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Luzerner Stadtlauf 2014 - nach Name "T"
Kategorie Rang Name Jg Team/Ortschaft Zeit Rückstand Stnr Schnitt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- K-33 67. Taddei Marco 1972 Pilatus Flugzeugwerke AG 24.29,6 5.04,7 (24284) Diplom Video 4.20 S-12 285. Tadic David 2002 Ochsenmatt, Menzingen 10.54,7 3.27,5 (33228) Diplom Video 5.11 O-17 1043. Talakadu Shivarudrappa 1982 Pilatus Flugzeugwerke AG 13.12,9 7.53,8 (20572) Diplom Video 8.45 O-19 1046. Talirova Denise 1977 IV Luzern 18.57,9 8.42,4 (23479) Diplom Video 5.46 S-12 195. Tamburini Emma 2003 Nebikon 10.01,2 2.34,0 (33185) Diplom Video 4.46 O-19 193. Tan Boon Seng 1981 Roche Diagnostics Interna 13.42,9 3.27,4 (23404) Diplom Video 4.10 F-3 --- Tanneberger Remo 1969 Gmuer, Kerns 9.20,2 ----- (15045) Diplom Video 6.10 F-3 --- Tanner Alessandri Thoma 1967 Alessandri Tanner, Schüpf 12.10,1 ----- (14421) Diplom Video 8.03 O-18 --- Tanner Anna 1961 Stiftung Brändi 15.21,7 ----- (26379) Diplom Video 10.10 F-3 --- Tanner Beat 1967 Tanner, Adligenswil 11.52,0 ----- (12402) Diplom Video 7.51 O-19 492. Tanner Beat 1971 Daniel Banz Bedachungen K 15.52,2 5.36,7 (22848) Diplom Video 4.50 F-3 --- Tanner Finn 2007 Tanner, Ebikon 8.29,4 ----- (12319) Diplom Video 5.37 K-33 145. Tanner Jasmin 1986 ALDI SUISSE AG Zn Dagmers 27.18,8 7.53,9 (24191) Diplom Video 4.50 F-3 --- Tanner Laurin 2011 Tanner, Kriens 8.33,4 ----- (16470) Diplom Video 5.40 F-3 --- Tanner Lisa 2003 Tanner, Adligenswil 11.52,0 ----- (12403) Diplom Video 7.51 F-3 --- Tanner Livia 2009 Alessandri Tanner, Schüpf 12.10,1 ----- (14424) Diplom Video 8.03 F-3 --- Tanner Miro 2011 Tanner, Ebikon 8.29,4 ----- (12320) Diplom Video 5.37 F-3 --- Tanner Nina 2008 Tanner, Kriens 8.33,4 ----- (16469) Diplom Video 5.40 F-3 --- Tanner Noah 2006 Tanner, Kriens 8.33,4 ----- (16468) Diplom Video 5.40 F-3 --- Tanner Noah 2009 Tanner, Luzern 10.12,8 ----- (18945) Diplom Video 6.45 F-3 --- Tanner Silas 2007 Alessandri Tanner, Schüpf 12.10,1 ----- (14423) Diplom Video 8.03 F-3 --- Tanner Silvan 2007 Tanner, Adligenswil 11.52,0 ----- (12404) Diplom Video 7.51 K-25 3. Tanner Susanne 1974 Luzern 14.52,7 0.44,0 (4672) Diplom Video 3.50 F-3 --- Tanner Theo 1964 Tanner, Luzern 10.12,8 ----- (18911) Diplom Video 6.45 F-3 --- Tanner Thomas 1976 Tanner, Ebikon 8.29,4 ----- (12318) Diplom Video 5.37 K-33 242. Tareq Rashid 1964 Swiss Holiday Park AG 30.52,4 11.27,5 (24224) Diplom Video 5.28 S-2 72. Tasdemir Lilith 2004 Eien, Ziefen 7.03,1 1.15,1 (32078) Diplom Video 4.40 S-2 83. Tauss Yann 2004 Sonnegg, Goldau 7.07,0 1.19,0 (32087) Diplom Video 4.42 O-19 1132. Taverna Rosina 1987 Zahnarzt Team Luzern 19.41,7 9.26,2 (22098) Diplom Video 6.00 K-23 13. Taxer Bettina 1996 A-Volders 15.01,3 1.09,7 (3753) Diplom Video 3.52 K-13 6. Taxer Kathrin 1998 A-Volders 8.41,9 1.14,2 (9537) Diplom Video 4.08 F-1 --- Tedesco Lenox 2012 Tedesco, Hergiswil NW ----- ----- (41064) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Tedesco Malia 2010 Tedesco, Hergiswil NW ----- ----- (41063) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Tedesco Simon 1981 Tedesco, Hergiswil NW ----- ----- (41062) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Tedesco Tina 1978 Tedesco, Hergiswil NW ----- ----- (42013) Diplom Video ---- S-12 301. Teifenauer Michelle 2003 Ochsenmatt, Menzingen 11.01,8 3.34,6 (33199) Diplom Video 5.15 O-19 1209. Teixeira Tania 1988 Luzerner Höhenklinik Mont 20.34,5 10.19,0 (23291) Diplom Video 6.16 K-23 9. Teller Ramona 1994 Obernau 14.19,3 0.27,7 (3711) Diplom Video 3.42 S-12 456. Telley Samira 2003 Pfaffnau 14.38,2 7.11,0 (33252) Diplom Video 6.58 K-31 --- Temur Seriban 1981 Behindertensportgruppe Ho 16.43,3 ----- (27003) Diplom Video 11.04 O-19 86. Tenore Liliano 1986 ANLIKER, AG 12.45,4 2.29,9 (23085) Diplom Video 3.53 O-19 644. Terribilini Tea 1993 Universität Luzern 16.44,3 6.28,8 (22553) Diplom Video 5.06 K-38 4. Tesfay Simon 1985 Uster 25.28,1 0.26,5 (8) Diplom Video 2.55 O-19 842. Tesic Boris 1989 Pädagogische Hochschule L 17.46,6 7.31,1 (22786) Diplom Video 5.25 F-3 --- Teufer Céline 2009 Teufer, Mettmenstetten 11.51,2 ----- (13189) Diplom Video 7.50 O-17 297. Teufer Deborah 1996 Bildungs- und Kulturdepar 9.08,3 3.49,2 (20188) Diplom Video 6.03 F-3 --- Teufer Markus 1974 Teufer, Mettmenstetten 11.51,2 ----- (13188) Diplom Video 7.50 F-3 --- Teuffer Lian 2009 Teuffer, Schüpfheim 8.41,8 ----- (15114) Diplom Video 5.45 F-3 --- Thaler Elin 2010 Thaler, Luzern 13.26,7 ----- (17115) Diplom Video 8.54 F-3 --- Thaler Eveline 1975 Thaler, Luzern 13.26,7 ----- (17111) Diplom Video 8.54 O-17 488. Thali André 1983 Luzerner Kantonalbank 9.53,2 4.34,1 (20949) Diplom Video 6.32 F-3 --- Thalmann Eva 1974 Thalmann, Emmenbrücke 10.58,1 ----- (18189) Diplom Video 7.15 F-3 --- Thalmann Livia 2006 Thalmann, Adligenswil 11.12,9 ----- (12357) Diplom Video 7.25 O-18 --- Thalmann Nadine 1987 Stiftung Brändi 12.23,6 ----- (26380) Diplom Video 8.12 F-3 --- Thalmann Rebecca 2008 Thalmann, Adligenswil 11.12,9 ----- (12358) Diplom Video 7.25 O-18 --- Thalmann Silvia 1988 Stiftung Brändi 9.26,3 ----- (26381) Diplom Video 6.15 O-18 --- Thalmann Sophia 2005 Pro Natura Jugendgruppe L 10.44,2 ----- (26238) Diplom Video 7.06 F-3 --- Thalmann Stephan 1970 Thalmann, Adligenswil 11.12,9 ----- (12355) Diplom Video 7.25 O-17 306. Thanendran Mathi 1971 Klinik St. Anna 9.11,5 3.52,4 (21113) Diplom Video 6.05 S-11 114. Thaqi Rilana 2003 Letten, Sins 12.54,5 3.52,6 (31127) Diplom Video 6.08 O-17 1095. Thavagnananarajah Akqui 1969 CASCADA Hotel & Bolero Re 14.11,2 8.52,1 (20988) Diplom Video 9.23 S-4 194. Thayakaran Risigesan 2003 Hofmatt, Oberägeri 7.40,3 2.00,5 (34046) Diplom Video 5.04 F-3 --- Theiler Alina 2006 Theiler, Steinen 10.50,0 ----- (16904) Diplom Video 7.10 F-3 --- Theiler Beat 1967 Theiler, Steinen 10.50,0 ----- (16903) Diplom Video 7.10 O-18 --- Theiler Elena 2003 STV Willisau 8.05,1 ----- (26226) Diplom Video 5.21 O-17 180. Theiler Romy 1968 Gesundheits- und Sozialde 8.36,2 3.17,1 (20813) Diplom Video 5.41 O-18 --- Theiler Sandro 1995 Wolhusen 7.00,2 ----- (26619) Diplom Video 4.38 O-19 631. Theiler Sybille 1986 Mobility Genossenschaft 16.41,1 6.25,6 (22864) Diplom Video 5.05 K-33 324. Theivendran Pirahalatha 1986 Hochschule Luzern, United 39.30,4 20.05,5 (24125) Diplom Video 7.00 O-19 957. Theus Nina 1992 Bildungs- und Kulturdepar 18.22,4 8.06,9 (22498) Diplom Video 5.36 O-19 331. Theus Thierry 1990 Hochschule Luzern, City R 14.51,7 4.36,2 (22430) Diplom Video 4.31 O-19 936. Thi Aimi 1988 Universität Luzern 18.16,4 8.00,9 (22554) Diplom Video 5.34 K-33 93. Thielke Marcel 1976 Pilatus Flugzeugwerke AG 25.16,5 5.51,6 (24285) Diplom Video 4.28 O-17 224. Thiyagarajah Baruntha 1993 Höhere Fachschule Gesundh 8.49,4 3.30,3 (20778) Diplom Video 5.50 F-3 --- Thoma Anne 2003 Thoma, Luzern 7.25,7 ----- (18605) Diplom Video 4.55 F-3 --- Thoma Finn 2007 Thoma, Udligenswil 10.57,7 ----- (13107) Diplom Video 7.15 F-3 --- Thoma Gabriela 1975 Thoma, Udligenswil 10.57,7 ----- (13106) Diplom Video 7.15 O-17 1158. Thoma Joan 1994 HUG AG 15.04,5 9.45,4 (21232) Diplom Video 9.59 F-3 --- Thoma Nathalie 1973 Thoma, Luzern 7.25,7 ----- (18604) Diplom Video 4.55 O-19 283. Thoma Nico 1990 Pädagogische Hochschule L 14.32,1 4.16,6 (22787) Diplom Video 4.25 F-3 --- Thoma Sophie 2004 Thoma, Luzern 7.25,7 ----- (18606) Diplom Video 4.55 F-3 --- Thoma Stefan 1973 Thoma, Udligenswil 10.57,7 ----- (13105) Diplom Video 7.15 F-3 --- Thoma Tim 2006 Thoma, Luzern 7.25,7 ----- (18607) Diplom Video 4.55 S-12 394. Thomann Fiona 2003 Acher Süd, Unterägeri 12.18,8 4.51,6 (33036) Diplom Video 5.51 F-1 --- Thomann Nik 2011 Dahinden, Adligenswil ----- ----- (10349) Diplom Video ---- K-15 83. Thomas Amy 2002 Meggen 11.10,6 3.50,9 (1081) Diplom Video 5.19 K-7 120. Thomas Lucy 2004 Meggen 7.41,2 2.19,8 (8150) Diplom Video 5.05 O-19 975. Thomaschewski Jessica 1981 ANLIKER, AG 18.26,3 8.10,8 (23086) Diplom Video 5.37 F-3 --- Thomet Aline 2010 Thomet, Udligenswil 10.50,3 ----- (14033) Diplom Video 7.10 K-30 12. Thomet Hansruedi 1953 Wallisellen 24.23,5 3.07,3 (1343) Diplom Video 4.19 F-3 --- Thomet Natalia 1977 Thomet, Udligenswil 10.50,3 ----- (14031) Diplom Video 7.10 F-3 --- Thomet Silvan 2007 Thomet, Udligenswil 10.50,3 ----- (14032) Diplom Video 7.10 F-3 --- Thomet Simon 1976 Thomet, Udligenswil 10.50,3 ----- (14030) Diplom Video 7.10 S-12 238. Thomi Joshua 2003 Neuheim, Eschenbach 10.18,6 2.51,4 (33294) Diplom Video 4.54 K-28 24. Thomi Marco 1967 Schenkon 21.24,4 3.08,1 (6126) Diplom Video 3.47 K-28 20. Thomi Oliver 1969 Inwil 21.06,7 2.50,4 (6127) Diplom Video 3.44 O-19 183. Thon Fabio 1997 Pilatus Flugzeugwerke AG 13.39,0 3.23,5 (23155) Diplom Video 4.09 K-25 50. Thür Monika 1967 Knonau 22.48,9 8.40,2 (4651) Diplom Video 5.53 K-6 89. Thürig Gian 2004 Hellbühl 6.36,9 1.16,0 (5142) Diplom Video 4.22 K-35 3. Thürig Jonas 1986 Luzern 17.59,6 0.19,2 (7602) Diplom Video 3.11 K-6 153. Thürig Linus 2006 Hellbühl 7.24,9 2.04,0 (5143) Diplom Video 4.54 S-2 292. Thürig Luca 2004 Bündtmättli, Malters 9.03,1 3.15,1 (32171) Diplom Video 5.59 S-12 227. Thüring Tamara 2002 Dorfmatt, Baar 10.12,7 2.45,5 (33128) Diplom Video 4.51 K-30 41. Thurnherr Hans 1940 Chêne-Bougeries 33.09,5 11.53,3 (1334) Diplom Video 5.52 K-32 --- Thurnherr Rico 1974 Die Post 13.12,6 ----- (28039) Diplom Video 8.44 F-3 --- Tichelaar Kiran 2004 Dijkstra, Sachseln 7.46,9 ----- (18384) Diplom Video 5.09 S-11 7. Tiefenauer Fabienne 2001 Ochsenmatt, Menzingen 9.10,3 0.08,4 (31053) Diplom Video 4.22 O-19 863. Tilen Romy 1984 Luzerner Kantonsspital LU 17.52,3 7.36,8 (23009) Diplom Video 5.26 S-2 248. Timoney Caoiva 2005 Sunnegrund, Steinhausen 8.21,4 2.33,4 (32007) Diplom Video 5.32 O-18 --- Tiri Flurina 2001 Stiftung Brändi 8.48,6 ----- (26382) Diplom Video 5.50 S-11 132. Tishuku Brikenda 2002 Neuheim, Eschenbach 15.26,8 6.24,9 (31099) Diplom Video 7.21 S-12 455. Tishuku Drilon 2003 Neuheim, Eschenbach 14.31,3 7.04,1 (33295) Diplom Video 6.54 S-2 25. Tkacova Sona 2004 Kirchmatt, Zug 6.35,8 0.47,8 (32341) Diplom Video 4.22 S-11 78. Tobler Asla Luisa 2002 Chrüzmatt, Rain 11.02,5 2.00,6 (31122) Diplom Video 5.15 O-19 1018. Tobler Raphael 1987 The Bürgenstock Selection 18.45,4 8.29,9 (22677) Diplom Video 5.43 K-15 63. Tobler Soley 2002 Oberdorf NW 10.17,0 2.57,3 (1082) Diplom Video 4.53 O-17 245. Tobler Yasmin 1986 TanzArt Tanzzentrum, Ebik 8.51,0 3.31,9 (20006) Diplom Video 5.51 O-17 991. Togni Luciano 1963 Klinik St. Anna 12.22,1 7.03,0 (21114) Diplom Video 8.11 O-17 548. Tolle Ralf 1965 Emmi Schweiz AG 10.10,5 4.51,4 (40091) Diplom Video 6.44 F-3 --- Tollert Helena Karin 2011 Tollert, Cham 14.27,5 ----- (17158) Diplom Video 9.34 F-3 --- Tollert Marina 1984 Tollert, Cham 14.27,5 ----- (17157) Diplom Video 9.34 F-3 --- Tollert Markus 1989 Tollert, Cham 14.27,5 ----- (17150) Diplom Video 9.34 F-1 --- Tolusso Anita 1968 Tolusso, Luzern ----- ----- (10705) Diplom Video ---- O-18 --- Tolusso Fiona 2001 STV Willisau 7.42,7 ----- (26227) Diplom Video 5.06 F-1 --- Tolusso Florian 2008 Tolusso, Luzern ----- ----- (10706) Diplom Video ---- O-17 16. Toma David 1968 Klinik St. Anna 6.27,7 1.08,6 (21115) Diplom Video 4.16 S-4 232. Tomek Olivia 2004 Eichmatt, Hünenberg 7.59,7 2.19,9 (34349) Diplom Video 5.17 K-23 68. Tommasini Alina 1992 Würenlos 19.28,1 5.36,5 (3762) Diplom Video 5.01 F-3 --- Tonazzi Mike 1973 Kretz, Luzern 11.32,1 ----- (18916) Diplom Video 7.38 F-3 --- Tonazzi Neil 2008 Kretz, Luzern 11.32,1 ----- (18915) Diplom Video 7.38 F-3 --- Tondello Mario 1955 Tondello, Emmenbrücke 7.07,7 ----- (15232) Diplom Video 4.43 F-3 --- Tondello Nicola 2004 Tondello, Emmenbrücke 7.07,7 ----- (15234) Diplom Video 4.43 F-3 --- Tondello Petra 1977 Tondello, Emmenbrücke 7.07,7 ----- (15233) Diplom Video 4.43 F-3 --- Tondello Sandro 2010 Tondello, Emmenbrücke 7.07,7 ----- (15235) Diplom Video 4.43 O-17 820. Tonn Marina 1978 Baumeler Reisen 11.23,2 6.04,1 (20153) Diplom Video 7.32 K-31 --- Tormen Laura 1954 Kriens 15.07,9 ----- (27019) Diplom Video 10.01 S-4 128. Tornow Lilo 2003 Risch 7.11,7 1.31,9 (34053) Diplom Video 4.45 S-2 85. Tornow Max 2004 Risch 7.07,8 1.19,8 (32052) Diplom Video 4.43 O-19 744. Tornquist Katharina 1982 Luzerner Kantonsspital LU 17.21,2 7.05,7 (23010) Diplom Video 5.17 O-17 78. Torres Garcia Henrry Je 1975 ALSO Schweiz 7.41,0 2.21,9 (21161) Diplom Video 5.05 K-15 49. Torres Simona 2001 Luzern 9.57,8 2.38,1 (1083) Diplom Video 4.44 S-2 221. Tosic Marko 2004 Nebikon 8.08,3 2.20,3 (32345) Diplom Video 5.23 O-17 910. Toskic Marija 1988 Höhere Fachschule Gesundh 11.48,9 6.29,8 (20779) Diplom Video 7.49 K-28 13. Tossut Roger 1968 Küssnacht am Rigi 20.50,1 2.33,8 (6100) Diplom Video 3.41 S-4 64. Tosun Eral 2003 Sunnegrund, Steinhausen 6.36,2 0.56,4 (34007) Diplom Video 4.22 K-33 124. Touillon David 1983 Pilatus Flugzeugwerke AG 26.42,9 7.18,0 (24286) Diplom Video 4.44 F-1 --- Traber Alain-Pierre 2012 Traber, Luzern ----- ----- (10332) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Traber Aline 2006 Traber, Zürich 8.17,6 ----- (12625) Diplom Video 5.29 K-32 --- Traber Daniel 1958 Behindertensportgruppe Ho 13.02,1 ----- (28024) Diplom Video 8.37 F-1 --- Traber Isabella 2010 Traber, Luzern ----- ----- (10331) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Traber Joel 2004 Traber, Zürich 8.17,6 ----- (12623) Diplom Video 5.29 O-19 494. Traber Katharina 1985 Klinik St. Anna 15.52,9 5.37,4 (23457) Diplom Video 4.50 F-1 --- Traber Stefan 1966 Traber, Luzern ----- ----- (10329) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Trachsel Andrea 1972 Trachsel, Steinhausen 9.20,2 ----- (12119) Diplom Video 6.10 F-3 --- Trachsel Christian 1969 Trachsel, Steinhausen 9.20,2 ----- (12118) Diplom Video 6.10 F-3 --- Trachsel Elia 2006 Trachsel, Steinhausen 9.20,2 ----- (12120) Diplom Video 6.10 K-33 296. Trachsel Felicia 1989 USI Università della Sviz 34.02,8 14.37,9 (24154) Diplom Video 6.02 F-3 --- Trachsel Jana 2006 Trachsel, Rifferswil 9.43,2 ----- (12682) Diplom Video 6.26 F-3 --- Trachsel Jill 2007 Lustenberger, Kriens 9.59,8 ----- (17130) Diplom Video 6.37 F-3 --- Trachsel Mara 2008 Trachsel, Steinhausen 9.20,2 ----- (12121) Diplom Video 6.10 F-3 --- Trachsel Markus 1968 Trachsel, Rifferswil 9.34,5 ----- (12677) Diplom Video 6.20 F-3 --- Trachsel Simone 1979 Trachsel, Rifferswil 9.43,2 ----- (12681) Diplom Video 6.26 F-3 --- Trachsel Tim 2008 Trachsel, Rifferswil 9.34,5 ----- (12678) Diplom Video 6.20 K-33 180. Trachsel Vera Luisa 1986 USI Università della Sviz 28.26,1 9.01,2 (24155) Diplom Video 5.02 O-19 1091. Trachsler Anita 1977 Network 41 19.17,4 9.01,9 (22361) Diplom Video 5.52 F-3 --- Trachsler Lorena 2011 Barmettler, Horw 10.41,1 ----- (16995) Diplom Video 7.04 F-3 --- Trachsler Thomas 1979 Barmettler, Horw 10.41,1 ----- (16993) Diplom Video 7.04 O-18 --- Tran Dinh 1958 FC Oranje Root 1:32.30,5 ----- (26424) Diplom Video 1:01.15 S-12 157. Tran Whitney 2001 Sunnegrund, Steinhausen 9.44,2 2.17,0 (33064) Diplom Video 4.38 O-17 298. Trasmundi Ingrid 1954 Manor Emmen 9.08,5 3.49,4 (21214) Diplom Video 6.03 F-3 --- Traxel Manuel 2006 Traxel, Attinghausen 7.56,5 ----- (14720) Diplom Video 5.15 F-3 --- Traxel Petra 1974 Traxel, Attinghausen 7.56,5 ----- (14719) Diplom Video 5.15 F-1 --- Treiber Christina 1972 Treiber, Rothenburg ----- ----- (10770) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Treiber Florin 2006 Treiber, Rothenburg ----- ----- (10771) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Treiber Lars 2009 Treiber, Rothenburg ----- ----- (10772) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Treiber Toni 1962 Treiber, Rothenburg ----- ----- (10769) Diplom Video ---- S-11 109. Treier Emma 2002 Dorf, Mauensee 12.41,3 3.39,4 (31043) Diplom Video 6.02 F-3 --- Trenkwalder Kurt 1971 Grüter, Luzern 11.09,9 ----- (14758) Diplom Video 7.23 O-17 907. Tresch Bianca 1986 elfo ag 11.46,9 6.27,8 (20289) Diplom Video 7.48 F-3 --- Tresch Daniel 1969 Tresch-Wagner, Attinghaus 6.56,5 ----- (12170) Diplom Video 4.35 O-19 33. Tresch Marco 1993 JO SAC Titlis 11.49,3 1.33,8 (23043) Diplom Video 3.36 O-19 1071. Tresch Maya 1967 Pilatus Flugzeugwerke AG 19.11,1 8.55,6 (23156) Diplom Video 5.50 O-17 204. Tresch Regula 1958 Schulhaus Büttenen 8.44,9 3.25,8 (20541) Diplom Video 5.47 F-3 --- Tresch-Wagner Annika 2004 Tresch-Wagner, Attinghaus 6.56,5 ----- (12171) Diplom Video 4.35 F-3 --- Treuthardt Bieri Carmen 1967 Treuthardt Bieri, Sursee 11.02,7 ----- (16193) Diplom Video 7.18 O-18 --- Treyer Angela 1963 Zuger Chriesisturm 17.40,7 ----- (26599) Diplom Video 11.42 F-3 --- Treyer Daniel 1961 Treyer, Luzern 10.33,5 ----- (17174) Diplom Video 6.59 O-17 809. Treyer Linda 1983 Radiologie Gersag 11.19,3 6.00,2 (20634) Diplom Video 7.29 F-3 --- Treyer Lino 2008 Treyer, Luzern 10.33,5 ----- (17176) Diplom Video 6.59 O-18 --- Treyer Seraina 2001 Zuger Chriesisturm 17.34,3 ----- (26600) Diplom Video 11.38 F-3 --- Tricia Léonie 2011 Smolek, Horw 15.32,1 ----- (17179) Diplom Video 10.17 F-3 --- Triebel Andreas 1978 Triebel, Geuensee 7.56,4 ----- (18827) Diplom Video 5.15 F-3 --- Triebel Julia 2009 Triebel, Geuensee 7.56,4 ----- (18846) Diplom Video 5.15 F-3 --- Triebel Michelle 2006 Triebel, Geuensee 7.56,4 ----- (18847) Diplom Video 5.15 F-3 --- Triebel Nathalie 1978 Triebel, Geuensee 7.56,4 ----- (18849) Diplom Video 5.15 S-4 261. Trinkler Davide 2003 Riedmatt, Zug 8.21,2 2.41,4 (34089) Diplom Video 5.31 F-3 --- Trinkler Julia 2006 Trinkler, Udligenswil 10.48,4 ----- (13090) Diplom Video 7.09 F-3 --- Trinkler Lucas 2008 Trinkler, Udligenswil 10.48,4 ----- (13091) Diplom Video 7.09 F-3 --- Trinkler Markus 1960 Trinkler, Udligenswil 10.48,4 ----- (13088) Diplom Video 7.09 S-2 73. Trinkler Mato 2004 Kirchmatt, Zug 7.03,8 1.15,8 (32063) Diplom Video 4.40 F-3 --- Trinkler Ulrike 1979 Trinkler, Udligenswil 10.48,4 ----- (13089) Diplom Video 7.09 O-19 685. Tripic Sveto 1961 Trisa AG 16.59,9 6.44,4 (23256) Diplom Video 5.10 F-3 --- Triporez Thomas 1976 Triponez, Luzern 8.56,4 ----- (15287) Diplom Video 5.55 K-33 154. Trnjanin Admir 1986 Hochschule Luzern, United 27.35,0 8.10,1 (24126) Diplom Video 4.53 F-3 --- Trost Chiara 2008 Trost, Ballwil 9.26,5 ----- (16126) Diplom Video 6.15 F-3 --- Trost Eva 1977 Trost, Ballwil 9.26,5 ----- (16124) Diplom Video 6.15 F-3 --- Trost Sarina 2006 Trost, Ballwil 9.26,5 ----- (16125) Diplom Video 6.15 F-3 --- Trost Stephan 1973 Trost, Ballwil 9.26,5 ----- (16123) Diplom Video 6.15 K-34 14. Trotta Sergio 1976 Neuenkirch 20.17,5 2.35,8 (2114) Diplom Video 3.35 O-17 200. Troxler Irene 1985 Kantonsspital Nidwalden 8.43,1 3.24,0 (20852) Diplom Video 5.46 O-18 --- Troxler Leo 1954 Stiftung Brändi 18.53,5 ----- (26383) Diplom Video 12.30 O-17 1207. Troxler Mara 2012 Klinik St. Anna 16.23,6 11.04,5 (21116) Diplom Video 10.51 K-20 20. Troxler Marcel 1995 Urswil 18.33,2 6.07,9 (9013) Diplom Video 4.47 O-17 1205. Troxler Martin 1975 Klinik St. Anna 16.22,4 11.03,3 (21117) Diplom Video 10.50 F-3 --- Troxler Michel 1974 Troxler, Rothenburg 9.36,5 ----- (13520) Diplom Video 6.21 K-7 181. Troxler Nadia 2006 TiV Littau 8.38,3 3.16,9 (8015) Diplom Video 5.43 K-23 15. Troxler Patricia 1991 Sempach Stadt 15.11,0 1.19,4 (3712) Diplom Video 3.55 O-19 707. Troxler Patrick 1985 Network 41 17.07,1 6.51,6 (22362) Diplom Video 5.13 K-29 65. Troxler Peter 1963 Emmenbrücke 25.46,9 6.16,2 (9782) Diplom Video 4.34 O-17 1206. Troxler Petra 1981 Klinik St. Anna 16.23,3 11.04,2 (21118) Diplom Video 10.51 K-25 31. Troxler Renate 1968 Bern 19.55,5 5.46,8 (4661) Diplom Video 5.08 S-2 29. Troxler Tom 2005 Hubelmatt, Luzern 6.39,3 0.51,3 (32323) Diplom Video 4.24 O-19 1239. Trpeza Samira 1995 Gemeinde Kriens 20.48,5 10.33,0 (23171) Diplom Video 6.20 O-19 1308. Trüb Martha 1954 Gemeinde Kriens 22.12,6 11.57,1 (23172) Diplom Video 6.46 K-33 161. Trüb Roland 1966 CILAG GmbH International 27.52,5 8.27,6 (40052) Diplom Video 4.56 F-1 --- Trudel Lionel 2010 von Deschwanden, Zürich ----- ----- (10475) Diplom Video ---- O-17 361. Trüeb Cornelia 1990 Sonnmatt Luzern 9.27,1 4.08,0 (20042) Diplom Video 6.15 K-33 87. Truninger Adrian 1986 Swiss Point 25.02,7 5.37,8 (24029) Diplom Video 4.26 K-7 190. Trüssel Anina 2005 TV Grosswangen 9.03,1 3.41,7 (8013) Diplom Video 5.59 O-19 659. Trutmann Anina 1987 Hochschule Luzern, City R 16.50,6 6.35,1 (22431) Diplom Video 5.08 O-19 427. Trutmann Gottfried 1946 FelderVogel AG, Luzern 15.23,2 5.07,7 (22020) Diplom Video 4.41 F-3 --- Truttmann Alina 2006 Truttmann, Brunnen 10.07,7 ----- (14265) Diplom Video 6.42 O-17 542. Truttmann Anita 1992 Höhere Fachschule Gesundh 10.07,8 4.48,7 (20780) Diplom Video 6.42 O-18 --- Truttmann Iris 1964 Stiftung Brändi 15.13,6 ----- (26384) Diplom Video 10.05 F-3 --- Truttmann Kirsten 1971 Truttmann, Brunnen 10.07,7 ----- (14264) Diplom Video 6.42 F-3 --- Truttmann Mathias 1972 Truttmann, Stans 10.57,9 ----- (14963) Diplom Video 7.15 F-3 --- Truttmann Myldre 1976 Truttmann, Stans 10.57,9 ----- (14964) Diplom Video 7.15 F-3 --- Truttmann Oliver 2008 Truttmann, Stans 10.57,9 ----- (14965) Diplom Video 7.15 O-18 --- Truttmann Peter 1965 Stiftung Brändi 9.47,0 ----- (26385) Diplom Video 6.28 F-3 --- Truttmann Ryan 2008 Truttmann, Stans 10.57,9 ----- (14966) Diplom Video 7.15 F-3 --- Truttmann Samuel 2012 Truttmann, Stans 10.57,9 ----- (14967) Diplom Video 7.15 O-9 --- Truttmann Susanne 1959 Gemeinderat Emmen, Kanton ----- ----- (242) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Trzebiatowski Tomasz 1975 Trzebiatowski, Kriens 7.57,7 ----- (18085) Diplom Video 5.16 S-11 120. Tschackert Stella 2001 Neuheim, Eschenbach 13.46,3 4.44,4 (31100) Diplom Video 6.33 K-22 54. Tschanz Dario 2000 Kastanienbaum 19.13,0 5.58,0 (1546) Diplom Video 4.57 K-34 73. Tschanz Freddy 1977 Aarau 24.54,0 7.12,3 (2081) Diplom Video 4.24 F-3 --- Tschanz Leandro 2005 Tschanz, Kastanienbaum 6.57,4 ----- (18452) Diplom Video 4.36 K-34 14. Tschanz Roman 1983 STV Buchrain 20.17,5 2.35,8 (2003) Diplom Video 3.35 F-3 --- Tschanz Urs 1968 Tschanz, Kastanienbaum 6.57,4 ----- (18451) Diplom Video 4.36 K-33 75. Tscherry Marco 1989 ALDI SUISSE AG Zn Dagmers 24.41,2 5.16,3 (24192) Diplom Video 4.22 F-3 --- Tscholitsch Ida 2008 Tscholitsch, Emmenbrücke 9.55,8 ----- (14316) Diplom Video 6.34 F-3 --- Tscholitsch Jakobina 2006 Tscholitsch, Emmenbrücke 9.55,8 ----- (14315) Diplom Video 6.34 F-3 --- Tscholitsch Jesco 1973 Tscholitsch, Emmenbrücke 9.55,8 ----- (14314) Diplom Video 6.34 F-3 --- Tschopp Andrea 1972 Tschopp, Rain 11.01,7 ----- (18402) Diplom Video 7.18 F-3 --- Tschopp Anina 2006 Tschopp, Rain 11.01,7 ----- (18403) Diplom Video 7.18 K-35 57. Tschopp Benedikt 1988 STV Sursee 23.08,3 5.27,9 (7594) Diplom Video 4.06 F-3 --- Tschopp Cedric 2006 Tschopp-Vögele, Triengen 10.15,4 ----- (12893) Diplom Video 6.47 F-3 --- Tschopp Colin 2009 Tschopp-Vögele, Triengen 10.15,4 ----- (17236) Diplom Video 6.47 F-3 --- Tschopp Daniel 1970 Tschopp, Rain 11.01,7 ----- (18401) Diplom Video 7.18 O-18 --- Tschopp Hannes 1970 Stiftung Brändi 15.11,8 ----- (26386) Diplom Video 10.03 O-18 --- Tschopp Jeannine 1986 Gruppe Ganesh 15.38,7 ----- (26030) Diplom Video 10.21 O-18 --- Tschopp Jenny 1993 Stiftung Brändi 12.34,0 ----- (26387) Diplom Video 8.19 O-19 380. Tschopp Josef 1951 Praxiskracher 15.06,8 4.51,3 (22048) Diplom Video 4.36 F-3 --- Tschopp Lilly 2007 Tschopp, Sursee 11.28,6 ----- (13183) Diplom Video 7.36 F-3 --- Tschopp Maika 2008 Tschopp, Rain 11.01,7 ----- (18404) Diplom Video 7.18 K-6 97. Tschopp Matteo 2003 STV Hitzkirch 6.41,0 1.20,1 (5049) Diplom Video 4.25 O-19 305. Tschopp Mirjam 1982 Praxiskracher 14.41,3 4.25,8 (22049) Diplom Video 4.28 F-3 --- Tschopp Morris 2009 Tschopp, Sursee 11.28,6 ----- (13184) Diplom Video 7.36 F-3 --- Tschopp Schwyzer Andrea 1971 Schwyzer, Kottwil 6.48,6 ----- (18443) Diplom Video 4.30 F-3 --- Tschopp Urs 1977 Tschopp, Sursee 11.28,6 ----- (13182) Diplom Video 7.36 F-3 --- Tschopp-Vögele Carmen 1974 Tschopp-Vögele, Triengen 10.15,4 ----- (12892) Diplom Video 6.47 F-3 --- Tschopp-Vögele Christia 1971 Tschopp-Vögele, Triengen 10.15,4 ----- (12891) Diplom Video 6.47 F-3 --- Tschopp-Wattenhofer Eva 1976 Tschopp, Sursee 11.28,6 ----- (13181) Diplom Video 7.36 S-12 286. Tschopp Yannic 2001 Grundhof, Schenkon 10.55,3 3.28,1 (33453) Diplom Video 5.12 K-14 45. Tschumi Corina 2000 Ueken 9.58,9 3.03,9 (5769) Diplom Video 4.45 K-14 27. Tschuor Jeannine 1999 TV Inwil 9.15,0 2.20,0 (5762) Diplom Video 4.24 F-3 --- Tschuppert Antonia 2006 Tschuppert, Luzern 7.24,3 ----- (18586) Diplom Video 4.54 F-3 --- Tschuppert Daniel 1971 Tschuppert, Luzern 7.24,3 ----- (18585) Diplom Video 4.54 F-3 --- Tschuppert Ines 1971 Tschuppert, Luzern 8.57,5 ----- (12908) Diplom Video 5.55 F-3 --- Tschuppert Lisa 2007 Tschuppert, Luzern 8.57,5 ----- (12910) Diplom Video 5.55 F-3 --- Tschuppert Nik 2005 Tschuppert, Luzern 8.57,5 ----- (12909) Diplom Video 5.55 K-14 48. Tschuppert Nina 2000 Luzern 10.07,7 3.12,7 (5748) Diplom Video 4.49 F-3 --- Tschuppert Regazzoni Yv 1975 Regazzoni, Cormondrèche 12.26,3 ----- (12912) Diplom Video 8.14 O-18 --- Tschuppert Reto ???? Luzern Reussbühl 8.15,7 ----- (26653) Diplom Video 5.28 O-18 --- Tschuppert Ursula 1969 Wild Boar Clan Of Loch Lu 15.21,4 ----- (26108) Diplom Video 10.10 O-19 844. Tschuppert Vanessa 1992 Luzerner Kantonalbank 17.46,7 7.31,2 (23332) Diplom Video 5.25 O-19 DSQ Tunaj Rikard 1978 Balthasar + Co. AG ----- disq (23101) Video ---- O-18 --- Türkmen Okan 2000 Heilpädagogisches Zentrum 10.10,9 ----- (26203) Diplom Video 6.44 S-11 72. Türkoglu Rabia 2002 Letten, Sins 10.54,9 1.53,0 (31110) Diplom Video 5.11 F-3 --- Turrin Adrian 1971 Turrin, Hünenberg 9.29,8 ----- (16888) Diplom Video 6.17 F-3 --- Turrin Doris 1972 Turrin, Hünenberg 9.29,8 ----- (16889) Diplom Video 6.17 F-3 --- Turrin Ennio 2006 Turrin, Hünenberg 9.29,8 ----- (16890) Diplom Video 6.17 F-3 --- Turrin Leanne 2009 Turrin, Hünenberg 9.29,8 ----- (16891) Diplom Video 6.17 O-19 391. Tyziniec Piotr 1992 Roche Diagnostics Interna 15.11,1 4.55,6 (23401) Diplom Video 4.37
Total 294
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