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(23) Walking 5km

Schweizer Frauenlauf, Bern 2014 - (23) Walking 5km

Rang Name/Ort Jg Team/Ort Zeit Rückstand Stnr Schnitt ¦ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Abida Fatima 1974 F-Prevessin Moens 35.36,2 ----- (42168) Diplom Video 7.07 ¦ --- Aeschbacher Agnès 1945 Delémont 56.58,7 ----- (42113) Diplom Video 11.23 ¦ --- Aeschbacher Eliane 1946 Bern 53.52,5 ----- (42238) Diplom Video 10.46 ¦ --- Aeschbacher Priti 1970 Bern 53.51,8 ----- (42240) Diplom Video 10.46 ¦ --- Aeschimann Barbara 1966 Genève 52.28,2 ----- (44114) Diplom Video 10.29 ¦ --- Aeschlimann Cindy 1990 Zollikofen 46.23,4 ----- (41188) Diplom Video 9.16 ¦ --- Aeschlimann Therese 1965 Schwanden im Emmental 46.22,6 ----- (41189) Diplom Video 9.16 ¦ --- Ajmone Sessera Elena 1970 Genève 52.29,1 ----- (44115) Diplom Video 10.29 ¦ --- Akerholm Katarina 1949 Bern 41.48,2 ----- (41224) Diplom Video 8.21 ¦ --- Alata Gladys 1968 Bernex 51.54,3 ----- (42022) Diplom Video 10.22 ¦ --- Albrecht Franziska, Freienstein 1983 Bosch Running Team 45.34,7 ----- (42118) Diplom Video 9.06 ¦ --- Alder Karin 1969 Engelberg 46.17,5 ----- (42241) Diplom Video 9.15 ¦ --- Alder Marielle 1993 Engelberg 42.28,5 ----- (42242) Diplom Video 8.29 ¦ --- Amadò Luisa 1947 Buochs 51.38,8 ----- (42061) Diplom Video 10.19 ¦ --- Amsler-Alvarez Alicia 1967 Bern 53.53,9 ----- (42015) Diplom Video 10.46 ¦ --- Anderegg Erika 1949 Rorschach 50.52,0 ----- (42147) Diplom Video 10.10 ¦ --- Andrey Trudy 1949 Gurmels 39.29,0 ----- (41037) Diplom Video 7.53 ¦ --- Angéloz S-M 1963 Yverdon-les-Bains 51.04,2 ----- (42126) Diplom Video 10.12 ¦ --- Anisimova Krucker Natalia 1960 Wil SG 50.05,3 ----- (41190) Diplom Video 10.01 ¦ --- Arajo Law Cléo 1956 Fribourg 46.58,4 ----- (42244) Diplom Video 9.23 ¦ --- Arioli-Joos Pascale 1969 Niederurnen 40.32,7 ----- (42130) Diplom Video 8.06 ¦ --- Arnold Gabi 1972 Knutwil 45.00,3 ----- (41144) Diplom Video 9.00 ¦ --- Attinger Heidi 1943 Zürich 43.24,6 ----- (41051) Diplom Video 8.40 ¦ --- Aubry Mertenat Mariethé 1937 Delémont 54.30,7 ----- (42245) Diplom Video 10.54 ¦ --- Bacciarini-Vogel Elisabeth 1949 Urdorf 45.15,8 ----- (42171) Diplom Video 9.03 ¦ --- Baechler Anne 1970 Lutry 45.23,3 ----- (41250) Diplom Video 9.04 ¦ --- Bachmann Anne-Marie 1942 Genève 41.53,1 ----- (41165) Diplom Video 8.22 ¦ --- Bachmann Verena 1942 Freienbach 48.02,4 ----- (41094) Diplom Video 9.36 ¦ --- Baltensberger Eva 1962 Zollikofen 48.43,9 ----- (42105) Diplom Video 9.44 ¦ --- Barasch Michaela 1959 Herisau 40.02,9 ----- (41225) Diplom Video 8.00 ¦ --- Baerlocher Elisabeth 1951 Wallisellen 46.10,4 ----- (41120) Diplom Video 9.14 ¦ --- Baumgartner Sévérine 1983 Trimbach 40.51,0 ----- (41062) Diplom Video 8.10 ¦ --- Beaham Jennifer 1992 Appenzell 39.55,6 ----- (42246) Diplom Video 7.59 ¦ --- Beck Erika, Thun 1955 Bosch Running Team 50.55,2 ----- (42106) Diplom Video 10.11 ¦ --- Beeler Andrea 1969 Bremgarten AG 47.50,3 ----- (42247) Diplom Video 9.34 ¦ --- Beerli Christine 1953 Genève 52.27,1 ----- (44116) Diplom Video 10.29 ¦ --- Benesova Silvie 1982 Lützelflüh-Goldbach 37.36,7 ----- (34020) Diplom Video 7.31 ¦ --- Bennett Rice Claire 1971 Zürich 50.05,8 ----- (41161) Diplom Video 10.01 ¦ --- Benz Myrta 1958 Lachen SZ 41.03,8 ----- (41040) Diplom Video 8.12 ¦ --- Berney-Audrain Sarah 1979 Le Brassus 50.37,0 ----- (42127) Diplom Video 10.07 ¦ --- Beutler Brigitte 1977 Wichtrach 43.28,8 ----- (42315) Diplom Video 8.41 ¦ --- Bideaud Elisabeth 1971 Genève 49.47,0 ----- (41226) Diplom Video 9.57 ¦ --- Biedermann Lisbeth 1947 Kappelen 46.55,8 ----- (42197) Diplom Video 9.23 ¦ --- Bloch Annie 1975 Lyss 48.37,7 ----- (42033) Diplom Video 9.43 ¦ --- Bloch Renate 1960 Sennhof (Winterthur) 38.28,7 ----- (41176) Diplom Video 7.41 ¦ --- Bohren Mirjam 1968 Oftringen 41.20,0 ----- (41227) Diplom Video 8.16 ¦ --- Borter Natalie 1987 Oberems 48.45,3 ----- (42248) Diplom Video 9.45 ¦ --- Bossard Vera 1986 Zug 41.36,6 ----- (42026) Diplom Video 8.19 ¦ --- Bosson Christa 1962 Onex 44.19,2 ----- (42149) Diplom Video 8.51 ¦ --- Boudet Anthamatten Julie 1979 Genève 52.27,0 ----- (44117) Diplom Video 10.29 ¦ --- Bovey Annette 1953 Genève 46.34,3 ----- (41167) Diplom Video 9.18 ¦ --- Braun Barbara 1956 Tann 39.38,3 ----- (41026) Diplom Video 7.55 ¦ --- Brunner Monika 1956 Ebikon 41.31,9 ----- (41060) Diplom Video 8.18 ¦ --- Brunner Vera 1952 Buchs ZH 41.18,3 ----- (41103) Diplom Video 8.15 ¦ --- Bucher Magdalena 1956 Marbach LU 43.40,2 ----- (42146) Diplom Video 8.44 ¦ --- Bucher Marianne 1976 Würenlos 43.12,7 ----- (41191) Diplom Video 8.38 ¦ --- Bühler Annamarie 1947 Bern 40.16,6 ----- (41171) Diplom Video 8.03 ¦ --- Bühler Lisa 1941 Riehen 47.07,6 ----- (41030) Diplom Video 9.25 ¦ --- Burch Birgit 1967 Sarnen 51.31,6 ----- (42111) Diplom Video 10.18 ¦ --- Bürgi Zahai 1946 Bern 41.12,6 ----- (41046) Diplom Video 8.14 ¦ --- Burkard Marlies 1953 Einsiedeln 43.24,0 ----- (41099) Diplom Video 8.40 ¦ --- Burkart Zita 1957 Obermumpf 37.58,1 ----- (42058) Diplom Video 7.35 ¦ --- Burkhard Andrea 1967 Grenchen 46.00,0 ----- (41192) Diplom Video 9.12 ¦ --- Burkhard Margareth 1953 Yverdon-les-Bains 54.07,0 ----- (42190) Diplom Video 10.49 ¦ --- Bürki Regula 1951 Bern 47.38,4 ----- (41252) Diplom Video 9.31 ¦ --- Bürki-Roth Sylvia 1954 Liebefeld 45.05,7 ----- (42249) Diplom Video 9.01 ¦ --- Bylang Rosmarie, Thun 1950 Bosch Running Team 50.55,6 ----- (42107) Diplom Video 10.11 ¦ --- Cahenzli Edvina 1961 Lachen SZ 41.02,7 ----- (41041) Diplom Video 8.12 ¦ --- Cajacob Chatrina 1950 Landquart 46.26,3 ----- (41085) Diplom Video 9.17 ¦ --- Caleo Barbara 1970 Genève 52.26,3 ----- (44120) Diplom Video 10.29 ¦ --- Calonder Anni 1944 Trin 49.09,5 ----- (42066) Diplom Video 9.49 ¦ --- Carnal Nathalie, Cortaillod 1986 Bosch Running Team 45.12,5 ----- (42137) Diplom Video 9.02 ¦ --- Cassegrain Caroline 1958 Crans-près-Céligny 44.03,7 ----- (41034) Diplom Video 8.48 ¦ --- Cavaliere Dina 1966 Bernex 51.54,6 ----- (42021) Diplom Video 10.22 ¦ --- Centonce Denise 1991 Urdorf 53.29,5 ----- (42250) Diplom Video 10.41 ¦ --- Cesarov-Zaugg Danielle 1956 Bern 44.24,5 ----- (42182) Diplom Video 8.52 ¦ --- Chatton Laurence 1961 Genève 52.30,6 ----- (44121) Diplom Video 10.30 ¦ --- Chenevard Sommaruga Anouchka 1955 Thônex 44.19,3 ----- (42185) Diplom Video 8.51 ¦ --- Chiarenza Laura 1969 Bern 46.17,4 ----- (42065) Diplom Video 9.15 ¦ --- Chicherio Margrit 1938 Bennau 46.14,0 ----- (41193) Diplom Video 9.14 ¦ --- Chiesa Véronique 1981 Thônex 51.46,3 ----- (42154) Diplom Video 10.21 ¦ --- Clausen Verena 1965 Niederweningen 44.10,5 ----- (42251) Diplom Video 8.50 ¦ --- Codega Giulia 1992 Pfäffikon ZH 50.13,1 ----- (42198) Diplom Video 10.02 ¦ --- Collet Monique 1949 Bernex 51.53,5 ----- (42057) Diplom Video 10.22 ¦ --- Constantin Regine 1962 Salgesch 46.28,9 ----- (42115) Diplom Video 9.17 ¦ --- Conte Rosetta, Elgg 1957 Bosch Running Team 51.45,8 ----- (42124) Diplom Video 10.21 ¦ --- Correia Sandra, Döttingen 1982 Bosch Running Team 45.36,3 ----- (42123) Diplom Video 9.07 ¦ --- Cozzio Rita 1967 St. Gallen 41.19,9 ----- (42252) Diplom Video 8.15 ¦ --- Dähler Manuela 1985 Noflen BE 43.16,6 ----- (42253) Diplom Video 8.39 ¦ --- Danzi Patricia 1969 Genève 52.25,8 ----- (44122) Diplom Video 10.29 ¦ --- Das Debanjana 1988 Bern 46.29,2 ----- (42254) Diplom Video 9.17 ¦ --- De Lillo Maria 1962 Obermumpf 42.54,1 ----- (42068) Diplom Video 8.34 ¦ --- De Pleijt Waltraud 1942 Brunnen 47.20,1 ----- (41194) Diplom Video 9.28 ¦ --- De Sousa Claudia 1988 Bühl b. Aarberg 44.10,0 ----- (41133) Diplom Video 8.50 ¦ --- Deflorin-Rüegg Caroline 1970 Felsberg 40.19,7 ----- (41195) Diplom Video 8.03 ¦ --- Dei Rossi Loriane 1946 Onex 43.22,3 ----- (42160) Diplom Video 8.40 ¦ --- Dey Priyanka 1985 Ostermundigen 46.29,0 ----- (42255) Diplom Video 9.17 ¦ --- Di Benedetto Giustiziana 1971 Rüti ZH 44.03,7 ----- (41196) Diplom Video 8.48 ¦ --- Di Giuseppe Isabella, Gebenstorf 1982 Bosch Running Team 46.42,1 ----- (42120) Diplom Video 9.20 ¦ --- Dohner Bettina 1967 Birmensdorf ZH 45.42,5 ----- (42199) Diplom Video 9.08 ¦ --- Dubach Agnes 1954 Riehen 49.15,2 ----- (42256) Diplom Video 9.51 ¦ --- Dubacher Pia 1963 Sarnen 51.32,6 ----- (42109) Diplom Video 10.18 ¦ --- Dubois Josiane 1957 Le Locle 40.53,9 ----- (41035) Diplom Video 8.10 ¦ --- Dysli Katharina 1953 Zollbrück 41.08,0 ----- (41197) Diplom Video 8.13 ¦ --- Ebneter Gabriela 1949 Bazenheid 41.32,5 ----- (41061) Diplom Video 8.18 ¦ --- Eder Regina 1945 Halten 42.47,3 ----- (41058) Diplom Video 8.33 ¦ --- Egg Gisèle 1952 Coppet 43.20,5 ----- (41166) Diplom Video 8.40 ¦ --- Egger Brigitta 1945 Goldach 49.24,0 ----- (42037) Diplom Video 9.52 ¦ --- Egle Ingrid 1955 Gams 44.47,7 ----- (42169) Diplom Video 8.57 ¦ --- Egloff Sabine 1970 Zufikon 43.53,1 ----- (41146) Diplom Video 8.46 ¦ --- Eichenberger Désirée, Unterengst 1985 Bosch Running Team 49.46,6 ----- (42119) Diplom Video 9.57 ¦ --- Elsässer Sandra 1968 Lohn-Ammannsegg 39.44,4 ----- (42258) Diplom Video 7.56 ¦ --- Elstner Anja 1981 Bern 39.34,0 ----- (41198) Diplom Video 7.54 ¦ --- Erard Eschmann Nathalie 1966 Saignelégier 47.02,2 ----- (42260) Diplom Video 9.24 ¦ --- Erni Claudia 1972 Sarmenstorf 49.00,8 ----- (42261) Diplom Video 9.48 ¦ --- Erzinger Tania 1973 Pfäffikon ZH 47.18,8 ----- (42019) Diplom Video 9.27 ¦ --- Essl Cindy 1980 Würenlos 43.13,6 ----- (41199) Diplom Video 8.38 ¦ --- Fankhauser Angeline 1936 Oberwil BL 48.15,7 ----- (42144) Diplom Video 9.39 ¦ --- Fankhauser Annemarie 1961 Uster 48.16,9 ----- (42056) Diplom Video 9.39 ¦ --- Farina Groux Natacha 1967 Genève 52.27,3 ----- (44123) Diplom Video 10.29 ¦ --- Ferrario Alessandra 1990 Bassersdorf 47.04,1 ----- (42200) Diplom Video 9.24 ¦ --- Ferrario Corinne 1963 Bassersdorf 47.04,0 ----- (42201) Diplom Video 9.24 ¦ --- Fiabane Vreni 1950 Glattbrugg 45.33,9 ----- (42262) Diplom Video 9.06 ¦ --- Fiegl Margret 1940 Tann 41.56,7 ----- (41042) Diplom Video 8.23 ¦ --- Fischer Andrea 1971 Zürich 40.16,2 ----- (41173) Diplom Video 8.03 ¦ --- Fischer Judith 1964 Lampenberg 39.57,3 ----- (41036) Diplom Video 7.59 ¦ --- Fischer Margrit 1943 Dürnten 44.18,0 ----- (41071) Diplom Video 8.51 ¦ --- Fischli Tina 1958 Bachenbülach 48.29,9 ----- (42031) Diplom Video 9.41 ¦ --- Flepp Debora 1979 Ilanz 44.07,0 ----- (41126) Diplom Video 8.49 ¦ --- Flepp Ursula 1951 Ilanz 40.27,4 ----- (41127) Diplom Video 8.05 ¦ --- Flückiger Kathrin 1955 Gümligen 40.07,7 ----- (41072) Diplom Video 8.01 ¦ --- Flury Regula 1956 Möriken AG 42.44,0 ----- (41253) Diplom Video 8.32 ¦ --- Freire Manuela 1961 Bernex 51.48,1 ----- (42153) Diplom Video 10.21 ¦ --- Fried Marianne 1965 Baar 40.27,5 ----- (42083) Diplom Video 8.05 ¦ --- Friedli Heidi 1961 Frick 42.17,2 ----- (41084) Diplom Video 8.27 ¦ --- Fuchs Josephina 1941 Uster 42.27,3 ----- (41070) Diplom Video 8.29 ¦ --- Gammenthaler Edith 1933 Burgdorf 46.30,1 ----- (42025) Diplom Video 9.18 ¦ --- Garbely Claudia 1970 Ried-Brig 40.00,1 ----- (41074) Diplom Video 8.00 ¦ --- Garcia Veronica 1975 Bernex 51.54,0 ----- (42020) Diplom Video 10.22 ¦ --- Gartmann Regina 1952 Luzern 43.58,1 ----- (41185) Diplom Video 8.47 ¦ --- Gasser Daniela 1985 Bäriswil BE 45.44,3 ----- (42049) Diplom Video 9.08 ¦ --- Gätzi Anita 1988 Mühlehorn 41.15,3 ----- (41130) Diplom Video 8.15 ¦ --- Gaudard Christine 1960 Bavois 54.06,6 ----- (42263) Diplom Video 10.49 ¦ --- Gay-Balmaz Ruth 1932 Meinier 45.00,2 ----- (41160) Diplom Video 9.00 ¦ --- Gehrig Sonja 1949 Bazenheid 45.32,3 ----- (42011) Diplom Video 9.06 ¦ --- Geissbühler-Roth Erika 1944 Ostermundigen 45.29,6 ----- (42264) Diplom Video 9.05 ¦ --- Genoux Brigitte 1962 Köniz 47.56,7 ----- (41031) Diplom Video 9.35 ¦ --- Geser Claudine 1957 Zürich 45.35,8 ----- (42202) Diplom Video 9.07 ¦ --- Geser Trudi 1936 Cham 48.32,2 ----- (42062) Diplom Video 9.42 ¦ --- Getzmann Romy 1952 Attinghausen 38.11,7 ----- (41163) Diplom Video 7.38 ¦ --- Gfeller Ruth 1949 Regensdorf 38.21,1 ----- (41022) Diplom Video 7.40 ¦ --- Giacobino Claire-Lise 1938 Genève 44.23,8 ----- (42203) Diplom Video 8.52 ¦ --- Girard Sylvie 1959 Genève 52.22,8 ----- (44126) Diplom Video 10.28 ¦ --- Gisler Daniela 1966 Baar 45.01,2 ----- (42081) Diplom Video 9.00 ¦ --- Gisler Rita 1956 Altdorf UR 41.42,1 ----- (41023) Diplom Video 8.20 ¦ --- Glaser Nicole 1964 Bassins 49.44,5 ----- (42039) Diplom Video 9.56 ¦ --- Glenz-Mounir Chantal 1973 Salgesch 42.09,5 ----- (41200) Diplom Video 8.25 ¦ --- Göricke Barbara 1951 Uzwil 41.45,8 ----- (41088) Diplom Video 8.21 ¦ --- Graf Alice, Krauchthal 1958 Schloss Utzigen / Gepflegte 52.42,7 ----- (42074) Diplom Video 10.32 ¦ --- Graf-Brandt Christina 1952 Winterthur 39.48,0 ----- (41001) Diplom Video 7.57 ¦ --- Graf Brigitte 1951 Weisslingen 43.24,3 ----- (41201) Diplom Video 8.40 ¦ --- Grenacher Elina 1994 Riniken 35.57,6 ----- (41229) Diplom Video 7.11 ¦ --- Grenacher Silvia 1964 Riniken 41.40,9 ----- (41230) Diplom Video 8.20 ¦ --- Greter Theres 1945 Einsiedeln 43.53,5 ----- (41101) Diplom Video 8.46 ¦ --- Grimm Irene 1953 Bülach 47.16,2 ----- (42014) Diplom Video 9.27 ¦ --- Gross G Marion 1962 Zürich 43.57,5 ----- (41177) Diplom Video 8.47 ¦ --- Gross Jeannette 1961 Küssnacht am Rigi 40.15,3 ----- (41231) Diplom Video 8.03 ¦ --- Grosvernier Rose-Marie 1952 La Chaux-de-Fonds 40.54,8 ----- (42141) Diplom Video 8.10 ¦ --- Gübeli Erna 1945 Hinwil 45.03,3 ----- (42009) Diplom Video 9.00 ¦ --- Guimont Aude 1982 Genève 52.28,1 ----- (42265) Diplom Video 10.29 ¦ --- Guinnard Marie-Louise 1946 Estavayer-le-Lac 48.33,0 ----- (42055) Diplom Video 9.42 ¦ --- Güner Cennet 1977 Pratteln 49.37,4 ----- (42266) Diplom Video 9.55 ¦ --- Günther Anita 1959 Zürich 44.24,8 ----- (41086) Diplom Video 8.52 ¦ --- Gyger Anita 1977 Wangen an der Aare 42.27,3 ----- (42204) Diplom Video 8.29 ¦ --- Haldemann Manuela 1963 Krauchthal 45.43,2 ----- (42048) Diplom Video 9.08 ¦ --- Halili Shpresa, Bern 1959 Lauftreff für Frauen 58.16,0 ----- (42316) Diplom Video 11.39 ¦ --- Hamani Shahida, Bern 1961 Lauftreff für Frauen 58.15,8 ----- (42173) Diplom Video 11.39 ¦ --- Handschin Irmgard 1944 Lausen 46.09,9 ----- (42165) Diplom Video 9.13 ¦ --- Hänggi Angela 1972 Nunningen 43.29,0 ----- (41140) Diplom Video 8.41 ¦ --- Hänggi Silvia 1972 Wilderswil 43.55,8 ----- (41149) Diplom Video 8.47 ¦ --- Hänzi Simone 1978 Lauperswil 39.29,9 ----- (42267) Diplom Video 7.53 ¦ --- Hassenforder Marie-Odile 1963 Basel 44.35,4 ----- (42269) Diplom Video 8.55 ¦ --- Haessig Patricia 1981 Genève 52.23,5 ----- (44127) Diplom Video 10.28 ¦ --- Hauri Therese 1945 Oberentfelden 40.57,2 ----- (41052) Diplom Video 8.11 ¦ --- Häusermann Tania, Bergdietikon 1979 Bosch Running Team 46.43,2 ----- (42121) Diplom Video 9.20 ¦ --- Heller Raemy Jacqueline 1968 Ipsach 44.35,5 ----- (41233) Diplom Video 8.55 ¦ --- Helwig-Dörr Claudia 1967 Vorderthal 45.19,4 ----- (42205) Diplom Video 9.03 ¦ --- Hermann Beatrice 1950 Bazenheid 45.29,6 ----- (42012) Diplom Video 9.05 ¦ --- Hermetschweiler Barbara 1956 Zug 42.46,3 ----- (41096) Diplom Video 8.33 ¦ --- Hess Arlette 1955 FL-Triesen 44.38,6 ----- (41202) Diplom Video 8.55 ¦ --- Hobi Renate 1959 Uster 49.29,6 ----- (41203) Diplom Video 9.53 ¦ --- Hofer Ursula 1950 Wohlen AG 40.48,9 ----- (41049) Diplom Video 8.09 ¦ --- Hoffer Marianne 1963 Baar 50.26,7 ----- (42082) Diplom Video 10.05 ¦ --- Holzscheiter Nicole 1977 Niederwangen b. Bern 52.32,5 ----- (42270) Diplom Video 10.30 ¦ --- Horii Naoko 1972 Gümligen 43.40,9 ----- (41204) Diplom Video 8.44 ¦ --- Hostettler Martine, Orbe 1980 Bosch Running Team 45.09,8 ----- (42136) Diplom Video 9.01 ¦ --- Hostettler Tanja 1984 Fraubrunnen 45.44,7 ----- (42047) Diplom Video 9.08 ¦ --- Houlmann Pintado Yvette 1958 Genève 52.28,1 ----- (44128) Diplom Video 10.29 ¦ --- Huber Ruth 1947 Schlieren 44.54,3 ----- (41108) Diplom Video 8.58 ¦ --- Hubli Eva 1935 Schliern b. Köniz 44.10,4 ----- (41106) Diplom Video 8.50 ¦ --- Hufschmid Marlies 1963 Schinznach Bad 39.31,5 ----- (41155) Diplom Video 7.54 ¦ --- Hug-Seiler Margrit 1942 Freienbach 46.07,5 ----- (41111) Diplom Video 9.13 ¦ --- Humek Elisabeth 1950 Allschwil 46.56,5 ----- (42271) Diplom Video 9.23 ¦ --- Hung Meei-Yuan 1962 Felben-Wellhausen 42.48,0 ----- (41128) Diplom Video 8.33 ¦ --- Hüppin Margrit 1943 Rekingen AG 40.59,9 ----- (41055) Diplom Video 8.11 ¦ --- Hurter Barbara 1970 Affoltern am Albis 39.25,7 ----- (41024) Diplom Video 7.53 ¦ --- Ibrahim Daniela, Wallisellen 1975 Medplace Gesundheitszentrum 51.32,5 ----- (42206) Diplom Video 10.18 ¦ --- Imesch Christine 1977 Glis 39.59,1 ----- (41075) Diplom Video 7.59 ¦ --- Imhof Jocelyne 1948 Moutier 56.55,7 ----- (42129) Diplom Video 11.23 ¦ --- In-Albon Beatrice 1962 Naters 45.24,8 ----- (42046) Diplom Video 9.04 ¦ --- Irniger Monika 1953 Hinwil 45.44,6 ----- (42007) Diplom Video 9.08 ¦ --- Iseli Corinne 1976 Bern 43.10,7 ----- (41234) Diplom Video 8.38 ¦ --- Iseli Nelly 1956 Winterthur 38.14,7 ----- (41013) Diplom Video 7.38 ¦ --- Issac Odette 1955 Semsales 41.05,8 ----- (41170) Diplom Video 8.13 ¦ --- Iten Claire 1959 Winterthur 38.36,1 ----- (41019) Diplom Video 7.43 ¦ --- Iten Rosmarie 1943 Freienbach 45.25,3 ----- (41116) Diplom Video 9.05 ¦ --- Jakob Tatiana 1990 Worben 45.12,0 ----- (42095) Diplom Video 9.02 ¦ --- Jenni Christina 1970 Gerzensee 45.49,1 ----- (41235) Diplom Video 9.09 ¦ --- Jenni Evelyne 1965 Pfäffikon ZH 51.09,6 ----- (42207) Diplom Video 10.13 ¦ --- Jenzer Inge 1934 Herzogenbuchsee 44.47,4 ----- (41178) Diplom Video 8.57 ¦ --- Jermann Doris 1946 Laufen 46.29,1 ----- (41205) Diplom Video 9.17 ¦ --- Joggi Erica 1944 Oftringen 44.12,4 ----- (42273) Diplom Video 8.50 ¦ --- Jordi Bärtschi Christine 1972 Huttwil 48.51,3 ----- (42208) Diplom Video 9.46 ¦ --- Jörg Margrith 1953 La Chaux-de-Fonds 43.55,8 ----- (41115) Diplom Video 8.47 ¦ --- Jud Manuela 1970 Sax 37.34,7 ----- (31327) Diplom Video 7.30 ¦ --- Kalbermatter Sabine 1990 Naters 45.11,8 ----- (42096) Diplom Video 9.02 ¦ --- Käser Ruth 1953 Vorderthal 40.24,6 ----- (41044) Diplom Video 8.04 ¦ --- Kellenberger Marinette 1962 Yverdon-les-Bains 54.08,2 ----- (11044) Diplom Video 10.49 ¦ --- Keller Barbara, Heimenschwand 1974 Bosch Running Team 44.18,7 ----- (42209) Diplom Video 8.51 ¦ --- Keller Lisbeth 1962 Altendorf 41.03,4 ----- (41029) Diplom Video 8.12 ¦ --- Keller Susanne 1967 Volketswil 44.08,5 ----- (41206) Diplom Video 8.49 ¦ --- Kempter Jaana 1964 Au SG 41.19,4 ----- (42274) Diplom Video 8.15 ¦ --- Kennel Christina 1960 Weggis 44.12,2 ----- (41207) Diplom Video 8.50 ¦ --- Kessler Brigitte 1968 Siebnen 42.22,6 ----- (41208) Diplom Video 8.28 ¦ --- Kiener Nellen Margret 1953 Bolligen 48.43,0 ----- (42060) Diplom Video 9.44 ¦ --- Kienzi Jennifer 1985 Pfäffikon ZH 43.27,6 ----- (42210) Diplom Video 8.41 ¦ --- Kilchenmann Jeannette 1950 Bern 52.09,6 ----- (42077) Diplom Video 10.25 ¦ --- Klingenberg Gabriela 1965 Niederwangen b. Bern 52.45,3 ----- (31552) Diplom Video 10.33 ¦ --- Kluser Regina 1960 Altendorf 41.01,8 ----- (41027) Diplom Video 8.12 ¦ --- Kobel Brigitte 1976 Biberist 44.08,7 ----- (41134) Diplom Video 8.49 ¦ --- Köchli-Arnold Pia 1957 Gersau 42.57,4 ----- (41141) Diplom Video 8.35 ¦ --- Kohler Catherine 1962 Courgenay 53.41,0 ----- (42112) Diplom Video 10.44 ¦ --- Kohler Judith 1945 Bülach 49.26,3 ----- (42044) Diplom Video 9.53 ¦ --- Kohler Patrizia 1957 Malix 43.34,2 ----- (41098) Diplom Video 8.42 ¦ --- Kottelat Julie 1989 Neuchâtel 47.18,3 ----- (42069) Diplom Video 9.27 ¦ --- Kraenzlin Madeleine 1953 Tolochenaz 43.53,2 ----- (41260) Diplom Video 8.46 ¦ --- Krebs Géraldine 1989 Plan-les-Ouates 43.05,5 ----- (41065) Diplom Video 8.37 ¦ --- Krentscher Katrin 1961 Einsiedeln 41.31,8 ----- (41209) Diplom Video 8.18 ¦ --- Kreyenbühl Pia 1967 Luzern 45.20,2 ----- (42275) Diplom Video 9.04 ¦ --- Küng Annemarie 1947 Mühlehorn 46.19,2 ----- (41182) Diplom Video 9.15 ¦ --- Küng Kathrin 1960 Möriken AG 42.43,6 ----- (41069) Diplom Video 8.32 ¦ --- Kunz Alexandra 1984 Thun 46.00,2 ----- (42211) Diplom Video 9.12 ¦ --- Küttel Elisabeth 1945 Freienbach 42.59,2 ----- (41093) Diplom Video 8.35 ¦ --- Lalot Francine 1960 Petit-Lancy 43.40,8 ----- (41063) Diplom Video 8.44 ¦ --- Landolt Edith 1955 Wallisellen 41.35,7 ----- (41067) Diplom Video 8.19 ¦ --- Landtwing Ursula 1947 Zug 44.11,9 ----- (41210) Diplom Video 8.50 ¦ --- Langenbach Rosmarie 1951 Regensdorf 45.01,4 ----- (42143) Diplom Video 9.00 ¦ --- Lanzberg Hildegard 1955 Niederlenz 45.21,3 ----- (41081) Diplom Video 9.04 ¦ --- Lapinski Regula 1982 Pfäffikon ZH 50.09,1 ----- (42212) Diplom Video 10.01 ¦ --- Larentis Lilian 1953 Luzern 40.52,7 ----- (41211) Diplom Video 8.10 ¦ --- Laubscher Irene 1968 Bern 45.49,7 ----- (41238) Diplom Video 9.09 ¦ --- Leder Daniela 1965 Biberist 35.59,1 ----- (41007) Diplom Video 7.11 ¦ --- Lehmann Barbara 1961 Bernex 51.54,2 ----- (42016) Diplom Video 10.22 ¦ --- Lehmann Seline 1993 Niederscherli 45.39,1 ----- (41157) Diplom Video 9.07 ¦ --- Leidi Sabrina 1993 Pfäffikon ZH 43.24,6 ----- (42213) Diplom Video 8.40 ¦ --- Leisebach-Landolt Bettina 1981 Pfungen 41.33,2 ----- (41068) Diplom Video 8.18 ¦ --- Leuenberger Silvia 1965 Wilderswil 41.27,1 ----- (41148) Diplom Video 8.17 ¦ --- Lilienthal Birgti 1976 Bremgarten b. Bern 40.00,5 ----- (41186) Diplom Video 8.00 ¦ --- Locher Barbara 1975 Sarmenstorf 49.00,4 ----- (42276) Diplom Video 9.48 ¦ --- Loosli Sonja 1949 Münchenwiler 49.37,8 ----- (42052) Diplom Video 9.55 ¦ --- Lopez Viscarra Gertrud 1962 Münchenbuchsee 44.24,4 ----- (42102) Diplom Video 8.52 ¦ --- Lozano Oropeza Laura Berenice 1981 Fiesch 48.45,9 ----- (42277) Diplom Video 9.45 ¦ --- Lüthi Yvonne, Oberdiessbach 1974 Bosch Running Team 44.16,6 ----- (42117) Diplom Video 8.51 ¦ --- Mader Vreni 1955 Bazenheid 37.41,1 ----- (41018) Diplom Video 7.32 ¦ --- Mahmuti Fatime, Bern 1960 Lauftreff für Frauen 58.13,9 ----- (42175) Diplom Video 11.38 ¦ --- Maloku Sela, Bern 1962 Lauftreff für Frauen 43.08,9 ----- (42179) Diplom Video 8.37 ¦ --- Mani Hanni 1947 Belp 36.40,2 ----- (41008) Diplom Video 7.20 ¦ --- Manser Barbara 1966 Courtepin 45.19,2 ----- (42214) Diplom Video 9.03 ¦ --- Marolf Anita 1961 Köniz 42.49,4 ----- (41121) Diplom Video 8.33 ¦ --- Mastria Elisa 1988 Wetzikon ZH 47.19,1 ----- (42018) Diplom Video 9.27 ¦ --- Matti Stephanie 1984 Wollerau 44.38,9 ----- (42278) Diplom Video 8.55 ¦ --- Meier Monica, Meisterschwanden 1969 Bosch Running Team 46.15,4 ----- (42099) Diplom Video 9.15 ¦ --- Mele Marlise 1962 Oberbipp 41.32,8 ----- (41066) Diplom Video 8.18 ¦ --- Messerli Isabelle 1978 Zürich 44.44,0 ----- (41006) Diplom Video 8.56 ¦ --- Messmer Thérèse 1948 Genève 43.35,3 ----- (42132) Diplom Video 8.43 ¦ --- Meyer Andrea 1970 Zwillikon 41.29,5 ----- (41048) Diplom Video 8.17 ¦ --- Michel Heidy 1953 Sarnen 37.16,0 ----- (41020) Diplom Video 7.27 ¦ --- Michel Yvonne 1981 Bern 46.01,8 ----- (42215) Diplom Video 9.12 ¦ --- Minder Franziska 1968 Schwarzenbach (Huttwil) 48.50,1 ----- (42217) Diplom Video 9.46 ¦ --- Minder Wyssmann Beatrice 1968 Burgdorf 46.29,5 ----- (42279) Diplom Video 9.17 ¦ --- Mona Ilde 1950 Bellinzona 41.18,2 ----- (41080) Diplom Video 8.15 ¦ --- Monney Odette 1944 Onex 40.06,2 ----- (42161) Diplom Video 8.01 ¦ --- Moore Fleuti Tamara 1970 Illnau 43.32,5 ----- (41212) Diplom Video 8.42 ¦ --- Mooser Stephanie, Bern 1982 Lauftreff für Frauen 58.16,8 ----- (42172) Diplom Video 11.39 ¦ --- Morf Rahel 1982 Zürich 42.18,7 ----- (42053) Diplom Video 8.27 ¦ --- Morg Kaethi 1945 Altdorf UR 41.31,6 ----- (41043) Diplom Video 8.18 ¦ --- Moritz Rossi Estelle, Ins 1982 Bosch Running Team 45.10,1 ----- (42138) Diplom Video 9.02 ¦ --- Moser Charlotte 1955 Basel 48.06,4 ----- (42051) Diplom Video 9.37 ¦ --- Mosimann Mathi 1952 Luzern 42.45,8 ----- (41117) Diplom Video 8.33 ¦ --- Mounir Daniela 1979 Salgesch 42.23,3 ----- (41213) Diplom Video 8.28 ¦ --- Mounir Seline 1951 Salgesch 44.38,2 ----- (41214) Diplom Video 8.55 ¦ --- Muhlemann Doriane 1963 Confignon 51.47,0 ----- (42151) Diplom Video 10.21 ¦ --- Mühlestein Gerber Annette 1954 Chamblon 54.07,2 ----- (42131) Diplom Video 10.49 ¦ --- Muhr Yvonne 1957 Bubikon 42.05,6 ----- (42128) Diplom Video 8.25 ¦ --- Mulle Sandra 1982 Altdorf UR 41.48,8 ----- (41215) Diplom Video 8.21 ¦ --- Müller Brigitte 1959 Obergösgen 44.47,6 ----- (41057) Diplom Video 8.57 ¦ --- Müller Elisabeth 1957 Seuzach 46.42,3 ----- (42218) Diplom Video 9.20 ¦ --- Mueller Mareike 1983 Marthalen 48.14,3 ----- (41105) Diplom Video 9.38 ¦ --- Müller Monika 1959 Hombrechtikon 50.35,4 ----- (42104) Diplom Video 10.07 ¦ --- Mueller Monika 1958 Grolley 44.48,5 ----- (42281) Diplom Video 8.57 ¦ --- Müller-Oberhofer Claudia 1973 Oberrohrdorf 42.51,2 ----- (42192) Diplom Video 8.34 ¦ --- Müller Ruth 1951 Schlieren 47.07,0 ----- (41175) Diplom Video 9.25 ¦ --- Müller Sabine 1983 Wollerau 50.35,3 ----- (42103) Diplom Video 10.07 ¦ --- Müller Séverine 1967 Genève 52.25,1 ----- (44129) Diplom Video 10.29 ¦ --- Müller Susanne 1977 Madiswil 43.51,9 ----- (42219) Diplom Video 8.46 ¦ --- Müntener Therese 1950 Erlinsbach 39.29,4 ----- (41216) Diplom Video 7.53 ¦ --- Muster-Frieden Therese 1949 Burgdorf 46.30,3 ----- (41184) Diplom Video 9.18 ¦ --- Mutti Silvana 1959 Genève 52.20,7 ----- (44130) Diplom Video 10.28 ¦ --- Naef Catherine 1954 Genève 48.38,0 ----- (41064) Diplom Video 9.43 ¦ --- Naef Marliese 1951 Zürich 40.48,3 ----- (41050) Diplom Video 8.09 ¦ --- Näf-Nebiker Susanne 1966 Buckten 45.57,0 ----- (42003) Diplom Video 9.11 ¦ --- Nagel Elisabeth 1964 Murten 37.34,0 ----- (41239) Diplom Video 7.30 ¦ --- Neuenschwander Marion 1978 Aefligen 44.09,9 ----- (41132) Diplom Video 8.49 ¦ --- Nicol Roseline 1944 Porrentruy 53.40,9 ----- (42188) Diplom Video 10.44 ¦ --- Niederberger Andrea 1992 Engelberg 42.28,0 ----- (42282) Diplom Video 8.29 ¦ --- Niederhäuser Katja 1994 Niederscherli 44.44,1 ----- (41158) Diplom Video 8.56 ¦ --- Niklaus Cordula 1960 Uerikon 43.59,1 ----- (41102) Diplom Video 8.47 ¦ --- Noverraz Nelly 1946 Aubonne 53.51,2 ----- (42078) Diplom Video 10.46 ¦ --- Nussbaumer-Schaub Josy 1945 Grellingen 44.08,2 ----- (42283) Diplom Video 8.49 ¦ --- Nuessli Jolanda 1964 Mellingen 44.07,4 ----- (41078) Diplom Video 8.49 ¦ --- Nydegger Cécile 1959 Bad Zurzach 38.32,7 ----- (41056) Diplom Video 7.42 ¦ --- Oberholzer Verena 1957 Kaltbrunn 43.14,9 ----- (42284) Diplom Video 8.38 ¦ --- Ochsner Angela 1948 Einsiedeln 46.10,4 ----- (41138) Diplom Video 9.14 ¦ --- Ochsner Erna 1945 Einsiedeln 47.07,7 ----- (42004) Diplom Video 9.25 ¦ --- Oechslin Beatrice 1952 Einsiedeln 43.59,2 ----- (41113) Diplom Video 8.47 ¦ --- Oehrli Françoise 1962 Pully 42.36,4 ----- (42110) Diplom Video 8.31 ¦ --- Offner Alice 1956 Kirchberg SG 45.31,2 ----- (42010) Diplom Video 9.06 ¦ --- Olbrecht Mengia 1944 Uhwiesen 45.24,8 ----- (42135) Diplom Video 9.04 ¦ --- Oppliger Vreni 1952 Zweisimmen 48.06,3 ----- (42013) Diplom Video 9.37 ¦ --- Ospelt Meris, FL-Vaduz 1951 LSB 49.23,5 ----- (42220) Diplom Video 9.52 ¦ --- Osterwalder Rosmarie 1940 Flawil 45.29,9 ----- (41123) Diplom Video 9.05 ¦ --- Oswald Christa 1953 Dielsdorf 44.10,7 ----- (42285) Diplom Video 8.50 ¦ --- Pani Laila 1967 Bülach 49.26,8 ----- (42040) Diplom Video 9.53 ¦ --- Parvex Sibylle 1977 Wohlen AG 45.08,8 ----- (42170) Diplom Video 9.01 ¦ --- Pasquier Nina 1964 Carouge GE 43.58,9 ----- (41181) Diplom Video 8.47 ¦ --- Patzko Klara 1949 Wollerau 44.58,9 ----- (41089) Diplom Video 8.59 ¦ --- Pawlowska Magdalena 1953 Genève 51.49,6 ----- (42162) Diplom Video 10.21 ¦ --- Peas Lucia Miriam 1951 Genève 49.50,0 ----- (41217) Diplom Video 9.58 ¦ --- Pecar Ruth 1955 Onex 56.03,2 ----- (42286) Diplom Video 11.12 ¦ --- Perler Vreni 1954 Gurmels 39.39,8 ----- (41038) Diplom Video 7.55 ¦ --- Peter Theres 1958 Schinznach Bad 39.31,9 ----- (41154) Diplom Video 7.54 ¦ --- Pfaffen Pia 1964 Baltschieder 43.13,2 ----- (42116) Diplom Video 8.38 ¦ --- Pfister Bettina 1983 Pfäffikon ZH 50.09,7 ----- (42221) Diplom Video 10.01 ¦ --- Pfyl Rita 1945 Freienbach 45.27,2 ----- (41114) Diplom Video 9.05 ¦ --- Platz Vreni 1947 Dielsdorf 47.19,6 ----- (41124) Diplom Video 9.27 ¦ --- Pretôt Irene 1949 Neuchâtel 40.27,4 ----- (41156) Diplom Video 8.05 ¦ --- Probst Jacqueline 1965 Reigoldswil 44.22,5 ----- (42028) Diplom Video 8.52 ¦ --- Probst-Sasse Theres 1963 Reigoldswil 40.37,8 ----- (42030) Diplom Video 8.07 ¦ --- Ramanathan Sinthuja, Wallisellen 1992 Medplace Gesundheitszentrum 44.41,3 ----- (42323) Diplom Video 8.56 ¦ --- Ramseier Andrea 1977 Dübendorf 53.31,5 ----- (42287) Diplom Video 10.42 ¦ --- Ramseyer Ursula 1944 Niederwangen b. Bern 36.36,1 ----- (41015) Diplom Video 7.19 ¦ --- Raschle Rosmarie 1939 Bazenheid 41.03,3 ----- (41045) Diplom Video 8.12 ¦ --- Rauber Beatrice 1967 Bellach 37.38,9 ----- (43155) Diplom Video 7.31 ¦ --- Regel-Sutter Roswitha 1956 Möriken AG 38.38,5 ----- (42288) Diplom Video 7.43 ¦ --- Reich Arn Marianne 1965 Muri b. Bern 44.24,7 ----- (42321) Diplom Video 8.52 ¦ --- Reichmuth Marlene 1969 Flawil 45.29,0 ----- (41180) Diplom Video 9.05 ¦ --- Reinle Elisabeth 1951 Rekingen AG 41.57,4 ----- (41054) Diplom Video 8.23 ¦ --- Remund Erika 1968 Gümmenen 41.16,3 ----- (41119) Diplom Video 8.15 ¦ --- Reussner Erika 1948 Tann 45.04,6 ----- (42008) Diplom Video 9.00 ¦ --- Rey Rita 1954 Hochdorf 46.47,8 ----- (42002) Diplom Video 9.21 ¦ --- Richarz Marianne 1951 Cham 44.23,1 ----- (44036) Diplom Video 8.52 ¦ --- Rickli Dorothea 1948 Langenthal 42.53,8 ----- (42140) Diplom Video 8.34 ¦ --- Rieger Michaela 1961 Ostermundigen 38.33,9 ----- (41017) Diplom Video 7.42 ¦ --- Rölli Lisbeth 1953 Hochdorf 46.46,1 ----- (42289) Diplom Video 9.21 ¦ --- Romano Marianne 1939 Porrentruy 47.03,0 ----- (42222) Diplom Video 9.24 ¦ --- Rösch Maria 1941 Grosswangen 44.14,4 ----- (41168) Diplom Video 8.50 ¦ --- Rossi Francoise 1958 La Chaux-de-Fonds 41.24,5 ----- (42050) Diplom Video 8.16 ¦ --- Röst Margaretha 1944 Kreuzlingen 51.46,8 ----- (42223) Diplom Video 10.21 ¦ --- Roth Gaelle, Préverenges 1979 Bosch Running Team 49.46,7 ----- (42125) Diplom Video 9.57 ¦ --- Roth Ilona, Wallisellen 1983 Medplace Gesundheitszentrum 51.33,8 ----- (42224) Diplom Video 10.18 ¦ --- Rudaz Ghislaine 1958 Genève 40.22,0 ----- (41218) Diplom Video 8.04 ¦ --- Rütti Lisbeth 1948 Dielsdorf 47.21,1 ----- (41125) Diplom Video 9.28 ¦ --- Ryser Silvia 1980 Solothurn 52.21,0 ----- (42225) Diplom Video 10.28 ¦ --- Sabani Kujtime, Bern 1962 Lauftreff für Frauen 48.29,2 ----- (42177) Diplom Video 9.41 ¦ --- Sabani Luiza, Bern 1983 Lauftreff für Frauen 49.54,8 ----- (42176) Diplom Video 9.58 ¦ --- Sandri Gabriela, Münchwilen AG 1983 Bosch Running Team 45.19,6 ----- (42122) Diplom Video 9.03 ¦ --- Schade Bettina 1974 Kloten 58.12,4 ----- (42290) Diplom Video 11.38 ¦ --- Schaniel Angela 1965 Münchenbuchsee 44.23,9 ----- (42101) Diplom Video 8.52 ¦ --- Schär Karin 1974 Gümligen 47.30,6 ----- (42291) Diplom Video 9.30 ¦ --- Schärer Rosmarie 1952 Holderbank AG 54.12,7 ----- (42292) Diplom Video 10.50 ¦ --- Scheidegger Dora 1948 Lausen 48.35,2 ----- (42226) Diplom Video 9.43 ¦ --- Schellenberg Bea, Wallisellen 1959 Medplace Gesundheitszentrum 48.32,2 ----- (42227) Diplom Video 9.42 ¦ --- Scherer Anne-Katrin 1964 Zug 45.02,2 ----- (42072) Diplom Video 9.00 ¦ --- Schiegg Rita 1964 Altreu 37.31,3 ----- (41014) Diplom Video 7.30 ¦ --- Schild Antje 1972 Basel 44.35,3 ----- (42293) Diplom Video 8.55 ¦ --- Schlegel Maya 1958 Hinwil 37.40,4 ----- (41016) Diplom Video 7.32 ¦ --- Schmitz-Toporowski Petra 1963 D-Göttingen 46.39,1 ----- (42294) Diplom Video 9.19 ¦ --- Schmuki Maria-Rosa 1968 Wilderswil 43.39,4 ----- (41151) Diplom Video 8.43 ¦ --- Schnegg Monique 1954 La Chaux-de-Fonds 40.53,8 ----- (41033) Diplom Video 8.10 ¦ --- Schnegg Sue 1974 Ipsach 44.36,5 ----- (41240) Diplom Video 8.55 ¦ --- Schneider Elisabeth 1943 Tann 44.47,1 ----- (42042) Diplom Video 8.57 ¦ --- Schneider Stefanie, Wallisellen 1974 Medplace Gesundheitszentrum 44.34,2 ----- (42228) Diplom Video 8.54 ¦ --- Schori Cornelia 1965 Züberwangen 41.48,6 ----- (41241) Diplom Video 8.21 ¦ --- Schrafl Chan Ho 1951 Maur 44.00,0 ----- (42229) Diplom Video 8.48 ¦ --- Schrepfer Annarös 1963 Obstalden 46.19,5 ----- (41183) Diplom Video 9.15 ¦ --- Schubiger Barbara 1957 Kaltbrunn 42.12,3 ----- (42317) Diplom Video 8.26 ¦ --- Schürmann Katrin 1979 Wilderswil 43.58,1 ----- (41150) Diplom Video 8.47 ¦ --- Schweizer Sarah, Bern 1974 Lauftreff für Frauen 58.15,6 ----- (42181) Diplom Video 11.39 ¦ --- Scolieri Manuela 1972 Rüti ZH 42.03,9 ----- (42189) Diplom Video 8.24 ¦ --- Seeholzer Fini 1954 Dierikon 41.43,4 ----- (41059) Diplom Video 8.20 ¦ --- Sercelj Manuela 1975 Schöfflisdorf 44.11,5 ----- (42295) Diplom Video 8.50 ¦ --- Sidler Brigitte 1955 Hochdorf 46.38,3 ----- (42001) Diplom Video 9.19 ¦ --- Silva Da Costa Yuka 1967 Bern 44.16,5 ----- (42297) Diplom Video 8.51 ¦ --- Soltermann Marlies 1955 Niederuzwil 45.07,0 ----- (41147) Diplom Video 9.01 ¦ --- Sousa Sara, Wallisellen 1994 Medplace Gesundheitszentrum 51.32,0 ----- (42230) Diplom Video 10.18 ¦ --- Spagnoli Brigitte 1942 Wichtrach 49.51,1 ----- (42299) Diplom Video 9.58 ¦ --- Späni Rosi 1962 Galgenen 41.02,0 ----- (41028) Diplom Video 8.12 ¦ --- Speiser Krystyna 1951 Bern 47.39,2 ----- (41255) Diplom Video 9.31 ¦ --- Spiess Conny 1960 Oberweningen 44.12,0 ----- (42300) Diplom Video 8.50 ¦ --- Stäheli Susi 1954 Räterschen 41.51,1 ----- (41095) Diplom Video 8.22 ¦ --- Stähli Mirjam 1984 Gwatt (Thun) 43.16,9 ----- (42302) Diplom Video 8.39 ¦ --- Staehli Yumi 1974 Bern 44.16,4 ----- (42301) Diplom Video 8.51 ¦ --- Stalder Ida 1949 Uetikon am See 44.00,5 ----- (42231) Diplom Video 8.48 ¦ --- Staub Therese 1945 Bettenhausen 42.14,0 ----- (41172) Diplom Video 8.26 ¦ --- Steger Heidi 1965 Chur 36.23,6 ----- (41219) Diplom Video 7.16 ¦ --- Steger-Wolf Silvia 1971 Oberrohrdorf 42.51,0 ----- (42191) Diplom Video 8.34 ¦ --- Steiger White Margret 1942 Oberwangen b. Bern 43.14,9 ----- (41152) Diplom Video 8.38 ¦ --- Steiner Annamarie 1945 Liebefeld 43.58,4 ----- (41112) Diplom Video 8.47 ¦ --- Steiner Irene 1979 Jona 39.32,4 ----- (41002) Diplom Video 7.54 ¦ --- Steiner Marianne 1969 Baar 46.50,4 ----- (42084) Diplom Video 9.22 ¦ --- Stern Annemarie 1958 Schliern b. Köniz 44.11,2 ----- (41174) Diplom Video 8.50 ¦ --- Stöcklin Rachel 1989 Wichtrach 43.59,7 ----- (42304) Diplom Video 8.47 ¦ --- Stohler Marlene 1973 Wolfhausen 42.40,6 ----- (42232) Diplom Video 8.32 ¦ --- Strahm-Rothen Christine 1953 Ostermundigen 37.54,3 ----- (41011) Diplom Video 7.34 ¦ --- Strassburger Mina 1967 Obergösgen 38.37,8 ----- (41243) Diplom Video 7.43 ¦ --- Straub-Blum Beatrice 1960 Neuenegg 43.52,8 ----- (41256) Diplom Video 8.46 ¦ --- Strebel Marina 1960 Mellingen 44.06,9 ----- (41159) Diplom Video 8.49 ¦ --- Stricker Agathe 1963 Genève 52.27,6 ----- (44136) Diplom Video 10.29 ¦ --- Stucki-Frei Sara 1975 Weisslingen 42.21,5 ----- (42054) Diplom Video 8.28 ¦ --- Stucki Rita 1980 Pfäffikon ZH 43.34,7 ----- (42233) Diplom Video 8.42 ¦ --- Studer Bernadette 1934 Hägendorf 52.55,0 ----- (42076) Diplom Video 10.35 ¦ --- Stutzer Flavia 1977 Basel 41.53,0 ----- (41083) Diplom Video 8.22 ¦ --- Stutzer Gertrud 1949 Birsfelden 46.14,3 ----- (41153) Diplom Video 9.14 ¦ --- Suter Christine 1954 Bülach 49.27,4 ----- (42305) Diplom Video 9.53 ¦ --- Sutter Susanne 1950 Schlieren 47.07,2 ----- (41142) Diplom Video 9.25 ¦ --- Teufer Daniela 1969 Samstagern 44.59,3 ----- (41091) Diplom Video 8.59 ¦ --- Theobald Berti Stephanie 1961 Zollikon 50.05,2 ----- (41187) Diplom Video 10.01 ¦ --- Thiebaud Stéphanie 1972 Genève 52.33,1 ----- (44137) Diplom Video 10.30 ¦ --- Thommen Renate 1964 Reigoldswil 41.58,9 ----- (42029) Diplom Video 8.23 ¦ --- Thürlemann Maya 1944 Weisslingen 41.59,7 ----- (41079) Diplom Video 8.23 ¦ --- Tormen Laura 1954 Kriens 57.57,2 ----- (42142) Diplom Video 11.35 ¦ --- Tosi Patrizia 1962 Conches 43.59,4 ----- (41092) Diplom Video 8.47 ¦ --- Truttmann Jeannette 1951 Altdorf UR 42.05,7 ----- (41087) Diplom Video 8.25 ¦ --- Tschopp Anne-Claude 1967 Delémont 50.36,9 ----- (42306) Diplom Video 10.07 ¦ --- Tschopp Jrène 1962 Wohlen b. Bern 43.11,5 ----- (41244) Diplom Video 8.38 ¦ --- Ulryck Patricia 1953 F-Delle 56.58,4 ----- (42114) Diplom Video 11.23 ¦ --- Ursenbacher Monique 1950 Bursins 43.36,1 ----- (41109) Diplom Video 8.43 ¦ --- Uttinger Sylvie 1952 Horgen 44.22,0 ----- (42075) Diplom Video 8.52 ¦ --- van der Merwe Althea 1971 RSA-East-London 49.24,3 ----- (41261) Diplom Video 9.52 ¦ --- Vergoni Annamaria 1949 Caslano 43.20,0 ----- (42067) Diplom Video 8.40 ¦ --- Vergoni Lea 1977 Zürich 43.19,5 ----- (42059) Diplom Video 8.39 ¦ --- Victor Maria 1991 Niederwangen b. Bern 52.28,9 ----- (42308) Diplom Video 10.29 ¦ --- Vielmetti Milly 1945 Wichtrach 56.12,2 ----- (42309) Diplom Video 11.14 ¦ --- Villiger Hildegard 1958 Weggis 42.29,9 ----- (41245) Diplom Video 8.29 ¦ --- Vogel Gabriele 1953 Dottikon 39.08,2 ----- (42133) Diplom Video 7.49 ¦ --- Voigt Carola 1960 Laupen BE 47.03,1 ----- (42024) Diplom Video 9.24 ¦ --- Voigt Melissa 1994 Laupen BE 47.00,9 ----- (42023) Diplom Video 9.24 ¦ --- Völkening Kathrin 1955 Endingen 41.58,0 ----- (41053) Diplom Video 8.23 ¦ --- von Aarburg Marlene 1957 Kaltbrunn 40.27,8 ----- (42310) Diplom Video 8.05 ¦ --- von Bergen Andrea 1975 Sarnen 37.15,2 ----- (41021) Diplom Video 7.27 ¦ --- von Flüe Ingrid 1963 Sarnen 53.49,8 ----- (42108) Diplom Video 10.45 ¦ --- von Gunten Susanne 1964 Wichtrach 43.29,5 ----- (42318) Diplom Video 8.41 ¦ --- Voser Anna-Maria 1955 Neuenhof 37.30,8 ----- (42098) Diplom Video 7.30 ¦ --- Wacker Evelyn 1964 Grenchen 45.58,3 ----- (41220) Diplom Video 9.11 ¦ --- Wacker Janine 1993 Grenchen 45.56,8 ----- (41221) Diplom Video 9.11 ¦ --- Wäckerlin Irma 1952 Wohlen AG 45.22,9 ----- (41082) Diplom Video 9.04 ¦ --- Wäfler Jacqueline 1957 Luzern 49.37,7 ----- (42313) Diplom Video 9.55 ¦ --- Wallimann Edith 1950 Cham 39.15,5 ----- (41039) Diplom Video 7.51 ¦ --- Walmsley Stephanie 1973 Epautheyres 45.18,0 ----- (41003) Diplom Video 9.03 ¦ --- Waelti Edith 1966 Belp 41.46,2 ----- (42319) Diplom Video 8.21 ¦ --- Wälti Jasmin 1985 Pfäffikon ZH 51.09,3 ----- (42234) Diplom Video 10.13 ¦ --- Waelti Nagisa 1967 Muri b. Bern 43.37,0 ----- (41246) Diplom Video 8.43 ¦ --- Webber Dunja 1993 Bäretswil 39.55,7 ----- (42314) Diplom Video 7.59 ¦ --- Wegmüller Karin 1964 Niederscherli 42.50,0 ----- (41122) Diplom Video 8.34 ¦ --- Weibel Erika 1939 Riehen 47.56,8 ----- (41032) Diplom Video 9.35 ¦ --- Weibel Monika 1962 Bülach 46.46,5 ----- (42032) Diplom Video 9.21 ¦ --- Weidmann Herta 1943 Elsau 43.35,4 ----- (41222) Diplom Video 8.43 ¦ --- Wellig Karolina 1955 Fiesch 48.42,7 ----- (42006) Diplom Video 9.44 ¦ --- Wicki Erika 1970 Marbach LU 40.37,8 ----- (42145) Diplom Video 8.07 ¦ --- Widmer Kathrin 1959 Einsiedeln 46.04,0 ----- (41100) Diplom Video 9.12 ¦ --- Wiederkehr Brigitte 1964 Pont-la-Ville 43.59,0 ----- (42311) Diplom Video 8.47 ¦ --- Wieser Ursula 1957 Seuzach 46.53,9 ----- (42235) Diplom Video 9.22 ¦ --- Wiesner Silvia 1950 Steffisburg 44.54,5 ----- (41169) Diplom Video 8.58 ¦ --- Willcocks-Reymond Francine 1957 Genève 52.26,2 ----- (44139) Diplom Video 10.29 ¦ --- Wolany Astrid, Meisterschwanden 1965 Bosch Running Team 46.14,8 ----- (42100) Diplom Video 9.14 ¦ --- Wolf Renate 1962 Kehrsatz 47.53,2 ----- (42036) Diplom Video 9.34 ¦ --- Wolfinger Karin, FL-Balzers 1959 LSB 49.23,1 ----- (42236) Diplom Video 9.52 ¦ --- Wüthrich Karin 1971 Utzigen 43.32,0 ----- (33081) Diplom Video 8.42 ¦ --- Wüthrich Karin 1964 Zollikofen 43.39,5 ----- (41247) Diplom Video 8.43 ¦ --- Wüthrich Nelly 1965 Würenlos 41.30,3 ----- (41047) Diplom Video 8.18 ¦ --- Wüthrich Ramona 1989 Bern 45.59,4 ----- (41248) Diplom Video 9.11 ¦ --- Wyss Ursule 1949 Vessy 44.39,5 ----- (42134) Diplom Video 8.55 ¦ --- Wyttenbach Arlene 1957 Zug 42.48,7 ----- (41097) Diplom Video 8.33 ¦ --- Zangaro Denise 1971 Bottens 38.08,4 ----- (42152) Diplom Video 7.37 ¦ --- Zangaro Eve 1969 Saxon 37.56,7 ----- (42148) Diplom Video 7.35 ¦ --- Zaugg Monika 1960 Madiswil 42.30,6 ----- (41107) Diplom Video 8.30 ¦ --- Zbinden Käthy 1941 Gelterkinden 44.45,3 ----- (42005) Diplom Video 8.57 ¦ --- Zbinden Ruth 1962 Rüschegg Gambach 44.38,9 ----- (41118) Diplom Video 8.55 ¦ --- Zegg Anne 1955 Samnaun-Compatsch 46.51,0 ----- (42167) Diplom Video 9.22 ¦ --- Zehnder Annemarie 1957 Einsiedeln 46.05,9 ----- (41137) Diplom Video 9.13 ¦ --- Zehnder-Kälin Ruth 1962 Bennau 44.38,1 ----- (42043) Diplom Video 8.55 ¦ --- Zemp Erika 1947 Wollerau 44.59,8 ----- (41090) Diplom Video 8.59 ¦ --- Zenger Barbara 1972 Habkern 43.19,4 ----- (41143) Diplom Video 8.39 ¦ --- Zenklusen Antoinette 1970 Simplon Dorf 40.00,2 ----- (41077) Diplom Video 8.00 ¦ --- Zenklusen Doris 1962 Naters 45.24,6 ----- (42045) Diplom Video 9.04 ¦ --- Zgraggen Theres 1945 Altdorf UR 40.07,9 ----- (41025) Diplom Video 8.01 ¦ --- Zgraggen Theres 1952 Göschenen 45.32,9 ----- (42312) Diplom Video 9.06 ¦ --- Zhang Meixi 1994 Zollikofen 48.43,0 ----- (42157) Diplom Video 9.44 ¦ --- Zimmermann Thérèse 1949 Genève 47.24,8 ----- (41164) Diplom Video 9.28 ¦ --- Zulliger Doris 1952 Winterthur 45.00,3 ----- (42080) Diplom Video 9.00 ¦ --- Zurbruegg Anita 1964 Schwarzenburg 47.48,5 ----- (42166) Diplom Video 9.33 ¦ --- Zurfluh Helen 1974 Erstfeld 43.11,9 ----- (41249) Diplom Video 8.38 ¦ --- Zwerenz Manuela 1964 Herisau 45.58,5 ----- (41223) Diplom Video 9.11 ¦ --- Zwyssig Romy 1931 Schaffhausen 44.30,2 ----- (41104) Diplom Video 8.54 ¦ --- Zybach Lilian 1971 Habkern 43.20,4 ----- (41179) Diplom Video 8.40 ¦

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