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Aletsch-Halbmarathon 2013, Bettmeralp - Land "GB"


Austragung 2013 auf der Ersatzstecke


Kategorie Rang Name/Ort Jg Team/Ortschaft Zeit Rückstand Stnr Schnitt ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- M20 263. Nelson Barry 1983 GB-Dunfermline 1:24.06,4 31.29,7 (434) Diplom Foto 5.32 M40 216. Murray Stuart 1969 GB-Gillingham 1:42.58,9 44.28,3 (1704) Diplom Foto 6.46 M20 106. Houston David 1987 Eaton 1:11.47,7 19.11,0 (1581) Diplom Foto 4.43 M50 1. Lilley Kevin 1961 GB-Hope Valley 1:01.35,3 ----- (76) Diplom Foto 4.03 M55 2. Neill Dave 1956 Staffordshire Moorlands A 1:01.15,5 2.30,2 (325) Diplom Foto 4.01 M20 6. Neill William 1992 City of Stoke AC 57.49,6 5.12,9 (257) Diplom Foto 3.48 M20 350. Blackford Nicholas 1984 London GB 1:56.53,6 1:04.16,9 (1702) Diplom Foto 7.41 M20 246. Bunce Daniel 1989 GB-London 1:22.08,0 29.31,3 (15) Diplom Foto 5.24 F20 165. Chadney Clare 1986 People's Republic of Fins 2:05.15,7 1:06.06,3 (2614) Diplom Foto 8.14 M20 230. Cloux David 1988 GB-London 1:21.05,9 28.29,2 (2297) Diplom Foto 5.20 M20 247. Fordham Alexander 1993 Ranelagh Harriers 1:22.14,7 29.38,0 (1539) Diplom Foto 5.24 M60 26. Fordham Peter 1952 Ranelagh Harriers 1:31.38,0 22.56,1 (1540) Diplom Foto 6.01 M40 214. Kane David 1971 GB-London 1:41.12,2 42.41,6 (16) Diplom Foto 6.39 F20 85. Lawrence Amy 1981 GB-London 1:27.33,5 28.24,1 (17) Diplom Foto 5.45 M50 161. Lloyd Daniel 1961 GB-London 1:48.50,9 47.15,6 (1703) Diplom Foto 7.09 M35 131. Loerz Sven Olaf 1974 GB-London 1:24.35,5 33.07,1 (124) Diplom Foto 5.33 M35 171. Moseling Jonathan 1976 Ful-on Tri 1:33.10,4 41.42,0 (1782) Diplom Foto 6.07 M45 87. Waterman Matthew 1967 GB-London 1:19.25,2 23.18,9 (2525) Diplom Foto 5.13 M45 131. Blackford Jeffrey 1965 Manchester University 1:24.04,7 27.58,4 (1701) Diplom Foto 5.31 M40 107. Mitchell Guy 1973 GB-Midhurst 1:18.52,1 20.21,5 (2528) Diplom Foto 5.11 M20 202. Rhodes Alex 1988 Eaton 1:19.39,2 27.02,5 (1584) Diplom Foto 5.14 M35 47. Ehrbar Yann 1977 GB-Richmond Surrey 1:10.51,9 19.23,5 (515) Diplom Foto 4.39 M20 351. Martin Alex 1985 Peoples Republic of Finsb 2:05.15,6 1:12.38,9 (1712) Diplom Foto 8.14 F50 62. Durrant Hilary 1962 Team Endurancelife 1:49.30,6 34.46,6 (2325) Diplom Foto 7.12 M45 37. Grace Ian 1968 Team Endurancelife 1:12.36,7 16.30,4 (1071) Diplom Foto 4.46
Total 25

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