Powerman Zofingen 2010 - rankings
rankings overall Long Distance Elite Long Distance Age Groups Long Distance Relay Short Distance Short Distance Relay Powerkids PowerYouth Charity
rankings by name A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Z
rankings by countries/cities A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Z other countries: A AUS B CAN CRO CZ D DK E EE F GB GLP H I L NL NZL S SK USA
Top rankings overall --- Overall Long Distance 274 ranked PDF 1. Sutz Andy, 1981, Schaffhausen 6:19.03,0 (1) foto 2. Humbert Thibaut, 1974, F-Romans sur Isere 6:19.57,3 (3) foto 3. Le Duey Anthony, 1973, F-Epretot 6:27.52,6 (2) foto
--- Overall Long Distance Women 32 ranked PDF 1. Csomor Erika, 1973, Szazhalomba 7:20.52,5 (1) foto 2. Uebelhart Jacqueline, 1975, Aarwangen 7:32.44,0 (3) foto 3. Lindholm Camilla, 1974, S-Helsingborg 7:37.08,0 (2) foto
--- Overall Long Distance Men 242 ranked PDF 1. Sutz Andy, 1981, Schaffhausen 6:19.03,0 (1) foto 2. Humbert Thibaut, 1974, F-Romans sur Isere 6:19.57,3 (3) foto 3. Le Duey Anthony, 1973, F-Epretot 6:27.52,6 (2) foto
--- Overall Short Distance Women 36 ranked PDF 1. Tschumi Sandra, 1979, Grafenried 2:31.05,6 (1029) foto 2. Hotz Claudine, 1972, Regensdorf 2:35.15,5 (1007) foto 3. Wickihalter Gabi, 1966, Brittnau 2:37.03,3 (1032) foto
--- Overall Short Distance Men 225 ranked PDF 1. Gehring Lukas, 1979, Tschingel ob Gunten 2:13.34,6 (2060) foto 2. Wiesner Daniel, 1974, D-Lörrach 2:14.09,3 (9725) foto 3. Geiser Christof, 1982, Lyssach 2:15.21,5 (9710) foto
Top Long Distance Elite L-EliteW Elite Women 10 ranked PDF 1. Csomor Erika, 1973, Szazhalomba 7:20.52,5 (1) foto 2. Uebelhart Jacqueline, 1975, Aarwangen 7:32.44,0 (3) foto 3. Lindholm Camilla, 1974, S-Helsingborg 7:37.08,0 (2) foto
L-EliteM Elite Men 28 ranked PDF 1. Sutz Andy, 1981, Schaffhausen 6:19.03,0 (1) foto 2. Humbert Thibaut, 1974, F-Romans sur Isere 6:19.57,3 (3) foto 3. Le Duey Anthony, 1973, F-Epretot 6:27.52,6 (2) foto
Top Long Distance Age Groups L-W25 Women age group 25-29 4 ranked PDF 1. Giehl Caprice, 1982, D-Heimborn 8:31.11,4 (19) foto 2. Konczer Annabelle Mary, 1985, A-Wien 8:59.58,9 (25) foto 3. Schulte Anja, 1981, D-Menden 9:03.19,3 (31) foto
L-W30 Women age group 30-34 6 ranked PDF 1. Mueller Angela, 1978, Gelterkinden 8:19.31,9 (30) foto 2. Benavides Linda, 1978, USA-San Antonio 9:34.45,4 (13) foto 3. Ioana Nicola, 1979, D-Essen 9:35.31,8 (22) foto
L-W35 Women age group 35-39 2 ranked PDF 1. Dür Carolin, 1975, Heerbrugg 8:12.51,7 (17) foto 2. Dolhare Meredith, 1973, USA-Charlotte NC 9:01.47,1 (15) foto
L-W40 Women age group 40-44 5 ranked PDF 1. Ziehli Sonja, 1968, Lobsigen 8:55.16,0 (35) foto 2. Herzog Simone, 1970, Staufen 9:18.43,7 (20) foto 3. Christ Sabine, 1969, Ueken 9:20.37,4 (14) foto
L-W45 Women age group 45-49 3 ranked PDF 1. Macsenti Doris, 1964, Zürich 8:57.42,7 (27) foto 2. Ketzer Ina, 1965, D-Iserlohn 9:21.17,1 (24) foto 3. Huber Cornelia, 1962, Oftringen 9:35.32,2 (21) foto
L-W50 Women age group 50-54 1 ranked PDF 1. Angeliniadis Catherine, 1959, F-Dijon 10:28.23,1 (11) foto
L-W55 Women age group 55-59 1 ranked PDF 1. Bäcker Evelin, 1954, D-Ruppertshofen 11:19.26,2 (12) foto
L-M20 Men age group 20-24 4 ranked PDF 1. Manetsch Ramon, 1987, Reutigen 8:19.53,2 (184) foto 2. Schwab Alex, 1989, Satigny 8:59.09,6 (246) foto 3. Loveday Jack, 1987, GB-Oakham 9:01.45,8 (180) foto
L-M25 Men age group 25-29 16 ranked PDF 1. Meysmans Jan, 1981, B-Asse 7:01.15,4 (195) foto 2. Solanas Bagues Javier, 1981, E-Zaragoza 7:26.58,9 (253) foto 3. Gubler Philipp, 1981, Eichberg 7:30.17,7 (125) foto
L-M30 Men age group 30-34 27 ranked PDF 1. Poulsen Kenneth, 1979, DK-Viby 6:51.38,3 (222) foto 2. Steyaert Kris, 1978, B-Tielt 7:04.33,9 (256) foto 3. Save Jérôme, 1978, F-Ardiege 7:17.26,0 (235) foto
L-M35 Men age group 35-39 44 ranked PDF 1. Kleber Andreas, 1975, A-Lauterach 7:04.35,8 (155) foto 2. van der Boom Raimond, 1974, NL-Assen 7:05.04,7 (273) foto 3. Muff David, 1974, Zug 7:07.43,9 (201) foto
L-M40 Men age group 40-44 48 ranked PDF 1. Lanfranchi Philippe, 1967, F-Le Russey 6:55.11,1 (166) foto 2. Urizar Otamendi Luis Mari, 1968, E-Villabona 6:56.32,5 (271) foto 3. Lauk Michael, 1969, D-Freiburg 7:16.43,2 (170) foto
L-M45 Men age group 45-49 37 ranked PDF 1. Tanzer Alfred, 1962, A-Engerwitzdorf 7:14.57,3 (261) foto 2. Oesterwind Dirk, 1965, D-Witten 7:23.02,1 (212) foto 3. Rubenbauer Manfred, 1964, D-Sulzbach-Rosenberg 7:29.43,7 (230) foto
L-M50 Men age group 50-54 19 ranked PDF 1. Messina Luca, 1960, I-Bolzano (BZ) 7:47.34,6 (194) foto 2. Puff Frank, 1959, D-Moorgrund 8:13.54,6 (225) foto 3. Bartusch Thomas, 1960, D-Düsseldorf 8:30.22,6 (49) foto
L-M55 Men age group 55-59 11 ranked PDF 1. Walli Bernhard, 1955, D-Karlsbad 7:47.52,3 (284) foto 2. Studer Johann, 1954, Hägendorf 8:18.37,5 (258) foto 3. Maire André, 1953, F-Saverne 8:21.22,5 (183) foto
L-M60 Men age group 60-64 6 ranked PDF 1. Häfliger Peter, 1948, Oftringen 8:42.30,3 (130) foto 2. Hoch Alfred, 1950, D-Worms 8:50.48,2 (136) foto 3. Bättig Felix, 1950, Oberägeri 9:30.31,6 (51) foto
L-M65 Men age group 65-69 2 ranked PDF 1. Gansow Diethard, 1944, D-Eschweiler 9:27.44,2 (114) foto 2. Bauer Heinz, 1943, D-Limbach-Oberfrohna 9:42.28,2 (55) foto
Top Long Distance Relay L-TeamLM Long Relay Men 14 ranked PDF 1. LSG Sporting Olten 6:32.33,8 (307) foto 2. Alt-Rookies 6:55.03,8 (319) foto 3. weishaupt cycles zofingen 6:57.00,6 (320) foto
L-TeamLW Long Relay Women 3 ranked PDF 1. sweet powerladies 7:40.35,1 (318) foto 2. Marka Sport Team 8:08.02,6 (308) foto 3. Drüer Seilschaft SAC 8:54.04,1 (306) foto
L-TeamLX Long Relay Mixed 6 ranked PDF 1. TV Länggasse Bern 6:46.24,3 (301) foto 2. SNAIL-MAIL 7:28.16,3 (305) foto 3. Zingg Trailfox 7:28.34,9 (313) foto
Top Short Distance S-sHKW Short Hauptklasse Frauen 17 ranked PDF 1. Tschumi Sandra, 1979, Grafenried 2:31.05,6 (1029) foto 2. Höglund Mikaela, 1979, Pully 2:43.03,5 (9754) foto 3. Maurer Melanie, 1988, Wikon 2:48.36,3 (1016) foto
S-sAKW Short Altersklasse Frauen 19 ranked PDF 1. Hotz Claudine, 1972, Regensdorf 2:35.15,5 (1007) foto 2. Wickihalter Gabi, 1966, Brittnau 2:37.03,3 (1032) foto 3. Iseli Jeannine, 1970, Schüpfen 2:39.39,3 (1009) foto
S-sJunM Short Junioren 7 ranked PDF 1. Widmer Florian, 1992, Beinwil am See 2:22.37,8 (2199) foto 2. Kälin Andreas, 1991, Wollerau 2:28.20,3 (2096) foto 3. De Vriendt Xavier, 1994, B-Gent 2:43.33,9 (2044) foto
S-sHKM Short Hauptklasse Männer 59 ranked PDF 1. Gehring Lukas, 1979, Tschingel ob Gunten 2:13.34,6 (2060) foto 2. Geiser Christof, 1982, Lyssach 2:15.21,5 (9710) foto 3. van Beijnum Kamil, 1981, Knutwil 2:20.26,2 (2186) foto
S-sAK1M Short Altersklasse 1 Männer 85 ranked PDF 1. Wiesner Daniel, 1974, D-Lörrach 2:14.09,3 (9725) foto 2. Wittensöldner Christian, 1975, Zofingen 2:16.47,7 (2203) foto 3. Mariethoz Cedric, 1973, Vionnaz 2:17.35,3 (2123) foto
S-sAK2M Short Altersklasse 2 Männer 57 ranked PDF 1. Lüscher Rolf, 1965, Hütten 2:22.04,9 (2117) foto 2. Färber Simon, 1965, Arbon 2:22.50,6 (9705) foto 3. Häfeli Roger, 1965, Dättwil AG 2:23.07,3 (2070) foto
S-sAK3M Short Altersklasse 3 Männer 17 ranked PDF 1. Dolezal Lubos, 1954, Czech Republic 2:33.34,2 (9745) foto 2. Huber Erwin, 1949, Safenwil 2:35.41,4 (2086) foto 3. Weissenberger Hubert, 1948, D-Schwerzen 2:42.58,4 (9724) foto
Top Short Distance Relay S-TeamSM Short Staffel Männer 19 ranked PDF 1. By Schneider Wynigen 2:25.33,4 (3019) foto 2. kindsköpfe 2:26.42,1 (3009) foto 3. Mettwoch Biker 2:30.44,0 (9609) foto
S-TeamSW Short Staffel Frauen 5 ranked PDF 1. OvOspOrt 2:45.28,7 (3037) foto 2. Tri Zofingen 2:55.04,8 (9610) foto 3. Chicks 2:57.34,2 (3034) foto
S-TeamSX Short Staffel Mixed 21 ranked PDF 1. Sporty and Spontaneous 2:38.47,2 (9607) foto 2. Malerbetrieb Müller 1 2:40.04,2 (3031) foto 3. Uf em schnäuschte Wäg is Ziel 2:41.09,6 (9604) foto
Top Powerkids K-PantM Powerkids männl. Panters 33 ranked PDF 1. Wickihalter Dario, 2003, Brittnau 7.17,8 (1016) foto 2. Bernahrd Niklas, 2003, Heiden 7.56,8 (1035) foto 3. Heeb Neil, 2003, Rothrist 8.01,1 (1042) foto
K-PantW Powerkids weibl. Panters 16 ranked PDF 1. Bernhard Anna-Kira, 2003, Heiden 8.12,2 (1034) foto 2. Mcmahon Alisha, 2003, Baar 8.19,0 (1009) foto 3. Bühler Justine, 2003, Zofingen 8.47,6 (1041) foto
K-TigerM Powerkids männl. Tigers 38 ranked PDF 1. Wüthrich Toni, 2001, Zofingen 6.53,5 (2024) foto 2. Fischer Tobias, 2002, Neuendorf 7.01,8 (2005) foto 3. Bernhard Mika, 2001, Heiden 7.09,2 (2043) foto
K-TigerW Powerkids weibl. Tigers 27 ranked PDF 1. Gmür Nora, 2001, Schöftland 6.58,4 (2042) foto 2. Birrer Alina, 2001, Menznau 7.12,4 (2026) foto 3. Mcmahon Jenny, 2001, Baar 7.19,3 (2015) foto
K-LionM Powerkids männl. Lions 26 ranked PDF 1. Hauck Fabian, 1999, Oensingen 8.07,3 (3006) foto 2. Reist Tristan, 2000, Rubigen 8.39,2 (3011) foto 3. Wyss David, 2000, Melchnau 8.42,5 (3016) foto
K-LionW Powerkids weibl. Lions 19 ranked PDF 1. Sclabas Ilenia, 2000, Kirchberg BE 8.40,8 (3045) foto 2. König Svenja, 2000, Strengelbach 8.50,6 (3008) foto 3. Gmür Lena, 1999, Schöftland 8.58,9 (3030) foto
K-BearsM Powerkids männl. Bears 11 ranked PDF 1. Hollenweger Lars, 1998, Oberdorf 7.37,0 (4030) foto 2. Reich Dominik, 1998, Henggart 7.47,5 (4012) foto 3. Mcmahon Dominic, 1997, Baar 8.02,0 (4011) foto
K-BearsF Powerkids weibl. Bears 16 ranked PDF 1. Sclabas Arianna, 1998, Kirchberg BE 7.53,7 (4029) foto 2. Fischer Regina, 1998, Neuendorf 7.58,1 (4004) foto 3. Soltermann Nadja, 1997, Strengelbach 8.22,3 (4013) foto
Top PowerYouth YouthAm PowerYouth A männl. 4 ranked PDF 1. Gucher Nick, 1994, Uetikon am See 27.53,2 (6001) foto 2. Springmann Mike, 1994, Mühlethal 29.40,0 (6003) foto 3. Brütsch Luca, 1993, Paspels 30.25,0 (6004) foto
YouthBm PowerYouth B männl. 3 ranked PDF 1. Matter Joel, 1996, Rebstein 27.28,3 (5003) foto 2. Hüsler Samuel, 1995, Reiden 33.33,8 (5001) foto 3. Ryser Alain, 1996, Reiden 36.12,3 (5004) foto
YouthBf PowerYouth B weibl. 2 ranked PDF 1. Stübi Sara, 1996, Brittnau 40.24,8 (5006) foto 2. Pfaeffli Leandra, 1996, Brittnau 44.29,9 (5007) foto
Top Charity R-Run5 Powerman Charity / 5km Run 94 ranked R-Bike30 Powerman Charity / 30km Bike 53 ranked
Official timing and results by DATASPORT, CH-Gerlafingen www.datasport.com for results, online registration, informations and news
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