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56. Bieler Lauftage, Biel/Bienne 2014 - (255) Erlebnislauf 21.5km
Rang Name Jg Land/Ort Team Zeit Rückstand Stnr ¦ 1. Teil ¦ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Ammann Ursi 1974 Veltheim AG 2:11.16,2 ----- (5899) Diplom Foto ¦ 2:11.16 ----¦ --- Arn Daniela 1979 Büren an der Aare 2:56.23,3 ----- (5801) Diplom Foto ¦ 2:56.23 ----¦ --- Bart Irina 1970 Bargen BE 2:55.41,8 ----- (5803) Diplom Foto ¦ 2:55.41 ----¦ --- Bättig Verena 1964 Büron Team Post 3:48.44,8 ----- (5804) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:48.44 ----¦ --- Baumann Nadine 1986 Bühl b. Aarberg 3:10.27,7 ----- (5805) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:10.27 ----¦ --- Bertone Silvana 1951 Cormoret 3:14.08,1 ----- (5806) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:14.08 ----¦ --- Bessire Ludivine 1978 Corgémont FSGF Péry 3:09.24,4 ----- (5807) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:09.24 ----¦ --- Biedermann-Jobé Anne-Fran 1959 Kappelen 3:03.39,6 ----- (5888) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:03.39 ----¦ --- Binggeli Myriam 1982 Biel/Bienne 2:16.04,4 ----- (5916) Diplom Foto ¦ 2:16.04 ----¦ --- Blaser Frieda 1951 Cortébert FSGF Péry 3:23.58,0 ----- (5808) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:23.58 ----¦ --- Bodmer Margrit 1950 Schaffhausen 2:55.50,3 ----- (5809) Diplom Foto ¦ 2:55.50 ----¦ --- Bögli Andreas 1979 Biel/Bienne 2:18.45,9 ----- (5917) Diplom Foto ¦ 2:18.45 ----¦ --- Bretscher Simone 1986 Solothurn 2:50.59,9 ----- (5811) Diplom Foto ¦ 2:50.59 ----¦ --- Bürer Brigitte 1961 Biel/Bienne 3:14.45,0 ----- (5921) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:14.45 ----¦ --- Bürger Nicole 1964 Biel/Bienne 3:14.44,3 ----- (5920) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:14.44 ----¦ --- Burren Doris 1965 Niederönz 3:20.28,2 ----- (5896) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:20.28 ----¦ --- Chastonay Elmar 1953 Grafschaft 3:04.08,5 ----- (5812) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:04.08 ----¦ --- Chastonay Irmi 1964 Reckingen VS 3:04.08,8 ----- (5814) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:04.08 ----¦ --- Daniel Reto 1964 Veltheim AG 2:11.16,7 ----- (5898) Diplom Foto ¦ 2:11.16 ----¦ --- De La Maza Ada 1971 Aegerten 3:26.31,7 ----- (5911) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:26.31 ----¦ --- Domeniconi Fabienne 1977 Lamboing FSGF Péry 3:18.44,8 ----- (5816) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:18.44 ----¦ --- Drapp Axel 1965 Aarberg 2:57.52,6 ----- (5817) Diplom Foto ¦ 2:57.52 ----¦ --- Drapp Vreni 1966 Aarberg 2:57.51,4 ----- (5818) Diplom Foto ¦ 2:57.51 ----¦ --- Feusier Stéphanie 1970 Corgémont 2:58.11,6 ----- (5819) Diplom Foto ¦ 2:58.11 ----¦ --- Fromm Eva-Maria 1962 D-Flensburg 1. Flensburger Lauftreff 3:27.24,0 ----- (5820) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:27.24 ----¦ --- Gasser Arthur 1952 Kriens 3:02.02,9 ----- (5821) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:02.02 ----¦ --- Guggisberg Markus 1960 Kerzers 2:55.28,4 ----- (5822) Diplom Foto ¦ 2:55.28 ----¦ --- Hanisch Sandra 1977 Bargen BE 2:55.43,3 ----- (5823) Diplom Foto ¦ 2:55.43 ----¦ --- Harnisch Larissa 1975 Biel/Bienne FSGF Péry 3:27.52,2 ----- (5824) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:27.52 ----¦ --- Heimberg Lukas 1981 Oberwil im Simmental 2:53.49,8 ----- (5825) Diplom Foto ¦ 2:53.49 ----¦ --- Herrmann Corinne 1971 Büetigen 3:04.17,2 ----- (5826) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:04.17 ----¦ --- Hofer Jean-Marc 1964 Lamboing 2:54.04,3 ----- (5827) Diplom Foto ¦ 2:54.04 ----¦ --- Hofer Monika 1972 Busswil b. Büren 2:52.48,7 ----- (5901) Diplom Foto ¦ 2:52.48 ----¦ --- Hofer Rolf 1937 Orpund 2:55.20,9 ----- (5906) Diplom Foto ¦ 2:55.20 ----¦ --- Horst Ursula 1967 Biglen Team Post 3:33.45,0 ----- (5926) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:33.45 ----¦ --- Howald Peter 1946 Biel/Bienne 3:03.01,0 ----- (5830) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:03.01 ----¦ --- Impedovo Barbara 1972 Bern 2:44.15,9 ----- (5832) Diplom Foto ¦ 2:44.15 ----¦ --- Inzirillo Doris 1958 Cortébert WE RUN FOR ELA 3:12.32,3 ----- (5929) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:12.32 ----¦ --- Knoll Sandra 1975 Bern 2:44.14,8 ----- (5834) Diplom Foto ¦ 2:44.14 ----¦ --- Koehli Hans-Ulrich 1968 Kallnach 2:54.11,7 ----- (5915) Diplom Foto ¦ 2:54.11 ----¦ --- Kuhac Ivana 1984 Wiedlisbach 2:50.59,6 ----- (5837) Diplom Foto ¦ 2:50.59 ----¦ --- Kurt Ursula 1951 Walperswil Team Scherz Vitality 3:09.57,7 ----- (5838) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:09.57 ----¦ --- Lampert-Bongartz Nicole 1969 D-Bochum 2:43.57,1 ----- (5839) Diplom Foto ¦ 2:43.57 ----¦ --- Lehmann Caroline 1972 Zuzwil BE 2:27.06,0 ----- (5840) Diplom Foto ¦ 2:27.06 ----¦ --- Lepre Milvia 1964 Allschwil Tüfeli Walkers 3:07.43,0 ----- (5841) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:07.43 ----¦ --- Lerf Roger 1963 Gerzensee 2:50.58,5 ----- (5894) Diplom Foto ¦ 2:50.58 ----¦ --- Linn Heinz 1943 Kirchberg BE 2:38.37,5 ----- (5905) Diplom Foto ¦ 2:38.37 ----¦ --- Lundén Klara 1989 Basel 2:13.53,6 ----- (5842) Diplom Foto ¦ 2:13.53 ----¦ --- Lüthi Kurt-W. 1950 Bern 2:48.31,6 ----- (5843) Diplom Foto ¦ 2:48.31 ----¦ --- Maeder Beat 1973 Düdingen 3:02.58,0 ----- (5844) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:02.58 ----¦ --- Manuel Fanny 1980 Biel/Bienne 2:14.41,0 ----- (5922) Diplom Foto ¦ 2:14.41 ----¦ --- Marti Marlies 1956 Lyss Team Scherz Vitality 3:05.22,2 ----- (5887) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:05.22 ----¦ --- Mathez Patricia 1967 Gampelen 3:14.27,2 ----- (5928) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:14.27 ----¦ --- Mermod Scarlett 1966 Corcmoret WE RUN FOR ELA 3:12.32,7 ----- (5904) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:12.32 ----¦ --- Meylan France 1965 Peseux 3:14.26,2 ----- (5927) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:14.26 ----¦ --- Mödinger Singh Anita 1967 Wabern Nordic Walking-Team STB 2:48.32,0 ----- (5845) Diplom Foto ¦ 2:48.32 ----¦ --- Müller Bernhard 1955 Biel/Bienne 3:26.36,0 ----- (5910) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:26.36 ----¦ --- Müller Trix-Beatrice 1973 Herzogenbuchsee CC&S Ochsner Running Team 3:20.27,0 ----- (5897) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:20.27 ----¦ --- Ott Micheline 1953 Nidau 3:13.23,8 ----- (5847) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:13.23 ----¦ --- Patané Beatrice 1961 Ipsach 2:35.44,3 ----- (5848) Diplom Foto ¦ 2:35.44 ----¦ --- Pätzold Ulrike 1957 D-Papendorf 3:10.00,7 ----- (5849) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:10.00 ----¦ --- Pente Charlotte 1965 Zürich 2:21.39,1 ----- (5914) Diplom Foto ¦ 2:21.39 ----¦ --- Perroud Yannick 1980 Biel/Bienne 2:19.14,7 ----- (5923) Diplom Foto ¦ 2:19.14 ----¦ --- Porteiro Murielle 1967 Meinisberg 3:13.52,6 ----- (5851) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:13.52 ----¦ --- Progin Jocelyne 1961 Péry Team Post 3:06.24,7 ----- (5852) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:06.24 ----¦ --- Rappazzo Marcello 1967 Biel/Bienne 2:14.42,2 ----- (5918) Diplom Foto ¦ 2:14.42 ----¦ --- Raetz Karin 1966 Busswil b. Büren 3:07.37,6 ----- (5886) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:07.37 ----¦ --- Reber Hanspeter 1944 Hünenberg See 3:10.00,0 ----- (5854) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:10.00 ----¦ --- Reimann Fränzi 1971 Bellmund 3:06.04,3 ----- (5909) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:06.04 ----¦ --- Ritter Marianne 1981 Le Landeron 3:00.58,6 ----- (5855) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:00.58 ----¦ --- Roduit Natacha 1969 Martigny 3:12.39,2 ----- (5889) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:12.39 ----¦ --- Roth Tiffany 1994 Sonvilier 3:29.26,7 ----- (5856) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:29.26 ----¦ --- Röthlisberger Karin 1971 Walkringen 3:33.42,7 ----- (5925) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:33.42 ----¦ --- Röthlisberger Sarah 1978 Walperswil 3:21.44,2 ----- (5857) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:21.44 ----¦ --- Schenk Ruth 1963 Kerzers Run & Walk Kerzers 2:55.29,2 ----- (5858) Diplom Foto ¦ 2:55.29 ----¦ --- Scherz Christoph 1953 Köniz Nordic Walking-Team STB 2:56.53,1 ----- (5859) Diplom Foto ¦ 2:56.53 ----¦ --- Schlegel Kathrin 1957 Kerzers Läufergruppe Kerzers 2:55.29,6 ----- (5861) Diplom Foto ¦ 2:55.29 ----¦ --- Schmed Rosmarie 1950 Münchenbuchsee 3:21.47,2 ----- (5863) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:21.47 ----¦ --- Schmid Karl 1965 Mägenwil 3:14.15,5 ----- (5864) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:14.15 ----¦ --- Schmid Peter 1970 Unterentfelden 3:14.16,8 ----- (5865) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:14.16 ----¦ --- Schmid Rahel 1996 Mägenwil 3:14.16,4 ----- (5866) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:14.16 ----¦ --- Schmid Renate 1971 Spiez 3:34.52,7 ----- (5867) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:34.52 ----¦ --- Schmidt Vreni 1958 Grafschaft 3:34.57,2 ----- (5868) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:34.57 ----¦ --- Schüpbach Regine 1964 Biel/Bienne Team Biel-Bienne 2:18.26,0 ----- (5893) Diplom Foto ¦ 2:18.26 ----¦ --- Seiffert Christel 1939 D-Dortmund 3:27.22,7 ----- (5869) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:27.22 ----¦ --- Snaschel Eva 1960 D-Münnerstadt 2:58.48,7 ----- (5912) Diplom Foto ¦ 2:58.48 ----¦ --- Spring Franziska 1970 Aarberg 3:48.43,7 ----- (5870) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:48.43 ----¦ --- Stékoffer Anna 1978 Péry FSGF Péry 3:26.58,8 ----- (5871) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:26.58 ----¦ --- Stillhrad Lili 1983 La Heutte FSGF Péry 3:27.02,1 ----- (5872) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:27.02 ----¦ --- Struchen Marianne 1961 Lyss 3:03.27,2 ----- (5873) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:03.27 ----¦ --- Tschachtli Sandra 1967 Kerzers 2:55.26,8 ----- (5890) Diplom Foto ¦ 2:55.26 ----¦ --- Tschan Laetitia 1992 St-Imier 3:29.27,4 ----- (5875) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:29.27 ----¦ --- Tschan Pierre 1965 St-Imier 3:29.23,3 ----- (5895) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:29.23 ----¦ --- Ventimiglia Christine 1967 Biel/Bienne 3:12.38,5 ----- (5891) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:12.38 ----¦ --- Vogt Séverine 1971 Péry FSGF Péry 3:27.00,5 ----- (5877) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:27.00 ----¦ --- von Arx Kristine 1971 Walperswil 2:52.48,8 ----- (5900) Diplom Foto ¦ 2:52.48 ----¦ --- Waldmann Jeannette 1967 Thunstetten 3:03.21,0 ----- (5903) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:03.21 ----¦ --- Walser Sabrina 1983 Bühl b. Aarberg 3:10.25,7 ----- (5878) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:10.25 ----¦ --- Walser-Zeller Sylvia 1962 Busswil b. Büren 3:07.38,0 ----- (5879) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:07.38 ----¦ --- Walther Silvia 1975 Oberwil im Simmental 3:34.57,5 ----- (5880) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:34.57 ----¦ --- Weisstanner Andreas 1962 Celerina/Schlarigna 2:57.16,4 ----- (5931) Diplom Foto ¦ 2:57.16 ----¦ --- Weisstanner Barbara 1958 Celerina/Schlarigna 2:57.15,6 ----- (5930) Diplom Foto ¦ 2:57.15 ----¦ --- Wirth Joachim 1950 D-Heustreu 2:58.49,3 ----- (5913) Diplom Foto ¦ 2:58.49 ----¦ --- Wittmer Sabine 1975 Bellmund 3:06.03,7 ----- (5908) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:06.03 ----¦ --- Wittwer Annamarie 1960 Gwatt (Thun) Allblacks 2:54.52,3 ----- (5881) Diplom Foto ¦ 2:54.52 ----¦ --- Wittwer Kurt 1940 Biel/Bienne 2:36.11,2 ----- (5882) Diplom Foto ¦ 2:36.11 ----¦ --- Zahnd Silvia 1966 Kirchberg BE 2:54.08,0 ----- (5892) Diplom Foto ¦ 2:54.08 ----¦ --- Zinecker Carlo 1944 Schaffhausen LWS 3:01.59,9 ----- (5884) Diplom Foto ¦ 3:01.59 ----¦ --- Zumstein Valerie 1993 Büren an der Aare 2:25.20,9 ----- (5902) Diplom Foto ¦ 2:25.20 ----¦ --- Zwahlen Susanne 1947 Nyon 2:55.12,5 ----- (5885) Diplom Foto ¦ 2:55.12 ----¦
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