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Luzerner Stadtlauf 2014 - nach Name "P"

Kategorie Rang Name Jg Team/Ortschaft Zeit Rückstand Stnr Schnitt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S-12 331. Pablé Gregory 2002 Hofmatt, Oberägeri 11.28,8 4.01,6 (33088) Diplom Video 5.28 O-19 348. Pachmann Moritz 1988 Universität Luzern 14.56,9 4.41,4 (22538) Diplom Video 4.33 F-3 --- Pacholleck Felix 2008 Pacholleck, Tägerig 8.57,1 ----- (15128) Diplom Video 5.55 F-3 --- Pacholleck Gabriele 1970 Pacholleck, Tägerig 8.57,1 ----- (15127) Diplom Video 5.55 F-3 --- Pacholleck Jürgen 1967 Pacholleck, Tägerig 8.57,1 ----- (15126) Diplom Video 5.55 O-18 --- Padrutt Nino 1992 Cool Running 6.45,5 ----- (26014) Diplom Video 4.28 O-17 1116. Paganal Beat 1963 Touring Club Schweiz 14.28,7 9.09,6 (20668) Diplom Video 9.35 O-17 1125. Paganal Claudia 1966 Touring Club Schweiz 14.30,7 9.11,6 (20669) Diplom Video 9.36 S-11 124. Pagano Laura 2001 Kirchmatt, Zug 14.16,5 5.14,6 (31027) Diplom Video 6.47 O-18 --- Pahud Eric 1988 Die Welschen 13.43,3 ----- (26006) Diplom Video 9.05 O-18 --- Pahud Landry 1987 Die Welschen 13.44,2 ----- (26007) Diplom Video 9.05 O-18 --- Pahud Robert 1994 Die Welschen 13.46,2 ----- (26008) Diplom Video 9.07 S-4 148. Pajaziti Aurita 2003 Büttenen, Luzern 7.21,2 1.41,4 (34258) Diplom Video 4.52 O-19 362. Palenzona Kassra Carlo 1993 Universität Luzern 15.02,8 4.47,3 (22540) Diplom Video 4.35 O-18 --- Palermo Barbara 1976 Jazzercise 8.45,3 ----- (26432) Diplom Video 5.47 O-19 1200. Palicova Frantiska 1964 Luzerner Kantonsspital LU 20.28,6 10.13,1 (22964) Diplom Video 6.14 K-33 268. Pallmann Christoph 1980 Pilatus Flugzeugwerke AG 32.20,6 12.55,7 (24269) Diplom Video 5.44 F-3 --- Palomino Daniela 1984 Schärli, Luzern 12.02,0 ----- (12857) Diplom Video 7.58 S-2 289. Panico Chiara 2004 Sunnegrund, Steinhausen 8.57,7 3.09,7 (32019) Diplom Video 5.56 S-12 439. Panno Desidera 2003 Ochsenmatt, Menzingen 13.38,2 6.11,0 (33195) Diplom Video 6.29 S-2 75. Pantaleonie Alessio 2004 Kemmatten, Hünenberg See 7.04,0 1.16,0 (32027) Diplom Video 4.40 S-4 126. Panzica Ilenia 2004 Neuheim, Eschenbach 7.11,0 1.31,2 (34152) Diplom Video 4.45 K-33 277. Paolucci Marco 1962 CILAG GmbH International 32.44,1 13.19,2 (40046) Diplom Video 5.48 O-9 --- Papallo Sabrina 1987 SSBL ----- ----- (222) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Parisi Amélie 2002 Parisi, Buchrain 11.14,1 ----- (15425) Diplom Video 7.26 K-6 174. Parisi David 2005 SUVA 7.45,3 2.24,4 (5060) Diplom Video 5.08 F-3 --- Parisi Jasmin 1974 Parisi, Buchrain 11.14,1 ----- (15424) Diplom Video 7.26 O-17 169. Parisi Roberto 1967 Gesundheits- und Sozialde 8.33,6 3.14,5 (20811) Diplom Video 5.40 F-3 --- Parisi Stéphane 1973 Parisi, Buchrain 11.14,1 ----- (15423) Diplom Video 7.26 S-4 227. Parr Noa 2004 Kehlhof, Adligenswil 7.56,2 2.16,4 (34195) Diplom Video 5.15 O-17 749. Parta Eugène 1965 Emmi Schweiz AG 11.02,4 5.43,3 (20488) Diplom Video 7.18 O-17 1129. Patthey Karin 1970 Touring Club Schweiz 14.30,9 9.11,8 (20670) Diplom Video 9.36 K-33 79. Patton Jon 1985 Pilatus Flugzeugwerke AG 24.44,3 5.19,4 (24270) Diplom Video 4.23 K-33 19. Pauli Lukas 1986 Pilatus Flugzeugwerke AG 22.12,0 2.47,1 (24271) Diplom Video 3.56 O-18 --- Paulitsch Stephanie 1988 Ebikon 10.50,4 ----- (3684) Diplom Video 7.10 K-33 196. Pavlin Jana 1974 CILAG GmbH International 29.04,4 9.39,5 (40047) Diplom Video 5.09 K-29 57. Pawlik Jörg 1959 Emmen 25.09,5 5.38,8 (9766) Diplom Video 4.27 O-18 --- Pawlik Marie-Theres 1956 Emmen 9.44,5 ----- (26631) Diplom Video 6.27 O-18 --- Pawlik Martina 1988 Emmen 9.44,2 ----- (26632) Diplom Video 6.26 S-4 276. Pawlowski Anja 2004 Institut Montana, Zugerbe 8.34,2 2.54,4 (34268) Diplom Video 5.40 O-18 --- Paz Micaela 1965 Luzern 8.12,7 ----- (40108) Diplom Video 5.26 O-17 657. Pedersen Kerstin 1979 Klinik St. Anna 10.29,4 5.10,3 (21086) Diplom Video 6.56 F-3 --- Peer Giacumin 1984 Peer, Luzern 13.58,1 ----- (19101) Diplom Video 9.15 F-3 --- Peer Niculin 2011 Peer, Luzern 13.58,1 ----- (19055) Diplom Video 9.15 O-17 962. Pein Alexandra 1983 G&P Cruise Hotel Manageme 12.07,8 6.48,7 (20325) Diplom Video 8.01 O-17 568. Pejic Dragana 1974 Klinik St. Anna 10.15,4 4.56,3 (21087) Diplom Video 6.47 O-17 87. Pekas Gertruda 1968 Heim im Bergli 7.52,2 2.33,1 (21146) Diplom Video 5.12 S-11 89. Peleteiro Michelle 2002 Neuheim, Eschenbach 11.29,6 2.27,7 (31097) Diplom Video 5.28 O-19 902. Pellaton Monika 1962 Bildungs- und Kulturdepar 18.04,6 7.49,1 (22491) Diplom Video 5.30 S-12 201. Pellegrini Fausto 2000 Morgarten 10.04,9 2.37,7 (33069) Diplom Video 4.48 F-1 --- Pelosi Dario 1973 Pelosi, Kriens ----- ----- (10799) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Pelosi Nando 2009 Pelosi, Kriens ----- ----- (10800) Diplom Video ---- O-18 --- Penalva Jeffrey 1993 Die Welschen 13.46,9 ----- (26009) Diplom Video 9.07 S-12 93. Pendered Joey 2001 Hofmatt, Oberägeri 9.17,2 1.50,0 (33096) Diplom Video 4.25 S-2 200. Pendl Annika 2005 Sunnegrund, Steinhausen 7.58,8 2.10,8 (32005) Diplom Video 5.17 S-12 262. Pendl Erik 2002 Sunnegrund, Steinhausen 10.34,5 3.07,3 (33060) Diplom Video 5.02 O-19 277. Peng Ladina 1990 Pädagogische Hochschule L 14.29,6 4.14,1 (23490) Diplom Video 4.25 S-12 222. Peng Ya Kun 2002 Städtli, Cham 10.11,6 2.44,4 (33156) Diplom Video 4.51 S-2 122. Pepe Alisha 2004 Obernau 7.24,9 1.36,9 (32290) Diplom Video 4.54 K-33 243. Pepe Basilio 1968 Sonnmatt Luzern 30.58,4 11.33,5 (24017) Diplom Video 5.29 K-29 66. Pera Michele 1962 Bignasco 25.55,7 6.25,0 (9767) Diplom Video 4.35 S-4 312. Pereira Catarina 2004 Hofmatt, Schötz 9.24,6 3.44,8 (34106) Diplom Video 6.13 K-7 112. Pereira Irina 2006 TV Reussbühl Leichtathlet 7.33,6 2.12,2 (8162) Diplom Video 5.00 O-17 597. Pereira Maria 1959 Klinik St. Anna 10.19,6 5.00,5 (21088) Diplom Video 6.50 K-7 138. Pereira Selena 2004 TV Reussbühl Leichtathlet 8.00,4 2.39,0 (8163) Diplom Video 5.18 F-3 --- Perey Jean-François 1960 Perey, Buttisholz 10.47,2 ----- (18354) Diplom Video 7.08 K-14 42. Perey Julie 2000 Buttisholz 9.55,7 3.00,7 (5737) Diplom Video 4.43 F-3 --- Perey Stephanie 2005 Perey, Buttisholz 10.47,2 ----- (18355) Diplom Video 7.08 F-3 --- Perez Crispin 1965 Perez, Luzern 8.33,2 ----- (13294) Diplom Video 5.39 F-3 --- Perez Diego 2008 Perez, Luzern 8.33,2 ----- (13295) Diplom Video 5.39 O-19 1137. Perez Juan 1984 ANLIKER, AG 19.43,4 9.27,9 (23080) Diplom Video 6.00 S-4 240. Perez Valentina 2004 Würzenbach, Luzern 8.03,2 2.23,4 (34122) Diplom Video 5.20 O-19 1295. Perini Silvana 1962 Schindler Elevator 21.58,3 11.42,8 (22119) Diplom Video 6.41 K-7 107. Perner Julia 2005 LA Nidwalden 7.32,3 2.10,9 (8031) Diplom Video 4.59 O-18 --- Perren Tom 1997 Heilpädagogische Schule S 11.28,4 ----- (26087) Diplom Video 7.35 K-33 104. Perrenoud Philippe 1982 Pilatus Flugzeugwerke AG 25.50,4 6.25,5 (24272) Diplom Video 4.34 F-3 --- Perrollaz Anne 2004 Perrollaz, Luzern 9.39,5 ----- (18699) Diplom Video 6.23 F-3 --- Perrollaz Fabian 1971 Perrollaz, Luzern 9.39,5 ----- (18698) Diplom Video 6.23 F-3 --- Perrollaz Sophie 2006 Perrollaz, Luzern 9.39,5 ----- (18700) Diplom Video 6.23 O-17 277. Peschka Benedikt 1986 Grand Hotel National AG 9.00,2 3.41,1 (20646) Diplom Video 5.57 O-19 318. Peter Béatrice 1984 Pädagogische Hochschule L 14.46,9 4.31,4 (22765) Diplom Video 4.30 F-3 --- Peter Christoph 1969 Peter, Rothenburg 10.11,7 ----- (16510) Diplom Video 6.45 O-17 535. Peter Claudia 1968 Luzerner Kantonalbank 10.06,3 4.47,2 (20924) Diplom Video 6.41 S-2 124. Peter Dario 2004 Pfaffnau 7.25,8 1.37,8 (32105) Diplom Video 4.55 O-18 --- Peter Dominik 2003 HPS Willisau 17.17,4 ----- (26447) Diplom Video 11.27 F-3 --- Peter Edith 1979 Peter, Schenkon 11.45,4 ----- (12523) Diplom Video 7.47 S-2 22. Peter Flavio 2004 Pfaffnau 6.35,1 0.47,1 (32106) Diplom Video 4.21 O-19 173. Peter Gregor 1976 Frei's Schulen AG Luzern 13.34,4 3.18,9 (23433) Diplom Video 4.08 F-3 --- Peter Gregor 1976 Peter, Horw 13.57,0 ----- (16593) Diplom Video 9.14 F-3 DNF Peter Guido 1966 Peter, Luzern Reussbühl ----- ----- (14280) Video ---- O-17 497. Peter Guido 1966 Luzerner Kantonalbank 9.56,3 4.37,2 (20925) Diplom Video 6.34 F-3 --- Peter Ignaz 1978 Peter, Schenkon 11.45,4 ----- (12522) Diplom Video 7.47 F-3 --- Peter-Ittig Jürg 1967 Peter-Ittig, Emmenbrücke 9.29,1 ----- (13160) Diplom Video 6.16 F-3 --- Peter-Ittig Lucie 2007 Peter-Ittig, Emmenbrücke 9.29,1 ----- (13163) Diplom Video 6.16 F-3 --- Peter-Ittig Rebecca 1972 Peter-Ittig, Emmenbrücke 9.29,1 ----- (13161) Diplom Video 6.16 F-3 --- Peter-Ittig Tim 2005 Peter-Ittig, Emmenbrücke 9.29,1 ----- (13162) Diplom Video 6.16 F-3 --- Peter Jaris 2006 Peter, Starrkirch-Wil 10.24,1 ----- (16941) Diplom Video 6.53 K-23 17. Peter Karin 1988 Nottwil 15.28,9 1.37,3 (3685) Diplom Video 4.00 O-17 1229. Peter Kathrin 1996 HPZ Sunnebüel, Schüpfheim 19.18,4 13.59,3 (20255) Diplom Video 12.47 K-7 84. Peter Kaya 2004 Rothenburg 7.14,5 1.53,1 (8129) Diplom Video 4.47 F-3 DNF Peter Kevin Pramook 2007 Peter, Luzern Reussbühl ----- ----- (14281) Video ---- F-3 --- Peter Kimi 2005 Peter, Luzern 6.31,1 ----- (14497) Diplom Video 4.19 F-3 --- Peter Laurin 2008 Peter, Schenkon 11.45,4 ----- (12524) Diplom Video 7.47 F-3 --- Peter Lean 2009 Peter, Rothenburg 10.11,7 ----- (16511) Diplom Video 6.45 F-3 --- Peter Lia 2010 Peter, Schenkon 11.45,4 ----- (12525) Diplom Video 7.47 O-18 --- Peter Lilian 1955 Werkstatt Hüetli, Sarnen 17.11,5 ----- (26163) Diplom Video 11.23 O-18 --- Peter Lisbeth 1966 HPS Willisau 17.17,9 ----- (26448) Diplom Video 11.27 O-18 --- Peter Marc-André 1994 Eschenbach LU 7.14,6 ----- (26609) Diplom Video 4.47 F-3 --- Peter Marcel 1967 Peter, Starrkirch-Wil 10.24,1 ----- (16937) Diplom Video 6.53 F-3 --- Peter Michel 2003 Peter, Luzern 6.31,1 ----- (14496) Diplom Video 4.19 F-3 --- Peter Mirjam 1970 Peter, Luzern 6.31,1 ----- (14495) Diplom Video 4.19 F-3 --- Peter Nick 2010 Peter, Horw 13.57,0 ----- (16594) Diplom Video 9.14 S-12 65. Peter Pascal 2001 St.Karli, Luzern 9.07,1 1.39,9 (33423) Diplom Video 4.20 F-3 --- Peter Pius 1968 Peter, Luzern 6.31,1 ----- (14494) Diplom Video 4.19 F-3 --- Peter Roland 1971 Peter, Luzern 6.37,5 ----- (15371) Diplom Video 4.23 K-28 51. Peter Roli 1971 Luzern Reussbühl 23.22,8 5.06,5 (6079) Diplom Video 4.08 O-17 873. Peter Sarah 1993 Höhere Fachschule Gesundh 11.34,7 6.15,6 (20752) Diplom Video 7.40 O-19 1110. Peter Stefan 1961 Schindler Elevator 19.24,1 9.08,6 (22120) Diplom Video 5.54 O-18 --- Peterer Angela 1958 Stiftung Brändi 7.19,6 ----- (26346) Diplom Video 4.51 S-11 35. Peterhans Anna-Sophie 2002 Letten, Sins 10.11,6 1.09,7 (31109) Diplom Video 4.51 K-6 119. Petermann Fabian 2004 Römerswil LU 6.56,5 1.35,6 (5115) Diplom Video 4.35 O-19 1154. Petermann Marco 1988 Net-Design AG 19.54,5 9.39,0 (23200) Diplom Video 6.04 O-18 --- Petermann Michelle 1994 SLRG Luzern 9.56,4 ----- (26129) Diplom Video 6.34 S-2 294. Petermann Nehemia 2004 Neuheim, Eschenbach 9.05,0 3.17,0 (32117) Diplom Video 6.00 K-6 183. Petermann Pirmin 2006 Römerswil LU 8.02,6 2.41,7 (5116) Diplom Video 5.19 K-33 264. Petermann Raffaela 1987 Hochschule Luzern, United 32.12,7 12.47,8 (24108) Diplom Video 5.42 K-7 113. Petermann Sabrina 2003 Römerswil LU 7.33,7 2.12,3 (8130) Diplom Video 5.00 O-17 1063. Petermann Sepp 1962 Heini, Blumen Garten, Luz 13.32,4 8.13,3 (20198) Diplom Video 8.58 F-3 --- Petitjean Luc 2005 Sidler, Meggen 8.50,0 ----- (14847) Diplom Video 5.50 F-3 --- Petitjean Yves 2003 Sidler, Meggen 8.50,0 ----- (14845) Diplom Video 5.50 S-4 124. Petoud Michel 2003 Steinhof, Luzern 7.09,1 1.29,3 (34327) Diplom Video 4.44 F-3 --- Petrig Jan 2007 Hofmann, Affoltern am Alb 11.23,2 ----- (18952) Diplom Video 7.32 F-3 --- Petrig Karin 1970 Hofmann, Affoltern am Alb 11.23,2 ----- (18954) Diplom Video 7.32 O-18 --- Petrillo Alessandro 1991 Cool Running 7.31,1 ----- (26015) Diplom Video 4.58 K-25 49. Petrillo Amanda 1974 St. Erhard 22.32,7 8.24,0 (4644) Diplom Video 5.49 F-1 --- Petrillo Amanda 1974 Petrillo, St Erhard ----- ----- (10172) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Petrillo Caio 2009 Petrillo, St Erhard ----- ----- (10174) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Petrillo Luna 2007 Petrillo, St Erhard ----- ----- (10173) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Petrillo Rico 1973 Petrillo, St Erhard ----- ----- (10171) Diplom Video ---- O-17 1112. Petrino Tonia 1962 Touring Club Schweiz 14.26,6 9.07,5 (20671) Diplom Video 9.33 O-18 --- Petris Liliana 1963 Wild Boar Clan Of Loch Lu 15.21,6 ----- (26103) Diplom Video 10.10 O-18 --- Petris Pirmin 1974 Wild Boar Clan Of Loch Lu 15.19,3 ----- (26104) Diplom Video 10.08 O-19 1108. Petrongolo Nadja 1993 Pädagogische Hochschule L 19.23,7 9.08,2 (22766) Diplom Video 5.54 O-19 175. Petruccelli Davide 1974 Elektrisola Feindraht AG 13.34,9 3.19,4 (22565) Diplom Video 4.08 S-11 27. Pettersson Jessica 2003 Hofmatt, Oberägerie 9.59,6 0.57,7 (31144) Diplom Video 4.45 S-4 138. Peyer Fabian 2004 Kemmatten, Hünenberg See 7.16,0 1.36,2 (34023) Diplom Video 4.48 O-19 30. Peyer Remo 1990 Pilatus Flugzeugwerke AG 11.46,1 1.30,6 (23141) Diplom Video 3.35 F-3 --- Pfäffli Evelyne 1976 Pfäffli, Reiden 13.15,1 ----- (13280) Diplom Video 8.46 F-3 --- Pfäffli Julian 2008 Pfäffli, Reiden 13.15,1 ----- (13281) Diplom Video 8.46 K-23 19. Pfäffli Leandra 1996 Brittnau 15.55,0 2.03,4 (3754) Diplom Video 4.06 F-3 --- Pfäffli Luca 2010 Pfäffli, Reiden 13.15,1 ----- (13282) Diplom Video 8.46 K-21 16. Pfäffli Manuel 1998 Brittnau 14.26,7 1.37,9 (40094) Diplom Video 3.43 F-3 --- Pfäffli Philipp 1973 Pfäffli, Reiden 13.15,1 ----- (13279) Diplom Video 8.46 O-17 1186. Pfäuti Sibylle 1975 GKS Architekten 15.54,2 10.35,1 (20561) Diplom Video 10.31 K-33 72. Pfeiffer David 1974 SBB 24.35,0 5.10,1 (24040) Diplom Video 4.21 O-19 867. Pfeiffer Mariella 1986 Roche Diagnostics Interna 17.53,2 7.37,7 (23398) Diplom Video 5.27 K-31 --- Pfeiffer Sabrina 1987 BSC-Luzern 15.24,6 ----- (27005) Diplom Video 10.12 F-3 --- Pfenniger Elias 2010 Pfenniger, Root 13.24,6 ----- (12371) Diplom Video 8.52 F-3 --- Pfenniger Patrick 1972 Pfenniger, Root 13.24,6 ----- (12368) Diplom Video 8.52 F-3 --- Pfenniger Sophie 2008 Pfenniger, Root 13.24,6 ----- (12370) Diplom Video 8.52 K-33 216. Pfenniger Tanja 1976 Swiss Holiday Park AG 29.45,0 10.20,1 (40098) Diplom Video 5.16 O-19 717. Pfenninger Martina 1991 Luzerner Kantonsspital LU 17.09,1 6.53,6 (22965) Diplom Video 5.13 K-15 96. Pfenninger Ramona 2001 Brunnen 11.24,2 4.04,5 (40097) Diplom Video 5.25 F-3 --- Pfenninger Romina 2007 Keller, Wolhusen 7.49,2 ----- (14006) Diplom Video 5.10 O-19 368. Pfister Andrea 1988 FelderVogel AG, Luzern 15.04,2 4.48,7 (22019) Diplom Video 4.35 O-19 1047. Pfister Christine 1963 Luzerner Kantonsspital LU 18.58,5 8.43,0 (22966) Diplom Video 5.47 F-1 --- Pfister Eveline 1981 Pfister, Altishofen ----- ----- (10876) Diplom Video ---- O-18 --- Pfister Karin 1969 Stiftung Brändi 16.56,3 ----- (26347) Diplom Video 11.13 K-7 191. Pfister Martina 2004 TV Grosswangen 9.07,5 3.46,1 (8011) Diplom Video 6.02 O-19 1291. Pfister Melanie 1982 AS Aufzüge AG 21.42,2 11.26,7 (22277) Diplom Video 6.37 F-3 --- Pfister Melina 2005 Pfister, Walchwil 8.12,4 ----- (15155) Diplom Video 5.26 S-4 61. Pfister Nick 2003 Meiersmatt, Kriens 6.34,0 0.54,2 (34184) Diplom Video 4.20 K-14 36. Pfister Nora 1999 Luzern 9.45,3 2.50,3 (5738) Diplom Video 4.38 K-16 104. Pfister Orell 2002 Luzern 10.21,7 3.13,9 (2681) Diplom Video 4.56 F-3 --- Pfister Priska 1976 Pfister, Walchwil 8.12,4 ----- (15154) Diplom Video 5.26 F-1 --- Pfister Severin 2010 Pfister, Altishofen ----- ----- (10878) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Pfister Urs 1980 Pfister, Altishofen ----- ----- (10875) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Pfister Yannick 2008 Pfister, Altishofen ----- ----- (10877) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Pfrunder Elin 2012 Pfrunder, Wolhusen 11.25,9 ----- (12214) Diplom Video 7.34 F-3 --- Pfrunder Jannis 2006 Pfrunder, Wolhusen 11.25,9 ----- (12212) Diplom Video 7.34 F-3 --- Pfrunder Lena 2008 Pfrunder, Wolhusen 11.25,9 ----- (12213) Diplom Video 7.34 S-12 282. Pfrunder Nando 2003 Neues Schulhaus, Hohenrai 10.53,2 3.26,0 (33347) Diplom Video 5.11 F-3 --- Pfrunder Patrick 1972 Pfrunder, Wolhusen 11.25,9 ----- (12210) Diplom Video 7.34 O-19 280. Pfrunder Patrick 1972 Müller Martini, Machinen+ 14.30,8 4.15,3 (23282) Diplom Video 4.25 O-17 279. Pfrunder Peter 1982 Luzerner Psychiatrie 9.00,6 3.41,5 (20619) Diplom Video 5.58 F-3 --- Pfrunder Petra 1975 Pfrunder, Wolhusen 11.25,9 ----- (12211) Diplom Video 7.34 F-3 --- Pfulg Anina 2008 Pfulg, Zug 10.03,6 ----- (18353) Diplom Video 6.39 F-3 --- Pfulg Chiara 2004 Pfulg, Zug 10.03,6 ----- (18352) Diplom Video 6.39 F-3 --- Pfulg Daniel 1971 Pfulg, Zug 10.03,6 ----- (18351) Diplom Video 6.39 O-17 1005. Pfyffer Chantal 1982 elfo ag 12.29,6 7.10,5 (20286) Diplom Video 8.16 F-3 --- Pfyffer Elia 2005 Pfyffer-Stampfli, Menznau 7.01,2 ----- (15146) Diplom Video 4.38 F-3 --- Pfyffer Jana 2004 Pfyffer-Stampfli, Menznau 7.01,2 ----- (15145) Diplom Video 4.38 O-17 468. Pfyffer Joel 1995 Luzerner Kantonalbank 9.48,1 4.29,0 (20926) Diplom Video 6.29 F-3 --- Pfyffer Peter 1970 Pfyffer-Stampfli, Menznau 7.01,2 ----- (15143) Diplom Video 4.38 F-3 --- Pfyffer-Stampfli Claudi 1972 Pfyffer-Stampfli, Menznau 7.01,2 ----- (15144) Diplom Video 4.38 O-17 1134. Pham Dao 1974 Touring Club Schweiz 14.33,0 9.13,9 (20672) Diplom Video 9.38 K-32 --- Philipona Fabienne 1960 Luzerner Höhenklinik Mont 11.39,1 ----- (28029) Diplom Video 7.42 F-3 --- Philipona Yannis 2004 Wagner, Kriens 10.24,4 ----- (18031) Diplom Video 6.53 S-4 214. Philipp Adrienne 2004 Riedmatt, Zug 7.49,4 2.09,6 (34088) Diplom Video 5.10 O-18 --- Piani Carlo 1963 Stiftung Brändi 13.04,8 ----- (26348) Diplom Video 8.39 O-18 --- Piani Mirella 2001 Stiftung Brändi 7.34,4 ----- (26349) Diplom Video 5.00 O-18 --- Piani Monika 1963 Stiftung Brändi 9.06,4 ----- (26350) Diplom Video 6.01 O-18 --- Piani Morena 2003 Stiftung Brändi 8.59,4 ----- (26351) Diplom Video 5.57 K-20 6. Piazza Camillo 1995 Horw 14.12,7 1.47,4 (9012) Diplom Video 3.40 K-35 18. Piazza Livio 1992 Horw 20.18,2 2.37,8 (7568) Diplom Video 3.35 K-21 11. Piazza Matteo 1998 Horw 13.57,7 1.08,9 (4030) Diplom Video 3.36 K-21 1. Picard Alexandre 1998 Rolle 12.48,8 ----- (40099) Diplom Video 3.18 O-17 155. Pigeon Fabienne 1988 Stadt Luzern STAV 8.27,9 3.08,8 (20303) Diplom Video 5.36 F-3 --- Piktija Jelena 1976 Cid, Luzern 11.39,3 ----- (15016) Diplom Video 7.43 K-29 4. Pileggi Andrea 1964 Luzern 20.21,6 0.50,9 (9768) Diplom Video 3.36 K-29 37. Pilet Yvan 1961 Aigle 23.48,7 4.18,0 (9795) Diplom Video 4.13 S-2 233. Pina Alves Alicia 2004 Sunnegrund, Steinhausen 8.15,0 2.27,0 (32021) Diplom Video 5.27 S-2 272. Pinheiro Tostao Iris 2005 Bündtmättli, Malters 8.32,1 2.44,1 (32160) Diplom Video 5.39 O-19 1263. Pinkepank Heiko 1970 Zahnarzt Team Luzern 20.59,7 10.44,2 (22095) Diplom Video 6.24 F-3 --- Pinösch Gian-Peider 1976 Steiger, Rothenburg 10.50,6 ----- (14877) Diplom Video 7.10 S-2 42. Pinto Lino 2004 Risch 6.46,9 0.58,9 (32043) Diplom Video 4.29 O-19 782. Pirali Gianni 1959 Leuag AG 17.32,3 7.16,8 (22298) Diplom Video 5.20 O-17 1201. Pircher Céline 1996 Miafon AG 16.19,0 10.59,9 (20294) Diplom Video 10.48 K-33 132. Pisano Antonio 1971 Sonnmatt Luzern 27.03,7 7.38,8 (24018) Diplom Video 4.47 O-17 606. Pisano Fabrizio 1981 Stadt Luzern, StGL 10.20,9 5.01,8 (20312) Diplom Video 6.51 K-23 87. Pittini Tiziana 1988 Luzern 20.15,2 6.23,6 (3741) Diplom Video 5.14 O-17 95. Pizzella Federica 1991 Kanton Luzern - JP 7.57,5 2.38,4 (20065) Diplom Video 5.16 O-17 315. Plank Marcel 1984 Kaspar Moos AG 9.13,6 3.54,5 (20099) Diplom Video 6.06 O-17 300. Plank Partick 1982 Kaspar Moos AG 9.09,0 3.49,9 (20100) Diplom Video 6.03 K-16 37. Plankl Joel 2002 Root 8.38,8 1.31,0 (2723) Diplom Video 4.07 F-3 --- Planzer André 1973 Planzer, Schattdorf 13.13,8 ----- (13320) Diplom Video 8.45 F-3 --- Planzer Anna 2009 Planzer, Schattdorf 13.13,8 ----- (13322) Diplom Video 8.45 F-3 --- Planzer Edith 1979 Planzer, Schattdorf 13.13,8 ----- (13321) Diplom Video 8.45 O-19 818. Planzer Margrit 1956 Luzerner Kantonsspital LU 17.40,7 7.25,2 (22967) Diplom Video 5.23 F-3 --- Planzer Matteo 2011 Planzer, Schattdorf 13.13,8 ----- (13323) Diplom Video 8.45 F-3 --- Planzer Meyer Brigitta 1972 Meyer, Wolhusen 7.50,8 ----- (15033) Diplom Video 5.11 F-3 --- Planzer Muoser Susi 1971 Muoser, Altdorf UR 7.43,3 ----- (18251) Diplom Video 5.06 O-17 250. Platis Elin 2001 HPZ Sunnebüel, Schüpfheim 8.51,7 3.32,6 (20256) Diplom Video 5.52 O-19 239. Platz Aldo 1982 Schindler Elevator 14.10,3 3.54,8 (22121) Diplom Video 4.19 F-3 --- Platz Aldo 1982 Platz, Kriens 9.55,1 ----- (14350) Diplom Video 6.34 O-19 627. Plaza Roberto 1989 Pädagogische Hochschule L 16.39,9 6.24,4 (22767) Diplom Video 5.04 K-32 --- Plebani Sarah 1974 Die Post 14.26,2 ----- (28037) Diplom Video 9.33 O-17 709. Pleintinger Nadine 1986 Emmi Schweiz AG 10.46,7 5.27,6 (20489) Diplom Video 7.08 S-2 98. Plüss Elias 2004 Bündtmättli, Malters 7.15,0 1.27,0 (32166) Diplom Video 4.48 K-25 16. Plüss Karen 1973 Obernau 17.20,3 3.11,6 (4646) Diplom Video 4.28 F-3 --- Plüss Malin 2010 Plüss, Meggen 13.24,0 ----- (15173) Diplom Video 8.52 F-3 --- Plüss Mirco 1981 Plüss, Meggen 13.24,0 ----- (15172) Diplom Video 8.52 F-3 --- Plüss Selma 2012 Plüss, Meggen 13.24,0 ----- (15174) Diplom Video 8.52 O-17 756. Plüss Yannis 1997 Radisson Blu Hotel, Lucer 11.04,5 5.45,4 (20841) Diplom Video 7.20 O-19 453. Pohl Christian 1970 CKW Powerteam 15.34,9 5.19,4 (23422) Diplom Video 4.45 K-36 9. Pohl Dominik 1995 LC Uster 7.27,2 0.11,8 (456) Diplom Video 3.01 F-3 --- Poletti Celestine 2004 Poletti, Hergiswil 8.52,0 ----- (19066) Diplom Video 5.52 F-3 --- Poletti Loreena 2006 Poletti, Hergiswil 8.52,0 ----- (19087) Diplom Video 5.52 F-3 --- Poletti Martin 1964 Poletti, Hergiswil 8.52,0 ----- (19089) Diplom Video 5.52 F-3 --- Poletti Maurice 2005 Poletti, Hergiswil 8.52,0 ----- (19065) Diplom Video 5.52 F-3 --- Poletti Vreni 1966 Poletti, Hergiswil 8.52,0 ----- (19037) Diplom Video 5.52 O-17 256. Poli Angela 1956 Höhere Fachschule Gesundh 8.53,2 3.34,1 (20753) Diplom Video 5.53 K-32 --- Polli Daniela 1953 Behindertensportgruppe Ho 17.07,3 ----- (28019) Diplom Video 11.20 S-12 415. Pönitzsch Falco 2002 Acher Süd, Unterägeri 12.46,9 5.19,7 (33031) Diplom Video 6.05 F-1 --- Pons Andrea 1972 Pons, Luzern ----- ----- (10352) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Pons Jonas 2010 Pons, Luzern ----- ----- (10353) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Pons Levin 2008 Pons, Luzern 8.35,6 ----- (12765) Diplom Video 5.41 F-3 --- Pons Patrick 1976 Pons, Luzern 8.35,6 ----- (12764) Diplom Video 5.41 K-33 271. Pontius Robert 1977 ALDI SUISSE AG Zn Dagmers 32.26,5 13.01,6 (24186) Diplom Video 5.45 K-35 105. Poopalasingam Kirusanth 1990 Dietikon 26.17,9 8.37,5 (7607) Diplom Video 4.39 K-33 163. Poopalasingam Sainuka 1991 Hochschule Luzern, United 27.52,9 8.28,0 (24109) Diplom Video 4.56 K-23 53. Poopalasingam Sainuka 1991 Dietikon 18.15,0 4.23,4 (3686) Diplom Video 4.42 S-4 30. Popaj Ekzon 2003 Hofmatt, Schötz 6.19,2 0.39,4 (34107) Diplom Video 4.11 O-18 --- Popaj Florentina 1995 Stiftung Brändi 12.12,0 ----- (26352) Diplom Video 8.04 S-2 269. Popovic Damjan 2004 Würzenbach, Luzern 8.30,7 2.42,7 (32150) Diplom Video 5.38 K-7 156. Popovic Lara 2006 TV Reussbühl Leichtathlet 8.13,4 2.52,0 (8164) Diplom Video 5.26 O-19 208. Popp Daniel 1987 Luzerner Kantonsspital LU 13.51,9 3.36,4 (23466) Diplom Video 4.13 F-3 --- Portmann Alex 1979 Portmann, Emmenbrücke 13.05,2 ----- (14113) Diplom Video 8.40 O-17 506. Portmann Alex 1979 Luzerner Kantonalbank 9.57,7 4.38,6 (20927) Diplom Video 6.35 F-3 --- Portmann Alicia 2007 Portmann, Kriens 8.53,4 ----- (13265) Diplom Video 5.53 O-19 713. Portmann Andrea 1982 Schmidianer 17.08,2 6.52,7 (22448) Diplom Video 5.13 F-3 --- Portmann Andrin 2005 Portmann, Rothenburg 7.19,3 ----- (18201) Diplom Video 4.50 K-7 184. Portmann Barbara 2008 Ruswil 8.40,7 3.19,3 (8131) Diplom Video 5.44 F-3 --- Portmann Beat 1977 Portmann, Schötz 10.42,3 ----- (13424) Diplom Video 7.05 O-17 577. Portmann Carmen 1993 Höhere Fachschule Gesundh 10.16,9 4.57,8 (20754) Diplom Video 6.48 F-3 --- Portmann Cäsar 1969 Portmann-Widmer, Ruswil 8.49,2 ----- (16424) Diplom Video 5.50 F-1 --- Portmann Céline 1969 Portmann, Kriens ----- ----- (10644) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Portmann Christoph 1975 Portmann, Hasle 11.36,8 ----- (15168) Diplom Video 7.41 F-3 --- Portmann Colin 2007 Portmann-Widmer, Ruswil 8.49,2 ----- (16427) Diplom Video 5.50 F-3 --- Portmann Cornelia 1973 Portmann, Malters 10.48,5 ----- (13499) Diplom Video 7.09 F-3 --- Portmann Dani 1971 Portmann, Engelberg 9.30,4 ----- (14358) Diplom Video 6.17 O-17 804. Portmann Daniela 1996 Reg. Wohn- und Pflegezent 11.17,1 5.58,0 (20595) Diplom Video 7.28 F-3 --- Portmann Erwin 1963 Portmann, Rothenburg 7.19,3 ----- (18200) Diplom Video 4.50 F-3 --- Portmann Erwin 1967 Portmann, Malters 10.48,5 ----- (13498) Diplom Video 7.09 F-3 --- Portmann Gian 2004 Portmann, Meierskappel 7.55,6 ----- (16580) Diplom Video 5.14 F-3 --- Portmann Hanny 1971 Portmann, Hasle 11.36,8 ----- (15167) Diplom Video 7.41 S-12 44. Portmann Ivan 2001 Grünau, Neuenkirch 8.56,2 1.29,0 (33428) Diplom Video 4.15 K-6 64. Portmann Jan 2003 Jugi Buttisholz 6.26,0 1.05,1 (5059) Diplom Video 4.15 F-3 --- Portmann Jana 2005 Portmann, Hasle 11.36,8 ----- (15169) Diplom Video 7.41 O-19 1220. Portmann Jara 1996 kgm Menzingen, Menzingen 20.37,6 10.22,1 (22011) Diplom Video 6.17 S-12 33. Portmann Jari 2003 Acher Süd, Unterägeri 8.46,5 1.19,3 (33040) Diplom Video 4.10 F-3 --- Portmann Jasmin 2005 Portmann, Malters 10.48,5 ----- (13501) Diplom Video 7.09 F-3 --- Portmann Jessica 2010 Portmann, Emmenbrücke 13.05,2 ----- (14115) Diplom Video 8.40 K-22 30. Portmann Joel 2000 Malters 16.31,0 3.16,0 (1537) Diplom Video 4.16 F-3 --- Portmann Joel 2007 Portmann, Hasle 11.36,8 ----- (15171) Diplom Video 7.41 F-3 --- Portmann Jonas 2007 Portmann, Hasle 11.36,8 ----- (15170) Diplom Video 7.41 F-3 --- Portmann Jörg 1977 Portmann, Kriens 8.53,4 ----- (13264) Diplom Video 5.53 F-3 --- Portmann Karin 1975 Teuffer, Schüpfheim 8.41,8 ----- (15112) Diplom Video 5.45 K-22 44. Portmann Lars 1999 Malters 18.10,7 4.55,7 (1538) Diplom Video 4.41 F-1 --- Portmann Lennox 2010 Portmann, Kriens ----- ----- (10647) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Portmann Leon 2009 Portmann, Emmenbrücke 13.05,2 ----- (14114) Diplom Video 8.40 F-1 --- Portmann Liam 2008 Portmann, Kriens ----- ----- (10646) Diplom Video ---- O-18 --- Portmann Lisbeth 1960 Marbach LU 7.37,7 ----- (26549) Diplom Video 5.03 F-3 --- Portmann Livia 2008 Portmann, Malters 10.48,5 ----- (13502) Diplom Video 7.09 F-3 --- Portmann Luan 2009 Portmann, Meierskappel 7.55,6 ----- (16581) Diplom Video 5.14 S-12 413. Portmann Luca 2000 Morgarten 12.44,1 5.16,9 (33070) Diplom Video 6.03 F-3 --- Portmann Lucas 2008 Cid, Luzern 11.39,3 ----- (15017) Diplom Video 7.43 O-19 411. Portmann Lukas 1964 Universität Luzern 15.18,2 5.02,7 (22541) Diplom Video 4.39 O-17 120. Portmann Markus 1967 Feuerwehr Stadt Luzern 8.12,1 2.53,0 (20091) Diplom Video 5.25 F-3 --- Portmann Markus 1972 Portmann, Meierskappel 7.55,6 ----- (16578) Diplom Video 5.14 F-3 --- Portmann Mateo 2012 Cid, Luzern 11.39,3 ----- (15018) Diplom Video 7.43 F-1 --- Portmann Michael 1970 Portmann, Kriens ----- ----- (10645) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Portmann Michelle 2008 Portmann, Engelberg 9.30,4 ----- (14360) Diplom Video 6.17 O-19 410. Portmann Monika 1987 ewp bucher dillier AG 15.18,1 5.02,6 (22649) Diplom Video 4.39 O-17 352. Portmann Nadine 1993 Sunneziel Meggen 9.25,1 4.06,0 (20974) Diplom Video 6.14 F-3 --- Portmann Nando 2007 Portmann, Dierikon 7.50,5 ----- (15237) Diplom Video 5.11 F-3 --- Portmann Nico 2009 Portmann, Engelberg 9.30,4 ----- (14361) Diplom Video 6.17 F-3 --- Portmann Nicole 1970 Portmann, Dierikon 7.50,5 ----- (15236) Diplom Video 5.11 S-4 37. Portmann Ramon 2003 Dorf, Hasle 6.24,3 0.44,5 (34311) Diplom Video 4.14 S-2 162. Portmann Ramona 2005 Dorf, Hasle 7.44,5 1.56,5 (32248) Diplom Video 5.07 F-3 --- Portmann Sabina 1973 Portmann, Meierskappel 7.55,6 ----- (16579) Diplom Video 5.14 K-7 3. Portmann Sara 2003 Malters 5.26,3 0.04,9 (8132) Diplom Video 3.36 O-17 265. Portmann Sarah 1995 Klinik St. Anna 8.55,8 3.36,7 (21090) Diplom Video 5.54 F-3 --- Portmann Selin 2005 Portmann-Widmer, Ruswil 8.49,2 ----- (16426) Diplom Video 5.50 K-33 74. Portmann Severin 1985 Pilatus Flugzeugwerke AG 24.38,5 5.13,6 (24273) Diplom Video 4.22 F-3 --- Portmann Sina 2003 Portmann, Malters 10.48,5 ----- (13500) Diplom Video 7.09 O-18 --- Portmann Stephan 1987 TV Schötz 6.36,0 ----- (26144) Diplom Video 4.22 F-3 --- Portmann Susanne 1973 Portmann, Engelberg 9.30,4 ----- (14359) Diplom Video 6.17 O-19 528. Portmann Susanne 1983 Druckerei Odermatt AG 16.00,9 5.45,4 (22585) Diplom Video 4.52 K-35 45. Portmann Thomas 1985 Langenbruck 22.13,4 4.33,0 (7569) Diplom Video 3.56 S-2 133. Portmann Tobias 2005 Ruopigen, Luzern 7.30,8 1.42,8 (32240) Diplom Video 4.58 F-3 --- Portmann Vanessa 2007 Portmann, Schötz 10.42,3 ----- (13425) Diplom Video 7.05 F-3 --- Portmann-Widmer Esther 1973 Portmann-Widmer, Ruswil 8.49,2 ----- (16425) Diplom Video 5.50 O-17 296. Possu Mayté 1996 Kaspar Moos AG 9.08,0 3.48,9 (20101) Diplom Video 6.02 F-1 --- Preckel Alessandra 1976 Preckel, Luzern ----- ----- (10826) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Preckel Daniel 1975 Preckel, Luzern ----- ----- (10825) Diplom Video ---- O-19 1001. Preckel Daniel 1974 Bildungs- und Kulturdepar 18.33,9 8.18,4 (22492) Diplom Video 5.39 F-1 --- Preckel Emma 2013 Preckel, Luzern ----- ----- (10828) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Preckel Martha 2011 Preckel, Luzern ----- ----- (10827) Diplom Video ---- S-12 103. Preier Gian 2002 Dorf, Mauensee 9.22,9 1.55,7 (33144) Diplom Video 4.28 F-3 --- Preier Luca 2006 Metzler, Sursee 9.23,5 ----- (16935) Diplom Video 6.13 O-19 748. Prenka Samson 1996 Druckerei Odermatt AG 17.23,8 7.08,3 (22586) Diplom Video 5.18 F-3 --- Prest-Egger Alexandra 1975 Prest, Luzern 9.45,3 ----- (17053) Diplom Video 6.27 F-3 --- Prest Julia 2008 Prest, Luzern 9.45,3 ----- (17055) Diplom Video 6.27 F-3 --- Prest Micha 1978 Prest, Luzern 9.45,3 ----- (17048) Diplom Video 6.27 K-33 191. Price Kylie 1973 Pilatus Flugzeugwerke AG 28.49,3 9.24,4 (24274) Diplom Video 5.06 K-15 33. Prince Lara 2001 Obernau 9.26,0 2.06,3 (1064) Diplom Video 4.29 F-3 --- Prince Laurent 1970 Prince, Obernau 7.25,8 ----- (16247) Diplom Video 4.55 F-3 --- Prince Mélanie 2003 Prince, Obernau 7.25,8 ----- (16249) Diplom Video 4.55 F-3 --- Prince Nicole 1975 Prince, Obernau 7.25,8 ----- (16248) Diplom Video 4.55 O-17 502. Prince Nicole 1975 Luzerner Kantonalbank 9.56,9 4.37,8 (20928) Diplom Video 6.35 O-17 505. Probst Christoph 1977 auviso audio visual solut 9.57,6 4.38,5 (20855) Diplom Video 6.35 O-17 1210. Probst Denise 1971 Spielkiste Schweiz AG 16.29,2 11.10,1 (20168) Diplom Video 10.55 K-23 32. Probst Linda 1993 Kerns 17.10,3 3.18,7 (3687) Diplom Video 4.26 O-19 258. Probst Remo 1977 Mobility Genossenschaft 14.19,6 4.04,1 (22860) Diplom Video 4.22 O-19 796. Prudente Alina Chiara 2002 Eberli Sarnen 17.35,7 7.20,2 (22161) Diplom Video 5.21 O-19 1268. Prudente Angelo 1966 Eberli Sarnen 21.02,4 10.46,9 (22162) Diplom Video 6.24 O-19 799. Prudente Evelyne 1973 Eberli Sarnen 17.36,2 7.20,7 (22163) Diplom Video 5.22 O-19 1267. Prudente Ramon Nando 2005 Eberli Sarnen 21.02,2 10.46,7 (22164) Diplom Video 6.24 O-19 3. Puls Klaas 1973 Luzerner Psychiatrie 10.36,1 0.20,6 (23191) Diplom Video 3.13 S-4 155. Punrumpug Michelle 2003 Hofmatt, Oberägeri 7.24,4 1.44,6 (34037) Diplom Video 4.54 K-6 73. Püntener Dario 2003 Obernau 6.29,0 1.08,1 (5117) Diplom Video 4.17 K-6 186. Püntener Ivan 2006 Obernau 8.09,5 2.48,6 (5118) Diplom Video 5.24 O-17 327. Purrazzello Valentino 1993 zb Zentralbahn AG 9.17,6 3.58,5 (20817) Diplom Video 6.09 O-19 602. Pürro Jasmin 1991 Universität Luzern 16.30,1 6.14,6 (22542) Diplom Video 5.01 S-4 76. Purtschert Marvin 2003 Hofmatt, Schötz 6.41,8 1.02,0 (34108) Diplom Video 4.26 O-19 662. Purtschert Nadja 1989 Pädagogische Hochschule S 16.50,9 6.35,4 (22229) Diplom Video 5.08 O-18 --- Pusterla Christina 1986 Zuger Chriesisturm 16.41,5 ----- (26592) Diplom Video 11.03
Total 368

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