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31. Basler Stadtlauf 2013 - (22) M40 Männer
Rang Name Jg Land/Ort Zeit Rückstand Stnr Schnitt ¦ > 0,5 Runden ¦ > 1,5 Runden ¦ > Ziel ¦ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Brodard Daniel 1973 Biberist 17.32,9 ----- (3679) Diplom Video 3.11 ¦ 2.17 5.¦ 7.21 3.¦ 7.54 1.¦ 2. Odermatt Hugo 1971 Luzern 17.42,0 0.09,1 (3497) Diplom Video 3.13 ¦ 2.18 7.¦ 7.17 1.¦ 8.06 3.¦ 3. Tireford Sylvain 1973 Anwil 17.43,4 0.10,5 (2853) Diplom Video 3.13 ¦ 2.17 6.¦ 7.20 2.¦ 8.05 2.¦ 4. Turati Silvano 1972 Stabio 18.07,2 0.34,3 (3419) Diplom Video 3.17 ¦ 2.22 8.¦ 7.32 4.¦ 8.12 4.¦ 5. Fischer Kai 1969 Geroldswil 18.12,9 0.40,0 (1873) Diplom Video 3.18 ¦ 2.17 4.¦ 7.33 5.¦ 8.22 5.¦ 6. Prétot Matthias 1973 Allschwil 18.16,5 0.43,6 (2521) Diplom Video 3.19 ¦ 2.16 3.¦ 7.36 6.¦ 8.23 6.¦ 7. Boehler Andreas 1973 Rheinfelden 18.35,3 1.02,4 (1625) Diplom Video 3.22 ¦ 2.15 1.¦ 7.38 7.¦ 8.40 9.¦ 8. Retzlaff Sebastian 1971 D-Grenzach-Wyhlen 18.36,8 1.03,9 (3505) Diplom Video 3.23 ¦ 2.25 12.¦ 7.43 10.¦ 8.28 7.¦ 9. Fluri Patrick 1971 Zuchwil 18.41,5 1.08,6 (1886) Diplom Video 3.23 ¦ 2.24 10.¦ 7.44 11.¦ 8.32 8.¦ 10. Herzog Toni 1971 Möhlin 18.49,7 1.16,8 (2067) Diplom Video 3.25 ¦ 2.16 2.¦ 7.42 9.¦ 8.50 12.¦ 11. Zbinden Martin 1970 Fribourg 18.51,6 1.18,7 (2995) Diplom Video 3.25 ¦ 2.26 13.¦ 7.41 8.¦ 8.43 11.¦ 12. Teubler Volker 1969 D-Bad Säckingen 19.00,9 1.28,0 (2837) Diplom Video 3.27 ¦ 2.25 11.¦ 7.52 12.¦ 8.42 10.¦ 13. Calligaris-Maibach Flavio 1971 Zürich 19.41,2 2.08,3 (3452) Diplom Video 3.34 ¦ 2.32 18.¦ 8.13 13.¦ 8.56 14.¦ 14. Christen Josef 1970 Gippingen 19.45,8 2.12,9 (1736) Diplom Video 3.35 ¦ 2.24 9.¦ 8.13 13.¦ 9.08 16.¦ 15. Naud Frederic 1972 Binningen 19.50,5 2.17,6 (3371) Diplom Video 3.36 ¦ 2.43 55.¦ 8.14 15.¦ 8.52 13.¦ 16. Müllerleile Rainer 1972 D-Lörrach 19.57,3 2.24,4 (2434) Diplom Video 3.37 ¦ 2.37 26.¦ 8.15 16.¦ 9.04 15.¦ 17. Wigger Michel 1971 Aesch BL 19.59,5 2.26,6 (3681) Diplom Video 3.38 ¦ 2.32 20.¦ 8.17 17.¦ 9.10 17.¦ 18. Dambach René 1969 Schöfflisdorf 20.00,2 2.27,3 (1752) Diplom Video 3.38 ¦ 2.27 15.¦ 8.17 17.¦ 9.15 22.¦ 19. Käppeli Benno 1969 Merenschwand 20.06,8 2.33,9 (2178) Diplom Video 3.39 ¦ 2.34 21.¦ 8.19 20.¦ 9.13 18.¦ 20. Faedi Eric 1972 Basel 20.12,7 2.39,8 (1849) Diplom Video 3.40 ¦ 2.38 36.¦ 8.18 19.¦ 9.14 21.¦ 21. Di Pilla Luigi 1969 Riehen 20.14,8 2.41,9 (1773) Diplom Video 3.40 ¦ 2.37 27.¦ 8.23 23.¦ 9.13 19.¦ 22. Flesch Michael 1971 D-Vogtsburg 20.15,6 2.42,7 (1881) Diplom Video 3.41 ¦ 2.38 30.¦ 8.23 23.¦ 9.13 20.¦ 23. Marchlewski Nicolai 1969 D-Sankt Augustin 20.19,2 2.46,3 (2347) Diplom Video 3.41 ¦ 2.34 22.¦ 8.23 25.¦ 9.20 25.¦ 24. Scherz Alex 1972 Oberwil BL 20.26,3 2.53,4 (3391) Diplom Video 3.42 ¦ 2.40 40.¦ 8.25 26.¦ 9.20 25.¦ 25. Schlosser Christian 1969 Däniken SO 20.27,0 2.54,1 (2630) Diplom Video 3.43 ¦ 2.38 30.¦ 8.25 27.¦ 9.23 28.¦ 26. Murkowski Krzysztof 1971 Riehen 20.30,6 2.57,7 (2436) Diplom Video 3.43 ¦ 2.44 61.¦ 8.21 22.¦ 9.24 29.¦ 27. Liesch Hannes 1972 Sissach 20.31,5 2.58,6 (2307) Diplom Video 3.43 ¦ 2.32 19.¦ 8.30 30.¦ 9.28 32.¦ 28. Lemmel Edgar 1971 Rothenburg 20.32,1 2.59,2 (2286) Diplom Video 3.44 ¦ 2.42 52.¦ 8.28 29.¦ 9.21 27.¦ 29. Stettler Jann 1973 Binningen 20.32,9 3.00,0 (2770) Diplom Video 3.44 ¦ 2.36 24.¦ 8.30 30.¦ 9.25 31.¦ 30. Findlay Gordon 1969 Reinach BL 20.37,1 3.04,2 (3303) Diplom Video 3.44 ¦ 2.39 38.¦ 8.26 28.¦ 9.30 33.¦ 31. Salathé Günther 1973 Fehren 20.46,2 3.13,3 (3202) Diplom Video 3.46 ¦ 2.31 17.¦ 8.32 32.¦ 9.42 39.¦ 32. Jeker Dominique 1972 GB-London 20.47,8 3.14,9 (3647) Diplom Video 3.46 ¦ 2.39 37.¦ 8.44 43.¦ 9.24 30.¦ 33. Marti Alain 1971 Binningen 20.50,1 3.17,2 (1508) Diplom Video 3.47 ¦ 2.49 76.¦ 8.42 39.¦ 9.17 24.¦ 34. Rust Markus 1971 Bottmingen 20.50,7 3.17,8 (2583) Diplom Video 3.47 ¦ 2.41 47.¦ 8.52 56.¦ 9.16 23.¦ 35. Gast Fritz 1971 Rothrist 20.53,9 3.21,0 (1939) Diplom Video 3.47 ¦ 2.53 89.¦ 8.21 21.¦ 9.39 38.¦ 36. Allemann Philipp 1971 Welschenrohr 20.56,6 3.23,7 (1527) Diplom Video 3.48 ¦ 2.45 63.¦ 8.34 33.¦ 9.37 35.¦ 37. Stark Hans-Jörg 1969 Basel 20.57,6 3.24,7 (2747) Diplom Video 3.48 ¦ 2.44 59.¦ 8.38 34.¦ 9.34 34.¦ 38. Studer Jan 1970 Breitenbach 20.58,3 3.25,4 (3226) Diplom Video 3.48 ¦ 2.35 23.¦ 8.38 35.¦ 9.44 42.¦ 39. Scire Carmelo 1969 Riehen 20.59,6 3.26,7 (2698) Diplom Video 3.49 ¦ 2.38 34.¦ 8.43 41.¦ 9.37 37.¦ 40. Brütsch Andreas 1969 Basel 21.03,2 3.30,3 (1673) Diplom Video 3.49 ¦ 2.29 16.¦ 8.47 45.¦ 9.46 46.¦ 41. Froidevaux Jean-Charles 1970 Saignelégier 21.04,2 3.31,3 (1910) Diplom Video 3.49 ¦ 2.40 42.¦ 8.40 37.¦ 9.43 41.¦ 42. Lüthi Urs 1971 Allschwil 21.07,8 3.34,9 (2333) Diplom Video 3.50 ¦ 2.48 75.¦ 8.41 38.¦ 9.37 35.¦ 43. Montag Patrick 1971 Bern 21.09,5 3.36,6 (2403) Diplom Video 3.50 ¦ 2.41 43.¦ 8.43 42.¦ 9.44 44.¦ 44. Garcia Antonio 1973 Basel 21.12,4 3.39,5 (1928) Diplom Video 3.51 ¦ 2.38 32.¦ 8.39 36.¦ 9.54 59.¦ 45. Ullrich Urs 1969 Basel 21.12,7 3.39,8 (2879) Diplom Video 3.51 ¦ 2.39 38.¦ 8.48 47.¦ 9.44 43.¦ 46. Witte Steffen 1970 Basel 21.12,9 3.40,0 (1510) Diplom Video 3.51 ¦ 2.42 50.¦ 8.43 40.¦ 9.47 48.¦ 47. Dorn Raphael 1973 Zürich 21.17,3 3.44,4 (1789) Diplom Video 3.52 ¦ 2.37 29.¦ 8.50 51.¦ 9.48 52.¦ 48. Störi Roland 1970 Binningen 21.18,3 3.45,4 (2790) Diplom Video 3.52 ¦ 2.41 48.¦ 8.51 52.¦ 9.45 45.¦ 49. Wolf Stephane 1970 Oberwil BL 21.19,2 3.46,3 (2972) Diplom Video 3.52 ¦ 2.42 51.¦ 8.45 44.¦ 9.51 54.¦ 50. Murrell Craig 1970 Vermes 21.22,6 3.49,7 (2437) Diplom Video 3.53 ¦ 2.38 33.¦ 8.56 60.¦ 9.48 51.¦ 51. Gutzwiller Pascal 1973 Ettingen 21.24,2 3.51,3 (3108) Diplom Video 3.53 ¦ 2.46 70.¦ 8.47 46.¦ 9.49 53.¦ 52. Wyler Roger 1972 F-St Louis 21.26,1 3.53,2 (2981) Diplom Video 3.53 ¦ 2.37 28.¦ 8.52 55.¦ 9.55 60.¦ 53. Werdenberg Andreas 1971 Kaiseraugst 21.28,1 3.55,2 (2934) Diplom Video 3.54 ¦ 2.41 43.¦ 8.53 58.¦ 9.53 58.¦ 54. Schranz Andreas 1972 Unterseen 21.30,0 3.57,1 (3213) Diplom Video 3.54 ¦ 2.53 85.¦ 8.49 49.¦ 9.46 46.¦ 55. Wespi Patrick 1969 Arlesheim 21.38,8 4.05,9 (2942) Diplom Video 3.56 ¦ 2.54 96.¦ 8.50 50.¦ 9.53 57.¦ 56. Roth Etienne 1969 Schweiz 21.39,5 4.06,6 (4527) Diplom Video 3.56 ¦ 2.45 67.¦ 9.06 69.¦ 9.47 49.¦ 57. Spielvogel Dirk 1972 D-Lörrach 21.40,0 4.07,1 (2727) Diplom Video 3.56 ¦ 2.48 74.¦ 8.52 57.¦ 9.59 65.¦ 58. Kungler Olivier 1969 Bottmingen 21.40,5 4.07,6 (3583) Diplom Video 3.56 ¦ 2.54 93.¦ 9.03 65.¦ 9.42 40.¦ 59. Bieri André 1973 Wittinsburg 21.43,2 4.10,3 (1610) Diplom Video 3.56 ¦ 2.44 60.¦ 8.51 52.¦ 10.06 70.¦ 60. Jenny Claudio 1971 Basel 21.43,3 4.10,4 (3479) Diplom Video 3.56 ¦ 2.41 46.¦ 9.00 62.¦ 10.01 67.¦ 61. Pauli Tobias 1972 Binningen 21.43,4 4.10,5 (2485) Diplom Video 3.56 ¦ 2.41 43.¦ 8.49 48.¦ 10.13 79.¦ 62. Kolb Fabrice 1973 Schweiz 21.47,1 4.14,2 (4517) Diplom Video 3.57 ¦ 2.47 73.¦ 9.02 63.¦ 9.57 61.¦ 63. Cournez Thierry 1972 Basel 21.48,3 4.15,4 (1505) Diplom Video 3.57 ¦ 2.47 72.¦ 9.02 64.¦ 9.58 62.¦ 64. Harr Willi B. 1969 Oberwil BL 21.51,4 4.18,5 (3114) Diplom Video 3.58 ¦ 2.43 56.¦ 9.08 72.¦ 9.59 65.¦ 65. Zarantonello Michael 1973 Basel 21.51,7 4.18,8 (3261) Diplom Video 3.58 ¦ 2.54 96.¦ 9.03 66.¦ 9.53 56.¦ 66. Streit-Jörg Michael 1972 Neftenbach 21.55,7 4.22,8 (2794) Diplom Video 3.59 ¦ 2.51 80.¦ 9.16 81.¦ 9.48 50.¦ 67. Bringolf Stefan 1970 Basel 21.58,5 4.25,6 (1654) Diplom Video 3.59 ¦ 2.47 71.¦ 8.57 61.¦ 10.14 81.¦ 68. Emmenegger Michel 1969 Münchenstein 21.59,4 4.26,5 (3077) Diplom Video 3.59 ¦ 2.56 104.¦ 9.03 67.¦ 9.58 64.¦ 69. Ammann Christian 1973 Oberwil BL 22.02,8 4.29,9 (1534) Diplom Video 4.00 ¦ 2.53 85.¦ 8.55 59.¦ 10.14 82.¦ 70. Jacomet Roman 1971 Riehen 22.04,6 4.31,7 (2133) Diplom Video 4.00 ¦ 2.38 34.¦ 9.07 70.¦ 10.19 87.¦ 71. Schneider Werner 1969 Münsingen 22.06,8 4.33,9 (2666) Diplom Video 4.01 ¦ 2.51 81.¦ 9.09 74.¦ 10.05 69.¦ 72. Baschung Lukas 1970 Olten 22.08,0 4.35,1 (3444) Diplom Video 4.01 ¦ 2.50 77.¦ 9.08 71.¦ 10.09 76.¦ 73. Fankhauser Daniel 1970 St. Pantaleon 22.12,5 4.39,6 (1854) Diplom Video 4.02 ¦ 2.44 58.¦ 9.14 78.¦ 10.13 80.¦ 74. Suter Heinz 1972 Basel 22.15,5 4.42,6 (2821) Diplom Video 4.02 ¦ 2.42 54.¦ 9.08 73.¦ 10.23 92.¦ 75. Anklin Peter 1970 Zwingen 22.15,9 4.43,0 (4561) Diplom Video 4.02 ¦ 2.58 115.¦ 9.09 75.¦ 10.08 74.¦ 76. Binggeli Thomas 1973 Ettingen 22.16,5 4.43,6 (3553) Diplom Video 4.03 ¦ 2.55 101.¦ 9.04 68.¦ 10.16 83.¦ 77. Schmidlin Dominik 1971 Laufen 22.17,5 4.44,6 (2648) Diplom Video 4.03 ¦ 2.58 113.¦ 9.10 76.¦ 10.08 75.¦ 78. Rosés Carles 1972 F-Attenschwiller 22.20,5 4.47,6 (2568) Diplom Video 4.03 ¦ 3.05 143.¦ 9.16 82.¦ 9.58 62.¦ 79. Mauser Harald 1969 Riehen 22.22,8 4.49,9 (2362) Diplom Video 4.04 ¦ 2.54 95.¦ 9.20 87.¦ 10.07 73.¦ 80. Sigrist Schorsch 1972 D-Grenzach-Wyhlen 22.23,9 4.51,0 (2708) Diplom Video 4.04 ¦ 3.06 147.¦ 9.24 96.¦ 9.53 55.¦ 81. Reichert Holger 1969 D-Lörrach 22.24,2 4.51,3 (2539) Diplom Video 4.04 ¦ 3.00 121.¦ 9.17 83.¦ 10.06 70.¦ 82. Knecht Max 1969 Chur 22.27,3 4.54,4 (2210) Diplom Video 4.04 ¦ 2.51 81.¦ 9.11 77.¦ 10.23 91.¦ 83. Cristelotti Dölf 1969 Kloten 22.32,2 4.59,3 (3059) Diplom Video 4.05 ¦ 2.45 69.¦ 9.18 85.¦ 10.27 97.¦ 84. Jauch Helmut 1969 Basel 22.32,3 4.59,4 (3336) Diplom Video 4.05 ¦ 2.53 87.¦ 9.22 91.¦ 10.16 84.¦ 85. Ferrara Agostino 1969 Glovelier 22.33,8 5.00,9 (1867) Diplom Video 4.06 ¦ 2.40 41.¦ 9.18 84.¦ 10.35 106.¦ 86. Jesel Thomas 1972 Zürich 22.34,5 5.01,6 (2156) Diplom Video 4.06 ¦ 2.57 110.¦ 9.14 78.¦ 10.22 90.¦ 87. Wessels Michael 1970 Basel 22.35,2 5.02,3 (2943) Diplom Video 4.06 ¦ 2.56 103.¦ 9.21 89.¦ 10.17 86.¦ 88. Loleit Lars 1971 Binningen 22.40,1 5.07,2 (2318) Diplom Video 4.07 ¦ 2.54 98.¦ 9.18 85.¦ 10.26 95.¦ 89. Schnieper Stefan 1969 Dornach 22.41,4 5.08,5 (5746) Diplom Video 4.07 ¦ 3.11 186.¦ 9.22 92.¦ 10.07 72.¦ 90. Pountney Bruce 1970 Reinach BL 22.45,1 5.12,2 (2518) Diplom Video 4.08 ¦ 2.51 79.¦ 9.22 93.¦ 10.31 103.¦ 91. Zech Christoph 1973 D-Lörrach 22.45,9 5.13,0 (2996) Diplom Video 4.08 ¦ 2.42 53.¦ 9.26 100.¦ 10.36 110.¦ 92. Peter Roli 1971 Luzern Reussbühl 22.46,9 5.14,0 (2498) Diplom Video 4.08 ¦ 2.54 93.¦ 9.21 89.¦ 10.31 102.¦ 93. Corazzini Dominique 1972 Binningen 22.47,7 5.14,8 (1744) Diplom Video 4.08 ¦ 2.55 100.¦ 9.24 95.¦ 10.27 98.¦ 94. Brack Olivier 1970 Oberwil BL 22.50,4 5.17,5 (1641) Diplom Video 4.09 ¦ 2.56 102.¦ 9.25 97.¦ 10.28 99.¦ 95. Schönthaler Dominik 1971 Riehen 22.51,4 5.18,5 (5755) Diplom Video 4.09 ¦ 3.05 143.¦ 9.41 121.¦ 10.04 68.¦ 96. Locher Goran 1972 Arlesheim 22.51,5 5.18,6 (3636) Diplom Video 4.09 ¦ 2.44 57.¦ 9.14 80.¦ 10.52 138.¦ 97. Schwörer Stefan 1969 Möhlin 22.53,6 5.20,7 (3399) Diplom Video 4.09 ¦ 3.00 118.¦ 9.32 107.¦ 10.20 88.¦ 98. Steinle Andreas 1972 Bottmingen 22.54,4 5.21,5 (6314) Diplom Video 4.09 ¦ 3.11 182.¦ 9.26 98.¦ 10.17 85.¦ 99. Künzler Daniel 1969 Basel 22.54,9 5.22,0 (5281) Diplom Video 4.09 ¦ 3.05 140.¦ 9.38 115.¦ 10.11 77.¦ 100. Thüring Fabian 1973 Ettingen 22.55,9 5.23,0 (3230) Diplom Video 4.10 ¦ 2.45 65.¦ 9.34 110.¦ 10.36 107.¦ 101. Hell Serge 1969 F-Wittersdorf 22.56,6 5.23,7 (2057) Diplom Video 4.10 ¦ 2.37 25.¦ 9.32 106.¦ 10.47 122.¦ 102. Cameron Graham 1971 Oberwil BL 22.58,2 5.25,3 (1711) Diplom Video 4.10 ¦ 3.13 198.¦ 9.34 108.¦ 10.11 78.¦ 103. Gobat Bruno 1969 Courrendlin 22.59,7 5.26,8 (3311) Diplom Video 4.10 ¦ 2.45 65.¦ 9.23 94.¦ 10.51 133.¦ 104. Mankel Boris 1971 Gipf-Oberfrick 23.00,0 5.27,1 (5389) Diplom Video 4.10 ¦ 2.58 111.¦ 9.31 105.¦ 10.30 101.¦ 105. Heim Thomas 1973 Zürich 23.03,2 5.30,3 (3121) Diplom Video 4.11 ¦ 3.12 191.¦ 9.21 88.¦ 10.30 100.¦ 106. Hänni Karl 1970 Uttigen 23.03,6 5.30,7 (2025) Diplom Video 4.11 ¦ 2.58 111.¦ 9.29 104.¦ 10.36 109.¦ 107. Wirth Dominik 1973 Wabern 23.05,9 5.33,0 (3258) Diplom Video 4.11 ¦ 2.42 49.¦ 9.37 113.¦ 10.46 118.¦ 108. Jeker Markus 1969 Luterbach 23.06,2 5.33,3 (2145) Diplom Video 4.12 ¦ 2.57 107.¦ 9.26 100.¦ 10.42 113.¦ 109. Lamont Jeff 1972 Liestal 23.07,7 5.34,8 (2268) Diplom Video 4.12 ¦ 3.11 189.¦ 9.34 109.¦ 10.21 89.¦ 110. Do Aido Paulo 1972 Oberbuchsiten 23.09,5 5.36,6 (1780) Diplom Video 4.12 ¦ 2.54 92.¦ 9.26 100.¦ 10.48 125.¦ 111. Odermatt Markus 1970 Rheinfelden 23.12,2 5.39,3 (3498) Diplom Video 4.13 ¦ 2.54 91.¦ 9.27 103.¦ 10.50 132.¦ 112. Anceschi Bruno 1970 Allschwil 23.12,6 5.39,7 (1541) Diplom Video 4.13 ¦ 3.06 150.¦ 9.40 118.¦ 10.25 93.¦ 113. Wicky Raphael 1971 Birsfelden 23.14,7 5.41,8 (3255) Diplom Video 4.13 ¦ 2.53 90.¦ 9.26 99.¦ 10.54 144.¦ 114. Mehli Ralf 1970 Lupsingen 23.22,3 5.49,4 (2368) Diplom Video 4.14 ¦ 3.11 182.¦ 9.45 128.¦ 10.25 94.¦ 115. Thommen Markus 1970 Oberbuchsiten 23.24,6 5.51,7 (3229) Diplom Video 4.15 ¦ 2.56 104.¦ 9.36 112.¦ 10.51 134.¦ 116. Mittelholzer Christian 1969 Kaiseraugst 23.25,8 5.52,9 (2397) Diplom Video 4.15 ¦ 3.01 123.¦ 9.41 119.¦ 10.43 114.¦ 117. Cencigh Maurizio 1973 Binningen 23.26,5 5.53,6 (3287) Diplom Video 4.15 ¦ 2.57 108.¦ 9.46 130.¦ 10.43 115.¦ 117. Häusel Martin 1971 Therwil 23.26,5 5.53,6 (2040) Diplom Video 4.15 ¦ 3.08 161.¦ 9.41 122.¦ 10.36 108.¦ 117. Schlienger Stefan 1972 Zuzgen 23.26,5 5.53,6 (5712) Diplom Video 4.15 ¦ 2.50 78.¦ 9.46 129.¦ 10.50 130.¦ 120. Fontana Matteo 1973 Immensee 23.27,8 5.54,9 (3085) Diplom Video 4.15 ¦ 2.53 87.¦ 9.41 119.¦ 10.53 139.¦ 121. Pompanin Michel 1970 Basel 23.29,9 5.57,0 (2514) Diplom Video 4.16 ¦ 3.07 156.¦ 9.35 111.¦ 10.46 120.¦ 122. Densmam Steve 1970 Muttenz 23.30,9 5.58,0 (3689) Diplom Video 4.16 ¦ 3.08 157.¦ 9.48 136.¦ 10.34 104.¦ 123. Riggi Giuseppe 1971 Reinach BL 23.33,3 6.00,4 (5632) Diplom Video 4.16 ¦ 3.02 127.¦ 9.47 135.¦ 10.43 116.¦ 124. Ellenberger Michel 1972 Zwingen 23.35,1 6.02,2 (1834) Diplom Video 4.17 ¦ 2.44 61.¦ 9.38 114.¦ 11.11 163.¦ 125. Herzig Philipp 1969 Basel 23.35,7 6.02,8 (2066) Diplom Video 4.17 ¦ 3.22 247.¦ 9.46 133.¦ 10.26 96.¦ 125. Nguyen David 1971 F-Mulhouse 23.35,7 6.02,8 (2457) Diplom Video 4.17 ¦ 3.10 172.¦ 9.51 141.¦ 10.34 104.¦ 127. Lindenmann Didier 1971 Muttenz 23.35,9 6.03,0 (2309) Diplom Video 4.17 ¦ 2.45 68.¦ 9.39 116.¦ 11.11 161.¦ 128. Leclerc Lilian 1973 Basel 23.36,3 6.03,4 (3690) Diplom Video 4.17 ¦ 3.10 172.¦ 9.39 116.¦ 10.46 121.¦ 129. Leuenberger Urs 1969 Rüfenacht BE 23.37,3 6.04,4 (2292) Diplom Video 4.17 ¦ 2.57 109.¦ 9.48 136.¦ 10.51 137.¦ 130. Jobin Yannik 1973 Delémont 23.37,8 6.04,9 (2159) Diplom Video 4.17 ¦ 3.14 206.¦ 9.44 126.¦ 10.39 111.¦ 130. Steinbrunner Roger 1971 Frenkendorf 23.37,8 6.04,9 (2761) Diplom Video 4.17 ¦ 3.06 149.¦ 9.50 139.¦ 10.40 112.¦ 132. Lorenzini Carlo 1972 Riehen 23.39,0 6.06,1 (5345) Diplom Video 4.18 ¦ 3.01 123.¦ 9.42 124.¦ 10.55 146.¦ 133. Chouireb Moussa 1970 Muttenz 23.42,0 6.09,1 (1730) Diplom Video 4.18 ¦ 3.04 134.¦ 9.46 131.¦ 10.51 135.¦ 134. Kabra Vik 1969 Basel 23.46,9 6.14,0 (2167) Diplom Video 4.19 ¦ 3.08 159.¦ 9.49 138.¦ 10.49 126.¦ 135. Binkert Rolf 1970 Riehen 23.49,6 6.16,7 (1614) Diplom Video 4.19 ¦ 3.09 167.¦ 9.54 151.¦ 10.45 117.¦ 136. Calabretti Beat 1971 Rheinfelden 23.50,1 6.17,2 (3285) Diplom Video 4.20 ¦ 3.04 131.¦ 9.41 122.¦ 11.04 155.¦ 137. Nussbaumer Thomas 1971 Oberwil BL 23.53,1 6.20,2 (6642) Diplom Video 4.20 ¦ 3.00 119.¦ 9.47 134.¦ 11.05 156.¦ 138. Müller Christoph 1971 Riehen 23.53,3 6.20,4 (2420) Diplom Video 4.20 ¦ 3.09 168.¦ 9.53 147.¦ 10.49 127.¦ 139. Minder Urs 1969 Kaiseraugst 23.55,5 6.22,6 (2394) Diplom Video 4.21 ¦ 3.10 172.¦ 9.59 156.¦ 10.46 119.¦ 140. Marchetti Andreas 1972 Magden 23.56,1 6.23,2 (3354) Diplom Video 4.21 ¦ 2.45 63.¦ 9.59 158.¦ 11.11 163.¦ 141. Fuchs Thomas 1972 Schweiz 23.56,9 6.24,0 (6535) Diplom Video 4.21 ¦ 3.11 179.¦ 9.52 142.¦ 10.53 141.¦ 142. Pitteloud Laurent 1971 Basel 23.57,3 6.24,4 (2511) Diplom Video 4.21 ¦ 3.09 165.¦ 9.54 148.¦ 10.53 143.¦ 143. Marksteiner Markus 1970 Allschwil 23.59,8 6.26,9 (5395) Diplom Video 4.21 ¦ 3.06 148.¦ 9.59 157.¦ 10.54 144.¦ 144. Ammann Christian 1973 Oberwil BL 24.00,5 6.27,6 (3685) Diplom Video 4.21 ¦ 3.13 204.¦ 9.58 155.¦ 10.48 124.¦ 145. von Rohr Peter 1972 Aarburg 24.04,1 6.31,2 (2906) Diplom Video 4.22 ¦ 3.18 226.¦ 9.52 144.¦ 10.53 140.¦ 146. Bürgi Marcel 1973 Bellmund 24.04,9 6.32,0 (4731) Diplom Video 4.22 ¦ 3.09 164.¦ 10.02 166.¦ 10.53 141.¦ 147. Wallis Dean 1972 Basel 24.05,5 6.32,6 (3425) Diplom Video 4.22 ¦ 3.14 208.¦ 10.02 167.¦ 10.47 123.¦ 148. Segura Andreas 1972 Villigen 24.09,1 6.36,2 (5775) Diplom Video 4.23 ¦ 2.52 84.¦ 9.57 154.¦ 11.19 182.¦ 149. Buttazzo Alexander 1970 Ittenthal 24.09,8 6.36,9 (3451) Diplom Video 4.23 ¦ 3.04 135.¦ 9.53 145.¦ 11.11 166.¦ 150. Diener Mathieu 1971 F-St Louis 24.10,1 6.37,2 (1774) Diplom Video 4.23 ¦ 3.15 212.¦ 10.04 169.¦ 10.50 130.¦ 151. Thomi Lukas 1970 Basel 24.12,6 6.39,7 (2846) Diplom Video 4.24 ¦ 3.05 143.¦ 9.46 132.¦ 11.20 189.¦ 152. Schmid Fabian 1970 Bern 24.12,8 6.39,9 (5723) Diplom Video 4.24 ¦ 2.59 117.¦ 9.52 143.¦ 11.20 190.¦ 153. Fischer Hansjuerg 1973 Chur 24.13,5 6.40,6 (1872) Diplom Video 4.24 ¦ 3.00 120.¦ 9.53 146.¦ 11.19 183.¦ 154. Usan Massimo 1969 Birsfelden 24.13,9 6.41,0 (6330) Diplom Video 4.24 ¦ 3.15 209.¦ 10.02 164.¦ 10.56 149.¦ 155. Bartosch Lukas 1972 Binningen 24.16,7 6.43,8 (1575) Diplom Video 4.24 ¦ 2.52 83.¦ 9.44 127.¦ 11.39 228.¦ 156. Nussbaumer Roland 1973 Wisen SO 24.17,0 6.44,1 (2469) Diplom Video 4.24 ¦ 3.08 162.¦ 9.50 139.¦ 11.17 179.¦ 157. Ponader Jochen 1970 D-Bahlingen 24.17,7 6.44,8 (3680) Diplom Video 4.25 ¦ 3.12 192.¦ 10.08 175.¦ 10.56 148.¦ 158. Dunkel Ariel Arthur 1971 Basel 24.18,5 6.45,6 (1800) Diplom Video 4.25 ¦ 3.00 122.¦ 9.42 125.¦ 11.34 218.¦ 158. Howarth Shaun 1973 Reinach BL 24.18,5 6.45,6 (2105) Diplom Video 4.25 ¦ 3.12 197.¦ 9.54 149.¦ 11.11 162.¦ 160. Aschwanden Michael 1969 Zürich 24.19,1 6.46,2 (1552) Diplom Video 4.25 ¦ 3.04 135.¦ 9.54 150.¦ 11.20 187.¦ 161. Lecomte Pascal 1970 Basel 24.20,5 6.47,6 (1506) Diplom Video 4.25 ¦ 2.59 116.¦ 10.11 180.¦ 11.09 159.¦ 162. Kaderli Bernhard 1972 Münsingen 24.21,8 6.48,9 (2169) Diplom Video 4.25 ¦ 3.08 157.¦ 9.59 160.¦ 11.14 174.¦ 163. Grossert Christian 1972 Basel 24.23,6 6.50,7 (5022) Diplom Video 4.26 ¦ 3.20 239.¦ 10.01 162.¦ 11.01 153.¦ 164. Stöckli André 1971 Oberwil BL 24.25,0 6.52,1 (2781) Diplom Video 4.26 ¦ 3.04 137.¦ 9.55 152.¦ 11.24 194.¦ 165. Brunner Daniel 1970 Meiringen 24.26,9 6.54,0 (4710) Diplom Video 4.26 ¦ 3.25 266.¦ 10.01 163.¦ 10.59 150.¦ 166. Jemetta Claudio 1969 F-Hagentha le bas 24.27,9 6.55,0 (2147) Diplom Video 4.26 ¦ 3.15 216.¦ 10.05 171.¦ 11.06 157.¦ 167. Heer Dominik 1971 Basel 24.30,8 6.57,9 (2046) Diplom Video 4.27 ¦ 3.05 146.¦ 9.59 159.¦ 11.25 198.¦ 168. Cumin Cyrill 1973 Reinach BL 24.31,0 6.58,1 (4793) Diplom Video 4.27 ¦ 3.07 154.¦ 10.04 170.¦ 11.18 181.¦ 169. Meyer Christoph 1972 Basel 24.32,8 6.59,9 (5430) Diplom Video 4.27 ¦ 3.34 298.¦ 10.08 174.¦ 10.50 129.¦ 170. Trost Bruno 1972 Basel 24.34,0 7.01,1 (2862) Diplom Video 4.28 ¦ 3.11 187.¦ 10.09 176.¦ 11.12 167.¦ 171. Moser Alexander 1973 Lengnau BE 24.36,9 7.04,0 (2410) Diplom Video 4.28 ¦ 3.13 200.¦ 10.13 187.¦ 11.10 160.¦ 172. Truffer Sacha 1971 Birsfelden 24.37,3 7.04,4 (2864) Diplom Video 4.28 ¦ 3.01 125.¦ 9.56 153.¦ 11.38 227.¦ 173. Leschhorn Strebel Martin 1969 Riehen 24.39,0 7.06,1 (5306) Diplom Video 4.28 ¦ 3.26 273.¦ 10.11 182.¦ 11.00 152.¦ 174. Spriggs Peter 1972 Basel 24.40,8 7.07,9 (6312) Diplom Video 4.29 ¦ 3.04 131.¦ 10.07 173.¦ 11.29 207.¦ 175. Bürgin Martin 1969 Basel 24.43,3 7.10,4 (1694) Diplom Video 4.29 ¦ 3.10 178.¦ 10.16 195.¦ 11.15 175.¦ 176. Kahr Philipp 1970 D-Leverkusen 24.44,0 7.11,1 (2171) Diplom Video 4.29 ¦ 3.10 175.¦ 10.11 178.¦ 11.22 192.¦ 176. Lorenz Rüdiger 1969 D-Au 24.44,0 7.11,1 (3490) Diplom Video 4.29 ¦ 3.10 177.¦ 10.12 185.¦ 11.20 190.¦ 178. Froio Enzo 1973 Zunzgen 24.44,3 7.11,4 (1911) Diplom Video 4.29 ¦ 3.18 227.¦ 10.13 186.¦ 11.13 169.¦ 179. Kaiser Thomas 1969 Kreuzlingen 24.45,1 7.12,2 (6211) Diplom Video 4.30 ¦ 3.20 236.¦ 10.23 207.¦ 11.01 154.¦ 180. Neville Daniel 1971 Allschwil 24.45,6 7.12,7 (2455) Diplom Video 4.30 ¦ 2.58 114.¦ 10.01 161.¦ 11.46 235.¦ 181. Thommen Roger 1971 Allschwil 24.46,2 7.13,3 (2848) Diplom Video 4.30 ¦ 3.07 153.¦ 10.25 211.¦ 11.13 172.¦ 182. Tschumi Stefan 1969 Biel-Benken BL 24.46,3 7.13,4 (2871) Diplom Video 4.30 ¦ 2.55 99.¦ 10.02 164.¦ 11.48 239.¦ 183. Yanez Gustavo 1973 Oberwil BL 24.46,6 7.13,7 (6064) Diplom Video 4.30 ¦ 3.12 194.¦ 10.20 201.¦ 11.13 170.¦ 184. Meyer Rolf 1972 Bottmingen 24.46,8 7.13,9 (3361) Diplom Video 4.30 ¦ 3.22 251.¦ 10.27 214.¦ 10.56 147.¦ 185. Weeber Bernd 1971 D-Lörrach 24.46,9 7.14,0 (2921) Diplom Video 4.30 ¦ 3.11 188.¦ 10.15 190.¦ 11.20 185.¦ 186. Lächele Beat 1969 Aesch BL 24.48,8 7.15,9 (2264) Diplom Video 4.30 ¦ 3.08 162.¦ 10.14 188.¦ 11.25 199.¦ 187. Rosset Michel 1970 Frenkendorf 24.49,0 7.16,1 (6493) Diplom Video 4.30 ¦ 3.10 171.¦ 10.12 183.¦ 11.26 204.¦ 187. Vögtlin Simon 1973 Läufelfingen 24.49,0 7.16,1 (5974) Diplom Video 4.30 ¦ 3.04 133.¦ 10.11 179.¦ 11.33 216.¦ 189. Althaus Erich 1969 Buus 24.49,5 7.16,6 (1530) Diplom Video 4.30 ¦ 3.16 220.¦ 10.19 200.¦ 11.12 168.¦ 190. Eichenberger Thomas 1969 Schönenbuch 24.51,3 7.18,4 (1825) Diplom Video 4.31 ¦ 3.13 198.¦ 10.22 205.¦ 11.16 177.¦ 191. Erbe Stephan 1971 Oberwil BL 24.51,5 7.18,6 (3557) Diplom Video 4.31 ¦ 3.23 257.¦ 10.27 214.¦ 11.00 151.¦ 192. Scholl Daniel 1971 Aarau 24.55,2 7.22,3 (5749) Diplom Video 4.31 ¦ 3.19 232.¦ 10.09 176.¦ 11.26 202.¦ 193. Wicks Stephen 1973 F-Strasbourg 24.55,3 7.22,4 (2947) Diplom Video 4.31 ¦ 3.18 228.¦ 10.07 172.¦ 11.30 209.¦ 194. Roth Roger 1970 Himmelried 24.56,9 7.24,0 (3388) Diplom Video 4.32 ¦ 3.14 207.¦ 10.14 189.¦ 11.27 206.¦ 195. Löfroth Emil 1971 Basel 24.57,9 7.25,0 (6234) Diplom Video 4.32 ¦ 3.02 129.¦ 10.18 198.¦ 11.37 220.¦ 196. Vogel Benedikt 1969 Therwil 24.58,4 7.25,5 (3420) Diplom Video 4.32 ¦ 3.15 209.¦ 10.16 194.¦ 11.26 203.¦ 197. Jeger Markus 1972 Breitenbach 24.59,2 7.26,3 (2142) Diplom Video 4.32 ¦ 3.20 239.¦ 10.12 184.¦ 11.26 201.¦ 198. Galan Xavier 1969 Oberwil BL 25.00,0 7.27,1 (6572) Diplom Video 4.32 ¦ 3.21 243.¦ 10.24 209.¦ 11.14 173.¦ 198. Jacomet Guido 1969 Riehen 25.00,0 7.27,1 (5156) Diplom Video 4.32 ¦ 3.25 262.¦ 10.18 197.¦ 11.16 178.¦ 198. Mathys Stefan 1971 Riehen 25.00,0 7.27,1 (3356) Diplom Video 4.32 ¦ 3.13 202.¦ 10.17 196.¦ 11.29 208.¦ 201. Kunz Serge 1969 Gelterkinden 25.01,0 7.28,1 (5279) Diplom Video 4.32 ¦ 3.34 297.¦ 10.35 230.¦ 10.51 135.¦ 202. Frei Marc 1971 Reinach BL 25.02,2 7.29,3 (3087) Diplom Video 4.33 ¦ 3.13 201.¦ 10.11 181.¦ 11.37 222.¦ 203. Spies Edgar 1971 Röschenz 25.04,8 7.31,9 (5818) Diplom Video 4.33 ¦ 3.02 128.¦ 10.29 218.¦ 11.32 212.¦ 204. Altherr Daniel 1970 Heiden 25.07,1 7.34,2 (4545) Diplom Video 4.34 ¦ 3.25 266.¦ 10.16 193.¦ 11.24 194.¦ 205. Bachmann Marcel 1973 Basel 25.09,2 7.36,3 (3030) Diplom Video 4.34 ¦ 3.13 202.¦ 10.39 239.¦ 11.16 176.¦ 206. Grison Geoffroy 1972 Basel 25.09,7 7.36,8 (6574) Diplom Video 4.34 ¦ 3.38 314.¦ 10.41 244.¦ 10.49 127.¦ 207. Schönenberger Remo 1969 Gelterkinden 25.10,0 7.37,1 (5751) Diplom Video 4.34 ¦ 3.15 212.¦ 10.04 168.¦ 11.50 240.¦ 208. Spillmann Jürg 1973 Bubendorf 25.11,2 7.38,3 (5819) Diplom Video 4.34 ¦ 3.24 259.¦ 10.22 206.¦ 11.25 197.¦ 209. Castro Carlos 1973 Basel 25.11,7 7.38,8 (4763) Diplom Video 4.34 ¦ 3.22 248.¦ 10.18 198.¦ 11.31 210.¦ 210. Podebrad Oliver 1969 D-Wiesbaden 25.13,0 7.40,1 (5584) Diplom Video 4.35 ¦ 3.16 219.¦ 10.21 204.¦ 11.34 217.¦ 211. Steyn Jacques 1970 Biel-Benken BL 25.14,2 7.41,3 (5861) Diplom Video 4.35 ¦ 3.21 246.¦ 10.32 224.¦ 11.20 188.¦ 212. Notter Remo 1970 Basel 25.14,8 7.41,9 (2465) Diplom Video 4.35 ¦ 3.04 139.¦ 10.29 217.¦ 11.40 229.¦ 213. Häberlin Markus 1969 Basel 25.16,2 7.43,3 (5057) Diplom Video 4.35 ¦ 3.12 194.¦ 10.39 237.¦ 11.24 193.¦ 214. Schmutz Thomas 1969 Reinach BL 25.16,3 7.43,4 (5734) Diplom Video 4.35 ¦ 2.56 104.¦ 10.30 220.¦ 11.48 238.¦ 215. Courvoisier Andreas 1970 Basel 25.17,1 7.44,2 (3552) Diplom Video 4.35 ¦ 3.11 182.¦ 10.32 225.¦ 11.33 214.¦ 216. Hohler Mike 1973 Zuzgen 25.17,8 7.44,9 (5114) Diplom Video 4.35 ¦ 3.24 260.¦ 10.35 229.¦ 11.18 180.¦ 217. Küng Markus 1969 Kaiseraugst 25.20,3 7.47,4 (3149) Diplom Video 4.36 ¦ 3.21 242.¦ 10.32 226.¦ 11.26 200.¦ 218. Zaugg Beat 1971 Basel 25.21,0 7.48,1 (2993) Diplom Video 4.36 ¦ 3.08 160.¦ 10.15 191.¦ 11.57 250.¦ 219. Gysin Yves 1973 Le Landeron 25.21,4 7.48,5 (6701) Diplom Video 4.36 ¦ 3.18 229.¦ 10.36 231.¦ 11.26 204.¦ 220. Innocenti Guido 1973 Basel 25.21,5 7.48,6 (3578) Diplom Video 4.36 ¦ 3.31 287.¦ 10.36 234.¦ 11.13 171.¦ 221. Degen Oliver 1971 Therwil 25.23,0 7.50,1 (1763) Diplom Video 4.36 ¦ 3.21 241.¦ 10.29 218.¦ 11.31 211.¦ 222. Burkhalter Felix 1969 Basel 25.23,9 7.51,0 (6135) Diplom Video 4.37 ¦ 3.11 180.¦ 10.39 238.¦ 11.33 213.¦ 223. Baumgartner Yves 1973 Birsfelden 25.24,3 7.51,4 (4608) Diplom Video 4.37 ¦ 3.41 323.¦ 10.36 233.¦ 11.06 158.¦ 224. Söffge Christoph 1970 D-Freiburg 25.26,2 7.53,3 (3512) Diplom Video 4.37 ¦ 3.11 189.¦ 10.21 202.¦ 11.53 245.¦ 225. Jackson Stuart 1973 Basel 25.26,5 7.53,6 (5155) Diplom Video 4.37 ¦ 3.17 223.¦ 10.31 221.¦ 11.37 223.¦ 226. Geuss Daniel 1972 Reinach BL 25.26,6 7.53,7 (4980) Diplom Video 4.37 ¦ 3.23 253.¦ 10.21 202.¦ 11.42 231.¦ 227. Baumann Aldo 1970 Zürich 25.29,9 7.57,0 (4601) Diplom Video 4.38 ¦ 3.28 277.¦ 10.23 208.¦ 11.38 226.¦ 228. Frey Daniel 1970 Zürich 25.30,4 7.57,5 (3305) Diplom Video 4.38 ¦ 3.05 140.¦ 10.27 213.¦ 11.58 254.¦ 229. Hinrichs Jürgen 1970 D-Schopfheim 25.34,2 8.01,3 (2073) Diplom Video 4.38 ¦ 3.19 234.¦ 10.31 223.¦ 11.42 232.¦ 230. Boleda Claver 1973 Oberwil BL 25.34,5 8.01,6 (3274) Diplom Video 4.39 ¦ 3.22 249.¦ 10.24 209.¦ 11.47 236.¦ 231. Panariello Lorenzo 1969 Röschenz 25.34,6 8.01,7 (5548) Diplom Video 4.39 ¦ 3.25 262.¦ 10.27 212.¦ 11.42 230.¦ 232. Huber Roland 1973 Wolfwil 25.35,7 8.02,8 (5128) Diplom Video 4.39 ¦ 3.22 249.¦ 10.16 192.¦ 11.57 250.¦ 233. Hönger Gideon 1971 Basel 25.36,4 8.03,5 (2098) Diplom Video 4.39 ¦ 3.17 222.¦ 10.34 227.¦ 11.45 234.¦ 234. Studer Andy 1969 Basel 25.39,5 8.06,6 (5889) Diplom Video 4.39 ¦ 3.28 279.¦ 10.36 231.¦ 11.35 219.¦ 235. Schaub Didi 1973 Läufelfingen 25.42,0 8.09,1 (5690) Diplom Video 4.40 ¦ 3.36 306.¦ 10.45 249.¦ 11.20 185.¦ 236. Stellavato Silvano 1971 Binningen 25.44,5 8.11,6 (6315) Diplom Video 4.40 ¦ 3.29 285.¦ 10.36 235.¦ 11.37 224.¦ 237. Savioz Olivier 1970 Hofstetten SO 25.46,5 8.13,6 (6501) Diplom Video 4.41 ¦ 3.01 126.¦ 10.34 228.¦ 12.10 271.¦ 238. Aerne Ueli 1972 Horn 25.49,2 8.16,3 (4537) Diplom Video 4.41 ¦ 3.09 165.¦ 10.52 262.¦ 11.47 237.¦ 239. Joset Alain 1972 Basel 25.54,4 8.21,5 (6208) Diplom Video 4.42 ¦ 3.31 290.¦ 10.44 248.¦ 11.37 225.¦ 240. Ramanathan Krishnan 1970 Schweiz 25.56,7 8.23,8 (6536) Diplom Video 4.43 ¦ 3.25 265.¦ 10.29 216.¦ 12.01 257.¦ 241. Stähli Martin 1971 Laufen 25.59,5 8.26,6 (5826) Diplom Video 4.43 ¦ 3.22 251.¦ 10.44 246.¦ 11.52 243.¦ 242. Pekar Cenda 1970 A-Bregenz 26.01,3 8.28,4 (5561) Diplom Video 4.43 ¦ 3.12 193.¦ 10.47 255.¦ 12.01 259.¦ 243. Behra Laruent 1971 F-Ensisheim 26.01,9 8.29,0 (6545) Diplom Video 4.43 ¦ 3.29 282.¦ 10.40 240.¦ 11.52 242.¦ 244. Hemming Thomas 1971 F-Horbourg Wihr 26.02,6 8.29,7 (5101) Diplom Video 4.44 ¦ 3.07 155.¦ 10.40 242.¦ 12.14 276.¦ 245. Rickenbacher Pascal 1971 Therwil 26.03,5 8.30,6 (6281) Diplom Video 4.44 ¦ 3.16 220.¦ 10.45 251.¦ 12.01 257.¦ 246. Effinger Christian 1970 D-Hartheim 26.03,6 8.30,7 (4858) Diplom Video 4.44 ¦ 3.48 346.¦ 11.03 275.¦ 11.11 163.¦ 247. Seiler Philipp 1970 Basel 26.05,4 8.32,5 (6620) Diplom Video 4.44 ¦ 3.18 230.¦ 10.43 245.¦ 12.03 263.¦ 248. Battiston Andrea 1971 Dornach 26.07,1 8.34,2 (6367) Diplom Video 4.44 ¦ 3.26 273.¦ 10.40 241.¦ 11.59 255.¦ 249. Stricker Thomas 1969 Muttenz 26.07,3 8.34,4 (5880) Diplom Video 4.44 ¦ 3.44 335.¦ 11.03 276.¦ 11.19 184.¦ 250. Bucher Stefan 1970 Bottmingen 26.11,4 8.38,5 (1678) Diplom Video 4.45 ¦ 3.12 196.¦ 10.41 243.¦ 12.17 281.¦ 251. Vetter Gilles 1969 F-Wittersdorf 26.12,6 8.39,7 (5963) Diplom Video 4.45 ¦ 3.05 140.¦ 10.56 267.¦ 12.11 273.¦ 252. Christ Philipp 1972 Breitenbach 26.16,0 8.43,1 (4776) Diplom Video 4.46 ¦ 3.09 169.¦ 10.50 259.¦ 12.15 278.¦ 253. Schaerer Christoph 1973 Schweiz 26.17,1 8.44,2 (6537) Diplom Video 4.46 ¦ 3.20 237.¦ 10.50 261.¦ 12.05 268.¦ 254. Kiefer Sascha 1969 Frenkendorf 26.19,7 8.46,8 (2200) Diplom Video 4.47 ¦ 3.24 258.¦ 10.52 263.¦ 12.03 263.¦ 255. Berger Simon 1971 Liestal 26.20,1 8.47,2 (6546) Diplom Video 4.47 ¦ 3.26 272.¦ 10.49 257.¦ 12.03 266.¦ 256. Hänggi Samuel 1969 Nunningen 26.20,8 8.47,9 (5068) Diplom Video 4.47 ¦ 3.09 169.¦ 10.50 260.¦ 12.20 283.¦ 257. Pfirter Samuel 1969 Pratteln 26.21,4 8.48,5 (6470) Diplom Video 4.47 ¦ 3.39 316.¦ 11.08 282.¦ 11.33 215.¦ 258. Gartmann Tom 1972 Nänikon 26.22,4 8.49,5 (3674) Diplom Video 4.47 ¦ 3.26 268.¦ 10.46 253.¦ 12.09 270.¦ 259. Luther Craig 1970 Birsfelden 26.23,0 8.50,1 (5359) Diplom Video 4.47 ¦ 3.32 294.¦ 10.46 253.¦ 12.03 265.¦ 260. Overberg Jan-Arie 1970 Basel 26.23,2 8.50,3 (6464) Diplom Video 4.47 ¦ 3.27 275.¦ 10.53 264.¦ 12.02 260.¦ 261. Zengaffinen Patrick 1972 Däniken SO 26.25,4 8.52,5 (6680) Diplom Video 4.48 ¦ 3.03 130.¦ 10.44 247.¦ 12.37 307.¦ 262. Wolfsperger Marten 1972 Basel 26.25,7 8.52,8 (6527) Diplom Video 4.48 ¦ 3.20 237.¦ 11.04 278.¦ 12.00 256.¦ 263. Scheu Beat 1969 Wädenswil 26.26,4 8.53,5 (5704) Diplom Video 4.48 ¦ 3.37 310.¦ 11.05 280.¦ 11.43 233.¦ 264. Stolz Patrick 1970 Frenkendorf 26.31,3 8.58,4 (5870) Diplom Video 4.49 ¦ 3.06 150.¦ 10.31 222.¦ 12.52 323.¦ 265. Waldhauser Stefan 1973 Liestal 26.32,6 8.59,7 (3242) Diplom Video 4.49 ¦ 3.15 211.¦ 10.47 255.¦ 12.30 294.¦ 266. Müller Stephan 1970 Biel-Benken BL 26.33,5 9.00,6 (5491) Diplom Video 4.49 ¦ 3.23 256.¦ 10.45 249.¦ 12.24 288.¦ 267. Kohler Markus 1972 Zürich 26.35,9 9.03,0 (5249) Diplom Video 4.50 ¦ 3.19 235.¦ 10.53 265.¦ 12.22 285.¦ 268. Heimberg Matthias 1970 Binningen 26.36,5 9.03,6 (5097) Diplom Video 4.50 ¦ 3.35 300.¦ 10.59 268.¦ 12.02 261.¦ 269. Degen Oliver 1970 Liestal 26.36,6 9.03,7 (4808) Diplom Video 4.50 ¦ 3.25 261.¦ 10.45 252.¦ 12.25 290.¦ 270. Hermann Roman 1973 Basel 26.37,4 9.04,5 (6188) Diplom Video 4.50 ¦ 3.44 338.¦ 11.00 269.¦ 11.52 244.¦ 271. Sacher Thomas 1971 Zuzgen 26.38,7 9.05,8 (6644) Diplom Video 4.50 ¦ 3.28 281.¦ 10.39 236.¦ 12.31 296.¦ 272. Bressler Christian 1969 Basel 26.39,6 9.06,7 (4694) Diplom Video 4.50 ¦ 3.43 332.¦ 11.00 270.¦ 11.55 246.¦ 273. Rasmussen Lars Jakob 1973 Binningen 26.40,1 9.07,2 (5600) Diplom Video 4.50 ¦ 3.57 363.¦ 11.17 298.¦ 11.24 194.¦ 274. Clavadetscher Rageth 1969 Basel 26.41,6 9.08,7 (6141) Diplom Video 4.51 ¦ 3.26 269.¦ 11.00 271.¦ 12.14 277.¦ 275. Born Christophe 1969 Arlesheim 26.43,1 9.10,2 (4683) Diplom Video 4.51 ¦ 3.18 231.¦ 11.02 274.¦ 12.21 284.¦ 276. Albrecht Felix 1970 Basel 26.43,9 9.11,0 (4541) Diplom Video 4.51 ¦ 3.15 212.¦ 11.12 287.¦ 12.16 280.¦ 277. Gammeltrof Kim 1971 Basel 26.45,0 9.12,1 (4959) Diplom Video 4.51 ¦ 3.14 205.¦ 11.01 273.¦ 12.29 293.¦ 278. Schweizer Philipp 1972 Arboldswil 26.45,2 9.12,3 (5771) Diplom Video 4.51 ¦ 3.43 331.¦ 11.05 279.¦ 11.56 249.¦ 279. Fasciglione Antonio 1973 Brislach 26.45,3 9.12,4 (4892) Diplom Video 4.51 ¦ 3.35 301.¦ 11.18 299.¦ 11.51 241.¦ 280. Känzig Dario 1970 Courrendlin 26.49,6 9.16,7 (5198) Diplom Video 4.52 ¦ 3.10 175.¦ 11.03 276.¦ 12.35 301.¦ 281. Wipfli Raphael 1969 Gränichen 26.50,6 9.17,7 (6039) Diplom Video 4.52 ¦ 3.44 339.¦ 11.10 284.¦ 11.55 246.¦ 282. Kantor Ferenc 1971 Burgdorf 26.51,9 9.19,0 (5197) Diplom Video 4.53 ¦ 3.43 333.¦ 11.11 286.¦ 11.56 248.¦ 283. Beck Karsten 1970 Pratteln 26.53,0 9.20,1 (4613) Diplom Video 4.53 ¦ 3.58 364.¦ 11.17 296.¦ 11.37 221.¦ 284. Mazgula Grzegorz 1970 Reinach BL 26.58,7 9.25,8 (2365) Diplom Video 4.54 ¦ 3.11 185.¦ 11.07 281.¦ 12.39 309.¦ 285. Rizzuto Carlo 1970 Basel 27.00,1 9.27,2 (3559) Diplom Video 4.54 ¦ 3.21 243.¦ 10.54 266.¦ 12.44 314.¦ 286. Mühlethaler Nikolas 1973 Basel 27.02,1 9.29,2 (5468) Diplom Video 4.54 ¦ 3.36 307.¦ 11.19 305.¦ 12.05 267.¦ 287. Happle Pascal 1971 Binningen 27.04,2 9.31,3 (5074) Diplom Video 4.55 ¦ 3.16 217.¦ 11.11 285.¦ 12.36 306.¦ 288. Haering Christian 1973 Therwil 27.05,6 9.32,7 (6716) Diplom Video 4.55 ¦ 3.15 215.¦ 11.20 307.¦ 12.29 292.¦ 288. Hristidis Michael 1971 Zürich 27.05,6 9.32,7 (6201) Diplom Video 4.55 ¦ 3.16 218.¦ 11.13 288.¦ 12.35 302.¦ 290. Stebler Christian 1973 Witterswil 27.06,0 9.33,1 (6623) Diplom Video 4.55 ¦ 3.42 326.¦ 11.15 292.¦ 12.08 269.¦ 291. Paltzer Marc 1969 Füllinsdorf 27.06,4 9.33,5 (6465) Diplom Video 4.55 ¦ 3.37 313.¦ 11.17 297.¦ 12.11 272.¦ 292. Wüthrich Marc 1971 Rheinfelden 27.06,9 9.34,0 (6057) Diplom Video 4.55 ¦ 3.41 323.¦ 11.01 272.¦ 12.23 287.¦ 293. Gruber Markus 1969 Schweiz 27.12,2 9.39,3 (4510) Diplom Video 4.56 ¦ 3.42 327.¦ 11.16 293.¦ 12.13 275.¦ 294. Iller Alex 1969 Arlesheim 27.12,3 9.39,4 (5146) Diplom Video 4.56 ¦ 3.56 357.¦ 11.18 301.¦ 11.57 252.¦ 295. Lilliu Mauro 1970 Allschwil 27.13,1 9.40,2 (6230) Diplom Video 4.56 ¦ 3.56 358.¦ 11.18 301.¦ 11.57 253.¦ 296. Brianza Federico 1972 Riehen 27.17,5 9.44,6 (4695) Diplom Video 4.57 ¦ 3.32 291.¦ 11.14 289.¦ 12.30 295.¦ 297. Schuster Michael 1970 Basel 27.18,1 9.45,2 (3397) Diplom Video 4.57 ¦ 3.17 225.¦ 11.19 303.¦ 12.41 311.¦ 298. Hufschmid Björn 1969 Pfeffingen 27.19,9 9.47,0 (5130) Diplom Video 4.58 ¦ 3.48 347.¦ 11.28 312.¦ 12.03 262.¦ 299. Emmenegger Reto 1973 Leuggern 27.20,2 9.47,3 (4872) Diplom Video 4.58 ¦ 3.36 304.¦ 11.09 283.¦ 12.34 300.¦ 300. Mühle Walter 1970 Wyssachen 27.21,6 9.48,7 (5466) Diplom Video 4.58 ¦ 3.36 308.¦ 11.22 308.¦ 12.22 286.¦ 301. Allegri Alessandro 1969 Riehen 27.35,8 10.02,9 (1525) Diplom Video 5.01 ¦ 3.32 293.¦ 11.27 311.¦ 12.36 304.¦ 302. Ammon Roger 1972 Reinach BL 27.39,7 10.06,8 (6109) Diplom Video 5.01 ¦ 3.47 342.¦ 11.16 294.¦ 12.36 303.¦ 303. Hanser Patrick 1970 D-Hartheim 27.40,7 10.07,8 (5072) Diplom Video 5.01 ¦ 3.48 347.¦ 11.14 289.¦ 12.37 308.¦ 304. Wehrli Lukas 1973 Allschwil 27.40,9 10.08,0 (2924) Diplom Video 5.01 ¦ 3.23 254.¦ 11.19 303.¦ 12.58 327.¦ 305. Marending Christoph 1970 Muttenz 27.41,5 10.08,6 (5394) Diplom Video 5.02 ¦ 3.37 312.¦ 11.31 315.¦ 12.32 298.¦ 306. Kautz Stefan 1973 Steffisburg 27.43,9 10.11,0 (2183) Diplom Video 5.02 ¦ 3.44 337.¦ 11.43 322.¦ 12.16 279.¦ 307. Bund Mischa 1972 Dornach 27.49,2 10.16,3 (6133) Diplom Video 5.03 ¦ 3.31 288.¦ 11.49 332.¦ 12.28 291.¦ 308. Varrecchia Alberto 1969 Muttenz 27.50,2 10.17,3 (3607) Diplom Video 5.03 ¦ 3.19 232.¦ 10.49 258.¦ 13.41 350.¦ 309. Böhler Markus 1969 Basel 27.51,4 10.18,5 (4669) Diplom Video 5.03 ¦ 3.33 296.¦ 11.44 326.¦ 12.34 299.¦ 310. Brouwer Allan 1969 Basel 27.52,5 10.19,6 (4704) Diplom Video 5.04 ¦ 3.37 309.¦ 11.32 317.¦ 12.43 312.¦ 311. Hasler Markus 1972 Zuzgen 27.53,5 10.20,6 (6421) Diplom Video 5.04 ¦ 3.52 352.¦ 11.29 314.¦ 12.31 296.¦ 312. Garcia Carlos 1969 Reinach BL 27.55,8 10.22,9 (6173) Diplom Video 5.04 ¦ 3.39 316.¦ 11.58 343.¦ 12.17 281.¦ 313. Aeberli Matthias 1971 Basel 27.57,3 10.24,4 (6539) Diplom Video 5.04 ¦ 3.31 289.¦ 11.49 332.¦ 12.36 305.¦ 314. Grieder Simon 1971 Ormalingen 27.57,8 10.24,9 (5012) Diplom Video 5.05 ¦ 3.33 295.¦ 11.18 300.¦ 13.06 329.¦ 315. Ramseier Stefan 1969 Ostermundigen 27.59,5 10.26,6 (5597) Diplom Video 5.05 ¦ 3.35 303.¦ 11.14 291.¦ 13.09 334.¦ 316. Schäublin Adrian 1972 Hölstein 28.01,3 10.28,4 (5693) Diplom Video 5.05 ¦ 3.43 328.¦ 11.32 316.¦ 12.46 315.¦ 317. Geiger Daniel 1971 Allschwil 28.02,2 10.29,3 (4973) Diplom Video 5.05 ¦ 3.28 278.¦ 11.26 310.¦ 13.07 333.¦ 318. Buri René 1972 Olten 28.04,2 10.31,3 (6383) Diplom Video 5.06 ¦ 3.26 269.¦ 11.28 313.¦ 13.09 335.¦ 319. Philipp Stefan 1969 D-Neuenburg 28.04,7 10.31,8 (6766) Diplom Video 5.06 ¦ 3.32 292.¦ 11.45 327.¦ 12.46 317.¦ 320. Rocha Pedro 1972 Birsfelden 28.05,0 10.32,1 (6490) Diplom Video 5.06 ¦ 3.25 262.¦ 11.23 309.¦ 13.16 338.¦ 321. Neuenschwander Roger 1972 Steffisburg 28.10,4 10.37,5 (5511) Diplom Video 5.07 ¦ 3.43 330.¦ 11.43 324.¦ 12.43 313.¦ 322. Götz Junior 1971 Dornach 28.12,8 10.39,9 (5001) Diplom Video 5.07 ¦ 3.39 315.¦ 11.17 295.¦ 13.16 340.¦ 323. Flad Patrick Oliver 1969 Basel 28.16,3 10.43,4 (6405) Diplom Video 5.08 ¦ 3.42 325.¦ 11.48 328.¦ 12.46 315.¦ 324. Olano Oscar 1969 Basel 28.19,5 10.46,6 (6256) Diplom Video 5.09 ¦ 3.52 350.¦ 11.20 306.¦ 13.06 331.¦ 325. Sacher Stefan 1970 Itingen 28.21,5 10.48,6 (5668) Diplom Video 5.09 ¦ 3.57 361.¦ 11.43 324.¦ 12.40 310.¦ 326. Schäublin Oliver 1970 Hölstein 28.22,4 10.49,5 (2613) Diplom Video 5.09 ¦ 3.35 301.¦ 11.53 339.¦ 12.54 325.¦ 327. Blättler Michael 1970 Pratteln 28.27,0 10.54,1 (6121) Diplom Video 5.10 ¦ 3.41 322.¦ 11.48 328.¦ 12.57 326.¦ 328. Rehm Daniel 1969 Basel 28.27,6 10.54,7 (5606) Diplom Video 5.10 ¦ 3.47 343.¦ 11.48 328.¦ 12.52 322.¦ 329. Sheikh Sohail 1971 Basel 28.29,1 10.56,2 (6307) Diplom Video 5.10 ¦ 3.48 345.¦ 11.51 336.¦ 12.49 321.¦ 330. Trefonski Adalbert 1971 Lachen SZ 28.30,7 10.57,8 (5937) Diplom Video 5.11 ¦ 4.03 378.¦ 12.02 346.¦ 12.25 289.¦ 331. Berthel René 1969 Welschenrohr 28.31,3 10.58,4 (1600) Diplom Video 5.11 ¦ 3.44 335.¦ 11.59 345.¦ 12.47 318.¦ 332. Sperhake Jan 1971 Beinwil am See 28.31,8 10.58,9 (6621) Diplom Video 5.11 ¦ 3.53 353.¦ 11.32 318.¦ 13.06 329.¦ 333. Schmid Simon 1973 Worb 28.32,9 11.00,0 (2643) Diplom Video 5.11 ¦ 3.27 276.¦ 11.41 320.¦ 13.24 343.¦ 334. Laager Daniel 1972 Arlesheim 28.42,1 11.09,2 (2261) Diplom Video 5.13 ¦ 3.36 305.¦ 11.39 319.¦ 13.26 344.¦ 335. Sterchi Thomas 1970 Rickenbach BL 28.42,7 11.09,8 (6646) Diplom Video 5.13 ¦ 4.03 380.¦ 11.50 335.¦ 12.48 320.¦ 336. Gremaud Didier 1969 Münchenstein 28.43,6 11.10,7 (5010) Diplom Video 5.13 ¦ 3.41 321.¦ 11.41 321.¦ 13.21 342.¦ 337. Gonzalez Roman Juan Jose 1971 Oberwil 28.45,8 11.12,9 (4999) Diplom Video 5.13 ¦ 3.45 340.¦ 11.53 340.¦ 13.06 332.¦ 338. Meyer Christoph 1970 Basel 28.48,2 11.15,3 (5429) Diplom Video 5.14 ¦ 3.57 362.¦ 12.03 347.¦ 12.48 319.¦ 339. Isler Michael 1972 Interlaken 28.53,5 11.20,6 (5153) Diplom Video 5.15 ¦ 3.52 350.¦ 11.59 344.¦ 13.01 328.¦ 340. Glatz Spätzli 1969 Aesch BL 28.58,9 11.26,0 (6714) Diplom Video 5.16 ¦ 3.28 280.¦ 11.43 323.¦ 13.46 354.¦ 341. Percin Muhammed 1971 Magden 29.02,8 11.29,9 (5562) Diplom Video 5.16 ¦ 4.08 391.¦ 12.42 371.¦ 12.12 274.¦ 342. Linnenbach Frank 1972 Sissach 29.03,0 11.30,1 (5326) Diplom Video 5.16 ¦ 3.40 319.¦ 11.52 337.¦ 13.30 346.¦ 343. Bauer Alex 1973 Bern 29.05,1 11.32,2 (4599) Diplom Video 5.17 ¦ 4.01 373.¦ 11.48 331.¦ 13.15 337.¦ 344. Pietrass Matthias 1971 Therwil 29.09,2 11.36,3 (6265) Diplom Video 5.18 ¦ 3.30 286.¦ 11.55 341.¦ 13.42 351.¦ 345. Steiner Laurent 1973 Basel 29.09,4 11.36,5 (5851) Diplom Video 5.18 ¦ 3.29 284.¦ 12.12 352.¦ 13.27 345.¦ 346. Hitz Thomas 1969 Muttenz 29.12,1 11.39,2 (6429) Diplom Video 5.18 ¦ 3.37 311.¦ 11.49 334.¦ 13.45 353.¦ 347. Gut Sascha 1973 Wegenstetten 29.14,2 11.41,3 (5042) Diplom Video 5.18 ¦ 3.21 243.¦ 11.52 337.¦ 14.00 357.¦ 348. Fischler Daniel 1972 Arlesheim 29.15,3 11.42,4 (1877) Diplom Video 5.19 ¦ 3.59 369.¦ 12.22 359.¦ 12.52 323.¦ 349. Epifani Fabio 1969 Patteln 29.27,0 11.54,1 (6396) Diplom Video 5.21 ¦ 3.56 359.¦ 12.17 354.¦ 13.12 336.¦ 350. Zimmermann Thomas 1970 D-Grenzach-Wyhlen 29.29,3 11.56,4 (6089) Diplom Video 5.21 ¦ 3.17 223.¦ 12.10 351.¦ 14.01 358.¦ 351. Wesemann Steffen 1971 Küttigen 29.33,9 12.01,0 (6013) Diplom Video 5.22 ¦ 4.04 381.¦ 12.13 353.¦ 13.16 339.¦ 352. Weir Patrick 1970 Reinach BL 29.38,7 12.05,8 (2926) Diplom Video 5.23 ¦ 3.35 299.¦ 11.56 342.¦ 14.06 365.¦ 353. Sturniolo Salvatore 1969 Riehen 29.41,4 12.08,5 (5893) Diplom Video 5.23 ¦ 3.43 328.¦ 12.19 356.¦ 13.39 348.¦ 354. Zubler Edoardo 1973 Coldrerio 29.49,6 12.16,7 (6097) Diplom Video 5.25 ¦ 3.59 370.¦ 12.06 349.¦ 13.43 352.¦ 355. Faedi Reto 1970 Basel 29.52,3 12.19,4 (4888) Diplom Video 5.25 ¦ 3.44 334.¦ 12.03 348.¦ 14.04 362.¦ 356. Nicoulin Frédéric 1972 Cornol 29.57,0 12.24,1 (5515) Diplom Video 5.26 ¦ 3.59 367.¦ 12.37 365.¦ 13.20 341.¦ 357. Böhler Pirmin 1970 D-Laufenburg 30.11,3 12.38,4 (4670) Diplom Video 5.29 ¦ 4.01 374.¦ 12.07 350.¦ 14.02 359.¦ 358. Pertoldi Luca 1971 Therwil 30.15,4 12.42,5 (5567) Diplom Video 5.30 ¦ 3.55 355.¦ 12.39 367.¦ 13.40 349.¦ 359. Bürgin Marcel 1970 Muttenz 30.15,7 12.42,8 (4732) Diplom Video 5.30 ¦ 4.00 371.¦ 12.40 368.¦ 13.35 347.¦ 360. Aelen Eddy 1971 Basel 30.17,9 12.45,0 (4501) Diplom Video 5.30 ¦ 3.56 360.¦ 12.21 358.¦ 13.59 356.¦ 361. Dixon Jacob 1970 Pratteln 30.18,4 12.45,5 (6556) Diplom Video 5.30 ¦ 3.07 152.¦ 12.20 357.¦ 14.51 379.¦ 362. Leccese Christian 1973 D-Lörrach 30.23,7 12.50,8 (5298) Diplom Video 5.31 ¦ 3.59 368.¦ 12.26 360.¦ 13.58 355.¦ 363. Gardasevic Predrag 1971 Einsiedeln 30.36,8 13.03,9 (4965) Diplom Video 5.33 ¦ 3.50 349.¦ 12.43 373.¦ 14.02 360.¦ 364. Marques Pedro 1971 Basel 30.46,7 13.13,8 (5396) Diplom Video 5.35 ¦ 3.26 271.¦ 12.41 369.¦ 14.39 376.¦ 365. Rozran Philip 1970 Basel 30.51,6 13.18,7 (6496) Diplom Video 5.36 ¦ 3.45 341.¦ 13.00 381.¦ 14.05 363.¦ 366. Doshi Ketan 1972 Basel 30.53,7 13.20,8 (4838) Diplom Video 5.37 ¦ 4.06 387.¦ 12.31 362.¦ 14.16 368.¦ 367. Roffler Hans Martin 1972 Basel 30.53,8 13.20,9 (5640) Diplom Video 5.37 ¦ 4.06 386.¦ 12.31 363.¦ 14.16 368.¦ 368. Pauletto Rainer 1972 Möhlin 31.01,5 13.28,6 (5558) Diplom Video 5.38 ¦ 4.05 385.¦ 12.51 377.¦ 14.04 361.¦ 369. Eichmann Marcel 1969 Aesch BL 31.03,8 13.30,9 (1830) Diplom Video 5.38 ¦ 3.40 320.¦ 12.41 370.¦ 14.41 377.¦ 370. Müller Sascha 1973 Muhen 31.05,2 13.32,3 (5490) Diplom Video 5.39 ¦ 4.02 376.¦ 12.27 361.¦ 14.34 371.¦ 371. Moullet Michel 1973 Biel-Benken BL 31.08,9 13.36,0 (5464) Diplom Video 5.39 ¦ 4.08 389.¦ 12.47 375.¦ 14.13 366.¦ 372. Matala Erik 1970 Schweiz 31.13,6 13.40,7 (4521) Diplom Video 5.40 ¦ 4.04 382.¦ 12.37 365.¦ 14.31 370.¦ 373. Lizzio Massimo 1971 Niederdorf 31.19,1 13.46,2 (5334) Diplom Video 5.41 ¦ 3.58 364.¦ 12.42 372.¦ 14.38 375.¦ 374. Both Philippe 1971 Schweiz 31.19,6 13.46,7 (4504) Diplom Video 5.41 ¦ 4.03 379.¦ 13.10 382.¦ 14.06 364.¦ 375. Greguska Karoly 1972 Basel 31.21,2 13.48,3 (5009) Diplom Video 5.42 ¦ 3.39 316.¦ 12.55 379.¦ 14.46 378.¦ 376. Zehnder Marcel 1970 Basel 31.22,5 13.49,6 (6073) Diplom Video 5.42 ¦ 4.11 394.¦ 12.55 379.¦ 14.15 367.¦ 377. Hendel Krzysztof 1970 Basel 31.27,1 13.54,2 (6584) Diplom Video 5.43 ¦ 4.00 372.¦ 12.48 376.¦ 14.37 374.¦ 378. Kabella Stefan 1970 D-Grenzach-Wyhlen 31.31,5 13.58,6 (5185) Diplom Video 5.43 ¦ 4.02 376.¦ 12.52 378.¦ 14.36 373.¦ 379. Capretta Stefan 1971 Allschwil 31.55,5 14.22,6 (4757) Diplom Video 5.48 ¦ 3.54 354.¦ 12.18 355.¦ 15.41 387.¦ 380. Dettwiler Flavio 1970 Muttenz 31.55,7 14.22,8 (4818) Diplom Video 5.48 ¦ 3.23 255.¦ 13.13 383.¦ 15.19 381.¦ 381. Grandjean André 1969 Hilterfingen 31.58,2 14.25,3 (5007) Diplom Video 5.48 ¦ 3.47 344.¦ 12.36 364.¦ 15.33 386.¦ 382. Schmid Christoph 1969 Riehen 32.18,2 14.45,3 (5721) Diplom Video 5.52 ¦ 4.13 396.¦ 12.46 374.¦ 15.18 380.¦ 383. Schwyn Jens 1973 Reinach BL 33.03,5 15.30,6 (5773) Diplom Video 6.00 ¦ 4.06 387.¦ 13.27 384.¦ 15.29 384.¦ 384. Kom Tchuenguem Jean Claud 1972 Aarburg 33.14,8 15.41,9 (5253) Diplom Video 6.02 ¦ 4.08 391.¦ 13.37 385.¦ 15.29 383.¦ 385. Müller-Schäublin Hari 1969 Basel 33.25,3 15.52,4 (4524) Diplom Video 6.04 ¦ 4.13 397.¦ 13.50 388.¦ 15.21 382.¦ 386. Flück Lukas 1969 Binningen 33.37,1 16.04,2 (4916) Diplom Video 6.06 ¦ 4.17 399.¦ 13.47 387.¦ 15.32 385.¦ 387. Erbsland Martin 1971 Basel 33.37,2 16.04,3 (4878) Diplom Video 6.06 ¦ 3.55 356.¦ 13.45 386.¦ 15.55 389.¦ 388. Müller Matthias 1972 Basel 33.47,5 16.14,6 (5482) Diplom Video 6.08 ¦ 4.13 395.¦ 14.58 394.¦ 14.35 372.¦ 389. Heid Thomas 1973 Läufelfingen 34.03,1 16.30,2 (5095) Diplom Video 6.11 ¦ 4.08 391.¦ 14.08 389.¦ 15.45 388.¦ 390. Neudeck Arthur 1970 Riehen 35.20,9 17.48,0 (5509) Diplom Video 6.25 ¦ 4.04 382.¦ 14.50 392.¦ 16.25 390.¦ 391. Khanna Vishal 1971 Basel 35.42,4 18.09,5 (6590) Diplom Video 6.29 ¦ 3.59 366.¦ 14.54 393.¦ 16.49 391.¦ 392. Suter Patrick 1969 Basel 35.48,4 18.15,5 (5899) Diplom Video 6.30 ¦ 4.02 375.¦ 14.44 391.¦ 17.01 392.¦ 393. Hegglin Pascal 1970 Kaiseraugst 37.16,9 19.44,0 (5094) Diplom Video 6.46 ¦ 4.05 384.¦ 15.10 396.¦ 18.00 393.¦ 394. Schwegler Bruno 1972 Kriens 37.31,1 19.58,2 (5768) Diplom Video 6.49 ¦ 4.16 398.¦ 15.08 395.¦ 18.06 394.¦ 395. Keller Markus 1970 Gebenstorf 44.27,4 26.54,5 (5212) Diplom Video 8.04 ¦ 5.53 400.¦ 18.18 397.¦ 20.15 395.¦ DNF Herzog Yves 1970 F-Steinbrunn le Bas 11.19,1 1,5 Runden (2068) Video ---- ¦ 2.26 13.¦ 8.52 54.¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Eden Cenk 1969 Allschwil 18.37,5 1,5 Runden (6155) Video ---- ¦ 4.08 390.¦ 14.29 390.¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Lehmann Walter 1970 Russikon 3.04,6 0,5 Runden (2282) Video ---- ¦ 3.04 138.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Cesaro-Tadic Sandro 1973 D-Lörrach 3.11,2 0,5 Runden (3057) Video ---- ¦ 3.11 180.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Castaldo Remo 1970 Basel 3.29,6 0,5 Runden (1717) Video ---- ¦ 3.29 283.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Brogle Stefan 1972 Zürich 6.18,9 0,5 Runden (4702) Video ---- ¦ 6.18 401.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦
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