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Triathlon de Nyon 2018 - Valais (Suisse)
catégorie rang nom an pays/lieu équipe temps retard doss ¦ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SH-RelH 17. Lark Adam 2002 Founex 1:26.21,7 25.56,2 (3078) foto ¦ CI-Hca3 12. Amacker Yves 1969 Choëx Tri Chablais 2:35.49,7 21.41,7 (1609) foto ¦ CI-Hca4 14. Bedjai Philippe 1954 Monthey JC Sports 3:21.09,7 49.30,5 (1593) foto ¦ SH-Hca2 56. Blaser Bernard 1979 Saillon 1:20.42,3 17.26,5 (950) foto ¦ SH-Hca4 31. Bornet Yves 1959 Sion 1:39.27,5 26.48,7 (518) foto ¦ SH-Hca3 87. Cirafici Luca 1967 Fully 1:34.54,8 30.32,9 (621) foto ¦ SH-Hca3 102. Clapasson Pascal 1968 Collombey La TRIbu Valais Triathlon popu 1:55.07,7 50.45,8 (542) foto ¦ Fun --- Colan Erika Vanessa 1977 Savièse 1:20.58,5 ----- (1843) foto ¦ EF13 7. Constantin Bérénice 2006 Savièse 29.36,0 8.37,8 (4332) foto ¦ EF11 18. Constantin Louise 2008 Savièse 16.32,5 4.49,3 (4268) foto ¦ SH-Fca1 101. Darbellay Emilie 1988 Martigny La TRIbu 1:55.07,6 43.41,1 (581) foto ¦ CI-Hca2 6. Debons Nicolas 1978 Savièse Temposport bikespeed.ch Triath 2:19.00,2 7.06,9 (1478) foto ¦ SH-Fca3 32. Décaillet Agnès 1968 Arbaz LaTRIbu Valais 1:55.07,9 45.52,2 (549) foto ¦ CI-Hca2 96. Dekkiche Ali 1981 Fully 3:33.51,1 1:21.57,8 (1500) foto ¦ CI-Hca3 32. Dubuis Olivier 1967 Conthey Triathlon Club Valais 2:55.46,2 41.38,2 (1636) foto ¦ SH-Hca3 72. Dumont Dayot Fabrice 1969 Fully DUMONT DAYOT 1:29.41,4 25.19,5 (712) foto ¦ CI-Hca2 68. Florenthal Uri 1975 Bouveret JC Sport Coaching 3:03.27,5 51.34,2 (1387) foto ¦ SH-Fca1 DSQ Flükiger Noémie 1992 Martigny ----- disq (493) foto ¦ SH-Hca3 10. Galliano Nicolas 1973 Chalais JC Sport / Triathlon Club Vala 1:12.05,6 7.43,7 (397) foto ¦ CI-Hca3 39. Giroud Thierry 1966 Monthey jc sport coaching 2:59.56,5 45.48,5 (1575) foto ¦ CI-Hca1 30. Gosparini Danaël 1985 Les Giettes SG St-Maurice 2:39.36,0 24.12,9 (1224) foto ¦ SH-Fca4 2. Gosparini Denise 1958 Choëx 1:31.46,7 13.58,0 (374) foto ¦ CI-Hca2 32. Granger Raphaël 1974 Muraz Collombey Swiss Facilities 2:44.48,5 32.55,2 (1494) foto ¦ SH-Hca2 41. Keller Brian 1980 Chermignon-d'en-Bas 1:18.27,5 15.11,7 (444) foto ¦ CI-Hca2 DNF Kilchenmann Olivier 1979 Collombey TriValais/TRT athlétisme/GX Ra 38.14,2 to bike (1402) foto ¦ SH-Hca3 54. Lykopantis Nektarios 1971 Vouvry 1:24.30,3 20.08,4 (233) foto ¦ SH-Fca2 6. Maribe Tamara 1982 Sion 1:24.24,6 8.11,7 (798) foto ¦ NLME 18. Matti Thibaut 1992 Vouvry Triathlon Academy 1:09.27,7 9.13,1 (28) foto ¦ CI-Hca4 17. Mooser Michel 1956 Sion Trivalais 3:32.14,7 1:00.35,5 (1624) foto ¦ SH-Hca3 95. Oberson Pascal 1970 Arbaz LaTRIbu Valais 1:40.07,1 35.45,2 (680) foto ¦ KF7 13. Portner Camille 2011 Martigny Ride Spirit 6.58,1 1.46,2 (4109) foto ¦ CI-Hca2 DNF Portner Frederic 1974 Martigny Ride Spirit 1:53.54,1 to run (1486) foto ¦ SH-Fca2 19. Portner Melanie 1977 Martigny Ride Spirit 1:31.20,1 15.07,2 (626) foto ¦ CI-Hca1 29. Reichl Felix 1990 Visp Visp 2:38.16,4 22.53,3 (1252) foto ¦ CI-Hca2 8. Rochat Vincent 1980 Crans-Montana Triathlon Club Valais 2:22.44,7 10.51,4 (1415) foto ¦ SH-Hca2 101. Rouiller Sébastien 1980 Troistorrents 1:30.52,3 27.36,5 (767) foto ¦ CI-Fca2 12. Saner Guinchard Marielle 1977 Collombey JC Sports Coaching 3:07.54,7 30.26,8 (1337) foto ¦ CI-Hca1 26. Santini Yann 1991 Verbier Triathlon Club Valais 2:37.05,1 21.42,0 (1250) foto ¦ CI-Hca3 18. Studer Lothar 1970 Visperterminen Ken's Bike Shop / Triahtlon Ob 2:42.51,0 28.43,0 (1579) foto ¦ EF11 6. Summermatter Enya 2007 Ried-Brig Triathlon Oberwallis 13.30,1 1.46,9 (4276) foto ¦ KG9 2. Tenisch Gian 2010 Brig Triathlon Oberwallis 11.47,4 0.06,5 (4140) foto ¦ CI-Fca1 7. Truong Perrine 1987 Arbaz Trivalais 2:36.25,8 8.05,0 (1350) foto ¦ SH-Hca3 77. Van Hoeymissen Laurent 1970 Grimisuat 1:31.19,7 26.57,8 (495) foto ¦ SH-Hca1 78. Vauthey Fabrice 1987 Monthey Triviera 1:19.47,9 17.58,8 (248) foto ¦ SH-Hca4 27. Welser Richard 1957 Monthey 1:34.33,8 21.55,0 (746) foto ¦
total 45
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