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(18) U20m Junioren

30. Basler Stadtlauf 2012 - (18) U20m Junioren

Rang Name Jg Land/Ort Zeit Rückstand Stnr Schnitt ¦ > 0,5 Runden ¦ > 1,5 Runden ¦ > 2,5 Runden ¦ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Hagmann Uli 1994 D-Pfullendorf 17.18,9 ----- (70) Diplom Video 3.08 ¦ 2.34 3.¦ 7.05 1.¦ 7.38 1.¦ 2. Gmür Thomas 1994 Haute-Nendaz 17.51,6 0.32,7 (7817) Diplom Video 3.14 ¦ 2.34 2.¦ 7.18 3.¦ 7.59 2.¦ 3. Schenkel Laurent 1994 Therwil 17.57,8 0.38,9 (9101) Diplom Video 3.15 ¦ 2.35 4.¦ 7.19 4.¦ 8.03 5.¦ 4. Fetzer Max 1994 D-Freiburg 18.13,0 0.54,1 (1370) Diplom Video 3.18 ¦ 2.35 4.¦ 7.33 5.¦ 8.03 6.¦ 5. Schöpfer David 1994 Sempach 18.21,1 1.02,2 (5118) Diplom Video 3.20 ¦ 2.40 6.¦ 7.41 7.¦ 7.59 3.¦ 6. Urfer Jens 1994 Kirchdorf BE 18.26,5 1.07,6 (6926) Diplom Video 3.21 ¦ 2.42 8.¦ 7.42 8.¦ 8.01 4.¦ 7. Hunziker Roman 1993 Riniken 18.47,3 1.28,4 (9244) Diplom Video 3.24 ¦ 2.47 9.¦ 7.49 9.¦ 8.10 7.¦ 8. Graf Diego 1994 Birsfelden 19.03,6 1.44,7 (2913) Diplom Video 3.27 ¦ 2.40 7.¦ 7.40 6.¦ 8.42 15.¦ 9. Castrischer Matthias 1994 Schliern b. Köniz 19.15,2 1.56,3 (7091) Diplom Video 3.30 ¦ 2.50 11.¦ 7.51 10.¦ 8.33 13.¦ 10. Wey Yannick 1994 Schenkon 19.20,6 2.01,7 (9118) Diplom Video 3.31 ¦ 2.51 12.¦ 7.58 11.¦ 8.30 10.¦ 11. Muffler Dario 1994 Thayngen 19.22,2 2.03,3 (6714) Diplom Video 3.31 ¦ 2.59 16.¦ 8.00 13.¦ 8.22 8.¦ 12. Willauer Benedikt 1994 Rothenburg 19.26,4 2.07,5 (5965) Diplom Video 3.32 ¦ 3.00 17.¦ 7.59 12.¦ 8.26 9.¦ 13. Meunier Baptiste 1994 Sion 19.39,1 2.20,2 (7935) Diplom Video 3.34 ¦ 2.49 10.¦ 8.16 15.¦ 8.32 12.¦ 14. Himmelsbach Michael 1994 D-Freiburg 19.46,5 2.27,6 (7868) Diplom Video 3.35 ¦ 3.08 21.¦ 8.07 14.¦ 8.30 11.¦ 15. Degen Florian 1993 Basel 20.04,6 2.45,7 (2295) Diplom Video 3.39 ¦ 2.56 14.¦ 8.22 18.¦ 8.45 18.¦ 16. Fankhauser Yann 1993 Biel/Bienne 20.12,9 2.54,0 (10490) Diplom Video 3.40 ¦ 2.53 13.¦ 8.21 17.¦ 8.58 23.¦ 17. Peels Adrian 1994 D-Rheinfelden 20.13,6 2.54,7 (2005) Diplom Video 3.40 ¦ 2.57 15.¦ 8.17 16.¦ 8.58 22.¦ 18. Müller Lucius 1994 Basel 20.15,7 2.56,8 (4338) Diplom Video 3.41 ¦ 3.00 17.¦ 8.24 19.¦ 8.50 20.¦ 19. Schindelholz Bastian 1993 Courcelon 20.23,6 3.04,7 (9103) Diplom Video 3.42 ¦ 3.09 22.¦ 8.31 24.¦ 8.42 14.¦ 20. Steiner Michael 1994 Basel 20.29,7 3.10,8 (9490) Diplom Video 3.43 ¦ 3.16 23.¦ 8.29 23.¦ 8.43 16.¦ 21. Hügin Samuel 1994 Basel 20.31,4 3.12,5 (9441) Diplom Video 3.43 ¦ 3.16 24.¦ 8.29 22.¦ 8.45 17.¦ 22. Altermatt Sven 1993 Zwingen 20.39,8 3.20,9 (1470) Diplom Video 3.45 ¦ 3.23 28.¦ 8.29 21.¦ 8.47 19.¦ 23. Schmitt Emilien 1994 F-Koetzingue 20.44,4 3.25,5 (9699) Diplom Video 3.46 ¦ 3.01 19.¦ 8.40 30.¦ 9.02 25.¦ 24. Kläy Didier 1993 Ederswiler 21.01,6 3.42,7 (3649) Diplom Video 3.49 ¦ 3.33 36.¦ 8.32 25.¦ 8.55 21.¦ 25. Monin Xavier 1993 Glovelier 21.13,4 3.54,5 (9305) Diplom Video 3.51 ¦ 3.35 37.¦ 8.38 27.¦ 8.58 23.¦ 26. Fürer Michel 1993 Binningen 21.16,4 3.57,5 (6443) Diplom Video 3.52 ¦ 3.28 32.¦ 8.27 20.¦ 9.20 29.¦ 27. Hügli Manuel 1994 Brislach 21.23,9 4.05,0 (9046) Diplom Video 3.53 ¦ 3.25 29.¦ 8.40 29.¦ 9.17 27.¦ 28. Preisig Maximilian 1993 Kaiserstuhl AG 21.24,3 4.05,4 (6767) Diplom Video 3.53 ¦ 3.19 26.¦ 8.42 31.¦ 9.22 31.¦ 29. Fischer Julian 1994 Reinach BL 21.31,6 4.12,7 (9196) Diplom Video 3.54 ¦ 3.01 20.¦ 8.39 28.¦ 9.50 45.¦ 30. Scherer Thomas 1993 Hünenberg See 21.39,7 4.20,8 (9341) Diplom Video 3.56 ¦ 3.38 42.¦ 8.47 32.¦ 9.14 26.¦ 31. Curti Michael 1994 Oberwil BL 21.58,1 4.39,2 (2245) Diplom Video 3.59 ¦ 2.32 1.¦ 7.13 2.¦ 12.11 75.¦ 32. Kapfhammer Johannes 1993 Münchenstein 22.13,7 4.54,8 (1131) Diplom Video 4.02 ¦ 3.26 30.¦ 9.01 34.¦ 9.45 43.¦ 33. Hügli Florian 1993 Füllinsdorf 22.15,4 4.56,5 (3333) Diplom Video 4.02 ¦ 3.51 52.¦ 9.01 33.¦ 9.22 30.¦ 34. Steulet Louis 1994 Courcelon 22.16,5 4.57,6 (9111) Diplom Video 4.03 ¦ 3.22 27.¦ 9.11 39.¦ 9.42 42.¦ 35. Schaerli Fabian 1993 Münchenstein 22.27,0 5.08,1 (4193) Diplom Video 4.04 ¦ 3.32 35.¦ 9.16 40.¦ 9.38 39.¦ 36. Benedix Anton 1993 D-Lörrach 22.27,9 5.09,0 (1692) Diplom Video 4.05 ¦ 3.48 49.¦ 9.06 35.¦ 9.32 36.¦ 37. Amstein Lucas 1993 Basel 22.34,4 5.15,5 (1491) Diplom Video 4.06 ¦ 3.28 34.¦ 9.07 36.¦ 9.57 48.¦ 38. Schnell Dominik 1994 Muttenz 22.35,5 5.16,6 (5102) Diplom Video 4.06 ¦ 3.38 41.¦ 9.17 41.¦ 9.39 40.¦ 39. Gratwohl Thomas 1994 Basel 22.37,7 5.18,8 (7631) Diplom Video 4.06 ¦ 3.37 40.¦ 9.31 47.¦ 9.29 35.¦ 40. Frey Lorenz 1994 Arlesheim 22.38,3 5.19,4 (2678) Diplom Video 4.06 ¦ 3.16 25.¦ 9.23 45.¦ 9.57 47.¦ 41. Benedetti Leandro 1994 Basel 22.42,7 5.23,8 (10190) Diplom Video 4.07 ¦ 3.37 39.¦ 9.30 46.¦ 9.35 37.¦ 42. Buchli Philip 1994 Zizers 22.43,5 5.24,6 (1985) Diplom Video 4.07 ¦ 3.41 44.¦ 9.34 51.¦ 9.27 34.¦ 43. Strassmann Nils 1993 Münchenstein 22.46,8 5.27,9 (6017) Diplom Video 4.08 ¦ 3.50 51.¦ 9.19 43.¦ 9.37 38.¦ 44. Kuster Patrik 1993 Zürich 22.55,2 5.36,3 (9277) Diplom Video 4.10 ¦ 3.56 54.¦ 9.34 50.¦ 9.24 33.¦ 45. Klee Felix 1994 Zürich 22.55,3 5.36,4 (9260) Diplom Video 4.10 ¦ 3.57 55.¦ 9.34 48.¦ 9.24 32.¦ 46. Egger Fabian 1993 Orpund 22.56,5 5.37,6 (6383) Diplom Video 4.10 ¦ 3.45 46.¦ 8.36 26.¦ 10.34 55.¦ 47. Hofer Roman 1994 Nuglar 23.00,0 5.41,1 (3235) Diplom Video 4.10 ¦ 3.48 48.¦ 9.10 38.¦ 10.01 49.¦ 48. Hess Lionel 1994 Füllinsdorf 23.02,6 5.43,7 (10125) Diplom Video 4.11 ¦ 3.47 47.¦ 9.34 49.¦ 9.41 41.¦ 49. Strickler Claudio 1993 Riehen 23.11,6 5.52,7 (10175) Diplom Video 4.13 ¦ 3.57 56.¦ 9.18 42.¦ 9.54 46.¦ 50. Mathys David 1993 Bottmingen 23.12,0 5.53,1 (7637) Diplom Video 4.13 ¦ 3.36 38.¦ 9.22 44.¦ 10.12 50.¦ 51. Barczay Michael 1993 Basel 23.35,5 6.16,6 (1617) Diplom Video 4.17 ¦ 3.28 31.¦ 9.08 37.¦ 10.59 57.¦ 52. Ryser Till 1993 Rodersdorf 23.48,9 6.30,0 (4881) Diplom Video 4.19 ¦ 3.40 43.¦ 9.50 52.¦ 10.17 51.¦ 53. Gisler Gerd 1993 Rheinfelden 24.13,5 6.54,6 (2855) Diplom Video 4.24 ¦ 3.59 57.¦ 9.50 52.¦ 10.24 52.¦ 54. Hürbin Mario 1994 Zuzgen 24.18,5 6.59,6 (3350) Diplom Video 4.25 ¦ 4.38 79.¦ 9.50 54.¦ 9.49 44.¦ 55. Hüllstrung Jonas 1993 Allschwil 24.19,7 7.00,8 (9732) Diplom Video 4.25 ¦ 4.42 80.¦ 10.17 63.¦ 9.19 28.¦ 56. Casanova Luca 1993 Pratteln 24.24,6 7.05,7 (2101) Diplom Video 4.26 ¦ 4.03 61.¦ 9.50 54.¦ 10.31 53.¦ 57. Blochmann Marius 1994 D-Bad Säckingen 24.40,2 7.21,3 (7059) Diplom Video 4.29 ¦ 4.00 58.¦ 10.08 61.¦ 10.31 54.¦ 58. Frey Gregor 1994 Arlesheim 25.00,0 7.41,1 (2677) Diplom Video 4.32 ¦ 3.28 33.¦ 10.06 60.¦ 11.24 65.¦ 59. Hürlimann Manuel 1993 Basel 25.01,3 7.42,4 (9645) Diplom Video 4.32 ¦ 3.49 50.¦ 10.01 56.¦ 11.10 59.¦ 60. Andresen Leiv 1994 Basel 25.17,3 7.58,4 (1508) Diplom Video 4.35 ¦ 3.52 53.¦ 10.02 57.¦ 11.22 64.¦ 61. Lüthi Timon 1994 Solothurn 25.22,2 8.03,3 (4015) Diplom Video 4.36 ¦ 4.06 66.¦ 10.06 59.¦ 11.08 58.¦ 62. Benz Eric 1993 D-Herxheim bei Landau/Pfa 25.41,4 8.22,5 (7701) Diplom Video 4.40 ¦ 4.03 64.¦ 10.10 62.¦ 11.27 67.¦ 63. Wesdi Manuel 1994 Malters 25.54,3 8.35,4 (10542) Diplom Video 4.42 ¦ 4.03 63.¦ 10.35 64.¦ 11.15 62.¦ 64. Chamberlin Michael 1994 Bottmingen 26.04,6 8.45,7 (10194) Diplom Video 4.44 ¦ 4.30 74.¦ 10.48 67.¦ 10.46 56.¦ 65. Ebner Patrick 1994 D-Wehr 26.14,8 8.55,9 (2433) Diplom Video 4.46 ¦ 4.00 59.¦ 10.48 66.¦ 11.25 66.¦ 66. Rentsch David 1993 Allschwil 26.31,4 9.12,5 (4707) Diplom Video 4.49 ¦ 4.29 73.¦ 10.42 65.¦ 11.19 63.¦ 67. Rebholz Silvio 1993 Basel 26.33,9 9.15,0 (10051) Diplom Video 4.49 ¦ 3.43 45.¦ 10.54 69.¦ 11.56 71.¦ 68. Krattiger Elias 1994 Münchenstein 26.45,8 9.26,9 (3727) Diplom Video 4.51 ¦ 4.11 68.¦ 11.05 70.¦ 11.28 68.¦ 69. Boeller Samuel 1994 D-Grenzach-Wyhlen 27.04,0 9.45,1 (3546) Diplom Video 4.55 ¦ 4.31 76.¦ 11.18 75.¦ 11.14 60.¦ 70. Gomes Patrick 1993 Hagendorn 27.10,1 9.51,2 (10541) Diplom Video 4.56 ¦ 4.03 62.¦ 10.49 68.¦ 12.17 78.¦ 71. Graber Stephan 1993 Brügg BE 27.28,0 10.09,1 (2908) Diplom Video 4.59 ¦ 4.04 65.¦ 11.06 72.¦ 12.17 77.¦ 72. Deragisch Lucas 1994 Schinznach Dorf 27.36,8 10.17,9 (2315) Diplom Video 5.01 ¦ 4.16 70.¦ 11.05 71.¦ 12.14 76.¦ 73. Maurer Yuri Michael 1993 Bern 27.59,2 10.40,3 (6184) Diplom Video 5.05 ¦ 4.38 78.¦ 11.16 74.¦ 12.04 73.¦ 74. Düblin Patrick 1994 Binningen 28.12,0 10.53,1 (7768) Diplom Video 5.07 ¦ 4.43 81.¦ 11.43 77.¦ 11.45 69.¦ 75. Zappa Maximilian 1993 Riehen 28.12,8 10.53,9 (6077) Diplom Video 5.07 ¦ 4.57 86.¦ 11.14 73.¦ 12.00 72.¦ 76. Gugger Pascal 1993 Therwil 28.23,3 11.04,4 (7837) Diplom Video 5.09 ¦ 4.09 67.¦ 12.18 79.¦ 11.54 70.¦ 77. Langhein Kevin 1994 Dornach 28.29,4 11.10,5 (7261) Diplom Video 5.10 ¦ 4.47 83.¦ 12.27 81.¦ 11.14 61.¦ 78. Eminger Nick 1994 Basel 28.30,0 11.11,1 (6390) Diplom Video 5.10 ¦ 4.51 85.¦ 11.30 76.¦ 12.08 74.¦ 79. Seeholzer Jonas 1994 Magden 29.33,4 12.14,5 (1064) Diplom Video 5.22 ¦ 4.45 82.¦ 12.26 80.¦ 12.21 79.¦ 80. Jolidon Emilien 1994 Courcelon 30.01,5 12.42,6 (10031) Diplom Video 5.27 ¦ 5.00 87.¦ 12.17 78.¦ 12.43 81.¦ 81. Scharwath Michael 1993 Pully 30.12,6 12.53,7 (4952) Diplom Video 5.29 ¦ 4.32 77.¦ 13.00 85.¦ 12.40 80.¦ 82. Zimmerli Joël 1994 Reinach BL 30.19,1 13.00,2 (8121) Diplom Video 5.30 ¦ 4.20 72.¦ 12.31 82.¦ 13.26 82.¦ 83. Hunziker Jordi 1994 Biel-Benken BL 32.05,1 14.46,2 (7874) Diplom Video 5.50 ¦ 4.30 75.¦ 12.45 84.¦ 14.49 84.¦ 84. Hartmann Remo 1994 Muttenz 32.11,9 14.53,0 (3090) Diplom Video 5.51 ¦ 4.17 71.¦ 13.32 86.¦ 14.21 83.¦ 85. Seiler Daniel 1993 Reinach BL 36.27,1 19.08,2 (10169) Diplom Video 6.37 ¦ 4.48 84.¦ 14.44 87.¦ 16.54 85.¦ DNF Zipfel Joel 1993 D-Efringen-Kirchen 14.04,6 1,5 Runden (6998) Video ---- ¦ 4.01 60.¦ 10.03 58.¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Lückinger Yanick 1993 Duggingen 16.54,3 1,5 Runden (9744) Video ---- ¦ 4.13 69.¦ 12.40 83.¦ ---- ----¦

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