Maratona dles Dolomites 2005 - per nome "D"
categoria posto nome/Name an località/Ort squadra/Team tempo ritardo pett km/h ¦ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 110/M5 270. D'Agostino Enrico 1952 Montefalcione (AV) GS Amici del Pedale 6:21.57,8 2:10.00,1 (9170) 17,279 ¦ 147/M3 935. D'Agostino Fabrizio 1963 Amandola AC Sarnano in Bici 8:22.09,2 3:40.28,3 (7310) 17,564 ¦ 147/M5 366. D'Alessio Claudio 1949 Pisa Integrateam-Dis&Abili 8:00.34,1 2:42.43,7 (8338) 18,353 ¦ 110/M4 201. D'Alessio Mattia 1957 Piano di Sorrento GS Penisola Sorrentina 5:25.35,4 1:29.24,9 (7023) 20,270 ¦ 147/M6 18. D'Ambrosio Matteo 1947 Quarrata Team 13 Victoria Cl. 6:26.35,5 1:12.45,0 (9171) 22,814 ¦ 57/M6 61. D'Amico Giuseppe 1947 Roma Polisportiva cicli Fatato 3:41.14,0 1:27.27,8 (4358) 15,594 ¦ 57/M6 177. D'Amico Rocco 1937 Villafranca di Veron Pol. S. Giorgio Formaggi Leone 4:39.12,0 2:25.25,8 (8306) 12,356 ¦ 147/M2 509. D'Andrea Claudio 1974 Bologna Team Castenaso 7:50.16,6 3:17.42,8 (7901) 18,754 ¦ 147/M4 491. D'Angelo Dino 1959 Sant'Elpidio a Mare GC Lucio Catalini 7:10.53,3 2:00.57,1 (3645) 20,469 ¦ 147/M6 45. D'Angelo Gaetano 1946 Padova ADC Antelao 7:11.52,1 1:58.01,6 (4359) 20,422 ¦ 110/F2 88. D'Angelo Isabella 1965 Mestre GS Prasecco Biesse 7:22.46,7 3:10.34,8 (650) 14,905 ¦ 110/M1 54. D'Apolito Angelo 1981 Omignano Scalo (sa) CICLOCILENTO TEAM 5:04.46,5 1:33.39,9 (4360) 21,655 ¦ 110/M4 427. D'Emidio Paolo 1957 Reggio Emilia UC Borzanese 6:12.11,1 2:16.00,6 (9173) 17,733 ¦ 147/M4 232. D'Este Remi 1958 Treviso Granfondo Pinarello 6:33.30,8 1:23.34,6 (1501) 22,413 ¦ 110/M5 70. D'Ippolito Tommaso 1955 Peschiera Borromeo mapei squadra corse 5:19.17,9 1:07.20,2 (103) 20,670 ¦ 147/M6 106. D'Italia Santo 1933 Cornaredo ASD F. Moser 8:04.34,3 2:50.43,8 (4037) 18,201 ¦ 110/M4 445. D'Ugo Domenico 1957 Ferrazzano Team Bici Sport Merlo 6:16.46,6 2:20.36,1 (8224) 17,517 ¦ 147/M3 728. Da Dalt Gianni 1965 Vittorio Veneto ct vittorio veneto 7:38.53,3 2:57.12,4 (7424) 19,220 ¦ 147/M4 451. Da Dalt Maurizio 1962 Vittorio Veneto ct vittorio veneto 7:04.49,3 1:54.53,1 (7425) 20,761 ¦ 110/M3 331. Da Lio Franco 1966 Zelarino (ve) GS Prasecco Biesse 5:47.11,8 2:13.38,0 (3717) 19,009 ¦ 57/M4 132. Daalmans Theo 1957 NL-Je Elsloo Yonder 3:38.06,9 1:42.36,3 (8592) 15,817 ¦ 57/M2 113. Dacarro Filippo 1972 Broni ADS SC Pedale Bronese 4:11.01,9 2:11.37,5 (3766) 13,743 ¦ 57/M4 111. Daedelow Klaus 1958 D-Erlangen privat 3:32.14,6 1:36.44,0 (9174) 16,254 ¦ 147/M1 94. Daedelow Marco 1982 D-Hess. Oldendorf privat 6:25.00,3 1:49.14,8 (9175) 22,908 ¦ 110/M3 414. Dafelmair Martin 1966 D-Kühbach Radteam Aichach 6:05.23,0 2:31.49,2 (1405) 18,063 ¦ 147/M3 189. Dahl Burkhard 1968 D-Weilheim MTB-Munich Team 6:13.17,4 1:31.36,5 (3523) 23,627 ¦ 147/F1 35. Daissè Emma 1967 Olmo di Martellago GS Prasecco Biesse 7:11.21,9 1:49.52,1 (651) 20,446 ¦ 110/M4 69. Dal Bosco Umberto 1956 Verona mtb golosine 4:48.00,8 51.50,3 (9176) 22,915 ¦ 110/M3 237. Dal Cason Stefano 1963 Caldiero Metal.Ser. 5:24.35,3 1:51.01,5 (9177) 20,333 ¦ 110/M4 577. Dal Cero Adriano 1960 Verona Traguardo Volante Racing 6:51.22,3 2:55.11,8 (9178) 16,043 ¦ 110/M4 119. Dal Cin Damiano 1961 Cordignano Ovam Everybike Team 5:05.24,0 1:09.13,5 (1911) 21,611 ¦ 110/M3 129. Dal Forno Alberto 1964 Verona sc alliance butty multiservice 4:55.43,5 1:22.09,7 (1980) 22,318 ¦ 147/M5 309. Dal Lago Paolo 1948 Altavilla Vicentina UC Valmarana 7:43.03,1 2:25.12,7 (2032) 19,047 ¦ 147/M3 647. Dal Pan Mauro 1966 Casteggio GC Il Branco 7:24.44,5 2:43.03,6 (4022) 19,831 ¦ 147/M4 47. Dal Pozzo Marco 1959 Forlì Team Ozone Opera 5:53.16,9 43.20,7 (2203) 24,965 ¦ 147/F2 8. Dal Santo Caterina 1952 Bolzano Assos Team Bolzano 6:38.34,5 38.30,6 (308) 22,128 ¦ 147/M1 128. Dal Zotto Mirko 1978 Malo (Vicenza) GS Krom 6:40.45,3 2:04.59,8 (9179) 22,008 ¦ 147/M3 120. Dal Zotto Paolo 1964 Quinto Vicentino GS Magazzini Berton 6:00.16,6 1:18.35,7 (5851) 24,481 ¦ 110/M5 121. Dalcó Priamo 1948 Felino Berchi Felinese 5:38.10,7 1:26.13,0 (9181) 19,516 ¦ 147/M2 290. Dall'Acqua Massimo 1969 CH-Giubiasco ferrovieri sportivi 6:49.00,9 2:16.27,1 (9182) 21,564 ¦ 110/M5 487. Dall'Ara Daniele 1954 Cesena G. C. ALFIO TANI - SAN VITTORE 7:50.47,0 3:38.49,3 (8773) 14,019 ¦ 110/M4 256. Dall'Osso Cesare 1956 Imola Pol. 3 Elle 5:35.06,3 1:38.55,8 (6009) 19,695 ¦ 57/F2 51. Dall'Osso Maria Leti 1956 Faenza GSC Avis Faenza 4:07.50,7 1:30.17,8 (661) 13,919 ¦ 57/M4 37. Dalla Porta Loris 1959 Cornuda Treviso S.C. ROCCON GAERNE 2:58.01,1 1:02.30,5 (9183) 19,380 ¦ 147/M4 657. Dalla Tor Claudio 1962 Marcon Polisportiva Arcobaleno 7:37.32,4 2:27.36,2 (3639) 19,277 ¦ 110/M2 280. Dalla Valle Nicola 1974 Rovolon (PD) Bikes benato FRW Team Primolan 6:17.42,0 2:34.09,3 (7142) 17,474 ¦ 147/M3 60. Dalla Valle Roberto 1965 Romano d'Ezzelino UC ROMANO 5:45.35,1 1:03.54,2 (4361) 25,521 ¦ 110/M3 650. Dallabetta Luca 1963 Trento pastorello trento frutta 7:25.08,5 3:51.34,7 (2639) 14,826 ¦ 147/M4 659. Dallara Graziano 1962 Ghiare di Berceto VELO CLUB LA BICI 7:38.24,0 2:28.27,8 (4362) 19,240 ¦ 147/M3 306. Dalle Carbonare Paol 1963 Treviso Granfondo Pinarello 6:28.51,2 1:47.10,3 (1490) 22,682 ¦ 110/M3 103. Dalle Pezze Stefano 1967 Grezzana (vr) TURNOVER 4:46.10,6 1:12.36,8 (9184) 23,062 ¦ 110/M5 133. Dalledonne Andrea 1954 Bologna Team Salieri Arredoquattro 5:43.31,0 1:31.33,3 (2957) 19,213 ¦ 110/M2 316. Dallner Jürgen 1973 D-Erlangen SPEED7 Racing Team 6:42.48,5 2:59.15,8 (8790) 16,384 ¦ 147/M1 286. Dalzero Matteo 1976 Brescia U.S.Libertas 1911 8:35.48,5 4:00.03,0 (4363) 17,099 ¦ 110/M3 203. Dam Diego 1963 Conegliano freetime triathlon 5:15.12,0 1:41.38,2 (7433) 20,939 ¦ 57/M3 212. Dambacher Thomas 1968 D-Pfaffenhofen fleck 4:25.53,3 2:19.29,4 (9185) 12,975 ¦ 147/Top 4. Dambrowski Jaroslaw 1983 PL 4:41.34,2 12.42,0 (105) 31,324 ¦ 147/M4 931. Damen Maurice 1961 NL-Houten Tourclub Houten 8:35.42,2 3:25.46,0 (2206) 17,102 ¦ 110/M5 150. Damin Giovanni 1950 Samarate (varese) S.C. SPINAVERDE 5:48.16,9 1:36.19,2 (9186) 18,950 ¦ 110/M4 153. Daminato Piervittori 1961 Chieri GS Antares Team 5:14.57,7 1:18.47,2 (3971) 20,954 ¦ 110/M3 340. Danese Cesare 1966 San Nicolo' A Tordin Bike Team S. Nicoló 5:49.30,6 2:15.56,8 (8647) 18,883 ¦ 147/M2 603. Dania Davide 1969 Milano ASD Dream Team Saclá 8:33.20,7 4:00.46,9 (9187) 17,181 ¦ 110/M4 218. Daniotti Enrico 1962 Treviso Granfondo Pinarello 5:28.49,0 1:32.38,5 (2908) 20,071 ¦ 110/M3 194. Danner Konrad 1966 D-Mindelheim VC Mindelheim 5:11.31,6 1:37.57,8 (2207) 21,185 ¦ 110/M2 39. Danni Lorenzo 1973 Parma CRAL AMPS 4:27.10,0 43.37,3 (9188) 24,703 ¦ 110/M6 73. Danti Fabrizio 1946 Firenze Bicisporteam Firenze 5:53.20,7 2:03.32,0 (2872) 18,678 ¦ 57/M6 76. Danzl Fritz 1947 A-Schwaz 3:48.42,6 1:34.56,4 (9189) 15,084 ¦ 110/M1 93. Danzl Stefan 1980 A-Schwaz 5:36.52,6 2:05.46,0 (4364) 19,591 ¦ 147/M2 258. Daolio Mario 1970 Gualtieri beriv multisport 6:43.04,6 2:10.30,8 (1957) 21,881 ¦ 110/M2 30. Dapoz Simon 1974 La Valle Rodes Val Badia Raiffeisen 4:19.16,2 35.43,5 (187) 25,456 ¦ 147/M4 576. Dapporto Giovanni 1962 Faenza Team Sintesi Scott 7:21.51,7 2:11.55,5 (6008) 19,960 ¦ 147/M3 17. Dapporto Luca 1963 Cesena Atletica 85 Faenza 5:21.28,4 39.47,5 (54) 27,436 ¦ 110/M6 12. Dapporto Tiziano 1937 Faenza Atletica 85 Faenza 5:07.25,4 1:17.36,7 (3225) 21,468 ¦ 147/M3 793. Dardi Loris 1968 Imola Pol.3 Elle 7:48.42,3 3:07.01,4 (6006) 18,817 ¦ 57/M3 38. Darko Zorjan 1964 SLO-Ljubljana Novice Extrem 2:57.34,4 51.10,5 (9190) 19,428 ¦ 147/M5 231. Darsiè Claudio 1951 Treviso (TV) Granfondo Pinarello 7:22.21,8 2:04.31,4 (2920) 19,938 ¦ 110/M4 249. Dassieni Gianlorenzo 1957 Urago d'Oglio GSD Cris Plast- Desidero Bici 5:34.06,9 1:37.56,4 (6970) 19,753 ¦ 147/M3 842. Dautel Wolfgang 1967 D-Stuttgart 7:58.42,7 3:17.01,8 (9192) 18,424 ¦ 147/M2 95. Davare Andrea 1972 Scorzè GS Cicli Bernardi 5:57.58,0 1:25.24,2 (4365) 24,639 ¦ 110/M2 135. Davico Alessandro 1970 Cherasco Bike Cherasco Team 5:09.07,9 1:25.35,2 (3009) 21,350 ¦ 57/F1 32. Dax Sigrid 1970 D-Waldenbuch Radfreunde Waldenbuch 3:38.44,4 1:20.24,7 (914) 15,772 ¦ 147/M3 238. Dax Werner 1963 D-Waldenbuch Radfreunde Waldenbuch 6:20.56,9 1:39.16,0 (9194) 23,152 ¦ 110/M6 134. Daz Siegfried 1947 A-Innsbruck Radteam Aichach 6:29.30,4 2:39.41,7 (1371) 16,944 ¦ 110/M5 285. De Ambroggi Angelo 1951 Castellanza G.S.CICLOAMATORI CASTELLANZA 6:26.10,3 2:14.12,6 (7224) 17,090 ¦ 110/M5 176. De Angelis Gaetano 1950 Santa Maria delle Mo GSC Santa Maria delle Mole 5:56.40,5 1:44.42,8 (8759) 18,504 ¦ 147/M3 572. De Arteaga Nohet Jos 1965 E-Barcelona Esport Ciclista Sant Andreu 7:09.34,8 2:27.53,9 (2208) 20,531 ¦ 147/M2 447. De Baets John 1971 B-Oostwinkel 7:26.59,0 2:54.25,2 (9195) 19,732 ¦ 147/M4 632. De Bari Giacomo 1959 Molfetta a.s. veloclub molfetta 7:31.59,9 2:22.03,7 (4366) 19,513 ¦ 57/M3 149. De Biasi Gianluigi 1966 prata GSC Brugnera 3:55.40,0 1:49.16,1 (9196) 14,639 ¦ 147/M1 84. De Boer Dolf 1979 NL-VG Apeldoorn Adelaar 6:21.01,0 1:45.15,5 (8109) 23,148 ¦ 57/M1 23. De Boni Stefano 1975 Feltre GS Cicli Dalla Rosa 3:05.20,1 53.12,0 (9197) 18,614 ¦ 110/M3 223. De Bortoli Daniele 1966 CH-Brione S/m Grüpp Alégar 5:20.45,4 1:47.11,6 (8053) 20,576 ¦ 57/M4 48. De Bortoli Eugenio 1962 Onigo Di Pederobba T S.C. ROCCON GAERNE 3:03.28,8 1:07.58,2 (9198) 18,803 ¦ 147/F1 101. De Brey Claire 1976 NL-Ez Den Haag No Mountain to Hi 9:11.10,0 3:49.40,2 (415) 16,002 ¦ 147/M2 438. De Bruijn Arno 1970 NL-JB Delft ???? 7:25.20,9 2:52.47,1 (6469) 19,804 ¦ 57/M2 156. De Bruijne Maarten 1973 NL-CT Delft ???? 9:31.13,6 7:31.49,2 (3437) 6,039 ¦ 147/M3 162. De Bruin Albert 1968 NL-AD Deventer ???? 6:09.21,8 1:27.40,9 (3388) 23,878 ¦ 110/M5 260. De Bruin Johannes 1952 NL-Pb Almere le Champion 6:18.51,6 2:06.53,9 (9199) 17,420 ¦ 147/M5 22. De Bruyn Kops Frank 1955 NL-JK leidschendam ???? 6:01.42,8 43.52,4 (3435) 24,383 ¦ 57/M4 101. De Carlo Mario 1962 visinale di pasiano gs pratense 3:27.38,5 1:32.07,9 (7507) 16,615 ¦ 57/M2 108. De Carolis Giovanni 1971 Anzio Team Bicimania 4:08.55,4 2:09.31,0 (137) 13,859 ¦ 57/M5 35. De Dottori Andrea 1948 Pordenone v.c. fuorisoglia 3:13.16,1 52.28,6 (4367) 17,850 ¦ 147/M4 675. De Fazio Antonio 1960 Merano A.S.D. Amici Udace Trento 7:42.49,1 2:32.52,9 (2209) 19,057 ¦ 57/M2 134. De Felice Antonio 1972 Monterotondo 4:31.43,5 2:32.19,1 (9200) 12,696 ¦ 57/M4 209. De Francesco Nicola 1958 Monteroni di Lecce G.C. Finisterrare Maglie 4:10.54,7 2:15.24,1 (9201) 13,749 ¦ 57/F1 79. De Gaetano Katia 1978 Ponte Taro GC Monta in Bici 4:19.21,6 2:01.01,9 (700) 13,301 ¦ 147/M3 659. De Gara Giorgio 1966 Verona individuale 7:26.24,1 2:44.43,2 (218) 19,757 ¦ 147/M5 98. De Geus Jaap 1955 NL-SR Nootdorp ???? 6:46.48,0 1:28.57,6 (3429) 21,681 ¦ 147/M3 150. De Gieter Johnny 1966 B-Denderwindeke Flashcyclingteam 6:06.20,5 1:24.39,6 (8161) 24,075 ¦ 110/M3 655. De Giuli Gianni 1964 Verbania A.C. VER-BIKE RACING TEAM 7:29.23,2 3:55.49,4 (9203) 14,686 ¦ 110/M2 119. De Giuseppe Alessand 1970 I Pavan Free Bike 5:01.44,8 1:18.12,1 (238) 21,872 ¦ 110/M4 385. De Giuseppe Marco 1960 Palazzolo sull'Oglio GSD Cris Plast- Desidero Bici 6:01.57,6 2:05.47,1 (6961) 18,234 ¦ 147/M1 121. De Gooijer R.C.J. 1976 NL-VG Apeldoorn Adelaar 6:37.50,5 2:02.05,0 (8105) 22,169 ¦ 147/M4 460. De Gregorio Pierange 1962 S.Ermete GS Cicli Matteoni FRW 7:06.57,9 1:57.01,7 (1574) 20,657 ¦ 147/M3 990. De Grom Gunther 1964 B-Denderleeuw Flashcyclingteam 8:38.47,7 3:57.06,8 (8159) 17,000 ¦ 110/M3 436. De Groot Bart 1965 NL-Heemstede ???? 6:09.12,2 2:35.38,4 (1679) 17,876 ¦ 147/M4 579. De Groot Cok 1962 NL-Nc Amersfoort 7:22.34,3 2:12.38,1 (9204) 19,928 ¦ 147/M2 676. De Groot Gerard 1970 NL-WS Deinum ???? 9:41.14,9 5:08.41,1 (1807) 15,174 ¦ 147/M4 73. De Groot Jan 1962 NL-Ouderkerk ad Amst ???? 6:01.57,6 52.01,4 (1654) 24,367 ¦ 147/M3 685. De Groot Maarten 1965 NL-Ha Bussum 7:30.20,3 2:48.39,4 (9205) 19,585 ¦ 147/M3 299. De Groot Piet 1968 NL-Cr Wageningen Le Champion 6:27.07,5 1:45.26,6 (9206) 22,783 ¦ 147/M3 669. De Groot Roelof 1963 NL-TE Delft ???? 7:28.09,2 2:46.28,3 (6472) 19,680 ¦ 110/F1 147. De Harder Annemarie 1976 NL-LW Nijverdal CYCLETOURS Amsterdam 7:55.16,8 3:43.20,0 (1178) 13,886 ¦ 147/F1 67. De Jonge Ieke 1976 NL-SW Schiedam ???? 8:12.00,0 2:50.30,2 (584) 17,926 ¦ 147/M6 130. De Keizer Arie 1945 NL-Kx Wageningen TCW 8:28.25,4 3:14.34,9 (9208) 17,347 ¦ 147/M4 447. De Kok Henri 1958 NL-NJ Goirle ???? 7:04.12,5 1:54.16,3 (1734) 20,791 ¦ 147/M5 306. De Kuiper Peter 1949 NL-CH Amstelveen ???? 7:41.48,3 2:23.57,9 (1780) 19,098 ¦ 147/M3 1038. De Lange Marc 1963 NL-PS Amsterdam ???? 8:59.44,8 4:18.03,9 (3412) 16,340 ¦ 57/M4 32. De Leo Ezio 1957 Bologna Team Salieri Arredoquattro 2:52.36,1 57.05,5 (2958) 19,988 ¦ 147/M4 606. De Los Rios Lòpez Ju 1957 E-Barcelona Esport Ciclista Sant Andreu 7:26.46,7 2:16.50,5 (2210) 19,741 ¦ 147/M4 507. De Luca Felice 1961 Montichiari Team Rodella Scott 7:13.03,4 2:03.07,2 (9209) 20,366 ¦ 57/F2 63. De Luca Tania 1963 D-Fellbach TSV Schmiden 4:18.29,1 1:40.56,2 (915) 13,347 ¦ 147/M4 547. De Maar Jacob 1957 NL-GW Castricum ???? 7:18.50,5 2:08.54,3 (1758) 20,098 ¦ 57/M6 13. De Marchi Ernesto 1947 Bubbiano Circolo Ras 3:08.08,8 54.22,6 (7380) 18,336 ¦ 147/M3 369. De Marchi Pier David 1966 Thiene Team MG.K Vis Cinelli V.C.F. 6:39.22,7 1:57.41,8 (2211) 22,084 ¦ 57/M6 38. De Marco Enrico 1941 Milano G.S. Cicli Maggioni 3:31.08,9 1:17.22,7 (239) 16,339 ¦ 147/M2 529. De Mari Alberto 1970 Treviso Granfondo Pinarello 7:59.12,6 3:26.38,8 (2938) 18,405 ¦ 147/M5 385. De Mariano Carmelo 1952 Rho ASD F. Moser 8:06.12,7 2:48.22,3 (4034) 18,140 ¦ 110/F2 109. De Martin Toldo Luci 1958 Scarperia ciclo club appenninico 1907 7:55.55,6 3:43.43,7 (916) 13,867 ¦ 147/M2 285. De Meyer Jürgen 1969 F-Sceaux ???? 6:47.56,2 2:15.22,4 (6474) 21,621 ¦ 57/F2 32. De Milde Karen 1964 NL-WC Amstelveen ???? 3:48.42,3 1:11.09,4 (592) 15,084 ¦ 110/M6 166. De Monti Guido 1946 Lodi Cral Banca Popolare di Lodi 6:45.49,1 2:56.00,4 (8127) 16,263 ¦ 147/M5 349. De Muri Giuseppe 1953 Zanè GS Alpilatte 7:52.18,4 2:34.28,0 (2674) 18,674 ¦ 57/F1 4. De Palma Monica 1968 Torino Team Ozone Opera 2:35.40,9 17.21,2 (322) 22,160 ¦ 57/M5 148. De Paoli Paolo 1955 Lungavilla (PV) GS Cri Casteggio 4:01.39,9 1:40.52,4 (7175) 14,275 ¦ 110/M4 194. De Pascale Andrea 1960 Negrar Alliance Butty Multiservice 5:23.10,4 1:26.59,9 (236) 20,422 ¦ 110/M1 111. De Polli Marco 1979 Tiezzo Team pasquini 5:54.18,7 2:23.12,1 (7504) 18,627 ¦ 110/M2 111. De Ranieri Michele 1971 Lucca Kulmine Wac 5:00.05,7 1:16.33,0 (6338) 21,993 ¦ 57/M6 190. De Ranieri Pierluigi 1944 Lucca Kulmine Wac 4:48.59,2 2:35.13,0 (6326) 11,938 ¦ 147/M2 559. De Roberto Federico 1974 Treviso DECIMA TREVISO 8:13.59,7 3:41.25,9 (4109) 17,854 ¦ 147/M2 98. De Roeck Frank 1970 B-Genk Belgien Jos Feron 5:58.46,7 1:26.12,9 (6520) 24,583 ¦ 110/F1 42. De Roos Loes 1973 NL-EG Schagen ???? 5:35.43,8 1:23.47,0 (604) 19,658 ¦ 147/M1 307. De Ruiter Eugène 1977 NL-Gj Kerkrade Tourclub Kerkrade 9:06.27,5 4:30.42,0 (9211) 16,140 ¦ 147/M2 502. De Schouwer Frank 1972 NL-Uden Jos Feron 7:48.28,5 3:15.54,7 (6518) 18,827 ¦ 110/M3 666. De Simone Nicolino 1964 Pessano con Bornago genova 1913 7:41.18,5 4:07.44,7 (9212) 14,307 ¦ 147/M3 904. De Sordi Carlo 1968 Treviso DECIMA TREVISO 8:14.00,3 3:32.19,4 (4106) 17,854 ¦ 57/M6 113. De Stefani Mario 1943 Roma Polisportiva Cicli Fatato 4:02.38,8 1:48.52,6 (4368) 14,218 ¦ 147/M4 112. De Troyer Dirk 1961 B-Ninove Flashcyclingteam 6:12.17,4 1:02.21,2 (8155) 23,691 ¦ 110/M2 311. De Veerman Tino 1973 B-Lokeren Wtc 't Hemelrijk 6:41.18,2 2:57.45,5 (1800) 16,446 ¦ 110/M4 11. De Vettori Edmund 1962 S. Cassiano (BZ) S.C. Alta Badia-Raiffeisen 4:22.04,6 25.54,1 (2664) 25,183 ¦ 147/M4 262. De Veuster Wim 1959 B-Weerde ???? 6:38.01,1 1:28.04,9 (3247) 22,159 ¦ 110/Top 9. De Villa Luigi 1954 I Cicli Cortina 5:15.27,9 1:34.55,5 (9232) 20,921 ¦ 147/M2 439. De Vitis Marco 1972 Cesano Maderno U.S. Acli Cinisello 7:25.34,3 2:53.00,5 (7085) 19,794 ¦ 110/M4 545. De Vos Patrick 1957 B-Zottegem Wtc 't Hemelrijk 6:41.16,2 2:45.05,7 (1799) 16,447 ¦ 147/M3 974. De Vos Peter 1967 NL-Nv Amsterdam De babbelclub 8:31.48,8 3:50.07,9 (9213) 17,232 ¦ 147/M2 196. De Vos Sicco 1969 NL-Pw Arnhem 6:24.50,9 1:52.17,1 (8463) 22,918 ¦ 147/M5 476. De Vries Harm 1949 NL-BD Zoetermeer ???? 8:34.36,9 3:16.46,5 (1708) 17,139 ¦ 110/M6 75. De Vries Piet 1947 NL-GR Ommen ???? 5:56.20,7 2:06.32,0 (3258) 18,521 ¦ 147/M1 55. De Waard Arje 1977 NL-Hd Rotterdam mn 6:03.55,6 1:28.10,1 (3979) 24,235 ¦ 110/M4 262. De Waard Hans 1960 NL-Ns Bakkum ???? 5:36.29,1 1:40.18,6 (3244) 19,614 ¦ 147/M1 309. De Waard Joav 1976 NL-Hd Rotterdam mn 9:09.23,1 4:33.37,6 (8170) 16,054 ¦ 110/F2 17. De Wrachien Daniela 1963 Treviso Granfondo Pinarello 5:33.04,8 1:20.52,9 (493) 19,815 ¦ 147/M4 295. De Wrachien Enrico 1961 Treviso Granfondo Pinarello 6:42.30,9 1:32.34,7 (1494) 21,912 ¦ 57/M3 217. Decarli Elio 1964 Cremona ASD Persichello 4:31.47,8 2:25.23,9 (7036) 12,693 ¦ 147/M3 140. Decas Eric 1965 F-Bourg les Valence Vélo 8 6:04.18,7 1:22.37,8 (9216) 24,210 ¦ 110/M2 351. Dechert Günther 1972 D-Mainz 7:11.01,2 3:27.28,5 (9217) 15,312 ¦ 110/M4 595. Decker Andreas 1960 D-Bühl team schöck 6:56.42,8 3:00.32,3 (7992) 15,838 ¦ 147/M2 386. Decò Marco 1974 Ceresara Velo Club Rodigo 7:11.57,8 2:39.24,0 (7881) 20,418 ¦ 57/M5 126. Defendenti Remo 1948 Cremona ASD Persichello 3:48.55,6 1:28.08,1 (7046) 15,070 ¦ 110/M4 304. Degan Placido 1960 S.Angelo di Piove SC Vigonovo Galta 5:45.43,5 1:49.33,0 (7211) 19,090 ¦ 147/M5 281. Deganello Francesco 1952 Vicenza c.d.banca pop. di vicenza 7:36.47,8 2:18.57,4 (9218) 19,308 ¦ 110/M3 141. Degano Mauro 1968 Faedis (UD) Team Sclauzero-Starbene 4:59.00,0 1:25.26,2 (6454) 22,073 ¦ 110/M3 325. Degenhardt Torsten 1966 D-Muenchen IsarRiders 5:46.03,1 2:12.29,3 (8527) 19,072 ¦ 147/M4 427. Degli Esposti Stefan 1961 Bologna (BO) Team Salieri Bologna 7:01.15,1 1:51.18,9 (2212) 20,937 ¦ 110/M1 80. Degli Innocenti Dani 1977 Savona speed wheel team 5:28.32,9 1:57.26,3 (3897) 20,088 ¦ 147/M2 639. Deifel Ralf 1972 D-Altdorf Radteam Aichach 8:53.02,6 4:20.28,8 (1387) 16,546 ¦ 110/M5 249. Deisenberger Wolgang 1951 A-Bruck A. D. Glockn Radunion-Bruck 6:14.31,4 2:02.33,7 (8425) 17,622 ¦ 57/M5 86. Deisinger Karlo 1953 SLO-Domzale Domzale 3:36.58,3 1:16.10,8 (9219) 15,900 ¦ 110/M6 98. Dekie Wilfried 1945 NL-RW Pijnacker ???? 6:10.55,7 2:21.07,0 (1711) 17,793 ¦ 147/M2 2. Dekker Bert 1970 NL-XE-lekkerkerk Cycling Team DeMik 4:39.06,3 6.32,5 (264) 31,601 ¦ 110/M5 136. Dekker Jan 1949 NL-JS castricum ???? 5:44.17,9 1:32.20,2 (3418) 19,169 ¦ 110/M3 250. Del Bene Riccardo 1966 Sansepolcro Ciclistica San Sepolcro 5:27.32,7 1:53.58,9 (3829) 20,149 ¦ 57/M5 236. Del Bufalo Alfredo 1949 Labico C.R. San Paolo IMI 4:36.21,6 2:15.34,1 (9220) 12,483 ¦ 110/M4 210. Del Cappellano Giuse 1956 Treviso Granfondo Pinarello 5:27.05,0 1:30.54,5 (2912) 20,178 ¦ 110/M6 57. Del Carlo Mario 1947 PIANO DI CONCA Cicli Roberto Tarducci 5:46.06,3 1:56.17,6 (4370) 19,069 ¦ 110/M6 121. Del Col Angelo 1944 Pordenone gs pratense 6:26.38,6 2:36.49,9 (7506) 17,069 ¦ 147/M2 674. Del Curto Roberto 1970 Chiavenna MTB Ruote Dentate 9:19.09,2 4:46.35,4 (7279) 15,773 ¦ 110/M4 49. Del Fabbro Giorgio 1960 Udine Chiarcosso 4:41.50,1 45.39,6 (6014) 23,417 ¦ 110/M4 289. Del Fabbro Valentino 1956 Tolmezzo (UD) ac carnia bike 5:42.40,6 1:46.30,1 (3882) 19,260 ¦ 110/M5 109. Del Frate Guido 1950 Urago d'Oglio GSD Cris Plast- Desidero Bici 5:33.48,5 1:21.50,8 (6962) 19,771 ¦ 147/M1 72. Del Gamba Sergio 1977 Arezzo gs mely's 6:14.29,7 1:38.44,2 (7490) 23,551 ¦ 57/M3 118. Del Mancino Ermando 1963 Massa GS VF M. Pelliccia 3:42.44,2 1:36.20,3 (6215) 15,489 ¦ 147/M2 16. Del Mistro Alessandr 1970 Maniago GS Sintesi '96 5:20.41,4 48.07,6 (2610) 27,503 ¦ 110/M2 272. Del Monte Piero 1972 Trieste ASD C. Gentlemen - Trieste 6:11.08,4 2:27.35,7 (7444) 17,783 ¦ 147/M2 176. Del Nero Rossano 1969 Rocca di Papa Team Bike Rocca di Papa 6:19.19,2 1:46.45,4 (7018) 23,252 ¦ 110/M5 348. Del Pianta Dario 1954 Arezzo GS Dida Confezioni 6:46.03,2 2:34.05,5 (6310) 16,254 ¦ 110/M6 15. Del Pistoia Antonio 1944 Viareggio GS Tarducci 5:11.31,8 1:21.43,1 (9222) 21,185 ¦ 110/M4 57. Del Tredici Renzo 1960 Lucca Piemmesport Team Lucca 4:44.46,9 48.36,4 (9223) 23,175 ¦ 147/M4 811. Del Vecchio Davide 1959 Capannaguzzo di Cese Polisportiva 5 Cerchi 8:09.05,9 2:59.09,7 (7699) 18,033 ¦ 110/M6 67. Del Vescovo Riccardo 1946 Trieste GS Ciclo Club Trieste 5:50.55,1 2:01.06,4 (6410) 18,807 ¦ 147/M4 689. Delarue Ralf 1959 D-Hanau Alemannia Klein-Auheim 7:45.30,1 2:35.33,9 (4371) 18,947 ¦ 110/M3 212. Dell'Arti Pierpaolo 1965 Pradamano AC Fun Bike Pratic 5:18.24,3 1:44.50,5 (2213) 20,728 ¦ 147/M2 48. Dell'Eva Ivan Peter 1971 Cusano TN Polisportiva Sgiorgio Ugo 5:41.15,5 1:08.41,7 (8070) 25,845 ¦ 147/M4 226. Dell'Eva Paolo 1962 Cusano Milanino Il GAbbiano 6:32.55,5 1:22.59,3 (2214) 22,447 ¦ 57/M4 56. Dell'Oca Roberto 1961 Verano Brianza 3:06.50,6 1:11.20,0 (6175) 18,464 ¦ 57/M2 1. Dell'Oriente Emilian 1970 Arnasco GS.Centro Edile Pedale Imperie 1:59.24,4 ----- (95) 28,892 ¦ 57/M6 48. Della Giustina Elvio 1947 Modena Papillon Marco Pantani 3:36.17,2 1:22.31,0 (9224) 15,951 ¦ 147/M5 140. Della Giustina Lucia 1953 I AS Vimotosport 6:58.30,7 1:40.40,3 (7089) 21,074 ¦ 110/M2 100. Della Lunga Andrea 1972 Arezzo GS Dida Confezioni 4:56.43,8 1:13.11,1 (6312) 22,242 ¦ 57/M3 171. Della Monica Aldo 1964 I CICLISTICA SALERNITANA 4:02.38,1 1:56.14,2 (7556) 14,218 ¦ 147/M1 60. Della Pietà Nicola 1980 Treviso Granfondo Pinarello 6:06.23,2 1:30.37,7 (204) 24,072 ¦ 147/M5 289. Della Pietà Roberto 1954 Treviso Granfondo Pinarello 7:38.26,4 2:20.36,0 (205) 19,239 ¦ 110/M3 119. Della Pino Ilio 1965 Massa Pennelli Cinghiale 4:51.30,5 1:17.56,7 (5119) 22,640 ¦ 110/M1 40. Della Putta Gianni 1983 Alleghe Bettini Bike Team G.S. 4:48.42,0 1:17.35,4 (5929) 22,861 ¦ 147/M1 249. Dellabella Giorgio 1975 Maiolati Spontini AS Ruota Libera Moia 7:50.24,2 3:14.38,7 (3656) 18,749 ¦ 110/M1 69. Dellaert Gilles 1978 USA-New York Team Auto Alta Badia 5:20.05,1 1:48.58,5 (1202) 20,619 ¦ 147/M3 723. Dellekönig Hubert 1964 D-Pförring Lech Angels 7:37.41,0 2:56.00,1 (3100) 19,270 ¦ 147/M4 37. Deloof Marc 1960 B-Bavikhove ???? 5:48.51,8 38.55,6 (6465) 25,282 ¦ 110/M5 164. Delorenzi Paolo 1948 Ravenna Nostromo Yoga Ravenna A.S.D 5:53.34,0 1:41.36,3 (6413) 18,666 ¦ 110/M3 568. Delsoldato Federico 1966 Bolano Battistini GS Fosdinovo 6:45.52,6 3:12.18,8 (9225) 16,261 ¦ 147/M4 546. Delvaux Maarten 1962 NL-NR Amsterdam ???? 7:18.43,8 2:08.47,6 (1774) 20,103 ¦ 147/M4 308. Demarteau Frans 1956 NL-AK Venray ???? 6:44.55,8 1:34.59,6 (3299) 21,781 ¦ 110/M5 278. Demel Peter 1951 D-Oppenweiler TV-Oppenweiler 6:23.53,6 2:11.55,9 (8154) 17,192 ¦ 147/M5 261. Demeusy Jacques 1954 F Ufolep-Nice 7:29.49,7 2:11.59,3 (6656) 19,607 ¦ 147/M3 947. Demicheli Roberto 1964 Bozzolo Racing Team La Bici 8:25.37,4 3:43.56,5 (3200) 17,443 ¦ 110/F2 114. Demmel Liz 1965 D-Arnsberg ART Arnsberg e.V. 8:03.14,5 3:51.02,6 (918) 13,657 ¦ 147/M3 720. Demmel Michael 1963 D-Arnsberg ART Arnsberg e.V. 7:36.54,0 2:55.13,1 (4373) 19,304 ¦ 110/M4 258. Demmel Ottmar 1961 D-Miesbach Lech Angels 5:35.17,0 1:39.06,5 (3149) 19,684 ¦ 57/F1 56. Demmelhuber Eva 1969 D-Pleiskirchen Pleiskirchen 4:04.11,4 1:45.51,7 (919) 14,128 ¦ 110/M2 303. Den Brok Joris 1970 NL-Hz Den Haag Fietsvreugd 6:34.03,2 2:50.30,5 (8704) 16,749 ¦ 147/M5 146. Dendl Stefan 1954 D-Straubing/deutschl 6:59.11,9 1:41.21,5 (4374) 21,040 ¦ 57/F1 132. Dendl Ulrike 1967 D-Straubing/deutschl 5:56.20,7 3:38.01,0 (360) 9,681 ¦ 110/M2 305. Dénes Tibor 1973 H-Budapest BVKK 6:35.30,9 2:51.58,2 (9226) 16,687 ¦ 147/M5 38. Dengg Anton 1953 D-Benediktbeuren Benediktbeuern 6:16.45,3 58.54,9 (2669) 23,410 ¦ 110/F2 11. Denicolò Daniela 1963 Santarcangelo di Rom LGL Bike Team 5:08.27,1 56.15,2 (338) 21,397 ¦ 147/M4 635. Deninno Pasquale 1961 San Lazzaro di Saven Team Salieri Arredoquattro 7:32.37,9 2:22.41,7 (1533) 19,486 ¦ 110/M3 357. Denk Wolfgang 1963 A-Mining Ranshofen 5:51.59,3 2:18.25,5 (9227) 18,750 ¦ 110/F1 143. Denkel Anja 1970 D-Gleichen Radteam Aichach 7:45.05,3 3:33.08,5 (475) 14,190 ¦ 110/M6 136. Denneman Kees 1940 NL-KP heemskerk ???? 6:30.59,2 2:41.10,5 (3420) 16,880 ¦ 147/M2 33. Deppner Peter 1971 A-Wien Bank Austria 5:35.20,7 1:02.46,9 (3564) 26,301 ¦ 57/M6 158. Deregibus Franco 1944 Vezza d'Alba Bike Cherasco Team 4:25.18,6 2:11.32,4 (6339) 13,003 ¦ 147/M5 277. Derksen Ron 1955 NL-AA Almere ???? 7:35.09,4 2:17.19,0 (3408) 19,377 ¦ 110/M4 591. Derricott John 1958 GB-Shrewsbury Liverpool Century 6:56.10,2 2:59.59,7 (6012) 15,858 ¦ 147/M1 188. Derzek Uros 1975 SLO-Kocevje KK Globus 7:15.28,6 2:39.43,1 (9228) 20,253 ¦ 110/M2 160. Descalzi Paolo 1970 Villanova d'Albenga CS Ortovero 5:19.13,2 1:35.40,5 (8603) 20,675 ¦ 147/M2 506. Deserti Danilo 1969 Bologna Team Salieri Arredoquattro 7:48.57,6 3:16.23,8 (2963) 18,807 ¦ 147/M3 123. Desideri Cesarino 1966 Ascoli Piceno GS Mary Confezioni 6:00.51,8 1:19.10,9 (1219) 24,441 ¦ 110/M4 485. Destefanis Riccardo 1961 Vauda Canavese Soc.Ciclistica Comm.P.Francone 6:24.51,7 2:28.41,2 (7785) 17,149 ¦ 110/F2 82. Dettenkofer Johanna 1964 D-Oberhausen/Obb. SC Huglfing 7:18.04,0 3:05.52,1 (920) 15,066 ¦ 110/M3 634. Dettenkofer Manfred 1963 D-Oberhausen/Obb. SC Huglfing 7:18.11,1 3:44.37,3 (4375) 15,062 ¦ 110/M6 192. Dettenkofer Rupert 1943 D-Haimhausen 7:04.20,3 3:14.31,6 (9230) 15,553 ¦ 110/M4 647. Dettinger Martin 1960 D-München Radteam Aichach 7:10.43,0 3:14.32,5 (1425) 15,323 ¦ 147/M4 806. Deutinger Klaus 1962 D-Kreuth 8:08.17,6 2:58.21,4 (9231) 18,062 ¦ 110/M2 145. Devino Sebastiano 1970 Thiesi S.c. Santa Barbara Bonorva 5:11.38,2 1:28.05,5 (8414) 21,178 ¦ 57/M4 76. Devlin Tim 1957 AUS-NSW Milton cycle dreams 3:12.40,9 1:17.10,3 (5131) 17,905 ¦ 110/F1 53. Di Berardino Federic 1974 Milano GS Club 2 ruote 5:49.31,2 1:37.34,4 (694) 18,883 ¦ 57/M1 4. Di Biase Antonio 1981 Cusano Mutri Turbo Lenti Sanniti 2:29.48,3 17.40,2 (9233) 23,029 ¦ 147/M2 93. Di Biase Maurizio 1974 San Lorenzello Nuova Polisportiva Cerreto S. 5:57.29,7 1:24.55,9 (4376) 24,671 ¦ 147/M2 168. Di Cara Mirco 1973 Enemonzo ac carnia bike 6:17.22,4 1:44.48,6 (7542) 23,372 ¦ 110/F1 23. Di Cresce Roberta 1971 Selva di Sora GS Carnello 5:11.42,7 59.45,9 (921) 21,173 ¦ 110/M3 284. Di Domizio Giampietr 1963 Milano Cicli Maggioni 5:36.48,8 2:03.15,0 (9234) 19,595 ¦ 147/M3 325. Di Donato Pino 1965 I Bike Team S. Nicoló 6:32.10,7 1:50.29,8 (8648) 22,489 ¦ 147/M1 6. Di Felice Omar 1981 Nettuno Team Sintesi 5:01.54,3 26.08,8 (76) 29,214 ¦ 110/M4 402. Di Francesco Giusepp 1961 San Nicolo' A Tordin Bike Team S. Nicoló 6:04.51,5 2:08.41,0 (4133) 18,089 ¦ 147/M4 236. Di Gallo Dario 1961 moruzzo (UD) Pau Udine 6:33.55,3 1:23.59,1 (5925) 22,390 ¦ 57/M5 121. Di Giovanni Mario 1948 Cormano U.S. Acli Cinisello 3:47.46,6 1:26.59,1 (7083) 15,146 ¦ 147/M5 511. Di Grazia Umberto 1955 Aversa pedale normanno aversa 8:44.42,4 3:26.52,0 (7388) 16,809 ¦ 57/M6 189. Di Guida Gaetano 1940 Napoli GS Bici Neapolis 4:48.57,4 2:35.11,2 (6816) 11,939 ¦ 110/M2 13. Di Guida Luigi 1970 Napoli GS Bici Neapolis 4:04.28,7 20.56,0 (1881) 26,996 ¦ 57/F1 9. Di Ioia Francesca 1973 Termoli GS Termoli 3:07.57,7 49.38,0 (713) 18,354 ¦ 57/M6 204. Di Lauro Roberto 1937 Napoli GS Bici Neapolis 5:10.52,9 2:57.06,7 (6814) 11,097 ¦ 57/M3 49. Di Lello Diego 1964 San Bonifacio sc alliance butty multiservice 3:05.56,0 59.32,1 (7831) 18,555 ¦ 147/M5 259. Di Lillo Luigi 1949 S.Maria C.V. CE Bici Bike Club Caserta 7:29.35,8 2:11.45,4 (7520) 19,617 ¦ 57/M5 160. Di Loreto Sergio 1952 Bologna Croce Coperta 4:04.45,4 1:43.57,9 (9236) 14,095 ¦ 147/M6 70. Di Luigi Pasquale 1946 Roma GS il Supermercatino Mentana 7:35.16,8 2:21.26,3 (8581) 19,372 ¦ 147/M6 2. Di Maria Michele 1935 Napoli GS Bici Neapolis 5:53.25,2 39.34,7 (6820) 24,956 ¦ 57/M4 293. Di Matteo Antonio 1959 Salerno CICLISTICA SALERNITANA 8:21.45,2 6:26.14,6 (3887) 6,875 ¦ 147/M2 15. Di Matteo Massimo 1973 Imola GS Sintesi '96 5:20.41,3 48.07,5 (2611) 27,503 ¦ 110/M5 207. Di Muro Giovanni 1949 Alassio CS Ortovero 6:02.27,9 1:50.30,2 (8614) 18,208 ¦ 147/M2 411. Di Pietro Marco 1970 Teramo love and life 7:16.22,9 2:43.49,1 (9466) 20,211 ¦ 110/M3 68. Di Stefano Emanuele 1967 Sortino (sr) ANIAC 4:37.44,7 1:04.10,9 (6016) 23,762 ¦ 147/M1 232. Di Ventura Luca 1977 Riano G.S. Morlupo 7:38.49,5 3:03.04,0 (9238) 19,223 ¦ 147/M4 443. Di Vittorio Guerino 1960 Campli Bike Team S. Nicoló 7:03.34,1 1:53.37,9 (4130) 20,823 ¦ 110/M4 640. Diederen Leon 1961 NL-NC Puth ???? 7:08.22,5 3:12.12,0 (3300) 15,407 ¦ 147/M2 389. Diedrichs Lars 1971 D-Bad Pyrmont RRV Hameln 7:12.38,7 2:40.04,9 (9239) 20,386 ¦ 147/M1 66. Dieko Vrieling 1983 NL-Zuidlaren Scharlakenhof Haren 6:08.06,7 1:32.21,2 (6032) 23,960 ¦ 147/M3 589. Diemmi Dino 1964 Parma Hot Bike Café 7:11.32,1 2:29.51,2 (2216) 20,438 ¦ 147/M5 391. Dierolf Walter 1951 D-Haar TSV Haar 8:07.28,9 2:49.38,5 (4377) 18,092 ¦ 110/M2 258. Diesch Rolf 1970 D-München GS di Monaco 6:05.44,6 2:22.11,9 (2851) 18,045 ¦ 110/F2 29. Dietenberger Edigna 1955 D-Obergünzburg Body Fit Obergünzburg 6:00.14,5 1:48.02,6 (626) 18,321 ¦ 147/M4 371. Dietenberger Peter 1956 D-Obergünzburg Body Fit Obergünzburg 6:53.12,5 1:43.16,3 (6609) 21,345 ¦ 110/M4 441. Dietrich Joachim 1960 D-Oberkochen TSV Oberkochen 6:16.05,2 2:19.54,7 (9240) 17,549 ¦ 147/M5 65. Dietrich Johannes 1955 D-Ravensburg DAV Ravensburg 6:30.10,5 1:12.20,1 (8533) 22,605 ¦ 147/M2 499. Dietrich Markus 1970 A-Völs SRC.Tirol 7:47.12,9 3:14.39,1 (8819) 18,877 ¦ 57/M1 46. Dietrich Simon 1980 D-Marktoberdorf 3:31.09,4 1:19.01,3 (9241) 16,338 ¦ 147/M2 148. Dietrich Uwe 1970 D-Düsseldorf Ventoux 6:13.23,1 1:40.49,3 (9242) 23,621 ¦ 147/M3 1046. Dietsch Jürgen 1965 D-Weisendorf ASV Weisendorf 9:02.32,4 4:20.51,5 (9243) 16,256 ¦ 147/F1 13. Dietzen Bettina 1976 D-Ulmen 6:35.01,0 1:13.31,2 (361) 22,328 ¦ 110/M6 51. Dietzen Werner 1945 D-Ulmen 5:42.54,6 1:53.05,9 (4378) 19,247 ¦ 147/M2 350. Dijanosic Roman 1969 SLO-Ljubljana 7:01.44,3 2:29.10,5 (9244) 20,913 ¦ 147/M2 429. Dijk Derk 1972 NL-LK Stadskanaal ???? 7:22.43,2 2:50.09,4 (3357) 19,922 ¦ 147/M3 757. Dijk Ferdi 1968 NL-LS Meppel ???? 7:42.33,0 3:00.52,1 (3391) 19,068 ¦ 147/M3 576. Dijkstra Auke 1964 NL-Heemstede ???? 7:10.24,7 2:28.43,8 (1685) 20,492 ¦ 147/M3 434. Dijkstra Jan-Bert 1963 NL-Sp Heemstede ???? 6:47.33,3 2:05.52,4 (1768) 21,641 ¦ 147/M4 526. Dijkstra Wiebe 1958 NL-Ae Sneek ???? 7:16.13,8 2:06.17,6 (3276) 20,218 ¦ 110/M4 407. Dikkeboom Ronald 1956 NL-Xd Amsterdam 6:05.56,7 2:09.46,2 (9245) 18,035 ¦ 110/M5 477. Dilissen Jan 1948 B-Lummen WTC Sportwereld Herk-de-Stad 7:39.07,5 3:27.09,8 (8358) 14,375 ¦ 57/M6 168. Dimeglio Giuseppe 1935 Levanto Societá Ciclistica Levanto 4:30.36,5 2:16.50,3 (8379) 12,749 ¦ 147/M1 180. Dimpfl Thomas 1986 D-Augsburg Radteam Aichach 7:09.21,1 2:33.35,6 (1462) 20,542 ¦ 110/M2 301. Dinauer Norbert 1973 D-Frankfurt Am Main 6:31.06,8 2:47.34,1 (9246) 16,874 ¦ 57/M5 132. Dioli Giorgio 1955 Ferrara Team Borghi Racing 3:53.31,2 1:32.43,7 (9247) 14,773 ¦ 147/M4 364. Diomedi Sorrento 1957 Civitanova Marche Pedale Civitanovese 6:52.49,7 1:42.53,5 (9248) 21,364 ¦ 110/M3 29. Dionesalvi Raffaele 1966 Monterotondo RM A.C Monterotondo Racing 2002 4:19.52,8 46.19,0 (2008) 25,396 ¦ 57/M6 39. Diotallevi Umberto 1943 Rimini SS Frecce Rosse Rimini 3:31.48,1 1:18.01,9 (7114) 16,288 ¦ 110/M4 332. Diprima Vincenzo 1962 Chieri GS Antares Team 5:49.47,8 1:53.37,3 (8145) 18,868 ¦ 147/M3 997. Diricatti Gaetano 1963 Pisa Integrateam 8:40.40,0 3:58.59,1 (8341) 16,939 ¦ 57/M4 47. Diricatti Pasquale 1961 Empoli integrateam 3:03.24,1 1:07.53,5 (2025) 18,811 ¦ 110/M4 631. Distler Klaus 1961 D-Langensendelbach sv langensendelbach 7:07.01,1 3:10.50,6 (9249) 15,456 ¦ 57/M6 45. Dittli Anton 1945 CH-Dübendorf 3:33.54,1 1:20.07,9 (9250) 16,128 ¦ 110/F1 129. Dittmeyer Tanja 1971 D-Berg Bike-Treff-Berg 7:26.30,7 3:14.33,9 (923) 14,781 ¦ 57/M2 139. Dittmeyer Udo 1969 D-Berg Bike-Treff-Berg 4:37.40,1 2:38.15,7 (9251) 12,424 ¦ 110/F2 74. Dixon Mary 1961 USA-NY-New York cycle dreams 7:08.41,4 2:56.29,5 (518) 15,395 ¦ 110/M3 381. Dluhy Marian 1968 SVK-Dunajska Luzna Cykloklub PK 5:58.28,9 2:24.55,1 (8484) 18,410 ¦ 147/M5 458. Dobritz Stephan 1955 D-Dresden privat 8:27.34,9 3:09.44,5 (4379) 17,376 ¦ 57/M2 6. Docci Maurizio 1970 Dalmine Pennelli Cinghiale 2:28.11,1 28.46,7 (5121) 23,281 ¦ 110/M2 335. Dogliotti Armando 1972 Torino Cicli Capello Edilcase 6:58.41,5 3:15.08,8 (9254) 15,763 ¦ 147/M2 12. Dogliotti Enrico 1973 Torino Team Edilcase 05 5:14.27,2 41.53,4 (127) 28,048 ¦ 147/M2 73. Dognini Luca 1971 Casalecchio di Reno Team Salieri Arredoquattro 5:51.28,8 1:18.55,0 (6284) 25,093 ¦ 110/M4 676. Doehler Stephan 1959 D-Bondorf 7:26.36,5 3:30.26,0 (9253) 14,778 ¦ 147/M3 94. Dolce Giovanni 1964 Camerino nuova pedale civitanovese 5:54.54,0 1:13.13,1 (4380) 24,852 ¦ 147/M2 84. Dolinar Andrej 1971 SLO-Ljubljana Grmada 5:54.34,6 1:22.00,8 (2218) 24,874 ¦ 147/M3 614. Döllel Richard 1966 D-Moosinning SC Isaria Unterföhring 7:17.33,4 2:35.52,5 (4014) 20,157 ¦ 57/M1 67. Doelzer Felix 1979 D-oberpframmern GS di Monaco 4:03.07,3 1:50.59,2 (6147) 14,190 ¦ 147/M2 310. Domeniconi Cristian 1970 Cesena gc fiorenzuola 6:53.16,3 2:20.42,5 (7292) 21,341 ¦ 110/M4 417. Domeniconi Massimo 1961 Poggio Berni GS Olimpia Nuova 6:09.46,1 2:13.35,6 (4100) 17,849 ¦ 110/M2 291. Domis Frank 1971 D-Orbis 6:24.12,5 2:40.39,8 (9256) 17,178 ¦ 57/M6 173. Donati Carlo 1945 Pisa Bike Village 4:33.46,7 2:20.00,5 (2219) 12,601 ¦ 110/M5 391. Donati Daniele 1955 Rimini GS Cicli Matteoni FRW 6:59.21,0 2:47.23,3 (3177) 15,738 ¦ 57/M5 182. Donati Feliciano 1948 Foligno GS Avis Foligno 4:11.31,1 1:50.43,6 (8471) 13,716 ¦ 110/M4 78. Donati Maurizio 1956 Rimini SS Frecce Rosse Rimini 4:52.08,0 55.57,5 (7115) 22,592 ¦ 147/M3 815. Donati Mauro 1966 Arezzo GS Dida Confezioni 7:52.34,9 3:10.54,0 (2980) 18,663 ¦ 147/M6 79. Donati Sergio 1944 Cesena Ruota D'Oro 7:42.34,0 2:28.43,5 (9257) 19,067 ¦ 110/M4 41. Donato Gian Luca 1961 Roma Petit Veló 4:37.37,8 41.27,3 (144) 23,772 ¦ 110/M5 93. Dondé Corrado 1955 Udine Pau Udine 5:31.26,0 1:19.28,3 (7607) 19,913 ¦ 110/M3 63. Dondi Paolo 1967 San Felice sul Panar Team Bertoldi Ciclissimo 4:34.50,6 1:01.16,8 (1227) 24,013 ¦ 147/M3 152. Donetti Mauro 1967 Zanica (bg) GS Sintesi '96 6:07.08,4 1:25.27,5 (1963) 24,023 ¦ 57/M6 11. Donisi Renzo 1945 I Lamacart Cycling Team 3:07.43,9 53.57,7 (9324) 18,377 ¦ 147/M1 251. Donna Emanuele 1979 Palazzolo sull'Oglio GS Polisportiva Adrense 7:53.10,3 3:17.24,8 (6790) 18,640 ¦ 147/M2 458. Dons Harry 1973 NL-Nw 's-hertogenbos Harry&TheMates 7:30.16,9 2:57.43,1 (9258) 19,587 ¦ 147/M3 923. Donze Chris 1966 NL-NW Amersfoort ???? 8:18.57,0 3:37.16,1 (3327) 17,677 ¦ 147/M3 191. Donzelli Marco 1966 Cremona ASD Persichello 6:13.30,9 1:31.50,0 (7032) 23,613 ¦ 147/M3 130. Dore Paolino 1963 Bonorva S.c. Santa Barbara Bonorva 6:01.58,8 1:20.17,9 (8413) 24,365 ¦ 110/M4 108. Dorigo Gianfranco 1959 Caorle (VE) GSC La Salute San Giorgio 5:03.04,3 1:06.53,8 (1580) 21,777 ¦ 57/M3 22. Dorigoni Antonio 1963 Soraga Team Zanolini Bike Professiona 2:43.35,7 37.11,8 (6265) 21,088 ¦ 147/M5 45. Doriguzzi Roberto 1955 Biban di Carbonera Granfondo Pinarello 6:20.11,5 1:02.21,1 (1505) 23,198 ¦ 147/M5 510. Dörner Horst 1955 D-Herborn Schneider-Sports-Herborn 8:44.22,4 3:26.32,0 (7981) 16,820 ¦ 147/M4 653. Doschek Richard 1962 D-Langenzenn Team Roesslein 7:36.09,5 2:26.13,3 (6578) 19,335 ¦ 147/M4 203. Doser Marcel 1959 CH-Bottmingen Johny Asphalt 6:29.15,5 1:19.19,3 (2030) 22,658 ¦ 147/M3 368. Dossche Karl 1964 NL-SM Ijsselstein ???? 6:39.18,8 1:57.37,9 (3263) 22,087 ¦ 57/M3 24. Dossena Paolo 1963 Milano halloween 2:48.37,5 42.13,6 (131) 20,459 ¦ 110/M2 66. Dossi Davide 1973 Azzano S. Paolo GS Sintesi '96 4:39.13,9 55.41,2 (7781) 23,636 ¦ 57/M4 203. Doti Claudio 1957 Bologna Petit Veló 4:08.26,2 2:12.55,6 (171) 13,886 ¦ 57/F2 114. Dötsch Johanna 1959 D-Lonnig RST Ochtendung e. V. 5:03.05,4 2:25.32,5 (791) 11,382 ¦ 57/M5 249. Dötsch Reiner 1953 D-Lonnig RST Ochtendung e. V. 4:47.47,9 2:27.00,4 (8239) 11,987 ¦ 147/M5 211. Dötschel Helmut 1955 D-Schwarzenberg RSV Team Auto Riedel 7:18.14,9 2:00.24,5 (8168) 20,125 ¦ 147/M2 40. Draaijer Jurjen 1970 NL-Bussum ???? 5:38.26,5 1:05.52,7 (1688) 26,060 ¦ 57/F1 43. Dragnea Claudia 1969 D-Nellmersbach 3:52.36,8 1:34.17,1 (924) 14,831 ¦ 57/F2 70. Dramilaraki Maria 1963 D-München Radteam Aichach 4:22.16,3 1:44.43,4 (483) 13,154 ¦ 110/M4 59. Drechsel Arno 1959 Bolzano Team Auto Alta Badia 4:44.56,3 48.45,8 (189) 23,162 ¦ 110/M3 351. Drees Rolf 1967 D-Emsdetten 5:51.12,8 2:17.39,0 (2220) 18,791 ¦ 147/M3 1001. Drescher Peter 1966 D-Illerich Familien Team 8:42.09,9 4:00.29,0 (8234) 16,891 ¦ 147/M2 296. Drevel Chris 1969 NL-Dordrecht ???? 6:49.49,5 2:17.15,7 (1667) 21,521 ¦ 57/M6 209. Drexler Georg 1945 D-Habertshausen Radteam Aichach 5:42.09,2 3:28.23,0 (1452) 10,083 ¦ 147/M2 320. Drexler Harald 1969 D-München 6:55.39,8 2:23.06,0 (9260) 21,219 ¦ 147/M5 131. Driessen Ger 1952 NL-BA Grubbenvorst Dahmen Cycling 6:55.47,1 1:37.56,7 (3462) 21,212 ¦ 147/M4 425. Driessen Peter 1958 NL-Ah Elsloo-stein WTC Grensland 7:00.09,5 1:50.13,3 (9261) 20,992 ¦ 147/M5 573. Drometer Karl 1948 D-Heubach Radsportfreunde bartholomä 9:13.41,5 3:55.51,1 (7914) 15,929 ¦ 147/M2 328. Droog Patrick 1971 NL-GW Castricum ???? 6:57.51,9 2:25.18,1 (1759) 21,107 ¦ 110/M5 83. Drovandi Luciano 1948 Artimino VC Bar Mannelli Gymo's 5:26.21,5 1:14.23,8 (6833) 20,223 ¦ 57/M5 165. Dubovsky Jozef 1952 SVK-Pezinok Cykloklub PK 4:05.57,5 1:45.10,0 (8477) 14,026 ¦ 147/M2 408. Dubs Laurent 1969 F-Hartmannswiller CC Kiegersheim 7:15.24,1 2:42.50,3 (8197) 20,257 ¦ 57/M6 87. Dugoni Gianfranco 1942 san prospero (MO) Team Bertoldi Ciclissimo 3:52.01,5 1:38.15,3 (6098) 14,869 ¦ 147/M4 911. Dumhard Herbert 1959 D-Sulzbach-Rosenberg 8:29.47,2 3:19.51,0 (9262) 17,301 ¦ 147/M2 368. Dumont-Dayot Nicolas 1970 F Ufolep-Nice 7:07.13,4 2:34.39,6 (6655) 20,644 ¦ 110/M4 652. Dumoulin Giles 1960 F-Grasse ASAF 7:13.49,8 3:17.39,3 (7029) 15,213 ¦ 110/M6 147. Dunker Harald 1943 D-Langen 6:37.00,0 2:47.11,3 (9263) 16,624 ¦ 147/F2 17. Dupont Monika 1956 F-Rixheim individuale 7:09.12,8 1:09.08,9 (925) 20,549 ¦ 147/M6 149. Duran Wim 1947 NL-VC Gouderak Cycling Team DeMik 8:42.12,8 3:28.22,3 (3499) 16,889 ¦ 147/M6 82. Durando Antonio 1944 USA-Tucson 7:46.32,3 2:32.41,8 (9265) 18,905 ¦ 110/M2 84. Durante Alessandro 1969 Ponzano Veneto Granfondo Pinarello 4:48.47,5 1:05.14,8 (1502) 22,853 ¦ 57/F2 64. Duringer Agnes 1965 D-Gräfelfing Radteam Aichach 4:18.44,6 1:41.11,7 (469) 13,333 ¦ 110/M2 330. Durka Clemens 1969 D-München Durka & Friends 6:56.08,8 3:12.36,1 (8217) 15,859 ¦ 57/M2 102. Durka Gregor 1972 D-Stuttgart Durka & Friends 4:03.59,1 2:04.34,7 (8219) 14,140 ¦ 110/F1 35. Durka Silke 1967 D-Ch-abtwil 5:27.56,4 1:15.59,6 (926) 20,125 ¦ 147/M5 299. Durlinger Jan 1955 NL-AZ Sittard ???? 7:40.35,0 2:22.44,6 (6468) 19,149 ¦ 57/M4 188. Durner Anton 1958 D-Peutenhausen Radteam Aichach 4:00.35,4 2:05.04,8 (1466) 14,339 ¦ 147/F1 61. Dürr Gisela 1968 D-München lauf_bar münchen 8:01.27,1 2:39.57,3 (927) 18,319 ¦ 147/M3 523. Dürr Wolfgang 1967 D-Unterföhring SC Isaria Unterföhring 7:02.09,3 2:20.28,4 (9266) 20,892 ¦ 147/M3 500. Dürschner Uwe 1968 D-Nürnberg Team Roesslein 6:57.52,8 2:16.11,9 (6580) 21,106 ¦ 147/M4 387. Duschl Thomas 1960 D-Fürstenstein RSV-Passau 6:55.08,3 1:45.12,1 (4382) 21,245 ¦ 147/F2 39. Düsterhöft Eva-Maria 1958 NL-Jh Wageningen TCW 8:10.23,4 2:10.19,5 (928) 17,985 ¦ 147/M5 298. Dvoracek Jaroslav 1953 CZ-Brno Triatlon Klub Brno 7:40.34,2 2:22.43,8 (6053) 19,150 ¦ 57/M5 93. Dvoracek Jiri 1949 CZ-Zabcice Triatlon Klub Brno 3:39.30,6 1:18.43,1 (6052) 15,716 ¦ 147/M1 90. Dvoracek Zbynek 1980 CZ-Brno Triatlon Klub Brno 6:22.24,0 1:46.38,5 (6051) 23,064 ¦ 147/F2 67. Dvorackova Dagmar 1950 CZ-Brno Triatlon Klub Brno 9:51.39,2 3:51.35,3 (418) 14,907 ¦ 147/M1 184. Dziadek Matthias 1976 D-Gutenzell-Hürbel team oberschwaben 7:12.07,1 2:36.21,6 (7974) 20,411 ¦ 147/M2 362. Dziallas Michael 1971 D-Herzogenaurach 7:05.06,8 2:32.33,0 (9267) 20,747 ¦ 147/M6 37. Dziallas Siegfried 1943 D-Erlangen 6:57.36,1 1:43.45,6 (9268) 21,120 ¦
totale 418
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