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16. Eiger Bike Challenge 2013, Grindelwald - (45) 55km Herren Fun 4
Rang Name Jg Team Ortschaft Zeit Rückstand Stnr Overall km/h - Bussalp ¦ - Bort ¦ - Ziel ¦ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Bamert Cornel 1961 Tuggen 3:23.21,9 ----- (2543) Diplom Foto 55-H 63. 16,226 1:51.29 2.¦ 45.14 2.¦ 46.38 1.¦ 2. Kurmann Andreas 1956 Strüby BIXS MTB Team Willisau 3:24.08,0 0.46,1 (2495) Diplom Foto 55-H 67. 16,165 1:51.23 1.¦ 45.18 3.¦ 47.26 2.¦ 3. Hürzeler Bernhard 1963 Schöftland 3:27.54,8 4.32,9 (2239) Diplom Foto 55-H 73. 15,871 1:51.52 3.¦ 46.40 4.¦ 49.21 3.¦ 4. Gerber Ulrich 1952 Sport Amstutz Stevens Thun 3:29.48,6 6.26,7 (2492) Diplom Foto 55-H 77. 15,728 1:54.41 5.¦ 45.14 1.¦ 49.52 6.¦ 5. Betschart Franz 1953 Bixs Kälin Alpthal 3:32.51,0 9.29,1 (2227) Diplom Foto 55-H 85. 15,503 1:54.04 4.¦ 47.49 8.¦ 50.57 8.¦ 6. von Allmen Roland 1961 Grindelwald 3:33.16,0 9.54,1 (2482) Diplom Foto 55-H 87. 15,473 1:56.26 6.¦ 46.59 5.¦ 49.49 5.¦ 7. Elmer Bruno 1960 RBT Glarner Energie Niederurnen 3:37.53,3 14.31,4 (2498) Diplom Foto 55-H 103. 15,145 2:00.23 14.¦ 47.43 7.¦ 49.46 4.¦ 8. Birrer Bruno 1956 Stöckli 29er-Team Wolhusen 3:37.53,5 14.31,6 (3135) Diplom Foto 55-H 104. 15,145 1:57.27 7.¦ 47.33 6.¦ 52.52 14.¦ 9. Haueter Klaus 1962 Münsingen 3:38.15,0 14.53,1 (2528) Diplom Foto 55-H 107. 15,120 1:58.23 9.¦ 48.08 10.¦ 51.42 11.¦ 10. Wyss Daniel 1961 Thömus Factory Team Mörigen 3:38.55,2 15.33,3 (2247) Diplom Foto 55-H 111. 15,073 1:59.11 10.¦ 48.03 9.¦ 51.40 10.¦ 11. von Holzen Christoph 1960 VC Menzingen Menzingen 3:38.59,0 15.37,1 (2269) Diplom Foto 55-H 113. 15,069 2:00.48 15.¦ 48.15 11.¦ 49.56 7.¦ 12. Borer Guido 1963 Büsserach 3:40.22,5 17.00,6 (2288) Diplom Foto 55-H 120. 14,974 1:59.15 11.¦ 49.27 13.¦ 51.39 9.¦ 13. Fankhauser Ueli 1963 Langnau im Emmental 3:41.19,6 17.57,7 (2258) Diplom Foto 55-H 127. 14,910 1:57.34 8.¦ 49.01 12.¦ 54.43 18.¦ 14. Gerber Daniel 1961 Oberthal 3:41.47,5 18.25,6 (2218) Diplom Foto 55-H 130. 14,878 2:00.19 13.¦ 49.32 14.¦ 51.55 12.¦ 15. Spieler Fritz 1962 Grindelwald 3:46.22,2 23.00,3 (2259) Diplom Foto 55-H 154. 14,577 2:01.40 16.¦ 49.45 15.¦ 54.56 20.¦ 16. Leugger Walter 1959 Stöckli 29er- Team Muttenz 3:48.22,0 25.00,1 (2257) Diplom Foto 55-H 158. 14,450 1:59.51 12.¦ 50.43 19.¦ 57.47 32.¦ 17. Wittwer Peter 1963 RC Steffisburg Thun 3:48.39,5 25.17,6 (2229) Diplom Foto 55-H 163. 14,432 2:05.27 18.¦ 50.57 20.¦ 52.14 13.¦ 18. Jost Christian 1957 Thömus Grosshöchstetten 3:49.27,0 26.05,1 (2501) Diplom Foto 55-H 168. 14,382 2:06.14 19.¦ 50.04 17.¦ 53.07 15.¦ 19. Osterwalder Martin 1963 ABB Schweiz AG Frenkendorf 3:49.40,2 26.18,3 (2348) Diplom Foto 55-H 169. 14,368 2:03.25 17.¦ 50.18 18.¦ 55.55 21.¦ 20. Odermatt Guido 1959 Credo Bikes Oberägeri 3:50.24,4 27.02,5 (3207) Diplom Foto 55-H 171. 14,322 2:07.17 22.¦ 49.54 16.¦ 53.12 16.¦ 21. Kurmann Kaspar 1961 VC Sursee Udligenswil 3:54.16,1 30.54,2 (3281) Diplom Foto 55-H 188. 14,086 2:06.40 21.¦ 51.17 21.¦ 56.18 23.¦ 22. Huber Andreas 1963 bike-atelier giswil Giswil 3:56.35,2 33.13,3 (2267) Diplom Foto 55-H 201. 13,948 2:06.28 20.¦ 52.50 30.¦ 57.16 29.¦ 23. Gerber Chris 1959 Trek Münsingen 3:57.20,8 33.58,9 (2234) Diplom Foto 55-H 208. 13,903 2:10.15 26.¦ 52.14 24.¦ 54.51 19.¦ 24. Brunner Hannes 1963 Spasskanonen Frieswil 3:59.36,4 36.14,5 (2317) Diplom Foto 55-H 218. 13,772 2:08.44 23.¦ 54.29 38.¦ 56.22 24.¦ 25. Steiner Jean-Rodolphe 1960 Frenetic Savagnier 4:00.30,3 37.08,4 (3149) Diplom Foto 55-H 222. 13,721 2:08.54 24.¦ 52.37 28.¦ 58.58 42.¦ 26. Di Genio Michael 1961 FOLLOW ME RACING TEAM Rheinfelden 4:00.36,2 37.14,3 (3098) Diplom Foto 55-H 223. 13,715 2:15.14 42.¦ 51.26 22.¦ 53.55 17.¦ 27. Kolb Heinz 1960 Hilterfingen 4:01.40,9 38.19,0 (3159) Diplom Foto 55-H 231. 13,654 2:13.13 36.¦ 51.59 23.¦ 56.28 25.¦ 28. Fischer Fred 1961 Bonehead Bikers Lyss Büren an der Aare 4:02.11,7 38.49,8 (3233) Diplom Foto 55-H 232. 13,625 2:10.05 25.¦ 54.00 35.¦ 58.05 34.¦ 29. Wächter Bruno 1962 Thömus Veloshop Hendschiken 4:02.41,8 39.19,9 (2522) Diplom Foto 55-H 234. 13,597 2:12.07 32.¦ 53.26 31.¦ 57.08 27.¦ 30. Gasser Willy 1951 WUM Frenkendorf 4:02.44,8 39.22,9 (2316) Diplom Foto 55-H 235. 13,594 2:14.22 39.¦ 52.20 25.¦ 56.01 22.¦ 31. Baumann Daniel 1957 Thömus Veloshop Steffisburg 4:04.40,3 41.18,4 (3410) Diplom Foto 55-H 243. 13,487 2:12.07 33.¦ 53.39 33.¦ 58.52 39.¦ 32. Aymon Jacques 1961 VC Vignoble Coffrane 4:05.01,9 41.40,0 (2383) Diplom Foto 55-H 245. 13,467 2:15.41 43.¦ 52.26 26.¦ 56.54 26.¦ 33. Müller Hans 1949 Thömus Bern 4:05.05,7 41.43,8 (2329) Diplom Foto 55-H 246. 13,464 2:11.45 30.¦ 54.55 41.¦ 58.24 35.¦ 34. Uhler Remo 1962 DOMINIK MEIER AG Pfäffikon SZ 4:05.19,4 41.57,5 (2332) Diplom Foto 55-H 247. 13,451 2:12.04 31.¦ 54.22 37.¦ 58.52 38.¦ 35. Egli Fritz 1952 Wheeler eglibikes frauenf Hüttlingen 4:05.19,7 41.57,8 (2303) Diplom Foto 55-H 248. 13,451 2:11.03 28.¦ 53.44 34.¦ 1:00.31 49.¦ 36. Hostettler Erich 1953 Bikegruppe Bönigen Bönigen b. Interlaken 4:07.01,0 43.39,1 (2553) Diplom Foto 55-H 254. 13,359 2:10.25 27.¦ 56.12 46.¦ 1:00.22 48.¦ 37. von Arx Sepp 1962 Otelfingen 4:07.07,6 43.45,7 (2370) Diplom Foto 55-H 255. 13,353 2:13.26 37.¦ 55.50 43.¦ 57.50 33.¦ 38. Dermont Conradin 1960 Egg SZ 4:08.32,5 45.10,6 (3273) Diplom Foto 55-H 264. 13,277 2:14.38 40.¦ 54.50 40.¦ 59.03 43.¦ 39. Mühlheim Andreas 1963 Bonehead Bikers Lyss Scheuren 4:08.38,9 45.17,0 (3240) Diplom Foto 55-H 265. 13,271 2:13.52 38.¦ 54.41 39.¦ 1:00.05 46.¦ 40. Freiburghaus Daniel 1957 Neuenegg 4:09.23,0 46.01,1 (3254) Diplom Foto 55-H 267. 13,232 2:11.44 29.¦ 56.45 49.¦ 1:00.53 51.¦ 41. Jansen Marcellino 1958 Eglisau 4:09.30,2 46.08,3 (3167) Diplom Foto 55-H 270. 13,226 2:18.01 50.¦ 52.30 27.¦ 58.57 40.¦ 42. Merk Roland 1961 Bethel Cycle Sports USA Roxbury 4:09.46,1 46.24,2 (3102) Diplom Foto 55-H 273. 13,212 2:18.15 51.¦ 52.49 29.¦ 58.41 37.¦ 43. Staub Hans-Jörg 1948 Zuzwil BE 4:10.30,6 47.08,7 (2353) Diplom Foto 55-H 276. 13,173 2:16.57 46.¦ 54.19 36.¦ 59.13 45.¦ 44. Bieri Heinz 1960 Thömus Veloshop Wohlen b. Bern 4:10.35,4 47.13,5 (3413) Diplom Foto 55-H 277. 13,168 2:16.49 45.¦ 56.09 45.¦ 57.37 31.¦ 45. Wyss Bruno 1958 Mahu Murten 4:11.49,9 48.28,0 (2355) Diplom Foto 55-H 284. 13,103 2:17.25 48.¦ 57.09 51.¦ 57.14 28.¦ 46. Herren Kurt 1955 Thömus Veloshop Murten 4:12.05,9 48.44,0 (3406) Diplom Foto 55-H 287. 13,090 2:17.27 49.¦ 56.03 44.¦ 58.34 36.¦ 47. Zaugg Andreas 1960 Gerzensee 4:12.38,4 49.16,5 (2533) Diplom Foto 55-H 291. 13,062 2:18.42 52.¦ 56.23 47.¦ 57.33 30.¦ 48. Estermann Beat 1962 Oetwil am See 4:13.01,2 49.39,3 (2344) Diplom Foto 55-H 293. 13,042 2:18.53 53.¦ 55.10 42.¦ 58.57 40.¦ 49. Mangold Othmar 1957 scott swiss power Dübendorf 4:16.06,0 52.44,1 (2293) Diplom Foto 55-H 301. 12,885 2:14.47 41.¦ 57.42 53.¦ 1:03.35 66.¦ 50. Baggenstos Thomas 1957 Thömus Veloshoü Zürich 4:16.24,2 53.02,3 (3466) Diplom Foto 55-H 302. 12,870 2:16.20 44.¦ 58.08 55.¦ 1:01.55 57.¦ 51. Graf Fritz 1953 Thömus Veloshop Gasel 4:19.16,8 55.54,9 (3401) Diplom Foto 55-H 330. 12,727 2:19.18 55.¦ 59.00 59.¦ 1:00.58 52.¦ 52. Müller Peter 1961 DEBI's Bike Team Aarwangen 4:19.50,2 56.28,3 (2411) Diplom Foto 55-H 334. 12,700 2:23.23 60.¦ 53.37 32.¦ 1:02.49 62.¦ 53. Beriger Jürg 1963 www.bikeschule-olten.ch Lostorf 4:20.20,7 56.58,8 (2347) Diplom Foto 55-H 337. 12,675 2:22.04 59.¦ 57.34 52.¦ 1:00.42 50.¦ 54. Burger Martin 1963 Lupfig 4:21.18,3 57.56,4 (2331) Diplom Foto 55-H 340. 12,628 2:23.35 63.¦ 56.38 48.¦ 1:01.04 53.¦ 55. Frey Benno 1951 LV Langenthal Roggwil BE 4:21.22,7 58.00,8 (2312) Diplom Foto 55-H 341. 12,625 2:17.13 47.¦ 58.04 54.¦ 1:06.05 77.¦ 56. Bächtiger Jürg 1958 Thömus Veloshop Hedingen 4:21.38,5 58.16,6 (3412) Diplom Foto 55-H 344. 12,612 2:23.45 66.¦ 58.48 58.¦ 59.04 44.¦ 57. Schenk Dres 1959 VC Grindelwald Grindelwald 4:22.32,2 59.10,3 (2309) Diplom Foto 55-H 347. 12,569 2:13.06 35.¦ 59.36 63.¦ 1:09.49 99.¦ 58. Widmer Ruedi 1957 VC Rollers Wolhusen Wolhusen 4:22.55,5 59.33,6 (2365) Diplom Foto 55-H 349. 12,551 2:12.46 34.¦ 1:06.36 99.¦ 1:03.32 64.¦ 59. Seifritz Erich 1961 Thömus Veloshop Bolligen 4:23.18,7 59.56,8 (3442) Diplom Foto 55-H 353. 12,532 2:20.47 56.¦ 58.28 57.¦ 1:04.02 68.¦ 60. Blumer Markus 1960 Wermatswil 4:23.25,2 1:00.03,3 (3086) Diplom Foto 55-H 354. 12,527 2:19.13 54.¦ 1:01.43 76.¦ 1:02.27 61.¦ 61. Jenny Peter 1956 Brünisried 4:27.05,7 1:03.43,8 (2509) Diplom Foto 55-H 372. 12,355 2:23.41 64.¦ 1:01.06 70.¦ 1:02.16 60.¦ 62. Koller Albert 1959 Fehren 4:27.31,6 1:04.09,7 (3100) Diplom Foto 55-H 374. 12,335 2:23.28 62.¦ 56.50 50.¦ 1:07.12 84.¦ 63. Zwahlen Kurt 1959 Felt Fun Team Grenchen 4:27.45,6 1:04.23,7 (3143) Diplom Foto 55-H 378. 12,324 2:26.20 70.¦ 1:00.08 68.¦ 1:01.16 54.¦ 64. Reith Martin 1961 Kaiseraugst 4:28.32,7 1:05.10,8 (3216) Diplom Foto 55-H 379. 12,288 2:27.05 72.¦ 59.13 61.¦ 1:02.13 59.¦ 65. Meyer Thomas 1959 Thömus Veloshop Mühledorf SO 4:28.37,5 1:05.15,6 (3435) Diplom Foto 55-H 380. 12,284 2:21.26 57.¦ 1:02.01 78.¦ 1:05.09 72.¦ 66. Nyffenegger Daniel 1961 Thömus Factory Team Gurzelen 4:28.44,8 1:05.22,9 (2311) Diplom Foto 55-H 383. 12,279 2:27.07 73.¦ 59.40 64.¦ 1:01.56 58.¦ 67. Schoch Rolf 1962 DEBI's Bike Team Aarwangen 4:28.53,4 1:05.31,5 (2427) Diplom Foto 55-H 384. 12,272 2:25.00 67.¦ 59.51 66.¦ 1:04.01 67.¦ 68. Aeschimann Peter 1951 Balmer Bike Matten b. Interlaken 4:31.01,2 1:07.39,3 (2296) Diplom Foto 55-H 398. 12,176 2:29.27 82.¦ 59.40 65.¦ 1:01.53 56.¦ 69. Bönzli Marc 1963 Flüh 4:31.02,4 1:07.40,5 (2382) Diplom Foto 55-H 399. 12,175 2:30.08 84.¦ 59.02 60.¦ 1:01.51 55.¦ 70. Stucki Beni 1960 Grindelwald 4:31.28,5 1:08.06,6 (2385) Diplom Foto 55-H 401. 12,155 2:21.52 58.¦ 1:04.07 91.¦ 1:05.28 73.¦ 71. Zingg Bruno 1961 Dielsdorf 4:31.51,1 1:08.29,2 (3249) Diplom Foto 55-H 403. 12,138 2:27.41 76.¦ 1:01.19 74.¦ 1:02.50 63.¦ 72. Iseli Daniel 1958 Thömus Veloshop Bremgarten b. Bern 4:32.20,2 1:08.58,3 (3428) Diplom Foto 55-H 405. 12,117 2:29.56 83.¦ 58.15 56.¦ 1:04.08 69.¦ 73. Meyer Wolfgang 1960 Thömus Veloshop Siegsdorf 4:33.15,5 1:09.53,6 (3427) Diplom Foto 55-H 411. 12,076 2:23.24 61.¦ 1:04.44 97.¦ 1:05.05 71.¦ 74. Crumrine Don 1957 Washington CT 4:33.43,8 1:10.21,9 (3106) Diplom Foto 55-H 413. 12,055 2:28.06 79.¦ 59.29 62.¦ 1:06.08 78.¦ 75. Pauli Peter 1960 Swiss Economic Forum Team Gwatt Thun 4:34.11,4 1:10.49,5 (2372) Diplom Foto 55-H 415. 12,035 2:27.13 74.¦ 1:03.23 88.¦ 1:03.35 65.¦ 76. Sommer Ernst 1953 Sennhüttenbiker Remigen 4:34.22,2 1:11.00,3 (3039) Diplom Foto 55-H 416. 12,027 2:25.26 68.¦ 1:04.29 94.¦ 1:04.26 70.¦ 77. Isch Martin 1960 Gossliwil 4:34.22,6 1:11.00,7 (2423) Diplom Foto 55-H 417. 12,027 2:26.24 71.¦ 1:02.19 81.¦ 1:05.38 76.¦ 78. Linder Peter 1948 Thömus Veloshop Diemtigen 4:36.17,5 1:12.55,6 (3430) Diplom Foto 55-H 429. 11,943 2:26.14 69.¦ 1:04.33 95.¦ 1:05.29 74.¦ 79. Benassa Dario 1956 Pany 4:37.50,8 1:14.28,9 (3122) Diplom Foto 55-H 437. 11,877 2:28.06 78.¦ 1:02.21 83.¦ 1:07.22 86.¦ 80. King Russell 1957 Squadra Lento Stoke Poges 4:38.46,9 1:15.25,0 (2414) Diplom Foto 55-H 441. 11,837 2:28.54 80.¦ 1:03.18 86.¦ 1:06.34 81.¦ 81. Eiermann Heinrich 1955 Heidelberg 4:39.08,3 1:15.46,4 (3277) Diplom Foto 55-H 443. 11,822 2:29.00 81.¦ 1:01.14 72.¦ 1:08.53 94.¦ 82. Bietenhard Adrian 1957 VC Grindelwald Grindelwald 4:39.33,8 1:16.11,9 (2351) Diplom Foto 55-H 445. 11,804 2:28.04 77.¦ 1:03.37 89.¦ 1:07.51 88.¦ 83. Keller Hanspeter 1961 Thömus Veloshop Horn 4:39.45,0 1:16.23,1 (3454) Diplom Foto 55-H 447. 11,796 2:23.42 65.¦ 1:04.12 93.¦ 1:11.49 104.¦ 84. Bonfanti Gianfranco 1958 Mandello del Lario (LC) 4:40.36,4 1:17.14,5 (3244) Diplom Foto 55-H 452. 11,760 2:30.09 85.¦ 1:01.12 71.¦ 1:09.14 97.¦ 85. Tres Patrizio 1963 Netstal 4:40.42,3 1:17.20,4 (3289) Diplom Foto 55-H 453. 11,756 2:30.49 87.¦ 1:03.21 87.¦ 1:06.31 80.¦ 86. Schwendimann Thomas 1963 Aesch BL 4:41.46,6 1:18.24,7 (3094) Diplom Foto 55-H 456. 11,711 2:40.03 95.¦ 1:01.37 75.¦ 1:00.06 47.¦ 87. Flückiger Claude 1963 Thömus Veloshop Oberscherli 4:42.43,2 1:19.21,3 (3418) Diplom Foto 55-H 460. 11,672 2:27.35 75.¦ 1:08.15 103.¦ 1:06.52 82.¦ 88. Arnold Erwin 1954 Dielsdorf 4:42.53,9 1:19.32,0 (2516) Diplom Foto 55-H 462. 11,664 2:31.50 88.¦ 1:03.04 85.¦ 1:07.59 89.¦ 89. Wälti Peter 1956 John Deere Mühledorf BE 4:43.44,0 1:20.22,1 (3223) Diplom Foto 55-H 466. 11,630 2:35.14 91.¦ 1:01.17 73.¦ 1:07.12 85.¦ 90. Mühlheim Armin 1954 Scheuren 4:46.29,3 1:23.07,4 (3229) Diplom Foto 55-H 476. 11,518 2:39.26 94.¦ 59.52 67.¦ 1:07.10 83.¦ 91. Illi Jürg 1953 Zürich 4:46.40,5 1:23.18,6 (3237) Diplom Foto 55-H 477. 11,511 2:40.56 100.¦ 1:00.14 69.¦ 1:05.29 75.¦ 92. Arnold Eda 1963 Luzern 4:46.46,0 1:23.24,1 (2389) Diplom Foto 55-H 479. 11,507 2:32.44 89.¦ 1:04.40 96.¦ 1:09.21 98.¦ 93. Burger Peter 1959 Cham 4:47.06,6 1:23.44,7 (2524) Diplom Foto 55-H 481. 11,493 2:30.26 86.¦ 1:03.00 84.¦ 1:13.39 112.¦ 94. Lanz Beat 1959 Rüegsauschachen 4:49.58,8 1:26.36,9 (2559) Diplom Foto 55-H 495. 11,380 2:33.46 90.¦ 1:07.22 101.¦ 1:08.50 93.¦ 95. Volz Manfred 1960 Markgröningen 4:51.30,8 1:28.08,9 (3187) Diplom Foto 55-H 501. 11,320 2:43.22 108.¦ 1:01.50 77.¦ 1:06.18 79.¦ 96. Lauber Franz 1963 Brislach 4:51.38,6 1:28.16,7 (3018) Diplom Foto 55-H 502. 11,315 2:41.29 106.¦ 1:02.06 80.¦ 1:08.03 90.¦ 97. Tschanen Marcel 1960 Danis Biking Weggis 4:52.54,7 1:29.32,8 (3097) Diplom Foto 55-H 508. 11,266 2:40.49 99.¦ 1:03.37 89.¦ 1:08.27 91.¦ 98. Teutschmann Roland 1960 Egli Bikes Hörhausen 4:55.01,0 1:31.39,1 (2445) Diplom Foto 55-H 513. 11,185 2:41.01 101.¦ 1:06.21 98.¦ 1:07.37 87.¦ 99. Gautschi Andreas 1954 Stöckli 29er Team Kestenholz 4:55.07,9 1:31.46,0 (2515) Diplom Foto 55-H 514. 11,181 2:40.05 96.¦ 1:04.12 92.¦ 1:10.50 101.¦ 100. Zysset Urs 1958 Kirchdorf Bikers Kirchdorf BE 4:59.09,2 1:35.47,3 (3222) Diplom Foto 55-H 532. 11,031 2:40.31 97.¦ 1:09.37 107.¦ 1:09.00 95.¦ 101. Schwaller Rolf 1962 Velo-Art.ch Bettlach 4:59.51,2 1:36.29,3 (2434) Diplom Foto 55-H 534. 11,005 2:41.25 104.¦ 1:09.35 106.¦ 1:08.49 92.¦ 102. Berbee Paul 1952 Lisse 5:00.59,6 1:37.37,7 (2440) Diplom Foto 55-H 539. 10,963 2:44.18 111.¦ 1:07.39 102.¦ 1:09.01 96.¦ 103. Mesot Bertrand 1957 Oron-la-Ville 5:01.25,7 1:38.03,8 (2406) Diplom Foto 55-H 541. 10,947 2:41.26 105.¦ 1:06.57 100.¦ 1:13.01 109.¦ 104. Herren Jürg 1961 DEBI's Bike Team Aarwangen 5:05.05,8 1:41.43,9 (3017) Diplom Foto 55-H 548. 10,816 2:40.32 98.¦ 1:11.18 111.¦ 1:13.15 111.¦ 105. De Boor Eric A 1947 LCC Lenzburg Lenzburg 5:07.26,1 1:44.04,2 (2449) Diplom Foto 55-H 551. 10,733 2:43.59 109.¦ 1:09.27 105.¦ 1:14.00 113.¦ 106. Kurth Andreas 1960 Köniz 5:08.41,0 1:45.19,1 (3253) Diplom Foto 55-H 556. 10,690 2:48.41 117.¦ 1:08.32 104.¦ 1:11.27 103.¦ 107. Zafferani Claude 1960 Club VTtl Paudex 5:08.55,4 1:45.33,5 (3096) Diplom Foto 55-H 558. 10,682 2:37.13 92.¦ 1:02.01 79.¦ 1:29.40 135.¦ 108. Fawer Pascal 1961 Club VTtl Blessens 5:08.56,9 1:45.35,0 (3095) Diplom Foto 55-H 559. 10,681 2:37.15 93.¦ 1:02.20 82.¦ 1:29.21 133.¦ 109. Hofstetter Stefan 1962 ski-velo-center.ch mann Burgdorf 5:09.01,1 1:45.39,2 (2420) Diplom Foto 55-H 560. 10,678 2:43.12 107.¦ 1:12.59 115.¦ 1:12.48 107.¦ 110. Bühler Ueli 1955 bike-team regio frauenfel Pfyn 5:09.26,3 1:46.04,4 (3144) Diplom Foto 55-H 561. 10,664 2:47.52 115.¦ 1:10.57 109.¦ 1:10.36 100.¦ 111. Sommer Marcel 1963 Schneckenpost Unterseen 5:10.08,6 1:46.46,7 (2463) Diplom Foto 55-H 563. 10,640 2:41.22 103.¦ 1:11.31 112.¦ 1:17.14 116.¦ 112. Brunner Hänsel 1962 VC Grindelwald Grindelwald 5:14.00,1 1:50.38,2 (2534) Diplom Foto 55-H 568. 10,509 2:47.18 113.¦ 1:14.19 118.¦ 1:12.22 106.¦ 113. Freundorfer Urs 1958 Thömus Veloshop Dietikon 5:15.07,2 1:51.45,3 (2489) Diplom Foto 55-H 569. 10,472 2:52.38 123.¦ 1:11.05 110.¦ 1:11.23 102.¦ 114. Holenweg Rudy 1956 Martigny-Croix 5:15.34,3 1:52.12,4 (3024) Diplom Foto 55-H 572. 10,457 2:51.07 122.¦ 1:11.34 113.¦ 1:12.52 108.¦ 115. Bürgstein Wolfgang 1961 Thömus Veloshop Wabern 5:15.43,2 1:52.21,3 (3424) Diplom Foto 55-H 573. 10,452 2:49.31 118.¦ 1:13.09 116.¦ 1:13.02 110.¦ 116. Feldmann Thomas 1960 Bern 5:18.14,5 1:54.52,6 (3232) Diplom Foto 55-H 578. 10,369 2:44.08 110.¦ 1:15.10 120.¦ 1:18.55 120.¦ 117. Kaufmann Armin 1962 Trilux Endingen am Kaiserstuhl 5:19.24,1 1:56.02,2 (2407) Diplom Foto 55-H 579. 10,331 2:44.36 112.¦ 1:12.53 114.¦ 1:21.53 122.¦ 118. Weber Thomas 1947 los tres weberos Olten 5:21.31,2 1:58.09,3 (2442) Diplom Foto 55-H 585. 10,263 2:47.45 114.¦ 1:15.44 122.¦ 1:18.01 118.¦ 119. Fontana Pietro 1958 Villars-sur-Glâne 5:21.47,6 1:58.25,7 (3007) Diplom Foto 55-H 586. 10,255 2:48.03 116.¦ 1:15.49 123.¦ 1:17.54 117.¦ 120. Nacht Heinz 1961 Thömus Veloshop Schliern b. Köniz 5:25.29,1 2:02.07,2 (3429) Diplom Foto 55-H 589. 10,138 2:50.09 119.¦ 1:16.22 124.¦ 1:18.57 121.¦ 121. Aerni Hans-Jörg 1963 Swiss Economic Forum Team Gwatt Thun 5:26.47,3 2:03.25,4 (2453) Diplom Foto 55-H 592. 10,098 2:54.53 124.¦ 1:13.10 117.¦ 1:18.43 119.¦ 122. Müller Roland 1962 Pfeffingen 5:29.25,4 2:06.03,5 (3213) Diplom Foto 55-H 595. 10,017 2:50.38 120.¦ 1:10.51 108.¦ 1:27.55 131.¦ 123. Seiler Daniel 1961 Alfa Bikers Witterswil 5:29.26,4 2:06.04,5 (3219) Diplom Foto 55-H 596. 10,016 2:50.40 121.¦ 1:15.37 121.¦ 1:23.07 123.¦ 124. Kündig Heinrich 1954 Thömus Veloshop Detligen 5:29.57,5 2:06.35,6 (3417) Diplom Foto 55-H 597. 10,001 3:00.57 128.¦ 1:14.34 119.¦ 1:14.25 115.¦ 125. Kiener Fritz 1952 Velo Lade Urdorf Schlieren 5:35.52,5 2:12.30,6 (2460) Diplom Foto 55-H 604. 9,825 2:58.44 127.¦ 1:22.45 131.¦ 1:14.22 114.¦ 126. Villringer Martin 1961 Waldshut-Tiengen 5:41.43,4 2:18.21,5 (3119) Diplom Foto 55-H 615. 9,656 3:10.31 133.¦ 1:19.05 127.¦ 1:12.07 105.¦ 127. Bertini Markus 1958 Zuchwil 5:43.08,9 2:19.47,0 (2570) Diplom Foto 55-H 616. 9,616 2:55.56 126.¦ 1:21.01 128.¦ 1:26.11 126.¦ 128. Hirschi Peter 1954 Thömus Veloshop Wangen b. Dübendorf 5:43.46,4 2:20.24,5 (3411) Diplom Foto 55-H 617. 9,599 2:55.01 125.¦ 1:21.32 130.¦ 1:27.12 128.¦ 129. Zellnig Adam 1955 christrunners St. Paul im Lavanttal 5:49.00,1 2:25.38,2 (3030) Diplom Foto 55-H 621. 9,455 3:06.04 130.¦ 1:17.52 126.¦ 1:25.03 125.¦ 130. Koch Andi 1962 Hombrechtikon 5:52.24,9 2:29.03,0 (3043) Diplom Foto 55-H 624. 9,363 3:06.06 131.¦ 1:16.54 125.¦ 1:29.24 134.¦ 131. Christen Kurt 1954 Matten b. Interlaken 5:57.48,2 2:34.26,3 (3228) Diplom Foto 55-H 631. 9,222 3:05.07 129.¦ 1:24.47 132.¦ 1:27.53 130.¦ 132. Janos Melihercsik 1950 Salgotarjan 5:58.25,3 2:35.03,4 (3175) Diplom Foto 55-H 633. 9,207 3:12.12 134.¦ 1:21.18 129.¦ 1:24.53 124.¦ 133. Hufschmid Daniel 1962 Thömus Veloshop Münchenbuchsee 6:04.26,8 2:41.04,9 (3480) Diplom Foto 55-H 639. 9,054 3:06.21 132.¦ 1:30.22 133.¦ 1:27.42 129.¦ 134. Wicki Bruno 1946 Bassendean WA 6:23.02,0 2:59.40,1 (2456) Diplom Foto 55-H 641. 8,615 3:21.51 135.¦ 1:34.32 134.¦ 1:26.37 127.¦ 135. Brügger Fritz 1947 Liebefeld 6:38.37,8 3:15.15,9 (2484) Diplom Foto 55-H 642. 8,278 3:29.59 136.¦ 1:39.59 135.¦ 1:28.38 132.¦ 136. Colliard Jean-Louis 1960 Pogens 2:41.22,3 Bussalp (3091) Foto 55-H 652. --- 2:41.22 102.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Degen Dieter 1953 AlpenTortour.ch Olten ----- ----- (2364) Foto 55-H --- ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Schenker Tomer 1961 Rothrist ----- ----- (3021) Foto 55-H --- ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦
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