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(63) Walking/Nordic Walking Frauen 10.0km

Hallwilerseelauf 2019, Beinwil am See - (63) Walking/Nordic Walking Frauen 10.0km

Rang Name Jg Land Ort Team Zeit Rückstand Stnr Schnitt -> Schloss ¦ -> Birrwil ¦ -> Ziel ¦ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- Ackermann Ursula 1966 Laupersdorf 1:47.53,4 ----- (8070) Foto Video 9.48 31.40 ----¦ 43.58 ----¦ 32.14 ----¦ --- Aebi Paula ???? Niederwil AG Reusspark Niederwil 1:41.56,5 ----- (8000) Foto Video 9.16 28.58 ----¦ 42.28 ----¦ 30.29 ----¦ --- Aebischer Claudine 1966 Gumefens 1:30.07,1 ----- (8071) Foto Video 8.11 25.11 ----¦ 38.48 ----¦ 26.07 ----¦ --- Aebischer Renate 1972 St. Antoni 1:38.31,3 ----- (8072) Foto Video 8.57 28.41 ----¦ 41.10 ----¦ 28.38 ----¦ --- Aegerter Gerda 1962 Geltwil 1:39.47,6 ----- (8417) Foto Video 9.04 27.51 ----¦ 41.56 ----¦ 29.59 ----¦ --- Aellen Hedy 1948 Meisterschwanden Lake Walkers Meisterschwanden 1:44.34,7 ----- (8073) Foto Video 9.30 29.13 ----¦ 43.58 ----¦ 31.23 ----¦ --- Aeschbacher Christine 1968 Trachselwald 1:26.28,6 ----- (8074) Foto Video 7.51 24.51 ----¦ 36.06 ----¦ 25.31 ----¦ --- Affolter Marina 1981 Olten Move4ypd 1:30.02,4 ----- (8075) Foto Video 8.11 25.47 ----¦ 38.07 ----¦ 26.07 ----¦ --- Affolter Therese 1965 Bern 1:26.41,0 ----- (8076) Foto Video 7.52 25.09 ----¦ 36.09 ----¦ 25.22 ----¦ --- Aller Stephanie 1988 Lenzburg Bertschi AG 1:56.09,5 ----- (8077) Foto Video 10.33 31.28 ----¦ 48.26 ----¦ 36.14 ----¦ --- Ambühl Olivia 1976 Laupersdorf 1:47.53,8 ----- (8078) Foto Video 9.48 31.43 ----¦ 43.55 ----¦ 32.15 ----¦ --- Amrein Karin 1977 Dagmersellen 1:50.03,1 ----- (8080) Foto Video 10.00 31.25 ----¦ 46.13 ----¦ 32.23 ----¦ --- Andermatt Sibylle 1963 Obstalden 1:38.05,9 ----- (8081) Foto Video 8.55 28.18 ----¦ 40.59 ----¦ 28.48 ----¦ --- Andres Esther ???? Niederwil AG Reusspark Niederwil 1:52.51,9 ----- (8001) Foto Video 10.15 30.07 ----¦ 47.50 ----¦ 34.53 ----¦ --- Andres Irène 1956 Spreitenbach 1:35.26,5 ----- (13512) Foto Video 8.40 27.47 ----¦ 39.47 ----¦ 27.51 ----¦ --- Angst Palmira 1966 Hünenberg 1:47.10,0 ----- (8082) Foto Video 9.44 31.28 ----¦ 44.57 ----¦ 30.44 ----¦ --- Ankli Gabi 1960 Starrkirch-Wil 1:19.48,0 ----- (8083) Foto Video 7.15 21.50 ----¦ 33.32 ----¦ 24.25 ----¦ --- Bachmann Christina 1965 Niederwil AG Reusspark Niederwil 1:38.38,9 ----- (13514) Foto Video 8.58 28.14 ----¦ 40.56 ----¦ 29.28 ----¦ --- Bantsadze Nino 1976 Brugg AG Bertschi AG 1:44.28,2 ----- (13542) Foto Video 9.29 31.15 ----¦ 43.51 ----¦ 29.21 ----¦ --- Bardelli Rita 1950 Steinmaur 1:23.51,6 ----- (8086) Foto Video 7.37 23.36 ----¦ 35.32 ----¦ 24.42 ----¦ --- Baumann Hildegard 1947 Wohlen AG 1:40.44,1 ----- (8087) Foto Video 9.09 29.30 ----¦ 41.23 ----¦ 29.50 ----¦ --- Baumann Sandra 1969 Rombach 1:38.11,5 ----- (8089) Foto Video 8.55 26.42 ----¦ 42.40 ----¦ 28.48 ----¦ --- Baumgartner Annemarie 1959 Lütisburg 1:39.25,4 ----- (8090) Foto Video 9.02 28.13 ----¦ 41.28 ----¦ 29.43 ----¦ --- Baumgartner Elsbeth 1954 Grabs Lauftreff Buchs 1:32.06,6 ----- (8091) Foto Video 8.22 25.35 ----¦ 38.42 ----¦ 27.48 ----¦ --- Baumgartner Iren 1943 Jonen NW Treff Mellingen 2:03.24,0 ----- (8092) Foto Video 11.13 33.10 ----¦ 52.33 ----¦ 37.40 ----¦ --- Baumgartner Mirjam ???? Niederwil AG Reusspark Niederwil 1:33.35,8 ----- (8005) Foto Video 8.30 26.55 ----¦ 38.37 ----¦ 28.02 ----¦ --- Bellicose Patrizia 1971 Riva San Vitale Momo Walkers 1:37.54,6 ----- (8418) Foto Video 8.54 26.59 ----¦ 41.45 ----¦ 29.09 ----¦ --- Beltrami Julia ???? Niederwil AG Reusspark Niederwil 1:50.13,0 ----- (8007) Foto Video 10.01 30.44 ----¦ 45.59 ----¦ 33.29 ----¦ --- Benz Elfi 1958 Frick 1:37.04,1 ----- (8094) Foto Video 8.49 27.34 ----¦ 40.47 ----¦ 28.42 ----¦ --- Benzonelli Chahboun Beatr 1968 Genève OCAS GENEVE 1:29.16,0 ----- (8095) Foto Video 8.06 24.48 ----¦ 37.43 ----¦ 26.44 ----¦ --- Benzoni Luisa 1950 Morbio Inferiore Momo Walkers 1:38.21,1 ----- (8419) Foto Video 8.56 28.26 ----¦ 40.35 ----¦ 29.19 ----¦ --- Beretta Cristina 1967 Leontica 1:29.37,4 ----- (8096) Foto Video 8.08 24.58 ----¦ 38.01 ----¦ 26.36 ----¦ --- Bernhard Helene 1958 Bellach 1:32.46,3 ----- (8097) Foto Video 8.26 26.23 ----¦ 39.03 ----¦ 27.19 ----¦ --- Bertoni Francesca 1969 Stabio Momo Walkers 1:25.18,8 ----- (8420) Foto Video 7.45 24.03 ----¦ 34.25 ----¦ 26.50 ----¦ --- Bertoni Ingrid 1966 Stabio Momo Walkers 1:21.36,2 ----- (8421) Foto Video 7.25 23.08 ----¦ 34.14 ----¦ 24.13 ----¦ --- Bertschi Eveline 1977 Dürrenäsch Bertschi AG 1:43.58,6 ----- (8098) Foto Video 9.27 31.20 ----¦ 42.46 ----¦ 29.51 ----¦ --- Bevilacqua Magda 1958 Stabio Momo Walkers 1:26.01,8 ----- (8422) Foto Video 7.49 23.35 ----¦ 36.51 ----¦ 25.35 ----¦ --- Bieler Klara ???? Niederwil AG Reusspark Niederwil 1:39.05,2 ----- (8008) Foto Video 9.00 28.49 ----¦ 41.23 ----¦ 28.52 ----¦ --- Bieselt Jessica 1997 Stetten AG Bertschi AG 1:56.09,2 ----- (8100) Foto Video 10.33 31.24 ----¦ 48.28 ----¦ 36.16 ----¦ --- Bizaj Maya ???? Niederwil AG Reusspark Niederwil 1:26.41,3 ----- (8009) Foto Video 7.52 25.13 ----¦ 36.36 ----¦ 24.51 ----¦ --- Blank Irene 1969 Aarwangen 1:47.52,5 ----- (8102) Foto Video 9.48 30.03 ----¦ 45.04 ----¦ 32.44 ----¦ --- Blatter Marie-Anna 1952 Utzigen LSV Uetendorf 1:51.22,2 ----- (8103) Foto Video 10.07 31.17 ----¦ 46.51 ----¦ 33.13 ----¦ --- Blattmann Gabi 1964 Meilen 1:41.44,5 ----- (13515) Foto Video 9.14 29.26 ----¦ 43.18 ----¦ 28.59 ----¦ --- Bolliger Andrea 1975 Seon 1:39.57,3 ----- (8104) Foto Video 9.05 26.54 ----¦ 42.26 ----¦ 30.35 ----¦ --- Bosisio Linda 1965 Tremona Momo Walkers 1:42.17,6 ----- (8423) Foto Video 9.17 29.22 ----¦ 42.23 ----¦ 30.31 ----¦ --- Bouquet Brigitte 1961 Matran ACPM 1:19.27,6 ----- (8107) Foto Video 7.13 22.58 ----¦ 33.05 ----¦ 23.23 ----¦ --- Breitenmoser-Blaser Sylvi 1964 Hegnau 1:42.58,4 ----- (8109) Foto Video 9.21 30.01 ----¦ 43.50 ----¦ 29.07 ----¦ --- Breitenmoser Christine 1955 Nänikon 1:46.42,2 ----- (8110) Foto Video 9.42 30.04 ----¦ 45.00 ----¦ 31.37 ----¦ --- Brenner Wild Madeleine Si ???? Brugg AG 1:40.07,4 ----- (8111) Foto Video 9.06 28.15 ----¦ 41.43 ----¦ 30.09 ----¦ --- Brennwald Nicole 1991 Mönchaltorf 1:21.58,6 ----- (8112) Foto Video 7.27 22.35 ----¦ 34.45 ----¦ 24.38 ----¦ --- Britschgi Dolores 1959 Meisterschwanden Lake Walkers Meisterschwanden 1:39.57,8 ----- (8114) Foto Video 9.05 28.45 ----¦ 41.38 ----¦ 29.34 ----¦ --- Brozio Rosmarie 1941 Russikon 1:32.03,6 ----- (8115) Foto Video 8.22 26.16 ----¦ 38.47 ----¦ 27.00 ----¦ --- Brunner Elisabeth 1971 Meiringen Pollux Team Meiringen 1:37.09,9 ----- (8117) Foto Video 8.49 28.40 ----¦ 40.45 ----¦ 27.44 ----¦ --- Brunner Regula 1968 Riva San Vitale Momo Walkers 1:39.15,7 ----- (8425) Foto Video 9.01 28.49 ----¦ 41.23 ----¦ 29.02 ----¦ --- Brunner Sophie 1970 Carouge GE 1:29.12,5 ----- (8118) Foto Video 8.06 24.41 ----¦ 37.47 ----¦ 26.44 ----¦ --- Bucher Simone 1981 Möriken AG 1:44.13,0 ----- (8426) Foto Video 9.28 30.11 ----¦ 44.52 ----¦ 29.08 ----¦ --- Buob Christina 1967 Kriens 1:47.09,9 ----- (11950) Foto Video 9.44 31.28 ----¦ 44.56 ----¦ 30.45 ----¦ --- Burkart Alice 1948 Meisterschwanden Lake Walkers Meisterschwanden 1:39.54,8 ----- (8119) Foto Video 9.04 28.41 ----¦ 41.36 ----¦ 29.37 ----¦ --- Burkhalter Heidi 1947 Capolago Momo Walkers 1:36.43,2 ----- (8427) Foto Video 8.47 28.00 ----¦ 41.01 ----¦ 27.40 ----¦ --- Burri Theresia 1947 Mühleberg Lauftreff Mühleberg 1:38.24,2 ----- (8120) Foto Video 8.56 27.23 ----¦ 41.32 ----¦ 29.28 ----¦ --- Burzan Michaela 1979 Bellach 1:32.45,8 ----- (8121) Foto Video 8.25 27.08 ----¦ 39.20 ----¦ 26.17 ----¦ --- Buser Karin 1974 Ormalingen 1:35.40,7 ----- (8122) Foto Video 8.41 25.20 ----¦ 40.52 ----¦ 29.27 ----¦ --- Büsser Doris 1965 Amden 1:39.11,4 ----- (8123) Foto Video 9.01 28.30 ----¦ 41.19 ----¦ 29.21 ----¦ --- Cairoli Monika 1963 Muttenz 1:38.21,3 ----- (8125) Foto Video 8.56 28.06 ----¦ 41.06 ----¦ 29.09 ----¦ --- Campaniello Francesca 2000 Ostermundigen 1:34.44,1 ----- (8127) Foto Video 8.36 27.14 ----¦ 39.51 ----¦ 27.37 ----¦ --- Camponovo Michaela 1961 Tremona Momo Walkers 1:42.13,3 ----- (8428) Foto Video 9.17 29.18 ----¦ 42.24 ----¦ 30.30 ----¦ --- Cassegrain Caroline 1958 Crans-près-Céligny 1:30.08,8 ----- (8129) Foto Video 8.11 25.08 ----¦ 37.38 ----¦ 27.22 ----¦ --- Castillo Gladys ???? Niederwil AG Reusspark Niederwil 1:26.04,1 ----- (8011) Foto Video 7.49 26.35 ----¦ 35.10 ----¦ 24.17 ----¦ --- Cattaneo Annalisa 1961 Meride Momo Walkers 1:45.00,9 ----- (8429) Foto Video 9.32 30.22 ----¦ 44.42 ----¦ 29.56 ----¦ --- Cencic Manuela 1976 Münchenbuchsee 1:15.38,1 ----- (8131) Foto Video 6.52 21.31 ----¦ 32.07 ----¦ 22.00 ----¦ --- Ceppi Anna 1957 Besazio Momo Walkers 1:47.45,6 ----- (8431) Foto Video 9.47 30.33 ----¦ 45.45 ----¦ 31.26 ----¦ --- Chrétien Martina 1966 Sissach Frauenriege Sissach 1:30.48,1 ----- (8132) Foto Video 8.15 27.31 ----¦ 37.32 ----¦ 25.43 ----¦ --- Christen Trudy 1948 Willisau FTV Willisau 1:45.28,3 ----- (8133) Foto Video 9.35 29.15 ----¦ 44.21 ----¦ 31.51 ----¦ --- Cianciarulo Lisa ???? Niederwil AG Reusspark Niederwil 1:39.05,0 ----- (8012) Foto Video 9.00 28.51 ----¦ 41.22 ----¦ 28.51 ----¦ --- Coppa Giovanna 1969 Novazzano Momo Walkers 1:43.00,6 ----- (8432) Foto Video 9.21 29.37 ----¦ 43.00 ----¦ 30.22 ----¦ --- Costa-Senn Jacqueline 1966 Frick WWW Wonderful Women Walking 1:37.01,4 ----- (8134) Foto Video 8.49 27.32 ----¦ 40.48 ----¦ 28.40 ----¦ --- Cucco Nicoletta 1973 Riva San Vitale Momo Walkers 2:01.54,1 ----- (8434) Foto Video 11.04 32.08 ----¦ 53.03 ----¦ 36.42 ----¦ --- Dähler Anita 1963 Frauenkappelen 1:37.22,7 ----- (8135) Foto Video 8.51 26.40 ----¦ 40.44 ----¦ 29.57 ----¦ --- De Carli Elvina 1941 Chiasso Momo Walkers 1:47.21,1 ----- (8435) Foto Video 9.45 30.20 ----¦ 45.17 ----¦ 31.42 ----¦ --- Dehning Verena 1952 Rothenfluh TV Gelterkinden 1:30.06,3 ----- (8136) Foto Video 8.11 25.13 ----¦ 38.16 ----¦ 26.37 ----¦ --- Della Pietra Christiane ???? Niederwil AG Reusspark Niederwil 1:38.29,7 ----- (8014) Foto Video 8.57 28.12 ----¦ 41.02 ----¦ 29.14 ----¦ --- Di Lonardo Natalia 1979 Bellach 1:32.09,1 ----- (8137) Foto Video 8.22 26.44 ----¦ 39.11 ----¦ 26.12 ----¦ --- Dotta Daniela 1964 Arnegg LSV Region Gossau 1:34.16,6 ----- (8138) Foto Video 8.34 27.39 ----¦ 38.59 ----¦ 27.37 ----¦ --- Ebi-Schmidt Bettina 1970 Riva San Vitale Momo Walkers 1:25.23,9 ----- (8436) Foto Video 7.45 23.18 ----¦ 35.15 ----¦ 26.49 ----¦ --- Eggimann Cornelia 1976 Sumiswald 1:29.23,1 ----- (8140) Foto Video 8.07 25.50 ----¦ 37.47 ----¦ 25.44 ----¦ --- Eicher Katja 1983 Ermensee 1:38.01,0 ----- (8437) Foto Video 8.54 27.32 ----¦ 41.24 ----¦ 29.03 ----¦ --- Eiholzer Kathrin 1966 Willisau FTV Willisau 1:45.31,1 ----- (8141) Foto Video 9.35 29.21 ----¦ 44.14 ----¦ 31.55 ----¦ --- Engel Andrea 1990 Staufen 1:37.27,6 ----- (8142) Foto Video 8.51 26.48 ----¦ 40.12 ----¦ 30.26 ----¦ --- Erb Nora 1950 Schweiz La foulée Glandoise 1:40.06,5 ----- (8143) Foto Video 9.06 31.18 ----¦ 40.53 ----¦ 27.54 ----¦ --- Erne Myrta 1959 Wettingen SV Lägern Turnerinnen 1:44.53,8 ----- (8144) Foto Video 9.32 33.07 ----¦ 41.48 ----¦ 29.57 ----¦ --- Erni Christina 1969 Stans 1:34.28,8 ----- (8145) Foto Video 8.35 27.11 ----¦ 39.38 ----¦ 27.39 ----¦ --- Erni Ursula 1959 Meisterschwanden Lake Walkers Meisterschwanden 1:39.55,6 ----- (8146) Foto Video 9.05 28.41 ----¦ 41.42 ----¦ 29.32 ----¦ --- Faraone Karin 1971 Auenstein 1:37.04,8 ----- (8147) Foto Video 8.49 28.05 ----¦ 40.43 ----¦ 28.15 ----¦ --- Felber Martha 1953 Willisau FTV Willisau 1:45.29,5 ----- (8148) Foto Video 9.35 29.17 ----¦ 44.20 ----¦ 31.51 ----¦ --- Florio Deborah 1980 Othmarsingen 1:44.09,0 ----- (8438) Foto Video 9.28 30.09 ----¦ 44.52 ----¦ 29.06 ----¦ --- Flury Annette 1968 Trimbach 1:31.16,3 ----- (8149) Foto Video 8.17 26.36 ----¦ 38.40 ----¦ 25.59 ----¦ --- Fracas-Giordano Claudia 1967 Frick 1:47.33,9 ----- (8150) Foto Video 9.46 28.54 ----¦ 45.55 ----¦ 32.43 ----¦ --- Frei Monika ???? Niederwil AG Reusspark Niederwil 1:38.28,6 ----- (8017) Foto Video 8.57 28.10 ----¦ 41.04 ----¦ 29.14 ----¦ --- Friedli Heidi 1961 Frick Sportclub DSM Sisseln 1:45.00,9 ----- (8153) Foto Video 9.32 29.33 ----¦ 44.49 ----¦ 30.37 ----¦ --- Frigerio Stefania 1946 Ligornetto Momo Walkers 1:45.47,8 ----- (8439) Foto Video 9.37 30.17 ----¦ 44.48 ----¦ 30.41 ----¦ --- Frischknecht Rita ???? Niederwil AG Reusspark Niederwil 1:54.57,2 ----- (8018) Foto Video 10.27 32.12 ----¦ 48.10 ----¦ 34.34 ----¦ --- Fritschi Anja 1989 Siebnen 1:25.15,5 ----- (8154) Foto Video 7.45 27.10 ----¦ 34.19 ----¦ 23.45 ----¦ --- Gaffuri Assunta 1966 Riva San Vitale Momo Walkers 1:33.43,2 ----- (8440) Foto Video 8.31 25.21 ----¦ 39.14 ----¦ 29.08 ----¦ --- Gartmann Steffi ???? Niederwil AG Reusspark Niederwil 1:35.11,5 ----- (8019) Foto Video 8.39 28.06 ----¦ 40.04 ----¦ 27.00 ----¦ --- Gass Andrea 1986 Buchs AG Bertschi AG 1:56.12,8 ----- (8155) Foto Video 10.33 31.33 ----¦ 48.26 ----¦ 36.13 ----¦ --- Gasser-Haldemann Daniela 1985 Bäriswil BE Füührwehrrunners Ittigen 1:44.27,5 ----- (8156) Foto Video 9.29 31.27 ----¦ 43.40 ----¦ 29.19 ----¦ --- Gassmann Prisca 1963 Horgen 1:31.39,7 ----- (8158) Foto Video 8.19 24.35 ----¦ 39.27 ----¦ 27.37 ----¦ --- Gatto Valeria 1964 Balerna Momo Walkers 1:32.22,4 ----- (8441) Foto Video 8.23 25.20 ----¦ 38.34 ----¦ 28.27 ----¦ --- Gautschi Brigitte 1969 Riniken 1:41.26,1 ----- (8442) Foto Video 9.13 27.49 ----¦ 42.56 ----¦ 30.40 ----¦ --- Gees Maria 1950 Affoltern am Albis 1:32.34,7 ----- (8160) Foto Video 8.24 26.22 ----¦ 38.51 ----¦ 27.21 ----¦ --- Gehri Karin 1971 Bellach 1:32.45,5 ----- (8161) Foto Video 8.25 27.09 ----¦ 39.18 ----¦ 26.17 ----¦ --- Geier Christine 1962 Gränichen Satus Gränichen 1:31.00,1 ----- (8162) Foto Video 8.16 26.25 ----¦ 38.03 ----¦ 26.31 ----¦ --- Geiger Dora 1954 Olten 1:48.24,9 ----- (8163) Foto Video 9.51 30.10 ----¦ 45.49 ----¦ 32.24 ----¦ --- Germani Monica 1962 Novazzano Momo Walkers 1:37.14,6 ----- (8443) Foto Video 8.50 26.17 ----¦ 41.39 ----¦ 29.17 ----¦ --- Getzmann Romy 1952 Altdorf UR 1:21.02,9 ----- (8166) Foto Video 7.22 22.14 ----¦ 34.31 ----¦ 24.17 ----¦ --- Giovanoli Andrea 1993 Oberentfelden 1:44.15,0 ----- (8168) Foto Video 9.28 29.35 ----¦ 43.56 ----¦ 30.43 ----¦ --- Giovanoli Nicole 1962 Stetten AG 1:44.12,9 ----- (8169) Foto Video 9.28 29.33 ----¦ 43.55 ----¦ 30.43 ----¦ --- Gisler Doris 1961 Linthal 1:18.39,5 ----- (8170) Foto Video 7.09 22.52 ----¦ 32.47 ----¦ 22.59 ----¦ --- Gisler Sandra ???? Niederwil AG Reusspark Niederwil 1:58.33,0 ----- (8020) Foto Video 10.46 29.42 ----¦ 52.14 ----¦ 36.36 ----¦ --- Gmür Sonia 1964 Amden 1:39.13,1 ----- (8171) Foto Video 9.01 28.34 ----¦ 41.15 ----¦ 29.22 ----¦ --- Griner Daniela 1977 Lauwil 1:34.36,2 ----- (8172) Foto Video 8.36 26.33 ----¦ 40.28 ----¦ 27.33 ----¦ --- Grogg Sylvia 1955 Glarus 1:29.29,8 ----- (8173) Foto Video 8.08 25.09 ----¦ 37.29 ----¦ 26.51 ----¦ --- Guntern Anthamatten Barba 1963 Visp 1:34.28,6 ----- (8179) Foto Video 8.35 27.27 ----¦ 39.37 ----¦ 27.23 ----¦ --- Guerini Sburlati Adriana 1955 Reinach BL 1:51.24,8 ----- (8177) Foto Video 10.07 31.29 ----¦ 46.49 ----¦ 33.05 ----¦ --- Gut Bernadette ???? Niederwil AG Reusspark Niederwil 1:40.07,0 ----- (8021) Foto Video 9.06 28.40 ----¦ 42.01 ----¦ 29.25 ----¦ --- Guex Marinette 1967 Matran ACPM 1:18.16,3 ----- (8178) Foto Video 7.06 22.48 ----¦ 32.42 ----¦ 22.45 ----¦ --- Häberli Gaby 1971 Sissach TV Sissach 1:34.35,2 ----- (8180) Foto Video 8.35 27.30 ----¦ 39.36 ----¦ 27.28 ----¦ --- Häfeli Christine 1964 Schweiz La foulée Glandoise 1:38.29,4 ----- (8181) Foto Video 8.57 28.58 ----¦ 40.55 ----¦ 28.35 ----¦ --- Häfeli Uschi 1962 Seengen 1:43.01,3 ----- (8183) Foto Video 9.21 29.11 ----¦ 43.22 ----¦ 30.26 ----¦ --- Haefliger Monika 1977 Biberstein 1:34.29,3 ----- (8445) Foto Video 8.35 26.36 ----¦ 40.06 ----¦ 27.46 ----¦ --- Häfliger Sylvie 1974 Lommiswil 1:38.16,7 ----- (8184) Foto Video 8.56 28.10 ----¦ 41.23 ----¦ 28.42 ----¦ --- Haller Elsa 1961 Unterkulm 1:36.36,4 ----- (13682) Foto Video 8.46 27.26 ----¦ 40.48 ----¦ 28.20 ----¦ --- Haller Irena 1986 Buchs AG Bertschi AG 1:44.31,7 ----- (8187) Foto Video 9.30 31.18 ----¦ 43.51 ----¦ 29.21 ----¦ --- Haller Monika 1968 Waltenschwil 1:36.39,3 ----- (8188) Foto Video 8.47 27.27 ----¦ 40.49 ----¦ 28.23 ----¦ --- Hasler-Brehm Elena 1964 Mühlethal 1:39.28,7 ----- (8446) Foto Video 9.02 27.24 ----¦ 42.00 ----¦ 30.04 ----¦ --- Hauri Rita ???? Niederwil AG Reusspark Niederwil 1:49.43,9 ----- (8023) Foto Video 9.58 29.56 ----¦ 46.42 ----¦ 33.04 ----¦ --- Hausammann Andrea 1971 Zürich 1:37.44,5 ----- (8190) Foto Video 8.53 29.32 ----¦ 40.52 ----¦ 27.19 ----¦ --- Hediger Hanni ???? Niederwil AG Reusspark Niederwil 1:42.30,4 ----- (8024) Foto Video 9.19 29.33 ----¦ 43.01 ----¦ 29.55 ----¦ --- Hegglin Esther 1981 Meisterschwanden Lake Walkers Meisterschwanden 1:59.06,5 ----- (8192) Foto Video 10.49 35.24 ----¦ 49.28 ----¦ 34.14 ----¦ --- Heldner Josefine ???? Niederwil AG Reusspark Niederwil 1:33.30,0 ----- (8026) Foto Video 8.30 23.30 ----¦ 42.04 ----¦ 27.54 ----¦ --- Herzog Nicole 1983 Buchs AG 1:34.13,6 ----- (8193) Foto Video 8.33 26.39 ----¦ 40.15 ----¦ 27.18 ----¦ --- Hinnen Kaya 2003 Kölliken 1:09.25,6 ----- (8194) Foto Video 6.18 22.15 ----¦ 27.12 ----¦ 19.57 ----¦ --- Hodel Heidi 1955 Willisau FTV Willisau 1:42.11,3 ----- (8195) Foto Video 9.17 28.12 ----¦ 42.48 ----¦ 31.10 ----¦ --- Hofmann Monika 1967 Beinwil am See 1:31.16,5 ----- (8196) Foto Video 8.17 26.33 ----¦ 38.50 ----¦ 25.52 ----¦ --- Hofmänner Romy 1959 Grabs Lauftreff buchs 1:43.00,6 ----- (8198) Foto Video 9.21 28.52 ----¦ 43.31 ----¦ 30.36 ----¦ --- Hohl Christa 1965 Liestal 1:31.10,3 ----- (13517) Foto Video 8.17 26.01 ----¦ 38.22 ----¦ 26.46 ----¦ --- Hollliger Hedy ???? Niederwil AG Reusspark Niederwil 1:36.17,0 ----- (8027) Foto Video 8.45 27.26 ----¦ 40.33 ----¦ 28.17 ----¦ --- Horisberger Isabelle 1982 Lenzburg 1:40.05,2 ----- (8199) Foto Video 9.05 28.11 ----¦ 41.42 ----¦ 30.11 ----¦ --- Horisberger Rita 1954 Bözen 1:40.05,4 ----- (8200) Foto Video 9.05 28.11 ----¦ 41.44 ----¦ 30.09 ----¦ --- Hubacher Patricia 1969 Münchenbuchsee 1:47.52,3 ----- (8201) Foto Video 9.48 30.18 ----¦ 46.04 ----¦ 31.28 ----¦ --- Hubler Claudia ???? Niederwil AG Reusspark Niederwil 1:27.27,8 ----- (8202) Foto Video 7.57 25.47 ----¦ 36.19 ----¦ 25.21 ----¦ --- Hübscher Monika ???? Niederwil AG Reusspark Niederwil 1:58.36,5 ----- (8028) Foto Video 10.46 29.37 ----¦ 52.18 ----¦ 36.40 ----¦ --- Huser Yvonne 1957 Meilen 1:41.43,0 ----- (8203) Foto Video 9.14 29.29 ----¦ 43.16 ----¦ 28.56 ----¦ --- Hüsser Christine ???? Niederwil AG Reusspark Niederwil 1:36.31,1 ----- (8031) Foto Video 8.46 27.53 ----¦ 41.03 ----¦ 27.34 ----¦ --- Imfeld-Berz Ursula ???? Gränichen 1:16.30,8 ----- (8204) Foto Video 6.57 15.00 ----¦ 33.01 ----¦ 28.29 ----¦ --- Imhof Carolina 1966 Ried-Brig 1:41.22,2 ----- (8205) Foto Video 9.12 28.24 ----¦ 42.48 ----¦ 30.08 ----¦ --- Imhof Corinne 1986 Schöftland Bertschi AG 1:44.33,5 ----- (8206) Foto Video 9.30 31.19 ----¦ 43.51 ----¦ 29.22 ----¦ --- Imhof Rita 1953 Dürrenroth 1:20.04,2 ----- (8207) Foto Video 7.16 23.33 ----¦ 33.07 ----¦ 23.23 ----¦ --- Imperatori Francesca 1965 Acquarossa 1:25.49,6 ----- (8208) Foto Video 7.48 24.48 ----¦ 35.42 ----¦ 25.19 ----¦ --- Imperiali Marina 1975 Mendrisio Momo Walkers 1:26.56,2 ----- (8448) Foto Video 7.54 24.05 ----¦ 37.19 ----¦ 25.31 ----¦ --- Ippolito Regi 1970 Oberrohrdorf 1:40.27,3 ----- (8209) Foto Video 9.07 30.43 ----¦ 41.01 ----¦ 28.42 ----¦ --- Iseli Renate 1944 Riehen SSC Riehen 1:36.16,3 ----- (8210) Foto Video 8.45 26.55 ----¦ 40.28 ----¦ 28.52 ----¦ --- Jäckli Doris 1970 Langnau i. E. 1:32.14,2 ----- (8211) Foto Video 8.23 25.28 ----¦ 39.06 ----¦ 27.39 ----¦ --- Jakaj Vanessa ???? Niederwil AG Reusspark Niederwil 1:33.45,1 ----- (8032) Foto Video 8.31 27.08 ----¦ 39.32 ----¦ 27.04 ----¦ --- Jakob Franziska 1970 Thun 1:27.04,3 ----- (8449) Foto Video 7.54 24.23 ----¦ 36.47 ----¦ 25.53 ----¦ --- Jemini Mariquita 1960 Semione 1:38.31,1 ----- (8212) Foto Video 8.57 28.02 ----¦ 40.52 ----¦ 29.35 ----¦ --- Jobin Cindy 1984 Vicques 1:20.55,3 ----- (8213) Foto Video 7.21 22.19 ----¦ 34.43 ----¦ 23.52 ----¦ --- Jost Barbara 1978 Grenchen 1:38.21,9 ----- (8214) Foto Video 8.56 29.44 ----¦ 39.34 ----¦ 29.02 ----¦ --- Jungo Lisi 1972 St. Antoni 1:38.32,4 ----- (8216) Foto Video 8.57 28.43 ----¦ 41.11 ----¦ 28.37 ----¦ --- Kalt Sonja 1960 Weiach 1:38.23,9 ----- (8217) Foto Video 8.56 27.54 ----¦ 41.05 ----¦ 29.23 ----¦ --- Kämpfen Franziska 1981 Schönenwerd Move4ypd 1:43.09,3 ----- (8218) Foto Video 9.22 29.57 ----¦ 43.05 ----¦ 30.07 ----¦ --- Käser Jeannette 1943 Oberwil BL 1:32.14,8 ----- (8219) Foto Video 8.23 25.23 ----¦ 39.09 ----¦ 27.41 ----¦ --- Keller Susann 1965 Schönenwerd 1:36.58,8 ----- (8220) Foto Video 8.48 28.25 ----¦ 40.18 ----¦ 28.15 ----¦ --- Keusch Ruth 1952 Zufikon NW Treff Mellingen 2:03.15,1 ----- (8221) Foto Video 11.12 33.06 ----¦ 52.34 ----¦ 37.34 ----¦ --- Khan Corinne 1967 Schweiz La foulée Glandoise 1:38.40,0 ----- (8222) Foto Video 8.58 27.34 ----¦ 41.46 ----¦ 29.20 ----¦ --- Kissling Marie-Theres 1951 Jonen NW Treff Mellingen 2:03.15,3 ----- (8225) Foto Video 11.12 33.01 ----¦ 52.34 ----¦ 37.39 ----¦ --- Kluser Rachel 1974 Glis 1:28.26,9 ----- (8226) Foto Video 8.02 23.51 ----¦ 37.59 ----¦ 26.36 ----¦ --- Koch Gaby 1960 Willisau FTV Willisau 1:44.25,9 ----- (8228) Foto Video 9.29 29.04 ----¦ 44.28 ----¦ 30.52 ----¦ --- Koch Monika 1973 Lostorf 1:42.13,0 ----- (8229) Foto Video 9.17 27.15 ----¦ 43.10 ----¦ 31.47 ----¦ --- Kormann Andrea 1967 Visp 1:34.27,4 ----- (8231) Foto Video 8.35 27.22 ----¦ 39.39 ----¦ 27.24 ----¦ --- Kretzschmar Ursula 1968 Gipf-Oberfrick TSV Frick 1:34.11,5 ----- (8234) Foto Video 8.33 27.03 ----¦ 39.53 ----¦ 27.15 ----¦ --- Kropf Monika 1966 Langenthal 2:01.57,9 ----- (8450) Foto Video 11.05 32.34 ----¦ 50.07 ----¦ 39.15 ----¦ --- Küffer Erika 1950 Turgi 1:20.18,9 ----- (8235) Foto Video 7.18 22.04 ----¦ 33.53 ----¦ 24.20 ----¦ --- Kunz Heidi 1949 Lengnau BE 1:45.10,6 ----- (8238) Foto Video 9.33 29.16 ----¦ 44.30 ----¦ 31.23 ----¦ --- Kunz Luzia 1968 Sarmenstorf 1:33.05,9 ----- (8239) Foto Video 8.27 25.57 ----¦ 39.35 ----¦ 27.33 ----¦ --- Kunz Nicole 1983 Lengnau BE 1:30.18,5 ----- (8240) Foto Video 8.12 26.23 ----¦ 38.01 ----¦ 25.53 ----¦ --- Kunz Vreni 1943 Zufikon NW Treff Mellingen 1:39.27,5 ----- (8241) Foto Video 9.02 24.00 ----¦ 43.38 ----¦ 31.47 ----¦ --- Künzi Nadine 1968 Uttigen Speedgoats Uttigen 1:36.30,0 ----- (8242) Foto Video 8.46 27.19 ----¦ 40.18 ----¦ 28.51 ----¦ --- Kurmann Sandra 1972 Brittnau 1:50.03,4 ----- (8243) Foto Video 10.00 31.26 ----¦ 46.14 ----¦ 32.22 ----¦ --- Lafranchi Francesca 1972 Gordola Momo Walkers 1:26.55,5 ----- (8451) Foto Video 7.54 24.05 ----¦ 37.19 ----¦ 25.30 ----¦ --- Lazic Dragana ???? Niederwil AG 1:32.22,6 ----- (8245) Foto Video 8.23 26.54 ----¦ 39.36 ----¦ 25.51 ----¦ --- Ledergerber Christine 1951 Zürich 1:44.00,7 ----- (8246) Foto Video 9.27 29.31 ----¦ 43.26 ----¦ 31.02 ----¦ --- Lehmann Susanna ???? Niederwil AG Reusspark Niederwil 1:39.44,1 ----- (8035) Foto Video 9.04 28.16 ----¦ 41.17 ----¦ 30.10 ----¦ --- Lehner Maja 1955 Gränichen 1:39.49,5 ----- (8247) Foto Video 9.04 28.41 ----¦ 41.49 ----¦ 29.19 ----¦ --- Lerch Silvia 1973 Olten Move4ypd 1:43.10,9 ----- (8248) Foto Video 9.22 29.59 ----¦ 43.04 ----¦ 30.06 ----¦ --- Leubner Susanne 1967 Oberwil BL Laufbewegung BL 1:32.11,1 ----- (8452) Foto Video 8.22 25.21 ----¦ 39.07 ----¦ 27.42 ----¦ --- Leuenberger Colette 1953 Belprahon 1:34.22,2 ----- (8249) Foto Video 8.34 28.15 ----¦ 39.05 ----¦ 27.01 ----¦ --- Leuenberger Vanessa 1984 Belprahon 1:34.21,4 ----- (8250) Foto Video 8.34 28.14 ----¦ 38.55 ----¦ 27.12 ----¦ --- Londero Eliana 1959 Melano Momo Walkers 1:37.12,1 ----- (8453) Foto Video 8.50 26.14 ----¦ 41.39 ----¦ 29.17 ----¦ --- Lüscher Judith ???? Niederwil AG Reusspark Niederwil 1:34.56,0 ----- (8036) Foto Video 8.37 28.03 ----¦ 39.14 ----¦ 27.38 ----¦ --- Lustenberger Claudia 1983 Schweiz 1:37.04,5 ----- (8251) Foto Video 8.49 28.09 ----¦ 40.44 ----¦ 28.10 ----¦ --- Lüthi Hilda 1953 Aarau 1:39.53,9 ----- (8252) Foto Video 9.04 29.23 ----¦ 41.28 ----¦ 29.02 ----¦ --- Lüthi Pia 1948 Mellingen NW Treff Mellingen 1:43.26,5 ----- (8254) Foto Video 9.24 29.35 ----¦ 43.02 ----¦ 30.48 ----¦ --- Lüthi Ulrike 1942 Wohlen AG NW Treff Mellingen 1:35.26,1 ----- (8255) Foto Video 8.40 27.48 ----¦ 40.01 ----¦ 27.36 ----¦ --- Maffei Barbara 1986 Bedano Momo Walkers 1:40.24,0 ----- (8454) Foto Video 9.07 28.59 ----¦ 41.49 ----¦ 29.34 ----¦ --- Maier Karin 1967 Frauenfeld 1:33.58,4 ----- (8258) Foto Video 8.32 27.30 ----¦ 38.37 ----¦ 27.50 ----¦ --- Manzoli Donatella 1966 Riva San Vitale Momo Walkers 1:42.48,2 ----- (8455) Foto Video 9.20 27.02 ----¦ 43.27 ----¦ 32.18 ----¦ --- Manzoli Mara 1977 Riva San Vitale Momo Walkers 1:37.53,0 ----- (8456) Foto Video 8.53 27.03 ----¦ 41.43 ----¦ 29.06 ----¦ --- Marcazzo Sonja 1976 Riva San Vitale Momo Walkers 1:45.40,1 ----- (8457) Foto Video 9.36 29.09 ----¦ 44.28 ----¦ 32.01 ----¦ --- Marchesi Elisabetta 1969 Unterägeri Team Cadrega NW 1:47.14,3 ----- (8259) Foto Video 9.44 31.21 ----¦ 44.54 ----¦ 30.57 ----¦ --- Marti Rosmarie 1959 Bettlach Enjoy Running 1:30.18,2 ----- (8261) Foto Video 8.12 26.22 ----¦ 38.01 ----¦ 25.54 ----¦ --- Marty Doris 1958 Guttet-Feschel Gnooger Walker 1:29.18,6 ----- (8262) Foto Video 8.07 25.07 ----¦ 37.31 ----¦ 26.39 ----¦ --- Mathys Margrit 1948 Gelterkinden TV Gelterkinden 1:30.09,3 ----- (8263) Foto Video 8.11 25.15 ----¦ 38.15 ----¦ 26.37 ----¦ --- Mazzetto Ruth 1960 Suhr 1:45.26,2 ----- (8265) Foto Video 9.35 30.26 ----¦ 44.24 ----¦ 30.34 ----¦ --- Meier Doris 1955 Fislisbach 1:35.27,2 ----- (8267) Foto Video 8.40 27.16 ----¦ 39.58 ----¦ 28.12 ----¦ --- Meier Maria ???? Niederwil AG Reusspark Niederwil 1:38.29,1 ----- (8037) Foto Video 8.57 28.03 ----¦ 40.59 ----¦ 29.25 ----¦ --- Meier Trudy 1947 Niederhasli 1:25.52,9 ----- (8268) Foto Video 7.48 23.39 ----¦ 36.04 ----¦ 26.08 ----¦ --- Meier-Ziegler Pia 1964 Zeglingen 1:24.44,4 ----- (8266) Foto Video 7.42 25.22 ----¦ 35.30 ----¦ 23.51 ----¦ --- Meierhofer Brigitte 1959 Meisterschwanden Lake Walkers Meisterschwanden 1:59.04,4 ----- (8269) Foto Video 10.49 35.20 ----¦ 49.28 ----¦ 34.16 ----¦ --- Menz Sandra 1966 Reitnau 1:25.34,3 ----- (8270) Foto Video 7.46 24.16 ----¦ 36.01 ----¦ 25.16 ----¦ --- Meyer April 1983 Meisterschwanden Bertschi AG 1:47.17,8 ----- (8272) Foto Video 9.45 31.06 ----¦ 44.57 ----¦ 31.13 ----¦ --- Michel Evelyne 1953 Lostorf 1:36.48,0 ----- (8273) Foto Video 8.48 29.12 ----¦ 39.42 ----¦ 27.53 ----¦ --- Michel Katharina 1957 Hindelbank 1:34.56,7 ----- (8274) Foto Video 8.37 26.57 ----¦ 40.01 ----¦ 27.57 ----¦ --- Mickan Franziska 1979 Zürich Bertschi AG 1:47.18,5 ----- (8275) Foto Video 9.45 31.06 ----¦ 44.59 ----¦ 31.13 ----¦ --- Möschinger Liane 1964 Nidau 1:36.15,4 ----- (8278) Foto Video 8.45 27.59 ----¦ 41.00 ----¦ 27.15 ----¦ --- Moser Patricia 1970 Stilli 1:41.19,3 ----- (8280) Foto Video 9.12 29.22 ----¦ 42.09 ----¦ 29.47 ----¦ --- Mühletaler Hatice 1953 Mellingen NW Treff Mellingen 2:00.34,1 ----- (8281) Foto Video 10.57 32.25 ----¦ 51.04 ----¦ 37.03 ----¦ --- Müller Daniela 1992 Hunzenschwil 1:30.54,4 ----- (8283) Foto Video 8.15 26.19 ----¦ 38.19 ----¦ 26.15 ----¦ --- Müller Ester 1964 Hunzenschwil 1:32.49,0 ----- (8284) Foto Video 8.26 26.19 ----¦ 39.03 ----¦ 27.26 ----¦ --- Müller-Flury Elsbeth ???? Deitingen 1:39.52,8 ----- (8459) Foto Video 9.04 26.04 ----¦ 39.38 ----¦ 34.10 ----¦ --- Müller-Käser Sandra 1965 Biel-Benken BL Laufbewegung BL 1:32.13,6 ----- (8282) Foto Video 8.23 25.24 ----¦ 39.09 ----¦ 27.39 ----¦ --- Müller Sigrid 1956 Thun 1:45.26,7 ----- (8285) Foto Video 9.35 29.58 ----¦ 44.42 ----¦ 30.46 ----¦ --- Müller Trudy 1957 Küssnacht am Rigi 1:47.08,5 ----- (8286) Foto Video 9.44 31.27 ----¦ 44.58 ----¦ 30.42 ----¦ --- Müller Yasmin 1974 Giswil 1:22.25,4 ----- (8287) Foto Video 7.29 23.41 ----¦ 34.17 ----¦ 24.26 ----¦ --- Müller Yvonne 1966 Frick WWW 1:37.02,4 ----- (8288) Foto Video 8.49 27.31 ----¦ 40.48 ----¦ 28.42 ----¦ --- Murciano Beate 1967 Seengen 1:46.08,8 ----- (8460) Foto Video 9.38 30.47 ----¦ 44.37 ----¦ 30.43 ----¦ --- Murgul Angelika 1962 D-Bad Säckingen 1:54.13,6 ----- (13519) Foto Video 10.23 31.43 ----¦ 48.01 ----¦ 34.28 ----¦ --- Murtezi Garentina ???? Niederwil AG Reusspark Niederwil 1:32.38,6 ----- (8038) Foto Video 8.25 27.04 ----¦ 39.19 ----¦ 26.14 ----¦ --- Muscionico Angela 1972 Balerna Momo Walkers 1:23.01,0 ----- (8462) Foto Video 7.32 23.37 ----¦ 34.37 ----¦ 24.46 ----¦ --- Nägeli Heidi 1949 Mellingen NW Treff Mellingen 2:00.29,3 ----- (8290) Foto Video 10.57 32.21 ----¦ 51.03 ----¦ 37.04 ----¦ --- Nestola Maria Pia 1963 Matran ACPM 1:23.57,0 ----- (11887) Foto Video 7.37 23.35 ----¦ 34.57 ----¦ 25.23 ----¦ --- Neuenschwander Berti ???? Niederwil AG Reusspark Niederwil 1:42.33,0 ----- (8039) Foto Video 9.19 29.32 ----¦ 43.05 ----¦ 29.55 ----¦ --- Neuhaus Irene 1967 Schöftland 1:39.24,7 ----- (8463) Foto Video 9.02 27.15 ----¦ 42.05 ----¦ 30.03 ----¦ --- Niedermann Jolanda 1977 St. Gallen 1:38.45,4 ----- (8464) Foto Video 8.58 27.02 ----¦ 42.04 ----¦ 29.38 ----¦ --- Noti Morine 1967 Naters Ich bi ä Rottutrotteri 1:34.11,1 ----- (8293) Foto Video 8.33 25.57 ----¦ 39.48 ----¦ 28.25 ----¦ --- Notter Hilde ???? Niederwil AG Reusspark Niederwil 1:38.34,8 ----- (8040) Foto Video 8.57 28.15 ----¦ 40.58 ----¦ 29.20 ----¦ --- Nowakowska Jolanta 1953 Zürich 1:20.11,4 ----- (8294) Foto Video 7.17 22.12 ----¦ 33.52 ----¦ 24.06 ----¦ --- Nülken Bianca 1984 Kaisten Sportclub DSM Sisseln 1:31.29,1 ----- (8295) Foto Video 8.19 26.13 ----¦ 38.11 ----¦ 27.04 ----¦ --- Obrist Isabelle 1966 Egliswil 1:50.45,4 ----- (8296) Foto Video 10.04 30.56 ----¦ 47.23 ----¦ 32.25 ----¦ --- Odermatt Margrit 1947 Aarwangen 1:47.55,5 ----- (8297) Foto Video 9.48 30.08 ----¦ 45.04 ----¦ 32.43 ----¦ --- Oehninger Sabine 1978 Seon 1:40.20,4 ----- (8298) Foto Video 9.07 27.01 ----¦ 42.23 ----¦ 30.56 ----¦ --- Oggier-Crétenet Pascale 1961 Schweiz La foulée Glandoise 1:40.07,2 ----- (8299) Foto Video 9.06 31.22 ----¦ 40.50 ----¦ 27.54 ----¦ --- Ortelli Loredana 1964 Riva San Vitale Momo Walkers 1:42.58,4 ----- (8465) Foto Video 9.21 29.39 ----¦ 43.00 ----¦ 30.18 ----¦ --- Ott Marianne 1958 Seuzach 1:32.59,8 ----- (8300) Foto Video 8.27 27.25 ----¦ 38.37 ----¦ 26.57 ----¦ --- Paganini Karin 1966 Sursee Momo Walkers 1:40.25,7 ----- (8466) Foto Video 9.07 29.01 ----¦ 41.48 ----¦ 29.35 ----¦ --- Paolozzi Lucienne 1968 Sarmenstorf 1:16.16,0 ----- (8301) Foto Video 6.56 21.06 ----¦ 32.22 ----¦ 22.46 ----¦ --- Perritaz Daniela 1968 Villarlod ACPM Motran 1:21.55,7 ----- (8302) Foto Video 7.26 23.33 ----¦ 34.19 ----¦ 24.02 ----¦ --- Pescaru Ruxandra 1984 Birmensdorf ZH 1:41.59,9 ----- (8303) Foto Video 9.16 29.32 ----¦ 43.00 ----¦ 29.26 ----¦ --- Peterhans Cornelia 1974 Turgi 1:38.36,9 ----- (8305) Foto Video 8.57 29.26 ----¦ 40.44 ----¦ 28.25 ----¦ --- Petris Tamara 1972 Lauwil FV Lauwil 1:35.40,5 ----- (8306) Foto Video 8.41 26.32 ----¦ 40.30 ----¦ 28.38 ----¦ --- Pfister Theres 1956 Müllheim Dorf 1:42.41,0 ----- (8307) Foto Video 9.20 30.05 ----¦ 42.47 ----¦ 29.48 ----¦ --- Pick Corinna 1964 Riva San Vitale Momo Walkers 1:39.36,4 ----- (8467) Foto Video 9.03 28.45 ----¦ 41.40 ----¦ 29.10 ----¦ --- Pieper Dagmar 1965 Dietikon 1:31.01,3 ----- (8309) Foto Video 8.16 25.49 ----¦ 38.21 ----¦ 26.50 ----¦ --- Portner Barbara 1962 Frauenfeld 1:31.02,0 ----- (8310) Foto Video 8.16 27.33 ----¦ 37.22 ----¦ 26.06 ----¦ --- Purtschert Marisa 1975 Möriken AG Bertschi AG 1:33.54,3 ----- (8311) Foto Video 8.32 27.05 ----¦ 39.23 ----¦ 27.25 ----¦ --- Racine Beatrice 1974 Biel/Bienne 1:41.25,1 ----- (8468) Foto Video 9.13 27.48 ----¦ 42.57 ----¦ 30.38 ----¦ --- Ramsauer Elisabeth ???? Niederwil AG Reusspark Niederwil 1:42.11,2 ----- (8042) Foto Video 9.17 29.28 ----¦ 43.09 ----¦ 29.33 ----¦ --- Rassasse Dora 1964 Gränichen 1:38.35,6 ----- (8469) Foto Video 8.57 27.31 ----¦ 41.16 ----¦ 29.47 ----¦ --- Reber Elfriede 1957 Münchwilen AG 2:00.13,5 ----- (8313) Foto Video 10.55 31.53 ----¦ 49.50 ----¦ 38.29 ----¦ --- Reber Iris 1966 Münchwilen AG 2:00.13,8 ----- (8315) Foto Video 10.55 31.54 ----¦ 49.46 ----¦ 38.32 ----¦ --- Renfer Heidi 1956 Lengnau BE Ski-und Sportclub Lengnau, 254 1:44.53,7 ----- (8317) Foto Video 9.32 29.19 ----¦ 44.27 ----¦ 31.07 ----¦ --- Riechert Steffi ???? Niederwil AG Reusspark Niederwil 1:54.56,5 ----- (8044) Foto Video 10.26 32.11 ----¦ 48.10 ----¦ 34.34 ----¦ --- Riner Silvia 1973 Suhr 1:39.23,6 ----- (8470) Foto Video 9.02 27.12 ----¦ 42.08 ----¦ 30.03 ----¦ --- Ritter Buri Verena 1959 Hettiswil b. Hindelbank Sädubach Runners 1:34.57,8 ----- (8318) Foto Video 8.37 26.57 ----¦ 40.00 ----¦ 27.59 ----¦ --- Rohr Claudia 1957 Möriken AG 1:39.13,4 ----- (8320) Foto Video 9.01 27.42 ----¦ 41.34 ----¦ 29.56 ----¦ --- Romano Elena 1957 Riva San Vitale Momo Walkers 1:33.43,0 ----- (8471) Foto Video 8.31 25.20 ----¦ 39.10 ----¦ 29.12 ----¦ --- Roenberger Claudia 1968 Schaffhausen 1:43.32,4 ----- (8319) Foto Video 9.24 29.17 ----¦ 43.38 ----¦ 30.36 ----¦ --- Roos Sandra 1984 Däniken SO Move4ypd 1:31.20,3 ----- (8321) Foto Video 8.18 25.50 ----¦ 38.12 ----¦ 27.16 ----¦ --- Rossi Elisa 1982 Riva San Vitale Momo Walkers 1:56.00,8 ----- (8472) Foto Video 10.32 30.46 ----¦ 49.49 ----¦ 35.24 ----¦ --- Roth-Loat Sarah 1987 Kandersteg 1:36.45,7 ----- (8322) Foto Video 8.47 27.52 ----¦ 40.17 ----¦ 28.35 ----¦ --- Röthing Doris 1958 Sissach 1:34.34,7 ----- (8323) Foto Video 8.35 27.28 ----¦ 39.38 ----¦ 27.27 ----¦ --- Russi Brigitte 1956 Siebnen 1:38.07,4 ----- (8325) Foto Video 8.55 28.17 ----¦ 41.00 ----¦ 28.49 ----¦ --- Rust Esther 1965 Root 1:47.10,2 ----- (8326) Foto Video 9.44 31.25 ----¦ 45.00 ----¦ 30.44 ----¦ --- Sai Elisa 1984 Bellinzona Momo Walkers 1:55.58,8 ----- (8474) Foto Video 10.32 30.44 ----¦ 49.50 ----¦ 35.24 ----¦ --- Salamin Monique 1970 Sierre Ich bi ä Rottutrotteri 1:23.33,7 ----- (8327) Foto Video 7.35 23.35 ----¦ 35.01 ----¦ 24.56 ----¦ --- Salzmann Karin ???? Niederwil AG Reusspark Niederwil 1:38.32,1 ----- (8049) Foto Video 8.57 27.27 ----¦ 41.20 ----¦ 29.43 ----¦ --- Scarponi Renate 1949 Sala Capriasca 1:27.40,5 ----- (8329) Foto Video 7.58 25.47 ----¦ 36.18 ----¦ 25.35 ----¦ --- Schaad Dora 1955 Wetzikon ZH 1:34.47,6 ----- (8330) Foto Video 8.37 26.44 ----¦ 40.16 ----¦ 27.46 ----¦ --- Schaller Mélanie 1984 Bassecourt 1:20.53,4 ----- (8331) Foto Video 7.21 22.14 ----¦ 34.44 ----¦ 23.53 ----¦ --- Schär Jacqueline 1964 Reinach AG 1:39.26,6 ----- (8475) Foto Video 9.02 27.19 ----¦ 42.00 ----¦ 30.06 ----¦ --- Schatzmann Heidi 1955 Lenzburg 1:39.53,6 ----- (8332) Foto Video 9.04 29.23 ----¦ 41.28 ----¦ 29.02 ----¦ --- Schatzmann Ursula 1965 Spreitenbach 1:38.38,6 ----- (8333) Foto Video 8.58 27.21 ----¦ 41.43 ----¦ 29.33 ----¦ --- Schaufelberger Jaquline 1969 Niederwil AG 1:31.46,3 ----- (13521) Foto Video 8.20 24.47 ----¦ 38.50 ----¦ 28.08 ----¦ --- Schaufelberger Noemi 1997 Niederwil AG 1:29.19,8 ----- (13522) Foto Video 8.07 24.43 ----¦ 37.47 ----¦ 26.48 ----¦ --- Schelbert Verena 1957 Horgen 1:32.44,6 ----- (8334) Foto Video 8.25 26.09 ----¦ 38.59 ----¦ 27.36 ----¦ --- Scherrer Corina 1974 Volketswil 1:47.05,0 ----- (8335) Foto Video 9.44 29.32 ----¦ 45.22 ----¦ 32.09 ----¦ --- Scherrer Renata 1967 Obergösgen 1:26.45,1 ----- (8336) Foto Video 7.53 25.19 ----¦ 36.09 ----¦ 25.15 ----¦ --- Scheuer Kirsten 1970 Zürich 1:34.45,4 ----- (8337) Foto Video 8.36 26.42 ----¦ 40.16 ----¦ 27.45 ----¦ --- Schläpfer Daniela ???? Niederwil AG Reusspark Niederwil 1:33.31,0 ----- (8050) Foto Video 8.30 23.31 ----¦ 42.04 ----¦ 27.55 ----¦ --- Schlosser Ruth 1955 Ebmatingen 1:30.24,3 ----- (8339) Foto Video 8.13 25.55 ----¦ 38.15 ----¦ 26.14 ----¦ --- Schmidlin Anita 1972 Bern 1:39.00,6 ----- (13523) Foto Video 9.00 28.08 ----¦ 41.51 ----¦ 29.00 ----¦ --- Schneider Gaby 1960 Obersteckholz 1:35.29,4 ----- (8341) Foto Video 8.40 25.42 ----¦ 41.04 ----¦ 28.41 ----¦ --- Schneider Karin 1971 Lauwil 1:35.43,4 ----- (8342) Foto Video 8.42 26.36 ----¦ 40.32 ----¦ 28.34 ----¦ --- Schnidrig Brigitte 1963 Wittnau 1:42.14,8 ----- (8344) Foto Video 9.17 28.39 ----¦ 43.05 ----¦ 30.30 ----¦ --- Schön Manuela 1972 Trimbach 1:31.15,4 ----- (8345) Foto Video 8.17 26.33 ----¦ 38.45 ----¦ 25.56 ----¦ --- Schulthess Ramona 1984 Münchwilen AG 1:45.40,7 ----- (8346) Foto Video 9.36 30.22 ----¦ 44.35 ----¦ 30.42 ----¦ --- Schumacher Trix 1963 Willisau FTV Willisau 1:42.14,1 ----- (8347) Foto Video 9.17 28.15 ----¦ 42.47 ----¦ 31.11 ----¦ --- Schuppisser Alice ???? Niederwil AG Reusspark Niederwil 1:40.08,8 ----- (8052) Foto Video 9.06 28.43 ----¦ 41.59 ----¦ 29.25 ----¦ --- Schwegler Marlies ???? Niederwil AG Reusspark Niederwil 1:58.35,2 ----- (8054) Foto Video 10.46 29.42 ----¦ 52.11 ----¦ 36.41 ----¦ --- Schwitter Trudi ???? Niederwil AG Reusspark Niederwil 1:42.26,8 ----- (8055) Foto Video 9.18 29.31 ----¦ 43.07 ----¦ 29.47 ----¦ --- Seiler Ruth ???? Niederwil AG Reusspark Niederwil 2:04.22,0 ----- (8056) Foto Video 11.18 29.49 ----¦ 52.17 ----¦ 42.14 ----¦ --- Selmani Mirlinda ???? Niederwil AG Reusspark Niederwil 1:33.47,0 ----- (8057) Foto Video 8.31 27.12 ----¦ 39.29 ----¦ 27.05 ----¦ --- Siegrist Denise 1962 Buchs AG Swisslog 1:23.04,2 ----- (8476) Foto Video 7.33 24.11 ----¦ 34.36 ----¦ 24.15 ----¦ --- Signorell Christine 1970 Miège Ich bi ä Rottutrotteri 1:21.00,0 ----- (8348) Foto Video 7.21 23.25 ----¦ 33.56 ----¦ 23.38 ----¦ --- Sinko Eva 1958 Untersiggenthal 1:28.27,7 ----- (8477) Foto Video 8.02 26.27 ----¦ 36.42 ----¦ 25.17 ----¦ --- Skenderi Eliora ???? Niederwil AG Reusspark Niederwil 1:11.22,1 ----- (8058) Foto Video 6.29 22.36 ----¦ 28.54 ----¦ 19.51 ----¦ --- Sonderer Sonja 1989 Dürrenäsch 1:37.27,9 ----- (8350) Foto Video 8.51 26.47 ----¦ 40.14 ----¦ 30.26 ----¦ --- Spatz Irene 1963 Hunzenschwil 1:36.57,0 ----- (8351) Foto Video 8.48 28.23 ----¦ 40.18 ----¦ 28.15 ----¦ --- Spigaglia Angela 1964 Losone 1:37.34,7 ----- (8353) Foto Video 8.52 28.04 ----¦ 40.23 ----¦ 29.06 ----¦ --- Spring Sabina 1972 Gebenstorf 1:38.14,5 ----- (8354) Foto Video 8.55 29.25 ----¦ 40.42 ----¦ 28.06 ----¦ --- Stäheli Susi 1954 Elsau 1:33.01,3 ----- (8355) Foto Video 8.27 27.22 ----¦ 38.42 ----¦ 26.57 ----¦ --- Steiner Roxane 1967 Buchs ZH 1:27.26,5 ----- (8356) Foto Video 7.56 26.23 ----¦ 35.58 ----¦ 25.04 ----¦ --- Steinmann Yvonne 1950 Thun 1:44.33,2 ----- (8357) Foto Video 9.30 30.06 ----¦ 44.34 ----¦ 29.51 ----¦ --- Stöckli Ramona ???? Niederwil AG Reusspark Niederwil 1:41.56,0 ----- (8060) Foto Video 9.16 28.51 ----¦ 42.36 ----¦ 30.28 ----¦ --- Studer Andrea 1969 Gränichen 1:53.10,5 ----- (8360) Foto Video 10.17 30.59 ----¦ 47.24 ----¦ 34.47 ----¦ --- Studer Christine 1955 Luzern 1:36.47,2 ----- (8361) Foto Video 8.47 29.08 ----¦ 38.33 ----¦ 29.04 ----¦ --- Studer Elisabeth ???? Gipf-Oberfrick 1:42.09,1 ----- (8362) Foto Video 9.17 28.40 ----¦ 43.03 ----¦ 30.25 ----¦ --- Studer Elsbeth 1959 Uhwiesen 1:33.02,1 ----- (8363) Foto Video 8.27 25.56 ----¦ 39.13 ----¦ 27.52 ----¦ --- Studer Maria Bernadette 1934 Hägendorf 2:34.26,5 ----- (8364) Foto Video 14.02 36.58 ----¦ 1:06.22 ----¦ 51.06 ----¦ --- Studer Marianne 1955 Lostorf 1:48.25,0 ----- (8365) Foto Video 9.51 30.17 ----¦ 45.42 ----¦ 32.25 ----¦ --- Studer Tanja 1984 Seon 1:34.04,5 ----- (8366) Foto Video 8.33 26.42 ----¦ 40.14 ----¦ 27.06 ----¦ --- Surkuma Danjela ???? Niederwil AG Reusspark Niederwil 1:34.32,0 ----- (8367) Foto Video 8.35 26.53 ----¦ 39.38 ----¦ 28.00 ----¦ --- Teotonio Elsa ???? Niederwil AG Reusspark Niederwil 1:42.01,7 ----- (8061) Foto Video 9.16 28.33 ----¦ 43.03 ----¦ 30.25 ----¦ --- Tonna Brigitte 1965 Courtelary Littoral Team Nordic Walking 1:20.36,3 ----- (8369) Foto Video 7.19 22.09 ----¦ 34.28 ----¦ 23.58 ----¦ --- Tormen Laura 1954 Kriens SMRUN 2:02.42,9 ----- (8371) Foto Video 11.09 32.59 ----¦ 52.01 ----¦ 37.42 ----¦ --- Tresch Regula 1958 Attinghausen 1:13.09,6 ----- (8372) Foto Video 6.39 19.50 ----¦ 30.38 ----¦ 22.41 ----¦ --- Trost Daniela 1973 Wettingen SV Lägern Turnerinnen 1:44.53,7 ----- (8373) Foto Video 9.32 30.36 ----¦ 44.19 ----¦ 29.57 ----¦ --- Trümpi Heidi ???? Niederwil AG Reusspark Niederwil 1:42.13,4 ----- (8062) Foto Video 9.17 29.30 ----¦ 43.08 ----¦ 29.33 ----¦ --- Trunz Barbara 1978 Mosen 1:29.05,3 ----- (8374) Foto Video 8.05 25.06 ----¦ 37.00 ----¦ 26.58 ----¦ --- Tschan Martina 1984 Holderbank SO 1:44.18,0 ----- (8375) Foto Video 9.28 29.19 ----¦ 43.37 ----¦ 31.21 ----¦ --- Tscherry Edith 1957 Susten Gnooger Walker 1:29.18,8 ----- (8376) Foto Video 8.07 25.05 ----¦ 37.32 ----¦ 26.41 ----¦ --- Tuor Brida 1951 Ligornetto Momo Walkers 1:47.21,4 ----- (8479) Foto Video 9.45 30.21 ----¦ 45.15 ----¦ 31.44 ----¦ --- Umbricht Luzia ???? Niederwil AG Reusspark Niederwil 1:42.30,7 ----- (8063) Foto Video 9.19 29.37 ----¦ 43.07 ----¦ 29.46 ----¦ --- Urdas Zinke Monika 1962 Riehen SSC Riehen 1:35.29,3 ----- (8377) Foto Video 8.40 26.50 ----¦ 40.33 ----¦ 28.06 ----¦ --- Ventura Nadia 1968 Ecuvillens ACPM Matran 1:27.58,7 ----- (8378) Foto Video 7.59 23.33 ----¦ 35.37 ----¦ 28.47 ----¦ --- Voarburg Margrit ???? Hämikon 1:43.22,6 ----- (8480) Foto Video 9.23 28.41 ----¦ 43.32 ----¦ 31.09 ----¦ --- Vogel Jelena 1993 Gebenstorf LG Horn 1:39.53,1 ----- (8379) Foto Video 9.04 27.29 ----¦ 42.08 ----¦ 30.15 ----¦ --- Vogel Jolanda 1966 Gebenstorf LG Horn 1:39.55,1 ----- (8380) Foto Video 9.05 27.32 ----¦ 42.06 ----¦ 30.16 ----¦ --- Vogel Mjriam 1991 Lengnau AG LG Horn 1:35.09,8 ----- (8381) Foto Video 8.39 27.29 ----¦ 40.17 ----¦ 27.22 ----¦ --- Vogel Vreni 1959 Fahrwangen Lake Walkers Meisterschwanden 1:39.53,5 ----- (8382) Foto Video 9.04 28.31 ----¦ 41.41 ----¦ 29.40 ----¦ --- Vogt Cornelia 1978 Riniken Bertschi AG 1:33.55,7 ----- (8383) Foto Video 8.32 27.07 ----¦ 39.24 ----¦ 27.23 ----¦ --- Voser Karin 1998 Gränichen Walkinggruppe Gränichen 1:32.07,8 ----- (8385) Foto Video 8.22 27.37 ----¦ 38.52 ----¦ 25.38 ----¦ --- Vu Schick Thu 1979 Balerna Momo Walkers 1:42.48,3 ----- (8481) Foto Video 9.20 27.03 ----¦ 43.28 ----¦ 32.16 ----¦ --- Vuerich Katia 1974 Riva San Vitale Momo Walkers 2:01.59,7 ----- (8482) Foto Video 11.05 32.13 ----¦ 53.00 ----¦ 36.45 ----¦ --- Wälchli Margrit 1952 Laupersdorf 1:47.56,0 ----- (8386) Foto Video 9.48 31.48 ----¦ 43.56 ----¦ 32.11 ----¦ --- Waldenmaier Katharina 1954 Gränichen 1:16.24,0 ----- (8387) Foto Video 6.56 15.00 ----¦ 33.00 ----¦ 28.23 ----¦ --- Waldesbühl Brigitte 1964 Bülach 1:31.45,5 ----- (13524) Foto Video 8.20 26.53 ----¦ 38.31 ----¦ 26.20 ----¦ --- Waldmeier Jeannette 1961 Thürnen 1:28.05,4 ----- (8388) Foto Video 8.00 25.20 ----¦ 36.48 ----¦ 25.56 ----¦ --- Walser Donata 1977 Jonen 1:37.52,7 ----- (8416) Foto Video 8.53 28.51 ----¦ 40.28 ----¦ 28.32 ----¦ --- Walti Sabine 1971 Seengen Bertschi AG 1:44.00,2 ----- (8389) Foto Video 9.27 31.21 ----¦ 42.45 ----¦ 29.52 ----¦ --- Weber Annemarie ???? Niederwil AG Reusspark Niederwil 1:54.56,8 ----- (8064) Foto Video 10.26 32.11 ----¦ 48.11 ----¦ 34.34 ----¦ --- Weber Elisabeth 1953 Nesselnbach NW Treff Mellingen 1:33.40,9 ----- (8390) Foto Video 8.30 24.09 ----¦ 40.21 ----¦ 29.10 ----¦ --- Wehrle Andrea 1970 Uttigen Speedgoats Uttigen 1:36.28,7 ----- (8392) Foto Video 8.46 27.18 ----¦ 40.20 ----¦ 28.50 ----¦ --- Weiss Eva 1941 Meilen 1:37.06,2 ----- (8393) Foto Video 8.49 27.46 ----¦ 40.42 ----¦ 28.37 ----¦ --- Wenger Sonja 1960 Busswil b. Büren 1:36.14,8 ----- (8394) Foto Video 8.44 27.59 ----¦ 41.01 ----¦ 27.14 ----¦ --- Wenk Verene ???? Niederwil AG Reusspark Niederwil 1:42.12,1 ----- (8065) Foto Video 9.17 29.21 ----¦ 43.12 ----¦ 29.38 ----¦ --- Werndli-Müller Heidi 1952 Thun 1:45.21,5 ----- (8395) Foto Video 9.34 29.54 ----¦ 44.41 ----¦ 30.46 ----¦ --- Wettstein Hanni ???? Niederwil AG Reusspark Niederwil 1:37.10,9 ----- (8066) Foto Video 8.50 28.11 ----¦ 40.59 ----¦ 27.59 ----¦ --- Wetzel Dania 1975 Zürich 1:39.09,5 ----- (8396) Foto Video 9.00 26.40 ----¦ 42.02 ----¦ 30.26 ----¦ --- Widmer Rahel 1964 Sarmenstorf Lake Walkers Meisterschwanden 1:39.52,4 ----- (8397) Foto Video 9.04 28.38 ----¦ 41.28 ----¦ 29.45 ----¦ --- Wiedemeier Ursula 1964 Lenzburg 1:22.19,4 ----- (8398) Foto Video 7.29 23.14 ----¦ 34.35 ----¦ 24.29 ----¦ --- Wiederkehr Margrit ???? Niederwil AG Reusspark Niederwil 1:43.39,8 ----- (8484) Foto Video 9.25 29.09 ----¦ 43.57 ----¦ 30.33 ----¦ --- Wieland Susanne 1960 Glarus 1:29.31,4 ----- (8399) Foto Video 8.08 25.11 ----¦ 37.29 ----¦ 26.50 ----¦ --- Wipf Brigitte 1962 Marthalen 1:33.04,2 ----- (8400) Foto Video 8.27 25.58 ----¦ 39.13 ----¦ 27.52 ----¦ --- Wipf Martina 1991 Benken ZH 1:33.06,5 ----- (8401) Foto Video 8.27 25.58 ----¦ 39.14 ----¦ 27.53 ----¦ --- Wirz Heidi 1955 Münchwilen AG 1:45.43,1 ----- (8402) Foto Video 9.36 30.22 ----¦ 44.33 ----¦ 30.46 ----¦ --- Wirz Sarah 1985 Stein AG 1:38.33,5 ----- (8403) Foto Video 8.57 30.06 ----¦ 40.30 ----¦ 27.56 ----¦ --- Wolfer Anna 2005 Weinfelden 1:37.56,3 ----- (13685) Foto Video 8.54 29.27 ----¦ 40.07 ----¦ 28.21 ----¦ --- Würsch Marianne ???? Gränichen Walkinggruppe Gränichen 1:39.41,5 ----- (8404) Foto Video 9.03 28.41 ----¦ 41.48 ----¦ 29.11 ----¦ --- Wynistorfer Margrit ???? Niederwil AG Reusspark Niederwil 2:08.48,7 ----- (8067) Foto Video 11.42 34.32 ----¦ 54.37 ----¦ 39.39 ----¦ --- Wyssen Marianne 1958 Bitsch 1:41.21,6 ----- (8406) Foto Video 9.12 28.24 ----¦ 42.47 ----¦ 30.09 ----¦ --- Zambetti Manuela 1971 Bellach 1:32.47,8 ----- (8407) Foto Video 8.26 26.25 ----¦ 39.02 ----¦ 27.19 ----¦ --- Zanetti Chati 1964 Pazzallo Momo Walkers 1:47.42,0 ----- (8485) Foto Video 9.47 30.22 ----¦ 45.53 ----¦ 31.26 ----¦ --- Zangger Danielle 1976 Niederdorf 1:40.27,5 ----- (8408) Foto Video 9.07 29.04 ----¦ 41.23 ----¦ 29.59 ----¦ --- Zarri Mirka 1964 Ville La Grand OCAS GENEVE 1:26.38,0 ----- (13528) Foto Video 7.52 24.38 ----¦ 36.30 ----¦ 25.28 ----¦ --- Ziehler Cornelia 1973 Boniswil 1:48.49,8 ----- (8486) Foto Video 9.53 30.15 ----¦ 45.52 ----¦ 32.42 ----¦ --- Züllig Martina 1978 Winterthur 1:38.38,5 ----- (8413) Foto Video 8.58 27.21 ----¦ 41.43 ----¦ 29.33 ----¦ --- Zumofen Evelyne 1975 Richenthal 1:49.54,7 ----- (8414) Foto Video 9.59 29.37 ----¦ 46.39 ----¦ 33.38 ----¦ --- Zwahlen Ruth ???? Niederwil AG Reusspark Niederwil 1:41.28,5 ----- (8069) Foto Video 9.13 29.29 ----¦ 43.08 ----¦ 28.50 ----¦

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