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15 km Overall

40. Kerzerslauf 2018 - 15 km Overall

Ränge: 4001-4500 (1:30.07,4)
Rang Name/Ort Jg Team/Ortschaft Zeit Rückstand Stnr Kat/Rang Schnitt ¦ rt-Niederried ¦rried-Golaten ¦ Golaten-Ziel ¦ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4001. Burnand Eléonore 1979 Etagnières 1:30.07,4 46.39,9 (17031) Diplom Foto Video 15-F35 176. 6.00 ¦ 38.59 3693.¦ 23.35 4098.¦ 27.32 4084.¦ 4002. Mosch Andreas 1987 Füllinsdorf 1:30.08,5 46.41,0 (14175) Diplom Foto Video 15-M20 543. 6.00 ¦ 41.20 4243.¦ 22.43 3799.¦ 26.04 3640.¦ 4003. Castillo Bartolomé 1959 Paudex 1:30.08,6 46.41,1 (6051) Diplom Foto Video 15-M55 288. 6.00 ¦ 39.59 3957.¦ 24.01 4204.¦ 26.07 3665.¦ 4004. Leiser Estelle 1978 Froideville 1:30.08,8 46.41,3 (14149) Diplom Foto Video 15-F40 191. 6.00 ¦ 40.13 4012.¦ 23.28 4059.¦ 26.27 3788.¦ 4005. Frossard Hicham 1975 Ecuvillens 1:30.09,3 46.41,8 (13101) Diplom Foto Video 15-M40 453. 6.00 ¦ 38.55 3666.¦ 23.48 4154.¦ 27.25 4062.¦ 4006. Pierret Josiane 1967 Corminboeuf 1:30.09,9 46.42,4 (15222) Diplom Foto Video 15-F50 144. 6.00 ¦ 40.04 3979.¦ 23.26 4042.¦ 26.39 3854.¦ 4007. Moser Rosmarie, Seftigen 1963 Laufteam Münsingen 1:30.11,2 46.43,7 (15090) Diplom Foto Video 15-F55 66. 6.00 ¦ 40.25 4054.¦ 23.10 3963.¦ 26.34 3825.¦ 4008. Rentsch Nicole 1989 Murten 1:30.12,8 46.45,3 (12266) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 324. 6.00 ¦ 39.14 3761.¦ 23.24 4037.¦ 27.33 4091.¦ 4009. Rodel Sven 1966 Rothrist 1:30.13,4 46.45,9 (17231) Diplom Foto Video 15-M50 396. 6.00 ¦ 40.18 4028.¦ 23.18 4011.¦ 26.36 3835.¦ 4010. Dumont Philippe 1962 Corcelles NE 1:30.13,8 46.46,3 (15158) Diplom Foto Video 15-M55 289. 6.00 ¦ 38.59 3694.¦ 23.38 4112.¦ 27.35 4098.¦ 4011. Canete Beatriz 1978 Yverdon-les-Bains 1:30.14,3 46.46,8 (7043) Diplom Foto Video 15-F40 192. 6.00 ¦ 40.44 4117.¦ 22.59 3897.¦ 26.30 3808.¦ 4012. Mathieu Esther 1967 Worben 1:30.14,6 46.47,1 (13175) Diplom Foto Video 15-F50 145. 6.00 ¦ 42.04 4370.¦ 22.14 3566.¦ 25.56 3591.¦ 4013. Greber Stephan 1956 Zollikofen 1:30.15,7 46.48,2 (12202) Diplom Foto Video 15-M60 137. 6.01 ¦ 40.34 4081.¦ 23.03 3926.¦ 26.38 3848.¦ 4014. Hanisch Michaela 1958 Basel 1:30.17,0 46.49,5 (12204) Diplom Foto Video 15-F60 36. 6.01 ¦ 40.21 4036.¦ 22.57 3888.¦ 26.58 3936.¦ 4015. Cardaci Maria 1971 Feldbrunnen 1:30.17,6 46.50,1 (15086) Diplom Foto Video 15-F45 175. 6.01 ¦ 39.50 3921.¦ 23.14 3983.¦ 27.13 4004.¦ 4016. Tiret Emmanuelle 1987 Biel/Bienne 1:30.18,8 46.51,3 (17124) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 325. 6.01 ¦ 39.57 3944.¦ 23.04 3930.¦ 27.17 4019.¦ 4017. Scheiber Kaspar, Luzern 1939 smrun 1:30.20,7 46.53,2 (16285) Diplom Foto Video 15-M75 10. 6.01 ¦ 39.54 3938.¦ 23.11 3967.¦ 27.15 4015.¦ 4017. Zimmerli Stephan 1964 Bussigny 1:30.20,7 46.53,2 (14286) Diplom Foto Video 15-M50 397. 6.01 ¦ 42.22 4410.¦ 22.22 3626.¦ 25.35 3450.¦ 4019. Masciadri Monica, Worb 1965 LC Worb 1:30.20,9 46.53,4 (12194) Diplom Foto Video 15-F50 146. 6.01 ¦ 40.35 4093.¦ 22.48 3836.¦ 26.56 3924.¦ 4020. Heiniger Daniel 1961 Fraubrunnen 1:30.21,0 46.53,5 (15184) Diplom Foto Video 15-M55 290. 6.01 ¦ 39.13 3754.¦ 23.44 4138.¦ 27.23 4051.¦ 4021. Stokes Andrew 1967 Kirchberg BE 1:30.21,3 46.53,8 (9251) Diplom Foto Video 15-M50 398. 6.01 ¦ 38.31 3547.¦ 22.59 3898.¦ 28.50 4364.¦ 4022. Koch Albina 1988 Dübendorf 1:30.22,4 46.54,9 (13150) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 326. 6.01 ¦ 40.03 3975.¦ 23.32 4081.¦ 26.46 3881.¦ 4023. Durgnat Yvette 1946 Chernex 1:30.23,4 46.55,9 (13078) Diplom Foto Video 15-F70 5. 6.01 ¦ 40.14 4016.¦ 22.58 3893.¦ 27.11 3992.¦ 4024. Bussard Brigitte 1958 La Tour-de-Trême 1:30.24,0 46.56,5 (13043) Diplom Foto Video 15-F60 37. 6.01 ¦ 40.42 4110.¦ 22.48 3835.¦ 26.53 3910.¦ 4025. Vogt Tania 1982 Courgevaux 1:30.24,6 46.57,1 (13308) Diplom Foto Video 15-F35 177. 6.01 ¦ 39.31 3842.¦ 22.47 3829.¦ 28.05 4190.¦ 4026. Huber Paul 1957 Wald ZH 1:30.24,7 46.57,2 (11306) Diplom Foto Video 15-M60 138. 6.01 ¦ 40.16 4020.¦ 23.09 3952.¦ 26.59 3937.¦ 4027. Lecoq-Vallon Philippe 1968 Genève 1:30.24,9 46.57,4 (9143) Diplom Foto Video 15-M50 399. 6.01 ¦ 39.44 3903.¦ 23.16 4003.¦ 27.23 4056.¦ 4028. Gasser Rene 1965 Wettingen 1:30.25,3 46.57,8 (11095) Diplom Foto Video 15-M50 400. 6.01 ¦ 39.04 3719.¦ 23.07 3940.¦ 28.13 4224.¦ 4029. Curty Catherine 1971 Fribourg 1:30.25,4 46.57,9 (12019) Diplom Foto Video 15-F45 176. 6.01 ¦ 41.20 4244.¦ 22.37 3757.¦ 26.27 3787.¦ 4030. Gass Heinz, Berikon 1945 Beriker Jogger 1:30.25,7 46.58,2 (12166) Diplom Foto Video 15-M70 26. 6.01 ¦ 40.22 4041.¦ 23.27 4050.¦ 26.35 3828.¦ 4031. Büschi Renggli Monique 1957 Murten 1:30.26,8 46.59,3 (15143) Diplom Foto Video 15-F60 38. 6.01 ¦ 41.23 4262.¦ 22.35 3733.¦ 26.28 3794.¦ 4032. Jaloux Celestine 2003 Sugiez 1:30.27,8 47.00,3 (13139) Diplom Foto Video 15-U18F 15. 6.01 ¦ 40.24 4050.¦ 23.25 4039.¦ 26.37 3842.¦ 4033. Buchs Sonja, Giffers 1987 Buchs 1:30.28,2 47.00,7 (15287) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 327. 6.01 ¦ 41.22 4255.¦ 22.39 3776.¦ 26.25 3779.¦ 4034. Bürgin Hansueli, Estavayer-le-Lac 1963 TEAM ELSA 1:30.28,4 47.00,9 (13044) Diplom Foto Video 15-M55 291. 6.01 ¦ 39.40 3880.¦ 23.30 4072.¦ 27.17 4023.¦ 4035. Keller Daniel 1953 Kerzers 1:30.28,8 47.01,3 (8259) Diplom Foto Video 15-M65 75. 6.01 ¦ 40.00 3961.¦ 23.28 4058.¦ 26.59 3940.¦ 4035. Wenger Monika, Oberwil b. Büren 1966 Der Burgerspittel 1:30.28,8 47.01,3 (11271) Diplom Foto Video 15-F50 147. 6.01 ¦ 38.40 3599.¦ 23.01 3908.¦ 28.46 4351.¦ 4037. Marro Raphael 1986 Bösingen 1:30.28,9 47.01,4 (11165) Diplom Foto Video 15-M20 544. 6.01 ¦ 38.50 3646.¦ 23.41 4128.¦ 27.57 4166.¦ 4038. Baumgartner Karin 1979 Münsingen 1:30.29,4 47.01,9 (15129) Diplom Foto Video 15-F35 178. 6.01 ¦ 39.50 3927.¦ 23.01 3909.¦ 27.36 4104.¦ 4039. Buchs Laurence, Jaun 1987 Buchs 1:30.29,6 47.02,1 (15286) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 328. 6.01 ¦ 41.23 4260.¦ 22.39 3777.¦ 26.26 3782.¦ 4040. Buchs Elvira, Giffers 1986 Buchs 1:30.29,9 47.02,4 (15285) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 329. 6.01 ¦ 41.23 4257.¦ 22.40 3783.¦ 26.26 3783.¦ 4041. Schütz Hanspeter 1944 Bätterkinden 1:30.31,0 47.03,5 (13246) Diplom Foto Video 15-M70 27. 6.02 ¦ 40.11 4005.¦ 23.13 3975.¦ 27.05 3966.¦ 4042. Pusterla Anne-Marie 1959 Collonge-Bellerive 1:30.32,5 47.05,0 (13212) Diplom Foto Video 15-F55 67. 6.02 ¦ 40.10 4002.¦ 23.42 4134.¦ 26.39 3851.¦ 4043. Joliat Laure 1982 Courtételle 1:30.32,6 47.05,1 (13143) Diplom Foto Video 15-F35 179. 6.02 ¦ 39.41 3892.¦ 23.04 3931.¦ 27.46 4136.¦ 4044. Schönholzer Corina 1994 Murten 1:30.33,4 47.05,9 (13242) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 330. 6.02 ¦ 39.05 3725.¦ 23.06 3935.¦ 28.21 4251.¦ 4045. Neff Beatrice, Müllheim Dorf 1974 smrun 1:30.33,8 47.06,3 (16163) Diplom Foto Video 15-F40 193. 6.02 ¦ 40.08 3993.¦ 23.37 4111.¦ 26.47 3886.¦ 4046. Besson Joelle 1978 Tschugg 1:30.37,5 47.10,0 (12009) Diplom Foto Video 15-F40 194. 6.02 ¦ 42.41 4444.¦ 21.24 3151.¦ 26.31 3813.¦ 4047. Muzalyev Oleksiy 1962 Carouge GE 1:30.37,6 47.10,1 (11182) Diplom Foto Video 15-M55 292. 6.02 ¦ 38.53 3658.¦ 23.38 4114.¦ 28.05 4188.¦ 4048. Graber-Ammann Caroline 1989 Langenthal 1:30.38,6 47.11,1 (14098) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 331. 6.02 ¦ 39.00 3697.¦ 23.14 3984.¦ 28.24 4259.¦ 4049. Maillard Emmanuelle 1971 Villarsel-le-Gibloux 1:30.38,8 47.11,3 (12212) Diplom Foto Video 15-F45 177. 6.02 ¦ 40.02 3969.¦ 23.32 4084.¦ 27.04 3961.¦ 4050. Leuenberger Gilbert 1951 Belprahon 1:30.39,2 47.11,7 (13161) Diplom Foto Video 15-M65 76. 6.02 ¦ 39.52 3931.¦ 23.26 4042.¦ 27.21 4038.¦ 4051. Quartenoud David 1978 Estavayer-le-Lac 1:30.39,7 47.12,2 (15052) Diplom Foto Video 15-M40 454. 6.02 ¦ 39.40 3881.¦ 23.45 4142.¦ 27.14 4008.¦ 4052. Abdelmalek-Martinez Mohamed 1982 Zürich 1:30.41,6 47.14,1 (15001) Diplom Foto Video 15-M35 408. 6.02 ¦ 42.06 4377.¦ 22.38 3767.¦ 25.56 3593.¦ 4053. Pabst Stephan 1957 Grellingen 1:30.41,8 47.14,3 (15077) Diplom Foto Video 15-M60 139. 6.02 ¦ 39.50 3923.¦ 23.41 4131.¦ 27.09 3985.¦ 4054. Stoffel Anuschka 1995 Zürich 1:30.42,0 47.14,5 (40323) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 332. 6.02 ¦ 43.32 4556.¦ 22.14 3570.¦ 24.55 3167.¦ 4055. Plancherel Richard 1974 Estavayer-le-Lac 1:30.42,8 47.15,3 (12290) Diplom Foto Video 15-M40 455. 6.02 ¦ 39.26 3815.¦ 23.19 4018.¦ 27.56 4163.¦ 4055. Porchet Johanna 1989 Vevey 1:30.42,8 47.15,3 (10119) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 333. 6.02 ¦ 39.44 3904.¦ 23.22 4030.¦ 27.35 4096.¦ 4057. Boss Jacqueline 1966 Bern 1:30.43,3 47.15,8 (13026) Diplom Foto Video 15-F50 148. 6.02 ¦ 40.07 3990.¦ 22.59 3900.¦ 27.35 4098.¦ 4058. Stocker Christoph 1955 Männedorf 1:30.44,6 47.17,1 (50041) Diplom Foto Video 15-MV 23. 6.02 ¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ 4059. Carpentieri Gianluca 1965 Zürich 1:30.45,0 47.17,5 (40061) Diplom Foto Video 15-M50 401. 6.03 ¦ 39.40 3883.¦ 23.41 4130.¦ 27.23 4048.¦ 4060. Axiak Flammer Shannon 1976 Bremgarten b. Bern 1:30.46,0 47.18,5 (16007) Diplom Foto Video 15-F40 195. 6.03 ¦ 40.17 4025.¦ 24.06 4220.¦ 26.22 3766.¦ 4061. Peguet Catherine, Gland 1947 Seniors de Coubertin 1:30.46,1 47.18,6 (40233) Diplom Foto Video 15-F70 6. 6.03 ¦ 39.33 3850.¦ 24.04 4216.¦ 27.09 3979.¦ 4062. Eichenberger Bernhard 1961 Düdingen 1:30.46,5 47.19,0 (12237) Diplom Foto Video 15-M55 293. 6.03 ¦ 39.51 3930.¦ 23.31 4077.¦ 27.23 4048.¦ 4063. Weber Polz Andrea, Lausanne 1966 Footing-Club Lausanne 1:30.47,3 47.19,8 (16298) Diplom Foto Video 15-F50 149. 6.03 ¦ 40.25 4053.¦ 23.13 3979.¦ 27.08 3974.¦ 4064. Häfliger Andreas 1967 Heiden 1:30.49,5 47.22,0 (13135) Diplom Foto Video 15-M50 402. 6.03 ¦ 40.52 4142.¦ 22.53 3868.¦ 27.03 3960.¦ 4065. Mosimann Fritz 1967 Worben 1:30.50,1 47.22,6 (16303) Diplom Foto Video 15-M50 403. 6.03 ¦ 39.42 3897.¦ 23.20 4022.¦ 27.47 4138.¦ 4066. Knecht-Imhof Ursula, Heimenschwand 1948 All Blacks Thun 1:30.51,2 47.23,7 (2217) Diplom Foto Video 15-F70 7. 6.03 ¦ 40.02 3971.¦ 24.24 4295.¦ 26.23 3774.¦ 4067. Wespi Thomas 1958 Erlenbach ZH 1:30.51,5 47.24,0 (10201) Diplom Foto Video 15-M60 140. 6.03 ¦ 38.25 3517.¦ 23.35 4100.¦ 28.50 4361.¦ 4068. Gasche Gisela 1965 Derendingen 1:30.53,1 47.25,6 (16109) Diplom Foto Video 15-F50 150. 6.03 ¦ 40.26 4055.¦ 23.23 4032.¦ 27.03 3958.¦ 4069. Roth Birgit 1947 Rapperswil BE 1:30.53,7 47.26,2 (11034) Diplom Foto Video 15-F70 8. 6.03 ¦ 41.01 4172.¦ 23.15 3991.¦ 26.37 3841.¦ 4070. Iliu Gloria 1987 Basel 1:30.53,8 47.26,3 (12168) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 334. 6.03 ¦ 41.43 4305.¦ 22.48 3838.¦ 26.21 3764.¦ 4071. Maillard Jean-Claude 1965 Bôle 1:30.54,4 47.26,9 (7164) Diplom Foto Video 15-M50 404. 6.03 ¦ 38.44 3620.¦ 23.58 4192.¦ 28.11 4213.¦ 4072. Clerc Mireille 1980 Villargiroud 1:30.54,7 47.27,2 (40481) Diplom Foto Video 15-F35 180. 6.03 ¦ 39.51 3928.¦ 23.52 4170.¦ 27.10 3991.¦ 4073. Burkhalter Michel 1978 Sugiez 1:30.55,7 47.28,2 (11301) Diplom Foto Video 15-M40 456. 6.03 ¦ 38.56 3672.¦ 23.43 4136.¦ 28.15 4231.¦ 4074. Leuenberger Vanessa 1984 Belprahon 1:30.56,0 47.28,5 (13163) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 335. 6.03 ¦ 39.29 3829.¦ 23.36 4102.¦ 27.50 4151.¦ 4075. Cuennet Jeanine 1967 Nierlet-les-Bois 1:30.57,8 47.30,3 (13063) Diplom Foto Video 15-F50 151. 6.03 ¦ 39.37 3871.¦ 23.37 4107.¦ 27.42 4123.¦ 4076. Schüpbach R Susanne 1970 Port 1:30.59,6 47.32,1 (13244) Diplom Foto Video 15-F45 178. 6.03 ¦ 39.40 3881.¦ 23.35 4097.¦ 27.44 4127.¦ 4077. Roth Jasmin, Egerkingen 1989 Ingold Rönners 1:30.59,8 47.32,3 (40266) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 336. 6.03 ¦ 40.39 4102.¦ 23.30 4074.¦ 26.49 3889.¦ 4077. Savard Zahno Isabelle 1979 Noréaz 1:30.59,8 47.32,3 (14232) Diplom Foto Video 15-F35 181. 6.03 ¦ 40.16 4018.¦ 23.20 4025.¦ 27.22 4044.¦ 4079. Raach Charles 1986 Préverenges 1:30.59,9 47.32,4 (17103) Diplom Foto Video 15-M20 545. 6.03 ¦ 40.24 4052.¦ 23.37 4105.¦ 26.58 3933.¦ 4080. De Gol Solène 1997 Muraz (Collombey) 1:31.00,1 47.32,6 (17046) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 337. 6.04 ¦ 42.04 4372.¦ 23.02 3919.¦ 25.52 3567.¦ 4081. Correvon Friderici Estelle 1973 Noréaz 1:31.00,7 47.33,2 (13060) Diplom Foto Video 15-F45 179. 6.04 ¦ 40.18 4026.¦ 23.19 4019.¦ 27.22 4046.¦ 4082. Schibli Gaby 1953 Steg VS 1:31.00,9 47.33,4 (12112) Diplom Foto Video 15-F65 11. 6.04 ¦ 39.31 3837.¦ 24.04 4218.¦ 27.25 4061.¦ 4083. Bourqui Elisa 1997 Vionnaz 1:31.01,4 47.33,9 (17029) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 338. 6.04 ¦ 42.04 4370.¦ 23.03 3924.¦ 25.53 3571.¦ 4084. Lehmann Luisa 1950 Münsingen 1:31.01,6 47.34,1 (11152) Diplom Foto Video 15-F65 12. 6.04 ¦ 41.24 4266.¦ 23.30 4069.¦ 26.07 3658.¦ 4085. Tung Catherine 1965 Neuchâtel 1:31.01,7 47.34,2 (13263) Diplom Foto Video 15-F50 152. 6.04 ¦ 40.07 3989.¦ 23.16 4000.¦ 27.37 4108.¦ 4086. Eggli Alain 1999 Kerzers 1:31.01,8 47.34,3 (40085) Diplom Foto Video 15-U20M 33. 6.04 ¦ 39.24 3803.¦ 23.30 4070.¦ 28.07 4195.¦ 4086. Pfister Kurt 1962 Goldau 1:31.01,8 47.34,3 (14202) Diplom Foto Video 15-M55 294. 6.04 ¦ 39.41 3890.¦ 24.12 4244.¦ 27.08 3975.¦ 4088. Mezger Sindy, Romont FR 1992 Free-Bourg Runners 1:31.02,4 47.34,9 (14166) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 339. 6.04 ¦ 38.53 3660.¦ 23.57 4181.¦ 28.11 4210.¦ 4089. Brunner Silvia 1976 Lyss 1:31.02,8 47.35,3 (12011) Diplom Foto Video 15-F40 196. 6.04 ¦ 40.53 4147.¦ 22.28 3677.¦ 27.40 4119.¦ 4090. Amrein Rita 1969 Willisau 1:31.03,7 47.36,2 (11042) Diplom Foto Video 15-F45 180. 6.04 ¦ 39.47 3909.¦ 23.28 4059.¦ 27.48 4143.¦ 4091. Klapp Monica 1981 Zürich 1:31.05,2 47.37,7 (13300) Diplom Foto Video 15-F35 182. 6.04 ¦ 41.01 4175.¦ 22.44 3802.¦ 27.19 4031.¦ 4092. Sebele Michel 1961 Birsfelden 1:31.07,8 47.40,3 (17173) Diplom Foto Video 15-M55 295. 6.04 ¦ 41.14 4219.¦ 23.17 4007.¦ 26.35 3829.¦ 4093. Wiedmer Christine 1965 Bubendorf 1:31.08,6 47.41,1 (9275) Diplom Foto Video 15-F50 153. 6.04 ¦ 39.25 3809.¦ 23.24 4035.¦ 28.19 4240.¦ 4094. Moravetz Nathalie 1971 D-Rickenbach 1:31.08,8 47.41,3 (13186) Diplom Foto Video 15-F45 181. 6.04 ¦ 41.15 4223.¦ 23.15 3994.¦ 26.37 3838.¦ 4095. Chervet Roland 1944 Courgevaux 1:31.09,6 47.42,1 (12236) Diplom Foto Video 15-M70 28. 6.04 ¦ 40.26 4055.¦ 23.32 4087.¦ 27.10 3990.¦ 4096. Rochat Armonie, Le Sentier 1990 Team Rochat 1:31.09,7 47.42,2 (11216) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 340. 6.04 ¦ 36.51 3046.¦ 27.40 4754.¦ 26.37 3844.¦ 4097. Guerindon Corinne 1961 F-Saint Cergues 1:31.09,9 47.42,4 (14103) Diplom Foto Video 15-F55 68. 6.04 ¦ 39.58 3952.¦ 23.57 4181.¦ 27.14 4007.¦ 4098. Rossi Céline, Lausanne 1979 Nico//Running 1:31.11,2 47.43,7 (14223) Diplom Foto Video 15-F35 183. 6.04 ¦ 40.38 4097.¦ 23.50 4161.¦ 26.42 3863.¦ 4099. Rinderknecht Hubert, Stallikon 1955 SMRUN 1:31.11,9 47.44,4 (17229) Diplom Foto Video 15-M60 141. 6.04 ¦ 40.08 3995.¦ 23.37 4107.¦ 27.25 4066.¦ 4100. Butterweck Jenny, Mörigen 1992 Freiheit 1:31.12,7 47.45,2 (15140) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 341. 6.04 ¦ 40.44 4114.¦ 23.26 4044.¦ 27.02 3953.¦ 4101. Lüdi Roland, Basel 1959 Los Caracoles 1:31.13,0 47.45,5 (15203) Diplom Foto Video 15-M55 296. 6.04 ¦ 41.21 4249.¦ 23.52 4165.¦ 25.59 3613.¦ 4101. Peltier Karine 1980 Le Noirmont 1:31.13,0 47.45,5 (16295) Diplom Foto Video 15-F35 184. 6.04 ¦ 41.38 4301.¦ 23.22 4029.¦ 26.12 3698.¦ 4103. Ben Amor Rawaa 1990 Flamatt 1:31.13,7 47.46,2 (17020) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 342. 6.04 ¦ 40.58 4167.¦ 22.49 3844.¦ 27.25 4065.¦ 4104. Niklaus Livia 1988 Bern 1:31.15,1 47.47,6 (15048) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 343. 6.05 ¦ 40.35 4091.¦ 23.16 3999.¦ 27.22 4046.¦ 4105. Bongni Anne-Catherine 1988 Kerzers 1:31.15,2 47.47,7 (11057) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 344. 6.05 ¦ 38.57 3681.¦ 23.30 4070.¦ 28.47 4355.¦ 4106. Musy Pierre, Ste-Croix 1943 Mugaga 1:31.15,6 47.48,1 (12255) Diplom Foto Video 15-M75 11. 6.05 ¦ 40.48 4131.¦ 23.25 4040.¦ 27.01 3945.¦ 4107. Bruelhart Valentine 1988 Fribourg 1:31.18,9 47.51,4 (15284) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 345. 6.05 ¦ 41.12 4209.¦ 22.48 3840.¦ 27.17 4023.¦ 4108. Burger Marlyse, Petit-Lancy 1943 Stade Genève-SM run 1:31.19,2 47.51,7 (12232) Diplom Foto Video 15-F75 1. 6.05 ¦ 40.09 3998.¦ 23.46 4146.¦ 27.23 4050.¦ 4109. Gattermann Romana 1984 Gerolfingen 1:31.20,2 47.52,7 (15108) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 346. 6.05 ¦ 41.20 4241.¦ 23.47 4148.¦ 26.13 3703.¦ 4110. Grossenbacher Eliane 1981 Kallnach 1:31.20,3 47.52,8 (15174) Diplom Foto Video 15-F35 185. 6.05 ¦ 39.29 3832.¦ 23.09 3952.¦ 28.41 4337.¦ 4111. Stucky Philippe 1969 Lausanne 1:31.20,5 47.53,0 (14255) Diplom Foto Video 15-M45 435. 6.05 ¦ 39.50 3923.¦ 23.58 4184.¦ 27.32 4084.¦ 4112. Boss Urs 1970 Grenchen 1:31.21,0 47.53,5 (16066) Diplom Foto Video 15-M45 436. 6.05 ¦ 41.14 4217.¦ 23.00 3904.¦ 27.05 3966.¦ 4113. Aeberhard Nathalie 1962 Ollon VD 1:31.21,2 47.53,7 (13002) Diplom Foto Video 15-F55 69. 6.05 ¦ 40.22 4041.¦ 23.13 3977.¦ 27.44 4129.¦ 4114. Plaschke Ingo 1971 D-Düsseldorf 1:31.22,1 47.54,6 (17200) Diplom Foto Video 15-M45 437. 6.05 ¦ 41.22 4256.¦ 22.35 3737.¦ 27.23 4058.¦ 4115. Lebrun Stefan 1971 Kerzers 1:31.22,7 47.55,2 (17196) Diplom Foto Video 15-M45 438. 6.05 ¦ 41.23 4261.¦ 22.36 3752.¦ 27.22 4043.¦ 4116. Brunner Martin 1969 Lyss 1:31.23,9 47.56,4 (13034) Diplom Foto Video 15-M45 439. 6.05 ¦ 39.39 3877.¦ 23.49 4156.¦ 27.55 4161.¦ 4117. Wirth Doris 1963 Bern 1:31.24,5 47.57,0 (15270) Diplom Foto Video 15-F55 70. 6.05 ¦ 40.47 4127.¦ 23.26 4047.¦ 27.11 3992.¦ 4118. Felber Fabienne 1978 Niederbipp 1:31.25,8 47.58,3 (16028) Diplom Foto Video 15-F40 197. 6.05 ¦ 41.15 4222.¦ 23.41 4127.¦ 26.28 3799.¦ 4119. Igea Vial Marie-Pierre 1963 Lausanne 1:31.26,1 47.58,6 (11127) Diplom Foto Video 15-F55 71. 6.05 ¦ 41.08 4198.¦ 22.39 3773.¦ 27.39 4113.¦ 4120. Flückiger Martina 1989 Ostermundigen 1:31.27,1 47.59,6 (15166) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 347. 6.05 ¦ 40.07 3990.¦ 23.02 3914.¦ 28.17 4237.¦ 4121. Soares Pedro 1969 Seiry 1:31.29,0 48.01,5 (17243) Diplom Foto Video 15-M45 440. 6.05 ¦ 38.07 3432.¦ 24.20 4276.¦ 29.01 4392.¦ 4122. Heller Sabrina 1970 Liestal 1:31.31,2 48.03,7 (16125) Diplom Foto Video 15-F45 182. 6.06 ¦ 40.49 4134.¦ 23.46 4145.¦ 26.56 3922.¦ 4123. Mackay James 1971 Yverdon-les-Bains 1:31.32,7 48.05,2 (14153) Diplom Foto Video 15-M45 441. 6.06 ¦ 40.32 4077.¦ 23.45 4141.¦ 27.14 4009.¦ 4124. Reinhart Ramona, Bolligen 1990 R+P 1:31.33,1 48.05,6 (40257) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 348. 6.06 ¦ 39.13 3753.¦ 23.38 4115.¦ 28.41 4336.¦ 4125. Dysli Marcel 1952 Zollbrück 1:31.34,4 48.06,9 (13079) Diplom Foto Video 15-M65 77. 6.06 ¦ 41.18 4236.¦ 23.09 3954.¦ 27.06 3970.¦ 4126. De Jong Eetse 1968 Wolfisberg 1:31.34,7 48.07,2 (14056) Diplom Foto Video 15-M50 405. 6.06 ¦ 40.16 4022.¦ 23.14 3989.¦ 28.03 4184.¦ 4127. Lohri-Zaugg Ursula 1962 Münsingen 1:31.35,3 48.07,8 (13168) Diplom Foto Video 15-F55 72. 6.06 ¦ 40.58 4166.¦ 23.34 4096.¦ 27.01 3950.¦ 4128. Gribi Ursula 1976 Worben 1:31.35,5 48.08,0 (13120) Diplom Foto Video 15-F40 198. 6.06 ¦ 42.24 4414.¦ 23.08 3950.¦ 26.02 3627.¦ 4129. Berthoud Cédric 1970 La Chaux-de-Fonds 1:31.36,2 48.08,7 (11053) Diplom Foto Video 15-M45 442. 6.06 ¦ 38.47 3632.¦ 23.41 4128.¦ 29.07 4415.¦ 4130. Strahm Lea 1995 Murten 1:31.37,2 48.09,7 (50118) Diplom Foto Video 15-FV 10. 6.06 ¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ 4131. Pärli Fritz, Schüpfen 1955 MostereiPärli 1:31.37,9 48.10,4 (8271) Diplom Foto Video 15-M60 142. 6.06 ¦ 40.27 4064.¦ 23.23 4031.¦ 27.47 4141.¦ 4132. Blant Michel 1958 Neuchâtel 1:31.38,9 48.11,4 (12122) Diplom Foto Video 15-M60 143. 6.06 ¦ 39.26 3813.¦ 23.18 4016.¦ 28.53 4369.¦ 4133. Maurer Eugen 1969 Ried b. Kerzers 1:31.40,7 48.13,2 (50024) Diplom Foto Video 15-MV 24. 6.06 ¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ 4134. Häni Elisabeth 1958 Aigle 1:31.41,4 48.13,9 (40143) Diplom Foto Video 15-F60 39. 6.06 ¦ 41.03 4182.¦ 23.36 4104.¦ 27.00 3943.¦ 4135. Macherel Nadia 1969 Chénens 1:31.41,7 48.14,2 (12211) Diplom Foto Video 15-F45 183. 6.06 ¦ 41.31 4282.¦ 23.30 4067.¦ 26.40 3856.¦ 4136. Roth Benjamin, Ostermundigen 1991 COOKPOOL 1:31.42,1 48.14,6 (15235) Diplom Foto Video 15-M20 546. 6.06 ¦ 42.07 4378.¦ 22.38 3760.¦ 26.56 3923.¦ 4137. Lidzba Lena 1971 Bern 1:31.42,3 48.14,8 (10232) Diplom Foto Video 15-F45 184. 6.06 ¦ 41.05 4187.¦ 23.16 3997.¦ 27.20 4036.¦ 4137. Schmitz Denis 1976 Kerzers 1:31.42,3 48.14,8 (14240) Diplom Foto Video 15-M40 457. 6.06 ¦ 39.19 3783.¦ 23.48 4153.¦ 28.34 4307.¦ 4139. Stucki Silvia, Diemtigen 1956 allblacks Thun 1:31.44,1 48.16,6 (12182) Diplom Foto Video 15-F60 40. 6.06 ¦ 41.06 4193.¦ 23.33 4090.¦ 27.03 3959.¦ 4140. Grossenbacher Karine 1973 La Chaux-de-Fonds 1:31.44,3 48.16,8 (9098) Diplom Foto Video 15-F45 185. 6.06 ¦ 39.20 3790.¦ 23.38 4116.¦ 28.44 4346.¦ 4141. Petignat Fabrice, Courgenay 1968 FSG Alle 1:31.44,5 48.17,0 (15221) Diplom Foto Video 15-M50 406. 6.06 ¦ 40.27 4066.¦ 24.19 4270.¦ 26.57 3931.¦ 4142. Freléchox Caroline 1984 Les Bois 1:31.45,1 48.17,6 (11290) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 349. 6.07 ¦ 41.20 4246.¦ 23.21 4026.¦ 27.03 3957.¦ 4143. Schnidrig Kurt 1953 Ried-Brig 1:31.47,5 48.20,0 (6231) Diplom Foto Video 15-M65 78. 6.07 ¦ 39.43 3898.¦ 23.49 4157.¦ 28.14 4227.¦ 4144. Herren Mélanie 1985 Fribourg 1:31.48,1 48.20,6 (16014) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 350. 6.07 ¦ 40.08 3993.¦ 23.52 4168.¦ 27.47 4139.¦ 4145. Kölliker Angela 1979 Langenthal 1:31.50,4 48.22,9 (15199) Diplom Foto Video 15-F35 186. 6.07 ¦ 40.16 4019.¦ 23.18 4016.¦ 28.15 4230.¦ 4146. Humbert-Droz Nicole 1978 Lignières 1:31.50,6 48.23,1 (13132) Diplom Foto Video 15-F40 199. 6.07 ¦ 41.06 4194.¦ 23.33 4091.¦ 27.09 3984.¦ 4147. Schmid Marianne 1966 Wattenwil 1:31.50,8 48.23,3 (17113) Diplom Foto Video 15-F50 154. 6.07 ¦ 40.32 4073.¦ 23.26 4045.¦ 27.52 4153.¦ 4148. Gerber Noah 1999 St-Aubin FR 1:31.51,0 48.23,5 (7092) Diplom Foto Video 15-U20M 34. 6.07 ¦ 42.24 4415.¦ 22.54 3878.¦ 26.31 3812.¦ 4149. Gonzalez Esther 1977 Sonceboz-Sombeval 1:31.52,7 48.25,2 (14096) Diplom Foto Video 15-F40 200. 6.07 ¦ 40.28 4069.¦ 24.01 4200.¦ 27.23 4052.¦ 4150. Coendoz Christophe 1977 Colombier NE 1:31.53,8 48.26,3 (12016) Diplom Foto Video 15-M40 458. 6.07 ¦ 40.31 4072.¦ 24.29 4319.¦ 26.52 3902.¦ 4151. Kauz Martin 1980 Urtenen-Schönbühl 1:31.54,0 48.26,5 (16144) Diplom Foto Video 15-M35 409. 6.07 ¦ 40.24 4048.¦ 22.22 3619.¦ 29.07 4417.¦ 4152. Pellet Marc 1963 Pully 1:31.55,1 48.27,6 (12173) Diplom Foto Video 15-M55 297. 6.07 ¦ 39.55 3940.¦ 24.26 4306.¦ 27.33 4091.¦ 4153. Siegrist Sabine 1965 Ipsach 1:31.57,6 48.30,1 (17118) Diplom Foto Video 15-F50 155. 6.07 ¦ 40.39 4098.¦ 23.56 4179.¦ 27.21 4041.¦ 4154. Bosshard Fredi 1949 Münchenbuchsee 1:31.58,3 48.30,8 (12231) Diplom Foto Video 15-M65 79. 6.07 ¦ 39.24 3804.¦ 23.15 3992.¦ 29.18 4456.¦ 4155. Prokop Frank 1977 Bäretswil 1:31.58,8 48.31,3 (16173) Diplom Foto Video 15-M40 459. 6.07 ¦ 41.20 4246.¦ 23.29 4064.¦ 27.08 3977.¦ 4156. Vincent Lyne 1965 Promasens 1:31.59,8 48.32,3 (17248) Diplom Foto Video 15-F50 156. 6.07 ¦ 40.54 4151.¦ 23.25 4040.¦ 27.39 4114.¦ 4157. Käser Ueli 1946 Grenchen 1:31.59,9 48.32,4 (17195) Diplom Foto Video 15-M70 29. 6.07 ¦ 40.45 4119.¦ 23.55 4177.¦ 27.19 4027.¦ 4158. Schmid Magdalena 1959 Schüpfen 1:32.00,4 48.32,9 (12141) Diplom Foto Video 15-F55 73. 6.08 ¦ 41.36 4295.¦ 23.32 4081.¦ 26.52 3899.¦ 4159. Fivaz Olivier 1974 Nierlet-les-Bois 1:32.01,0 48.33,5 (14079) Diplom Foto Video 15-M40 460. 6.08 ¦ 38.04 3422.¦ 24.56 4421.¦ 29.00 4387.¦ 4160. Hottinger Peter 1962 Wittenwil 1:32.01,2 48.33,7 (9117) Diplom Foto Video 15-M55 298. 6.08 ¦ 41.12 4211.¦ 23.31 4078.¦ 27.16 4018.¦ 4161. Fernandez Juan Pablo, Bern 1984 JP 1:32.02,7 48.35,2 (40092) Diplom Foto Video 15-M20 547. 6.08 ¦ 38.42 3611.¦ 23.09 3955.¦ 30.10 4558.¦ 4162. Goguillot Gabrielle 1965 Corcelles NE 1:32.03,5 48.36,0 (16259) Diplom Foto Video 15-F50 157. 6.08 ¦ 41.17 4227.¦ 23.37 4107.¦ 27.09 3980.¦ 4163. Krüger Elisabeth 1980 D-Lörrach 1:32.03,8 48.36,3 (40182) Diplom Foto Video 15-F35 187. 6.08 ¦ 39.39 3879.¦ 23.53 4172.¦ 28.30 4284.¦ 4164. Boyer Chardonnens Chantal 1964 Onnens FR 1:32.04,9 48.37,4 (12157) Diplom Foto Video 15-F50 158. 6.08 ¦ 40.49 4136.¦ 23.41 4131.¦ 27.33 4088.¦ 4165. Rappo Cécile, Murten 1943 AC Murten 1:32.05,3 48.37,8 (12264) Diplom Foto Video 15-F75 2. 6.08 ¦ 40.56 4159.¦ 23.32 4080.¦ 27.37 4107.¦ 4166. Gschwend Frederic, St-Maurice 1973 Defi 2018 1:32.05,4 48.37,9 (14101) Diplom Foto Video 15-M45 443. 6.08 ¦ 43.14 4522.¦ 21.49 3376.¦ 27.00 3941.¦ 4167. Goy Filomena 1963 Reverolle 1:32.07,8 48.40,3 (15087) Diplom Foto Video 15-F55 74. 6.08 ¦ 40.18 4028.¦ 23.16 4001.¦ 28.33 4300.¦ 4168. Weisstanner Andreas 1962 Celerina/Schlarigna 1:32.09,3 48.41,8 (16224) Diplom Foto Video 15-M55 299. 6.08 ¦ 40.24 4050.¦ 24.07 4223.¦ 27.37 4106.¦ 4169. Ankli Stephan 1963 Hofstetten SO 1:32.10,0 48.42,5 (11287) Diplom Foto Video 15-M55 300. 6.08 ¦ 39.19 3781.¦ 23.48 4155.¦ 29.02 4396.¦ 4170. Beer Bettina, Granges-Paccot 1976 CA Belfaux 1:32.11,7 48.44,2 (16008) Diplom Foto Video 15-F40 201. 6.08 ¦ 41.18 4235.¦ 23.40 4123.¦ 27.13 4003.¦ 4171. Del Bianco Giulia 1991 Estavayer-le-Lac 1:32.12,0 48.44,5 (15014) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 351. 6.08 ¦ 40.33 4079.¦ 23.58 4190.¦ 27.39 4117.¦ 4172. Weisstanner Barbara 1958 Münsingen 1:32.14,6 48.47,1 (16225) Diplom Foto Video 15-F60 41. 6.08 ¦ 41.05 4189.¦ 23.50 4160.¦ 27.18 4026.¦ 4173. Gey Johannes 1980 Kreuzlingen 1:32.16,6 48.49,1 (13117) Diplom Foto Video 15-M35 410. 6.09 ¦ 39.49 3918.¦ 24.17 4264.¦ 28.09 4202.¦ 4174. Kilchenmann Stefan 1957 Bern 1:32.18,7 48.51,2 (13299) Diplom Foto Video 15-M60 144. 6.09 ¦ 39.36 3864.¦ 24.22 4286.¦ 28.20 4244.¦ 4175. Gubler Heinz, Faulensee 1953 Waffenlauf-Verein Schweiz 1:32.19,2 48.51,7 (17193) Diplom Foto Video 15-M65 80. 6.09 ¦ 41.13 4213.¦ 23.41 4126.¦ 27.24 4059.¦ 4176. Chevalley Hervé 1955 Prangins 1:32.19,3 48.51,8 (16080) Diplom Foto Video 15-M60 145. 6.09 ¦ 39.31 3837.¦ 23.29 4063.¦ 29.19 4458.¦ 4177. Burkhalter Peter 1963 Oleyres 1:32.20,1 48.52,6 (13041) Diplom Foto Video 15-M55 301. 6.09 ¦ 40.18 4031.¦ 23.29 4065.¦ 28.32 4297.¦ 4178. Henzelin Pascale 1964 F-Nernier 1:32.20,2 48.52,7 (14113) Diplom Foto Video 15-F50 159. 6.09 ¦ 40.53 4147.¦ 24.25 4296.¦ 27.01 3949.¦ 4179. Mohamadi Mathieu 1981 Riaz 1:32.20,4 48.52,9 (12052) Diplom Foto Video 15-M35 411. 6.09 ¦ 40.33 4079.¦ 23.40 4119.¦ 28.06 4192.¦ 4180. Brodard Geneviève 1987 Riaz 1:32.20,6 48.53,1 (17154) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 352. 6.09 ¦ 40.34 4082.¦ 23.40 4121.¦ 28.06 4191.¦ 4181. Petrillo Antonietta, Delémont 1974 yanorlandirun 1:32.20,8 48.53,3 (16172) Diplom Foto Video 15-F40 202. 6.09 ¦ 39.58 3954.¦ 24.22 4283.¦ 27.59 4173.¦ 4182. Gremaud Samuel 1985 Bulle 1:32.21,6 48.54,1 (11106) Diplom Foto Video 15-M20 548. 6.09 ¦ 40.34 4083.¦ 23.40 4121.¦ 28.07 4194.¦ 4183. Mansencal Laureen 1990 Fribourg 1:32.22,1 48.54,6 (14156) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 353. 6.09 ¦ 41.00 4168.¦ 23.44 4139.¦ 27.37 4109.¦ 4184. Bridel Sophie 1984 Lausanne 1:32.22,7 48.55,2 (15137) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 354. 6.09 ¦ 41.31 4279.¦ 23.17 4008.¦ 27.34 4094.¦ 4184. Trevisan Cosetta 1964 F-Ballaison 1:32.22,7 48.55,2 (13260) Diplom Foto Video 15-F50 160. 6.09 ¦ 40.55 4153.¦ 24.25 4299.¦ 27.02 3952.¦ 4186. Schönholzer Hans 1944 Liebefeld 1:32.24,0 48.56,5 (11240) Diplom Foto Video 15-M70 30. 6.09 ¦ 39.21 3797.¦ 24.51 4407.¦ 28.10 4209.¦ 4187. Lüdi Amanda, Basel 1963 Los Caracoles 1:32.24,4 48.56,9 (16154) Diplom Foto Video 15-F55 75. 6.09 ¦ 41.18 4232.¦ 23.27 4052.¦ 27.38 4112.¦ 4188. Krieg Marylin 1987 Fribourg 1:32.24,5 48.57,0 (15197) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 355. 6.09 ¦ 41.31 4281.¦ 23.58 4185.¦ 26.55 3919.¦ 4189. Barfuss Denis 1960 La Chaux-de-Fonds 1:32.26,3 48.58,8 (40478) Diplom Foto Video 15-M55 302. 6.09 ¦ 40.11 4005.¦ 24.01 4203.¦ 28.13 4224.¦ 4190. Espi Pilar, Bellinzona 1964 RC Bellinzona 1:32.27,1 48.59,6 (13293) Diplom Foto Video 15-F50 161. 6.09 ¦ 40.47 4128.¦ 23.55 4176.¦ 27.44 4128.¦ 4191. Wüthrich Annemarie 1962 Ostermundigen 1:32.28,5 49.01,0 (13281) Diplom Foto Video 15-F55 76. 6.09 ¦ 41.25 4267.¦ 23.07 3939.¦ 27.55 4162.¦ 4192. Hernandez Véronique 1964 Porrentruy 1:32.29,0 49.01,5 (17072) Diplom Foto Video 15-F50 162. 6.09 ¦ 40.50 4139.¦ 24.02 4206.¦ 27.36 4101.¦ 4193. Lauener Christiane 1963 Gerlafingen 1:32.29,9 49.02,4 (14145) Diplom Foto Video 15-F55 77. 6.09 ¦ 41.04 4183.¦ 23.27 4054.¦ 27.58 4167.¦ 4194. Kessler Peter 1960 Fribourg 1:32.30,5 49.03,0 (40173) Diplom Foto Video 15-M55 303. 6.10 ¦ 41.06 4194.¦ 23.55 4178.¦ 27.27 4067.¦ 4195. Bühler Paul 1975 Zug 1:32.30,6 49.03,1 (12159) Diplom Foto Video 15-M40 461. 6.10 ¦ 41.16 4225.¦ 23.34 4092.¦ 27.40 4118.¦ 4196. Castella Christelle 1977 Bulle 1:32.30,7 49.03,2 (16003) Diplom Foto Video 15-F40 203. 6.10 ¦ 39.49 3919.¦ 24.53 4414.¦ 27.47 4142.¦ 4197. Minder Rüegsegger Cornelia 1978 Nant 1:32.30,9 49.03,4 (15207) Diplom Foto Video 15-F40 204. 6.10 ¦ 40.26 4058.¦ 23.35 4099.¦ 28.28 4281.¦ 4198. Castella Claude 1962 Cheseaux-sur-Lausanne 1:32.32,5 49.05,0 (13047) Diplom Foto Video 15-M55 304. 6.10 ¦ 39.42 3894.¦ 25.03 4449.¦ 27.46 4137.¦ 4199. Rampa Luca 1979 Fribourg 1:32.32,9 49.05,4 (17106) Diplom Foto Video 15-M35 412. 6.10 ¦ 37.17 3199.¦ 24.21 4279.¦ 30.54 4638.¦ 4200. Stranieri Glauser Aline 1982 Prêles 1:32.34,7 49.07,2 (16203) Diplom Foto Video 15-F35 188. 6.10 ¦ 39.47 3912.¦ 24.13 4250.¦ 28.33 4300.¦ 4201. Stranieri Nico 1976 Prêles 1:32.34,9 49.07,4 (16204) Diplom Foto Video 15-M40 462. 6.10 ¦ 39.47 3912.¦ 24.14 4255.¦ 28.32 4299.¦ 4202. Oppliger Estelle 1976 La Chaux-de-Fonds 1:32.35,0 49.07,5 (14193) Diplom Foto Video 15-F40 205. 6.10 ¦ 41.32 4284.¦ 23.58 4190.¦ 27.04 3961.¦ 4203. Schnidrig Birgitte, Visp 1972 Schnidrig 1:32.37,0 49.09,5 (13237) Diplom Foto Video 15-F45 186. 6.10 ¦ 41.59 4358.¦ 23.34 4095.¦ 27.02 3955.¦ 4204. Serkedi Orsolya 1982 Bern 1:32.37,7 49.10,2 (7250) Diplom Foto Video 15-F35 189. 6.10 ¦ 42.00 4361.¦ 23.40 4119.¦ 26.57 3930.¦ 4205. Rochat Jean Louis 1956 Marin-Epagnier 1:32.38,2 49.10,7 (12270) Diplom Foto Video 15-M60 146. 6.10 ¦ 39.55 3941.¦ 23.46 4144.¦ 28.56 4380.¦ 4206. Garo Josette 1948 Romont FR 1:32.38,4 49.10,9 (12201) Diplom Foto Video 15-F70 9. 6.10 ¦ 40.41 4107.¦ 24.25 4299.¦ 27.31 4081.¦ 4207. Paixao Pittet Marcilene 1986 Bulle 1:32.38,6 49.11,1 (7189) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 356. 6.10 ¦ 40.56 4160.¦ 23.58 4192.¦ 27.43 4124.¦ 4208. Ramke Mareike 1985 Bern 1:32.38,7 49.11,2 (11209) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 357. 6.10 ¦ 41.50 4329.¦ 23.36 4103.¦ 27.11 3996.¦ 4209. Jacquat Valérie 1985 Ins 1:32.38,9 49.11,4 (13137) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 358. 6.10 ¦ 40.55 4153.¦ 23.54 4174.¦ 27.49 4147.¦ 4210. Staffoni Mary-Claude 1966 Ste-Croix 1:32.39,1 49.11,6 (40312) Diplom Foto Video 15-F50 163. 6.10 ¦ 40.47 4129.¦ 24.06 4221.¦ 27.45 4130.¦ 4211. Lacotte Virginie 1986 Granges-Paccot 1:32.40,0 49.12,5 (7149) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 359. 6.10 ¦ 41.23 4263.¦ 23.45 4143.¦ 27.30 4078.¦ 4212. Grandjean David 1985 Romont FR 1:32.40,4 49.12,9 (15172) Diplom Foto Video 15-M20 549. 6.10 ¦ 41.27 4269.¦ 23.52 4167.¦ 27.20 4037.¦ 4213. Boehlen Markus 1958 Riehen 1:32.40,6 49.13,1 (15134) Diplom Foto Video 15-M60 147. 6.10 ¦ 40.32 4074.¦ 23.51 4164.¦ 28.16 4235.¦ 4214. Lesquereux Kathia 1979 Sugiez 1:32.40,9 49.13,4 (16150) Diplom Foto Video 15-F35 190. 6.10 ¦ 40.33 4078.¦ 24.38 4357.¦ 27.28 4074.¦ 4215. Regamey Michel, Crissier 1966 BCV 1:32.41,8 49.14,3 (13214) Diplom Foto Video 15-M50 407. 6.10 ¦ 41.24 4265.¦ 23.38 4112.¦ 27.39 4114.¦ 4216. Givel Dominique 1965 L'Isle 1:32.42,1 49.14,6 (13119) Diplom Foto Video 15-F50 164. 6.10 ¦ 41.26 4268.¦ 24.08 4228.¦ 27.07 3973.¦ 4217. Streit Stefan 1979 Burgdorf 1:32.43,9 49.16,4 (40393) Diplom Foto Video 15-M35 413. 6.10 ¦ 41.32 4287.¦ 23.29 4066.¦ 27.41 4121.¦ 4218. Grosjean Michel 1977 Court 1:32.45,2 49.17,7 (14100) Diplom Foto Video 15-M40 463. 6.11 ¦ 41.12 4208.¦ 23.32 4087.¦ 28.00 4175.¦ 4219. Noser Ladina 1986 Bern 1:32.49,3 49.21,8 (16165) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 360. 6.11 ¦ 43.04 4492.¦ 23.10 3964.¦ 26.34 3823.¦ 4220. Truttmann Anita 1992 Zug 1:32.50,8 49.23,3 (15069) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 361. 6.11 ¦ 41.48 4320.¦ 23.15 3990.¦ 27.47 4140.¦ 4221. Truttmann-Christen Barbara 1968 Menzingen 1:32.52,2 49.24,7 (14260) Diplom Foto Video 15-F50 165. 6.11 ¦ 41.51 4332.¦ 23.15 3993.¦ 27.45 4132.¦ 4222. Kaeser Laura 1988 Neuenegg 1:32.52,5 49.25,0 (15194) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 362. 6.11 ¦ 41.32 4283.¦ 23.10 3964.¦ 28.09 4202.¦ 4223. Dobler Natalie 1992 Belp 1:32.52,8 49.25,3 (15156) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 363. 6.11 ¦ 41.32 4285.¦ 23.11 3966.¦ 28.09 4201.¦ 4224. Leuba Sylvia, Neuchâtel 1962 Atelier 71 1:32.54,3 49.26,8 (12249) Diplom Foto Video 15-F55 78. 6.11 ¦ 42.24 4413.¦ 23.37 4110.¦ 26.52 3901.¦ 4225. Adiyaman Sedat 1987 Neuchâtel 1:32.54,4 49.26,9 (16049) Diplom Foto Video 15-M20 550. 6.11 ¦ 41.28 4274.¦ 23.58 4185.¦ 27.27 4071.¦ 4226. Rölli Daniela 1982 Wetzikon ZH 1:32.56,6 49.29,1 (16019) Diplom Foto Video 15-F35 191. 6.11 ¦ 39.30 3835.¦ 24.14 4253.¦ 29.11 4426.¦ 4227. Hall April 1977 Alterswil FR 1:32.56,7 49.29,2 (17068) Diplom Foto Video 15-F40 206. 6.11 ¦ 41.56 4350.¦ 23.28 4062.¦ 27.32 4082.¦ 4228. Hug Markus 1968 Lenzburg 1:32.58,4 49.30,9 (17295) Diplom Foto Video 15-M50 408. 6.11 ¦ 39.31 3842.¦ 24.28 4316.¦ 28.58 4383.¦ 4228. Roth Brigitte 1977 Steffisburg 1:32.58,4 49.30,9 (13226) Diplom Foto Video 15-F40 207. 6.11 ¦ 42.03 4367.¦ 23.18 4015.¦ 27.36 4101.¦ 4230. Baumgartner Manuela 1982 Studen BE 1:32.58,9 49.31,4 (15130) Diplom Foto Video 15-F35 192. 6.11 ¦ 41.19 4239.¦ 23.27 4055.¦ 28.11 4212.¦ 4231. Nesti Irene 1975 Alterswil FR 1:32.59,2 49.31,7 (15213) Diplom Foto Video 15-F40 208. 6.11 ¦ 40.48 4132.¦ 23.59 4196.¦ 28.11 4210.¦ 4232. Borisova Betina 1993 Neuchâtel 1:33.00,4 49.32,9 (14021) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 364. 6.12 ¦ 43.15 4524.¦ 23.21 4027.¦ 26.23 3772.¦ 4233. Ruff Beatrice, Langenthal 1968 Laufgruppe LV Langenthal 1:33.02,2 49.34,7 (16178) Diplom Foto Video 15-F50 166. 6.12 ¦ 43.20 4537.¦ 23.08 3949.¦ 26.33 3820.¦ 4234. Moser Michèle 1986 Zürich 1:33.03,4 49.35,9 (40222) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 365. 6.12 ¦ 43.33 4559.¦ 22.55 3880.¦ 26.35 3827.¦ 4235. Chambettaz Christian 1966 Rossens FR 1:33.04,2 49.36,7 (9048) Diplom Foto Video 15-M50 409. 6.12 ¦ 41.22 4254.¦ 24.08 4226.¦ 27.33 4089.¦ 4236. Devaud Andre, Lonay 1943 Seniors de Coubertin 1:33.04,3 49.36,8 (14059) Diplom Foto Video 15-M75 12. 6.12 ¦ 41.09 4201.¦ 24.01 4202.¦ 27.54 4155.¦ 4237. Reutimann Felix 1951 Ittigen 1:33.06,0 49.38,5 (15111) Diplom Foto Video 15-M65 81. 6.12 ¦ 40.13 4014.¦ 23.34 4092.¦ 29.18 4453.¦ 4238. Hauser Andi, Baden 1969 Run Drink & Rock'n Roll 1:33.07,0 49.39,5 (15028) Diplom Foto Video 15-M45 444. 6.12 ¦ 41.08 4199.¦ 23.16 4004.¦ 28.41 4339.¦ 4239. Huwiler Manuel 1997 Münsingen 1:33.07,6 49.40,1 (40154) Diplom Foto Video 15-M20 551. 6.12 ¦ 41.14 4217.¦ 23.33 4089.¦ 28.19 4243.¦ 4240. Pointet Nicole, Jongny 1968 CA RIVIERA 1:33.08,9 49.41,4 (13208) Diplom Foto Video 15-F50 167. 6.12 ¦ 40.56 4163.¦ 24.00 4198.¦ 28.11 4217.¦ 4241. Trefalt Désirée 1986 St. Gallen 1:33.09,0 49.41,5 (40331) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 366. 6.12 ¦ 39.11 3743.¦ 25.48 4582.¦ 28.08 4199.¦ 4242. Lysser Eva 1963 Hettiswil b. Hindelbank 1:33.09,1 49.41,6 (15075) Diplom Foto Video 15-F55 79. 6.12 ¦ 40.35 4089.¦ 23.57 4181.¦ 28.35 4317.¦ 4243. Abegg Monica 1959 Uetikon am See 1:33.11,1 49.43,6 (12155) Diplom Foto Video 15-F55 80. 6.12 ¦ 41.54 4344.¦ 23.12 3972.¦ 28.04 4186.¦ 4244. Leuthold Ilari 1981 Lyss 1:33.12,2 49.44,7 (15282) Diplom Foto Video 15-M35 414. 6.12 ¦ 41.22 4252.¦ 23.47 4151.¦ 28.02 4182.¦ 4245. Kalbermatter Barbara, Naters 1987 Bayard Löiffträff 1:33.15,3 49.47,8 (14132) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 367. 6.13 ¦ 41.49 4322.¦ 24.14 4256.¦ 27.11 3997.¦ 4246. Fajon Lara, Petit-Lancy 1983 Speno running 1:33.16,4 49.48,9 (16104) Diplom Foto Video 15-F35 193. 6.13 ¦ 40.42 4111.¦ 24.13 4249.¦ 28.20 4248.¦ 4247. Zbinden Beatrice 1964 Belp 1:33.17,7 49.50,2 (11281) Diplom Foto Video 15-F50 168. 6.13 ¦ 40.39 4101.¦ 24.02 4205.¦ 28.36 4318.¦ 4248. Ruiz Catherine, Estavayer-le-Lac 1973 Triclub EstaBroye 1:33.19,0 49.51,5 (7226) Diplom Foto Video 15-F45 187. 6.13 ¦ 41.12 4209.¦ 24.38 4357.¦ 27.27 4067.¦ 4249. Aerschmann Joseph 1948 Alterswil FR 1:33.19,7 49.52,2 (15123) Diplom Foto Video 15-M70 31. 6.13 ¦ 41.13 4212.¦ 24.29 4318.¦ 27.36 4104.¦ 4250. Delley Johanie 1989 Boudevilliers 1:33.19,8 49.52,3 (14058) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 368. 6.13 ¦ 41.09 4202.¦ 24.39 4363.¦ 27.30 4078.¦ 4251. Amstutz Thérèse 1970 La Chaux-de-Fonds 1:33.21,2 49.53,7 (14006) Diplom Foto Video 15-F45 188. 6.13 ¦ 41.31 4278.¦ 23.59 4195.¦ 27.50 4150.¦ 4252. Dunkel Reiner, Basel 1952 TV Inzlingen 1:33.21,6 49.54,1 (16098) Diplom Foto Video 15-M65 82. 6.13 ¦ 41.36 4298.¦ 23.58 4189.¦ 27.46 4135.¦ 4253. Schaer Kathia 1978 Loveresse 1:33.22,8 49.55,3 (16182) Diplom Foto Video 15-F40 209. 6.13 ¦ 40.50 4138.¦ 24.37 4346.¦ 27.55 4160.¦ 4254. Kernen Sabine 1967 Bern 1:33.23,3 49.55,8 (16290) Diplom Foto Video 15-F50 169. 6.13 ¦ 41.27 4269.¦ 24.50 4402.¦ 27.05 3966.¦ 4255. Papaux Marie 1973 La Tour-de-Trême 1:33.23,4 49.55,9 (16006) Diplom Foto Video 15-F45 189. 6.13 ¦ 39.47 3910.¦ 24.50 4405.¦ 28.45 4347.¦ 4256. Friaut Sandrine 1976 Mézières VD 1:33.24,5 49.57,0 (16108) Diplom Foto Video 15-F40 210. 6.13 ¦ 41.10 4205.¦ 23.43 4137.¦ 28.30 4283.¦ 4257. Musolino Fabien, Rochefort 1974 MUGAGA 1:33.25,7 49.58,2 (6184) Diplom Foto Video 15-M40 464. 6.13 ¦ 40.05 3982.¦ 23.57 4180.¦ 29.23 4469.¦ 4258. Rensema Brigitte 1972 Pieterlen 1:33.27,1 49.59,6 (15092) Diplom Foto Video 15-F45 190. 6.13 ¦ 41.01 4171.¦ 24.03 4211.¦ 28.23 4256.¦ 4259. Müller Peter 1958 Langnau i. E. 1:33.27,2 49.59,7 (16018) Diplom Foto Video 15-M60 148. 6.13 ¦ 40.48 4130.¦ 24.20 4276.¦ 28.19 4242.¦ 4260. Olmos Michèle 1974 Russy 1:33.27,5 50.00,0 (17099) Diplom Foto Video 15-F40 211. 6.13 ¦ 41.14 4215.¦ 24.01 4200.¦ 28.12 4219.¦ 4261. Grunder Irène 1966 Jegenstorf 1:33.27,7 50.00,2 (15175) Diplom Foto Video 15-F50 170. 6.13 ¦ 41.34 4292.¦ 23.50 4163.¦ 28.02 4183.¦ 4261. Scherz Fanny 1983 Massonnens 1:33.27,7 50.00,2 (14236) Diplom Foto Video 15-F35 194. 6.13 ¦ 41.23 4264.¦ 24.31 4333.¦ 27.32 4082.¦ 4263. Ackermann Rolf 1973 Riedholz 1:33.28,4 50.00,9 (17299) Diplom Foto Video 15-M45 445. 6.13 ¦ 40.46 4125.¦ 24.20 4278.¦ 28.21 4251.¦ 4264. Heiniger Kurt, Willisau 1975 Oberschlossfeldrunners 1:33.29,2 50.01,7 (17070) Diplom Foto Video 15-M40 465. 6.13 ¦ 40.46 4123.¦ 24.11 4241.¦ 28.31 4289.¦ 4265. Maillard Délèze Christine 1973 Marly 1:33.29,5 50.02,0 (15204) Diplom Foto Video 15-F45 191. 6.13 ¦ 42.51 4461.¦ 23.31 4078.¦ 27.06 3970.¦ 4266. Uldry François 1965 Echarlens 1:33.29,7 50.02,2 (15259) Diplom Foto Video 15-M50 410. 6.13 ¦ 42.57 4472.¦ 23.27 4051.¦ 27.05 3965.¦ 4267. Mudlaff Zdzislaw 1965 Rickenbach LU 1:33.31,0 50.03,5 (17166) Diplom Foto Video 15-M50 411. 6.14 ¦ 41.19 4240.¦ 24.47 4389.¦ 27.23 4052.¦ 4268. Huguenin Laurent 1969 La Sagne NE 1:33.32,5 50.05,0 (15032) Diplom Foto Video 15-M45 446. 6.14 ¦ 39.26 3812.¦ 24.21 4280.¦ 29.44 4509.¦ 4269. Hüsser Oskar 1958 Zug 1:33.33,2 50.05,7 (15189) Diplom Foto Video 15-M60 149. 6.14 ¦ 41.38 4300.¦ 24.29 4319.¦ 27.25 4064.¦ 4270. Nedic Goran 1971 Mümliswil 1:33.35,7 50.08,2 (13192) Diplom Foto Video 15-M45 447. 6.14 ¦ 39.47 3911.¦ 24.54 4418.¦ 28.54 4374.¦ 4271. Brandt Gabrielle 1963 La Chaux-de-Fonds 1:33.36,3 50.08,8 (12098) Diplom Foto Video 15-F55 81. 6.14 ¦ 40.12 4011.¦ 24.27 4314.¦ 28.55 4376.¦ 4272. Buffat Fabienne 1974 Gland 1:33.36,6 50.09,1 (13040) Diplom Foto Video 15-F40 212. 6.14 ¦ 41.46 4314.¦ 24.04 4217.¦ 27.46 4133.¦ 4273. Moretto Beatrice 1974 Ulmiz 1:33.38,7 50.11,2 (12294) Diplom Foto Video 15-F40 213. 6.14 ¦ 40.56 4161.¦ 24.08 4229.¦ 28.33 4303.¦ 4274. Besse Sabine 1964 Veyrier 1:33.39,0 50.11,5 (40031) Diplom Foto Video 15-F50 171. 6.14 ¦ 41.49 4323.¦ 24.31 4330.¦ 27.18 4025.¦ 4275. Ricci Madeleine 1971 Couvet 1:33.41,2 50.13,7 (13217) Diplom Foto Video 15-F45 192. 6.14 ¦ 40.28 4070.¦ 24.37 4347.¦ 28.35 4312.¦ 4276. Caille Cyrille 1984 Biel/Bienne 1:33.41,6 50.14,1 (7042) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 369. 6.14 ¦ 41.33 4289.¦ 24.30 4325.¦ 27.37 4109.¦ 4277. Lambert Ulrike 1981 Rheinfelden 1:33.41,9 50.14,4 (15200) Diplom Foto Video 15-F35 195. 6.14 ¦ 42.30 4427.¦ 24.10 4235.¦ 27.01 3947.¦ 4278. De Santis Ursula 1959 Ried b. Kerzers 1:33.42,5 50.15,0 (16087) Diplom Foto Video 15-F55 82. 6.14 ¦ 40.26 4058.¦ 24.41 4366.¦ 28.34 4310.¦ 4279. Guillaume-Gentil Glenda 1979 Murten 1:33.42,7 50.15,2 (14104) Diplom Foto Video 15-F35 196. 6.14 ¦ 41.20 4242.¦ 24.10 4238.¦ 28.11 4214.¦ 4280. Chardonnens Bruno 1964 Onnens FR 1:33.43,4 50.15,9 (11067) Diplom Foto Video 15-M50 412. 6.14 ¦ 41.45 4309.¦ 24.43 4377.¦ 27.14 4012.¦ 4281. Aebi Ursula 1967 Solothurn 1:33.43,7 50.16,2 (40002) Diplom Foto Video 15-F50 172. 6.14 ¦ 41.16 4226.¦ 23.49 4158.¦ 28.37 4323.¦ 4282. Wyrsch Edith 1975 Erstfeld 1:33.44,1 50.16,6 (17175) Diplom Foto Video 15-F40 214. 6.14 ¦ 41.09 4203.¦ 23.40 4125.¦ 28.53 4372.¦ 4283. von Burg Diana 1958 Seedorf BE 1:33.45,8 50.18,3 (16038) Diplom Foto Video 15-F60 42. 6.15 ¦ 42.17 4399.¦ 24.17 4265.¦ 27.11 3992.¦ 4284. Hohl Christine, Allschwil 1967 LSV Basel 1:33.46,2 50.18,7 (12207) Diplom Foto Video 15-F50 173. 6.15 ¦ 42.17 4398.¦ 23.58 4188.¦ 27.30 4077.¦ 4285. Perruchoud Philippe 1961 Sion 1:33.47,9 50.20,4 (13204) Diplom Foto Video 15-M55 305. 6.15 ¦ 41.03 4181.¦ 24.37 4345.¦ 28.07 4196.¦ 4286. Ulbert Manuel 1977 Rheinfelden 1:33.49,7 50.22,2 (40333) Diplom Foto Video 15-M40 466. 6.15 ¦ 42.29 4426.¦ 24.10 4236.¦ 27.09 3985.¦ 4287. Franke Yvonne 1973 Düdingen 1:33.50,4 50.22,9 (13100) Diplom Foto Video 15-F45 193. 6.15 ¦ 41.06 4190.¦ 24.27 4308.¦ 28.17 4236.¦ 4288. De Amorim Abilio 1960 St-Prex 1:33.51,8 50.24,3 (4305) Diplom Foto Video 15-M55 306. 6.15 ¦ 42.06 4376.¦ 23.47 4152.¦ 27.58 4167.¦ 4288. Pessotto Anne 1966 Belmont-sur-Lausanne 1:33.51,8 50.24,3 (15116) Diplom Foto Video 15-F50 174. 6.15 ¦ 40.26 4061.¦ 24.27 4311.¦ 28.57 4382.¦ 4290. Brunner Dion 1975 Portalban 1:33.52,2 50.24,7 (16301) Diplom Foto Video 15-M40 467. 6.15 ¦ 41.01 4172.¦ 24.08 4226.¦ 28.42 4341.¦ 4291. Walthert Michel 1953 Villeret 1:33.53,1 50.25,6 (11268) Diplom Foto Video 15-M65 83. 6.15 ¦ 40.20 4033.¦ 25.06 4460.¦ 28.26 4266.¦ 4292. Gehri Monika 1966 Biel/Bienne 1:33.55,5 50.28,0 (12241) Diplom Foto Video 15-F50 175. 6.15 ¦ 41.18 4234.¦ 24.11 4242.¦ 28.25 4263.¦ 4293. Kern Henri 1963 Pampigny 1:33.58,0 50.30,5 (13145) Diplom Foto Video 15-M55 307. 6.15 ¦ 41.28 4273.¦ 24.17 4263.¦ 28.12 4223.¦ 4294. Fuhrer Heidi 1948 Bulle 1:33.59,8 50.32,3 (16258) Diplom Foto Video 15-F70 10. 6.15 ¦ 42.21 4407.¦ 24.15 4257.¦ 27.22 4045.¦ 4295. Pröpper Madeleine 1985 Brügg BE 1:34.01,7 50.34,2 (15227) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 370. 6.16 ¦ 40.35 4087.¦ 23.21 4028.¦ 30.05 4547.¦ 4296. Dualeh Marie-Therese 1955 F-Cessy 1:34.02,0 50.34,5 (40501) Diplom Foto Video 15-F60 43. 6.16 ¦ 41.32 4288.¦ 24.56 4422.¦ 27.32 4084.¦ 4296. Kummer Fabienne 1977 Thun 1:34.02,0 50.34,5 (15089) Diplom Foto Video 15-F40 215. 6.16 ¦ 40.55 4155.¦ 24.31 4331.¦ 28.34 4309.¦ 4298. Nasufi Armend, Kaiseraugst 1993 MIGROS RUNNER 1:34.02,5 50.35,0 (40226) Diplom Foto Video 15-M20 552. 6.16 ¦ 42.35 4436.¦ 24.48 4393.¦ 26.38 3850.¦ 4299. De Kerdelleau Barbara 1969 La Tour-de-Peilz 1:34.03,0 50.35,5 (15155) Diplom Foto Video 15-F45 194. 6.16 ¦ 41.11 4206.¦ 24.12 4244.¦ 28.39 4327.¦ 4300. Berset Anne-Laure, Lausanne 1980 Cambe-Gouilles 1:34.03,2 50.35,7 (13290) Diplom Foto Video 15-F35 197. 6.16 ¦ 41.57 4353.¦ 24.30 4323.¦ 27.35 4097.¦ 4300. Droz Cléa 1993 Neuchâtel 1:34.03,2 50.35,7 (14064) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 371. 6.16 ¦ 44.14 4628.¦ 23.49 4158.¦ 25.59 3608.¦ 4302. Kilcher Sandra 1971 Utzigen 1:34.04,2 50.36,7 (16146) Diplom Foto Video 15-F45 195. 6.16 ¦ 41.18 4237.¦ 24.34 4338.¦ 28.10 4207.¦ 4303. Mäder Hanspeter 1954 Bern 1:34.04,5 50.37,0 (12221) Diplom Foto Video 15-M60 150. 6.16 ¦ 41.22 4253.¦ 24.03 4214.¦ 28.38 4325.¦ 4304. Falciano Nathalie, Echallens 1973 LMNO 1:34.06,1 50.38,6 (15163) Diplom Foto Video 15-F45 196. 6.16 ¦ 42.01 4364.¦ 24.02 4207.¦ 28.01 4179.¦ 4305. Aellen Sarah 1980 Aegerten 1:34.06,6 50.39,1 (17016) Diplom Foto Video 15-F35 198. 6.16 ¦ 41.07 4197.¦ 24.09 4233.¦ 28.49 4359.¦ 4306. Marchesi Emilie 1989 Fribourg 1:34.07,2 50.39,7 (17084) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 372. 6.16 ¦ 42.23 4411.¦ 23.42 4133.¦ 28.02 4181.¦ 4307. Bächle Christoph 1963 Niederglatt ZH 1:34.07,6 50.40,1 (17032) Diplom Foto Video 15-M55 308. 6.16 ¦ 41.36 4295.¦ 24.52 4409.¦ 27.39 4116.¦ 4308. Gray Andrew 1979 Olten 1:34.08,9 50.41,4 (12030) Diplom Foto Video 15-M35 415. 6.16 ¦ 42.14 4389.¦ 23.28 4057.¦ 28.26 4266.¦ 4309. Stettler Melanie 1982 Uttigen 1:34.10,1 50.42,6 (16201) Diplom Foto Video 15-F35 199. 6.16 ¦ 41.11 4207.¦ 23.46 4147.¦ 29.12 4429.¦ 4310. Stoll Ruben 1972 Zürich 1:34.11,6 50.44,1 (16202) Diplom Foto Video 15-M45 448. 6.16 ¦ 41.15 4221.¦ 25.01 4438.¦ 27.55 4159.¦ 4311. Genc Evin 1991 Nidau 1:34.11,8 50.44,3 (16113) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 373. 6.16 ¦ 43.09 4507.¦ 24.07 4224.¦ 26.54 3917.¦ 4312. Patthey André, Fiez 1953 USY 1:34.12,6 50.45,1 (15078) Diplom Foto Video 15-M65 84. 6.16 ¦ 40.34 4085.¦ 24.14 4254.¦ 29.23 4470.¦ 4313. Adamina Christiane, Niedermuhlern 1957 SAC Gantrisch 1:34.13,0 50.45,5 (12093) Diplom Foto Video 15-F60 44. 6.16 ¦ 40.36 4094.¦ 24.24 4291.¦ 29.12 4427.¦ 4314. Wey Marc 1968 Reinach BL 1:34.14,9 50.47,4 (15263) Diplom Foto Video 15-M50 413. 6.16 ¦ 43.48 4587.¦ 23.32 4081.¦ 26.54 3918.¦ 4315. Almeida Vanessa, Ayent 2000 CS 13 étoiles 1:34.15,8 50.48,3 (6006) Diplom Foto Video 15-U20F 15. 6.17 ¦ 42.17 4400.¦ 24.30 4326.¦ 27.27 4069.¦ 4316. Binetti Laurent 1964 Duillier 1:34.16,4 50.48,9 (13023) Diplom Foto Video 15-M50 414. 6.17 ¦ 43.39 4571.¦ 24.02 4208.¦ 26.34 3823.¦ 4317. Guillaume Amandine 1989 F-Thonon les Bains 1:34.16,5 50.49,0 (40445) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 374. 6.17 ¦ 42.35 4434.¦ 23.31 4075.¦ 28.09 4205.¦ 4318. Bennett Martin 1962 Niederhasli 1:34.17,3 50.49,8 (17021) Diplom Foto Video 15-M55 309. 6.17 ¦ 40.40 4104.¦ 24.24 4289.¦ 29.12 4431.¦ 4319. Turberg Monique, Rossemaison 1967 SHC Rossemaison 1:34.17,4 50.49,9 (15258) Diplom Foto Video 15-F50 176. 6.17 ¦ 41.21 4250.¦ 24.29 4322.¦ 28.26 4270.¦ 4320. Marti Hans 1963 Lyss 1:34.18,5 50.51,0 (13173) Diplom Foto Video 15-M55 310. 6.17 ¦ 42.02 4365.¦ 24.13 4252.¦ 28.01 4179.¦ 4321. Stähli Martina 1975 Meinisberg 1:34.19,1 50.51,6 (16037) Diplom Foto Video 15-F40 216. 6.17 ¦ 41.40 4302.¦ 24.25 4303.¦ 28.12 4222.¦ 4322. Chatelain Christel 1976 Cheseaux-sur-Lausanne 1:34.19,2 50.51,7 (16079) Diplom Foto Video 15-F40 217. 6.17 ¦ 42.55 4466.¦ 23.39 4117.¦ 27.45 4130.¦ 4323. Dutoit Gilbert 1956 Bercher 1:34.22,0 50.54,5 (16011) Diplom Foto Video 15-M60 151. 6.17 ¦ 41.08 4200.¦ 24.02 4208.¦ 29.10 4422.¦ 4323. Frutiger Karine, Le Landeron 1974 Més'anges 1:34.22,0 50.54,5 (40107) Diplom Foto Video 15-F40 218. 6.17 ¦ 41.45 4312.¦ 24.09 4234.¦ 28.26 4271.¦ 4325. Reusser Monika 1969 Murten 1:34.22,4 50.54,9 (7214) Diplom Foto Video 15-F45 197. 6.17 ¦ 40.45 4120.¦ 24.22 4285.¦ 29.14 4439.¦ 4326. Frésard Samira, Les Enfers 1982 CCMJ 1:34.24,6 50.57,1 (13103) Diplom Foto Video 15-F35 200. 6.17 ¦ 41.15 4220.¦ 24.57 4423.¦ 28.12 4218.¦ 4327. Hofstetter Christine 1972 Thörishaus 1:34.28,4 51.00,9 (16264) Diplom Foto Video 15-F45 198. 6.17 ¦ 42.18 4402.¦ 24.03 4212.¦ 28.07 4193.¦ 4328. Krieg Farid 1965 Bern 1:34.30,3 51.02,8 (13154) Diplom Foto Video 15-M50 415. 6.18 ¦ 40.06 3985.¦ 24.26 4307.¦ 29.57 4541.¦ 4329. Studhalter Franz 1944 Oberwil BL 1:34.31,0 51.03,5 (7260) Diplom Foto Video 15-M70 32. 6.18 ¦ 41.48 4319.¦ 24.24 4290.¦ 28.18 4239.¦ 4329. Suchet Cyrill 1980 Vuadens 1:34.31,0 51.03,5 (10144) Diplom Foto Video 15-M35 416. 6.18 ¦ 39.26 3815.¦ 24.36 4341.¦ 30.28 4593.¦ 4331. Canova David 1987 Epalinges 1:34.31,4 51.03,9 (7044) Diplom Foto Video 15-M20 553. 6.18 ¦ 43.09 4506.¦ 22.40 3786.¦ 28.41 4338.¦ 4332. Renz Lia 1979 Bern 1:34.32,1 51.04,6 (15232) Diplom Foto Video 15-F35 201. 6.18 ¦ 41.15 4224.¦ 24.03 4214.¦ 29.12 4431.¦ 4333. Dubach Regula 1987 Grünenmatt 1:34.32,5 51.05,0 (15105) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 375. 6.18 ¦ 41.21 4250.¦ 24.41 4366.¦ 28.30 4284.¦ 4334. Dubach Franziska 1984 Häusernmoos im Emmental 1:34.32,6 51.05,1 (15104) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 376. 6.18 ¦ 41.20 4246.¦ 24.42 4373.¦ 28.29 4282.¦ 4335. Ackermann Antoinette 1953 Alterswil FR 1:34.32,8 51.05,3 (17148) Diplom Foto Video 15-F65 13. 6.18 ¦ 42.05 4373.¦ 24.41 4370.¦ 27.46 4134.¦ 4336. Schmid Raymond 1955 Le Locle 1:34.33,3 51.05,8 (16184) Diplom Foto Video 15-M60 152. 6.18 ¦ 41.51 4336.¦ 24.16 4258.¦ 28.25 4265.¦ 4337. Steiner Benedikt 1982 Flumenthal 1:34.33,9 51.06,4 (15063) Diplom Foto Video 15-M35 417. 6.18 ¦ 40.40 4103.¦ 24.39 4361.¦ 29.14 4440.¦ 4338. Steiner Estelle, Flumenthal 1984 Steiner 1:34.34,3 51.06,8 (15064) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 377. 6.18 ¦ 40.40 4104.¦ 24.40 4365.¦ 29.13 4436.¦ 4339. Leuthold Jaana 1987 Zollikofen 1:34.35,9 51.08,4 (16017) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 378. 6.18 ¦ 41.46 4313.¦ 24.17 4266.¦ 28.32 4292.¦ 4340. Ebneter Rahel 1985 Gelterkinden 1:34.36,9 51.09,4 (14068) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 379. 6.18 ¦ 43.57 4600.¦ 25.39 4552.¦ 25.00 3204.¦ 4341. Tschantré Tamara 1988 Tüscherz-Alfermée 1:34.38,0 51.10,5 (17253) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 380. 6.18 ¦ 41.58 4355.¦ 23.52 4166.¦ 28.47 4355.¦ 4342. Roux Pauline, La Roche FR 1985 CA Treyvaux 1:34.38,2 51.10,7 (17111) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 381. 6.18 ¦ 40.06 3987.¦ 24.53 4415.¦ 29.37 4494.¦ 4343. Ingold Manuela 1975 Münsingen 1:34.41,8 51.14,3 (13136) Diplom Foto Video 15-F40 219. 6.18 ¦ 41.56 4351.¦ 24.18 4268.¦ 28.26 4273.¦ 4343. Matheron Christophe 1966 La Tour-de-Peilz 1:34.41,8 51.14,3 (8310) Diplom Foto Video 15-M50 416. 6.18 ¦ 42.26 4418.¦ 23.59 4196.¦ 28.16 4233.¦ 4345. Tan Siew, Dietikon 1946 smrun 1:34.42,5 51.15,0 (13257) Diplom Foto Video 15-F70 11. 6.18 ¦ 42.36 4439.¦ 24.07 4224.¦ 27.58 4169.¦ 4346. Egger Hermann 1952 Düdingen 1:34.43,0 51.15,5 (13084) Diplom Foto Video 15-M65 85. 6.18 ¦ 41.04 4184.¦ 24.27 4308.¦ 29.11 4423.¦ 4347. Huber Susann 1961 La Chaux-de-Fonds 1:34.43,4 51.15,9 (13130) Diplom Foto Video 15-F55 83. 6.18 ¦ 41.51 4338.¦ 24.24 4293.¦ 28.26 4273.¦ 4348. Chaipan Chawa 1979 Basel 1:34.46,8 51.19,3 (6054) Diplom Foto Video 15-F35 202. 6.19 ¦ 41.09 4203.¦ 24.24 4291.¦ 29.12 4431.¦ 4349. Oberli Johann 1948 Ostermundigen 1:34.49,1 51.21,6 (15216) Diplom Foto Video 15-M70 33. 6.19 ¦ 41.44 4307.¦ 24.13 4250.¦ 28.50 4364.¦ 4350. Vogel Nathalie 1973 Dompierre FR 1:34.49,7 51.22,2 (17127) Diplom Foto Video 15-F45 199. 6.19 ¦ 41.14 4215.¦ 24.16 4260.¦ 29.19 4460.¦ 4351. Bachmann Eveline 1971 Belp 1:34.50,1 51.22,6 (12195) Diplom Foto Video 15-F45 200. 6.19 ¦ 41.17 4228.¦ 24.02 4210.¦ 29.30 4481.¦ 4352. Mattig Stefanie 1988 Bettmeralp 1:34.51,3 51.23,8 (14160) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 382. 6.19 ¦ 40.47 4126.¦ 24.25 4303.¦ 29.38 4496.¦ 4353. Müller Andreas 1964 Bern 1:34.53,8 51.26,3 (11184) Diplom Foto Video 15-M50 417. 6.19 ¦ 42.12 4385.¦ 24.09 4231.¦ 28.31 4291.¦ 4354. Remund Aeneas 1999 Rizenbach 1:34.53,9 51.26,4 (17274) Diplom Foto Video 15-U20M 35. 6.19 ¦ 41.07 4196.¦ 24.16 4261.¦ 29.30 4482.¦ 4355. Guilland Céline 1999 Lugnorre 1:34.54,3 51.26,8 (8076) Diplom Foto Video 15-U20F 16. 6.19 ¦ 40.21 4039.¦ 25.15 4487.¦ 29.17 4450.¦ 4356. Cherkas Mikhail, Lausanne 1973 Ours de Sibérie 1:34.56,4 51.28,9 (16023) Diplom Foto Video 15-M45 449. 6.19 ¦ 41.46 4316.¦ 24.12 4247.¦ 28.57 4381.¦ 4357. Isch Markus 1971 Urtenen-Schönbühl 1:34.58,3 51.30,8 (17161) Diplom Foto Video 15-M45 450. 6.19 ¦ 42.31 4429.¦ 23.55 4175.¦ 28.32 4294.¦ 4358. Büdenbender Saskia 1977 Bern 1:34.58,5 51.31,0 (17035) Diplom Foto Video 15-F40 220. 6.19 ¦ 43.12 4514.¦ 24.11 4242.¦ 27.33 4093.¦ 4359. Winkelmann Eric, Aubonne 1947 Seniors de Coubertin 1:34.58,6 51.31,1 (13278) Diplom Foto Video 15-M70 34. 6.19 ¦ 41.56 4352.¦ 24.25 4298.¦ 28.36 4319.¦ 4360. Peckedrath Felix 1978 Kloten 1:34.58,8 51.31,3 (17227) Diplom Foto Video 15-M40 468. 6.19 ¦ 42.17 4401.¦ 23.58 4187.¦ 28.42 4340.¦ 4361. Gilardini Serge, Neuchâtel 1957 Atelier 71 1:34.59,2 51.31,7 (13118) Diplom Foto Video 15-M60 153. 6.19 ¦ 42.21 4405.¦ 24.09 4232.¦ 28.28 4280.¦ 4362. Leuenberger Rolf 1963 Biel/Bienne 1:35.00,9 51.33,4 (13162) Diplom Foto Video 15-M55 311. 6.20 ¦ 41.55 4349.¦ 24.19 4273.¦ 28.45 4348.¦ 4363. Kho Tad Yeu 1976 Bulle 1:35.01,3 51.33,8 (14137) Diplom Foto Video 15-M40 469. 6.20 ¦ 40.26 4063.¦ 24.08 4230.¦ 30.25 4585.¦ 4364. Cachin Nathalie 1969 Pompaples 1:35.01,8 51.34,3 (11065) Diplom Foto Video 15-F45 201. 6.20 ¦ 42.12 4384.¦ 24.39 4360.¦ 28.10 4206.¦ 4365. Gappmaier Miriam 1990 Ostermundigen 1:35.05,5 51.38,0 (11304) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 383. 6.20 ¦ 41.45 4311.¦ 25.05 4458.¦ 28.14 4228.¦ 4366. Kenny Vanessa 1969 Genève 1:35.06,9 51.39,4 (9129) Diplom Foto Video 15-F45 202. 6.20 ¦ 42.14 4391.¦ 24.33 4336.¦ 28.19 4240.¦ 4367. Weber Barbara 1977 Däniken SO 1:35.10,3 51.42,8 (15117) Diplom Foto Video 15-F40 221. 6.20 ¦ 42.17 4397.¦ 24.26 4305.¦ 28.27 4277.¦ 4368. Chassot Nathalie 1973 Arconciel 1:35.10,8 51.43,3 (9050) Diplom Foto Video 15-F45 203. 6.20 ¦ 41.55 4347.¦ 25.03 4445.¦ 28.12 4221.¦ 4369. Fatton Nicole 1962 Fontaines NE 1:35.11,5 51.44,0 (13093) Diplom Foto Video 15-F55 84. 6.20 ¦ 42.08 4379.¦ 24.23 4287.¦ 28.40 4329.¦ 4370. Jäggi Frank 1970 Langenthal 1:35.11,8 51.44,3 (12129) Diplom Foto Video 15-M45 451. 6.20 ¦ 40.18 4032.¦ 25.46 4576.¦ 29.06 4409.¦ 4371. Mosimann Peter 1958 Oberstammheim 1:35.12,1 51.44,6 (13188) Diplom Foto Video 15-M60 154. 6.20 ¦ 41.59 4357.¦ 24.32 4334.¦ 28.40 4329.¦ 4372. Mouzo Pamela, Rossemaison 1986 YanOrlandiRun 1:35.13,7 51.46,2 (16161) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 384. 6.20 ¦ 43.00 4484.¦ 24.03 4213.¦ 28.09 4204.¦ 4373. Rüfenacht Franziska 1986 Rheinfelden 1:35.14,7 51.47,2 (12072) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 385. 6.20 ¦ 42.31 4430.¦ 24.31 4328.¦ 28.11 4216.¦ 4374. Pulver Stephan 1972 Lostorf 1:35.15,6 51.48,1 (14209) Diplom Foto Video 15-M45 452. 6.21 ¦ 41.04 4186.¦ 25.10 4467.¦ 29.00 4390.¦ 4375. Deuschle Fabienne 1989 Münsingen 1:35.16,9 51.49,4 (16090) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 386. 6.21 ¦ 41.32 4285.¦ 24.42 4372.¦ 29.02 4397.¦ 4376. Pfister Rita 1976 Erlinsbach SO 1:35.17,0 51.49,5 (14203) Diplom Foto Video 15-F40 222. 6.21 ¦ 41.06 4191.¦ 25.08 4463.¦ 29.01 4392.¦ 4377. Hüsser Angelika 1958 Zug 1:35.18,2 51.50,7 (15188) Diplom Foto Video 15-F60 45. 6.21 ¦ 41.50 4329.¦ 24.38 4357.¦ 28.48 4357.¦ 4378. Wettstein-Kropf Veronika, Rubigen 1959 Laufteam Münsingen 1:35.21,0 51.53,5 (15262) Diplom Foto Video 15-F55 85. 6.21 ¦ 43.16 4528.¦ 24.28 4315.¦ 27.35 4100.¦ 4379. Messerli Hervé 1953 La Tour-de-Trême 1:35.22,6 51.55,1 (12171) Diplom Foto Video 15-M65 86. 6.21 ¦ 42.21 4405.¦ 24.38 4348.¦ 28.23 4257.¦ 4380. Bumann Marie-Dominique, Arbaz 1957 Club 13 étoiles SION 1:35.22,7 51.55,2 (15102) Diplom Foto Video 15-F60 46. 6.21 ¦ 41.01 4175.¦ 25.09 4465.¦ 29.12 4427.¦ 4381. Ruelle Coline 1989 La Chaux-de-Fonds 1:35.26,2 51.58,7 (40270) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 387. 6.21 ¦ 40.21 4037.¦ 24.19 4272.¦ 30.45 4621.¦ 4382. Broillet Aurore 1990 Nierlet-les-Bois 1:35.26,5 51.59,0 (13030) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 388. 6.21 ¦ 41.34 4291.¦ 25.08 4464.¦ 28.43 4344.¦ 4383. Bigler Daniel 1966 Ostermundigen 1:35.29,2 52.01,7 (17179) Diplom Foto Video 15-M50 418. 6.21 ¦ 41.58 4356.¦ 24.12 4246.¦ 29.18 4453.¦ 4384. Stutz Edgar 1957 Chambrelien 1:35.31,0 52.03,5 (13255) Diplom Foto Video 15-M60 155. 6.22 ¦ 41.50 4327.¦ 24.16 4259.¦ 29.24 4472.¦ 4385. Zumstein Claudine 1972 Pieterlen 1:35.31,2 52.03,7 (12150) Diplom Foto Video 15-F45 204. 6.22 ¦ 41.36 4298.¦ 24.30 4327.¦ 29.23 4470.¦ 4386. Petit Colette, Delémont 1942 smrun 1:35.32,1 52.04,6 (15079) Diplom Foto Video 15-F75 3. 6.22 ¦ 41.29 4276.¦ 25.22 4509.¦ 28.40 4335.¦ 4387. Lago Séverine 1971 Marly 1:35.33,3 52.05,8 (13158) Diplom Foto Video 15-F45 205. 6.22 ¦ 40.44 4118.¦ 24.54 4417.¦ 29.54 4531.¦ 4388. Ryter Susanne 1958 Schwarzhäusern 1:35.35,5 52.08,0 (16179) Diplom Foto Video 15-F60 47. 6.22 ¦ 43.47 4586.¦ 24.27 4312.¦ 27.20 4034.¦ 4389. Maeder Miriam 1987 Lyss 1:35.36,3 52.08,8 (14154) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 389. 6.22 ¦ 42.14 4388.¦ 24.44 4381.¦ 28.37 4321.¦ 4390. Hamburger Josef, Entlebuch 1983 Raiffeisenbank Oberes Emm 1:35.36,4 52.08,9 (14109) Diplom Foto Video 15-M35 418. 6.22 ¦ 41.50 4331.¦ 24.38 4353.¦ 29.07 4414.¦ 4391. Frauchiger Pia 1976 Worben 1:35.36,6 52.09,1 (14082) Diplom Foto Video 15-F40 223. 6.22 ¦ 42.02 4366.¦ 24.27 4312.¦ 29.06 4408.¦ 4392. Stucki Sandra, Zollbrück 1981 Raiffeisenbank Oberes Emm 1:35.37,0 52.09,5 (14254) Diplom Foto Video 15-F35 203. 6.22 ¦ 41.51 4337.¦ 24.38 4353.¦ 29.06 4410.¦ 4393. Lau Tanja 1985 Zollikofen 1:35.39,5 52.12,0 (16016) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 390. 6.22 ¦ 44.39 4665.¦ 25.55 4588.¦ 25.04 3245.¦ 4394. Dorthe Mélanie 1987 Matran 1:35.40,0 52.12,5 (16094) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 391. 6.22 ¦ 41.01 4178.¦ 24.19 4269.¦ 30.19 4576.¦ 4395. Utiger Carol 1982 Nidau 1:35.40,4 52.12,9 (13307) Diplom Foto Video 15-F35 204. 6.22 ¦ 42.24 4416.¦ 24.36 4343.¦ 28.39 4326.¦ 4396. Wehrle Stephan 1957 Kallnach 1:35.40,6 52.13,1 (40351) Diplom Foto Video 15-M60 156. 6.22 ¦ 41.17 4228.¦ 24.47 4391.¦ 29.35 4490.¦ 4397. Scherer Bruno 1960 Gümmenen 1:35.41,3 52.13,8 (12118) Diplom Foto Video 15-M55 312. 6.22 ¦ 41.28 4275.¦ 24.24 4293.¦ 29.47 4518.¦ 4398. Morard Sandra 1970 Bramois 1:35.46,7 52.19,2 (15045) Diplom Foto Video 15-F45 206. 6.23 ¦ 42.40 4443.¦ 24.31 4329.¦ 28.34 4307.¦ 4398. Perritaz Christelle 1975 Lausanne 1:35.46,7 52.19,2 (14200) Diplom Foto Video 15-F40 224. 6.23 ¦ 42.03 4368.¦ 25.22 4509.¦ 28.20 4246.¦ 4400. Kent Mccleary 1984 Basel 1:35.47,1 52.19,6 (16145) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 392. 6.23 ¦ 41.27 4271.¦ 25.05 4459.¦ 29.13 4437.¦ 4401. Roçafi Saïd 1983 Châtel-St-Denis 1:35.48,3 52.20,8 (11222) Diplom Foto Video 15-M35 419. 6.23 ¦ 42.27 4421.¦ 23.14 3985.¦ 30.06 4551.¦ 4402. Draenert Nicolas 1986 Brunnen 1:35.49,2 52.21,7 (40081) Diplom Foto Video 15-M20 554. 6.23 ¦ 43.46 4585.¦ 24.50 4399.¦ 27.12 4000.¦ 4403. Stäussi Christoph 1989 Bern 1:35.49,3 52.21,8 (14257) Diplom Foto Video 15-M20 555. 6.23 ¦ 43.46 4583.¦ 24.50 4399.¦ 27.12 4002.¦ 4404. Monnier Sébastien 1985 Lutry 1:35.51,0 52.23,5 (11176) Diplom Foto Video 15-M20 556. 6.23 ¦ 42.29 4425.¦ 23.15 3994.¦ 30.06 4550.¦ 4405. Huet Françoise, Pully 1946 seniors de Coubertin 1:35.52,7 52.25,2 (13131) Diplom Foto Video 15-F70 12. 6.23 ¦ 43.22 4539.¦ 24.41 4369.¦ 27.49 4146.¦ 4406. Baumann Werner 1971 Jegenstorf 1:35.54,7 52.27,2 (16055) Diplom Foto Video 15-M45 453. 6.23 ¦ 44.39 4664.¦ 25.56 4590.¦ 25.19 3333.¦ 4407. Salzedas Luisa 1969 Delémont 1:35.55,1 52.27,6 (16181) Diplom Foto Video 15-F45 207. 6.23 ¦ 43.01 4486.¦ 24.16 4262.¦ 28.37 4322.¦ 4408. Risse Sébastien 1989 Villars-sur-Glâne 1:35.55,2 52.27,7 (10246) Diplom Foto Video 15-M20 557. 6.23 ¦ 39.48 3914.¦ 24.28 4317.¦ 31.37 4708.¦ 4409. Bulliard Aline 1971 Grolley 1:35.55,8 52.28,3 (17030) Diplom Foto Video 15-F45 208. 6.23 ¦ 42.45 4452.¦ 24.29 4319.¦ 28.40 4334.¦ 4410. Grand Daniela 1961 Cressier NE 1:35.57,0 52.29,5 (16118) Diplom Foto Video 15-F55 86. 6.23 ¦ 42.39 4442.¦ 24.52 4409.¦ 28.25 4264.¦ 4411. Mariotti Murielle 1974 Lovens 1:35.58,6 52.31,1 (17085) Diplom Foto Video 15-F40 225. 6.23 ¦ 41.02 4180.¦ 25.03 4445.¦ 29.52 4525.¦ 4411. Rentsch Ruth 1966 Niederwangen b. Bern 1:35.58,6 52.31,1 (12267) Diplom Foto Video 15-F50 177. 6.23 ¦ 42.43 4448.¦ 24.42 4374.¦ 28.32 4297.¦ 4413. Delucchi Renato 1962 Ringgenberg BE 1:35.59,0 52.31,5 (13067) Diplom Foto Video 15-M55 313. 6.23 ¦ 41.02 4179.¦ 25.05 4456.¦ 29.51 4522.¦ 4414. Fasol Marie 1979 Bulle 1:35.59,8 52.32,3 (17052) Diplom Foto Video 15-F35 205. 6.23 ¦ 41.54 4345.¦ 24.50 4402.¦ 29.15 4441.¦ 4415. Fink Martin 1976 Bern 1:36.00,0 52.32,5 (17055) Diplom Foto Video 15-M40 470. 6.24 ¦ 45.32 4729.¦ 23.45 4140.¦ 26.42 3868.¦ 4416. Gaudard Jean-François, Avenches 1959 Cambegouilles 1:36.01,5 52.34,0 (13112) Diplom Foto Video 15-M55 314. 6.24 ¦ 41.51 4334.¦ 24.45 4382.¦ 29.24 4473.¦ 4417. Fellrath Nathalie 1970 Marin-Epagnier 1:36.02,0 52.34,5 (13094) Diplom Foto Video 15-F45 209. 6.24 ¦ 40.55 4157.¦ 25.40 4558.¦ 29.25 4474.¦ 4418. Cardeal Sonia, Muraz (Collombey) 1959 USY YVERDON 1:36.03,1 52.35,6 (16074) Diplom Foto Video 15-F55 87. 6.24 ¦ 42.55 4469.¦ 25.07 4462.¦ 27.59 4171.¦ 4419. Gernandt Markus 1970 D-Oberding 1:36.03,3 52.35,8 (14092) Diplom Foto Video 15-M45 454. 6.24 ¦ 41.43 4306.¦ 25.07 4461.¦ 29.11 4424.¦ 4420. Müller Christian 1970 Luzern 1:36.03,4 52.35,9 (40394) Diplom Foto Video 15-M45 455. 6.24 ¦ 43.52 4594.¦ 24.11 4239.¦ 27.59 4170.¦ 4421. Dollase Laimbacher Anke 1969 Luzern 1:36.03,8 52.36,3 (13071) Diplom Foto Video 15-F45 210. 6.24 ¦ 43.52 4594.¦ 24.11 4240.¦ 27.59 4172.¦ 4422. Barben Philippe 1970 Colombier NE 1:36.06,8 52.39,3 (12006) Diplom Foto Video 15-M45 456. 6.24 ¦ 41.01 4177.¦ 24.18 4267.¦ 30.46 4622.¦ 4423. Mosimann Heidi 1959 Oberstammheim 1:36.09,9 52.42,4 (14176) Diplom Foto Video 15-F55 88. 6.24 ¦ 42.04 4369.¦ 24.57 4426.¦ 29.07 4418.¦ 4424. Fullone Piero 1971 Orbe 1:36.10,1 52.42,6 (15021) Diplom Foto Video 15-M45 457. 6.24 ¦ 41.59 4359.¦ 24.23 4288.¦ 29.46 4514.¦ 4424. Telley Gaëlle 1990 Ponthaux 1:36.10,1 52.42,6 (13306) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 393. 6.24 ¦ 42.35 4436.¦ 24.48 4397.¦ 28.46 4349.¦ 4424. Voramwald Kurt, Heimisbach 1954 Sv Heimisbach 1:36.10,1 52.42,6 (17185) Diplom Foto Video 15-M60 157. 6.24 ¦ 41.41 4303.¦ 24.43 4378.¦ 29.44 4511.¦ 4427. Pasche Noemie 1978 Biel/Bienne 1:36.10,2 52.42,7 (16294) Diplom Foto Video 15-F40 226. 6.24 ¦ 42.26 4419.¦ 25.11 4471.¦ 28.32 4295.¦ 4428. Baldassarri Claude-Alain 1966 Yverdon-les-Bains 1:36.10,3 52.42,8 (17150) Diplom Foto Video 15-M50 419. 6.24 ¦ 42.50 4460.¦ 25.30 4531.¦ 27.49 4144.¦ 4429. Sanchez Sandro 1973 La Chaux-de-Fonds 1:36.11,2 52.43,7 (17172) Diplom Foto Video 15-M45 458. 6.24 ¦ 43.32 4556.¦ 24.27 4310.¦ 28.11 4215.¦ 4430. Uffelmann Thorsten 1966 Interlaken 1:36.11,4 52.43,9 (15095) Diplom Foto Video 15-M50 420. 6.24 ¦ 43.28 4549.¦ 24.48 4398.¦ 27.54 4157.¦ 4431. Uffelmann Tokutome Satomi 1963 Interlaken 1:36.12,1 52.44,6 (15096) Diplom Foto Video 15-F55 89. 6.24 ¦ 43.28 4549.¦ 24.48 4396.¦ 27.55 4158.¦ 4432. Wenzler Danielle 1967 Schliern b. Köniz 1:36.12,8 52.45,3 (14274) Diplom Foto Video 15-F50 178. 6.24 ¦ 43.21 4538.¦ 24.25 4296.¦ 28.26 4269.¦ 4433. Fux Brigitta 1959 Lengnau BE 1:36.12,9 52.45,4 (15107) Diplom Foto Video 15-F55 90. 6.24 ¦ 40.38 4096.¦ 26.22 4638.¦ 29.12 4431.¦ 4433. Spahr Erika 1965 Chur 1:36.12,9 52.45,4 (11245) Diplom Foto Video 15-F50 179. 6.24 ¦ 43.07 4502.¦ 24.38 4352.¦ 28.27 4275.¦ 4435. D'Amato Sandra 1974 Yverdon-les-Bains 1:36.13,1 52.45,6 (15152) Diplom Foto Video 15-F40 227. 6.24 ¦ 42.30 4428.¦ 25.10 4468.¦ 28.32 4295.¦ 4436. Voirol Emilie 1984 Auvernier 1:36.13,2 52.45,7 (16217) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 394. 6.24 ¦ 43.30 4555.¦ 24.22 4283.¦ 28.20 4247.¦ 4437. Luethi Oscar 1966 Herrenschwanden 1:36.13,7 52.46,2 (15050) Diplom Foto Video 15-M50 421. 6.24 ¦ 43.25 4543.¦ 25.34 4544.¦ 27.13 4005.¦ 4438. Farine-Sutter Béatrice, Epalinges 1972 Cambes-Gouilles 1:36.17,6 52.50,1 (12239) Diplom Foto Video 15-F45 211. 6.25 ¦ 43.11 4513.¦ 25.40 4555.¦ 27.25 4062.¦ 4438. Gruber Lilo 1965 Solothurn 1:36.17,6 52.50,1 (16120) Diplom Foto Video 15-F50 180. 6.25 ¦ 41.54 4346.¦ 25.18 4495.¦ 29.04 4401.¦ 4440. Ryser Annelies 1978 Lyssach 1:36.17,8 52.50,3 (14229) Diplom Foto Video 15-F40 228. 6.25 ¦ 40.53 4146.¦ 24.30 4324.¦ 30.54 4637.¦ 4441. Clément Cédric 1977 Cressier FR 1:36.20,2 52.52,7 (15151) Diplom Foto Video 15-M40 471. 6.25 ¦ 40.27 4065.¦ 25.00 4434.¦ 30.52 4633.¦ 4442. Käser-Käsermann Fanny 1959 Heitenried 1:36.20,4 52.52,9 (13157) Diplom Foto Video 15-F55 91. 6.25 ¦ 41.51 4333.¦ 24.57 4423.¦ 29.32 4484.¦ 4443. Collaud Méline 1993 St-Aubin FR 1:36.20,6 52.53,1 (13059) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 395. 6.25 ¦ 42.15 4394.¦ 24.44 4380.¦ 29.20 4463.¦ 4444. Spring Nicole 1986 Genève 1:36.20,9 52.53,4 (16199) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 396. 6.25 ¦ 43.00 4481.¦ 24.43 4379.¦ 28.37 4320.¦ 4445. Cehic Selma 1984 Montpreveyres 1:36.21,0 52.53,5 (13051) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 397. 6.25 ¦ 43.00 4482.¦ 24.50 4401.¦ 28.30 4286.¦ 4446. Wyss Claudia 1963 Willisau 1:36.21,6 52.54,1 (10163) Diplom Foto Video 15-F55 92. 6.25 ¦ 42.42 4445.¦ 24.46 4385.¦ 28.52 4368.¦ 4447. Zbinden Andreas 1946 Bern 1:36.22,8 52.55,3 (11280) Diplom Foto Video 15-M70 35. 6.25 ¦ 41.51 4335.¦ 24.52 4413.¦ 29.38 4497.¦ 4448. Metzler Roger 1970 Heiden 1:36.23,7 52.56,2 (17091) Diplom Foto Video 15-M45 459. 6.25 ¦ 42.12 4385.¦ 25.10 4468.¦ 29.00 4389.¦ 4449. Haldi Maryline 1969 Longirod 1:36.26,5 52.59,0 (40139) Diplom Foto Video 15-F45 212. 6.25 ¦ 41.27 4272.¦ 25.14 4480.¦ 29.44 4510.¦ 4450. Tschanz Louis 1958 Champoz 1:36.26,8 52.59,3 (13261) Diplom Foto Video 15-M60 158. 6.25 ¦ 40.55 4155.¦ 22.41 3788.¦ 32.49 4778.¦ 4451. Gardner Sabrina 1987 Muri b. Bern 1:36.27,9 53.00,4 (17057) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 398. 6.25 ¦ 43.00 4485.¦ 24.52 4411.¦ 28.35 4313.¦ 4452. Gugger-Josi Pia 1972 Münsingen 1:36.28,8 53.01,3 (16263) Diplom Foto Video 15-F45 213. 6.25 ¦ 43.02 4487.¦ 24.59 4429.¦ 28.26 4272.¦ 4453. Furrer Charles 1950 Ostermundigen 1:36.29,4 53.01,9 (13106) Diplom Foto Video 15-M65 87. 6.25 ¦ 43.56 4599.¦ 24.52 4411.¦ 27.41 4120.¦ 4454. Roth Lisa 1973 Münsingen 1:36.29,5 53.02,0 (17110) Diplom Foto Video 15-F45 214. 6.25 ¦ 43.02 4487.¦ 24.59 4432.¦ 28.27 4275.¦ 4455. Snibrovska Maryna 1964 Carouge GE 1:36.32,3 53.04,8 (13250) Diplom Foto Video 15-F50 181. 6.26 ¦ 40.55 4158.¦ 24.39 4362.¦ 30.56 4644.¦ 4456. Decrind Frederic 1967 Versoix 1:36.34,1 53.06,6 (8239) Diplom Foto Video 15-M50 422. 6.26 ¦ 41.44 4308.¦ 25.43 4565.¦ 29.05 4407.¦ 4457. Winkler Céline 1979 Ried b. Kerzers 1:36.35,2 53.07,7 (15269) Diplom Foto Video 15-F35 206. 6.26 ¦ 41.42 4304.¦ 25.16 4489.¦ 29.36 4491.¦ 4458. Moser Miriam 2002 Täuffelen 1:36.35,5 53.08,0 (17222) Diplom Foto Video 15-U18F 16. 6.26 ¦ 42.57 4476.¦ 25.13 4477.¦ 28.24 4260.¦ 4459. Gerber Christophe 1958 Jongny 1:36.36,5 53.09,0 (15170) Diplom Foto Video 15-M60 159. 6.26 ¦ 41.17 4231.¦ 25.14 4485.¦ 30.04 4546.¦ 4460. Labunets Victoria 1978 Villars-sur-Glâne 1:36.39,6 53.12,1 (7148) Diplom Foto Video 15-F40 229. 6.26 ¦ 42.36 4438.¦ 24.33 4337.¦ 29.29 4480.¦ 4461. Crausaz Arm Raymonde 1970 Villeneuve VD 1:36.40,8 53.13,3 (16083) Diplom Foto Video 15-F45 215. 6.26 ¦ 43.48 4588.¦ 24.35 4340.¦ 28.16 4234.¦ 4462. Arm Laurent 1971 Villeneuve VD 1:36.40,9 53.13,4 (4009) Diplom Foto Video 15-M45 460. 6.26 ¦ 43.48 4589.¦ 24.36 4344.¦ 28.15 4232.¦ 4463. Schnider Marion, Bern 1970 Promo-Team Fit for Life 1:36.42,1 53.14,6 (16189) Diplom Foto Video 15-F45 216. 6.26 ¦ 43.19 4533.¦ 24.43 4375.¦ 28.39 4328.¦ 4464. Schnider Sonja, Erlinsbach 1970 Schnidis on Tour für FIT 1:36.42,7 53.15,2 (17114) Diplom Foto Video 15-F45 217. 6.26 ¦ 43.18 4532.¦ 24.46 4384.¦ 28.38 4324.¦ 4465. Nicod Elise 1990 Bulle 1:36.44,4 53.16,9 (14184) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 399. 6.26 ¦ 41.53 4342.¦ 25.34 4543.¦ 29.16 4446.¦ 4466. Huric Dino 2000 Belfaux 1:36.45,6 53.18,1 (40153) Diplom Foto Video 15-U20M 36. 6.27 ¦ 41.53 4340.¦ 25.00 4433.¦ 29.52 4525.¦ 4467. Avila Christine, Gland 1967 La foulée glandoise 1:36.47,3 53.19,8 (15125) Diplom Foto Video 15-F50 182. 6.27 ¦ 43.06 4501.¦ 25.14 4482.¦ 28.26 4266.¦ 4468. Scheurer Heidi 1954 Seedorf BE 1:36.48,3 53.20,8 (17297) Diplom Foto Video 15-F60 48. 6.27 ¦ 42.59 4480.¦ 25.13 4478.¦ 28.35 4315.¦ 4469. Chariatte Jessica 1979 Grandfontaine 1:36.48,6 53.21,1 (14041) Diplom Foto Video 15-F35 207. 6.27 ¦ 41.23 4258.¦ 26.18 4632.¦ 29.07 4412.¦ 4470. Hayoz Stefanie 1983 Bern 1:36.49,3 53.21,8 (14111) Diplom Foto Video 15-F35 208. 6.27 ¦ 41.55 4348.¦ 25.46 4574.¦ 29.07 4412.¦ 4471. Bill Walter, Ueberstorf 1958 Bill`s Runners 1:36.50,1 53.22,6 (16254) Diplom Foto Video 15-M60 160. 6.27 ¦ 42.01 4362.¦ 25.32 4538.¦ 29.16 4444.¦ 4472. Prost Andreas 1972 Cossonay-Ville 1:36.51,1 53.23,6 (13210) Diplom Foto Video 15-M45 461. 6.27 ¦ 40.24 4049.¦ 24.38 4353.¦ 31.48 4720.¦ 4473. Chautems David 1986 Courtaman 1:36.51,2 53.23,7 (14044) Diplom Foto Video 15-M20 558. 6.27 ¦ 43.42 4575.¦ 23.52 4168.¦ 29.16 4445.¦ 4474. Herzog Pius 1966 Fribourg 1:36.51,4 53.23,9 (7121) Diplom Foto Video 15-M50 423. 6.27 ¦ 40.32 4074.¦ 26.00 4602.¦ 30.18 4573.¦ 4475. Beau Louis 1994 Vallorbe 1:36.51,8 53.24,3 (14016) Diplom Foto Video 15-M20 559. 6.27 ¦ 43.42 4576.¦ 23.53 4172.¦ 29.15 4442.¦ 4476. Pinheiro Carla 1978 Lausanne 1:36.52,4 53.24,9 (14205) Diplom Foto Video 15-F40 230. 6.27 ¦ 42.27 4422.¦ 25.21 4508.¦ 29.02 4398.¦ 4477. Fernandes Pedro, La Tour-de-Trême 1976 Free-bourg Runners 1:36.53,1 53.25,6 (17054) Diplom Foto Video 15-M40 472. 6.27 ¦ 42.26 4419.¦ 25.23 4515.¦ 29.02 4398.¦ 4478. Kouzmine Alexandra 1986 Chêne-Bourg 1:36.53,4 53.25,9 (16291) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 400. 6.27 ¦ 43.04 4494.¦ 24.47 4388.¦ 29.01 4391.¦ 4479. Böhm Franz 1960 Bolligen 1:36.55,0 53.27,5 (15141) Diplom Foto Video 15-M55 315. 6.27 ¦ 42.08 4380.¦ 25.05 4457.¦ 29.40 4502.¦ 4480. Beck Andreas 1968 Ibach 1:36.55,7 53.28,2 (7019) Diplom Foto Video 15-M50 424. 6.27 ¦ 41.46 4315.¦ 24.19 4270.¦ 30.50 4629.¦ 4481. Jähnig Catrin 1964 Worb 1:36.57,2 53.29,7 (13296) Diplom Foto Video 15-F50 183. 6.27 ¦ 43.36 4568.¦ 24.47 4386.¦ 28.33 4305.¦ 4482. Siffert Elodie, Grolley 1993 Triclub Esta broye 1:36.57,6 53.30,1 (17202) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 401. 6.27 ¦ 41.31 4279.¦ 25.13 4478.¦ 30.13 4560.¦ 4483. Jähnig Theresa 1992 Worb 1:36.57,7 53.30,2 (13297) Diplom Foto Video 15-F20 402. 6.27 ¦ 43.40 4572.¦ 24.46 4383.¦ 28.31 4288.¦ 4484. Hardmeier Ruth 1951 Bern 1:36.57,9 53.30,4 (13127) Diplom Foto Video 15-F65 14. 6.27 ¦ 44.08 4619.¦ 24.48 4393.¦ 28.01 4176.¦ 4485. Castella Gilles 1965 Donatyre 1:36.58,4 53.30,9 (13048) Diplom Foto Video 15-M50 425. 6.27 ¦ 43.42 4577.¦ 24.19 4274.¦ 28.56 4379.¦ 4486. Brodbeck Helene 1955 Moosseedorf 1:36.58,5 53.31,0 (13029) Diplom Foto Video 15-F60 49. 6.27 ¦ 44.07 4617.¦ 25.14 4483.¦ 27.36 4103.¦ 4486. Suter Peter, Niederhasli 1962 Burra 1:36.58,5 53.31,0 (16207) Diplom Foto Video 15-M55 316. 6.27 ¦ 44.24 4643.¦ 23.58 4194.¦ 28.35 4311.¦ 4488. Castella Pauline 1999 Donatyre 1:36.58,9 53.31,4 (13049) Diplom Foto Video 15-U20F 17. 6.27 ¦ 43.43 4578.¦ 24.19 4274.¦ 28.55 4377.¦ 4489. Viret Eliane 1962 Villars-le-Terroir 1:37.00,4 53.32,9 (13266) Diplom Foto Video 15-F55 93. 6.28 ¦ 43.14 4519.¦ 25.38 4551.¦ 28.07 4197.¦ 4490. Bucher Martin 1961 Bolligen 1:37.01,1 53.33,6 (16242) Diplom Foto Video 15-M55 317. 6.28 ¦ 42.21 4404.¦ 25.01 4441.¦ 29.38 4495.¦ 4491. Ryser Danielle 1962 Lausanne 1:37.02,1 53.34,6 (13228) Diplom Foto Video 15-F55 94. 6.28 ¦ 43.14 4523.¦ 25.19 4499.¦ 28.28 4279.¦ 4492. Born Katharina 1960 Solothurn 1:37.03,3 53.35,8 (16255) Diplom Foto Video 15-F55 95. 6.28 ¦ 42.34 4433.¦ 25.00 4437.¦ 29.28 4479.¦ 4493. Maeder Peter G 1963 Ried b. Kerzers 1:37.06,3 53.38,8 (15289) Diplom Foto Video 15-M55 318. 6.28 ¦ 41.14 4214.¦ 25.12 4472.¦ 30.40 4609.¦ 4494. Decorvet Véronique 1974 Treyvaux 1:37.07,8 53.40,3 (11013) Diplom Foto Video 15-F40 231. 6.28 ¦ 39.41 3893.¦ 25.52 4587.¦ 31.33 4705.¦ 4495. Beuret Nicolas 1980 Bevaix 1:37.08,8 53.41,3 (17024) Diplom Foto Video 15-M35 420. 6.28 ¦ 44.50 4679.¦ 24.12 4248.¦ 28.05 4188.¦ 4496. Jaquier Romain 1983 Lutry 1:37.08,9 53.41,4 (17075) Diplom Foto Video 15-M35 421. 6.28 ¦ 45.09 4699.¦ 24.50 4405.¦ 27.08 3976.¦ 4497. Crisafulli Antonino 1964 Walenstadt 1:37.12,6 53.45,1 (8069) Diplom Foto Video 15-M50 426. 6.28 ¦ 42.57 4473.¦ 25.17 4491.¦ 28.58 4384.¦ 4498. Bossart Martin 1951 Urtenen-Schönbühl 1:37.12,8 53.45,3 (16002) Diplom Foto Video 15-M65 88. 6.28 ¦ 43.25 4542.¦ 25.14 4481.¦ 28.33 4303.¦ 4499. Aeschlimann Agnes, Aarberg 1964 STB Bern 1:37.14,5 53.47,0 (16250) Diplom Foto Video 15-F50 184. 6.28 ¦ 43.08 4505.¦ 25.18 4494.¦ 28.47 4354.¦ 4500. Aeschlimann Beat, Aarberg 1960 STB Bern 1:37.14,7 53.47,2 (16251) Diplom Foto Video 15-M55 319. 6.28 ¦ 43.09 4507.¦ 25.18 4498.¦ 28.46 4352.¦

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