerbersport 5.20,8 0.57,5 (33047) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 8. 3.49 88. Joedicke Julia Padmé 2005 Lausanne Fleur de Lotus 5.20,8 0.57,5 (33146) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 8. 3.49 90. Demierre Britany 2004 Erlach Prim Erlach 5.21,2 0.57,9 (31025) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 20. 3.49 91. Liebl Aarno 2005 Erlach Prim Erlach 5.21,5 0.58,2 (32041) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 23. 3.49 92. Schorer Louis 2006 Kallnach 5.22,4 0.59,1 (32086) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 24. 3.50 92. Wyden Yannick 2003 Gurbrü OS Kerzers 5.22,4 0.59,1 (30075) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 31. 3.50 94. Honoré Jules 2006 La Tour-de-Trême 5.22,6 0.59,3 (32123) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 25. 3.50 95. Hurni Lars 2004 Lurtigen 5. Klasse JLS 5.23,4 1.00,1 (30033) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 32. 3.51 96. Windler Fabian 2004 Brüttelen Prim BTM 5.23,7 1.00,4 (30072) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 33. 3.51 97. Braig Lorenz 2005 Gurbrü wgg 5.23,8 1.00,5 (32007) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 26. 3.51 98. Sibold Manuel 2005 Seftigen 5.24,1 1.00,8 (32092) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 27. 3.51 99. Perez Danaé 2006 Poliez-le-Grand Running Team Prilly 5.24,3 1.01,0 (33090) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 10. 3.51 100. Mathys Jeamie-Lee Lisa 2003 Kerzers 5.24,5 1.01,2 (31112) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 21. 3.51 101. Savoldi Nicola 2006 Alchenstorf Koppiger GP-Team 5.24,9 1.01,6 (32078) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 28. 3.52 102. Schindler Tim Robin 2005 Rubigen 5.25,0 1.01,7 (32082) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 29. 3.52 103. Moser Tobias 2003 Stäfa 5.25,3 1.02,0 (30051) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 34. 3.52 104. Bögli Silvan 2004 Koppigen Koppiger GP-Team 5.25,4 1.02,1 (30014) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 35. 3.52 105. Scherling Aina 2005 Guttannen 5.25,6 1.02,3 (41042) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 11. 3.52 106. Raffaele Alessio 2007 Bôle 5.26,0 1.02,7 (34096) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 9. 3.52 107. Marti Tim 2005 Murten 5.26,2 1.02,9 (32124) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 30. 3.53 107. Wulf Jakob 2006 Wohlen b. Bern 5.26,2 1.02,9 (32115) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 30. 3.53 109. Sahli Dominik 2006 Kallnach 5.26,3 1.03,0 (32076) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 32. 3.53 110. Küffer Jessica 2005 Gerolfingen 5.27,0 1.03,7 (33071) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 12. 3.53 111. Roduit Mathilde 2005 Faoug CA Belfaux 5.27,4 1.04,1 (33097) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 13. 3.53 112. Morand Alexis 2007 Court Les Morands 5.27,5 1.04,2 (34085) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 10. 3.53 113. Luder Aron 2004 Koppigen Koppiger GP-Team 5.27,7 1.04,4 (30043) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 36. 3.54 114. Jurt Mario 2006 Faulensee TV Spiez 5.27,9 1.04,6 (41021) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 33. 3.54 114. Zurflüh Joel 2004 Koppigen Koppiger GP-Team 5.27,9 1.04,6 (30078) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 37. 3.54 116. Bätscher Mylène 2005 Spiez 5.28,4 1.05,1 (33007) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 14. 3.54 117. Bays Simon 2004 Muntelier 5.29,2 1.05,9 (30008) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 38. 3.55 117. Furrer Raffaela 2005 Port 5.29,2 1.05,9 (33041) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 15. 3.55 119. Rytz Joel 2004 Wileroltigen 5.29,3 1.06,0 (30081) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 39. 3.55 120. Malwin Gerwin 2006 Bolligen 5.29,4 1.06,1 (32047) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 34. 3.55 121. Eggli Dominic 2004 Kerzers 5.30,0 1.06,7 (30024) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 40. 3.55 121. Schneider Livia 2003 Koppigen Koppiger GP-Team 5.30,0 1.06,7 (31077) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 22. 3.55 123. Kummer Michelle 2003 Höchstetten Koppiger GP-Team 5.30,1 1.06,8 (31049) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 23. 3.55 124. Djiro Nouha 2007 Beinwil am See 5.30,3 1.07,0 (41011) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 11. 3.55 125. Winther Christensen Lasse 2007 Murten Jebon 5.30,6 1.07,3 (34134) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 12. 3.56 126. Schärli Elio 2006 Kerzers Sternenkinder 5.31,8 1.08,5 (32079) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 35. 3.57 127. Berchtold Emily 2003 Ittigen 5.31,9 1.08,6 (31010) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 24. 3.57 127. Poltera Jorin 2005 Evilard 5.31,9 1.08,6 (32067) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 36. 3.57 129. Christen Damian 2003 Ins 5.32,5 1.09,2 (30021) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 41. 3.57 130. Schönenberger Kris 2008 Bösingen 5.32,6 1.09,3 (41045) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 13. 3.57 131. Danna Anouk 2008 Wabern RouleMaPoule 5.33,1 1.09,8 (35028) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 2. 3.57 131. Zehnder Jana 2006 Murten 5.33,1 1.09,8 (33136) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 16. 3.57 133. Gnehm Maurin 2006 Zuzwil BE 5.33,2 1.09,9 (32021) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 37. 3.58 133. Magalhaes Batista Ricardo 2004 Brüttelen Prim BTM 5.33,2 1.09,9 (30045) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 42. 3.58 135. Baumgartner Kevin 2004 Ulmiz 5.33,3 1.10,0 (30007) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 43. 3.58 136. Götschmann Alina 2004 Urtenen-Schönbühl Gerbersport 5.33,5 1.10,2 (31037) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 25. 3.58 136. Ryser Nola Gabriel 2006 Kerzers 5.33,5 1.10,2 (32074) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 38. 3.58 138. Kauer Sophie 2004 Mauss 5.33,6 1.10,3 (31048) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 26. 3.58 139. Herren Nina 2007 Schmitten FR 5.33,8 1.10,5 (35053) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 3. 3.58 140. Ziehli Sarina 2005 Lobsigen running girls 5.34,5 1.11,2 (33137) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 17. 3.58 141. Meylan Nicolas 2003 Etoy 5.34,6 1.11,3 (30048) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 44. 3.59 142. Bolinger Lèane 2007 Düdingen TSV Düdingen 5.34,9 1.11,6 (35017) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 4. 3.59 143. Marti Ayleen 2008 Murten 5.35,1 1.11,8 (35150) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 5. 3.59 144. Antener Sereina 2006 Ormalingen SC Liestal 5.35,5 1.12,2 (33004) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 18. 3.59 145. Krumm Alexandra 2005 Safnern 5.35,6 1.12,3 (33069) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 19. 3.59 146. Ryser Loan Raphaël 2007 Kerzers 5.35,7 1.12,4 (34111) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 14. 3.59 147. Bettler Nico 2007 Kerzers Sternenkinder 5.35,8 1.12,5 (34011) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 15. 3.59 148. Wyden Jonas 2004 Gurbrü 5.36,3 1.13,0 (30083) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 45. 4.00 149. Hürlimann Jana 2004 Kirchberg BE 5.36,6 1.13,3 (31042) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 27. 4.00 150. Sacino Giacomo 2005 Biel/Bienne 5.36,7 1.13,4 (32075) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 39. 4.00 151. Lachat Fiona 2004 Spiegel b. Bern STB 5.36,9 1.13,6 (41024) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 28. 4.00 152. Steiner Elena 2004 Wiler bei Seedorf running girls 5.37,4 1.14,1 (31088) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 29. 4.01 153. Lacabra Damian 2004 Kerzers KGPS Kerzers 5b 5.37,9 1.14,6 (30039) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 46. 4.01 154. Steiner Nina 2003 Münsingen Nina 5.38,3 1.15,0 (31089) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 30. 4.01 155. Catalini Eline 2005 Murten AC Murten 5.38,4 1.15,1 (33016) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 20. 4.01 156. Girardet Tim 2006 Belfaux Trilogie Sport 5.38,5 1.15,2 (32019) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 40. 4.01 157. De Maddalena Céline 2005 Bösingen 5.38,7 1.15,4 (33024) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 21. 4.01 158. Jordi Nicola 2004 Koppigen Koppiger GP-Team 5.39,3 1.16,0 (30035) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 47. 4.02 159. Baumgartner Andrin 2003 Müntschemier Prim BTM 5.39,4 1.16,1 (30006) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 48. 4.02 160. Michoud Marilou 2008 Cossonay Les Traîne-Gourdins 5.40,1 1.16,8 (35087) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 6. 4.02 161. Rieder Luana 2006 Studen BE 5.40,5 1.17,2 (33094) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 22. 4.03 162. Bortoluzzi Yann 2004 Muntelier 5.40,7 1.17,4 (30016) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 49. 4.03 162. Zurflüh Ruben 2008 Koppigen Koppiger GP-Team 5.40,7 1.17,4 (34142) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 16. 4.03 164. Freda Laura 2004 Oftringen 5.41,9 1.18,6 (31033) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 31. 4.04 164. Wettstein Rahel 2004 Koppigen Koppiger GP-Team 5.41,9 1.18,6 (31105) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 31. 4.04 166. Ritter Noah Elijah 2007 Walperswil 5.42,0 1.18,7 (34101) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 17. 4.04 166. Teixeira Novais Ricardo 2006 Belfaux Trilogie Sport 5.42,0 1.18,7 (32102) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 41. 4.04 168. Schneider Joelina 2005 Riggisberg 5.42,1 1.18,8 (33108) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 23. 4.04 169. Hugi Andrea 2006 Niederösch Koppiger GP-Team 5.42,4 1.19,1 (33059) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 24. 4.04 169. Rohrer Lennart 2008 Münsingen 5.42,4 1.19,1 (34104) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 18. 4.04 169. Weber Désirée 2003 Salvenach 6. Klasse JLS 5.42,4 1.19,1 (31102) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 33. 4.04 172. Bürki Shanya 2005 Thun LV-Thun 5.42,6 1.19,3 (33142) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 25. 4.04 172. Widmer Janis 2006 Olten TV Olten 5.42,6 1.19,3 (41054) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 42. 4.04 174. Moser Lenny 2006 Muntelier Jebon 5.42,9 1.19,6 (32058) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 43. 4.04 175. Deuble Sara 2004 Agriswil TSV Düdingen 5.43,2 1.19,9 (31026) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 34. 4.05 175. Summermatter Enya 2007 Ried-Brig 5.43,2 1.19,9 (35127) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 7. 4.05 177. Adam Lars 2007 Lützelflüh-Goldbach Goldbach Runners 5.43,4 1.20,1 (34001) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 19. 4.05 178. Bieri Annina 2006 Steffisburg speedy gonzales 5.43,9 1.20,6 (33010) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 26. 4.05 179. Egli Céline 2006 Münsingen Team Gerbersport 5.44,0 1.20,7 (33033) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 27. 4.05 179. Huber Simon 2006 Gümligen 5.44,0 1.20,7 (41066) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 44. 4.05 179. Lehmann Micha 2004 Fräschels 5.44,0 1.20,7 (30041) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 50. 4.05 182. Barrio Noa 2005 Muri b. Bern 5.44,6 1.21,3 (41059) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 28. 4.06 183. Cuénoud Vincent 2004 Palézieux AthleticaOron 5.44,7 1.21,4 (30022) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 51. 4.06 184. Jovanov Time 2003 Ins Primarschule Ins, Klasse 6b 5.44,8 1.21,5 (30036) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 52. 4.06 184. Saucy Fabian 2006 Biel/Bienne 5.44,8 1.21,5 (32077) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 45. 4.06 186. Müller Florian 2006 Willadingen Koppiger GP-Team 5.45,1 1.21,8 (32060) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 46. 4.06 186. Scheidegger Lena 2006 Langnau i. E. 5.45,1 1.21,8 (33104) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 29. 4.06 188. Good Laurenz 2006 Gümligen 5.45,3 1.22,0 (41065) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 47. 4.06 189. Scheuner Nicole 2003 Hellsau Koppiger GP-Team 5.45,6 1.22,3 (31073) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 35. 4.06 190. Chanthakesone Lenie 2005 Cheseaux-sur-Lausanne 5.45,7 1.22,4 (33017) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 30. 4.06 190. Portner Loic 2006 Aarberg 5.45,7 1.22,4 (32068) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 48. 4.06 192. Krattinger Yvan 2004 Düdingen TSV Düdingen 5.45,8 1.22,5 (30038) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 53. 4.07 192. Oesch Dimitri 2005 Schüpfen 5.45,8 1.22,5 (32062) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 49. 4.07 194. Mendes Marinho Margarida 2005 Kerzers Primarschule Kerzers 5.45,9 1.22,6 (33079) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 31. 4.07 195. Conca Luc 2007 Meyriez 5.46,6 1.23,3 (41008) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 20. 4.07 196. Ruef David 2004 Koppigen Koppiger GP-Team 5.46,8 1.23,5 (30058) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 54. 4.07 197. Martinelli Elia Nicola 2005 Erlach Prim Erlach 5.47,0 1.23,7 (32048) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 50. 4.07 198. Meyer Lenny 2006 Steffisburg speedy gonzales 5.47,1 1.23,8 (32053) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 51. 4.07 199. Van der Heide Sven 2006 Steffisburg Speedy Gonzales 5.47,2 1.23,9 (32107) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 52. 4.08 200. Desaulty Lisa 2005 St-Aubin FR Gym St-Aubin 5.47,4 1.24,1 (33025) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 32. 4.08 200. Wyss Pascal 2007 Alchenstorf Koppiger GP-Team 5.47,4 1.24,1 (34138) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 21. 4.08 202. Romanens Marie 2007 Villars-sur-Glâne CAF 5.47,9 1.24,6 (41072) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 8. 4.08 202. Spavetti Alessandro 2004 Kerzers KGPS Kerzers 5b 5.47,9 1.24,6 (30064) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 55. 4.08 204. Gyger Cecile 2005 Amsoldingen All Blacks 5.48,0 1.24,7 (33050) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 33. 4.08 204. Vogel Yuki 2005 Evilard 5.48,0 1.24,7 (32109) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 53. 4.08 206. Hiltbrunner Mia 2004 Bern 5.48,1 1.24,8 (31039) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 36. 4.08 207. Sylejmanaj Leon 2004 Kerzers KGPS Kerzers 5b 5.48,6 1.25,3 (30066) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 56. 4.09 208. Haas Pascal 2006 Muhen 5.48,8 1.25,5 (41017) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 54. 4.09 209. Bosshardt Hannah 2003 Münsingen 5.48,9 1.25,6 (31015) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 37. 4.09 210. De Maddalena Emilie 2007 Bösingen 5.49,3 1.26,0 (35029) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 9. 4.09 211. Blank Kevin 2005 Grossaffoltern 5.49,6 1.26,3 (32122) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 55. 4.09 211. Friedli Jaimee 2004 Ulmiz 5.49,6 1.26,3 (31034) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 38. 4.09 211. Monnier Solenn 2003 Cuarnens les traines gourdins 5.49,6 1.26,3 (31113) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 38. 4.09 211. Tamayo Juan 2005 Kerzers 5.49,6 1.26,3 (32100) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 55. 4.09 215. Schwarz Olivier 2006 Studen BE 5.49,7 1.26,4 (32090) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 57. 4.09 215. Trüssel Jan 2007 Koppigen Koppiger GP-Team 5.49,7 1.26,4 (34128) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 22. 4.09 217. Dick Mirea 2004 Kerzers 5.50,0 1.26,7 (31028) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 40. 4.10 217. Marrocco Luca 2008 Krauchthal 5.50,0 1.26,7 (34081) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 23. 4.10 219. Aebersold Janis 2007 Düdingen TSV Düdingen 5.50,2 1.26,9 (34002) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 24. 4.10 220. Morand Jonatan 2004 Court Les Morands 5.50,5 1.27,2 (30049) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 57. 4.10 220. Zaugg Gian 2005 Herzogenbuchsee 5.50,5 1.27,2 (32117) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 58. 4.10 222. Balmer Julia 2003 Salvenach 6. Klasse JLS 5.50,7 1.27,4 (31008) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 41. 4.10 223. Huber Sidonie 2006 Ried b. Kerzers 5.50,9 1.27,6 (33058) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 34. 4.10 224. Andrey Mira 2004 Düdingen TSV Düdingen 5.51,1 1.27,8 (31004) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 42. 4.10 225. Schönenberger Lena 2005 Bösingen 5.51,2 1.27,9 (33111) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 35. 4.10 226. Dreier Anina 2006 Schüpfen 5.51,5 1.28,2 (33026) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 36. 4.11 227. Luder Jeremias 2005 Bern 5.52,1 1.28,8 (32042) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 59. 4.11 228. Andrey Ines 2004 Düdingen TSV Düdingen 5.52,6 1.29,3 (31003) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 43. 4.11 228. Monteiro Yann 2007 Tafers TSV Düdingen 5.52,6 1.29,3 (34084) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 25. 4.11 230. Baumann Cécile 2008 Thun U10 5.53,1 1.29,8 (35010) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 10. 4.12 230. Bucher Alischa 2008 Langenthal 5.53,1 1.29,8 (35021) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 10. 4.12 232. Brunner Mael 2006 Coffrane Red Fish Triathlon 5.53,3 1.30,0 (32009) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 60. 4.12 232. Flück Daniela 2003 Jeuss 6. Klasse JLS 5.53,3 1.30,0 (31031) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 44. 4.12 232. Pavlovic Dario 2007 Murten Team Jebon 5.53,3 1.30,0 (41038) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 26. 4.12 235. Eichenberger Jan 2004 Düdingen 5.53,4 1.30,1 (30025) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 58. 4.12 236. Keller Jasmin 2005 Horw 5.53,5 1.30,2 (41022) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 37. 4.12 237. Stuornaiuolo Mattia 2006 Jeuss 4. Klasse JLS 5.53,6 1.30,3 (32097) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 61. 4.12 238. Rickli Timothey 2004 Biel/Bienne 5.53,7 1.30,4 (30056) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 59. 4.12 239. Ruppen Medea 2004 Naters TV Naters 5.54,4 1.31,1 (31069) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 45. 4.13 240. Guillebeau Nevio 2006 Tafers TSV Düdingen 5.54,8 1.31,5 (32024) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 62. 4.13 241. Besson Eliot 2004 Jeuss 4. Klasse JLS 5.55,4 1.32,1 (30013) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 60. 4.13 241. Zappella Théo 2007 Reconvilier 5.55,4 1.32,1 (34139) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 27. 4.13 243. Lang Jael Sarah 2008 Brigerbad LFT Oberwallis 5.55,6 1.32,3 (35075) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 12. 4.14 244. Iseli Marco 2006 Hasle-Rüegsau FZ Hasle-Rüegsau 5.55,8 1.32,5 (32028) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 63. 4.14 244. Perren Jannik 2004 Kleinbösingen 5.55,8 1.32,5 (30052) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 61. 4.14 246. Berchtold Nele 2007 Ittigen 5.56,2 1.32,9 (35014) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 13. 4.14 247. Schorer Amélie 2003 Kallnach 5.56,3 1.33,0 (31079) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 46. 4.14 248. Erdin Celine 2007 Hägendorf 5.56,4 1.33,1 (35033) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 14. 4.14 249. Schnyder Cecilia 2004 Kerzers Klasse 6a Primarschule Kerzers 5.56,5 1.33,2 (31078) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 47. 4.14 250. Keller Lars 2008 Horw 5.56,7 1.33,4 (41023) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 28. 4.14 251. Gäumann Lasse 2008 Kerzers 5.56,8 1.33,5 (34041) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 29. 4.14 251. Kohler Timo 2006 Mirchel 5.56,8 1.33,5 (32030) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 64. 4.14 253. Rothe Cécile 2005 Kerzers 5.57,4 1.34,1 (33148) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 38. 4.15 254. Michoud Chloé 2004 Cossonay Les Traîne-Gourdins 5.57,6 1.34,3 (31056) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 48. 4.15 255. Valentino Mirco 2006 Galmiz 5.58,2 1.34,9 (32106) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 65. 4.15 256. Hurni Emilie 2004 Gurbrü 5.58,3 1.35,0 (31043) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 49. 4.15 257. Sarbach Alessandra 2006 Termen Laufteam Oberwallis 5.58,8 1.35,5 (33101) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 39. 4.16 258. Koleno Martin 2005 Vilters 5.59,3 1.36,0 (32031) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 66. 4.16 258. Schlup Maeva 2006 Büchslen Mädchenriege Ried bei Kerzers 5.59,3 1.36,0 (33107) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 40. 4.16 260. Hess Jaden Kweku 2007 Neuenegg 5.59,4 1.36,1 (34051) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 30. 4.16 261. Graf Jonas 2006 Erlach Prim Erlach 5.59,6 1.36,3 (32022) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 67. 4.16 261. Widmann Anouk 2005 Jeuss 5. Klasse JLS 5.59,6 1.36,3 (33134) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 41. 4.16 263. Joder Lauro 2007 Heitenried 5.59,7 1.36,4 (41068) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 31. 4.16 264. Hurni Linda 2004 Rosshäusern Hurni 5.59,8 1.36,5 (41097) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 50. 4.17 264. Kaltenrieder Lara 2003 Kerzers Klasse 6a Primarschule Kerzers 5.59,8 1.36,5 (31047) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 50. 4.17 264. Lugon-Moulin Lucas 2008 Bonvillars 5.59,8 1.36,5 (34078) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 32. 4.17 267. Studer Jasmin 2004 Erlach Prim Erlach 5.59,9 1.36,6 (31091) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 52. 4.17 268. Zürcher Jasmin 2007 Ulmiz Mädchenriege Ried bei Kerzers 6.00,0 1.36,7 (35145) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 15. 4.17 269. Söntgen Meret 2005 Lyss 6.00,1 1.36,8 (33122) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 42. 4.17 270. Vrieze Berend-Jan 2006 St-Prex 6.00,2 1.36,9 (32111) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 68. 4.17 271. Braig Kaira Maria 2007 Gurbrü 6.00,3 1.37,0 (35018) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 16. 4.17 272. Chanthakesone Madok 2007 Cheseaux-sur-Lausanne 6.00,4 1.37,1 (34025) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 33. 4.17 273. Tschachtli Michelle 2003 Kerzers Klasse 6a Primarschule Kerzers 6.00,5 1.37,2 (31098) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 53. 4.17 274. Frauchiger Alissa 2006 Worben 6.00,9 1.37,6 (33037) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 43. 4.17 274. Schwab Marco 2004 Andwil SG 6.00,9 1.37,6 (30062) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 62. 4.17 276. Baumann Jan 2006 Kerzers 6.01,0 1.37,7 (32004) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 69. 4.17 277. Prol Maeva 2004 Cossonay Les Traîne-Gourdins 6.01,2 1.37,9 (31115) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 54. 4.18 278. Blank Leila 2003 Grossaffoltern 6.01,3 1.38,0 (31111) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 55. 4.18 278. Ruffieux Zaccharie 2007 St-Aubin FR Gym St-Aubin 6.01,3 1.38,0 (34108) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 34. 4.18 280. Laverrière Julie 2006 Faoug CAB 6.01,6 1.38,3 (33073) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 44. 4.18 280. Möri Yoan 2007 Tavannes 6.01,6 1.38,3 (41088) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 35. 4.18 280. Schmied Lionel 2007 Ried b. Kerzers 6.01,6 1.38,3 (34114) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 35. 4.18 283. Messerli Nathan 2006 Zollikofen 6.01,7 1.38,4 (32052) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 70. 4.18 284. Gartwyl Aaron 2007 Burgistein 6.01,8 1.38,5 (34040) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 37. 4.18 285. Feyer Amélie 2008 Plaffeien 6.02,0 1.38,7 (41013) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 17. 4.18 286. Grogg Viola 2006 Cordast 6.02,5 1.39,2 (33048) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 45. 4.18 287. Lüthi Jan 2006 Burgdorf 6.02,7 1.39,4 (32043) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 71. 4.19 288. Herren Micha 2005 Schmitten FR 6.02,9 1.39,6 (22011) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 72. 4.19 289. Berger Simona 2003 Koppigen Koppiger GP-Team 6.03,0 1.39,7 (31011) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 56. 4.19 289. Poltera Calie 2007 Evilard 6.03,0 1.39,7 (35096) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 18. 4.19 289. Studer Fabian 2005 Muntelier 6.03,0 1.39,7 (32095) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 73. 4.19 292. Eberts Finn 2005 Erlach Prim Erlach 6.03,2 1.39,9 (32011) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 74. 4.19 293. Schnyder Julia 2006 Kerzers 6.03,3 1.40,0 (33110) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 46. 4.19 294. Burger Anna-Paula 2004 Avenches 6.03,6 1.40,3 (41063) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 57. 4.19 295. Berner Sarina 2006 Erlach Prim Erlach 6.03,8 1.40,5 (33009) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 47. 4.19 295. Liebl Aina 2007 Erlach Prim Erlach 6.03,8 1.40,5 (35079) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 19. 4.19 297. Bögli Elias 2007 Koppigen Koppiger GP-Team 6.03,9 1.40,6 (34015) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 38. 4.19 298. Perrinjaquet Lionel 2003 Nods 6.04,0 1.40,7 (30053) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 63. 4.20 298. Schorer Elena 2004 Bargen BE 6.04,0 1.40,7 (31080) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 58. 4.20 298. Suter Lasse 2006 Koppigen Koppiger GP-Team 6.04,0 1.40,7 (32098) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 75. 4.20 301. Noirjean Charline 2006 Sugiez 6.04,1 1.40,8 (41037) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 48. 4.20 302. Ricca Victoria 2007 Wünnewil TSV Düdingen 6.04,3 1.41,0 (35101) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 20. 4.20 303. Maurer Sarah-Lia 2007 Busswil b. Büren 6.04,4 1.41,1 (35151) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 21. 4.20 304. Burri Agathe 2004 Ueberstorf Jugi 6.04,7 1.41,4 (41064) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 59. 4.20 305. Mettraux Yanick 2005 Prez-vers-Noréaz 6.04,8 1.41,5 (32125) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 76. 4.20 306. Bill Mara 2004 Koppigen Koppiger GP-Team 6.05,1 1.41,8 (31012) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 60. 4.20 306. Läng Joel 2005 Koppigen Koppiger GP-Team 6.05,1 1.41,8 (32036) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 77. 4.20 306. Rohrer Marlen 2008 Münsingen 6.05,1 1.41,8 (35107) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 22. 4.20 306. Stefanov Valentin 2007 Galmiz 6.05,1 1.41,8 (34122) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 39. 4.20 310. Dufaux Julien 2008 Kerzers 6.05,2 1.41,9 (34030) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 40. 4.20 311. Bays Alexander 2007 Muntelier 6.05,3 1.42,0 (34009) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 41. 4.20 311. Schürch Lana 2004 Bösingen TV Bösingen 6.05,3 1.42,0 (31081) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 61. 4.20 313. Hurni Andrin 2006 Rosshäusern Hurni 6.05,5 1.42,2 (41099) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 78. 4.21 314. Freda Angela 2007 Oftringen 6.06,0 1.42,7 (35037) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 23. 4.21 314. Söntgen Malte 2007 Lyss 6.06,0 1.42,7 (34119) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 42. 4.21 316. Billieux Raphaël 2007 Neuchâtel 6.06,1 1.42,8 (34012) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 43. 4.21 317. Gäumann Runa 2005 Kerzers 6.06,6 1.43,3 (33042) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 49. 4.21 318. von Netzer Lea 2004 Gümmenen 6.06,7 1.43,4 (31100) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 62. 4.21 319. Mustafa Leona 2006 Kerzers Primarklasse 4b, Kerzers 6.06,8 1.43,5 (33086) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 50. 4.22 320. Kauer Melanie 2007 Mauss 6.07,0 1.43,7 (35065) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 24. 4.22 321. Ith Sebastian 2007 Murten 6.07,1 1.43,8 (34055) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 44. 4.22 322. Berner Julian 2004 Erlach Prim Erlach 6.07,2 1.43,9 (30011) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 64. 4.22 323. Guggisberg Carla 2007 Zuzwil BE 6.08,0 1.44,7 (35046) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 25. 4.22 324. Wilhelm Jonah 2008 Bern FC Breitenrain 6.08,3 1.45,0 (34153) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 45. 4.23 325. Joedicke Amadéo Ewan 2008 Lausanne Fleur de Lotus 6.08,9 1.45,6 (34146) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 46. 4.23 326. Bühler Anna Simea 2007 Kerzers 6.09,0 1.45,7 (35022) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 26. 4.23 327. Wiesendanger Fabienne 2004 Kerzers 6.09,1 1.45,8 (31116) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 63. 4.23 328. Friolet Lenard 2006 Môtier (Vully) 6.09,2 1.45,9 (32013) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 79. 4.23 328. Zingg Stefano 2006 Ferenbalm 6.09,2 1.45,9 (32118) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 79. 4.23 330. Minnig Ilena 2007 Ins Ilena 6.09,3 1.46,0 (35088) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 27. 4.23 331. Rotzetter Lucile 2008 Romont FR 6.09,6 1.46,3 (35108) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 28. 4.24 331. Ruhstaller Till 2008 Magglingen/Macolin RADYS.com 6.09,6 1.46,3 (34109) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 47. 4.24 333. Savoldi Luisa 2008 Alchenstorf Koppiger GP-Team 6.10,0 1.46,7 (35112) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 29. 4.24 334. Kipfer Mischa 2008 Kiesen 6.10,7 1.47,4 (34062) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 48. 4.24 335. Trachsel Elena 2004 Gempenach 6.10,9 1.47,6 (31097) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 64. 4.24 336. Schwab Ramona 2006 Andwil SG 6.11,2 1.47,9 (33117) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 51. 4.25 337. Schluechter Hanaé 2005 Boudry 6.11,3 1.48,0 (33106) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 52. 4.25 338. Dubas Evéa 2005 Savigny 6.11,5 1.48,2 (33027) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 53. 4.25 338. Wasserfallen Annina 2004 Kerzers Klasse 6a Primarschule Kerzers 6.11,5 1.48,2 (31101) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 65. 4.25 340. Sommer Selina 2006 Koppigen Koppiger GP-Team 6.11,7 1.48,4 (33121) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 54. 4.25 341. Grossenbacher Veit 2008 Lyss 6.11,9 1.48,6 (34046) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 49. 4.25 342. Imperatori Carla Sofia 2008 Zollikofen Imperatoris 6.12,4 1.49,1 (35060) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 30. 4.26 343. Schneider Nils 2007 Kerzers Sternenkinder 6.12,5 1.49,2 (34115) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 50. 4.26 344. Hirschi Joëlle Fabienne 2007 Fräschels Sternenkinder 6.12,6 1.49,3 (35054) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 31. 4.26 345. Braig Ruben 2008 Gurbrü 6.12,7 1.49,4 (34019) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 51. 4.26 345. Frütel Hedi 2006 Faoug 6.12,7 1.49,4 (33040) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 55. 4.26 345. Ricca Johanna 2004 Wünnewil TSV Düdingen 6.12,7 1.49,4 (31065) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 66. 4.26 345. Scheuner Noe 2006 Vinelz 6.12,7 1.49,4 (32080) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 81. 4.26 349. Kuchen Anina 2005 Schnottwil 6.12,9 1.49,6 (33070) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 56. 4.26 350. Szabo Telma 2005 Ins 6.13,0 1.49,7 (33126) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 57. 4.26 351. Mathys Livio 2006 Thun 6.13,2 1.49,9 (32049) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 82. 4.26 352. Meister Julia 2007 Kerzers 3a Kerzers 6.13,6 1.50,3 (35085) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 32. 4.26 352. Mitrione Ladina 2006 Kerzers 6.13,6 1.50,3 (33082) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 58. 4.26 354. Vrieze Doris 2005 St-Prex 6.13,7 1.50,4 (33130) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 59. 4.26 355. Zürcher Noé 2008 Meinisberg 6.13,8 1.50,5 (34141) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 52. 4.27 356. Hoti Melissa 2003 Kerzers Klasse 6a Primarschule Kerzers 6.14,1 1.50,8 (31040) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 67. 4.27 357. Mani Sarah 2005 Kerzers 6.14,2 1.50,9 (33076) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 60. 4.27 357. Reusser Nadine 2007 Murten 6.14,2 1.50,9 (35100) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 33. 4.27 359. De Brabandere Célien 2004 Villars-sur-Glâne 6.14,5 1.51,2 (30023) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 65. 4.27 360. Hugi Eliane 2008 Niederösch Koppiger GP-Team 6.14,6 1.51,3 (35057) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 34. 4.27 360. Pedro Tobias 2006 Courtaman 6.14,6 1.51,3 (32064) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 83. 4.27 360. Wernli Micaela Aylín 2006 Wünnewil 6.14,6 1.51,3 (41053) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 61. 4.27 363. Bolliger Yannick 2008 Fräschels BoNa 6.14,9 1.51,6 (34016) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 53. 4.27 363. Duennenberger Julie 2005 Posieux 6.14,9 1.51,6 (41012) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 62. 4.27 365. Lehmann Simeon 2007 Fräschels 6.15,1 1.51,8 (34074) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 54. 4.27 366. Butler Yunyan 2008 Genève 6.15,2 1.51,9 (35023) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 35. 4.28 367. Zürcher Sara 2005 Ulmiz Mädchenriege Ried bei Kerzers 6.15,4 1.52,1 (33139) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 63. 4.28 368. Ruch Anna 2006 Koppigen Koppiger GP-Team 6.15,5 1.52,2 (33098) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 64. 4.28 369. Baumann Julia 2008 Zollikofen TV Zollikofen 6.15,6 1.52,3 (35011) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 36. 4.28 370. Haenni Leonie 2003 Salvenach 6. Klasse JLS 6.15,7 1.52,4 (31038) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 68. 4.28 371. Friedli Lani 2006 Ulmiz 6.15,9 1.52,6 (33038) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 65. 4.28 371. Jansen Samara 2005 Lugnorre Gluxi 6.15,9 1.52,6 (33061) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 65. 4.28 373. Gervaix Colin 2005 Lausanne 6.16,1 1.52,8 (32017) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 84. 4.28 374. Leuenberger Lea 2004 La Tour-de-Peilz 6.16,2 1.52,9 (31052) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 69. 4.28 375. Koch Max 2007 Kerzers 6.16,3 1.53,0 (34063) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 55. 4.28 375. Lehmann Nathanael 2006 Fräschels Sternenkinder 6.16,3 1.53,0 (32038) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 85. 4.28 377. Kuqi Gjesika 2005 Wileroltigen Schule WGG 6.16,5 1.53,2 (33072) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 67. 4.28 377. Wolfisberg Silvan 2008 Liebefeld 6.16,5 1.53,2 (34136) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 56. 4.28 379. Mahr Julia 2005 Wileroltigen Schule WGG 6.16,6 1.53,3 (33075) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 68. 4.29 379. Zwahlen Jill Vivien 2004 Treiten Prim BTM 6.16,6 1.53,3 (31108) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 70. 4.29 381. Dubey Chloé 2005 Delley Gym St-Aubin 6.16,8 1.53,5 (33029) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 69. 4.29 381. Luginbühl Michelle 2005 Kerzers 6.16,8 1.53,5 (33074) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 69. 4.29 383. Gutzmann Kyra 2008 Twann Twann I 6.16,9 1.53,6 (35047) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 37. 4.29 384. Girardet Luca 2005 Belfaux Trilogie Sport 6.17,0 1.53,7 (32018) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 86. 4.29 385. Mani Kevin 2008 Kerzers 6.17,1 1.53,8 (34080) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 57. 4.29 386. Schmid Sarina 2004 Glis Triathlon Oberwallis 6.17,3 1.54,0 (31075) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 71. 4.29 387. Yerly Bryan 2006 Dompierre FR 6.17,4 1.54,1 (32116) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 87. 4.29 388. Saxer Uma 2006 Ipsach 6.17,7 1.54,4 (33102) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 71. 4.29 389. Maturana Kaynis 2006 Lausanne 6.17,8 1.54,5 (32051) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 88. 4.29 390. Brunner Carla 2003 Coffrane Red Fish Triathlon 6.18,3 1.55,0 (31016) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 72. 4.30 391. Graf Miguel 2006 Salvenach 4. Klasse JLS 6.18,4 1.55,1 (32023) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 89. 4.30 392. Feuz Raelle 2007 Kerzers Sternenkinder 6.18,5 1.55,2 (35035) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 38. 4.30 393. Selg Naima 2006 Ried b. Kerzers 3.Klasse Schule ABGRU 6.18,9 1.55,6 (33119) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 72. 4.30 393. von Netzer Yannick 2006 Gümmenen 6.18,9 1.55,6 (32110) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 90. 4.30 395. Reichenbach Yoann 2006 Les Ponts-de-Martel 6.19,2 1.55,9 (32072) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 91. 4.30 396. Eggli Natalie 2006 Kerzers 6.19,3 1.56,0 (33032) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 73. 4.30 397. Mathys Shawn Eric 2007 Kerzers 6.19,5 1.56,2 (34148) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 58. 4.31 397. Wüthrich Vianne 2005 Kerzers 6.19,5 1.56,2 (33135) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 74. 4.31 399. Schmid Kim 2004 Treiten Prim BTM 6.19,6 1.56,3 (31074) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 73. 4.31 400. Droz Alina 2003 Müntschemier Prim BTM 6.19,7 1.56,4 (31030) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 74. 4.31 400. Stefanov Rafael 2004 Galmiz 6.19,7 1.56,4 (30065) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 66. 4.31 402. Streit Nico 2007 Kerzers 6.19,9 1.56,6 (41048) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 59. 4.31 403. Okle Ladina 2006 Köniz LCA Bärn 6.20,3 1.57,0 (33088) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 75. 4.31 404. Hofmann Marie 2007 Trimstein Gerber Sport 6.20,6 1.57,3 (35055) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 39. 4.31 404. Maeder Levi 2006 Ried bei Kerzers 3.Klasse Schule ABGRU 6.20,6 1.57,3 (32046) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 92. 4.31 404. Schwaar Larina Salome 2005 Wileroltigen 6.20,6 1.57,3 (33115) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 76. 4.31 407. Kinzl Chanel Anne 2008 Bösingen 6.20,7 1.57,4 (35066) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 40. 4.31 407. Niklaus Robin 2007 Ferenbalm 6.20,7 1.57,4 (34089) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 60. 4.31 407. Wyler Cédric 2007 Mühleberg Mühleberg 6.20,7 1.57,4 (34137) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 60. 4.31 410. Romanens Hugo 2008 Villars-sur-Glâne CAF 6.21,0 1.57,7 (41071) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 62. 4.32 411. Paiano Alia 2008 Münchenbuchsee 6.21,1 1.57,8 (35094) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 41. 4.32 412. Hari Jael 2005 Erlach Prim Erlach 6.21,2 1.57,9 (33055) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 77. 4.32 413. Murina Anina 2005 Kirchberg BE 6.21,3 1.58,0 (33085) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 78. 4.32 414. Jordan Lara 2008 Glis LFT Oberwallis 6.21,8 1.58,5 (35063) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 42. 4.32 414. Richard Manon 2007 Chez-le-Bart 6.21,8 1.58,5 (35103) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 42. 4.32 416. Christen Saskia 2004 Oberwil b. Büren 6.21,9 1.58,6 (31022) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 75. 4.32 416. Krüger Lynn 2007 Tschugg Prim Erlach 6.21,9 1.58,6 (35074) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 44. 4.32 418. Ruef Viviane 2007 Koppigen Koppiger GP-Team 6.22,0 1.58,7 (35110) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 45. 4.32 419. Pepshi Blend 2006 Kerzers Sternenkinder 6.22,1 1.58,8 (32065) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 93. 4.32 420. Schiess Jonas 2006 Seftigen 6.22,4 1.59,1 (32081) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 94. 4.33 421. Saam Léna 2003 Neuchâtel 6.22,6 1.59,3 (22252) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 76. 4.33 422. Bücheler Anna Marina 2008 Brügg BE 6.23,5 2.00,2 (35020) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 46. 4.33 423. Spahr Margau 2003 St-Aubin FR Gym St-Aubin 6.23,6 2.00,3 (31086) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 77. 4.34 424. Beti Enea 2007 Lyss 6.24,0 2.00,7 (34010) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 63. 4.34 424. Meyer Kim 2004 Steffisburg Speedy Gonzales 6.24,0 2.00,7 (31055) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 78. 4.34 426. Prol Laeticia 2004 Cossonay Les Traîne-Gourdins 6.24,3 2.01,0 (31114) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 79. 4.34 427. Rohrbach Valentin 2007 Cheyres 6.24,6 2.01,3 (34103) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 64. 4.34 428. Saucy Johanna 2003 Biel/Bienne 6.24,8 2.01,5 (31070) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 80. 4.34 429. Gehrig Selina 2004 Kerzers 6.25,2 2.01,9 (31036) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 81. 4.35 429. Scheuner Lara 2004 Vinelz 6.25,2 2.01,9 (31072) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 81. 4.35 431. Lobsiger Kim 2007 Brügg BE 6.25,3 2.02,0 (35080) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 47. 4.35 431. Schneebeerger Niklas 2005 Willadingen Koppiger GP-Team 6.25,3 2.02,0 (32084) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 95. 4.35 433. Krasniqi Enza 2005 Kerzers Sternenkinder 6.25,5 2.02,2 (33067) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 79. 4.35 433. Schmitz Cédric 2004 Kerzers Klasse 6a Primarschule Kerzers 6.25,5 2.02,2 (30060) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 67. 4.35 435. Dick Leana 2004 Gurbrü 6.25,8 2.02,5 (31027) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 83. 4.35 435. Zahnd Yaelle 2007 Niederscherli 6.25,8 2.02,5 (35141) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 48. 4.35 437. Rüdt Lili Emma 2007 Wabern 6.25,9 2.02,6 (35109) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 49. 4.35 438. Glauser Amely 2005 Ried b. Kerzers Mädchenriege Ried bei Kerzers 6.26,1 2.02,8 (33045) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 80. 4.35 439. Jossen Jlma 2007 Glis 6.26,3 2.03,0 (35064) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 50. 4.35 440. Guggisberg Nora Anaïs 2005 Bern 6.26,4 2.03,1 (33049) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 81. 4.36 441. Gerber Caleb 2006 Seedorf BE 6.26,7 2.03,4 (32015) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 96. 4.36 442. Moser Linus 2006 Twann Twann I 6.26,8 2.03,5 (32059) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 97. 4.36 443. Becker Meret 2007 Ferenbalm 6.27,0 2.03,7 (35012) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 51. 4.36 444. Schürch Alina 2005 Koppigen Koppiger GP-Team 6.27,1 2.03,8 (33114) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 82. 4.36 445. Bürki Cylea 2008 Thun LV-Thun 6.27,3 2.04,0 (35146) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 52. 4.36 446. Krebs Roman 2006 Kerzers 3a Kerzers 6.27,4 2.04,1 (41119) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 98. 4.36 446. Kreienbühl Leo Joel 2007 Belp 6.27,4 2.04,1 (34067) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 65. 4.36 448. Marolf Sascha 2007 Oberwil b. Büren 6.27,5 2.04,2 (41032) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 66. 4.36 448. Schorer Fabienne 2007 Bargen BE 6.27,5 2.04,2 (35118) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 53. 4.36 450. Schwab Petra 2004 Kallnach 6.28,2 2.04,9 (31085) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 84. 4.37 451. Blanc Alisha 2005 Kerzers KGPS Kerzers 5b 6.28,3 2.05,0 (33011) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 83. 4.37 451. Chédel Emilie 2004 La Neuveville 6.28,3 2.05,0 (41007) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 85. 4.37 453. Ferbitz Malou 2007 Steffisburg 6.28,5 2.05,2 (35149) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 54. 4.37 454. Gerber Dario 2007 Oberburg 6.29,0 2.05,7 (34042) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 67. 4.37 455. Mäder Fabian 2007 Münchenbuchsee 6.29,3 2.06,0 (41094) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 68. 4.38 455. Pruss Melissa 2007 Gurbrü 6.29,3 2.06,0 (35097) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 55. 4.38 457. Jampen Yanis 2008 Kerzers 6.30,1 2.06,8 (34057) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 69. 4.38 458. Trachsel Cécile 2003 Müntschemier Prim BTM 6.30,2 2.06,9 (31096) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 86. 4.38 459. Wolf Raphael 2007 Ried b. Kerzers 3.Klasse Schule ABGRU 6.30,7 2.07,4 (34135) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 70. 4.39 460. Mettraux Loris 2008 Prez-vers-Noréaz 6.30,8 2.07,5 (34149) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 71. 4.39 461. Alchenberger Jael 2008 Kerzers Galmiz 2 6.31,0 2.07,7 (35004) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 56. 4.39 462. Trafelet Elina 2005 Vinelz 6.31,2 2.07,9 (33128) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 84. 4.39 463. Baumberger Anina 2005 Koppigen Koppiger GP-Team 6.31,4 2.08,1 (33008) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 85. 4.39 464. Jossen Nela 2005 Glis 6.31,7 2.08,4 (33063) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 86. 4.39 464. Jost Gian 2007 Koppigen Koppiger GP-Team 6.31,7 2.08,4 (34058) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 72. 4.39 466. Haymoz Sidney 2005 Brünisried 6.31,8 2.08,5 (33056) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 87. 4.39 467. Aschilier Mattia 2008 Turtmann 6.32,2 2.08,9 (41057) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 73. 4.40 467. Carrel Almeida Noah 2003 Noréaz 6.32,2 2.08,9 (30019) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 68. 4.40 469. Lüthi Robin 2006 Münchenbuchsee 6.32,5 2.09,2 (32044) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 99. 4.40 470. Davitkova Izabela 2004 Kerzers Klasse 6a Primarschule Kerzers 6.32,6 2.09,3 (31023) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 87. 4.40 470. Schnidrig Liah 2005 Ried b. Kerzers Mädchenriege Ried bei Kerzers 6.32,6 2.09,3 (33109) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 88. 4.40 472. Collin Mina 2007 Liebefeld RouleMaPoule 6.32,7 2.09,4 (35026) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 57. 4.40 473. Huber Dominic 2004 Ried b. Kerzers 6.32,9 2.09,6 (30032) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 69. 4.40 474. Gartwyl Ruben 2004 Burgistein 6.33,1 2.09,8 (30028) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 70. 4.40 475. Räz Mirco 2008 Detligen 6.33,2 2.09,9 (34099) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 74. 4.40 476. Federer Marc 2008 Riken AG 6.33,8 2.10,5 (34032) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 75. 4.41 476. Manoleva Melanie 2003 Kerzers Klasse 6a Primarschule Kerzers 6.33,8 2.10,5 (31054) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 88. 4.41 478. Elsig Pascal 2005 Glis Lft Oberwallis 6.33,9 2.10,6 (32012) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 100. 4.41 479. Schädelin Malin Lia 2007 Bern 6.34,1 2.10,8 (35113) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 58. 4.41 480. Mahr Hannah 2007 Wileroltigen 6.34,2 2.10,9 (35083) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 59. 4.41 481. Bossart Gian 2008 Wasen im Emmental 6.34,9 2.11,6 (34018) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 76. 4.42 481. Wechsler Sarah 2007 Bern 6.34,9 2.11,6 (35153) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 60. 4.42 483. Bruni Nicola 2006 Ulmiz 3.Klasse Schule ABGRU 6.35,1 2.11,8 (32008) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 101. 4.42 484. Okle Lia 2004 Köniz LCA Bärn 6.35,2 2.11,9 (31061) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 89. 4.42 485. Hurni Laura 2007 Ried bei Kerzers 3.Klasse Schule ABGRU 6.35,5 2.12,2 (35058) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 61. 4.42 486. Richard Camille 2007 La Neuveville 6.35,6 2.12,3 (35102) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 62. 4.42 487. Gartner Jeremy 2008 Wengi b. Büren 6.35,7 2.12,4 (34039) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 77. 4.42 488. Moretto Leonie Gina 2003 Ulmiz Mädchenriege Ried bei Kerzers 6.36,0 2.12,7 (31058) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 90. 4.42 489. Schwarz Lia 2006 Aarberg 6.36,2 2.12,9 (33118) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 89. 4.43 490. Aeberhart Lorine 2004 Ried b. Kerzers Mädchenriege Ried bei Kerzers 6.36,3 2.13,0 (31001) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 91. 4.43 490. Moser Damian 2006 Düdingen TSV Düdingen 6.36,3 2.13,0 (32057) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 102. 4.43 492. Rohrbach Stanislas 2005 Cheyres 6.36,5 2.13,2 (32073) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 103. 4.43 493. Binggeli Emma 2003 Grandson Crazy runners 6.36,6 2.13,3 (31013) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 92. 4.43 493. Kretschmar Lukas 2006 Erlach Prim Erlach 6.36,6 2.13,3 (32033) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 104. 4.43 495. Stooss Jana Ina 2007 Wileroltigen 6.36,8 2.13,5 (35125) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 63. 4.43 496. Kohler Luca 2007 Mirchel 6.37,1 2.13,8 (34064) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 78. 4.43 496. Mosimann Zoe 2006 Kerzers 6.37,1 2.13,8 (33083) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 90. 4.43 498. Dos Santos Correia Marco 2007 Kerzers 6.37,5 2.14,2 (22151) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 79. 4.43 499. Schlup Chloé 2007 Büchslen Mädchenriege Ried bei Kerzers 6.37,6 2.14,3 (35115) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 64. 4.44 500. Campbell Yanis 2008 Kerzers 6.37,8 2.14,5 (34023) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 80. 4.44
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