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(33) Halbmarathon Männer M40

6. Lucerne Marathon 2012, Luzern - (33) Halbmarathon Männer M40

Rang Name Jg Land/Ort Team Zeit Rückstand Stnr Overall Schnitt ¦ Start-Horw ¦ Horw-Ziel ¦ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Wheeler Cecil 1968 Cham 1:15.39,1 ----- (9256) Diplom H-Mann 10. 3.35 ¦ 44.11 2.¦ 31.27 1.¦ 2. Oberholzer Clemens 1971 Horw Triathlon Club Hergiswil 1:15.51,4 0.12,3 (7226) Diplom H-Mann 12. 3.35 ¦ 44.09 1.¦ 31.41 2.¦ 3. Richard Markus 1966 Adligenswil AHV 1:17.57,3 2.18,2 (3972) Diplom H-Mann 23. 3.41 ¦ 45.44 3.¦ 32.12 3.¦ 4. Wyss Eric 1966 St. Moritz Laufteam St. Moritz 1:19.48,5 4.09,4 (5624) Diplom H-Mann 40. 3.46 ¦ 46.59 6.¦ 32.48 5.¦ 5. Kiser Daniel 1971 Luzern Sportberatung.ch 1:19.55,5 4.16,4 (7220) Diplom H-Mann 42. 3.47 ¦ 47.04 8.¦ 32.51 6.¦ 6. Widmer Josef 1972 Gelfingen 1:20.13,1 4.34,0 (6593) Diplom H-Mann 43. 3.48 ¦ 46.55 5.¦ 33.18 9.¦ 7. Klotz Matthias 1972 Biel/Bienne 1:20.14,9 4.35,8 (6544) Diplom H-Mann 44. 3.48 ¦ 47.20 9.¦ 32.54 7.¦ 8. Brunner Toni 1972 Sarnen VELORADO Racing Team 1:20.21,0 4.41,9 (7868) Diplom H-Mann 46. 3.48 ¦ 47.03 7.¦ 33.17 8.¦ 9. Albert Michael 1970 Küsnacht ZH TRIZO 1:20.35,8 4.56,7 (7505) Diplom H-Mann 50. 3.49 ¦ 46.49 4.¦ 33.46 12.¦ 10. Foellmi Daniel 1970 Hünenberg Laufgruppe Cham 1:20.36,2 4.57,1 (8229) Diplom H-Mann 51. 3.49 ¦ 48.01 12.¦ 32.34 4.¦ 11. Merkt Peter 1964 Hüntwangen TV Hüntwangen 1:21.29,3 5.50,2 (8635) Diplom H-Mann 60. 3.51 ¦ 47.25 10.¦ 34.03 15.¦ 12. Kaufmann Markus 1967 Emmenbrücke Komax Wire HM-Team 1:21.52,2 6.13,1 (3127) Diplom H-Mann 66. 3.52 ¦ 48.17 13.¦ 33.35 11.¦ 13. Schumacher Pius 1971 Sursee LZ Lauftreff 1:22.11,5 6.32,4 (8813) Diplom H-Mann 73. 3.53 ¦ 48.01 11.¦ 34.10 17.¦ 14. Fior Guglielmo 1967 Dachsen tristar schaffhausen 1:22.17,0 6.37,9 (9651) Diplom H-Mann 76. 3.54 ¦ 48.57 19.¦ 33.19 10.¦ 15. Teubler Volker 1969 D-Bad Säckingen LG Hohenfels 1:22.56,6 7.17,5 (6971) Diplom H-Mann 87. 3.55 ¦ 48.35 14.¦ 34.21 20.¦ 16. Weber Reto 1968 Flims Dorf Elite Giele 1:23.13,9 7.34,8 (9253) Diplom H-Mann 89. 3.56 ¦ 48.52 16.¦ 34.21 18.¦ 17. Kälin Erwin 1964 Niederwil AG LR-Wohlen 1:23.20,7 7.41,6 (8753) Diplom H-Mann 95. 3.57 ¦ 49.14 22.¦ 34.06 16.¦ 18. Imholz Josef 1968 Bürglen UR Imholz Sport 1:23.40,2 8.01,1 (5656) Diplom H-Mann 99. 3.57 ¦ 49.50 29.¦ 33.49 13.¦ 19. Vogel Willy 1967 St. Niklausen LU Marathon Team Kriens 1:23.42,5 8.03,4 (9882) Diplom H-Mann 100. 3.58 ¦ 49.20 26.¦ 34.21 21.¦ 20. Hegg Hansjörg 1966 Ipsach Team Runtastic 1:23.46,4 8.07,3 (5411) Diplom H-Mann 102. 3.58 ¦ 48.59 20.¦ 34.46 26.¦ 21. Scherer Kurt 1963 Udligenswil 1:23.52,9 8.13,8 (9091) Diplom H-Mann 105. 3.58 ¦ 49.17 24.¦ 34.35 24.¦ 22. Müller Bruno 1970 Udligenswil 1:23.53,1 8.14,0 (8637) Diplom H-Mann 106. 3.58 ¦ 49.17 23.¦ 34.35 25.¦ 23. Eggimann Roland 1969 Langnau am Albis 1:24.00,2 8.21,1 (3528) Diplom H-Mann 109. 3.58 ¦ 48.45 15.¦ 35.14 35.¦ 24. Maurer Roland 1968 Zetzwil 1:24.01,1 8.22,0 (7608) Diplom H-Mann 110. 3.58 ¦ 48.53 17.¦ 35.08 31.¦ 25. Erni Damian 1970 Luzern 1:24.06,5 8.27,4 (5046) Diplom H-Mann 115. 3.59 ¦ 49.37 28.¦ 34.28 23.¦ 26. Visco Vincenzo 1967 Buchrain Läuferriege Ebikon 1:24.08,9 8.29,8 (7454) Diplom H-Mann 116. 3.59 ¦ 49.13 21.¦ 34.55 28.¦ 27. Mullens Brook 1972 Langnau am Albis ZIS XC 1:24.14,0 8.34,9 (7482) Diplom H-Mann 118. 3.59 ¦ 50.16 35.¦ 33.57 14.¦ 28. Schwyter Marcel 1968 Siebnen 1:24.19,4 8.40,3 (8947) Diplom H-Mann 121. 3.59 ¦ 49.58 32.¦ 34.21 19.¦ 29. Schillig Werner 1964 Altdorf UR SC Edelweiss 1:24.51,2 9.12,1 (6070) Diplom H-Mann 132. 4.01 ¦ 49.36 27.¦ 35.14 34.¦ 30. Marbacher Urs 1964 Hasle LU 1:24.54,5 9.15,4 (8771) Diplom H-Mann 133. 4.01 ¦ 48.55 18.¦ 35.59 57.¦ 31. Holenweg Matthias 1970 Büren an der Aare 1:24.56,2 9.17,1 (7763) Diplom H-Mann 135. 4.01 ¦ 50.31 39.¦ 34.25 22.¦ 32. Fässler Paul 1970 Ebikon Läuferriege Ebikon 1:24.58,2 9.19,1 (7419) Diplom H-Mann 137. 4.01 ¦ 49.19 25.¦ 35.39 46.¦ 33. Holenweg Markus 1972 Attiswil Laufteam BIRCHER Thun 1:25.05,0 9.25,9 (9673) Diplom H-Mann 139. 4.01 ¦ 49.52 31.¦ 35.12 32.¦ 34. Jonasch Manuel 1963 Basel 1:25.05,4 9.26,3 (9798) Diplom H-Mann 140. 4.01 ¦ 49.51 30.¦ 35.14 33.¦ 35. Spicher Bruno 1968 Lyss 1:25.45,8 10.06,7 (5764) Diplom H-Mann 153. 4.03 ¦ 50.52 45.¦ 34.53 27.¦ 36. Kaufmann Daniel 1967 Engelberg 1:25.55,0 10.15,9 (4600) Diplom H-Mann 156. 4.04 ¦ 50.30 38.¦ 35.24 39.¦ 37. Pfirter Lukas 1971 Aathal-Seegräben 1:25.55,5 10.16,4 (6789) Diplom H-Mann 157. 4.04 ¦ 50.11 34.¦ 35.44 52.¦ 38. Hubacher Martin 1970 Oftringen 1:26.00,2 10.21,1 (9318) Diplom H-Mann 159. 4.04 ¦ 50.18 36.¦ 35.42 48.¦ 39. Salomo Normann 1968 D-Regensburg Hardtseemafia Triathlon/Team E 1:26.01,3 10.22,2 (9874) Diplom H-Mann 161. 4.04 ¦ 50.34 40.¦ 35.26 41.¦ 40. Da Silva Carlos 1972 Horw 1:26.08,7 10.29,6 (5140) Diplom H-Mann 163. 4.04 ¦ 49.58 33.¦ 36.09 61.¦ 41. Rutishauser Andreas 1968 Winterthur 1:26.12,0 10.32,9 (9553) Diplom H-Mann 165. 4.05 ¦ 50.36 41.¦ 35.35 44.¦ 42. Gambonini Davide 1968 Gnosca Gab Bellinzona 1:26.14,7 10.35,6 (8046) Diplom H-Mann 166. 4.05 ¦ 50.59 46.¦ 35.14 36.¦ 43. Rothenfluh Thomas 1972 Zeiningen 1:26.24,0 10.44,9 (5503) Diplom H-Mann 167. 4.05 ¦ 50.43 43.¦ 35.40 47.¦ 44. Käppeli Benno 1969 Merenschwand 1:26.46,1 11.07,0 (7429) Diplom H-Mann 172. 4.06 ¦ 50.47 44.¦ 35.58 56.¦ 45. Thomi Oliver 1969 Inwil Velorado Racing Team 1:26.47,9 11.08,8 (6146) Diplom H-Mann 175. 4.06 ¦ 50.23 37.¦ 36.24 67.¦ 46. Deiss Christian 1970 Herznach 1:26.49,3 11.10,2 (5437) Diplom H-Mann 176. 4.06 ¦ 51.42 62.¦ 35.06 30.¦ 47. Stöckli Walter 1963 Grosswangen 1:26.51,5 11.12,4 (8076) Diplom H-Mann 180. 4.07 ¦ 50.38 42.¦ 36.13 62.¦ 48. Meier-Lochmann Peter 1972 Altishofen LLV Flüss 1:26.51,7 11.12,6 (9814) Diplom H-Mann 181. 4.07 ¦ 51.26 51.¦ 35.25 40.¦ 49. Högger Martin 1972 Bern 1:26.59,0 11.19,9 (7426) Diplom H-Mann 184. 4.07 ¦ 51.16 47.¦ 35.42 49.¦ 50. Kneubuehler Arno 1971 Luzern 1:27.02,2 11.23,1 (5191) Diplom H-Mann 187. 4.07 ¦ 51.18 48.¦ 35.43 51.¦ 51. Nuttli Roger 1967 Luzern 1:27.04,0 11.24,9 (9074) Diplom H-Mann 188. 4.07 ¦ 51.21 49.¦ 35.42 49.¦ 52. Ebbing Eddy 1970 St. Niklausen LU Marathon Team Kriens 1:27.05,2 11.26,1 (9854) Diplom H-Mann 189. 4.07 ¦ 51.46 63.¦ 35.18 38.¦ 53. Mesquita Rui 1971 Sarnen 1:27.13,9 11.34,8 (4062) Diplom H-Mann 194. 4.08 ¦ 51.39 61.¦ 35.34 43.¦ 54. Stalder Benedikt 1964 Hellbühl Emmi Emmen 1:27.16,5 11.37,4 (3476) Diplom H-Mann 197. 4.08 ¦ 51.48 64.¦ 35.27 42.¦ 55. Jenni Harald 1972 Winterthur Finishers Winterthur 1:27.27,7 11.48,6 (8334) Diplom H-Mann 200. 4.08 ¦ 51.38 58.¦ 35.49 54.¦ 56. Sterren Quirin 1965 Eischoll Post Halbmarathon Team 1:27.29,0 11.49,9 (3893) Diplom H-Mann 201. 4.08 ¦ 51.51 66.¦ 35.37 45.¦ 57. Moser Beat 1967 Uster 1:27.30,4 11.51,3 (7413) Diplom H-Mann 202. 4.08 ¦ 51.28 54.¦ 36.01 58.¦ 58. Kelly Andrew 1971 Schattdorf 1:27.35,6 11.56,5 (8144) Diplom H-Mann 204. 4.09 ¦ 52.19 73.¦ 35.16 37.¦ 59. Scheubel Christophe 1967 D-Reutlingen 1:27.42,3 12.03,2 (7052) Diplom H-Mann 209. 4.09 ¦ 51.39 60.¦ 36.02 59.¦ 60. Zimmermann Bruno 1969 Sins Laufgruppe Cham 1:27.59,7 12.20,6 (5705) Diplom H-Mann 215. 4.10 ¦ 51.28 53.¦ 36.31 75.¦ 61. Zehnder Markus 1972 Fislisbach TSV Rohrdof 1:28.05,7 12.26,6 (9120) Diplom H-Mann 219. 4.10 ¦ 51.22 50.¦ 36.42 81.¦ 62. Sutter Markus 1966 Hochfelden Lauftreff Hochfelden 1:28.06,3 12.27,2 (8959) Diplom H-Mann 220. 4.10 ¦ 51.51 67.¦ 36.14 63.¦ 63. Da Silva Manuel 1971 Sarnen 1:28.15,1 12.36,0 (9014) Diplom H-Mann 225. 4.10 ¦ 51.51 65.¦ 36.23 66.¦ 64. Siller Thomas 1970 Zürich 1:28.16,1 12.37,0 (7732) Diplom H-Mann 226. 4.11 ¦ 51.35 57.¦ 36.40 79.¦ 65. Merkli Matthias 1972 Luzern Suva HM-Team 1:28.21,0 12.41,9 (3206) Diplom H-Mann 228. 4.11 ¦ 51.29 55.¦ 36.51 82.¦ 66. Taboada Jorge 1971 Zürich 1:28.23,1 12.44,0 (8077) Diplom H-Mann 230. 4.11 ¦ 52.18 72.¦ 36.04 60.¦ 67. Manser Michael 1972 Pfäffikon SZ 1:28.25,1 12.46,0 (3401) Diplom H-Mann 232. 4.11 ¦ 53.20 112.¦ 35.04 29.¦ 68. Wegmann Marco 1965 Zürich 1:28.38,5 12.59,4 (9812) Diplom H-Mann 244. 4.12 ¦ 51.27 52.¦ 37.11 102.¦ 69. Pedrazzini André 1967 Uster 1:28.40,7 13.01,6 (9221) Diplom H-Mann 245. 4.12 ¦ 52.11 69.¦ 36.29 73.¦ 70. Wisard Willy 1965 Vicques 1:28.47,4 13.08,3 (7856) Diplom H-Mann 249. 4.12 ¦ 51.52 68.¦ 36.54 87.¦ 71. Konrad Jürg 1970 Merenschwand 1:28.53,1 13.14,0 (9196) Diplom H-Mann 253. 4.12 ¦ 52.22 74.¦ 36.30 74.¦ 72. Grossmann Jörg 1966 Zürich cityrunning.ch 1:28.57,0 13.17,9 (5538) Diplom H-Mann 257. 4.12 ¦ 52.31 81.¦ 36.26 70.¦ 73. Joilat Laurent 1967 Kastanienbaum IMI 1:28.58,5 13.19,4 (9861) Diplom H-Mann 258. 4.13 ¦ 51.38 59.¦ 37.20 111.¦ 74. Corsenca Sven 1969 Schindellegi 1:29.02,1 13.23,0 (9155) Diplom H-Mann 262. 4.13 ¦ 52.44 88.¦ 36.17 65.¦ 75. Poretti Marco 1971 Uster Societa' Canottieri Ceresio 1:29.03,3 13.24,2 (5826) Diplom H-Mann 263. 4.13 ¦ 52.35 82.¦ 36.28 72.¦ 76. Allemann Philipp 1971 Welschenrohr STV Welschenrohr 1:29.03,5 13.24,4 (5686) Diplom H-Mann 265. 4.13 ¦ 52.48 90.¦ 36.15 64.¦ 77. Stettler Roger 1965 Inwil VC Kriens 1:29.03,9 13.24,8 (7252) Diplom H-Mann 266. 4.13 ¦ 51.35 56.¦ 37.28 119.¦ 78. Planzer Martin 1970 Brunnen 1:29.13,1 13.34,0 (5873) Diplom H-Mann 274. 4.13 ¦ 52.48 89.¦ 36.24 69.¦ 79. Wälti Stephan 1965 Spiez MSD HM Team 1:29.14,9 13.35,8 (3624) Diplom H-Mann 277. 4.13 ¦ 52.18 71.¦ 36.56 90.¦ 80. Brunner Samuel 1970 Zürich 1:29.17,8 13.38,7 (9452) Diplom H-Mann 278. 4.13 ¦ 52.43 87.¦ 36.34 76.¦ 81. Febrey Matthew 1971 Esslingen Team febs 1:29.18,1 13.39,0 (9166) Diplom H-Mann 279. 4.13 ¦ 53.26 113.¦ 35.51 55.¦ 82. Mueller Kurt 1968 Burgdorf 1:29.20,2 13.41,1 (7835) Diplom H-Mann 282. 4.14 ¦ 52.14 70.¦ 37.05 95.¦ 83. Heller Peter 1967 Willisau 1:29.20,6 13.41,5 (7824) Diplom H-Mann 284. 4.14 ¦ 52.42 86.¦ 36.38 78.¦ 84. Winistörfer Matthias 1971 Steinhausen 1:29.35,1 13.56,0 (4879) Diplom H-Mann 292. 4.14 ¦ 52.38 84.¦ 36.56 89.¦ 85. Koller Ivo 1964 Therwil 1:29.35,5 13.56,4 (4441) Diplom H-Mann 293. 4.14 ¦ 52.25 76.¦ 37.10 100.¦ 86. Hermann Guido 1966 Emmenbrücke 1:29.36,7 13.57,6 (4157) Diplom H-Mann 297. 4.14 ¦ 52.27 79.¦ 37.09 98.¦ 87. Hofstetter Patrick 1969 Adligenswil 1:29.43,6 14.04,5 (8738) Diplom H-Mann 299. 4.15 ¦ 53.17 106.¦ 36.26 71.¦ 88. Grob Bertrand 1972 Luzern Tri Club Hergiswil 1:29.44,5 14.05,4 (9066) Diplom H-Mann 300. 4.15 ¦ 52.35 83.¦ 37.09 99.¦ 89. Flachsmann Stefan 1965 Gockhausen 1:29.45,0 14.05,9 (7658) Diplom H-Mann 301. 4.15 ¦ 53.20 111.¦ 36.24 68.¦ 90. Bircher Josef Jun. 1969 Stansstad Post Halbmarathon Team 1:29.45,4 14.06,3 (3937) Diplom H-Mann 302. 4.15 ¦ 52.23 75.¦ 37.22 113.¦ 91. Leibundgut Daniel 1967 Sarnen Triathlon Club Hergiswil 1:29.53,6 14.14,5 (8627) Diplom H-Mann 310. 4.15 ¦ 52.56 94.¦ 36.57 91.¦ 92. Kohler Beat 1967 Oberrüti 1:30.08,5 14.29,4 (6492) Diplom H-Mann 320. 4.16 ¦ 53.01 98.¦ 37.06 96.¦ 93. Kuster Erich 1969 Geuensee 1:30.08,8 14.29,7 (7272) Diplom H-Mann 322. 4.16 ¦ 52.58 96.¦ 37.10 101.¦ 94. Gysi Michael 1972 Zug 1:30.17,4 14.38,3 (7037) Diplom H-Mann 333. 4.16 ¦ 52.57 95.¦ 37.19 110.¦ 95. Baptista Abel 1964 Aarburg 1:30.19,4 14.40,3 (9606) Diplom H-Mann 335. 4.16 ¦ 53.41 119.¦ 36.37 77.¦ 96. Nietlisbach Alex 1964 Luzern 1:30.20,2 14.41,1 (7282) Diplom H-Mann 338. 4.16 ¦ 53.39 118.¦ 36.40 80.¦ 97. Portmann René 1963 Oberkirch LU 1:30.23,4 14.44,3 (4207) Diplom H-Mann 340. 4.17 ¦ 53.10 103.¦ 37.13 103.¦ 98. Banestig Joakim 1970 Horgen Gubboda Runners 1:30.24,9 14.45,8 (5094) Diplom H-Mann 342. 4.17 ¦ 54.40 155.¦ 35.44 53.¦ 99. Sägesser Simon 1969 Reinach BL Tria Basilea 1:30.26,1 14.47,0 (8809) Diplom H-Mann 343. 4.17 ¦ 53.07 101.¦ 37.18 109.¦ 100. Grässli Jean-Claude 1968 Baar Laufgruppe Cham 1:30.26,8 14.47,7 (4290) Diplom H-Mann 344. 4.17 ¦ 52.26 78.¦ 38.00 149.¦ 101. Zurfluh Toni 1967 Flüelen 1:30.30,7 14.51,6 (9123) Diplom H-Mann 348. 4.17 ¦ 52.26 77.¦ 38.04 152.¦ 102. Raymann Guido 1966 Schmerikon radbar.ch 1:30.31,4 14.52,3 (7050) Diplom H-Mann 349. 4.17 ¦ 52.53 93.¦ 37.37 128.¦ 103. Karrer Thomas 1968 Luzern 1:30.33,4 14.54,3 (9323) Diplom H-Mann 350. 4.17 ¦ 53.15 105.¦ 37.17 106.¦ 104. Wartmann Reto 1965 Rothenburg Läuferfreunde Rothenburg 1:30.42,6 15.03,5 (7401) Diplom H-Mann 357. 4.17 ¦ 53.09 102.¦ 37.32 123.¦ 105. Jauner Jürg 1966 Langenthal 1:30.45,3 15.06,2 (8140) Diplom H-Mann 360. 4.18 ¦ 53.17 106.¦ 37.28 118.¦ 106. Zurbuchen André 1964 Entlebuch 1:30.47,7 15.08,6 (8982) Diplom H-Mann 362. 4.18 ¦ 53.04 99.¦ 37.42 130.¦ 107. Buholzer Walter 1963 Emmenbrücke Suva HM-Team 1:30.51,2 15.12,1 (3221) Diplom H-Mann 365. 4.18 ¦ 52.50 91.¦ 38.01 150.¦ 108. Zwirner Jens 1965 D-Düsseldorf jk running 1:30.51,9 15.12,8 (5770) Diplom H-Mann 366. 4.18 ¦ 53.30 114.¦ 37.21 112.¦ 109. Eggspühler Roland 1968 Luzern 1:30.52,4 15.13,3 (5773) Diplom H-Mann 367. 4.18 ¦ 53.07 100.¦ 37.45 133.¦ 110. Gut Stefan 1971 St. Gallen 1:30.53,4 15.14,3 (6839) Diplom H-Mann 369. 4.18 ¦ 52.29 80.¦ 38.24 165.¦ 111. Massa Andrea 1964 Kriens 1:30.54,4 15.15,3 (8773) Diplom H-Mann 370. 4.18 ¦ 53.17 108.¦ 37.37 126.¦ 112. Felix Heinrich 1969 Horw 1:30.55,8 15.16,7 (5650) Diplom H-Mann 373. 4.18 ¦ 52.59 97.¦ 37.56 143.¦ 113. Fischer Andreas 1969 Biel/Bienne Federleicht unterwegs 1:30.58,6 15.19,5 (5164) Diplom H-Mann 377. 4.18 ¦ 53.34 116.¦ 37.24 114.¦ 114. Kämpfer René 1967 Luzern 1:31.03,9 15.24,8 (9047) Diplom H-Mann 381. 4.18 ¦ 54.02 128.¦ 37.01 92.¦ 115. Vogel Daniel 1970 Kriens Swisscom Halbmarathon Team 1:31.09,6 15.30,5 (3331) Diplom H-Mann 386. 4.19 ¦ 54.14 131.¦ 36.55 88.¦ 116. Hemminger Paul 1964 Büren NW Tri Club Hergiswil 1:31.10,1 15.31,0 (8544) Diplom H-Mann 387. 4.19 ¦ 53.11 104.¦ 37.59 147.¦ 117. Blank Walter 1966 Sarnen 1:31.18,7 15.39,6 (4863) Diplom H-Mann 392. 4.19 ¦ 53.34 117.¦ 37.44 131.¦ 118. Michalik Peter 1968 Erlinsbach SO 1:31.22,5 15.43,4 (6605) Diplom H-Mann 396. 4.19 ¦ 54.27 141.¦ 36.54 86.¦ 119. Harr Willi B. 1969 Oberwil BL 1:31.24,4 15.45,3 (4683) Diplom H-Mann 397. 4.19 ¦ 54.30 142.¦ 36.54 85.¦ 119. Hüsler Daniel 1972 Steinhausen 1:31.24,4 15.45,3 (5221) Diplom H-Mann 397. 4.19 ¦ 53.53 124.¦ 37.30 121.¦ 121. Ritler Kilian 1966 Luzern Suva HM-Team 1:31.31,0 15.51,9 (3204) Diplom H-Mann 404. 4.20 ¦ 53.18 109.¦ 38.12 158.¦ 122. Ammann Hermann 1965 Inwil Fielmann Halbmarathon Team 1:31.34,8 15.55,7 (3531) Diplom H-Mann 409. 4.20 ¦ 53.49 121.¦ 37.45 132.¦ 123. Steffen Heinz 1971 Nebikon JTI RUNNING TEAM 1:31.37,0 15.57,9 (3083) Diplom H-Mann 411. 4.20 ¦ 54.18 134.¦ 37.18 108.¦ 124. Schulthess Peter 1966 Basel Triathlon VC Allschwil 1:31.42,0 16.02,9 (9743) Diplom H-Mann 413. 4.20 ¦ 53.56 126.¦ 37.45 134.¦ 125. Imfeld Toni 1964 Alpnach Dorf Achermann Sport 1:31.43,3 16.04,2 (8618) Diplom H-Mann 416. 4.20 ¦ 54.25 139.¦ 37.18 107.¦ 126. Pilkington Edward 1967 Flüh 1:31.46,0 16.06,9 (8797) Diplom H-Mann 418. 4.20 ¦ 54.41 156.¦ 37.04 94.¦ 127. Ziegler Emil 1965 Altdorf UR 1:31.47,2 16.08,1 (9429) Diplom H-Mann 419. 4.21 ¦ 54.33 147.¦ 37.13 104.¦ 128. Monte Mario 1964 Untersiggenthal 1:31.52,0 16.12,9 (9209) Diplom H-Mann 421. 4.21 ¦ 54.22 138.¦ 37.29 120.¦ 129. Meier Peter 1968 Willisau 1:31.55,0 16.15,9 (7834) Diplom H-Mann 423. 4.21 ¦ 52.42 85.¦ 39.12 206.¦ 130. Zwick Jürg 1963 Bülach 1:31.58,1 16.19,0 (6007) Diplom H-Mann 427. 4.21 ¦ 53.52 123.¦ 38.05 154.¦ 131. Reif Willi 1963 Wollerau 1:32.01,0 16.21,9 (7112) Diplom H-Mann 428. 4.21 ¦ 54.12 130.¦ 37.48 136.¦ 132. Mulle René 1965 Altdorf UR 1:32.13,2 16.34,1 (9711) Diplom H-Mann 437. 4.22 ¦ 54.36 149.¦ 37.36 125.¦ 133. Chalmers Brett 1972 GB-London Black Caviar 1:32.13,3 16.34,2 (6537) Diplom H-Mann 438. 4.22 ¦ 55.21 177.¦ 36.52 84.¦ 134. Heim Marc 1967 Cham Emmi Luzern 1:32.14,2 16.35,1 (3487) Diplom H-Mann 440. 4.22 ¦ 54.57 163.¦ 37.17 105.¦ 135. Roduner Beat 1965 Kriens Marathon Team Kriens 1:32.16,8 16.37,7 (9088) Diplom H-Mann 442. 4.22 ¦ 54.49 159.¦ 37.27 117.¦ 136. Schmid Stefan 1965 Wil SG 1:32.27,0 16.47,9 (7729) Diplom H-Mann 446. 4.22 ¦ 55.01 164.¦ 37.25 115.¦ 137. Zbinden Patrick 1972 Sempach Station 1:32.27,7 16.48,6 (4527) Diplom H-Mann 449. 4.22 ¦ 54.50 161.¦ 37.37 127.¦ 138. Maggiulli Andrea 1970 Gutenswil 1:32.32,2 16.53,1 (6811) Diplom H-Mann 453. 4.23 ¦ 54.15 133.¦ 38.16 162.¦ 139. Ton Piero 1964 Berneck 1:32.47,1 17.08,0 (6373) Diplom H-Mann 461. 4.23 ¦ 54.02 129.¦ 38.44 182.¦ 140. Wirth Thomas 1972 Zürich 1:32.49,5 17.10,4 (8203) Diplom H-Mann 463. 4.23 ¦ 55.17 175.¦ 37.31 122.¦ 141. Schurtenberger Herbert 1971 Goldau Velorado Racing Team 1:32.51,1 17.12,0 (8505) Diplom H-Mann 466. 4.24 ¦ 54.27 140.¦ 38.23 163.¦ 142. Heitmar Sascha 1972 Aarburg 1:32.51,5 17.12,4 (5396) Diplom H-Mann 467. 4.24 ¦ 54.40 154.¦ 38.11 156.¦ 143. Brugger Erich 1968 Rain Laufträff Rain 1:32.53,5 17.14,4 (7925) Diplom H-Mann 471. 4.24 ¦ 54.41 156.¦ 38.12 157.¦ 144. Miazzo Roger 1970 Immensee 1:32.53,9 17.14,8 (4230) Diplom H-Mann 473. 4.24 ¦ 54.19 137.¦ 38.34 170.¦ 145. Berger Ueli 1966 Flims Dorf 1:32.58,1 17.19,0 (8678) Diplom H-Mann 474. 4.24 ¦ 55.03 166.¦ 37.54 140.¦ 146. Benhauresch Abdel 1966 Rotkreuz 1:32.59,3 17.20,2 (4335) Diplom H-Mann 476. 4.24 ¦ 54.19 135.¦ 38.39 175.¦ 147. Gössi Reto 1967 Küssnacht am Rigi 1:32.59,9 17.20,8 (4759) Diplom H-Mann 478. 4.24 ¦ 53.52 122.¦ 39.07 202.¦ 148. Müller Patrick 1969 Hombrechtikon Tempo-Sport - exerscience 1:33.01,4 17.22,3 (7958) Diplom H-Mann 480. 4.24 ¦ 55.21 178.¦ 37.39 129.¦ 149. Joye Damien 1971 Givisiez 1:33.02,3 17.23,2 (5300) Diplom H-Mann 481. 4.24 ¦ 53.55 125.¦ 39.06 201.¦ 150. Grad Cornel 1969 Zürich 1:33.07,2 17.28,1 (8480) Diplom H-Mann 485. 4.24 ¦ 55.41 195.¦ 37.25 116.¦ 151. Nussbaumer Daniel 1967 Küssnacht am Rigi Team Meli Sport 1:33.10,7 17.31,6 (3271) Diplom H-Mann 489. 4.24 ¦ 55.18 176.¦ 37.52 137.¦ 152. Klein Andreas 1968 Kriens Suva HM-Team 1:33.11,6 17.32,5 (3217) Diplom H-Mann 492. 4.25 ¦ 54.31 146.¦ 38.40 176.¦ 153. Kirchhofer Bruno 1965 Büron 1:33.12,0 17.32,9 (5147) Diplom H-Mann 493. 4.25 ¦ 54.19 136.¦ 38.52 185.¦ 154. Bachmann Martin 1968 Beromünster SCHURTER AG 1:33.12,8 17.33,7 (3791) Diplom H-Mann 494. 4.25 ¦ 56.09 221.¦ 37.03 93.¦ 155. Naegeli Andrea 1969 Zürich 1:33.13,2 17.34,1 (9357) Diplom H-Mann 497. 4.25 ¦ 54.30 143.¦ 38.42 179.¦ 156. Arnold Roman 1972 Brunnen 1:33.16,7 17.37,6 (8208) Diplom H-Mann 501. 4.25 ¦ 54.39 153.¦ 38.37 172.¦ 157. Baumeler Theo 1968 Wolhusen 1:33.16,9 17.37,8 (4239) Diplom H-Mann 502. 4.25 ¦ 55.22 181.¦ 37.54 139.¦ 158. Hager Urs 1971 Benken SG 1:33.19,2 17.40,1 (7632) Diplom H-Mann 504. 4.25 ¦ 55.32 187.¦ 37.47 135.¦ 159. Karbe Daniel 1972 Goldau 1:33.20,2 17.41,1 (5199) Diplom H-Mann 505. 4.25 ¦ 53.56 126.¦ 39.23 212.¦ 160. Wespi Marcel 1969 Uitikon Waldegg UBS Tri Club 1:33.23,6 17.44,5 (4804) Diplom H-Mann 508. 4.25 ¦ 56.15 228.¦ 37.08 97.¦ 161. von Ah Roger 1970 Cham Laufgruppe Cham 1:33.24,3 17.45,2 (5730) Diplom H-Mann 510. 4.25 ¦ 55.24 184.¦ 37.59 148.¦ 162. Eggel Patrick 1968 Bubendorf 1:33.26,3 17.47,2 (9645) Diplom H-Mann 512. 4.25 ¦ 54.30 143.¦ 38.55 189.¦ 163. Portmann Markus 1970 Ettenhausen TG 1:33.32,9 17.53,8 (9369) Diplom H-Mann 522. 4.26 ¦ 55.08 168.¦ 38.24 165.¦ 164. Wangler Martin 1969 Luzern 1:33.33,1 17.54,0 (7061) Diplom H-Mann 524. 4.26 ¦ 55.35 190.¦ 37.58 146.¦ 165. Meister Rolf 1971 Horw LV Horw 1:33.33,6 17.54,5 (5223) Diplom H-Mann 525. 4.26 ¦ 55.02 165.¦ 38.30 169.¦ 166. Giudici Michel 1971 Oberkirch LU 1:33.34,9 17.55,8 (7469) Diplom H-Mann 526. 4.26 ¦ 54.33 148.¦ 39.01 194.¦ 167. Brügger Silvan 1970 Wolhusen 1:33.37,5 17.58,4 (8097) Diplom H-Mann 530. 4.26 ¦ 52.52 92.¦ 40.45 324.¦ 168. Pütz Markus 1965 Turgi 1:33.44,7 18.05,6 (9821) Diplom H-Mann 535. 4.26 ¦ 55.49 202.¦ 37.55 141.¦ 169. Signer Daniel 1970 Emmenbrücke Komax Wire HM-Team 1:33.46,2 18.07,1 (3128) Diplom H-Mann 539. 4.26 ¦ 55.48 199.¦ 37.57 145.¦ 170. Peter Roli 1971 Luzern Reussbühl 1:33.47,5 18.08,4 (8925) Diplom H-Mann 541. 4.26 ¦ 55.10 169.¦ 38.37 172.¦ 171. Bloch Urs 1971 Olten 1:33.52,2 18.13,1 (6662) Diplom H-Mann 544. 4.26 ¦ 55.22 183.¦ 38.29 167.¦ 172. Banz André 1967 Willisau 1:33.52,6 18.13,5 (8305) Diplom H-Mann 545. 4.26 ¦ 55.12 170.¦ 38.40 176.¦ 173. Schärer Christian 1969 Schenkon Komax Wire HM-Team 1:33.53,6 18.14,5 (3139) Diplom H-Mann 546. 4.27 ¦ 56.18 230.¦ 37.35 124.¦ 174. Giger Franz 1967 Ruswil 1:33.54,1 18.15,0 (5585) Diplom H-Mann 547. 4.27 ¦ 57.02 262.¦ 36.51 83.¦ 175. Amrein Josef 1968 Schötz Running Team MR Schötz 1:33.55,3 18.16,2 (4047) Diplom H-Mann 549. 4.27 ¦ 54.15 132.¦ 39.40 237.¦ 176. Fusco Carlo 1966 Pfäffikon SZ 1:33.59,0 18.19,9 (9479) Diplom H-Mann 553. 4.27 ¦ 55.34 189.¦ 38.24 164.¦ 177. Riesen Hanspeter 1967 Bolligen Emmi Ostermundigen 1:34.00,6 18.21,5 (3492) Diplom H-Mann 555. 4.27 ¦ 55.56 209.¦ 38.03 151.¦ 178. Jeger Stefan 1968 Ziefen Simi um Sieben 1:34.01,8 18.22,7 (4436) Diplom H-Mann 558. 4.27 ¦ 56.05 216.¦ 37.56 143.¦ 179. Van'T Veer Patrick 1965 Wetzikon ZH 1:34.06,5 18.27,4 (4533) Diplom H-Mann 564. 4.27 ¦ 55.51 207.¦ 38.15 161.¦ 180. Delley Alain 1968 Givisiez Post Halbmarathon Team 1:34.10,4 18.31,3 (3853) Diplom H-Mann 568. 4.27 ¦ 54.31 145.¦ 39.39 236.¦ 181. Jenny Markus 1968 Buchrain Suva HM-Team 1:34.11,8 18.32,7 (3228) Diplom H-Mann 570. 4.27 ¦ 54.41 158.¦ 39.30 222.¦ 182. Aufdermauer Stefan 1969 Baar 1:34.14,5 18.35,4 (5026) Diplom H-Mann 577. 4.28 ¦ 56.01 214.¦ 38.12 159.¦ 183. Felder Peter 1965 Rothenburg 1:34.14,8 18.35,7 (6631) Diplom H-Mann 578. 4.28 ¦ 53.32 115.¦ 40.42 318.¦ 184. Arnold Stephan 1968 Sursee 1:34.15,5 18.36,4 (5563) Diplom H-Mann 579. 4.28 ¦ 56.10 222.¦ 38.04 153.¦ 185. Rauber Sascha 1966 Emmetten Doha Bay Running Club 1:34.15,9 18.36,8 (8357) Diplom H-Mann 582. 4.28 ¦ 54.56 162.¦ 39.19 211.¦ 186. Tallqvist Niklas 1968 FI-Helsinki 1:34.17,7 18.38,6 (7196) Diplom H-Mann 583. 4.28 ¦ 56.04 215.¦ 38.13 160.¦ 187. Sarvari Daniel 1971 Derendingen LG Derendingen 1:34.20,5 18.41,4 (7346) Diplom H-Mann 587. 4.28 ¦ 55.04 167.¦ 39.16 209.¦ 188. Helbling Daniel 1967 Schänis 1:34.21,5 18.42,4 (7662) Diplom H-Mann 589. 4.28 ¦ 55.22 182.¦ 38.58 191.¦ 189. Aliverti Michael 1972 Luzern 1:34.27,4 18.48,3 (7026) Diplom H-Mann 593. 4.28 ¦ 54.49 160.¦ 39.38 233.¦ 190. Tanner Peter 1965 Oberentfelden 1:34.30,6 18.51,5 (7399) Diplom H-Mann 596. 4.28 ¦ 53.48 120.¦ 40.41 317.¦ 191. Näf Mark 1971 Hinwil TV Hinwil 1:34.30,9 18.51,8 (8429) Diplom H-Mann 597. 4.28 ¦ 56.34 241.¦ 37.56 142.¦ 192. Näf Ändu 1972 Meierskappel weishaupt-cycles.ch 1:34.32,1 18.53,0 (4773) Diplom H-Mann 599. 4.28 ¦ 55.17 174.¦ 39.15 207.¦ 193. Näf André 1972 Meierskappel Biogen Idec Halbmarathon Team 1:34.32,2 18.53,1 (4000) Diplom H-Mann 600. 4.28 ¦ 55.17 173.¦ 39.15 208.¦ 194. Bachmann Thomas 1972 Luzern 1:34.33,3 18.54,2 (8857) Diplom H-Mann 602. 4.28 ¦ 55.57 210.¦ 38.35 171.¦ 195. Ehret Denis 1972 Solothurn 1:34.36,1 18.57,0 (8599) Diplom H-Mann 603. 4.29 ¦ 56.41 248.¦ 37.54 138.¦ 196. Richner Roger 1970 St. Gallen 1:34.43,2 19.04,1 (7898) Diplom H-Mann 612. 4.29 ¦ 55.49 200.¦ 38.54 186.¦ 197. Schenker Markus 1965 Schenkon 1:34.45,5 19.06,4 (6132) Diplom H-Mann 616. 4.29 ¦ 55.59 212.¦ 38.46 183.¦ 198. Henriques Jorge Humberto 1968 Zürich Swisscom Halbmarathon Team 1:34.50,4 19.11,3 (3348) Diplom H-Mann 623. 4.29 ¦ 55.51 205.¦ 38.59 192.¦ 199. Bucher Werner 1965 Ruswil FLT Ruswil 1:34.53,1 19.14,0 (8868) Diplom H-Mann 627. 4.29 ¦ 55.51 206.¦ 39.01 197.¦ 200. Krebs Michael 1967 Konolfingen 1:35.01,2 19.22,1 (9690) Diplom H-Mann 634. 4.30 ¦ 55.32 188.¦ 39.28 216.¦ 201. Ackermann Benno 1968 Heiligkreuz (Mels) 1:35.10,9 19.31,8 (4542) Diplom H-Mann 640. 4.30 ¦ 54.38 151.¦ 40.32 305.¦ 201. Saxby Paul 1971 Baar 1:35.10,9 19.31,8 (9382) Diplom H-Mann 640. 4.30 ¦ 56.20 232.¦ 38.50 184.¦ 203. Baumann Ruedi 1968 Cham tridomeClub 1:35.13,6 19.34,5 (4572) Diplom H-Mann 642. 4.30 ¦ 56.08 219.¦ 39.05 200.¦ 204. Frank Roger 1968 Luzern 1:35.14,5 19.35,4 (6711) Diplom H-Mann 643. 4.30 ¦ 56.44 252.¦ 38.29 168.¦ 205. Rindlisbacher Heinz 1972 Cordast 1:35.16,8 19.37,7 (8434) Diplom H-Mann 645. 4.30 ¦ 56.22 233.¦ 38.54 187.¦ 206. Moschner Frank 1969 D-Ehrenkirchen fit & fun Ehrenkirchen 1:35.17,6 19.38,5 (7047) Diplom H-Mann 646. 4.31 ¦ 56.22 235.¦ 38.55 188.¦ 207. Trummer Walter 1963 Möhlin 1:35.23,0 19.43,9 (5908) Diplom H-Mann 651. 4.31 ¦ 55.28 185.¦ 39.54 260.¦ 208. Mazan Stephan 1964 Gockhausen 1:35.26,0 19.46,9 (7671) Diplom H-Mann 655. 4.31 ¦ 55.31 186.¦ 39.54 261.¦ 209. Berger Hanspeter 1967 Adliswil 1:35.36,6 19.57,5 (9277) Diplom H-Mann 663. 4.31 ¦ 56.35 243.¦ 39.00 193.¦ 210. Dinkelacker Balthasar 1965 Thun 1:35.36,7 19.57,6 (6217) Diplom H-Mann 664. 4.31 ¦ 56.39 245.¦ 38.57 190.¦ 211. Schwyn Matthias 1964 Luzern 1:35.37,2 19.58,1 (8567) Diplom H-Mann 666. 4.31 ¦ 53.19 110.¦ 42.17 460.¦ 212. Blum Andreas 1968 Arosa Wimos 1:35.38,0 19.58,9 (5899) Diplom H-Mann 667. 4.31 ¦ 54.37 150.¦ 41.00 341.¦ 213. Christen Peter 1967 Kriens 1:35.41,4 20.02,3 (7871) Diplom H-Mann 669. 4.32 ¦ 56.11 224.¦ 39.30 221.¦ 214. Phan Quang Biu 1971 Reinach BL 1:35.41,6 20.02,5 (9539) Diplom H-Mann 670. 4.32 ¦ 55.57 211.¦ 39.43 245.¦ 215. Schärli Patrick 1972 Luzern 1:35.44,0 20.04,9 (4213) Diplom H-Mann 672. 4.32 ¦ 55.16 172.¦ 40.27 298.¦ 216. Durrer Peter 1969 Horw 1:35.44,6 20.05,5 (8472) Diplom H-Mann 674. 4.32 ¦ 56.05 217.¦ 39.38 235.¦ 217. Saxer Christoph 1964 Udligenswil IG Sport Luzern plus 1:35.45,9 20.06,8 (3720) Diplom H-Mann 676. 4.32 ¦ 56.35 242.¦ 39.10 204.¦ 218. Maissen Reto 1972 Baar 1:35.47,2 20.08,1 (7276) Diplom H-Mann 677. 4.32 ¦ 56.16 229.¦ 39.30 223.¦ 219. Wälty Patrick 1967 Pfäffikon ZH 1:35.47,7 20.08,6 (7354) Diplom H-Mann 680. 4.32 ¦ 56.19 231.¦ 39.28 218.¦ 220. Kamer Daniel 1968 Ebikon 1:35.48,9 20.09,8 (9329) Diplom H-Mann 682. 4.32 ¦ 56.11 225.¦ 39.37 232.¦ 221. Hönger Reto 1970 Horw 1:35.49,0 20.09,9 (5451) Diplom H-Mann 683. 4.32 ¦ 55.50 203.¦ 39.58 264.¦ 221. Sager Adrian 1963 Unterseen 1:35.49,0 20.09,9 (8938) Diplom H-Mann 683. 4.32 ¦ 56.13 227.¦ 39.35 226.¦ 223. Kadlec Christoph 1971 St. Erhard Post Halbmarathon Team 1:35.49,8 20.10,7 (3934) Diplom H-Mann 685. 4.32 ¦ 55.13 171.¦ 40.35 307.¦ 223. Roos Roland 1963 Ebikon 1:35.49,8 20.10,7 (4685) Diplom H-Mann 685. 4.32 ¦ 55.51 204.¦ 39.58 268.¦ 225. Baumgartner Erich 1971 Buochs 1:35.51,3 20.12,2 (5687) Diplom H-Mann 689. 4.32 ¦ 56.40 246.¦ 39.11 205.¦ 226. Egger Christoph 1970 Grindelwald 1:35.53,4 20.14,3 (6799) Diplom H-Mann 692. 4.32 ¦ 55.44 197.¦ 40.08 276.¦ 227. Studer Peter 1963 Affoltern am Albis Triamt.ch 1:35.55,0 20.15,9 (9248) Diplom H-Mann 694. 4.32 ¦ 56.01 213.¦ 39.53 258.¦ 228. Stutz Anton 1967 Egolzwil Emmi Luzern 1:35.58,6 20.19,5 (3485) Diplom H-Mann 702. 4.32 ¦ 56.22 234.¦ 39.36 230.¦ 229. Hermann Stefan 1972 Walchwil 1:36.00,0 20.20,9 (5745) Diplom H-Mann 704. 4.33 ¦ 56.10 223.¦ 39.49 252.¦ 230. Furrer Martin 1966 Dagmersellen VC Dagmersellen 1:36.02,0 20.22,9 (5573) Diplom H-Mann 706. 4.33 ¦ 56.13 226.¦ 39.48 251.¦ 231. Ulrich Lorenz 1970 Neuheim 1:36.05,4 20.26,3 (6068) Diplom H-Mann 709. 4.33 ¦ 56.07 218.¦ 39.58 266.¦ 232. Portmann Hansjörg 1971 Winterthur 1:36.07,2 20.28,1 (4640) Diplom H-Mann 713. 4.33 ¦ 56.28 238.¦ 39.38 234.¦ 233. Mattmann Markus 1970 Ruswil Marathon Team Kriens 1:36.08,9 20.29,8 (4242) Diplom H-Mann 714. 4.33 ¦ 56.09 220.¦ 39.59 269.¦ 234. Gisler Sepp 1970 Ballwil Emmi Suhr 1:36.16,8 20.37,7 (3501) Diplom H-Mann 723. 4.33 ¦ 55.45 198.¦ 40.31 303.¦ 235. Huth Steffen 1970 Edlibach Roche 1:36.20,1 20.41,0 (3453) Diplom H-Mann 728. 4.33 ¦ 56.51 257.¦ 39.28 219.¦ 236. Schwab Roland 1966 Bachenbülach 1:36.21,4 20.42,3 (4690) Diplom H-Mann 729. 4.34 ¦ 56.44 254.¦ 39.36 231.¦ 237. Arni Björn 1971 Stettlen Post Halbmarathon Team 1:36.21,8 20.42,7 (3874) Diplom H-Mann 730. 4.34 ¦ 57.20 275.¦ 39.01 194.¦ 238. Riesen Stefan 1972 Schwarzenburg Emmi Ostermundigen 1:36.27,4 20.48,3 (3491) Diplom H-Mann 733. 4.34 ¦ 56.32 240.¦ 39.55 262.¦ 239. Bangerter Tobias 1969 Zürich 1:36.32,3 20.53,2 (5879) Diplom H-Mann 737. 4.34 ¦ 57.14 270.¦ 39.17 210.¦ 240. Imboden Reinhold 1967 St. Niklaus VS 1:36.42,9 21.03,8 (5454) Diplom H-Mann 746. 4.35 ¦ 55.41 194.¦ 41.01 345.¦ 241. Hofmann Daniel 1968 Thalwil SSCW 1:36.44,1 21.05,0 (6141) Diplom H-Mann 748. 4.35 ¦ 57.39 285.¦ 39.04 199.¦ 242. Schillings Stefan 1964 Luzern 1:36.44,6 21.05,5 (3356) Diplom H-Mann 750. 4.35 ¦ 56.58 259.¦ 39.46 248.¦ 243. Waser Peter 1964 Ebikon Läuferriege Ebikon 1:36.45,2 21.06,1 (8839) Diplom H-Mann 751. 4.35 ¦ 55.21 180.¦ 41.23 380.¦ 244. Henseler Beat 1967 Goldau RIWAG Türen AG 1:36.47,2 21.08,1 (3616) Diplom H-Mann 755. 4.35 ¦ 55.40 193.¦ 41.06 352.¦ 245. Wicki Urs 1969 Luzern Suva HM-Team 1:36.47,4 21.08,3 (3203) Diplom H-Mann 757. 4.35 ¦ 56.27 236.¦ 40.19 293.¦ 246. Videira Mario 1970 Kloten 1:36.54,9 21.15,8 (9418) Diplom H-Mann 767. 4.35 ¦ 56.31 239.¦ 40.23 295.¦ 247. Streit Daniel 1972 Stettlen 1:36.55,5 21.16,4 (9106) Diplom H-Mann 768. 4.35 ¦ 57.04 265.¦ 39.50 253.¦ 248. Barmettler Ernst 1963 Emmenbrücke 1:36.55,8 21.16,7 (8088) Diplom H-Mann 769. 4.35 ¦ 58.12 307.¦ 38.43 180.¦ 249. Huechting Jörg 1970 Merlischachen 1:36.57,8 21.18,7 (6681) Diplom H-Mann 773. 4.35 ¦ 54.39 152.¦ 42.18 463.¦ 250. Frank Marco 1971 Horgen Biogen Idec Halbmarathon Team 1:37.05,6 21.26,5 (4017) Diplom H-Mann 784. 4.36 ¦ 58.27 318.¦ 38.38 174.¦ 250. Meier Werner 1966 Wetzikon ZH 1:37.05,6 21.26,5 (5461) Diplom H-Mann 784. 4.36 ¦ 58.25 316.¦ 38.40 178.¦ 252. Gisler Urs 1967 Schattdorf SC Urnerboden 1:37.06,3 21.27,2 (9034) Diplom H-Mann 787. 4.36 ¦ 56.54 258.¦ 40.12 280.¦ 253. Rust Patrick 1971 Schwyz 1:37.06,7 21.27,6 (8363) Diplom H-Mann 788. 4.36 ¦ 57.24 278.¦ 39.41 241.¦ 254. Dorey Graham 1964 Zürich MSD HM Team 1:37.11,7 21.32,6 (3676) Diplom H-Mann 790. 4.36 ¦ 57.36 283.¦ 39.35 228.¦ 255. Kaufmann Martin 1967 Rothenburg Post Halbmarathon Team 1:37.13,7 21.34,6 (3914) Diplom H-Mann 793. 4.36 ¦ 56.45 255.¦ 40.28 300.¦ 256. Haas Ruedi 1967 Luzern Marathon Team Kriens 1:37.14,3 21.35,2 (6670) Diplom H-Mann 794. 4.36 ¦ 57.44 288.¦ 39.29 220.¦ 257. Brüniger Willy 1966 Kastanienbaum Post Halbmarathon Team 1:37.17,9 21.38,8 (3919) Diplom H-Mann 798. 4.36 ¦ 57.49 290.¦ 39.28 215.¦ 257. Filmer Chris 1964 Walchwil 1:37.17,9 21.38,8 (8537) Diplom H-Mann 798. 4.36 ¦ 57.11 269.¦ 40.06 275.¦ 259. Peric Frank 1965 Luzern 1:37.19,0 21.39,9 (4163) Diplom H-Mann 802. 4.36 ¦ 56.50 256.¦ 40.28 300.¦ 260. Zuber Peter 1971 Obernau 1:37.20,1 21.41,0 (9122) Diplom H-Mann 805. 4.36 ¦ 55.39 192.¦ 41.40 409.¦ 261. Barmettler Toni 1965 Rothenburg MTV Rothenburg 1:37.20,9 21.41,8 (6946) Diplom H-Mann 810. 4.36 ¦ 58.36 333.¦ 38.44 181.¦ 261. Pfyl Markus 1969 Steinhausen SocialCom I like 1:37.20,9 21.41,8 (5276) Diplom H-Mann 810. 4.36 ¦ 57.11 268.¦ 40.09 278.¦ 263. Bosch Claude 1966 Reinach BL 1:37.21,3 21.42,2 (7320) Diplom H-Mann 812. 4.36 ¦ 56.36 244.¦ 40.45 323.¦ 264. Amstutz Armin 1964 Obernau Marathon Team Kriens 1:37.24,5 21.45,4 (8990) Diplom H-Mann 814. 4.37 ¦ 56.44 252.¦ 40.39 316.¦ 265. Häfeli Roger 1965 Remetschwil 1:37.34,8 21.55,7 (7513) Diplom H-Mann 819. 4.37 ¦ 57.54 293.¦ 39.40 238.¦ 266. Kapeller Christophe 1966 Cottens FR 1:37.35,4 21.56,3 (8336) Diplom H-Mann 821. 4.37 ¦ 55.49 201.¦ 41.45 414.¦ 267. Wigger Urs 1969 Malters IG Sport Luzern plus 1:37.37,0 21.57,9 (3722) Diplom H-Mann 825. 4.37 ¦ 55.21 178.¦ 42.15 457.¦ 268. Lautz Carsten 1967 Orselina 1:37.41,1 22.02,0 (4377) Diplom H-Mann 830. 4.37 ¦ 57.57 297.¦ 39.43 245.¦ 269. Schilliger Christian 1963 Einsiedeln 1:37.41,9 22.02,8 (4216) Diplom H-Mann 831. 4.37 ¦ 56.58 259.¦ 40.43 319.¦ 270. Schneider Urs 1969 Langnau i. E. Steiner/Schneider 1:37.44,2 22.05,1 (9561) Diplom H-Mann 836. 4.37 ¦ 58.40 337.¦ 39.03 198.¦ 271. Fehr André 1972 Davos Clavadel Tempo-Sport exersciences 1:37.44,3 22.05,2 (6710) Diplom H-Mann 837. 4.37 ¦ 58.03 302.¦ 39.40 238.¦ 272. Krieger Werner 1963 Eschenbach LU 1:37.44,5 22.05,4 (6810) Diplom H-Mann 838. 4.37 ¦ 58.37 334.¦ 39.07 203.¦ 273. Wüthrich Ulrich 1972 Bern Post Halbmarathon Team 1:37.46,7 22.07,6 (3867) Diplom H-Mann 844. 4.38 ¦ 58.20 313.¦ 39.26 214.¦ 274. Achermann Urs 1970 Gunzwil 1:37.52,5 22.13,4 (5001) Diplom H-Mann 847. 4.38 ¦ 55.39 191.¦ 42.13 453.¦ 275. Heinzer Andrè 1966 Luzern 1:37.56,0 22.16,9 (4074) Diplom H-Mann 856. 4.38 ¦ 58.30 323.¦ 39.25 213.¦ 276. Spörri Roland 1963 Wila LSV Winterthur 1:37.56,5 22.17,4 (6162) Diplom H-Mann 859. 4.38 ¦ 58.10 305.¦ 39.46 247.¦ 277. Bürgi Martin 1967 Zug 1:37.58,1 22.19,0 (5941) Diplom H-Mann 860. 4.38 ¦ 58.16 311.¦ 39.42 242.¦ 278. Sidler Fabian 1963 Root Blasius 1:37.59,9 22.20,8 (7781) Diplom H-Mann 864. 4.38 ¦ 58.31 325.¦ 39.28 217.¦ 279. Schnyder Daniel 1968 Zofingen STV Strengelbach 1:38.00,8 22.21,7 (7444) Diplom H-Mann 865. 4.38 ¦ 56.40 247.¦ 41.20 374.¦ 280. Willimann Norbert 1966 Ruswil 1:38.01,5 22.22,4 (8202) Diplom H-Mann 868. 4.38 ¦ 58.10 304.¦ 39.51 254.¦ 281. Walker Pirmin 1970 Altdorf UR Post Halbmarathon Team 1:38.02,1 22.23,0 (3942) Diplom H-Mann 871. 4.38 ¦ 57.03 263.¦ 40.58 336.¦ 282. Fierz Oliver 1972 Hünenberg See 1:38.03,7 22.24,6 (9649) Diplom H-Mann 873. 4.38 ¦ 58.11 306.¦ 39.52 256.¦ 283. Niederberger Walter 1963 Stans LZ Lauftreff 1:38.04,8 22.25,7 (8789) Diplom H-Mann 874. 4.38 ¦ 56.42 251.¦ 41.21 377.¦ 284. Däuber Thomas 1964 Wetzikon ZH 1:38.04,9 22.25,8 (7872) Diplom H-Mann 875. 4.38 ¦ 57.33 282.¦ 40.31 304.¦ 285. Hofer Stefan 1966 Luterbach 1:38.09,0 22.29,9 (6331) Diplom H-Mann 879. 4.39 ¦ 58.33 327.¦ 39.35 227.¦ 286. Renner Anton 1964 Hospental 1:38.10,0 22.30,9 (6644) Diplom H-Mann 881. 4.39 ¦ 58.34 328.¦ 39.35 229.¦ 287. Schätti Guido 1969 Zürich 1:38.11,9 22.32,8 (6226) Diplom H-Mann 884. 4.39 ¦ 59.10 374.¦ 39.01 196.¦ 288. Zürcher Markus 1968 Kriens 1:38.13,4 22.34,3 (8356) Diplom H-Mann 886. 4.39 ¦ 58.19 312.¦ 39.53 257.¦ 289. Koch Werner 1966 Wauwil Team Sage Schweiz AG 1:38.15,5 22.36,4 (3979) Diplom H-Mann 888. 4.39 ¦ 57.37 284.¦ 40.37 313.¦ 290. Bolliger Jürg 1969 Horw 1:38.15,6 22.36,5 (8528) Diplom H-Mann 889. 4.39 ¦ 55.56 208.¦ 42.19 465.¦ 291. Basler Theo 1969 Frick 1:38.16,9 22.37,8 (3129) Diplom H-Mann 890. 4.39 ¦ 55.43 196.¦ 42.33 487.¦ 292. Kollmann Urs 1968 Wattwil 1:38.18,3 22.39,2 (5317) Diplom H-Mann 894. 4.39 ¦ 56.42 249.¦ 41.35 404.¦ 293. Arnold Walter 1963 Schattdorf 1:38.18,9 22.39,8 (9271) Diplom H-Mann 895. 4.39 ¦ 57.15 272.¦ 41.03 346.¦ 294. Vollenweider Stephan 1965 Ennetbürgen 1:38.19,5 22.40,4 (6156) Diplom H-Mann 896. 4.39 ¦ 57.42 287.¦ 40.36 311.¦ 295. Stadelmann Willi 1963 Schüpfheim 1:38.22,6 22.43,5 (7904) Diplom H-Mann 902. 4.39 ¦ 57.06 266.¦ 41.16 368.¦ 296. Arn Daniel 1963 Diegten Swisscom Halbmarathon Team 1:38.23,4 22.44,3 (3353) Diplom H-Mann 903. 4.39 ¦ 58.05 303.¦ 40.18 287.¦ 297. Berger Kilian 1972 Lostorf 1:38.24,3 22.45,2 (6619) Diplom H-Mann 907. 4.39 ¦ 57.28 281.¦ 40.55 334.¦ 298. Müller Martin 1969 Frutigen Lauftreff Spiez 1:38.26,8 22.47,7 (6607) Diplom H-Mann 911. 4.39 ¦ 1:00.15 440.¦ 38.11 155.¦ 299. Blättler Jens 1963 Rothenburg 1:38.29,3 22.50,2 (9622) Diplom H-Mann 913. 4.40 ¦ 57.51 291.¦ 40.37 314.¦ 300. Picard Marc 1968 Engelberg 1:38.31,0 22.51,9 (9723) Diplom H-Mann 916. 4.40 ¦ 58.14 308.¦ 40.16 283.¦ 301. Amrein Martin 1970 Zug 1:38.31,8 22.52,7 (8989) Diplom H-Mann 919. 4.40 ¦ 58.35 329.¦ 39.56 263.¦ 302. Giger Claudio 1968 Zürich 1:38.32,2 22.53,1 (9173) Diplom H-Mann 920. 4.40 ¦ 58.44 339.¦ 39.47 250.¦ 303. Henseler Thomas 1966 Sempach Stadt 1:38.33,2 22.54,1 (6955) Diplom H-Mann 922. 4.40 ¦ 57.23 277.¦ 41.09 361.¦ 304. Abplanalp Beat 1966 Obfelden 1:38.38,6 22.59,5 (3147) Diplom H-Mann 928. 4.40 ¦ 57.17 273.¦ 41.20 376.¦ 305. Kaufmann Patrik 1972 Sempach PAKA Sport Sempach 1:38.39,6 23.00,5 (6491) Diplom H-Mann 931. 4.40 ¦ 57.08 267.¦ 41.31 396.¦ 306. Steiner Bruno 1971 Alpnach Dorf 1:38.41,2 23.02,1 (4410) Diplom H-Mann 932. 4.40 ¦ 58.57 356.¦ 39.43 244.¦ 307. Gonnella Sandro 1966 Emmenbrücke Marathon Team Kriens 1:38.43,5 23.04,4 (8884) Diplom H-Mann 935. 4.40 ¦ 58.37 335.¦ 40.06 274.¦ 308. Schmitter Patrick 1965 Zürich 1:38.44,1 23.05,0 (6988) Diplom H-Mann 936. 4.40 ¦ 58.15 310.¦ 40.28 302.¦ 309. Eberle Andreas 1967 Kastanienbaum 1:38.45,6 23.06,5 (6391) Diplom H-Mann 938. 4.40 ¦ 58.01 300.¦ 40.44 321.¦ 310. Baggenstos Roli 1968 Brunnen 1:38.49,0 23.09,9 (9909) Diplom H-Mann 942. 4.41 ¦ 58.48 345.¦ 40.00 271.¦ 311. Hafner Franz 1966 Ruswil 1:38.49,7 23.10,6 (9894) Diplom H-Mann 945. 4.41 ¦ 57.26 279.¦ 41.22 378.¦ 312. Gerig Christof 1972 Oberdorf NW SC Büre Oberdorf 1:38.51,0 23.11,9 (4139) Diplom H-Mann 947. 4.41 ¦ 59.16 382.¦ 39.34 225.¦ 313. Welte Wolfgang 1968 D-Herrenberg 1:38.53,6 23.14,5 (6267) Diplom H-Mann 950. 4.41 ¦ 59.10 376.¦ 39.42 243.¦ 314. Montag Dirk 1967 D-Delmenhorst 1:38.56,1 23.17,0 (6293) Diplom H-Mann 954. 4.41 ¦ 57.27 280.¦ 41.29 393.¦ 315. Gisler Paul 1965 Luzern SCHURTER AG 1:39.03,1 23.24,0 (3786) Diplom H-Mann 963. 4.41 ¦ 58.45 340.¦ 40.18 286.¦ 316. Minchin Mark 1972 Saas Balen 1:39.03,2 23.24,1 (8020) Diplom H-Mann 964. 4.41 ¦ 59.00 358.¦ 40.02 272.¦ 317. Wipfli René 1970 Erstfeld 1:39.04,7 23.25,6 (9883) Diplom H-Mann 967. 4.41 ¦ 58.28 322.¦ 40.36 309.¦ 318. Z'Berg Ernst 1963 Luzern Ad-Extremum CH 1:39.07,9 23.28,8 (9261) Diplom H-Mann 974. 4.41 ¦ 57.53 292.¦ 41.14 365.¦ 319. Hennekeuser Johannes 1967 Greifensee 1:39.08,1 23.29,0 (4992) Diplom H-Mann 976. 4.41 ¦ 58.57 354.¦ 40.11 279.¦ 319. Ruprecht Rafael 1972 Zürich 1:39.08,1 23.29,0 (8808) Diplom H-Mann 976. 4.41 ¦ 59.16 381.¦ 39.51 255.¦ 321. Gloggner Philipp 1968 St. Niklausen LU 1:39.12,2 23.33,1 (9174) Diplom H-Mann 979. 4.42 ¦ 59.24 390.¦ 39.47 249.¦ 322. Rust Patrik 1972 Root ewl luzern 1:39.13,1 23.34,0 (3610) Diplom H-Mann 982. 4.42 ¦ 58.36 332.¦ 40.36 310.¦ 323. Trovato Daniele 1970 Binningen 1:39.13,2 23.34,1 (7452) Diplom H-Mann 983. 4.42 ¦ 58.54 348.¦ 40.19 289.¦ 324. Pollyn Stefan 1971 Schwyz Team Meli Sport 1:39.14,5 23.35,4 (3289) Diplom H-Mann 986. 4.42 ¦ 56.42 250.¦ 42.31 485.¦ 325. Scherrer Stephan 1972 Schötz Emmi Emmen 1:39.16,9 23.37,8 (3479) Diplom H-Mann 988. 4.42 ¦ 59.00 358.¦ 40.16 282.¦ 326. Wörner Mike 1971 Eschenbach SG 1:39.18,8 23.39,7 (8972) Diplom H-Mann 990. 4.42 ¦ 58.56 352.¦ 40.22 294.¦ 327. Lutz Kai 1971 Zürich 1:39.20,5 23.41,4 (8553) Diplom H-Mann 993. 4.42 ¦ 58.47 343.¦ 40.33 306.¦ 328. Schmid David 1967 Büren NW 1:39.24,0 23.44,9 (8561) Diplom H-Mann 998. 4.42 ¦ 58.56 353.¦ 40.27 297.¦ 329. Braun Markus 1972 Thalwil 1:39.24,2 23.45,1 (4720) Diplom H-Mann 999. 4.42 ¦ 59.21 386.¦ 40.02 273.¦ 330. Iwert Bruno 1965 Meggen 1:39.24,5 23.45,4 (8244) Diplom H-Mann 1000. 4.42 ¦ 59.07 369.¦ 40.16 284.¦ 331. Unternaehrer Bruno 1967 Schüpfheim 1:39.26,3 23.47,2 (8194) Diplom H-Mann 1004. 4.42 ¦ 57.21 276.¦ 42.04 437.¦ 332. Joller Stephan 1965 Münchenstein 1:39.26,8 23.47,7 (7377) Diplom H-Mann 1005. 4.42 ¦ 59.07 368.¦ 40.19 291.¦ 333. Jauner Martin 1963 Langenthal Langenthal SM Running 1:39.28,5 23.49,4 (8246) Diplom H-Mann 1008. 4.42 ¦ 58.28 321.¦ 41.00 340.¦ 334. Baettig Oliver 1972 Pfäffikon ZH 1:39.28,6 23.49,5 (8389) Diplom H-Mann 1009. 4.42 ¦ 58.21 315.¦ 41.07 354.¦ 335. Bechtold Marcel 1966 Erstfeld 1:39.29,4 23.50,3 (8860) Diplom H-Mann 1011. 4.42 ¦ 57.03 263.¦ 42.25 474.¦ 336. Ulber Patrick 1971 Haldenstein 1:39.37,4 23.58,3 (3603) Diplom H-Mann 1017. 4.43 ¦ 59.38 402.¦ 39.58 267.¦ 337. Hotz Daniel 1963 Uster 1:39.37,9 23.58,8 (7427) Diplom H-Mann 1019. 4.43 ¦ 59.09 372.¦ 40.28 299.¦ 337. Schürmann Dani 1972 Luzern 1:39.37,9 23.58,8 (6936) Diplom H-Mann 1019. 4.43 ¦ 58.01 300.¦ 41.36 405.¦ 339. Genné Daniel 1964 La Chaux-de-Fonds 1:39.38,8 23.59,7 (9483) Diplom H-Mann 1021. 4.43 ¦ 58.31 324.¦ 41.07 357.¦ 340. Meyer Ruedi 1970 Oberägeri 1:39.40,8 24.01,7 (9068) Diplom H-Mann 1026. 4.43 ¦ 57.14 270.¦ 42.26 476.¦ 341. Ritter Robert 1965 Wil SG LC Wil 1:39.42,1 24.03,0 (8148) Diplom H-Mann 1029. 4.43 ¦ 59.06 367.¦ 40.35 307.¦ 342. Beljean Dani 1971 Inwil 1:39.43,6 24.04,5 (8212) Diplom H-Mann 1031. 4.43 ¦ 57.45 289.¦ 41.58 433.¦ 343. Ming Danny 1964 Lungern 1:39.45,4 24.06,3 (7279) Diplom H-Mann 1032. 4.43 ¦ 59.06 366.¦ 40.39 315.¦ 344. Odermatt Karl Heinz 1965 Rain Post Halbmarathon Team 1:39.46,6 24.07,5 (3917) Diplom H-Mann 1034. 4.43 ¦ 58.56 351.¦ 40.50 329.¦ 345. Viviroli Stefan 1966 Horw Komax Wire HM-Team 1:39.49,0 24.09,9 (3135) Diplom H-Mann 1036. 4.43 ¦ 59.33 395.¦ 40.15 281.¦ 346. Bobillier Pascal 1967 St-Maurice Post Halbmarathon Team 1:39.49,5 24.10,4 (3855) Diplom H-Mann 1038. 4.43 ¦ 56.27 237.¦ 43.21 557.¦ 347. Schwarzentruber Martin 1963 Hochdorf Suva HM-Team 1:39.49,7 24.10,6 (3238) Diplom H-Mann 1039. 4.43 ¦ 1:00.08 433.¦ 39.41 240.¦ 348. Stäehelin Christian 1970 Wolfhausen 1:39.49,8 24.10,7 (6743) Diplom H-Mann 1041. 4.43 ¦ 58.38 336.¦ 41.11 362.¦ 349. Zanini Marc 1967 Bellinzona ASCO Lugano 1:39.51,8 24.12,7 (7457) Diplom H-Mann 1045. 4.44 ¦ 59.42 406.¦ 40.09 277.¦ 350. Lang Thomas 1967 Rain 1:39.53,6 24.14,5 (7221) Diplom H-Mann 1050. 4.44 ¦ 58.54 349.¦ 40.59 337.¦ 351. Kessler Marcel 1972 Luzern SCHURTER AG 1:39.58,3 24.19,2 (3785) Diplom H-Mann 1061. 4.44 ¦ 59.08 371.¦ 40.49 327.¦ 352. Burri Matthias 1965 Luzern 1:40.02,0 24.22,9 (7693) Diplom H-Mann 1066. 4.44 ¦ 59.45 410.¦ 40.16 285.¦ 353. Portmann Josef 1969 Buchrain 1:40.02,8 24.23,7 (6966) Diplom H-Mann 1067. 4.44 ¦ 57.59 299.¦ 42.03 436.¦ 354. Widmer Pius 1964 Baar 1:40.04,8 24.25,7 (7624) Diplom H-Mann 1071. 4.44 ¦ 59.01 361.¦ 41.03 347.¦ 355. Kurmann Jörg 1963 Emmenbrücke SCHURTER AG 1:40.06,7 24.27,6 (3790) Diplom H-Mann 1072. 4.44 ¦ 59.12 378.¦ 40.54 331.¦ 356. Eigenmann Bruno 1967 Frenkendorf 1:40.09,2 24.30,1 (8600) Diplom H-Mann 1077. 4.44 ¦ 57.55 295.¦ 42.13 454.¦ 356. Peter Bruno 1966 Nottwil 1:40.09,2 24.30,1 (7773) Diplom H-Mann 1077. 4.44 ¦ 59.09 373.¦ 40.59 339.¦ 356. Scholz Tino 1969 Langendorf 1:40.09,2 24.30,1 (7495) Diplom H-Mann 1077. 4.44 ¦ 58.14 309.¦ 41.54 424.¦ 359. Togni Alessandro 1972 Gordola tri team ticino 1:40.11,2 24.32,1 (9414) Diplom H-Mann 1082. 4.44 ¦ 58.47 344.¦ 41.23 381.¦ 360. Keller Bernhard 1970 Luzern 1:40.11,8 24.32,7 (7378) Diplom H-Mann 1083. 4.44 ¦ 59.04 363.¦ 41.07 357.¦ 361. Baumgartner Philipp 1963 Embrach 1:40.11,9 24.32,8 (4811) Diplom H-Mann 1085. 4.44 ¦ 59.28 393.¦ 40.43 320.¦ 362. Lighting Ben 1972 Unterägeri Flash 1:40.12,9 24.33,8 (7954) Diplom H-Mann 1089. 4.45 ¦ 59.53 416.¦ 40.19 289.¦ 363. Häfliger Benno 1972 Luzern Komax Wire HM-Team 1:40.14,4 24.35,3 (3125) Diplom H-Mann 1091. 4.45 ¦ 1:00.42 469.¦ 39.32 224.¦ 364. Maggitti Pier Francesco 1971 Aeugst am Albis Tri Müpa 1:40.14,6 24.35,5 (8554) Diplom H-Mann 1092. 4.45 ¦ 59.08 370.¦ 41.06 351.¦ 365. Scholzen Clemens 1963 Kriens 1:40.15,4 24.36,3 (6569) Diplom H-Mann 1094. 4.45 ¦ 59.25 392.¦ 40.49 326.¦ 366. Herfort Martin 1964 Wettswil 1:40.15,9 24.36,8 (6635) Diplom H-Mann 1095. 4.45 ¦ 59.18 384.¦ 40.57 335.¦ 367. Ricci Simon 1972 Barbengo Manor HM Team 1:40.17,5 24.38,4 (3810) Diplom H-Mann 1098. 4.45 ¦ 59.10 375.¦ 41.07 356.¦ 368. Habermacher Felix 1971 Rothenburg 1:40.19,6 24.40,5 (6219) Diplom H-Mann 1099. 4.45 ¦ 59.31 394.¦ 40.48 325.¦ 369. Zajonc Christoph 1967 Kerns elfo ag 1:40.21,3 24.42,2 (9262) Diplom H-Mann 1100. 4.45 ¦ 1:00.02 426.¦ 40.19 288.¦ 370. Zgraggen Philipp 1970 Küssnacht am Rigi 1:40.21,4 24.42,3 (6061) Diplom H-Mann 1101. 4.45 ¦ 59.22 387.¦ 40.59 337.¦ 371. Bühlmann Marcel 1972 Zofingen 1:40.28,0 24.48,9 (5521) Diplom H-Mann 1108. 4.45 ¦ 59.05 365.¦ 41.23 379.¦ 372. Saviane Alberto 1964 Luzern ALSO Halbmarathon-Team 1:40.28,8 24.49,7 (3367) Diplom H-Mann 1111. 4.45 ¦ 58.55 350.¦ 41.33 399.¦ 373. Do Aido Paulo 1972 Oberbuchsiten 1:40.33,7 24.54,6 (8598) Diplom H-Mann 1116. 4.45 ¦ 59.00 360.¦ 41.32 398.¦ 374. Küng Markus 1968 Reinach BL 1:40.37,6 24.58,5 (7668) Diplom H-Mann 1119. 4.46 ¦ 1:00.36 464.¦ 40.00 270.¦ 375. Anderegg Reto 1971 Thalwil Heul doch! 1:40.38,1 24.59,0 (7506) Diplom H-Mann 1120. 4.46 ¦ 1:00.18 443.¦ 40.19 292.¦ 376. Maeder Wolfgang 1970 Einsiedeln 1:40.39,6 25.00,5 (8260) Diplom H-Mann 1123. 4.46 ¦ 59.22 389.¦ 41.17 370.¦ 377. Melfi Antonio 1972 Glattbrugg 1:40.39,8 25.00,7 (7435) Diplom H-Mann 1124. 4.46 ¦ 56.59 261.¦ 43.40 589.¦ 378. Gerig Olivier 1971 Bätterkinden 1:40.40,4 25.01,3 (8607) Diplom H-Mann 1125. 4.46 ¦ 58.50 346.¦ 41.50 419.¦ 379. Heinz Timothy 1971 Dietikon 1:40.41,8 25.02,7 (5606) Diplom H-Mann 1128. 4.46 ¦ 59.14 379.¦ 41.27 389.¦ 380. Heini Andreas 1964 Willisau Laufträff Willisau 1:40.46,1 25.07,0 (8893) Diplom H-Mann 1134. 4.46 ¦ 59.45 409.¦ 41.01 342.¦ 381. Faber Achim 1963 D-Pegnitz 1:40.49,6 25.10,5 (7364) Diplom H-Mann 1140. 4.46 ¦ 1:00.55 491.¦ 39.54 259.¦ 382. Schmid Martin 1969 Winterthur 1:40.49,9 25.10,8 (8369) Diplom H-Mann 1143. 4.46 ¦ 58.35 330.¦ 42.14 456.¦ 383. Müller Beat 1967 Dinhard 1:40.54,6 25.15,5 (8500) Diplom H-Mann 1153. 4.46 ¦ 59.15 380.¦ 41.38 408.¦ 384. Röthlin Martin 1969 Stansstad Post Halbmarathon Team 1:40.57,2 25.18,1 (3938) Diplom H-Mann 1156. 4.47 ¦ 58.43 338.¦ 42.13 454.¦ 385. Estermann Thomas 1970 Winkel 1:41.00,7 25.21,6 (5163) Diplom H-Mann 1160. 4.47 ¦ 1:00.23 450.¦ 40.37 312.¦ 386. Strutas Deivis 1972 Basel 1:41.01,9 25.22,8 (9247) Diplom H-Mann 1164. 4.47 ¦ 57.54 294.¦ 43.07 536.¦ 387. Bünter Elmar 1969 Kerns 1:41.07,8 25.28,7 (6352) Diplom H-Mann 1171. 4.47 ¦ 59.42 405.¦ 41.25 385.¦ 388. Frei Thomas 1968 Interlaken 1:41.09,0 25.29,9 (9027) Diplom H-Mann 1173. 4.47 ¦ 59.33 396.¦ 41.35 401.¦ 389. Roulin Patrick 1966 Biel/Bienne 1:41.12,8 25.33,7 (8277) Diplom H-Mann 1177. 4.47 ¦ 59.37 401.¦ 41.35 401.¦ 390. Köhle Peter 1966 Luzern 1:41.15,5 25.36,4 (4945) Diplom H-Mann 1182. 4.47 ¦ 57.55 296.¦ 43.19 553.¦ 391. Wiederkehr Bruno 1970 Neuenkirch 1:41.19,3 25.40,2 (4548) Diplom H-Mann 1191. 4.48 ¦ 57.41 286.¦ 43.37 583.¦ 392. Arnold-Ulrich Martin 1963 Unterschächen Suva HM-Team 1:41.19,6 25.40,5 (3246) Diplom H-Mann 1192. 4.48 ¦ 1:00.00 425.¦ 41.19 372.¦ 393. Baumann Walter 1963 Oberrüti Suva HM-Team 1:41.20,5 25.41,4 (3200) Diplom H-Mann 1193. 4.48 ¦ 58.27 320.¦ 42.52 518.¦ 394. Blaschi Livio 1966 Aarburg 1:41.22,5 25.43,4 (9002) Diplom H-Mann 1197. 4.48 ¦ 59.04 364.¦ 42.17 461.¦ 395. Müller Ralph 1969 Stans SCHURTER AG 1:41.24,2 25.45,1 (3793) Diplom H-Mann 1200. 4.48 ¦ 58.46 342.¦ 42.37 497.¦ 396. Hubmann Thomas 1970 Luzern Suva HM-Team 1:41.28,9 25.49,8 (3211) Diplom H-Mann 1207. 4.48 ¦ 1:00.09 435.¦ 41.19 373.¦ 397. Wolfisberg Lukas 1965 Giswil Suva HM-Team 1:41.30,1 25.51,0 (3232) Diplom H-Mann 1210. 4.48 ¦ 1:00.14 439.¦ 41.15 367.¦ 398. Stalder Klaus 1967 Kriens Stadtgärtnerei im Ried 1:41.31,1 25.52,0 (4056) Diplom H-Mann 1211. 4.48 ¦ 58.32 326.¦ 42.59 524.¦ 399. Acker Jochen 1966 Schöfflisdorf 1:41.36,7 25.57,6 (9593) Diplom H-Mann 1217. 4.48 ¦ 1:00.19 447.¦ 41.16 369.¦ 400. Widmer André 1966 Emmenbrücke 1:41.36,9 25.57,8 (4262) Diplom H-Mann 1218. 4.48 ¦ 59.25 391.¦ 42.11 449.¦ 401. Furrer Patrick 1967 Luzern 1:41.38,4 25.59,3 (5058) Diplom H-Mann 1221. 4.49 ¦ 1:00.19 445.¦ 41.18 371.¦ 402. Hösli Stefan 1970 Rapperswil SG 1:41.38,9 25.59,8 (3811) Diplom H-Mann 1222. 4.49 ¦ 1:00.08 431.¦ 41.30 395.¦ 403. Hergert Volker 1963 Ernetschwil Donnschtig-Hüpfer 1:41.39,6 26.00,5 (7516) Diplom H-Mann 1223. 4.49 ¦ 59.46 411.¦ 41.53 420.¦ 404. Meier Thomas 1969 Wettingen 1:41.39,8 26.00,7 (9529) Diplom H-Mann 1224. 4.49 ¦ 1:00.26 451.¦ 41.13 364.¦ 405. Schulthess Matthias 1972 Ebikon Komax Wire HM-Team 1:41.40,2 26.01,1 (3130) Diplom H-Mann 1225. 4.49 ¦ 59.57 418.¦ 41.43 411.¦ 406. Bluck Armin 1967 D-Freiburg 1:41.43,1 26.04,0 (6828) Diplom H-Mann 1229. 4.49 ¦ 58.27 317.¦ 43.16 548.¦ 407. Fender Holger 1968 Cham Hilger und Kern/Dopag Gruppe 1:41.43,3 26.04,2 (9789) Diplom H-Mann 1231. 4.49 ¦ 1:00.31 462.¦ 41.11 363.¦ 408. Zimmermann Markus 1966 Stans 1:41.43,4 26.04,3 (8579) Diplom H-Mann 1232. 4.49 ¦ 59.57 419.¦ 41.46 415.¦ 409. Hilpold Claus 1971 Baar 1:41.45,3 26.06,2 (5318) Diplom H-Mann 1234. 4.49 ¦ 59.12 377.¦ 42.33 488.¦ 410. Sorgesa Marco 1963 Vaglio 1:41.48,4 26.09,3 (9899) Diplom H-Mann 1239. 4.49 ¦ 58.21 314.¦ 43.27 567.¦ 411. Murer Thomas 1970 Schwarzenburg Swisscom Halbmarathon Team 1:41.49,5 26.10,4 (3318) Diplom H-Mann 1241. 4.49 ¦ 1:00.48 481.¦ 41.01 343.¦ 412. Stutz Roger 1970 Rain 1:41.51,8 26.12,7 (5863) Diplom H-Mann 1244. 4.49 ¦ 1:00.28 454.¦ 41.23 381.¦ 413. Cavegn Werner 1970 Root 1:41.56,4 26.17,3 (9635) Diplom H-Mann 1249. 4.49 ¦ 1:00.51 486.¦ 41.05 349.¦ 414. Barac Dejan 1967 Lugano 1:41.57,3 26.18,2 (6535) Diplom H-Mann 1251. 4.49 ¦ 1:00.49 483.¦ 41.08 359.¦ 414. Kurmann Peter 1965 Ballwil 1:41.57,3 26.18,2 (4416) Diplom H-Mann 1251. 4.49 ¦ 59.38 403.¦ 42.18 464.¦ 414. Zemp Marco 1972 Root 1:41.57,3 26.18,2 (4399) Diplom H-Mann 1251. 4.49 ¦ 1:00.50 484.¦ 41.06 350.¦ 417. Stöcklin Thomas 1970 Adligenswil Calida 1:41.57,5 26.18,4 (3506) Diplom H-Mann 1254. 4.49 ¦ 59.59 422.¦ 41.58 432.¦ 418. Köpfli Willy 1966 Udligenswil 1:41.58,1 26.19,0 (8149) Diplom H-Mann 1255. 4.49 ¦ 1:01.33 531.¦ 40.24 296.¦ 419. Béchir Markus 1969 Seon 1:42.05,8 26.26,7 (5308) Diplom H-Mann 1264. 4.50 ¦ 1:00.50 484.¦ 41.14 366.¦ 420. Scholz Hölgi 1964 Steinhausen 1:42.06,5 26.27,4 (4855) Diplom H-Mann 1265. 4.50 ¦ 1:00.41 467.¦ 41.24 384.¦ 421. Gisler Mario 1972 Schattdorf 1:42.06,6 26.27,5 (5215) Diplom H-Mann 1266. 4.50 ¦ 59.59 421.¦ 42.07 445.¦ 422. Diesing Marc 1964 Sursee 1:42.07,1 26.28,0 (6976) Diplom H-Mann 1267. 4.50 ¦ 59.56 417.¦ 42.10 448.¦ 423. Kessler Rolf 1968 Schiers 1:42.08,9 26.29,8 (9049) Diplom H-Mann 1269. 4.50 ¦ 57.20 274.¦ 44.48 695.¦ 424. Dössegger Andre 1965 Oberentfelden 1:42.10,2 26.31,1 (7810) Diplom H-Mann 1273. 4.50 ¦ 1:01.05 506.¦ 41.04 348.¦ 425. Gubser Boris 1971 Emmenbrücke 1:42.10,8 26.31,7 (4724) Diplom H-Mann 1275. 4.50 ¦ 1:00.46 476.¦ 41.23 383.¦ 426. Grieder Andreas 1964 Frauenfeld LSV Frauenfeld 1:42.12,1 26.33,0 (9658) Diplom H-Mann 1278. 4.50 ¦ 1:00.10 437.¦ 42.01 435.¦ 427. Marty Thomas 1964 Altdorf UR 1:42.13,0 26.33,9 (8161) Diplom H-Mann 1280. 4.50 ¦ 1:00.47 478.¦ 41.25 387.¦ 428. Anderegg Marc 1972 Würenlos Heul doch! 1:42.15,6 26.36,5 (5051) Diplom H-Mann 1285. 4.50 ¦ 1:00.45 474.¦ 41.30 394.¦ 429. Hodel Emanuel 1963 Emmenbrücke 1:42.16,8 26.37,7 (1963) Diplom H-Mann 1286. 4.50 ¦ 1:00.49 482.¦ 41.27 390.¦ 430. Wallimann René 1971 Alpnach Dorf 1:42.20,0 26.40,9 (8080) Diplom H-Mann 1289. 4.51 ¦ 1:01.29 526.¦ 40.50 328.¦ 431. Flühler Ruedi 1971 Stans 1:42.20,5 26.41,4 (8877) Diplom H-Mann 1291. 4.51 ¦ 1:00.30 460.¦ 41.49 417.¦ 432. Frey Marcel 1972 Luzern Wirth Sport 1:42.20,6 26.41,5 (3580) Diplom H-Mann 1292. 4.51 ¦ 1:00.41 468.¦ 41.38 407.¦ 433. Fiedler Bodo 1965 Hergiswil NW 1:42.21,7 26.42,6 (4387) Diplom H-Mann 1293. 4.51 ¦ 1:00.26 452.¦ 41.54 426.¦ 434. Meier Andreas 1964 Luzern 1:42.23,4 26.44,3 (6924) Diplom H-Mann 1295. 4.51 ¦ 1:00.29 457.¦ 41.53 421.¦ 435. Breda Claudio 1968 Zürich IG Sport Luzern plus 1:42.24,9 26.45,8 (3728) Diplom H-Mann 1296. 4.51 ¦ 58.53 347.¦ 43.31 574.¦ 436. Gnos Tino 1968 Altdorf UR Imholz-Sport/Steve-Events 1:42.25,7 26.46,6 (8723) Diplom H-Mann 1297. 4.51 ¦ 1:00.53 487.¦ 41.32 397.¦ 437. Barmettler Thomas 1969 Rothenburg 1:42.29,0 26.49,9 (7146) Diplom H-Mann 1303. 4.51 ¦ 1:01.02 501.¦ 41.26 388.¦ 438. Pfeiffer Marc 1971 Stans 1:42.30,4 26.51,3 (4632) Diplom H-Mann 1304. 4.51 ¦ 58.35 331.¦ 43.55 615.¦ 439. Vogel Moritz 1969 Sempach 1:42.31,3 26.52,2 (7017) Diplom H-Mann 1306. 4.51 ¦ 1:01.29 527.¦ 41.01 344.¦ 440. Bernhard Ruedi 1963 Oberengstringen 1:42.32,0 26.52,9 (8308) Diplom H-Mann 1307. 4.51 ¦ 1:00.08 434.¦ 42.23 470.¦ 441. Lacher Benno 1966 Einsiedeln Komax Wire HM-Team 1:42.32,5 26.53,4 (3149) Diplom H-Mann 1308. 4.51 ¦ 1:01.37 534.¦ 40.54 333.¦ 442. Burch Thomas 1972 Sursee Komax Wire HM-Team 1:42.32,6 26.53,5 (3138) Diplom H-Mann 1309. 4.51 ¦ 1:01.37 535.¦ 40.54 332.¦ 443. Lemaitre Bruno 1966 Villeret NeuchAventure 1:42.32,7 26.53,6 (7519) Diplom H-Mann 1310. 4.51 ¦ 1:00.22 448.¦ 42.10 447.¦ 444. Müller Matthias 1972 Winterthur 1:42.33,2 26.54,1 (8267) Diplom H-Mann 1311. 4.51 ¦ 59.46 412.¦ 42.47 512.¦ 445. Bussmann Koni 1969 Willisau ewl luzern 1:42.33,9 26.54,8 (3611) Diplom H-Mann 1312. 4.51 ¦ 59.04 362.¦ 43.29 571.¦ 446. Köstler Daniel 1963 Wettswil 1:42.34,0 26.54,9 (8907) Diplom H-Mann 1314. 4.51 ¦ 1:02.35 607.¦ 39.58 265.¦ 447. Schuster John 1963 Steinhausen 1:42.34,4 26.55,3 (4219) Diplom H-Mann 1316. 4.51 ¦ 59.42 407.¦ 42.51 517.¦ 448. Limacher Thomas 1968 Luzern 1:42.36,0 26.56,9 (4081) Diplom H-Mann 1319. 4.51 ¦ 1:00.30 458.¦ 42.05 439.¦ 449. Böttinger Bernhard 1967 Horgen 1:42.37,9 26.58,8 (9042) Diplom H-Mann 1321. 4.51 ¦ 59.35 397.¦ 43.02 530.¦ 450. Wenk Marcel 1967 Beringen 1:42.38,0 26.58,9 (9423) Diplom H-Mann 1322. 4.51 ¦ 1:00.57 493.¦ 41.41 410.¦ 451. Meyer Hanspeter 1968 Dintikon Emmi Suhr 1:42.41,0 27.01,9 (3498) Diplom H-Mann 1326. 4.52 ¦ 57.59 298.¦ 44.41 686.¦ 452. Folletti Davide 1971 Brè sopra Lugano 1:42.41,5 27.02,4 (7302) Diplom H-Mann 1328. 4.52 ¦ 59.48 413.¦ 42.53 520.¦ 453. Ostermann Andreas 1970 D-Bevern MTV-Bevern 1:42.42,6 27.03,5 (5419) Diplom H-Mann 1330. 4.52 ¦ 59.35 398.¦ 43.06 535.¦ 454. Helbig Peter 1967 D-Müllheim 1:42.42,7 27.03,6 (8733) Diplom H-Mann 1331. 4.52 ¦ 1:00.47 479.¦ 41.55 427.¦ 455. Hager Armin 1970 Kaltbrunn 1:42.44,4 27.05,3 (4294) Diplom H-Mann 1333. 4.52 ¦ 59.39 404.¦ 43.04 532.¦ 456. Bensegger Pius 1968 Oberrüti Sandvik 1:42.49,3 27.10,2 (3741) Diplom H-Mann 1340. 4.52 ¦ 1:00.19 444.¦ 42.30 482.¦ 457. Bachmann Raphael 1972 Luzern 1:42.50,9 27.11,8 (4144) Diplom H-Mann 1342. 4.52 ¦ 1:00.16 441.¦ 42.34 491.¦ 458. Jakober André 1970 Alpnach Dorf 1:42.52,5 27.13,4 (5299) Diplom H-Mann 1344. 4.52 ¦ 1:01.31 528.¦ 41.20 375.¦ 459. Holenweg Daniel 1972 Luzern 1:42.53,2 27.14,1 (6249) Diplom H-Mann 1347. 4.52 ¦ 1:01.03 503.¦ 41.49 417.¦ 460. Epifani Giorgio 1970 Emmenbrücke 1:42.54,1 27.15,0 (7418) Diplom H-Mann 1348. 4.52 ¦ 1:00.47 477.¦ 42.07 444.¦ 460. Grüter Markus 1967 Luzern Sport Huus Kriens 1:42.54,1 27.15,0 (5409) Diplom H-Mann 1348. 4.52 ¦ 58.27 319.¦ 44.26 663.¦ 460. Schmucki Peter 1972 Wetzikon ZH Ferag AG 1:42.54,1 27.15,0 (8070) Diplom H-Mann 1348. 4.52 ¦ 1:00.10 436.¦ 42.44 508.¦ 463. Siegrist Michael 1970 Luzern Wirth Sport 1:42.55,1 27.16,0 (3583) Diplom H-Mann 1352. 4.52 ¦ 59.19 385.¦ 43.35 580.¦ 464. Schmid Philipp 1972 Malters 1:42.55,6 27.16,5 (8562) Diplom H-Mann 1355. 4.52 ¦ 59.36 400.¦ 43.18 550.¦ 465. Arnold-Burri Urs 1965 Schattdorf 1:42.56,5 27.17,4 (8087) Diplom H-Mann 1359. 4.52 ¦ 1:00.08 431.¦ 42.48 513.¦ 466. Schürmann Peter 1966 Hildisrieden 1:42.58,4 27.19,3 (6470) Diplom H-Mann 1362. 4.52 ¦ 59.58 420.¦ 42.59 525.¦ 467. Lehn René 1964 Ballwil Komax Wire HM-Team 1:42.59,0 27.19,9 (3140) Diplom H-Mann 1364. 4.52 ¦ 1:00.42 471.¦ 42.16 459.¦ 468. Nietlispach Stefan 1969 Bürglen UR 1:43.00,1 27.21,0 (7225) Diplom H-Mann 1365. 4.52 ¦ 1:00.30 459.¦ 42.29 481.¦ 469. Stevenson Mark 1963 Menzingen 1:43.01,9 27.22,8 (4463) Diplom H-Mann 1367. 4.53 ¦ 1:00.13 438.¦ 42.48 514.¦ 470. Fild Christian 1972 Thalwil 1:43.05,3 27.26,2 (9650) Diplom H-Mann 1373. 4.53 ¦ 1:01.58 555.¦ 41.07 354.¦ 471. Hurni-Meier Thomas 1967 Sursee 1:43.05,5 27.26,4 (5234) Diplom H-Mann 1374. 4.53 ¦ 1:00.42 470.¦ 42.23 469.¦ 472. Bircher Daniel 1968 Mels 1:43.05,7 27.26,6 (3778) Diplom H-Mann 1375. 4.53 ¦ 1:01.21 519.¦ 41.44 412.¦ 473. Wagner Andreas 1964 Reinach BL 1:43.12,1 27.33,0 (8966) Diplom H-Mann 1382. 4.53 ¦ 1:01.37 533.¦ 41.34 400.¦ 474. Kretz Bruno 1972 Horw 1:43.12,4 27.33,3 (5072) Diplom H-Mann 1383. 4.53 ¦ 1:00.59 499.¦ 42.13 452.¦ 475. Spieler Jürg 1971 Hergiswil NW 1:43.12,6 27.33,5 (4136) Diplom H-Mann 1384. 4.53 ¦ 1:01.18 516.¦ 41.53 422.¦ 476. Erni Thomas 1971 Luzern 1:43.12,7 27.33,6 (5178) Diplom H-Mann 1385. 4.53 ¦ 1:00.19 446.¦ 42.53 519.¦ 476. Friedrich Alex 1967 Riehen RT Jamaica 1:43.12,7 27.33,6 (4128) Diplom H-Mann 1385. 4.53 ¦ 1:00.03 428.¦ 43.08 539.¦ 478. Baumeler Rudolf 1967 Schachen LU Post Halbmarathon Team 1:43.13,2 27.34,1 (3926) Diplom H-Mann 1388. 4.53 ¦ 59.59 422.¦ 43.13 545.¦ 479. Wyss Jörg 1966 Luzern 1:43.16,1 27.37,0 (8299) Diplom H-Mann 1393. 4.53 ¦ 1:01.04 505.¦ 42.11 450.¦ 480. Amstutz Bruno 1964 Luzern 1:43.17,5 27.38,4 (5812) Diplom H-Mann 1395. 4.53 ¦ 58.57 355.¦ 44.19 654.¦ 481. Bründler Hugo 1963 Buchrain Läuferriege Ebikon 1:43.20,8 27.41,7 (8689) Diplom H-Mann 1401. 4.53 ¦ 59.51 415.¦ 43.29 570.¦ 482. Pinson Nicholas 1970 GB-Mere 1:43.23,4 27.44,3 (4633) Diplom H-Mann 1406. 4.54 ¦ 1:00.55 489.¦ 42.28 480.¦ 483. Marchand Oliver 1971 Zürich MY sport triteam 1:43.24,4 27.45,3 (9202) Diplom H-Mann 1409. 4.54 ¦ 59.17 383.¦ 44.06 637.¦ 484. Baehler Markus 1972 Horgen 1:43.24,5 27.45,4 (5564) Diplom H-Mann 1410. 4.54 ¦ 1:00.57 494.¦ 42.27 477.¦ 484. Carvalho Celso 1971 Egerkingen 1:43.24,5 27.45,4 (8593) Diplom H-Mann 1410. 4.54 ¦ 58.58 357.¦ 44.26 661.¦ 486. Krummenacher Max 1964 Luzern 1:43.25,4 27.46,3 (7603) Diplom H-Mann 1414. 4.54 ¦ 1:01.18 515.¦ 42.06 442.¦ 487. Hodel Pirmin 1964 Malters 1 1:43.25,5 27.46,4 (8136) Diplom H-Mann 1415. 4.54 ¦ 1:01.19 518.¦ 42.06 441.¦ 488. Wetzel Jörg 1968 Luzern Swisshooting 1:43.27,8 27.48,7 (5981) Diplom H-Mann 1421. 4.54 ¦ 1:00.43 472.¦ 42.44 509.¦ 489. Wetzel Stefan 1966 Ennetbaden 1:43.27,9 27.48,8 (7852) Diplom H-Mann 1422. 4.54 ¦ 1:00.47 480.¦ 42.40 502.¦ 490. Steinemann Urs 1963 Rossrüti 1:43.31,3 27.52,2 (6696) Diplom H-Mann 1426. 4.54 ¦ 1:01.07 508.¦ 42.23 471.¦ 491. Ravasio Reto 1964 Luzern Marathon Team Kriens 1:43.33,0 27.53,9 (8559) Diplom H-Mann 1429. 4.54 ¦ 1:02.04 565.¦ 41.28 392.¦ 492. Bertsch Urs 1963 Sargans Heidiland Runners 1:43.33,3 27.54,2 (3772) Diplom H-Mann 1430. 4.54 ¦ 1:01.39 536.¦ 41.54 423.¦ 493. Crazzolara Daniel 1968 Mühleberg Post Halbmarathon Team 1:43.33,4 27.54,3 (3882) Diplom H-Mann 1431. 4.54 ¦ 1:02.23 599.¦ 41.09 360.¦ 494. Nussbaumer Urs 1971 Ebikon 1:43.33,7 27.54,6 (4348) Diplom H-Mann 1432. 4.54 ¦ 1:01.58 555.¦ 41.35 403.¦ 495. Weber Marcel 1966 Grüt (Gossau ZH) Post Halbmarathon Team 1:43.36,3 27.57,2 (3962) Diplom H-Mann 1437. 4.54 ¦ 59.43 408.¦ 43.53 611.¦ 496. Rohner Jean-Luc 1965 Nottwil 1:43.38,2 27.59,1 (5858) Diplom H-Mann 1440. 4.54 ¦ 59.36 399.¦ 44.01 628.¦ 497. Paulmichl Peter 1965 Basel 1:43.39,6 28.00,5 (5950) Diplom H-Mann 1443. 4.54 ¦ 1:01.32 530.¦ 42.06 442.¦ 498. Zeyen Michael 1970 Adligenswil 1:43.41,3 28.02,2 (9772) Diplom H-Mann 1444. 4.54 ¦ 1:01.43 541.¦ 41.57 431.¦ 499. Lustenberger Andy 1966 Kriens 1:43.41,6 28.02,5 (4871) Diplom H-Mann 1445. 4.54 ¦ 59.22 388.¦ 44.19 653.¦ 500. Capeder Reto 1963 Luzern 1:43.41,7 28.02,6 (7929) Diplom H-Mann 1446. 4.54 ¦ 1:01.53 550.¦ 41.48 416.¦ 501. Ernst Daniel 1967 Dornach 1:43.43,4 28.04,3 (7875) Diplom H-Mann 1449. 4.54 ¦ 1:01.44 545.¦ 41.58 434.¦ 501. Gut Christoph 1971 Stans 1:43.43,4 28.04,3 (5603) Diplom H-Mann 1449. 4.54 ¦ 1:01.08 509.¦ 42.35 492.¦ 503. Morgenroth Dominik 1972 Oberrüti 1:43.44,2 28.05,1 (6721) Diplom H-Mann 1451. 4.55 ¦ 1:01.09 510.¦ 42.35 493.¦ 504. Dähler Stefan 1967 Steffisburg 1:43.44,7 28.05,6 (9638) Diplom H-Mann 1453. 4.55 ¦ 1:01.09 511.¦ 42.35 493.¦ 505. Grübe René 1971 Stilli 1:43.45,9 28.06,8 (4737) Diplom H-Mann 1455. 4.55 ¦ 1:03.01 627.¦ 40.44 321.¦ 506. Auer Jörn 1967 D-Maxdorf 1:43.48,9 28.09,8 (4272) Diplom H-Mann 1460. 4.55 ¦ 1:00.03 427.¦ 43.45 596.¦ 507. Schmid Markus 1966 Malters SC Malters 1:43.50,9 28.11,8 (9740) Diplom H-Mann 1463. 4.55 ¦ 1:00.31 463.¦ 43.19 552.¦ 508. Messmer Bruno 1963 Gossau SG 1:43.52,3 28.13,2 (8164) Diplom H-Mann 1465. 4.55 ¦ 1:00.04 429.¦ 43.47 601.¦ 509. Sulzer Martin 1969 Kappel SO Sulution Kappel 1:43.53,5 28.14,4 (7449) Diplom H-Mann 1467. 4.55 ¦ 1:01.19 517.¦ 42.34 490.¦ 510. Haas Christian 1968 Aarau 1:43.54,7 28.15,6 (6913) Diplom H-Mann 1471. 4.55 ¦ 1:00.39 466.¦ 43.15 547.¦ 511. Hasler Stephan 1969 Buchrain 1:44.00,3 28.21,2 (5395) Diplom H-Mann 1480. 4.55 ¦ 1:00.57 496.¦ 43.02 531.¦ 512. Wyrsch Adrian 1967 Kriens 1:44.00,9 28.21,8 (6701) Diplom H-Mann 1481. 4.55 ¦ 58.45 341.¦ 45.15 732.¦ 513. Schnyder Christoph 1972 Holzhäusern ZG Supersonic Shockwave Runners 1:44.01,5 28.22,4 (9233) Diplom H-Mann 1482. 4.55 ¦ 1:00.30 461.¦ 43.30 572.¦ 514. Wurzbacher Ralph 1970 Trin 1:44.06,2 28.27,1 (7319) Diplom H-Mann 1488. 4.56 ¦ 1:00.45 475.¦ 43.20 555.¦ 515. Bumann Thomas 1966 Eschenbach LU 1:44.06,6 28.27,5 (8393) Diplom H-Mann 1489. 4.56 ¦ 1:01.26 523.¦ 42.40 503.¦ 516. Eber Eli 1971 D-Düren 1:44.11,3 28.32,2 (6798) Diplom H-Mann 1494. 4.56 ¦ 1:02.14 578.¦ 41.57 429.¦ 517. Konzelmann Stefan 1971 Obernau Marathon Team Kriens 1:44.11,8 28.32,7 (4582) Diplom H-Mann 1495. 4.56 ¦ 1:01.22 520.¦ 42.49 515.¦ 518. Beck Alexander 1964 Walchwil 1:44.12,8 28.33,7 (7801) Diplom H-Mann 1496. 4.56 ¦ 1:02.18 586.¦ 41.54 425.¦ 518. Kopp Markus 1970 Buttisholz 1:44.12,8 28.33,7 (8758) Diplom H-Mann 1496. 4.56 ¦ 1:02.07 570.¦ 42.05 438.¦ 520. Gugelmann René 1968 Rheinau 1:44.13,7 28.34,6 (6838) Diplom H-Mann 1499. 4.56 ¦ 1:01.58 557.¦ 42.15 458.¦ 521. Sigrist Daniel 1965 Luzern Reussbühl 1:44.14,5 28.35,4 (6369) Diplom H-Mann 1502. 4.56 ¦ 1:02.46 617.¦ 41.28 391.¦ 522. Cottens Eric 1970 Giez 1:44.15,4 28.36,3 (6063) Diplom H-Mann 1506. 4.56 ¦ 1:01.25 521.¦ 42.50 516.¦ 523. Abt Martin 1970 Auw 1:44.16,2 28.37,1 (8582) Diplom H-Mann 1508. 4.56 ¦ 1:01.05 506.¦ 43.10 544.¦ 524. Adelbert Michael 1967 Kriens 1:44.16,5 28.37,4 (4530) Diplom H-Mann 1511. 4.56 ¦ 1:03.09 635.¦ 41.06 353.¦ 524. Vogel Martin 1970 Ebikon 1:44.16,5 28.37,4 (9111) Diplom H-Mann 1511. 4.56 ¦ 1:01.55 554.¦ 42.20 466.¦ 526. Sacco Lee 1972 Zürich 1:44.21,1 28.42,0 (7972) Diplom H-Mann 1517. 4.56 ¦ 1:02.15 581.¦ 42.05 440.¦ 526. Schranz Walter 1967 Spiez Lauftreff Spiez 1:44.21,1 28.42,0 (4555) Diplom H-Mann 1517. 4.56 ¦ 1:01.50 548.¦ 42.30 483.¦ 528. Hess Patrick 1972 Horw 1:44.22,5 28.43,4 (4449) Diplom H-Mann 1520. 4.56 ¦ 1:00.57 497.¦ 43.24 563.¦ 529. Hartmann Markus 1970 Obernau Marathon Team Kriens 1:44.23,1 28.44,0 (8129) Diplom H-Mann 1522. 4.56 ¦ 1:01.44 543.¦ 42.39 499.¦ 530. Schmid Erwin 1971 Obernau Marathon Team Kriens 1:44.23,3 28.44,2 (7675) Diplom H-Mann 1523. 4.56 ¦ 1:01.43 540.¦ 42.40 501.¦ 531. Vincenz Anselm 1965 Domat/Ems 1:44.24,8 28.45,7 (9841) Diplom H-Mann 1529. 4.56 ¦ 1:01.16 513.¦ 43.08 537.¦ 532. Belcastro Jean 1964 F-Brinckheim Manor HM Team 1:44.25,4 28.46,3 (3813) Diplom H-Mann 1530. 4.56 ¦ 1:01.54 553.¦ 42.30 484.¦ 533. Kunz Philipp 1970 Malters 1:44.26,9 28.47,8 (7716) Diplom H-Mann 1532. 4.57 ¦ 1:02.18 590.¦ 42.08 446.¦ 534. Ochsner Reto 1970 Andwil SG 1:44.28,1 28.49,0 (6159) Diplom H-Mann 1536. 4.57 ¦ 1:02.10 575.¦ 42.18 462.¦ 535. Colombo Alessandro 1968 I-Milano (MI) 1:44.31,1 28.52,0 (5522) Diplom H-Mann 1538. 4.57 ¦ 1:00.37 465.¦ 43.54 612.¦ 536. Flory Markus 1966 Emmenbrücke 1:44.31,9 28.52,8 (7157) Diplom H-Mann 1539. 4.57 ¦ 1:00.54 488.¦ 43.37 582.¦ 537. Tüscher Martin 1971 Schüpfen Swisscom Halbmarathon Team 1:44.32,0 28.52,9 (3311) Diplom H-Mann 1540. 4.57 ¦ 1:00.28 455.¦ 44.03 634.¦ 538. Godel André 1965 Baldegg 1:44.32,1 28.53,0 (5776) Diplom H-Mann 1541. 4.57 ¦ 1:01.47 547.¦ 42.44 510.¦ 539. Strasser Erich 1964 Luzern 1:44.33,0 28.53,9 (5593) Diplom H-Mann 1542. 4.57 ¦ 1:02.11 576.¦ 42.21 468.¦ 540. Schmid Thomas 1969 Luzern 1:44.33,1 28.54,0 (5860) Diplom H-Mann 1544. 4.57 ¦ 1:02.08 571.¦ 42.25 472.¦ 541. Riedweg Hanspeter 1970 Kriens Wirth Sport 1:44.34,3 28.55,2 (3587) Diplom H-Mann 1546. 4.57 ¦ 1:00.57 495.¦ 43.36 581.¦ 542. Luethold Norbert 1964 St. Erhard 1:44.34,9 28.55,8 (4869) Diplom H-Mann 1547. 4.57 ¦ 1:02.08 573.¦ 42.26 475.¦ 543. Moreno Manfred 1966 Ebikon Läuferriege Ebikon 1:44.38,0 28.58,9 (7437) Diplom H-Mann 1550. 4.57 ¦ 1:00.29 456.¦ 44.08 644.¦ 544. van den Berg Teun 1967 Unterägeri ISZL 1:44.42,6 29.03,5 (5617) Diplom H-Mann 1556. 4.57 ¦ 1:01.40 537.¦ 43.02 529.¦ 545. Odermatt Peter 1963 Alpnach Dorf 1:44.43,6 29.04,5 (5782) Diplom H-Mann 1558. 4.57 ¦ 1:00.44 473.¦ 43.59 625.¦ 546. Steiner Norbert 1964 Rothenburg 1:44.44,0 29.04,9 (7845) Diplom H-Mann 1559. 4.57 ¦ 1:02.18 590.¦ 42.25 473.¦ 547. Gufler Werner 1968 Aesch LU Lauftreff Hitzkirch 1:44.45,0 29.05,9 (9141) Diplom H-Mann 1561. 4.57 ¦ 1:00.16 441.¦ 44.28 668.¦ 548. Berger Walo 1972 Sessa Wuli Muli 1:44.46,0 29.06,9 (7802) Diplom H-Mann 1564. 4.57 ¦ 1:03.20 646.¦ 41.25 385.¦ 549. Hughes Ciaran 1970 Thalwil Barnet Bangers 1:44.46,2 29.07,1 (8743) Diplom H-Mann 1566. 4.57 ¦ 1:01.01 500.¦ 43.45 595.¦ 550. Arnold Bruno 1965 Schattdorf SC Unterschächen 1:44.48,8 29.09,7 (5081) Diplom H-Mann 1570. 4.58 ¦ 1:00.58 498.¦ 43.50 604.¦ 551. Heinlein Peter 1965 D-Simmelsdorf Komax Wire HM-Team 1:44.50,5 29.11,4 (3151) Diplom H-Mann 1573. 4.58 ¦ 1:01.40 538.¦ 43.09 541.¦ 552. Köchli Stefan 1964 Honau 1:44.51,1 29.12,0 (4626) Diplom H-Mann 1576. 4.58 ¦ 1:02.14 579.¦ 42.36 495.¦ 553. Sarinelli Michele 1967 Sigirino 1:44.51,6 29.12,5 (7615) Diplom H-Mann 1578. 4.58 ¦ 1:01.41 539.¦ 43.10 543.¦ 553. Wicki Peter 1970 Auw 1:44.51,6 29.12,5 (4612) Diplom H-Mann 1578. 4.58 ¦ 1:01.27 525.¦ 43.23 562.¦ 555. Stirnemann Roger 1968 Thalwil 1:44.52,7 29.13,6 (8188) Diplom H-Mann 1582. 4.58 ¦ 1:02.18 588.¦ 42.34 489.¦ 556. Baumann Martin 1968 Buonas 1:44.58,7 29.19,6 (6041) Diplom H-Mann 1590. 4.58 ¦ 1:00.07 430.¦ 44.51 697.¦ 557. Deck Volker 1967 D-Rheinstetten 1:44.58,9 29.19,8 (5675) Diplom H-Mann 1591. 4.58 ¦ 1:03.02 628.¦ 41.56 428.¦ 558. Jakobi Clemens 1966 Hünenberg 1:45.02,3 29.23,2 (4247) Diplom H-Mann 1598. 4.58 ¦ 1:02.18 590.¦ 42.43 507.¦ 559. Degiorgi Enzo 1966 Manno 1:45.06,4 29.27,3 (8104) Diplom H-Mann 1609. 4.58 ¦ 1:02.27 602.¦ 42.39 500.¦ 560. Eichenberger Romain 1963 Reconvilier 1:45.06,8 29.27,7 (9646) Diplom H-Mann 1610. 4.58 ¦ 1:01.10 512.¦ 43.56 620.¦ 561. Savignano Enzo 1965 Kastanienbaum 1:45.07,3 29.28,2 (9089) Diplom H-Mann 1611. 4.58 ¦ 1:00.22 449.¦ 44.45 693.¦ 562. Theiler Markus 1966 Kastanienbaum 1:45.11,3 29.32,2 (9574) Diplom H-Mann 1619. 4.59 ¦ 1:01.44 542.¦ 43.27 566.¦ 563. Schmid Jonas 1968 Glis Tri Cuore Spotrivo 1:45.13,6 29.34,5 (6088) Diplom H-Mann 1623. 4.59 ¦ 1:02.18 590.¦ 42.54 521.¦ 564. Hosner Thomas 1967 Reinach BL 1:45.19,1 29.40,0 (4838) Diplom H-Mann 1626. 4.59 ¦ 1:02.17 585.¦ 43.01 528.¦ 565. Bucher Konrad 1969 Luzern 1:45.19,2 29.40,1 (9453) Diplom H-Mann 1627. 4.59 ¦ 1:02.38 609.¦ 42.40 504.¦ 565. Fuchs Beat 1969 Ebikon Komax Wire HM-Team 1:45.19,2 29.40,1 (3132) Diplom H-Mann 1627. 4.59 ¦ 1:02.09 574.¦ 43.09 540.¦ 567. Wildhaber Christoph 1964 Hausen AG 1:45.25,7 29.46,6 (9257) Diplom H-Mann 1633. 4.59 ¦ 1:01.17 514.¦ 44.08 640.¦ 568. O'Brien Colum 1964 Zurich 1:45.26,9 29.47,8 (7837) Diplom H-Mann 1636. 4.59 ¦ 1:02.45 616.¦ 42.41 505.¦ 569. Bieri Ueli 1967 Schachen LU 1:45.30,7 29.51,6 (5433) Diplom H-Mann 1647. 5.00 ¦ 1:02.04 566.¦ 43.25 564.¦ 570. Färber Simon 1965 Arbon 1:45.34,0 29.54,9 (7214) Diplom H-Mann 1654. 5.00 ¦ 1:02.06 567.¦ 43.27 569.¦ 571. Baettig Cyril 1970 Rotkreuz 1:45.35,0 29.55,9 (4361) Diplom H-Mann 1656. 5.00 ¦ 1:02.15 580.¦ 43.20 554.¦ 572. Baumann Urs 1972 Oberwil BL 1:45.36,0 29.56,9 (4285) Diplom H-Mann 1658. 5.00 ¦ 1:02.03 563.¦ 43.32 576.¦ 573. Isliker André 1971 Räterschen 1:45.37,6 29.58,5 (8549) Diplom H-Mann 1664. 5.00 ¦ 1:00.55 489.¦ 44.42 689.¦ 574. Küng Simon 1966 Willisau 1:45.39,0 29.59,9 (8151) Diplom H-Mann 1666. 5.00 ¦ 1:02.07 568.¦ 43.32 575.¦ 575. Schilter Patrick 1970 Schwyz 1:45.39,7 30.00,6 (5832) Diplom H-Mann 1667. 5.00 ¦ 1:01.58 559.¦ 43.41 590.¦ 576. Curtin Des 1968 Dübendorf 1:45.39,9 30.00,8 (4794) Diplom H-Mann 1671. 5.00 ¦ 1:01.32 529.¦ 44.07 639.¦ 577. Portner Dieter 1964 Adlikon b. Regensdorf Swisscom Halbmarathon Team 1:45.46,1 30.07,0 (3352) Diplom H-Mann 1679. 5.00 ¦ 1:01.44 545.¦ 44.01 627.¦ 578. Aerne Werner 1967 Kirchberg SG 1:45.46,5 30.07,4 (4412) Diplom H-Mann 1680. 5.00 ¦ 1:02.07 569.¦ 43.39 585.¦ 579. Strehler Stefan 1966 Wetzikon ZH 1:45.49,8 30.10,7 (4497) Diplom H-Mann 1681. 5.00 ¦ 1:02.43 615.¦ 43.06 534.¦ 580. Boller Roland 1965 Wetzikon ZH 1:45.53,1 30.14,0 (9281) Diplom H-Mann 1689. 5.01 ¦ 1:02.18 588.¦ 43.34 579.¦ 581. Freyburger Guy 1966 F-Oberschaeffolsheim 1:45.55,0 30.15,9 (4269) Diplom H-Mann 1692. 5.01 ¦ 1:02.54 622.¦ 43.00 527.¦ 582. Revess John 1963 GB-Surrey 1:45.56,2 30.17,1 (6859) Diplom H-Mann 1695. 5.01 ¦ 1:01.54 551.¦ 44.02 631.¦ 583. Heimberg Daniel 1970 Fislisbach 1:45.57,6 30.18,5 (4599) Diplom H-Mann 1696. 5.01 ¦ 59.59 424.¦ 45.58 779.¦ 584. Schott Markus 1966 Kirchdorf AG 1:45.59,4 30.20,3 (8658) Diplom H-Mann 1698. 5.01 ¦ 1:02.49 618.¦ 43.10 542.¦ 585. Kohler Rolf 1968 Netstal 1:46.01,4 30.22,3 (8421) Diplom H-Mann 1700. 5.01 ¦ 1:01.58 558.¦ 44.03 633.¦ 585. Monk David 1964 Oberägeri ISZL 1:46.01,4 30.22,3 (9071) Diplom H-Mann 1700. 5.01 ¦ 1:02.15 581.¦ 43.46 597.¦ 587. Bieri Christian 1971 Sempach Stadt 1:46.02,8 30.23,7 (6042) Diplom H-Mann 1703. 5.01 ¦ 1:04.25 692.¦ 41.37 406.¦ 588. Küpfer Daniel 1967 Mettmenstetten 1:46.03,4 30.24,3 (9199) Diplom H-Mann 1704. 5.01 ¦ 1:02.25 600.¦ 43.38 584.¦ 589. Zallot Lucio 1964 Eschenbach SG 1:46.04,4 30.25,3 (7503) Diplom H-Mann 1705. 5.01 ¦ 1:02.41 612.¦ 43.23 560.¦ 590. Blättler Peter 1972 Rain 1:46.05,8 30.26,7 (7628) Diplom H-Mann 1707. 5.01 ¦ 1:05.12 732.¦ 40.52 330.¦ 591. Stäuble Gregor 1970 Nottwil 1:46.07,1 30.28,0 (4816) Diplom H-Mann 1708. 5.01 ¦ 1:01.54 552.¦ 44.12 647.¦ 592. Häussler Armin 1971 Cham Hilger und Kern/Dopag Gruppe 1:46.08,3 30.29,2 (9795) Diplom H-Mann 1711. 5.01 ¦ 1:02.12 577.¦ 43.55 618.¦ 593. Castafaro Leandro 1967 Grenchen 1:46.09,5 30.30,4 (9634) Diplom H-Mann 1712. 5.01 ¦ 1:02.27 603.¦ 43.41 592.¦ 594. Schulze Bruno 1963 Baar 1:46.09,7 30.30,6 (9744) Diplom H-Mann 1713. 5.01 ¦ 1:03.11 637.¦ 42.58 522.¦ 595. Redigolo Ernesto 1967 Büren an der Aare 1:46.09,9 30.30,8 (8929) Diplom H-Mann 1714. 5.01 ¦ 1:02.28 604.¦ 43.41 593.¦ 596. Bühler Roland 1970 Buchrain 1:46.13,8 30.34,7 (3150) Diplom H-Mann 1718. 5.02 ¦ 1:02.16 583.¦ 43.57 623.¦ 597. Heinzmann Lukas 1965 Freimettingen 1:46.14,3 30.35,2 (3220) Diplom H-Mann 1719. 5.02 ¦ 1:01.33 531.¦ 44.40 684.¦ 598. Wicki Thomas 1972 Schafisheim 1:46.14,6 30.35,5 (8380) Diplom H-Mann 1720. 5.02 ¦ 1:02.35 606.¦ 43.39 586.¦ 599. Bissig Daniel 1972 Unterschächen WSG Schwyz 1:46.16,6 30.37,5 (6000) Diplom H-Mann 1723. 5.02 ¦ 1:03.55 664.¦ 42.21 467.¦ 599. Brendle William 1972 FL-Gamprin-Bendern 1:46.16,6 30.37,5 (4392) Diplom H-Mann 1723. 5.02 ¦ 1:02.23 598.¦ 43.52 608.¦ 601. Messner Marino 1964 Pratteln Atlas 1:46.16,7 30.37,6 (4395) Diplom H-Mann 1725. 5.02 ¦ 1:01.03 502.¦ 45.13 727.¦ 602. Girlanda Marco 1966 Münchenstein Atlas 1:46.16,9 30.37,8 (4391) Diplom H-Mann 1727. 5.02 ¦ 1:01.03 503.¦ 45.13 728.¦ 603. van Cauwenberghe Geert 1968 Chardonne 1:46.19,7 30.40,6 (9757) Diplom H-Mann 1734. 5.02 ¦ 1:02.58 625.¦ 43.21 556.¦ 604. Welti Marc 1967 Zürich LVU 1:46.21,6 30.42,5 (3268) Diplom H-Mann 1735. 5.02 ¦ 1:04.08 680.¦ 42.13 451.¦ 605. Krummenacher Hanspeter 1963 Sachseln 1:46.24,1 30.45,0 (5970) Diplom H-Mann 1739. 5.02 ¦ 1:02.37 608.¦ 43.47 598.¦ 606. Bish David 1966 Adliswil 10K 1:46.27,5 30.48,4 (9446) Diplom H-Mann 1742. 5.02 ¦ 1:02.26 601.¦ 44.01 626.¦ 607. Egloff Dieter 1970 Remetschwil 1:46.27,8 30.48,7 (7466) Diplom H-Mann 1744. 5.02 ¦ 1:04.30 699.¦ 41.57 430.¦ 608. Zuzolo Vincenzo 1967 Pfäffikon SZ 1:46.29,9 30.50,8 (9591) Diplom H-Mann 1747. 5.02 ¦ 1:02.21 597.¦ 44.08 640.¦ 609. Fluri Jonas 1971 Cham 1:46.33,3 30.54,2 (8322) Diplom H-Mann 1751. 5.03 ¦ 1:03.05 632.¦ 43.27 568.¦ 610. Lötscher Jörg 1965 Schachen LU 1:46.37,9 30.58,8 (7478) Diplom H-Mann 1756. 5.03 ¦ 1:02.43 614.¦ 43.54 614.¦ 611. Napoletano Giuseppe 1964 Liestal Montana Sport 1:46.39,9 31.00,8 (7960) Diplom H-Mann 1761. 5.03 ¦ 1:02.08 572.¦ 44.31 671.¦ 612. Trachsel Daniel 1966 Basel MSD HM Team 1:46.45,3 31.06,2 (3626) Diplom H-Mann 1763. 5.03 ¦ 1:01.44 544.¦ 45.01 709.¦ 613. Jorgensen Bo Bay 1963 Zumikon 1:46.46,2 31.07,1 (8901) Diplom H-Mann 1765. 5.03 ¦ 1:03.15 642.¦ 43.30 573.¦ 614. Baila Christopher 1971 Meggen 1:46.47,9 31.08,8 (6380) Diplom H-Mann 1766. 5.03 ¦ 1:02.39 610.¦ 44.08 643.¦ 615. Kiesewetter Ingo 1965 D-Bad Schmiedeberg 1:46.48,1 31.09,0 (7602) Diplom H-Mann 1767. 5.03 ¦ 1:04.09 683.¦ 42.38 498.¦ 616. Minder Urs 1969 Kaiseraugst Roche Runners 1:46.48,3 31.09,2 (7105) Diplom H-Mann 1768. 5.03 ¦ 1:02.39 611.¦ 44.08 640.¦ 617. Künzi Andreas 1965 Pieterlen 1:46.51,3 31.12,2 (4194) Diplom H-Mann 1774. 5.03 ¦ 1:03.34 653.¦ 43.16 549.¦ 618. Schmid Daniel 1971 Luzern Tempo-Sport - exerscience 1:46.55,7 31.16,6 (4885) Diplom H-Mann 1780. 5.04 ¦ 1:02.02 562.¦ 44.53 698.¦ 619. Topatigh Claudio 1964 Meggen 1:46.56,6 31.17,5 (8191) Diplom H-Mann 1783. 5.04 ¦ 1:04.29 695.¦ 42.27 478.¦ 620. Fölmli Franz 1963 St. Erhard 1:46.58,3 31.19,2 (8476) Diplom H-Mann 1785. 5.04 ¦ 1:03.04 631.¦ 43.54 613.¦ 621. Studer Peter 1968 Hasle b. Burgdorf 1:46.58,5 31.19,4 (4444) Diplom H-Mann 1786. 5.04 ¦ 1:03.18 644.¦ 43.40 587.¦ 622. Foppa Mario 1967 Bülach 1:46.59,1 31.20,0 (4971) Diplom H-Mann 1788. 5.04 ¦ 1:05.13 733.¦ 41.45 413.¦ 623. Ruprecht Thomas 1967 Engelberg 1:47.01,4 31.22,3 (8653) Diplom H-Mann 1790. 5.04 ¦ 1:02.19 595.¦ 44.41 688.¦ 624. Furrer Beat 1964 Stansstad 1:47.02,7 31.23,6 (7370) Diplom H-Mann 1792. 5.04 ¦ 1:03.09 636.¦ 43.52 609.¦ 625. Hollinger Michael 1972 Obernau 1:47.04,8 31.25,7 (4585) Diplom H-Mann 1795. 5.04 ¦ 1:02.20 596.¦ 44.44 692.¦ 626. Troxler Thomas 1964 Wahlen bei Laufen 1:47.07,8 31.28,7 (8374) Diplom H-Mann 1799. 5.04 ¦ 1:03.44 659.¦ 43.23 561.¦ 627. Suter Markus 1968 Reitnau 1:47.08,3 31.29,2 (4092) Diplom H-Mann 1800. 5.04 ¦ 1:03.16 643.¦ 43.51 606.¦ 628. Mecchia Francesco 1969 Zürich 1:47.10,9 31.31,8 (8555) Diplom H-Mann 1803. 5.04 ¦ 1:04.06 676.¦ 43.04 532.¦ 629. Villiger Herbert 1963 Sins 1:47.12,0 31.32,9 (6185) Diplom H-Mann 1805. 5.04 ¦ 1:03.50 660.¦ 43.21 558.¦ 630. Schuler Seppi 1965 Baar 1:47.14,1 31.35,0 (4495) Diplom H-Mann 1808. 5.04 ¦ 1:02.04 564.¦ 45.09 721.¦ 631. Borner Walter 1969 Cham 1:47.18,3 31.39,2 (9450) Diplom H-Mann 1812. 5.05 ¦ 1:02.19 594.¦ 44.59 707.¦ 632. Schäffeler René 1966 Stein am Rhein 1:47.18,6 31.39,5 (7014) Diplom H-Mann 1813. 5.05 ¦ 1:01.59 560.¦ 45.19 737.¦ 633. Dimitriou Periklis 1970 Hagendorn Swisscom Halbmarathon Team 1:47.18,9 31.39,8 (3344) Diplom H-Mann 1814. 5.05 ¦ 1:02.56 623.¦ 44.22 658.¦ 634. Lang Patrick 1972 Rüti ZH 1:47.19,5 31.40,4 (8538) Diplom H-Mann 1816. 5.05 ¦ 1:03.53 662.¦ 43.26 565.¦ 635. Weibel Peter 1969 Ebikon 1:47.27,3 31.48,2 (7019) Diplom H-Mann 1823. 5.05 ¦ 1:00.56 492.¦ 46.31 821.¦ 636. Anken Martin 1966 Sins 1:47.31,4 31.52,3 (4469) Diplom H-Mann 1831. 5.05 ¦ 1:01.26 522.¦ 46.05 787.¦ 637. Möhr Reto 1972 FL-Vaduz 1:47.33,6 31.54,5 (6639) Diplom H-Mann 1839. 5.05 ¦ 1:03.03 630.¦ 44.29 669.¦ 638. Roos Guido 1969 Wolhusen 1:47.34,6 31.55,5 (5473) Diplom H-Mann 1840. 5.05 ¦ 1:03.12 639.¦ 44.22 657.¦ 639. Sutter Thomas 1968 Rothenburg 1:47.34,9 31.55,8 (4999) Diplom H-Mann 1841. 5.05 ¦ 1:04.02 672.¦ 43.32 576.¦ 640. Hilpert Dirk 1966 D-Berlin 1:47.37,2 31.58,1 (6488) Diplom H-Mann 1845. 5.06 ¦ 1:04.15 686.¦ 43.22 559.¦ 641. Gisler Stephan 1967 Horw 1:47.38,8 31.59,7 (4186) Diplom H-Mann 1849. 5.06 ¦ 1:03.12 638.¦ 44.26 664.¦ 642. Sturzenegger Roland 1968 Heerbrugg 1:47.43,1 32.04,0 (8290) Diplom H-Mann 1858. 5.06 ¦ 1:03.41 657.¦ 44.01 628.¦ 643. De Matteis Francesco 1963 Giubiasco spl 1:47.44,3 32.05,2 (8040) Diplom H-Mann 1863. 5.06 ¦ 1:03.29 652.¦ 44.15 650.¦ 644. Mühlebach Franz 1964 Emmen IG Sport Luzern plus 1:47.47,2 32.08,1 (3718) Diplom H-Mann 1868. 5.06 ¦ 1:03.06 633.¦ 44.40 683.¦ 645. Bötschi Dominic 1970 Neuenkirch 1:47.47,5 32.08,4 (7652) Diplom H-Mann 1869. 5.06 ¦ 1:02.50 619.¦ 44.56 704.¦ 646. Stäss Markus 1972 Zürich 1:47.53,3 32.14,2 (9102) Diplom H-Mann 1879. 5.06 ¦ 1:05.10 728.¦ 42.42 506.¦ 647. Hüsler Reto 1972 Sursee 1:47.53,5 32.14,4 (6956) Diplom H-Mann 1881. 5.06 ¦ 1:02.18 587.¦ 45.35 749.¦ 648. Blaser Hanspeter 1964 Mönchaltorf 1:47.54,4 32.15,3 (9142) Diplom H-Mann 1885. 5.06 ¦ 1:04.07 677.¦ 43.47 600.¦ 649. Werlen Roger 1964 Glis 1:47.55,6 32.16,5 (9424) Diplom H-Mann 1887. 5.06 ¦ 1:04.15 687.¦ 43.40 588.¦ 650. Gonzalo Angel 1964 Luzern Post Halbmarathon Team 1:47.56,7 32.17,6 (3906) Diplom H-Mann 1889. 5.06 ¦ 1:02.43 613.¦ 45.13 729.¦ 651. Bachenheimer Ronny 1964 Zollikerberg 1:47.58,8 32.19,7 (8856) Diplom H-Mann 1892. 5.07 ¦ 1:04.07 678.¦ 43.51 607.¦ 652. Müller Christoph 1968 Sachseln 1:48.05,1 32.26,0 (6773) Diplom H-Mann 1897. 5.07 ¦ 1:02.17 584.¦ 45.47 770.¦ 653. von Ins Urs 1967 Lohn-Ammannsegg ALSO Halbmarathon-Team 1:48.06,3 32.27,2 (3363) Diplom H-Mann 1900. 5.07 ¦ 1:04.51 712.¦ 43.14 546.¦ 654. Heuer Ingmar 1969 D-Salzhausen MTV Salzhausen 1:48.06,8 32.27,7 (7885) Diplom H-Mann 1903. 5.07 ¦ 1:03.50 661.¦ 44.16 651.¦ 655. Zemp Roland 1972 Luzern 1:48.08,3 32.29,2 (5025) Diplom H-Mann 1906. 5.07 ¦ 1:05.08 726.¦ 42.59 525.¦ 656. Elmiger Markus 1972 Inwil 1:48.09,5 32.30,4 (5440) Diplom H-Mann 1908. 5.07 ¦ 1:05.41 760.¦ 42.28 479.¦ 657. Aregger Iten Rene 1968 Horw 1:48.12,1 32.33,0 (5052) Diplom H-Mann 1914. 5.07 ¦ 1:03.37 655.¦ 44.34 677.¦ 658. Sierck Frank 1968 Grossaffoltern Biogen Idec Halbmarathon Team 1:48.13,5 32.34,4 (3984) Diplom H-Mann 1917. 5.07 ¦ 1:02.56 624.¦ 45.16 733.¦ 659. Kranz Oskar 1966 Meggen 1:48.15,1 32.36,0 (4888) Diplom H-Mann 1921. 5.07 ¦ 1:04.12 685.¦ 44.02 632.¦ 660. Zaugg Heinz 1963 Rüti b. Rüti bei Büren Bikefactory 1:48.16,9 32.37,8 (7989) Diplom H-Mann 1923. 5.07 ¦ 1:03.20 648.¦ 44.56 702.¦ 661. Weller Dieter 1963 D-Saarbrücken lc oggedonkor 1:48.19,1 32.40,0 (6995) Diplom H-Mann 1926. 5.08 ¦ 1:04.20 691.¦ 43.58 624.¦ 662. Hag Karim 1972 St. Gallen 1:48.19,6 32.40,5 (4961) Diplom H-Mann 1928. 5.08 ¦ 1:03.15 641.¦ 45.04 714.¦ 663. Ruggiero Giuseppe 1972 Dagmersellen 1:48.20,8 32.41,7 (7391) Diplom H-Mann 1930. 5.08 ¦ 1:05.22 741.¦ 42.58 523.¦ 664. Zingg Gerhard 1965 Steinhausen 1:48.26,6 32.47,5 (9773) Diplom H-Mann 1938. 5.08 ¦ 1:03.23 650.¦ 45.03 710.¦ 665. Herger Roger 1970 Buchrain 1:48.37,7 32.58,6 (6587) Diplom H-Mann 1947. 5.08 ¦ 1:05.52 774.¦ 42.45 511.¦ 666. Jans Rolf 1967 Horw Post Halbmarathon Team 1:48.38,8 32.59,7 (3921) Diplom H-Mann 1949. 5.08 ¦ 1:03.53 662.¦ 44.45 694.¦ 667. Bernegger Jean-Claude 1964 Ebikon 1:48.40,6 33.01,5 (5405) Diplom H-Mann 1953. 5.09 ¦ 1:03.00 626.¦ 45.40 761.¦ 668. Bisch Markus 1965 Sins 1:48.43,1 33.04,0 (7647) Diplom H-Mann 1959. 5.09 ¦ 1:04.03 674.¦ 44.39 681.¦ 669. Huser Markus 1968 Luzern 1:48.43,5 33.04,4 (8548) Diplom H-Mann 1961. 5.09 ¦ 1:04.17 690.¦ 44.26 660.¦ 670. Brunner Ruedi 1963 Hinwil Biogen Idec Halbmarathon Team 1:48.43,6 33.04,5 (4012) Diplom H-Mann 1962. 5.09 ¦ 1:05.10 729.¦ 43.33 578.¦ 671. Kaiser Michael 1968 Ebikon 1:48.43,8 33.04,7 (7888) Diplom H-Mann 1963. 5.09 ¦ 1:04.34 701.¦ 44.09 645.¦ 672. Sommer René 1965 Reiden 1:48.44,6 33.05,5 (7125) Diplom H-Mann 1964. 5.09 ¦ 1:04.57 717.¦ 43.47 599.¦ 673. Werdenberg Andreas 1971 Kaiseraugst 1:48.47,0 33.07,9 (8968) Diplom H-Mann 1967. 5.09 ¦ 1:00.26 452.¦ 48.20 942.¦ 674. Cameron Duncan 1967 Kastanienbaum Scotch Beef 1:48.48,3 33.09,2 (8534) Diplom H-Mann 1973. 5.09 ¦ 1:04.59 719.¦ 43.49 603.¦ 675. Hofmann Stephan 1968 Feldbrunnen Fielmann Halbmarathon Team 1:48.48,4 33.09,3 (3521) Diplom H-Mann 1974. 5.09 ¦ 1:03.37 654.¦ 45.10 724.¦ 676. Zuber Hansueli 1966 Oberentfelden 1:48.49,9 33.10,8 (4293) Diplom H-Mann 1977. 5.09 ¦ 1:03.19 645.¦ 45.30 743.¦ 677. Kräuchi Stefan 1972 Kriens 1:48.51,1 33.12,0 (6210) Diplom H-Mann 1980. 5.09 ¦ 1:03.56 666.¦ 44.54 700.¦ 678. Marti Dominique 1965 Kriens 1:48.52,4 33.13,3 (4727) Diplom H-Mann 1981. 5.09 ¦ 1:02.00 561.¦ 46.51 850.¦ 679. Dollinger Jürg 1965 Bern 1:48.54,2 33.15,1 (7933) Diplom H-Mann 1982. 5.09 ¦ 1:05.03 721.¦ 43.50 605.¦ 680. Studer Ivan 1972 St. Niklausen LU 1:48.55,8 33.16,7 (4544) Diplom H-Mann 1983. 5.09 ¦ 1:04.52 714.¦ 44.03 635.¦ 681. Arnold Thomas 1967 Emmen 1:49.02,6 33.23,5 (6136) Diplom H-Mann 1991. 5.10 ¦ 1:02.54 621.¦ 46.08 790.¦ 682. Verling Markus 1971 FL-Vaduz 1:49.04,4 33.25,3 (6069) Diplom H-Mann 1995. 5.10 ¦ 1:06.27 794.¦ 42.37 496.¦ 683. Krüger Anders 1967 Meilen 1:49.04,8 33.25,7 (9331) Diplom H-Mann 1997. 5.10 ¦ 1:03.20 647.¦ 45.44 766.¦ 684. Risi Jacques 1964 Kastanienbaum Wirth Sport 1:49.07,5 33.28,4 (3593) Diplom H-Mann 2002. 5.10 ¦ 1:05.02 720.¦ 44.04 636.¦ 685. Scherer Jiri 1970 Luzern 1:49.08,0 33.28,9 (5815) Diplom H-Mann 2004. 5.10 ¦ 1:04.30 697.¦ 44.38 680.¦ 686. Peter Meinrad 1969 Neuenkirch 1:49.09,2 33.30,1 (8645) Diplom H-Mann 2007. 5.10 ¦ 1:03.58 669.¦ 45.11 725.¦ 687. Muggli Andreas 1968 Meggen Swisscom Halbmarathon Team 1:49.10,8 33.31,7 (3338) Diplom H-Mann 2008. 5.10 ¦ 1:05.08 727.¦ 44.01 630.¦ 688. Bradley David 1972 Obernau 1:49.13,6 33.34,5 (8865) Diplom H-Mann 2012. 5.10 ¦ 1:04.09 682.¦ 45.04 713.¦ 689. Lieb Konrad 1971 Bad Ragaz 1:49.16,8 33.37,7 (9339) Diplom H-Mann 2017. 5.10 ¦ 1:05.21 739.¦ 43.55 617.¦ 690. Reinhard Markus 1966 Luzern Skiclub Alpina Luzern 1:49.19,0 33.39,9 (4052) Diplom H-Mann 2021. 5.10 ¦ 1:05.30 749.¦ 43.49 602.¦ 691. Schönbächler Guido 1972 Schwyz 1:49.22,0 33.42,9 (9394) Diplom H-Mann 2023. 5.11 ¦ 1:05.27 745.¦ 43.55 615.¦ 692. Douven Maurice 1969 Herrliberg 1:49.22,4 33.43,3 (7080) Diplom H-Mann 2024. 5.11 ¦ 1:03.39 656.¦ 45.42 764.¦ 693. Studhalter Thomas 1969 Horw 1:49.23,7 33.44,6 (4234) Diplom H-Mann 2025. 5.11 ¦ 1:03.21 649.¦ 46.02 783.¦ 694. Perret Claudio 1969 Kriens 1:49.24,1 33.45,0 (1969) Diplom H-Mann 2027. 5.11 ¦ 1:03.42 658.¦ 45.41 762.¦ 695. Hohl Markus 1967 Zollikofen 1:49.24,4 33.45,3 (4369) Diplom H-Mann 2028. 5.11 ¦ 1:04.45 705.¦ 44.39 681.¦ 696. Unternährer Andreas 1969 Rothenburg Suva HM-Team 1:49.27,0 33.47,9 (3225) Diplom H-Mann 2032. 5.11 ¦ 1:03.57 668.¦ 45.29 742.¦ 697. Burkart Stefan 1969 Sins Wirth Sport 1:49.29,5 33.50,4 (3577) Diplom H-Mann 2040. 5.11 ¦ 1:04.35 702.¦ 44.54 699.¦ 698. Blessinger Roland 1969 Pratteln 1:49.31,1 33.52,0 (6279) Diplom H-Mann 2043. 5.11 ¦ 1:04.02 671.¦ 45.28 741.¦ 699. Banzer Martin 1971 Luzern 1:49.32,3 33.53,2 (7460) Diplom H-Mann 2046. 5.11 ¦ 1:04.17 689.¦ 45.14 730.¦ 700. Saalfrank Bernhard 1964 Wettswil Biogen Idec Halbmarathon Team 1:49.37,9 33.58,8 (4019) Diplom H-Mann 2056. 5.11 ¦ 1:05.04 723.¦ 44.33 675.¦ 701. Huber Christian 1972 Oberkirch LU Donnschtig-Klob 1:49.38,5 33.59,4 (4813) Diplom H-Mann 2058. 5.11 ¦ 1:04.05 675.¦ 45.33 746.¦ 702. Cangi Massimo 1967 Rotkreuz 1:49.41,9 34.02,8 (4111) Diplom H-Mann 2065. 5.11 ¦ 1:05.06 725.¦ 44.35 678.¦ 703. Rico Gustavo 1969 Schaffhausen Unilever 1:49.44,0 34.04,9 (9543) Diplom H-Mann 2069. 5.12 ¦ 1:05.47 763.¦ 43.57 621.¦ 704. Herzog Andy 1968 Eschenbach LU 1:49.44,6 34.05,5 (8734) Diplom H-Mann 2070. 5.12 ¦ 1:04.26 693.¦ 45.18 735.¦ 705. Pinaton François 1967 Oberhofen am Thunersee 1:49.45,6 34.06,5 (5925) Diplom H-Mann 2071. 5.12 ¦ 1:05.38 756.¦ 44.06 638.¦ 706. Kaufmann Markus 1968 Meggen 1:49.46,8 34.07,7 (5380) Diplom H-Mann 2073. 5.12 ¦ 1:05.34 752.¦ 44.12 646.¦ 707. Krummenacher Marcel 1967 Sachseln 1:49.47,5 34.08,4 (5706) Diplom H-Mann 2075. 5.12 ¦ 1:03.55 665.¦ 45.51 774.¦ 708. Lusser Eugen 1967 Luzern 1:49.54,5 34.15,4 (9756) Diplom H-Mann 2084. 5.12 ¦ 1:01.51 549.¦ 48.02 925.¦ 709. Frauchiger Simon 1972 Luzern 1:49.54,6 34.15,5 (7938) Diplom H-Mann 2085. 5.12 ¦ 1:06.46 814.¦ 43.08 538.¦ 710. Prickett Michael 1969 Stans 1:49.56,4 34.17,3 (6397) Diplom H-Mann 2089. 5.12 ¦ 1:04.16 688.¦ 45.39 759.¦ 711. Grieder Patrick 1968 Sachseln 1:49.56,9 34.17,8 (5967) Diplom H-Mann 2090. 5.12 ¦ 1:05.28 748.¦ 44.28 667.¦ 712. Lifschitz Sacha 1972 Rüschlikon 1:49.59,1 34.20,0 (8911) Diplom H-Mann 2094. 5.12 ¦ 1:06.18 790.¦ 43.41 590.¦ 713. Gasser Bruno 1969 Lungern 1:50.00,3 34.21,2 (4806) Diplom H-Mann 2100. 5.12 ¦ 1:02.28 605.¦ 47.31 897.¦ 714. Deragisch Adrian 1972 Sedrun 1:50.02,6 34.23,5 (7149) Diplom H-Mann 2105. 5.12 ¦ 1:05.36 754.¦ 44.26 661.¦ 715. Valetti Giovanni 1970 Sursee Post Halbmarathon Team 1:50.04,6 34.25,5 (3932) Diplom H-Mann 2107. 5.13 ¦ 1:05.40 758.¦ 44.24 659.¦ 716. Salathé Eric 1965 Hergiswil NW 1:50.06,2 34.27,1 (4232) Diplom H-Mann 2109. 5.13 ¦ 1:03.13 640.¦ 46.52 854.¦ 717. Brunner Thomas 1964 Wald ZH Biogen Idec Halbmarathon Team 1:50.07,7 34.28,6 (4013) Diplom H-Mann 2110. 5.13 ¦ 1:05.10 730.¦ 44.56 705.¦ 718. Schmitt Nicola 1968 Ebikon Komax Wire HM-Team 1:50.08,7 34.29,6 (3131) Diplom H-Mann 2114. 5.13 ¦ 1:05.27 746.¦ 44.41 686.¦ 719. Simmler Sam 1971 Hochdorf 1:50.11,3 34.32,2 (5834) Diplom H-Mann 2118. 5.13 ¦ 1:04.09 684.¦ 46.01 781.¦ 720. Kyburz Stefan 1969 Hirschthal 1:50.13,0 34.33,9 (8057) Diplom H-Mann 2121. 5.13 ¦ 1:05.59 777.¦ 44.13 648.¦ 721. Fahrni Michael 1963 Münsingen 1:50.13,7 34.34,6 (4400) Diplom H-Mann 2123. 5.13 ¦ 1:05.17 735.¦ 44.56 703.¦ 722. Bachmann Thomas 1970 Rothenburg CKW 1:50.20,5 34.41,4 (6427) Diplom H-Mann 2129. 5.13 ¦ 1:05.49 767.¦ 44.31 672.¦ 723. Kammans Christian 1965 D-Grenzach-Wyhlen 1:50.23,3 34.44,2 (4189) Diplom H-Mann 2130. 5.13 ¦ 1:04.39 704.¦ 45.44 767.¦ 724. Bühlmann Walter 1966 Hochdorf Suva HM-Team 1:50.23,9 34.44,8 (3239) Diplom H-Mann 2132. 5.13 ¦ 1:04.47 708.¦ 45.36 752.¦ 725. Küttel Lars 1972 Obernau 1:50.24,3 34.45,2 (8550) Diplom H-Mann 2135. 5.13 ¦ 1:05.18 736.¦ 45.06 716.¦ 726. Imwinkelried Fabian 1968 Reckingen VS 1:50.25,5 34.46,4 (7714) Diplom H-Mann 2136. 5.14 ¦ 1:05.21 740.¦ 45.03 712.¦ 727. Betschart Stefan 1971 Winkel 1:50.27,1 34.48,0 (5415) Diplom H-Mann 2139. 5.14 ¦ 1:03.03 629.¦ 47.23 887.¦ 728. Deck-Meier Felix 1963 Watt TV Unterstrass 1:50.28,6 34.49,5 (7695) Diplom H-Mann 2143. 5.14 ¦ 1:05.22 742.¦ 45.06 717.¦ 729. Grünenfelder Alexander 1968 Wädenswil 1:50.30,7 34.51,6 (6713) Diplom H-Mann 2147. 5.14 ¦ 1:04.30 698.¦ 46.00 780.¦ 730. Haechler Stefan 1966 Kriens 1:50.31,0 34.51,9 (8236) Diplom H-Mann 2148. 5.14 ¦ 1:03.07 634.¦ 47.23 886.¦ 731. Buxton Paul 1969 Luzern 1:50.31,8 34.52,7 (7074) Diplom H-Mann 2150. 5.14 ¦ 1:06.34 801.¦ 43.57 622.¦ 732. Schoch Andreas 1963 Kastanienbaum 1:50.33,2 34.54,1 (4274) Diplom H-Mann 2152. 5.14 ¦ 1:06.06 784.¦ 44.26 665.¦ 733. Werner Markus 1967 D-Karlsruhe SSC Karlsruhe 1:50.33,7 34.54,6 (5357) Diplom H-Mann 2153. 5.14 ¦ 1:06.13 788.¦ 44.20 655.¦ 734. Krause Joerg 1964 D-Stutensee SSC Karlsruhe 1:50.34,2 34.55,1 (5398) Diplom H-Mann 2154. 5.14 ¦ 1:06.13 789.¦ 44.20 656.¦ 735. Geering Pascal 1972 Grosshöchstetten Post Halbmarathon Team 1:50.35,9 34.56,8 (3887) Diplom H-Mann 2159. 5.14 ¦ 1:04.57 717.¦ 45.38 756.¦ 736. Pagliaccio Antonio 1963 Winterthur 1:50.36,1 34.57,0 (9719) Diplom H-Mann 2161. 5.14 ¦ 1:03.56 666.¦ 46.39 836.¦ 737. Burri Stefan 1968 Münchenbuchsee 1:50.39,1 35.00,0 (8394) Diplom H-Mann 2165. 5.14 ¦ 1:05.05 724.¦ 45.33 748.¦ 738. Guyot Christoph 1971 Küssnacht am Rigi 1:50.42,5 35.03,4 (4474) Diplom H-Mann 2168. 5.14 ¦ 1:04.26 694.¦ 46.15 800.¦ 739. Jacomet Guido 1969 Riehen Post Halbmarathon Team 1:50.45,1 35.06,0 (3896) Diplom H-Mann 2170. 5.14 ¦ 1:06.07 785.¦ 44.37 679.¦ 740. Stoll Ernst 1964 Wallisellen TriMotion Varioserv 1:50.55,4 35.16,3 (8957) Diplom H-Mann 2175. 5.15 ¦ 1:06.00 779.¦ 44.54 700.¦ 741. Kronenberg Otmar 1965 Luzern Skiclub Alpina Luzern 1:50.56,3 35.17,2 (4050) Diplom H-Mann 2178. 5.15 ¦ 1:04.52 715.¦ 46.04 785.¦ 742. Pfeffer Max 1966 Zug 1:50.56,4 35.17,3 (8646) Diplom H-Mann 2179. 5.15 ¦ 1:07.13 838.¦ 43.42 594.¦ 743. Tudare Anders 1970 Luzern 1:50.56,8 35.17,7 (4889) Diplom H-Mann 2181. 5.15 ¦ 1:05.46 762.¦ 45.10 723.¦ 744. Häberli Patrick 1970 Buttisholz 1:51.00,9 35.21,8 (5232) Diplom H-Mann 2187. 5.15 ¦ 1:06.30 795.¦ 44.30 670.¦ 745. Burch Xaver 1965 Malters 1:51.02,2 35.23,1 (9008) Diplom H-Mann 2190. 5.15 ¦ 1:04.50 709.¦ 46.11 793.¦ 746. Trüb Roland 1966 Luzern Johnson & Johnson 4 1:51.03,5 35.24,4 (3831) Diplom H-Mann 2192. 5.15 ¦ 1:06.22 792.¦ 44.41 685.¦ 747. Bühler Bruno 1969 Nottwil Emmi Suhr 1:51.05,1 35.26,0 (3499) Diplom H-Mann 2193. 5.15 ¦ 1:04.51 711.¦ 46.14 794.¦ 748. Hauri Roman 1964 Frenkendorf 1:51.05,9 35.26,8 (5779) Diplom H-Mann 2194. 5.15 ¦ 1:04.08 679.¦ 46.57 857.¦ 749. Bechtiger Roland 1964 Zug 1:51.08,4 35.29,3 (9134) Diplom H-Mann 2198. 5.16 ¦ 1:05.47 764.¦ 45.20 738.¦ 750. Richmond Paddy 1967 Horw 1:51.08,5 35.29,4 (5236) Diplom H-Mann 2199. 5.16 ¦ 1:04.51 713.¦ 46.16 801.¦ 750. Stutz Christoph 1972 Rothenburg 1:51.08,5 35.29,4 (4233) Diplom H-Mann 2199. 5.16 ¦ 1:05.50 769.¦ 45.17 734.¦ 752. Dort Hugo 1971 Flums 1:51.16,2 35.37,1 (9163) Diplom H-Mann 2210. 5.16 ¦ 1:03.23 651.¦ 47.52 918.¦ 753. Saporito Domenico 1966 Taverne 1:51.22,0 35.42,9 (6464) Diplom H-Mann 2215. 5.16 ¦ 1:05.35 753.¦ 45.46 769.¦ 754. Schunk Markus 1964 Hünenberg See 1:51.22,2 35.43,1 (6182) Diplom H-Mann 2216. 5.16 ¦ 1:08.03 888.¦ 43.18 551.¦ 755. Zettler Andreas 1971 Meggen Biogen Idec Halbmarathon Team 1:51.24,1 35.45,0 (3993) Diplom H-Mann 2220. 5.16 ¦ 1:05.04 722.¦ 46.19 805.¦ 756. Backman Mats 1968 S-Sandviken Sandvik 1:51.24,4 35.45,3 (3749) Diplom H-Mann 2222. 5.16 ¦ 1:04.45 706.¦ 46.38 834.¦ 757. Kempf Felix 1964 Buochs 1:51.25,2 35.46,1 (8297) Diplom H-Mann 2224. 5.16 ¦ 1:07.32 861.¦ 43.52 609.¦ 758. Scheuner Daniel 1972 Luzern 1:51.25,5 35.46,4 (7316) Diplom H-Mann 2225. 5.16 ¦ 1:05.27 747.¦ 45.57 778.¦ 759. Ronzani Aldo 1965 Hellbühl 1:51.27,0 35.47,9 (5472) Diplom H-Mann 2227. 5.16 ¦ 1:07.31 858.¦ 43.55 618.¦ 760. Hofmann Georg 1968 Ballwil 1:51.28,0 35.48,9 (7039) Diplom H-Mann 2228. 5.17 ¦ 1:01.26 524.¦ 50.01 1023.¦ 761. Persano Fabio 1964 Russikon 1:51.29,7 35.50,6 (4689) Diplom H-Mann 2229. 5.17 ¦ 1:05.51 770.¦ 45.38 756.¦ 762. Furger Felix 1967 Rothenburg 1:51.36,0 35.56,9 (5445) Diplom H-Mann 2235. 5.17 ¦ 1:05.59 778.¦ 45.36 753.¦ 763. Huber Andreas 1964 Zürich 1:51.39,1 36.00,0 (4851) Diplom H-Mann 2237. 5.17 ¦ 1:04.35 702.¦ 47.03 868.¦ 764. Doswald Joerg 1965 Weggis 1:51.40,4 36.01,3 (5631) Diplom H-Mann 2240. 5.17 ¦ 1:06.04 782.¦ 45.36 751.¦ 765. Bertogg Martin 1969 Zürich 1:51.43,1 36.04,0 (6827) Diplom H-Mann 2244. 5.17 ¦ 1:07.29 857.¦ 44.14 649.¦ 766. Kenda Boris 1970 Zürich Swisscom Halbmarathon Team 1:51.44,6 36.05,5 (3349) Diplom H-Mann 2247. 5.17 ¦ 1:05.20 737.¦ 46.24 810.¦ 767. Brunner Rolf 1970 Uttigen 1:51.44,7 36.05,6 (6795) Diplom H-Mann 2249. 5.17 ¦ 1:05.39 757.¦ 46.05 786.¦ 768. Torregrosa Luis 1970 Zug 1:51.47,4 36.08,3 (5616) Diplom H-Mann 2254. 5.17 ¦ 1:06.38 804.¦ 45.08 720.¦ 769. Goetzmann Marcel 1964 Gränichen Centris 1:51.47,5 36.08,4 (3179) Diplom H-Mann 2255. 5.17 ¦ 1:09.15 972.¦ 42.32 486.¦ 770. Hasler Thomas 1966 Stansstad 1:51.49,1 36.10,0 (8889) Diplom H-Mann 2258. 5.18 ¦ 1:06.34 800.¦ 45.15 731.¦ 771. Bühlmann Thomas 1968 Horw 1:51.53,8 36.14,7 (7148) Diplom H-Mann 2263. 5.18 ¦ 1:07.03 826.¦ 44.50 696.¦ 772. Häller Peter 1963 Dagmersellen 1:51.54,3 36.15,2 (9662) Diplom H-Mann 2264. 5.18 ¦ 1:05.21 738.¦ 46.33 824.¦ 773. Zimmermann Christoph 1970 Schenkon ewl luzern 1:51.56,7 36.17,6 (3612) Diplom H-Mann 2266. 5.18 ¦ 1:06.38 803.¦ 45.18 736.¦ 774. Ott Toni 1966 Auw CKW 1:51.57,3 36.18,2 (7108) Diplom H-Mann 2267. 5.18 ¦ 1:05.16 734.¦ 46.40 837.¦ 775. Herger Stefan 1971 Weggis 1:51.59,7 36.20,6 (8617) Diplom H-Mann 2270. 5.18 ¦ 1:07.26 853.¦ 44.33 674.¦ 776. Stucki Andreas 1970 Préverenges 1:52.00,3 36.21,2 (5037) Diplom H-Mann 2271. 5.18 ¦ 1:06.18 790.¦ 45.42 763.¦ 777. Magno Aldo 1966 Weggis 1:52.00,7 36.21,6 (9201) Diplom H-Mann 2273. 5.18 ¦ 1:07.27 855.¦ 44.33 676.¦ 778. Mellini Massimiliano 1967 Locarno 1:52.07,6 36.28,5 (9530) Diplom H-Mann 2279. 5.18 ¦ 1:04.29 696.¦ 47.38 902.¦ 779. Jeschke Gunnar 1966 Zürich 1:52.08,3 36.29,2 (5146) Diplom H-Mann 2280. 5.18 ¦ 1:07.37 868.¦ 44.31 672.¦ 780. Hügli Andreas 1964 Berikon 1:52.14,6 36.35,5 (8744) Diplom H-Mann 2287. 5.19 ¦ 1:05.48 766.¦ 46.26 814.¦ 781. Schneider Reto 1971 Luzern StK30 1:52.17,0 36.37,9 (5091) Diplom H-Mann 2289. 5.19 ¦ 1:05.34 751.¦ 46.42 840.¦ 782. Dias Julio 1971 Mellingen 1:52.18,5 36.39,4 (4385) Diplom H-Mann 2291. 5.19 ¦ 1:06.40 807.¦ 45.38 758.¦ 783. Sommer Adrian 1963 Obfelden 1:52.24,1 36.45,0 (6867) Diplom H-Mann 2295. 5.19 ¦ 1:06.08 787.¦ 46.15 799.¦ 784. Fries Thomas 1970 Neuenkirch Wirth Sport 1:52.26,4 36.47,3 (3597) Diplom H-Mann 2300. 5.19 ¦ 1:06.22 793.¦ 46.04 784.¦ 785. Grau Philipp 1971 Ehrendingen LG Ehrendingen 1:52.29,5 36.50,4 (7307) Diplom H-Mann 2305. 5.19 ¦ 1:06.41 809.¦ 45.47 770.¦ 786. Parisi Roberto 1967 Adligenswil 1:52.32,7 36.53,6 (9872) Diplom H-Mann 2308. 5.20 ¦ 1:07.32 862.¦ 45.00 708.¦ 787. Gruica Boris 1967 Knonau 1:52.34,9 36.55,8 (4509) Diplom H-Mann 2312. 5.20 ¦ 1:06.58 821.¦ 45.36 754.¦ 788. Halter Remo 1964 Kastanienbaum Wirth Sport 1:52.36,4 36.57,3 (3591) Diplom H-Mann 2314. 5.20 ¦ 1:05.37 755.¦ 46.58 860.¦ 789. Ziswiler Sascha 1971 Kastanienbaum 1:52.38,5 36.59,4 (6148) Diplom H-Mann 2316. 5.20 ¦ 1:04.50 710.¦ 47.47 912.¦ 790. Pulver Daniel 1964 Limpach 1:52.38,9 36.59,8 (8275) Diplom H-Mann 2317. 5.20 ¦ 1:05.53 775.¦ 46.45 842.¦ 791. Stocker Urs 1964 Buttisholz Lauftreff Grosswangen 1:52.39,6 37.00,5 (4643) Diplom H-Mann 2319. 5.20 ¦ 1:06.42 810.¦ 45.57 777.¦ 792. Schmidig Walter 1964 Brunnen Team Meli Sport 1:52.39,7 37.00,6 (3288) Diplom H-Mann 2320. 5.20 ¦ 1:05.30 750.¦ 47.08 876.¦ 793. Wüthrich Daniel 1968 Hasle-Rüegsau Emmi Emmen 1:52.40,0 37.00,9 (3471) Diplom H-Mann 2321. 5.20 ¦ 1:07.56 886.¦ 44.43 691.¦ 794. Sollberger Daniel 1970 Wolfhausen 1:52.46,0 37.06,9 (3418) Diplom H-Mann 2326. 5.20 ¦ 1:04.08 681.¦ 48.37 959.¦ 795. Delfosse Peter 1966 Kastanienbaum Wirth Sport 1:52.46,4 37.07,3 (3590) Diplom H-Mann 2329. 5.20 ¦ 1:06.07 785.¦ 46.39 835.¦ 796. Acevedo Fernando 1966 Thônex 1:52.48,9 37.09,8 (8460) Diplom H-Mann 2331. 5.20 ¦ 1:07.43 873.¦ 45.05 715.¦ 797. Giger André 1966 Zürich 1:52.54,6 37.15,5 (4502) Diplom H-Mann 2339. 5.21 ¦ 1:05.12 731.¦ 47.42 905.¦ 798. Vila José 1972 Menziken ALSO Halbmarathon-Team 1:52.57,3 37.18,2 (3364) Diplom H-Mann 2341. 5.21 ¦ 1:07.02 824.¦ 45.55 776.¦ 799. Bernhard Daniel 1972 Rothenburg 1:52.59,6 37.20,5 (5688) Diplom H-Mann 2344. 5.21 ¦ 1:07.16 844.¦ 45.43 765.¦ 800. Esterhazy René 1965 Emmenbrücke 1:53.02,0 37.22,9 (7811) Diplom H-Mann 2347. 5.21 ¦ 1:06.03 781.¦ 46.58 858.¦ 801. Müller Patrick 1971 Frutigen 1:53.03,8 37.24,7 (6926) Diplom H-Mann 2350. 5.21 ¦ 1:06.55 818.¦ 46.08 789.¦ 802. Oberli Roman 1972 Sarnen 1:53.04,7 37.25,6 (6363) Diplom H-Mann 2352. 5.21 ¦ 1:04.34 700.¦ 48.30 951.¦ 803. De Filippo Massimo 1972 Luzern 1:53.07,3 37.28,2 (5689) Diplom H-Mann 2356. 5.21 ¦ 1:06.04 783.¦ 47.02 865.¦ 804. Schirinzi Salvatore 1968 Sursee 1:53.08,3 37.29,2 (5475) Diplom H-Mann 2358. 5.21 ¦ 1:06.53 817.¦ 46.15 797.¦ 805. Dürler René 1968 Bülach 1:53.09,4 37.30,3 (8400) Diplom H-Mann 2359. 5.21 ¦ 1:05.57 776.¦ 47.11 878.¦ 806. Gisler Pascal 1972 Zürich 1:53.10,1 37.31,0 (9033) Diplom H-Mann 2361. 5.21 ¦ 1:05.51 771.¦ 47.18 883.¦ 807. Schraner René 1969 Kaiseraugst 1:53.11,7 37.32,6 (5269) Diplom H-Mann 2363. 5.21 ¦ 1:06.35 802.¦ 46.36 828.¦ 808. Schlatter Urs 1968 Luzern 1:53.16,0 37.36,9 (8368) Diplom H-Mann 2373. 5.22 ¦ 1:06.50 815.¦ 46.25 812.¦ 809. Felder Pius 1970 Spreitenbach 1:53.16,4 37.37,3 (5895) Diplom H-Mann 2375. 5.22 ¦ 1:08.18 913.¦ 44.57 706.¦ 810. Hertig Guido 1969 Münchenbuchsee 1:53.20,2 37.41,1 (5098) Diplom H-Mann 2378. 5.22 ¦ 1:05.41 759.¦ 47.39 903.¦ 811. Zimmermann Peter 1972 Bassersdorf 1:53.22,6 37.43,5 (4506) Diplom H-Mann 2382. 5.22 ¦ 1:05.52 773.¦ 47.30 894.¦ 812. Müller Martin 1969 Zollikofen 1:53.24,1 37.45,0 (4162) Diplom H-Mann 2383. 5.22 ¦ 1:07.06 828.¦ 46.18 803.¦ 813. Althaus Felix 1963 Rothenburg 1:53.25,4 37.46,3 (4446) Diplom H-Mann 2386. 5.22 ¦ 1:04.47 707.¦ 48.38 960.¦ 814. Suter Roland 1966 Luzern 1:53.25,5 37.46,4 (3550) Diplom H-Mann 2387. 5.22 ¦ 1:06.31 796.¦ 46.53 855.¦ 815. Cadalbert Roman 1971 Chur 1:53.27,4 37.48,3 (7075) Diplom H-Mann 2390. 5.22 ¦ 1:06.45 813.¦ 46.41 838.¦ 816. Lüthi Roland 1970 Schenkon 1:53.29,6 37.50,5 (8259) Diplom H-Mann 2394. 5.22 ¦ 1:07.10 833.¦ 46.19 805.¦ 817. Egli Andreas 1963 Stans 1:53.30,6 37.51,5 (5190) Diplom H-Mann 2396. 5.22 ¦ 1:03.59 670.¦ 49.30 1003.¦ 818. Steiner Edwin 1970 Luzern 1:53.33,1 37.54,0 (4276) Diplom H-Mann 2398. 5.22 ¦ 1:07.18 846.¦ 46.14 795.¦ 819. Schori Frank 1969 Langnau i. E. Swisscom Halbmarathon Team 1:53.33,5 37.54,4 (3321) Diplom H-Mann 2399. 5.22 ¦ 1:06.41 808.¦ 46.52 851.¦ 820. Brudermann Thomas 1971 Klosters 1:53.36,5 37.57,4 (7553) Diplom H-Mann 2401. 5.23 ¦ 1:06.32 799.¦ 47.04 869.¦ 821. Luder Andreas 1968 Therwil 1:53.37,1 37.58,0 (6211) Diplom H-Mann 2402. 5.23 ¦ 1:07.00 822.¦ 46.37 832.¦ 822. Imfeld Christian 1970 Steinhausen 1:53.39,5 38.00,4 (4513) Diplom H-Mann 2405. 5.23 ¦ 1:05.50 768.¦ 47.49 915.¦ 823. Bruns Reiner 1968 D-Bad Krozingen 1:53.39,9 38.00,8 (8313) Diplom H-Mann 2408. 5.23 ¦ 1:07.06 830.¦ 46.33 826.¦ 824. Kneubühler Joe 1972 Reiden JTI RUNNING TEAM 1:53.40,6 38.01,5 (3092) Diplom H-Mann 2409. 5.23 ¦ 1:08.12 903.¦ 45.28 740.¦ 825. Gisler Reto 1969 Schattdorf 1:53.40,9 38.01,8 (8413) Diplom H-Mann 2411. 5.23 ¦ 1:08.01 887.¦ 45.39 759.¦ 826. Wilhelm Urs 1964 Uffikon Emmi Dagmersellen 1:53.43,1 38.04,0 (3463) Diplom H-Mann 2415. 5.23 ¦ 1:08.59 957.¦ 44.43 690.¦ 827. Meerkämper Marco 1964 Luzern CKW 1:53.44,5 38.05,4 (9527) Diplom H-Mann 2416. 5.23 ¦ 1:07.13 839.¦ 46.30 820.¦ 828. Hofbauer Florian 1969 D-Pfaffenhofen 1:53.45,6 38.06,5 (8330) Diplom H-Mann 2418. 5.23 ¦ 1:07.09 832.¦ 46.36 828.¦ 829. Folger Martin 1964 D-Ingelheim 1:53.46,0 38.06,9 (4152) Diplom H-Mann 2419. 5.23 ¦ 1:06.39 805.¦ 47.06 873.¦ 830. Hitz Christopher 1970 Basel 1:53.46,3 38.07,2 (8735) Diplom H-Mann 2420. 5.23 ¦ 1:07.14 840.¦ 46.32 823.¦ 831. Dros Dariusz 1972 PL-Tarnowskie Gory 1:53.47,3 38.08,2 (5894) Diplom H-Mann 2423. 5.23 ¦ 1:08.39 925.¦ 45.08 719.¦ 832. Baudin Roger 1968 Binningen 1:53.49,9 38.10,8 (4534) Diplom H-Mann 2426. 5.23 ¦ 1:04.52 716.¦ 48.57 981.¦ 833. Krzywon Gerolt 1972 Vitznau Cereneo 1:53.50,5 38.11,4 (9691) Diplom H-Mann 2428. 5.23 ¦ 1:08.12 904.¦ 45.37 755.¦ 834. Rizzello Roberto 1964 Dübendorf 1 1:53.54,0 38.14,9 (9545) Diplom H-Mann 2430. 5.23 ¦ 1:07.01 823.¦ 46.52 853.¦ 835. De Cahlik Jan 1964 Obfelden Cahlik 1:53.54,1 38.15,0 (5392) Diplom H-Mann 2431. 5.23 ¦ 1:08.50 945.¦ 45.03 711.¦ 836. Camenzind Peter 1967 Muotathal Post Halbmarathon Team 1:53.54,9 38.15,8 (3941) Diplom H-Mann 2436. 5.23 ¦ 1:08.47 939.¦ 45.07 718.¦ 837. Gubser Thomas 1970 Emmenbrücke Laufcenter Littau 1:53.56,3 38.17,2 (4073) Diplom H-Mann 2437. 5.24 ¦ 1:06.31 797.¦ 47.24 891.¦ 838. Studer Raphael 1972 Luzern 1:53.56,5 38.17,4 (7847) Diplom H-Mann 2438. 5.24 ¦ 1:06.42 810.¦ 47.14 880.¦ 839. Hagenbuch Beat 1971 Buchrain 1:53.57,7 38.18,6 (6487) Diplom H-Mann 2439. 5.24 ¦ 1:08.25 916.¦ 45.32 745.¦ 840. Crisafulli Antonio 1964 Walenstadt 1:54.04,8 38.25,7 (8219) Diplom H-Mann 2447. 5.24 ¦ 1:05.26 744.¦ 48.38 960.¦ 841. Zierow Arne 1971 D-Bösdorf Fielmann Halbmarathon Team 1:54.05,1 38.26,0 (3567) Diplom H-Mann 2448. 5.24 ¦ 1:08.52 949.¦ 45.12 726.¦ 842. Wolf Beat 1963 Ennetmoos 1:54.07,9 38.28,8 (8358) Diplom H-Mann 2451. 5.24 ¦ 1:07.52 883.¦ 46.15 798.¦ 843. Kranz Bruno 1963 Uster 1:54.08,7 38.29,6 (6252) Diplom H-Mann 2454. 5.24 ¦ 1:05.51 771.¦ 48.17 938.¦ 844. Wehrli Peter 1972 Kestenholz 1:54.09,9 38.30,8 (4279) Diplom H-Mann 2457. 5.24 ¦ 1:07.03 825.¦ 47.06 873.¦ 845. Steger Thomas 1970 Kriens 1:54.11,9 38.32,8 (4087) Diplom H-Mann 2460. 5.24 ¦ 1:07.12 836.¦ 46.59 862.¦ 846. Seibel Christoph 1972 D-Maikammer 1:54.12,8 38.33,7 (4220) Diplom H-Mann 2462. 5.24 ¦ 1:05.22 743.¦ 48.50 971.¦ 847. Rodriguez Lopez Policarpo 1969 D-Freiburg 1:54.13,9 38.34,8 (7971) Diplom H-Mann 2463. 5.24 ¦ 1:07.41 872.¦ 46.32 822.¦ 848. Frunz Marco 1970 Sarnen 1:54.14,7 38.35,6 (4304) Diplom H-Mann 2465. 5.24 ¦ 1:07.11 835.¦ 47.03 866.¦ 849. Zurkirchen Markus 1966 Rotkreuz 1:54.16,1 38.37,0 (4570) Diplom H-Mann 2467. 5.24 ¦ 1:06.51 816.¦ 47.24 889.¦ 850. Knöpfle Wolfgang 1963 D-Beffendorf 1:54.18,8 38.39,7 (8906) Diplom H-Mann 2471. 5.25 ¦ 1:08.08 894.¦ 46.10 792.¦ 851. Svellenti Marco 1966 Hünenberg See 1:54.19,1 38.40,0 (8831) Diplom H-Mann 2472. 5.25 ¦ 1:02.52 620.¦ 51.26 1064.¦ 852. Brunner Paul 1964 Meggen 1:54.21,2 38.42,1 (9625) Diplom H-Mann 2476. 5.25 ¦ 1:07.16 843.¦ 47.04 872.¦ 853. Mayer Curdin 1969 Trimmis Laufgruppe Trimmis 1:54.22,1 38.43,0 (6009) Diplom H-Mann 2479. 5.25 ¦ 1:07.32 860.¦ 46.50 847.¦ 854. Schön-Küng Werner 1971 Trimmis 1:54.22,6 38.43,5 (4218) Diplom H-Mann 2481. 5.25 ¦ 1:07.32 862.¦ 46.50 848.¦ 855. Müller Patrick 1965 Thalwil 1:54.28,2 38.49,1 (6294) Diplom H-Mann 2486. 5.25 ¦ 1:08.04 890.¦ 46.24 809.¦ 856. Rodel André 1969 Ballwil 1:54.28,3 38.49,2 (6180) Diplom H-Mann 2487. 5.25 ¦ 1:07.11 834.¦ 47.16 881.¦ 857. Vollenweider Markus 1963 Ennetbürgen 1:54.28,7 38.49,6 (4602) Diplom H-Mann 2488. 5.25 ¦ 1:08.44 932.¦ 45.44 768.¦ 858. Inderbitzin Josef 1968 Brunnen Team Meli Sport 1:54.32,4 38.53,3 (3296) Diplom H-Mann 2495. 5.25 ¦ 1:08.44 934.¦ 45.48 772.¦ 859. Bissegger Thomas 1966 Weinfelden 1:54.34,6 38.55,5 (5003) Diplom H-Mann 2496. 5.25 ¦ 1:09.01 959.¦ 45.33 746.¦ 860. Seibold Andreas 1967 D-Kernen 1:54.34,7 38.55,6 (8506) Diplom H-Mann 2497. 5.25 ¦ 1:08.26 917.¦ 46.07 788.¦ 861. Lüönd Paul 1968 Muotathal Team Meli Sport 1:54.38,3 38.59,2 (3293) Diplom H-Mann 2503. 5.26 ¦ 1:07.27 854.¦ 47.11 877.¦ 862. Studhalter Markus 1970 Hünenberg See 1:54.41,0 39.01,9 (4610) Diplom H-Mann 2507. 5.26 ¦ 1:06.45 812.¦ 47.55 919.¦ 863. Lienhard Markus 1971 Embrach 1:54.41,4 39.02,3 (9524) Diplom H-Mann 2508. 5.26 ¦ 1:06.39 806.¦ 48.01 923.¦ 864. Fischer Martin 1967 Horw Suva HM-Team 1:54.44,8 39.05,7 (3230) Diplom H-Mann 2517. 5.26 ¦ 1:08.16 909.¦ 46.28 818.¦ 865. Richert Urs 1964 CAN-Montreal 1:54.45,3 39.06,2 (8804) Diplom H-Mann 2519. 5.26 ¦ 1:09.13 969.¦ 45.32 744.¦ 866. Bacon Scott 1968 Basel 1:54.46,9 39.07,8 (9603) Diplom H-Mann 2520. 5.26 ¦ 1:08.13 905.¦ 46.33 825.¦ 867. Rennhard Daniel 1966 Leuggern 1:54.47,2 39.08,1 (4810) Diplom H-Mann 2521. 5.26 ¦ 1:07.34 865.¦ 47.12 879.¦ 868. Bissig Peter 1970 Giswil 1:54.49,1 39.10,0 (5242) Diplom H-Mann 2526. 5.26 ¦ 1:08.06 893.¦ 46.42 839.¦ 869. Wehrli Reto 1968 Kleindöttingen 1:54.49,2 39.10,1 (7237) Diplom H-Mann 2527. 5.26 ¦ 1:07.44 874.¦ 47.04 871.¦ 870. Mühlebach Daniel 1967 Zürich 1:54.49,5 39.10,4 (7048) Diplom H-Mann 2528. 5.26 ¦ 1:07.22 850.¦ 47.27 892.¦ 871. Peter Rolf 1963 Buchrain 1:54.51,1 39.12,0 (6500) Diplom H-Mann 2532. 5.26 ¦ 1:07.52 882.¦ 46.59 861.¦ 872. Keller Roland 1971 Bern 1:54.53,6 39.14,5 (5323) Diplom H-Mann 2534. 5.26 ¦ 1:08.08 894.¦ 46.45 843.¦ 873. Känzig Stefan 1971 Bettlach Hobbyseckler 1:54.53,9 39.14,8 (8903) Diplom H-Mann 2535. 5.26 ¦ 1:08.17 911.¦ 46.36 830.¦ 874. Bolzern Thomas 1972 Beromünster 1:54.54,1 39.15,0 (5434) Diplom H-Mann 2537. 5.26 ¦ 1:07.23 851.¦ 47.30 895.¦ 875. Reinmann Karl 1964 Cham 1:54.54,5 39.15,4 (8066) Diplom H-Mann 2538. 5.26 ¦ 1:06.55 819.¦ 47.58 921.¦ 876. Schmid Urs 1970 Emmenbrücke Stadtgärtnerei im Ried 1:54.55,7 39.16,6 (4059) Diplom H-Mann 2540. 5.26 ¦ 1:07.31 859.¦ 47.24 890.¦ 877. Roduit Pierre-André 1964 Saillon 1:54.56,6 39.17,5 (5928) Diplom H-Mann 2541. 5.26 ¦ 1:07.38 869.¦ 47.18 882.¦ 878. Tschümperlin Norbert 1964 Niederglatt ZH 1:54.57,5 39.18,4 (4557) Diplom H-Mann 2543. 5.26 ¦ 1:08.29 918.¦ 46.28 817.¦ 879. Rüttimann Hugo 1972 Luzern 1:54.59,2 39.20,1 (5885) Diplom H-Mann 2545. 5.27 ¦ 1:05.48 765.¦ 49.11 988.¦ 880. Köllnberger Erich 1965 Schwarzenberg LU Wirth Sport 1:55.02,3 39.23,2 (3595) Diplom H-Mann 2548. 5.27 ¦ 1:05.45 761.¦ 49.16 995.¦ 881. Studer Andy 1969 Basel ramstein sport optik 1:55.07,4 39.28,3 (6183) Diplom H-Mann 2555. 5.27 ¦ 1:07.39 871.¦ 47.28 893.¦ 882. Treyer Klaus 1963 Hünenberg See Hapimag 1:55.10,5 39.31,4 (3434) Diplom H-Mann 2558. 5.27 ¦ 1:08.51 948.¦ 46.18 804.¦ 883. Häcki Mathias 1971 Steinhausen Hapimag 1:55.12,2 39.33,1 (3432) Diplom H-Mann 2561. 5.27 ¦ 1:08.49 943.¦ 46.22 808.¦ 884. Traxler Andy 1967 Zürich Binelli & Ehrsam 1:55.13,3 39.34,2 (3839) Diplom H-Mann 2563. 5.27 ¦ 1:08.47 937.¦ 46.25 813.¦ 885. Holderegger Roger 1969 Zürich 1:55.14,4 39.35,3 (4944) Diplom H-Mann 2564. 5.27 ¦ 1:09.04 962.¦ 46.09 791.¦ 886. Achermann Guido 1971 Neuenkirch 1:55.19,5 39.40,4 (7140) Diplom H-Mann 2569. 5.27 ¦ 1:08.54 954.¦ 46.24 811.¦ 887. Dammeyer Heiko 1963 D-Steinen TV Hüsingen 1:55.20,1 39.41,0 (4112) Diplom H-Mann 2572. 5.28 ¦ 1:07.14 842.¦ 48.05 928.¦ 888. Emmenegger Daniel 1966 Buchrain 1:55.20,5 39.41,4 (7300) Diplom H-Mann 2574. 5.28 ¦ 1:07.28 856.¦ 47.52 917.¦ 888. Mestas Stefan 1964 Oberägeri Biogen Idec 1:55.20,5 39.41,4 (3996) Diplom H-Mann 2574. 5.28 ¦ 1:07.12 837.¦ 48.08 930.¦ 890. Schumacher Thomas 1963 Schenkon 1:55.20,8 39.41,7 (5278) Diplom H-Mann 2576. 5.28 ¦ 1:09.18 976.¦ 46.02 782.¦ 891. Baettig Christof 1972 Emmenbrücke 1:55.21,3 39.42,2 (7799) Diplom H-Mann 2578. 5.28 ¦ 1:08.54 953.¦ 46.26 816.¦ 892. Schneider Patrick 1963 Olten 1:55.21,9 39.42,8 (6036) Diplom H-Mann 2579. 5.28 ¦ 1:07.49 879.¦ 47.32 899.¦ 893. Ochsner René 1964 Windisch 1:55.22,5 39.43,4 (5011) Diplom H-Mann 2580. 5.28 ¦ 1:07.09 831.¦ 48.13 935.¦ 894. Hurschler Arnold 1963 Willisau JTI RUNNING TEAM 1:55.24,8 39.45,7 (3080) Diplom H-Mann 2582. 5.28 ¦ 1:06.01 780.¦ 49.22 999.¦ 895. Hofmann Laurent 1966 Echallens Traine-Savates 1:55.28,6 39.49,5 (8138) Diplom H-Mann 2585. 5.28 ¦ 1:07.52 884.¦ 47.35 900.¦ 896. Furrer Markus 1965 Sempach Stadt 1:55.28,8 39.49,7 (5850) Diplom H-Mann 2587. 5.28 ¦ 1:08.45 935.¦ 46.43 841.¦ 897. Krug Oliver 1968 Küssnacht am Rigi MSD HM Team 1:55.30,3 39.51,2 (3668) Diplom H-Mann 2589. 5.28 ¦ 1:08.43 931.¦ 46.47 845.¦ 898. Fischlin Aldo 1970 Baar 1:55.30,4 39.51,3 (7155) Diplom H-Mann 2590. 5.28 ¦ 1:09.04 961.¦ 46.26 815.¦ 899. Fellmann Adrean 1972 Luzern 1:55.30,8 39.51,7 (6697) Diplom H-Mann 2591. 5.28 ¦ 1:08.53 952.¦ 46.36 831.¦ 900. Verrelli Rocco 1972 Allschwil Montana Sport 1:55.33,1 39.54,0 (7984) Diplom H-Mann 2595. 5.28 ¦ 1:08.47 937.¦ 46.45 844.¦ 901. Lötscher Pius 1963 Rothenburg 1:55.34,3 39.55,2 (4203) Diplom H-Mann 2597. 5.28 ¦ 1:07.48 878.¦ 47.45 911.¦ 902. Koch Thomas 1971 Rothenburg 1:55.37,9 39.58,8 (4799) Diplom H-Mann 2601. 5.28 ¦ 1:08.48 942.¦ 46.49 846.¦ 903. Schreen Christoph 1972 Zürich MSD HM Team 1:55.39,0 39.59,9 (3677) Diplom H-Mann 2602. 5.28 ¦ 1:07.19 848.¦ 48.19 941.¦ 904. Wicki Adrian 1969 Luzern Suva HM-Team 1:55.39,1 40.00,0 (3212) Diplom H-Mann 2603. 5.28 ¦ 1:07.06 828.¦ 48.33 952.¦ 905. Inderbitzin Pius 1965 Altbüron 1:55.39,5 40.00,4 (7947) Diplom H-Mann 2604. 5.28 ¦ 1:08.17 912.¦ 47.21 885.¦ 906. Bauhofer Stefan 1963 Sempach Stadt 1:55.44,4 40.05,3 (8998) Diplom H-Mann 2610. 5.29 ¦ 1:08.48 940.¦ 46.55 856.¦ 907. Moser Rene 1964 Bern 1:55.46,5 40.07,4 (5152) Diplom H-Mann 2613. 5.29 ¦ 1:09.11 968.¦ 46.34 827.¦ 908. Haas Daniel 1972 Aeugst am Albis 1:55.48,7 40.09,6 (6714) Diplom H-Mann 2614. 5.29 ¦ 1:10.38 1026.¦ 45.09 721.¦ 909. Bronzi Paolo 1969 Davesco-Soragno 1:55.49,0 40.09,9 (4779) Diplom H-Mann 2616. 5.29 ¦ 1:08.04 889.¦ 47.45 909.¦ 910. Egarter Hans 1966 Bottmingen 1:55.50,6 40.11,5 (7657) Diplom H-Mann 2617. 5.29 ¦ 1:08.41 928.¦ 47.08 875.¦ 911. Galli Bruno 1969 Luzern 1:55.51,4 40.12,3 (6766) Diplom H-Mann 2618. 5.29 ¦ 1:11.23 1059.¦ 44.28 666.¦ 912. Röthlisberger Urs 1968 Luzern 1:55.54,8 40.15,7 (7186) Diplom H-Mann 2625. 5.29 ¦ 1:07.03 826.¦ 48.51 973.¦ 913. Arnold Alex 1963 Rothenburg 1:55.57,5 40.18,4 (5312) Diplom H-Mann 2632. 5.29 ¦ 1:07.48 877.¦ 48.09 931.¦ 914. Erni Urs 1966 Stansstad 1:56.00,2 40.21,1 (4795) Diplom H-Mann 2640. 5.29 ¦ 1:08.11 900.¦ 47.49 916.¦ 915. Suter Jean-Jacques 1963 Risch Team Sage Schweiz AG 1:56.00,7 40.21,6 (3980) Diplom H-Mann 2642. 5.29 ¦ 1:08.36 923.¦ 47.24 888.¦ 916. Pelzer Jörg 1963 Magden 1:56.03,8 40.24,7 (7772) Diplom H-Mann 2649. 5.30 ¦ 1:07.49 880.¦ 48.13 937.¦ 917. Utiger Rene 1972 Münsingen 1:56.05,3 40.26,2 (5439) Diplom H-Mann 2651. 5.30 ¦ 1:08.08 896.¦ 47.56 920.¦ 918. Schellander Jürgen 1966 A-Höchst, Vorarlberg hellblau.POWERTEAM 1:56.05,5 40.26,4 (8941) Diplom H-Mann 2652. 5.30 ¦ 1:07.38 870.¦ 48.26 947.¦ 919. Saller Herbert 1963 D-Wistedt Fielmann Halbmarathon Team 1:56.07,4 40.28,3 (3564) Diplom H-Mann 2653. 5.30 ¦ 1:08.18 913.¦ 47.48 914.¦ 920. Rodriguez Javier 1972 Herzogenbuchsee 1:56.08,8 40.29,7 (5182) Diplom H-Mann 2656. 5.30 ¦ 1:10.16 1005.¦ 45.52 775.¦ 921. Koch Urs 1965 Greppen 1:56.10,5 40.31,4 (5658) Diplom H-Mann 2661. 5.30 ¦ 1:06.57 820.¦ 49.13 992.¦ 922. Achermann Michael 1970 Inwil 1:56.10,7 40.31,6 (4770) Diplom H-Mann 2662. 5.30 ¦ 1:07.20 849.¦ 48.49 969.¦ 923. Schwegler Walter 1968 Ruswil 1:56.11,1 40.32,0 (7230) Diplom H-Mann 2665. 5.30 ¦ 1:07.50 881.¦ 48.20 943.¦ 924. Pizzichetta Marcello 1970 Wallisellen 1:56.17,4 40.38,3 (3508) Diplom H-Mann 2672. 5.30 ¦ 1:07.33 864.¦ 48.44 966.¦ 925. Gärtner Roger 1969 Fahrweid 1:56.20,2 40.41,1 (9656) Diplom H-Mann 2675. 5.30 ¦ 1:09.18 977.¦ 47.01 864.¦ 926. Zimmermann Thomas 1966 Ebikon 1:56.21,1 40.42,0 (6659) Diplom H-Mann 2678. 5.30 ¦ 1:10.53 1037.¦ 45.28 739.¦ 927. Burgener Damian 1970 Naters 1:56.25,3 40.46,2 (6664) Diplom H-Mann 2682. 5.31 ¦ 1:07.56 885.¦ 48.29 950.¦ 928. Schmid Stefan 1966 Abtwil AG 1:56.27,1 40.48,0 (7779) Diplom H-Mann 2684. 5.31 ¦ 1:08.42 930.¦ 47.44 908.¦ 929. Frischknecht Adi 1963 Wädenswil 1:56.31,6 40.52,5 (7304) Diplom H-Mann 2689. 5.31 ¦ 1:10.41 1027.¦ 45.50 773.¦ 930. Petursson Val 1967 Unterägeri 1:56.34,0 40.54,9 (7181) Diplom H-Mann 2692. 5.31 ¦ 1:08.11 901.¦ 48.22 944.¦ 930. Stirnimann Roland 1969 Oberkirch LU 1:56.34,0 40.54,9 (5702) Diplom H-Mann 2692. 5.31 ¦ 1:08.15 908.¦ 48.18 940.¦ 932. Krichel Thomas 1968 Buochs 1:56.36,4 40.57,3 (8150) Diplom H-Mann 2696. 5.31 ¦ 1:08.51 946.¦ 47.45 910.¦ 933. Bielser Felix 1965 Pratteln 1:56.37,7 40.58,6 (8681) Diplom H-Mann 2698. 5.31 ¦ 1:07.35 866.¦ 49.02 984.¦ 934. Künzli Urs 1963 Watt Biogen Idec Halbmarathon Team 1:56.40,7 41.01,6 (4009) Diplom H-Mann 2702. 5.31 ¦ 1:08.58 956.¦ 47.42 905.¦ 935. Huwyler Marius 1972 Sins 1:56.43,6 41.04,5 (5558) Diplom H-Mann 2706. 5.31 ¦ 1:09.52 992.¦ 46.50 849.¦ 936. Reichmuth Adrian 1968 Luzern 1:56.47,2 41.08,1 (7111) Diplom H-Mann 2712. 5.32 ¦ 1:09.16 975.¦ 47.31 896.¦ 937. Müller Adrian 1965 Emmen ALSO Halbmarathon-Team 1:56.47,7 41.08,6 (3372) Diplom H-Mann 2714. 5.32 ¦ 1:10.32 1017.¦ 46.15 796.¦ 938. Auchli Marcel 1968 Wolfenschiessen 1:56.48,2 41.09,1 (7244) Diplom H-Mann 2716. 5.32 ¦ 1:04.03 673.¦ 52.45 1103.¦ 939. Camenzind-Knaus Turi 1971 Brunnen 1:56.49,4 41.10,3 (4067) Diplom H-Mann 2719. 5.32 ¦ 1:08.13 906.¦ 48.36 956.¦ 940. Tschopp Daniel 1970 Rain 1:56.49,8 41.10,7 (5400) Diplom H-Mann 2721. 5.32 ¦ 1:09.13 970.¦ 47.36 901.¦ 941. Meli Peter 1964 Mels 1:56.50,4 41.11,3 (9208) Diplom H-Mann 2722. 5.32 ¦ 1:11.14 1053.¦ 45.35 750.¦ 942. Lingg Guido 1966 Adligenswil 1:56.53,3 41.14,2 (6887) Diplom H-Mann 2726. 5.32 ¦ 1:10.23 1008.¦ 46.29 819.¦ 943. Barlafante Marcello 1967 Luzern 1:56.53,7 41.14,6 (7145) Diplom H-Mann 2728. 5.32 ¦ 1:07.18 845.¦ 49.35 1008.¦ 944. Sidler Philipp 1969 Sins 1:56.58,4 41.19,3 (8817) Diplom H-Mann 2736. 5.32 ¦ 1:08.04 892.¦ 48.54 977.¦ 945. Hunziker Clemens 1970 Horw Team Schweizerhof 1:56.59,2 41.20,1 (70) Diplom H-Mann 2738. 5.32 ¦ 1:08.04 890.¦ 48.55 978.¦ 946. Wehrli Fredy 1963 Winterthur 1:56.59,6 41.20,5 (5000) Diplom H-Mann 2739. 5.32 ¦ 1:10.38 1025.¦ 46.21 807.¦ 947. Gfeller Immanuel 1969 Thun 42for42 1:57.06,2 41.27,1 (9171) Diplom H-Mann 2742. 5.33 ¦ 1:10.07 998.¦ 46.58 858.¦ 948. Nimis Olivier 1971 Savièse 1:57.06,3 41.27,2 (5303) Diplom H-Mann 2743. 5.33 ¦ 1:09.04 962.¦ 48.01 922.¦ 949. Herzog Rony 1966 Stans 1:57.12,4 41.33,3 (7826) Diplom H-Mann 2751. 5.33 ¦ 1:08.14 907.¦ 48.58 982.¦ 950. Buser Franz 1963 Rüfenacht BE 1:57.16,2 41.37,1 (4109) Diplom H-Mann 2759. 5.33 ¦ 1:08.34 922.¦ 48.41 964.¦ 951. Büchi Ruedi 1968 Sargans 1:57.18,0 41.38,9 (6950) Diplom H-Mann 2761. 5.33 ¦ 1:08.41 929.¦ 48.36 957.¦ 952. Bühler Philipp 1964 Ermensee 1:57.19,1 41.40,0 (6433) Diplom H-Mann 2764. 5.33 ¦ 1:08.51 947.¦ 48.27 948.¦ 953. Loeliger Martin 1963 Baar 1:57.20,4 41.41,3 (6494) Diplom H-Mann 2766. 5.33 ¦ 1:08.09 898.¦ 49.11 989.¦ 954. Klein Markus 1963 Kerns 1:57.22,7 41.43,6 (6052) Diplom H-Mann 2768. 5.33 ¦ 1:09.10 966.¦ 48.12 934.¦ 955. Eadaelli Alberto 1964 Luzern 1:57.25,7 41.46,6 (8042) Diplom H-Mann 2775. 5.33 ¦ 1:07.24 852.¦ 50.01 1022.¦ 956. Bauer Beat 1972 Fislisbach Lauftreff Fislisbach 1:57.25,8 41.46,7 (9438) Diplom H-Mann 2776. 5.33 ¦ 1:08.49 944.¦ 48.36 957.¦ 957. Nietschke Reinhard 1963 Sempach 1:57.28,4 41.49,3 (8063) Diplom H-Mann 2782. 5.34 ¦ 1:08.55 955.¦ 48.33 954.¦ 958. Purtschert Urs 1968 Obernau 1:57.30,9 41.51,8 (4874) Diplom H-Mann 2785. 5.34 ¦ 1:08.47 936.¦ 48.43 965.¦ 959. Ruatolo Antonio 1965 Bosco Luganese 1:57.36,3 41.57,2 (8360) Diplom H-Mann 2793. 5.34 ¦ 1:09.52 991.¦ 47.44 907.¦ 960. Bürzle Josef 1964 FL-Balzers 1:57.39,5 42.00,4 (9151) Diplom H-Mann 2796. 5.34 ¦ 1:08.08 897.¦ 49.30 1003.¦ 961. Müller Dieterich 1964 D-Grünsfeld Distelhäuser Lauftreff 1:57.41,7 42.02,6 (4791) Diplom H-Mann 2798. 5.34 ¦ 1:08.34 921.¦ 49.07 986.¦ 962. Böni André 1970 Wollerau 1:57.41,8 42.02,7 (4631) Diplom H-Mann 2800. 5.34 ¦ 1:09.28 982.¦ 48.13 935.¦ 963. Helfenstein Otto 1969 Hellbühl Stadtgärtnerei im Ried 1:57.50,6 42.11,5 (4058) Diplom H-Mann 2803. 5.35 ¦ 1:09.02 960.¦ 48.47 968.¦ 964. Werner Ramon 1969 Ballwil 1:57.51,9 42.12,8 (5507) Diplom H-Mann 2805. 5.35 ¦ 1:09.40 985.¦ 48.11 932.¦ 965. Hirst William 1968 Buochs 1:57.53,9 42.14,8 (7375) Diplom H-Mann 2807. 5.35 ¦ 1:08.41 927.¦ 49.12 991.¦ 966. Sticher Patrick 1965 Zürich 1:57.55,3 42.16,2 (5173) Diplom H-Mann 2809. 5.35 ¦ 1:09.51 990.¦ 48.04 927.¦ 967. Eichhorn Stefan 1966 Arth Team Meli Sport 1:57.58,1 42.19,0 (3277) Diplom H-Mann 2813. 5.35 ¦ 1:08.17 910.¦ 49.41 1010.¦ 968. Merkel Andreas 1969 Luzern Sportverein Luzerner Polizei 1:57.59,7 42.20,6 (3410) Diplom H-Mann 2815. 5.35 ¦ 1:08.09 899.¦ 49.50 1016.¦ 969. Gröbli Werner 1963 Emmetten 1:58.00,4 42.21,3 (8124) Diplom H-Mann 2817. 5.35 ¦ 1:07.46 875.¦ 50.14 1031.¦ 970. Engler Alex 1964 Balgach 1:58.07,2 42.28,1 (7415) Diplom H-Mann 2824. 5.35 ¦ 1:09.23 979.¦ 48.44 967.¦ 971. Hämmerli Hanspeter 1963 A-Wien 1:58.21,7 42.42,6 (5394) Diplom H-Mann 2837. 5.36 ¦ 1:07.48 876.¦ 50.33 1040.¦ 972. Koch Hansjörg 1965 Ittigen Suva HM-Team 1:58.23,0 42.43,9 (3193) Diplom H-Mann 2838. 5.36 ¦ 1:10.11 1001.¦ 48.11 933.¦ 973. Mauerhofer Michael 1969 Bern 1:58.26,1 42.47,0 (4751) Diplom H-Mann 2843. 5.36 ¦ 1:07.14 841.¦ 51.11 1056.¦ 974. Wolf Markus 1969 Meggen 1:58.27,2 42.48,1 (6513) Diplom H-Mann 2845. 5.36 ¦ 1:11.22 1058.¦ 47.04 870.¦ 975. Michel Thomas 1964 Meggen 1:58.27,9 42.48,8 (5638) Diplom H-Mann 2847. 5.36 ¦ 1:11.24 1060.¦ 47.03 866.¦ 976. Kuchen Andreas 1963 Kriens 1:58.30,3 42.51,2 (8342) Diplom H-Mann 2851. 5.37 ¦ 1:10.50 1035.¦ 47.40 904.¦ 977. Studer Chistian 1964 Luzern Biogen Idec Halbmarathon Team 1:58.30,6 42.51,5 (9912) Diplom H-Mann 2852. 5.37 ¦ 1:07.36 867.¦ 50.53 1052.¦ 978. Stoller Daniel 1964 Luzern 1:58.34,7 42.55,6 (9104) Diplom H-Mann 2857. 5.37 ¦ 1:11.57 1080.¦ 46.37 833.¦ 979. Blakaj Ismet 1970 Melchtal 1:58.35,2 42.56,1 (6191) Diplom H-Mann 2859. 5.37 ¦ 1:10.10 999.¦ 48.25 946.¦ 980. Trütsch Roman 1966 Einsiedeln 1:58.35,4 42.56,3 (7400) Diplom H-Mann 2860. 5.37 ¦ 1:08.44 932.¦ 49.51 1017.¦ 981. Ganziani Roger 1965 Luzern 1:58.38,6 42.59,5 (6767) Diplom H-Mann 2863. 5.37 ¦ 1:09.07 965.¦ 49.30 1002.¦ 982. Nussbaumer François 1972 Moutier FSG Alle 1:58.39,0 42.59,9 (6057) Diplom H-Mann 2864. 5.37 ¦ 1:10.04 996.¦ 48.34 955.¦ 983. Bieri Oliver 1969 Buchrain 1:58.40,9 43.01,8 (4147) Diplom H-Mann 2867. 5.37 ¦ 1:08.40 926.¦ 50.00 1021.¦ 984. Winkler Guido 1972 Berikon 1:58.44,8 43.05,7 (7456) Diplom H-Mann 2872. 5.37 ¦ 1:09.25 980.¦ 49.19 997.¦ 985. Richert Beat 1970 CAN-Montreal 1:58.50,4 43.11,3 (8803) Diplom H-Mann 2880. 5.37 ¦ 1:10.32 1019.¦ 48.17 939.¦ 986. Seeholzer Urs 1971 Schwyz Team Meli Sport 1:58.57,1 43.18,0 (3290) Diplom H-Mann 2886. 5.38 ¦ 1:10.29 1012.¦ 48.27 948.¦ 987. Fey Robert 1966 Zug Biogen Idec Halbmarathon Team 1:58.58,1 43.19,0 (3994) Diplom H-Mann 2887. 5.38 ¦ 1:10.35 1021.¦ 48.22 945.¦ 988. Mahler Rolf 1971 Horw 1:59.03,4 43.24,3 (4082) Diplom H-Mann 2901. 5.38 ¦ 1:09.11 967.¦ 49.51 1018.¦ 989. Eikamp David 1967 Cham 1:59.04,5 43.25,4 (5032) Diplom H-Mann 2905. 5.38 ¦ 1:11.44 1076.¦ 47.20 884.¦ 990. Zeder Markus 1968 Luzern 1:59.07,2 43.28,1 (8382) Diplom H-Mann 2908. 5.38 ¦ 1:09.55 993.¦ 49.11 990.¦ 991. Tornare Daniel 1972 Meyriez 1:59.10,5 43.31,4 (8192) Diplom H-Mann 2911. 5.38 ¦ 1:10.37 1023.¦ 48.33 952.¦ 992. Brunner Pascal 1971 Meggen 1:59.13,3 43.34,2 (7362) Diplom H-Mann 2914. 5.39 ¦ 1:08.31 919.¦ 50.42 1046.¦ 993. Green Richard 1971 Luzern 1:59.16,3 43.37,2 (4404) Diplom H-Mann 2918. 5.39 ¦ 1:09.34 983.¦ 49.41 1011.¦ 994. Bezemer Erik 1964 Mels 1:59.16,8 43.37,7 (9137) Diplom H-Mann 2920. 5.39 ¦ 1:10.26 1009.¦ 48.50 970.¦ 995. Tschannen Philippe 1969 Münchenstein 1:59.17,5 43.38,4 (6781) Diplom H-Mann 2923. 5.39 ¦ 1:11.45 1077.¦ 47.32 898.¦ 996. Di Nardo Elia 1966 Luzern 1:59.21,5 43.42,4 (6598) Diplom H-Mann 2928. 5.39 ¦ 1:10.01 995.¦ 49.20 998.¦ 997. Ingold Lucas 1966 Basel 1:59.22,3 43.43,2 (7268) Diplom H-Mann 2930. 5.39 ¦ 1:09.07 964.¦ 50.14 1032.¦ 998. Aschkenasy Schlomo 1964 Zürich 1:59.23,9 43.44,8 (6110) Diplom H-Mann 2932. 5.39 ¦ 1:10.44 1030.¦ 48.39 962.¦ 999. Fritsch Hans 1964 Muri AG 1:59.25,4 43.46,3 (8118) Diplom H-Mann 2936. 5.39 ¦ 1:06.31 798.¦ 52.53 1107.¦ 1000. Baumeler Michael 1971 Hochdorf 1:59.27,5 43.48,4 (7998) Diplom H-Mann 2938. 5.39 ¦ 1:08.12 902.¦ 51.15 1059.¦ 1001. Lang Christian 1964 Möhlin 1:59.28,6 43.49,5 (7952) Diplom H-Mann 2940. 5.39 ¦ 1:10.32 1017.¦ 48.55 980.¦ 1002. Rogenmoser Thomas 1968 Luzern 1:59.30,8 43.51,7 (8435) Diplom H-Mann 2945. 5.39 ¦ 1:11.25 1061.¦ 48.05 928.¦ 1002. Schmidt Mike 1968 D-Bevern MTV Bevern 1:59.30,8 43.51,7 (3155) Diplom H-Mann 2945. 5.39 ¦ 1:12.31 1096.¦ 46.59 862.¦ 1004. Cerneaz Walter 1968 Sattel 1:59.33,3 43.54,2 (7930) Diplom H-Mann 2947. 5.40 ¦ 1:13.16 1111.¦ 46.17 802.¦ 1005. Greif Michael 1969 Davos Glaris 1:59.34,1 43.55,0 (8234) Diplom H-Mann 2948. 5.40 ¦ 1:07.18 847.¦ 52.15 1087.¦ 1006. Hubschmid Daniel 1972 Zug 1:59.35,3 43.56,2 (8742) Diplom H-Mann 2949. 5.40 ¦ 1:08.53 951.¦ 50.42 1047.¦ 1007. Uffelmann Thorsten 1966 Interlaken 1:59.35,4 43.56,3 (9900) Diplom H-Mann 2950. 5.40 ¦ 1:10.44 1029.¦ 48.51 974.¦ 1008. Huser Ivo 1970 Rothenburg 1:59.37,7 43.58,6 (9859) Diplom H-Mann 2951. 5.40 ¦ 1:10.34 1020.¦ 49.03 985.¦ 1009. Wirbel Bernd 1966 D-Ehrenkirchen Fielmann Halbmarathon Team 1:59.41,6 44.02,5 (3571) Diplom H-Mann 2956. 5.40 ¦ 1:11.00 1044.¦ 48.40 963.¦ 1010. Burnaz Cengiz 1971 Baar Hapimag 1:59.45,0 44.05,9 (3436) Diplom H-Mann 2957. 5.40 ¦ 1:08.59 957.¦ 50.45 1049.¦ 1011. Kiser Ulrich 1965 Neuenkirch 1:59.49,7 44.10,6 (5456) Diplom H-Mann 2963. 5.40 ¦ 1:09.16 974.¦ 50.33 1041.¦ 1012. Niederberger Rainer 1964 Wolfenschiessen STV Ennetbürgen 1:59.55,6 44.16,5 (7721) Diplom H-Mann 2968. 5.41 ¦ 1:10.06 997.¦ 49.49 1014.¦ 1013. Paget Rupert 1969 Zürich 1:59.57,7 44.18,6 (4711) Diplom H-Mann 2970. 5.41 ¦ 1:09.21 978.¦ 50.36 1042.¦ 1014. Crugnale Antonio 1963 Bertschikon (Gossau ZH) Ferag AG 2:00.01,7 44.22,6 (8038) Diplom H-Mann 2977. 5.41 ¦ 1:10.29 1013.¦ 49.32 1005.¦ 1015. Kost Thomas 1968 Luzern 2:00.03,1 44.24,0 (5677) Diplom H-Mann 2981. 5.41 ¦ 1:10.28 1010.¦ 49.34 1007.¦ 1016. Di Verde Leo 1968 Stansstad Komax Wire HM-Team 2:00.04,6 44.25,5 (3145) Diplom H-Mann 2983. 5.41 ¦ 1:12.02 1083.¦ 48.02 924.¦ 1017. Darms Martin 1971 Buonas 2:00.19,5 44.40,4 (9639) Diplom H-Mann 2994. 5.42 ¦ 1:11.27 1063.¦ 48.51 975.¦ 1018. Dietrich Jann 1970 Künten Balmer-Etienne AG 2:00.21,7 44.42,6 (3464) Diplom H-Mann 2995. 5.42 ¦ 1:11.08 1050.¦ 49.13 993.¦ 1019. Näpflin Reto 1966 Olten 2:00.22,8 44.43,7 (4178) Diplom H-Mann 2996. 5.42 ¦ 1:11.05 1048.¦ 49.17 996.¦ 1020. Camenisch Roger 1967 Horgen 2:00.23,3 44.44,2 (6435) Diplom H-Mann 2997. 5.42 ¦ 1:16.06 1171.¦ 44.16 652.¦ 1021. Engelmann Ulf 1966 D-Bevern MTV Bevern 2:00.27,3 44.48,2 (3159) Diplom H-Mann 2999. 5.42 ¦ 1:11.19 1054.¦ 49.07 987.¦ 1022. Emmenegger Bruno 1970 Kriens 2:00.27,4 44.48,3 (5583) Diplom H-Mann 3000. 5.42 ¦ 1:11.35 1069.¦ 48.52 976.¦ 1023. Egli Ralph 1970 Abtwil AG 2:00.36,1 44.57,0 (4780) Diplom H-Mann 3009. 5.42 ¦ 1:10.10 1000.¦ 50.25 1036.¦ 1024. Schroeder Henning 1963 Luzern 2:00.37,1 44.58,0 (6403) Diplom H-Mann 3012. 5.43 ¦ 1:10.13 1003.¦ 50.23 1034.¦ 1025. Aschwanden Markus 1968 Tenero Atletica Tenero 90 2:00.39,9 45.00,8 (7243) Diplom H-Mann 3016. 5.43 ¦ 1:11.25 1062.¦ 49.14 994.¦ 1026. Bürki Martin 1969 Uitikon Waldegg 2:00.42,8 45.03,7 (3548) Diplom H-Mann 3018. 5.43 ¦ 1:10.56 1041.¦ 49.45 1012.¦ 1027. Hoffmannbeck Ralf 1965 D-Sonneberg Rennsteiglaufverein 2:00.43,9 45.04,8 (8547) Diplom H-Mann 3019. 5.43 ¦ 1:11.48 1078.¦ 48.55 979.¦ 1028. Harsant Paul 1971 Oberwil-bei-Zug 2:00.45,3 45.06,2 (8730) Diplom H-Mann 3020. 5.43 ¦ 1:08.38 924.¦ 52.07 1078.¦ 1029. Blösch Tom 1968 Bonstetten 2:00.47,1 45.08,0 (6623) Diplom H-Mann 3021. 5.43 ¦ 1:10.36 1022.¦ 50.10 1029.¦ 1030. Scheidig Jürgen 1964 D-Nürnberg 2:00.48,1 45.09,0 (7015) Diplom H-Mann 3024. 5.43 ¦ 1:11.20 1055.¦ 49.28 1001.¦ 1031. Marbach Daniel 1971 Winterthur 2:00.54,1 45.15,0 (4673) Diplom H-Mann 3030. 5.43 ¦ 1:10.49 1034.¦ 50.04 1024.¦ 1032. Cambeiro Blanco Gonzalo 1970 Niederrohrdorf 2:00.57,9 45.18,8 (9154) Diplom H-Mann 3035. 5.44 ¦ 1:11.08 1051.¦ 49.49 1015.¦ 1033. Arato Benedikt 1968 Stans 2:01.02,2 45.23,1 (5332) Diplom H-Mann 3038. 5.44 ¦ 1:10.30 1014.¦ 50.32 1039.¦ 1034. Müller Kurt 1967 Ruswil 2:01.12,8 45.33,7 (5118) Diplom H-Mann 3044. 5.44 ¦ 1:11.05 1049.¦ 50.07 1027.¦ 1035. Ajro Petrit 1964 Hochdorf 2:01.13,4 45.34,3 (7141) Diplom H-Mann 3045. 5.44 ¦ 1:09.50 988.¦ 51.22 1062.¦ 1036. Hörenberg Markus 1963 Tägerwilen 2:01.18,9 45.39,8 (6174) Diplom H-Mann 3051. 5.45 ¦ 1:10.48 1033.¦ 50.30 1038.¦ 1037. Kaufmann Marco 1971 Luzern 2:01.19,7 45.40,6 (5115) Diplom H-Mann 3052. 5.45 ¦ 1:14.27 1136.¦ 46.52 851.¦ 1038. Mösch Martin 1968 Schüpfheim 2:01.20,8 45.41,7 (5545) Diplom H-Mann 3053. 5.45 ¦ 1:12.30 1093.¦ 48.50 972.¦ 1039. Husmann Toni 1968 Ennetbürgen 2:01.27,0 45.47,9 (8745) Diplom H-Mann 3059. 5.45 ¦ 1:09.55 994.¦ 51.31 1067.¦ 1040. Hess Bernhard 1963 Schattdorf 2:01.28,9 45.49,8 (9177) Diplom H-Mann 3063. 5.45 ¦ 1:12.29 1092.¦ 48.59 983.¦ 1041. Kilcher Dominique 1972 Muri b. Bern Swisscom Halbmarathon Team 2:01.29,5 45.50,4 (3313) Diplom H-Mann 3064. 5.45 ¦ 1:09.15 973.¦ 52.14 1086.¦ 1042. Fortiguerra Roberto 1970 Emmenbrücke 2:01.32,3 45.53,2 (4911) Diplom H-Mann 3068. 5.45 ¦ 1:11.40 1073.¦ 49.51 1018.¦ 1043. Lang Ueli 1966 Weggis MSD HM Team 2:01.35,5 45.56,4 (3667) Diplom H-Mann 3071. 5.45 ¦ 1:08.19 915.¦ 53.16 1113.¦ 1044. Lenz Daniel 1972 Kriens 2:01.43,1 46.04,0 (4198) Diplom H-Mann 3073. 5.46 ¦ 1:10.29 1011.¦ 51.14 1058.¦ 1045. Gisler Bernhard 1970 Schattdorf 2:01.44,1 46.05,0 (7003) Diplom H-Mann 3075. 5.46 ¦ 1:11.32 1067.¦ 50.11 1030.¦ 1046. Wiebe Jens 1967 Zuckenriet 2:01.44,7 46.05,6 (8514) Diplom H-Mann 3076. 5.46 ¦ 1:11.38 1071.¦ 50.06 1025.¦ 1047. Culjak Vid 1965 Ebikon 2:01.55,1 46.16,0 (8317) Diplom H-Mann 3084. 5.46 ¦ 1:12.21 1088.¦ 49.33 1006.¦ 1048. Benz Reto 1970 Winterthur 2:01.58,4 46.19,3 (4169) Diplom H-Mann 3087. 5.46 ¦ 1:09.45 987.¦ 52.13 1085.¦ 1049. Soenen Johan 1970 Unterägeri 2:01.59,8 46.20,7 (5562) Diplom H-Mann 3089. 5.46 ¦ 1:11.20 1056.¦ 50.39 1044.¦ 1050. Straub Klaus 1969 Winterthur 2:02.07,9 46.28,8 (3174) Diplom H-Mann 3095. 5.47 ¦ 1:11.04 1047.¦ 51.03 1053.¦ 1051. Coates Gavin 1970 Zürich 2:02.24,3 46.45,2 (6353) Diplom H-Mann 3105. 5.48 ¦ 1:12.30 1095.¦ 49.53 1020.¦ 1052. Swinscoe Nigel 1966 Luzern Chesterfield & District AC 2:02.28,4 46.49,3 (8446) Diplom H-Mann 3107. 5.48 ¦ 1:11.38 1072.¦ 50.50 1051.¦ 1053. Tschanz Urs 1968 Kastanienbaum 2:02.36,2 46.57,1 (6822) Diplom H-Mann 3111. 5.48 ¦ 1:11.31 1066.¦ 51.05 1054.¦ 1054. Renggli Bruno 1968 Kriens 2:02.38,6 46.59,5 (5422) Diplom H-Mann 3113. 5.48 ¦ 1:09.42 986.¦ 52.56 1109.¦ 1055. Wagner Markus 1970 D-Cochem 2:02.56,5 47.17,4 (6615) Diplom H-Mann 3123. 5.49 ¦ 1:09.34 984.¦ 53.21 1116.¦ 1056. Bühlmann Thomas 1968 Urswil 2:03.04,5 47.25,4 (7509) Diplom H-Mann 3126. 5.50 ¦ 1:09.13 971.¦ 53.51 1133.¦ 1057. Vonarburg Jérôme 1967 Luzern 2:03.09,6 47.30,5 (4018) Diplom H-Mann 3129. 5.50 ¦ 1:10.58 1042.¦ 52.11 1081.¦ 1058. Wilhelm Olivier 1963 Rotkreuz 2:03.10,8 47.31,7 (7544) Diplom H-Mann 3130. 5.50 ¦ 1:15.22 1156.¦ 47.47 913.¦ 1059. Döring Nils 1971 Maur Binelli & Ehrsam 2:03.12,9 47.33,8 (3845) Diplom H-Mann 3131. 5.50 ¦ 1:11.30 1065.¦ 51.42 1072.¦ 1060. Bieri Heinz 1964 Wolhusen 2:03.20,3 47.41,2 (9000) Diplom H-Mann 3139. 5.50 ¦ 1:11.00 1045.¦ 52.19 1089.¦ 1061. Stofer Hanspeter 1966 Kriens Swisscom Halbmarathon Team 2:03.20,4 47.41,3 (3333) Diplom H-Mann 3140. 5.50 ¦ 1:10.32 1016.¦ 52.48 1104.¦ 1062. Blechinger Markus 1964 Luzern Suva HM-Team 2:03.20,5 47.41,4 (3207) Diplom H-Mann 3141. 5.50 ¦ 1:10.47 1031.¦ 52.33 1096.¦ 1063. Camenzind-Miyaguchi Rober 1969 Uster 2:03.21,4 47.42,3 (9289) Diplom H-Mann 3144. 5.50 ¦ 1:10.54 1038.¦ 52.27 1092.¦ 1064. Theiler Urs 1970 Rothenburg Swisscom Halbmarathon Team 2:03.22,4 47.43,3 (3334) Diplom H-Mann 3145. 5.50 ¦ 1:12.39 1097.¦ 50.42 1048.¦ 1065. Bucher Kurt 1967 Horw 2:03.30,6 47.51,5 (5891) Diplom H-Mann 3152. 5.51 ¦ 1:11.13 1052.¦ 52.17 1088.¦ 1066. Huber Thomas 1966 Kriens 2:03.30,7 47.51,6 (4382) Diplom H-Mann 3153. 5.51 ¦ 1:10.38 1024.¦ 52.52 1106.¦ 1067. Hofmann Bruno 1964 Wikon 2:03.32,9 47.53,8 (6637) Diplom H-Mann 3155. 5.51 ¦ 1:12.13 1085.¦ 51.19 1060.¦ 1068. Birrer Hartwig 1964 Ennetbürgen 2:03.33,2 47.54,1 (6621) Diplom H-Mann 3156. 5.51 ¦ 1:12.13 1085.¦ 51.19 1061.¦ 1069. Aregger Peter 1966 Luzern 2:03.41,5 48.02,4 (4718) Diplom H-Mann 3158. 5.51 ¦ 1:13.00 1106.¦ 50.41 1045.¦ 1070. Streit André-Robert 1971 Uttigen 2:03.42,3 48.03,2 (6816) Diplom H-Mann 3160. 5.51 ¦ 1:10.20 1006.¦ 53.21 1117.¦ 1071. Ortolani Alessandro 1969 Zug Johnson & Johnson 3 2:03.45,8 48.06,7 (3827) Diplom H-Mann 3162. 5.51 ¦ 1:10.12 1002.¦ 53.33 1124.¦ 1072. Schaller Erwin 1965 Bassersdorf 2:03.46,3 48.07,2 (9090) Diplom H-Mann 3163. 5.52 ¦ 1:12.02 1082.¦ 51.44 1073.¦ 1073. Zürcher Fritz 1968 Huttwil 2:03.49,5 48.10,4 (7625) Diplom H-Mann 3164. 5.52 ¦ 1:10.20 1007.¦ 53.28 1122.¦ 1074. Schaffhauser Adrian 1970 Neuenkirch Post Halbmarathon Team 2:03.54,7 48.15,6 (3930) Diplom H-Mann 3165. 5.52 ¦ 1:14.17 1127.¦ 49.37 1009.¦ 1075. Nosetti Mauro 1968 Rothenburg 2:04.05,8 48.26,7 (7961) Diplom H-Mann 3169. 5.52 ¦ 1:11.28 1064.¦ 52.37 1098.¦ 1076. Dewar Duncan 1963 GB-Falkirk 2:04.11,5 48.32,4 (5376) Diplom H-Mann 3171. 5.53 ¦ 1:14.23 1132.¦ 49.47 1013.¦ 1077. Kohlweg Heinz 1972 Bergdietikon 2:04.14,1 48.35,0 (6719) Diplom H-Mann 3176. 5.53 ¦ 1:12.21 1088.¦ 51.52 1074.¦ 1078. Mutti Stefan 1971 Niedergösgen 2:04.15,6 48.36,5 (9073) Diplom H-Mann 3177. 5.53 ¦ 1:08.31 920.¦ 55.44 1168.¦ 1079. Pearson Brad 1965 Küsnacht ZH 2:04.19,7 48.40,6 (4950) Diplom H-Mann 3180. 5.53 ¦ 1:10.48 1032.¦ 53.31 1123.¦ 1080. Suter Marcel 1964 Birmensdorf ZH 2:04.23,9 48.44,8 (9753) Diplom H-Mann 3183. 5.53 ¦ 1:10.56 1040.¦ 53.27 1119.¦ 1081. Wiedenhofer Werner 1972 Hombrechtikon 2:04.25,6 48.46,5 (5508) Diplom H-Mann 3185. 5.53 ¦ 1:12.56 1103.¦ 51.29 1066.¦ 1082. Savi Arnoud 1970 Langnau am Albis MSD HM Team 2:04.35,3 48.56,2 (3682) Diplom H-Mann 3190. 5.54 ¦ 1:11.34 1068.¦ 53.01 1111.¦ 1083. Spring Urs 1971 Horw 2:04.36,6 48.57,5 (5551) Diplom H-Mann 3191. 5.54 ¦ 1:14.27 1135.¦ 50.09 1028.¦ 1084. Busler Adrian 1964 Küssnacht am Rigi 2:04.37,4 48.58,3 (7807) Diplom H-Mann 3193. 5.54 ¦ 1:11.59 1081.¦ 52.37 1099.¦ 1085. Rizzello Fabrizio 1970 Hildisrieden Post Halbmarathon Team 2:04.41,7 49.02,6 (3916) Diplom H-Mann 3194. 5.54 ¦ 1:11.02 1046.¦ 53.39 1127.¦ 1086. Kurath Erich 1969 Flums 2:04.42,4 49.03,3 (8344) Diplom H-Mann 3195. 5.54 ¦ 1:10.56 1039.¦ 53.45 1130.¦ 1087. Hiles Chris 1963 Baar Hapimag AG 2:04.44,5 49.05,4 (3437) Diplom H-Mann 3196. 5.54 ¦ 1:12.46 1099.¦ 51.58 1075.¦ 1088. Dietrich Markus 1970 D-Berlin SCC Events Volunteer Club 2:04.47,6 49.08,5 (4734) Diplom H-Mann 3199. 5.54 ¦ 1:09.51 989.¦ 54.56 1153.¦ 1089. Henseler Marcel 1964 Küssnacht am Rigi 2:04.47,9 49.08,8 (4155) Diplom H-Mann 3200. 5.54 ¦ 1:12.11 1084.¦ 52.36 1097.¦ 1090. Dürrling Stephan 1969 D-Winsen (Luhe) Fielmann Halbmarathon Team 2:04.52,8 49.13,7 (3565) Diplom H-Mann 3205. 5.55 ¦ 1:10.50 1036.¦ 54.02 1138.¦ 1091. Roth Martin 1965 Constantine MSD HM Team 2:04.56,1 49.17,0 (3621) Diplom H-Mann 3207. 5.55 ¦ 1:14.19 1128.¦ 50.36 1043.¦ 1092. Hüsler Bruno 1968 Unterägeri 2:04.58,2 49.19,1 (6222) Diplom H-Mann 3209. 5.55 ¦ 1:13.20 1113.¦ 51.37 1069.¦ 1093. Plantera Andreas 1967 Neerach 2:05.11,3 49.32,2 (4951) Diplom H-Mann 3218. 5.56 ¦ 1:09.28 981.¦ 55.43 1167.¦ 1094. Saile André 1972 Kirchberg BE Centris 2:05.12,2 49.33,1 (3168) Diplom H-Mann 3219. 5.56 ¦ 1:12.59 1105.¦ 52.12 1083.¦ 1095. Erni Daniel 1970 Oberkirch LU 2:05.13,3 49.34,2 (4686) Diplom H-Mann 3221. 5.56 ¦ 1:10.31 1015.¦ 54.42 1147.¦ 1096. Fischer Markus 1964 Olten 2:05.14,3 49.35,2 (8228) Diplom H-Mann 3222. 5.56 ¦ 1:14.25 1133.¦ 50.48 1050.¦ 1097. Mathieu Claude 1969 L-Altlinster Luxembourg Lucerne Runners 2:05.23,5 49.44,4 (8262) Diplom H-Mann 3227. 5.56 ¦ 1:13.16 1112.¦ 52.07 1080.¦ 1098. Frangi Antonello 1963 Mezzovico Biogen Idec Halbmarathon Team 2:05.27,0 49.47,9 (4004) Diplom H-Mann 3228. 5.56 ¦ 1:12.45 1098.¦ 52.41 1100.¦ 1099. von Jackowski Mario 1971 Pfeffingen 2:05.28,8 49.49,7 (7850) Diplom H-Mann 3229. 5.56 ¦ 1:11.42 1075.¦ 53.46 1131.¦ 1100. Leuenberger Hans 1964 Kleindietwil 2:05.33,0 49.53,9 (8346) Diplom H-Mann 3231. 5.57 ¦ 1:14.09 1124.¦ 51.23 1063.¦ 1101. Hungerbühler Andreas 1969 Baar 2:05.37,1 49.58,0 (4379) Diplom H-Mann 3234. 5.57 ¦ 1:12.21 1090.¦ 53.15 1112.¦ 1102. Müller Geri 1966 Emmenbrücke 2:05.46,4 50.07,3 (6962) Diplom H-Mann 3238. 5.57 ¦ 1:15.19 1151.¦ 50.27 1037.¦ 1103. Weisheit Birger 1964 D-Mettmann 2:05.46,6 50.07,5 (4384) Diplom H-Mann 3240. 5.57 ¦ 1:17.43 1200.¦ 48.02 926.¦ 1104. Bernet Daniel 1964 Ebikon 2:05.50,0 50.10,9 (5189) Diplom H-Mann 3243. 5.57 ¦ 1:10.13 1004.¦ 55.36 1166.¦ 1105. Kelner Simon 1972 Luzern MSD HM Team 2:05.50,1 50.11,0 (3636) Diplom H-Mann 3244. 5.57 ¦ 1:11.40 1074.¦ 54.09 1140.¦ 1106. Tapson Ian 1965 Sins 2:05.58,6 50.19,5 (9835) Diplom H-Mann 3248. 5.58 ¦ 1:16.35 1176.¦ 49.23 1000.¦ 1107. Scheidegger Hans 1969 Luzern Reussbühl Post Halbmarathon Team 2:05.59,1 50.20,0 (3913) Diplom H-Mann 3249. 5.58 ¦ 1:11.22 1057.¦ 54.36 1144.¦ 1108. Müller Peter 1963 Horw 2:06.10,2 50.31,1 (6963) Diplom H-Mann 3257. 5.58 ¦ 1:11.37 1070.¦ 54.32 1143.¦ 1109. Beihammer Peter 1965 Schenkon Amira2009 2:06.13,8 50.34,7 (4249) Diplom H-Mann 3259. 5.58 ¦ 1:12.30 1094.¦ 53.43 1129.¦ 1110. Zihlmann Hansjörg 1964 Buchrain Post Halbmarathon Team 2:06.17,4 50.38,3 (3918) Diplom H-Mann 3261. 5.59 ¦ 1:13.22 1114.¦ 52.55 1108.¦ 1111. Feusi Ernst 1967 Kastanienbaum MSD HM Team 2:06.18,2 50.39,1 (3634) Diplom H-Mann 3263. 5.59 ¦ 1:14.49 1141.¦ 51.29 1065.¦ 1112. Murer René 1972 Sarnen 2:06.25,1 50.46,0 (8785) Diplom H-Mann 3265. 5.59 ¦ 1:08.53 950.¦ 57.32 1196.¦ 1113. Bänziger Stefan 1967 Bubikon 2:06.27,1 50.48,0 (4257) Diplom H-Mann 3267. 5.59 ¦ 1:15.17 1149.¦ 51.10 1055.¦ 1114. Marksteiner Markus 1970 Schönenbuch 2:06.46,5 51.07,4 (9064) Diplom H-Mann 3277. 6.00 ¦ 1:14.21 1129.¦ 52.25 1091.¦ 1115. Müller Rolf 1964 Bassersdorf 2:06.54,2 51.15,1 (5463) Diplom H-Mann 3281. 6.00 ¦ 1:10.42 1028.¦ 56.12 1179.¦ 1116. Sealy Stephen 1968 Chardonne 2:06.58,7 51.19,6 (4641) Diplom H-Mann 3283. 6.01 ¦ 1:15.19 1152.¦ 51.38 1070.¦ 1117. Eberli Beat 1964 St. Niklausen LU 2:07.00,4 51.21,3 (9466) Diplom H-Mann 3285. 6.01 ¦ 1:16.36 1177.¦ 50.24 1035.¦ 1118. Weber Hansjörg 1969 Sempach Emmi Dagmersellen 2:07.01,8 51.22,7 (3460) Diplom H-Mann 3288. 6.01 ¦ 1:15.21 1153.¦ 51.40 1071.¦ 1119. Ziegler Mathias 1972 Gwatt (Thun) 2:07.05,5 51.26,4 (7404) Diplom H-Mann 3290. 6.01 ¦ 1:16.58 1186.¦ 50.06 1026.¦ 1120. Müller Roger 1972 Neuenkirch 2:07.06,9 51.27,8 (8502) Diplom H-Mann 3291. 6.01 ¦ 1:13.49 1118.¦ 53.17 1114.¦ 1121. Bergs Martin 1967 Zürich 2:07.07,7 51.28,6 (8679) Diplom H-Mann 3293. 6.01 ¦ 1:11.54 1079.¦ 55.13 1159.¦ 1122. Kleibrink Hanns 1964 D-Freiburg 2:07.07,8 51.28,7 (5817) Diplom H-Mann 3294. 6.01 ¦ 1:10.59 1043.¦ 56.07 1176.¦ 1123. Hartmann Andreas 1969 Meggen Sprungtuch 2:07.13,3 51.34,2 (7821) Diplom H-Mann 3300. 6.01 ¦ 1:13.45 1117.¦ 53.28 1120.¦ 1124. Wigger Martin 1966 Ruswil Sportverein Luzerner Polizei 2:07.13,6 51.34,5 (3412) Diplom H-Mann 3301. 6.01 ¦ 1:14.46 1139.¦ 52.27 1092.¦ 1125. Gistelinck Didier 1970 Zürich MMI 2:07.14,0 51.34,9 (8722) Diplom H-Mann 3302. 6.01 ¦ 1:13.39 1116.¦ 53.34 1125.¦ 1125. Steiner Martin 1969 Pfäffikon SZ 2:07.14,0 51.34,9 (9244) Diplom H-Mann 3302. 6.01 ¦ 1:15.37 1162.¦ 51.37 1068.¦ 1127. Perrella Patrick 1971 Hünibach Swisscom Halbmarathon Team 2:07.38,6 51.59,5 (3322) Diplom H-Mann 3316. 6.03 ¦ 1:13.00 1108.¦ 54.38 1146.¦ 1128. Maier Jürgen 1969 D-Neuenburg 2:07.42,9 52.03,8 (7955) Diplom H-Mann 3317. 6.03 ¦ 1:15.21 1155.¦ 52.21 1090.¦ 1129. Schmuki Mario 1966 Derendingen 2:07.49,3 52.10,2 (6574) Diplom H-Mann 3323. 6.03 ¦ 1:14.06 1122.¦ 53.43 1128.¦ 1130. Brkic Amir 1972 D-München 2:07.55,3 52.16,2 (8312) Diplom H-Mann 3326. 6.03 ¦ 1:16.43 1180.¦ 51.12 1057.¦ 1131. Davies Michael 1965 Zug Johnson & Johnson2 2:07.57,4 52.18,3 (3820) Diplom H-Mann 3327. 6.03 ¦ 1:15.12 1147.¦ 52.44 1102.¦ 1132. Braun Alfred 1963 Cham Komax Wire HM-Team 2:08.16,7 52.37,6 (3141) Diplom H-Mann 3333. 6.04 ¦ 1:14.22 1131.¦ 53.54 1134.¦ 1133. Fluri Fredi 1964 Malters 2:08.23,9 52.44,8 (3259) Diplom H-Mann 3336. 6.05 ¦ 1:08.48 940.¦ 59.35 1222.¦ 1134. Ritz Kurt 1963 Fehraltorf 2:08.32,0 52.52,9 (5201) Diplom H-Mann 3341. 6.05 ¦ 1:13.00 1107.¦ 55.31 1163.¦ 1135. Warnking Patrick 1967 Zürich Noelia 2:08.35,7 52.56,6 (6616) Diplom H-Mann 3344. 6.05 ¦ 1:16.23 1172.¦ 52.12 1082.¦ 1136. Matter Toni 1970 Meggen 2:08.45,5 53.06,4 (7342) Diplom H-Mann 3350. 6.06 ¦ 1:18.22 1206.¦ 50.23 1033.¦ 1137. Wenger Beat 1967 Felsberg 2:08.46,3 53.07,2 (8029) Diplom H-Mann 3353. 6.06 ¦ 1:16.45 1181.¦ 52.01 1077.¦ 1138. Adams Bernd 1969 D-Mainz 2:08.55,0 53.15,9 (9269) Diplom H-Mann 3357. 6.06 ¦ 1:14.03 1120.¦ 54.51 1149.¦ 1139. Keller Ingo 1965 D-Konstanz 2:09.00,4 53.21,3 (5497) Diplom H-Mann 3360. 6.06 ¦ 1:16.53 1183.¦ 52.07 1079.¦ 1140. Jargon Clemens 1965 Hünenberg 2:09.12,8 53.33,7 (9321) Diplom H-Mann 3365. 6.07 ¦ 1:14.26 1134.¦ 54.46 1148.¦ 1141. Schauer Harald 1969 D-Steingaden 2:09.15,8 53.36,7 (7899) Diplom H-Mann 3368. 6.07 ¦ 1:15.17 1150.¦ 53.57 1136.¦ 1142. Habegger Andreas 1968 Uster 2:09.18,0 53.38,9 (7760) Diplom H-Mann 3370. 6.07 ¦ 1:13.10 1109.¦ 56.07 1175.¦ 1143. Noverraz Christophe 1971 Obernau Post Halbmarathon Team 2:09.18,5 53.39,4 (3911) Diplom H-Mann 3371. 6.07 ¦ 1:12.58 1104.¦ 56.19 1180.¦ 1144. De Rooij Hans 1963 NL-Hoorn NH 2:09.19,1 53.40,0 (9640) Diplom H-Mann 3372. 6.07 ¦ 1:16.30 1173.¦ 52.48 1105.¦ 1145. Heer Thomas 1968 Obernau 2:09.19,9 53.40,8 (4182) Diplom H-Mann 3373. 6.07 ¦ 1:16.00 1169.¦ 53.19 1115.¦ 1146. Streicher Karsten 1964 D-Bevern MTV Bevern 2:09.21,2 53.42,1 (3162) Diplom H-Mann 3375. 6.07 ¦ 1:15.52 1168.¦ 53.28 1121.¦ 1147. Bertram Heinrich 1964 D-Bevern MTV Bevern 2:09.26,1 53.47,0 (3152) Diplom H-Mann 3380. 6.08 ¦ 1:15.51 1165.¦ 53.34 1125.¦ 1148. Hofer Hansjörg 1971 Roggwil BE Centris 2:09.41,7 54.02,6 (3178) Diplom H-Mann 3386. 6.08 ¦ 1:14.47 1140.¦ 54.54 1152.¦ 1149. Cavegn Andreas 1965 Zürich 2:09.43,3 54.04,2 (7750) Diplom H-Mann 3388. 6.08 ¦ 1:15.45 1164.¦ 53.57 1136.¦ 1150. Herrmann Thomas 1967 Rotkreuz 2:09.53,0 54.13,9 (4912) Diplom H-Mann 3394. 6.09 ¦ 1:17.40 1198.¦ 52.12 1084.¦ 1151. Federspiel Stefan 1971 Nottwil Swisscom Halbmarathon Team 2:10.01,8 54.22,7 (3340) Diplom H-Mann 3399. 6.09 ¦ 1:15.24 1158.¦ 54.37 1145.¦ 1152. Beck Martin 1969 Gunzgen 2:10.09,8 54.30,7 (9275) Diplom H-Mann 3400. 6.10 ¦ 1:13.59 1119.¦ 56.10 1177.¦ 1153. Krebs Andreas 1964 Zürich 2:10.13,4 54.34,3 (4823) Diplom H-Mann 3403. 6.10 ¦ 1:14.21 1130.¦ 55.51 1173.¦ 1154. Buan Erwin 1968 Zug 2:10.13,6 54.34,5 (5435) Diplom H-Mann 3404. 6.10 ¦ 1:15.07 1145.¦ 55.05 1156.¦ 1155. Landon Mark 1966 Steinhausen 2:10.22,9 54.43,8 (8763) Diplom H-Mann 3408. 6.10 ¦ 1:15.30 1160.¦ 54.52 1150.¦ 1156. Kiralfy Stephen 1970 Küssnacht am Rigi MSD HM Team 2:10.23,4 54.44,3 (3669) Diplom H-Mann 3409. 6.10 ¦ 1:12.55 1102.¦ 57.27 1195.¦ 1157. Blatter Joachim 1966 Luzern 2:10.29,2 54.50,1 (4236) Diplom H-Mann 3414. 6.11 ¦ 1:16.40 1178.¦ 53.48 1132.¦ 1158. Stössel Peter 1966 Horw 2:10.35,7 54.56,6 (7129) Diplom H-Mann 3416. 6.11 ¦ 1:17.09 1194.¦ 53.26 1118.¦ 1159. Stevenson Felipe 1968 CAN-Montreal 2:10.42,8 55.03,7 (8825) Diplom H-Mann 3418. 6.11 ¦ 1:14.35 1138.¦ 56.07 1174.¦ 1160. Heinsalo Mika 1965 Anglikon 2:10.43,2 55.04,1 (5798) Diplom H-Mann 3419. 6.11 ¦ 1:15.21 1154.¦ 55.22 1161.¦ 1161. Paljuh-Siegrist Daniel 1968 Malters schnaeggeposcht.ch 2:10.48,1 55.09,0 (6775) Diplom H-Mann 3423. 6.12 ¦ 1:14.59 1142.¦ 55.48 1169.¦ 1162. Trutmann Adrian 1967 Kriens 2:10.48,9 55.09,8 (6296) Diplom H-Mann 3424. 6.12 ¦ 1:14.59 1143.¦ 55.49 1171.¦ 1163. Fankhauser Roli 1964 Luzern Reussbühl schnaeggeposcht.ch 2:10.49,1 55.10,0 (4620) Diplom H-Mann 3425. 6.12 ¦ 1:15.00 1144.¦ 55.48 1170.¦ 1164. Hitzler Michael 1971 Baar MSD HM Team 2:10.49,4 55.10,3 (3664) Diplom H-Mann 3426. 6.12 ¦ 1:18.21 1205.¦ 52.28 1094.¦ 1165. Fischer Rolf 1971 Root 2:10.50,1 55.11,0 (5165) Diplom H-Mann 3428. 6.12 ¦ 1:16.54 1185.¦ 53.55 1135.¦ 1166. Beck Martin 1965 Baar MSD HM Team 2:10.51,6 55.12,5 (3666) Diplom H-Mann 3429. 6.12 ¦ 1:18.22 1207.¦ 52.29 1095.¦ 1167. Arnold Josef 1964 Adligenswil 2:10.53,6 55.14,5 (5430) Diplom H-Mann 3430. 6.12 ¦ 1:15.26 1159.¦ 55.26 1162.¦ 1168. Gasser Kurt 1969 Kriens Post Halbmarathon Team 2:10.53,9 55.14,8 (3910) Diplom H-Mann 3431. 6.12 ¦ 1:15.51 1167.¦ 55.02 1154.¦ 1169. Nguyen Tri 1972 D-Weil am Rhein 2:11.13,7 55.34,6 (4483) Diplom H-Mann 3439. 6.13 ¦ 1:14.31 1137.¦ 56.42 1187.¦ 1170. Erni Christoph 1965 Grosswangen 2:11.19,4 55.40,3 (4783) Diplom H-Mann 3440. 6.13 ¦ 1:12.17 1087.¦ 59.01 1214.¦ 1171. Boller Roger 1964 Wetzikon ZH 2:11.20,7 55.41,6 (9280) Diplom H-Mann 3441. 6.13 ¦ 1:17.18 1196.¦ 54.02 1139.¦ 1172. Petersen Michael 1966 D-Lörrach 2:11.24,1 55.45,0 (8273) Diplom H-Mann 3444. 6.13 ¦ 1:12.47 1100.¦ 58.36 1207.¦ 1173. Omachen Peter 1964 Luzern 2:11.43,0 56.03,9 (3519) Diplom H-Mann 3450. 6.14 ¦ 1:18.58 1210.¦ 52.44 1101.¦ 1174. Wyss Andreas 1967 Dietikon 2:11.46,9 56.07,8 (8974) Diplom H-Mann 3451. 6.14 ¦ 1:14.12 1125.¦ 57.34 1197.¦ 1175. Rytz Andreas 1971 Basel 2:11.47,8 56.08,7 (7013) Diplom H-Mann 3452. 6.14 ¦ 1:19.49 1217.¦ 51.58 1076.¦ 1176. Marjot Coen 1968 Zug 2:11.55,4 56.16,3 (5301) Diplom H-Mann 3455. 6.15 ¦ 1:17.02 1188.¦ 54.53 1151.¦ 1177. Dineen Sean 1970 Basel 2:12.03,3 56.24,2 (9162) Diplom H-Mann 3457. 6.15 ¦ 1:12.51 1101.¦ 59.11 1217.¦ 1178. Jackobs Andreas 1963 D-Freiburg Bohrer Freiburg 2:12.20,2 56.41,1 (9045) Diplom H-Mann 3461. 6.16 ¦ 1:17.07 1193.¦ 55.12 1158.¦ 1179. Hofstetter Beat 1969 Steinen hofiplan 2:12.25,9 56.46,8 (6841) Diplom H-Mann 3464. 6.16 ¦ 1:18.11 1203.¦ 54.14 1141.¦ 1180. Schallberger Reynald 1966 Cham Brainware Solutions 2:12.28,0 56.48,9 (8436) Diplom H-Mann 3466. 6.16 ¦ 1:14.04 1121.¦ 58.23 1203.¦ 1181. Bürgler Stefan 1963 Baar 2:12.34,3 56.55,2 (5436) Diplom H-Mann 3469. 6.17 ¦ 1:17.00 1187.¦ 55.34 1165.¦ 1182. Streich Ernst 1966 Lungern 2:12.37,7 56.58,6 (4137) Diplom H-Mann 3470. 6.17 ¦ 1:17.05 1191.¦ 55.32 1164.¦ 1183. Arnold Roland 1966 Seewen SZ 2:12.58,9 57.19,8 (4881) Diplom H-Mann 3477. 6.18 ¦ 1:15.10 1146.¦ 57.48 1199.¦ 1184. Sassi Laurent 1968 Buchrain 2:13.02,0 57.22,9 (4622) Diplom H-Mann 3480. 6.18 ¦ 1:16.05 1170.¦ 56.56 1190.¦ 1185. Roth Erwin 1968 Luzern 2:13.31,5 57.52,4 (4179) Diplom H-Mann 3487. 6.19 ¦ 1:17.05 1192.¦ 56.25 1182.¦ 1186. Majer Marcus 1968 Ostermundigen Swisscom Halbmarathon Team 2:13.37,8 57.58,7 (3312) Diplom H-Mann 3489. 6.20 ¦ 1:15.43 1163.¦ 57.53 1200.¦ 1187. Schmidli Benno 1966 Waltenschwil 2:13.42,2 58.03,1 (8184) Diplom H-Mann 3491. 6.20 ¦ 1:19.10 1212.¦ 54.31 1142.¦ 1188. Bürgin Hansueli 1963 Estavayer-le-Lac 2:14.00,8 58.21,7 (8691) Diplom H-Mann 3494. 6.21 ¦ 1:17.49 1202.¦ 56.11 1178.¦ 1189. Zwahlen Jean-Maurice 1963 Küssnacht am Rigi 2:14.01,8 58.22,7 (6594) Diplom H-Mann 3495. 6.21 ¦ 1:15.13 1148.¦ 58.48 1209.¦ 1190. Zurfluh Benno 1971 Inwil 2:14.16,9 58.37,8 (9904) Diplom H-Mann 3498. 6.21 ¦ 1:19.12 1213.¦ 55.04 1155.¦ 1191. Falz Reiner 1966 Malters MSD HM Team 2:14.21,9 58.42,8 (3650) Diplom H-Mann 3500. 6.22 ¦ 1:19.14 1215.¦ 55.07 1157.¦ 1192. Schneider Hugo 1964 Luzern Suva HM-Team 2:14.25,3 58.46,2 (3201) Diplom H-Mann 3502. 6.22 ¦ 1:14.08 1123.¦1:00.17 1226.¦ 1193. Schmidiger Markus 1965 Steinhausen 2:14.27,7 58.48,6 (7228) Diplom H-Mann 3504. 6.22 ¦ 1:15.23 1157.¦ 59.04 1216.¦ 1194. Voser Lukas 1968 Rafz 2:14.36,0 58.56,9 (9252) Diplom H-Mann 3505. 6.22 ¦ 1:17.37 1197.¦ 56.58 1192.¦ 1195. Zimmermann Emanuel 1966 Horw 2:14.38,6 58.59,5 (7139) Diplom H-Mann 3509. 6.22 ¦ 1:21.38 1230.¦ 53.00 1110.¦ 1196. Karlsson Pehr 1972 Ebikon 2:14.47,5 59.08,4 (5181) Diplom H-Mann 3510. 6.23 ¦ 1:13.25 1115.¦1:01.22 1229.¦ 1197. Omlin Roland 1964 Kerns RB Alpnach-Kerns-Sarnen 2:15.05,3 59.26,2 (3187) Diplom H-Mann 3513. 6.24 ¦ 1:16.32 1174.¦ 58.33 1206.¦ 1198. Gloor Marco 1969 Zürich 2:15.11,2 59.32,1 (5096) Diplom H-Mann 3515. 6.24 ¦ 1:16.40 1179.¦ 58.30 1205.¦ 1199. Kramis Fabian 1965 Rothenburg 2:15.22,7 59.43,6 (9864) Diplom H-Mann 3519. 6.25 ¦ 1:16.33 1175.¦ 58.49 1211.¦ 1200. Nattivi Claudio 1964 Olten 2:15.32,4 59.53,3 (6177) Diplom H-Mann 3523. 6.25 ¦ 1:18.35 1208.¦ 56.57 1191.¦ 1201. Simon Claude 1964 Ennetbürgen 2:15.36,8 59.57,7 (5481) Diplom H-Mann 3525. 6.25 ¦ 1:16.48 1182.¦ 58.48 1210.¦ 1202. Dewar Gordon 1965 GB-Falkirk 2:15.53,8 1:00.14,7 (5016) Diplom H-Mann 3527. 6.26 ¦ 1:19.14 1214.¦ 56.39 1186.¦ 1203. Bättig Dani 1966 Küssnacht am Rigi 2:15.59,2 1:00.20,1 (4063) Diplom H-Mann 3529. 6.26 ¦ 1:17.04 1189.¦ 58.55 1213.¦ 1204. Krummenacher Peter 1969 Luzern 2:16.55,4 1:01.16,3 (5222) Diplom H-Mann 3543. 6.29 ¦ 1:20.34 1222.¦ 56.21 1181.¦ 1205. Stocker Rolf 1970 Eschenbach LU Suva HM-Team 2:17.03,6 1:01.24,5 (3236) Diplom H-Mann 3546. 6.29 ¦ 1:20.18 1221.¦ 56.45 1188.¦ 1206. Amberg Markus 1971 Schüpfheim Post Halbmarathon Team 2:17.06,6 1:01.27,5 (3928) Diplom H-Mann 3547. 6.29 ¦ 1:16.53 1183.¦1:00.13 1225.¦ 1207. Beintner Markus 1968 Küssnacht am Rigi 2:17.17,8 1:01.38,7 (6233) Diplom H-Mann 3549. 6.30 ¦ 1:15.31 1161.¦1:01.46 1231.¦ 1208. Kuritko Manfred 1965 A-Groß-Enzersdorf 2:17.19,0 1:01.39,9 (5020) Diplom H-Mann 3550. 6.30 ¦ 1:18.59 1211.¦ 58.19 1202.¦ 1209. Capo Giuseppe 1972 Baden 2:17.34,2 1:01.55,1 (6764) Diplom H-Mann 3554. 6.31 ¦ 1:18.44 1209.¦ 58.50 1212.¦ 1210. Bossi Cyrill 1970 Hausen AG Binelli & Ehrsam 2:17.36,8 1:01.57,7 (3836) Diplom H-Mann 3555. 6.31 ¦ 1:21.46 1232.¦ 55.50 1172.¦ 1211. Kopp Christoph 1965 Stansstad 2:17.49,5 1:02.10,4 (4255) Diplom H-Mann 3557. 6.31 ¦ 1:15.51 1166.¦1:01.57 1232.¦ 1212. Ebner Daniel 1964 Ennetbürgen 2:18.03,8 1:02.24,7 (4864) Diplom H-Mann 3560. 6.32 ¦ 1:20.41 1224.¦ 57.22 1194.¦ 1213. Bünger Michael 1965 Rüttenen Centris 2:18.26,2 1:02.47,1 (3173) Diplom H-Mann 3563. 6.33 ¦ 1:21.11 1229.¦ 57.14 1193.¦ 1214. Briggen Rene 1965 Zürich Binelli & Ehrsam 2:18.33,9 1:02.54,8 (3843) Diplom H-Mann 3565. 6.34 ¦ 1:21.46 1231.¦ 56.47 1189.¦ 1215. Hough Philip 1969 Forch 2:18.59,6 1:03.20,5 (9041) Diplom H-Mann 3573. 6.35 ¦ 1:17.42 1199.¦1:01.16 1228.¦ 1216. Graf David 1971 Cham 2:19.00,2 1:03.21,1 (8541) Diplom H-Mann 3574. 6.35 ¦ 1:20.35 1223.¦ 58.24 1204.¦ 1217. Hermann Erwin 1967 Luzern 2:19.44,0 1:04.04,9 (9176) Diplom H-Mann 3581. 6.37 ¦ 1:24.22 1243.¦ 55.21 1160.¦ 1218. Baer Werner 1963 Oftringen 2:19.45,8 1:04.06,7 (7245) Diplom H-Mann 3583. 6.37 ¦ 1:20.41 1225.¦ 59.04 1215.¦ 1219. Kneubühler Reto 1968 Hergiswil b. Willisau 2:19.48,6 1:04.09,5 (7667) Diplom H-Mann 3584. 6.37 ¦ 1:19.46 1216.¦1:00.02 1223.¦ 1220. Husmann Patrick 1971 Erstfeld 2:20.05,6 1:04.26,5 (7945) Diplom H-Mann 3586. 6.38 ¦ 1:17.04 1190.¦1:03.01 1236.¦ 1221. Kantimm Heino 1971 D-Weinheim 2:20.25,5 1:04.46,4 (5737) Diplom H-Mann 3592. 6.39 ¦ 1:22.23 1235.¦ 58.02 1201.¦ 1222. Hug Kurt 1963 Walenstadt Heidiland Runners 2:20.28,7 1:04.49,6 (3776) Diplom H-Mann 3595. 6.39 ¦ 1:17.10 1195.¦1:03.18 1238.¦ 1223. Scheidegger Roger 1966 Schönenwerd 2:20.28,8 1:04.49,7 (9385) Diplom H-Mann 3596. 6.39 ¦ 1:12.26 1091.¦1:08.02 1252.¦ 1224. Gisler Harry 1963 Cham Fidelitas Lucernensis 2:20.52,9 1:05.13,8 (3115) Diplom H-Mann 3597. 6.40 ¦ 1:24.15 1242.¦ 56.37 1183.¦ 1225. Bachmann Reto 1972 Luzern Fidelitas Lucernensis 2:20.53,2 1:05.14,1 (3111) Diplom H-Mann 3598. 6.40 ¦ 1:24.15 1240.¦ 56.38 1184.¦ 1226. Brunner Herbert 1963 Luzern Fidelitas Lucernensis 2:20.53,5 1:05.14,4 (3112) Diplom H-Mann 3599. 6.40 ¦ 1:24.15 1240.¦ 56.38 1185.¦ 1227. Koch Stefan 1968 Küssnacht am Rigi 2:21.15,9 1:05.36,8 (4077) Diplom H-Mann 3604. 6.41 ¦ 1:17.46 1201.¦1:03.29 1239.¦ 1228. Hewitt Neal 1969 N-Stavanger 2:21.44,2 1:06.05,1 (7762) Diplom H-Mann 3605. 6.43 ¦ 1:21.11 1228.¦1:00.33 1227.¦ 1229. Scrimgeour Blair 1966 GB-Falkirk 2:22.20,9 1:06.41,8 (5666) Diplom H-Mann 3616. 6.44 ¦ 1:23.38 1238.¦ 58.42 1208.¦ 1230. Orr Stephen 1971 Zürich die EF Runners 2:22.22,1 1:06.43,0 (6529) Diplom H-Mann 3617. 6.44 ¦ 1:13.13 1110.¦1:09.08 1256.¦ 1231. Jutzi Urs 1964 Oberdiessbach Swisscom Halbmarathon Team 2:22.28,7 1:06.49,6 (3323) Diplom H-Mann 3618. 6.45 ¦ 1:23.04 1236.¦ 59.24 1219.¦ 1232. Mendoza Alfred 1972 Zürich LarissaMiaLiam 2:23.00,6 1:07.21,5 (5327) Diplom H-Mann 3626. 6.46 ¦ 1:20.49 1227.¦1:02.11 1233.¦ 1233. Gassmann Raphael 1966 Niederurnen 2:23.16,1 1:07.37,0 (5692) Diplom H-Mann 3628. 6.47 ¦ 1:18.20 1204.¦1:04.56 1245.¦ 1234. Liesenberg Lambert 1964 Luzern 2:23.52,0 1:08.12,9 (4080) Diplom H-Mann 3630. 6.49 ¦ 1:20.15 1220.¦1:03.36 1240.¦ 1235. Nolle Alexander 1967 D-Stuttgart 2:23.52,1 1:08.13,0 (8503) Diplom H-Mann 3631. 6.49 ¦ 1:20.13 1219.¦1:03.38 1241.¦ 1236. Helfenstein Thomas 1966 Hochdorf 2:23.59,3 1:08.20,2 (7515) Diplom H-Mann 3632. 6.49 ¦ 1:23.48 1239.¦1:00.10 1224.¦ 1237. Caliguri Claudio Marcelo 1971 Luzern 2:24.00,1 1:08.21,0 (8100) Diplom H-Mann 3633. 6.49 ¦ 1:22.19 1233.¦1:01.40 1230.¦ 1238. Schauberger Gerhard 1968 Emmenbrücke 2:24.04,5 1:08.25,4 (5154) Diplom H-Mann 3635. 6.49 ¦ 1:26.27 1249.¦ 57.37 1198.¦ 1239. Nivola Gianpaolo 1966 Luzern 2:24.58,8 1:09.19,7 (9214) Diplom H-Mann 3636. 6.52 ¦ 1:20.42 1226.¦1:04.16 1243.¦ 1240. Schmid Peter E 1969 Luzern 2:25.21,7 1:09.42,6 (4238) Diplom H-Mann 3640. 6.53 ¦ 1:22.20 1234.¦1:03.01 1237.¦ 1241. Palladino Florin 1964 Horw 2:26.34,0 1:10.54,9 (5034) Diplom H-Mann 3647. 6.56 ¦ 1:19.50 1218.¦1:06.43 1249.¦ 1242. Cetin Martin 1972 Worb Centris 2:27.00,5 1:11.21,4 (3167) Diplom H-Mann 3650. 6.58 ¦ 1:24.44 1245.¦1:02.16 1234.¦ 1243. Masiello Marco 1970 Luzern 2:28.02,5 1:12.23,4 (3763) Diplom H-Mann 3659. 7.01 ¦ 1:28.35 1255.¦ 59.27 1221.¦ 1244. Frey Felix 1972 Sissach CH`i Energy 2:28.02,8 1:12.23,7 (3758) Diplom H-Mann 3660. 7.01 ¦ 1:28.35 1256.¦ 59.26 1220.¦ 1245. Iten Marco 1969 Obernau ALSO Halbmarathon-Team 2:28.19,1 1:12.40,0 (3369) Diplom H-Mann 3663. 7.01 ¦ 1:23.16 1237.¦1:05.02 1246.¦ 1246. Schürmann Sandro 1969 Rothenburg 2:28.28,2 1:12.49,1 (4133) Diplom H-Mann 3664. 7.02 ¦ 1:29.14 1257.¦ 59.14 1218.¦ 1247. Bächli Roli 1966 Dierikon 2:30.22,0 1:14.42,9 (5673) Diplom H-Mann 3669. 7.07 ¦ 1:26.33 1250.¦1:03.48 1242.¦ 1248. Inglin Markus 1971 Altdorf UR 2:30.28,5 1:14.49,4 (4271) Diplom H-Mann 3670. 7.07 ¦ 1:25.33 1247.¦1:04.54 1244.¦ 1249. Gerber Lukas 1965 Lohn-Ammannsegg Centris 2:30.47,3 1:15.08,2 (3177) Diplom H-Mann 3671. 7.08 ¦ 1:24.39 1244.¦1:06.07 1248.¦ 1250. Burri Urban 1968 Schachen 2:32.46,8 1:17.07,7 (6628) Diplom H-Mann 3675. 7.14 ¦ 1:30.22 1259.¦1:02.24 1235.¦ 1251. Zimmermann Karl 1965 Vitznau 2:35.03,5 1:19.24,4 (9884) Diplom H-Mann 3679. 7.20 ¦ 1:27.39 1252.¦1:07.23 1250.¦ 1252. Jans Matthias 1970 Emmenbrücke 2:35.31,0 1:19.51,9 (4258) Diplom H-Mann 3682. 7.22 ¦ 1:27.51 1253.¦1:07.39 1251.¦ 1253. Emmenegger Marcel 1963 Emmen 2:35.35,7 1:19.56,6 (6977) Diplom H-Mann 3684. 7.22 ¦ 1:27.18 1251.¦1:08.16 1253.¦ 1254. Neumaier Stefan 1968 Galgenen 2:36.57,2 1:21.18,1 (5559) Diplom H-Mann 3690. 7.26 ¦ 1:24.45 1246.¦1:12.11 1258.¦ 1255. Götz Volker 1971 Aesch LU 2:37.18,6 1:21.39,5 (5777) Diplom H-Mann 3691. 7.27 ¦ 1:28.11 1254.¦1:09.07 1255.¦ 1256. Amstutz Daniel 1964 Stans 2:39.35,7 1:23.56,6 (8461) Diplom H-Mann 3694. 7.33 ¦ 1:30.11 1258.¦1:09.24 1257.¦ 1257. Affentranger Urs 1969 Zofingen 2:40.08,3 1:24.29,2 (7241) Diplom H-Mann 3695. 7.35 ¦ 1:14.16 1126.¦1:25.51 1262.¦ 1258. Bernet Peter 1969 Diepflingen 2:40.17,5 1:24.38,4 (9442) Diplom H-Mann 3696. 7.35 ¦ 1:34.12 1263.¦1:06.04 1247.¦ 1259. Neefe Michael 1970 Cham Fielmann Halbmarathon Team 2:42.12,7 1:26.33,6 (3533) Diplom H-Mann 3702. 7.41 ¦ 1:26.07 1248.¦1:16.05 1260.¦ 1260. Küchler Jörg 1972 Obernau 2:42.58,6 1:27.19,5 (5148) Diplom H-Mann 3705. 7.43 ¦ 1:34.05 1262.¦1:08.52 1254.¦ 1261. Grosso Massimiliano 1970 I-Genova (GE) 2:48.13,1 1:32.34,0 (6836) Diplom H-Mann 3708. 7.58 ¦ 1:34.01 1261.¦1:14.11 1259.¦ 1262. Hammer Jürg 1970 Kehrsiten Hammer Auto Center 2:50.44,7 1:35.05,6 (4296) Diplom H-Mann 3711. 8.05 ¦ 1:31.40 1260.¦1:19.04 1261.¦ 1263. Suter Stefan 1964 Goldau Suva HM-Team 59.48,8 Horw1 (3245) H-Mann 3722. ---- ¦ 59.48 414.¦ ---- ----¦ 1264. Fallert Wolfgang 1970 Naters CT Finbec 8.12,9 Europapl1 (6095) H-Mann 3731. ---- ¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ 1265. Bazzell Men 1965 Hünenberg Laufgruppe Cham 8.38,0 Europapl1 (4146) H-Mann 3732. ---- ¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ 1266. Gogniat Etienne 1964 Glovelier Post Halbmarathon Team 8.41,6 Europapl1 (3860) H-Mann 3733. ---- ¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ 1267. Hartmann Luzius 1965 Langnau am Albis Post Halbmarathon Team 11.15,6 Europapl1 (3955) H-Mann 3736. ---- ¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ 1268. Felder Matthias 1965 Oberdorf NW 12.08,3 Europapl1 (9023) H-Mann 3738. ---- ¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ 1269. Kiener Stefan 1970 Lenzburg Post Halbmarathon Team 12.52,5 Europapl1 (3903) H-Mann 3739. ---- ¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ 1270. Ilhan Jules 1963 Kriens 10.16,2 Schwanenpl1 (4926) H-Mann 3742. ---- ¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦

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