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Luzerner Stadtlauf 2014 - nach Name "H"
Kategorie Rang Name Jg Team/Ortschaft Zeit Rückstand Stnr Schnitt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F-3 --- Haack Anne-Catherine 2003 Haack, Hünenberg See 9.42,1 ----- (12325) Diplom Video 6.25 F-3 --- Haack Carsten 1963 Haack, Hünenberg See 9.42,1 ----- (12324) Diplom Video 6.25 F-3 --- Haack Claudia 1962 Haack, Hünenberg See 9.42,1 ----- (12323) Diplom Video 6.25 O-19 518. Haack Patrick 1987 Roche Diagnostics Interna 15.59,1 5.43,6 (23382) Diplom Video 4.52 F-3 --- Haak Djan 2004 Cutrì-Troxler, Rothenburg 13.35,6 ----- (13239) Diplom Video 9.00 O-17 636. Haari Corinne 1984 CASCADA Hotel & Bolero Re 10.26,1 5.07,0 (20981) Diplom Video 6.54 F-1 --- Haas Alena 2008 Suter, Entlebuch ----- ----- (10539) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Haas Anton 1968 Hofer, Risch 9.47,7 ----- (12408) Diplom Video 6.29 O-17 688. Haas Bertha 1953 HPZ Sunnebüel, Schüpfheim 10.40,6 5.21,5 (20244) Diplom Video 7.04 F-3 --- Haas Carina 2009 Haas, Marbach 9.22,0 ----- (15339) Diplom Video 6.12 F-3 --- Haas Christoph 1974 Haas, Luzern 8.14,4 ----- (14571) Diplom Video 5.27 F-3 --- Haas Claudia 1977 Haas, Marbach 9.22,0 ----- (15338) Diplom Video 6.12 F-3 --- Haas Corinne 1977 Haas, Kriens 8.45,8 ----- (18018) Diplom Video 5.48 F-1 --- Haas-Dahinden Roland 1971 Haas, Luzern ----- ----- (10794) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Haas Diana 1978 Haas, Kriens 9.16,7 ----- (16415) Diplom Video 6.08 S-2 151. Haas Eliane 2004 Obernau 7.39,8 1.51,8 (32280) Diplom Video 5.04 F-3 --- Haas Elias 2009 Haas, Kriens 9.16,7 ----- (16416) Diplom Video 6.08 S-2 113. Haas Florian 2004 Obernau 7.21,2 1.33,2 (32281) Diplom Video 4.52 F-1 --- Haas Franca 2010 Haas, Luzern ----- ----- (10796) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Haas Gian Luca 2006 Haas, Marbach 6.44,2 ----- (15341) Diplom Video 4.27 O-18 --- Haas Jonas 2002 STV Willisau 7.46,5 ----- (26219) Diplom Video 5.08 F-1 --- Haas Julie 2012 Haas, Luzern ----- ----- (10605) Diplom Video ---- K-6 36. Haas Juri 2004 Obernau 6.09,6 0.48,7 (5080) Diplom Video 4.04 K-6 125. Haas Lino 2005 Obernau 7.01,1 1.40,2 (5081) Diplom Video 4.38 O-19 309. Haas Lukas 1972 PanGas AG, Dagmersellen 14.43,9 4.28,4 (22469) Diplom Video 4.29 F-3 --- Haas Maissen Lea 1968 Maissen, Horw 6.48,8 ----- (18432) Diplom Video 4.30 F-1 --- Haas Maline 2005 Haas, Luzern ----- ----- (10604) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Haas Marco 1969 Suter, Entlebuch ----- ----- (10537) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Haas Maurin 2006 Haas, Kriens 8.45,8 ----- (18019) Diplom Video 5.48 F-3 --- Haas Mike 1975 Haas, Kriens 9.16,7 ----- (16414) Diplom Video 6.08 F-3 --- Haas Nevio 2007 Haas, Luzern 8.14,4 ----- (14572) Diplom Video 5.27 K-7 165. Haas Nora 2005 Kriens 8.22,3 3.00,9 (8095) Diplom Video 5.32 F-3 --- Haas Pascal 1975 Haas, Obernau 9.18,5 ----- (14317) Diplom Video 6.09 F-3 --- Haas Patrick 1973 Haas, Marbach 6.44,2 ----- (15340) Diplom Video 4.27 F-3 --- Haas Romeo 2007 Haas, Obernau 9.18,5 ----- (14318) Diplom Video 6.09 O-19 572. Haas Sandra 1982 Emmi Schweiz AG 16.16,8 6.01,3 (23048) Diplom Video 4.57 F-1 --- Haas Simon 2008 Dahinden, Luzern ----- ----- (10785) Diplom Video ---- O-17 209. Haas Susanne 1956 St.Anna Stiftung 8.47,2 3.28,1 (20336) Diplom Video 5.49 K-33 167. Haas Svenja 1988 CILAG GmbH International 27.56,7 8.31,8 (40034) Diplom Video 4.57 K-29 48. Haas Toni 1959 Kriens 24.43,4 5.12,7 (9813) Diplom Video 4.23 F-1 --- Haas Valentin 2008 Dahinden, Luzern ----- ----- (10784) Diplom Video ---- O-17 73. Haase Joerg 1977 Manor Emmen 7.38,3 2.19,2 (21208) Diplom Video 5.03 S-12 113. Habegger Emily 2001 Grünau, Neuenkirch 9.25,8 1.58,6 (31130) Diplom Video 4.29 K-15 42. Häberli Julia 2002 LA Nidwalden 9.48,5 2.28,8 (1013) Diplom Video 4.40 K-29 DNF Häberli Werner 1956 Beromünster ----- ----- (9739) Video ---- F-3 --- Habermacher Carole 2004 Habermacher, Rothenburg 10.58,8 ----- (13363) Diplom Video 7.16 K-25 42. Habermacher Claudia 1969 Baar 21.40,1 7.31,4 (4668) Diplom Video 5.35 F-3 --- Habermacher Felix 1971 Habermacher, Rothenburg 10.58,8 ----- (13362) Diplom Video 7.16 O-18 --- Habermacher Hans 1943 Rothenburg 8.23,0 ----- (26531) Diplom Video 5.33 O-17 944. Habermacher Joana 1993 KiTa Langmatt 12.02,8 6.43,7 (21263) Diplom Video 7.58 F-3 --- Habermacher Joel 2007 Heer, Horw 8.28,8 ----- (18807) Diplom Video 5.36 O-17 64. Habermacher Josef 1961 Kanton Luzern - JP 7.34,7 2.15,6 (20063) Diplom Video 5.01 F-3 --- Habermacher Leandra 2008 Habermacher, Luzern 12.27,1 ----- (17133) Diplom Video 8.14 F-3 --- Habermacher Lukas 1963 Habermacher, Luzern 12.27,1 ----- (17126) Diplom Video 8.14 O-17 68. Habermacher Martin 1979 Bildungs- und Kulturdepar 7.35,7 2.16,6 (20175) Diplom Video 5.01 K-36 2. Habtemariam Millyon 1995 LC Fortuna 7.16,7 0.01,3 (454) Diplom Video 2.57 S-2 26. Hächler Res 2005 Oberwil 6.36,3 0.48,3 (32031) Diplom Video 4.22 S-4 85. Häcki Sarah 2003 Zälgli, Wolfenschiessen 6.45,9 1.06,1 (34133) Diplom Video 4.28 O-17 928. Hadorn Nadia 1990 KiTa Langmatt 11.57,9 6.38,8 (21264) Diplom Video 7.55 K-23 81. Häfelfinger Fabienne 1992 Liestal 19.58,7 6.07,1 (3655) Diplom Video 5.09 K-26 29. Häfelfinger Rita 1963 Liestal 20.49,9 5.35,7 (8712) Diplom Video 5.22 O-17 887. Haefeli Hans-Peter 1962 Haefeli Catering GmbH 11.40,7 6.21,6 (20798) Diplom Video 7.44 O-17 621. Haefeli Jonas 2011 Haefeli Catering GmbH 10.23,6 5.04,5 (20799) Diplom Video 6.52 O-19 823. Häfeli Julia 1995 KSB, Beromünster 17.41,9 7.26,4 (22031) Diplom Video 5.23 O-17 615. Haefeli Larissa 2001 Haefeli Catering GmbH 10.22,2 5.03,1 (20800) Diplom Video 6.52 O-17 598. Haefeli Marco 1993 Haefeli Catering GmbH 10.20,4 5.01,3 (20801) Diplom Video 6.50 K-35 52. Häfeli Ruben 1993 Luzern 22.46,2 5.05,8 (7613) Diplom Video 4.02 O-17 623. Haefeli Simona 1990 Haefeli Catering GmbH 10.23,9 5.04,8 (20802) Diplom Video 6.53 K-28 30. Hafen Andreas 1972 Oberglatt ZH 21.35,5 3.19,2 (6160) Diplom Video 3.49 F-3 --- Haffner Mühlebach Corin 1974 Haffner Mühlebach, Luzern 7.47,4 ----- (42001) Diplom Video 5.09 F-3 --- Häfliger Amanda 2007 Haefliger, Sursee 8.54,0 ----- (18002) Diplom Video 5.53 O-19 1271. Häfliger Andreas 1980 Network 41 21.11,7 10.56,2 (22321) Diplom Video 6.27 F-3 --- Häfliger Anja 1972 Häfliger, St. Niklausen L 12.16,4 ----- (13168) Diplom Video 8.07 F-3 --- Häfliger Annouk 2006 Häfliger, Emmenbrücke 9.57,6 ----- (15165) Diplom Video 6.35 K-25 14. Häfliger Astrid 1969 Alberswil 17.06,3 2.57,6 (4680) Diplom Video 4.25 F-1 --- Häfliger Barbara 1981 Häfliger, Luzern ----- ----- (11088) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Haefliger Basil 2005 Haefliger, Rothenburg 7.15,8 ----- (18164) Diplom Video 4.48 F-3 --- Haefliger Christoph 1969 Haefliger, Rothenburg 7.15,8 ----- (18163) Diplom Video 4.48 F-3 --- Häfliger Claudia 1972 Häfliger, St. Erhard 9.22,9 ----- (16336) Diplom Video 6.12 O-17 746. Häfliger Claudia 1968 Jato Düsenbau AG 11.01,6 5.42,5 (20207) Diplom Video 7.18 F-3 --- Häfliger Daniel 1970 Häfliger, St. Erhard 9.22,9 ----- (16335) Diplom Video 6.12 F-3 --- Häfliger Elin 2010 Häfliger, Stans 12.21,1 ----- (16404) Diplom Video 8.10 F-1 --- Häfliger Elin 2011 Häfliger, Sempach Stadt ----- ----- (11103) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Häfliger Elyn 2007 Häfliger, St. Erhard 9.22,9 ----- (16338) Diplom Video 6.12 F-3 --- Häfliger Emily 2007 Häfliger, St. Niklausen L 12.16,4 ----- (13169) Diplom Video 8.07 F-3 --- Häfliger Erwin 1962 Häfliger, Luzern 10.44,2 ----- (16362) Diplom Video 7.06 F-1 --- Häfliger Esther 1973 Häfliger, Malters ----- ----- (11098) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Häfliger Fabian 1977 Häfliger, Buttisholz ----- ----- (11089) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Häfliger Fabienne 1974 Häfliger, Sempach Stadt ----- ----- (11102) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Häfliger Finn 2009 Häfliger, St. Niklausen L 12.16,4 ----- (13170) Diplom Video 8.07 F-1 --- Häfliger Fionn 2010 Häfliger, Malters ----- ----- (11111) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Häfliger Gabi 1970 Häfliger, Emmenbrücke 9.57,6 ----- (15164) Diplom Video 6.35 S-12 117. Häfliger Gian 2004 Ebersecken 9.26,8 1.59,6 (33146) Diplom Video 4.29 F-1 --- Häfliger Gian 2012 Häfliger-Lampart, Luzern ----- ----- (10287) Diplom Video ---- K-29 1. Häfliger Guido 1962 Oberkirch LU 19.30,7 ----- (9740) Diplom Video 3.27 F-3 --- Häfliger Hubert 1969 Häfliger, Emmenbrücke 9.57,6 ----- (15163) Diplom Video 6.35 F-3 --- Häfliger Ilenia 2005 Häfliger, Luzern 10.44,2 ----- (16364) Diplom Video 7.06 K-21 33. Häfliger Jan 1997 Oberkirch LU 16.16,4 3.27,6 (4020) Diplom Video 4.12 S-2 196. Häfliger Jan 2006 Grundhof, Schenkon 7.57,6 2.09,6 (32306) Diplom Video 5.16 F-1 --- Häfliger Joel 2011 Häfliger, Luzern ----- ----- (11091) Diplom Video ---- S-12 155. Häfliger Jonas 2002 Ebersecken 9.43,9 2.16,7 (33147) Diplom Video 4.38 F-3 --- Häfliger Ladina 2008 Häfliger, Luzern 10.44,2 ----- (16365) Diplom Video 7.06 F-1 --- Häfliger-Lampart Elmar 1976 Häfliger-Lampart, Luzern ----- ----- (10284) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Häfliger-Lampart Silvia 1980 Häfliger-Lampart, Luzern ----- ----- (10285) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Häfliger Lars 2008 Häfliger, Emmenbrücke 9.57,6 ----- (15166) Diplom Video 6.35 F-3 --- Häfliger Lea 2004 Häfliger, St. Erhard 9.22,9 ----- (16337) Diplom Video 6.12 O-19 646. Häfliger Lea 1990 Luzern Tourismus AG 16.45,6 6.30,1 (22832) Diplom Video 5.06 F-3 --- Häfliger Lena 2008 Häfliger, Stans 12.21,1 ----- (16403) Diplom Video 8.10 F-1 --- Häfliger Lenya 2008 Häfliger, Buttisholz ----- ----- (11099) Diplom Video ---- O-19 718. Häfliger Leonore 1986 Gemeinde Kriens 17.09,2 6.53,7 (23163) Diplom Video 5.13 S-2 116. Häfliger Levin 2004 Bündtmättli, Malters 7.22,3 1.34,3 (32205) Diplom Video 4.52 S-2 162. Häfliger Linda 2004 Chrüzmatt, Rain 7.44,5 1.56,5 (32214) Diplom Video 5.07 K-35 83. Häfliger Lionel 1993 Entlebuch 24.43,8 7.03,4 (7545) Diplom Video 4.23 K-22 27. Häfliger Manuel 2000 Oberkirch LU 16.17,7 3.02,7 (1530) Diplom Video 4.12 F-3 --- Häfliger Manuela 1985 Häfliger, Sursee 11.50,7 ----- (18003) Diplom Video 7.50 K-35 77. Häfliger Marc 1992 STV Zell 24.14,5 6.34,1 (7512) Diplom Video 4.17 S-12 164. Häfliger Marion 2002 Ebersecken 9.47,0 2.19,8 (33148) Diplom Video 4.39 K-34 60. Häfliger Martin 1982 TV Schötz 23.49,5 6.07,8 (2001) Diplom Video 4.13 K-35 59. Häfliger Michael 1986 Rothenburg 23.12,2 5.31,8 (7546) Diplom Video 4.06 F-1 --- Häfliger Milia 2013 Häfliger, Buttisholz ----- ----- (11100) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Häfliger-Müller Eveline 1978 Häfliger, Buttisholz ----- ----- (11097) Diplom Video ---- O-17 785. Häfliger Nadja 1986 Luzerner Psychiatrie 11.12,5 5.53,4 (20609) Diplom Video 7.25 F-3 --- Häfliger Noel 2012 Häfliger, Stans 12.21,1 ----- (16405) Diplom Video 8.10 F-3 --- Häfliger Philipp 1983 Haefliger, Sursee 8.54,0 ----- (18001) Diplom Video 5.53 O-19 126. Häfliger Philipp 1983 Stadt Sursee 13.10,8 2.55,3 (23428) Diplom Video 4.01 F-1 --- Häfliger Philipp 1973 Häfliger, Sempach Stadt ----- ----- (11092) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Häfliger Ramon 2010 Häfliger-Lampart, Luzern ----- ----- (10286) Diplom Video ---- O-18 --- Häfliger Rita 1961 Stiftung Brändi 15.20,1 ----- (26294) Diplom Video 10.09 O-17 856. Häfliger Roland 1976 Jato Düsenbau AG 11.29,3 6.10,2 (20208) Diplom Video 7.36 K-35 64. Häfliger Ruedi 1987 Fenkrieden 23.37,1 5.56,7 (7605) Diplom Video 4.11 F-3 --- Häfliger Samira 2010 Häfliger, Sursee 11.50,7 ----- (18004) Diplom Video 7.50 F-1 --- Häfliger Sascha 1975 Häfliger, Malters ----- ----- (11109) Diplom Video ---- S-4 136. Häfliger Silvan 2003 Chrüzmatt, Rain 7.15,7 1.35,9 (34286) Diplom Video 4.48 S-2 205. Häfliger Simon 2006 Grundhof, Schenkon 8.02,1 2.14,1 (32307) Diplom Video 5.19 F-3 --- Häfliger Stefan 1972 Häfliger, Stans 12.21,1 ----- (16401) Diplom Video 8.10 F-1 --- Häfliger Stefan 1978 Häfliger, Luzern ----- ----- (11080) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Häfliger Timo 2009 Häfliger, Luzern ----- ----- (11090) Diplom Video ---- K-36 19. Häfliger Ueli 1995 STV Willisau 8.12,0 0.56,6 (453) Diplom Video 3.19 K-29 49. Häfliger Urs 1964 Büron 24.50,9 5.20,2 (9741) Diplom Video 4.24 F-3 --- Häfliger Urs 1970 Häfliger, St. Niklausen L 12.16,4 ----- (13167) Diplom Video 8.07 F-3 --- Häfliger Vera 2009 Elmiger, Luzern 11.55,2 ----- (18949) Diplom Video 7.53 F-3 --- Häfliger-Vogel Flavia 1973 Häfliger, Luzern 10.44,2 ----- (16363) Diplom Video 7.06 O-18 --- Häfliger Werner 1968 Stiftung Brändi 11.30,2 ----- (26295) Diplom Video 7.37 K-34 48. Häfliger Yves-Marc 1980 AV Luzern 23.20,6 5.38,9 (2044) Diplom Video 4.08 O-19 1163. Hafner Alexandra 1992 Pädagogische Hochschule L 20.00,0 9.44,5 (22725) Diplom Video 6.05 K-15 56. Hafner Alina 2001 Malters 10.09,8 2.50,1 (1047) Diplom Video 4.50 K-28 146. Hafner Heinz 1966 Hasle LU 29.37,3 11.21,0 (6136) Diplom Video 5.15 S-2 159. Hafner Jerome 2004 Bündtmättli, Malters 7.43,6 1.55,6 (32336) Diplom Video 5.07 S-4 31. Hafner Roger 2004 Dorf, Hasle 6.19,3 0.39,5 (34309) Diplom Video 4.11 K-13 10. Hagen Johanna 1998 LR Beromünster 9.11,4 1.43,7 (9507) Diplom Video 4.22 S-4 242. Hagen Sina 2004 Sunnegrund, Steinhausen 8.04,0 2.24,2 (34010) Diplom Video 5.20 F-3 --- Hagenow Andrea 1970 Hagenow, Rain 11.18,8 ----- (14662) Diplom Video 7.29 F-3 --- Hagenow Julian 2009 Hagenow, Rain 11.18,8 ----- (14663) Diplom Video 7.29 F-3 --- Hager Annina 2005 Hager, Rothenburg 11.03,3 ----- (16858) Diplom Video 7.19 F-3 --- Hager Elin 2007 Hager, Rothenburg 11.03,3 ----- (16859) Diplom Video 7.19 F-3 --- Hager Eva 1970 Hager, Rothenburg 11.03,3 ----- (16857) Diplom Video 7.19 O-17 359. Hager Jessica 1994 Luzerner Kantonalbank 9.27,0 4.07,9 (20891) Diplom Video 6.15 F-3 --- Hager Linus 2010 Hager, Rothenburg 11.03,3 ----- (16860) Diplom Video 7.19 F-3 --- Hager Martin 1968 Hager, Rothenburg 11.03,3 ----- (16856) Diplom Video 7.19 K-33 102. Hägler Robert 1980 Gerresheimer Küssnacht AG 25.45,9 6.21,0 (24311) Diplom Video 4.34 K-7 51. Hagmann Dominique 2003 LC Luzern 6.51,2 1.29,8 (8061) Diplom Video 4.32 O-19 1105. Hagmann Seline 1993 Pädagogische Hochschule L 19.21,3 9.05,8 (22726) Diplom Video 5.54 O-18 --- Hahn Christoph 1992 Wärchbrogg geschützte Wer 8.08,7 ----- (26466) Diplom Video 5.23 K-25 46. Hahn Grit 1971 Lungern 22.01,7 7.53,0 (4628) Diplom Video 5.41 O-17 813. Haidner Elisabeth 1957 Radiologie Gersag 11.21,1 6.02,0 (20630) Diplom Video 7.31 S-11 95. Haldner Natalie 2003 Risch 11.48,5 2.46,6 (31004) Diplom Video 5.37 O-17 903. Halili Myzafere 1959 Klinik St. Anna 11.45,3 6.26,2 (21046) Diplom Video 7.47 O-19 261. Halioua Janic 1990 FelderVogel AG, Luzern 14.21,2 4.05,7 (22018) Diplom Video 4.22 O-17 483. Halitaj Liridon 1987 Feuerwehr Stadt Luzern 9.52,6 4.33,5 (20078) Diplom Video 6.32 F-3 --- Haller Clément 2007 Haller, Brugg AG 9.43,3 ----- (12830) Diplom Video 6.26 F-1 --- Häller Dominik 2013 Häller, Luzern ----- ----- (10916) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Häller Guido 1968 Häller, Luzern ----- ----- (10912) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Haller Julie 2004 Haller, Brugg AG 9.43,3 ----- (12829) Diplom Video 6.26 F-1 --- Häller Lukas 2010 Häller, Luzern ----- ----- (10915) Diplom Video ---- K-33 294. Haller Marius 1991 RAMSEIER Suisse AG 33.49,3 14.24,4 (24341) Diplom Video 5.59 K-35 92. Haller Micha 1992 Beinwil (Freiamt) 25.19,8 7.39,4 (7606) Diplom Video 4.29 K-34 83. Haller Michel 1976 Basel 26.04,7 8.23,0 (2097) Diplom Video 4.37 F-3 --- Haller Miek 1971 Haller, Brugg AG 9.43,3 ----- (12828) Diplom Video 6.26 F-1 --- Häller Moritz 2008 Häller, Luzern ----- ----- (10914) Diplom Video ---- S-12 349. Häller Nick 2002 Dorf, Ruswil 11.37,8 4.10,6 (33277) Diplom Video 5.32 F-1 --- Häller Nora 1974 Fischer, Rothenburg ----- ----- (10505) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Haller Roman 1968 Haller, Brugg AG 9.43,3 ----- (12827) Diplom Video 6.26 O-19 12. Häller Samuel 1992 Hochschule Luzern, City R 11.18,9 1.03,4 (22400) Diplom Video 3.26 O-19 842. Halter Amanda 1989 Druckerei Odermatt AG 17.46,6 7.31,1 (22576) Diplom Video 5.25 F-1 --- Halter Gian 2012 Halter, Luzern ----- ----- (10090) Diplom Video ---- O-18 --- Halter Hanspeter 1959 Stiftung Rütimattli 17.00,6 ----- (26037) Diplom Video 11.15 F-1 --- Halter Lorenz 1964 Halter, Zürich ----- ----- (10145) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Halter Margrith 1975 Halter, Horw 8.11,2 ----- (14585) Diplom Video 5.25 K-35 24. Halter Remo 1985 Sachseln 20.46,9 3.06,5 (7547) Diplom Video 3.41 F-1 --- Halter Rolf 1974 Halter, Luzern ----- ----- (10088) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Halter Seraina 2009 Halter, Luzern ----- ----- (10089) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Hammer Gabriela 1956 Hammer, Luzern 11.23,7 ----- (18770) Diplom Video 7.32 K-34 42. Hammer Jörg 1982 Luzern 22.29,4 4.47,7 (2045) Diplom Video 3.59 F-3 --- Hammer Mara 2003 Amrein, Luzern 9.10,2 ----- (15330) Diplom Video 6.04 K-21 6. Hämmerli Linus 1997 Dussnang 13.21,9 0.33,1 (4021) Diplom Video 3.27 F-3 --- Handermann Felix 1966 Handermann, Adligenswil 8.31,6 ----- (16832) Diplom Video 5.38 K-15 107. Handermann Fiona 2001 Adligenswil 12.02,6 4.42,9 (1048) Diplom Video 5.44 F-3 --- Handermann Robin 2006 Handermann, Adligenswil 8.31,6 ----- (16833) Diplom Video 5.38 K-14 9. Handschin Michelle 2000 Arboldswil 8.01,8 1.06,8 (5766) Diplom Video 3.49 K-14 51. Handwerg Celina 2000 LR Beromünster 10.20,0 3.25,0 (5716) Diplom Video 4.55 O-19 159. Hänggi Andreas ???? Andermatt Swiss Alps AG 13.30,5 3.15,0 (40033) Diplom Video 4.07 F-1 --- Hänggi Fabiola 1973 Hänggi, Luzern ----- ----- (10948) Diplom Video ---- O-18 --- Hänggi Franziska 1975 Stiftung Brändi 11.10,4 ----- (26296) Diplom Video 7.23 F-3 --- Hänggi Lars 2008 Hänggi, Cham 9.46,8 ----- (14808) Diplom Video 6.28 F-3 --- Hänggi Michèle 1977 Hänggi, Cham 9.46,8 ----- (14807) Diplom Video 6.28 F-1 --- Hänggi Simon 2011 Hänggi, Luzern ----- ----- (10949) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Hanhart Andrea 1972 Hanhart, Luzern 11.26,9 ----- (13546) Diplom Video 7.34 F-3 --- Hanhart Daniel 1970 Hanhart, Luzern 11.26,9 ----- (13545) Diplom Video 7.34 F-3 --- Hanhart Marlo 2010 Hanhart, Luzern 11.26,9 ----- (13549) Diplom Video 7.34 F-3 --- Hanhart Nives 2008 Hanhart, Luzern 11.26,9 ----- (13547) Diplom Video 7.34 O-19 724. Häni Beatrice 1984 V-ZUG AG, Zug 17.11,4 6.55,9 (22003) Diplom Video 5.14 S-2 237. Häni Ellen 2004 Maihof, Luzern 8.16,8 2.28,8 (32260) Diplom Video 5.29 K-23 92. Häni Irene 1986 Luzern 20.21,0 6.29,4 (3656) Diplom Video 5.15 K-35 72. Hanselmann Armin 1992 St. Margrethen SG 24.01,8 6.21,4 (7548) Diplom Video 4.15 O-19 1228. Hänsli Esther 1986 Gemeindeverwaltung Ruswil 20.41,1 10.25,6 (22452) Diplom Video 6.18 O-19 588. Hänsli Karin 1990 CKW Powerteam 16.25,7 6.10,2 (23414) Diplom Video 5.00 O-17 551. Haradinaj Dafina 1991 Höhere Fachschule Gesundh 10.11,0 4.51,9 (20716) Diplom Video 6.44 O-17 546. Haradinaj Mergime 1990 Höhere Fachschule Gesundh 10.10,2 4.51,1 (20717) Diplom Video 6.44 O-19 317. Hardy Pierre 1980 Gübelin 14.46,6 4.31,1 (23246) Diplom Video 4.30 K-7 133. Härtel Nathalie 2005 STV Buchrain 7.52,0 2.30,6 (8019) Diplom Video 5.12 O-19 782. Härter Linda 1986 Universität Luzern 17.32,3 7.16,8 (22529) Diplom Video 5.20 F-3 --- Hartmann Andreas 1969 Hartmann, Meggen 13.53,8 ----- (15043) Diplom Video 9.12 S-12 83. Hartmann Constantin 2002 Risch 9.14,2 1.47,0 (33008) Diplom Video 4.23 F-3 --- Hartmann Cyrill 2010 Hartmann, Meggen 13.53,8 ----- (15044) Diplom Video 9.12 F-3 --- Hartmann Judith 1970 Vogt, Luzern 8.08,6 ----- (12234) Diplom Video 5.23 F-3 --- Hartmann Manuel 1977 Hartmann, Rain 10.19,7 ----- (12928) Diplom Video 6.50 F-3 --- Hartmann Nadine 1982 Hartmann, Rain 13.50,5 ----- (16270) Diplom Video 9.10 F-3 --- Hartmann Samuel 2006 Vogt, Luzern 8.08,6 ----- (12235) Diplom Video 5.23 O-19 608. Hartwic Annika 1984 Roche Diagnostics Interna 16.31,8 6.16,3 (23469) Diplom Video 5.02 F-3 --- Has Limann 1950 Has, Luzern 11.45,5 ----- (17210) Diplom Video 7.47 F-3 --- Has Luca 2003 Has, Luzern 11.45,5 ----- (17215) Diplom Video 7.47 S-2 217. Hasanaj Loryesa 2004 Sonnegg, Goldau 8.07,1 2.19,1 (32082) Diplom Video 5.22 O-17 322. Hasanbasic Edina 1982 Klinik St. Anna 9.15,8 3.56,7 (21047) Diplom Video 6.08 O-19 633. Hasani Ahmed 1998 Caritas Luzern 16.41,5 6.26,0 (22173) Diplom Video 5.05 F-3 --- Hasenfratz Christian 1976 Hasenfratz, Zollikon 9.30,6 ----- (18725) Diplom Video 6.17 K-35 107. Hasenfratz Steven 1987 Zug 26.54,4 9.14,0 (7549) Diplom Video 4.46 K-34 52. Hashimoto Takeaki 1982 Luzern 23.25,8 5.44,1 (2093) Diplom Video 4.09 F-3 --- Hasler-Brun Heidi 1977 Hasler-Brun, Mauensee 8.02,7 ----- (16497) Diplom Video 5.19 F-3 --- Hasler Jil 2009 Hasler-Brun, Mauensee 8.02,7 ----- (16500) Diplom Video 5.19 F-3 --- Hasler Jorina 2005 Hasler-Brun, Mauensee 8.02,7 ----- (16498) Diplom Video 5.19 O-19 1005. Hasler Martina 1995 Pädagogische Hochschule L 18.34,7 8.19,2 (22727) Diplom Video 5.39 F-3 --- Hasler Peter 1969 Hasler-Brun, Mauensee 8.02,7 ----- (16496) Diplom Video 5.19 F-3 --- Hasler Severin 2007 Hasler-Brun, Mauensee 8.02,7 ----- (16499) Diplom Video 5.19 O-19 1358. Hasler Stefan 1993 Schurter AG 26.03,1 15.47,6 (22658) Diplom Video 7.56 O-18 --- Hässle Martin 1965 Basel 10.42,5 ----- (26621) Diplom Video 7.05 K-15 69. Hastings Allison 2001 Unterägeri 10.32,0 3.12,3 (1049) Diplom Video 5.00 K-7 94. Hastings Chloe 2007 Unterägeri 7.19,2 1.57,8 (8096) Diplom Video 4.50 K-28 131. Hastings John 1968 Unterägeri 27.54,5 9.38,2 (6035) Diplom Video 4.56 K-25 60. Hastings Teri 1967 Unterägeri 24.30,3 10.21,6 (4629) Diplom Video 6.19 K-16 74. Hastings Wesley 2002 Unterägeri 9.29,5 2.21,7 (2665) Diplom Video 4.31 S-11 5. Hatebur Jasmin 2002 Risch 9.05,8 0.03,9 (31005) Diplom Video 4.19 K-34 27. Hauck Antoine 1983 Kriens 21.47,2 4.05,5 (2098) Diplom Video 3.51 F-3 --- Hauenschild Anke 1971 Hauenschild, Luzern 10.53,4 ----- (14743) Diplom Video 7.12 F-3 --- Hauenschild Jonathan 2007 Hauenschild, Luzern 10.53,4 ----- (14745) Diplom Video 7.12 F-3 --- Hauenschild Lilli 2005 Hauenschild, Luzern 10.53,4 ----- (14744) Diplom Video 7.12 F-3 --- Haufgartner Rolf 1972 Aregger, Rothenburg 11.29,1 ----- (13523) Diplom Video 7.36 F-3 --- Hauri Maira 2009 Hauri, Rothenburg 10.04,5 ----- (12960) Diplom Video 6.40 F-3 --- Hauri Michael 1973 Hauri, Rothenburg 10.04,5 ----- (12957) Diplom Video 6.40 F-3 --- Hauri Nuria 2007 Hauri, Rothenburg 10.04,5 ----- (12959) Diplom Video 6.40 F-3 --- Hauri Sabine 1974 Hauri, Rothenburg 10.04,5 ----- (12958) Diplom Video 6.40 O-19 285. Hauri Simon 1989 Hotel Schweizerhof Luzern 14.33,1 4.17,6 (23494) Diplom Video 4.26 F-3 --- Hauser Claudia 1975 Hauser, Rothenburg 10.56,3 ----- (12127) Diplom Video 7.14 O-17 358. Hauser Guido 1973 Luzerner Kantonalbank 9.26,5 4.07,4 (20892) Diplom Video 6.15 F-3 --- Hauser Julia 2005 Hauser, Rothenburg 10.56,3 ----- (12128) Diplom Video 7.14 F-3 --- Hauser Leona 2008 Hauser, Rothenburg 10.56,3 ----- (12129) Diplom Video 7.14 F-3 --- Hauser Michael 1971 Hauser, Rothenburg 10.56,3 ----- (12126) Diplom Video 7.14 O-19 1166. Hauser Sheryl 1998 Credit Suisse AG 20.03,0 9.47,5 (22610) Diplom Video 6.06 K-35 34. Hauser Simon 1985 Uster 21.43,9 4.03,5 (7595) Diplom Video 3.51 F-3 --- Hauser Widmer Maria 1969 Widmer, Buchrain 13.07,6 ----- (13098) Diplom Video 8.41 F-3 --- Häusermann Burri Denise 1973 Häusermann Burri, Horw 9.31,7 ----- (12399) Diplom Video 6.18 O-19 1063. Hausheer Evelyn 1987 Universität Luzern 19.07,1 8.51,6 (22530) Diplom Video 5.49 F-3 --- Hausheer Lauro 2008 Wismer, Hünenberg See 11.49,2 ----- (12484) Diplom Video 7.49 S-2 249. Hausheer Salome 2004 Chrüzmatt, Rain 8.21,6 2.33,6 (32215) Diplom Video 5.32 F-3 --- Hausherr Mirjam 2003 Hausherr, Risch 9.31,1 ----- (41057) Diplom Video 6.18 F-3 --- Hausherr Peter 1966 Hausherr, Risch 9.31,1 ----- (42010) Diplom Video 6.18 F-3 --- Häusler Anna 1978 Häusler, Rain 9.36,2 ----- (12225) Diplom Video 6.21 F-3 --- Häusler Joel 2007 Häusler, Rain 9.36,2 ----- (12226) Diplom Video 6.21 S-12 60. Häusler Micha 2003 Hofmatt, Oberägeri 9.04,2 1.37,0 (33084) Diplom Video 4.19 F-3 --- Häusler Philipp 1977 Häusler, Rain 9.36,2 ----- (12224) Diplom Video 6.21 O-17 583. Hausmann Tobias 1977 Stadt Luzern, StGL 10.18,0 4.58,9 (20309) Diplom Video 6.49 S-12 424. Haxhosaj Rigona 2002 Mariahilf, Luzern 13.03,2 5.36,0 (33458) Diplom Video 6.12 O-9 --- Haxhosaj Uran 1988 SSBL ----- ----- (183) Diplom Video ---- O-19 583. Haydari Ylli 1991 PanGas AG, Dagmersellen 16.23,0 6.07,5 (22470) Diplom Video 4.59 O-19 1177. Hayek Sami 1976 Luzerner Kantonsspital LU 20.13,5 9.58,0 (22921) Diplom Video 6.09 F-3 --- Hayoz Christine 1971 Thalmann, Adligenswil 11.12,9 ----- (12356) Diplom Video 7.25 O-19 1152. Hazeraj Agnesa 1994 Alterszentrum Tschann, Bu 19.54,2 9.38,7 (23222) Diplom Video 6.04 O-19 1129. He Joyce Halyan 1985 Roche Diagnostics Interna 19.39,8 9.24,3 (23392) Diplom Video 5.59 S-4 330. Heberling Lisa 2004 Kehlhof, Adligenswil 10.41,7 5.01,9 (34113) Diplom Video 7.04 K-16 13. Hecke Tom 2001 Potsdamer Laufclub 8.05,9 0.58,1 (2601) Diplom Video 3.51 F-3 --- Heckmann Anna 1959 Nuttli, St.Niklausen 10.04,6 ----- (18590) Diplom Video 6.40 S-2 308. Hedegaard Isabella 2004 Würzenbach, Luzern 10.28,0 4.40,0 (32184) Diplom Video 6.55 O-17 459. Hedegger Elke 1983 Suva Lozärn 9.45,0 4.25,9 (20421) Diplom Video 6.27 O-17 17. Hedeggger Patric 1978 Suva Lozärn 6.32,0 1.12,9 (20422) Diplom Video 4.19 F-3 --- Hediger Adrian 1979 Hediger, Malters 14.40,8 ----- (12642) Diplom Video 9.43 F-1 --- Hediger Clément 2011 Hediger, Schwyz ----- ----- (10101) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Hediger Ellen 2011 Affentranger, Sempach 14.04,5 ----- (12709) Diplom Video 9.19 F-3 --- Hediger Irene 1975 Affentranger, Sempach 14.04,5 ----- (12707) Diplom Video 9.19 F-3 --- Hediger Levi 2008 Affentranger, Sempach 14.04,5 ----- (12708) Diplom Video 9.19 F-1 --- Hediger Mathieu 2008 Hediger, Schwyz ----- ----- (10100) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Hediger Philipp 1975 Affentranger, Sempach 14.04,5 ----- (12706) Diplom Video 9.19 F-1 --- Hediger Philipp 1974 Hediger, Schwyz ----- ----- (10097) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Hediger Simon 2012 Hediger, Malters 14.40,8 ----- (12645) Diplom Video 9.43 F-3 --- Hediger Sophia 2009 Hediger, Malters 14.40,8 ----- (12644) Diplom Video 9.43 K-28 90. Hedinger Daniel 1965 Brunnen 25.06,9 6.50,6 (6036) Diplom Video 4.27 O-19 1160. Heer Cornelia 1986 Luzerner Kantonsspital LU 19.57,9 9.42,4 (22922) Diplom Video 6.05 K-34 56. Heer Daniel 1983 Luzern 23.37,3 5.55,6 (2118) Diplom Video 4.11 K-35 78. Heer Dominik 1987 Emmenbrücke 24.15,9 6.35,5 (7612) Diplom Video 4.18 F-3 --- Heer Herbert 1956 Heer, Horw 8.28,8 ----- (18791) Diplom Video 5.36 F-3 --- Heer Ilva 2006 Heer, Luzern 9.38,1 ----- (16584) Diplom Video 6.22 F-3 --- Heer Marc 1965 Heer, Luzern 9.38,1 ----- (16582) Diplom Video 6.22 F-1 --- Heer Nils Morten 2010 Heer, Obernau ----- ----- (11064) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Heer Norbert 1970 Heer, Obernau ----- ----- (11063) Diplom Video ---- O-19 689. Hefti Danny 1978 Mobility Genossenschaft 17.02,6 6.47,1 (22856) Diplom Video 5.11 S-4 119. Hegarty Eva 2004 Tagesschule Elementa AG, 7.05,3 1.25,5 (34331) Diplom Video 4.41 O-19 370. Heggli Mario 1971 Schindler Elevator 15.04,5 4.49,0 (22116) Diplom Video 4.35 S-2 215. Heggli Nadine 2004 Unterlöchli, Luzern 8.06,8 2.18,8 (32338) Diplom Video 5.22 S-12 281. Hegglin Adrian 2001 Kirchmatt, Zug 10.52,9 3.25,7 (33015) Diplom Video 5.10 S-12 59. Hegglin Alexander 2002 Ochsenmatt, Menzingen 9.03,8 1.36,6 (33201) Diplom Video 4.18 S-12 58. Hegglin Andreas 2001 Ochsenmatt, Menzingen 9.03,7 1.36,5 (33235) Diplom Video 4.18 S-12 360. Hegglin Bernadette 2001 Ochsenmatt, Menzingen 11.45,6 4.18,4 (33190) Diplom Video 5.36 S-12 109. Hegglin Dominik 2001 Ochsenmatt, Menzingen 9.24,2 1.57,0 (33236) Diplom Video 4.28 S-12 23. Hegglin Emanuel 2002 Ochsenmatt, Menzingen 8.32,4 1.05,2 (33221) Diplom Video 4.04 K-25 63. Hegglin Gabriella 1968 Unterägeri 24.47,6 10.38,9 (4630) Diplom Video 6.24 S-12 412. Hegglin Jérôme 2003 Dorf, Ruswil 12.43,3 5.16,1 (33278) Diplom Video 6.03 O-19 295. Hegglin Joel 1987 AS Aufzüge AG 14.37,8 4.22,3 (22265) Diplom Video 4.27 S-11 66. Hegglin Larissa 2001 Ochsenmatt, Menzingen 10.49,1 1.47,2 (31046) Diplom Video 5.09 K-28 129. Hegglin Markus 1969 SUVA 27.46,3 9.30,0 (6011) Diplom Video 4.55 O-19 470. Hegglin Pascale 1993 Klinik St. Anna 15.45,1 5.29,6 (23445) Diplom Video 4.48 S-12 10. Hegglin Patrick 2002 Ochsenmatt, Menzingen 8.11,9 0.44,7 (33222) Diplom Video 3.54 O-9 --- Hegi Therese 1973 SSBL ----- ----- (184) Diplom Video ---- O-19 267. Hegner Hans-Jörg 1958 Suva Zentralschweiz 14.23,0 4.07,5 (22870) Diplom Video 4.23 F-1 --- Heidger Lucien 2006 Hediger, Schwyz ----- ----- (10099) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Heim Jost 1952 Heim, Gelfingen ----- ----- (10135) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Heim Vreni 1959 Heim, Gelfingen ----- ----- (10136) Diplom Video ---- K-16 2. Heine Friedrich 2001 SC Potsdam 7.08,2 0.00,4 (2603) Diplom Video 3.23 F-3 --- Heini Andreas 1969 Heini, Luzern 11.25,5 ----- (12831) Diplom Video 7.33 F-3 --- Heini Anya 1973 Heini, Luzern 11.25,5 ----- (12832) Diplom Video 7.33 O-18 --- Heini Cédric 1997 Heilpädagogische Schule S 8.18,1 ----- (26080) Diplom Video 5.29 K-29 55. Heini Daniel 1961 Hellbühl 25.04,4 5.33,7 (9742) Diplom Video 4.26 O-9 --- Heini Esther 1966 SSBL ----- ----- (185) Diplom Video ---- O-19 1089. Heini Hans-Peter 1956 Bildungs- und Kulturdepar 19.17,3 9.01,8 (22486) Diplom Video 5.52 K-7 111. Heini Irina 2003 Oberdorf NW 7.33,4 2.12,0 (8185) Diplom Video 5.00 K-6 108. Heini Joshua 2004 Werthenstein 6.48,5 1.27,6 (5082) Diplom Video 4.30 F-3 --- Heini-Limacher Irma 1972 Heini-Limacher, Werthenst 8.36,1 ----- (18061) Diplom Video 5.41 F-3 --- Heini Lino 2006 Heini-Limacher, Werthenst 8.36,1 ----- (18062) Diplom Video 5.41 O-17 1017. Heini Lukas 1978 Heini, Blumen Garten, Luz 12.47,3 7.28,2 (20193) Diplom Video 8.28 F-3 --- Heini Markus 2008 Heini, Luzern 11.25,5 ----- (12833) Diplom Video 7.33 K-15 68. Heini Noemi 2002 Werthenstein 10.24,1 3.04,4 (1050) Diplom Video 4.57 O-19 1089. Heini Vanessa 1987 Bildungs- und Kulturdepar 19.17,3 9.01,8 (22487) Diplom Video 5.52 O-9 --- Heini-Ziswiler Margrith 1960 SSBL ----- ----- (186) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Heiniger Daria 2010 Heiniger, Giswil 14.26,8 ----- (15392) Diplom Video 9.34 K-32 --- Heiniger Edith 1966 Wyssachen 13.38,8 ----- (28055) Diplom Video 9.02 F-3 --- Heiniger Livio 2008 Heiniger, Giswil 14.26,8 ----- (15391) Diplom Video 9.34 O-19 157. Heiniger René 1974 Verkehrsbetriebe Luzern A 13.29,9 3.14,4 (22633) Diplom Video 4.06 F-3 --- Heiniger Rene 1974 Heiniger, Giswil 14.26,8 ----- (15389) Diplom Video 9.34 F-1 --- Heiniger-Roos Helen 1973 Heiniger-Roos, Hüswil ----- ----- (10819) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Heiniger-Roos Nina 2009 Heiniger-Roos, Hüswil ----- ----- (10820) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Heiniger-Roos Nina 2012 Heiniger-Roos, Hüswil ----- ----- (10821) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Heiniger-Roos Stefan 1972 Heiniger-Roos, Hüswil ----- ----- (10818) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Heiniger Silvia 1980 Heiniger, Giswil 14.26,8 ----- (15390) Diplom Video 9.34 O-17 726. Heinimann Thomas 1954 Luzerner Psychiatrie 10.51,3 5.32,2 (20610) Diplom Video 7.11 K-25 53. Heinle Monika 1968 Aesch LU 23.01,3 8.52,6 (4679) Diplom Video 5.56 F-3 --- Heinrich Dario 2009 Heinrich, Müswangen 9.48,3 ----- (14269) Diplom Video 6.29 F-3 --- Heinrich Pascal 1971 Heinrich, Müswangen 9.48,3 ----- (14268) Diplom Video 6.29 F-3 --- Heinrich Sandro 2007 Widmer, Gelfingen 8.24,5 ----- (14236) Diplom Video 5.34 K-35 44. Heinzer Andreas 1986 KTV Illgau 22.09,0 4.28,6 (7509) Diplom Video 3.55 F-1 --- Heinzer Armin 1966 Heinzer, Hünenberg ----- ----- (10441) Diplom Video ---- K-34 93. Heinzer Daniel 1984 KTV Illgau 27.54,2 10.12,5 (2006) Diplom Video 4.56 F-1 --- Heinzer Daniela 1973 Heinzer, Hünenberg ----- ----- (10442) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Heinzer Gabriel 2007 Wirz, Schwyz 10.52,0 ----- (13191) Diplom Video 7.11 F-3 --- Heinzer Ian 2004 Heinzer, Illgau 9.23,8 ----- (15084) Diplom Video 6.13 F-3 --- Heinzer Jürg 1974 Heinzer, Illgau 9.23,8 ----- (15082) Diplom Video 6.13 F-3 --- Heinzer Karin 1977 Heinzer, Illgau 9.23,8 ----- (15083) Diplom Video 6.13 F-3 --- Heinzer Lea 2007 Heinzer, Illgau 9.23,8 ----- (15085) Diplom Video 6.13 S-2 242. Heinzer Lukas 2004 Sonnegg, Goldau 8.18,7 2.30,7 (32083) Diplom Video 5.30 K-35 108. Heinzer Marco 1993 KTV Illgau 27.28,1 9.47,7 (7510) Diplom Video 4.52 S-2 1. Heinzer Remo 2003 Sonnegg, Goldau 5.48,0 ----- (32084) Diplom Video 3.50 K-7 70. Heinzer Stefanie 2003 KTV Illgau 7.08,9 1.47,5 (8033) Diplom Video 4.44 F-1 --- Heinzer Tabea 2007 Heinzer, Hünenberg ----- ----- (10443) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Heinzer Timon 2010 Heinzer, Hünenberg ----- ----- (10444) Diplom Video ---- O-17 1181. Heiz Stephanie 1988 Emmi Schweiz AG 15.52,4 10.33,3 (20465) Diplom Video 10.30 F-3 --- Held Joshua 2007 Held, Herlisberg 9.04,6 ----- (15456) Diplom Video 6.00 F-3 --- Held Lucia 1980 Held, Herlisberg 9.04,6 ----- (15455) Diplom Video 6.00 K-28 139. Helfenfinger Dominique 1974 Zullwil 28.47,6 10.31,3 (6037) Diplom Video 5.06 K-24 16. Helfenfinger-Jeck Saski 1976 Zullwil 16.20,0 2.14,7 (7031) Diplom Video 4.13 F-3 --- Helfenstein André 1975 Helfenstein, Horw 10.00,0 ----- (14127) Diplom Video 6.37 K-22 55. Helfenstein Andreas 2000 Jugi Buttisholz 19.13,9 5.58,9 (1522) Diplom Video 4.58 F-1 --- Helfenstein Andy 1969 Helfenstein, Inwil ----- ----- (10306) Diplom Video ---- K-35 16. Helfenstein Daniel 1991 Ruswil 19.54,2 2.13,8 (7601) Diplom Video 3.31 F-3 --- Helfenstein Dintino Ren 1976 Dintino, Luzern 9.50,6 ----- (14241) Diplom Video 6.31 F-1 --- Helfenstein Dylan 2005 Helfenstein, Inwil ----- ----- (10308) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Helfenstein Jil 2003 Helfenstein, Inwil ----- ----- (10307) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Helfenstein Joel 2009 Helfenstein, Horw 10.00,0 ----- (14128) Diplom Video 6.37 F-3 --- Helfenstein Jonas 2005 Helfenstein, Neuenkirch 6.54,6 ----- (18207) Diplom Video 4.34 K-30 7. Helfenstein Josef 1950 Oberkirch LU 23.00,7 1.44,5 (1317) Diplom Video 4.04 S-12 167. Helfenstein Lino-Maurin 2002 Dorf, Mauensee 9.47,7 2.20,5 (33141) Diplom Video 4.39 O-17 802. Helfenstein Maria 1954 St.Anna Stiftung 11.17,0 5.57,9 (20337) Diplom Video 7.28 K-34 103. Helfenstein Martin 1984 Luzern 30.10,4 12.28,7 (2046) Diplom Video 5.20 K-23 83. Helfenstein Melanie 1989 Luzern 20.10,4 6.18,8 (3658) Diplom Video 5.12 S-11 88. Helfenstein Nadja 2003 Dorf, Ruswil 11.19,6 2.17,7 (31062) Diplom Video 5.23 K-33 182. Helfenstein Otto 1969 Stadt Luzern, StGL 28.28,3 9.03,4 (24140) Diplom Video 5.02 K-34 81. Helfenstein Peter 1984 Sursee 25.59,4 8.17,7 (2047) Diplom Video 4.36 K-16 20. Helfenstein Raphael 2001 Neuenkirch 8.17,5 1.09,7 (2666) Diplom Video 3.56 K-34 31. Helfenstein Reto 1976 Buttisholz 22.04,9 4.23,2 (2048) Diplom Video 3.54 K-28 41. Helfenstein Roland 1969 Neuenkirch 22.23,8 4.07,5 (6038) Diplom Video 3.58 F-3 --- Helfenstein Roland 1969 Helfenstein, Neuenkirch 6.54,6 ----- (18206) Diplom Video 4.34 K-35 103. Helfenstein Silvan 1987 Luzern 26.06,3 8.25,9 (7550) Diplom Video 4.37 K-35 110. Helfenstein Simon 1989 Egolzwil 28.36,8 10.56,4 (7551) Diplom Video 5.04 K-16 23. Helfenstein Sven 2001 Hellbühl 8.23,5 1.15,7 (2667) Diplom Video 3.59 S-2 202. Helfenstein Zoe 2004 Obernau 8.00,5 2.12,5 (32282) Diplom Video 5.18 F-3 --- Heller Andrea 1974 Heller, Büron 12.15,5 ----- (18364) Diplom Video 8.07 F-3 --- Heller Elsbeth 1976 Heller, Wauwil 10.28,4 ----- (12793) Diplom Video 6.56 K-28 84. Heller Franz 1968 Gelfingen 24.51,5 6.35,2 (6039) Diplom Video 4.24 F-3 --- Heller Ladina 2007 Heller, Wauwil 10.28,4 ----- (12794) Diplom Video 6.56 F-3 --- Heller Levin 2006 Heller, Büron 12.15,5 ----- (18367) Diplom Video 8.07 K-6 176. Heller Levin 2006 Büron 7.47,2 2.26,3 (5083) Diplom Video 5.09 F-3 --- Heller Lian 2010 Heller, Büron 12.15,5 ----- (18368) Diplom Video 8.07 F-3 --- Heller Matteo 2008 Heller, Römerswil 12.16,3 ----- (14791) Diplom Video 8.07 F-3 --- Heller Oliver 2004 Heller, Büron 12.15,5 ----- (18366) Diplom Video 8.07 S-2 274. Heller Oliver 2005 Chrüzmatt, Rain 8.35,8 2.47,8 (32216) Diplom Video 5.41 K-6 181. Heller Oliver 2004 Büron 8.01,2 2.40,3 (5085) Diplom Video 5.18 F-3 --- Heller Patrick 1972 Heller, Wauwil 10.28,4 ----- (12792) Diplom Video 6.56 F-3 --- Heller René 1972 Heller, Römerswil 12.16,3 ----- (14790) Diplom Video 8.07 K-28 124. Heller Roland 1972 TV Schötz 27.26,3 9.10,0 (6001) Diplom Video 4.51 F-3 --- Heller Silvan 2007 Heller, Wauwil 10.28,4 ----- (12795) Diplom Video 6.56 F-3 --- Heller Stefan 1974 Heller, Büron 12.15,5 ----- (18365) Diplom Video 8.07 K-29 89. Hellmüller Hanspeter 1955 Horw 28.53,6 9.22,9 (9744) Diplom Video 5.07 F-3 --- Hemmi Björn 1967 Hemmi, Kriens 10.27,2 ----- (14883) Diplom Video 6.55 O-17 605. Hemmi Doris 1965 Luzerner Kantonalbank 10.20,7 5.01,6 (20893) Diplom Video 6.51 F-3 --- Hemmi Marc 2005 Hemmi, Kriens 10.27,2 ----- (14884) Diplom Video 6.55 F-3 --- Hemmi Seraina 2008 Hemmi, Kriens 10.27,2 ----- (14885) Diplom Video 6.55 K-29 60. Hempel Johannes 1964 Luzern 25.17,1 5.46,4 (9745) Diplom Video 4.28 K-6 162. Henauer Bollhalder Dami 2007 Luzern 7.33,4 2.12,5 (5086) Diplom Video 5.00 F-3 --- Henauer Bollhalder Lina 2005 Henauer Bollhalder, Luzer 9.51,6 ----- (18115) Diplom Video 6.31 F-3 --- Henauer Damian 2007 Henauer Bollhalder, Luzer 9.51,6 ----- (18116) Diplom Video 6.31 K-7 148. Henauer Lina 2005 Luzern 8.06,6 2.45,2 (8097) Diplom Video 5.22 F-3 --- Henauer Peter 1966 Henauer Bollhalder, Luzer 9.51,6 ----- (18114) Diplom Video 6.31 F-3 --- Henauer Valentin 2010 Henauer Bollhalder, Luzer 9.51,6 ----- (18117) Diplom Video 6.31 O-19 1127. Hengemühl Christian 1988 Network 41 19.38,4 9.22,9 (22323) Diplom Video 5.59 S-11 77. Henggeler Andrea 2001 Hofmatt, Oberägeri 11.00,0 1.58,1 (31014) Diplom Video 5.14 S-12 75. Henggeler Renato 2001 Hofmatt, Oberägeri 9.11,7 1.44,5 (33102) Diplom Video 4.22 O-19 345. Henne Thomas 1964 Universität Luzern 14.56,2 4.40,7 (22531) Diplom Video 4.33 F-1 --- Henseler Alessio 2008 Henseler, Luzern ----- ----- (10896) Diplom Video ---- O-18 --- Henseler Bruno 1975 Stiftung Brändi 9.34,6 ----- (26297) Diplom Video 6.20 F-1 --- Henseler Davide 2011 Henseler, Luzern ----- ----- (10897) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Henseler Manuela 1980 Henseler, Luzern ----- ----- (10895) Diplom Video ---- O-19 541. Henseler Maya 1990 AS Aufzüge AG 16.07,2 5.51,7 (22266) Diplom Video 4.54 F-1 --- Henseler René 1977 Henseler, Luzern ----- ----- (10894) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Hentrich Daniel 2004 Hentrich, Luzern 7.38,4 ----- (18729) Diplom Video 5.03 F-3 --- Hentrich Olaf 1967 Hentrich, Luzern 7.38,4 ----- (18719) Diplom Video 5.03 K-28 144. Hentrich Olaf 1967 Luzern 29.23,5 11.07,2 (6130) Diplom Video 5.12 K-33 198. Henz Werner 1974 Sekisui Alveo, Luzern 29.07,9 9.43,0 (24331) Diplom Video 5.09 O-17 1134. Henzi Markus 1967 Touring Club Schweiz 14.33,0 9.13,9 (20656) Diplom Video 9.38 F-3 --- Henzler Arn 2012 Henzler, Knonau 14.40,1 ----- (18885) Diplom Video 9.42 F-3 --- Henzler Emma 2010 Henzler, Knonau 14.40,1 ----- (18886) Diplom Video 9.42 F-3 --- Henzler Fredrik 1971 Henzler, Knonau 14.40,1 ----- (18869) Diplom Video 9.42 F-3 --- Henzler Monika 1976 Henzler, Knonau 14.40,1 ----- (18888) Diplom Video 9.42 F-3 --- Herbst Kerstin 1972 Herbst, Sempach Stadt 8.06,1 ----- (14917) Diplom Video 5.21 F-3 --- Herger Alessio 2003 Herger, Kriens 7.36,6 ----- (18753) Diplom Video 5.02 O-18 --- Herger Anja 1972 Zuger Chriesisturm 17.43,3 ----- (26578) Diplom Video 11.44 F-3 --- Herger Aurel 2006 Herger, Eschenbach LU 8.03,7 ----- (16939) Diplom Video 5.20 S-11 14. Herger Bettina 2002 Neuheim, Eschenbach 9.25,4 0.23,5 (31083) Diplom Video 4.29 F-3 --- Herger Elena 2004 Herger, Weggis 9.34,9 ----- (16114) Diplom Video 6.20 O-18 --- Herger Emma 2002 Zuger Chriesisturm 17.35,3 ----- (26579) Diplom Video 11.38 F-3 --- Herger Esther 1973 Herger, Eschenbach LU 8.03,7 ----- (16934) Diplom Video 5.20 F-3 --- Herger Heinz 1973 Herger, Eschenbach LU 8.03,7 ----- (16938) Diplom Video 5.20 O-18 --- Herger Iwan 1971 Zuger Chriesisturm 17.34,8 ----- (26580) Diplom Video 11.38 O-19 404. Herger Janine 1992 JO SAC Titlis 15.16,7 5.01,2 (23040) Diplom Video 4.39 F-3 --- Herger Joel 2007 Herger, Kriens 7.36,6 ----- (18751) Diplom Video 5.02 K-33 13. Herger Kari 1962 Swiss Holiday Park AG 21.50,4 2.25,5 (24219) Diplom Video 3.52 F-3 --- Herger Laurin 2005 Herger, Kriens 7.36,6 ----- (18750) Diplom Video 5.02 F-3 --- Herger Martina 1984 Herger, Kriens 7.36,6 ----- (18740) Diplom Video 5.02 K-24 19. Herger Monika 1975 Spiringen 16.33,4 2.28,1 (7032) Diplom Video 4.16 K-34 92. Herger Peter 1978 Gersau 27.51,1 10.09,4 (2049) Diplom Video 4.56 S-2 103. Herger Sabrina 2004 Neuheim, Eschenbach 7.17,8 1.29,8 (32127) Diplom Video 4.49 O-18 --- Herger Sarah 2005 Zuger Chriesisturm 17.34,6 ----- (26581) Diplom Video 11.38 O-18 --- Herger Sophie 2005 Zuger Chriesisturm 16.42,7 ----- (26582) Diplom Video 11.04 F-3 --- Herger Stefan 1971 Herger, Weggis 9.34,9 ----- (16113) Diplom Video 6.20 O-18 --- Herger Vincent 2000 Zuger Chriesisturm 17.36,9 ----- (26583) Diplom Video 11.39 F-3 --- Heri Black Andrea 1966 Heri Black, Luzern 9.20,5 ----- (14975) Diplom Video 6.11 F-3 --- Hering Christoph 1967 Fankhauser, Obernau 10.38,4 ----- (12183) Diplom Video 7.02 O-19 465. Hering Vincent 1983 Luzerner Sinfonieorcheste 15.42,7 5.27,2 (22376) Diplom Video 4.47 F-3 --- Hermann Bruno 1967 Blättler, Luzern 7.08,2 ----- (12455) Diplom Video 4.43 F-3 --- Hermann Corinne 1977 Hermann, Emmenbrücke 9.17,8 ----- (16155) Diplom Video 6.09 S-11 55. Hermann Corinne 2002 Ammannsmatt, Sins 10.36,6 1.34,7 (31135) Diplom Video 5.03 K-6 152. Hermann Corsin 2004 Gelfingen 7.23,9 2.03,0 (5087) Diplom Video 4.53 S-12 449. Hermann Darja 2001 Ochsenmatt, Menzingen 14.14,0 6.46,8 (33237) Diplom Video 6.46 O-19 76. Hermann Guido 1966 KMS AG - clever people, c 12.33,7 2.18,2 (23293) Diplom Video 3.49 F-1 --- Hermann Inan Sonja 1970 Inan Hermann, Luzern ----- ----- (41029) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Hermann Julian 2006 Hermann, Emmenbrücke 9.17,8 ----- (16157) Diplom Video 6.09 F-3 --- Hermann Laura 2004 Hermann, Emmenbrücke 9.17,8 ----- (16156) Diplom Video 6.09 O-19 373. Hermann Marco 1996 KMS AG - clever people, c 15.05,1 4.49,6 (23294) Diplom Video 4.35 O-19 545. Hermann Nicola 1999 KMS AG - clever people, c 16.08,6 5.53,1 (40056) Diplom Video 4.55 F-3 --- Hermann Roger 1977 Hermann, Emmenbrücke 9.17,8 ----- (16154) Diplom Video 6.09 K-7 151. Herr Selina 2003 TV Grosswangen 8.09,0 2.47,6 (8008) Diplom Video 5.23 S-2 300. Herrmann Asmin 2004 Wartegg, Luzern 9.09,3 3.21,3 (32179) Diplom Video 6.03 O-17 321. Herrmann Beatrice 1983 Migros Bruchstrasse 9.15,6 3.56,5 (20106) Diplom Video 6.07 F-3 --- Herrmann Petra 1975 Herrmann, Neuheim 12.50,9 ----- (12920) Diplom Video 8.30 F-3 --- Herrmann René 1974 Herrmann, Neuheim 12.50,9 ----- (12919) Diplom Video 8.30 K-24 62. Herrmann Sabine 1975 Birsfelden 21.59,3 7.54,0 (7033) Diplom Video 5.40 F-3 --- Herrmnn Céline 2011 Herrmann, Neuheim 12.50,9 ----- (12921) Diplom Video 8.30 F-3 --- Hertach Franziska 1966 Hertach, Hochdorf 9.23,8 ----- (17216) Diplom Video 6.13 F-3 --- Hertach Soraia 2008 Hertach, Hochdorf 9.23,8 ----- (17220) Diplom Video 6.13 K-33 22. Herzig Martina 1982 CILAG GmbH International 22.21,6 2.56,7 (40035) Diplom Video 3.57 O-17 377. Herzog Beat 1954 Luzerner Kantonalbank 9.31,1 4.12,0 (20894) Diplom Video 6.18 O-19 303. Herzog Joeliz 1992 Network 41 14.41,2 4.25,7 (22324) Diplom Video 4.28 S-12 172. Herzog Jonas 2002 Beromünster 9.49,2 2.22,0 (33322) Diplom Video 4.40 F-3 --- Herzog Lisa 2007 Herzog, Luzern 10.32,2 ----- (16379) Diplom Video 6.58 F-3 --- Herzog Manuela 1968 Herzog, Luzern 10.32,2 ----- (16378) Diplom Video 6.58 F-3 --- Herzog Marco 1987 Herzog, Gisikon 8.59,0 ----- (12139) Diplom Video 5.56 K-34 78. Herzog Martin 1975 Küssnacht am Rigi 25.27,7 7.46,0 (2050) Diplom Video 4.30 F-1 --- Herzog Matti 2012 Herzog, Emmen ----- ----- (11187) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Herzog Nico 2009 Herzog, Gisikon 8.59,0 ----- (12141) Diplom Video 5.56 F-3 --- Herzog Paul 1965 Herzog, Luzern 10.32,2 ----- (16377) Diplom Video 6.58 O-19 327. Herzog Paul 1965 Roche Diagnostics Interna 14.49,7 4.34,2 (23383) Diplom Video 4.31 O-17 741. Herzog Priska 1967 Luzerner Kantonalbank 10.59,8 5.40,7 (20895) Diplom Video 7.16 F-1 --- Herzog Stephan 1979 Herzog, Emmen ----- ----- (11161) Diplom Video ---- S-12 375. Herzog Tina 2003 Chrüzmatt, Rain 11.57,4 4.30,2 (33358) Diplom Video 5.41 F-3 --- Hess Aira 2008 Rohrer, Menzingen 10.44,8 ----- (12742) Diplom Video 7.07 O-18 --- Hess Andrea 2002 Zug 6.35,7 ----- (26616) Diplom Video 4.22 F-3 --- Hess Christine 1969 Hess, Horw 8.14,9 ----- (18064) Diplom Video 5.27 O-17 946. Hess Corine 1992 Höhere Fachschule Gesundh 12.04,1 6.45,0 (20718) Diplom Video 7.59 F-3 --- Hess Géraldine 2005 Hess, Horw 8.14,9 ----- (18065) Diplom Video 5.27 S-12 387. Hess Livia 2001 Risch 12.11,2 4.44,0 (33005) Diplom Video 5.48 O-19 345. Hess Mario 1983 PIRMIN JUNG Ingenieure fü 14.56,2 4.40,7 (22209) Diplom Video 4.33 K-15 43. Hess Michelle 2002 Luzern 9.49,7 2.30,0 (1051) Diplom Video 4.40 S-12 295. Hess Nora 2002 Acher Süd, Unterägeri 10.59,3 3.32,1 (33045) Diplom Video 5.13 O-19 845. Hess Patrick 1972 wirth+co ag Runners 17.47,5 7.32,0 (22235) Diplom Video 5.25 O-19 49. Hess Ruedi 1958 Stadt Sursee 12.15,5 2.00,0 (23426) Diplom Video 3.44 S-4 142. Hess Severin 2004 Gabeldingen, Kriens 7.17,9 1.38,1 (34303) Diplom Video 4.50 O-19 794. Hess Simon 1972 PanGas AG, Dagmersellen 17.34,5 7.19,0 (22471) Diplom Video 5.21 O-9 --- Hess-Ulrich Gabriela 1966 SSBL ----- ----- (187) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Hesse Felix 2011 Hesse, Ballwil ----- ----- (10024) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Hesse Levin 2009 Hesse, Ballwil ----- ----- (10023) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Hesse Martin 1981 Hesse, Ballwil ----- ----- (10021) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Hesse Michaela 1981 Hesse, Ballwil ----- ----- (10022) Diplom Video ---- O-17 666. Heumüller Michaela 1975 Klinik St. Anna 10.31,9 5.12,8 (21048) Diplom Video 6.58 O-17 672. Heumüller Sophie 2012 Klinik St. Anna 10.34,4 5.15,3 (21049) Diplom Video 7.00 O-17 667. Heumüller Tillmann 1970 Klinik St. Anna 10.32,0 5.12,9 (21050) Diplom Video 6.58 K-33 84. Hewel Thomas 1989 Pilatus Flugzeugwerke AG 24.56,5 5.31,6 (24248) Diplom Video 4.25 F-3 --- Heydolph Elio 2010 Heydolph, Luzern 13.20,1 ----- (12117) Diplom Video 8.49 F-3 --- Heydolph Luan 2008 Heydolph, Luzern 13.20,1 ----- (12116) Diplom Video 8.49 F-3 --- Heydolph Ueli 1982 Heydolph, Luzern 13.20,1 ----- (12115) Diplom Video 8.49 O-19 779. Hilber Herbert 1959 MediData AG 17.31,4 7.15,9 (22824) Diplom Video 5.20 F-3 --- Hildebrandt Bodo 1971 Hildebrandt, Luzern 7.52,1 ----- (14384) Diplom Video 5.12 F-3 --- Hildebrandt Sam 2005 Hildebrandt, Luzern 7.52,1 ----- (14385) Diplom Video 5.12 O-19 1080. Hildebrandt Sarah 1997 Kantonsspital Uri 19.14,1 8.58,6 (22150) Diplom Video 5.51 O-19 1142. Hiltbrunner Barbara 1977 Andermatt Swiss Alps AG 19.48,7 9.33,2 (23358) Diplom Video 6.02 F-3 --- Hiltbrunner Claudia 1976 Hiltbrunner, Emmenbrücke 13.59,3 ----- (12501) Diplom Video 9.15 S-12 186. Hiltbrunner Elian 2002 Neues Schulhaus, Hohenrai 9.54,2 2.27,0 (33343) Diplom Video 4.42 F-3 --- Hiltbrunner Elias 2008 Hiltbrunner, Emmenbrücke 13.59,3 ----- (12502) Diplom Video 9.15 O-17 1042. Hiltbrunner Kenyan 2011 Klinik St. Anna 13.11,8 7.52,7 (21051) Diplom Video 8.44 O-17 1033. Hiltbrunner Kimya 2013 Klinik St. Anna 13.05,2 7.46,1 (21052) Diplom Video 8.40 O-17 1046. Hiltbrunner Marco 1976 Klinik St. Anna 13.15,7 7.56,6 (21053) Diplom Video 8.46 O-19 1135. Hiltbrunner Michele 1989 Migros MM Zugerland / Die 19.42,7 9.27,2 (22247) Diplom Video 6.00 K-23 118. Hiltbrunner Michele 1989 Auw 23.31,0 9.39,4 (3659) Diplom Video 6.04 F-3 --- Hiltbrunner Rahel 2010 Hiltbrunner, Emmenbrücke 13.59,3 ----- (12503) Diplom Video 9.15 O-17 1036. Hiltbrunner Tanja 1977 Klinik St. Anna 13.07,5 7.48,4 (21054) Diplom Video 8.41 F-3 --- Hiltbrunner Wisi 1972 Hiltbrunner, Emmenbrücke 13.59,3 ----- (12500) Diplom Video 9.15 K-25 39. Hilton Monika 1972 Horriwil 21.18,7 7.10,0 (4662) Diplom Video 5.30 F-3 --- Hinnen Giulia 2008 Hinnen, Luzern 8.55,0 ----- (19044) Diplom Video 5.54 F-3 --- Hinnen Livia 1981 Hinnen, Luzern 8.55,0 ----- (19019) Diplom Video 5.54 S-4 160. Hinriksson Hinrik 2002 Riedmatt, Zug 7.25,6 1.45,8 (34075) Diplom Video 4.55 O-17 340. Hintermann Andrea 1982 Fiberwork AG 9.21,0 4.01,9 (20123) Diplom Video 6.11 O-17 343. Hintermann Martina 1983 Fiberwork AG 9.21,8 4.02,7 (20124) Diplom Video 6.12 F-3 --- Hirschi Carmen 1975 Hirschi, Ruswil 8.17,7 ----- (16772) Diplom Video 5.29 K-29 68. Hirschi Heinz 1956 Hettlingen 26.10,4 6.39,7 (9747) Diplom Video 4.38 F-3 --- Hirschi Jarno 2008 Hirschi, Ruswil 8.17,7 ----- (16773) Diplom Video 5.29 F-1 --- Hirschi Judith 1976 Hirschi, Rothenburg ----- ----- (10387) Diplom Video ---- K-30 19. Hirschi Oscar 1949 Luzern 27.34,0 6.17,8 (1345) Diplom Video 4.53 F-3 --- Hirschi-Sene Aicha 2004 Hirschi, Luzern 11.25,8 ----- (12529) Diplom Video 7.34 F-3 --- Hirschi-Sene Fatou 2006 Hirschi, Luzern 11.25,8 ----- (12530) Diplom Video 7.34 F-3 --- Hirschi-Sene Jennifer 1981 Hirschi, Luzern 11.25,8 ----- (12528) Diplom Video 7.34 K-33 189. Hirst William 1961 Pilatus Flugzeugwerke AG 28.43,3 9.18,4 (24249) Diplom Video 5.05 K-7 21. Hirt Katharina 2003 Udligenswil 6.18,6 0.57,2 (8098) Diplom Video 4.10 K-16 15. Hirt Moritz 2001 Udligenswil 8.07,8 1.00,0 (2668) Diplom Video 3.52 K-26 9. Hirt Ursula 1959 Hochdorf 17.26,1 2.11,9 (8748) Diplom Video 4.30 O-19 127. Hitziger Niclas 1973 Roche Diagnostics Interna 13.10,9 2.55,4 (23384) Diplom Video 4.01 F-3 --- Hitziger Niclas 1973 Hitziger, Luzern 15.00,8 ----- (15028) Diplom Video 9.56 F-1 --- Hjyej Ali 1976 Hjyej-Staub, Baar ----- ----- (10104) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Hjyej Hischam 2008 Hjyej-Staub, Baar ----- ----- (10106) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Hjyej Jenna 2011 Hjyej-Staub, Baar ----- ----- (10107) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Hjyej-Staub Lara 1983 Hjyej-Staub, Baar ----- ----- (10105) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Hobi André 1945 Hobi, Luzern 8.01,8 ----- (14502) Diplom Video 5.19 F-3 --- Hobi Elia 2010 Hobi, Luzern 8.01,8 ----- (14506) Diplom Video 5.19 F-3 --- Hobi Lukas 1975 Hobi, Luzern 8.01,8 ----- (14503) Diplom Video 5.19 F-3 --- Hobi Milo 2006 Hobi, Luzern 8.01,8 ----- (14504) Diplom Video 5.19 F-3 --- Hobi Noel 2007 Hobi, Luzern 8.01,8 ----- (14505) Diplom Video 5.19 F-1 --- Hochstrasser Eisserle A 1979 Hochstrasser Eisserle, Wo ----- ----- (10879) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Hochstrasser Hina 2007 Hochstrasser, Rothenburg 9.43,0 ----- (12178) Diplom Video 6.26 F-3 --- Hochstrasser Manuela 1974 Hochstrasser, Rothenburg 9.43,0 ----- (12177) Diplom Video 6.26 O-17 522. Hochueli Michaela 1983 Hochstrasser AG 10.02,4 4.43,3 (21250) Diplom Video 6.38 K-32 --- Hochuli Ottilia 1955 Affoltern am Albis 12.32,5 ----- (28053) Diplom Video 8.18 O-19 506. Hochuli Stephan 1985 PIRMIN JUNG Ingenieure fü 15.56,2 5.40,7 (22210) Diplom Video 4.51 K-26 30. Hock Ute 1958 Neuenhof 21.13,4 5.59,2 (8713) Diplom Video 5.29 K-16 46. Hodel Andreas 2001 Oberkirch LU 8.51,5 1.43,7 (2669) Diplom Video 4.13 O-9 --- Hodel Beat 1966 Luzerner Kantonalbank ----- ----- (188) Diplom Video ---- O-17 421. Hodel Beat 1966 Luzerner Kantonalbank 9.38,6 4.19,5 (20896) Diplom Video 6.23 F-3 --- Hodel-Bösch Bettina 1970 Hodel-Bösch, Oberkirch LU 8.21,8 ----- (15036) Diplom Video 5.32 K-21 10. Hodel David 1997 Ettiswil 13.52,0 1.03,2 (4022) Diplom Video 3.34 F-3 --- Hodel Elia 2010 Renggli Hodel, Entlebuch 12.08,6 ----- (14195) Diplom Video 8.02 F-3 --- Hodel Gregor 2004 Hodel-Manganiello, Hünenb 10.44,6 ----- (12772) Diplom Video 7.06 K-28 148. Hodel Gregor 1973 Die Post 29.54,5 11.38,2 (6005) Diplom Video 5.18 K-23 59. Hodel Janine 1987 Wauwil 18.51,5 4.59,9 (3660) Diplom Video 4.52 O-17 116. Hodel Jasmine 1994 Höhere Fachschule Gesundh 8.10,0 2.50,9 (20719) Diplom Video 5.24 K-22 17. Hodel Jonas 1999 LR Gettnau 15.33,1 2.18,1 (1517) Diplom Video 4.01 F-3 --- Hodel Lea 2007 Hodel-Bösch, Oberkirch LU 8.21,8 ----- (15037) Diplom Video 5.32 F-3 --- Hodel-Manganiello Irene 1972 Hodel-Manganiello, Hünenb 10.44,6 ----- (12771) Diplom Video 7.06 F-1 --- Hodel Manuela 1977 Hodel, Dietwil ----- ----- (10081) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Hodel Markus 1970 Hodel-Manganiello, Hünenb 10.44,6 ----- (12770) Diplom Video 7.06 F-3 --- Hodel Matteo 2007 Renggli Hodel, Entlebuch 12.08,6 ----- (14194) Diplom Video 8.02 O-19 600. Hodel Matthias 1989 Pädagogische Hochschule L 16.29,4 6.13,9 (22729) Diplom Video 5.01 O-19 816. Hodel Matthias 1989 Pädagogische Hochschule L 17.40,4 7.24,9 (40095) Diplom Video 5.23 K-7 106. Hodel Mia 2004 Effretikon 7.32,0 2.10,6 (8099) Diplom Video 4.59 O-18 --- Hodel Nicole 1994 Stiftung Brändi 15.58,6 ----- (26298) Diplom Video 10.34 F-3 --- Hodel Olivia 2006 Hodel-Manganiello, Hünenb 10.44,6 ----- (12773) Diplom Video 7.06 K-22 58. Hodel Pascal 1999 STV Zell 20.12,0 6.57,0 (1513) Diplom Video 5.13 F-3 --- Hodel Roland 1978 Hodel, Oberkirch LU 11.32,6 ----- (17095) Diplom Video 7.38 O-18 --- Hodel Rolf 1962 Wild Boar Clan Of Loch Lu 15.20,6 ----- (26100) Diplom Video 10.09 S-12 210. Hodel Romeo 2002 Ebersecken 10.06,8 2.39,6 (33149) Diplom Video 4.48 F-1 --- Hodel Romina 2008 Hodel, Dietwil ----- ----- (10082) Diplom Video ---- O-19 229. Hodel Samuel 1987 Network 41 14.06,1 3.50,6 (22325) Diplom Video 4.17 F-3 --- Hodel Sarah 2009 Hodel, Oberkirch LU 11.32,6 ----- (17094) Diplom Video 7.38 F-3 --- Hodel Selina 2006 Hodel, Oberkirch LU 11.32,6 ----- (17092) Diplom Video 7.38 F-3 --- Hodel Stefan 1975 Hodel, Oberkirch LU 11.32,6 ----- (17093) Diplom Video 7.38 K-7 97. Hodel Xenia 2003 Oberkirch LU 7.22,8 2.01,4 (8100) Diplom Video 4.53 O-19 1296. Hodzic Elvira 1989 Raiffeisenbank Region Sta 21.58,5 11.43,0 (22103) Diplom Video 6.41 F-3 --- Hofer Adrian 2011 Hofer, Emmen 13.44,7 ----- (16635) Diplom Video 9.06 F-3 --- Hofer Andrea 2007 Hofer, Risch 9.47,7 ----- (12410) Diplom Video 6.29 F-3 --- Hofer Anic 2004 Schmid Hofer, Malters 8.30,7 ----- (16962) Diplom Video 5.38 F-3 --- Hofer Caroline 1973 Hofer, Risch 9.47,7 ----- (12409) Diplom Video 6.29 K-25 43. Hofer Christine 1967 Luzern 21.46,2 7.37,5 (4631) Diplom Video 5.37 F-3 --- Hofer Elia 2008 Hofer, Risch 9.47,7 ----- (12411) Diplom Video 6.29 F-3 --- Hofer Eline 2008 Hofer, Luzern 14.21,5 ----- (16947) Diplom Video 9.30 K-36 11. Hofer Esteban 1995 Sep Olympic ChdF 7.29,0 0.13,6 (463) Diplom Video 3.02 K-32 --- Hofer Esther 1957 Stans 12.48,0 ----- (28058) Diplom Video 8.28 F-1 --- Hofer Haas Martina 1978 Haas, Luzern ----- ----- (10603) Diplom Video ---- S-4 78. Hofer Jan 2004 Beromünster 6.42,1 1.02,3 (34204) Diplom Video 4.26 F-3 --- Hofer Lynn 2008 Hofer, Beromünster 9.11,1 ----- (13396) Diplom Video 6.04 F-3 --- Hofer Marc 1966 Hofer, Beromünster 9.11,1 ----- (13395) Diplom Video 6.04 F-3 --- Hofer Mariel 2011 Hofer, Luzern 14.21,5 ----- (16948) Diplom Video 9.30 F-3 --- Hofer Markus 1974 Hofer, Emmen 13.44,7 ----- (16634) Diplom Video 9.06 K-33 263. Hofer Nadine 1988 Hochschule Luzern, United 32.12,5 12.47,6 (24088) Diplom Video 5.42 F-3 --- Hofer Nadja 1977 Hofer, Luzern 14.21,5 ----- (16945) Diplom Video 9.30 K-34 55. Hofer Sandro 1979 Bern 23.32,9 5.51,2 (2051) Diplom Video 4.10 O-19 705. Hofer Sarah 1989 Hochschule Luzern, City R 17.06,8 6.51,3 (22401) Diplom Video 5.13 K-6 189. Hofer Sebastien 2004 Emmen 8.16,2 2.55,3 (5088) Diplom Video 5.28 O-19 28. Hofer Stefan 1975 Credit Suisse AG 11.42,5 1.27,0 (22611) Diplom Video 3.34 F-3 --- Hofer Stefan 1975 Hofer, Luzern 14.21,5 ----- (16943) Diplom Video 9.30 O-19 935. Hofer Tim 1998 Frasson Der Goldschmied 18.16,1 8.00,6 (22040) Diplom Video 5.34 S-2 284. Hofer Yara 2006 Bündtmättli, Malters 8.52,6 3.04,6 (32206) Diplom Video 5.52 K-13 12. Hoffer Carmen 1998 Lauerz 9.25,2 1.57,5 (9534) Diplom Video 4.29 K-15 34. Hoffer Linda 2001 Lauerz 9.26,7 2.07,0 (1101) Diplom Video 4.29 K-21 22. Höfflin Matthias 1998 Aarburg 15.04,8 2.16,0 (4023) Diplom Video 3.53 O-17 939. Hoffmann Valéria 1990 Heineken Switzerland AG 12.00,0 6.40,9 (21193) Diplom Video 7.56 S-2 35. Hoffner Robert 2005 Eien, Ziefen 6.42,6 0.54,6 (32069) Diplom Video 4.26 F-3 --- Hofmann Christian 1961 Hofmann, Affoltern am Alb 11.23,2 ----- (18923) Diplom Video 7.32 F-3 --- Hofmann Daniela 1978 Hofmann, Leimbach AG 7.04,6 ----- (18282) Diplom Video 4.41 F-3 --- Hofmann Fabienne 2005 Hofmann, Leimbach AG 7.04,6 ----- (18283) Diplom Video 4.41 F-3 --- Hofmann Patrick 1973 Hofmann, Leimbach AG 7.04,6 ----- (18281) Diplom Video 4.41 O-19 352. Hofmann Peter 1981 Mobility Genossenschaft 14.58,7 4.43,2 (22857) Diplom Video 4.33 O-19 569. Hofmann Philipp 1976 V-ZUG AG, Zug 16.15,5 6.00,0 (22005) Diplom Video 4.57 F-3 --- Hofmann Tobias 2007 Hofmann, Leimbach AG 7.04,6 ----- (18284) Diplom Video 4.41 K-15 66. Hofstetter Anna 2001 Meggen 10.22,5 3.02,8 (1117) Diplom Video 4.56 S-11 131. Hofstetter Chantal 2001 Neuheim, Eschenbach 14.54,0 5.52,1 (31094) Diplom Video 7.05 F-1 --- Hofstetter Conny 1980 Hofstetter, Malters ----- ----- (11104) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Hofstetter Dietmar 1977 Hofstetter, Entlebuch ----- ----- (10710) Diplom Video ---- O-19 762. Hofstetter Erich 1980 Zemp Sanitär AG 17.26,3 7.10,8 (22810) Diplom Video 5.18 F-1 --- Hofstetter Erich 1980 Hofstetter, Malters ----- ----- (11118) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Hofstetter Guido 1975 Hofstetter, Luzern 7.50,2 ----- (16219) Diplom Video 5.11 O-17 807. Hofstetter Heinrich 1958 Radiologie Gersag 11.18,2 5.59,1 (20631) Diplom Video 7.29 F-3 --- Hofstetter Janis 2005 Hofstetter, Luzern 7.50,2 ----- (16220) Diplom Video 5.11 F-3 --- Hofstetter Jianxin 1972 Hofstetter, Sachseln 11.07,4 ----- (16979) Diplom Video 7.21 O-17 1209. Hofstetter Karin 1990 HPZ Sunnebüel, Schüpfheim 16.27,9 11.08,8 (20245) Diplom Video 10.54 F-3 --- Hofstetter Lena 2006 Hofstetter, Luzern 7.50,2 ----- (16221) Diplom Video 5.11 F-1 --- Hofstetter Lena 2011 Hofstetter, Entlebuch ----- ----- (10711) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Hofstetter Léonie 2005 Hofstetter, Sachseln 11.07,4 ----- (16977) Diplom Video 7.21 F-3 --- Hofstetter Lili-Rose 2007 Hofstetter, Sachseln 11.07,4 ----- (16978) Diplom Video 7.21 F-1 --- Hofstetter Lorin 2009 Hofstetter, Malters ----- ----- (11120) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Hofstetter Marisa 2011 Hofstetter, Malters ----- ----- (11121) Diplom Video ---- O-18 --- Hofstetter Mischa 2002 Royal Rangers Luzern 32 13.03,9 ----- (26183) Diplom Video 8.39 F-3 --- Hofstetter Nicole 1975 Hofstetter, Luzern 7.50,2 ----- (16218) Diplom Video 5.11 O-19 35. Hofstetter Patrick 1969 Seimas AG 11.51,4 1.35,9 (22624) Diplom Video 3.36 F-1 --- Hofstetter Peter 1974 Hofstetter Renggli, Krien ----- ----- (10621) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Hofstetter Sébastien 1973 Hofstetter, Sachseln 11.07,4 ----- (16975) Diplom Video 7.21 O-9 --- Hofstetter Silvan 1991 FDP. Die Liberalen Stadt ----- ----- (189) Diplom Video ---- K-28 91. Hofstetter Simon 1968 Luzern 25.19,2 7.02,9 (6041) Diplom Video 4.29 S-12 203. Hofstetter Simon 2003 Dorf, Ruswil 10.05,0 2.37,8 (33283) Diplom Video 4.48 S-12 162. Höger Toni 2002 Sunnegrund, Steinhausen 9.45,4 2.18,2 (33057) Diplom Video 4.38 S-4 144. Höhn Anouk 2004 Kehlhof, Adligenswil 7.18,8 1.39,0 (34114) Diplom Video 4.50 K-15 4. Höhn Jana 2002 TV Inwil 8.03,8 0.44,1 (1105) Diplom Video 3.50 K-21 8. Hohn Jannik 1997 SC Potsdam 13.31,2 0.42,4 (4001) Diplom Video 3.29 K-6 146. Höing Timon 2005 Kriens 7.18,0 1.57,1 (5207) Diplom Video 4.50 K-33 148. Hold Sandra 1991 Pilatus Flugzeugwerke AG 27.23,5 7.58,6 (24250) Diplom Video 4.51 K-35 96. Holdener Pascal 1990 Einsiedeln 25.38,4 7.58,0 (7553) Diplom Video 4.32 K-28 52. Holdener Sepp 1969 Unteriberg 23.29,3 5.13,0 (6166) Diplom Video 4.09 F-3 --- Holderegger Adrian 2008 Holderegger, Rothenburg 10.57,6 ----- (13386) Diplom Video 7.15 F-3 --- Holderegger Anina 2006 Holderegger, Rothenburg 10.57,6 ----- (13385) Diplom Video 7.15 F-3 --- Holderegger Esther 1971 Holderegger, Rothenburg 10.57,6 ----- (13384) Diplom Video 7.15 F-3 --- Holderegger Roman 1969 Holderegger, Rothenburg 10.57,6 ----- (13383) Diplom Video 7.15 K-14 23. Holke Eva 1999 Potsdamer Laufclub 8.59,9 2.04,9 (5701) Diplom Video 4.17 O-19 1269. Holl Maria 1981 Caritas Luzern 21.02,9 10.47,4 (22174) Diplom Video 6.25 O-19 399. Hollenstein Mathias 1984 Livitianer 15.14,1 4.58,6 (22187) Diplom Video 4.38 K-26 22. Höltschi Silvia 1963 Aesch LU 19.55,6 4.41,4 (8714) Diplom Video 5.08 O-19 367. Holtz Sascha 1987 Credit Suisse AG 15.03,7 4.48,2 (22612) Diplom Video 4.35 F-3 --- Holtz Sascha 1987 Holtz, Emmenbrücke 7.58,5 ----- (18734) Diplom Video 5.16 O-17 344. Hölzl Lisa 1995 Rudolf & Bieri AG 9.22,1 4.03,0 (20389) Diplom Video 6.12 O-18 --- Honauer Beat 1964 Beinwil am See 7.21,8 ----- (26624) Diplom Video 4.52 O-17 7. Honauer Dario 1995 Säulischränzer Eibu AG, I 6.02,4 0.43,3 (20019) Diplom Video 4.00 O-18 --- Honauer Felicia 2004 Beinwil am See 8.16,1 ----- (26625) Diplom Video 5.28 O-18 --- Honauer Louisa 2002 Beinwil am See 7.21,8 ----- (26626) Diplom Video 4.52 O-18 --- Honauer Melissa 1992 Beinwil am See 8.22,7 ----- (26627) Diplom Video 5.32 F-3 --- Honauer Rolf 1960 Honauer, Inwil 9.27,2 ----- (14524) Diplom Video 6.15 F-3 --- Honauer Simon 2004 Honauer, Inwil 9.27,2 ----- (14525) Diplom Video 6.15 O-18 --- Honegger Christian 1952 Wild Boar Clan Of Loch Lu 15.19,0 ----- (26101) Diplom Video 10.08 K-33 106. Honegger Cristian 1982 Emmi Schweiz AG 25.51,4 6.26,5 (24208) Diplom Video 4.35 O-9 --- Honegger Kurt 1952 Raiffeisenbank Emmen ----- ----- (190) Diplom Video ---- K-23 123. Honegger Laura 1995 Gisikon 24.08,0 10.16,4 (3746) Diplom Video 6.14 O-17 314. Honermann Theo 1961 Feuerwehr Stadt Luzern 9.13,4 3.54,3 (20079) Diplom Video 6.06 K-7 15. Hönger Hanna 2003 Horw 6.15,1 0.53,7 (8101) Diplom Video 4.08 K-16 1. Hönger Jonas 2001 Horw 7.07,8 ----- (2670) Diplom Video 3.23 F-3 --- Hönger Moni 1971 Hönger, Horw 6.56,0 ----- (18246) Diplom Video 4.35 O-19 156. Hönger Reto 1970 Schmidianer 13.29,4 3.13,9 (22444) Diplom Video 4.06 K-28 61. Hönger Reto 1970 Horw 23.48,3 5.32,0 (6042) Diplom Video 4.13 F-3 --- Hönger Sofie 2006 Hönger, Horw 6.56,0 ----- (18247) Diplom Video 4.35 K-33 175. Hoop Samuel 1991 Hochschule Luzern, United 28.15,5 8.50,6 (24089) Diplom Video 5.00 K-24 10. Horak Nicole 1979 Biberstein 15.44,6 1.39,3 (7035) Diplom Video 4.04 O-18 --- Horat Dominic 2003 TSV Concordia Baar 8.33,2 ----- (26205) Diplom Video 5.39 O-18 --- Horat-Hotz Christine 1972 TSV Concordia Baar 9.42,4 ----- (26208) Diplom Video 6.25 O-18 --- Horat Melanie 2005 TSV Concordia Baar 9.42,8 ----- (26206) Diplom Video 6.25 O-17 572. Horat Miriam 1994 Höhere Fachschule Gesundh 10.16,0 4.56,9 (20720) Diplom Video 6.47 O-18 --- Horat Pascal 2005 TSV Concordia Baar 8.33,6 ----- (26207) Diplom Video 5.40 O-17 716. Horat Sina 1993 Höhere Fachschule Gesundh 10.49,1 5.30,0 (20721) Diplom Video 7.09 O-17 764. Horat Yannick 1996 CASCADA Hotel & Bolero Re 11.05,6 5.46,5 (20982) Diplom Video 7.20 F-3 --- Horber Heidi 1972 Horber, Buochs 13.46,6 ----- (14196) Diplom Video 9.07 F-3 --- Horber Jon 2010 Horber, Buochs 13.46,6 ----- (14198) Diplom Video 9.07 F-3 --- Horber Veit 1973 Horber, Buochs 13.46,6 ----- (14197) Diplom Video 9.07 O-19 1230. Horber Veit 1973 Pilatus Flugzeugwerke AG 20.41,7 10.26,2 (23131) Diplom Video 6.18 K-33 265. Hörig Andrea 1960 Sonnmatt Luzern 32.16,9 12.52,0 (24016) Diplom Video 5.43 F-3 --- Horlacher Erika 1978 Horlacher, Ennetmoos 8.51,7 ----- (16970) Diplom Video 5.52 F-3 --- Horlacher Jan 2008 Horlacher, Ennetmoos 8.51,7 ----- (16969) Diplom Video 5.52 O-17 18. Hort Mikael 1995 Heim im Bergli 6.34,5 1.15,4 (21142) Diplom Video 4.21 O-17 987. Horta Da Silva Francisc 1953 elfo ag 12.18,6 6.59,5 (20284) Diplom Video 8.09 O-17 779. Horta Mara 1994 Radisson Blu Hotel, Lucer 11.08,9 5.49,8 (20836) Diplom Video 7.22 O-19 170. Horvat Tomaz 1978 Luzerner Kantonsspital LU 13.33,2 3.17,7 (22923) Diplom Video 4.07 O-19 1126. Horvath Vivien 1986 Trisa AG 19.37,0 9.21,5 (23253) Diplom Video 5.58 O-17 179. Hösli Romy 1982 Feuerwehr Stadt Luzern 8.36,1 3.17,0 (20080) Diplom Video 5.41 O-9 --- Hosner Regula 1954 Kriens ----- ----- (191) Diplom Video ---- K-35 36. Hostettler Marc 1987 TV Wolhusen 21.48,0 4.07,6 (7520) Diplom Video 3.51 K-33 257. Hostettler Philipp 1983 VZ VermögensZentrum 31.47,8 12.22,9 (24227) Diplom Video 5.38 K-29 76. Hottinger Peter 1962 Die Post 26.47,6 7.16,9 (9707) Diplom Video 4.45 O-19 124. Hottum Thomas 1975 Gübelin 13.10,1 2.54,6 (23247) Diplom Video 4.00 O-18 --- Hotz Anna 1998 Zuger Chriesisturm 16.19,3 ----- (26584) Diplom Video 10.48 F-3 --- Hotz Björn Erik 2011 Hotz, Hünenberg See 11.49,5 ----- (12136) Diplom Video 7.49 O-18 --- Hotz Chiara 1999 Zuger Chriesisturm 16.38,2 ----- (26585) Diplom Video 11.01 O-19 573. Hotz Claudia 1979 Lehner Versand AG 16.18,2 6.02,7 (23110) Diplom Video 4.58 F-3 --- Hotz Corinne 1978 Hotz, Hünenberg See 11.49,5 ----- (12135) Diplom Video 7.49 O-19 472. Hotz Gregor 1971 Roche Diagnostics Interna 15.45,3 5.29,8 (23387) Diplom Video 4.48 K-28 147. Hotz Ken 1974 Luzern 29.42,6 11.26,3 (6043) Diplom Video 5.16 O-19 1196. Hotz Markus 1961 Luzerner Kantonsspital LU 20.24,7 10.09,2 (22924) Diplom Video 6.13 F-3 --- Howald Andreas 1967 Howald, Bolligen 7.22,3 ----- (12298) Diplom Video 4.52 F-3 --- Howald Birgit 1968 Howald, Bolligen 7.22,3 ----- (12299) Diplom Video 4.52 F-3 --- Howald Caroline 2004 Howald, Bolligen 7.22,3 ----- (12300) Diplom Video 4.52 F-1 --- Howald Dario 2011 Howald, Luzern ----- ----- (10121) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Howald-Duss Nicole 1975 Howald, Luzern ----- ----- (10118) Diplom Video ---- O-18 --- Howald Fabian 1991 Uetendorf 12.55,4 ----- (26606) Diplom Video 8.33 F-1 --- Howald Livio 2013 Howald, Luzern ----- ----- (10122) Diplom Video ---- K-35 13. Howald Patrik 1994 Uetendorf 19.22,2 1.41,8 (7596) Diplom Video 3.26 F-1 --- Howald Samira 2009 Howald, Luzern ----- ----- (10120) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Howald Sara 2006 Howald, Bolligen 7.22,3 ----- (12301) Diplom Video 4.52 F-1 --- Howald Simon 1971 Howald, Luzern ----- ----- (10117) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Howald Sophia 2008 Howald, Bolligen 7.22,3 ----- (12302) Diplom Video 4.52 F-1 --- Howald Sophia 2008 Howald, Luzern ----- ----- (10119) Diplom Video ---- K-6 109. Hozak Simon 2006 Eschenbach LU 6.50,3 1.29,4 (5169) Diplom Video 4.31 O-19 1171. Hubacher Rebecca 1983 Network 41 20.08,5 9.53,0 (22326) Diplom Video 6.08 K-7 154. Huber Aline 2004 Luzern 8.10,6 2.49,2 (8179) Diplom Video 5.24 K-7 129. Huber Amelie 2007 Luzern 7.49,3 2.27,9 (8180) Diplom Video 5.10 F-3 --- Huber Amélie 2008 Leuenberger Huber, Langen 11.20,8 ----- (18294) Diplom Video 7.30 O-17 892. Huber Andrea 1986 Basler & Hofmann Innersch 11.44,0 6.24,9 (20402) Diplom Video 7.46 O-9 --- Huber Arno 1980 SSBL ----- ----- (192) Diplom Video ---- K-29 56. Huber Bänz 1962 Nottwil 25.09,0 5.38,3 (9748) Diplom Video 4.27 F-3 --- Huber Daniel 1969 Leuenberger Huber, Langen 11.20,8 ----- (18290) Diplom Video 7.30 S-2 23. Huber Felix 2004 Kirchmatt, Zug 6.35,5 0.47,5 (32058) Diplom Video 4.21 O-18 --- Huber Florian 1975 Wärchbrogg geschützte Wer 16.12,5 ----- (26467) Diplom Video 10.44 O-19 1081. Huber Gaby 1967 Livitianer 19.14,4 8.58,9 (22188) Diplom Video 5.51 F-3 --- Huber-Heitzmann Rolf 1971 Huber-Heitzmann, Luzern 8.27,6 ----- (13192) Diplom Video 5.36 K-7 135. Huber Jasmin 2005 TV Grosswangen 7.56,9 2.35,5 (8009) Diplom Video 5.15 K-33 115. Huber Joseph 1994 Josef Frey AG 26.07,6 6.42,7 (24338) Diplom Video 4.37 O-19 1040. Huber Katja 1993 B. Braun Medical AG 18.56,4 8.40,9 (23351) Diplom Video 5.46 K-33 225. Huber Lukas 1987 Hochschule Luzern, United 30.11,5 10.46,6 (24090) Diplom Video 5.21 F-3 --- Huber Manuela 1984 Huber, Luzern 10.32,8 ----- (13122) Diplom Video 6.59 F-3 --- Huber Markus 1967 Lampart-Brun, Buttisholz 8.36,8 ----- (18567) Diplom Video 5.42 K-33 39. Huber Markus 1980 Pilatus Flugzeugwerke AG 23.22,2 3.57,3 (24282) Diplom Video 4.08 K-6 24. Huber Marvin 2003 LR Gettnau 6.03,2 0.42,3 (5034) Diplom Video 4.00 F-3 --- Huber Mathieu 2005 Leuenberger Huber, Langen 11.20,8 ----- (18293) Diplom Video 7.30 F-3 --- Huber Maximilian 2008 Huber-Heitzmann, Luzern 8.27,6 ----- (13193) Diplom Video 5.36 F-3 --- Huber Morgaine 2004 Leuenberger Huber, Langen 11.20,8 ----- (18292) Diplom Video 7.30 O-19 1347. Huber Nadia 1995 kgm Menzingen, Menzingen 24.14,9 13.59,4 (22010) Diplom Video 7.23 S-2 54. Huber Nick 2004 Kirchmatt, Zug 6.52,3 1.04,3 (32059) Diplom Video 4.33 F-1 --- Huber Nowusch Regula 1974 Nowusch, Ebikon ----- ----- (10679) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Huber Oberholzer Edith 1976 Oberholzer, Horw 16.40,7 ----- (16136) Diplom Video 11.02 K-33 23. Huber Pascal 1983 Neutrass AG, Rotkreuz 22.26,0 3.01,1 (24003) Diplom Video 3.58 O-19 1207. Huber Regula 1966 Bildungs- und Kulturdepar 20.32,8 10.17,3 (22488) Diplom Video 6.15 F-3 --- Huber Rolf 1963 Huber, Zürich 6.57,6 ----- (12731) Diplom Video 4.36 O-18 --- Huber Sabrina 1989 Alpnach Dorf 8.14,3 ----- (26607) Diplom Video 5.27 O-19 1348. Huber Samuel 1985 Network 41 24.15,2 13.59,7 (22328) Diplom Video 7.23 K-35 97. Huber Sebastian 1991 Mettendorf TG 25.38,5 7.58,1 (7554) Diplom Video 4.32 F-3 --- Huber Silena 2007 Lampart-Brun, Buttisholz 8.36,8 ----- (18570) Diplom Video 5.42 F-3 --- Huber Silvia 1974 Seiler, Hochdorf 10.40,6 ----- (18766) Diplom Video 7.04 F-3 --- Huber Tairo 2006 Huber, Obernau 8.12,9 ----- (19011) Diplom Video 5.26 O-19 1279. Huber Tamara 1984 Luzerner Kantonsspital LU 21.21,6 11.06,1 (22925) Diplom Video 6.30 F-3 --- Huber Thomas 1966 Huber, Kriens 11.27,8 ----- (14044) Diplom Video 7.35 F-3 --- Huber Werner 1967 Huber, Obernau 8.12,9 ----- (18986) Diplom Video 5.26 O-17 444. Hübner Thomas 1980 Luzerner Kantonalbank 9.42,0 4.22,9 (20897) Diplom Video 6.25 F-3 --- Hübscher Alina 2010 Hübscher, Hochdorf 15.55,6 ----- (18059) Diplom Video 10.32 F-3 --- Hübscher Andreas 1973 Hübscher, Hochdorf 15.55,6 ----- (18058) Diplom Video 10.32 F-3 --- Hübscher Selina 2010 Hübscher, Hochdorf 15.55,6 ----- (18060) Diplom Video 10.32 K-13 31. Hug Alexandra 1997 Triengen 12.40,0 5.12,3 (9514) Diplom Video 6.01 O-17 395. Hug Gregor 1967 Luzerner Kantonalbank 9.34,8 4.15,7 (20899) Diplom Video 6.20 S-2 52. Hug Joel 2004 Eien, Ziefen 6.51,9 1.03,9 (32348) Diplom Video 4.32 S-2 65. Hug Lucie 2004 Eien, Ziefen 7.00,0 1.12,0 (32070) Diplom Video 4.38 K-23 71. Hug Marielle 1992 Kriens 19.39,0 5.47,4 (3663) Diplom Video 5.04 S-12 179. Hug Sophia 2002 Hofmatt, Oberägeri 9.51,5 2.24,3 (33085) Diplom Video 4.41 O-19 555. Hug Urs 1971 Luzerner Kantonsspital LU 16.10,9 5.55,4 (22926) Diplom Video 4.56 S-12 366. Hugener Rahel 2002 Acher Süd, Unterägeri 11.49,8 4.22,6 (33023) Diplom Video 5.38 K-7 36. Huggler Sol Maxima 2004 LC Luzern 6.34,0 1.12,6 (8062) Diplom Video 4.20 F-3 --- Hügi Petra 1972 Hügi, Obernau 10.08,9 ----- (13515) Diplom Video 6.43 F-3 --- Hügi Philipp 2008 Hügi, Obernau 10.08,9 ----- (13517) Diplom Video 6.43 F-3 --- Hügi Rahel 2006 Hügi, Obernau 10.08,9 ----- (13516) Diplom Video 6.43 K-29 46. Hügli Markus 1962 Wittinsburg 24.38,3 5.07,6 (9750) Diplom Video 4.22 O-18 --- Human Silvia 1972 Werkstatt Hüetli, Sarnen 18.11,7 ----- (26159) Diplom Video 12.02 F-3 --- Humbel Luisa 2007 Humbel, Luzern 7.59,0 ----- (14536) Diplom Video 5.17 F-3 --- Humbel Robert 1969 Humbel, Luzern 7.59,0 ----- (14534) Diplom Video 5.17 F-3 --- Humbel Sebastian 2007 Humbel, Luzern 7.59,0 ----- (14535) Diplom Video 5.17 S-12 227. Humbel Valentin 2003 Felsberg, Luzern 10.12,7 2.45,5 (40020) Diplom Video 4.51 F-3 --- Hund Florian 2009 Hund, Horw 10.15,5 ----- (17170) Diplom Video 6.47 F-3 --- Hund Lukas 2004 Hund, Horw 10.15,5 ----- (17238) Diplom Video 6.47 F-3 --- Hund Martin 1970 Hund, Horw 10.15,5 ----- (17168) Diplom Video 6.47 F-3 --- Hungerbühler Andreas 1973 Hungerbühler, Ebikon 11.44,0 ----- (18800) Diplom Video 7.46 F-3 --- Hungerbühler Anna Maria 1969 Hungerbühler, Ebikon 11.44,0 ----- (18813) Diplom Video 7.46 F-3 --- Hungerbühler Louis Rube 2010 Hungerbühler, Ebikon 11.44,0 ----- (18814) Diplom Video 7.46 O-19 512. Hungerbühler Roman 1990 Hochschule Luzern, City R 15.57,7 5.42,2 (22403) Diplom Video 4.51 K-7 116. Hunkeler Anna 2005 LC Luzern 7.36,3 2.14,9 (8063) Diplom Video 5.02 F-1 --- Hunkeler Christoph 1973 Hunkeler, Adligenswil ----- ----- (10336) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Hunkeler Elia 2010 Hunkeler, Wauwil 11.21,7 ----- (16646) Diplom Video 7.31 F-3 --- Hunkeler Eveline 1975 Hunkeler, Wauwil 11.21,7 ----- (16643) Diplom Video 7.31 F-3 --- Hunkeler Eveline 1972 Hunkeler, Schwarzenberg L 15.26,5 ----- (14898) Diplom Video 10.13 F-3 --- Hunkeler Jana 2008 Hunkeler, Wauwil 11.21,7 ----- (16645) Diplom Video 7.31 K-7 68. Hunkeler Lara 2003 LC Luzern 7.08,1 1.46,7 (8064) Diplom Video 4.43 F-3 --- Hunkeler Leana 2011 Hunkeler, Schwarzenberg L 15.26,5 ----- (14901) Diplom Video 10.13 F-3 --- Hunkeler Lena 2006 Hunkeler, Wauwil 11.21,7 ----- (16644) Diplom Video 7.31 F-1 --- Hunkeler Lily 2009 Hunkeler, Adligenswil ----- ----- (10338) Diplom Video ---- F-3 --- Hunkeler Luisa 2011 Hunkeler, Schwarzenberg L 15.26,5 ----- (14900) Diplom Video 10.13 S-12 91. Hunkeler Mark 2002 Pfaffnau 9.16,8 1.49,6 (33248) Diplom Video 4.25 K-33 88. Hunkeler Michel 1971 RAMSEIER Suisse AG 25.03,2 5.38,3 (24342) Diplom Video 4.26 F-3 --- Hunkeler Myriam 1980 Hunkeler, Luzern 11.13,0 ----- (12633) Diplom Video 7.25 F-1 --- Hunkeler Nina 2006 Hunkeler, Adligenswil ----- ----- (10337) Diplom Video ---- S-4 17. Hunkeler Noah 2004 Pfaffnau 6.08,8 0.29,0 (34124) Diplom Video 4.04 K-24 68. Hunkeler Raphi 1980 Giswil 23.09,5 9.04,2 (7036) Diplom Video 5.59 F-3 --- Hunkeler René 1974 Hunkeler, Schwarzenberg L 15.26,5 ----- (14899) Diplom Video 10.13 K-15 86. Hunkeler Selina 2001 Kriens 11.13,0 3.53,3 (1052) Diplom Video 5.20 K-26 4. Hunkeler Sonja 1956 Ebikon 15.48,9 0.34,7 (8715) Diplom Video 4.05 O-19 422. Hunkeler Thomas 1970 KMS AG - clever people, c 15.20,7 5.05,2 (23295) Diplom Video 4.40 O-19 841. Hunkeler Yvonne 1967 Verkehrsbetriebe Luzern A 17.46,5 7.31,0 (22634) Diplom Video 5.25 K-33 109. Hunziker Carine 1991 Hochschule Luzern, United 25.57,4 6.32,5 (24091) Diplom Video 4.36 S-12 245. Hunziker Cédric 2003 Neuheim, Eschenbach 10.21,1 2.53,9 (33288) Diplom Video 4.55 K-28 100. Hunziker Clemens 1970 Luzern 25.59,7 7.43,4 (6118) Diplom Video 4.36 F-3 --- Hunziker Clemens 1970 Hunziker, Luzern 9.27,5 ----- (17096) Diplom Video 6.15 O-19 270. Hunziker Clemens 1970 Hotel Schweizerhof Luzern 14.24,3 4.08,8 (23495) Diplom Video 4.23 F-3 --- Hunziker Diego 2007 Schöpfer, Schüpfheim 7.37,8 ----- (17164) Diplom Video 5.03 F-3 --- Hunziker Elia 2006 Hunziker, Luzern 9.27,5 ----- (17097) Diplom Video 6.15 S-2 279. Hunziker Jimmy 2005 Bündtmättli, Malters 8.43,1 2.55,1 (32156) Diplom Video 5.46 F-3 --- Hunziker Julian 2008 Hunziker, Luzern 9.27,5 ----- (17100) Diplom Video 6.15 O-19 430. Hunziker Markus 1985 Hochschule Luzern, City R 15.26,5 5.11,0 (22404) Diplom Video 4.42 K-6 137. Hunziker Patrick 2004 STV Buchrain 7.07,6 1.46,7 (5011) Diplom Video 4.43 O-17 914. Hunziker Raymond 1976 Hotel Palace Luzern 11.50,7 6.31,6 (40064) Diplom Video 7.50 F-3 --- Hunziker Serina 2004 Hunziker, Luzern 9.27,5 ----- (17101) Diplom Video 6.15 K-33 38. Hunziker Stefan 1978 Hochschule Luzern, United 23.21,6 3.56,7 (24092) Diplom Video 4.08 F-3 --- Hunziker Sylvia 1973 Hunziker, Luzern 9.27,5 ----- (17098) Diplom Video 6.15 O-17 846. Hunziker Tamara 1980 SBB 11.28,1 6.09,0 (20060) Diplom Video 7.35 F-1 --- Huppertz Heike 1967 Huppertz, Luzern ----- ----- (10797) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Huppertz Jan 2009 Huppertz, Luzern ----- ----- (10798) Diplom Video ---- S-12 273. Hüppin Hélène 2002 Acher Süd, Unterägeri 10.44,9 3.17,7 (33046) Diplom Video 5.07 K-33 292. Hürlimann Diane 1968 CILAG GmbH International 33.42,1 14.17,2 (40036) Diplom Video 5.58 K-16 69. Hürlimann Elia 2001 Buochs 9.22,5 2.14,7 (2712) Diplom Video 4.27 S-12 379. Hürlimann Enrique 2003 Morgarten 12.04,1 4.36,9 (33066) Diplom Video 5.44 S-12 205. Hürlimann Jan 2001 Hofmatt, Oberägeri 10.05,3 2.38,1 (33103) Diplom Video 4.48 S-12 218. Hürlimann Leandro 2002 Morgarten 10.08,7 2.41,5 (33067) Diplom Video 4.49 S-2 30. Hürlimann Nadine 2004 Risch 6.40,3 0.52,3 (32040) Diplom Video 4.25 O-17 187. Hürlimann Nadja 1965 Suva Lozärn 8.37,9 3.18,8 (20423) Diplom Video 5.42 O-18 --- Hürlimann Nicole 1998 Zuger Chriesisturm 16.26,7 ----- (26586) Diplom Video 10.53 S-12 140. Hürlimann Pascal 2003 Risch 9.36,6 2.09,4 (33009) Diplom Video 4.34 O-19 4. Hürlimann Zeno 1990 Pädagogische Hochschule L 10.44,9 0.29,4 (22732) Diplom Video 3.16 F-1 --- Hurni Andre 1978 Hurni, Schwarzenberg LU ----- ----- (10582) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Hurni David 2007 Hurni, Schwarzenberg LU ----- ----- (10584) Diplom Video ---- O-19 470. Hurni Dominik 1997 Schurter AG 15.45,1 5.29,6 (22659) Diplom Video 4.48 K-27 8. Hurni Ehlert Marianne 1954 Männedorf 27.13,2 9.17,0 (1209) Diplom Video 7.02 S-11 65. Hurni Mara Lou 2003 Dorf, Mauensee 10.48,5 1.46,6 (31037) Diplom Video 5.08 O-19 1266. Hurni Melanie 1988 Mobility Genossenschaft 21.00,9 10.45,4 (22858) Diplom Video 6.24 O-18 --- Hurni Rafael 1997 Heilpädagogische Schule S 11.38,0 ----- (26081) Diplom Video 7.42 F-1 --- Hurni Silvia 1983 Hurni, Schwarzenberg LU ----- ----- (10583) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Hurni Sven 2009 Hurni, Schwarzenberg LU ----- ----- (10585) Diplom Video ---- K-29 77. Hurschler Arnold 1963 Willisau 26.59,5 7.28,8 (9751) Diplom Video 4.47 F-3 --- Hurschler Deborah 2004 Hurschler, Gisikon 12.21,8 ----- (14430) Diplom Video 8.11 S-11 18. Hurschler Elin 2003 Risch 9.40,4 0.38,5 (31006) Diplom Video 4.36 S-2 49. Hurschler Jaël 2004 Risch 6.50,7 1.02,7 (32041) Diplom Video 4.31 F-3 --- Hurschler Michael 2007 Hurschler, Gisikon 12.21,8 ----- (14431) Diplom Video 8.11 S-2 7. Hurschler Noah 2004 Risch 6.06,7 0.18,7 (32042) Diplom Video 4.02 O-17 1180. Hurschler Stefanie 1988 Spielkiste Schweiz AG 15.52,3 10.33,2 (20159) Diplom Video 10.30 F-3 --- Hurschler Susi 1968 Hurschler, Gisikon 12.21,8 ----- (14429) Diplom Video 8.11 F-3 --- Huser-Birrer Marlené 1977 Huser, Menznau 9.31,9 ----- (13201) Diplom Video 6.18 K-23 80. Huser Daniela 1989 SUVA 19.53,0 6.01,4 (3616) Diplom Video 5.08 O-19 991. Huser Fabienne 1991 Hochschule Luzern, City R 18.30,1 8.14,6 (22405) Diplom Video 5.38 F-3 --- Huser Florin 2009 Feuz, Kriens 10.58,9 ----- (16996) Diplom Video 7.16 F-3 --- Huser Luana 2003 Huser, Menznau 9.31,9 ----- (13202) Diplom Video 6.18 F-3 --- Huser Mauro 2007 Huser, Menznau 9.31,9 ----- (13204) Diplom Video 6.18 K-32 --- Huser Monika 1957 Behindertensportgruppe Ho 15.27,5 ----- (28010) Diplom Video 10.14 F-3 --- Huser Patrick 1971 Huser, Menznau 9.31,9 ----- (13200) Diplom Video 6.18 F-3 --- Huser Robin 2004 Huser, Menznau 9.31,9 ----- (13203) Diplom Video 6.18 K-26 25. Huser Romy 1960 Seelisberg 20.24,4 5.10,2 (8716) Diplom Video 5.16 K-28 128. Hüsler Dominik 1970 Luzern 27.43,8 9.27,5 (6044) Diplom Video 4.55 O-17 366. Hüsler Erika 1984 PFOPF OND BLISWEND 9.28,3 4.09,2 (20398) Diplom Video 6.16 O-18 --- Hüsler Fabian 2004 HPS Willisau 9.25,5 ----- (26441) Diplom Video 6.14 F-3 --- Hüsler Jeannine 1971 Bühlmann, Adligenswil 8.16,2 ----- (16021) Diplom Video 5.28 F-3 --- Hüsler Kimi 2004 Bühlmann, Adligenswil 8.16,2 ----- (16022) Diplom Video 5.28 O-18 --- Hüsler Thomas 1973 HPS Willisau 9.27,5 ----- (26442) Diplom Video 6.15 F-3 --- Hüsler Timo 2008 Bühlmann, Adligenswil 8.16,2 ----- (16023) Diplom Video 5.28 O-17 1040. Husmann Martha 1961 HPZ Sunnebüel, Schüpfheim 13.09,8 7.50,7 (20246) Diplom Video 8.43 S-4 305. Hussain Iman 2003 Institut Montana, Zugerbe 9.08,8 3.29,0 (34266) Diplom Video 6.03 K-33 207. Hüsser Bernice 1979 HOLINGER AG, Luzern 29.16,2 9.51,3 (24324) Diplom Video 5.11 O-19 231. Hutter Philipp 1986 Luzerner Sinfonieorcheste 14.06,7 3.51,2 (22377) Diplom Video 4.18 F-3 --- Huwiler Claudia 1970 Huwiler, Auw 8.42,8 ----- (17081) Diplom Video 5.46 K-15 48. Huwiler Jana 2001 Neuenkirch 9.57,7 2.38,0 (1053) Diplom Video 4.44 O-18 --- Huwiler Jeanine 1981 Gluggsi-Musig Ebikon 14.21,8 ----- (26151) Diplom Video 9.30 F-3 --- Huwiler Livia 2006 Huwiler, Auw 8.42,8 ----- (17080) Diplom Video 5.46 O-19 1192. Huwiler Nadjia 1988 Network 41 20.22,5 10.07,0 (22330) Diplom Video 6.12 O-19 1224. Huwiler Petra 1990 Network 41 20.39,1 10.23,6 (22331) Diplom Video 6.17 K-28 111. Huwiler Urs 1966 Schötz 26.44,0 8.27,7 (6156) Diplom Video 4.44 F-3 --- Huwiler Urs 1966 Huwiler, Auw 8.42,8 ----- (17082) Diplom Video 5.46 K-6 165. Huwiler Yanik 2005 Luzern 7.35,7 2.14,8 (5089) Diplom Video 5.01 S-12 371. Huwyler Carmen 2002 Chrüzmatt, Rain 11.54,8 4.27,6 (33359) Diplom Video 5.40 F-1 --- Huwyler Elina 2010 Huwyler, Sachseln ----- ----- (10194) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Huwyler Fabian 1977 Huwyler, Sachseln ----- ----- (10192) Diplom Video ---- F-1 --- Huwyler Janine 1979 Huwyler, Sachseln ----- ----- (10193) Diplom Video ---- O-9 --- Huwyler Jost 1969 Luzern ----- ----- (193) Diplom Video ---- S-4 190. Huwyler Laura 2002 Letten, Sins 7.38,5 1.58,7 (34320) Diplom Video 5.03 F-1 --- Huwyler Malea 2013 Huwyler, Sachseln ----- ----- (10195) Diplom Video ---- O-19 1164. Huwyler Marion 1996 Credit Suisse AG 20.02,6 9.47,1 (22613) Diplom Video 6.06 S-11 46. Huwyler Michelle 2001 Ammannsmatt, Sins 10.22,4 1.20,5 (31136) Diplom Video 4.56 S-4 182. Huwyler Tom 2004 Steinhof, Luzern 7.35,5 1.55,7 (34325) Diplom Video 5.01 S-2 227. Hyseni Alketa 2005 Littau Dorf, Luzern 8.12,7 2.24,7 (32189) Diplom Video 5.26
Total 952
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