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Luzerner Stadtlauf 2014 - nach Ortschaft "E"
Kategorie Rang Name Jg Team/Ortschaft Zeit Rückstand Stnr Schnitt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- O-19 900. Gielen Björn 1998 Massplan AG 18.03,8 7.48,3 (23335) Diplom Video 5.30 S-12 117. Häfliger Gian 2004 Ebersecken 9.26,8 1.59,6 (33146) Diplom Video 4.29 S-12 155. Häfliger Jonas 2002 Ebersecken 9.43,9 2.16,7 (33147) Diplom Video 4.38 S-12 164. Häfliger Marion 2002 Ebersecken 9.47,0 2.19,8 (33148) Diplom Video 4.39 S-12 210. Hodel Romeo 2002 Ebersecken 10.06,8 2.39,6 (33149) Diplom Video 4.48 O-19 521. Krummenacher Silvia 1993 Pädagogische Hochschule L 15.59,8 5.44,3 (22739) Diplom Video 4.52 S-12 145. Lüönd Nico 2002 Ebersecken 9.39,0 2.11,8 (33150) Diplom Video 4.35 S-12 293. Meier Julia 2001 Ebersecken 10.58,7 3.31,5 (33151) Diplom Video 5.13 S-12 134. Rölli David 2002 Ebersecken 9.34,1 2.06,9 (33152) Diplom Video 4.33 O-18 --- Frank Lukas 2001 TSV Concordia Baar 7.24,9 ----- (26049) Diplom Video 4.54 F-1 --- Ghelma Dario 2011 Rüttimann, Ebertswil ----- ----- (10301) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Ghelma Fabio 2008 Rüttimann, Ebertswil 10.56,5 ----- (12666) Diplom Video 7.14 F-1 --- Ghelma Martina 1977 Rüttimann, Ebertswil ----- ----- (10298) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Ghelma Thomas 1973 Rüttimann, Ebertswil 10.56,5 ----- (12663) Diplom Video 7.14 O-18 --- Rammenstorfer Philipp ???? Ebertswil 9.27,3 ----- (26614) Diplom Video 6.15 F-1 --- Rüttimann Carola 1975 Rüttimann, Ebertswil ----- ----- (10297) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Rüttimann Cyrill 1974 Rüttimann, Ebertswil 10.56,5 ----- (12664) Diplom Video 7.14 F-1 --- Rüttimann Jael 2009 Rüttimann, Ebertswil ----- ----- (10300) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Rüttimann Sarina 2007 Rüttimann, Ebertswil 10.56,5 ----- (12665) Diplom Video 7.14 F-1 --- Rüttimann Yasmin 2009 Rüttimann, Ebertswil ----- ----- (10299) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Achermann Bruno 1969 Achermann, Ebikon 8.09,5 ----- (17030) Diplom Video 5.24 F-3 --- Achermann Emma 2006 Achermann, Ebikon 8.09,5 ----- (17031) Diplom Video 5.24 K-7 144. Achermann Nora 2003 Ebikon 8.03,7 2.42,3 (8178) Diplom Video 5.20 F-3 --- Aeberhard Luca 2004 Aeberhard, Ebikon 8.19,2 ----- (14155) Diplom Video 5.30 F-3 --- Aeberhard Marco 1973 Aeberhard, Ebikon 8.19,2 ----- (14154) Diplom Video 5.30 F-3 --- Aeberhard Nico 2008 Amrein, Luzern 10.21,0 ----- (14153) Diplom Video 6.51 O-19 965. Ait Yahya-Al Shawk Sura 1990 Gübelin 18.23,4 8.07,9 (23242) Diplom Video 5.36 F-3 --- Aregger Eveline 1978 Aregger, Ebikon 10.29,0 ----- (12863) Diplom Video 6.56 F-3 --- Aregger Julia 2005 Aregger. Ebikon 8.47,1 ----- (17162) Diplom Video 5.49 F-3 --- Aregger Levin 2008 Aregger, Ebikon 10.29,0 ----- (12865) Diplom Video 6.56 F-3 --- Aregger Lionel 2005 Aregger, Ebikon 10.29,0 ----- (12864) Diplom Video 6.56 F-3 --- Aregger Martin 1976 Aregger, Ebikon 10.29,0 ----- (12862) Diplom Video 6.56 F-3 --- Aregger Rolf 1965 Aregger. Ebikon 8.47,1 ----- (17239) Diplom Video 5.49 O-18 --- Arnold Franziska 1994 Pro Natura Jugendgruppe L 10.48,1 ----- (26231) Diplom Video 7.09 K-33 160. Arnold Heinz 1968 IT&T - Catwalk Runners 27.49,8 8.24,9 (24058) Diplom Video 4.56 F-3 --- Arnold Heinz 1968 Arnold, Ebikon 7.17,0 ----- (16451) Diplom Video 4.49 F-3 --- Arnold Jael 2005 Arnold, Ebikon 7.17,0 ----- (16452) Diplom Video 4.49 O-18 --- Arnold Kristina 1997 Pro Natura Jugendgruppe L 10.44,3 ----- (26232) Diplom Video 7.06 K-7 30. Arnold Zoe 2003 Ebikon 6.27,2 1.05,8 (8075) Diplom Video 4.16 O-19 1272. Auer Isabelle 1984 Luzerner Kantonsspital LU 21.11,8 10.56,3 (22875) Diplom Video 6.27 O-17 857. Bachmann Angela 1995 Höhere Fachschule Gesundh 11.29,4 6.10,3 (20683) Diplom Video 7.36 F-3 --- Balmer Cornelia 1977 Balmer, Ebikon 7.56,5 ----- (15266) Diplom Video 5.15 S-12 222. Balmer Kai 2003 Rudolf Steiner Schule, Eb 10.11,6 2.44,4 (40018) Diplom Video 4.51 F-3 --- Balmer Lara 2008 Balmer, Ebikon 7.56,5 ----- (15268) Diplom Video 5.15 F-3 --- Balmer Noah 2006 Balmer, Ebikon 7.56,5 ----- (15267) Diplom Video 5.15 F-3 --- Balmer Serge 1975 Balmer, Ebikon 7.56,5 ----- (15265) Diplom Video 5.15 F-3 --- Bänziger Angela 1988 Bänziger, Ebikon 8.21,6 ----- (16632) Diplom Video 5.32 O-18 --- Bardenhofer Eva 2004 Pro Natura Jugendgruppe L 10.44,3 ----- (26234) Diplom Video 7.06 O-18 --- Bardenhofer Stephan 2006 Pro Natura Jugendgruppe L 10.46,1 ----- (26235) Diplom Video 7.07 F-3 --- Baumgartner Beatrice 1972 Baumgartner, Ebikon 10.42,0 ----- (12018) Diplom Video 7.05 F-3 --- Baumgartner Cyrill 2007 Baumgartner, Ebikon 10.42,0 ----- (12019) Diplom Video 7.05 F-3 --- Baumgartner Lars 2009 Baumgartner, Ebikon 10.42,0 ----- (12020) Diplom Video 7.05 F-3 --- Baumgartner Marcel 1972 Baumgartner, Ebikon 10.42,0 ----- (12017) Diplom Video 7.05 O-17 743. Bieri Beat 1969 Luzerner Kantonalbank 11.00,2 5.41,1 (20868) Diplom Video 7.17 S-2 276. Bieri Dario 2007 Externe Tagesschule, Ebik 8.36,9 2.48,9 (32254) Diplom Video 5.42 K-33 304. Biljal Halide 1992 ALDI SUISSE AG Zn Dagmers 35.29,7 16.04,8 (24166) Diplom Video 6.17 O-17 92. Blandolino Charlotte 1962 St.Anna Stiftung 7.54,8 2.35,7 (20332) Diplom Video 5.14 O-17 256. Blazevic Ardijan 1996 Hotel Continental-Park 8.53,2 3.34,1 (20046) Diplom Video 5.53 O-19 454. Bleiker Nathalie 1986 BDO AG 15.35,0 5.19,5 (22816) Diplom Video 4.45 K-34 100. Bösiger Christoph 1977 Die Post 29.54,4 12.12,7 (2014) Diplom Video 5.18 O-19 1099. Bossart Martin 1968 Komax AG 19.19,7 9.04,2 (22053) Diplom Video 5.53 K-34 102. Brändli Roland 1977 Ebikon 30.02,8 12.21,1 (2108) Diplom Video 5.19 F-3 --- Brun Erich 1972 Brun, Ebikon 13.05,7 ----- (16107) Diplom Video 8.40 F-3 --- Brun Malena 2010 Brun, Ebikon 13.05,7 ----- (16108) Diplom Video 8.40 F-1 --- Bucher Yves 1972 Rüssi, Ebikon ----- ----- (10350) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Buholzer Amanda 2012 Buholzer, Ebikon ----- ----- (10694) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Buholzer Damian 2010 Buholzer, Ebikon ----- ----- (10693) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Buholzer Esther 1977 Buholzer, Ebikon ----- ----- (10692) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Buholzer Peter 1976 Buholzer, Ebikon ----- ----- (10691) Diplom Video ---- O-17 397. Bulban Jerema 1953 Luzerner Kantonalbank 9.35,1 4.16,0 (20879) Diplom Video 6.20 K-20 13. Burri Adrian 1995 Ebikon 15.16,6 2.51,3 (9019) Diplom Video 3.56 O-17 860. Burri Angela 1993 Höhere Fachschule Gesundh 11.31,0 6.11,9 (20692) Diplom Video 7.37 K-33 173. Cattin André 1979 Stadt Luzern, StGL 28.10,3 8.45,4 (24139) Diplom Video 4.59 F-3 --- Chiodo-Gedeon Paolo 1969 Chiodo-Gedeon, Ebikon 8.44,2 ----- (12966) Diplom Video 5.47 F-3 --- Chiodo-Gedeon Sibylle 1970 Chiodo-Gedeon, Ebikon 8.44,2 ----- (12967) Diplom Video 5.47 F-3 --- Chiodo Gian Paolo 2005 Chiodo-Gedeon, Ebikon 8.44,2 ----- (12968) Diplom Video 5.47 O-19 408. Colle Fabio 1968 IV Luzern 15.17,9 5.02,4 (23473) Diplom Video 4.39 O-19 419. Csoma Laszlo 1980 Schindler Elevator 15.20,0 5.04,5 (22113) Diplom Video 4.40 S-2 306. Dias Pireso Rafael 2003 Externe Tagesschule, Ebik 10.13,0 4.25,0 (32255) Diplom Video 6.45 O-19 1356. Dollé Nina Maria 1988 Pädagogische Hochschule L 25.14,3 14.58,8 (22708) Diplom Video 7.41 K-33 169. Dubach Adrian 1965 ewl energie wasser luzern 28.03,4 8.38,5 (24296) Diplom Video 4.58 O-9 --- Dubach Adrian 1965 ewl luzern ----- ----- (258) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Duna Attila 1969 Duna, Ebikon 7.44,2 ----- (12837) Diplom Video 5.07 F-3 --- Duna Matteo 2009 Duna, Ebikon 7.44,2 ----- (12840) Diplom Video 5.07 F-3 --- Duna Monika 1972 Duna, Ebikon 7.44,2 ----- (12838) Diplom Video 5.07 F-3 --- Duna Ricardo 2006 Duna, Ebikon 7.44,2 ----- (12839) Diplom Video 5.07 O-17 64. Durrer Markus 1971 Kanton Luzern - JP 7.34,7 2.15,6 (20062) Diplom Video 5.01 O-19 678. Duss Dominik 1977 wirth+co ag Runners 16.57,4 6.41,9 (22232) Diplom Video 5.10 K-34 28. Ehrenbolger Remo 1980 Ebikon 21.55,9 4.14,2 (2113) Diplom Video 3.53 S-12 337. Ehrler Tobias 2001 Rudolf Steiner Schule, Eb 11.31,2 4.04,0 (40017) Diplom Video 5.29 F-3 --- Erni Elia 2003 Erni, Ebikon 7.09,7 ----- (14477) Diplom Video 4.44 O-17 50. Erni Elia 2003 Emmi Schweiz AG 7.23,0 2.03,9 (20456) Diplom Video 4.53 O-19 846. Erni Gregor 1967 wirth+co ag Runners 17.47,8 7.32,3 (22233) Diplom Video 5.25 O-18 --- Erni Lea 1991 Gluggsi-Musig Ebikon 13.23,6 ----- (26150) Diplom Video 8.52 F-3 --- Erni Lian 2008 Erni, Ebikon 7.09,7 ----- (14479) Diplom Video 4.44 F-3 --- Erni Noe 2005 Erni, Ebikon 7.09,7 ----- (14478) Diplom Video 4.44 O-17 45. Erni Noe 2005 Emmi Schweiz AG 7.16,1 1.57,0 (20459) Diplom Video 4.48 F-3 --- Erni Stefan 1975 Erni, Ebikon 7.09,7 ----- (14475) Diplom Video 4.44 O-18 --- Evers Bert 1962 FC Oranje Root 1:32.32,8 ----- (26420) Diplom Video 1:01.17 O-18 --- Evers Jordy 1993 FC Oranje Root 1:32.29,0 ----- (26421) Diplom Video 1:01.14 S-12 279. Felder Muriel 2002 Rudolf Steiner Schule, Eb 10.48,5 3.21,3 (40010) Diplom Video 5.08 F-1 --- Fischer Alexandra 1978 Fischer, Ebikon ----- ----- (10781) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Fischer Aline 2010 Fischer, Ebikon ----- ----- (10782) Diplom Video ---- O-17 331. Fischer Marco 1959 Feuerwehr Stadt Luzern 9.18,4 3.59,3 (20076) Diplom Video 6.09 O-9 --- Fitze Andreas 1962 SSBL ----- ----- (171) Diplom Video ---- O-17 86. Franza Marco 1988 Manor Emmen 7.48,1 2.29,0 (21204) Diplom Video 5.10 O-17 112. Frautschi Noëlle Noemi 1992 Hochschule Luzern, Happy 8.06,5 2.47,4 (20134) Diplom Video 5.22 F-3 --- Fries Bruno 1956 Fries, Ebikon 10.59,2 ----- (14677) Diplom Video 7.16 F-3 --- Fries Elia Benjamin 2009 Fries, Ebikon 10.59,2 ----- (14680) Diplom Video 7.16 K-7 143. Fries Lily Margaretha 2004 Ebikon 8.03,0 2.41,6 (8090) Diplom Video 5.19 F-3 --- Fries Lily Margaretha 2004 Fries, Ebikon 10.59,2 ----- (14679) Diplom Video 7.16 F-3 --- Fries Mara Josephine 2009 Fries, Ebikon 10.59,2 ----- (14681) Diplom Video 7.16 K-23 105. Fritzke Sandra 1986 Ebikon 21.29,4 7.37,8 (3648) Diplom Video 5.33 K-14 62. Fuchs Aileen 1999 Ebikon 11.17,5 4.22,5 (5727) Diplom Video 5.22 K-16 55. Fuchs Ryan 2002 Ebikon 9.01,5 1.53,7 (2660) Diplom Video 4.17 O-19 429. Garth Lars 1984 Komax AG 15.24,1 5.08,6 (22058) Diplom Video 4.41 F-3 --- Gasser Atzin 2005 Gasser, Ebikon 10.08,4 ----- (13473) Diplom Video 6.42 F-3 --- Gasser Hans-Peter 1959 Gasser, Ebikon 10.08,4 ----- (13471) Diplom Video 6.42 F-3 --- Gasser Lara 2005 Gasser, Ebikon 11.42,8 ----- (13409) Diplom Video 7.45 F-3 --- Gasser Margarita 1968 Gasser, Ebikon 10.08,4 ----- (13472) Diplom Video 6.42 F-3 --- Gasser Othmar 1963 Gasser, Ebikon 11.42,8 ----- (13407) Diplom Video 7.45 F-3 --- Gasser Sonja 1967 Gasser, Ebikon 11.42,8 ----- (13408) Diplom Video 7.45 F-3 --- Gasser Yanik 2006 Gasser, Ebikon 10.08,4 ----- (13474) Diplom Video 6.42 O-17 482. Gassmann Patrick 1990 Luzerner Kantonalbank 9.52,5 4.33,4 (20887) Diplom Video 6.32 K-28 99. Giangreco Fabrizio 1973 Ebikon 25.56,6 7.40,3 (6033) Diplom Video 4.35 S-12 369. Gisi Noah 2003 Rudolf Steiner Schule, Eb 11.54,3 4.27,1 (40014) Diplom Video 5.40 K-22 48. Grapentin Raphael 1999 Läuferriege Ebikon 18.35,0 5.20,0 (1507) Diplom Video 4.48 F-3 --- Gunz Janis 2007 Gunz, Ebikon 9.31,4 ----- (13532) Diplom Video 6.18 F-3 --- Gunz Kathrin 1978 Gunz, Ebikon 9.31,4 ----- (13531) Diplom Video 6.18 F-3 --- Gunz Linus 2009 Gunz, Ebikon 9.31,4 ----- (13533) Diplom Video 6.18 F-3 --- Gunz Patrick 1970 Gunz, Ebikon 9.31,4 ----- (13530) Diplom Video 6.18 O-19 1163. Hafner Alexandra 1992 Pädagogische Hochschule L 20.00,0 9.44,5 (22725) Diplom Video 6.05 O-17 813. Haidner Elisabeth 1957 Radiologie Gersag 11.21,1 6.02,0 (20630) Diplom Video 7.31 O-17 377. Herzog Beat 1954 Luzerner Kantonalbank 9.31,1 4.12,0 (20894) Diplom Video 6.18 O-19 124. Hottum Thomas 1975 Gübelin 13.10,1 2.54,6 (23247) Diplom Video 4.00 F-1 --- Huber Nowusch Regula 1974 Nowusch, Ebikon ----- ----- (10679) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Hungerbühler Andreas 1973 Hungerbühler, Ebikon 11.44,0 ----- (18800) Diplom Video 7.46 F-3 --- Hungerbühler Anna Maria 1969 Hungerbühler, Ebikon 11.44,0 ----- (18813) Diplom Video 7.46 F-3 --- Hungerbühler Louis Rube 2010 Hungerbühler, Ebikon 11.44,0 ----- (18814) Diplom Video 7.46 K-26 4. Hunkeler Sonja 1956 Ebikon 15.48,9 0.34,7 (8715) Diplom Video 4.05 F-3 --- Inderbitzin Fries Luzia 1966 Fries, Ebikon 10.59,2 ----- (14678) Diplom Video 7.16 K-29 8. Iten Roger 1962 Ebikon 21.04,2 1.33,5 (9810) Diplom Video 3.44 K-6 19. Justi Marvin 2003 Ebikon 6.00,3 0.39,4 (5094) Diplom Video 3.58 K-6 184. Justi Noé 2007 Ebikon 8.03,3 2.42,4 (5095) Diplom Video 5.20 K-7 71. Justi Nuria 2003 Ebikon 7.10,7 1.49,3 (8107) Diplom Video 4.45 O-19 873. Kaiser Michael 1968 Luzerner Kantonsspital LU 17.53,9 7.38,4 (22932) Diplom Video 5.27 S-12 373. Kane Noel 2002 Rudolf Steiner Schule, Eb 11.55,5 4.28,3 (40015) Diplom Video 5.40 F-3 --- Kaufmann Anna-Lena 2007 Kaufmann-Lang, Ebikon 9.29,0 ----- (14779) Diplom Video 6.16 F-3 --- Kaufmann-Lang Kathrin 1975 Kaufmann-Lang, Ebikon 9.29,0 ----- (14778) Diplom Video 6.16 O-9 --- Kaufmann Ruedi 1959 Gemeinderat Ebikon ----- ----- (199) Diplom Video ---- O-17 536. Keller Robin 1995 Luzerner Kantonalbank 10.06,4 4.47,3 (20905) Diplom Video 6.41 F-3 DNF Koch Alisha Sari 2005 Koch, Ebikon ----- ----- (15212) Video ---- F-3 DNF Koch Armand 1970 Koch, Ebikon ----- ----- (15211) Video ---- F-3 DNF Koch Shana Delia 2007 Koch, Ebikon ----- ----- (15213) Video ---- O-17 579. Korte Nina 1979 Luzerner Kantonalbank 10.17,0 4.57,9 (20908) Diplom Video 6.48 K-16 8. Kreyenbühl Nick 2001 Ebikon 7.44,5 0.36,7 (2673) Diplom Video 3.41 O-19 976. Krummenacher Kurt 1960 Krummis, Rontal 18.26,8 8.11,3 (22021) Diplom Video 5.37 O-19 978. Krummenacher Leandra 2000 Krummis, Rontal 18.27,3 8.11,8 (22022) Diplom Video 5.37 O-19 965. Krummenacher Livia 1996 Krummis, Rontal 18.23,4 8.07,9 (22023) Diplom Video 5.36 O-19 971. Krummenacher Petra 1966 Krummis, Rontal 18.26,1 8.10,6 (22024) Diplom Video 5.37 O-19 963. Krummenacher Samira 2003 Krummis, Rontal 18.23,2 8.07,7 (22026) Diplom Video 5.36 O-19 1219. Kunzelmann Lisa 1988 Frasson Der Goldschmied 20.37,0 10.21,5 (22041) Diplom Video 6.17 O-17 862. Kuster Louis 1949 Jato Düsenbau AG 11.31,3 6.12,2 (20212) Diplom Video 7.37 O-19 1050. Lang Carmen 1992 Pädagogische Hochschule L 18.59,6 8.44,1 (22742) Diplom Video 5.47 O-17 325. Lang Nicole 1989 Pädagogische Hochschule L 9.16,7 3.57,6 (20370) Diplom Video 6.08 S-12 444. Leuschner Valeria 2004 Rudolf Steiner Schule, Eb 13.59,5 6.32,3 (40016) Diplom Video 6.39 F-3 DNF Markzoll Koch Daniela 1969 Koch, Ebikon ----- ----- (15210) Video ---- O-17 129. Maron Jean Claude 1982 Migros Bruchstrasse 8.15,7 2.56,6 (20109) Diplom Video 5.28 O-19 666. Meier Mario 1986 Gemeinde Kriens 16.52,7 6.37,2 (23166) Diplom Video 5.08 F-3 --- Meyer Bruno 1967 Meyer, Ebikon 10.35,8 ----- (12257) Diplom Video 7.01 O-19 138. Meyer Daniel 1988 Gübelin 13.18,6 3.03,1 (23249) Diplom Video 4.03 F-3 --- Meyer Leandro 2008 Meyer, Ebikon 10.35,8 ----- (12258) Diplom Video 7.01 F-3 --- Meyer Manolo 2010 Meyer, Ebikon 10.35,8 ----- (12259) Diplom Video 7.01 F-3 --- Michel Andreas 1969 Michel, Ebikon 8.31,8 ----- (13032) Diplom Video 5.38 F-3 --- Michel Elena 2008 Michel, Ebikon 8.31,8 ----- (13035) Diplom Video 5.38 F-3 --- Michel Karin 1976 Michel, Ebikon 8.31,8 ----- (13033) Diplom Video 5.38 F-3 --- Michel Noah 2006 Michel, Ebikon 8.31,8 ----- (13034) Diplom Video 5.38 F-3 --- Micieli Daniele 1975 Micieli, Ebikon 9.37,9 ----- (14601) Diplom Video 6.22 F-3 --- Micieli Leandro 2009 Micieli, Ebikon 9.37,9 ----- (14604) Diplom Video 6.22 F-3 --- Micieli Lorenzo 2007 Micieli, Ebikon 9.37,9 ----- (14603) Diplom Video 6.22 F-3 --- Micieli Marianna 1976 Micieli, Ebikon 9.37,9 ----- (14602) Diplom Video 6.22 F-3 --- Mistretta Antinoo 1967 Mistretta, Ebikon 12.28,3 ----- (18225) Diplom Video 8.15 F-3 --- Mistretta Giada 2010 Mistretta, Ebikon 12.28,3 ----- (18226) Diplom Video 8.15 F-3 --- Modafferi Fabio 2006 Rutz, Ebikon 7.52,8 ----- (15418) Diplom Video 5.13 K-16 43. Modafferi Mauro 2002 Ebikon 8.49,7 1.41,9 (2680) Diplom Video 4.12 K-28 76. Moreno Manfred 1966 Ebikon 24.32,0 6.15,7 (6067) Diplom Video 4.20 F-3 --- Müller Erwin 1972 Müller, Ebikon 9.39,5 ----- (18748) Diplom Video 6.23 F-3 --- Müller Marla 2008 Müller, Ebikon 9.39,5 ----- (18745) Diplom Video 6.23 F-3 --- Müller Nicole 1973 Müller, Ebikon 9.39,5 ----- (18737) Diplom Video 6.23 F-3 --- Müller Raoul 2005 Müller, Ebikon 9.39,5 ----- (18747) Diplom Video 6.23 F-3 --- Neuenschwander Claudia 1974 Neuenschwander, Ebikon 8.06,3 ----- (15130) Diplom Video 5.22 F-3 --- Neuenschwander Leandro 2006 Neuenschwander, Ebikon 8.06,3 ----- (15132) Diplom Video 5.22 F-3 --- Neuenschwander Marcel 1969 Neuenschwander, Ebikon 8.06,3 ----- (15129) Diplom Video 5.22 F-3 --- Neuenschwander Noemi 2004 Neuenschwander, Ebikon 8.06,3 ----- (15131) Diplom Video 5.22 F-1 --- Nowusch Hans 1969 Nowusch, Ebikon ----- ----- (10678) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Nowusch Jannes 2007 Nowusch, Ebikon ----- ----- (10680) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Nowusch Linus 2009 Nowusch, Ebikon ----- ----- (10681) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Nowusch Paula 2011 Nowusch, Ebikon ----- ----- (10682) Diplom Video ---- O-9 --- Nussbaumer Urs 1971 BERUF ZUG - Zentrum für p ----- ----- (220) Diplom Video ---- O-18 --- Paulitsch Stephanie 1988 Ebikon 10.50,4 ----- (3684) Diplom Video 7.10 O-19 1295. Perini Silvana 1962 Schindler Elevator 21.58,3 11.42,8 (22119) Diplom Video 6.41 O-19 713. Portmann Andrea 1982 Schmidianer 17.08,2 6.52,7 (22448) Diplom Video 5.13 F-3 --- Rast Jeanette 1969 Rast, Ebikon 9.10,4 ----- (18527) Diplom Video 6.04 F-3 --- Rast Leon 2004 Rast, Ebikon 9.10,4 ----- (18528) Diplom Video 6.04 F-3 --- Rast Milla 2008 Rast, Ebikon 9.10,4 ----- (18529) Diplom Video 6.04 K-14 59. Reber Martina 2000 Ebikon 10.42,1 3.47,1 (5740) Diplom Video 5.05 O-19 677. Renggli Raffael 1987 HitchHike 16.57,3 6.41,8 (23033) Diplom Video 5.10 F-3 --- Rether Evelyn 1978 Rether, Ebikon 10.36,8 ----- (14454) Diplom Video 7.01 F-3 --- Rether Sina 2005 Wehrmüller, Buchrain 10.31,6 ----- (14501) Diplom Video 6.58 O-18 --- Rezdeusek Christian 1980 Stiftung Brändi 8.32,9 ----- (26355) Diplom Video 5.39 K-33 156. Riedweg Silvan 1989 Hochschule Luzern, United 27.37,9 8.13,0 (24111) Diplom Video 4.53 F-3 --- Ruckli Barbara 1976 Ruckli, Ebikon 6.42,5 ----- (14161) Diplom Video 4.26 F-3 --- Ruckli Tobi 2006 Ruckli, Ebikon 6.42,5 ----- (14162) Diplom Video 4.26 F-3 --- Ruckli Valentin 2007 Ruckli, Ebikon 6.42,5 ----- (14163) Diplom Video 4.26 F-3 --- Ruckli Werner 1972 Ruckli, Ebikon 6.42,5 ----- (14160) Diplom Video 4.26 F-1 --- Rüssi Jannis 2009 Rüssi, Ebikon ----- ----- (10351) Diplom Video ---- K-15 99. Rüttimann Kayla 2002 Ebikon 11.32,5 4.12,8 (1095) Diplom Video 5.29 F-3 --- Rutz Christian 1976 Rutz, Ebikon 7.52,8 ----- (15417) Diplom Video 5.13 K-35 101. Schärli Lukas 1988 Ebikon 26.03,7 8.23,3 (7577) Diplom Video 4.37 K-28 134. Schlaepfer Gabriel 1970 Ebikon 28.04,8 9.48,5 (6093) Diplom Video 4.58 F-3 --- Schmidli Olivia 1992 Llandolt, Cham 6.53,9 ----- (16504) Diplom Video 4.34 K-6 182. Schmitt Fabio 2007 Ebikon 8.01,9 2.41,0 (5127) Diplom Video 5.19 K-15 38. Schubert Julia 2001 Läuferriege Ebikon 9.41,0 2.21,3 (1007) Diplom Video 4.36 O-19 726. Schubert Peter 1963 Schindler Elevator 17.12,2 6.56,7 (22126) Diplom Video 5.14 K-22 53. Schubert Philipp 1999 Läuferriege Ebikon 19.09,5 5.54,5 (1509) Diplom Video 4.57 F-3 --- Schwarz Nora 2010 Schwarz, Ebikon 12.18,2 ----- (13146) Diplom Video 8.08 F-3 --- Seeberger Andreas 1977 Seeberger, Ebikon 8.18,9 ----- (18977) Diplom Video 5.30 O-17 471. Sekulic Dejan 1993 Hochstrasser AG 9.48,9 4.29,8 (21254) Diplom Video 6.30 O-19 741. Simic Mico 1971 Verkehrsbetriebe Luzern A 17.20,9 7.05,4 (22638) Diplom Video 5.17 F-3 --- Simion Nova 2006 Simion, Ebikon 8.51,6 ----- (16775) Diplom Video 5.52 F-3 --- Simion Tony 1974 Simion, Ebikon 8.51,6 ----- (16774) Diplom Video 5.52 O-19 679. Stärk Sandra 1990 HitchHike 16.57,5 6.42,0 (23035) Diplom Video 5.10 O-19 556. Steiger Peter 1968 Schindler Elevator 16.11,0 5.55,5 (22127) Diplom Video 4.56 F-1 --- Steiner Gabriela 1978 Steiner, Ebikon ----- ----- (10599) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Steiner Loras 2013 Steiner, Ebikon ----- ----- (10602) Diplom Video ---- K-14 55. Steiner Noemi 2000 Ebikon 10.25,6 3.30,6 (5746) Diplom Video 4.57 F-1 --- Steiner Patrick 1971 Steiner, Ebikon ----- ----- (10598) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Steiner Timon 2010 Steiner, Ebikon ----- ----- (10600) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Steiner Torin 2012 Steiner, Ebikon ----- ----- (10601) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Stierili Pirmin 2007 Sigrist, Root 9.39,6 ----- (13059) Diplom Video 6.23 O-17 808. Stigler Stefanie 1984 Radiologie Gersag 11.19,1 6.00,0 (20633) Diplom Video 7.29 K-26 21. Studhalter Ruth 1959 Ebikon 19.34,2 4.20,0 (8738) Diplom Video 5.03 F-3 --- Stutz Anne-Sophie 2009 Stutz, Ebikon 10.43,3 ----- (16787) Diplom Video 7.06 F-3 --- Stutz Esther 1975 Stutz, Ebikon 10.43,3 ----- (16786) Diplom Video 7.06 F-3 --- Stutz Gregor 1972 Stutz, Ebikon 10.43,3 ----- (16785) Diplom Video 7.06 K-33 259. Suter Zollinger Anna 1982 Sonnmatt Luzern 31.51,6 12.26,7 (24020) Diplom Video 5.38 F-3 --- Tanner Finn 2007 Tanner, Ebikon 8.29,4 ----- (12319) Diplom Video 5.37 F-3 --- Tanner Miro 2011 Tanner, Ebikon 8.29,4 ----- (12320) Diplom Video 5.37 F-3 --- Tanner Thomas 1976 Tanner, Ebikon 8.29,4 ----- (12318) Diplom Video 5.37 O-17 488. Thali André 1983 Luzerner Kantonalbank 9.53,2 4.34,1 (20949) Diplom Video 6.32 S-2 314. van der Pluijm Shania 2006 Externe Tagesschule, Ebik 10.53,1 5.05,1 (32258) Diplom Video 7.12 O-19 224. Vasanthakumaran Shathur 1993 Hochschule Luzern, City R 14.02,8 3.47,3 (24127) Diplom Video 4.16 F-3 --- Vellori Aarav 2007 Vellori, Ebikon 10.08,3 ----- (18735) Diplom Video 6.42 F-3 --- Vellori Mayura 1978 Vellori, Ebikon 10.08,3 ----- (18736) Diplom Video 6.42 F-3 --- Vellori Sachi 2004 Vellori, Ebikon 10.08,3 ----- (18738) Diplom Video 6.42 F-3 --- Vellori Sandeep 1974 Vellori, Ebikon 10.08,3 ----- (18728) Diplom Video 6.42 O-19 847. Vogel Adrian 1989 wirth+co ag Runners 17.48,3 7.32,8 (22237) Diplom Video 5.25 O-18 --- von Flüe Ramona 1991 SLRG Luzern 9.56,7 ----- (26139) Diplom Video 6.35 F-3 --- von Rotz Ellen 2008 von Rotz, Ebikon 11.36,2 ----- (18889) Diplom Video 7.41 F-3 --- von Rotz Hansruedi 1966 von Rotz, Ebikon 11.36,2 ----- (18992) Diplom Video 7.41 O-19 995. Waller Jessica 1993 Praxiskracher 18.32,5 8.17,0 (22050) Diplom Video 5.39 O-19 78. Waser Peter 1964 Schindler Elevator 12.35,3 2.19,8 (22129) Diplom Video 3.50 K-23 73. Wespi Ramona 1994 Ebikon 19.44,2 5.52,6 (3720) Diplom Video 5.05 F-3 --- Widmer Andrea 1974 Widmer, Ebikon 9.48,1 ----- (12155) Diplom Video 6.29 F-3 --- Widmer Lorena 2008 Widmer, Ebikon 9.48,1 ----- (12157) Diplom Video 6.29 F-3 --- Widmer Markus 1979 Widmer, Ebikon 9.48,1 ----- (12156) Diplom Video 6.29 F-3 --- Widmer Mauro 2010 Widmer, Ebikon 9.48,1 ----- (12158) Diplom Video 6.29 O-17 132. Willner Marco 1997 Hochstrasser AG 8.16,6 2.57,5 (21257) Diplom Video 5.28 O-19 743. Winterberg Sereina 1992 Universität Luzern 17.21,0 7.05,5 (22558) Diplom Video 5.17 O-17 176. Wyrsch Urs 1949 Kanton Luzern - JP 8.35,0 3.15,9 (20069) Diplom Video 5.41 S-2 275. Wyss Janina 2006 Externe Tagesschule, Ebik 8.36,3 2.48,3 (32259) Diplom Video 5.41 O-19 957. Wyss Meret 1992 Bildungs- und Kulturdepar 18.22,4 8.06,9 (22500) Diplom Video 5.36 O-19 446. Wyss Tony 1956 Bildungs- und Kulturdepar 15.32,9 5.17,4 (22501) Diplom Video 4.44 F-3 --- Zahno Andrea 1976 Sigrist, Root 9.39,6 ----- (13056) Diplom Video 6.23 F-3 --- Zahno Lars 2006 Sigrist, Root 9.39,6 ----- (13058) Diplom Video 6.23 F-3 --- Zimmermann Thomas 1966 Rast, Ebikon 9.10,4 ----- (18526) Diplom Video 6.04 O-17 985. Zollinger Jonas 1982 Klinik St. Anna 12.18,1 6.59,0 (21293) Diplom Video 8.08 O-17 990. Zollinger Nausika 2013 Klinik St. Anna 12.21,8 7.02,7 (21294) Diplom Video 8.11 F-3 --- Zurkirchen Beat 1970 Zurkirchen, Ebikon 7.46,3 ----- (18346) Diplom Video 5.08 K-15 70. Zurkirchen Chantal 2001 Ebikon 10.36,4 3.16,7 (1087) Diplom Video 5.03 F-3 --- Zurkirchen Joel 2003 Zurkirchen, Ebikon 7.46,3 ----- (18347) Diplom Video 5.08 F-3 --- Zurkirchen Marianne 1968 Zurkirchen, Ebikon 7.46,3 ----- (18345) Diplom Video 5.08 F-3 --- Feller Urs 1967 Feller, Ebnat-Kappel 9.46,5 ----- (12425) Diplom Video 6.28 O-19 780. Grischott Elena-Maria 1988 Universität Luzern 17.31,7 7.16,2 (22527) Diplom Video 5.20 F-3 --- Kägi-Feller Rita 1966 Feller, Ebnat-Kappel 9.46,5 ----- (12424) Diplom Video 6.28 F-1 --- Alessandri-Bieri Luzia 1980 Alessandri-Bieri, Ebnet ----- ----- (10555) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Alessandri-Bieri Patrik 1977 Alessandri-Bieri, Ebnet ----- ----- (10554) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Alessandri Elena 2007 Alessandri-Bieri, Ebnet ----- ----- (10556) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Alessandri Gian 2012 Alessandri-Bieri, Ebnet ----- ----- (10557) Diplom Video ---- K-7 6. Bienz Alena 2003 LR Gettnau 5.53,2 0.31,8 (8043) Diplom Video 3.53 F-3 --- Lustenberger Anita 1971 Lustenberger, Ebnet 9.10,1 ----- (12310) Diplom Video 6.04 F-3 --- Lustenberger Jan 2007 Lustenberger, Ebnet 9.10,1 ----- (12311) Diplom Video 6.04 F-3 --- Lustenberger Linda 2009 Lustenberger, Ebnet 9.10,1 ----- (12312) Diplom Video 6.04 F-3 --- Lustenberger Matthias 1966 Lustenberger, Ebnet 9.10,1 ----- (12309) Diplom Video 6.04 F-3 --- Zemp Beni 1977 Zemp, Ebnet 14.12,0 ----- (15150) Diplom Video 9.24 F-3 --- Zemp Jacqueline 1979 Zemp, Ebnet 14.12,0 ----- (15151) Diplom Video 9.24 F-3 --- Zemp Janik 2011 Zemp, Ebnet 14.12,0 ----- (15153) Diplom Video 9.24 F-3 --- Zemp Vanessa 2007 Zemp, Ebnet 14.12,0 ----- (15152) Diplom Video 9.24 O-18 --- Pahud Landry 1987 Die Welschen 13.44,2 ----- (26007) Diplom Video 9.05 K-26 7. Boillat Kireev Véroniqu 1962 Echandens 17.14,0 1.59,8 (8751) Diplom Video 4.27 K-31 --- Kireev Alexandre 1955 Echandens 14.59,2 ----- (40067) Diplom Video 9.55 O-17 545. Staub Tamara 1994 Höhere Fachschule Gesundh 10.09,6 4.50,5 (20773) Diplom Video 6.43 F-3 --- Suter Wurr Dagmar 1966 Wurr-Suter, Edlibach 8.52,1 ----- (14077) Diplom Video 5.52 F-3 --- Wurr Kimberly 2006 Wurr-Suter, Edlibach 8.52,1 ----- (14079) Diplom Video 5.52 F-3 --- Wurr Oliver 2004 Wurr-Suter, Edlibach 8.52,1 ----- (14078) Diplom Video 5.52 K-13 22. Zürcher Seraina 1997 Edlibach 10.22,0 2.54,3 (9531) Diplom Video 4.56 F-3 --- Hodel Lea 2007 Hodel-Bösch, Oberkirch LU 8.21,8 ----- (15037) Diplom Video 5.32 K-7 106. Hodel Mia 2004 Effretikon 7.32,0 2.10,6 (8099) Diplom Video 4.59 K-27 1. Gajic Stefica 1948 Eggenwil 17.56,2 ----- (1203) Diplom Video 4.38 O-18 --- Baumann Dominik 2000 STV Willisau 7.47,5 ----- (26212) Diplom Video 5.09 K-7 48. Baumann Patrizia 2003 STV Willisau 6.41,0 1.19,6 (8027) Diplom Video 4.25 F-3 --- Bürkli Dominik 1988 Schlüssel, Egolzwil 10.06,9 ----- (12207) Diplom Video 6.41 O-19 168. Galliker Michael 1996 Massplan AG 13.32,5 3.17,0 (23334) Diplom Video 4.07 F-3 --- Gassmann Peter 1971 Gassmann, Egolzwil 9.34,0 ----- (16299) Diplom Video 6.20 F-3 --- Gassmann Robin 2006 Gassmann, Egolzwil 9.34,0 ----- (16300) Diplom Video 6.20 K-34 60. Häfliger Martin 1982 TV Schötz 23.49,5 6.07,8 (2001) Diplom Video 4.13 K-35 110. Helfenstein Simon 1989 Egolzwil 28.36,8 10.56,4 (7551) Diplom Video 5.04 O-9 --- Lichtsteiner Inge 1960 Egolzwil ----- ----- (208) Diplom Video ---- K-33 122. Müller Samuel 1990 Hochschule Luzern, United 26.33,5 7.08,6 (24103) Diplom Video 4.42 F-3 --- Schlüssel Janine 1989 Schlüssel, Egolzwil 10.06,9 ----- (12208) Diplom Video 6.41 O-17 485. Schnüriger Jasmin 1993 Heim im Bergli 9.52,7 4.33,6 (21148) Diplom Video 6.32 O-9 --- Wyss Hansjorg 1959 Egolzwil ----- ----- (254) Diplom Video ---- O-18 --- Bay Armando 1991 Heilpädagogische Schule S 14.28,7 ----- (26077) Diplom Video 9.35 O-17 1021. Emmenegger Annalisa 1960 Meierhöfli, Wohnen und Pf 12.51,2 7.32,1 (20220) Diplom Video 8.30 O-17 461. Fellmann Simon 1979 Hochstrasser AG 9.45,4 4.26,3 (21247) Diplom Video 6.27 O-19 1029. Kaufmann Andrea 1987 Luzerner Kantonsspital LU 18.51,0 8.35,5 (22935) Diplom Video 5.44 O-17 472. Loose-Rölli Amelie 2006 Suva Lozärn 9.50,2 4.31,1 (20425) Diplom Video 6.30 K-25 58. Lustenberger Luzia 1969 Eich 23.59,0 9.50,3 (4670) Diplom Video 6.11 O-19 416. Marti Celine 1991 Praxiskracher 15.19,6 5.04,1 (22045) Diplom Video 4.40 O-9 --- Müller Antonia 1992 SSBL ----- ----- (218) Diplom Video ---- O-17 476. Rölli Eduard 1965 Suva Lozärn 9.51,4 4.32,3 (20431) Diplom Video 6.31 O-18 --- Seidner Robert E. 1971 Kitegenossen-Zentralschwe 8.36,4 ----- (26435) Diplom Video 5.41 O-18 --- Zemp Priska 1975 Kitegenossen-Zentralschwe 8.35,2 ----- (26436) Diplom Video 5.41 K-22 10. Fähndrich Cyril 1999 Eigenthal 14.29,2 1.14,2 (1562) Diplom Video 3.44 O-9 --- Spöring Ueli 1966 Gemeinderat Schwarzenberg ----- ----- (235) Diplom Video ---- K-35 96. Holdener Pascal 1990 Einsiedeln 25.38,4 7.58,0 (7553) Diplom Video 4.32 K-35 47. Zehnder Manuel 1991 Einsiedeln 22.19,1 4.38,7 (7589) Diplom Video 3.57 F-3 --- Amrein Elena 2006 Amrein, Emmen 11.29,3 ----- (13350) Diplom Video 7.36 F-3 --- Amrein Jeanette 1969 Amrein, Emmen 11.29,3 ----- (13348) Diplom Video 7.36 F-3 --- Amrein Reto 1975 Amrein, Emmen 11.29,3 ----- (13349) Diplom Video 7.36 F-3 DNF Baumeler Alexander 1972 Baumeler, Emmen ----- ----- (14938) Video ---- F-3 DNF Baumeler Irene 1976 Baumeler, Emmen ----- ----- (14939) Video ---- F-3 DNF Baumeler Raphael 2008 Baumeler, Emmen ----- ----- (14940) Video ---- F-3 DNF Baumeler Rebecca 2010 Baumeler, Emmen ----- ----- (14941) Video ---- O-18 --- Bertoldo Leandro 2004 TSV Emmenstrand Jugend 8.55,1 ----- (26058) Diplom Video 5.54 O-18 --- Bertoldo Mauro 2006 TSV Emmenstrand Jugend 8.53,8 ----- (26059) Diplom Video 5.53 K-34 4. Blättler Daniel 1982 LA Nidwalden 18.30,1 0.48,4 (2026) Diplom Video 3.16 O-19 509. Blättler Désirée 1992 Pädagogische Hochschule L 15.56,9 5.41,4 (22693) Diplom Video 4.51 K-30 37. Blättler Walter 1951 Emmen 31.39,8 10.23,6 (1305) Diplom Video 5.36 O-19 257. Casarrubea Maurizio 1974 V-ZUG AG, Zug 14.19,1 4.03,6 (22002) Diplom Video 4.21 F-1 --- Dängeli Weber Barbara 1978 Weber, Emmen ----- ----- (10626) Diplom Video ---- K-24 79. Emmenegger Nadine 1981 Emmen 24.47,7 10.42,4 (7020) Diplom Video 6.24 O-18 --- Ferrer Sergio 1980 Emmen 10.01,2 ----- (26521) Diplom Video 6.38 O-17 246. Fritsche Andreas 1980 Grand Hotel National AG 8.51,1 3.32,0 (20643) Diplom Video 5.51 O-17 701. Gloggner Jana 1995 Höhere Fachschule Gesundh 10.43,7 5.24,6 (20714) Diplom Video 7.06 O-17 454. Godel Evelyne 1966 Luzerner Kantonalbank 9.43,7 4.24,6 (20889) Diplom Video 6.26 F-1 --- Herzog Matti 2012 Herzog, Emmen ----- ----- (11187) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Herzog Stephan 1979 Herzog, Emmen ----- ----- (11161) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Hofer Adrian 2011 Hofer, Emmen 13.44,7 ----- (16635) Diplom Video 9.06 F-3 --- Hofer Markus 1974 Hofer, Emmen 13.44,7 ----- (16634) Diplom Video 9.06 K-6 189. Hofer Sebastien 2004 Emmen 8.16,2 2.55,3 (5088) Diplom Video 5.28 O-19 1348. Huber Samuel 1985 Network 41 24.15,2 13.59,7 (22328) Diplom Video 7.23 O-17 1140. Iseli Ursula 1954 Emmi Schweiz AG 14.38,9 9.19,8 (20466) Diplom Video 9.42 O-19 312. Kauert Joel 1991 Emmi Schweiz AG 14.44,9 4.29,4 (23050) Diplom Video 4.29 K-33 323. Kerklau Jana 1969 ALDI SUISSE AG Zn Dagmers 39.14,3 19.49,4 (24177) Diplom Video 6.57 O-17 906. Krasnigi Kim 1978 Migros Bruchstrasse 11.46,1 6.27,0 (20108) Diplom Video 7.47 F-1 --- Kurmann Christian 1979 Kurmann, Emmen ----- ----- (11156) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Kurmann Irene 1979 Kurmann, Emmen ----- ----- (11128) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Kurmann Jasmin 2008 Kurmann, Emmen ----- ----- (11154) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Kurmann Ramon 2006 Kurmann, Emmen ----- ----- (11159) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Kurmann Sarah 2007 Kurmann, Emmen ----- ----- (11157) Diplom Video ---- K-6 160. Lanfranconi Jaro 2007 Emmen 7.31,0 2.10,1 (5171) Diplom Video 4.58 F-3 --- Lanfranconi Loe 2009 Lanfranconi, Emmen 12.10,3 ----- (18942) Diplom Video 8.03 F-3 --- Lanfranconi Romana 1980 Lanfranconi, Emmen 12.10,3 ----- (18908) Diplom Video 8.03 F-3 --- Leuthold Emely 2009 Steiger, Emmen 11.17,0 ----- (14839) Diplom Video 7.28 O-18 --- Lucarelli Selina 1985 Emmen 10.09,7 ----- (26537) Diplom Video 6.43 O-17 1075. Muff Carina 1993 CASCADA Hotel & Bolero Re 13.56,3 8.37,2 (20985) Diplom Video 9.13 O-17 119. Nideröst Dominik 1998 HPZ Sunnebüel, Schüpfheim 8.11,1 2.52,0 (20254) Diplom Video 5.25 O-19 90. Osias Eliance 1978 4B Gruppe 12.49,7 2.34,2 (22838) Diplom Video 3.54 K-29 57. Pawlik Jörg 1959 Emmen 25.09,5 5.38,8 (9766) Diplom Video 4.27 O-18 --- Pawlik Marie-Theres 1956 Emmen 9.44,5 ----- (26631) Diplom Video 6.27 O-18 --- Pawlik Martina 1988 Emmen 9.44,2 ----- (26632) Diplom Video 6.26 O-17 1201. Pircher Céline 1996 Miafon AG 16.19,0 10.59,9 (20294) Diplom Video 10.48 O-17 84. Rodriques Jolanda 1972 St.Anna Stiftung 7.45,0 2.25,9 (20344) Diplom Video 5.07 O-17 474. Schleiss Isabelle 1967 Luzerner Kantonalbank 9.51,1 4.32,0 (20934) Diplom Video 6.31 K-35 51. Schmid Patrick 1985 Emmen 22.27,9 4.47,5 (7579) Diplom Video 3.58 K-35 102. Schmidli Andreas 1985 Emmen 26.04,9 8.24,5 (7580) Diplom Video 4.37 K-33 52. Solomun Boris 1990 Pilatus Flugzeugwerke AG 23.45,1 4.20,2 (24281) Diplom Video 4.12 O-18 --- Sonderegger Joe 1976 Royal Rangers Luzern 32 13.09,9 ----- (26190) Diplom Video 8.43 O-9 --- Stalder Adrian 1990 SSBL ----- ----- (238) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Steiger Roger 1974 Steiger, Emmen 11.17,0 ----- (14838) Diplom Video 7.28 O-19 650. von Rotz Claudia 1972 Leuag AG 16.46,8 6.31,3 (22301) Diplom Video 5.06 K-6 70. von Rotz Jan 2004 Emmen 6.27,8 1.06,9 (5189) Diplom Video 4.16 O-19 830. von Rotz René 1972 Leuag AG 17.43,7 7.28,2 (22302) Diplom Video 5.24 K-7 61. von Rotz Sina 2006 Emmen 7.04,9 1.43,5 (8193) Diplom Video 4.41 O-18 --- Walter Till-Ole 2006 TSV Emmenstrand Jugend 8.53,6 ----- (26074) Diplom Video 5.53 F-1 --- Weber Adrian 1976 Weber, Emmen ----- ----- (11125) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Weber Flurina 2011 Weber, Emmen ----- ----- (10628) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Weber Linus 2013 Weber, Emmen ----- ----- (10629) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Weber Milena 2009 Weber, Emmen ----- ----- (10627) Diplom Video ---- O-19 236. Weber Thomas 1976 Zemp Sanitär AG 14.08,5 3.53,0 (22815) Diplom Video 4.18 F-1 --- Weber Thomas 1976 Weber, Emmen ----- ----- (10625) Diplom Video ---- O-19 372. Ahmadi Ali Zia 1996 Caritas Luzern 15.05,0 4.49,5 (22166) Diplom Video 4.35 F-1 --- Ahnen Alexander 1978 Ahnen, Emmenbrücke ----- ----- (10052) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Ahnen Bettina 1979 Ahnen, Emmenbrücke ----- ----- (10053) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Ahnen Jana 2006 Ahnen, Emmenbrücke ----- ----- (10054) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Ahnen Valentina 2009 Ahnen, Emmenbrücke ----- ----- (10055) Diplom Video ---- O-19 1036. Ajruloski Destan 1985 Network 41 18.53,8 8.38,3 (22306) Diplom Video 5.45 O-17 997. Alves Lopes Isabel 1971 Sonnmatt Luzern 12.24,7 7.05,6 (20027) Diplom Video 8.13 F-3 --- Amrein Amina 2005 Felder, Emmenbrücke 7.38,3 ----- (15296) Diplom Video 5.03 F-3 --- Amrein Miriam 1979 Amrein, Emmenbrücke 13.46,8 ----- (14100) Diplom Video 9.07 F-3 --- Amrein Noelia 2010 Amrein, Emmenbrücke 13.46,8 ----- (14103) Diplom Video 9.07 F-3 --- Amrein Roger 1981 Amrein, Emmenbrücke 13.46,8 ----- (14101) Diplom Video 9.07 F-3 --- Amrein Sheryl 2007 Amrein, Emmenbrücke 13.46,8 ----- (14102) Diplom Video 9.07 F-3 --- Anaba Olinga Carla 2006 Holtz, Emmenbrücke 7.58,5 ----- (18744) Diplom Video 5.16 O-19 433. Anselm Flavio 1995 ANLIKER, AG 15.26,9 5.11,4 (23067) Diplom Video 4.42 K-33 315. Arnold Janine 1994 Neutrass AG, Rotkreuz 36.31,8 17.06,9 (24002) Diplom Video 6.28 F-3 --- Arnold Mia 2006 Thalmann, Emmenbrücke 10.58,1 ----- (18191) Diplom Video 7.15 F-3 --- Arnold Silas 2009 Thalmann, Emmenbrücke 10.58,1 ----- (18192) Diplom Video 7.15 F-3 --- Aschwanden Vanessa 2004 Bänziger, Ebikon 8.21,6 ----- (16633) Diplom Video 5.32 O-19 1270. Asfaha Adhanet 1996 Caritas Luzern 21.04,3 10.48,8 (22167) Diplom Video 6.25 O-19 710. Assad Michael 1998 Caritas Luzern 17.07,5 6.52,0 (22168) Diplom Video 5.13 K-35 91. Atilgan Engin 1987 Emmenbrücke 25.14,1 7.33,7 (7609) Diplom Video 4.28 F-3 --- Bachmann Anna-Lena 2005 Bachmann, Emmenbrücke 10.46,7 ----- (13463) Diplom Video 7.08 O-9 --- Bachmann Erwin 1946 Emmenbrücke ----- ----- (154) Diplom Video ---- O-17 714. Bachmann Eveline 1963 India Zelt & Event AG 10.47,9 5.28,8 (21237) Diplom Video 7.09 F-3 --- Bachmann Leo 2008 Bachmann, Emmenbrücke 10.46,7 ----- (13464) Diplom Video 7.08 F-3 --- Bachmann Roger 1967 Bachmann, Emmenbrücke 10.46,7 ----- (13461) Diplom Video 7.08 F-3 --- Bachmann Sandra 1971 Bachmann, Emmenbrücke 10.46,7 ----- (13462) Diplom Video 7.08 F-3 --- Barbieri Manuela 1974 Thalmann, Emmenbrücke 10.58,1 ----- (18190) Diplom Video 7.15 F-3 --- Barmet Cyrill 2004 Barmet, Emmenbrücke 9.52,4 ----- (15386) Diplom Video 6.32 F-3 --- Barmet Lukas 1972 Barmet, Emmenbrücke 9.52,4 ----- (15384) Diplom Video 6.32 F-3 --- Barmet Nadine 1973 Barmet, Emmenbrücke 9.52,4 ----- (15385) Diplom Video 6.32 F-3 --- Barmet Séverine 2007 Barmet, Emmenbrücke 9.52,4 ----- (15388) Diplom Video 6.32 F-3 --- Barmet Yves 2006 Barmet, Emmenbrücke 9.52,4 ----- (15387) Diplom Video 6.32 K-23 127. Baumann Jeannine 1989 Emmenbrücke 24.50,2 10.58,6 (3622) Diplom Video 6.25 O-17 530. Berger Anita 1953 4B Gruppe 10.05,0 4.45,9 (20409) Diplom Video 6.40 O-17 1131. Berger Rolf 1951 Touring Club Schweiz 14.31,0 9.11,9 (20649) Diplom Video 9.36 F-3 --- Berglas Andreas 1980 Berglas, Emmenbrücke 13.01,1 ----- (13335) Diplom Video 8.37 F-3 --- Berglas Elina 2008 Berglas, Emmenbrücke 13.01,1 ----- (13336) Diplom Video 8.37 O-17 581. Bersier Antionette 1967 Luzerner Kantonalbank 10.17,6 4.58,5 (20866) Diplom Video 6.49 O-17 34. Bianchi Nicole 1989 Rudolf & Bieri AG 7.04,9 1.45,8 (20386) Diplom Video 4.41 F-3 --- Bieri Alina Maria 2010 Bieri, Emmenbrücke 9.56,7 ----- (14518) Diplom Video 6.35 F-3 --- Bieri Dominik 1973 Bieri, Emmenbrücke 9.56,7 ----- (14517) Diplom Video 6.35 F-3 --- Bieri Mano 2010 Bieri, Emmenbrücke 12.54,5 ----- (12191) Diplom Video 8.32 F-3 --- Bieri Milla 2009 Bieri, Emmenbrücke 12.54,5 ----- (12190) Diplom Video 8.32 F-3 --- Bieri Sandro 1969 Bieri, Emmenbrücke 12.54,5 ----- (12188) Diplom Video 8.32 O-17 1096. Bieri Sarah 2001 HPZ Sunnebüel, Schüpfheim 14.11,3 8.52,2 (20233) Diplom Video 9.23 F-3 --- Bieri Sonja 1978 Bieri, Emmenbrücke 12.54,5 ----- (12189) Diplom Video 8.32 O-17 698. Bischof Walter 1959 Migros Bruchstrasse 10.43,3 5.24,2 (20103) Diplom Video 7.06 F-3 --- Bitzi Rebecca 1963 Bitzi, Emmenbrücke 8.20,0 ----- (18505) Diplom Video 5.31 K-26 3. Bitzi Rebecca 1963 Emmenbrücke 15.35,5 0.21,3 (8747) Diplom Video 4.01 F-3 --- Bitzi Roland 1960 Bitzi, Emmenbrücke 8.20,0 ----- (18504) Diplom Video 5.31 K-23 10. Bitzi Sarah 1985 Emmenbrücke 14.43,9 0.52,3 (3624) Diplom Video 3.48 F-3 --- Bitzi Vanja 2006 Bitzi, Emmenbrücke 8.20,0 ----- (18506) Diplom Video 5.31 O-19 426. Bosoppi Leandro 1961 PanGas AG, Dagmersellen 15.22,4 5.06,9 (22462) Diplom Video 4.41 F-3 --- Brunner Corinne 1974 Brunner, Emmenbrücke 7.20,3 ----- (18202) Diplom Video 4.51 O-19 945. Brunner Désirée 1997 Luzerner Kantonsspital LU 18.18,4 8.02,9 (22888) Diplom Video 5.34 F-3 --- Brunner Fabio 2007 Brunner, Emmenbrücke 7.20,3 ----- (18204) Diplom Video 4.51 F-3 --- Brunner Jael 2010 Brunner, Emmenbrücke 7.20,3 ----- (18205) Diplom Video 4.51 F-3 --- Brunner Marcel 1979 Brunner, Emmenbrücke 7.20,3 ----- (18203) Diplom Video 4.51 O-19 337. Bucheli Josef 1955 BICA AG, Rothenburg 14.53,3 4.37,8 (22202) Diplom Video 4.32 F-1 --- Bucher Jamie 2008 Bucher, Emmenbrücke ----- ----- (10205) Diplom Video ---- O-19 943. Bucher Karin 1995 Dienststelle Personal des 18.18,2 8.02,7 (22066) Diplom Video 5.34 F-1 --- Bucher Mario 1980 Bucher, Emmenbrücke ----- ----- (10204) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Bucher Noel 2010 Bucher, Emmenbrücke ----- ----- (10047) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Bucher Olivia 1984 Bucher, Emmenbrücke ----- ----- (10046) Diplom Video ---- O-19 244. Bucher Roman 1993 BICA AG, Rothenburg 14.13,6 3.58,1 (22204) Diplom Video 4.20 F-1 --- Bucher Sandro 1983 Bucher, Emmenbrücke ----- ----- (10045) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Bucher Shane 2010 Bucher, Emmenbrücke ----- ----- (10206) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Bucher Tanja 1978 Bucher, Emmenbrücke ----- ----- (10203) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Buchmann Adrian 2008 Buchmann, Emmenbrücke 12.38,4 ----- (16981) Diplom Video 8.22 F-3 --- Buchmann Alois 1947 Buchmann, Emmenbrücke 12.38,4 ----- (16982) Diplom Video 8.22 O-19 254. Buchmann Marcel 1976 4B Gruppe 14.16,8 4.01,3 (22835) Diplom Video 4.21 F-3 --- Buchmann Marcel 1976 Buchmann, Emmenbrücke 12.38,4 ----- (16980) Diplom Video 8.22 F-3 --- Bühler Cedric 2005 Bühler, Emmenbrücke 10.02,2 ----- (14131) Diplom Video 6.38 F-3 --- Bühler Rahel 1974 Bühler, Emmenbrücke 10.02,2 ----- (14130) Diplom Video 6.38 F-3 --- Bühler Robin 2007 Bühler, Emmenbrücke 10.02,2 ----- (14132) Diplom Video 6.38 F-3 --- Bühler Thomas 1974 Bühler, Emmenbrücke 10.02,2 ----- (14129) Diplom Video 6.38 F-3 --- Bühlmann André 1969 Bühlmann, Emmenbrücke 8.22,1 ----- (16654) Diplom Video 5.32 F-3 --- Bühlmann Luca 2006 Bühlmann, Emmenbrücke 8.22,1 ----- (16656) Diplom Video 5.32 F-3 --- Bühlmann Renata 2004 Bühlmann, Emmenbrücke 8.22,1 ----- (16655) Diplom Video 5.32 O-17 223. Buholzer Alois 1965 Pädagogische Hochschule L 8.49,3 3.30,2 (20351) Diplom Video 5.50 O-17 209. Buholzer Andrin 2001 Pädagogische Hochschule L 8.47,2 3.28,1 (20352) Diplom Video 5.49 O-17 215. Buholzer Lea 2003 Pädagogische Hochschule L 8.48,0 3.28,9 (20353) Diplom Video 5.49 O-18 --- Burri André 1991 Cool Running 6.08,3 ----- (26012) Diplom Video 4.03 F-3 --- Caduff Anina 2006 Häfliger, Emmenbrücke 9.57,6 ----- (41065) Diplom Video 6.35 F-3 --- Caduff Aurel 2004 Häfliger, Emmenbrücke 9.57,6 ----- (41066) Diplom Video 6.35 O-19 639. Campisano Giulio 1967 Zemp Sanitär AG 16.42,7 6.27,2 (22809) Diplom Video 5.05 O-19 460. Canaj Adelina 1981 ANLIKER, AG 15.38,9 5.23,4 (23068) Diplom Video 4.46 O-18 --- Cantoni Laura 2006 TSV Emmenstrand Jugend 10.09,9 ----- (26060) Diplom Video 6.43 F-1 --- Carlen Monika 1976 Fischer, Emmenbrücke ----- ----- (41058) Diplom Video ---- O-19 877. Chymena Poppler 1986 ANLIKER, AG 17.55,5 7.40,0 (23069) Diplom Video 5.27 O-19 1134. Cunha Paula 1982 Marbet Immobilien AG 19.42,6 9.27,1 (22086) Diplom Video 6.00 O-17 63. Dastoli Gianfranco 1997 ALSO Schweiz 7.34,3 2.15,2 (21155) Diplom Video 5.00 O-19 259. Desbele Aynom Tesfay 1992 Caritas Luzern 14.19,7 4.04,2 (22169) Diplom Video 4.22 O-19 622. Diallo Ibrahima Sory 1998 Caritas Luzern 16.39,0 6.23,5 (22170) Diplom Video 5.04 O-19 364. Diallo Ousmane 1998 Caritas Luzern 15.03,4 4.47,9 (22171) Diplom Video 4.35 F-3 --- Diltz Claudia 1975 Diltz, Emmenbrücke 10.56,5 ----- (14245) Diplom Video 7.14 O-18 --- Diltz Claudia 1975 TSV Emmenstrand Jugend 9.29,1 ----- (26061) Diplom Video 6.16 K-28 122. Diltz Daniel 1974 Emmenbrücke 27.24,5 9.08,2 (6027) Diplom Video 4.51 F-3 --- Diltz Daniel 1974 Diltz, Emmenbrücke 10.56,5 ----- (14244) Diplom Video 7.14 O-18 --- Diltz Eileen 2006 TSV Emmenstrand Jugend 9.39,0 ----- (26062) Diplom Video 6.23 F-3 --- Diltz Eileen 2006 Diltz, Emmenbrücke 10.56,5 ----- (14246) Diplom Video 7.14 O-18 --- Diltz Robin 2008 TSV Emmenstrand Jugend 9.21,3 ----- (26063) Diplom Video 6.11 F-3 --- Diltz Robin 2008 Diltz, Emmenbrücke 10.56,5 ----- (14247) Diplom Video 7.14 O-19 1180. Dolder Evelin 1982 Luzerner Kantonsspital LU 20.15,6 10.00,1 (22908) Diplom Video 6.10 O-19 781. Dos Santos Rafael 1987 Network 41 17.32,2 7.16,7 (22311) Diplom Video 5.20 F-3 --- Dürger Lynn 2010 Dürger, Emmenbrücke 13.24,5 ----- (16534) Diplom Video 8.52 F-3 --- Dürger Raphaela 1976 Dürger, Emmenbrücke 13.24,5 ----- (16533) Diplom Video 8.52 O-17 180. Dürr David 1966 Gesundheits- und Sozialde 8.36,2 3.17,1 (20805) Diplom Video 5.41 O-17 3. Dürr Markus 1996 Gesundheits- und Sozialde 5.43,4 0.24,3 (20806) Diplom Video 3.47 O-19 102. Eggenschwiler Bruno 1973 ANLIKER, AG 12.56,2 2.40,7 (23070) Diplom Video 3.56 O-19 290. Egli Peter 1968 B. Braun Medical AG 14.36,2 4.20,7 (23347) Diplom Video 4.27 O-19 978. Eiholzer Isabelle 1988 ANLIKER, AG 18.27,3 8.11,8 (23072) Diplom Video 5.37 O-19 350. Elsouda Majed 1999 Caritas Luzern 14.57,7 4.42,2 (22172) Diplom Video 4.33 O-19 52. Erni Silvan 1991 ANLIKER, AG 12.16,8 2.01,3 (23074) Diplom Video 3.44 K-24 44. Erzinger-Brun Martina 1976 Emmenbrücke 19.32,0 5.26,7 (7021) Diplom Video 5.02 F-1 --- Erzinger-Brun Martina 1976 Erzinger-Brun, Emmenbrück ----- ----- (10142) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Erzinger Cristina 2008 Erzinger-Brun, Emmenbrück ----- ----- (10144) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Estermann Emilie 2006 Mühlebach, Rotkreuz 12.49,3 ----- (12699) Diplom Video 8.29 F-3 --- Estermann Max 2008 Mühlebach, Rotkreuz 12.49,3 ----- (12700) Diplom Video 8.29 O-19 311. Estermann Noah 1998 Livitianer 14.44,5 4.29,0 (22186) Diplom Video 4.29 O-18 --- Fähndrich Carina 1993 Emmenbrücke 6.46,4 ----- (26520) Diplom Video 4.29 O-9 --- Fähndrich Franco Dr. 1954 Emmenbrücke ----- ----- (170) Diplom Video ---- O-19 205. Felder Adrian 1987 Network 41 13.49,2 3.33,7 (22313) Diplom Video 4.12 F-3 --- Felder Jason 2005 Felder, Emmenbrücke 7.38,3 ----- (15295) Diplom Video 5.03 F-3 --- Felder Jeannette 1968 Felder, Emmenbrücke 7.38,3 ----- (15293) Diplom Video 5.03 F-3 --- Felder Pius 1969 Felder, Emmenbrücke 7.38,3 ----- (15294) Diplom Video 5.03 F-3 --- Fellmann Lütolf Esther 1970 Lütolf-Fellmann, Emmenbrü 11.24,1 ----- (13047) Diplom Video 7.33 O-19 1314. Ferreira Liliana 1980 Marbet Immobilien AG 22.17,9 12.02,4 (22087) Diplom Video 6.47 F-1 --- Fischer Alex 1979 Fischer, Emmenbrücke ----- ----- (42011) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Fischer Fabian 2013 Fischer, Emmenbrücke ----- ----- (41060) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Fischer Rahel 2010 Fischer, Emmenbrücke ----- ----- (41059) Diplom Video ---- O-19 1061. Fuchs Petra 1970 Luzerner Kantonsspital LU 19.05,4 8.49,9 (22915) Diplom Video 5.49 O-17 524. Gaberthuel Stefan 1964 Feuerwehr Stadt Luzern 10.03,0 4.43,9 (20077) Diplom Video 6.39 F-3 --- Geisseler Nico 2007 Geisseler, Emmenbrücke 9.32,7 ----- (12086) Diplom Video 6.19 F-3 --- Geisseler Uwe 1973 Geisseler, Emmenbrücke 9.32,7 ----- (12085) Diplom Video 6.19 F-3 --- Geisser Marcel 1974 Koch, Emmenbrücke 6.52,5 ----- (16688) Diplom Video 4.33 O-18 --- Gervasi Michael 1978 Stiftung Brändi 7.40,0 ----- (26291) Diplom Video 5.04 K-24 33. Graber Martina 1984 Emmenbrücke 17.53,7 3.48,4 (7030) Diplom Video 4.37 O-19 673. Gross Raffael 1990 HitchHike 16.54,5 6.39,0 (23031) Diplom Video 5.09 O-17 995. Guerreiro Marques Maria 1966 Sonnmatt Luzern 12.23,7 7.04,6 (20031) Diplom Video 8.12 O-17 73. Haase Joerg 1977 Manor Emmen 7.38,3 2.19,2 (21208) Diplom Video 5.03 F-3 --- Häfliger Annouk 2006 Häfliger, Emmenbrücke 9.57,6 ----- (15165) Diplom Video 6.35 F-3 --- Häfliger Gabi 1970 Häfliger, Emmenbrücke 9.57,6 ----- (15164) Diplom Video 6.35 F-3 --- Häfliger Hubert 1969 Häfliger, Emmenbrücke 9.57,6 ----- (15163) Diplom Video 6.35 F-3 --- Häfliger Lars 2008 Häfliger, Emmenbrücke 9.57,6 ----- (15166) Diplom Video 6.35 O-19 1105. Hagmann Seline 1993 Pädagogische Hochschule L 19.21,3 9.05,8 (22726) Diplom Video 5.54 O-19 633. Hasani Ahmed 1998 Caritas Luzern 16.41,5 6.26,0 (22173) Diplom Video 5.05 F-3 --- Haufgartner Rolf 1972 Aregger, Rothenburg 11.29,1 ----- (13523) Diplom Video 7.36 O-9 --- Haxhosaj Uran 1988 SSBL ----- ----- (183) Diplom Video ---- K-35 78. Heer Dominik 1987 Emmenbrücke 24.15,9 6.35,5 (7612) Diplom Video 4.18 F-3 --- Hermann Corinne 1977 Hermann, Emmenbrücke 9.17,8 ----- (16155) Diplom Video 6.09 O-19 76. Hermann Guido 1966 KMS AG - clever people, c 12.33,7 2.18,2 (23293) Diplom Video 3.49 F-3 --- Hermann Julian 2006 Hermann, Emmenbrücke 9.17,8 ----- (16157) Diplom Video 6.09 F-3 --- Hermann Laura 2004 Hermann, Emmenbrücke 9.17,8 ----- (16156) Diplom Video 6.09 O-19 373. Hermann Marco 1996 KMS AG - clever people, c 15.05,1 4.49,6 (23294) Diplom Video 4.35 O-19 545. Hermann Nicola 1999 KMS AG - clever people, c 16.08,6 5.53,1 (40056) Diplom Video 4.55 F-3 --- Hermann Roger 1977 Hermann, Emmenbrücke 9.17,8 ----- (16154) Diplom Video 6.09 F-3 --- Hiltbrunner Claudia 1976 Hiltbrunner, Emmenbrücke 13.59,3 ----- (12501) Diplom Video 9.15 F-3 --- Hiltbrunner Elias 2008 Hiltbrunner, Emmenbrücke 13.59,3 ----- (12502) Diplom Video 9.15 F-3 --- Hiltbrunner Rahel 2010 Hiltbrunner, Emmenbrücke 13.59,3 ----- (12503) Diplom Video 9.15 F-3 --- Hiltbrunner Wisi 1972 Hiltbrunner, Emmenbrücke 13.59,3 ----- (12500) Diplom Video 9.15 O-19 1269. Holl Maria 1981 Caritas Luzern 21.02,9 10.47,4 (22174) Diplom Video 6.25 O-19 399. Hollenstein Mathias 1984 Livitianer 15.14,1 4.58,6 (22187) Diplom Video 4.38 O-19 367. Holtz Sascha 1987 Credit Suisse AG 15.03,7 4.48,2 (22612) Diplom Video 4.35 F-3 --- Holtz Sascha 1987 Holtz, Emmenbrücke 7.58,5 ----- (18734) Diplom Video 5.16 O-9 --- Honegger Kurt 1952 Raiffeisenbank Emmen ----- ----- (190) Diplom Video ---- O-19 1196. Hotz Markus 1961 Luzerner Kantonsspital LU 20.24,7 10.09,2 (22924) Diplom Video 6.13 O-17 1066. Imeri Zijdin 1967 Heini, Blumen Garten, Luz 13.37,7 8.18,6 (20194) Diplom Video 9.01 O-19 342. Jakob Fortuna 1997 Caritas Luzern 14.54,8 4.39,3 (22175) Diplom Video 4.32 O-17 519. Jakupi Teuta 1985 Migros Bruchstrasse 10.01,8 4.42,7 (20107) Diplom Video 6.38 O-17 1113. Jost Marc 1986 Touring Club Schweiz 14.27,1 9.08,0 (20659) Diplom Video 9.34 O-17 274. Jovena Bozanka 1985 St.Anna Stiftung 8.59,2 3.40,1 (20338) Diplom Video 5.57 F-1 --- Käppeli Celine 2007 von Allmen, Münchenstein ----- ----- (10255) Diplom Video ---- O-18 --- Käppeli Celine 2007 TSV Emmenstrand Jugend 9.56,1 ----- (26064) Diplom Video 6.34 F-1 --- Käppeli Mireille 1974 von Allmen, Münchenstein ----- ----- (10251) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Käppeli Sven 2009 von Allmen, Münchenstein ----- ----- (10256) Diplom Video ---- O-17 446. Kaufmann Brigitta 1967 Luzerner Kantonalbank 9.42,6 4.23,5 (20903) Diplom Video 6.25 O-18 --- Kaufmann Joan 2005 TSV Emmenstrand Jugend 9.44,9 ----- (26065) Diplom Video 6.27 F-3 --- Kaufmann Joan 2005 Kaufmann, Emmenbrücke 9.02,9 ----- (18663) Diplom Video 5.59 O-19 27. Kaufmann Markus 1967 Komax AG 11.39,5 1.24,0 (22060) Diplom Video 3.33 F-3 --- Kaufmann Markus 1967 Kaufmann, Emmenbrücke 9.02,9 ----- (18662) Diplom Video 5.59 O-19 1133. Kaufmann Petra 1972 ANLIKER, AG 19.42,3 9.26,8 (23075) Diplom Video 6.00 F-3 --- Kaufmann Siro 2008 Kaufmann, Emmenbrücke 9.02,9 ----- (18664) Diplom Video 5.59 O-19 1136. Kiser Stefan 1982 ANLIKER, AG 19.43,2 9.27,7 (23076) Diplom Video 6.00 O-19 181. Klausberger Patrick 1973 Caritas Luzern 13.38,4 3.22,9 (22176) Diplom Video 4.09 O-19 227. Klein Jörg 1987 Komax AG 14.05,7 3.50,2 (22061) Diplom Video 4.17 O-17 101. Kloos Markus 1963 Bildungs- und Kulturdepar 8.01,2 2.42,1 (20176) Diplom Video 5.18 O-17 1217. Kloos Merlin 2009 Bildungs- und Kulturdepar 16.46,8 11.27,7 (20177) Diplom Video 11.06 O-17 1215. Kloos Sibylle 1976 Bildungs- und Kulturdepar 16.45,5 11.26,4 (20178) Diplom Video 11.05 O-17 503. Knez Tatiana 1975 Luzerner Kantonalbank 9.57,5 4.38,4 (20906) Diplom Video 6.35 F-3 --- Knobel Lara 2006 Knobel, Emmenbrücke 10.22,8 ----- (14735) Diplom Video 6.52 F-3 --- Knobel Malea 2009 Knobel, Emmenbrücke 10.22,8 ----- (14736) Diplom Video 6.52 F-3 --- Knobel Sandra 1972 Knobel, Emmenbrücke 10.22,8 ----- (14733) Diplom Video 6.52 F-3 --- Knobel Urban 1975 Knobel, Emmenbrücke 10.22,8 ----- (14734) Diplom Video 6.52 O-17 1190. Koch Andrea 1986 Spielkiste Schweiz AG 15.57,7 10.38,6 (20160) Diplom Video 10.34 F-3 --- Koch Eveline 1978 Schmidig, Emmenbrücke 10.49,2 ----- (14291) Diplom Video 7.09 F-3 --- Koch Jana 2008 Koch, Emmenbrücke 6.52,5 ----- (16691) Diplom Video 4.33 O-17 1179. Koch Lia 2011 Spielkiste Schweiz AG 15.52,1 10.33,0 (20161) Diplom Video 10.30 F-3 --- Koch Livio 2005 Koch, Emmenbrücke 6.52,5 ----- (16690) Diplom Video 4.33 F-3 --- Koch Martin 1971 Koch, Emmenbrücke 9.42,7 ----- (13314) Diplom Video 6.25 F-3 --- Koch Melina 2009 Koch, Emmenbrücke 9.42,7 ----- (13315) Diplom Video 6.25 F-3 --- Koch Tina 1977 Koch, Emmenbrücke 6.52,5 ----- (16689) Diplom Video 4.33 F-3 --- König Agnes 1968 König, Emmenbrücke 8.10,6 ----- (16928) Diplom Video 5.24 O-19 977. König Patrizia 1984 ANLIKER, AG 18.26,9 8.11,4 (23078) Diplom Video 5.37 F-3 --- König Sacha 2005 König, Emmenbrücke 8.10,6 ----- (16930) Diplom Video 5.24 O-17 168. Kostadinova Bigana 1979 St.Anna Stiftung 8.32,9 3.13,8 (20339) Diplom Video 5.39 O-19 1315. Krasniqi Nik 1978 Network 41 22.22,9 12.07,4 (22340) Diplom Video 6.49 F-3 --- Kretz Erwin 1962 Kretz, Emmenbrücke 13.36,8 ----- (12451) Diplom Video 9.00 O-18 --- Kretz Melanie 2006 TSV Emmenstrand Jugend 11.29,7 ----- (26066) Diplom Video 7.36 F-3 --- Kretz Mona 2011 Kretz, Emmenbrücke 13.36,8 ----- (12454) Diplom Video 9.00 F-3 --- Kretz Nina 2009 Kretz, Emmenbrücke 13.36,8 ----- (12453) Diplom Video 9.00 F-3 --- Kretz Nora 1976 Kretz, Emmenbrücke 13.36,8 ----- (12452) Diplom Video 9.00 O-19 1043. Krighaar Trine 1989 Luzerner Kantonsspital LU 18.57,3 8.41,8 (22941) Diplom Video 5.46 K-30 20. Kuhn Robert 1949 Emmenbrücke 27.47,7 6.31,5 (1318) Diplom Video 4.55 F-3 --- Kummer Beat 1953 Kummer, Emmenbrücke 8.56,7 ----- (18096) Diplom Video 5.55 O-19 85. Kunz Lukas 1994 Caritas Luzern 12.44,9 2.29,4 (22177) Diplom Video 3.53 O-19 605. Kurmann Isabelle 1992 Schmidianer 16.31,6 6.16,1 (22445) Diplom Video 5.02 F-1 --- Kurmann Tim 2008 Erzinger-Brun, Emmenbrück ----- ----- (10143) Diplom Video ---- O-19 771. Lachat Patrick 1991 Emil Frey AG 17.29,1 7.13,6 (23091) Diplom Video 5.19 O-17 386. Latifi Meraita 1989 Manor Emmen 9.32,9 4.13,8 (21209) Diplom Video 6.19 O-17 835. Leone Celestino 1974 Jato Düsenbau AG 11.26,8 6.07,7 (20213) Diplom Video 7.34 O-19 922. Lombris Olivia 1980 AS Aufzüge AG 18.12,8 7.57,3 (22272) Diplom Video 5.33 O-19 587. Lötscher Markus 1965 Pistor AG 16.25,2 6.09,7 (23269) Diplom Video 5.00 F-3 --- Lütolf-Fellmann André 1964 Lütolf-Fellmann, Emmenbrü 11.24,1 ----- (13046) Diplom Video 7.33 F-3 --- Lütolf Jonas 2007 Lütolf-Fellmann, Emmenbrü 11.24,1 ----- (13048) Diplom Video 7.33 O-19 491. Malito Ivan 1977 Gübelin 15.52,0 5.36,5 (23248) Diplom Video 4.50 K-33 261. Marion Claudia 1980 Steeltec AG 32.11,9 12.47,0 (24203) Diplom Video 5.42 O-19 1265. Marks Christiane 1973 Zahnarzt Team Luzern 21.00,6 10.45,1 (22093) Diplom Video 6.24 F-1 --- Mathys-Imhof Andreas 1977 Mathys-Imhof, Emmenbrücke ----- ----- (10309) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Mathys Leonie 2008 Mathys-Imhof, Emmenbrücke ----- ----- (10310) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Mathys Noé 2010 Mathys-Imhof, Emmenbrücke ----- ----- (10311) Diplom Video ---- O-19 721. Maxamed Axmed 1997 Caritas Luzern 17.09,9 6.54,4 (22178) Diplom Video 5.13 O-17 401. Meier Bernadette 1954 Rudolf & Bieri AG 9.35,5 4.16,4 (20391) Diplom Video 6.21 O-19 564. Meier Reto 1989 HitchHike 16.14,0 5.58,5 (23032) Diplom Video 4.56 K-34 49. Meier Sandro 1975 Emmenbrücke 23.21,3 5.39,6 (2061) Diplom Video 4.08 O-17 407. Meier Sandro 1975 Luzerner Kantonalbank 9.36,7 4.17,6 (20921) Diplom Video 6.21 F-3 --- Meury Noée 2011 Mueller, Luzern 14.51,0 ----- (15027) Diplom Video 9.50 F-3 --- Meury Pierre 1980 Mueller, Luzern 14.51,0 ----- (15025) Diplom Video 9.50 O-19 98. Mogos Mussie 1996 Caritas Luzern 12.53,5 2.38,0 (22179) Diplom Video 3.55 F-3 --- Mollet André 1970 Mollet, Emmenbrücke 11.04,4 ----- (18806) Diplom Video 7.20 F-3 --- Mollet Emily 2010 Mollet, Emmenbrücke 11.04,4 ----- (18823) Diplom Video 7.20 F-3 --- Mollet Nevin 2007 Mollet, Emmenbrücke 11.04,4 ----- (18820) Diplom Video 7.20 F-3 --- Mollet Sandra 1973 Mollet, Emmenbrücke 11.04,4 ----- (18822) Diplom Video 7.20 F-3 --- Moser Daniela 1980 Moser, Emmenbrücke 9.00,4 ----- (16204) Diplom Video 5.57 O-18 --- Moser Daniela 1980 TSV Emmenstrand Jugend 10.01,0 ----- (26067) Diplom Video 6.38 F-3 --- Moser Luana 2007 Moser, Emmenbrücke 9.00,4 ----- (16205) Diplom Video 5.57 O-18 --- Moser Luana 2007 TSV Emmenstrand Jugend 9.51,3 ----- (26068) Diplom Video 6.31 F-3 --- Moser Luca 2005 Moser, Emmenbrücke 8.06,4 ----- (16207) Diplom Video 5.22 O-18 --- Moser Luca 2005 TSV Emmenstrand Jugend 8.51,8 ----- (26069) Diplom Video 5.52 F-3 --- Moser Thomas 1974 Moser, Emmenbrücke 8.06,4 ----- (16206) Diplom Video 5.22 F-3 --- Müller Aline 2009 Müller, Emmenbrücke 9.49,6 ----- (14617) Diplom Video 6.30 F-3 --- Müller André 1967 Müller, Emmenbrücke 9.09,9 ----- (13354) Diplom Video 6.04 F-3 --- Müller Cora 2003 Müller, Emmenbrücke 9.09,9 ----- (13356) Diplom Video 6.04 F-3 --- Müller Fabrizio 2009 Müller, Emmenbrücke 12.25,7 ----- (18566) Diplom Video 8.13 F-3 --- Müller Francesca 1978 Müller, Emmenbrücke 12.25,7 ----- (18565) Diplom Video 8.13 F-3 --- Müller Ivo 1976 Müller, Emmenbrücke 12.25,7 ----- (18564) Diplom Video 8.13 K-34 74. Müller Ivo 1976 Emmenbrücke 25.01,2 7.19,5 (2062) Diplom Video 4.26 F-3 --- Müller Lars 2008 Müller, Emmenbrücke 9.09,9 ----- (13358) Diplom Video 6.04 O-19 1057. Müller Lucia 1985 Gemeindeverwaltung Ruswil 19.02,5 8.47,0 (22455) Diplom Video 5.48 F-3 --- Müller Myrtha 1979 Müller, Emmenbrücke 9.09,9 ----- (13355) Diplom Video 6.04 F-3 --- Müller Nils 2005 Müller, Emmenbrücke 9.09,9 ----- (13357) Diplom Video 6.04 F-3 --- Müller Stefan 1980 Müller, Emmenbrücke 9.49,6 ----- (14616) Diplom Video 6.30 O-19 585. Müller Urban 1981 Antonietty Architekten 16.24,8 6.09,3 (23107) Diplom Video 5.00 K-15 16. Müller Yael 2001 Emmenbrücke 8.56,4 1.36,7 (1093) Diplom Video 4.15 K-33 30. Mutama Fontaine 1994 Stadt Luzern, StGL 23.02,4 3.37,5 (24142) Diplom Video 4.05 K-35 62. Mutama Johnson 1991 Emmenbrücke 23.24,1 5.43,7 (7565) Diplom Video 4.08 O-19 240. Naderi Besmellah 1997 Caritas Luzern 14.11,1 3.55,6 (22180) Diplom Video 4.19 F-3 --- Niederberger Igor 1975 Niederberger, Emmenbrücke 10.53,3 ----- (16861) Diplom Video 7.12 F-3 --- Niederberger Lia 2011 Niederberger, Emmenbrücke 10.53,3 ----- (16864) Diplom Video 7.12 F-3 --- Niederberger Nina 2008 Niederberger, Emmenbrücke 10.53,3 ----- (16863) Diplom Video 7.12 F-1 --- Niederberger Yvonne 1972 Weber, Emmen ----- ----- (11153) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Niederberger Yvonne 1975 Niederberger, Emmenbrücke 10.53,3 ----- (16862) Diplom Video 7.12 F-3 --- Odermatt Alisha 2004 Odermatt, Emmenbrücke 10.27,2 ----- (18997) Diplom Video 6.55 F-3 --- Odermatt Andrea 1975 Odermatt, Emmenbrücke 10.27,2 ----- (18968) Diplom Video 6.55 F-3 --- Odermatt Christoph 1974 Odermatt, Emmenbrücke 10.27,2 ----- (18999) Diplom Video 6.55 F-3 --- Odermatt Sarina 2007 Odermatt, Emmenbrücke 10.27,2 ----- (19000) Diplom Video 6.55 O-17 183. Odermatt Sibylla 1977 Kantonsspital Nidwalden 8.36,4 3.17,3 (20850) Diplom Video 5.41 O-18 --- Ostgen Noemi 2007 TSV Emmenstrand Jugend 11.44,9 ----- (26070) Diplom Video 7.46 O-17 1116. Paganal Beat 1963 Touring Club Schweiz 14.28,7 9.09,6 (20668) Diplom Video 9.35 O-17 1125. Paganal Claudia 1966 Touring Club Schweiz 14.30,7 9.11,6 (20669) Diplom Video 9.36 O-19 1137. Perez Juan 1984 ANLIKER, AG 19.43,4 9.27,9 (23080) Diplom Video 6.00 F-3 --- Peter-Ittig Jürg 1967 Peter-Ittig, Emmenbrücke 9.29,1 ----- (13160) Diplom Video 6.16 F-3 --- Peter-Ittig Lucie 2007 Peter-Ittig, Emmenbrücke 9.29,1 ----- (13163) Diplom Video 6.16 F-3 --- Peter-Ittig Rebecca 1972 Peter-Ittig, Emmenbrücke 9.29,1 ----- (13161) Diplom Video 6.16 F-3 --- Peter-Ittig Tim 2005 Peter-Ittig, Emmenbrücke 9.29,1 ----- (13162) Diplom Video 6.16 O-18 --- Petrillo Alessandro 1991 Cool Running 7.31,1 ----- (26015) Diplom Video 4.58 F-3 --- Portmann Alex 1979 Portmann, Emmenbrücke 13.05,2 ----- (14113) Diplom Video 8.40 O-17 506. Portmann Alex 1979 Luzerner Kantonalbank 9.57,7 4.38,6 (20927) Diplom Video 6.35 F-3 --- Portmann Jessica 2010 Portmann, Emmenbrücke 13.05,2 ----- (14115) Diplom Video 8.40 F-3 --- Portmann Leon 2009 Portmann, Emmenbrücke 13.05,2 ----- (14114) Diplom Video 8.40 O-19 1211. Qukovci Naim 1985 Network 41 20.35,4 10.19,9 (22352) Diplom Video 6.16 O-17 935. Ramushi Granit 1995 HUG AG 11.59,1 6.40,0 (21228) Diplom Video 7.56 F-3 --- Rauser Christine 1969 Mösch, Schüpfheim 12.51,3 ----- (18046) Diplom Video 8.30 K-33 256. Rauser Christine 1969 Kadeco AG, Kriens 31.47,1 12.22,2 (24009) Diplom Video 5.38 K-35 63. Regli Samuel 1988 Emmenbrücke 23.35,6 5.55,2 (7570) Diplom Video 4.10 O-18 --- Rehor Franziska 1988 Stiftung Brändi 13.21,6 ----- (26354) Diplom Video 8.50 K-24 73. Renggli Andrea 1981 Emmenbrücke 23.57,1 9.51,8 (7088) Diplom Video 6.11 O-17 644. Renggli Oliver 1983 Midnight Sports Luzern 10.27,3 5.08,2 (40069) Diplom Video 6.55 F-1 --- Richli Andrea 1975 Erzinger-Brun, Emmenbrück ----- ----- (10141) Diplom Video ---- O-17 332. Riedi Guido 1963 Migros Bruchstrasse 9.18,6 3.59,5 (20110) Diplom Video 6.09 F-1 --- Rindlisbacher Claudia 1978 Rindlisbacher, Emmenbrück ----- ----- (10962) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Rindlisbacher Jana 2008 Rindlisbacher, Emmenbrück ----- ----- (10965) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Rindlisbacher Joy 2007 Rindlisbacher, Emmenbrück ----- ----- (10964) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Rindlisbacher Leandra 2005 Rindlisbacher, Emmenbrück ----- ----- (10963) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Rindlisbacher Nico 2009 Rindlisbacher, Emmenbrück ----- ----- (10966) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Rindlisbacher Simon 1970 Rindlisbacher, Emmenbrück ----- ----- (10961) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Rogger Lisa 2008 Rogger, Emmenbrücke 11.57,2 ----- (12826) Diplom Video 7.54 F-3 --- Rogger Sandra 1973 Rogger, Emmenbrücke 11.57,2 ----- (12825) Diplom Video 7.54 O-18 --- Rölli Fiona 2008 TSV Emmenstrand Jugend 9.49,3 ----- (26071) Diplom Video 6.30 O-19 1128. Ronneberger Felicitas 1992 Universität Luzern 19.39,2 9.23,7 (22546) Diplom Video 5.59 O-17 424. Roos Svenja 1995 Rudolf & Bieri AG 9.39,2 4.20,1 (20392) Diplom Video 6.23 F-3 --- Röösli Aline 2008 Röösli, Emmenbrücke 7.57,0 ----- (18500) Diplom Video 5.15 F-3 --- Röösli Erich 1970 Röösli, Emmenbrücke 7.57,0 ----- (18498) Diplom Video 5.15 F-3 --- Röösli Fabienne 1980 Röösli, Emmenbrücke 7.57,0 ----- (18499) Diplom Video 5.15 O-17 51. Roth Armin 1957 Stadt Luzern STAV 7.23,6 2.04,5 (20304) Diplom Video 4.53 F-3 --- Ruiz Maria 1972 Kaufmann, Emmenbrücke 9.02,9 ----- (18661) Diplom Video 5.59 F-3 --- Rutishauser Milena 2004 Rutishauser, Emmenbrücke 7.47,7 ----- (12697) Diplom Video 5.09 F-3 --- Rutishauser Peter 1965 Rutishauser, Emmenbrücke 7.47,7 ----- (12694) Diplom Video 5.09 F-3 --- Rutishauser Priska 1968 Rutishauser, Emmenbrücke 7.47,7 ----- (12695) Diplom Video 5.09 O-17 821. Rutishauser Priska 1968 Baumeler Reisen 11.23,4 6.04,3 (20151) Diplom Video 7.32 F-3 --- Rutishauser Yannis 2003 Rutishauser, Emmenbrücke 7.47,7 ----- (12696) Diplom Video 5.09 O-18 --- Sardella Lorena 1995 TSV Emmenstrand Jugend 11.40,4 ----- (26610) Diplom Video 7.43 O-17 640. Schafer Marco 1989 Jato Düsenbau AG 10.26,4 5.07,3 (20216) Diplom Video 6.54 O-19 448. Schaffner Tino 1993 Pädagogische Hochschule L 15.33,5 5.18,0 (22771) Diplom Video 4.44 O-18 --- Schäpper Regula 1986 Emmenbrücke 5.58,0 ----- (26553) Diplom Video 3.57 K-13 30. Schärli Romy 1997 Emmenbrücke 12.38,1 5.10,4 (9521) Diplom Video 6.01 O-18 --- Schirm Margot 1968 Wild Boar Clan Of Loch Lu 15.21,8 ----- (26106) Diplom Video 10.10 F-3 --- Schmid Sandi 1970 Schmid, Emmenbrücke 9.25,4 ----- (12896) Diplom Video 6.14 F-3 --- Schmid Selina 2006 Schmid, Emmenbrücke 9.25,4 ----- (12898) Diplom Video 6.14 F-3 --- Schmid Urs 1970 Schmid, Emmenbrücke 9.25,4 ----- (12897) Diplom Video 6.14 F-3 --- Schmidig Jeannine 2008 Schmidig, Emmenbrücke 10.49,2 ----- (14292) Diplom Video 7.09 O-17 798. Schmidiger Jannik 2000 HPZ Sunnebüel, Schüpfheim 11.16,3 5.57,2 (20262) Diplom Video 7.27 F-3 --- Schmidlin Cedric 2004 Schmidlin, Emmenbrücke 6.27,3 ----- (18223) Diplom Video 4.16 F-3 --- Schmidlin Karin 1976 Schmidlin, Emmenbrücke 6.27,3 ----- (18222) Diplom Video 4.16 F-3 --- Schmidlin Markus 1974 Schmidlin, Emmenbrücke 6.27,3 ----- (18221) Diplom Video 4.16 F-3 --- Schmidlin Nicolas 2006 Schmidlin, Emmenbrücke 6.27,3 ----- (18224) Diplom Video 4.16 F-3 --- Schmidt Finn 2005 Schmidt, Emmenbrücke 8.38,4 ----- (19090) Diplom Video 5.43 O-18 --- Schmidt Fiona 2007 TSV Emmenstrand Jugend 11.44,1 ----- (26072) Diplom Video 7.46 O-17 211. Schmidt Heiko 1984 Grand Hotel National AG 8.47,4 3.28,3 (20647) Diplom Video 5.49 F-3 --- Schmidt Manuela 1979 Schmidt, Emmenbrücke 8.38,4 ----- (17237) Diplom Video 5.43 O-19 849. Schmitter Roger 1988 ANLIKER, AG 17.48,5 7.33,0 (23081) Diplom Video 5.25 O-17 99. Schopfer Meret 2003 Bildungs- und Kulturdepar 8.00,3 2.41,2 (20183) Diplom Video 5.18 O-19 392. Schöpfer Viola 1973 ANLIKER, AG 15.11,2 4.55,7 (23082) Diplom Video 4.37 O-19 303. Schürch Andrin 1998 ANLIKER, AG 14.41,2 4.25,7 (23083) Diplom Video 4.28 O-19 437. Sedighi Habib 1997 Caritas Luzern 15.29,6 5.14,1 (22181) Diplom Video 4.43 O-17 501. Serrao Amato 1985 Luzerner Kantonalbank 9.56,8 4.37,7 (20942) Diplom Video 6.35 K-28 47. Signer Daniel 1970 Emmenbrücke 22.49,7 4.33,4 (6097) Diplom Video 4.02 F-3 --- Signer Daniel 1970 Signer, Emmenbrücke 10.34,4 ----- (18265) Diplom Video 7.00 F-3 --- Signer Fabian 2004 Signer, Emmenbrücke 10.34,4 ----- (18267) Diplom Video 7.00 F-3 --- Signer Judith 1972 Signer, Emmenbrücke 10.34,4 ----- (18266) Diplom Video 7.00 F-3 --- Signer Oliver 2009 Signer, Emmenbrücke 10.34,4 ----- (18269) Diplom Video 7.00 F-3 --- Signer Simon 2006 Signer, Emmenbrücke 10.34,4 ----- (18268) Diplom Video 7.00 O-17 1202. Sigrist Karin 1980 Miafon AG 16.19,3 11.00,2 (20295) Diplom Video 10.48 O-19 113. Sigrist Philip 1984 ANLIKER, AG 13.03,8 2.48,3 (23084) Diplom Video 3.58 F-1 --- Simeone Alessio 2009 Serino, Luzern ----- ----- (10931) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Simeone Elisa 2007 Serino, Luzern ----- ----- (11208) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Simeone Marcello 1978 Serino, Luzern ----- ----- (10930) Diplom Video ---- O-19 1153. Sousa Andreia 1995 Alterszentrum Tschann, Bu 19.54,3 9.38,8 (23224) Diplom Video 6.04 F-3 --- Steiner Angelina 2008 Steiner, Emmenbrücke 10.59,9 ----- (14112) Diplom Video 7.17 O-19 1205. Steiner Lara 1992 Pädagogische Hochschule L 20.32,3 10.16,8 (22782) Diplom Video 6.15 F-3 --- Steiner Marc 2006 Steiner, Emmenbrücke 10.59,9 ----- (14111) Diplom Video 7.17 F-3 --- Steiner Nicolas 2005 Steiner, Emmenbrücke 10.59,9 ----- (14110) Diplom Video 7.17 F-3 --- Steiner Sarah 1977 Steiner, Emmenbrücke 10.59,9 ----- (14109) Diplom Video 7.17 F-3 --- Steiner Yves 1974 Steiner, Emmenbrücke 10.59,9 ----- (14108) Diplom Video 7.17 O-18 --- Stocker Christian 1990 Cool Running 6.09,9 ----- (26017) Diplom Video 4.04 O-17 487. Strittmatter André 1963 Hochstrasser AG 9.53,1 4.34,0 (21256) Diplom Video 6.32 F-3 --- Suter-Hüsler Christine 1970 Suter-Hüsler, Emmenbrücke 10.41,7 ----- (18092) Diplom Video 7.04 K-25 55. Suter-Hüsler Christine 1970 Emmenbrücke 23.11,8 9.03,1 (4650) Diplom Video 5.59 F-3 --- Suter Pius 1966 Suter-Hüsler, Emmenbrücke 10.41,7 ----- (18091) Diplom Video 7.04 F-3 --- Suter Simon 2008 Suter-Hüsler, Emmenbrücke 10.41,7 ----- (18093) Diplom Video 7.04 O-19 1132. Taverna Rosina 1987 Zahnarzt Team Luzern 19.41,7 9.26,2 (22098) Diplom Video 6.00 O-19 86. Tenore Liliano 1986 ANLIKER, AG 12.45,4 2.29,9 (23085) Diplom Video 3.53 F-3 --- Thalmann Eva 1974 Thalmann, Emmenbrücke 10.58,1 ----- (18189) Diplom Video 7.15 O-19 975. Thomaschewski Jessica 1981 ANLIKER, AG 18.26,3 8.10,8 (23086) Diplom Video 5.37 F-3 --- Tondello Mario 1955 Tondello, Emmenbrücke 7.07,7 ----- (15232) Diplom Video 4.43 F-3 --- Tondello Nicola 2004 Tondello, Emmenbrücke 7.07,7 ----- (15234) Diplom Video 4.43 F-3 --- Tondello Petra 1977 Tondello, Emmenbrücke 7.07,7 ----- (15233) Diplom Video 4.43 F-3 --- Tondello Sandro 2010 Tondello, Emmenbrücke 7.07,7 ----- (15235) Diplom Video 4.43 K-29 65. Troxler Peter 1963 Emmenbrücke 25.46,9 6.16,2 (9782) Diplom Video 4.34 O-9 --- Truttmann Susanne 1959 Gemeinderat Emmen, Kanton ----- ----- (242) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Tscholitsch Ida 2008 Tscholitsch, Emmenbrücke 9.55,8 ----- (14316) Diplom Video 6.34 F-3 --- Tscholitsch Jakobina 2006 Tscholitsch, Emmenbrücke 9.55,8 ----- (14315) Diplom Video 6.34 F-3 --- Tscholitsch Jesco 1973 Tscholitsch, Emmenbrücke 9.55,8 ----- (14314) Diplom Video 6.34 O-19 380. Tschopp Josef 1951 Praxiskracher 15.06,8 4.51,3 (22048) Diplom Video 4.36 K-28 43. Ugiadughe Brown 1974 Emmenbrücke 22.38,5 4.22,2 (6153) Diplom Video 4.00 O-18 --- Ventrone Alessia 2006 TSV Emmenstrand Jugend 10.07,0 ----- (26073) Diplom Video 6.41 O-17 1146. Versteeg Adrian 1985 Heineken Switzerland AG 14.40,5 9.21,4 (21221) Diplom Video 9.43 O-19 93. Vucetic Snezana 1962 Gemeinde Kriens 12.50,1 2.34,6 (23173) Diplom Video 3.54 O-18 --- Wagner Jonas 1991 Royal Rangers Luzern 32 13.10,4 ----- (26192) Diplom Video 8.43 F-3 --- Waser Aline 2008 Waser, Emmenbrücke 9.55,1 ----- (14822) Diplom Video 6.34 F-3 --- Waser Leon 2010 Waser, Emmenbrücke 9.55,1 ----- (14823) Diplom Video 6.34 F-3 --- Waser Manuel 1979 Waser, Emmenbrücke 9.55,1 ----- (14820) Diplom Video 6.34 F-3 --- Waser Salome 1981 Waser, Emmenbrücke 9.55,1 ----- (14821) Diplom Video 6.34 F-1 --- Weber Sarah 2008 Weber, Emmen ----- ----- (11151) Diplom Video ---- O-19 55. Weber Stefan 1980 Zemp Sanitär AG 12.18,7 2.03,2 (22814) Diplom Video 3.45 O-19 228. Wey Kevin 1987 ANLIKER, AG 14.06,0 3.50,5 (23087) Diplom Video 4.17 O-19 1113. Weyermann Carolina 1997 Emil Frey AG 19.26,0 9.10,5 (23093) Diplom Video 5.55 K-35 53. Wildhaber Mauro 1986 Emmenbrücke 22.58,4 5.18,0 (7588) Diplom Video 4.04 O-17 844. Wisler Andrea 1994 Höhere Fachschule Gesundh 11.27,9 6.08,8 (20785) Diplom Video 7.35 O-19 510. Wiss Elena 1989 HitchHike 15.57,0 5.41,5 (23036) Diplom Video 4.51 O-19 759. Wu Fang 1988 Universität Luzern 17.25,9 7.10,4 (22559) Diplom Video 5.18 O-17 419. Zäch Mario 1964 Luzerner Kantonalbank 9.38,4 4.19,3 (20961) Diplom Video 6.23 O-17 538. Zimmermann Celine 1992 Hochstrasser AG 10.06,6 4.47,5 (21258) Diplom Video 6.41 F-3 --- Zimmermann Janine 1976 Zimmermann, Emmenbrücke 6.50,6 ----- (12231) Diplom Video 4.31 O-17 430. Zimmermann Janine 1976 Luzerner Kantonalbank 9.40,5 4.21,4 (20963) Diplom Video 6.24 O-18 --- Farinato Caleb 2004 Royal Rangers Luzern 32 13.09,9 ----- (26177) Diplom Video 8.43 O-18 --- Farinato Dario 1969 Royal Rangers Luzern 32 13.12,2 ----- (26178) Diplom Video 8.44 O-18 --- Farinato Desirée 1995 Royal Rangers Luzern 32 13.05,7 ----- (26179) Diplom Video 8.40 O-18 --- Farinato Ruben 1969 Royal Rangers Luzern 32 13.07,0 ----- (26180) Diplom Video 8.41 O-18 --- Farinato Samuel 1999 Royal Rangers Luzern 32 13.04,3 ----- (26181) Diplom Video 8.39 O-18 --- Farinato Susi 1969 Royal Rangers Luzern 32 13.13,3 ----- (26182) Diplom Video 8.45 O-19 131. Joller René 1964 B. Braun Medical AG 13.13,4 2.57,9 (23352) Diplom Video 4.01 O-19 664. Roth Sabrina 1987 Schindler Elevator 16.51,8 6.36,3 (22124) Diplom Video 5.08 O-17 911. Saladin Ruth 1954 elfo ag 11.49,0 6.29,9 (20288) Diplom Video 7.49 O-17 908. Alder Marielle 1993 Höhere Fachschule Gesundh 11.47,0 6.27,9 (20678) Diplom Video 7.48 K-7 12. Arnet Chiara 2003 Engelberg 6.08,1 0.46,7 (8072) Diplom Video 4.03 K-7 102. Arnet Sina 2005 Engelberg 7.25,2 2.03,8 (8074) Diplom Video 4.54 K-28 4. Auchli Egon 1974 Die Post 18.43,1 0.26,8 (6002) Diplom Video 3.19 F-3 --- Auchli Helene 1970 Auchli, Engelberg 10.27,7 ----- (18107) Diplom Video 6.55 F-3 --- Auchli Meret 2009 Auchli, Engelberg 10.27,7 ----- (18108) Diplom Video 6.55 F-3 --- Birnstiel Luana 2008 Birnstiel, Engelberg 13.59,5 ----- (18459) Diplom Video 9.15 F-3 --- Birnstiel Richard 1976 Birnstiel, Engelberg 13.59,5 ----- (18458) Diplom Video 9.15 F-3 --- Birnstiel Tanja 1975 Birnstiel, Engelberg 13.59,5 ----- (18457) Diplom Video 9.15 K-7 11. Bösch Alessia 2003 Engelberg 6.07,8 0.46,4 (8206) Diplom Video 4.03 K-7 66. Bösch Luana 2005 Engelberg 7.07,3 1.45,9 (8205) Diplom Video 4.42 O-18 --- Dönni Nathalie 1998 Engelberg 7.59,6 ----- (26516) Diplom Video 5.17 F-3 DNF Ehrat Alexandra 1971 Ehrat, Engelberg ----- ----- (14972) Video ---- F-3 DNF Ehrat Andrina 2007 Ehrat, Engelberg ----- ----- (14974) Video ---- F-3 DNF Ehrat Christoph 1969 Ehrat, Engelberg ----- ----- (14971) Video ---- F-3 DNF Ehrat Leonie 2005 Ehrat, Engelberg ----- ----- (14973) Video ---- O-19 792. Frommenwiler Thierry 1991 Raiffeisenbank Region Sta 17.34,3 7.18,8 (22102) Diplom Video 5.21 K-15 39. Geisser Jasmin 2001 Engelberg 9.43,0 2.23,3 (1044) Diplom Video 4.37 O-19 775. Gobat Patricia 1993 Pädagogische Hochschule L 17.30,5 7.15,0 (22720) Diplom Video 5.20 O-17 1180. Hurschler Stefanie 1988 Spielkiste Schweiz AG 15.52,3 10.33,2 (20159) Diplom Video 10.30 K-28 18. Kaufmann Daniel 1967 Engelberg 21.03,3 2.47,0 (6046) Diplom Video 3.43 O-17 445. Keller Jeannette 1970 Hochstrasser AG 9.42,3 4.23,2 (21252) Diplom Video 6.25 K-30 27. Kuster Herbert 1951 Lauf-Treff Engelberg 28.34,2 7.18,0 (1319) Diplom Video 5.03 F-3 --- Lütolf Jasmin 2007 Lütolf, Engelberg 15.01,1 ----- (12316) Diplom Video 9.56 F-3 --- Lütolf Nina 2010 Lütolf, Engelberg 15.01,1 ----- (12317) Diplom Video 9.56 F-3 --- Lütolf Philipp 1976 Lütolf, Engelberg 15.01,1 ----- (12315) Diplom Video 9.56 O-19 1235. Odermatt Pascale 1995 Druckerei Odermatt AG 20.44,5 10.29,0 (22583) Diplom Video 6.19 F-3 --- Portmann Dani 1971 Portmann, Engelberg 9.30,4 ----- (14358) Diplom Video 6.17 F-3 --- Portmann Michelle 2008 Portmann, Engelberg 9.30,4 ----- (14360) Diplom Video 6.17 F-3 --- Portmann Nico 2009 Portmann, Engelberg 9.30,4 ----- (14361) Diplom Video 6.17 F-3 --- Portmann Susanne 1973 Portmann, Engelberg 9.30,4 ----- (14359) Diplom Video 6.17 K-20 12. Ruckstuhl André 1995 Engelberg 14.54,3 2.29,0 (26552) Diplom Video 3.51 F-1 --- Scheuber Helena 1983 Scheuber, Engelberg ----- ----- (10236) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Scheuber Kaspar 1985 Scheuber, Engelberg ----- ----- (10237) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Scheuber Seraina 2010 Scheuber, Engelberg ----- ----- (10238) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Schmidli Linus 2012 Wolfisberg, Engelberg ----- ----- (10775) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Schmidli Paula 2010 Wolfisberg, Engelberg ----- ----- (10774) Diplom Video ---- K-7 132. Waser Astrid 2005 Engelberg 7.51,7 2.30,3 (8153) Diplom Video 5.12 K-6 197. Waser Florian 2008 Engelberg 9.31,5 4.10,6 (5150) Diplom Video 6.18 K-7 58. Waser Jasmin 2004 Engelberg 7.00,3 1.38,9 (8154) Diplom Video 4.38 K-22 47. Waser Stefan 2000 Engelberg 18.27,7 5.12,7 (1549) Diplom Video 4.46 F-1 --- Wolfisberg Charlotte 1970 Wolfisberg, Engelberg ----- ----- (10773) Diplom Video ---- K-29 103. Böniger Jacques 1963 Die Post 34.59,5 15.28,8 (9704) Diplom Video 6.12 K-23 107. Bächli Alessandra 1996 Ennetbürgen 21.39,9 7.48,3 (3752) Diplom Video 5.35 K-33 82. Böckli Daniel 1965 Pilatus Flugzeugwerke AG 24.54,9 5.30,0 (24235) Diplom Video 4.25 O-17 288. Bünter Nadine 1993 Hotel Continental-Park 9.06,0 3.46,9 (20047) Diplom Video 6.01 K-22 13. Christen Fabio 2000 LA Nidwalden 15.10,5 1.55,5 (1510) Diplom Video 3.55 K-33 262. Danioth Laura 1993 IT&T - Catwalk Runners 32.12,0 12.47,1 (24059) Diplom Video 5.42 F-1 --- Dries Elisa 1978 Dries, Ennetbürgen ----- ----- (10830) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Dries Naomi 2004 Dries, Ennetbürgen ----- ----- (10831) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Dries Pablo 2008 Dries, Ennetbürgen ----- ----- (10832) Diplom Video ---- K-7 86. Durrer Edith 2004 Ennetbürgen 7.15,3 1.53,9 (8204) Diplom Video 4.48 O-17 919. Feldscher Desirée 1999 HUG AG 11.53,9 6.34,8 (21225) Diplom Video 7.52 O-17 1152. Feldscher Helga 1971 HUG AG 14.50,0 9.30,9 (21226) Diplom Video 9.49 O-17 363. Flüeler Iris 1973 zb Zentralbahn AG 9.27,3 4.08,2 (21287) Diplom Video 6.15 K-33 60. Furrer Thomas 1974 Pilatus Flugzeugwerke AG 24.03,5 4.38,6 (24243) Diplom Video 4.15 O-17 1034. Gaugé Nicolas 1975 Pilatus Flugzeugwerke AG 13.06,8 7.47,7 (20568) Diplom Video 8.41 O-19 204. Imhof Pascal 1992 JO SAC Titlis 13.49,0 3.33,5 (23041) Diplom Video 4.12 O-19 214. Infanger Andrè 1981 AS Aufzüge AG 13.55,8 3.40,3 (22268) Diplom Video 4.14 F-3 --- Käslin Odermatt Claudia 1974 Odermatt, Ennetbürgen 9.08,9 ----- (16761) Diplom Video 6.03 O-17 798. Kuliszkiewicz Daisy 1990 HPZ Sunnebüel, Schüpfheim 11.16,3 5.57,2 (20248) Diplom Video 7.27 O-17 771. Küng Christian 1986 Radisson Blu Hotel, Lucer 11.07,4 5.48,3 (20838) Diplom Video 7.21 O-19 1077. Küng Fränzi 1980 Druckerei Odermatt AG 19.13,8 8.58,3 (22577) Diplom Video 5.51 K-33 222. Maakoul Rachid 1971 Pilatus Flugzeugwerke AG 30.04,7 10.39,8 (24261) Diplom Video 5.19 F-1 --- Mager Matthias 1970 Dries, Ennetbürgen ----- ----- (10829) Diplom Video ---- O-17 787. Meienberg Vanessa 1988 Höhere Fachschule Gesundh 11.13,2 5.54,1 (20744) Diplom Video 7.25 F-3 --- Näpflin Amélie 2008 Näpflin, Ennetbürgen 10.22,6 ----- (18073) Diplom Video 6.52 O-19 82. Näpflin Fabian 1994 JO SAC Titlis 12.40,8 2.25,3 (23042) Diplom Video 3.51 F-3 --- Näpflin Monika 1979 Näpflin, Ennetbürgen 10.22,6 ----- (18071) Diplom Video 6.52 F-3 --- Näpflin Sophia 2007 Näpflin, Ennetbürgen 10.22,6 ----- (18072) Diplom Video 6.52 F-3 --- Näpflin Stephan 1976 Näpflin, Ennetbürgen 10.22,6 ----- (18070) Diplom Video 6.52 F-3 --- Odermatt Levin 2007 Odermatt, Ennetbürgen 9.08,9 ----- (16763) Diplom Video 6.03 F-3 --- Odermatt Ramon 2011 Odermatt, Ennetbürgen 9.08,9 ----- (16764) Diplom Video 6.03 F-3 --- Odermatt Selina 2005 Odermatt, Ennetbürgen 9.08,9 ----- (16762) Diplom Video 6.03 F-3 --- Odermatt Thomas 1971 Odermatt, Ennetbürgen 9.08,9 ----- (16760) Diplom Video 6.03 O-19 748. Prenka Samson 1996 Druckerei Odermatt AG 17.23,8 7.08,3 (22586) Diplom Video 5.18 F-3 --- Speck Anouk 2005 Speck, Ennetbürgen 7.34,9 ----- (12131) Diplom Video 5.01 K-33 153. Steinke Rita 1985 Pilatus Flugzeugwerke AG 27.32,8 8.07,9 (24283) Diplom Video 4.53 K-33 93. Thielke Marcel 1976 Pilatus Flugzeugwerke AG 25.16,5 5.51,6 (24285) Diplom Video 4.28 O-18 --- Truttmann Peter 1965 Stiftung Brändi 9.47,0 ----- (26385) Diplom Video 6.28 O-19 164. Vollenweider Tanja 1991 Credit Suisse AG 13.31,0 3.15,5 (22618) Diplom Video 4.07 F-3 --- von Flüe Bruno 1977 von Flüe, Ennetbürgen 7.47,1 ----- (16971) Diplom Video 5.09 F-3 --- von Flüe Karin 1975 von Flüe, Ennetbürgen 7.47,1 ----- (16973) Diplom Video 5.09 F-3 --- von Flüe Tim 2006 von Flüe, Ennetbürgen 7.47,1 ----- (16972) Diplom Video 5.09 O-18 --- Wolfensberger Marc 1977 Stiftung Brändi 6.41,2 ----- (26401) Diplom Video 4.25 F-3 --- Arpagaus Conny 1972 Arpagaus, Ennetmoos 9.50,4 ----- (13317) Diplom Video 6.30 F-3 --- Arpagaus Damian 1966 Arpagaus, Ennetmoos 9.50,4 ----- (13316) Diplom Video 6.30 F-3 --- Arpagaus Gian 2007 Arpagaus, Ennetmoos 9.50,4 ----- (13318) Diplom Video 6.30 F-3 --- Arpagaus Nando 2011 Arpagaus, Ennetmoos 9.50,4 ----- (13319) Diplom Video 6.30 O-17 1157. Barmettler Janine 1987 Park Weggis & Post Hotel 15.01,7 9.42,6 (20009) Diplom Video 9.57 K-6 130. Bodenmüller Matteo 2006 Ennetmoos 7.04,0 1.43,1 (5190) Diplom Video 4.40 K-7 98. Bodenmüller Ranja 2006 Ennetmoos 7.23,1 2.01,7 (8194) Diplom Video 4.53 K-7 90. Bodenmüller Tatjana 2006 Ennetmoos 7.16,5 1.55,1 (8195) Diplom Video 4.49 K-6 14. Bodenmüller Yannick 2003 Ennetmoos 5.55,4 0.34,5 (5191) Diplom Video 3.55 K-16 85. Bühlmann Gianmarco 2002 Ennetmoos 9.41,4 2.33,6 (2710) Diplom Video 4.36 F-3 --- Filliger Eva 2010 Filliger, Ennetmoos 7.56,6 ----- (14223) Diplom Video 5.15 F-3 --- Filliger Fabian 1973 Filliger, Ennetmoos 7.56,6 ----- (14219) Diplom Video 5.15 F-3 --- Filliger Irene 1981 Filliger, Ennetmoos 7.56,6 ----- (14220) Diplom Video 5.15 F-3 --- Filliger Samuel 2004 Filliger, Ennetmoos 7.56,6 ----- (14221) Diplom Video 5.15 F-3 --- Filliger Timo 2008 Filliger, Ennetmoos 7.56,6 ----- (14222) Diplom Video 5.15 F-3 --- Horlacher Erika 1978 Horlacher, Ennetmoos 8.51,7 ----- (16970) Diplom Video 5.52 F-3 --- Horlacher Jan 2008 Horlacher, Ennetmoos 8.51,7 ----- (16969) Diplom Video 5.52 O-17 1204. Marinucci Rabiaa 1970 Miafon AG 16.20,5 11.01,4 (20292) Diplom Video 10.49 F-3 --- Matter Berta 1954 Matter, Ennetmoos 10.36,6 ----- (14224) Diplom Video 7.01 F-3 --- Matter Pascal 2010 Matter, Ennetmoos 10.36,6 ----- (14227) Diplom Video 7.01 O-17 415. Meyer Philipp 1988 zb Zentralbahn AG 9.38,0 4.18,9 (20278) Diplom Video 6.22 O-19 103. Näpflin Mathias 1995 Pilatus Flugzeugwerke AG 12.57,1 2.41,6 (23137) Diplom Video 3.56 F-3 --- Rohrer Finley 2006 Rohrer, Ennetmoos 9.32,3 ----- (12285) Diplom Video 6.19 F-3 --- Rohrer Julia 2008 Rohrer, Ennetmoos 9.32,3 ----- (12286) Diplom Video 6.19 F-3 --- Rohrer Lynn 2004 Rohrer, Ennetmoos 9.32,3 ----- (12284) Diplom Video 6.19 F-3 --- Rohrer Nicole 1975 Rohrer, Ennetmoos 9.32,3 ----- (12283) Diplom Video 6.19 F-3 --- Rohrer Roland 1971 Rohrer, Ennetmoos 9.32,3 ----- (12282) Diplom Video 6.19 F-3 --- Rohrer Tanja 2008 Rohrer, Ennetmoos 9.32,3 ----- (12287) Diplom Video 6.19 K-7 63. Schmid Yasemine 2004 Ennetmoos 7.06,5 1.45,1 (8191) Diplom Video 4.42 K-33 42. Waser Pascal 1990 Hochschule Luzern, United 23.28,5 4.03,6 (24133) Diplom Video 4.09 O-19 500. Zumbühl Martin 1976 elfo ag 15.54,5 5.39,0 (22601) Diplom Video 4.51 O-17 987. Albrecht Christoph 1982 Reg. Wohn- und Pflegezent 12.18,6 6.59,5 (20575) Diplom Video 8.09 O-19 967. Balaj Ardian 1987 Pilatus Flugzeugwerke AG 18.24,0 8.08,5 (23126) Diplom Video 5.36 F-1 --- Bieri Anita 1971 Meyer, Menznau ----- ----- (10982) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Bieri Caron 2008 Meyer, Menznau ----- ----- (10986) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Bieri Iven 2006 Meyer, Menznau ----- ----- (10984) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Bieri Patrick 1973 Meyer, Menznau ----- ----- (10983) Diplom Video ---- K-25 30. Brun Anita 1966 Entlebuch 19.48,9 5.40,2 (4611) Diplom Video 5.07 K-7 158. Brun Flavia 2005 Entlebuch 8.14,5 2.53,1 (8082) Diplom Video 5.27 K-6 192. Brun Florian 2006 Entlebuch 8.29,1 3.08,2 (5064) Diplom Video 5.37 K-35 58. Brun Sandro 1990 Die Post 23.11,1 5.30,7 (7523) Diplom Video 4.06 F-1 --- Bucher Bernhard 1966 Bucher, Entlebuch ----- ----- (10228) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Bucher Gaby 1974 Bucher, Entlebuch ----- ----- (10229) Diplom Video ---- O-17 674. Bucher Julia 1995 Reg. Wohn- und Pflegezent 10.34,9 5.15,8 (20583) Diplom Video 7.00 O-17 630. Bucher Rösi 1962 Reg. Wohn- und Pflegezent 10.25,4 5.06,3 (20585) Diplom Video 6.54 K-35 33. Bucher Stephan 1988 Entlebuch 21.41,8 4.01,4 (7610) Diplom Video 3.50 F-1 --- Bucher Tim 2012 Bucher, Entlebuch ----- ----- (10230) Diplom Video ---- O-17 610. Burri Michel 1999 HPZ Sunnebüel, Schüpfheim 10.21,7 5.02,6 (20236) Diplom Video 6.51 O-17 189. Burri Noel 2003 HPZ Sunnebüel, Schüpfheim 8.38,8 3.19,7 (20237) Diplom Video 5.43 O-19 435. Distel Adrian 1997 Hochschule Luzern, City R 15.29,0 5.13,5 (22390) Diplom Video 4.43 O-9 --- Grau Simona 1989 SSBL ----- ----- (177) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Haas Alena 2008 Suter, Entlebuch ----- ----- (10539) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Haas Marco 1969 Suter, Entlebuch ----- ----- (10537) Diplom Video ---- O-19 1271. Häfliger Andreas 1980 Network 41 21.11,7 10.56,2 (22321) Diplom Video 6.27 K-35 83. Häfliger Lionel 1993 Entlebuch 24.43,8 7.03,4 (7545) Diplom Video 4.23 F-3 --- Hodel Elia 2010 Renggli Hodel, Entlebuch 12.08,6 ----- (14195) Diplom Video 8.02 F-3 --- Hodel Matteo 2007 Renggli Hodel, Entlebuch 12.08,6 ----- (14194) Diplom Video 8.02 F-1 --- Hofstetter Dietmar 1977 Hofstetter, Entlebuch ----- ----- (10710) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Hofstetter Lena 2011 Hofstetter, Entlebuch ----- ----- (10711) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Koller Renggli Andrea 1970 Koller, Zuzgen ----- ----- (10451) Diplom Video ---- O-19 856. Krummenacher Hanspeter 1967 Network 41 17.50,0 7.34,5 (22342) Diplom Video 5.26 O-17 980. Limacher Vanessa 1994 Höhere Fachschule Gesundh 12.16,6 6.57,5 (20736) Diplom Video 8.07 K-35 25. Nesarajan Antony 1991 Entlebuch 20.47,6 3.07,2 (7567) Diplom Video 3.41 F-1 --- Renggli Gabriel 2010 Koller, Zuzgen ----- ----- (10453) Diplom Video ---- O-19 1181. Renggli Hanspeter 1955 Müller Martini, Machinen+ 20.15,7 10.00,2 (23283) Diplom Video 6.10 F-3 --- Renggli Hodel Petra 1975 Renggli Hodel, Entlebuch 12.08,6 ----- (14192) Diplom Video 8.02 O-17 511. Renggli Hodel Petra 1975 Luzerner Kantonalbank 9.58,5 4.39,4 (20930) Diplom Video 6.36 F-3 --- Renggli Manuel 1991 Renggli Hodel, Entlebuch 12.08,6 ----- (14193) Diplom Video 8.02 F-3 --- Renggli Noemi 2005 Koller, Zuzgen 7.54,7 ----- (14408) Diplom Video 5.14 O-18 --- Renggli Sabrina 1995 Entlebuch 7.08,3 ----- (26550) Diplom Video 4.43 O-18 --- Renggli Tanja 1997 Entlebuch 9.18,8 ----- (26551) Diplom Video 6.10 F-3 --- Renggli Zoe 2003 Koller, Zuzgen 7.33,5 ----- (16288) Diplom Video 5.00 F-3 --- Stadelmann Beat 1966 Stadelmann-Felder, Entleb 11.29,4 ----- (14588) Diplom Video 7.36 F-3 --- Stadelmann-Felder Thery 1973 Stadelmann-Felder, Entleb 11.29,4 ----- (14589) Diplom Video 7.36 F-3 --- Stadelmann Jael Lynn 2007 Stadelmann-Felder, Entleb 11.29,4 ----- (14591) Diplom Video 7.36 F-3 --- Stadelmann Leonie Jana 2003 Stadelmann-Felder, Entleb 11.29,4 ----- (14590) Diplom Video 7.36 F-3 --- Stalder Edith 1979 Stalder, Entlebuch 10.38,2 ----- (14890) Diplom Video 7.02 F-3 --- Stalder Ivan 1977 Stalder, Entlebuch 10.38,2 ----- (14889) Diplom Video 7.02 F-3 --- Stalder Kim Lara 2007 Stalder, Entlebuch 10.38,2 ----- (14892) Diplom Video 7.02 F-3 --- Stalder Lea 2004 Stalder, Entlebuch 10.38,2 ----- (14891) Diplom Video 7.02 F-1 --- Suter Astrid 1970 Suter, Entlebuch ----- ----- (10538) Diplom Video ---- O-19 896. Vogel Alois 1963 Luzerner Psychiatrie 18.01,8 7.46,3 (23196) Diplom Video 5.29 F-1 --- Wey Jael 2008 Suter, Entlebuch ----- ----- (10540) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Winiger-Aregger Anita 1975 Winiger, Entlebuch ----- ----- (11015) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Winiger Bruno 1971 Winiger, Entlebuch ----- ----- (11014) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Winiger Nino 2010 Winiger, Entlebuch ----- ----- (11017) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Winiger Tiana 2007 Winiger, Entlebuch ----- ----- (11016) Diplom Video ---- K-30 16. Girardin-Fleury Frédy 1945 Epalinges 26.09,0 4.52,8 (1315) Diplom Video 4.38 O-19 910. Bidermann Anica 1990 Hochschule Luzern, City R 18.09,2 7.53,7 (22382) Diplom Video 5.32 O-19 136. Aschwanden Pascal 1993 Universität Luzern 13.17,1 3.01,6 (22509) Diplom Video 4.03 F-1 --- Mangold Karin 1982 Mangold, Erstfeld ----- ----- (10036) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Mangold Lars 2008 Mangold, Erstfeld ----- ----- (10037) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Mangold Lena 2012 Mangold, Erstfeld ----- ----- (10039) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Mangold Levin 2010 Mangold, Erstfeld ----- ----- (10038) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Mangold Pascal 1969 Mangold, Erstfeld ----- ----- (10035) Diplom Video ---- O-17 528. Aeschlimann Ines 1993 Höhere Fachschule Gesundh 10.04,1 4.45,0 (20677) Diplom Video 6.40 S-4 235. Ammann Elena 2004 Neuheim, Eschenbach 8.00,2 2.20,4 (34174) Diplom Video 5.18 S-11 32. Ammann Nina 2002 Neuheim, Eschenbach 10.09,0 1.07,1 (31065) Diplom Video 4.50 O-17 160. Amrein Flurina 1986 Höhere Fachschule Gesundh 8.29,2 3.10,1 (20679) Diplom Video 5.37 O-9 --- Amrein Othmar ???? Gemeinderat Eschenbach ----- ----- (152) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Amstutz Simon 1973 Fischer, Eschenbach LU 8.16,8 ----- (18975) Diplom Video 5.29 S-4 29. Anderhub David 2003 Neuheim, Eschenbach 6.19,0 0.39,2 (34154) Diplom Video 4.10 O-18 --- Anderhub Sebi 1961 Wild Boar Clan Of Loch Lu 15.20,9 ----- (26094) Diplom Video 10.09 S-4 74. Aregger Julia 2004 Neuheim, Eschenbach 6.41,6 1.01,8 (34145) Diplom Video 4.25 S-12 180. Arnold Reto 2003 Neuheim, Eschenbach 9.51,7 2.24,5 (33287) Diplom Video 4.41 K-7 183. Bächler Ladina 2006 Eschenbach LU 8.40,3 3.18,9 (8076) Diplom Video 5.44 S-11 12. Bächler Melina 2001 Neuheim, Eschenbach 9.20,3 0.18,4 (31080) Diplom Video 4.26 S-4 43. Bächler Reto 2004 Neuheim, Eschenbach 6.27,2 0.47,4 (34155) Diplom Video 4.16 O-19 758. Baggio Gregor 1971 Leuag AG 17.25,6 7.10,1 (22296) Diplom Video 5.18 S-4 129. Baltensperger David 2003 Neuheim, Eschenbach 7.12,5 1.32,7 (34156) Diplom Video 4.46 F-3 --- Barmet Anina 2007 Barmet, Eschenbach LU 8.43,9 ----- (16251) Diplom Video 5.46 K-22 26. Barmet Benjamin 2000 Eschenbach LU 16.15,9 3.00,9 (1564) Diplom Video 4.12 S-11 9. Barmet Flurina 2003 Neuheim, Eschenbach 9.12,3 0.10,4 (31066) Diplom Video 4.23 O-18 --- Barmet Irene 1990 Eschenbach LU 8.20,2 ----- (26629) Diplom Video 5.31 F-3 --- Barmet Paul 1968 Barmet, Eschenbach LU 8.43,9 ----- (16250) Diplom Video 5.46 S-2 88. Barmet Sereina 2005 Neuheim, Eschenbach 7.09,5 1.21,5 (32124) Diplom Video 4.44 S-12 142. Beetschen Yanic 2001 Neuheim, Eschenbach 9.37,9 2.10,7 (33299) Diplom Video 4.35 S-2 257. Blum Lara 2005 Neuheim, Eschenbach 8.24,4 2.36,4 (32125) Diplom Video 5.34 F-3 --- Bregenzer Anna 2006 Bregenzer, Eschenbach LU 8.39,6 ----- (12361) Diplom Video 5.44 F-3 --- Bregenzer Daniel 1971 Bregenzer, Eschenbach LU 8.39,6 ----- (12359) Diplom Video 5.44 F-3 --- Bregenzer Lisa 2008 Bregenzer, Eschenbach LU 8.39,6 ----- (12362) Diplom Video 5.44 F-3 --- Bregenzer Luzia 1973 Bregenzer, Eschenbach LU 8.39,6 ----- (12360) Diplom Video 5.44 F-3 --- Brun Lara 2007 Brun, Eschenbach 9.20,7 ----- (12255) Diplom Video 6.11 F-3 --- Brun Lars 2006 Brun, Eschenbach 9.20,7 ----- (12254) Diplom Video 6.11 F-3 --- Brun Lena 2010 Brun, Eschenbach 9.20,7 ----- (12256) Diplom Video 6.11 F-3 --- Brun Sarah 1979 Brun, Eschenbach 9.20,7 ----- (12253) Diplom Video 6.11 F-3 --- Brun Stefan 1977 Brun, Eschenbach 9.20,7 ----- (12252) Diplom Video 6.11 O-17 806. Brunner Nadja 1986 Radiologie Gersag 11.17,5 5.58,4 (20629) Diplom Video 7.28 K-16 93. Budai Elias 2001 Eschenbach LU 9.57,6 2.49,8 (2704) Diplom Video 4.44 S-4 22. Budai Janos 2004 Neuheim, Eschenbach 6.12,5 0.32,7 (34157) Diplom Video 4.06 S-4 105. Budmiger Kim 2003 Neuheim, Eschenbach 6.56,8 1.17,0 (34146) Diplom Video 4.36 S-11 67. Bumann Janine 2002 Neuheim, Eschenbach 10.51,3 1.49,4 (31092) Diplom Video 5.10 O-19 249. Bumann Thomas 1966 B. Braun Medical AG 14.15,5 4.00,0 (23345) Diplom Video 4.20 S-4 168. Bürker Tom 2003 Neuheim, Eschenbach 7.29,9 1.50,1 (34167) Diplom Video 4.57 S-4 172. Burki Amelie 2004 Neuheim, Eschenbach 7.31,3 1.51,5 (34147) Diplom Video 4.58 F-3 --- Burki Leon 2008 Burki, Eschenbach LU 9.55,2 ----- (16372) Diplom Video 6.34 F-3 --- Burki Nikolas 2006 Burki, Eschenbach LU 9.55,2 ----- (16371) Diplom Video 6.34 F-3 --- Burki Severin 1974 Burki, Eschenbach LU 9.55,2 ----- (16370) Diplom Video 6.34 S-12 420. Capetola Raoul 2003 Neuheim, Eschenbach 12.54,0 5.26,8 (33308) Diplom Video 6.08 O-18 --- Christen Melanie 1990 Eschenbach LU 8.20,2 ----- (26605) Diplom Video 5.31 S-4 318. Da Rold Chiara 2003 Neuheim, Eschenbach 9.48,8 4.09,0 (34175) Diplom Video 6.29 S-12 89. Da Silva Sergio 2000 Neuheim, Eschenbach 9.16,5 1.49,3 (33300) Diplom Video 4.25 S-4 135. Domini Christian 2003 Neuheim, Eschenbach 7.14,3 1.34,5 (34158) Diplom Video 4.47 S-4 88. Domini Sarah 2003 Neuheim, Eschenbach 6.47,3 1.07,5 (34148) Diplom Video 4.29 O-19 983. Dumar Gabriele 1963 Luzerner Kantonsspital LU 18.28,0 8.12,5 (22909) Diplom Video 5.37 S-4 247. Eiholzer Milena 2004 Neuheim, Eschenbach 8.06,2 2.26,4 (34176) Diplom Video 5.21 F-3 --- Faé Anita 1978 Faé, Eschenbach 11.38,1 ----- (15226) Diplom Video 7.42 F-3 --- Faé Corsin 1981 Faé, Eschenbach 11.38,1 ----- (15227) Diplom Video 7.42 F-3 --- Faé Nicola 2008 Faé, Eschenbach 11.38,1 ----- (15228) Diplom Video 7.42 F-3 --- Faé Nino 2010 Faé, Eschenbach 11.38,1 ----- (15229) Diplom Video 7.42 F-3 --- Felder Irene 1981 Felder, Eschenbach LU 11.19,0 ----- (14323) Diplom Video 7.29 F-3 --- Felder Jörg 1974 Felder, Eschenbach LU 11.19,0 ----- (14322) Diplom Video 7.29 F-3 --- Felder Lynn 2009 Felder, Eschenbach LU 11.19,0 ----- (14325) Diplom Video 7.29 S-12 141. Felder Nathan 2002 Neuheim, Eschenbach 9.37,7 2.10,5 (33309) Diplom Video 4.35 F-3 --- Felder Sandro 2007 Felder, Eschenbach LU 11.19,0 ----- (14324) Diplom Video 7.29 S-2 100. Felder Tizian 2004 Neuheim, Eschenbach 7.16,1 1.28,1 (32126) Diplom Video 4.48 F-3 --- Fischer Elia 2006 Fischer, Eschenbach LU 8.16,8 ----- (18972) Diplom Video 5.29 F-3 --- Fischer Jolanda 1967 Fischer, Eschenbach LU 8.16,8 ----- (18947) Diplom Video 5.29 S-4 202. Fischer Noe 2004 Neuheim, Eschenbach 7.42,5 2.02,7 (34159) Diplom Video 5.06 F-3 --- Fischer Noe 2004 Fischer, Eschenbach LU 8.16,8 ----- (18973) Diplom Video 5.29 S-11 1. Fleischli Anja 2003 Neuheim, Eschenbach 9.01,9 ----- (31067) Diplom Video 4.18 S-12 67. Fleischli Jeremias 2001 Neuheim, Eschenbach 9.07,9 1.40,7 (33301) Diplom Video 4.20 S-11 103. Fleischli Tamara 2002 Neuheim, Eschenbach 12.25,2 3.23,3 (31081) Diplom Video 5.54 S-4 149. Flück Marcel 2004 Neuheim, Eschenbach 7.22,2 1.42,4 (34168) Diplom Video 4.52 K-20 8. Franchini Angelo 1995 Eschenbach LU 14.16,3 1.51,0 (9005) Diplom Video 3.41 S-11 42. Frank Aline 2002 Neuheim, Eschenbach 10.16,8 1.14,9 (31082) Diplom Video 4.53 S-2 36. Frischkopf Melina 2005 Neuheim, Eschenbach 6.43,3 0.55,3 (32109) Diplom Video 4.27 O-9 --- Galliker Dorly ???? Gemeinderat Eschenbach ----- ----- (174) Diplom Video ---- S-11 118. Gehrig Lara 2000 Neuheim, Eschenbach 13.28,5 4.26,6 (31093) Diplom Video 6.25 F-3 --- Geiser Leana 2010 Geiser, Eschenbach 10.33,1 ----- (16831) Diplom Video 6.59 F-3 --- Geiser Marco 2004 Geiser, Eschenbach 10.33,1 ----- (16830) Diplom Video 6.59 F-3 --- Geiser Mauro 2010 Geiser-Winterberg, Eschen 10.10,2 ----- (14532) Diplom Video 6.44 F-3 --- Geiser Othmar 1969 Geiser, Eschenbach 10.33,1 ----- (16828) Diplom Video 6.59 F-3 --- Geiser Pascal 2009 Geiser-Winterberg, Eschen 10.10,2 ----- (14531) Diplom Video 6.44 F-3 --- Geiser Patricia 1976 Geiser, Eschenbach 10.33,1 ----- (16829) Diplom Video 6.59 F-3 --- Geiser-Winterberg Marth 1947 Geiser-Winterberg, Eschen 10.10,2 ----- (14529) Diplom Video 6.44 F-1 --- Getzmann Dunja 1975 Getzmann, Eschenbach LU ----- ----- (10749) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Getzmann Estelle 2011 Getzmann, Eschenbach LU ----- ----- (10751) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Getzmann Guido 1971 Getzmann, Eschenbach LU ----- ----- (10748) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Getzmann Lorette 2009 Getzmann, Eschenbach LU ----- ----- (10750) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Gisler Adrian 1971 Gisler, Eschenbach 12.06,7 ----- (15276) Diplom Video 8.01 F-3 --- Gisler Jonas 2006 Gisler, Eschenbach 12.06,7 ----- (15277) Diplom Video 8.01 F-3 --- Gisler Julia 2008 Gisler, Eschenbach 12.06,7 ----- (15278) Diplom Video 8.01 F-3 --- Gisler Nino 2010 Gisler, Eschenbach 12.06,7 ----- (15279) Diplom Video 8.01 S-2 153. Greter Sandro 2005 Neuheim, Eschenbach 7.41,1 1.53,1 (32110) Diplom Video 5.05 F-3 --- Greter Silvio 2009 Greter, Eschenbach LU 11.19,4 ----- (15011) Diplom Video 7.29 F-3 --- Greter Stefan 1968 Greter, Eschenbach LU 11.19,4 ----- (15010) Diplom Video 7.29 O-19 1168. Günther Tiffany 1995 Pädagogische Hochschule L 20.05,5 9.50,0 (22724) Diplom Video 6.07 S-11 41. Gygax Stefanie 2002 Neuheim, Eschenbach 10.16,0 1.14,1 (31068) Diplom Video 4.53 F-3 --- Herger Aurel 2006 Herger, Eschenbach LU 8.03,7 ----- (16939) Diplom Video 5.20 S-11 14. Herger Bettina 2002 Neuheim, Eschenbach 9.25,4 0.23,5 (31083) Diplom Video 4.29 F-3 --- Herger Esther 1973 Herger, Eschenbach LU 8.03,7 ----- (16934) Diplom Video 5.20 F-3 --- Herger Heinz 1973 Herger, Eschenbach LU 8.03,7 ----- (16938) Diplom Video 5.20 S-2 103. Herger Sabrina 2004 Neuheim, Eschenbach 7.17,8 1.29,8 (32127) Diplom Video 4.49 S-11 131. Hofstetter Chantal 2001 Neuheim, Eschenbach 14.54,0 5.52,1 (31094) Diplom Video 7.05 O-18 --- Hofstetter Mischa 2002 Royal Rangers Luzern 32 13.03,9 ----- (26183) Diplom Video 8.39 K-6 109. Hozak Simon 2006 Eschenbach LU 6.50,3 1.29,4 (5169) Diplom Video 4.31 S-12 245. Hunziker Cédric 2003 Neuheim, Eschenbach 10.21,1 2.53,9 (33288) Diplom Video 4.55 S-11 92. Imhof Robin 2003 Neuheim, Eschenbach 11.39,8 2.37,9 (31069) Diplom Video 5.33 S-2 104. Isepponi Luca 2005 Neuheim, Eschenbach 7.18,2 1.30,2 (32128) Diplom Video 4.50 S-12 252. Jung Albin 2002 Neuheim, Eschenbach 10.27,3 3.00,1 (33302) Diplom Video 4.58 K-7 162. Jung Johanna 2007 Eschenbach LU 8.18,9 2.57,5 (8105) Diplom Video 5.30 S-2 40. Jung Jonas 2004 Neuheim, Eschenbach 6.45,1 0.57,1 (32129) Diplom Video 4.28 F-3 --- Jung Nina 2000 Jung, Eschenbach 9.00,4 ----- (16917) Diplom Video 5.57 S-2 92. Jung Sebastian 2005 Neuheim, Eschenbach 7.10,6 1.22,6 (32130) Diplom Video 4.45 K-7 147. Jung Sophie 2006 Eschenbach LU 8.06,1 2.44,7 (8106) Diplom Video 5.21 F-3 --- Jung Theo 2008 Jung, Eschenbach 9.00,4 ----- (16918) Diplom Video 5.57 S-4 266. Jung Valentin 2003 Neuheim, Eschenbach 8.29,8 2.50,0 (34169) Diplom Video 5.37 O-19 534. Kälin Markus 1964 Gesundheits- und Sozialde 16.03,8 5.48,3 (23259) Diplom Video 4.53 S-12 166. Kälin Simon 2002 Neuheim, Eschenbach 9.47,3 2.20,1 (33289) Diplom Video 4.39 S-11 54. Karban Lorena 2001 Neuheim, Eschenbach 10.32,8 1.30,9 (31084) Diplom Video 5.01 S-11 40. Kaufmann Jasmin 2002 Neuheim, Eschenbach 10.15,2 1.13,3 (31070) Diplom Video 4.52 O-18 --- Kemptner Helene 2005 Stiftung Brändi 7.41,4 ----- (26307) Diplom Video 5.05 S-11 100. Knäple Fiona 2001 Neuheim, Eschenbach 12.07,9 3.06,0 (31096) Diplom Video 5.46 S-11 23. Kneubühler Anna-Lena 2002 Neuheim, Eschenbach 9.56,2 0.54,3 (31085) Diplom Video 4.43 S-4 10. Kneubühler Jonas 2003 Neuheim, Eschenbach 5.57,7 0.17,9 (34161) Diplom Video 3.56 O-19 88. Koch Hanspeter 1964 Komax AG 12.48,6 2.33,1 (22062) Diplom Video 3.54 O-18 --- Koch Roland 1965 Stiftung Brändi 10.24,1 ----- (26308) Diplom Video 6.53 S-11 111. Koch Tanja 2002 Neuheim, Eschenbach 12.43,7 3.41,8 (31071) Diplom Video 6.03 S-2 302. Koch Tobias 2004 Neuheim, Eschenbach 9.14,6 3.26,6 (32111) Diplom Video 6.07 O-19 1262. Koller Markus 1962 CKW Powerteam 20.58,9 10.43,4 (23418) Diplom Video 6.23 S-11 13. König Yael 2002 Neuheim, Eschenbach 9.24,3 0.22,4 (31086) Diplom Video 4.28 O-17 242. Köpfli Hilde 1961 Umwelt & Energie Kt. Luze 8.50,7 3.31,6 (40084) Diplom Video 5.51 O-17 708. Kottmann Judith 1987 Park Weggis & Post Hotel 10.46,6 5.27,5 (20013) Diplom Video 7.08 K-29 35. Krieger Werner 1963 Eschenbach LU 23.45,8 4.15,1 (9755) Diplom Video 4.12 F-3 --- Kündig Erica 1971 Kündig, Eschenbach 10.47,6 ----- (16675) Diplom Video 7.08 S-2 182. Kündig Noah 2005 Neuheim, Eschenbach 7.50,5 2.02,5 (32112) Diplom Video 5.11 F-3 --- Kündig Noah 2005 Kündig, Eschenbach 10.47,6 ----- (16677) Diplom Video 7.08 F-3 --- Kündig Riana 2007 Kündig, Eschenbach 10.47,6 ----- (16678) Diplom Video 7.08 S-4 222. Kündig Salome 2003 Neuheim, Eschenbach 7.54,3 2.14,5 (34149) Diplom Video 5.14 F-3 --- Kündig Salome 2003 Kündig, Eschenbach 10.47,6 ----- (16676) Diplom Video 7.08 F-3 --- Küng Céline 2008 Küng, Eschenbach LU 10.30,7 ----- (12247) Diplom Video 6.57 F-1 --- Küng Claudia 2011 Küng, Eschenbach LU ----- ----- (10095) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Küng Manuela 2012 Küng, Eschenbach LU ----- ----- (10096) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Küng Petra 2010 Küng, Eschenbach LU ----- ----- (10094) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Küng Roland 1983 Küng, Eschenbach LU 10.30,7 ----- (12246) Diplom Video 6.57 F-3 --- Küng Sonia 1980 Küng, Eschenbach LU 10.30,7 ----- (12245) Diplom Video 6.57 F-1 --- Küng Sonia 1980 Küng, Eschenbach LU ----- ----- (10093) Diplom Video ---- S-11 34. Kuster Alina 2001 Neuheim, Eschenbach 10.10,7 1.08,8 (31087) Diplom Video 4.50 S-4 83. Kuster Jill 2004 Neuheim, Eschenbach 6.44,6 1.04,8 (34150) Diplom Video 4.27 S-2 286. Küttel Elena 2004 Neuheim, Eschenbach 8.53,1 3.05,1 (32113) Diplom Video 5.53 S-4 67. Legler Esteban 2003 Neuheim, Eschenbach 6.38,9 0.59,1 (34162) Diplom Video 4.24 S-4 11. Legler Samuel 2003 Neuheim, Eschenbach 5.59,4 0.19,6 (34163) Diplom Video 3.58 S-12 411. Leisibach Michel 2002 Neuheim, Eschenbach 12.42,8 5.15,6 (33310) Diplom Video 6.03 S-2 168. Leisibach Pascale 2005 Neuheim, Eschenbach 7.45,2 1.57,2 (32131) Diplom Video 5.08 K-23 124. Leo Valentina 1985 Eschenbach LU 24.12,6 10.21,0 (3672) Diplom Video 6.15 S-11 133. Lerch Selina 2002 Neuheim, Eschenbach 15.26,9 6.25,0 (31088) Diplom Video 7.21 S-4 38. Lötscher Jona 2004 Neuheim, Eschenbach 6.24,4 0.44,6 (34164) Diplom Video 4.14 S-12 242. Lustenberger Jan 2003 Neuheim, Eschenbach 10.20,4 2.53,2 (33290) Diplom Video 4.55 S-4 319. Lustenberger Tanja 2004 Neuheim, Eschenbach 9.49,8 4.10,0 (34177) Diplom Video 6.30 O-19 1292. Lys Thomas 1975 AkzoNobel Chemicals AG 21.47,9 11.32,4 (23460) Diplom Video 6.38 S-2 91. Maeder Julia 2005 Neuheim, Eschenbach 7.10,2 1.22,2 (32132) Diplom Video 4.44 S-11 8. Maeder Nina 2003 Neuheim, Eschenbach 9.11,8 0.09,9 (31072) Diplom Video 4.22 O-19 133. Maihöfer Stefan 1976 Pistor AG 13.15,2 2.59,7 (23270) Diplom Video 4.02 S-4 180. Martinelli Andrea 2002 Neuheim, Eschenbach 7.34,2 1.54,4 (34165) Diplom Video 5.00 O-18 --- Mathis Stefan 1962 ESV Eschenbach 6.22,7 ----- (26498) Diplom Video 4.13 S-2 278. Mengucci Lynn 2004 Neuheim, Eschenbach 8.42,2 2.54,2 (32133) Diplom Video 5.45 S-11 33. Minnetian Laura 2001 Neuheim, Eschenbach 10.09,7 1.07,8 (31089) Diplom Video 4.50 S-12 4. Minnetian Patrick 2003 Neuheim, Eschenbach 7.48,2 0.21,0 (33291) Diplom Video 3.42 S-11 59. Moos Janina 2002 Neuheim, Eschenbach 10.45,8 1.43,9 (31073) Diplom Video 5.07 S-11 70. Morina Bjoutina 2002 Neuheim, Eschenbach 10.53,1 1.51,2 (31074) Diplom Video 5.11 S-2 90. Müller Elina 2004 Neuheim, Eschenbach 7.10,1 1.22,1 (32134) Diplom Video 4.44 F-3 --- Müller Finnja 2010 Müller, Eschenbach LU 13.02,8 ----- (14099) Diplom Video 8.38 S-12 297. Müller Levin 2001 Neuheim, Eschenbach 10.59,8 3.32,6 (33312) Diplom Video 5.14 F-3 --- Müller Manuela 1982 Müller, Eschenbach LU 13.02,8 ----- (14098) Diplom Video 8.38 F-3 --- Müller Stefan 1975 Geiser-Winterberg, Eschen 10.10,2 ----- (14530) Diplom Video 6.44 F-3 --- Muther Andrin 2006 Muther, Eschenbach LU 8.53,4 ----- (14379) Diplom Video 5.53 S-2 213. Muther Anissa 2004 Neuheim, Eschenbach 8.05,0 2.17,0 (32114) Diplom Video 5.21 F-3 --- Muther Urs 1976 Muther, Eschenbach LU 8.53,4 ----- (14378) Diplom Video 5.53 F-3 --- Niederberger Angela 1983 Niederberger, Eschenbach 9.08,3 ----- (12376) Diplom Video 6.03 F-3 --- Niederberger Cedric 2008 Niederberger, Eschenbach 9.08,3 ----- (12377) Diplom Video 6.03 F-3 --- Niederberger Celine 2010 Niederberger, Eschenbach 9.08,3 ----- (12378) Diplom Video 6.03 F-3 --- Niederberger David 1980 Niederberger, Eschenbach 9.08,3 ----- (12375) Diplom Video 6.03 O-19 335. Niederberger David 1980 Nussbaumer Holz AG 14.53,0 4.37,5 (22290) Diplom Video 4.32 S-2 285. Niederjohann Beke Erik 2005 Neuheim, Eschenbach 8.52,9 3.04,9 (32115) Diplom Video 5.52 F-3 --- Oetterli Jan 2008 Oetterli, Eschenbach LU 9.55,7 ----- (16395) Diplom Video 6.34 F-1 --- Oetterli Lisa 2010 Oetterli, Eschenbach LU ----- ----- (10638) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Oetterli Marco 1976 Oetterli, Eschenbach LU ----- ----- (10637) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Oetterli Peter 1976 Oetterli, Eschenbach LU 9.55,7 ----- (16394) Diplom Video 6.34 S-2 231. Orsi Leonie 2005 Neuheim, Eschenbach 8.13,4 2.25,4 (32116) Diplom Video 5.26 S-4 126. Panzica Ilenia 2004 Neuheim, Eschenbach 7.11,0 1.31,2 (34152) Diplom Video 4.45 S-11 89. Peleteiro Michelle 2002 Neuheim, Eschenbach 11.29,6 2.27,7 (31097) Diplom Video 5.28 O-18 --- Peter Marc-André 1994 Eschenbach LU 7.14,6 ----- (26609) Diplom Video 4.47 S-2 294. Petermann Nehemia 2004 Neuheim, Eschenbach 9.05,0 3.17,0 (32117) Diplom Video 6.00 O-19 453. Pohl Christian 1970 CKW Powerteam 15.34,9 5.19,4 (23422) Diplom Video 4.45 S-11 126. Rietmann Jasmina 2002 Neuheim, Eschenbach 14.21,6 5.19,7 (31075) Diplom Video 6.50 S-11 122. Rohrer Jenny 2001 Neuheim, Eschenbach 13.59,9 4.58,0 (31098) Diplom Video 6.39 O-19 582. Rüttimann Belinda 1995 Gärtnerei Schwitter AG 16.22,4 6.06,9 (23214) Diplom Video 4.59 O-9 --- Rüttimann Pia ???? Gemeinderat Eschenbach ----- ----- (231) Diplom Video ---- S-2 153. Sager Morris 2005 Neuheim, Eschenbach 7.41,1 1.53,1 (32135) Diplom Video 5.05 F-3 --- Schnarwiler Cornelia 1977 Schnarwiler, Eschenbach L 7.45,7 ----- (13172) Diplom Video 5.08 F-3 --- Schnarwiler Jil Sophia 2006 Schnarwiler, Eschenbach L 7.45,7 ----- (13173) Diplom Video 5.08 F-3 --- Schnarwiler Noemi 2008 Schnarwiler, Eschenbach L 7.45,7 ----- (13174) Diplom Video 5.08 F-3 --- Schnarwiler René 1974 Schnarwiler, Eschenbach L 7.45,7 ----- (13171) Diplom Video 5.08 S-11 43. Schumacher Simona 2003 Neuheim, Eschenbach 10.17,1 1.15,2 (31076) Diplom Video 4.53 S-12 103. Schumacher Timo 2002 Neuheim, Eschenbach 9.22,9 1.55,7 (33313) Diplom Video 4.28 S-12 50. Schürmann Peter 2002 Neuheim, Eschenbach 8.59,3 1.32,1 (33304) Diplom Video 4.16 S-2 116. Schürmann Thomas 2004 Neuheim, Eschenbach 7.22,3 1.34,3 (32136) Diplom Video 4.52 S-4 208. Schurtenberger Stina 2003 Neuheim, Eschenbach 7.44,8 2.05,0 (34178) Diplom Video 5.07 F-3 --- Schwarzentruber Josua 2008 Schwarzentruber, Eschenba 8.46,5 ----- (12950) Diplom Video 5.48 F-3 --- Schwarzentruber Roland 1982 Schwarzentruber, Eschenba 8.46,5 ----- (12949) Diplom Video 5.48 S-11 4. Sidler Nathalie 2003 Neuheim, Eschenbach 9.03,5 0.01,6 (31077) Diplom Video 4.18 O-19 105. Sigrist Silvan 1981 Gärtnerei Schwitter AG 12.58,6 2.43,1 (23216) Diplom Video 3.57 F-1 --- Spoerri Angelina 1981 Spoerri, Eschenbach LU ----- ----- (10642) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Spörri Lars 2010 Spoerri, Eschenbach LU ----- ----- (10643) Diplom Video ---- S-4 132. Stalder Joshua 2003 Neuheim, Eschenbach 7.13,5 1.33,7 (34171) Diplom Video 4.47 S-11 75. Stalder Martina 2002 Neuheim, Eschenbach 10.57,8 1.55,9 (31078) Diplom Video 5.13 S-12 201. Stalder Mirco 2002 Neuheim, Eschenbach 10.04,9 2.37,7 (33292) Diplom Video 4.48 F-3 --- Steinmann Barbara 1970 Steinmann, Eschenbach LU 9.13,3 ----- (12372) Diplom Video 6.06 F-3 --- Steinmann Beat 1970 Steinmann, Eschenbach LU 9.13,3 ----- (12373) Diplom Video 6.06 F-3 --- Steinmann Luca 2007 Steinmann, Eschenbach LU 9.13,3 ----- (12374) Diplom Video 6.06 S-2 240. Steinmann Tim 2005 Neuheim, Eschenbach 8.17,3 2.29,3 (32137) Diplom Video 5.29 S-2 190. Sticher Raphael 2004 Neuheim, Eschenbach 7.53,3 2.05,3 (32138) Diplom Video 5.13 S-12 233. Stocker Gian 2002 Neuheim, Eschenbach 10.15,6 2.48,4 (33314) Diplom Video 4.53 S-4 218. Stocker Rahel 2004 Neuheim, Eschenbach 7.51,2 2.11,4 (34179) Diplom Video 5.12 S-12 86. Stolla Adrian 2002 Neuheim, Eschenbach 9.15,8 1.48,6 (33293) Diplom Video 4.24 O-18 --- Suarez Allessandro 1989 ESV Eschenbach 6.10,3 ----- (26499) Diplom Video 4.05 S-2 241. Supino Chiara 2004 Neuheim, Eschenbach 8.17,8 2.29,8 (32118) Diplom Video 5.29 S-4 16. Supino Luca 2003 Neuheim, Eschenbach 6.08,2 0.28,4 (34166) Diplom Video 4.03 F-3 --- Suter Lionel 2006 Suter, Eschenbach LU 6.19,6 ----- (16388) Diplom Video 4.11 F-3 --- Suter Noan 2008 Suter, Eschenbach LU 9.08,0 ----- (16400) Diplom Video 6.02 F-3 --- Suter Ramona 1981 Suter, Eschenbach LU 9.08,0 ----- (16399) Diplom Video 6.02 O-19 137. Suter Stefan 1976 KNUTWILER Mineralwasser 13.17,8 3.02,3 (23318) Diplom Video 4.03 F-3 --- Suter Stefan 1976 Suter, Eschenbach LU 6.19,6 ----- (16387) Diplom Video 4.11 S-12 238. Thomi Joshua 2003 Neuheim, Eschenbach 10.18,6 2.51,4 (33294) Diplom Video 4.54 S-11 132. Tishuku Brikenda 2002 Neuheim, Eschenbach 15.26,8 6.24,9 (31099) Diplom Video 7.21 S-12 455. Tishuku Drilon 2003 Neuheim, Eschenbach 14.31,3 7.04,1 (33295) Diplom Video 6.54 O-17 200. Troxler Irene 1985 Kantonsspital Nidwalden 8.43,1 3.24,0 (20852) Diplom Video 5.46 O-19 1239. Trpeza Samira 1995 Gemeinde Kriens 20.48,5 10.33,0 (23171) Diplom Video 6.20 S-11 120. Tschackert Stella 2001 Neuheim, Eschenbach 13.46,3 4.44,4 (31100) Diplom Video 6.33 S-4 163. Valentino Fiona 2003 Neuheim, Eschenbach 7.27,5 1.47,7 (34180) Diplom Video 4.56 S-11 123. Vargas Lorena 2002 Neuheim, Eschenbach 14.13,1 5.11,2 (31079) Diplom Video 6.46 S-4 277. Velin Liman 2004 Neuheim, Eschenbach 8.36,3 2.56,5 (34172) Diplom Video 5.41 S-11 121. Veliu Larisa 2001 Neuheim, Eschenbach 13.46,8 4.44,9 (31101) Diplom Video 6.33 S-12 40. Waldispühl Janis 2003 Neuheim, Eschenbach 8.52,0 1.24,8 (33296) Diplom Video 4.13 S-2 282. Waldispühl Jasmin 2005 Neuheim, Eschenbach 8.47,8 2.59,8 (32119) Diplom Video 5.49 F-3 --- Waldispühl Lennie 2011 Lustenberger, Kriens 13.20,4 ----- (13514) Diplom Video 8.50 S-12 404. Waldispühl Remo 2001 Neuheim, Eschenbach 12.29,6 5.02,4 (33315) Diplom Video 5.56 F-1 --- Walker Aurel 2008 Walker, Eschenbach LU ----- ----- (10529) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Walker Colin 2008 Walker, Eschenbach LU ----- ----- (10528) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Walker Pirmin 1976 Walker, Eschenbach LU ----- ----- (10526) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Weck Anastasia 2006 Weck, Eschenbach ----- ----- (10843) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Weck Judith 1972 Weck, Eschenbach ----- ----- (10842) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Weck Katharina 2010 Weck, Eschenbach ----- ----- (10844) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Weck Michael 1969 Weck, Eschenbach ----- ----- (10841) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Weck Sereina 2012 Weck, Eschenbach ----- ----- (10845) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Werder Cornelia 1974 Werder, Eschenbach 8.41,7 ----- (18894) Diplom Video 5.45 S-12 171. Werder Eliano 2002 Neuheim, Eschenbach 9.48,6 2.21,4 (33297) Diplom Video 4.40 F-3 --- Werder Gian 2006 Werder, Eschenbach 8.41,7 ----- (18897) Diplom Video 5.45 F-3 --- Werder Leandro 2005 Werder, Eschenbach 8.41,7 ----- (18895) Diplom Video 5.45 F-3 --- Werder Michelle 2004 Werder, Eschenbach 8.41,7 ----- (19012) Diplom Video 5.45 F-3 --- Werder Thomas 1974 Werder, Eschenbach 8.41,7 ----- (18875) Diplom Video 5.45 S-12 257. Wey Sebastian 2002 Neuheim, Eschenbach 10.32,5 3.05,3 (33305) Diplom Video 5.01 S-2 136. Wicki Delia 2005 Neuheim, Eschenbach 7.31,4 1.43,4 (32139) Diplom Video 4.58 S-11 105. Wicki Lioba 2002 Neuheim, Eschenbach 12.28,5 3.26,6 (31102) Diplom Video 5.56 O-17 352. Wicki Stefanie 1998 Luzerner Kantonalbank 9.25,1 4.06,0 (20958) Diplom Video 6.14 S-4 308. Widmer Alissa 2004 Neuheim, Eschenbach 9.16,3 3.36,5 (34153) Diplom Video 6.08 K-22 31. Windler Yves 2000 Eschenbach LU 16.33,1 3.18,1 (1550) Diplom Video 4.16 S-11 102. Wittmann Aline 2001 Neuheim, Eschenbach 12.14,2 3.12,3 (31103) Diplom Video 5.49 S-2 280. Wittmann Melanie 2004 Neuheim, Eschenbach 8.43,9 2.55,9 (32121) Diplom Video 5.46 S-2 158. Wüest Laurin 2004 Neuheim, Eschenbach 7.42,8 1.54,8 (32122) Diplom Video 5.06 S-11 30. Wüest Melina 2002 Neuheim, Eschenbach 10.01,4 0.59,5 (31090) Diplom Video 4.46 S-11 39. Wurmet Annika 2002 Neuheim, Eschenbach 10.15,0 1.13,1 (31104) Diplom Video 4.52 S-12 115. Wyndler Dylan 2003 Neuheim, Eschenbach 9.26,1 1.58,9 (33298) Diplom Video 4.29 S-12 55. Zemp Luca 2002 Neuheim, Eschenbach 9.01,7 1.34,5 (33306) Diplom Video 4.17 S-11 106. Zimmermann Anja 2001 Neuheim, Eschenbach 12.29,6 3.27,7 (31091) Diplom Video 5.56 O-17 1073. Bachmann Esther 1988 Höhere Fachschule Gesundh 13.56,2 8.37,1 (20684) Diplom Video 9.13 O-19 1216. Banz Monika 1991 Luzerner Kantonsspital LU 20.36,6 10.21,1 (22878) Diplom Video 6.17 O-17 696. Beerli Linda 1989 Höhere Fachschule Gesundh 10.43,1 5.24,0 (20687) Diplom Video 7.05 O-17 1016. Bieri Rosmarie 1957 Reg. Wohn- und Pflegezent 12.44,9 7.25,8 (20579) Diplom Video 8.26 O-17 958. Duss Antonia 1962 Reg. Wohn- und Pflegezent 12.06,8 6.47,7 (20587) Diplom Video 8.01 O-19 559. Duss Philipp 1979 Elektrisola Feindraht AG 16.11,9 5.56,4 (22562) Diplom Video 4.56 O-19 177. Kameri Blerim 1977 Elektrisola Feindraht AG 13.36,5 3.21,0 (22563) Diplom Video 4.08 O-19 645. Kaufmann Christoph 1989 Pilatus Flugzeugwerke AG 16.44,7 6.29,2 (23132) Diplom Video 5.06 K-7 118. Krummenacher Lina 2003 Escholzmatt 7.40,4 2.19,0 (8116) Diplom Video 5.04 F-1 --- Limacher Elias 2008 Limacher, Escholzmatt ----- ----- (11054) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Limacher Marcel 1980 Limacher, Escholzmatt ----- ----- (11052) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Limacher Yannick 2006 Limacher, Escholzmatt ----- ----- (11053) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Limacher Zuzana 1979 Limacher, Escholzmatt ----- ----- (11051) Diplom Video ---- K-30 32. Schnyder Ernst 1952 Escholzmatt 29.03,1 7.46,9 (1328) Diplom Video 5.09 F-1 --- Stadelmann Alexander 2007 Stadelmann, Escholzmatt ----- ----- (10959) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Stadelmann Hans-Peter 1966 Stadelmann, Escholzmatt ----- ----- (10956) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Stadelmann Jeanetta 1973 Stadelmann, Escholzmatt ----- ----- (10957) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Stadelmann Jeanine 2006 Stadelmann, Escholzmatt ----- ----- (10958) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Stadelmann Laura-Lea 2010 Stadelmann, Escholzmatt ----- ----- (10960) Diplom Video ---- O-19 592. Stadelmann Marcel 1995 Elektrisola Feindraht AG 16.26,6 6.11,1 (22567) Diplom Video 5.00 O-19 180. Stalder Siegfried 1965 Elektrisola Feindraht AG 13.38,0 3.22,5 (22568) Diplom Video 4.09 O-19 42. Studer Lukas 1988 Universität Luzern 12.08,8 1.53,3 (22552) Diplom Video 3.42 O-19 191. Suter Andreas 1977 Elektrisola Feindraht AG 13.42,8 3.27,3 (22569) Diplom Video 4.10 O-19 851. Vetter Urs 1965 Network 41 17.49,1 7.33,6 (22364) Diplom Video 5.25 O-17 796. Zemp Claudia 1997 Reg. Wohn- und Pflegezent 11.15,0 5.55,9 (20601) Diplom Video 7.27 F-3 --- Zemp Jana 2006 Zemp, Escholzmatt 10.15,9 ----- (13286) Diplom Video 6.47 F-3 --- Zemp Karin 1981 Zemp, Escholzmatt 10.15,9 ----- (13285) Diplom Video 6.47 K-32 --- Spiegel Peter 1948 Die Post 13.24,2 ----- (28038) Diplom Video 8.52 K-29 72. Rutishauser Daniel 1955 Ettingen 26.34,8 7.04,1 (9771) Diplom Video 4.42 O-17 1044. Bremgartner Karin 1981 Reg. Wohn- und Pflegezent 13.13,5 7.54,4 (20581) Diplom Video 8.45 O-19 145. Dober Martin 1962 Luzerner Psychiatrie 13.23,2 3.07,7 (23179) Diplom Video 4.04 K-33 91. Donze Luc 1994 Pilatus Flugzeugwerke AG 25.11,3 5.46,4 (24241) Diplom Video 4.27 K-7 10. Grüter Jana 2003 STV Willisau 6.02,2 0.40,8 (8028) Diplom Video 3.59 O-18 --- Häfliger Werner 1968 Stiftung Brändi 11.30,2 ----- (26295) Diplom Video 7.37 O-19 49. Hess Ruedi 1958 Stadt Sursee 12.15,5 2.00,0 (23426) Diplom Video 3.44 K-21 10. Hodel David 1997 Ettiswil 13.52,0 1.03,2 (4022) Diplom Video 3.34 K-22 17. Hodel Jonas 1999 LR Gettnau 15.33,1 2.18,1 (1517) Diplom Video 4.01 F-3 --- Loosli Lars 2007 Frei, Ruswil 9.51,1 ----- (14550) Diplom Video 6.31 F-3 --- Loosli Vera 2005 Frei, Ruswil 9.51,1 ----- (14549) Diplom Video 6.31 K-27 7. Schacher Agnes 1952 Ettiswil 24.16,5 6.20,3 (1208) Diplom Video 6.16 K-30 25. Schacher Hans 1948 Ettiswil 28.21,5 7.05,3 (1326) Diplom Video 5.01 O-18 --- Schwegler Irene 1968 HPS Willisau 9.24,0 ----- (26450) Diplom Video 6.13 O-19 243. Stocker Martin 1989 Network 41 14.12,4 3.56,9 (22360) Diplom Video 4.19 O-19 580. Stöckli Reto 1985 Trisa AG 16.21,1 6.05,6 (23255) Diplom Video 4.59 O-18 --- Tschopp Jenny 1993 Stiftung Brändi 12.34,0 ----- (26387) Diplom Video 8.19 O-17 837. Vermeulen Angelika 1956 Emmi Schweiz AG 11.27,6 6.08,5 (20521) Diplom Video 7.35
Total 1314
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