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Swissalpine Irontrail Davos/St.Moritz 2018 - nach Name "L"

Kategorie Rang Name Jg Land Ort Team Zeit Rückstand Stnr Overall Schnitt ¦ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SM-K23-W 13. Labisch Stephanie 1990 D-Frechen 2:31.56,1 39.30,5 (4809) Diplom Foto Video K23-W 67. 6.23 ¦ SM-T88-M 21. Lachmann Hans 1956 D-Fürth 21:39.04,9 9:19.26,3 (435) Diplom Foto Video T88-M 227. 14.44 ¦ SM-K23-M 5. Lacouchie Jean-Philippe 1958 F-Bischheim ASL LA ROBERTSAU 2:32.24,5 27.15,7 (4263) Diplom Foto Video K23-M 202. 6.24 ¦ SI-H20-M 4. Ladner Simon 1997 Schiers Running Schiers 2:48.39,4 38.32,3 (7144) Diplom Foto Video H20-M 27. 8.18 ¦ SI-H20-W 6. Lagler Gabi 1969 Zürich 2:40.05,9 26.13,7 (7044) Diplom Foto Video H20-W 7. 7.53 ¦ SM-T88-M 53. Lai Tsz Kit 1986 HKG-Hong Kong 21:05.54,2 11:57.30,9 (294) Diplom Foto Video T88-M 221. 14.22 ¦ SM-K43-W 38. Lamers Karin 1965 NL-Horst Peelrunners 7:20.26,1 2:23.42,1 (3247) Diplom Foto Video K43-W 137. 10.15 ¦ SI-T127- 24. Lamers Theo 1963 NL-Horst Peelrunners 30:36.51,2 10:26.00,0 (1157) Diplom Foto Video T127-M 65. 14.27 ¦ SM-K23-W 45. Lanca Mariagrazia 1992 Dättwil AG Dream Team YanaCocha/Sportpark 3:26.56,3 1:34.30,7 (4167) Diplom Foto Video K23-W 227. 8.41 ¦ SM-K23-M 32. Landau Dario 1995 D-Hagen Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team 2:26.04,9 54.22,4 (4545) Diplom Foto Video K23-M 166. 6.08 ¦ SM-K23-M 35. Landertinger Lukas 1994 Davos Dorf InterContinental Davos 2:27.26,4 55.43,9 (4609) Diplom Foto Video K23-M 174. 6.11 ¦ SM-K43-M 76. Landes Thomas 1979 D-Freiburg 5:39.47,9 2:23.46,4 (3492) Diplom Foto Video K43-M 207. 7.55 ¦ ST-T29-W 4. Landin Louise 1994 S-Malmö 5:26.26,2 1:39.07,2 (9344) Diplom Foto Video T29-W 15. 11.20 ¦ SM-K43-M 4. Lang Brian 1989 Dornach SWAP Adventure Team Racing 3:50.09,6 39.29,1 (3001) Diplom Foto Video K43-M 11. 5.21 ¦ SM-T88-M 19. Langenegger Bruno 1968 Oberönz Ingold Runners 13:47.45,2 4:06.53,3 (125) Diplom Foto Video T88-M 66. 9.23 ¦ SM-T39-M 2. Langnickel Joachim 1941 D-Herzebrock-Clarholz 13:44.28,9 3:52.22,6 (2108) Diplom Foto Video T39-M 87. 21.05 ¦ SM-T39-W 2. Lannou Charlotte 1988 Davos Dorf 5:51.53,1 13.09,1 (2059) Diplom Foto Video T39-W 2. 8.59 ¦ SM-T88-M 24. Lantz Magnus 1988 S-Malmö 13:37.34,7 4:29.11,4 (430) Diplom Foto Video T88-M 56. 9.16 ¦ SM-K43-M 90. Lanz David 1980 Solothurn 5:55.58,2 2:39.56,7 (3692) Diplom Foto Video K43-M 267. 8.17 ¦ SM-T88-M 26. Larini Alain 1973 Grabs 14:39.39,8 6:18.56,8 (325) Diplom Foto Video T88-M 92. 9.59 ¦ SM-T88-4 1. Larsson Anna 1990 S-Gothenburg Aktivitus Sports Club 5:53.01,6 ----- (296) Diplom Foto Video --- 7.40 ¦ SM-T88-W DNF Larsson Anna 1990 S-Gothenburg Aktivitus Sports Club 9:54.48,4 Keschhütte (296) Diplom Foto Video T88-W ---- ¦ SM-K23-W 21. Larsson Mia 1974 Davos Dorf Strong for Life 2:37.35,5 29.02,8 (4334) Diplom Foto Video K23-W 89. 6.37 ¦ SM-K23-W 39. Lasses Beatrice 1974 S-Kungsängen 2:57.16,2 48.43,5 (4773) Diplom Foto Video K23-W 162. 7.26 ¦ ST-H21-M 8. Lasses Fredrik 1974 S-Kungsängen 2:57.12,7 37.30,6 (6220) Diplom Foto Video H21-M 32. 8.16 ¦ SM-T39-W 4. Latscha Susanne 1988 Thun 6:34.50,7 56.06,7 (2044) Diplom Foto Video T39-W 7. 10.05 ¦ SM-K10-M 5. Lattmann Luca 2004 Steg im Tösstal RLZ Hoch Ybrig 48.00,2 9.59,7 (5242) Diplom Foto Video K10-M 10. 5.03 ¦ SM-K43-M 40. Laubinger-Jorks Stefan 1952 D-Mühlheim Gutenberg-Marathon-Club Mainz 6:52.14,9 2:39.43,7 (3215) Diplom Foto Video K43-M 397. 9.36 ¦ SM-K43-M 68. Lauener Andy 1963 Niederglatt SG Plauschjogger Oberbüren 5:56.56,4 2:03.23,8 (3733) Diplom Foto Video K43-M 273. 8.19 ¦ SM-K43-W 11. Lauener Manuela 1964 Niederglatt SG Plauschjogger Oberbüren 5:56.57,0 1:00.13,0 (3734) Diplom Foto Video K43-W 53. 8.19 ¦ SM-T39-M 15. Lauffer Matthias 1965 Hettlingen 7:37.54,7 2:24.50,1 (2125) Diplom Foto Video T39-M 56. 11.42 ¦ SM-T88-S 8. Erb Thomas 1970 Aeschi b. Spiez 10:30.11,4 2:11.56,0 (908) Diplom Foto Video --- 7.09 ¦ SM-K23-W 36. Lauper Ursula 1970 Bévilard 2:53.39,5 45.06,8 (4268) Diplom Foto Video K23-W 151. 7.17 ¦ ST-H21-M 10. Le Blanc Fabrice 1996 GB-London 3:23.52,1 1:00.59,5 (6025) Diplom Foto Video H21-M 53. 9.31 ¦ ST-H21-M 5. Le Blanc Karsten 1966 GB-London 3:10.24,1 42.28,1 (6026) Diplom Foto Video H21-M 43. 8.53 ¦ SM-KidsW 39. Leccardi Alessia 2014 Wald ZH 4.14,7 1.32,2 (20560) Diplom Foto Video --- 8.29 ¦ SM-K43-W 6. Leccardi Carolina 1978 Tuggen 4:58.38,8 42.35,8 (3735) Diplom Foto Video K43-W 13. 6.57 ¦ SM-KidsM 20. Leccardi Gianluga 2014 Wald ZH 3.38,5 1.03,7 (20561) Diplom Foto Video --- 7.17 ¦ SM-K43-M 18. Leccardi Gianpaolo 1982 Wald ZH 4:30.34,0 1:14.32,5 (3560) Diplom Foto Video K43-M 40. 6.18 ¦ SM-KidsW 19. Leccardi Laura 2014 Wald ZH 3.12,5 0.30,0 (20562) Diplom Foto Video --- 6.25 ¦ SM-KidsW 30. Leccardi Louisa 2014 Tuggen 3.36,6 0.54,1 (20563) Diplom Foto Video --- 7.13 ¦ SM-K43-W 29. Lechner Christiane 1970 Kirchberg BE 6:54.50,6 2:38.47,6 (3623) Diplom Foto Video K43-W 111. 9.40 ¦ ST-T43-M 16. Ledermann Martin 1976 Chur alpinrunner.ch 8:23.33,8 2:47.17,5 (9094) Diplom Foto Video T43-M 69. 11.34 ¦ SM-K23-W 6. Leemann-Feller Irène 1953 Birr 3:36.34,1 46.49,3 (4610) Diplom Foto Video K23-W 238. 9.05 ¦ SI-T127- 2. Lehmann Anita 1980 Langnau i. E. 22:32.13,5 2:07.00,7 (1011) Diplom Foto Video T127-W 4. 10.38 ¦ ST-H16-W 3. Lehmann Helma 1953 D-Berlin Rennsteiglaufverein 5:40.08,3 3:28.44,0 (9602) Diplom Foto Video H16-W 19. 20.44 ¦ ST-H21-W 12. Lehmann Helma 1953 D-Berlin Rennsteiglaufverein 7:31.34,5 4:11.43,0 (6019) Diplom Foto Video H21-W 98. 21.06 ¦ SM-K43-W 22. Lehmann Jana 1969 D-Klingenthal 6:29.30,9 2:13.27,9 (3789) Diplom Foto Video K43-W 88. 9.04 ¦ SM-T88-4 19. Lehmann Stefan 1967 Goldau 7:14.13,4 2:41.13,4 (508) Diplom Foto Video --- 9.26 ¦ SM-T88-M DNF Lehmann Stefan 1967 Goldau 7:14.13,4 Bergün (508) Diplom Foto Video T88-M ---- ¦ ST-H16-M 3. Lehmann Wolf-Dieter 1949 D-Berlin Rennsteiglaufverein 5:40.11,2 3:35.58,3 (9603) Diplom Foto Video H16-M 20. 20.44 ¦ ST-H21-M 15. Lehmann Wolf-Dieter 1949 D-Berlin Rennsteiglaufverein 7:31.36,8 4:33.36,8 (6020) Diplom Foto Video H21-M 104. 21.06 ¦ SM-K23-M 20. Lehner Fabian 1987 Winterthur 2:12.05,3 27.34,5 (4712) Diplom Foto Video K23-M 79. 5.32 ¦ SM-K10-W 2. Lei Sarah 1987 Jonschwil Switzerland Marathon light 51.12,6 0.41,7 (5119) Diplom Foto Video K10-W 4. 5.23 ¦ SM-K23-M 20. Leimgruber Martin 1951 Obergösgen LG Niederamt 3:01.04,0 55.55,2 (4480) Diplom Foto Video K23-M 326. 7.36 ¦ SM-T88-4 20. Lemp Marcel 1976 Oberbipp 7:15.09,1 2:42.09,1 (267) Diplom Foto Video --- 9.27 ¦ SM-T88-M DNF Lemp Marcel 1976 Oberbipp 7:15.09,1 Bergün (267) Diplom Foto Video T88-M ---- ¦ SM-KidsW 28. Lerch Annic 2012 Volketswil 2.50,9 0.27,4 (20308) Diplom Foto Video --- 5.41 ¦ SM-KidsM 14. Lerch Janis 2010 Volketswil 4.10,0 0.36,3 (20206) Diplom Foto Video --- 4.37 ¦ SI-T127- 35. Lettner Dieter 1960 Untersiggenthal FaLeRuTe 34:21.28,0 14:10.36,8 (1225) Diplom Foto Video T127-M 91. 16.13 ¦ SI-T127- 8. Leuenberger Marco 1972 Solothurn No Worries 23:32.01,3 6:08.28,6 (1235) Diplom Foto Video T127-M 22. 11.07 ¦ SM-K23-M 1. Leutenegger Josef 1944 Bubendorf SMRUN 2:47.58,7 ----- (4689) Diplom Foto Video K23-M 274. 7.03 ¦ SM-T88-W 7. Levi Priska 1966 Oberuzwil Run Fit Thurgau 17:14.46,8 5:03.42,8 (240) Diplom Foto Video T88-W 35. 11.44 ¦ SM-K10-W 23. Levin Kajsa 1965 S-Hägersten 1:35.34,7 42.27,9 (5261) Diplom Foto Video K10-W 138. 10.03 ¦ SM-KidsM 4. Levy Victor 2010 Davos Dorf 3.46,9 0.13,2 (20220) Diplom Foto Video --- 4.12 ¦ SM-K23-W 65. Leyder Claude 1988 L-Béreldange 3:09.36,3 1:20.42,9 (4716) Diplom Foto Video K23-W 192. 7.57 ¦ SM-K23-W 41. Leyder Diane 1991 L-Béreldange 3:09.36,6 1:17.11,0 (4717) Diplom Foto Video K23-W 193. 7.58 ¦ SM-T88-S 1. Hegner Norbert 1965 Galgenen 8:18.15,4 ----- (914) Diplom Foto Video --- 5.39 ¦ SM-KidsM 19. Liaudet Quentin 2011 Fionnay 2.34,8 0.34,6 (20362) Diplom Foto Video --- 5.09 ¦ SM-K43-M 75. Liberek Vincent 1961 Conches 6:07.21,9 2:13.49,3 (3671) Diplom Foto Video K43-M 297. 8.33 ¦ SM-T88-4 43. Libiszewsi Werner 1967 Zürich 8:19.44,9 3:46.44,9 (277) Diplom Foto Video --- 10.51 ¦ SM-T88-M DNF Libiszewsi Werner 1967 Zürich 8:19.44,9 Bergün (277) Diplom Foto Video T88-M ---- ¦ SM-K10-M 4. Lieberherr Bruno 1945 Neuhaus SG BRUNOX TURBO-SPRAY 1:02.21,6 4.45,5 (5234) Diplom Foto Video K10-M 59. 6.33 ¦ SM-K43-M 49. Liechti Alexander 1955 Bisikon 7:20.19,5 3:07.48,3 (3162) Diplom Foto Video K43-M 432. 10.15 ¦ SM-K43-M 58. Liehner Daniel 1977 Kreuzlingen 5:47.08,5 1:28.47,3 (3518) Diplom Foto Video K43-M 235. 8.05 ¦ SM-KidsW 42. Lienhard Talia 2013 Küsnacht ZH 4.41,3 1.58,8 (20508) Diplom Foto Video --- 9.22 ¦ SM-T88-M 28. Lienhard Tobias 1981 Küsnacht ZH 14:03.00,0 4:54.36,7 (453) Diplom Foto Video T88-M 72. 9.34 ¦ SM-K23-M 19. Lignell Börje 1958 Mariehamn 2:56.31,5 51.22,7 (4787) Diplom Foto Video K23-M 310. 7.25 ¦ SM-K23-W 27. Lignell Jaana 1970 Mariehamn 2:45.58,2 37.25,5 (4403) Diplom Foto Video K23-W 118. 6.58 ¦ SM-K43-M 38. Likos John 1975 AUS-Sydney 5:25.11,0 1:06.49,8 (3804) Diplom Foto Video K43-M 167. 7.34 ¦ SM-T88-M 10. Limberger Wolfram 1986 D-Endingen am Kaiserstuhl 11:30.28,1 2:22.04,8 (462) Diplom Foto Video T88-M 16. 7.50 ¦ SM-K43-W 19. Lindeberg Anne Grethe 1978 N-Oslo 6:14.21,8 1:58.18,8 (3796) Diplom Foto Video K43-W 65. 8.43 ¦ SM-T88-M 9. Lindgren Torgil 1977 S-Karlstad Trollboll 12:48.37,5 4:27.54,5 (126) Diplom Foto Video T88-M 44. 8.43 ¦ SM-T88-M 9. Lindner Uwe 1957 D-Höttingen Arriba Göppersdorf 15:16.21,8 2:56.43,2 (10) Diplom Foto Video T88-M 106. 10.24 ¦ SM-KidsW 13. Lindquist Alva 2008 S-Tranemo 6.25,9 0.57,2 (20121) Diplom Foto Video --- 4.35 ¦ SM-KidsW 7. Lindquist Saga 2006 S-Tranemo 6.38,9 1.45,8 (20007) Diplom Foto Video --- 4.44 ¦ SM-K10-W 17. Lindqvist Anna 1974 S-Tranemo Team Tapper 1:15.20,6 24.06,9 (5049) Diplom Foto Video K10-W 92. 7.55 ¦ SM-KidsM 7. Lingenhag Livio 2013 Buchen im Prättigau 3.07,3 0.32,5 (20577) Diplom Foto Video --- 6.14 ¦ SI-H20-W DNF Link Kornelia 1956 D-Riegel ----- ----- (7079) Diplom Foto Video H20-W ---- ¦ SI-H20-M DNF Link Thomas 1955 D-Riegel ----- ----- (7080) Diplom Foto Video H20-M ---- ¦ SM-K43-W 41. Linsel Tanja 1972 D-Karlsruhe 8:00.36,8 3:44.33,8 (3116) Diplom Foto Video K43-W 159. 11.12 ¦ SM-K23-M 65. Lippi Giudo 1973 Chur 2:36.50,6 59.44,6 (4678) Diplom Foto Video K23-M 225. 6.35 ¦ SM-K23-M 27. Lippuner Christoph 1966 Frauenfeld LSV Frauenfeld 2:19.01,1 27.47,2 (4537) Diplom Foto Video K23-M 122. 5.50 ¦ SM-T88-4 27. Lippuner Mathias 1965 Oberwil BL Remember the K78 7:28.03,3 2:55.03,3 (274) Diplom Foto Video --- 9.44 ¦ SM-T88-M DNF Lippuner Mathias 1965 Oberwil BL Remember the K78 7:28.03,3 Bergün (274) Diplom Foto Video T88-M ---- ¦ SM-K43-M 31. Llibre Lawrence 1966 USA-Mountain Rest SC 5:23.09,6 1:29.37,0 (3375) Diplom Foto Video K43-M 159. 7.31 ¦ SM-KidsW 8. Lobsiger Kim 2007 Brügg BE 5.58,1 0.29,4 (20130) Diplom Foto Video --- 4.15 ¦ SM-K43-M 66. Lobsiger Sacha 1970 Brügg BE 6:03.04,7 1:44.43,5 (3158) Diplom Foto Video K43-M 290. 8.27 ¦ SM-T39-M 11. Loch Richard 1990 D-Lörrach 8:46.15,9 3:43.44,1 (2107) Diplom Foto Video T39-M 70. 13.27 ¦ SM-K43-M 69. Lock Kevin 1973 Zürich 6:07.56,9 1:49.35,7 (3659) Diplom Foto Video K43-M 300. 8.34 ¦ SM-K43-W 21. Lock Susan 1978 Bern 6:23.21,3 2:07.18,3 (3336) Diplom Foto Video K43-W 80. 8.56 ¦ SM-K23-W 18. Lock Ursula 1975 Zürich 2:34.04,8 25.32,1 (4700) Diplom Foto Video K23-W 78. 6.28 ¦ SM-T127- 13. Loei Herek 1986 SIN-Singapore 23:19.08,7 7:22.46,8 (1194) Diplom Foto Video --- 15.53 ¦ SI-T127- DNF Loei Herek 1986 SIN-Singapore 23:19.08,7 Bergün (1194) Diplom Foto Video T127-M ---- ¦ SM-K43-W DNF Loher Christine 1968 Davos Dorf ----- ----- (3519) Diplom Foto Video K43-W ---- ¦ SM-K43-M 64. Loher Urs 1966 Davos Dorf 5:55.21,9 2:01.49,3 (3520) Diplom Foto Video K43-M 265. 8.17 ¦ SM-K10-M 6. Lombard Cian 1990 IRL-Cork 56.40,1 13.09,0 (5231) Diplom Foto Video K10-M 39. 5.57 ¦ SM-T39-W 2. Lombard Elissa 1991 USA-Freeport 8:55.47,1 26.59,4 (2111) Diplom Foto Video T39-W 20. 13.42 ¦ SM-K43-M 64. Loof Roeland 1981 Zürich 5:23.07,7 2:07.06,2 (3206) Diplom Foto Video K43-M 158. 7.31 ¦ SM-T88-M 2. Looser Dominik 1989 St. Gallen 11:55.21,6 38.13,8 (216) Diplom Foto Video T88-M 24. 8.07 ¦ SM-KidsM 9. Lorenz Armon 2013 Davos Platz 3.11,9 0.37,1 (20576) Diplom Foto Video --- 6.23 ¦ SM-KidsW 31. Lorenz Lissi 2010 Davos Platz 5.33,0 1.42,6 (20264) Diplom Foto Video --- 6.10 ¦ SM-K43-M 46. Lörtscher Robin 1978 Uster 5:35.08,1 1:16.46,9 (3641) Diplom Foto Video K43-M 191. 7.48 ¦ ST-T29-M 16. Losa Marco 1988 Pfäffikon ZH 5:00.02,5 1:12.14,0 (9340) Diplom Foto Video T29-M 43. 10.25 ¦ SM-K23-M 41. Loszinski Alexander 1986 D-Bochum 2:27.12,9 42.42,1 (4577) Diplom Foto Video K23-M 171. 6.11 ¦ SM-K10-W 19. Lötscher Daria 1986 Zürich 1:06.05,2 15.34,3 (5156) Diplom Foto Video K10-W 57. 6.57 ¦ ST-H16-W 2. Louis-Tisserand Marie 1982 Neuchâtel 2:03.53,4 2.36,5 (9610) Diplom Foto Video H16-W 6. 7.33 ¦ SM-K43-M 69. Löw Daniel 1962 Basel 5:58.00,3 2:04.27,7 (3601) Diplom Foto Video K43-M 276. 8.20 ¦ ST-H21-W 5. Löytty Marjo 1964 FI-Kuopio 3:33.22,3 57.45,2 (6088) Diplom Foto Video H21-W 21. 9.58 ¦ SM-K23-M 51. Lozano Pedro 1970 E-Pozuelo de Alarcon 2:27.54,5 50.48,5 (4226) Diplom Foto Video K23-M 178. 6.12 ¦ SM-K23-M 18. Ludäscher Martin 1985 Rothenthurm 2:11.00,3 26.29,5 (4690) Diplom Foto Video K23-M 68. 5.30 ¦ SI-T127- 20. Lude Guido 1964 Neftenbach 29:36.14,4 9:25.23,2 (1185) Diplom Foto Video T127-M 54. 13.59 ¦ SI-H20-M 5. Luger Rafael 1985 Niederhasli 2:46.44,8 18.27,2 (7062) Diplom Foto Video H20-M 26. 8.12 ¦ SM-T88-W 5. Luginbühl Gabi 1967 Horboden 16:52.47,5 4:41.43,5 (312) Diplom Foto Video T88-W 31. 11.29 ¦ SM-K23-M 27. Lui Jürgen 1958 D-Dorsten 3:19.09,6 1:14.00,8 (4543) Diplom Foto Video K23-M 372. 8.22 ¦ SM-K23-W 37. Lui Sabine 1971 D-Dorsten 2:53.49,5 45.16,8 (4544) Diplom Foto Video K23-W 152. 7.18 ¦ SM-K43-M 64. Lund Hans Erik 1952 DK-Viborg Sct. Jorgen 7:59.53,2 3:47.22,0 (3239) Diplom Foto Video K43-M 467. 11.11 ¦ ST-H21-W 9. Lungwitz Anna 1969 D-Leverkusen 3:49.25,7 39.05,5 (6176) Diplom Foto Video H21-W 36. 10.43 ¦ SM-K43-M 37. Luo Weiwei 1991 Genève 6:26.58,5 3:16.18,0 (3479) Diplom Foto Video K43-M 350. 9.01 ¦ ST-H16-W 1. Lüönd Isabella 1959 Chur alpinrunner.ch 2:01.02,5 ----- (9627) Diplom Foto Video H16-W 3. 7.22 ¦ SM-K23-W 14. Lüönd Isabella 1959 Chur alpinrunner.ch 2:40.08,1 24.11,9 (4761) Diplom Foto Video K23-W 94. 6.43 ¦ ST-H16-M 1. Lüönd Martin 1957 Chur alpinrunner.ch 2:04.12,9 ----- (9628) Diplom Foto Video H16-M 8. 7.34 ¦ SM-T88-M 11. Lüscher Thomas 1978 Schlierbach 13:19.37,2 4:58.54,2 (260) Diplom Foto Video T88-M 51. 9.04 ¦ SM-K43-M 48. Lüssi Markus 1966 Hombrechtikon 5:43.02,4 1:49.29,8 (3686) Diplom Foto Video K43-M 221. 7.59 ¦ SM-K23-M 1. Lustenberger Daniel 1992 Kriens Salomon Running Switzerland 1:31.42,5 ----- (4001) Diplom Foto Video K23-M 1. 3.51 ¦ SM-KidsM 6. Lusti Aron 2013 Davos Dorf 2.58,9 0.24,1 (20515) Diplom Foto Video --- 5.57 ¦ SM-KidsW 35. Lusti Mirja 2015 Davos Dorf 3.47,3 1.04,8 (20516) Diplom Foto Video --- 7.34 ¦ SM-K23-M 20. Lüthi Hans-Ruedi 1971 Wattwil LR Mosnang 2:11.37,7 34.31,7 (4473) Diplom Foto Video K23-M 74. 5.31 ¦ SM-KidsM 9. Lüthi Nils 2006 Wattwil 7.12,3 2.26,4 (20016) Diplom Foto Video --- 5.08 ¦ SM-KidsW 18. Lüthi Vera 2008 Wattwil 7.20,0 1.51,3 (20139) Diplom Foto Video --- 5.14 ¦ SM-K23-M 15. Lüthy Marco 1981 Unterentfelden 2:08.00,7 23.29,9 (4740) Diplom Foto Video K23-M 53. 5.22 ¦ SI-T127- 11. Lutz Matthias 1986 D-Laupheim 26:15.09,5 10:34.33,1 (1195) Diplom Foto Video T127-M 37. 12.24 ¦ SM-T88-M 6. Luzio Fabio 1991 Cunter Schachclub Marmorera 16:59.28,4 5:42.20,6 (343) Diplom Foto Video T88-M 151. 11.34 ¦ ST-H21-M 22. Lvmo Stig 1964 N-Oslo 5:28.13,5 3:00.17,5 (6167) Diplom Foto Video H21-M 98. 15.20 ¦
Total 144

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