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Swissalpine Irontrail Davos/St.Moritz 2018 - nach Name "C"

Kategorie Rang Name Jg Land Ort Team Zeit Rückstand Stnr Overall Schnitt ¦ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SM-K23-W 62. Cadisch Miriam 1983 Tann JTri 3:03.44,7 1:14.51,3 (4663) Diplom Foto Video K23-W 179. 7.43 ¦ ST-T43-W 3. Cadonau Madlaina 1987 Pontresina 7:08.23,9 1:33.43,7 (9080) Diplom Foto Video T43-W 7. 9.50 ¦ SM-K43-W 12. Cadonau Madlaina 1987 Pontresina 5:29.57,3 1:26.32,9 (3586) Diplom Foto Video K43-W 27. 7.41 ¦ SM-K10-M 3. Caduff Casper 1952 Küblis Track Club Davos 1:02.50,4 18.16,8 (5083) Diplom Foto Video K10-M 61. 6.36 ¦ SM-KidsW 4. Caduff Nilaja 2013 Davos Dorf 2.48,0 0.05,5 (20569) Diplom Foto Video --- 5.36 ¦ SM-K43-M 80. Cahenzli Andy 1961 Untervaz Team Cahenzli 6:13.38,5 2:20.05,9 (3174) Diplom Foto Video K43-M 313. 8.42 ¦ SM-K43-M 35. Cahenzli Jonas 1990 Untervaz Team Cahenzli 6:13.39,0 3:02.58,5 (3175) Diplom Foto Video K43-M 314. 8.42 ¦ SM-T88-W 16. Calderone Claudia 1975 Russikon calderone-walther 18:09.05,6 7:59.54,1 (482) Diplom Foto Video T88-W 46. 12.21 ¦ ST-H16-M 1. Calderone Francesco 1965 Neuchâtel 2:03.53,1 ----- (9609) Diplom Foto Video H16-M 7. 7.33 ¦ SM-K43-W 14. Calic Milka 1965 Davos Platz 6:11.55,9 1:15.11,9 (3620) Diplom Foto Video K43-W 60. 8.40 ¦ SM-K43-W 3. Caluori Alice 1969 Chur Bielersport.ch/Alpinrunner 4:36.58,7 20.55,7 (3597) Diplom Foto Video K43-W 7. 6.27 ¦ SM-K23-W 18. Caluori Lea 1995 Hombrechtikon 2:39.58,0 47.32,4 (4236) Diplom Foto Video K23-W 93. 6.43 ¦ SI-H20-W 14. Caminada Petra 1976 Winkel 3:26.53,6 1:13.01,4 (7024) Diplom Foto Video H20-W 27. 10.11 ¦ SI-H20-M 14. Caminada Rafael 1972 Winkel 3:26.53,6 1:03.04,5 (7025) Diplom Foto Video H20-M 51. 10.11 ¦ SI-H20-M 12. Camiu Augustin 1960 Landquart Lauftreff Landquart 3:04.01,1 58.03,8 (7139) Diplom Foto Video H20-M 37. 9.03 ¦ SM-T88-W 3. Canepa Francesca 1971 I-Morgex (AO) Montblancteam 11:42.04,0 1:32.52,5 (475) Diplom Foto Video T88-W 5. 7.58 ¦ SM-K43-M 109. Cantieni Ivan 1973 Domat/Ems 7:51.19,3 3:32.58,1 (3752) Diplom Foto Video K43-M 461. 10.59 ¦ SM-T88-M DNF Caprez Paul 1960 Luzern Marathon-Team-Kriens 2:35.14,5 Samedan (107) Diplom Foto Video T88-M ---- ¦ SM-K23-M 8. Carasco Flavio 1989 Malans GR 1:50.28,0 18.45,5 (4457) Diplom Foto Video K23-M 17. 4.38 ¦ SI-T127- 6. Carbonara Gabriele 1972 I-Napoli (NA) Team Anima Trail 22:31.08,8 5:07.36,1 (1248) Diplom Foto Video T127-M 16. 10.38 ¦ SI-H20-W 2. Carigiet Gabriella 1965 Zizers Lauftreff Landquart 2:56.46,9 0.03,9 (7127) Diplom Foto Video H20-W 12. 8.42 ¦ SI-H20-W 4. Carisch Nina 1977 Savognin 2:35.19,6 21.27,4 (7168) Diplom Foto Video H20-W 5. 7.39 ¦ SM-K23-W 37. Carl Claudia 1962 Niederhasli 3:12.17,2 56.21,0 (4651) Diplom Foto Video K23-W 202. 8.04 ¦ SM-K23-M 28. Carl Hampi 1954 Niederhasli 3:25.30,7 1:20.21,9 (4652) Diplom Foto Video K23-M 380. 8.38 ¦ SM-T88-M 67. Carl Martin 1964 Winterthur The Irontrailers 18:38.20,7 8:57.28,8 (177) Diplom Foto Video T88-M 193. 12.41 ¦ SM-K43-M 34. Carlsson Ulf 1976 S-Färjestaden 5:17.13,5 58.52,3 (3795) Diplom Foto Video K43-M 151. 7.23 ¦ SM-K43-M 105. Carnot David 1982 Samnaun-Compatsch Samnaun 6:22.56,7 3:06.55,2 (3517) Diplom Foto Video K43-M 337. 8.55 ¦ SM-KidsM 23. Carrillo Elias Colin 2014 Klosters 3.41,6 1.06,8 (20503) Diplom Foto Video --- 7.23 ¦ SM-KidsM 20. Carrillo Noah Celio 2012 Klosters 2.35,6 0.35,4 (20307) Diplom Foto Video --- 5.11 ¦ SM-K10-W 20. Caruana Smith Marika 1973 MLT-Madliena 1:16.34,2 25.20,5 (5239) Diplom Foto Video K10-W 99. 8.03 ¦ SM-K23-M 22. Casanova Odilo 1955 Gossau ZH 3:06.43,2 1:01.34,4 (4311) Diplom Foto Video K23-M 343. 7.50 ¦ SI-T127- 1. Casanovas Ramon 1980 Biel/Bienne 15:40.36,4 ----- (1001) Diplom Foto Video T127-M 1. 7.24 ¦ ST-T43-M 2. Casavecchia Roberto 1973 Gerra Piano Marmottteam Ticino 6:10.12,7 33.56,4 (9073) Diplom Foto Video T43-M 19. 8.30 ¦ SM-K43-M 113. Cash Kevin 1986 USA-Crown point Nick and Kevin 6:38.25,4 3:22.23,9 (3467) Diplom Foto Video K43-M 374. 9.17 ¦ SM-KidsW 15. Caspar Larissa 2007 Davos Platz 6.39,9 1.11,2 (20143) Diplom Foto Video --- 4.45 ¦ SM-KidsW 3. Caspar Madlaina 2011 Davos Platz 2.29,6 0.06,1 (20328) Diplom Foto Video --- 4.59 ¦ SM-T39-M 22. Caspescha Curdin 1978 Strada 10:34.03,8 6:08.40,5 (2020) Diplom Foto Video T39-M 83. 16.12 ¦ SM-K43-M 19. Castagna Luciano 1972 Zollikerberg Freizeitsportler.ch 4:59.06,3 40.45,1 (3577) Diplom Foto Video K43-M 95. 6.58 ¦ SM-T88-M 1. Castanyer Tofol 1972 E-Soller mallorca Salomon 8:20.43,0 ----- (1) Diplom Foto Video T88-M 1. 5.41 ¦ SM-K23-M 52. Castro Pedro 1997 Davos Platz 3:04.52,4 1:33.09,9 (4602) Diplom Foto Video K23-M 336. 7.46 ¦ SM-K10-W 22. Casutt Marina 1980 Davos Dorf 1:07.12,6 16.41,7 (5099) Diplom Foto Video K10-W 63. 7.04 ¦ ST-T43-M DNF Catellani Beat 1969 Studen SZ 1:38.14,7 St. Moritz (9083) Diplom Foto Video T43-M ---- ¦ SM-KidsM 8. Cathry Gian-Andrin 2011 Andermatt 2.18,7 0.18,5 (20378) Diplom Foto Video --- 4.37 ¦ SM-KidsM 10. Cathry Orlando 2013 Andermatt 3.13,3 0.38,5 (20572) Diplom Foto Video --- 6.26 ¦ SM-T88-M 2. Cathry Patrick 1981 Andermatt 9:08.55,0 0.31,7 (397) Diplom Foto Video T88-M 3. 6.13 ¦ SM-K43-M 34. Cathry Severin 1986 Andermatt Britsch Brusic 4:56.03,6 1:40.02,1 (3783) Diplom Foto Video K43-M 88. 6.54 ¦ SM-K43-M 20. Cavegn Nico 1990 Wil SG 5:13.14,3 2:02.33,8 (3647) Diplom Foto Video K43-M 133. 7.18 ¦ SM-K43-M 123. Caviezel Andrin 1984 Lantsch/Lenz TeamC 7:17.17,5 4:01.16,0 (3582) Diplom Foto Video K43-M 428. 10.11 ¦ ST-T43-W 1. Caviezel Brigitte 1966 Celerina/Schlarigna 7:56.04,6 ----- (9171) Diplom Foto Video T43-W 12. 10.56 ¦ SM-K43-W DNF Caviezel Marianne 1981 Lantsch/Lenz TeamC 5:26.29,3 Sertig Dörf (3583) Diplom Foto Video K43-W ---- ¦ SM-T88-M 17. Caviezel Reto 1980 Affoltern am Albis 12:26.19,6 3:17.56,3 (237) Diplom Foto Video T88-M 35. 8.28 ¦ SM-K23-M 87. Cejka Kristian 1976 KEN-Nairobi 2:53.49,4 1:16.43,4 (4326) Diplom Foto Video K23-M 296. 7.18 ¦ SM-K23-W 22. Cervenkova Stastna Lucie 1974 CZ-Prague BK CVACHT 2:41.16,0 32.43,3 (4603) Diplom Foto Video K23-W 96. 6.46 ¦ SM-K43-M 73. Chambers Philip 1981 GB-London 5:35.58,4 2:19.56,9 (3152) Diplom Foto Video K43-M 194. 7.49 ¦ ST-H21-W 22. Chan June 1971 SIN-Singapore 7:19.40,4 4:09.20,2 (6109) Diplom Foto Video H21-W 97. 20.32 ¦ SM-K10-M 1. Cheadle-Hunt Barnaby 1989 Basel 43.31,1 ----- (5061) Diplom Foto Video K10-M 4. 4.34 ¦ SM-K10-W 4. Cheadle-Hunt Katie 1988 Basel 57.09,4 6.38,5 (5062) Diplom Foto Video K10-W 15. 6.00 ¦ SM-KidsW 16. Cherek Mara 2008 D-Hamburg 6.46,2 1.17,5 (20109) Diplom Foto Video --- 4.50 ¦ SI-T127- 16. Cherek Uwe 1968 D-Hamburg Roadrunnerteam Hamburg 28:15.41,6 8:04.50,4 (1123) Diplom Foto Video T127-M 48. 13.21 ¦ SM-K23-W 39. Chindamo Monica 1968 Davos Platz 3:13.53,8 57.57,6 (4549) Diplom Foto Video K23-W 206. 8.08 ¦ ST-T43-M 29. Chong Hiu Yeung 1979 HKG-Kowloon RTW 10:41.22,4 5:55.27,2 (9002) Diplom Foto Video T43-M 88. 14.44 ¦ SM-K43-M 50. Chopart Hubert 1956 F-Meaux 7:20.40,2 3:08.09,0 (3398) Diplom Foto Video K43-M 433. 10.16 ¦ SM-K43-M 80. Christen Dennis 1988 Saas Fee 5:42.22,2 2:26.20,7 (3757) Diplom Foto Video K43-M 217. 7.58 ¦ SM-KidsM 22. Christen Pino 2012 Marbach SG 2.37,3 0.37,1 (20341) Diplom Foto Video --- 5.14 ¦ SM-K43-M 87. Christen Simon 1987 Aadorf 5:51.05,9 2:35.04,4 (3603) Diplom Foto Video K43-M 252. 8.11 ¦ SM-KidsM 14. Christen Till 2014 Marbach SG 3.28,8 0.54,0 (20540) Diplom Foto Video --- 6.57 ¦ SM-KidsW 10. Christen Zoe 2009 Marbach SG 4.30,8 0.40,4 (20234) Diplom Foto Video --- 5.00 ¦ SM-K43-M 84. Christiansen Per 1983 DK-Silkeborg 5:46.21,3 2:30.19,8 (3329) Diplom Foto Video K43-M 232. 8.04 ¦ SM-K23-M 57. Christoffel Marcel 1971 Mönchaltorf 2:30.32,7 53.26,7 (4888) Diplom Foto Video K23-M 193. 6.19 ¦ SM-T88-4 59. Ciaramella Luigi 1986 Duggingen RC Big Family 9:55.07,2 5:22.07,2 (178) Diplom Foto Video --- 12.56 ¦ SM-T88-M DNF Ciaramella Luigi 1986 Duggingen RC Big Family 9:55.07,2 Bergün (178) Diplom Foto Video T88-M ---- ¦ SM-K43-M DNF Ciaramella Raffaele 1962 Duggingen RC Big Family ----- ----- (3411) Diplom Foto Video K43-M ---- ¦ SM-K23-W 39. Cimador Amelie 1984 Stallikon 2:37.17,8 48.24,4 (4674) Diplom Foto Video K23-W 88. 6.36 ¦ ST-T43-M DNF Cincione Umberto 1981 Zofingen 1:59.10,3 St. Moritz (9635) Diplom Foto Video T43-M ---- ¦ SM-K23-M 55. Clack Robert 1985 GB-London 2:37.16,4 52.45,6 (4278) Diplom Foto Video K23-M 229. 6.36 ¦ SM-K23-W 35. Clibbon Holly 1993 GB-London 3:00.32,3 1:08.06,7 (4328) Diplom Foto Video K23-W 169. 7.35 ¦ SM-K43-M 57. Clifton Luke 1961 GB-Andover 5:51.40,1 1:58.07,5 (3457) Diplom Foto Video K43-M 254. 8.11 ¦ SM-T88-S 6. Norris David Gerhard 1994 GB-Glasgow Unite Against Cancer 10:21.57,7 2:03.42,3 (903) Diplom Foto Video --- 7.03 ¦ SI-H20-M 9. Colombi Livio 1995 Chur 3:16.07,0 1:05.59,9 (7173) Diplom Foto Video H20-M 44. 9.39 ¦ ST-T29-M 10. Conrad Flurin 1978 Zug 4:47.23,5 1:30.10,7 (9378) Diplom Foto Video T29-M 37. 9.58 ¦ SM-T39-W 1. Conrad Maria 1957 Rodels alpinrunner.ch 7:31.27,0 ----- (2066) Diplom Foto Video T39-W 11. 11.32 ¦ SM-T39-M 3. Conrad Robert 1957 Rodels alpinrunner.ch 7:31.27,2 1:00.00,0 (2067) Diplom Foto Video T39-M 50. 11.32 ¦ SM-K43-M 127. Conrad Toni 1984 Davos Glaris 7:42.14,3 4:26.12,8 (3788) Diplom Foto Video K43-M 457. 10.46 ¦ SM-T39-M 5. Conrad Valentin 1956 Thusis LG Thusis 8:14.58,5 1:43.31,3 (2085) Diplom Foto Video T39-M 63. 12.39 ¦ SM-K10-M 13. Cooper Gabriel 1988 USA-Los Angeles 1:13.42,7 27.37,5 (5086) Diplom Foto Video K10-M 87. 7.45 ¦ SM-K23-W 3. Cooper Philippa 1986 Wetzikon ZH 2:08.06,7 19.13,3 (4530) Diplom Foto Video K23-W 6. 5.22 ¦ SM-K23-M 5. Cortali Stefan 1988 Zürich 1:52.13,3 7.42,5 (4470) Diplom Foto Video K23-M 19. 4.42 ¦ SM-K23-M 54. Costa Ivano 1978 Winterthur 2:29.30,0 52.24,0 (4755) Diplom Foto Video K23-M 187. 6.16 ¦ SM-T88-4 67. Costa Yanik 1988 Wallisellen #metoo 11:20.23,4 6:47.23,4 (359) Diplom Foto Video --- 14.47 ¦ SM-T88-M DNF Costa Yanik 1988 Wallisellen #metoo 11:20.23,4 Bergün (359) Diplom Foto Video T88-M ---- ¦ SM-K23-M 69. Costanza Santo 1982 Glarus The Buddies 3:00.10,9 1:15.40,1 (4887) Diplom Foto Video K23-M 317. 7.34 ¦ SM-KidsW 3. Cotti Ramona 2005 Turgi 5.26,6 0.33,5 (20006) Diplom Foto Video --- 3.53 ¦ SM-K23-M 11. Crafford Daniel 1984 GB-London 2:04.44,5 20.13,7 (4443) Diplom Foto Video K23-M 44. 5.14 ¦ SM-K23-M 70. Croci-Maspoli Ralf 1982 Mollis The Buddies 3:00.11,2 1:15.40,4 (4884) Diplom Foto Video K23-M 318. 7.34 ¦ ST-H16-M 1. Cunnane John 1948 GB-Pontypridd Long Distance Walkers Associat 3:05.41,0 ----- (9625) Diplom Foto Video H16-M 19. 11.19 ¦ SM-K43-W 14. Cunniffe Laura 1989 IRL-Athlone Adidas Runners Dubai 7:07.24,0 2:56.33,6 (3475) Diplom Foto Video K43-W 123. 9.57 ¦ SM-K23-M 2. Curiger Andreas 1964 Buchs ZH LAC TV Unterstrass 1:57.00,2 5.46,3 (4714) Diplom Foto Video K23-M 25. 4.54 ¦ SM-K10-W 2. Curiger Barbara 1977 Horgen 55.25,7 4.12,0 (5308) Diplom Foto Video K10-W 13. 5.50 ¦ SM-K10-W 17. Curtis Kelli 1989 USA-Levelland 1:20.20,5 36.28,9 (10026) Diplom Foto Video K10-W 108. 8.27 ¦ ST-H21-W 16. Curtis Raelee 1967 USA-Monroe 4:18.52,9 1:43.15,8 (6031) Diplom Foto Video H21-W 47. 12.05 ¦
Total 100

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