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41. Kerzerslauf 2019 - nach Name "A"

Kategorie Rang Name und Vorname Jg Land/Ort S Start Zeit Rückstand Stnr Overall Schnitt ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15-M50 116. Abaidia Jilani 1966 St-Légier-La Chiésaz 7001 1:11.34,0 17.11,3 (7001) Diplom Foto Video 15M 958. 4.46 15-F45 91. Abaidia Sandrine 1972 St-Légier 10001 1:22.17,6 23.10,5 (10001) Diplom Foto Video 15F 535. 5.29 15-M35 63. Abdilah Taufiq 1980 Lausanne 50001 1:03.17,6 15.47,3 (50001) Diplom Foto Video 15M 309. 4.13 15-F60 20. Abegg Monica 1959 Uetikon am See 11142 1:29.34,4 23.16,6 (11142) Diplom Foto Video 15F 905. 5.58 15-F35 197. Abgottspon Marion 1984 Baltschieder 15001 1:52.25,8 50.49,4 (15001) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1389. 7.29 10-F20 342. Abgottspon Nicole 1984 Thun 31205 1:03.45,6 26.06,3 (31205) Diplom Foto Video 10F 380. 6.22 15-M35 273. Abgottspon Tobias 1980 Baltschieder 14001 1:17.32,2 30.01,9 (14001) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1559. 5.10 5-U16F 23. Abplanalp Alexandra 2005 Innertkirchen 24002 25.09,8 5.21,1 (24002) Diplom Foto Video 5F 96. 5.01 15-M40 268. Abplanalp Tätsch 1977 Meiringen 15002 1:20.36,8 26.50,5 (15002) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1875. 5.22 15-M35 1. Abraham Tadesse 1982 Genève 2 47.30,3 ----- (2) Diplom Foto Video 15M 6. 3.10 10-M20 240. Abry Thomas 1962 Stans 30176 59.16,8 28.21,4 (30176) Diplom Foto Video 10M 275. 5.55 S15-Staf 4. Pauchard Patrick 1978 Murten 836 1:02.08,6 6.13,4 (836) Diplom Foto Video --- 4.08 15-M55 322. Accarisi Yves 1961 Etoy 16070 1:46.20,1 48.38,7 (16070) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2809. 7.05 15-F50 120. Acher Susanne 1968 Lyss 50002 1:32.51,0 25.56,9 (50002) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1039. 6.11 10-F20 419. Achermann Andres Annem 1958 Zürich 30266 1:07.47,2 30.07,9 (30266) Diplom Foto Video 10F 459. 6.46 15-F55 8. Achermann Cornelia 1963 Schmitten FR 6057 1:14.20,1 10.35,1 (6057) Diplom Foto Video 15F 186. 4.57 15-F35 105. Achermann Marion 1982 Tavannes 13055 1:23.47,2 22.10,8 (13055) Diplom Foto Video 15F 615. 5.35 15-WF20 --- Achermann Nadja 1984 Muri b. Bern 29071 2:22.40,1 ----- (29071) Diplom Foto Video --- 9.30 15-M50 368. Achermann Pascal 1968 Arconciel 13056 1:29.52,6 35.29,9 (13056) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2475. 5.59 15-F65 16. Ackermann Antoinette 1953 Alterswil FR 15171 1:37.59,3 21.56,4 (15171) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1199. 6.31 1-U08F 64. Ackermann Jill 2012 Gurmels 46501 1.25,5 0.30,9 (46501) Diplom Foto Video OV1 211. 4.45 10-F20 328. Ackermann Nina 1991 Hinterkappelen 31002 1:03.10,5 25.31,2 (31002) Diplom Foto Video 10F 366. 6.19 10-F20 243. Ackermann Pascale 1989 Granges-Paccot 31145 1:00.02,8 22.23,5 (31145) Diplom Foto Video 10F 275. 6.00 15-M40 226. Adam Beat 1977 Lohn-Ammannsegg 11244 1:17.30,7 23.44,4 (11244) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1557. 5.10 10-F20 184. Adamina Christiane 1957 Niedermuhlern 50325 58.20,8 20.41,5 (50325) Diplom Foto Video 10F 214. 5.50 5-M20 25. Adamoli Michele 1984 Bern 21001 20.47,9 5.04,4 (21001) Diplom Foto Video 5M 45. 4.09 15-M50 34. Adededji Bolanle 1965 Kappel SO 7244 1:03.24,9 9.02,2 (7244) Diplom Foto Video 15M 315. 4.13 15-M60 26. Adler Rolf 1958 Klingnau 50003 1:13.17,2 12.38,2 (50003) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1137. 4.53 15-F40 6. Aeberhard Andrea 1976 Bern 50004 1:06.15,2 2.11,8 (50004) Diplom Foto Video 15F 44. 4.25 5-MB 6. Aeberhard Eric 2003 Zollikofen 24188 40.09,0 10.08,4 (24188) Diplom Foto Video 5M 390. 8.01 1-MuVaKi --- Aeberhard Jana 2014 Ulmiz 49001 2.41,9 ----- (49001) Diplom Foto Video MukiVaKi 172. 8.59 15-F55 95. Aeberhard Nathalie 1962 Ollon VD 14002 1:41.06,4 37.21,4 (14002) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1274. 6.44 15-M35 115. Aeberhard Philipp 1982 Bern 3033 1:07.13,2 19.42,9 (3033) Diplom Foto Video 15M 594. 4.28 15-F35 52. Aeberhard Stephanie 1983 Adelboden 5107 1:17.02,1 15.25,7 (5107) Diplom Foto Video 15F 282. 5.08 15-MV 11. Aebersold Andreas 1964 Murten 60120 1:24.55,9 22.54,5 (120) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2208. 5.39 5-F20 10. Aebersold Kerstin 1999 Konolfingen 20526 20.12,7 2.50,8 (20526) Diplom Foto Video 5F 18. 4.02 5-F20 7. Aebersold Simona 1998 Brügg BE 20501 18.51,7 1.29,8 (20501) Diplom Foto Video 5F 8. 3.46 15-M35 378. Aebi Adrian 1983 Ins 13006 1:28.04,7 40.34,4 (13006) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2375. 5.52 10-F20 1. Aebi Céline 1996 Utzenstorf 30385 37.39,3 ----- (30385) Diplom Foto Video 10F 1. 3.45 5-F20 240. Aebi Dusanka 1963 Fribourg 23123 34.21,2 16.59,3 (23123) Diplom Foto Video 5F 375. 6.52 15-F20 190. Aebi Fabienne 1993 Utzigen 50005 1:23.46,8 33.20,0 (50005) Diplom Foto Video 15F 613. 5.35 15-F45 114. Aebi Jeannette 1971 Kirchberg BE 13057 1:24.58,4 25.51,3 (13057) Diplom Foto Video 15F 678. 5.39 5-F20 36. Aebi Lara 1998 Niederscherli 23001 24.43,6 7.21,7 (23001) Diplom Foto Video 5F 85. 4.56 1-U07M 38. Aebi Leano 2013 Erlach 47075 1.22,3 0.15,6 (47075) Diplom Foto Video OV1 172. 4.34 2-U12F 34. Aebi Maëlle 2009 Gletterens 43001 6.11,0 1.24,4 (43001) Diplom Foto Video OV2 231. 4.25 1-U08F 81. Aebi Nia 2012 Erlach 46579 1.31,1 0.36,5 (46579) Diplom Foto Video OV1 266. 5.03 1-MuVaKi --- Aebi Tjara 2015 Erlach 49098 1.58,4 ----- (49098) Diplom Foto Video MukiVaKi 90. 6.34 15-F50 151. Aebi Ursula 1967 Solothurn 15155 1:37.47,6 30.53,5 (15155) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1194. 6.31 15-F45 197. Aebi Verena 1971 Oekingen 17001 1:38.42,8 39.35,7 (17001) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1217. 6.34 15-WF20 --- Aebischer Claudine 1966 Gumefens 29006 2:30.06,4 ----- (29006) Diplom Foto Video --- 10.00 1-MuVaKi --- Aebischer Fynn 2014 Kerzers 48001 1.59,9 ----- (48001) Diplom Foto Video MukiVaKi 97. 6.39 1-MuVaKi --- Aebischer Ina 2017 Kerzers 49002 5.14,3 ----- (49002) Diplom Foto Video MukiVaKi 232. 17.27 1-MuVaKi --- Aebischer Jano 2016 Kerzers 48002 4.15,9 ----- (48002) Diplom Foto Video MukiVaKi 228. 14.13 15-F50 30. Aebischer Marie-Madele 1965 Heitenried 8146 1:18.01,7 11.07,6 (8146) Diplom Foto Video 15F 331. 5.12 10-M20 222. Aebischer Roman 1989 Fribourg 30321 58.25,2 27.29,8 (30321) Diplom Foto Video 10M 256. 5.50 2-U10F 43. Aeby Alina 2010 St. Ursen 45138 6.36,4 1.07,5 (45138) Diplom Foto Video OV2 336. 4.43 15-F35 141. Aeby Fabienne 1984 Giffers 15245 1:28.10,2 26.33,8 (15245) Diplom Foto Video 15F 835. 5.52 5-U14M 62. Aeby Jan 2008 Cordast 50006 28.08,4 9.37,1 (50006) Diplom Foto Video 5M 250. 5.37 1-U08M 3. Aeby Jim Elia 2012 St. Ursen 46001 1.00,9 0.02,2 (46001) Diplom Foto Video OV1 4. 3.23 1-MuVaKi --- Aeby Julien 2015 Alterswil FR 48003 2.51,5 ----- (48003) Diplom Foto Video MukiVaKi 192. 9.31 1-U08F 9. Aeby Luisa 2012 St. Ursen 46502 1.07,2 0.12,6 (46502) Diplom Foto Video OV1 19. 3.44 15-M50 336. Aeby Patrick 1968 Lutry 9001 1:25.57,6 31.34,9 (9001) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2268. 5.43 10-WF20 --- Aeby-Pürro Nicole 1954 Villarepos 32206 1:25.02,6 ----- (32206) Diplom Foto Video --- 8.30 10-F20 211. Aeby Sophie 1993 Belfaux 31003 59.02,7 21.23,4 (31003) Diplom Foto Video 10F 241. 5.54 5-F20 288. Aeby Stéphanie 1987 Giffers 24116 37.05,0 19.43,1 (24116) Diplom Foto Video 5F 433. 7.25 15-M20 220. Aeby Thomas 1987 Bern 50326 1:09.32,5 24.29,4 (50326) Diplom Foto Video 15M 772. 4.38 1-U08F 4. Aegerter Aline 2012 Langenthal 46503 1.03,2 0.08,6 (46503) Diplom Foto Video OV1 8. 3.30 2-U10F 1. Aegerter Aurélie 2010 Langenthal 45001 5.28,9 ----- (45001) Diplom Foto Video OV2 71. 3.54 10-WF20 --- Aegerter Pascale 1968 Wileroltigen 32053 1:32.10,0 ----- (32053) Diplom Foto Video --- 9.13 2-U10M 133. Aegerter Simon 2011 Kerzers 44001 8.43,1 3.26,0 (44001) Diplom Foto Video OV2 602. 6.13 15-M20 431. Aellig Adrian 1988 Biel/Bienne 10002 1:23.52,5 38.49,4 (10002) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2123. 5.35 1-MuVaKi --- Aemmer Leano 2016 Kerzers 52022 3.19,9 ----- (52022) Diplom Foto Video MukiVaKi 212. 11.06 1-MuVaKi --- Aemmer Lorin 2014 Kerzers 52021 2.31,6 ----- (52021) Diplom Foto Video MukiVaKi 157. 8.25 5-F20 148. Aerni Erika 1950 Laupen BE 23192 30.43,8 13.21,9 (23192) Diplom Foto Video 5F 266. 6.08 15-M70 20. Aerschmann Joseph 1948 Alterswil FR 13058 1:29.51,5 21.26,5 (13058) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2474. 5.59 5-F20 24. Aeschbach Jessica 1995 Laufen 20527 22.50,2 5.28,3 (20527) Diplom Foto Video 5F 59. 4.34 1-MuVaKi --- Aeschbacher Aliya 2014 Fräschels 49003 1.31,5 ----- (49003) Diplom Foto Video MukiVaKi 16. 5.05 2-U12F 58. Aeschbacher Lenia 2009 Zuzwil BE 43002 6.39,6 1.53,0 (43002) Diplom Foto Video OV2 350. 4.45 15-M35 148. Aeschbacher Manuel 1983 Fräschels 7002 1:09.30,7 22.00,4 (7002) Diplom Foto Video 15M 767. 4.38 15-M35 147. Aeschbacher Marc 1983 Bern 5001 1:09.29,0 21.58,7 (5001) Diplom Foto Video 15M 761. 4.37 15-M50 194. Aeschbacher Roland 1966 Niederscherli 8058 1:16.03,7 21.41,0 (8058) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1426. 5.04 15-F20 43. Aeschbacher Tanja 1988 Bern 5108 1:10.03,2 19.36,4 (5108) Diplom Foto Video 15F 99. 4.40 15-M65 83. Aeschbacher Walter 1953 Bettlach 9002 1:28.05,5 24.24,8 (9002) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2378. 5.52 5-F20 53. Aeschimann Janine 1994 Burgdorf 23124 26.57,7 9.35,8 (23124) Diplom Foto Video 5F 136. 5.23 10-F20 396. Aeschlimann Agnes 1964 Aarberg 30322 1:06.38,3 28.59,0 (30322) Diplom Foto Video 10F 435. 6.39 10-M20 313. Aeschlimann Beat 1960 Aarberg 30323 1:06.40,5 35.45,1 (30323) Diplom Foto Video 10M 351. 6.40 5-WF20 --- Aeschlimann Gerda 1970 Bösingen 25001 49.37,8 ----- (25001) Diplom Foto Video --- 9.55 15-BF 3. Aeschlimann Judith 1979 Magden 12208 1:28.31,3 17.59,3 (12208) Diplom Foto Video 15F 857. 5.54 15-M55 93. Aeschlimann Martin 1964 Heimberg 8106 1:14.22,4 16.41,0 (8106) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1239. 4.57 5-U16M 12. Aeschlimann Néo 2005 Mannens 21051 22.30,7 5.11,1 (21051) Diplom Foto Video 5M 90. 4.30 5-F20 13. Aeschlimann Simona 1999 Freimettigen 20511 20.40,7 3.18,8 (20511) Diplom Foto Video 5F 25. 4.08 5-WF20 --- Aeschlimann Theres 1962 Heimberg 25002 47.24,0 ----- (25002) Diplom Foto Video --- 9.28 10-M20 287. Aeschlimann Urs 1963 Gümligen 30324 1:03.14,3 32.18,9 (30324) Diplom Foto Video 10M 323. 6.19 15-M60 12. Affolter Friedrich 1956 Bern 2118 1:07.51,5 7.12,5 (2118) Diplom Foto Video 15M 655. 4.31 2-U10F 105. Affolter Michelle 2011 Niederried b. Kallna 45002 7.44,8 2.15,9 (45002) Diplom Foto Video OV2 541. 5.32 15-F35 47. Affolter Sarah 1984 Visp 50007 1:15.52,5 14.16,1 (50007) Diplom Foto Video 15F 243. 5.03 5-WF20 --- Affolter Therese 1965 Bern 25003 42.44,0 ----- (25003) Diplom Foto Video --- 8.32 15-F40 95. Affolter Yvonne 1979 Bern 50008 1:24.57,5 20.54,1 (50008) Diplom Foto Video 15F 677. 5.39 2-U10M 91. Ahmeti Edon 2010 Kerzers 44002 6.57,7 1.40,6 (44002) Diplom Foto Video OV2 428. 4.58 10-F20 203. Aita Laura 1998 Bottens 30067 58.49,2 21.09,9 (30067) Diplom Foto Video 10F 233. 5.52 15-M50 154. Aita Moreno 1965 Echallens 6250 1:13.52,1 19.29,4 (6250) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1201. 4.55 5-MV05 3. Akhgar Sharif 1997 Kerzers 60123 23.54,5 1.23,8 (123) Diplom Foto Video 5M 123. 4.46 2-U10F 127. Al Kaabi Muller Elyazi 2011 Ostermundigen 45003 8.15,0 2.46,1 (45003) Diplom Foto Video OV2 581. 5.53 15-M60 147. Albasini Jean-Claude 1955 Lausanne 14003 1:35.01,4 34.22,4 (14003) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2644. 6.20 15-M35 305. Albasini Sébastien 1983 Prilly 12001 1:19.58,6 32.28,3 (12001) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1812. 5.19 15-M40 161. Alber Cédric 1979 Lutry 2119 1:12.46,4 19.00,1 (2119) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1070. 4.51 15-M55 102. Albisetti Pascal 1961 Crassier 6251 1:15.04,6 17.23,2 (6251) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1322. 5.00 15-M55 200. Albrecht Urs 1962 Cordast 15140 1:23.11,5 25.30,1 (15140) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2071. 5.32 15-M35 36. Albuquerque Bruno 1982 Villars-Ste-Croix 1001 59.17,6 11.47,3 (1001) Diplom Foto Video 15M 141. 3.57 2-U10M 17. Alchenberger Andrin 2010 Büchslen 44136 5.52,2 0.35,1 (44136) Diplom Foto Video OV2 153. 4.11 15-M45 335. Aldana Sindo 1973 Massongex 12002 1:25.41,8 31.37,4 (12002) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2254. 5.42 15-M40 53. Alder Bruno 1976 Bern 2085 1:03.55,1 10.08,8 (2085) Diplom Foto Video 15M 346. 4.15 1-U08F 21. Aleixo Ana Raquel 2012 Lausanne 46504 1.13,7 0.19,1 (46504) Diplom Foto Video OV1 70. 4.05 15-M35 30. Alemu Dawit 1980 Lausanne 2001 58.49,0 11.18,7 (2001) Diplom Foto Video 15M 122. 3.55 15-M55 163. Alexandre Didier 1963 La Chaux-de-Fonds 9003 1:19.14,7 21.33,3 (9003) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1737. 5.16 5-MV05 4. Alfonsi Luca 1997 Kerzers 60003 24.01,9 1.31,2 (3) Diplom Foto Video 5M 129. 4.48 5-WF20 --- Alibert Marlise 1968 Attalens 25004 57.01,8 ----- (25004) Diplom Foto Video --- 11.24 S15-Staf 1. Frezza Michele 2001 Spiez 801 55.55,2 ----- (801) Diplom Foto Video --- 3.43 S15-Staf 2. Spori Melanie 1997 Thun 802 57.55,1 1.59,9 (802) Diplom Foto Video --- 3.51 S15-Staf 9. Ringgenberg Anja 1997 Gwatt (Thun) 803 1:07.55,2 12.00,0 (803) Diplom Foto Video --- 4.31 15-WF20 --- Allard Jobé Monique 1969 Cudrefin 28001 2:07.44,3 ----- (28001) Diplom Foto Video --- 8.30 15-M35 79. Allaz Simon 1982 Bière 1130 1:04.49,9 17.19,6 (1130) Diplom Foto Video 15M 413. 4.19 15-M50 299. Allemand Fabien 1969 Monthey 5002 1:23.23,2 29.00,5 (5002) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2086. 5.33 15-WF20 --- Allemann Hanni 1951 Lommiswil 28016 2:07.14,1 ----- (28016) Diplom Foto Video --- 8.28 15-M40 240. Allen Michael 1975 Muri b. Bern 9244 1:18.19,9 24.33,6 (9244) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1656. 5.13 1-MuVaKi --- Allenbach Benaja John 2017 Kerzers 48004 4.07,3 ----- (48004) Diplom Foto Video MukiVaKi 225. 13.44 1-MuVaKi --- Allenbach Elea Liz 2014 Kerzers 49004 1.55,2 ----- (49004) Diplom Foto Video MukiVaKi 79. 6.24 5-F20 146. Allenbach Rahel 1985 Kerzers 21150 30.40,3 13.18,4 (21150) Diplom Foto Video 5F 264. 6.08 15-M20 172. Allenbach Raphael 1989 Kerzers 4002 1:07.07,2 22.04,1 (4002) Diplom Foto Video 15M 588. 4.28 1-MuVaKi --- Allenbach Ruven Jacob 2015 Kerzers 48005 1.59,1 ----- (48005) Diplom Foto Video MukiVaKi 94. 6.37 5-F20 190. Allet Petra 1973 Varen 22131 32.11,9 14.50,0 (22131) Diplom Foto Video 5F 316. 6.26 15-M50 350. Alleyn Rudy 1965 Praz Mont-Vully 8202 1:27.50,9 33.28,2 (8202) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2362. 5.51 S15-Staf 18. Ruffiner Caroline 1988 Saas Grund 831 1:17.49,0 21.53,8 (831) Diplom Foto Video --- 5.11 15-M40 14. Almeida Carlos 1979 Vuadens 1079 58.32,1 4.45,8 (1079) Diplom Foto Video 15M 111. 3.54 15-M20 270. Althaus Beat 1990 Zürich 7003 1:12.21,5 27.18,4 (7003) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1017. 4.49 15-M50 103. Althaus Daniel 1968 Konolfingen 3034 1:10.33,9 16.11,2 (3034) Diplom Foto Video 15M 873. 4.42 15-M55 208. Althaus Felix 1963 Rothenburg 11143 1:23.46,9 26.05,5 (11143) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2118. 5.35 15-F60 5. Althaus Johanna 1959 Langenthal 8059 1:20.28,6 14.10,8 (8059) Diplom Foto Video 15F 440. 5.21 15-M35 415. Altin Özcan 1982 Biberist 15004 1:40.59,9 53.29,6 (15004) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2746. 6.43 15-M50 61. Altorfer Felix 1967 Schliern b. Köniz 3130 1:05.50,1 11.27,4 (3130) Diplom Foto Video 15M 494. 4.23 15-F45 104. Altorfer Isabel 1970 Schliern b. Köniz 11144 1:24.26,1 25.19,0 (11144) Diplom Foto Video 15F 639. 5.37 10-M20 159. Alvarez Dominique 1979 Les Monts-de-Corsier 50327 54.31,9 23.36,5 (50327) Diplom Foto Video 10M 189. 5.27 15-F40 202. Alves Sílvia 1979 Kerzers 7246 2:20.31,8 1:16.28,4 (7246) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1429. 9.22 10-WF20 --- Alves Sophie 1978 Estavayer-le-Lac 32181 1:45.35,8 ----- (32181) Diplom Foto Video --- 10.33 15-M20 124. Amacher Florian 1992 Hofstetten b. Brienz 3246 1:04.27,3 19.24,2 (3246) Diplom Foto Video 15M 387. 4.17 15-F45 123. Amacher Gaby 1974 Niederried b. Interl 11004 1:25.56,2 26.49,1 (11004) Diplom Foto Video 15F 718. 5.43 15-M45 368. Amaron Albert 1970 Carrouge VD 13059 1:32.37,5 38.33,1 (13059) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2569. 6.10 15-F40 9. Amato Elita 1975 Gümligen 2120 1:07.48,1 3.44,7 (2120) Diplom Foto Video 15F 67. 4.31 1-U07F 70. Amatucci Elin 2013 Detligen 47565 1.50,3 0.41,1 (47565) Diplom Foto Video OV1 311. 6.07 15-M35 344. Amblet Olivier 1980 Prilly 17002 1:23.25,7 35.55,4 (17002) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2091. 5.33 15-M45 196. Ambrosi Josua 1972 Schlosswil 10004 1:14.36,9 20.32,5 (10004) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1274. 4.58 10-F20 290. Ambühl Livia 1991 Bern 50328 1:01.46,1 24.06,8 (50328) Diplom Foto Video 10F 326. 6.10 15-M40 264. Amft Alexander 1977 Unterseen 6058 1:20.10,2 26.23,9 (6058) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1832. 5.20 15-M35 96. Amgwerd Thomas 1980 Ipsach 3035 1:05.43,6 18.13,3 (3035) Diplom Foto Video 15M 493. 4.22 5-U16M 6. Amherd Andreas 2005 Gamsen 21052 21.03,7 3.44,1 (21052) Diplom Foto Video 5M 56. 4.12 15-M45 92. Amherd Ewald 1972 Gamsen 2047 1:08.30,0 14.25,6 (2047) Diplom Foto Video 15M 695. 4.34 2-U14M 3. Amherd Pascal 2007 Gamsen 40001 4.26,4 0.09,5 (40001) Diplom Foto Video OV2 3. 3.10 10-F20 331. Amiet Zoe 1994 Zweisimmen 31004 1:03.15,5 25.36,2 (31004) Diplom Foto Video 10F 369. 6.19 2-U12F 62. Amiguet Maelle 2009 Châtel-St-Denis 43003 6.43,5 1.56,9 (43003) Diplom Foto Video OV2 366. 4.48 5-U16M 23. Amiguet Robin 2005 Châtel-St-Denis 21053 25.27,0 8.07,4 (21053) Diplom Foto Video 5M 159. 5.05 5-U20M 2. Ammann Andreas 2000 Glis 20004 18.01,5 0.20,5 (20004) Diplom Foto Video 5M 15. 3.36 5-F20 22. Ammann Barbara 1970 Oberrieden 20533 22.35,4 5.13,5 (20533) Diplom Foto Video 5F 54. 4.31 15-M40 150. Ammann Daniel 1975 Basel 5065 1:11.58,9 18.12,6 (5065) Diplom Foto Video 15M 987. 4.47 15-M60 156. Ammann Jürg 1958 Bleienbach 13245 1:38.15,9 37.36,9 (13245) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2709. 6.33 5-M20 87. Ammann Michael 1983 Langenthal 50010 26.51,9 11.08,4 (50010) Diplom Foto Video 5M 203. 5.22 15-F20 304. Ammann Natasha 1989 Genève 15005 1:35.00,1 44.33,3 (15005) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1111. 6.20 5-U20F 10. Ammann Patricia Maria 2001 Glis 22001 29.58,7 10.16,4 (22001) Diplom Foto Video 5F 238. 5.59 5-M20 5. Ammann Simon 1998 Oberrieden 20001 16.52,8 1.09,3 (20001) Diplom Foto Video 5M 5. 3.22 15-M50 17. Ammeter Stefan 1969 Lengnau BE 1049 59.59,4 5.36,7 (1049) Diplom Foto Video 15M 171. 3.59 15-M45 324. Amport Beat 1971 Zollikofen 11005 1:24.00,9 29.56,5 (11005) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2132. 5.36 15-M55 181. Amport Markus 1964 Grossaffoltern 8148 1:21.12,7 23.31,3 (8148) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1930. 5.24 5-F20 54. Amrein Erika 1993 Bern 21054 26.59,4 9.37,5 (21054) Diplom Foto Video 5F 137. 5.23 15-M40 267. Amrein Ivo 1976 Münchenstein 50011 1:20.32,1 26.45,8 (50011) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1868. 5.22 5-F20 285. Amrein Karin 1977 Dagmersellen 24003 36.55,0 19.33,1 (24003) Diplom Foto Video 5F 428. 7.23 5-M20 41. Amrein Roman 1989 Willisau 20002 22.37,3 6.53,8 (20002) Diplom Foto Video 5M 94. 4.31 15-F20 8. Amrhein Fabienne 1992 D-Deutschland 502 55.03,5 4.36,7 (502) Diplom Foto Video 15F 8. 3.40 5-FB 5. Amrouche Louisa 1992 Bern 24114 54.39,4 17.52,0 (24114) Diplom Foto Video 5F 509. 10.55 15-M45 342. Amsler Martin 1974 Sisseln AG 5202 1:26.20,9 32.16,5 (5202) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2298. 5.45 15-M65 20. Amstalden Peter 1954 Schüpfen 4003 1:14.05,6 10.24,9 (4003) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1218. 4.56 15-F50 80. Amstutz Manuela 1967 Heimberg 9004 1:25.56,3 19.02,2 (9004) Diplom Foto Video 15F 719. 5.43 10-F20 16. Amstutz-Sterki Melanie 1987 Hindelbank 30023 46.12,3 8.33,0 (30023) Diplom Foto Video 10F 22. 4.37 15-F45 178. Amstutz Thérèse 1970 La Chaux-de-Fonds 17003 1:35.06,9 35.59,8 (17003) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1117. 6.20 15-M20 18. Amstutz Timon 1987 Hindelbank 49 52.17,3 7.14,2 (49) Diplom Foto Video 15M 20. 3.29 15-M20 305. Andenmatten Lukas 1990 St. Urban 9245 1:13.49,5 28.46,4 (9245) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1195. 4.55 15-M50 88. Anderegg Simon 1966 Meiringen 50012 1:09.19,6 14.56,9 (50012) Diplom Foto Video 15M 747. 4.37 5-WM20 --- Andereggen Pius 1958 Luzern Reussbühl 25005 39.22,8 ----- (25005) Diplom Foto Video --- 7.52 10-WF20 --- Andereggen Trix 1962 Luzern Reussbühl 32022 1:19.29,5 ----- (32022) Diplom Foto Video --- 7.56 5-F20 97. Andermatt Iris 1966 Grossaffoltern 21151 28.59,9 11.38,0 (21151) Diplom Foto Video 5F 190. 5.47 15-M20 376. Andkjr Kasper Ingdahl 1993 Chêne-Bougeries 8001 1:18.37,1 33.34,0 (8001) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1680. 5.14 15-M50 6. Andrade Fernando 1966 Bern 1021 57.38,8 3.16,1 (1021) Diplom Foto Video 15M 90. 3.50 1-U07M 64. Andras Aron 2013 Adliswil 47001 1.32,6 0.25,9 (47001) Diplom Foto Video OV1 276. 5.08 15-M20 408. André Cruz Filipe 1996 Fribourg 3131 1:21.22,5 36.19,4 (3131) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1940. 5.25 15-WU20F --- André Estelle 2000 Romanel-sur-Morges 27043 2:07.19,7 ----- (27043) Diplom Foto Video --- 8.29 15-M50 326. André Jörg 1965 Bolligen 9005 1:24.42,9 30.20,2 (9005) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2191. 5.38 15-M20 380. André Julien 1985 Lausanne 6060 1:18.49,5 33.46,4 (6060) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1699. 5.15 15-WM20 --- Andreazza Olivier 1964 Neuchâtel 27037 1:59.16,8 ----- (27037) Diplom Foto Video --- 7.57 15-F20 267. Andreoni Naomie 1993 Romanel-sur-Morges 15006 1:29.54,3 39.27,5 (15006) Diplom Foto Video 15F 924. 5.59 15-M20 134. Andreotti Alban 1990 Lausanne 1131 1:05.09,1 20.06,0 (1131) Diplom Foto Video 15M 439. 4.20 15-M65 50. Andres Robert 1952 Zürich 6059 1:20.32,7 16.52,0 (6059) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1870. 5.22 15-F60 6. Andrey Angèle 1959 Belfaux 11006 1:20.31,3 14.13,5 (11006) Diplom Foto Video 15F 442. 5.22 15-WF20 --- Andrey Corinne 1964 Matran 29048 2:23.17,4 ----- (29048) Diplom Foto Video --- 9.33 2-U10M 130. Andrey Damian 2011 La Neuveville 44003 8.19,4 3.02,3 (44003) Diplom Foto Video OV2 584. 5.56 15-M60 86. Andrey Jean-Pierre 1959 Matran 13060 1:21.56,8 21.17,8 (13060) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1986. 5.27 2-U10M 81. Andrey Jonas 2011 La Neuveville 44004 6.46,5 1.29,4 (44004) Diplom Foto Video OV2 376. 4.50 2-U12F 79. Andrey Léonie 2009 La Neuveville 43004 6.59,0 2.12,4 (43004) Diplom Foto Video OV2 436. 4.59 10-M20 66. Andrey Marius 1970 La Neuveville 30177 48.08,3 17.12,9 (30177) Diplom Foto Video 10M 82. 4.48 15-M45 337. Anex Frédéric 1974 Echallens 11251 1:26.00,9 31.56,5 (11251) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2273. 5.44 15-F35 40. Angehrn Antoinette 1981 Bern 8149 1:14.31,4 12.55,0 (8149) Diplom Foto Video 15F 193. 4.58 10-M20 74. Angéloz Daniel 1959 Solothurn 50329 49.02,8 18.07,4 (50329) Diplom Foto Video 10M 93. 4.54 15-M20 273. Angéloz Didier 1988 Le Pâquier-Montbarry 50013 1:12.34,3 27.31,2 (50013) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1046. 4.50 15-M55 100. Angéloz Henri 1964 Ursy 6061 1:14.52,9 17.11,5 (6061) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1302. 4.59 10-F20 287. Anggraeni Dessy 1979 Bern 31445 1:01.42,3 24.03,0 (31445) Diplom Foto Video 10F 323. 6.10 10-M20 36. Anka Majd 1996 Lausanne 30068 44.53,0 13.57,6 (30068) Diplom Foto Video 10M 42. 4.29 5-F20 104. Anken Béatrice 1962 Stettlen 23083 29.17,8 11.55,9 (23083) Diplom Foto Video 5F 199. 5.51 15-M55 276. Anken Christoph 1960 Stettlen 12004 1:30.43,0 33.01,6 (12004) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2508. 6.02 2-U14M 11. Anker Mani 2007 Busswil b. Büren 40002 4.58,5 0.41,6 (40002) Diplom Foto Video OV2 18. 3.33 5-F20 37. Anker Myrja 1973 Busswil b. Büren 21030 24.49,9 7.28,0 (21030) Diplom Foto Video 5F 86. 4.57 5-U18F 9. Anker Nina 2002 Busswil b. Büren 20528 23.02,1 4.32,5 (20528) Diplom Foto Video 5F 62. 4.36 15-M55 227. Ankli Stephan 1963 Hofstetten SO 13061 1:25.28,8 27.47,4 (13061) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2242. 5.41 10-WM20 --- Anliker Daniel 1965 Kerzers 32150 1:29.45,7 ----- (32150) Diplom Foto Video --- 8.58 15-M20 274. Anliker Dominic 1992 Grenchen 3036 1:12.35,1 27.32,0 (3036) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1048. 4.50 15-M20 487. Annaheim Demian 1987 Basel 16071 1:39.47,6 54.44,5 (16071) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2736. 6.39 15-F35 199. Anrig Birte 1980 Maienfeld 15172 1:54.44,6 53.08,2 (15172) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1402. 7.38 15-M45 395. Anrig Marco 1970 Maienfeld 3037 1:54.42,4 1:00.38,0 (3037) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2842. 7.38 1-U08M 32. Ansari Leandro 2012 Gals 46002 1.13,5 0.14,8 (46002) Diplom Foto Video OV1 67. 4.05 10-F20 10. Ansermet Nicole 1989 Léchelles 30013 45.02,6 7.23,3 (30013) Diplom Foto Video 10F 15. 4.30 15-M45 329. Ansermoz Gilles 1970 Jongny 11007 1:24.47,4 30.43,0 (11007) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2197. 5.39 15-F35 132. Antenen Damaris 1984 Watt 8060 1:27.23,6 25.47,2 (8060) Diplom Foto Video 15F 801. 5.49 5-U18M 2. Antener Gian-Andrea 2003 Ormalingen 20008 18.00,2 1.01,8 (20008) Diplom Foto Video 5M 14. 3.36 2-U14F 6. Antener Sereina 2006 Ormalingen 41001 5.08,2 0.26,7 (41001) Diplom Foto Video OV2 30. 3.40 5-U20F 13. Antoine Olivia 2001 Biel/Bienne 24187 33.59,1 14.16,8 (24187) Diplom Foto Video 5F 368. 6.47 1-MuVaKi --- Anzaldi Iloann 2015 Chézard-St-Martin 52026 1.51,5 ----- (52026) Diplom Foto Video MukiVaKi 67. 6.11 5-F20 99. Appert Beatrice 1992 Thun 22190 29.06,6 11.44,7 (22190) Diplom Foto Video 5F 193. 5.49 15-F20 164. Appert Christina 1991 Bern 12005 1:22.24,9 31.58,1 (12005) Diplom Foto Video 15F 540. 5.29 15-M55 105. Arbenz Andreas 1963 Zuzwil SG 12006 1:15.18,8 17.37,4 (12006) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1351. 5.01 15-M55 119. Arber Rolf 1962 Olten 16072 1:16.10,7 18.29,3 (16072) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1436. 5.04 15-F20 67. Archer Laura 1986 Vevey 10005 1:14.27,0 24.00,2 (10005) Diplom Foto Video 15F 191. 4.57 1-MuVaKi --- Aregger Elias 2014 Murten 48006 2.03,6 ----- (48006) Diplom Foto Video MukiVaKi 106. 6.52 10-M20 123. Aregger Pirmin 1973 Murten 30165 52.22,2 21.26,8 (30165) Diplom Foto Video 10M 152. 5.14 15-F20 59. Argilli Julia 1993 La Chaux-de-Fonds 6062 1:13.56,1 23.29,3 (6062) Diplom Foto Video 15F 172. 4.55 15-F50 84. Argilli Natacha 1965 La Chaux-de-Fonds 13062 1:26.28,8 19.34,7 (13062) Diplom Foto Video 15F 754. 5.45 15-M45 364. Arm Laurent 1971 Villeneuve VD 9006 1:30.51,4 36.47,0 (9006) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2515. 6.03 15-M55 42. Arm Pierre 1960 Péry 50014 1:08.34,5 10.53,1 (50014) Diplom Foto Video 15M 696. 4.34 15-F55 79. Arn Anita 1960 Olten 16073 1:34.59,2 31.14,2 (16073) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1110. 6.19 2-U12F 82. Arn Selina 2008 Fräschels 43005 7.00,6 2.14,0 (43005) Diplom Foto Video OV2 448. 5.00 10-F20 257. Arnautovic Hanka 1993 Bern 31005 1:00.24,5 22.45,2 (31005) Diplom Foto Video 10F 289. 6.02 15-M45 44. Arni Björn 1971 Stettlen 1133 1:04.13,2 10.08,8 (1133) Diplom Foto Video 15M 368. 4.16 15-M35 137. Arni Marco 1981 Münchenbuchsee 3132 1:08.46,4 21.16,1 (3132) Diplom Foto Video 15M 714. 4.35 10-F20 385. Arni Martina 1989 Büren an der Aare 31396 1:05.55,4 28.16,1 (31396) Diplom Foto Video 10F 424. 6.35 15-F20 91. Arnold Chantal 1996 Düdingen 9008 1:16.58,9 26.32,1 (9008) Diplom Foto Video 15F 281. 5.07 15-F20 232. Arnold Laura 1992 Effretikon 11008 1:26.55,1 36.28,3 (11008) Diplom Foto Video 15F 771. 5.47 10-F20 51. Arnold Monika 1965 Gümligen 30178 51.11,5 13.32,2 (30178) Diplom Foto Video 10F 63. 5.07 10-F20 293. Arnold Patrizia 1978 Rubigen 31219 1:01.52,8 24.13,5 (31219) Diplom Foto Video 10F 329. 6.11 15-F55 89. Arnold Ruth 1963 Adligenswil 16074 1:37.17,9 33.32,9 (16074) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1182. 6.29 5-F20 220. Arnold Sophie 1993 Spiez 22132 33.18,4 15.56,5 (22132) Diplom Foto Video 5F 349. 6.39 15-M40 79. Arpagaus Giachen 1976 Engelburg 5003 1:05.41,7 11.55,4 (5003) Diplom Foto Video 15M 487. 4.22 5-MB 3. Arularakilan Apiraam 1996 Schlieren 24112 33.10,1 3.09,5 (24112) Diplom Foto Video 5M 355. 6.38 2-U12M 52. Asani Pajazit 2008 Kerzers 42001 5.55,4 1.04,3 (42001) Diplom Foto Video OV2 170. 4.13 15-M50 67. Aschwanden Markus 1968 Wichtrach 3133 1:06.40,5 12.17,8 (3133) Diplom Foto Video 15M 546. 4.26 15-M50 DNF Asghari Fardin 1968 Gipf-Oberfrick 12007 ----- ----- (12007) Foto Video 15M ---- 15-M60 83. Asgharzadeh Asghar 1956 Rorschach 9009 1:21.32,0 20.53,0 (9009) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1956. 5.26 15-M35 382. Aslan Munur 1980 Genève 7247 1:28.56,5 41.26,2 (7247) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2423. 5.55 15-M45 91. Assumani Hassan 1973 Bevaix 6063 1:08.14,8 14.10,4 (6063) Diplom Foto Video 15M 683. 4.32 15-M20 406. Atangana Jean 1989 Neuchâtel 14004 1:21.20,6 36.17,5 (14004) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1936. 5.25 15-M50 236. Atienza Carlos 1967 Yverdon-les-Bains 7005 1:19.03,7 24.41,0 (7005) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1720. 5.16 15-F35 114. Aubert Blanchoud Véron 1980 Savagnier 12008 1:25.07,5 23.31,1 (12008) Diplom Foto Video 15F 686. 5.40 5-WM20 --- Aubert Lionel 1977 Nidau 22133 40.49,9 ----- (22133) Diplom Foto Video --- 8.09 15-M45 380. Aubert Mike 1970 Corsier-sur-Vevey 14005 1:38.20,3 44.15,9 (14005) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2711. 6.33 5-F20 292. Aubry Evelyne 1978 Kerzers 24117 37.23,6 20.01,7 (24117) Diplom Foto Video 5F 437. 7.28 1-U08F 24. Aubry Lyra 2012 Kerzers 46505 1.14,3 0.19,7 (46505) Diplom Foto Video OV1 76. 4.07 2-U12M 91. Aubry Phileas 2009 Kerzers 42002 6.56,4 2.05,3 (42002) Diplom Foto Video OV2 421. 4.57 15-F35 42. Audergon-Butty Monique 1982 La Joux FR 7006 1:14.58,1 13.21,7 (7006) Diplom Foto Video 15F 210. 4.59 10-F20 189. Auderset Jöhri Corinne 1965 Aarberg 30325 58.30,3 20.51,0 (30325) Diplom Foto Video 10F 219. 5.51 15-M55 143. Auderset Kuno 1961 Kappelen 8107 1:18.10,1 20.28,7 (8107) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1628. 5.12 1-U07F 42. Auffret Léna 2013 Villars-sur-Glâne 47501 1.28,9 0.19,7 (47501) Diplom Foto Video OV1 249. 4.56 15-M35 391. Auffret Nicolas 1981 Villars-sur-Glâne 11009 1:30.40,0 43.09,7 (11009) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2505. 6.02 2-U10M 76. Auffret Rafael 2011 Villars-sur-Glâne 44005 6.40,6 1.23,5 (44005) Diplom Foto Video OV2 358. 4.46 10-WM20 --- Aufranc Hubert 1968 La Chaux-de-Fonds 32220 1:37.19,9 ----- (32220) Diplom Foto Video --- 9.43 15-M45 55. Augsburger Beat 1971 Unterseen 1134 1:04.46,4 10.42,0 (1134) Diplom Foto Video 15M 411. 4.19 2-U12M 70. Austinat Arthur 2009 Gals 42003 6.18,4 1.27,3 (42003) Diplom Foto Video OV2 257. 4.30 5-U14M 31. Austinat Tristan 2006 Gals 23004 24.05,0 5.33,7 (23004) Diplom Foto Video 5M 131. 4.49 15-M50 91. Austinat Volker 1967 Gals 6064 1:09.31,6 15.08,9 (6064) Diplom Foto Video 15M 769. 4.38 2-U10M 120. Austinat Yannick 2011 Gals 44006 7.45,3 2.28,2 (44006) Diplom Foto Video OV2 544. 5.32 10-F20 376. Avalos Cristina 1973 Corseaux 31146 1:05.27,1 27.47,8 (31146) Diplom Foto Video 10F 415. 6.32 15-F50 124. Avila Christine 1967 Gland 16075 1:33.09,9 26.15,8 (16075) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1049. 6.12 15-M50 328. Avila Salomon 1969 Gland 16076 1:24.52,2 30.29,5 (16076) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2202. 5.39 15-M45 265. Aydin Ceyhan 1971 TUR-Oberentfelden 7007 1:18.51,8 24.47,4 (7007) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1702. 5.15 15-M45 307. Aydin Savas 1973 Busswil b. Büren 10006 1:22.38,2 28.33,8 (10006) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2025. 5.30 1-U08F 20. Ayer Deborah 2012 Düdingen 46506 1.12,3 0.17,7 (46506) Diplom Foto Video OV1 54. 4.01 10-WF20 --- Ayude Tiffany 1991 Villars-sur-Glâne 32202 1:35.26,4 ----- (32202) Diplom Foto Video --- 9.32 2-U10M 44. Aziz Hadid 2011 Valangin 44007 6.13,3 0.56,2 (44007) Diplom Foto Video OV2 239. 4.26 2-U12M 77. Aziz Shahim 2009 Valangin 42004 6.33,6 1.42,5 (42004) Diplom Foto Video OV2 321. 4.41
Total 292

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