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(17) Damen Masters 5 + 6

19. Frauenlauf Engadin Skimarathon 2018 - (17) Damen Masters 5 + 6

Rang Name Jg Land Ort Go 4 Frauenlauf Nat Zeit Rückstand Stnr Overall km/h --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Parpan Sandra 1967 St. Moritz SUI 45.30,9 ----- (120) Diplom Foto Overall 23. 23,069 2. Moser Monika 1965 Andelfingen SUI 47.50,5 2.19,6 (115) Diplom Foto Overall 50. 21,947 3. Hartmann Daniela 1966 Zizers Munggenteam 1 SUI 47.51,2 2.20,3 (46) Diplom Foto Overall 51. 21,942 4. Friedrich Renate 1963 St. Moritz SUI 48.09,7 2.38,8 (47) Diplom Foto Overall 53. 21,801 5. Inauen Christa 1962 Samedan SUI 48.44,3 3.13,4 (15) Diplom Foto Overall 55. 21,543 6. Klöter Kündig Uta 1960 Grüsch SUI 48.49,1 3.18,2 (55) Diplom Foto Overall 57. 21,508 7. Ribary Anita 1962 Egg b. Zürich SUI 49.03,9 3.33,0 (61) Diplom Foto Overall 62. 21,400 8. Derungs Justina 1961 Felsberg SUI 49.12,0 3.41,1 (90) Diplom Foto Overall 64. 21,341 9. Randegger Karin 1966 Wollerau SUI 49.34,3 4.03,4 (72) Diplom Foto Overall 68. 21,181 10. Knill Andrea 1967 Niederbüren SUI 50.07,6 4.36,7 (81) Diplom Foto Overall 76. 20,946 11. Mehli Marlies 1961 St. Moritz SUI 50.31,6 5.00,7 (84) Diplom Foto Overall 87. 20,781 12. Rechsteiner Lucia 1962 Appenzell SUI 50.45,7 5.14,8 (76) Diplom Foto Overall 94. 20,684 13. Stofer Rita 1965 Sempach Station SUI 51.45,5 6.14,6 (684) Diplom Foto Overall 103. 20,286 14. Culanti Indiano Roberta 1965 I-Villa di Tirano (SO) Team Valtellina Ski & Run ITA 52.34,4 7.03,5 (221) Diplom Foto Overall 119. 19,972 15. Ressner Jana 1959 Zürich SUI 52.47,0 7.16,1 (70) Diplom Foto Overall 126. 19,892 16. Engler Irene 1962 Balgach SUI 52.54,6 7.23,7 (83) Diplom Foto Overall 131. 19,845 17. Odermatt Doris 1961 Oberägeri SUI 53.30,9 8.00,0 (280) Diplom Foto Overall 151. 19,620 18. Frommelt Giuliana 1966 FL-Vaduz LIE 54.03,4 8.32,5 (109) Diplom Foto Overall 159. 19,424 19. Kern Irene 1963 Rehetobel SUI 54.40,8 9.09,9 (261) Diplom Foto Overall 171. 19,202 20. Kremmel Anita 1961 Luzern SUI 54.48,6 9.17,7 (264) Diplom Foto Overall 174. 19,157 21. Avanza Paola 1960 I-Monticello (LC) ITA 54.54,2 9.23,3 (204) Diplom Foto Overall 177. 19,124 22. Zini Emanuela Domenica 1963 I-Livigno (SO) ITA 55.03,1 9.32,2 (326) Diplom Foto Overall 182. 19,072 23. Tschuor Giuanna 1963 Rueun SUI 55.10,3 9.39,4 (314) Diplom Foto Overall 186. 19,031 24. Sacks Sandra 1967 S-chanf SUI 55.14,1 9.43,2 (294) Diplom Foto Overall 187. 19,009 25. Vallon Francoise 1961 F-Thoiry SUI 55.15,4 9.44,5 (316) Diplom Foto Overall 188. 19,002 26. Schmid-Salis Monica 1963 Maloja SUI 55.20,7 9.49,8 (297) Diplom Foto Overall 191. 18,971 27. Hofstetter Corinne 1963 St. Gallen SUI 55.25,8 9.54,9 (252) Diplom Foto Overall 194. 18,942 28. Ochsner Christina 1966 Riehen SUI 55.33,1 10.02,2 (375) Diplom Foto Overall 197. 18,901 29. A-Porta Susanna 1963 Sagogn SUI 55.35,1 10.04,2 (201) Diplom Foto Overall 199. 18,889 30. Keller Jacqueline 1962 Gebenstorf SUI 55.36,5 10.05,6 (260) Diplom Foto Overall 200. 18,882 31. Bürgi Monika 1965 Flerden SUI 55.41,5 10.10,6 (340) Diplom Foto Overall 208. 18,853 32. Pradella Natalia 1964 I-Livigno (SO) Team Valtellina Ski & Run ITA 55.45,1 10.14,2 (79) Diplom Foto Overall 210. 18,833 33. Haudenschild Helen 1963 Jona SUI 55.53,9 10.23,0 (555) Diplom Foto Overall 215. 18,784 34. Schober Karin 1965 Chur SUI 55.55,2 10.24,3 (300) Diplom Foto Overall 219. 18,776 35. Hasler Jacqueline 1965 Arlesheim SUI 55.55,8 10.24,9 (250) Diplom Foto Overall 220. 18,773 36. Maurer Yvonne 1965 Uster SUI 55.57,2 10.26,3 (716) Diplom Foto Overall 225. 18,765 37. Laich Annette 1967 Rehetobel SUI 56.08,3 10.37,4 (266) Diplom Foto Overall 230. 18,703 38. Ammann Beatrice 1962 Oberstammheim SUI 56.13,3 10.42,4 (331) Diplom Foto Overall 234. 18,676 39. Kuhn Cecilia 1967 Chur SUI 56.35,7 11.04,8 (392) Diplom Foto Overall 239. 18,552 40. Habegger Erika 1962 Dübendorf SUI 56.38,8 11.07,9 (248) Diplom Foto Overall 240. 18,535 41. Rütschi Alexandra 1964 Greifensee SUI 56.39,8 11.08,9 (293) Diplom Foto Overall 241. 18,530 42. Demuth Charlotte 1966 Luzern SUI 57.02,4 11.31,5 (225) Diplom Foto Overall 258. 18,408 43. Steinauer Gabi 1964 Einsiedeln SUI 57.13,3 11.42,4 (304) Diplom Foto Overall 263. 18,349 44. Nussbaum Rita 1966 Malters SUI 57.22,0 11.51,1 (279) Diplom Foto Overall 266. 18,303 45. Schwerzmann Inge 1967 Aarau SUI 57.39,7 12.08,8 (391) Diplom Foto Overall 272. 18,209 46. Quadri Kella 1965 Porza SUI 57.41,5 12.10,6 (1022) Diplom Foto Overall 274. 18,200 47. Muff Judith 1961 Winterthur SUI 57.48,2 12.17,3 (277) Diplom Foto Overall 276. 18,165 48. Urfer Ursula 1966 Kirchdorf BE Veduta-Power SUI 57.49,6 12.18,7 (315) Diplom Foto Overall 277. 18,157 49. Rossetti Anna 1964 Semione SUI 57.56,7 12.25,8 (291) Diplom Foto Overall 284. 18,120 50. Finkler Kathrin 1961 D-Schopfheim GER 57.57,3 12.26,4 (231) Diplom Foto Overall 285. 18,117 51. Bauer-Rebsamen Verena 1966 Hochdorf SUI 58.01,5 12.30,6 (334) Diplom Foto Overall 287. 18,095 52. Spuhler Claudia 1966 Gossau ZH SUI 58.06,0 12.35,1 (665) Diplom Foto Overall 290. 18,072 53. Bieler Sonja 1962 Bonaduz SUI 58.09,1 12.38,2 (376) Diplom Foto Overall 292. 18,056 54. Köchli-Buri Renat 1962 Buchs AG SUI 58.16,7 12.45,8 (263) Diplom Foto Overall 295. 18,016 55. Schuler Margreth 1965 Cham SUI 58.35,0 13.04,1 (301) Diplom Foto Overall 309. 17,923 56. Rutz Doris 1967 Montlingen SUI 58.44,3 13.13,4 (691) Diplom Foto Overall 312. 17,875 57. Tuena Giovanoli Barbara 1966 Bever SUI 58.47,9 13.17,0 (1602) Diplom Foto Overall 316. 17,857 58. Cavalli Cristina 1959 Zuoz Team Valtellina Ski & Run SUI 59.03,1 13.32,2 (216) Diplom Foto Overall 320. 17,781 59. Gisler Rösli 1959 Zizers SUI 59.03,3 13.32,4 (241) Diplom Foto Overall 321. 17,780 60. Bischof Monique 1963 Staufen Staufenexpress 1 SUI 59.28,4 13.57,5 (210) Diplom Foto Overall 336. 17,654 61. Digel Heike 1966 D-Ravensburg GER 59.33,7 14.02,8 (696) Diplom Foto Overall 338. 17,628 62. Degen Lea 1966 Sissach SUI 59.39,1 14.08,2 (223) Diplom Foto Overall 344. 17,602 63. Pfister Anita 1958 Samedan MASCHA RÖSA 10 SUI 59.51,4 14.20,5 (600) Diplom Foto Overall 349. 17,541 64. Isenmann Ursula 1960 Castrisch Pipistrellas SUI 1:00.01,6 14.30,7 (567) Diplom Foto Overall 355. 17,492 65. Kopp Claudia 1967 Stäfa SUI 1:00.14,1 14.43,2 (705) Diplom Foto Overall 358. 17,431 66. Franziscus Ladina 1962 Guarda SUI 1:00.22,9 14.52,0 (233) Diplom Foto Overall 362. 17,389 67. Böckli Brigitta 1964 Dübendorf Bartgeier SUI 1:00.26,0 14.55,1 (519) Diplom Foto Overall 364. 17,374 68. Imhof Susanne 1962 D-Hannover GER 1:01.03,9 15.33,0 (698) Diplom Foto Overall 377. 17,194 69. Jarosch Judith 1966 Allenwinden SUI 1:01.11,6 15.40,7 (856) Diplom Foto Overall 381. 17,158 70. Allemann Ursula 1962 Stäfa SUI 1:01.48,8 16.17,9 (504) Diplom Foto Overall 398. 16,986 71. Baumberger Brigitte 1962 Frauenfeld SUI 1:01.59,8 16.28,9 (511) Diplom Foto Overall 404. 16,936 72. Fässler Regula 1959 Appenzell SUI 1:02.00,5 16.29,6 (541) Diplom Foto Overall 405. 16,933 73. Hobi-Wyss Theres 1967 Flums Hochwiese SUI 1:02.07,7 16.36,8 (989) Diplom Foto Overall 410. 16,900 74. Kuhn-Kofel Regula 1959 Grüt (Gossau ZH) SUI 1:02.12,4 16.41,5 (265) Diplom Foto Overall 415. 16,879 75. Wüest Brigitte 1965 Hittnau Bartgeier SUI 1:02.20,0 16.49,1 (323) Diplom Foto Overall 417. 16,844 76. Otto Christiane 1965 Römerswil LU SUI 1:02.20,5 16.49,6 (594) Diplom Foto Overall 418. 16,842 77. Kirchner Denise 1966 Bad Ragaz SUI 1:02.50,5 17.19,6 (655) Diplom Foto Overall 434. 16,708 78. Ruchti Lisa 1959 Rapperswil BE SUI 1:03.06,5 17.35,6 (1651) Diplom Foto Overall 439. 16,638 79. Räz Monika 1964 Sils/Segl Maria SUI 1:03.25,4 17.54,5 (605) Diplom Foto Overall 452. 16,555 80. Emele Manz Marianne 1965 Sirnach SUI 1:03.30,0 17.59,1 (537) Diplom Foto Overall 454. 16,535 81. Berger-Wey Andrea 1967 Rhäzüns SUI 1:03.32,0 18.01,1 (807) Diplom Foto Overall 455. 16,526 82. Bardill-Koenig Patricia 1958 Pany NED 1:03.39,5 18.08,6 (510) Diplom Foto Overall 456. 16,494 83. Monn Irma 1959 Sedrun SUI 1:03.41,6 18.10,7 (586) Diplom Foto Overall 458. 16,485 84. Hettich Ina 1966 D-Freiburg GER 1:03.54,1 18.23,2 (560) Diplom Foto Overall 462. 16,431 85. Schild Susan 1959 Celerina/Schlarigna SUI 1:03.55,2 18.24,3 (682) Diplom Foto Overall 464. 16,426 86. Sedioli Claudia 1965 Winterthur SUI 1:04.02,9 18.32,0 (619) Diplom Foto Overall 470. 16,393 87. Belloni Kind Alberta 1958 Sent SUI 1:04.03,7 18.32,8 (636) Diplom Foto Overall 471. 16,390 88. Müller Nüesch Corina 1965 Chur SUI 1:04.15,4 18.44,5 (591) Diplom Foto Overall 476. 16,340 89. Ziermann Angelika 1965 D-München CAN 1:04.16,8 18.45,9 (634) Diplom Foto Overall 478. 16,334 90. Bott Petra 1967 Chur SUI 1:04.22,0 18.51,1 (1640) Diplom Foto Overall 482. 16,312 91. Franck Silke 1964 D-Hamburg GER 1:04.26,4 18.55,5 (720) Diplom Foto Overall 485. 16,294 92. Pfister Kaethi 1967 Thalwil SUI 1:04.28,4 18.57,5 (601) Diplom Foto Overall 487. 16,285 93. Klöti Silvia 1961 Freidorf TG SUI 1:04.32,4 19.01,5 (574) Diplom Foto Overall 488. 16,268 94. Berni Nina 1962 Castrisch Pipistrellas SUI 1:04.38,8 19.07,9 (513) Diplom Foto Overall 494. 16,242 95. Betz Eveline 1963 Meilen SUI 1:04.47,4 19.16,5 (810) Diplom Foto Overall 500. 16,206 96. Büsser Claudia 1967 Staufen Staufenexpress 1 SUI 1:04.54,3 19.23,4 (818) Diplom Foto Overall 504. 16,177 97. Bossi-Gantenbein Regina 1965 Tiefencastel SUI 1:05.16,1 19.45,2 (522) Diplom Foto Overall 512. 16,087 98. Schüpbach Elisabeth 1965 Bolligen SUI 1:05.17,1 19.46,2 (1003) Diplom Foto Overall 513. 16,083 99. Baumer Soldan Elisabeth 1961 Horgen SUI 1:05.19,4 19.48,5 (948) Diplom Foto Overall 514. 16,073 100. Banz Daniela 1967 Au ZH SUI 1:05.34,6 20.03,7 (509) Diplom Foto Overall 518. 16,011 101. Sägesser Therese 1964 Langenthal SUI 1:05.49,9 20.19,0 (901) Diplom Foto Overall 520. 15,949 102. Koestler Christa 1960 Winterthur SUI 1:05.54,3 20.23,4 (575) Diplom Foto Overall 524. 15,932 103. Vogt Claudia 1965 Samedan GER 1:05.55,5 20.24,6 (718) Diplom Foto Overall 525. 15,927 104. Ott Karin 1965 Walenstadt SUI 1:05.55,8 20.24,9 (1358) Diplom Foto Overall 526. 15,925 105. Steiner Vreni 1958 Herisau SUI 1:06.04,3 20.33,4 (624) Diplom Foto Overall 529. 15,891 106. Baumann Annetta 1966 Chur SUI 1:06.18,5 20.47,6 (947) Diplom Foto Overall 534. 15,835 107. Fergg Karin 1964 Oberrohrdorf SUI 1:06.33,2 21.02,3 (686) Diplom Foto Overall 540. 15,776 108. Hofmann Regula 1961 Finsterwald b. Entlebuch SUI 1:06.40,2 21.09,3 (651) Diplom Foto Overall 545. 15,749 109. Wüthrich-Peter Verena 1960 Schlatt b. Winterthur Bartgeier SUI 1:07.01,3 21.30,4 (938) Diplom Foto Overall 551. 15,666 110. Henzmann Gaby 1960 Niedergösgen SUI 1:07.10,0 21.39,1 (557) Diplom Foto Overall 556. 15,632 111. Weber Grettina 1958 Valchava Team Weber SUI 1:07.17,7 21.46,8 (931) Diplom Foto Overall 559. 15,602 112. Giovani Barbara 1967 Uster SUI 1:07.21,7 21.50,8 (714) Diplom Foto Overall 561. 15,587 113. Chilovi Patrizia 1960 I-Pavia (PV) ITA 1:07.38,0 22.07,1 (1019) Diplom Foto Overall 567. 15,524 114. Klaus Charlotte 1963 St. Margarethen TG SUI 1:07.40,2 22.09,3 (573) Diplom Foto Overall 569. 15,516 115. Saenger Karin 1967 D-Sasbachwalden GER 1:07.53,1 22.22,2 (978) Diplom Foto Overall 578. 15,467 116. Schwaninger Ruth 1963 St. Gallen SUI 1:08.11,9 22.41,0 (983) Diplom Foto Overall 583. 15,396 117. Bücheler Regula 1958 Ardez SUI 1:08.31,8 23.00,9 (815) Diplom Foto Overall 592. 15,321 118. Brunner Silvia 1958 Davos Platz SUI 1:09.02,9 23.32,0 (524) Diplom Foto Overall 603. 15,206 119. Vanza Maruska 1962 Bellinzona SUI 1:09.07,6 23.36,7 (929) Diplom Foto Overall 605. 15,189 120. Brunner Theres 1966 Bad Zurzach SUI 1:09.08,2 23.37,3 (1232) Diplom Foto Overall 606. 15,187 121. Grassler Astrid 1961 Oberrieden SUI 1:09.23,8 23.52,9 (843) Diplom Foto Overall 609. 15,130 122. Rainer Martha 1965 Adliswil MASCHA RÖSA 4 SUI 1:09.30,3 23.59,4 (975) Diplom Foto Overall 614. 15,106 123. Laim Maya 1959 Malix SUI 1:09.30,6 23.59,7 (872) Diplom Foto Overall 615. 15,105 124. Sem-Kägi Judith 1965 Samedan SUI 1:09.33,1 24.02,2 (912) Diplom Foto Overall 619. 15,096 125. Keel-Hagmann Elsbeth 1961 Bad Ragaz SUI 1:09.34,5 24.03,6 (963) Diplom Foto Overall 621. 15,091 126. Petrig Schleich Helen 1963 Uster SUI 1:09.36,6 24.05,7 (974) Diplom Foto Overall 622. 15,084 127. Erdin Helen 1963 Staufen Staufenexpress 2 SUI 1:09.38,5 24.07,6 (830) Diplom Foto Overall 623. 15,077 128. Manser Silvia 1961 Niederbüren Flower Power SUI 1:09.51,0 24.20,1 (877) Diplom Foto Overall 630. 15,032 129. Pahlke Uta 1967 Ebmatingen GER 1:10.00,7 24.29,8 (723) Diplom Foto Overall 633. 14,997 130. Werner Stefanie 1961 D-Taunusstein GER 1:10.09,6 24.38,7 (633) Diplom Foto Overall 637. 14,965 131. Beerli Kirchhofer Anita 1961 Lostorf SUI 1:10.09,7 24.38,8 (806) Diplom Foto Overall 638. 14,965 132. Lindegger Christa 1960 Davos Dorf SUI 1:10.24,2 24.53,3 (1545) Diplom Foto Overall 647. 14,914 133. Bertolo Gabriela 1967 Chur SUI 1:10.48,1 25.17,2 (1441) Diplom Foto Overall 657. 14,830 134. Schüpbach Susanne 1965 Ipsach MASCHA RÖSA 4 SUI 1:10.52,0 25.21,1 (906) Diplom Foto Overall 663. 14,816 135. Huber Brigitte 1958 Zug SUI 1:11.18,2 25.47,3 (1293) Diplom Foto Overall 672. 14,725 136. Hafner Prisca 1967 Horgen SUI 1:11.19,3 25.48,4 (1464) Diplom Foto Overall 674. 14,722 137. Bergamini Maria Luisa 1959 I-Bergamo (BG) ITA 1:11.22,2 25.51,3 (986) Diplom Foto Overall 675. 14,712 138. Glauser Therese 1967 Noflen BE Veduta-Power SUI 1:11.28,7 25.57,8 (552) Diplom Foto Overall 677. 14,689 139. Süsstrunk Marlies 1964 Pfäffikon ZH Bartgeier SUI 1:12.06,4 26.35,5 (918) Diplom Foto Overall 692. 14,561 140. Welz Brigitte 1959 Davos Platz SUI 1:12.20,4 26.49,5 (933) Diplom Foto Overall 703. 14,514 141. Albers Regina 1966 Mörschwil SUI 1:12.27,1 26.56,2 (801) Diplom Foto Overall 704. 14,492 142. Löffel-Luminati Silvana 1966 Bever SUI 1:12.55,3 27.24,4 (968) Diplom Foto Overall 712. 14,399 143. Kratzer Renata 1966 Binz SUI 1:13.01,8 27.30,9 (1029) Diplom Foto Overall 717. 14,377 144. Haldemann Marlise 1962 Staufen Staufenexpress 2 SUI 1:13.06,0 27.35,1 (845) Diplom Foto Overall 720. 14,363 144. Stifel Marianne 1967 Celerina/Schlarigna SUI 1:13.06,0 27.35,1 (361) Diplom Foto Overall 720. 14,363 146. Hintermann Dorothea 1967 Ennetbaden SUI 1:13.15,7 27.44,8 (988) Diplom Foto Overall 727. 14,332 147. Thomas Lisa 1966 Chambésy USA 1:13.17,2 27.46,3 (1561) Diplom Foto Overall 728. 14,327 148. Meier-Ziegler Pia 1964 Zeglingen SUI 1:13.31,0 28.00,1 (1340) Diplom Foto Overall 732. 14,282 149. Wolf Cornelia 1963 Schaffhausen SUI 1:13.39,2 28.08,3 (995) Diplom Foto Overall 733. 14,255 150. Heinimann Carmen 1965 Uster SUI 1:13.40,5 28.09,6 (847) Diplom Foto Overall 734. 14,251 151. Breidenbach Danielle 1958 Bever SUI 1:13.41,8 28.10,9 (638) Diplom Foto Overall 736. 14,247 152. Chavez Andrea 1964 Villmergen Staufenexpress 2 SUI 1:13.49,6 28.18,7 (1236) Diplom Foto Overall 738. 14,222 153. Furrer Monika 1964 Samedan SUI 1:13.56,3 28.25,4 (837) Diplom Foto Overall 741. 14,201 154. Schuppli Madeleine 1965 Zürich SUI 1:14.28,5 28.57,6 (907) Diplom Foto Overall 752. 14,098 155. Kobelt Annemarie 1959 Zürich SUI 1:14.34,1 29.03,2 (964) Diplom Foto Overall 756. 14,081 156. Kowalska Marta 1962 Samedan POL 1:14.55,7 29.24,8 (869) Diplom Foto Overall 762. 14,013 157. Schneider Petra 1964 Chur SUI 1:15.45,6 30.14,7 (982) Diplom Foto Overall 771. 13,859 158. Schaffner Edith 1965 Zeihen SUI 1:16.12,4 30.41,5 (903) Diplom Foto Overall 778. 13,778 159. Graf-Brunschwiler Iris 1960 Romanshorn SUI 1:16.14,8 30.43,9 (1278) Diplom Foto Overall 780. 13,771 160. Matthey Maya 1959 Davos Platz SUI 1:16.22,0 30.51,1 (1548) Diplom Foto Overall 782. 13,749 161. Neukomm Beatrice 1966 Berlingen SUI 1:16.35,1 31.04,2 (886) Diplom Foto Overall 786. 13,710 162. Salvioni-Roth Francesca 1964 Champfèr SUI 1:17.11,8 31.40,9 (1387) Diplom Foto Overall 798. 13,601 163. Leuenberger Stefanie 1965 Bad Zurzach SUI 1:17.14,2 31.43,3 (1324) Diplom Foto Overall 799. 13,594 164. Wehrli Barbara 1958 Adliswil SUI 1:17.34,9 32.04,0 (932) Diplom Foto Overall 802. 13,534 165. Albertini Martina 1965 Zürich SUI 1:18.10,0 32.39,1 (802) Diplom Foto Overall 807. 13,432 166. Kehrer Martina 1959 D-Überlingen GER 1:18.34,3 33.03,4 (1536) Diplom Foto Overall 813. 13,363 167. Assfalg Ruth 1966 Wattwil GER 1:19.08,0 33.37,1 (993) Diplom Foto Overall 821. 13,268 168. Brumana Paola 1964 Lugano SUI 1:19.11,2 33.40,3 (1519) Diplom Foto Overall 822. 13,259 169. Loinard Sylvie 1960 F-Garches FRA 1:19.26,3 33.55,4 (1329) Diplom Foto Overall 823. 13,217 170. Honegger Patrizia 1963 Root SUI 1:19.38,9 34.08,0 (1290) Diplom Foto Overall 827. 13,182 171. Höll-Rytz Katherina 1963 Kilchberg ZH MASCHA RÖSA 6 SUI 1:19.49,4 34.18,5 (1399) Diplom Foto Overall 832. 13,154 172. Siren Assev 1960 N-Oslo NOR 1:20.11,9 34.41,0 (1403) Diplom Foto Overall 837. 13,092 173. Hugentobler-Candrian Anit 1966 Zillis SUI 1:20.32,5 35.01,6 (1470) Diplom Foto Overall 840. 13,036 174. Gerber Claudia 1967 Böckten SUI 1:20.39,3 35.08,4 (1459) Diplom Foto Overall 845. 13,018 175. Badrutt Ursula 1961 Herisau SUI 1:20.40,6 35.09,7 (1567) Diplom Foto Overall 846. 13,014 176. Illien Theres 1962 Vals SUI 1:21.33,5 36.02,6 (1471) Diplom Foto Overall 852. 12,874 177. Lauer Sabine 1966 D-München GER 1:22.12,0 36.41,1 (1543) Diplom Foto Overall 860. 12,773 178. Rhiel Christine 1964 D-Nürnberg GER 1:22.37,7 37.06,8 (1377) Diplom Foto Overall 867. 12,707 179. Burkard Brigit 1965 Reinach BL SUI 1:23.36,8 38.05,9 (1604) Diplom Foto Overall 876. 12,557 180. Rupf Susanne 1965 Heiligkreuz (Mels) SUI 1:23.52,1 38.21,2 (1600) Diplom Foto Overall 879. 12,519 181. Krause Dagmar 1965 D-Ulm GER 1:24.21,2 38.50,3 (1314) Diplom Foto Overall 883. 12,447 182. Trauffler Catherine 1962 F-Garches FRA 1:24.25,1 38.54,2 (1415) Diplom Foto Overall 885. 12,438 183. Michael Salome 1962 Chur SUI 1:25.03,4 39.32,5 (1342) Diplom Foto Overall 890. 12,344 184. Mainetti Christa 1958 Domat/Ems SUI 1:25.07,7 39.36,8 (1479) Diplom Foto Overall 891. 12,334 185. Geistlich Beatrice 1966 Zürich SUI 1:25.09,7 39.38,8 (1271) Diplom Foto Overall 892. 12,329 186. Stadelmann Britta 1962 Luzern SUI 1:25.25,8 39.54,9 (1632) Diplom Foto Overall 895. 12,290 187. Lindner Susanne 1964 Aristau GER 1:25.58,6 40.27,7 (1327) Diplom Foto Overall 898. 12,212 188. De Mora Hanne 1960 Erlenbach ZH SUI 1:26.08,3 40.37,4 (1245) Diplom Foto Overall 900. 12,189 189. Blumenthal Fabiola 1959 Maienfeld MASCHA RÖSA 4 SUI 1:26.22,8 40.51,9 (1223) Diplom Foto Overall 904. 12,155 190. Richi Iris 1960 Zürich SUI 1:26.55,5 41.24,6 (1378) Diplom Foto Overall 910. 12,079 191. Kuttler Anja 1963 GB-Winkfield Row GER 1:27.00,1 41.29,2 (1319) Diplom Foto Overall 911. 12,068 192. Pünchera Brigitte 1960 Pontresina SUI 1:27.10,0 41.39,1 (727) Diplom Foto Overall 913. 12,045 193. Peterer Prisca 1959 Gais Säntisflitzer SUI 1:27.37,6 42.06,7 (1362) Diplom Foto Overall 919. 11,982 194. Affonso Maria Thaís 1965 Basel BRA 1:28.18,1 42.47,2 (943) Diplom Foto Overall 926. 11,891 195. Platz Luzia 1961 Masein SUI 1:28.36,9 43.06,0 (1599) Diplom Foto Overall 929. 11,849 196. Then Sigrid 1966 Pontresina SUI 1:28.39,3 43.08,4 (922) Diplom Foto Overall 932. 11,843 197. Hofer Marion 1962 St. Gallen SUI 1:29.02,6 43.31,7 (1468) Diplom Foto Overall 933. 11,792 198. Frischknecht Caroline 1964 Baar SUI 1:29.34,2 44.03,3 (835) Diplom Foto Overall 938. 11,722 199. Suter Elsbeth 1961 Biel-Benken BL SUI 1:30.21,3 44.50,4 (992) Diplom Foto Overall 942. 11,620 200. Scharf Sigrid 1965 Obfelden SUI 1:30.25,9 44.55,0 (1497) Diplom Foto Overall 943. 11,610 201. Schmitt Stehr Beatrix 1964 Portein SUI 1:30.26,6 44.55,7 (1556) Diplom Foto Overall 944. 11,609 202. Leupold Christiane 1961 St. Moritz SUI 1:30.27,2 44.56,3 (1325) Diplom Foto Overall 945. 11,608 203. Diener Daniela 1961 Wallisellen SUI 1:31.04,8 45.33,9 (1248) Diplom Foto Overall 953. 11,528 204. Müller Tschäderä 1958 Bülach SUI 1:31.30,7 45.59,8 (1486) Diplom Foto Overall 957. 11,473 205. Ruosch Margrith 1961 Küblis SUI 1:33.02,0 47.31,1 (1553) Diplom Foto Overall 966. 11,286 206. Buser Steiger Marianne 1963 Volketswil SUI 1:34.34,4 49.03,5 (1571) Diplom Foto Overall 973. 11,102 207. Suter Ursula 1960 Zofingen SUI 1:35.19,1 49.48,2 (1504) Diplom Foto Overall 977. 11,015 208. Kalender Gabi 1963 Wattwil GER 1:35.20,0 49.49,1 (1613) Diplom Foto Overall 978. 11,013 209. Neumann Maria Elisabeth 1958 Herisau NED 1:36.36,4 51.05,5 (1351) Diplom Foto Overall 985. 10,868 210. Kury Anita 1959 Staufen SUI 1:37.24,8 51.53,9 (1318) Diplom Foto Overall 988. 10,778 211. Farronato Josiane 1965 Basel SUI 1:37.55,8 52.24,9 (1452) Diplom Foto Overall 989. 10,721 212. Wäschle Marion 1964 D-Ravensburg GER 1:38.29,4 52.58,5 (1564) Diplom Foto Overall 992. 10,660 213. Schildknecht Susi 1962 Malans GR SUI 1:41.29,6 55.58,7 (1582) Diplom Foto Overall 1002. 10,345 214. Peterer Susanne 1966 Horn SUI 1:42.23,4 56.52,5 (1363) Diplom Foto Overall 1007. 10,254 215. Bernhard Barbara 1963 Maienfeld MASCHA RÖSA 3 SUI 1:43.21,6 57.50,7 (808) Diplom Foto Overall 1008. 10,158 216. Aeberhard Therese 1963 Münsingen SUI 1:43.59,9 58.29,0 (1202) Diplom Foto Overall 1011. 10,096 217. Lucy Judith 1967 Bern SUI 1:45.01,1 59.30,2 (1546) Diplom Foto Overall 1013. 9,998 218. Winkler Egolf Barbara 1964 Meilen SUI 1:46.09,8 1:00.38,9 (1430) Diplom Foto Overall 1016. 9,890 219. Neusser Anke 1959 D-Affing GER 1:49.03,0 1:03.32,1 (1352) Diplom Foto Overall 1025. 9,628 220. Bresson Sylvia 1964 Suhr SUI 1:49.06,9 1:03.36,0 (1228) Diplom Foto Overall 1027. 9,622 221. Luraschi Giovanna 1964 Origlio SUI 1:49.34,2 1:04.03,3 (1331) Diplom Foto Overall 1028. 9,582 222. Kießling Corinna 1967 D-Rodgau GER 1:58.05,0 1:12.34,1 (1308) Diplom Foto Overall 1042. 8,892 223. Hagedorn Astrid 1964 D-Bochum GER 2:03.15,1 1:17.44,2 (1652) Diplom Foto Overall 1047. 8,519 224. Kruttschnitt Claudia 1966 Samedan GER 2:04.11,5 1:18.40,6 (1616) Diplom Foto Overall 1048. 8,454 225. Sempert Marianna 1958 Scuol SUI 2:05.45,4 1:20.14,5 (1500) Diplom Foto Overall 1050. 8,349 226. Langauer Sabine 1959 Basel SUI 2:05.51,7 1:20.20,8 (1322) Diplom Foto Overall 1051. 8,342 227. Vogel Esther 1960 Truttikon SUI 2:07.18,4 1:21.47,5 (1643) Diplom Foto Overall 1055. 8,247 228. Kindem Anne 1960 Erlenbach ZH NOR 2:12.02,3 1:26.31,4 (1311) Diplom Foto Overall 1058. 7,952 229. Zwicker Christine 1959 D-Hannover GER 2:44.12,4 1:58.41,5 (1435) Diplom Foto Overall 1067. 6,394

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