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Zytturm Triathlon 2014, Zug - Bern (Schweiz)

Kategorie Rang Name/Ort Jg Team/Ortschaft Zeit Rückstand Stnr ¦ swim ¦ bike ¦ run ¦ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CMAK1 22. Aeschbacher Simon, Burgdorf 1974 Rennshop Wüthrich 2:05.24,8 7.38,7 (103) Foto ¦ 22.49 12.¦ 1:01.24 49.¦ 41.11 30.¦ CMAK1 72. Althaus Tobias 1973 Madiswil 2:17.52,1 20.06,0 (112) Foto ¦ 24.16 36.¦ 1:04.48 98.¦ 48.47 116.¦ SMAK1 48. Ammon Oliver 1979 Brienz BE 1:47.15,7 21.56,7 (1016) Foto ¦ 7.36 1.¦ 1:08.28 58.¦ 31.10 66.¦ CMAK2 62. Balmer Daniel, Wilderswil 1964 BEO Triteam 2:30.31,9 28.04,7 (138) Foto ¦ 27.42 39.¦ 1:10.29 74.¦ 52.20 70.¦ SMAK2 25. Becker Markus, Studen BE 1965 triseeland.ch 1:47.58,9 13.32,4 (1032) Foto ¦ 11.42 17.¦ 1:07.30 27.¦ 28.45 28.¦ CMAK1 81. Beglinger Benjamin, Zweilütschinen 1979 BEO Tri Team 2:19.16,0 21.29,9 (130) Foto ¦ 31.42 136.¦ 1:03.04 72.¦ 44.28 61.¦ CFHK DNF Bellasi Claudia, Bützberg 1982 crespo.ch 1:28.46,9 BikeLap1 (131) Foto ¦ 22.13 4.¦ 1:06.33 23.¦ ---- ----¦ CMHK 2. Bill David, Bätterkinden 1990 Tri Club Solothurn 1:55.20,7 1.46,6 (171) Foto ¦ 21.49 15.¦ 59.41 16.¦ 33.49 1.¦ CMAK2 100. Bolli Stephan 1969 Ersigen 2:59.43,1 57.15,9 (685) Foto ¦ 44.14 106.¦ 1:20.58 101.¦ 54.29 78.¦ CFAK1 4. Born Monika 1979 Graben 2:14.03,3 11.39,7 (158) Foto ¦ 25.18 4.¦ 1:04.55 4.¦ 43.49 3.¦ CMAK2 33. Brülhart Martin Daniel 1963 Gümligen 2:19.53,7 17.26,5 (189) Foto ¦ 29.24 51.¦ 1:07.12 52.¦ 43.15 15.¦ CFHK 11. Bucher Carmen, Herzogenbuchsee 1990 Triathlon Team Oensingen 2:15.51,0 11.00,4 (164) Foto ¦ 22.10 3.¦ 1:03.00 7.¦ 50.39 38.¦ CMAK1 34. Castelberg Ralph 1979 Liebefeld 2:07.36,2 9.50,1 (169) Foto ¦ 22.56 19.¦ 1:02.53 67.¦ 41.46 38.¦ CFAK1 3. Dänzer Sandra, Oberhofen am Thuners 1972 Team Koach 2:11.59,6 9.36,0 (206) Foto ¦ 27.45 7.¦ 1:02.47 2.¦ 41.27 2.¦ SFHK 10. Gauderon Sybille, Liebefeld 1982 ActivePeople Endurance Te 1:48.15,0 7.52,6 (1069) Foto ¦ 10.33 9.¦ 1:12.21 21.¦ 25.19 2.¦ CFAK2 7. Gründler Jacqueline P, Münsingen 1964 Tri Bodensee/RSC Aaretal 2:32.51,3 18.52,0 (257) Foto ¦ 29.03 6.¦ 1:11.01 7.¦ 52.45 10.¦ CMAK2 21. Heiniger Markus, Niederscherli 1968 Thömus 2:14.49,1 12.21,9 (694) Foto ¦ 28.59 48.¦ 1:03.43 28.¦ 42.05 10.¦ SMAK3 3. Hollenweger Alberto, Graben 1959 crespo.ch 1:39.24,3 10.07,8 (1154) Foto ¦ 10.36 4.¦ 1:00.19 2.¦ 28.28 8.¦ CMAK2 44. Huber Markus, Hettiswil b. Hindelba 1963 Triathlon Team Emmental 2:23.49,0 21.21,8 (378) Foto ¦ 26.09 27.¦ 1:03.54 30.¦ 53.45 74.¦ SMHK 3. Hulbert Dirk, Moosseedorf 1980 3athlon Bern 1:25.06,1 1.39,0 (1158) Foto ¦ 7.12 1.¦ 57.45 10.¦ 20.08 3.¦ SFHK 13. Joder Manuela, Neuenegg 1986 3athlon Bern 1:49.38,0 9.15,6 (1117) Foto ¦ 10.43 13.¦ 1:11.55 18.¦ 26.59 9.¦ CMHK 46. Kosut Miroslav, Wabern 1987 3athlon Bern 2:11.05,4 17.31,3 (420) Foto ¦ 27.25 68.¦ 1:02.36 53.¦ 41.03 38.¦ CMAK2 99. Kuncke Stefan, Münsingen 1967 Omya Triathlon 2:53.33,3 51.06,1 (444) Foto ¦ 39.55 104.¦ 1:21.18 102.¦ 52.19 69.¦ CMAK3 3. Künzler Jürg, Belp 1958 Dragon Cycle 2:14.47,8 4.55,8 (320) Foto ¦ 27.45 4.¦ 1:02.51 1.¦ 44.10 4.¦ CMAK2 91. Kurth Urs, Worben 1960 triseeland.ch 2:47.04,5 44.37,3 (447) Foto ¦ 28.24 43.¦ 1:13.57 88.¦ 1:04.42 101.¦ CMAK2 18. Lanz Thomas 1963 Vinelz 2:13.58,6 11.31,4 (468) Foto ¦ 28.56 47.¦ 1:01.08 11.¦ 43.54 17.¦ CMAK2 13. Lüthi Patrick, Toffen 1969 Dragon-Cycle.ch 2:10.45,2 8.18,0 (495) Foto ¦ 25.14 17.¦ 1:02.24 18.¦ 43.05 14.¦ CMAK3 2. Malek-Madani Cyrus 1957 Bern 2:14.05,3 4.13,3 (347) Foto ¦ 24.39 1.¦ 1:04.09 4.¦ 45.16 5.¦ CFHK 23. Meyer Stefanie 1984 Bern 2:19.43,0 14.52,4 (365) Foto ¦ 26.01 20.¦ 1:09.31 31.¦ 44.10 14.¦ SFAK1 11. Nievergelt Alexandra 1977 Bern 1:50.16,4 11.26,1 (1201) Foto ¦ 11.19 10.¦ 1:09.30 10.¦ 29.26 16.¦ CMHK 5. Nowka Jonas, Biel/Bienne 1988 Triathlon Club Seeland 1:57.49,5 4.15,4 (549) Foto ¦ 21.24 10.¦ 58.36 8.¦ 37.47 8.¦ CMAK2 38. Ruch Beat, Burgdorf 1966 Choserfeld 2:21.20,9 18.53,7 (576) Foto ¦ 28.18 42.¦ 1:07.35 55.¦ 45.26 30.¦ CMAK1 165. Sandoval Andres 1974 Bern 2:44.06,3 46.20,2 (523) Foto ¦ 29.29 103.¦ 1:22.22 172.¦ 52.14 145.¦ CFAK2 5. Schöni Sandra, Burgdorf 1969 Toni Hasler Race Team 2:29.01,2 15.01,9 (467) Foto ¦ 32.13 10.¦ 1:08.52 4.¦ 47.55 5.¦ CMHK 22. Schor Raphael, Bern 1982 tri team steffisburg 2:03.32,8 9.58,7 (597) Foto ¦ 24.10 30.¦ 1:00.21 22.¦ 39.00 18.¦ SMAK2 28. Schürch Rolf 1969 Lützelflüh-Goldbach 1:49.26,9 15.00,4 (1290) Foto ¦ 9.22 5.¦ 1:09.55 32.¦ 30.09 31.¦ CMAK2 25. Schwan Michael 1964 Konolfingen 2:15.07,6 12.40,4 (683) Foto ¦ 29.07 50.¦ 1:03.35 27.¦ 42.25 11.¦ CMHK 53. Schwarz Oliver, Steffisburg 1986 Team Polysport 2:13.23,1 19.49,0 (600) Foto ¦ 25.54 51.¦ 1:04.11 72.¦ 43.16 62.¦ CMAK2 58. Schwermer Heinzpeter 1969 Niederscherli 2:28.32,3 26.05,1 (603) Foto ¦ 34.09 86.¦ 1:06.56 51.¦ 47.26 45.¦ Y-JW 2. Sclabas Delia, Kirchberg BE 2000 Triathlon Team Emmental 33.45,6 0.25,9 (93) Foto ¦ 5.32 19.¦ 20.21 7.¦ 7.52 1.¦ Y-JW 14. Sclabas Ilenia, Kirchberg BE 2000 Triathlon Team Emmental 37.54,4 4.34,7 (94) Foto ¦ 5.11 13.¦ 21.12 13.¦ 11.31 23.¦ CMHK 117. Stadler Christian 1984 Bern 2:40.50,2 47.16,1 (709) Foto ¦ 34.57 124.¦ 1:14.30 120.¦ 51.22 112.¦ Sch2M 6. Stamm Levin, Biel/Bienne 2001 Biel/Bienne Athletics 20.12,7 2.27,3 (1502) Foto ¦ 3.24 7.¦ 12.26 8.¦ 4.22 2.¦ CMAK1 26. Stettler Peter, Ersigen 1972 RV Ersigen 2:06.04,8 8.18,7 (571) Foto ¦ 24.03 32.¦ 1:00.59 37.¦ 41.01 27.¦ CMAK2 66. Stooss Peter, Schwarzenburg 1963 3Athlon Bern 2:33.20,7 30.53,5 (620) Foto ¦ 32.31 79.¦ 1:10.40 75.¦ 50.08 55.¦ CFAK1 27. Szalai Monika 1974 Meikirch 2:45.51,8 43.28,2 (506) Foto ¦ 37.22 31.¦ 1:19.34 28.¦ 48.55 10.¦ Team-Tri 2. Lerch Alexandre 1971 Leuzigen 1:23.23,8 0.31,9 (2) Foto ¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ CFHK 58. von Gruenigen Julie 1994 Gstaad 2:44.16,7 39.26,1 (518) Foto ¦ 29.22 37.¦ 1:22.26 67.¦ 52.27 41.¦ SMAK3 9. von Gruenigen Markus 1957 Gstaad 1:48.45,6 19.29,1 (1326) Foto ¦ 13.05 11.¦ 1:06.28 7.¦ 29.12 11.¦ SMJun 8. von Gruenigen Nick 1996 Gstaad 1:43.42,4 19.37,1 (1327) Foto ¦ 11.17 7.¦ 1:04.49 8.¦ 27.35 8.¦ SFAK2 13. von Gruenigen Nicole 1960 Gstaad 2:04.12,8 23.34,6 (1294) Foto ¦ 11.11 4.¦ 1:22.19 16.¦ 30.41 9.¦ CMAK1 14. Weilenmann Felix, Aegerten 1973 triseeland.ch 2:02.21,5 4.35,4 (613) Foto ¦ 24.04 33.¦ 57.34 3.¦ 40.42 23.¦ Sch1M 5. Weilenmann Simon, Aegerten 2003 triseeland.ch 13.15,9 2.24,3 (1416) Foto ¦ 2.20 10.¦ 7.04 4.¦ 3.51 10.¦ CFHK 14. Wirz Andrea 1986 Thun 2:17.32,5 12.41,9 (533) Foto ¦ 25.37 18.¦ 1:04.52 14.¦ 47.02 24.¦ CMAK4 1. Wolf Heinz, Krauchthal 1948 3athlon Bern 2:33.31,1 ----- (536) Foto ¦ 30.04 1.¦ 1:10.14 4.¦ 53.11 2.¦ CFAK2 8. Ziehli Sonja, Lobsigen 1968 4-training.ch 2:32.54,4 18.55,1 (545) Foto ¦ 30.07 8.¦ 1:11.36 8.¦ 51.09 8.¦
Total 56

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