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37. Kerzerslauf 2015 - nach Name "U"
aktueller Stand von 28.04.2015 17:09:21
Kategorie Rang Name und Vorname Jg Land/Ort S Start Zeit Rückstand Stnr Overall Schnitt ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15-F40 199. Ubaghs Géraldine 1971 Echichens 40193 1:28.59,0 31.10,0 (40193) Diplom Video 15F 1144. 5.55 15-M20 132. Udry Matthias 1988 Bösingen 2286 1:02.21,3 18.32,9 (2286) Diplom Video 15M 419. 4.09 15-F45 216. Uebelhart Karin 1970 Langendorf 16121 1:31.40,7 31.49,6 (16121) Diplom Video 15F 1276. 6.06 M2-U12F 25. Ueberhart Aline 2004 Sempach 47123 7.12,7 2.06,9 (47123) Diplom Video --- 5.09 15-M35 306. Ulrich Christophe 1978 Lausanne 8167 1:18.50,6 30.26,8 (8167) Diplom Video 15M 2320. 5.15 15-F45 58. Ulrich Katharina 1967 Jegenstorf 8168 1:15.01,8 15.10,7 (8168) Diplom Video 15F 343. 5.00 M2-U08M 1. Ulrich Max 2008 Stäfa 46049 5.43,7 ----- (46049) Diplom Video --- 4.05 15-M45 162. Ummel Daniele 1968 Corcelles NE 40531 1:07.54,9 16.07,9 (40531) Diplom Video 15M 951. 4.31 15-F55 13. Ummel Susanne 1959 Suhr 6309 1:14.11,2 6.24,3 (6309) Diplom Video 15F 296. 4.56 M2-U12M 64. Urech Tas 2005 Beinwil am See 46214 6.20,4 1.23,7 (46214) Diplom Video --- 4.31 15-M20 28. Urfer Jens 1994 Kirchdorf BE 1031 53.39,4 9.51,0 (1031) Diplom Video 15M 46. 3.34 15-F45 147. Urfer Ursula 1966 Kirchdorf BE 12286 1:24.36,5 24.45,4 (12286) Diplom Video 15F 908. 5.38 15-M40 333. Uribe Antonio 1972 Reinach BL 40308 1:14.43,5 23.03,9 (40308) Diplom Video 15M 1852. 4.58 15-M45 68. Urizar José Lorenzo 1966 Vufflens-la-Ville 2085 1:03.01,2 11.14,2 (2085) Diplom Video 15M 474. 4.12 M2-U10M 33. Urriani Nathan 2007 Taverne 45045 6.34,9 1.26,9 (45045) Diplom Video --- 4.42 2-U14F 77. Urumova Glorija 2003 Kerzers 31022 7.21,3 2.40,2 (31022) Diplom Video OV2 445. 5.15 15-F35 184. Utard Elodie 1977 Blonay 12230 1:30.48,4 35.44,5 (12230) Diplom Video 15F 1242. 6.03 5-WF20 --- Utiger Anita 1981 Zollikofen 25172 46.24,0 ----- (25172) Diplom Video 5F 582. 9.16 5-F20 152. Utiger Denise 1981 Ittigen 24021 30.08,6 11.00,1 (24021) Diplom Video 5F 271. 6.01 1-U08F 96. Utiger Michelle 2009 Zollikofen 37085 1.46,4 0.47,3 (37085) Diplom Video OV1 246. 5.54 1-MuVaKi 82. Utiger Rahel 2012 Zollikofen 39083 2.49,0 1.32,7 (39083) Diplom Video OV1 359. 9.23 15-M50 401. Uythoven Jan 1964 Nyon 11184 1:24.50,9 30.53,4 (11184) Diplom Video 15M 2779. 5.39
Total 22
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