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37. Kerzerslauf 2015 - (14) (M40) 15 km Männer 40-44 Jahre
aktueller Stand von 28.04.2015 17:09:21
Rang Name/Ort Jg Team/Ortschaft Zeit Rückstand Stnr Overall Schnitt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Morgado Mario, Courtaman 1975 ccp 51.39,6 ----- (22) Diplom Video 15M 25. 3.26 2. Schönholzer Urs 1972 Ittigen 52.43,7 1.04,1 (17) Diplom Video 15M 32. 3.30 3. Jeanneret Patrick, Fribourg 1971 Trilogie Running Team # M 53.12,8 1.33,2 (19) Diplom Video 15M 39. 3.32 4. Bouzon Daniel, Avry-sur-Matran 1972 Trilogie Running Team 53.26,7 1.47,1 (64) Diplom Video 15M 42. 3.33 5. Pittet Laurent, Rue 1975 Wasimolo 54.42,2 3.02,6 (40541) Diplom Video 15M 69. 3.38 6. Marmillod Yves, Lausanne 1975 New concept sports 54.54,5 3.14,9 (1015) Diplom Video 15M 73. 3.39 7. Mathys Stephan 1975 Walperswil 55.04,2 3.24,6 (54) Diplom Video 15M 74. 3.40 8. Theurillat Christian 1971 St-Aubin-Sauges 55.19,0 3.39,4 (13256) Diplom Video 15M 79. 3.41 9. Vonlanthen Mario, Rechthalten 1971 TSV Rechthalten 55.22,1 3.42,5 (1034) Diplom Video 15M 81. 3.41 10. Asbridge David, Fribourg 1973 Triathlon Fribourg 55.33,9 3.54,3 (1002) Diplom Video 15M 83. 3.42 11. Piccand Cédric 1975 Corpataux-Magnedens 55.37,8 3.58,2 (1022) Diplom Video 15M 85. 3.42 12. Grünig Kaspar 1973 Gysenstein 55.46,3 4.06,7 (40069) Diplom Video 15M 87. 3.43 13. Brodard Stéphane 1972 Neyruz FR 55.53,4 4.13,8 (1041) Diplom Video 15M 90. 3.43 14. Snow Michael, Olten 1973 LSG Olten 56.10,8 4.31,2 (40177) Diplom Video 15M 102. 3.44 15. Gafner Lukas 1975 Homberg b. Thun 56.16,5 4.36,9 (1076) Diplom Video 15M 105. 3.45 16. Sommer Christoph 1972 Utzenstorf 56.22,7 4.43,1 (60) Diplom Video 15M 107. 3.45 17. Lorenz Daniel 1974 Derendingen 56.28,6 4.49,0 (1163) Diplom Video 15M 110. 3.45 18. Michel Cédric 1973 Les Geneveys-sur-Coffrane 56.33,8 4.54,2 (1054) Diplom Video 15M 113. 3.46 19. Meier Joel 1974 Soral 56.38,5 4.58,9 (21) Diplom Video 15M 115. 3.46 20. Bourriez David, Petit-Lancy 1972 Les Pagnouds Hopital de 56.54,2 5.14,6 (1135) Diplom Video 15M 121. 3.47 21. Ponzio Danilo 1975 Fribourg 57.00,2 5.20,6 (1170) Diplom Video 15M 128. 3.48 22. Stampanoni Leonida, Bigorio 1974 USC CAPRIASCHESE 57.01,0 5.21,4 (1063) Diplom Video 15M 130. 3.48 23. Fischer Christian 1973 Aarberg 57.01,3 5.21,7 (1298) Diplom Video 15M 132. 3.48 24. Schaller Matthias 1971 Kiesen 57.05,5 5.25,9 (1123) Diplom Video 15M 136. 3.48 25. Neri Filippo, Thalwil 1974 smrun 57.25,4 5.45,8 (1081) Diplom Video 15M 143. 3.49 26. Kennel Raphael, Witterswil 1971 Tri VC Allschwil 57.40,9 6.01,3 (1157) Diplom Video 15M 153. 3.50 27. Lovis Jacques 1971 Tavannes 57.47,9 6.08,3 (13181) Diplom Video 15M 158. 3.51 28. Muehlethaler Adrian 1975 Bern 57.52,0 6.12,4 (1055) Diplom Video 15M 160. 3.51 29. Anderegg Yves 1972 Schlieren 57.55,9 6.16,3 (1302) Diplom Video 15M 166. 3.51 30. Mozzini Luca, Camorino 1971 RC Bellinzona 57.59,1 6.19,5 (1117) Diplom Video 15M 170. 3.51 31. Schaefer Frederic 1971 Chamblon 57.59,6 6.20,0 (40164) Diplom Video 15M 171. 3.51 32. Schönholzer Kurt 1972 Wattenwil 58.03,0 6.23,4 (1264) Diplom Video 15M 179. 3.52 33. Germann Rico, Zofingen 1971 Weishaupt Zofingen 58.05,3 6.25,7 (1149) Diplom Video 15M 183. 3.52 34. Hostettler Thomas 1975 Ostermundigen 58.13,7 6.34,1 (40081) Diplom Video 15M 188. 3.52 35. Elmer Markus 1974 Worb 58.19,0 6.39,4 (1105) Diplom Video 15M 191. 3.53 36. Straumann Alain 1972 Le Locle 58.22,0 6.42,4 (1269) Diplom Video 15M 192. 3.53 37. Luder Beat 1972 Kirchberg BE 58.34,1 6.54,5 (40431) Diplom Video 15M 197. 3.54 38. Fiaux Steeve 1971 Hermenches 58.36,7 6.57,1 (1280) Diplom Video 15M 198. 3.54 39. Roth Rolf 1974 Gohl 58.46,7 7.07,1 (13222) Diplom Video 15M 207. 3.55 40. Veron Didier, Chêne-Bourg 1971 Team Armstrong 58.52,4 7.12,8 (2291) Diplom Video 15M 210. 3.55 41. Marty Patrick 1975 Derendingen 58.54,1 7.14,5 (1166) Diplom Video 15M 212. 3.55 42. Pellaton Loic 1974 Fontainemelon 58.54,3 7.14,7 (1169) Diplom Video 15M 213. 3.55 43. Delémont Cédric 1972 Orbe 58.55,2 7.15,6 (1103) Diplom Video 15M 214. 3.55 44. German Gerhard 1975 Spiez 58.56,6 7.17,0 (1148) Diplom Video 15M 216. 3.55 45. Romanens Pierre, Villars-sur-Glâne 1973 CAG Farvagny - BCF 59.00,8 7.21,2 (1026) Diplom Video 15M 220. 3.56 46. Roth Alexandre, Chardonne 1971 Team New Concept Sports 59.05,5 7.25,9 (1119) Diplom Video 15M 223. 3.56 47. Haimad Lahous 1974 F-Evian les Bains 59.08,6 7.29,0 (1153) Diplom Video 15M 226. 3.56 47. Schuh Peter, Schwyz 1974 San Miniato al Monte Fire 59.08,6 7.29,0 (1178) Diplom Video 15M 226. 3.56 49. Terrier Alexandre, Genève 1975 Perform 59.16,0 7.36,4 (40188) Diplom Video 15M 239. 3.57 50. Kellerhals Thomas 1974 Bern 59.18,6 7.39,0 (40424) Diplom Video 15M 241. 3.57 51. Mühlethaler Kurt 1971 Bettenhausen 59.23,2 7.43,6 (2173) Diplom Video 15M 245. 3.57 52. Weilenmann Felix, Aegerten 1973 triseeland.ch 59.25,6 7.46,0 (1184) Diplom Video 15M 247. 3.57 53. Nussbaum Martin 1974 Jaberg 59.35,4 7.55,8 (1168) Diplom Video 15M 253. 3.58 54. Liechti Christian, Bern 1972 Liechtlis 59.43,6 8.04,0 (1161) Diplom Video 15M 258. 3.58 55. Henggeler Daniel, Wilen (Sarnen) 1972 Tri Hergiswil 59.45,8 8.06,2 (40335) Diplom Video 15M 261. 3.59 56. Kobel Ludovic 1974 Peseux 59.58,7 8.19,1 (1159) Diplom Video 15M 270. 3.59 57. Hayoz Boris 1972 Selzach 1:00.04,2 8.24,6 (2060) Diplom Video 15M 274. 4.00 58. Curty Olivier, Murten 1972 AC Murten 1:00.12,5 8.32,9 (1140) Diplom Video 15M 278. 4.00 59. Sciboz Fabian 1975 La Sagne NE 1:00.18,8 8.39,2 (1266) Diplom Video 15M 284. 4.01 60. Wunderle Niggi, Riehen 1971 runningcoach.ch 1:00.23,7 8.44,1 (2034) Diplom Video 15M 287. 4.01 61. Jenzer Stefan 1975 Frutigen 1:00.56,2 9.16,6 (1155) Diplom Video 15M 311. 4.03 62. Cicchi Stefano 1974 Echandens-Denges 1:00.56,5 9.16,9 (2051) Diplom Video 15M 313. 4.03 63. Wysser Roland 1975 Hinterkappelen 1:01.03,3 9.23,7 (1185) Diplom Video 15M 317. 4.04 64. Studer Jürg 1972 Niederösch 1:01.04,2 9.24,6 (2133) Diplom Video 15M 320. 4.04 65. Broillet Christian, Rossens FR 1975 VA Jogging 1:01.07,1 9.27,5 (3016) Diplom Video 15M 323. 4.04 66. Bucheli Michael 1975 Luzern 1:01.17,4 9.37,8 (2015) Diplom Video 15M 334. 4.05 67. Hofstetter Alex 1974 Münchenbuchsee 1:01.18,6 9.39,0 (2280) Diplom Video 15M 336. 4.05 68. Günter Stephane 1972 Einigen 1:01.26,0 9.46,4 (2059) Diplom Video 15M 344. 4.05 69. Augsburger Beat 1971 Unterseen 1:01.32,7 9.53,1 (1192) Diplom Video 15M 354. 4.06 70. Oesterling Nils, Gümligen 1971 LGgerbersport 1:01.39,4 9.59,8 (2121) Diplom Video 15M 361. 4.06 71. Wälchli Philipp 1975 Worb 1:01.41,4 10.01,8 (2189) Diplom Video 15M 365. 4.06 72. Martellotta Davide 1971 Cheseaux-sur-Lausanne 1:01.41,5 10.01,9 (40276) Diplom Video 15M 366. 4.06 73. Häni Thomas 1974 Tentlingen 1:01.41,9 10.02,3 (5085) Diplom Video 15M 367. 4.06 74. Wenger Markus 1973 Thun 1:01.58,2 10.18,6 (2187) Diplom Video 15M 382. 4.07 75. Alig Jacobson Danny, Bern 1972 Bern House Harriers 1:02.00,2 10.20,6 (2288) Diplom Video 15M 386. 4.08 76. Marmy Philippe 1975 Bussy FR 1:02.02,3 10.22,7 (5110) Diplom Video 15M 391. 4.08 77. Zürcher Dario 1971 Bern 1:02.03,2 10.23,6 (3156) Diplom Video 15M 395. 4.08 78. Trüssel Adrian 1975 Gasel 1:02.06,5 10.26,9 (2084) Diplom Video 15M 398. 4.08 79. Zeder Patrik, Bern 1974 BigFriends 1:02.10,1 10.30,5 (40366) Diplom Video 15M 402. 4.08 80. Stampfli Patrick 1974 Düdingen 1:02.11,0 10.31,4 (1267) Diplom Video 15M 405. 4.08 81. Stähli Kurt 1971 Zollikofen 1:02.13,1 10.33,5 (2011) Diplom Video 15M 408. 4.08 82. Gouttefarde Yannick 1974 Bern 1:02.13,6 10.34,0 (2057) Diplom Video 15M 409. 4.08 83. Bonvin Patrick, Echallens 1971 Visilab Running Team 1:02.19,5 10.39,9 (1205) Diplom Video 15M 414. 4.09 84. Wehrlin Christoph 1971 Lausanne 1:02.21,8 10.42,2 (2088) Diplom Video 15M 421. 4.09 85. Ghebremedhin Berthe 1973 Moosseedorf 1:02.28,8 10.49,2 (7301) Diplom Video 15M 426. 4.09 86. Balmelli Laurent 1972 St-Blaise 1:02.32,7 10.53,1 (40014) Diplom Video 15M 434. 4.10 87. Zimmermann Pascal 1971 Zuchwil 1:02.41,0 11.01,4 (4272) Diplom Video 15M 439. 4.10 88. Häni Beat 1974 Busswil b. Büren 1:02.44,5 11.04,9 (1194) Diplom Video 15M 441. 4.10 89. Bregy Patrick 1974 St. Erhard 1:02.46,4 11.06,8 (2048) Diplom Video 15M 444. 4.11 90. Salzmann Manfred 1973 Seedorf BE 1:02.47,2 11.07,6 (1309) Diplom Video 15M 445. 4.11 91. Rust Markus 1971 Bottmingen 1:02.51,9 11.12,3 (2252) Diplom Video 15M 453. 4.11 92. Okle Roger 1971 Köniz 1:02.58,2 11.18,6 (2174) Diplom Video 15M 466. 4.11 93. Schorer Patrick 1971 Kallnach 1:02.59,3 11.19,7 (2128) Diplom Video 15M 469. 4.11 94. Ritacco Biagio-Marcello 1973 Herzogenbuchsee 1:03.04,4 11.24,8 (2177) Diplom Video 15M 477. 4.12 95. Schluechter Pascal 1975 Boudry 1:03.14,3 11.34,7 (2126) Diplom Video 15M 490. 4.12 96. Baumann Beat 1974 Zollikofen 1:03.23,5 11.43,9 (4004) Diplom Video 15M 502. 4.13 97. Jamet Arnaud, Villars-sur-Glâne 1973 Semi-marathon Fribourg 1:03.35,4 11.55,8 (40085) Diplom Video 15M 511. 4.14 98. Fehlmann-Huber Marc 1975 Remigen 1:03.38,2 11.58,6 (1218) Diplom Video 15M 517. 4.14 99. Lanzillotta Agostino, Corsier-sur-V 1973 care vevey 1:03.43,2 12.03,6 (2064) Diplom Video 15M 521. 4.14 100. Leuthold Roland 1972 Thörigen 1:03.47,7 12.08,1 (2316) Diplom Video 15M 532. 4.15 101. De Magalhaes Fernando 1972 Genève 1:03.53,1 12.13,5 (15055) Diplom Video 15M 537. 4.15 102. Bittel Jan 1974 Meikirch 1:03.54,8 12.15,2 (2144) Diplom Video 15M 542. 4.15 103. Rösch Daniel 1975 Riedholz 1:03.55,2 12.15,6 (1258) Diplom Video 15M 544. 4.15 104. Kunz Stefan 1974 Rubigen 1:03.59,0 12.19,4 (6017) Diplom Video 15M 551. 4.15 105. Siegrist Patrick 1974 Winznau 1:04.02,7 12.23,1 (3146) Diplom Video 15M 557. 4.16 106. Favre Stephane 1971 Progens 1:04.03,6 12.24,0 (2300) Diplom Video 15M 560. 4.16 107. Ambrosini Stefan 1971 Oberbuchsiten 1:04.06,0 12.26,4 (3288) Diplom Video 15M 565. 4.16 108. Galliard Viktor, Chur 1974 Volley Chur 1:04.07,9 12.28,3 (40564) Diplom Video 15M 569. 4.16 109. Bangerter Philippe 1975 Vuarrens 1:04.09,1 12.29,5 (4296) Diplom Video 15M 570. 4.16 110. Heynen David 1973 Ausserberg 1:04.10,3 12.30,7 (2164) Diplom Video 15M 574. 4.16 111. Egli Christian 1972 Wettswil 1:04.12,6 12.33,0 (1305) Diplom Video 15M 575. 4.16 112. Vogel Samuel 1975 Courtepin 1:04.13,0 12.33,4 (40549) Diplom Video 15M 576. 4.16 113. Scherer Dominik 1975 Plaffeien 1:04.14,9 12.35,3 (4228) Diplom Video 15M 583. 4.16 114. Weber Christoph 1973 Flumenthal 1:04.16,7 12.37,1 (4259) Diplom Video 15M 585. 4.17 115. Brand Lars 1972 Lugnorre 1:04.18,7 12.39,1 (2206) Diplom Video 15M 589. 4.17 116. Friedli René 1973 Ulmiz 1:04.22,8 12.43,2 (2156) Diplom Video 15M 595. 4.17 117. Gutzwiller Mark 1973 Bubikon 1:04.26,9 12.47,3 (4153) Diplom Video 15M 600. 4.17 118. Schmid Stefan 1973 Vordemwald 1:04.37,6 12.58,0 (40168) Diplom Video 15M 609. 4.18 119. Zeller Michael, Bern 1973 gerbersport 1:04.39,8 13.00,2 (2192) Diplom Video 15M 614. 4.18 120. Bussard Antoine 1975 Fribourg 1:04.40,3 13.00,7 (4010) Diplom Video 15M 617. 4.18 121. Pittet Patrice, La Neirigue 1975 CAGF 1:04.52,2 13.12,6 (3260) Diplom Video 15M 628. 4.19 122. Gugi Olivier 1973 La Tour-de-Peilz 1:04.52,9 13.13,3 (3290) Diplom Video 15M 630. 4.19 123. Chartuni Alejandro 1974 Ostermundigen 1:04.58,1 13.18,5 (1304) Diplom Video 15M 635. 4.19 124. Bühler Markus 1973 Lobsigen 1:04.58,6 13.19,0 (2148) Diplom Video 15M 636. 4.19 125. Devanthéry Eric, Genève 1974 Gobe-bitume 1:04.59,8 13.20,2 (8036) Diplom Video 15M 638. 4.19 126. Guinand Cédric 1971 Genève 1:05.07,7 13.28,1 (5226) Diplom Video 15M 653. 4.20 127. Herren Thomas 1972 Bremgarten b. Bern 1:05.20,2 13.40,6 (3043) Diplom Video 15M 669. 4.21 128. Risler Martin 1972 Bern 1:05.23,2 13.43,6 (2313) Diplom Video 15M 673. 4.21 129. Guillebeau Michel, Tafers 1974 LAT Sense 1:05.30,8 13.51,2 (3188) Diplom Video 15M 686. 4.22 130. Moser Konrad 1972 Aarberg 1:05.35,6 13.56,0 (2172) Diplom Video 15M 691. 4.22 131. Bösiger Oliver 1975 Bern 1:05.38,2 13.58,6 (3022) Diplom Video 15M 696. 4.22 132. Minder Yann, Malleray 1975 Trophée de la Tour de Mor 1:05.43,2 14.03,6 (40281) Diplom Video 15M 709. 4.22 133. Arni Björn 1971 Stettlen 1:05.43,5 14.03,9 (2200) Diplom Video 15M 710. 4.22 134. Siegenthaler Rolf 1973 Zollbrück 1:05.43,8 14.04,2 (2258) Diplom Video 15M 712. 4.22 135. Baeriswyl Elmar 1972 Alterswil FR 1:05.45,3 14.05,7 (3167) Diplom Video 15M 713. 4.23 136. Aeby Patrik 1972 Giffers 1:05.47,9 14.08,3 (2139) Diplom Video 15M 715. 4.23 137. Tsogidis Alex 1975 Steffisburg 1:05.50,0 14.10,4 (4250) Diplom Video 15M 719. 4.23 138. Damiani Laurent 1975 Valeyres-sous-Rances 1:05.52,3 14.12,7 (12049) Diplom Video 15M 722. 4.23 139. Pipe Distel, Gwatt (Thun) 1973 distelpipe.ch / thebig3.c 1:05.54,9 14.15,3 (2312) Diplom Video 15M 725. 4.23 140. Magnenat Diego 1975 Gland 1:05.59,2 14.19,6 (3062) Diplom Video 15M 733. 4.23 141. Glauser Roland 1972 Mattstetten 1:06.02,2 14.22,6 (4013) Diplom Video 15M 736. 4.24 142. Ischer Philippe 1972 Boudry 1:06.03,3 14.23,7 (2230) Diplom Video 15M 737. 4.24 143. Stucki Carlos 1971 Horgen 1:06.06,0 14.26,4 (2294) Diplom Video 15M 740. 4.24 144. Waeber Hanspeter 1972 Tentlingen 1:06.11,4 14.31,8 (3221) Diplom Video 15M 748. 4.24 145. Wälle Yves, Zürich 1973 FreeRadicals 1:06.14,4 14.34,8 (2190) Diplom Video 15M 756. 4.24 146. Rolle Vincent 1972 Treyvaux 1:06.21,0 14.41,4 (4031) Diplom Video 15M 767. 4.25 147. Imhof Michael, Wichtrach 1972 Tri Team Steffisburg 1:06.22,1 14.42,5 (3246) Diplom Video 15M 769. 4.25 148. Feuz Adrian 1973 Reichenbach im Kandertal 1:06.23,6 14.44,0 (3178) Diplom Video 15M 770. 4.25 149. Krebs Hans Peter 1972 Wohlen bei Bern 1:06.24,3 14.44,7 (11045) Diplom Video 15M 771. 4.25 150. Joye Damien 1971 Givisiez 1:06.25,2 14.45,6 (3192) Diplom Video 15M 773. 4.25 151. Baud Julien 1975 Romont FR 1:06.30,9 14.51,3 (7290) Diplom Video 15M 786. 4.26 152. Brodard Jean-Francois, Treyvaux 1972 Team InterGibloux 1:06.36,6 14.57,0 (4109) Diplom Video 15M 794. 4.26 153. Seiler Peter 1972 Konolfingen 1:06.36,7 14.57,1 (4236) Diplom Video 15M 795. 4.26 154. Meyer Florian 1973 Wynau 1:06.37,5 14.57,9 (3130) Diplom Video 15M 798. 4.26 155. Fracheboud Vincent 1971 Choëx 1:06.39,4 14.59,8 (7079) Diplom Video 15M 802. 4.26 156. Schmid Tobias, Recherswil 1974 Schmid-Brothers 1:06.39,9 15.00,3 (3263) Diplom Video 15M 804. 4.26 157. Arm Laurent 1971 Villeneuve VD 1:06.40,0 15.00,4 (4094) Diplom Video 15M 805. 4.26 158. Niederberger Elmar, Plaffeien 1975 BSO Plaffeien 1:06.42,8 15.03,2 (2071) Diplom Video 15M 809. 4.26 159. Guignard Didier 1973 Cossonay-Ville 1:06.44,2 15.04,6 (2220) Diplom Video 15M 811. 4.26 160. Lüthi Adrian 1971 Boll 1:06.47,9 15.08,3 (3252) Diplom Video 15M 817. 4.27 161. Boegli Max 1971 La Chaux-de-Fonds 1:06.49,2 15.09,6 (40382) Diplom Video 15M 822. 4.27 162. Müller Marco 1971 Gränichen 1:06.51,2 15.11,6 (4194) Diplom Video 15M 823. 4.27 163. Leutwyler Stefan 1971 Ins 1:06.52,9 15.13,3 (3297) Diplom Video 15M 825. 4.27 164. Schafroth Thomas 1972 Ipsach 1:06.54,6 15.15,0 (4223) Diplom Video 15M 827. 4.27 165. Duvoisin Gilles 1973 Bonvillars 1:06.58,6 15.19,0 (5049) Diplom Video 15M 834. 4.27 166. Perrinjaquet Cédric 1973 Nods 1:06.59,3 15.19,7 (4028) Diplom Video 15M 836. 4.27 167. Silva Coelho Corvo Nuno José, Criss 1975 Footing Club Lausanne 1:07.01,4 15.21,8 (40464) Diplom Video 15M 843. 4.28 168. Gomez Daniel 1973 Bassecourt 1:07.07,5 15.27,9 (8062) Diplom Video 15M 858. 4.28 168. Mauron Nicolas, Courgevaux 1975 Flèche d'argent 1:07.07,5 15.27,9 (5295) Diplom Video 15M 858. 4.28 170. Anker Peter 1972 Ins 1:07.16,6 15.37,0 (3165) Diplom Video 15M 878. 4.29 171. Baechler Matthias 1975 Rechthalten 1:07.17,2 15.37,6 (4047) Diplom Video 15M 879. 4.29 172. Zumstein Reto 1974 Bern 1:07.20,6 15.41,0 (4274) Diplom Video 15M 887. 4.29 173. Heinz Timothy, Dietikon 1971 RunningCoach.me 1:07.25,3 15.45,7 (5249) Diplom Video 15M 897. 4.29 174. Küchler Patric 1975 Reiden 1:07.25,7 15.46,1 (20) Diplom Video 15M 899. 4.29 175. Althaus Tobias 1973 Madiswil 1:07.31,5 15.51,9 (6001) Diplom Video 15M 904. 4.30 176. Moret Jean-Blaise 1974 Echarlens 1:07.33,0 15.53,4 (2309) Diplom Video 15M 910. 4.30 177. Griner Philipp 1974 Thun 1:07.34,0 15.54,4 (40067) Diplom Video 15M 911. 4.30 178. Morel Bernard 1972 Ecuvillens 1:07.52,4 16.12,8 (4289) Diplom Video 15M 947. 4.31 179. Zimmerli Daniel 1973 Zollikofen 1:07.58,0 16.18,4 (6311) Diplom Video 15M 957. 4.31 180. Corminboeuf Denis, Ménières 1975 Team ELSA Sports 1:08.02,9 16.23,3 (4121) Diplom Video 15M 964. 4.32 181. Jacot-Descombes Steven 1974 Grandvaux 1:08.04,9 16.25,3 (3125) Diplom Video 15M 969. 4.32 182. Ferrieri Giovanni 1972 Stettlen 1:08.11,2 16.31,6 (3177) Diplom Video 15M 986. 4.32 183. Schelker Yannick 1973 Grandson 1:08.12,6 16.33,0 (4226) Diplom Video 15M 988. 4.32 184. Coste Damien 1975 Le Locle 1:08.12,7 16.33,1 (4122) Diplom Video 15M 989. 4.32 185. Henzi Alexander 1972 Zürich 1:08.13,3 16.33,7 (40554) Diplom Video 15M 991. 4.32 186. Fracheboud Jérôme 1974 Lausanne 1:08.13,7 16.34,1 (8052) Diplom Video 15M 992. 4.32 187. Ghadamian Farzad 1971 Bern 1:08.14,6 16.35,0 (5065) Diplom Video 15M 995. 4.32 188. Augsburger Daniel 1973 Ins 1:08.15,5 16.35,9 (6147) Diplom Video 15M 998. 4.33 189. Carella Frédéric 1972 Malleray 1:08.21,0 16.41,4 (40389) Diplom Video 15M 1008. 4.33 190. Delestre Philippe 1971 Daillens 1:08.27,3 16.47,7 (8035) Diplom Video 15M 1018. 4.33 191. Imperatori Claudio 1971 Zollikofen 1:08.29,4 16.49,8 (5206) Diplom Video 15M 1022. 4.33 192. Kalabic Seid 1975 Murten 1:08.31,8 16.52,2 (5253) Diplom Video 15M 1026. 4.34 193. De Pauw Kurt, Villars-sur-Glâne 1971 CAGF 1:08.31,9 16.52,3 (4125) Diplom Video 15M 1027. 4.34 194. Micalessi Bruno 1975 Cortaillod 1:08.43,3 17.03,7 (4188) Diplom Video 15M 1047. 4.34 195. Knopf Christophe 1975 Vuisternens-en-Ogoz 1:08.48,4 17.08,8 (4165) Diplom Video 15M 1056. 4.35 196. Bachofner Thomas 1971 Spiegel b. Bern 1:08.49,6 17.10,0 (4095) Diplom Video 15M 1059. 4.35 196. Poisson Luigi 1972 Courgevaux 1:08.49,6 17.10,0 (4207) Diplom Video 15M 1059. 4.35 198. Peter Roli 1971 Luzern Reussbühl 1:08.52,0 17.12,4 (2245) Diplom Video 15M 1066. 4.35 199. Schiess Christophe 1974 Biel/Bienne 1:08.56,2 17.16,6 (5151) Diplom Video 15M 1069. 4.35 200. Campiotti Reto 1974 Wünnewil 1:08.57,1 17.17,5 (4118) Diplom Video 15M 1072. 4.35 201. Bourdeau Henri 1971 Biel/Bienne 1:08.58,3 17.18,7 (18) Diplom Video 15M 1076. 4.35 202. Strittmatter Christian 1972 Rubigen 1:08.58,8 17.19,2 (40470) Diplom Video 15M 1077. 4.35 203. Wolters Thierry 1971 Froideville 1:08.59,3 17.19,7 (5279) Diplom Video 15M 1079. 4.35 204. Zbinden Urs, Aarberg 1971 Metalhead 1:09.02,9 17.23,3 (4081) Diplom Video 15M 1088. 4.36 205. Spack Bernhard 1971 Neuchâtel 1:09.03,1 17.23,5 (5303) Diplom Video 15M 1089. 4.36 206. Müller Christoph 1972 Gondiswil 1:09.03,7 17.24,1 (4193) Diplom Video 15M 1091. 4.36 207. Sabanoski Florent 1975 Biel/Bienne 1:09.05,2 17.25,6 (6077) Diplom Video 15M 1097. 4.36 208. Date Simon 1972 Oberburg 1:09.05,4 17.25,8 (5238) Diplom Video 15M 1098. 4.36 209. Staub Markus 1975 Bremgarten b. Bern 1:09.07,0 17.27,4 (5304) Diplom Video 15M 1100. 4.36 210. Burch Roger 1974 Baden 1:09.10,1 17.30,5 (4009) Diplom Video 15M 1107. 4.36 211. Schneuwly Stephane 1971 Arconciel 1:09.10,9 17.31,3 (40172) Diplom Video 15M 1111. 4.36 212. Fuchs Martin 1972 Süri 1:09.16,0 17.36,4 (40248) Diplom Video 15M 1120. 4.37 213. Fleury Christophe 1973 Le Landeron 1:09.17,5 17.37,9 (6189) Diplom Video 15M 1125. 4.37 214. Schöpfer Florian 1975 Rothenburg 1:09.23,3 17.43,7 (1265) Diplom Video 15M 1133. 4.37 215. Grogg Robert 1971 Urtenen-Schönbühl 1:09.24,8 17.45,2 (4150) Diplom Video 15M 1139. 4.37 216. Kocher André 1971 Dieterswil 1:09.26,8 17.47,2 (13167) Diplom Video 15M 1146. 4.37 217. Ammann Daniel 1975 Basel 1:09.28,0 17.48,4 (4090) Diplom Video 15M 1150. 4.37 218. Mijatov Sacha 1971 Dietikon 1:09.28,3 17.48,7 (40496) Diplom Video 15M 1151. 4.37 218. Ruedin Stephane 1973 Cortaillod 1:09.28,3 17.48,7 (4069) Diplom Video 15M 1151. 4.37 220. Bucher Patrick 1973 Thun 1:09.30,9 17.51,3 (4110) Diplom Video 15M 1159. 4.38 221. Turla Adrian 1975 Bern 1:09.32,8 17.53,2 (4251) Diplom Video 15M 1162. 4.38 222. Brantschen Reto 1975 Murten 1:09.34,1 17.54,5 (4108) Diplom Video 15M 1165. 4.38 223. Ferrera Pietro 1975 Zürich 1:09.36,4 17.56,8 (9171) Diplom Video 15M 1174. 4.38 224. Binggeli Beat, Wengi b. Büren 1974 Thömus Tri Team 1:09.36,7 17.57,1 (6162) Diplom Video 15M 1175. 4.38 225. Gendre David 1974 Bulle 1:09.38,2 17.58,6 (5308) Diplom Video 15M 1179. 4.38 226. Benoit Roland, Dombresson 1974 team boubas 1:09.40,3 18.00,7 (40376) Diplom Video 15M 1186. 4.38 227. Schneebeli Thomas 1975 Bern 1:09.41,9 18.02,3 (8145) Diplom Video 15M 1191. 4.38 228. Goebbels Nico, Leuzigen 1974 xtremeevents.ch 1:09.42,0 18.02,4 (5067) Diplom Video 15M 1192. 4.38 228. Moosmann Christophe, Morges 1973 Vaudoise Assurance 1:09.42,0 18.02,4 (6235) Diplom Video 15M 1192. 4.38 230. Gander Manuel 1974 Aarberg 1:09.43,2 18.03,6 (6032) Diplom Video 15M 1197. 4.38 231. Vuilléme Jerome 1971 Auvernier 1:09.46,1 18.06,5 (10261) Diplom Video 15M 1204. 4.39 232. Schäffer Beat 1974 Riedikon 1:09.51,1 18.11,5 (4231) Diplom Video 15M 1215. 4.39 233. Assumani Hassan 1973 Bevaix 1:09.55,2 18.15,6 (6145) Diplom Video 15M 1222. 4.39 234. Rumo Martin 1974 Fribourg 1:09.57,3 18.17,7 (6304) Diplom Video 15M 1226. 4.39 235. Flammer Marc 1973 Bremgarten b. Bern 1:09.58,1 18.18,5 (6188) Diplom Video 15M 1227. 4.39 236. Zbinden Ueli 1971 Schwarzenburg 1:10.06,8 18.27,2 (3226) Diplom Video 15M 1243. 4.40 237. Kreis Markus 1974 Bern 1:10.10,4 18.30,8 (9210) Diplom Video 15M 1251. 4.40 238. Gusset Christophe, Montet (Broye) 1973 A Travers Cugy 1:10.11,6 18.32,0 (6013) Diplom Video 15M 1253. 4.40 239. Balmer Hansueli 1972 Salvenach 1:10.11,8 18.32,2 (10010) Diplom Video 15M 1254. 4.40 240. Buclin Hyun 1971 Marsens 1:10.16,5 18.36,9 (8019) Diplom Video 15M 1265. 4.41 241. Marmy Christophe 1973 Murist 1:10.20,1 18.40,5 (40115) Diplom Video 15M 1273. 4.41 242. Blatti Peter 1974 Därligen 1:10.20,3 18.40,7 (5193) Diplom Video 15M 1274. 4.41 243. Délèze Yann 1974 Neuheim 1:10.20,8 18.41,2 (6292) Diplom Video 15M 1276. 4.41 244. Krieger Olivier 1972 Brig 1:10.21,4 18.41,8 (8084) Diplom Video 15M 1278. 4.41 245. Cuche Julien 1974 St-Blaise 1:10.23,4 18.43,8 (40032) Diplom Video 15M 1283. 4.41 246. Reber Andreas 1971 Rubigen 1:10.25,4 18.45,8 (15171) Diplom Video 15M 1290. 4.41 247. Schläpfer Yves 1973 Schnottwil 1:10.26,2 18.46,6 (40454) Diplom Video 15M 1294. 4.41 248. Nicosia Salvatore 1974 Bussigny-près-Lausanne 1:10.31,1 18.51,5 (5298) Diplom Video 15M 1301. 4.42 249. Weisenseel Ulrich 1971 Münchenbuchsee 1:10.34,4 18.54,8 (7268) Diplom Video 15M 1311. 4.42 250. Allemann Hans-Peter 1975 Boll 1:10.35,3 18.55,7 (5227) Diplom Video 15M 1316. 4.42 251. Hertig Stefan 1975 Uetendorf 1:10.36,6 18.57,0 (8070) Diplom Video 15M 1318. 4.42 252. Huguenin Pierre-Yves 1971 Fribourg 1:10.36,7 18.57,1 (11038) Diplom Video 15M 1319. 4.42 253. Reist Thomas 1972 Burgdorf 1:10.37,6 18.58,0 (9245) Diplom Video 15M 1321. 4.42 254. Haller Marc 1972 Sutz 1:10.41,4 19.01,8 (6014) Diplom Video 15M 1329. 4.42 255. Ledermann Pascal 1972 Düdingen 1:10.46,2 19.06,6 (4307) Diplom Video 15M 1338. 4.43 256. Künzi Hans 1975 Wohlen b. Bern 1:10.47,7 19.08,1 (4059) Diplom Video 15M 1340. 4.43 257. Faivre Pierre 1974 St-Aubin-Sauges 1:10.56,5 19.16,9 (8049) Diplom Video 15M 1363. 4.43 258. Schuepbach Christoph 1972 Belpberg 1:10.57,8 19.18,2 (4293) Diplom Video 15M 1369. 4.43 259. Wüthrich Ulrich 1972 Bern 1:11.04,7 19.25,1 (13280) Diplom Video 15M 1379. 4.44 260. Keusch Achim 1971 Schmitten FR 1:11.05,3 19.25,7 (6110) Diplom Video 15M 1381. 4.44 261. Gerber Christian 1974 Konolfingen 1:11.06,8 19.27,2 (8060) Diplom Video 15M 1385. 4.44 262. Mager Klaus Peter 1972 Bourguillon 1:11.07,0 19.27,4 (5108) Diplom Video 15M 1386. 4.44 263. Tondini Jean-Marc 1971 Môtiers NE 1:11.11,9 19.32,3 (7255) Diplom Video 15M 1398. 4.44 264. Schwab Stefan 1973 Walperswil 1:11.13,8 19.34,2 (10222) Diplom Video 15M 1405. 4.44 265. Luechinger Roger 1971 Niederhasli 1:11.17,4 19.37,8 (6112) Diplom Video 15M 1413. 4.45 266. Zaugg Theodor 1973 Hettiswil b. Hindelbank 1:11.18,2 19.38,6 (15228) Diplom Video 15M 1417. 4.45 267. Haymoz Pascal, Alterswil FR 1971 Grosshouz-Sprinter 1:11.20,8 19.41,2 (6105) Diplom Video 15M 1422. 4.45 268. Arroudj Mustapha 1974 Cernier 1:11.21,2 19.41,6 (1288) Diplom Video 15M 1424. 4.45 269. Moine Ludovic 1975 Biel/Bienne 1:11.23,5 19.43,9 (15145) Diplom Video 15M 1429. 4.45 270. Lang Gerhard 1974 Murten 1:11.26,7 19.47,1 (4175) Diplom Video 15M 1431. 4.45 271. Oeschger Reto 1974 Zürich 1:11.32,1 19.52,5 (4199) Diplom Video 15M 1445. 4.46 272. Zuccoli Jean-Michel 1974 Estavayer-le-Lac 1:11.34,8 19.55,2 (12252) Diplom Video 15M 1454. 4.46 273. Gabi Daniel 1974 Utzenstorf 1:11.36,2 19.56,6 (8054) Diplom Video 15M 1462. 4.46 274. Poffet Ivan 1975 Wünnewil 1:11.37,7 19.58,1 (8130) Diplom Video 15M 1466. 4.46 275. Nilsen Stein Are 1975 Münchenbuchsee 1:11.38,0 19.58,4 (8118) Diplom Video 15M 1467. 4.46 276. Müller Simon 1974 Uster 1:11.39,4 19.59,8 (8112) Diplom Video 15M 1469. 4.46 277. Mariani Rocco, Dielsdorf 1972 Impuls Triathlon Club Bül 1:11.41,7 20.02,1 (11050) Diplom Video 15M 1471. 4.46 278. Mojon Sébastien 1973 La Chaux-de-Fonds 1:11.41,8 20.02,2 (12151) Diplom Video 15M 1472. 4.46 279. Weber André 1971 Ins 1:11.46,3 20.06,7 (6278) Diplom Video 15M 1480. 4.47 280. Reinhard Thomas 1971 Yverdon-les-Bains 1:11.46,5 20.06,9 (9078) Diplom Video 15M 1481. 4.47 281. Sacino Lucio 1975 Biel/Bienne 1:11.49,7 20.10,1 (9252) Diplom Video 15M 1489. 4.47 282. Willi Roland 1972 Brünisried 1:11.57,7 20.18,1 (6282) Diplom Video 15M 1499. 4.47 283. Breitschmid Damien 1975 Neuchâtel 1:12.01,5 20.21,9 (13083) Diplom Video 15M 1508. 4.48 284. Cottier Fabrice, Aigle 1973 Runners Team Spirit 1:12.04,4 20.24,8 (7050) Diplom Video 15M 1515. 4.48 285. Zimmermann Titus 1971 Schliern b. Köniz 1:12.06,8 20.27,2 (6135) Diplom Video 15M 1521. 4.48 286. Schwank Luca, Pregassona 1971 SenzaFondo 1:12.10,3 20.30,7 (5156) Diplom Video 15M 1533. 4.48 287. Siffert Laurent, Cheseaux-Noréaz 1971 Vaudoise Jogging 1:12.17,5 20.37,9 (15199) Diplom Video 15M 1550. 4.49 288. Fankhauser Marcel 1972 Heimiswil 1:12.20,3 20.40,7 (6137) Diplom Video 15M 1553. 4.49 289. Cuennet Yvan, Corpataux-Magnedens 1971 Semi-Marathon Fribourg 1:12.20,4 20.40,8 (4124) Diplom Video 15M 1554. 4.49 290. Bähni Rolf 1973 Bern 1:12.21,9 20.42,3 (1210) Diplom Video 15M 1559. 4.49 291. Hügli Roger 1972 Biglen 1:12.27,7 20.48,1 (40420) Diplom Video 15M 1572. 4.49 292. Beeler Yannis, Cudrefin 1972 Follow Me Cudrefin 1:12.29,1 20.49,5 (5013) Diplom Video 15M 1576. 4.49 293. Genoux Mathias 1972 Epalinges 1:12.29,2 20.49,6 (7089) Diplom Video 15M 1577. 4.49 294. Chalon Hervé 1974 Colombier NE 1:12.37,6 20.58,0 (7038) Diplom Video 15M 1594. 4.50 295. Krüse Markus 1975 Erlen 1:12.42,8 21.03,2 (8086) Diplom Video 15M 1604. 4.50 296. Walther Andreas 1973 Toffen 1:12.47,0 21.07,4 (9293) Diplom Video 15M 1612. 4.51 297. Laverrière Jérôme 1971 Faoug 1:12.50,1 21.10,5 (13174) Diplom Video 15M 1616. 4.51 298. Rütschi Christian 1973 Bolligen 1:12.53,3 21.13,7 (13228) Diplom Video 15M 1619. 4.51 299. Courtillat Jérôme 1972 Les Hauts-Geneveys 1:12.56,5 21.16,9 (8031) Diplom Video 15M 1626. 4.51 300. Ventura Luca 1971 Colombier NE 1:12.59,8 21.20,2 (40196) Diplom Video 15M 1634. 4.51 301. Dessarzin Frederic 1974 Morlon 1:13.01,0 21.21,4 (7062) Diplom Video 15M 1636. 4.52 302. Honoré Guillaume 1975 Bulle 1:13.04,5 21.24,9 (5205) Diplom Video 15M 1645. 4.52 303. Bucher Roland 1972 Gunzwil 1:13.06,3 21.26,7 (7028) Diplom Video 15M 1653. 4.52 304. Souchon Olivier 1973 Fribourg 1:13.10,5 21.30,9 (7240) Diplom Video 15M 1668. 4.52 305. Dünnenberger Simon 1972 Posieux 1:13.11,2 21.31,6 (7069) Diplom Video 15M 1673. 4.52 306. Saadoudi Nordine 1972 Biel/Bienne 1:13.15,7 21.36,1 (1259) Diplom Video 15M 1682. 4.53 307. Wyttenbach Marc 1975 Düdingen 1:13.27,1 21.47,5 (7277) Diplom Video 15M 1701. 4.53 308. Anderegg Bruno 1972 Kerzers 1:13.27,7 21.48,1 (7004) Diplom Video 15M 1702. 4.53 309. Vallotton Philippe 1975 Wabern 1:13.28,1 21.48,5 (6026) Diplom Video 15M 1704. 4.53 310. Fernandez Alexandre 1974 Vallon 1:13.35,7 21.56,1 (40057) Diplom Video 15M 1715. 4.54 311. Riesen Bruno, Neuenegg 1971 sportmentalatelier.ch 1:13.35,8 21.56,2 (9246) Diplom Video 15M 1716. 4.54 312. Rohrbach Marco 1971 Rubigen 1:13.41,7 22.02,1 (6254) Diplom Video 15M 1724. 4.54 313. Steffen Edi 1973 Lengnau BE 1:13.42,2 22.02,6 (5216) Diplom Video 15M 1725. 4.54 314. Itel Marco 1972 Biberist 1:13.54,0 22.14,4 (6108) Diplom Video 15M 1744. 4.55 315. Schmitt Pascal 1971 Chézard-St-Martin 1:13.55,3 22.15,7 (9083) Diplom Video 15M 1748. 4.55 316. Marinic Alex, Amriswil 1974 Braindead Laufriege 1:13.57,0 22.17,4 (4022) Diplom Video 15M 1750. 4.55 317. Scarna Joseph 1973 Biel/Bienne 1:13.57,5 22.17,9 (8142) Diplom Video 15M 1751. 4.55 318. Kohler Martin 1972 Zollikofen 1:14.02,8 22.23,2 (13168) Diplom Video 15M 1762. 4.56 319. Duber Martin 1973 Effretikon 1:14.05,0 22.25,4 (6181) Diplom Video 15M 1769. 4.56 320. Winterberger Alain 1972 Echallens 1:14.05,6 22.26,0 (6132) Diplom Video 15M 1773. 4.56 321. Frederiksen Lars 1975 Interlaken 1:14.07,6 22.28,0 (8309) Diplom Video 15M 1782. 4.56 322. Etter Nicolas, Cudrefin 1974 Follow Me Cudrefin 1:14.08,8 22.29,2 (10074) Diplom Video 15M 1785. 4.56 322. Ritz Jürg 1972 Utzenstorf 1:14.08,8 22.29,2 (2075) Diplom Video 15M 1785. 4.56 324. Appenzeller Oliver 1975 Aarberg 1:14.19,8 22.40,2 (8245) Diplom Video 15M 1805. 4.57 325. Wiesendanger Marcel 1973 Biberist 1:14.22,8 22.43,2 (6086) Diplom Video 15M 1813. 4.57 326. Schmidlin Markus 1973 Bern 1:14.27,4 22.47,8 (6079) Diplom Video 15M 1823. 4.57 327. Strebel Pierre-Alian 1975 Rüttenen 1:14.28,5 22.48,9 (7246) Diplom Video 15M 1826. 4.57 328. Monn Patrick 1971 Worb 1:14.31,9 22.52,3 (13191) Diplom Video 15M 1831. 4.58 329. Chiusolo Leonardo 1972 Fribourg 1:14.32,1 22.52,5 (7043) Diplom Video 15M 1832. 4.58 330. Vuadens Emmanuel 1972 Fey 1:14.35,2 22.55,6 (6130) Diplom Video 15M 1836. 4.58 331. Schertenleib Adrian 1974 Rüegsau 1:14.37,5 22.57,9 (9082) Diplom Video 15M 1844. 4.58 332. Charles Roger 1971 Bevaix 1:14.40,8 23.01,2 (6176) Diplom Video 15M 1849. 4.58 333. Uribe Antonio 1972 Reinach BL 1:14.43,5 23.03,9 (40308) Diplom Video 15M 1852. 4.58 334. Streit Martin 1974 Ortschwaben 1:14.44,3 23.04,7 (11071) Diplom Video 15M 1855. 4.58 335. Hodel Gregor 1973 Neuchâtel 1:14.44,6 23.05,0 (9197) Diplom Video 15M 1857. 4.58 336. Mathys Patrick 1975 Thun 1:14.45,7 23.06,1 (10153) Diplom Video 15M 1858. 4.59 337. Krebs Daniel 1974 Münchenbuchsee 1:14.46,1 23.06,5 (13169) Diplom Video 15M 1859. 4.59 338. Harnisch Hans 1973 Biel/Bienne 1:14.50,4 23.10,8 (9057) Diplom Video 15M 1867. 4.59 339. Herlth Jens 1971 Fribourg 1:14.53,3 23.13,7 (9193) Diplom Video 15M 1872. 4.59 340. Trotta Gianluca 1975 Pieterlen 1:14.53,8 23.14,2 (15215) Diplom Video 15M 1875. 4.59 341. Spicher Adrian 1975 Birmensdorf ZH 1:14.55,3 23.15,7 (12214) Diplom Video 15M 1878. 4.59 342. Bätscher Reto 1971 Spiez 1:14.56,0 23.16,4 (8199) Diplom Video 15M 1881. 4.59 343. Hübscher Patrick 1975 Bern 1:14.57,4 23.17,8 (10117) Diplom Video 15M 1883. 4.59 344. Jordi Michel 1974 Gümligen 1:14.57,5 23.17,9 (3054) Diplom Video 15M 1884. 4.59 345. Monney Christophe 1971 Semsales 1:15.02,0 23.22,4 (10166) Diplom Video 15M 1895. 5.00 346. Veraguth Marco 1974 Winterthur 1:15.03,2 23.23,6 (3098) Diplom Video 15M 1897. 5.00 347. Villarejo Michel 1971 La Chaux-de-Fonds 1:15.07,6 23.28,0 (6276) Diplom Video 15M 1905. 5.00 348. Gantenbein Daniel 1973 Thörishaus 1:15.07,9 23.28,3 (9015) Diplom Video 15M 1906. 5.00 349. D'Angelis Domenico 1971 Pambio-Noranco 1:15.08,0 23.28,4 (11028) Diplom Video 15M 1907. 5.00 350. Gloor Philipp 1971 La Chaux-de-Fonds 1:15.10,3 23.30,7 (9183) Diplom Video 15M 1913. 5.00 351. Czelustek Uwe 1974 Ins 1:15.16,4 23.36,8 (9013) Diplom Video 15M 1924. 5.01 352. Hayoz Sébastien 1974 Belfaux 1:15.20,1 23.40,5 (40416) Diplom Video 15M 1930. 5.01 353. Bossy John 1973 Vuisternens-en-Ogoz 1:15.21,6 23.42,0 (40383) Diplom Video 15M 1931. 5.01 354. Sterchi Samuel 1971 Niederhünigen 1:15.27,1 23.47,5 (6267) Diplom Video 15M 1949. 5.01 355. Brand Hannes 1975 Urtenen-Schönbühl 1:15.29,0 23.49,4 (11218) Diplom Video 15M 1953. 5.01 356. Ciolli Marco 1975 Alterswil FR 1:15.30,0 23.50,4 (15049) Diplom Video 15M 1954. 5.02 357. Tschirschnitz Falk 1973 Bern 1:15.35,8 23.56,2 (9093) Diplom Video 15M 1966. 5.02 358. Künzi Matthias 1971 Bern 1:15.36,2 23.56,6 (15122) Diplom Video 15M 1969. 5.02 359. Carrere Denis 1974 Gimel 1:15.38,3 23.58,7 (11022) Diplom Video 15M 1974. 5.02 360. Dadure Arnaud 1971 Cossonay-Ville 1:15.39,7 24.00,1 (14053) Diplom Video 15M 1977. 5.02 361. Ruschke Frank 1975 Hasle-Rüegsau 1:15.44,6 24.05,0 (7306) Diplom Video 15M 1982. 5.02 362. Bubendorf Denis 1972 Bevaix 1:15.48,2 24.08,6 (10038) Diplom Video 15M 1988. 5.03 363. Bucher Daniel 1971 Beromünster 1:15.48,4 24.08,8 (11295) Diplom Video 15M 1989. 5.03 364. Guidetti Hervé 1973 Lausanne 1:15.50,6 24.11,0 (11202) Diplom Video 15M 1992. 5.03 365. Limacher Roland 1972 Wabern 1:16.11,4 24.31,8 (8091) Diplom Video 15M 2029. 5.04 366. Carraro Andrea 1973 Ins 1:16.12,1 24.32,5 (11021) Diplom Video 15M 2031. 5.04 367. Giordano Fabrice 1971 Courgenay 1:16.14,3 24.34,7 (10090) Diplom Video 15M 2037. 5.04 368. Kaufmann Thomas 1973 Riggisberg 1:16.28,0 24.48,4 (8080) Diplom Video 15M 2058. 5.05 369. Stornaiuolo Emilio 1974 Jeuss 1:16.28,1 24.48,5 (11211) Diplom Video 15M 2059. 5.05 370. Clerc Patrice 1972 Villargiroud 1:16.28,2 24.48,6 (10055) Diplom Video 15M 2060. 5.05 371. Haefeli Frederic, Studen BE 1973 HotWheels Biel-Bienne 1:16.32,3 24.52,7 (6200) Diplom Video 15M 2066. 5.06 372. Röthlisberger Michael 1973 Walperswil 1:16.33,0 24.53,4 (6035) Diplom Video 15M 2069. 5.06 373. Caponio Alessandro 1974 Langenthal 1:16.34,8 24.55,2 (40388) Diplom Video 15M 2074. 5.06 374. Nachbaur Gerd 1972 Corcelles-près-Payerne 1:16.37,6 24.58,0 (4195) Diplom Video 15M 2079. 5.06 375. Bernhard Christian 1975 Solothurn 1:16.52,6 25.13,0 (7011) Diplom Video 15M 2105. 5.07 376. Chopard Patrick 1973 Saignelégier 1:17.00,4 25.20,8 (8026) Diplom Video 15M 2118. 5.08 377. Moser Martin 1974 Liebefeld 1:17.09,9 25.30,3 (9073) Diplom Video 15M 2139. 5.08 378. Gugger Andres 1972 Langnau i. E. 1:17.13,3 25.33,7 (15093) Diplom Video 15M 2145. 5.08 379. Bruder Chris, Port 1974 Garmin and Smith running 1:17.19,4 25.39,8 (12029) Diplom Video 15M 2156. 5.09 380. Schmidhauser Michael 1974 Ostermundigen 1:17.19,6 25.40,0 (40169) Diplom Video 15M 2157. 5.09 381. Frey Mario 1974 Schnottwil 1:17.21,8 25.42,2 (12072) Diplom Video 15M 2167. 5.09 381. Waeber Stefan 1975 Bourguillon 1:17.21,8 25.42,2 (9283) Diplom Video 15M 2167. 5.09 383. Bracciale David 1972 Neuchâtel 1:17.23,2 25.43,6 (6167) Diplom Video 15M 2171. 5.09 384. Moser Pascal 1973 Pieterlen 1:17.24,6 25.45,0 (8106) Diplom Video 15M 2176. 5.09 385. Zahnd Walter 1974 Vinelz 1:17.30,1 25.50,5 (8239) Diplom Video 15M 2185. 5.10 386. Bürgy Roland 1973 Cordast 1:17.32,1 25.52,5 (11077) Diplom Video 15M 2193. 5.10 387. Vaucher Daniel 1974 Cudrefin 1:17.37,8 25.58,2 (9279) Diplom Video 15M 2206. 5.10 388. Zambaz Jan 1972 Murten 1:17.43,6 26.04,0 (10279) Diplom Video 15M 2212. 5.10 389. Zamarian Remo 1973 Fulenbach 1:17.44,8 26.05,2 (10278) Diplom Video 15M 2214. 5.10 390. Murk Edwin, Bremgarten b. Bern 1973 Vetsch/Murk 1:17.55,1 26.15,5 (13303) Diplom Video 15M 2231. 5.11 391. Bühler Thomas 1972 Thun 1:17.55,3 26.15,7 (17084) Diplom Video 15M 2232. 5.11 392. Milovanovic Jovica 1972 Yverdon-les-Bains 1:17.55,9 26.16,3 (8103) Diplom Video 15M 2234. 5.11 393. Funk Michael 1971 Bern 1:18.01,6 26.22,0 (10083) Diplom Video 15M 2246. 5.12 394. Strickler Marc 1974 Wädenswil 1:18.02,9 26.23,3 (16273) Diplom Video 15M 2250. 5.12 395. Doleyres Yann 1975 Fiez 1:18.08,6 26.29,0 (40239) Diplom Video 15M 2260. 5.12 395. Sauerbier Martin 1971 Bern 1:18.08,6 26.29,0 (11270) Diplom Video 15M 2260. 5.12 397. Conti Luca 1974 Châtelaine 1:18.09,5 26.29,9 (10057) Diplom Video 15M 2264. 5.12 398. Hauser Richard 1975 Alpnach Dorf 1:18.15,2 26.35,6 (14105) Diplom Video 15M 2274. 5.13 399. Michel Peter 1975 Brienz BE 1:18.16,7 26.37,1 (8102) Diplom Video 15M 2276. 5.13 400. Billieux Patrick 1974 Neuchâtel 1:18.24,6 26.45,0 (9152) Diplom Video 15M 2283. 5.13 401. Ziegler Mathias 1972 Gwatt (Thun) 1:18.27,0 26.47,4 (12250) Diplom Video 15M 2285. 5.13 402. Bart Marco 1975 Bern 1:18.34,4 26.54,8 (15020) Diplom Video 15M 2299. 5.14 403. Diserens Laurent 1975 Lausanne 1:18.41,3 27.01,7 (15059) Diplom Video 15M 2308. 5.14 404. Renevey Vincent 1973 Areuse 1:18.50,1 27.10,5 (4210) Diplom Video 15M 2319. 5.15 405. Dupuis Didier 1973 Pont-la-Ville 1:18.58,0 27.18,4 (12055) Diplom Video 15M 2337. 5.15 406. Renda Giuseppe, Savièse 1974 13 etoiles 1:19.05,6 27.26,0 (15175) Diplom Video 15M 2341. 5.16 407. Personeni Alain 1971 La Chaux-de-Fonds 1:19.06,3 27.26,7 (7181) Diplom Video 15M 2343. 5.16 408. Torti Vincent 1971 Nidau 1:19.07,3 27.27,7 (13257) Diplom Video 15M 2346. 5.16 409. Zienteck Maik 1975 Orpund 1:19.07,9 27.28,3 (12303) Diplom Video 15M 2348. 5.16 410. Garressus Fabrice 1975 Praz (Vully) 1:19.08,6 27.29,0 (15083) Diplom Video 15M 2351. 5.16 411. Rappo Adrian 1971 Schmitten FR 1:19.10,2 27.30,6 (17257) Diplom Video 15M 2355. 5.16 412. Tanner Beat 1974 Kerzers 1:19.18,3 27.38,7 (12223) Diplom Video 15M 2368. 5.17 413. Wehrli Michael 1972 Bern 1:19.18,6 27.39,0 (40313) Diplom Video 15M 2369. 5.17 414. Morel Vincent 1971 Bulle 1:19.24,8 27.45,2 (9311) Diplom Video 15M 2379. 5.17 415. Fankhauser Thomas 1972 Murten 1:19.25,7 27.46,1 (40053) Diplom Video 15M 2384. 5.17 416. Mueller Christian 1973 Bremgarten b. Bern 1:19.27,9 27.48,3 (10170) Diplom Video 15M 2388. 5.17 417. Läng Jürg, Grafenried 1973 A-Team 1:19.29,3 27.49,7 (11254) Diplom Video 15M 2393. 5.17 418. Francioli Jean-Marc 1971 Bussigny-près-Lausanne 1:19.33,3 27.53,7 (7081) Diplom Video 15M 2397. 5.18 419. Rindlisbacher Heinz 1972 Cordast 1:19.36,0 27.56,4 (4212) Diplom Video 15M 2399. 5.18 420. Eichenberger Roger 1973 Diessbach b. Büren 1:19.50,1 28.10,5 (8206) Diplom Video 15M 2423. 5.19 421. Delobel Olivier 1972 Courtelary 1:19.57,1 28.17,5 (11029) Diplom Video 15M 2435. 5.19 422. Friedli Markus 1971 Thun 1:19.59,1 28.19,5 (13124) Diplom Video 15M 2440. 5.19 423. Pizzagalli Fabrice 1975 La Chaux-de-Fonds 1:20.03,2 28.23,6 (10186) Diplom Video 15M 2442. 5.20 424. Jungo Sébastien 1971 Villars-sur-Glâne 1:20.05,1 28.25,5 (12123) Diplom Video 15M 2445. 5.20 425. Wälti Marcel 1972 Schüpbach 1:20.14,6 28.35,0 (10274) Diplom Video 15M 2455. 5.20 426. Imboden Mischa 1972 Glis 1:20.18,1 28.38,5 (5087) Diplom Video 15M 2464. 5.21 427. Frossard Hicham 1975 Ecuvillens 1:20.23,9 28.44,3 (14076) Diplom Video 15M 2471. 5.21 428. Gennari Siro 1974 Kerzers 1:20.28,2 28.48,6 (14084) Diplom Video 15M 2475. 5.21 429. von Planta Rudi 1971 Bern 1:20.29,1 28.49,5 (12238) Diplom Video 15M 2476. 5.21 430. Born Bernhard 1971 Aarberg 1:20.33,2 28.53,6 (11105) Diplom Video 15M 2481. 5.22 431. Sedda Massimo 1975 Wil SG 1:20.34,4 28.54,8 (12207) Diplom Video 15M 2484. 5.22 432. Künzli Serge 1971 La Chaux-de-Fonds 1:20.35,7 28.56,1 (7139) Diplom Video 15M 2485. 5.22 433. Sersa Ettlin André, Kerns 1973 runningcoach.ch 1:20.35,9 28.56,3 (12209) Diplom Video 15M 2487. 5.22 434. Streit André Robert 1971 Uttigen 1:20.37,6 28.58,0 (8264) Diplom Video 15M 2494. 5.22 435. Bovey Stéphane 1972 Cottens FR 1:20.38,9 28.59,3 (13289) Diplom Video 15M 2497. 5.22 436. Kreuter Ulrich 1972 Lanzenhäusern 1:20.40,3 29.00,7 (11153) Diplom Video 15M 2498. 5.22 437. Beguelin Cédric 1972 Puidoux 1:20.44,1 29.04,5 (7008) Diplom Video 15M 2503. 5.22 438. Stegemann Robert 1971 Ins 1:20.44,8 29.05,2 (40503) Diplom Video 15M 2504. 5.22 439. Oppliger Nicolas 1973 Chézard-St-Martin 1:20.57,7 29.18,1 (12169) Diplom Video 15M 2517. 5.23 440. Cosandey Laurent 1974 St-Blaise 1:21.20,4 29.40,8 (10060) Diplom Video 15M 2541. 5.25 441. Baour Hervé, Fontenais 1973 CA Fontenais 1:21.21,1 29.41,5 (11014) Diplom Video 15M 2543. 5.25 442. Blaser Thomas 1971 Walperswil 1:21.24,8 29.45,2 (11017) Diplom Video 15M 2550. 5.25 443. Wüthrich Bernhard 1974 Bowil 1:21.26,6 29.47,0 (10275) Diplom Video 15M 2551. 5.25 444. Held Martin 1974 Niederönz 1:21.31,4 29.51,8 (15098) Diplom Video 15M 2558. 5.26 445. Ronner Markus 1972 Niederscherli 1:21.31,5 29.51,9 (14207) Diplom Video 15M 2559. 5.26 446. Curty Philippe, Neyruz FR 1973 Runners'free 1:21.33,6 29.54,0 (10062) Diplom Video 15M 2561. 5.26 447. Burkhardt Philipp 1971 Biberist 1:21.50,6 30.11,0 (10041) Diplom Video 15M 2578. 5.27 448. Flückiger Pascal 1974 Ardon 1:21.58,0 30.18,4 (9174) Diplom Video 15M 2586. 5.27 449. Currat Cedric, Granges-Paccot 1973 B3 Bulle triathlon 1:22.10,1 30.30,5 (40392) Diplom Video 15M 2601. 5.28 450. Kaderli Roy 1974 Sigriswil 1:22.22,9 30.43,3 (40422) Diplom Video 15M 2611. 5.29 451. Benfatto Alessandro, Münsingen 1973 myStromer 1:22.40,7 31.01,1 (4103) Diplom Video 15M 2629. 5.30 452. Jost Thomas 1974 Guschelmuth 1:22.43,6 31.04,0 (11078) Diplom Video 15M 2632. 5.30 453. Jansen Patrick 1971 Ueberstorf 1:22.46,0 31.06,4 (10122) Diplom Video 15M 2635. 5.31 454. Battagliero Christophe 1973 F-Vulbens 1:22.46,4 31.06,8 (10016) Diplom Video 15M 2636. 5.31 455. Gloor Reto 1975 Kerzers 1:22.54,8 31.15,2 (10092) Diplom Video 15M 2646. 5.31 456. Niggli Thomas 1971 Deitingen 1:23.10,2 31.30,6 (12166) Diplom Video 15M 2656. 5.32 457. Fässler Matthias 1973 Thun 1:23.16,6 31.37,0 (9055) Diplom Video 15M 2659. 5.33 458. Dias Julio 1971 Mellingen 1:23.21,7 31.42,1 (7063) Diplom Video 15M 2666. 5.33 459. Neuhaus Sully 1975 La Chaux-de-Fonds 1:23.22,0 31.42,4 (8116) Diplom Video 15M 2667. 5.33 460. Bois Matthieu 1971 La Chaux-de-Fonds 1:23.36,5 31.56,9 (40323) Diplom Video 15M 2685. 5.34 461. Mallet Greg 1971 Le Landeron 1:23.46,7 32.07,1 (16070) Diplom Video 15M 2701. 5.35 462. Berwert Serge 1975 Bern 1:23.49,9 32.10,3 (12019) Diplom Video 15M 2706. 5.35 463. Messerli Peter 1972 Kerzers 1:23.59,1 32.19,5 (14176) Diplom Video 15M 2716. 5.35 464. Häusermann Alex 1971 Reinach AG 1:23.59,2 32.19,6 (15110) Diplom Video 15M 2717. 5.35 465. Giannotta Fabio 1971 Biel/Bienne 1:24.00,0 32.20,4 (16046) Diplom Video 15M 2720. 5.36 466. Winklehner Thomas, Liebefeld 1974 Wolverine 1:24.02,7 32.23,1 (10271) Diplom Video 15M 2724. 5.36 467. Mutti Pascal 1971 Biberist 1:24.03,2 32.23,6 (7170) Diplom Video 15M 2726. 5.36 468. Kaltenrieder Cédric 1975 Courtelary 1:24.05,9 32.26,3 (15293) Diplom Video 15M 2730. 5.36 469. Fey Jürg 1972 Frick 1:24.09,7 32.30,1 (17027) Diplom Video 15M 2735. 5.36 470. Rohrer Martin 1972 Lyss 1:24.17,2 32.37,6 (13033) Diplom Video 15M 2743. 5.37 471. Affolter Martin 1972 Langnau i. E. 1:24.34,8 32.55,2 (8002) Diplom Video 15M 2765. 5.38 472. Schorer Michel 1975 Bargen BE 1:24.47,2 33.07,6 (17044) Diplom Video 15M 2777. 5.39 473. Dubey Bertrand, Bollion 1975 Team ELSA 1:25.04,4 33.24,8 (15066) Diplom Video 15M 2800. 5.40 474. Jakob Holger 1971 Finsterhennen 1:25.06,1 33.26,5 (16058) Diplom Video 15M 2804. 5.40 475. Orsetti Maurizio 1974 Finsterhennen 1:25.12,4 33.32,8 (13049) Diplom Video 15M 2810. 5.40 476. Seeberger David 1975 Gampelen 1:25.14,9 33.35,3 (10230) Diplom Video 15M 2815. 5.40 477. Héry Frédéric 1972 Vicques 1:25.18,2 33.38,6 (17202) Diplom Video 15M 2820. 5.41 478. Benninger Lorenz 1974 Bremgarten b. Bern 1:25.21,6 33.42,0 (12256) Diplom Video 15M 2826. 5.41 479. Isch Markus 1971 Urtenen-Schönbühl 1:25.32,0 33.52,4 (7123) Diplom Video 15M 2839. 5.42 480. Engel Alberic 1971 Aran 1:25.40,1 34.00,5 (40048) Diplom Video 15M 2846. 5.42 481. Raemy David 1973 Savièse 1:25.40,2 34.00,6 (12180) Diplom Video 15M 2847. 5.42 482. Baumeler Michael 1971 Hochdorf 1:26.15,2 34.35,6 (7316) Diplom Video 15M 2879. 5.45 483. Keusch Theo 1974 Murten 1:26.17,0 34.37,4 (15120) Diplom Video 15M 2882. 5.45 484. Sabatella Giuseppe 1972 Zürich 1:26.36,4 34.56,8 (16096) Diplom Video 15M 2900. 5.46 485. Vifian Daniel 1971 Kallnach 1:26.42,1 35.02,5 (12233) Diplom Video 15M 2905. 5.46 486. Sobrino Javier 1971 Ueberstorf 1:26.46,8 35.07,2 (11276) Diplom Video 15M 2910. 5.47 487. Prado Leo 1972 Epalinges 1:26.55,1 35.15,5 (12176) Diplom Video 15M 2919. 5.47 488. Mathis Reto 1972 Aarau 1:26.59,3 35.19,7 (7161) Diplom Video 15M 2923. 5.47 489. Grau Adrian 1974 Münchenbuchsee 1:27.08,7 35.29,1 (14095) Diplom Video 15M 2934. 5.48 490. Walder Jürg 1972 Burgdorf 1:27.24,1 35.44,5 (14277) Diplom Video 15M 2945. 5.49 491. Grossmann Lukas 1972 Bern 1:27.44,3 36.04,7 (15092) Diplom Video 15M 2962. 5.50 492. Brunner Cédric 1974 Coffrane 1:27.47,4 36.07,8 (8269) Diplom Video 15M 2963. 5.51 493. Thambythurai Jeyaseelan 1971 Bern 1:28.46,7 37.07,1 (14255) Diplom Video 15M 2996. 5.55 494. Verga Ananthaganeshan 1972 Crissier 1:29.14,7 37.35,1 (15218) Diplom Video 15M 3013. 5.56 495. Prost Andreas 1972 Renens VD 1:29.30,0 37.50,4 (13211) Diplom Video 15M 3030. 5.58 496. Laverrie Cédryc 1974 Blonay 1:30.48,9 39.09,3 (12133) Diplom Video 15M 3075. 6.03 497. Plancherel Richard 1974 Estavayer-le-Lac 1:31.12,2 39.32,6 (15008) Diplom Video 15M 3086. 6.04 498. Crevoiserat David 1973 Gland 1:31.51,4 40.11,8 (17018) Diplom Video 15M 3103. 6.07 499. End Holger 1973 Port 1:32.10,6 40.31,0 (3030) Diplom Video 15M 3109. 6.08 500. Biela Marcin 1974 Lyss 1:32.20,9 40.41,3 (17189) Diplom Video 15M 3119. 6.09 501. Hardegger Sam 1974 Saillon 1:33.32,5 41.52,9 (40076) Diplom Video 15M 3140. 6.14 502. Rotondaro Pasquale 1974 Münchenwiler 1:33.41,7 42.02,1 (12283) Diplom Video 15M 3145. 6.14 503. Brunner Dion 1975 Portalban 1:33.42,4 42.02,8 (16016) Diplom Video 15M 3146. 6.14 504. Studer Jörg 1974 Thürnen 1:34.32,9 42.53,3 (17261) Diplom Video 15M 3163. 6.18 505. Giugno Pietro 1973 La Chaux-de-Fonds 1:35.16,6 43.37,0 (11100) Diplom Video 15M 3175. 6.21 506. Zimmermann Heiko 1971 Lyss 1:36.03,0 44.23,4 (16286) Diplom Video 15M 3189. 6.24 507. Roserens Léonard 1975 Evionnaz 1:36.40,3 45.00,7 (12190) Diplom Video 15M 3201. 6.26 508. Affolter Stefan 1973 Kerzers 1:36.54,8 45.15,2 (17071) Diplom Video 15M 3203. 6.27 509. Fridez Raphael 1974 Lausanne 1:39.00,5 47.20,9 (40534) Diplom Video 15M 3235. 6.36 510. Haeusler Ralf 1971 Oftringen 1:39.01,9 47.22,3 (40255) Diplom Video 15M 3236. 6.36 511. Schnell Christof, Röschenz 1974 Gilgenberg Runners 1:43.59,3 52.19,7 (16104) Diplom Video 15M 3276. 6.55 512. Schneuwly Fabian 1974 Heitenried 1:45.47,2 54.07,6 (17183) Diplom Video 15M 3289. 7.03 513. Rossier Frédéric 1975 Vevey 1:53.21,7 1:01.42,1 (15184) Diplom Video 15M 3334. 7.33 DNF Zehnder Michele 1972 Liebefeld 58.04,9 Golaten bei (4287) Video 15M ---- DNF Hegelbach Patrik, Grenchen 1971 Free Runners Grenchen ----- ----- (1079) Video 15M ---- DNF Kobel Jérôme 1975 Neuchâtel ----- ----- (1158) Video 15M ---- DNF Berclaz David 1974 Matran ----- ----- (14025) Video 15M ----
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