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37. Kerzerslauf 2015 - nach Name "N"

aktueller Stand von 28.04.2015 17:09:21
Kategorie Rang Name und Vorname Jg Land/Ort S Start Zeit Rückstand Stnr Overall Schnitt ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15-M40 374. Nachbaur Gerd 1972 Corcelles-près-Payer 4195 1:16.37,6 24.58,0 (4195) Diplom Video 15M 2079. 5.06 15-M20 55. Nacht Daniel 1993 Toffen 40284 56.49,1 13.00,7 (40284) Diplom Video 15M 119. 3.47 15-WU20F --- Nacht Vanessa 1998 Zollikofen 29106 2:36.42,9 ----- (29106) Diplom Video 15F 1805. 10.26 5-U18F 66. Nackova Marija 2001 Kerzers 21131 27.42,8 10.13,6 (21131) Diplom Video 5F 168. 5.32 5-F20 184. Nadal Pilar 1973 Hauterive NE 24088 31.45,2 12.36,7 (24088) Diplom Video 5F 316. 6.21 5-U18M 82. Nadler Fabian 2002 Kerzers 21038 24.46,8 7.37,4 (21038) Diplom Video 5M 189. 4.57 5-U18M 36. Nadler Pascal 1999 Kerzers 20051 21.11,0 4.01,6 (20051) Diplom Video 5M 86. 4.14 M2-U10M 19. Naef Marvin 2006 Stäfa 46039 5.56,7 0.48,7 (46039) Diplom Video --- 4.14 15-WM20 --- Naef Peter 1958 Thun 27061 1:40.49,5 ----- (27061) Diplom Video 15M 3255. 6.43 15-M50 135. Nagai Koichi 1965 F-Moens 3206 1:09.07,8 15.10,3 (3206) Diplom Video 15M 1104. 4.36 5-F20 298. Nagel Silke 1967 Ostermundigen 24089 36.39,7 17.31,2 (24089) Diplom Video 5F 462. 7.19 15-F40 138. Nahrath Anne-Valérie 1971 Lausanne 11093 1:22.25,3 24.36,3 (11093) Diplom Video 15F 788. 5.29 15-F50 140. Nakamura Elisabeth 1964 Neunkirch 16077 1:28.34,9 26.49,0 (16077) Diplom Video 15F 1126. 5.54 15-WF20 --- Nasrallah Brigitte 1973 Yverdon-les-Bains 29051 2:26.36,9 ----- (29051) Diplom Video 15F 1781. 9.46 15-F20 153. Nater Géraldine 1983 Cortaillod 9022 1:18.03,0 27.28,4 (9022) Diplom Video 15F 514. 5.12 15-F35 69. Nathues Christina 1978 Detligen 14186 1:17.05,4 22.01,5 (14186) Diplom Video 15F 451. 5.08 15-M35 286. Nathues Heiko 1978 Detligen 15152 1:17.05,8 28.42,0 (15152) Diplom Video 15M 2130. 5.08 15-M20 229. Nava Andrea 1984 Stabio 3074 1:07.05,2 23.16,8 (3074) Diplom Video 15M 855. 4.28 15-M50 53. Navarro Charles 1963 F-Ornex 8113 1:03.31,4 9.33,9 (8113) Diplom Video 15M 509. 4.14 15-M35 114. Nebel Reto 1979 Wetzikon ZH 5312 1:06.10,1 17.46,3 (5312) Diplom Video 15M 744. 4.24 M2-U14F 23. Neeser Stella 2003 Aarau 46082 5.55,7 0.46,2 (46082) Diplom Video --- 4.14 15-WF20 --- Neff Beatrice 1974 Frauenfeld 27062 1:53.37,7 ----- (27062) Diplom Video 15F 1579. 7.34 15-F45 128. Neiger Claudia 1970 Unterbach BE 10173 1:22.21,4 22.30,3 (10173) Diplom Video 15F 785. 5.29 15-M45 379. Neiger Heinz 1966 Unterbach BE 9233 1:17.37,2 25.50,2 (9233) Diplom Video 15M 2204. 5.10 15-M40 25. Neri Filippo 1974 Thalwil 1081 57.25,4 5.45,8 (1081) Diplom Video 15M 143. 3.49 5-M20 142. Netzschwitz Jörg 1956 Magglingen 40519 27.48,8 13.07,8 (40519) Diplom Video 5M 279. 5.33 15-M50 205. Neu Urs 1963 Bern 4063 1:12.17,5 18.20,0 (4063) Diplom Video 15M 1550. 4.49 M2-U12F 10. Neuenschwander Ayana 2005 Wyssachen 45208 5.56,5 1.00,4 (45208) Diplom Video --- 4.14 M2-U12M 3. Neuenschwander Janik 2004 Koppigen 46119 5.02,9 0.06,2 (46119) Diplom Video --- 3.36 5-WU20M --- Neuenschwander Lucas 1999 Giffers 25198 52.04,4 ----- (25198) Diplom Video 5M 441. 10.24 15-F35 185. Neuffer Lucie 1977 Genolier 8114 1:31.02,9 35.59,0 (8114) Diplom Video 15F 1255. 6.04 15-M35 322. Neuhaus Alexander 1980 Sugiez 11058 1:20.08,1 31.44,3 (11058) Diplom Video 15M 2449. 5.20 15-F40 80. Neuhaus-Baechler Brigi 1971 Giffers 8117 1:15.51,6 18.02,6 (8117) Diplom Video 15F 387. 5.03 15-M60 167. Neuhaus Hans Rudolf 1954 Oensingen 13197 1:35.40,1 40.56,2 (13197) Diplom Video 15M 3181. 6.22 15-M40 459. Neuhaus Sully 1975 La Chaux-de-Fonds 8116 1:23.22,0 31.42,4 (8116) Diplom Video 15M 2667. 5.33 15-M20 372. Neuhaus Tobias 1986 Bern 7171 1:12.21,2 28.32,8 (7171) Diplom Video 15M 1556. 4.49 15-M45 546. Neuherz Markus 1968 Brügg BE 16165 1:41.17,1 49.30,1 (16165) Diplom Video 15M 3259. 6.45 15-F20 184. Neukom Sandrine 1982 Köniz 13198 1:19.08,3 28.33,7 (13198) Diplom Video 15F 584. 5.16 S15-Staf 52. Bichsel Christine 1977 Neuenegg 831 1:32.07,4 34.00,0 (831) Diplom Video --- 6.08 M2-U14M 32. Neuner-Jehle Nicolas 2002 Steinhausen 45160 6.03,5 1.22,7 (45160) Diplom Video --- 4.19 15-F35 194. Nguyen Minh 1977 Genève 15270 1:32.59,0 37.55,1 (15270) Diplom Video 15F 1338. 6.11 15-WF20 --- Nicolet Brigitte 1968 Cottens FR 27063 2:08.51,1 ----- (27063) Diplom Video 15F 1669. 8.35 5-F20 314. Nicolet Carole 1988 Cortaillod 24180 38.42,2 19.33,7 (24180) Diplom Video 5F 483. 7.44 15-F50 167. Nicolet Catherine 1962 Farvagny-le-Petit 15007 1:33.33,9 31.48,0 (15007) Diplom Video 15F 1356. 6.14 M2-U12M 23. Nicolet Loïc 2005 Villars-sur-Glâne 47081 6.13,5 1.41,0 (47081) Diplom Video --- 4.26 15-F50 83. Nicolet Susi 1963 Oftringen 10174 1:20.46,8 19.00,9 (10174) Diplom Video 15F 683. 5.23 15-F20 75. Nicolet Sylvie 1985 Le Fuet 10175 1:12.00,6 21.26,0 (10175) Diplom Video 15F 213. 4.48 15-F50 175. Nicoli Nadia 1965 Biel/Bienne 17209 1:35.15,2 33.29,3 (17209) Diplom Video 15F 1403. 6.21 15-M40 248. Nicosia Salvatore 1974 Bussigny-près-Lausan 5298 1:10.31,1 18.51,5 (5298) Diplom Video 15M 1301. 4.42 15-M40 158. Niederberger Elmar 1975 Plaffeien 2071 1:06.42,8 15.03,2 (2071) Diplom Video 15M 809. 4.26 15-M20 302. Niederberger Pirmin 1986 Fribourg 10176 1:10.17,8 26.29,4 (10176) Diplom Video 15M 1268. 4.41 15-M35 334. Niederberger Urban 1976 Aarau 15153 1:21.50,4 33.26,6 (15153) Diplom Video 15M 2577. 5.27 15-M55 88. Niederer Christian 1959 Endingen 6241 1:12.00,9 15.10,2 (6241) Diplom Video 15M 1506. 4.48 M2-U14F 7. Niederhauser Annique 2002 Hondrich 47227 5.06,7 0.41,1 (47227) Diplom Video --- 3.39 15-M20 230. Niederhäuser Daniel 1983 Wattenwil 7172 1:07.07,0 23.18,6 (7172) Diplom Video 15M 856. 4.28 5-F20 173. Niederhauser Elisabeth 1964 Rapperswil BE 23177 31.05,3 11.56,8 (23177) Diplom Video 5F 299. 6.13 2-U10M 101. Niederhäuser Enric 2006 Fräschels 34043 9.18,6 4.12,8 (34043) Diplom Video OV2 506. 6.39 M2-U12M 5. Niederhauser Linus 2004 Hondrich 47228 5.00,9 0.28,4 (47228) Diplom Video --- 3.34 2-U12M 72. Niederhauser Malik 2005 Kerzers 32019 8.17,4 3.42,0 (32019) Diplom Video OV2 496. 5.55 15-M60 69. Niederhauser Martin 1951 Pontresina 13048 1:16.48,7 22.04,8 (13048) Diplom Video 15M 2096. 5.07 5-M20 95. Niedermann Benno 1962 Bönigen b. Interlake 21097 25.04,0 10.23,0 (21097) Diplom Video 5M 200. 5.00 15-F40 127. Niederöst Jana 1972 Jegenstorf 11182 1:21.09,0 23.20,0 (11182) Diplom Video 15F 710. 5.24 15-M50 369. Niemack Andreas 1962 Rapperswil BE 9125 1:21.47,7 27.50,2 (9125) Diplom Video 15M 2574. 5.27 15-F50 93. Niemack Marianne 1965 Rapperswil BE 9126 1:21.48,6 20.02,7 (9126) Diplom Video 15F 751. 5.27 15-M50 66. Nieva Martin 1963 Fribourg 3075 1:04.23,9 10.26,4 (3075) Diplom Video 15M 596. 4.17 15-M40 456. Niggli Thomas 1971 Deitingen 12166 1:23.10,2 31.30,6 (12166) Diplom Video 15M 2656. 5.32 15-F50 19. Nika Anita 1964 Bern 4196 1:12.04,7 10.18,8 (4196) Diplom Video 15F 215. 4.48 15-M55 134. Niklaus Beat 1959 Hindelbank 10177 1:14.28,3 17.37,6 (10177) Diplom Video 15M 1825. 4.57 5-F20 155. Niklaus Bettina 1995 Hindelbank 24033 30.20,1 11.11,6 (24033) Diplom Video 5F 277. 6.04 5-F20 208. Niklaus Ursula 1966 Hindelbank 24034 32.26,7 13.18,2 (24034) Diplom Video 5F 344. 6.29 15-M40 275. Nilsen Stein Are 1975 Münchenbuchsee 8118 1:11.38,0 19.58,4 (8118) Diplom Video 15M 1467. 4.46 2-U14F 34. Nippel Fabienne 2003 Kerzers 31020 6.00,9 1.19,8 (31020) Diplom Video OV2 185. 4.17 15-M20 110. Niso Cabezas Borja 1990 Zürich 40285 1:01.10,1 17.21,7 (40285) Diplom Video 15M 329. 4.04 15-M45 543. Nivola Gianpaolo 1966 Luzern 15271 1:39.19,3 47.32,3 (15271) Diplom Video 15M 3241. 6.37 15-M20 347. Noble Cyril 1985 Forel (Lavaux) 5123 1:11.34,7 27.46,3 (5123) Diplom Video 15M 1453. 4.46 15-M20 267. Noble Gilles 1981 Lausanne 4197 1:09.08,4 25.20,0 (4197) Diplom Video 15M 1106. 4.36 5-WF20 --- Nobs Marianne 1963 Schüpfen 25127 55.23,9 ----- (25127) Diplom Video 5F 650. 11.04 5-WM20 --- Nobs Peter 1959 Schüpfen 25128 51.20,8 ----- (25128) Diplom Video 5M 438. 10.16 15-M20 160. Noger Patrick 1985 Fribourg 3207 1:03.47,0 19.58,6 (3207) Diplom Video 15M 528. 4.15 M2-U12M 19. Noel Gustav 2005 Fribourg 47082 6.06,7 1.34,2 (47082) Diplom Video --- 4.21 5-U18M 139. Nonnenmacher Cédric 2000 Cordast 22141 33.26,5 16.17,1 (22141) Diplom Video 5M 369. 6.41 15-F60 6. Noth Eliane 1955 Bern 5313 1:14.43,4 5.41,3 (5313) Diplom Video 15F 325. 4.58 15-M20 597. Notter Achilles 1989 Bern 17254 1:34.02,7 50.14,3 (17254) Diplom Video 15M 3152. 6.16 15-M20 456. Notter Gilles 1987 Corcelles-près-Payer 15154 1:16.00,9 32.12,5 (15154) Diplom Video 15M 2011. 5.04 15-M60 46. Notter Roland 1955 Bern 40558 1:13.21,7 18.37,8 (40558) Diplom Video 15M 1689. 4.53 M2-U12M 63. Notz Livio 2005 Kerzers 46164 6.18,9 1.22,2 (46164) Diplom Video --- 4.30 5-U18M 131. Notz Ramon 2001 Kerzers 22056 31.24,7 14.15,3 (22056) Diplom Video 5M 347. 6.16 15-M20 535. Nova Stefan 1983 Rothenburg 10178 1:20.54,8 37.06,4 (10178) Diplom Video 15M 2514. 5.23 15-WM20 --- Noverraz Edouard 1974 Dompierre VD 28074 1:39.04,5 ----- (28074) Diplom Video 15M 3237. 6.36 M2-U14F 41. Nrecaj Fjona 2003 Amriswil 45153 6.29,7 1.20,2 (45153) Diplom Video --- 4.38 15-M45 391. Nüesch Oskar 1966 Bern 12167 1:18.33,8 26.46,8 (12167) Diplom Video 15M 2298. 5.14 5-U18M 56. Nufer Daniel 2001 Neuenegg 21061 23.12,4 6.03,0 (21061) Diplom Video 5M 132. 4.38 15-M20 169. Nufer Nathanael 1992 Bern 4198 1:04.13,0 20.24,6 (4198) Diplom Video 15M 576. 4.16 S15-Staf 30. Asgodom Anday 1988 Moosseedorf 829 1:21.34,7 23.27,3 (829) Diplom Video --- 5.26 S15-Staf 8. Tewelde Robel 1994 Moosseedorf 830 1:07.33,9 9.26,5 (830) Diplom Video --- 4.30 15-M60 175. Nussbaum André 1955 Chevroux 16240 1:42.29,5 47.45,6 (16240) Diplom Video 15M 3267. 6.49 5-U20M 10. Nussbaum Jonas Lukas 1997 Aeschi b. Spiez 22029 23.59,0 7.19,8 (22029) Diplom Video 5M 162. 4.47 1-U08F 48. Nussbaum Leana 2008 Jaberg 37072 1.23,6 0.24,5 (37072) Diplom Video OV1 110. 4.38 15-F45 81. Nussbaum Marianne 1970 Aeschi b. Spiez 15155 1:18.14,9 18.23,8 (15155) Diplom Video 15F 526. 5.12 15-M40 53. Nussbaum Martin 1974 Jaberg 1168 59.35,4 7.55,8 (1168) Diplom Video 15M 253. 3.58 1-MuVaKi 74. Nussbaum Robin 2011 Jaberg 38059 2.16,8 1.09,2 (38059) Diplom Video OV1 328. 7.36 5-U18F 71. Nussbaum Salome 2000 Kerzers 22142 27.58,6 10.29,4 (22142) Diplom Video 5F 178. 5.35 M2-U10M 46. Nussbaumer Joel 2007 Mümliswil 45092 7.11,5 2.03,5 (45092) Diplom Video --- 5.08 M2-U10F 36. Nussbaumer Leonie 2006 Mümliswil 45093 7.26,1 1.34,8 (45093) Diplom Video --- 5.18 15-M20 580. Nussbaumer Mickael 1992 Vesin 8119 1:28.22,3 44.33,9 (8119) Diplom Video 15M 2982. 5.53 15-M45 464. Nussbaumer René 1967 Tafers 15156 1:24.19,4 32.32,4 (15156) Diplom Video 15M 2745. 5.37 15-M60 18. Nydegger Fredy 1955 Schmitten FR 5265 1:07.45,4 13.01,5 (5265) Diplom Video 15M 931. 4.31 15-M20 154. Nydegger Joel 1991 Bern 2120 1:03.18,8 19.30,4 (2120) Diplom Video 15M 499. 4.13 15-F55 50. Nydegger Therese 1956 Belp 14188 1:25.49,7 18.02,8 (14188) Diplom Video 15F 978. 5.43 15-F55 79. Nyfeler Anita 1958 Dotzigen 12282 1:34.07,4 26.20,5 (12282) Diplom Video 15F 1371. 6.16 15-F55 73. Nyffenegger-Berger Urs 1957 Bolligen 13200 1:33.10,8 25.23,9 (13200) Diplom Video 15F 1345. 6.12 15-F20 33. Nyffenegger Daniela 1984 Biglen 3161 1:06.57,6 16.23,0 (3161) Diplom Video 15F 71. 4.27 15-M60 153. Nyffenegger Ernst 1954 Zollikofen 40136 1:29.37,0 34.53,1 (40136) Diplom Video 15M 3035. 5.58 15-F50 100. Nyffenegger Lisi 1962 Naters 13028 1:22.46,9 21.01,0 (13028) Diplom Video 15F 804. 5.31 15-M50 443. Nyffenegger Lorenz 1963 Zollikofen 40494 1:29.20,0 35.22,5 (40494) Diplom Video 15M 3020. 5.57 15-M20 37. Nyffenegger Marc 1982 Thun 1019 54.24,2 10.35,8 (1019) Diplom Video 15M 59. 3.37 15-F50 145. Nys Béatrice 1965 Neuchâtel 15259 1:29.37,4 27.51,5 (15259) Diplom Video 15F 1183. 5.58
Total 117

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