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36. Kerzerslauf 2014 - (34) (F40) 15 km Frauen 40-44 Jahre
Rang Name/Ort Jg Team/Ortschaft Zeit Rückstand Stnr Overall Schnitt Start-Niederried ¦Niederried-Golaten ¦ Golaten-Ziel ¦ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Spielmann-Jeitziner Ursula 1972 Spiez 54.59,3 ----- (506) Diplom Video 15F 8. 3.39 24.22 1.¦ 13.50 1.¦ 16.45 2.¦ 2. Yerly Laurence 1972 Cernier 55.29,1 0.29,8 (510) Diplom Video 15F 10. 3.41 24.43 2.¦ 14.01 2.¦ 16.44 1.¦ 3. Zahno Regula 1971 Rechthalten 55.54,2 0.54,9 (508) Diplom Video 15F 11. 3.43 24.48 3.¦ 14.05 3.¦ 16.59 3.¦ 4. Lohri Nicole 1972 Frauenfeld 58.43,0 3.43,7 (521) Diplom Video 15F 14. 3.54 26.17 4.¦ 14.55 4.¦ 17.29 4.¦ 5. Rappo Conca Sabine 1972 Meyriez 59.29,4 4.30,1 (514) Diplom Video 15F 16. 3.57 26.22 5.¦ 15.09 6.¦ 17.57 5.¦ 6. Bourke-Martignoni Joanna, Neyruz FR 1971 CA Farvagny 59.51,4 4.52,1 (2184) Diplom Video 15F 18. 3.59 26.40 6.¦ 15.06 5.¦ 18.04 6.¦ 7. Fivian Chantal, Thun 1973 fun and run 1:01.30,7 6.31,4 (2010) Diplom Video 15F 29. 4.06 27.27 7.¦ 15.44 9.¦ 18.19 8.¦ 8. Okle Marianne, Köniz 1972 LCA Bärn 1:02.00,0 7.00,7 (2036) Diplom Video 15F 32. 4.08 27.29 8.¦ 15.50 10.¦ 18.40 10.¦ 9. Dänzer Sandra 1972 Oberhofen am Thunersee 1:02.01,1 7.01,8 (2066) Diplom Video 15F 33. 4.08 27.50 9.¦ 15.43 8.¦ 18.27 9.¦ 10. Willi Christine 1973 Steffisburg 1:02.48,8 7.49,5 (2355) Diplom Video 15F 39. 4.11 29.03 14.¦ 15.29 7.¦ 18.16 7.¦ 11. Zumwald Judith 1974 Schmitten FR 1:04.19,4 9.20,1 (2150) Diplom Video 15F 58. 4.17 28.47 11.¦ 16.24 11.¦ 19.07 12.¦ 12. Monney Stéphanie 1970 Corpataux-Magnedens 1:04.20,3 9.21,0 (2377) Diplom Video 15F 59. 4.17 28.51 12.¦ 16.26 12.¦ 19.02 11.¦ 13. Hauser Karin 1972 Chemin 1:04.32,3 9.33,0 (28494) Diplom Video 15F 61. 4.18 28.10 10.¦ 16.34 14.¦ 19.47 16.¦ 14. Fux Claudia 1973 St. Niklaus VS 1:05.16,1 10.16,8 (2068) Diplom Video 15F 71. 4.21 28.53 13.¦ 16.32 13.¦ 19.50 17.¦ 15. Wenger Corinne, Baltschieder 1970 Wenger Motos 1:05.28,8 10.29,5 (3123) Diplom Video 15F 75. 4.21 29.22 17.¦ 16.42 15.¦ 19.23 13.¦ 16. Wipf Neptina 1970 Le Landeron 1:05.54,2 10.54,9 (28594) Diplom Video 15F 84. 4.23 29.24 18.¦ 16.52 16.¦ 19.37 14.¦ 17. Roulet Romy Sandra 1970 Malleray 1:06.07,8 11.08,5 (2128) Diplom Video 15F 86. 4.24 29.16 16.¦ 17.03 20.¦ 19.47 15.¦ 18. Taska Martina 1973 Bern 1:06.19,5 11.20,2 (4312) Diplom Video 15F 92. 4.25 29.34 20.¦ 16.52 16.¦ 19.52 19.¦ 19. Götz Barbara, Oberdorf SO 1974 By Schneider Wynigen 1:06.35,2 11.35,9 (2229) Diplom Video 15F 95. 4.26 29.44 21.¦ 17.00 18.¦ 19.51 18.¦ 20. Schlunegger Elisabeth 1972 Grindelwald 1:07.06,9 12.07,6 (6355) Diplom Video 15F 104. 4.28 29.15 15.¦ 17.04 21.¦ 20.47 27.¦ 21. Wenger Regula 1972 Schwarzenegg 1:07.20,8 12.21,5 (2325) Diplom Video 15F 107. 4.29 29.29 19.¦ 17.18 22.¦ 20.33 24.¦ 22. Moschini Valentine 1972 Fribourg 1:07.22,8 12.23,5 (4224) Diplom Video 15F 108. 4.29 29.54 22.¦ 17.02 19.¦ 20.26 22.¦ 23. Gubler Sonja 1972 Kreuzlingen 1:08.03,5 13.04,2 (28490) Diplom Video 15F 116. 4.32 30.07 23.¦ 17.30 24.¦ 20.25 21.¦ 24. Büchi Sandra 1970 Oberwil b. Büren 1:08.23,1 13.23,8 (3225) Diplom Video 15F 123. 4.33 30.20 24.¦ 17.29 23.¦ 20.32 23.¦ 25. Häfeli Laurence 1972 Bern 1:09.04,7 14.05,4 (4145) Diplom Video 15F 135. 4.36 30.54 31.¦ 17.47 28.¦ 20.23 20.¦ 26. Stempfel Andrea 1972 Luzern 1:09.11,5 14.12,2 (5037) Diplom Video 15F 138. 4.36 30.43 29.¦ 17.36 26.¦ 20.51 28.¦ 27. Dénervaud Fey, Pesteux 1971 Marti Sports 1:09.20,7 14.21,4 (5075) Diplom Video 15F 142. 4.37 30.53 30.¦ 17.50 29.¦ 20.37 25.¦ 28. Besomi Patrizia 1972 Tesserete 1:09.26,3 14.27,0 (2170) Diplom Video 15F 144. 4.37 30.31 26.¦ 18.09 35.¦ 20.45 26.¦ 29. Lüthi Quirina 1972 Ringgenberg BE 1:09.30,3 14.31,0 (4206) Diplom Video 15F 145. 4.38 30.33 27.¦ 17.42 27.¦ 21.14 32.¦ 30. Kreutz Denise 1974 Gondiswil 1:09.48,9 14.49,6 (6182) Diplom Video 15F 158. 4.39 31.10 33.¦ 17.33 25.¦ 21.04 29.¦ 31. Ettlin Franziska 1974 Zürich 1:09.49,7 14.50,4 (5181) Diplom Video 15F 159. 4.39 30.35 28.¦ 18.07 34.¦ 21.07 30.¦ 32. Bello Hernandez Cecilia 1973 Winterthur 1:10.46,4 15.47,1 (9201) Diplom Video 15F 177. 4.43 30.30 25.¦ 18.30 42.¦ 21.45 39.¦ 33. Kramer Jutta 1972 Biberist 1:10.55,4 15.56,1 (5249) Diplom Video 15F 180. 4.43 31.26 35.¦ 17.56 31.¦ 21.32 36.¦ 34. Bosshart Monika 1970 Kappel SO 1:10.55,8 15.56,5 (2182) Diplom Video 15F 181. 4.43 31.05 32.¦ 18.03 32.¦ 21.46 40.¦ 35. De Winter Linda 1972 Jegenstorf 1:11.12,9 16.13,6 (5175) Diplom Video 15F 187. 4.44 31.50 39.¦ 18.09 36.¦ 21.13 31.¦ 36. Bron Céline 1973 Montsevelier 1:11.15,3 16.16,0 (5064) Diplom Video 15F 188. 4.45 31.15 34.¦ 18.15 38.¦ 21.44 38.¦ 37. Ponti Sara, Locarno 1972 RCBellinzona 1:11.43,5 16.44,2 (4247) Diplom Video 15F 204. 4.46 32.14 44.¦ 18.05 33.¦ 21.23 34.¦ 38. Stauffer Karin 1973 Bern 1:11.49,1 16.49,8 (3196) Diplom Video 15F 206. 4.47 31.59 41.¦ 18.29 41.¦ 21.20 33.¦ 39. Minder Brigitte 1971 Thunstetten 1:12.00,7 17.01,4 (6211) Diplom Video 15F 212. 4.48 32.38 50.¦ 17.53 30.¦ 21.28 35.¦ 40. Haimad Zaina, Romanel-sur-Lausanne 1970 Footing Club Lausanne 1:12.04,1 17.04,8 (2371) Diplom Video 15F 214. 4.48 31.31 37.¦ 18.44 48.¦ 21.48 42.¦ 41. Fröhlich Valérie 1971 Aeugst am Albis 1:12.15,4 17.16,1 (5309) Diplom Video 15F 221. 4.49 32.01 42.¦ 18.11 37.¦ 22.02 46.¦ 42. Kellerhals Luzia 1974 Niederbipp 1:12.18,9 17.19,6 (4164) Diplom Video 15F 224. 4.49 31.38 38.¦ 18.28 40.¦ 22.12 52.¦ 43. Rosselet Isabelle 1972 Les Brenets 1:12.22,7 17.23,4 (5254) Diplom Video 15F 226. 4.49 31.28 36.¦ 18.40 47.¦ 22.14 54.¦ 44. Meier Susanne 1974 Schlosswil 1:12.35,2 17.35,9 (5251) Diplom Video 15F 233. 4.50 32.14 45.¦ 18.32 43.¦ 21.48 41.¦ 45. De Gasparo Corinne 1971 Schmitten FR 1:12.48,2 17.48,9 (5074) Diplom Video 15F 237. 4.51 31.56 40.¦ 18.46 49.¦ 22.05 47.¦ 46. Panozzo Kubler Elisa 1973 Cormondrèche 1:13.00,9 18.01,6 (9113) Diplom Video 15F 248. 4.52 32.15 46.¦ 18.36 45.¦ 22.08 49.¦ 47. Kühni Sandra 1974 Wabern 1:13.03,3 18.04,0 (28311) Diplom Video 15F 250. 4.52 32.44 53.¦ 18.39 46.¦ 21.39 37.¦ 48. Fehlmann Muriel 1973 Cudrefin 1:13.03,7 18.04,4 (6092) Diplom Video 15F 251. 4.52 32.27 48.¦ 18.25 39.¦ 22.11 50.¦ 49. Brand Stéphanie 1973 Genève 1:13.17,2 18.17,9 (8030) Diplom Video 15F 258. 4.53 32.14 43.¦ 18.50 50.¦ 22.11 51.¦ 50. Fasel Gutknecht Judith 1970 Ried b. Kerzers 1:13.50,5 18.51,2 (6091) Diplom Video 15F 272. 4.55 32.36 49.¦ 19.18 62.¦ 21.55 44.¦ 51. von Niederhäusern Cristina 1971 Ipsach 1:14.04,2 19.04,9 (9323) Diplom Video 15F 279. 4.56 33.06 57.¦ 18.32 44.¦ 22.25 56.¦ 52. Jung Edina 1971 Zürich 1:14.29,3 19.30,0 (28304) Diplom Video 15F 295. 4.57 32.43 51.¦ 19.09 58.¦ 22.35 58.¦ 53. Jorquera Pia 1972 Bremgarten b. Bern 1:14.43,1 19.43,8 (5244) Diplom Video 15F 304. 4.58 33.47 71.¦ 19.01 54.¦ 21.54 43.¦ 54. Racine Andrea 1972 Schüpfen 1:14.46,3 19.47,0 (9117) Diplom Video 15F 308. 4.59 33.41 66.¦ 18.51 51.¦ 22.13 53.¦ 55. Schmid Barbara 1972 Ostermundigen 1:14.54,2 19.54,9 (6270) Diplom Video 15F 316. 4.59 33.06 58.¦ 19.40 78.¦ 22.07 48.¦ 56. Guillebeau Claudia 1973 Tafers 1:15.03,1 20.03,8 (9075) Diplom Video 15F 319. 5.00 33.36 64.¦ 19.06 57.¦ 22.20 55.¦ 57. De Dompierre Muriel, Genève 1974 perform 1:15.09,7 20.10,4 (9088) Diplom Video 15F 328. 5.00 33.45 70.¦ 19.26 67.¦ 21.57 45.¦ 58. Schuler Loosli Priska 1973 Lyss 1:15.13,5 20.14,2 (9306) Diplom Video 15F 332. 5.00 33.40 65.¦ 18.59 52.¦ 22.33 57.¦ 59. Burri Evelyne 1973 Alterswil FR 1:15.17,0 20.17,7 (6054) Diplom Video 15F 334. 5.01 33.17 60.¦ 19.23 65.¦ 22.36 59.¦ 60. Schaller Isabelle, Bangerten b. Die 1972 LCA Bärn 1:15.18,0 20.18,7 (8229) Diplom Video 15F 336. 5.01 33.03 55.¦ 19.26 68.¦ 22.47 62.¦ 61. Stettler Monika 1972 Jeuss 1:15.20,4 20.21,1 (5218) Diplom Video 15F 338. 5.01 33.04 56.¦ 19.05 56.¦ 23.10 78.¦ 62. Schärer-Moor Bettina 1972 Burgdorf 1:15.23,3 20.24,0 (10290) Diplom Video 15F 341. 5.01 32.24 47.¦ 19.36 73.¦ 23.22 95.¦ 63. Steiner Monika 1970 Innerberg 1:15.50,5 20.51,2 (9133) Diplom Video 15F 363. 5.03 33.35 63.¦ 19.19 63.¦ 22.55 65.¦ 64. Rosser Messmer Sandra 1973 Spiez 1:15.53,9 20.54,6 (9121) Diplom Video 15F 364. 5.03 33.27 62.¦ 19.33 72.¦ 22.53 63.¦ 65. Dos Ries Belmira, Cressier NE 1973 CCE2L 1:15.55,9 20.56,6 (6081) Diplom Video 15F 366. 5.03 32.54 54.¦ 19.55 89.¦ 23.05 71.¦ 66. Di Milla Fusaglia Caroline 1974 Prilly 1:15.56,4 20.57,1 (10076) Diplom Video 15F 367. 5.03 33.44 68.¦ 19.17 60.¦ 22.55 64.¦ 67. Hofer Cornelia 1972 Reutigen 1:16.05,0 21.05,7 (10147) Diplom Video 15F 377. 5.04 33.53 75.¦ 19.29 70.¦ 22.41 61.¦ 68. Roulin Frei Marie-Christine 1973 Payerne 1:16.14,8 21.15,5 (9122) Diplom Video 15F 385. 5.04 33.52 73.¦ 19.11 59.¦ 23.10 77.¦ 69. Vaucher Béatrice, Cudrefin 1973 Team Gyger 1:16.17,9 21.18,6 (6306) Diplom Video 15F 386. 5.05 33.10 59.¦ 19.49 83.¦ 23.17 90.¦ 70. Seeger Sandra 1971 Ittigen 1:16.23,6 21.24,3 (9181) Diplom Video 15F 388. 5.05 33.43 67.¦ 19.59 94.¦ 22.41 60.¦ 71. Pürro Astrid 1970 Plasselb 1:16.27,2 21.27,9 (6242) Diplom Video 15F 392. 5.05 34.22 84.¦ 19.03 55.¦ 23.01 69.¦ 72. Bonjour Sarah 1971 Lignières 1:16.28,6 21.29,3 (4046) Diplom Video 15F 395. 5.05 32.44 52.¦ 19.52 86.¦ 23.51 112.¦ 73. Macchi Anouck 1972 Pampigny 1:16.29,0 21.29,7 (13197) Diplom Video 15F 396. 5.05 34.32 88.¦ 18.59 53.¦ 22.56 66.¦ 74. Stauffer Eliane 1973 Aarberg 1:16.34,9 21.35,6 (8335) Diplom Video 15F 399. 5.06 33.57 77.¦ 19.22 64.¦ 23.15 85.¦ 75. Nadakal Anne 1971 Genève 1:16.51,6 21.52,3 (5201) Diplom Video 15F 411. 5.07 33.53 74.¦ 19.59 95.¦ 22.58 68.¦ 76. Brodard Karine 1974 Vuadens 1:16.58,2 21.58,9 (10043) Diplom Video 15F 419. 5.07 33.19 61.¦ 19.55 88.¦ 23.43 107.¦ 77. Voillat Sonia 1973 Posieux 1:16.58,5 21.59,2 (10325) Diplom Video 15F 420. 5.07 33.45 69.¦ 19.58 92.¦ 23.15 84.¦ 78. Fornaciari Sonia 1971 Pully 1:16.58,8 21.59,5 (14046) Diplom Video 15F 421. 5.07 34.34 89.¦ 19.18 61.¦ 23.05 72.¦ 79. Jeanmonod Jacqueline 1973 Bussigny-près-Lausanne 1:17.13,7 22.14,4 (8140) Diplom Video 15F 430. 5.08 34.39 90.¦ 19.27 69.¦ 23.06 73.¦ 79. Monney Véronique 1974 Corpataux-Magnedens 1:17.13,7 22.14,4 (6214) Diplom Video 15F 430. 5.08 33.55 76.¦ 19.39 75.¦ 23.39 102.¦ 81. Rellstab Gfeller Anna 1970 Sumiswald 1:17.24,7 22.25,4 (6247) Diplom Video 15F 437. 5.09 34.05 79.¦ 20.02 98.¦ 23.17 89.¦ 82. Humbert-Droz Nadine 1974 Satigny 1:17.36,0 22.36,7 (10151) Diplom Video 15F 449. 5.10 34.10 80.¦ 20.15 108.¦ 23.09 75.¦ 83. Rüegger Andrea 1974 Kappel SO 1:17.39,5 22.40,2 (8224) Diplom Video 15F 452. 5.10 34.22 85.¦ 20.06 103.¦ 23.10 76.¦ 84. Schmitter Melanie 1972 Rothrist 1:17.42,4 22.43,1 (8233) Diplom Video 15F 457. 5.10 33.58 78.¦ 19.47 80.¦ 23.56 116.¦ 85. Clisson Lara 1974 Cudrefin 1:17.48,2 22.48,9 (28455) Diplom Video 15F 462. 5.11 34.41 91.¦ 19.37 74.¦ 23.29 101.¦ 86. Streit-Buri Heidi 1970 Neuenegg 1:17.58,2 22.58,9 (9317) Diplom Video 15F 475. 5.11 33.48 72.¦ 20.08 105.¦ 24.00 120.¦ 87. Monnard Lucienne 1971 Attalens 1:18.00,3 23.01,0 (6213) Diplom Video 15F 478. 5.12 34.48 94.¦ 19.56 91.¦ 23.14 82.¦ 88. Roth Nicole 1972 Ittigen 1:18.02,3 23.03,0 (10394) Diplom Video 15F 479. 5.12 34.53 98.¦ 19.53 87.¦ 23.14 82.¦ 89. Kempter Karine 1970 Vufflens-la-Ville 1:18.02,4 23.03,1 (8154) Diplom Video 15F 480. 5.12 34.55 99.¦ 20.02 99.¦ 23.04 70.¦ 90. Aubert Gras Micheline 1971 L'Isle 1:18.04,5 23.05,2 (10014) Diplom Video 15F 483. 5.12 35.05 104.¦ 19.45 79.¦ 23.13 80.¦ 91. Kobel Tajana 1974 Seengen 1:18.06,8 23.07,5 (14066) Diplom Video 15F 487. 5.12 35.04 103.¦ 19.49 81.¦ 23.13 81.¦ 92. Rapin Marianne 1972 Mannens 1:18.08,4 23.09,1 (28349) Diplom Video 15F 489. 5.12 35.12 108.¦ 19.39 77.¦ 23.15 86.¦ 93. Kronenberg Beatrice 1974 Aarau Rohr 1:18.09,9 23.10,6 (10167) Diplom Video 15F 490. 5.12 34.52 97.¦ 20.00 97.¦ 23.16 87.¦ 94. Werder Doris 1972 Lätti 1:18.21,5 23.22,2 (10344) Diplom Video 15F 497. 5.13 34.41 92.¦ 19.56 90.¦ 23.43 106.¦ 95. Marinic Marjeta 1971 Amriswil 1:18.21,9 23.22,6 (11274) Diplom Video 15F 498. 5.13 35.08 106.¦ 19.32 71.¦ 23.40 104.¦ 96. Oberson-Raetzo Petra 1971 Alterswil FR 1:18.26,5 23.27,2 (28142) Diplom Video 15F 501. 5.13 35.05 105.¦ 20.04 102.¦ 23.16 88.¦ 97. Wyss-Rufener Susanne 1973 Steffisburg 1:18.28,0 23.28,7 (4349) Diplom Video 15F 502. 5.13 34.17 81.¦ 20.26 117.¦ 23.44 109.¦ 98. Dunbar L. Andrea 1973 Neuchâtel 1:18.30,4 23.31,1 (11220) Diplom Video 15F 504. 5.14 35.43 124.¦ 19.24 66.¦ 23.22 96.¦ 99. Amsler Michèle 1970 Wangen b. Olten 1:18.31,4 23.32,1 (28238) Diplom Video 15F 506. 5.14 34.30 87.¦ 20.15 109.¦ 23.45 110.¦ 100. Fahrni Anita 1971 Schüpfheim 1:18.34,0 23.34,7 (13076) Diplom Video 15F 509. 5.14 34.51 95.¦ 20.00 96.¦ 23.42 105.¦ 101. Gertsch Sophie 1974 Bevaix 1:18.35,2 23.35,9 (6117) Diplom Video 15F 512. 5.14 34.52 96.¦ 19.58 92.¦ 23.44 108.¦ 102. Meier Anne 1973 Prilly 1:18.37,7 23.38,4 (12076) Diplom Video 15F 514. 5.14 35.10 107.¦ 20.07 104.¦ 23.20 94.¦ 103. Grivel Jorand Micheline 1970 Fribourg 1:18.39,9 23.40,6 (13108) Diplom Video 15F 517. 5.14 35.51 129.¦ 19.51 84.¦ 22.56 67.¦ 104. Lang-Lima Lucevalda 1971 Grenchen 1:18.40,4 23.41,1 (9265) Diplom Video 15F 519. 5.14 34.21 83.¦ 20.18 112.¦ 23.59 119.¦ 105. Arnold Andrea 1971 Bern 1:18.41,2 23.41,9 (9001) Diplom Video 15F 521. 5.14 35.19 113.¦ 20.03 100.¦ 23.18 92.¦ 106. Wolfensberger Nina 1974 Liebistorf 1:18.58,7 23.59,4 (10349) Diplom Video 15F 533. 5.15 35.55 131.¦ 19.49 82.¦ 23.13 79.¦ 107. Gumy Véronique 1974 La Tour-de-Trême 1:19.15,6 24.16,3 (14051) Diplom Video 15F 549. 5.17 35.27 115.¦ 20.29 121.¦ 23.17 90.¦ 108. Kröger Alke 1970 Seedorf BE 1:19.17,5 24.18,2 (9143) Diplom Video 15F 553. 5.17 35.16 110.¦ 20.03 101.¦ 23.57 117.¦ 109. Hofer Simone 1971 Saint-Imier 1:19.23,3 24.24,0 (11020) Diplom Video 15F 557. 5.17 35.35 119.¦ 20.24 116.¦ 23.23 97.¦ 110. Streit Claudia 1971 Stettlen 1:19.25,0 24.25,7 (9316) Diplom Video 15F 559. 5.17 34.42 93.¦ 20.26 119.¦ 24.15 127.¦ 111. Roduit Tanja, Wangen b. Olten 1970 cavelesfollaterres.ch 1:19.27,8 24.28,5 (8330) Diplom Video 15F 568. 5.17 34.18 82.¦ 20.36 124.¦ 24.32 139.¦ 112. Achermann Simone 1973 Gerlafingen 1:19.33,2 24.33,9 (10007) Diplom Video 15F 576. 5.18 35.00 102.¦ 20.37 125.¦ 23.55 114.¦ 113. Hofstetter-Muff Barbara, Aarburg 1973 Tri Club Zofingen 1:19.41,4 24.42,1 (8131) Diplom Video 15F 578. 5.18 35.58 133.¦ 20.23 114.¦ 23.19 93.¦ 114. Plan Isabelle 1972 Bavois 1:19.45,7 24.46,4 (10239) Diplom Video 15F 584. 5.19 36.45 156.¦ 19.51 85.¦ 23.08 74.¦ 115. Mathys Christa 1971 Oberdiessbach 1:19.46,6 24.47,3 (12142) Diplom Video 15F 587. 5.19 35.26 114.¦ 20.10 106.¦ 24.09 126.¦ 116. Brupbacher Debbie 1970 Liebefeld 1:19.50,0 24.50,7 (28448) Diplom Video 15F 592. 5.19 35.38 120.¦ 20.46 132.¦ 23.25 98.¦ 117. Auchli Helene 1970 Engelberg 1:20.01,2 25.01,9 (8009) Diplom Video 15F 602. 5.20 34.58 100.¦ 20.55 141.¦ 24.07 122.¦ 118. Stüdeli Esther, Bellach 1974 Laufträff 1:20.02,4 25.03,1 (14110) Diplom Video 15F 605. 5.20 35.17 111.¦ 20.45 130.¦ 23.59 118.¦ 119. Locher Gaby 1972 Lyss 1:20.09,6 25.10,3 (9269) Diplom Video 15F 609. 5.20 35.58 132.¦ 20.31 123.¦ 23.39 103.¦ 120. Idoux Albertine 1974 Givisiez 1:20.15,1 25.15,8 (6151) Diplom Video 15F 614. 5.21 35.29 117.¦ 20.19 113.¦ 24.26 135.¦ 121. De Saint Périer Fabienne 1973 Gingins 1:20.19,4 25.20,1 (12032) Diplom Video 15F 619. 5.21 35.41 122.¦ 20.28 120.¦ 24.09 125.¦ 122. Theiler Valérie 1972 Genève 1:20.19,9 25.20,6 (11329) Diplom Video 15F 620. 5.21 35.30 118.¦ 20.26 117.¦ 24.23 132.¦ 123. Messerli Sandra 1971 Detligen 1:20.25,5 25.26,2 (10202) Diplom Video 15F 628. 5.21 34.59 101.¦ 20.42 128.¦ 24.43 146.¦ 124. Pelletier Sylvia 1974 Middes 1:20.28,3 25.29,0 (9174) Diplom Video 15F 631. 5.21 34.24 86.¦ 20.56 143.¦ 25.07 164.¦ 125. Brasey Brigitte 1970 Attalens 1:20.30,2 25.30,9 (12021) Diplom Video 15F 635. 5.22 36.03 136.¦ 20.24 115.¦ 24.02 121.¦ 126. Lauper-Brülhart Jacqueline 1970 Tentlingen 1:20.31,5 25.32,2 (10178) Diplom Video 15F 636. 5.22 35.51 128.¦ 20.31 122.¦ 24.08 123.¦ 127. Lei Susanne 1973 Unterseen 1:20.31,8 25.32,5 (10182) Diplom Video 15F 637. 5.22 35.45 125.¦ 19.39 76.¦ 25.06 163.¦ 128. Miholova Sandra 1972 Bern 1:20.37,5 25.38,2 (9170) Diplom Video 15F 645. 5.22 35.39 121.¦ 20.49 136.¦ 24.08 124.¦ 129. Wegener Barbara 1970 Dornach 1:20.51,1 25.51,8 (13347) Diplom Video 15F 658. 5.23 36.41 154.¦ 20.16 110.¦ 23.53 113.¦ 130. Bühler Valerie 1974 Boudry 1:21.00,6 26.01,3 (8040) Diplom Video 15F 664. 5.24 36.11 140.¦ 20.18 111.¦ 24.30 138.¦ 131. Froidevaux Véronique 1973 St-Aubin FR 1:21.15,4 26.16,1 (12268) Diplom Video 15F 680. 5.25 37.37 176.¦ 20.11 107.¦ 23.25 99.¦ 132. Luciani Dominique 1972 Prilly 1:21.18,4 26.19,1 (10189) Diplom Video 15F 684. 5.25 35.13 109.¦ 21.41 175.¦ 24.23 133.¦ 133. Altorfer Isabel 1970 Schliern b. Köniz 1:21.24,9 26.25,6 (11106) Diplom Video 15F 692. 5.25 35.49 126.¦ 20.45 131.¦ 24.49 151.¦ 134. Yuille Catherine 1970 Ittigen 1:21.32,3 26.33,0 (11033) Diplom Video 15F 699. 5.26 36.22 144.¦ 20.47 133.¦ 24.23 131.¦ 135. Gerber Helene 1970 Lengnau BE 1:21.38,8 26.39,5 (11235) Diplom Video 15F 708. 5.26 35.55 130.¦ 21.06 148.¦ 24.36 141.¦ 136. Egger Florence 1971 Fribourg 1:21.40,5 26.41,2 (11015) Diplom Video 15F 710. 5.26 36.12 142.¦ 20.49 137.¦ 24.38 142.¦ 137. Zumsteg Lamia 1973 Courgevaux 1:21.42,8 26.43,5 (12114) Diplom Video 15F 711. 5.26 37.08 162.¦ 20.39 126.¦ 23.55 115.¦ 138. Neiger Claudia 1970 Unterbach BE 1:21.44,5 26.45,2 (10218) Diplom Video 15F 713. 5.26 35.17 112.¦ 21.15 158.¦ 25.11 167.¦ 139. Fleury Sandra 1973 Le Landeron 1:21.55,8 26.56,5 (11230) Diplom Video 15F 727. 5.27 36.07 139.¦ 21.03 146.¦ 24.44 147.¦ 140. Hurni Ursula 1974 Rosshäusern 1:21.59,2 26.59,9 (9249) Diplom Video 15F 731. 5.27 35.49 127.¦ 20.51 138.¦ 25.17 174.¦ 141. Schüpbach Rajkarnikar Susanne 1970 Biel/Bienne 1:21.59,7 27.00,4 (12194) Diplom Video 15F 733. 5.27 36.28 146.¦ 20.44 129.¦ 24.46 149.¦ 142. Robert-Voirol Mélanie 1971 Chézard-St-Martin 1:22.02,3 27.03,0 (10252) Diplom Video 15F 735. 5.28 35.42 123.¦ 21.40 174.¦ 24.39 143.¦ 143. Prince Emmanuelle 1972 Gingins 1:22.07,7 27.08,4 (12311) Diplom Video 15F 741. 5.28 36.37 151.¦ 21.09 151.¦ 24.20 129.¦ 144. Reber Manuela 1970 Bern 1:22.10,5 27.11,2 (12087) Diplom Video 15F 746. 5.28 36.39 152.¦ 20.41 127.¦ 24.49 153.¦ 145. Kurzen Pia 1973 Flamatt 1:22.12,2 27.12,9 (28109) Diplom Video 15F 754. 5.28 36.43 155.¦ 20.47 134.¦ 24.40 144.¦ 146. Nahrath Anne-Valérie 1971 Lausanne 1:22.15,4 27.16,1 (14082) Diplom Video 15F 757. 5.29 36.56 157.¦ 20.52 140.¦ 24.26 134.¦ 147. Cicéron Bühler Corinne 1974 Ins 1:22.18,6 27.19,3 (14342) Diplom Video 15F 758. 5.29 38.04 186.¦ 20.48 135.¦ 23.26 100.¦ 148. Niederöst Jana 1972 Jegenstorf 1:22.24,0 27.24,7 (11080) Diplom Video 15F 767. 5.29 36.23 145.¦ 21.11 155.¦ 24.49 152.¦ 149. Egandi Catherine 1970 Chesalles-sur-Oron 1:22.42,0 27.42,7 (28048) Diplom Video 15F 790. 5.30 36.13 143.¦ 21.33 171.¦ 24.55 156.¦ 150. Giacomotti Valerie 1972 Sugiez 1:22.42,4 27.43,1 (11154) Diplom Video 15F 791. 5.30 36.30 148.¦ 21.19 161.¦ 24.51 155.¦ 151. Ducommun Sandrine 1971 Colombier NE 1:22.43,2 27.43,9 (11219) Diplom Video 15F 792. 5.30 37.06 161.¦ 20.51 139.¦ 24.45 148.¦ 152. Racine Agnès 1973 Onnens FR 1:22.50,4 27.51,1 (9116) Diplom Video 15F 801. 5.31 36.03 137.¦ 21.29 168.¦ 25.17 173.¦ 153. Buser Franziska 1971 Grindelwald 1:22.51,2 27.51,9 (13041) Diplom Video 15F 803. 5.31 36.59 160.¦ 21.23 164.¦ 24.28 136.¦ 153. Keusch Jacqueline 1971 Waltenschwil 1:22.51,2 27.51,9 (9011) Diplom Video 15F 803. 5.31 35.28 116.¦ 22.20 206.¦ 25.02 158.¦ 155. Vitali Christina 1970 Steffisburg 1:23.03,3 28.04,0 (11141) Diplom Video 15F 817. 5.32 36.32 149.¦ 21.23 163.¦ 25.07 165.¦ 156. Stremlow Brigit 1974 Burgdorf 1:23.08,5 28.09,2 (9142) Diplom Video 15F 828. 5.32 36.57 158.¦ 21.01 145.¦ 25.09 166.¦ 157. Fehr Sandra 1972 Kaltbrunn 1:23.12,9 28.13,6 (12139) Diplom Video 15F 830. 5.32 37.42 178.¦ 21.08 149.¦ 24.22 130.¦ 158. Gosselin Pascale 1970 Areuse 1:23.21,7 28.22,4 (9162) Diplom Video 15F 840. 5.33 36.00 134.¦ 21.16 160.¦ 26.04 204.¦ 159. Kim Min Jeong 1973 Rheinfelden 1:23.25,2 28.25,9 (13381) Diplom Video 15F 845. 5.33 37.34 174.¦ 21.21 162.¦ 24.29 137.¦ 160. Rieder Esther 1970 Stettlen 1:23.25,9 28.26,6 (14093) Diplom Video 15F 846. 5.33 36.57 159.¦ 20.56 142.¦ 25.32 184.¦ 161. Gasser Manuela 1970 Matten b. Interlaken 1:23.35,6 28.36,3 (10109) Diplom Video 15F 852. 5.34 36.05 138.¦ 21.16 159.¦ 26.13 214.¦ 162. Genoud Evelyne, Seftigen 1970 Zeckenalarm 1:23.38,0 28.38,7 (14367) Diplom Video 15F 856. 5.34 36.29 147.¦ 21.41 176.¦ 25.27 178.¦ 163. Hug Sandra 1974 Bäriswil BE 1:23.39,7 28.40,4 (13134) Diplom Video 15F 857. 5.34 38.14 192.¦ 21.33 172.¦ 23.51 111.¦ 164. Palermo Diana 1972 Grenchen 1:23.46,9 28.47,6 (4237) Diplom Video 15F 866. 5.35 36.01 135.¦ 22.11 203.¦ 25.33 186.¦ 165. Gottardi Hajnalka 1972 Heimberg 1:23.50,5 28.51,2 (10122) Diplom Video 15F 870. 5.35 36.35 150.¦ 21.14 157.¦ 26.00 203.¦ 166. Dormond Stéphanie 1973 Leysin 1:23.50,9 28.51,6 (11218) Diplom Video 15F 871. 5.35 37.13 163.¦ 21.31 169.¦ 25.06 162.¦ 167. Rosser Helene 1974 St-Cergue 1:23.56,8 28.57,5 (13272) Diplom Video 15F 880. 5.35 37.15 166.¦ 21.52 186.¦ 24.48 150.¦ 168. Lütt Sandra 1973 Kerzers 1:23.58,0 28.58,7 (12390) Diplom Video 15F 882. 5.35 37.35 175.¦ 21.06 147.¦ 25.16 172.¦ 169. Waefler Ursina 1973 Konolfingen 1:24.00,5 29.01,2 (11398) Diplom Video 15F 886. 5.36 37.32 173.¦ 21.12 156.¦ 25.15 170.¦ 170. Gander Natalie 1972 Nidau 1:24.01,6 29.02,3 (9161) Diplom Video 15F 887. 5.36 36.12 141.¦ 22.07 198.¦ 25.42 190.¦ 171. Gugler Joseph Dominique 1972 Bolligen 1:24.08,6 29.09,3 (10126) Diplom Video 15F 891. 5.36 37.23 169.¦ 21.42 177.¦ 25.03 160.¦ 172. Helfenstein Edith 1972 Schenkon 1:24.10,7 29.11,4 (28081) Diplom Video 15F 895. 5.36 38.31 198.¦ 20.57 144.¦ 24.41 145.¦ 173. Heimgartner Silzia 1973 Schneisingen 1:24.19,8 29.20,5 (11157) Diplom Video 15F 908. 5.37 36.39 153.¦ 21.32 170.¦ 26.07 208.¦ 174. Fasnacht Esther 1970 Rüegsauschachen 1:24.27,2 29.27,9 (11058) Diplom Video 15F 912. 5.37 38.27 195.¦ 21.08 150.¦ 24.51 154.¦ 175. Hengy Marianne 1971 Zürich 1:24.28,7 29.29,4 (14053) Diplom Video 15F 914. 5.37 39.00 211.¦ 21.10 153.¦ 24.18 128.¦ 176. Petitpierre Mireille 1973 Bonvillars 1:24.32,6 29.33,3 (28149) Diplom Video 15F 916. 5.38 37.29 171.¦ 21.26 165.¦ 25.35 188.¦ 177. Pharisa Christel 1973 Grolley 1:24.33,0 29.33,7 (12085) Diplom Video 15F 917. 5.38 38.01 182.¦ 21.10 152.¦ 25.21 177.¦ 178. Stämpfli Barbara 1970 Frauenkappelen 1:24.44,8 29.45,5 (12125) Diplom Video 15F 924. 5.38 37.39 177.¦ 21.51 184.¦ 25.14 169.¦ 179. Brogli Nicole 1974 Rheinfelden 1:24.45,2 29.45,9 (12022) Diplom Video 15F 926. 5.39 37.54 181.¦ 21.48 182.¦ 25.02 159.¦ 180. Kottmann Helena 1971 St. Antoni 1:24.49,8 29.50,5 (10003) Diplom Video 15F 928. 5.39 37.31 172.¦ 21.48 181.¦ 25.30 182.¦ 181. Beer Sonja 1973 Eggiwil 1:24.54,3 29.55,0 (13365) Diplom Video 15F 932. 5.39 37.13 164.¦ 21.45 179.¦ 25.54 198.¦ 182. Keusch Prisca 1973 Wünnewil 1:25.04,5 30.05,2 (12122) Diplom Video 15F 940. 5.40 37.16 167.¦ 21.55 188.¦ 25.53 196.¦ 183. Debossens Fabienne 1972 Bramois 1:25.12,4 30.13,1 (14346) Diplom Video 15F 951. 5.40 38.22 194.¦ 21.28 167.¦ 25.20 176.¦ 184. Gfeller Nicole 1971 Bern 1:25.20,9 30.21,6 (12004) Diplom Video 15F 957. 5.41 37.15 165.¦ 22.16 204.¦ 25.49 193.¦ 185. Zumsteg Sibylle 1974 Auvernier 1:25.31,2 30.31,9 (12150) Diplom Video 15F 969. 5.42 38.19 193.¦ 21.38 173.¦ 25.33 185.¦ 186. Gisler Manuela 1973 Altdorf UR 1:25.41,5 30.42,2 (13093) Diplom Video 15F 978. 5.42 38.06 188.¦ 21.27 166.¦ 26.07 207.¦ 187. Perll Sofie, Bern 1973 LCA 1:25.49,7 30.50,4 (13240) Diplom Video 15F 990. 5.43 38.31 197.¦ 22.01 192.¦ 25.16 171.¦ 188. Spack Zine Thérèse 1972 Veyrier 1:25.58,7 30.59,4 (12399) Diplom Video 15F 994. 5.43 37.46 179.¦ 22.04 195.¦ 26.08 209.¦ 189. Greuter Denise 1972 Burgdorf 1:26.01,8 31.02,5 (12167) Diplom Video 15F 997. 5.44 38.43 204.¦ 21.50 183.¦ 25.28 180.¦ 190. Bringhen Christa 1970 Montricher 1:26.06,8 31.07,5 (14152) Diplom Video 15F 1000. 5.44 38.37 202.¦ 22.32 208.¦ 24.56 157.¦ 191. Frusetta Sabrina 1970 Liebistorf 1:26.09,3 31.10,0 (28281) Diplom Video 15F 1003. 5.44 38.07 190.¦ 22.04 196.¦ 25.57 200.¦ 192. Wyler Andrea 1971 Düdingen 1:26.10,5 31.11,2 (12367) Diplom Video 15F 1004. 5.44 37.23 170.¦ 22.54 219.¦ 25.52 195.¦ 193. Repond Natacha 1971 Grolley 1:26.12,4 31.13,1 (11298) Diplom Video 15F 1006. 5.44 38.01 183.¦ 22.02 193.¦ 26.08 209.¦ 194. Fritz Cornelia 1971 Basel 1:26.16,3 31.17,0 (12046) Diplom Video 15F 1012. 5.45 38.35 200.¦ 21.52 185.¦ 25.48 191.¦ 195. Bella Besson Adriana 1973 Thörishaus 1:26.18,1 31.18,8 (14174) Diplom Video 15F 1013. 5.45 39.02 212.¦ 21.56 191.¦ 25.18 175.¦ 196. Kartal Selda 1974 Thun 1:26.42,8 31.43,5 (6162) Diplom Video 15F 1033. 5.46 39.51 229.¦ 21.45 178.¦ 25.05 161.¦ 197. Ryser Karin 1972 Worben 1:26.49,4 31.50,1 (13282) Diplom Video 15F 1040. 5.47 38.46 207.¦ 21.54 187.¦ 26.08 211.¦ 198. Chédel Christel 1973 Le Landeron 1:26.50,6 31.51,3 (28586) Diplom Video 15F 1043. 5.47 38.03 185.¦ 22.41 213.¦ 26.05 206.¦ 199. Holenstein Anita 1971 Bazenheid 1:26.52,4 31.53,1 (28086) Diplom Video 15F 1044. 5.47 38.12 191.¦ 21.56 189.¦ 26.44 223.¦ 200. Barras Sabine 1970 Autigny 1:27.09,3 32.10,0 (14021) Diplom Video 15F 1058. 5.48 39.10 214.¦ 21.11 154.¦ 26.47 225.¦ 201. Wüthrich Gisela 1971 Bettenhausen 1:27.10,5 32.11,2 (11348) Diplom Video 15F 1060. 5.48 38.06 187.¦ 22.58 220.¦ 26.05 205.¦ 202. Mauron-Hemmer Elisabeth 1970 Villars-sur-Glâne 1:27.17,0 32.17,7 (11276) Diplom Video 15F 1062. 5.49 38.06 189.¦ 22.06 197.¦ 27.04 230.¦ 203. Kurz Sandra 1970 Niederönz 1:27.18,6 32.19,3 (13177) Diplom Video 15F 1065. 5.49 39.47 226.¦ 22.17 205.¦ 25.13 168.¦ 204. Keist Esther 1970 Gurmels 1:27.27,5 32.28,2 (12172) Diplom Video 15F 1072. 5.49 39.12 216.¦ 22.03 194.¦ 26.10 212.¦ 205. Gantenbein Corinne 1974 Thörishaus 1:27.30,6 32.31,3 (13085) Diplom Video 15F 1079. 5.50 38.43 205.¦ 22.10 202.¦ 26.36 219.¦ 206. Widmer Kaufmann Nicole 1970 Köniz 1:27.37,6 32.38,3 (28227) Diplom Video 15F 1082. 5.50 38.58 209.¦ 22.50 216.¦ 25.48 192.¦ 207. Baud Elisabeth 1974 Belfaux 1:27.43,1 32.43,8 (11362) Diplom Video 15F 1088. 5.50 37.50 180.¦ 23.14 229.¦ 26.37 221.¦ 208. Knill-Dubs Yvonne 1970 Urnäsch 1:27.43,2 32.43,9 (13165) Diplom Video 15F 1089. 5.50 39.22 219.¦ 22.07 199.¦ 26.13 213.¦ 209. Chaignat Adèle Rose Louise 1971 Saignelégier 1:27.45,6 32.46,3 (12198) Diplom Video 15F 1090. 5.51 41.13 256.¦ 21.56 189.¦ 24.36 140.¦ 210. Moretto Beatrice 1974 Ulmiz 1:27.48,3 32.49,0 (12209) Diplom Video 15F 1092. 5.51 38.28 196.¦ 22.35 209.¦ 26.44 224.¦ 211. Schiffgen Stefanie 1971 Niederönz 1:27.51,4 32.52,1 (11090) Diplom Video 15F 1094. 5.51 38.46 206.¦ 23.05 225.¦ 25.59 202.¦ 212. Gedeon-Chappuis Marie-Christine 1973 Spiegel b. Bern 1:28.09,3 33.10,0 (15044) Diplom Video 15F 1105. 5.52 40.18 238.¦ 22.09 201.¦ 25.41 189.¦ 213. Uebelhart Karin 1970 Langendorf 1:28.10,4 33.11,1 (14271) Diplom Video 15F 1106. 5.52 39.50 227.¦ 22.22 207.¦ 25.58 201.¦ 214. Bally Aurélia 1970 Orges 1:28.11,0 33.11,7 (13016) Diplom Video 15F 1107. 5.52 38.36 201.¦ 22.08 200.¦ 27.25 239.¦ 215. Weber Silvia 1974 Aarberg 1:28.11,7 33.12,4 (12216) Diplom Video 15F 1110. 5.52 39.44 222.¦ 22.58 222.¦ 25.28 181.¦ 216. Stauffer Manuela, Bern 1972 GGB 1:28.37,4 33.38,1 (10307) Diplom Video 15F 1132. 5.54 37.16 168.¦ 25.29 273.¦ 25.51 194.¦ 217. Ledermann Patrizia 1973 Jens 1:28.38,0 33.38,7 (11358) Diplom Video 15F 1133. 5.54 38.34 199.¦ 23.03 224.¦ 27.00 228.¦ 218. Ventura Isabelle 1973 Colombier NE 1:28.42,7 33.43,4 (14116) Diplom Video 15F 1136. 5.54 41.28 260.¦ 21.46 180.¦ 25.28 179.¦ 219. Ruppen Tanja 1971 Basel 1:28.45,1 33.45,8 (11167) Diplom Video 15F 1137. 5.55 39.11 215.¦ 23.09 227.¦ 26.24 218.¦ 220. Krummenacher Chantal 1974 Châbles FR 1:28.49,3 33.50,0 (13173) Diplom Video 15F 1142. 5.55 38.59 210.¦ 23.34 239.¦ 26.15 215.¦ 221. Roth Teresa 1970 Gwatt (Thun) 1:28.50,5 33.51,2 (13274) Diplom Video 15F 1144. 5.55 39.05 213.¦ 23.23 235.¦ 26.21 217.¦ 222. Fellrath Nathalie 1970 Marin-Epagnier 1:28.55,1 33.55,8 (15148) Diplom Video 15F 1148. 5.55 40.40 244.¦ 22.39 210.¦ 25.35 187.¦ 223. Engeler Ursi 1970 Langnau am Albis 1:29.06,4 34.07,1 (14468) Diplom Video 15F 1156. 5.56 39.20 218.¦ 23.29 237.¦ 26.16 216.¦ 224. Luder Barbara 1970 Gerlafingen 1:29.09,5 34.10,2 (13193) Diplom Video 15F 1158. 5.56 39.44 224.¦ 22.48 215.¦ 26.36 220.¦ 225. Talpas Brigitta 1974 Interlaken 1:29.12,0 34.12,7 (12187) Diplom Video 15F 1161. 5.56 38.42 203.¦ 23.17 230.¦ 27.12 233.¦ 226. Gallina Nadine 1974 Biel/Bienne 1:29.17,8 34.18,5 (15041) Diplom Video 15F 1168. 5.57 40.38 243.¦ 22.46 214.¦ 25.53 197.¦ 227. Mallet Patricia 1972 Le Landeron 1:29.32,0 34.32,7 (12175) Diplom Video 15F 1177. 5.58 38.57 208.¦ 22.51 217.¦ 27.42 246.¦ 228. Meyenberg Patricia 1970 Boll 1:29.37,8 34.38,5 (12123) Diplom Video 15F 1181. 5.58 38.01 184.¦ 23.00 223.¦ 28.35 262.¦ 229. Lüthi Karin 1973 Riggisberg 1:29.45,4 34.46,1 (14077) Diplom Video 15F 1189. 5.59 40.23 241.¦ 23.24 236.¦ 25.57 199.¦ 230. Kolly Ursina 1970 Konolfingen 1:29.47,1 34.47,8 (13169) Diplom Video 15F 1193. 5.59 40.23 240.¦ 22.41 211.¦ 26.41 222.¦ 231. Niclasse Laurence 1974 Nyon 1:29.52,3 34.53,0 (13224) Diplom Video 15F 1196. 5.59 40.05 233.¦ 22.41 211.¦ 27.05 231.¦ 232. Andersen Brigitte 1972 Mülchi 1:30.12,3 35.13,0 (12152) Diplom Video 15F 1217. 6.00 40.21 239.¦ 22.51 218.¦ 26.59 227.¦ 233. Born Brigitte 1973 Aarberg 1:30.20,4 35.21,1 (12197) Diplom Video 15F 1221. 6.01 39.44 223.¦ 22.58 220.¦ 27.37 242.¦ 234. Magistretti Sandrine 1974 Gorgier 1:30.27,5 35.28,2 (28117) Diplom Video 15F 1229. 6.01 39.46 225.¦ 23.14 228.¦ 27.26 240.¦ 235. Grundlehner-Lindt Monika 1970 Zuzwil BE 1:30.47,8 35.48,5 (14135) Diplom Video 15F 1254. 6.03 39.36 221.¦ 23.09 226.¦ 28.02 250.¦ 236. Mekkaoui Renata, Gland 1971 Foulée Glandoise 1:30.49,0 35.49,7 (12143) Diplom Video 15F 1256. 6.03 40.07 234.¦ 23.23 234.¦ 27.18 235.¦ 237. Aebischer Ursula 1970 Fräschels 1:30.54,2 35.54,9 (12001) Diplom Video 15F 1262. 6.03 39.53 231.¦ 23.40 240.¦ 27.19 236.¦ 238. Rouiller Daniela 1974 Corminboeuf 1:31.07,1 36.07,8 (15103) Diplom Video 15F 1269. 6.04 42.14 268.¦ 23.20 231.¦ 25.32 183.¦ 239. Jungo Béatrice 1973 Heitenried 1:31.18,3 36.19,0 (14223) Diplom Video 15F 1280. 6.05 39.53 230.¦ 23.57 252.¦ 27.27 241.¦ 240. Gfeller Audrey 1973 Courgenay 1:31.31,6 36.32,3 (10114) Diplom Video 15F 1286. 6.06 39.54 232.¦ 23.49 246.¦ 27.47 248.¦ 241. Wiedmer Therese 1974 Thun 1:31.34,9 36.35,6 (13350) Diplom Video 15F 1290. 6.06 41.07 255.¦ 23.32 238.¦ 26.55 226.¦ 242. Barbey Sarah 1971 Lentigny 1:31.49,9 36.50,6 (13018) Diplom Video 15F 1301. 6.07 40.17 236.¦ 23.53 249.¦ 27.39 243.¦ 243. Gugler Anne-Christine 1972 Echallens 1:31.57,0 36.57,7 (12273) Diplom Video 15F 1304. 6.07 39.17 217.¦ 24.18 259.¦ 28.21 257.¦ 244. Rod Rochat Corinne 1971 St-Cierges 1:32.06,0 37.06,7 (14095) Diplom Video 15F 1309. 6.08 40.57 249.¦ 23.21 233.¦ 27.47 247.¦ 245. Beltrando Anicka 1971 Cormondrèche 1:32.16,9 37.17,6 (13023) Diplom Video 15F 1320. 6.09 40.15 235.¦ 24.13 257.¦ 27.48 249.¦ 246. Ummel Mariani Lysiane 1973 Corcelles NE 1:32.22,3 37.23,0 (13335) Diplom Video 15F 1324. 6.09 40.57 248.¦ 23.44 241.¦ 27.40 244.¦ 247. Bellon Chantal 1973 La Conversion 1:32.23,4 37.24,1 (13022) Diplom Video 15F 1326. 6.09 40.57 249.¦ 23.45 242.¦ 27.40 244.¦ 248. Francioli Belinda 1972 Bussigny-près-Lausanne 1:32.58,4 37.59,1 (14200) Diplom Video 15F 1345. 6.11 41.58 266.¦ 23.50 247.¦ 27.09 232.¦ 249. Casazza-Vaucher Roxane 1974 Fribourg 1:33.04,9 38.05,6 (14186) Diplom Video 15F 1347. 6.12 41.41 263.¦ 23.20 232.¦ 28.03 251.¦ 250. Burri Isabelle 1972 Assens 1:33.05,6 38.06,3 (13039) Diplom Video 15F 1348. 6.12 41.00 251.¦ 23.45 243.¦ 28.20 256.¦ 251. Lehmann Caroline 1972 Zuzwil BE 1:33.07,1 38.07,8 (14405) Diplom Video 15F 1349. 6.12 42.19 269.¦ 23.46 244.¦ 27.01 229.¦ 252. Bucher Sandra 1970 Lyss 1:33.09,9 38.10,6 (12157) Diplom Video 15F 1351. 6.12 40.40 245.¦ 24.06 253.¦ 28.22 258.¦ 253. Weissbaum Nathalie 1971 Fribourg 1:33.13,3 38.14,0 (14277) Diplom Video 15F 1354. 6.12 42.04 267.¦ 23.52 248.¦ 27.16 234.¦ 254. Mueller Beatrice 1974 Herzogenbuchsee 1:33.15,7 38.16,4 (14289) Diplom Video 15F 1356. 6.13 41.14 257.¦ 23.54 250.¦ 28.07 253.¦ 255. Jeckelmann Sandrine 1971 Lavigny 1:33.26,9 38.27,6 (14393) Diplom Video 15F 1361. 6.13 40.53 247.¦ 23.46 244.¦ 28.47 263.¦ 256. Maillard Francine 1971 Siviriez 1:33.32,6 38.33,3 (14230) Diplom Video 15F 1364. 6.14 40.33 242.¦ 24.49 262.¦ 28.09 254.¦ 257. Goumaz Paule 1970 Lausanne 1:33.45,9 38.46,6 (13102) Diplom Video 15F 1372. 6.15 39.50 228.¦ 25.03 266.¦ 28.51 265.¦ 258. Christe Ariane 1970 Fontaines NE 1:33.49,2 38.49,9 (14341) Diplom Video 15F 1374. 6.15 40.52 246.¦ 23.56 251.¦ 29.01 268.¦ 259. Tacconi Mireille 1970 Froideville 1:34.07,6 39.08,3 (13322) Diplom Video 15F 1384. 6.16 41.23 259.¦ 24.11 256.¦ 28.33 259.¦ 260. Frick Karin 1973 Mettmenstetten 1:34.44,5 39.45,2 (15149) Diplom Video 15F 1401. 6.18 43.05 274.¦ 24.16 258.¦ 27.21 238.¦ 261. Hegi Stephanie 1973 Bern 1:34.52,7 39.53,4 (14217) Diplom Video 15F 1407. 6.19 43.25 275.¦ 24.07 254.¦ 27.20 237.¦ 262. Bulling Shelley 1970 Bellevue 1:34.53,8 39.54,5 (14184) Diplom Video 15F 1408. 6.19 42.32 271.¦ 24.08 255.¦ 28.12 255.¦ 263. Chatelan Stéphanie 1974 Assens 1:35.05,8 40.06,5 (14031) Diplom Video 15F 1415. 6.20 41.36 261.¦ 24.54 265.¦ 28.34 260.¦ 264. Brinca Sophie 1974 Lausanne 1:35.15,4 40.16,1 (14480) Diplom Video 15F 1420. 6.21 40.17 237.¦ 24.51 263.¦ 30.06 274.¦ 265. Farine Béatrice 1972 Epalinges 1:35.23,0 40.23,7 (12263) Diplom Video 15F 1428. 6.21 41.41 263.¦ 24.24 261.¦ 29.17 270.¦ 266. Grand Marion 1974 Corpataux-Magnedens 1:35.57,2 40.57,9 (10124) Diplom Video 15F 1445. 6.23 39.29 220.¦ 25.35 274.¦ 30.51 279.¦ 267. Burtin Stephanie 1974 Genève 1:36.04,5 41.05,2 (15137) Diplom Video 15F 1447. 6.24 42.21 270.¦ 25.07 267.¦ 28.35 261.¦ 268. Schwizer Chantal 1971 Lausanne 1:36.07,5 41.08,2 (10288) Diplom Video 15F 1450. 6.24 41.01 252.¦ 26.14 280.¦ 28.51 264.¦ 269. Lanz Monika 1971 Arch 1:36.22,4 41.23,1 (15068) Diplom Video 15F 1454. 6.25 41.05 253.¦ 25.25 271.¦ 29.51 273.¦ 270. Togni Sabrina 1973 Marin-Epagnier 1:37.15,3 42.16,0 (15194) Diplom Video 15F 1472. 6.29 43.04 273.¦ 25.11 269.¦ 28.59 267.¦ 271. Amweg-Waldmeier Nicole 1974 Unterseen 1:37.23,3 42.24,0 (12221) Diplom Video 15F 1478. 6.29 41.07 254.¦ 25.22 270.¦ 30.53 280.¦ 272. Horgan Katherine, Adliswil 1973 KMC 1:37.32,2 42.32,9 (15268) Diplom Video 15F 1485. 6.30 43.33 276.¦ 24.19 260.¦ 29.38 271.¦ 273. Brodmann Sandra 1973 Flüh 1:38.18,3 43.19,0 (13033) Diplom Video 15F 1500. 6.33 43.35 277.¦ 25.46 278.¦ 28.55 266.¦ 274. Gasch Andrea-Katja 1970 Lüscherz 1:38.38,7 43.39,4 (6343) Diplom Video 15F 1509. 6.34 42.57 272.¦ 25.28 272.¦ 30.12 276.¦ 275. Grossenbacher Karine 1973 La Chaux-de-Fonds 1:39.26,2 44.26,9 (11239) Diplom Video 15F 1527. 6.37 41.56 265.¦ 26.52 283.¦ 30.36 278.¦ 276. Inäbnit Gabi 1970 Münsingen 1:39.42,3 44.43,0 (28499) Diplom Video 15F 1529. 6.38 41.39 262.¦ 25.43 276.¦ 32.19 287.¦ 277. Gisler Beatrice 1971 Schattdorf 1:39.46,8 44.47,5 (15150) Diplom Video 15F 1530. 6.39 44.14 280.¦ 25.48 279.¦ 29.44 272.¦ 278. Leisibach Vita 1973 Zug 1:40.05,1 45.05,8 (15269) Diplom Video 15F 1539. 6.40 45.40 284.¦ 25.08 268.¦ 29.16 269.¦ 279. De Cecco Sanchez Katia 1972 Vernier 1:40.06,3 45.07,0 (15145) Diplom Video 15F 1541. 6.40 43.49 278.¦ 25.43 275.¦ 30.34 277.¦ 280. Kesseli Maria Amparo 1974 Murten 1:40.29,9 45.30,6 (15058) Diplom Video 15F 1548. 6.41 47.30 291.¦ 24.53 264.¦ 28.06 252.¦ 281. Gaume Myriam 1972 Boudry 1:40.59,4 46.00,1 (15043) Diplom Video 15F 1556. 6.43 45.04 283.¦ 25.43 277.¦ 30.11 275.¦ 282. Heinemann Beate 1970 F-St Genis Pouilly 1:41.40,9 46.41,6 (14384) Diplom Video 15F 1569. 6.46 43.51 279.¦ 26.46 282.¦ 31.02 281.¦ 283. Lutenegger Floriane 1973 Estavayer-le-Lac 1:42.37,1 47.37,8 (15234) Diplom Video 15F 1580. 6.50 41.17 258.¦ 28.32 290.¦ 32.47 288.¦ 284. Moser Andrea 1972 Hittnau 1:43.34,3 48.35,0 (15009) Diplom Video 15F 1590. 6.54 45.50 285.¦ 26.25 281.¦ 31.18 283.¦ 285. Favre Carine 1971 Chénens 1:45.06,3 50.07,0 (15215) Diplom Video 15F 1601. 7.00 46.16 287.¦ 27.44 287.¦ 31.05 282.¦ 286. Froidevaux Valérie 1974 Vex 1:46.07,6 51.08,3 (15038) Diplom Video 15F 1608. 7.04 47.21 290.¦ 26.54 284.¦ 31.51 285.¦ 287. Birrer Sarah, Allschwil 1972 Lauftreff beider Basel 1:46.35,8 51.36,5 (14180) Diplom Video 15F 1613. 7.06 44.53 282.¦ 27.48 288.¦ 33.54 291.¦ 288. Suter Anne-Françoise 1970 Grandvaux 1:46.37,9 51.38,6 (14307) Diplom Video 15F 1615. 7.06 47.40 292.¦ 27.30 286.¦ 31.27 284.¦ 289. Degoumois-Laurent Nicole 1970 Meyriez 1:48.09,8 53.10,5 (14348) Diplom Video 15F 1626. 7.12 44.25 281.¦ 30.14 295.¦ 33.29 289.¦ 290. Strothmann Dede 1972 D-Berlin 1:48.24,2 53.24,9 (15248) Diplom Video 15F 1628. 7.13 47.50 293.¦ 28.16 289.¦ 32.17 286.¦ 291. Stettler Sandra 1971 Merzligen 1:48.47,8 53.48,5 (8262) Diplom Video 15F 1630. 7.15 46.32 288.¦ 27.26 285.¦ 34.48 295.¦ 292. Grin Marie-Noëlle 1972 Ependes VD 1:50.56,3 55.57,0 (15190) Diplom Video 15F 1639. 7.23 46.01 286.¦ 29.46 293.¦ 35.08 296.¦ 293. Ducrey Anne, Vouvry 1972 T-R-T athlétisme Monthey 1:51.28,1 56.28,8 (15032) Diplom Video 15F 1641. 7.25 47.13 289.¦ 29.43 291.¦ 34.30 294.¦ 294. Schoen Isabelle 1972 Echallens 1:53.37,2 58.37,9 (13297) Diplom Video 15F 1647. 7.34 48.33 294.¦ 30.49 296.¦ 34.14 292.¦ 295. Pinho Anne-Christine 1970 Posieux 1:54.52,9 59.53,6 (15167) Diplom Video 15F 1653. 7.39 51.07 295.¦ 30.06 294.¦ 33.38 290.¦ 296. Jakob Celine 1971 Colombier NE 1:58.30,0 1:03.30,7 (14391) Diplom Video 15F 1666. 7.54 54.28 296.¦ 29.44 292.¦ 34.17 293.¦ 297. Desaulty Samira 1974 St-Aubin FR 2:12.52,9 1:17.53,6 (11054) Diplom Video 15F 1809. 8.51 1:00.20 298.¦ 32.09 297.¦ 40.23 297.¦ 298. Bättig Yelitza 1971 Merlischachen 2:13.20,1 1:18.20,8 (28245) Diplom Video 15F 1819. 8.53 1:00.04 297.¦ 32.19 298.¦ 40.56 298.¦
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