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40. Kerzerslauf 2018 - nach Name "P"

Kategorie Rang Name und Vorname Jg Land/Ort S Start Zeit Rückstand Stnr Overall Schnitt ¦ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15-M60 139. Pabst Stephan 1957 Grellingen 15077 1:30.41,8 31.24,9 (15077) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2864. 6.02 ¦ 15-M40 435. Pacheco Miguel 1978 Lohn-Ammannsegg 40231 1:27.46,4 36.58,0 (40231) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2717. 5.51 ¦ 15-M40 352. Padel Christoph 1975 Lyss 11198 1:18.50,1 28.01,7 (11198) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1980. 5.15 ¦ 15-M20 130. Page Basile 1985 Fribourg 4196 1:03.18,8 19.51,3 (4196) Diplom Foto Video 15M 407. 4.13 ¦ 15-M65 10. Pahud Pierre 1950 Pully 2245 1:09.36,4 6.53,7 (2245) Diplom Foto Video 15M 946. 4.38 ¦ 15-M35 38. Paiano Gabor 1980 Münchenbuchsee 1061 59.11,7 15.16,2 (1061) Diplom Foto Video 15M 191. 3.56 ¦ 15-F55 33. Paillard Michèle 1963 Onnens VD 10290 1:21.12,5 11.36,4 (10290) Diplom Foto Video 15F 609. 5.24 ¦ 15-F20 356. Paixao Pittet Marcilen 1986 Bulle 7189 1:32.38,6 41.30,1 (7189) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1281. 6.10 ¦ 15-M50 433. Palenzona Marco 1965 Konolfingen 14195 1:44.45,8 51.44,1 (14195) Diplom Foto Video 15M 3140. 6.59 ¦ 15-M45 133. Palermo Daniel 1969 Grenchen 3202 1:08.27,7 15.33,5 (3202) Diplom Foto Video 15M 816. 4.33 ¦ 15-M50 74. Palermo Filippo 1967 Grenchen 3203 1:07.12,3 14.10,6 (3203) Diplom Foto Video 15M 706. 4.28 ¦ 15-M20 476. Palmisano Enzo 1998 La Chaux-de-Fonds 8030 1:22.43,9 39.16,4 (8030) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2371. 5.30 ¦ 15-M50 267. Palmisano Giovanni 1966 La Chaux-de-Fonds 8031 1:18.40,3 25.38,6 (8031) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1959. 5.14 ¦ 2-U12M 70. Palumbo Luca 2008 Fräschels 32077 6.23,6 1.51,5 (32077) Diplom Foto Video OV2 314. 4.34 ¦ 15-M40 390. Panchaud Lionel 1978 Neuchâtel 7190 1:21.25,5 30.37,1 (7190) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2243. 5.25 ¦ 15-M65 64. Pang Kwee Loy 1953 Zürich 11199 1:27.15,4 24.32,7 (11199) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2681. 5.49 ¦ 15-F60 11. Pang Micheline 1957 Zürich 11200 1:22.49,6 15.06,1 (11200) Diplom Foto Video 15F 698. 5.31 ¦ 15-F45 19. Panozzo Elisa 1973 Cormondrèche 5119 1:09.52,7 13.17,4 (5119) Diplom Foto Video 15F 131. 4.39 ¦ 15-M20 300. Panzeri Dario 1991 Solothurn 2246 1:12.23,6 28.56,1 (2246) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1245. 4.49 ¦ 15-F45 189. Papaux Marie 1973 La Tour-de-Trême 16006 1:33.23,4 36.48,1 (16006) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1314. 6.13 ¦ 15-F60 52. Parietti Yvette 1954 Nyon 15218 1:37.53,8 30.10,3 (15218) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1481. 6.31 ¦ 5-F20 442. Parisod Chantal 1961 La Sarraz 24121 38.02,8 19.52,1 (24121) Diplom Foto Video 5F 625. 7.36 ¦ 15-M60 142. Pärli Fritz 1955 Schüpfen 8271 1:31.37,9 32.21,0 (8271) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2892. 6.06 ¦ 5-F20 439. Parnigoni Anna 1961 Val-d'Illiez 24193 37.56,8 19.46,1 (24193) Diplom Foto Video 5F 622. 7.35 ¦ 15-M55 220. Parnigoni Marc 1962 Val-d'Illiez 13198 1:23.34,8 28.12,9 (13198) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2428. 5.34 ¦ 15-F40 233. Paroz-Hertzeisen Sophi 1974 Tavannes 13199 1:37.48,0 41.43,8 (13199) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1477. 6.31 ¦ 1-MuVaKi --- Parpan Gianina 2014 Chur 42020 2.16,3 ----- (42020) Diplom Foto Video MukiVaKi 133. 7.34 ¦ 5-F20 324. Parpan Menga 1980 Chur 23064 33.09,3 14.58,6 (23064) Diplom Foto Video 5F 487. 6.37 ¦ 15-M35 150. Parpan Paulin 1980 Chur 2247 1:08.32,1 24.36,6 (2247) Diplom Foto Video 15M 826. 4.34 ¦ 15-M55 334. Pascali Giuseppe 1960 Boll 17101 1:41.25,4 46.03,5 (17101) Diplom Foto Video 15M 3111. 6.45 ¦ 15-F40 226. Pasche Noemie 1978 Biel/Bienne 16294 1:36.10,2 40.06,0 (16294) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1418. 6.24 ¦ 15-M40 38. Pasche Stéphane 1978 Yverdon-les-Bains 1228 1:01.04,9 10.16,5 (1228) Diplom Foto Video 15M 284. 4.04 ¦ 15-M55 235. Pascoal Jorge 1960 Bussigny 14197 1:24.51,1 29.29,2 (14197) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2520. 5.39 ¦ 15-F35 169. Pasquier Anouk 1980 Posat 12172 1:29.15,7 36.18,2 (12172) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1108. 5.57 ¦ 15-F55 45. Pasquier Cecile 1961 Marly 9188 1:25.07,9 15.31,8 (9188) Diplom Foto Video 15F 844. 5.40 ¦ 2-U10F 119. Pasquier Laura 2010 Posat 35096 8.03,1 2.31,0 (35096) Diplom Foto Video OV2 661. 5.45 ¦ 15-F50 56. Pasquier Nathalie 1965 Fribourg 9189 1:18.37,3 16.44,3 (9189) Diplom Foto Video 15F 459. 5.14 ¦ 15-M20 90. Pasquier Patrick 1990 Sâles (Gruyère) 2248 59.55,7 16.28,2 (2248) Diplom Foto Video 15M 227. 3.59 ¦ 15-M35 128. Pasquier Vincent 1980 Thierrens 4197 1:07.07,4 23.11,9 (4197) Diplom Foto Video 15M 700. 4.28 ¦ 15-M20 199. Pasquier Vincent 1987 Sâles (Gruyère) 5188 1:07.34,7 24.07,2 (5188) Diplom Foto Video 15M 746. 4.30 ¦ 5-F20 478. Pasztor Bettina 1987 Basel 24122 45.01,7 26.51,0 (24122) Diplom Foto Video 5F 667. 9.00 ¦ 1-U07M 53. Pathmanathan Rohit 2012 Courtaman 36552 1.33,9 0.31,8 (36552) Diplom Foto Video OV1 242. 5.13 ¦ 15-F20 85. Patron Karine 1991 Neuchâtel 14198 1:14.50,7 23.42,2 (14198) Diplom Foto Video 15F 289. 4.59 ¦ 15-M65 84. Patthey André 1953 Fiez 15078 1:34.12,6 31.29,9 (15078) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2963. 6.16 ¦ 15-M40 161. Patthey Gregory 1978 Lausanne 6194 1:09.23,8 18.35,4 (6194) Diplom Foto Video 15M 926. 4.37 ¦ 15-M20 259. Pauchard Adrian 1984 Murten 4198 1:10.34,0 27.06,5 (4198) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1048. 4.42 ¦ 15-M65 21. Pauchard Bruno 1949 Bösingen 8032 1:16.19,1 13.36,4 (8032) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1732. 5.05 ¦ 5-U16M 17. Pauchard Gil 2003 Langnau i. E. 20055 22.40,1 4.08,6 (20055) Diplom Foto Video 5M 105. 4.32 ¦ 1-MuVaKi --- Pauchard Noé 2015 Murten 38066 3.01,5 ----- (38066) Diplom Foto Video MukiVaKi 203. 10.05 ¦ 5-M20 22. Pauchard Patrick 1978 Murten 20045 20.22,5 5.09,8 (20045) Diplom Foto Video 5M 45. 4.04 ¦ 15-F45 43. Pauwels Caroline 1970 Zweisimmen 7191 1:15.02,7 18.27,4 (7191) Diplom Foto Video 15F 301. 5.00 ¦ 15-M40 71. Pavan Carlo 1974 Meride 3025 1:04.01,5 13.13,1 (3025) Diplom Foto Video 15M 462. 4.16 ¦ 15-WF20 --- Pavan Géraldine 1968 Savagnier 27237 2:28.35,0 ----- (27237) Diplom Foto Video --- 9.54 ¦ 15-M20 314. Pavlicek Patrick 1988 Kerzers 7192 1:12.57,0 29.29,5 (7192) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1299. 4.51 ¦ 1-U07M 53. Pavlopoulos Elie 2012 Marsens 41056 1.33,9 0.31,8 (41056) Diplom Foto Video OV1 242. 5.13 ¦ 15-M20 576. Pavlopoulos Konstantin 1985 Marsens 40232 2:16.11,0 1:32.43,5 (40232) Diplom Foto Video 15M 3232. 9.04 ¦ 15-M55 139. Pawlik Jörg 1959 Emmen 5255 1:16.15,2 20.53,3 (5255) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1723. 5.05 ¦ 15-M55 104. Pawlowski Alessandro 1960 Rivera 7193 1:14.05,9 18.44,0 (7193) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1476. 4.56 ¦ 15-M20 54. Pawlowski Feliciano 1995 Rivera 1092 56.39,0 13.11,5 (1092) Diplom Foto Video 15M 94. 3.46 ¦ 15-M20 226. Pawlowski Lorenzo 1990 Rivera 4199 1:09.13,1 25.45,6 (4199) Diplom Foto Video 15M 903. 4.36 ¦ 15-M55 321. Payern Philippe 1963 Heitenried 12259 1:37.45,9 42.24,0 (12259) Diplom Foto Video 15M 3057. 6.31 ¦ 15-F40 83. Pazos Fabiana 1974 Colombier NE 9190 1:19.09,1 23.04,9 (9190) Diplom Foto Video 15F 490. 5.16 ¦ 15-M35 118. Peca Servan 1980 Cortaillod 5017 1:06.36,4 22.40,9 (5017) Diplom Foto Video 15M 646. 4.26 ¦ 15-M40 468. Peckedrath Felix 1978 Kloten 17227 1:34.58,8 44.10,4 (17227) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2983. 6.19 ¦ 1-U07F 26. Pedrazzoli Ciela 2012 Murten 37542 1.23,9 0.20,6 (37542) Diplom Foto Video OV1 164. 4.39 ¦ 2-U10F 56. Pedrazzoli Nayeli 2009 Murten 35097 6.58,2 1.26,1 (35097) Diplom Foto Video OV2 486. 4.58 ¦ 15-F20 225. Pedrelli Tiziana 1987 Giubiasco 9303 1:24.10,7 33.02,2 (9303) Diplom Foto Video 15F 787. 5.36 ¦ 15-F45 255. Pedretti Romana 1969 Murten 17285 1:56.06,6 59.31,3 (17285) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1697. 7.44 ¦ 2-U12F 106. Pedro Borges Gabriela 2008 Courtepin 33094 7.04,1 2.06,9 (33094) Diplom Foto Video OV2 520. 5.02 ¦ 15-M35 116. Peer Sandro 1979 Seuzach 4200 1:06.18,0 22.22,5 (4200) Diplom Foto Video 15M 628. 4.25 ¦ 15-F70 6. Peguet Catherine 1947 Gland 40233 1:30.46,1 20.10,2 (40233) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1194. 6.03 ¦ 15-WM20 --- Peiry Marc 1974 Treyvaux 27014 1:58.54,5 ----- (27014) Diplom Foto Video --- 7.55 ¦ 15-WF20 --- Peisl Yolande 1969 Fribourg 27214 2:14.05,2 ----- (27214) Diplom Foto Video --- 8.56 ¦ 15-M20 481. Peixoto Alves Claudio 1988 Kerzers 7194 1:23.01,8 39.34,3 (7194) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2385. 5.32 ¦ 5-F20 470. Pejcha Martina 1962 Neftenbach 40418 42.28,9 24.18,2 (40418) Diplom Foto Video 5F 658. 8.29 ¦ 5-F20 51. Peli-Gulli Marie-Pierr 1968 Lausanne 22217 25.46,9 7.36,2 (22217) Diplom Foto Video 5F 124. 5.09 ¦ 15-M35 404. Pellaton Damien 1982 Cornaux NE 40234 1:29.24,9 45.29,4 (40234) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2812. 5.57 ¦ 5-U14F 37. Pellegrini Jennifer 2006 Kleinbösingen 23102 29.23,7 9.04,2 (23102) Diplom Foto Video 5F 290. 5.52 ¦ 1-U08M 19. Pellegrini Sebastian 2011 Kleinbösingen 36038 1.09,7 0.14,2 (36038) Diplom Foto Video OV1 40. 3.52 ¦ 15-M40 194. Pellet Frédéric 1978 Uvrier 40235 1:11.24,4 20.36,0 (40235) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1141. 4.45 ¦ 15-M55 297. Pellet Marc 1963 Pully 12173 1:31.55,1 36.33,2 (12173) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2902. 6.07 ¦ 15-F40 150. Pellet Meyer Nicole 1974 Liebistorf 13201 1:25.31,3 29.27,1 (13201) Diplom Foto Video 15F 862. 5.42 ¦ 15-M50 123. Pelletier Bernard 1965 Les Planchettes 40236 1:10.37,4 17.35,7 (40236) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1054. 4.42 ¦ 15-M45 116. Pellicciotta Alessandr 1970 Cortaillod 3122 1:07.13,9 14.19,7 (3122) Diplom Foto Video 15M 712. 4.28 ¦ 15-F40 50. Pellitteri Maria Giuse 1978 Rodersdorf 10117 1:15.25,5 19.21,3 (10117) Diplom Foto Video 15F 321. 5.01 ¦ 15-F35 184. Peltier Karine 1980 Le Noirmont 16295 1:31.13,0 38.15,5 (16295) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1222. 6.04 ¦ 15-M20 450. Penaloza Tiziano 1990 Zürich 15219 1:20.21,0 36.53,5 (15219) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2164. 5.21 ¦ 15-M20 524. Peng Patrick 1984 Lohn-Ammannsegg 16169 1:27.28,3 44.00,8 (16169) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2695. 5.49 ¦ 15-M40 205. Pennisi Sebastiano 1975 Lausanne 5120 1:12.07,5 21.19,1 (5120) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1205. 4.48 ¦ 15-M50 69. Pereiro Amadeu 1966 Schöftland 7195 1:06.58,2 13.56,5 (7195) Diplom Foto Video 15M 675. 4.27 ¦ 2-U14F 3. Perez Danaé 2006 Poliez-le-Grand 31049 4.52,8 0.14,8 (31049) Diplom Foto Video OV2 16. 3.29 ¦ 15-M55 83. Perez José 1963 Bern 4201 1:12.03,7 16.41,8 (4201) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1202. 4.48 ¦ 15-WF20 --- Perez Susanna 1964 La Chaux-de-Fonds 27251 2:21.21,3 ----- (27251) Diplom Foto Video --- 9.25 ¦ 15-M35 260. Perini Lionel 1982 Ostermundigen 4202 1:14.25,7 30.30,2 (4202) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1510. 4.57 ¦ 15-M20 311. Perini Stéphane 1986 Areuse 12056 1:12.51,1 29.23,6 (12056) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1286. 4.51 ¦ 15-M40 255. Périsset Sébastien 1978 Domdidier 6200 1:13.44,5 22.56,1 (6200) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1418. 4.54 ¦ 5-U14M 44. Perler Alanic 2006 Cordast 23065 27.32,0 8.31,7 (23065) Diplom Foto Video 5M 278. 5.30 ¦ 5-WM20 --- Perler Christian 1953 Lausanne 25146 34.15,8 ----- (25146) Diplom Foto Video --- 6.51 ¦ 15-M20 301. Perlini Renato 1994 Zürich 40470 1:12.26,5 28.59,0 (40470) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1253. 4.49 ¦ 15-F45 136. Perlstain Regina 1969 Monthey 40237 1:25.46,5 29.11,2 (40237) Diplom Foto Video 15F 880. 5.43 ¦ 15-F65 7. Pernet Beatrice 1949 Lausanne 8270 1:27.56,0 19.19,7 (8270) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1024. 5.51 ¦ 15-F20 220. Perracini Annick 1991 Yverdon-les-Bains 40238 1:23.58,1 32.49,6 (40238) Diplom Foto Video 15F 773. 5.35 ¦ 15-F40 27. Perren Marianne 1975 Uttigen 5121 1:11.26,6 15.22,4 (5121) Diplom Foto Video 15F 181. 4.45 ¦ 5-U16F 24. Perren Sarah 2003 Zermatt 21116 25.13,3 6.01,6 (21116) Diplom Foto Video 5F 108. 5.02 ¦ 15-M55 251. Perrenoud Alain 1963 Môtiers NE 13202 1:25.52,0 30.30,1 (13202) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2603. 5.43 ¦ 15-F60 18. Perrenoud Elisabeth 1954 Grand-Lancy 10194 1:26.35,1 18.51,6 (10194) Diplom Foto Video 15F 946. 5.46 ¦ 15-WM20 --- Perrenoud Stephane 1968 La Chaux-de-Fonds 27346 2:04.35,2 ----- (27346) Diplom Foto Video --- 8.18 ¦ 15-F60 60. Perret Rita 1956 Malleray 16170 1:39.30,8 31.47,3 (16170) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1527. 6.38 ¦ 15-F65 17. Perret Verena 1953 Yverdon-les-Bains 16171 1:39.50,9 31.14,6 (16171) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1538. 6.39 ¦ 15-F55 43. Perreten Heidi 1960 Gstaad 10241 1:24.38,6 15.02,5 (10241) Diplom Foto Video 15F 814. 5.38 ¦ 15-F45 222. Perrie Sophie 1973 Neuchâtel 14199 1:38.08,0 41.32,7 (14199) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1490. 6.32 ¦ 15-WM20 --- Perrier Christian 1949 Bernex 27048 2:01.08,1 ----- (27048) Diplom Foto Video --- 8.04 ¦ 15-F40 224. Perritaz Christelle 1975 Lausanne 14200 1:35.46,7 39.42,5 (14200) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1403. 6.23 ¦ 15-WF20 --- Perritaz Daniela 1968 Villarlod 27168 2:12.42,7 ----- (27168) Diplom Foto Video --- 8.50 ¦ 15-M50 250. Perritaz Joël 1968 Villarlod 4203 1:18.03,5 25.01,8 (4203) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1905. 5.12 ¦ 15-M40 282. Perritaz Patrick 1974 Vevey 8159 1:14.39,0 23.50,6 (8159) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1540. 4.58 ¦ 15-M35 273. Perroud Vincent 1980 Sullens 5122 1:15.50,9 31.55,4 (5122) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1671. 5.03 ¦ 15-M35 DNF Perroud Yannick 1980 Biel/Bienne 13203 ----- ----- (13203) Foto Video 15M ---- ¦ 15-M55 305. Perruchoud Philippe 1961 Sion 13204 1:33.47,9 38.26,0 (13204) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2952. 6.15 ¦ 15-WM20 --- Perruchoud Roland 1945 Genève 27053 1:52.11,9 ----- (27053) Diplom Foto Video --- 7.28 ¦ 15-M40 360. Perucchi Daniel 1974 Nidau 5189 1:19.21,2 28.32,8 (5189) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2042. 5.17 ¦ 15-WF20 --- Peruccio Emilie 1986 Gampelen 27231 2:13.58,1 ----- (27231) Diplom Foto Video --- 8.55 ¦ 15-F40 147. Peschke Miriam 1975 Neuchâtel 40239 1:25.22,9 29.18,7 (40239) Diplom Foto Video 15F 854. 5.41 ¦ 15-M55 184. Pesse Pascal 1963 Blonay 40240 1:19.47,2 24.25,3 (40240) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2091. 5.19 ¦ 15-F50 174. Pessotto Anne 1966 Belmont-sur-Lausanne 15116 1:33.51,8 31.58,8 (15116) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1335. 6.15 ¦ 15-M35 263. Pessotto Mike 1979 Villiers 14201 1:14.42,8 30.47,3 (14201) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1549. 4.58 ¦ 15-M55 130. Pestoni Sandro 1959 Wichtrach 11201 1:15.47,2 20.25,3 (11201) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1666. 5.03 ¦ 15-F55 7. Peter Corinne 1963 Essertes 5123 1:13.24,4 3.48,3 (5123) Diplom Foto Video 15F 232. 4.53 ¦ 5-M20 277. Peter Martin 1970 Spreitenbach 24123 33.55,7 18.43,0 (24123) Diplom Foto Video 5M 441. 6.47 ¦ 1-MuVaKi --- Peter Méline 2013 Missy 39062 1.36,6 ----- (39062) Diplom Foto Video MukiVaKi 27. 5.22 ¦ 15-M20 346. Peter Mike 1995 Sutz 5234 1:14.35,7 31.08,2 (5234) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1533. 4.58 ¦ 1-MuVaKi --- Peter Nathaël 2011 Missy 36039 2.23,6 ----- (36039) Diplom Foto Video MukiVaKi 154. 7.58 ¦ 15-M50 2. Peter Peter 1966 Männedorf 40241 56.03,4 3.01,7 (40241) Diplom Foto Video 15M 83. 3.44 ¦ 15-M45 418. Peterhans Christoph 1970 Bischofszell 7197 1:28.00,3 35.06,1 (7197) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2731. 5.52 ¦ 15-M40 111. Petersen Nathan 1976 Marchissy 3205 1:06.41,3 15.52,9 (3205) Diplom Foto Video 15M 653. 4.26 ¦ 15-M50 406. Petignat Fabrice 1968 Courgenay 15221 1:31.44,5 38.42,8 (15221) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2897. 6.06 ¦ 15-F45 70. Petignat Nathalie 1970 Courgenay 7198 1:19.24,6 22.49,3 (7198) Diplom Foto Video 15F 508. 5.17 ¦ 15-F75 3. Petit Colette 1942 Delémont 15079 1:35.32,1 4.12,9 (15079) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1394. 6.22 ¦ 15-F45 106. Petitpierre Mireille 1973 Bonvillars 11202 1:22.53,7 26.18,4 (11202) Diplom Foto Video 15F 707. 5.31 ¦ 15-F40 202. Petrillo Antonietta 1974 Delémont 16172 1:32.20,8 36.16,6 (16172) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1264. 6.09 ¦ 5-F20 82. Petrova Dilyana 1985 Neuchâtel 21191 27.29,2 9.18,5 (21191) Diplom Foto Video 5F 195. 5.29 ¦ 15-M70 46. Petrulli Salvatore 1946 Courtaman 12262 1:45.00,8 33.50,7 (12262) Diplom Foto Video 15M 3141. 7.00 ¦ 15-F20 130. Peyer Lea 1995 Therwil 40242 1:18.30,1 27.21,6 (40242) Diplom Foto Video 15F 451. 5.14 ¦ 15-F50 137. Peyer Monika 1965 Therwil 40243 1:29.22,9 27.29,9 (40243) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1124. 5.57 ¦ 15-F40 236. Peyraud Laure 1976 Fribourg 7199 1:38.04,8 42.00,6 (7199) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1489. 6.32 ¦ 5-U14F 41. Pfäffli Anna 2005 Luterbach 24247 30.46,3 10.26,8 (24247) Diplom Foto Video 5F 350. 6.09 ¦ 15-F55 46. Pfäffli-Schär Margrit 1961 Biel/Bienne 13206 1:25.22,2 15.46,1 (13206) Diplom Foto Video 15F 853. 5.41 ¦ 15-F45 164. Pfammatter Carmen 1973 Bern 12174 1:28.41,7 32.06,4 (12174) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1074. 5.54 ¦ 15-WF20 --- Pfander Sarah 1973 Liebistorf 27266 2:11.49,6 ----- (27266) Diplom Foto Video --- 8.47 ¦ 5-M20 5. Pfanner Michael 1987 Bern 20007 16.40,5 1.27,8 (20007) Diplom Foto Video 5M 6. 3.20 ¦ 5-F20 463. Pfau Gertrud 1945 Wabern 40244 40.01,3 21.50,6 (40244) Diplom Foto Video 5F 648. 8.00 ¦ 15-M50 131. Pfau Matthias 1966 Thun 7200 1:11.15,8 18.14,1 (7200) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1122. 4.45 ¦ 2-U14M 18. Pfeifer Mika 2006 Glis 30029 5.18,4 0.47,4 (30029) Diplom Foto Video OV2 54. 3.47 ¦ 15-M40 158. Pfeuti Martin 1977 Mörigen 3123 1:09.19,4 18.31,0 (3123) Diplom Foto Video 15M 916. 4.37 ¦ 15-M35 367. Pfiffner Markus 1981 Aarberg 11203 1:23.41,9 39.46,4 (11203) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2439. 5.34 ¦ 15-WF20 --- Pfister Christa 1976 Kerzers 27086 2:03.56,3 ----- (27086) Diplom Foto Video --- 8.15 ¦ 15-M55 10. Pfister Christoph 1961 Muntelier 2072 1:01.16,0 5.54,1 (2072) Diplom Foto Video 15M 291. 4.05 ¦ 1-U08F 24. Pfister Elena 2011 Kleinbösingen 37061 1.14,9 0.16,8 (37061) Diplom Foto Video OV1 76. 4.09 ¦ 1-MuVaKi --- Pfister Fabia 2013 Kleinbösingen 39063 1.38,3 ----- (39063) Diplom Foto Video MukiVaKi 31. 5.27 ¦ 15-WM20 --- Pfister Hans 1952 Kerzers 27087 2:03.56,5 ----- (27087) Diplom Foto Video --- 8.15 ¦ 5-WF20 --- Pfister Katrin 1958 Kerzers 25147 40.51,2 ----- (25147) Diplom Foto Video --- 8.10 ¦ 15-M55 294. Pfister Kurt 1962 Goldau 14202 1:31.01,8 35.39,9 (14202) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2875. 6.04 ¦ 1-MuVaKi --- Pfister Louisa 2014 Salvenach 39064 1.55,2 ----- (39064) Diplom Foto Video MukiVaKi 71. 6.24 ¦ 1-U08F 38. Pfister Malina 2011 Salvenach 37062 1.19,6 0.21,5 (37062) Diplom Foto Video OV1 122. 4.25 ¦ 15-M35 138. Pfister Marcel 1982 Bern 40245 1:07.34,2 23.38,7 (40245) Diplom Foto Video 15M 743. 4.30 ¦ 15-WF20 --- Pfister Marlise 1963 Lyss 27129 2:08.33,7 ----- (27129) Diplom Foto Video --- 8.34 ¦ 15-M20 352. Pfister Niki 1985 Winterthur 8033 1:14.51,6 31.24,1 (8033) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1565. 4.59 ¦ 5-U16F 18. Pfister Océane 2004 Penthalaz 20548 22.36,9 3.25,2 (20548) Diplom Foto Video 5F 59. 4.31 ¦ 5-FB 9. Pfister Oliva 2002 Zollikofen 25244 51.22,9 20.10,9 (25244) Diplom Foto Video 5F 680. 10.16 ¦ 5-WM20 --- Pfister Peter 1957 Kerzers 25148 40.50,4 ----- (25148) Diplom Foto Video --- 8.10 ¦ 15-M50 73. Pfister René 1968 Wangen SZ 6195 1:07.03,1 14.01,4 (6195) Diplom Foto Video 15M 689. 4.28 ¦ 15-F40 222. Pfister Rita 1976 Erlinsbach SO 14203 1:35.17,0 39.12,8 (14203) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1387. 6.21 ¦ 15-M60 121. Pfister Rolf 1957 Pfaffhausen 13205 1:26.35,5 27.18,6 (13205) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2649. 5.46 ¦ 5-WM20 --- Pfister Silvio 1968 Zollikofen 25255 51.25,4 ----- (25255) Diplom Foto Video --- 10.17 ¦ 15-F40 118. Pfister Susanna 1975 Hilterfingen 7201 1:22.51,5 26.47,3 (7201) Diplom Foto Video 15F 701. 5.31 ¦ 15-F35 135. Pfiszterer Beatrix 1979 Kerzers 14204 1:25.54,6 32.57,1 (14204) Diplom Foto Video 15F 890. 5.43 ¦ 2-U12F 15. Pfiszterer Sara 2008 Kerzers 33095 5.42,8 0.45,6 (33095) Diplom Foto Video OV2 125. 4.04 ¦ 15-M35 140. Pflanzl Marcel 1980 Trimstein 40246 1:07.59,9 24.04,4 (40246) Diplom Foto Video 15M 776. 4.31 ¦ 15-M45 104. Pfoster Dominik 1971 Möhlin 4205 1:06.37,7 13.43,5 (4205) Diplom Foto Video 15M 648. 4.26 ¦ 15-M35 20. Pfyl Thomas 1981 Münchenbuchsee 1062 57.21,5 13.26,0 (1062) Diplom Foto Video 15M 112. 3.49 ¦ 15-M20 114. Philipona Tristan 1998 Rechthalten 2073 1:01.47,6 18.20,1 (2073) Diplom Foto Video 15M 318. 4.07 ¦ 2-U12F 109. Philipp Ladina 2007 Murten 33096 7.06,9 2.09,7 (33096) Diplom Foto Video OV2 534. 5.04 ¦ 2-U10F 43. Philipp Naima 2009 Murten 35098 6.50,0 1.17,9 (35098) Diplom Foto Video OV2 440. 4.52 ¦ 2-U10M 41. Piccand Léon 2009 Domdidier 34111 6.12,1 1.10,6 (34111) Diplom Foto Video OV2 259. 4.25 ¦ 15-F40 126. Piccand Sandra 1976 Domdidier 9192 1:23.28,5 27.24,3 (9192) Diplom Foto Video 15F 743. 5.33 ¦ 2-U14F 81. Piccand Thelma 2006 Domdidier 31050 7.35,5 2.57,5 (31050) Diplom Foto Video OV2 616. 5.25 ¦ 1-MuVaKi --- Pichler Maxima-Rose 2014 Murten 39065 2.12,4 ----- (39065) Diplom Foto Video MukiVaKi 122. 7.21 ¦ 15-WM20 --- Pickel Eric 1966 Hauterive NE 27337 2:25.28,1 ----- (27337) Diplom Foto Video --- 9.41 ¦ 15-F50 144. Pierret Josiane 1967 Corminboeuf 15222 1:30.09,9 28.16,9 (15222) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1162. 6.00 ¦ 15-WF20 --- Pierroz Sandra 1967 Martigny-Croix 27153 2:22.34,5 ----- (27153) Diplom Foto Video --- 9.30 ¦ 15-M55 245. Pietronigro Antonio 1962 La Landeron 11204 1:25.41,8 30.19,9 (11204) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2588. 5.42 ¦ 15-U20M 32. Pifferi Michele 1999 Bonstetten 12058 1:23.01,8 29.08,9 (12058) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2385. 5.32 ¦ 15-F40 125. Pignolet Valerie 1978 Domdidier 7202 1:23.27,5 27.23,3 (7202) Diplom Foto Video 15F 741. 5.33 ¦ 5-F20 379. Piguet Caroline 1978 La Tine 24124 35.00,1 16.49,4 (24124) Diplom Foto Video 5F 554. 7.00 ¦ 15-M50 28. Pileggi Andrea 1964 Luzern 1063 1:01.08,5 8.06,8 (1063) Diplom Foto Video 15M 286. 4.04 ¦ 1-MuVaKi --- Piller Elea 2014 Heitenried 39066 2.58,8 ----- (39066) Diplom Foto Video MukiVaKi 201. 9.56 ¦ 15-M20 13. Piller Jari 1990 Fribourg 40 50.02,9 6.35,4 (40) Diplom Foto Video 15M 15. 3.20 ¦ 15-M35 383. Piller Jean-Claude 1979 Lussy FR 13207 1:25.41,5 41.46,0 (13207) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2587. 5.42 ¦ 1-U07F 22. Piller Noémi 2012 Heitenried 37543 1.21,9 0.18,6 (37543) Diplom Foto Video OV1 144. 4.33 ¦ 5-M20 234. Piller Raphael 1991 Ueberstorf 24237 30.55,9 15.43,2 (24237) Diplom Foto Video 5M 386. 6.11 ¦ 5-F20 13. Piller Valérie 1984 Heitenried 20563 21.56,0 3.45,3 (20563) Diplom Foto Video 5F 43. 4.23 ¦ 15-M20 475. Pillonel Adrien 1986 Sion 9193 1:22.43,5 39.16,0 (9193) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2370. 5.30 ¦ 15-M40 36. Pilloud Olivier 1978 Bulle 1146 1:00.49,6 10.01,2 (1146) Diplom Foto Video 15M 272. 4.03 ¦ 5-WF20 --- Pilloud Sala Dominique 1962 Echallens 25149 49.18,0 ----- (25149) Diplom Foto Video --- 9.51 ¦ 15-M40 226. Pinana Mirko 1974 Monte Carasso 5125 1:12.46,3 21.57,9 (5125) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1280. 4.51 ¦ 1-U07M 71. Pinana Nathan 2012 Monte Carasso 36553 1.41,5 0.39,4 (36553) Diplom Foto Video OV1 269. 5.38 ¦ 2-U12M 100. Pinana Ryan 2007 Monte Carasso 32078 7.20,1 2.48,0 (32078) Diplom Foto Video OV2 579. 5.14 ¦ 15-WF20 --- Pingeon Véronique 1965 Enges 27308 2:05.14,5 ----- (27308) Diplom Foto Video --- 8.20 ¦ 15-F40 230. Pinheiro Carla 1978 Lausanne 14205 1:36.52,4 40.48,2 (14205) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1449. 6.27 ¦ 15-M50 256. Pinho Candido Pinho 1964 Sugiez 40247 1:18.16,1 25.14,4 (40247) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1922. 5.13 ¦ 5-M20 179. Pinto Amadeu 1962 Schenkon 24125 28.17,0 13.04,3 (24125) Diplom Foto Video 5M 306. 5.39 ¦ 5-M20 169. Pinto Joao 1996 Schenkon 24126 27.56,7 12.44,0 (24126) Diplom Foto Video 5M 292. 5.35 ¦ 15-M20 263. Pinto Miguel 1988 Kerzers 7203 1:10.44,2 27.16,7 (7203) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1067. 4.42 ¦ 1-U08M 33. Pinto Tiago 2011 Kerzers 36040 1.15,3 0.19,8 (36040) Diplom Foto Video OV1 80. 4.11 ¦ 2-U10F 66. Piot Alice 2009 Etagnières 35099 7.03,0 1.30,9 (35099) Diplom Foto Video OV2 513. 5.02 ¦ 2-U10M 164. Piot Romain 2010 Etagnières 34113 8.16,5 3.15,0 (34113) Diplom Foto Video OV2 680. 5.54 ¦ 15-M35 11. Pirinoli Cédric 1979 Nyon 1016 54.47,2 10.51,7 (1016) Diplom Foto Video 15M 67. 3.39 ¦ 15-M20 494. Piro Fabien 1991 St-Aubin FR 14298 1:24.49,6 41.22,1 (14298) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2518. 5.39 ¦ 15-F45 110. Piron Marlène 1971 Ollon VD 12059 1:23.10,4 26.35,1 (12059) Diplom Foto Video 15F 724. 5.32 ¦ 15-M35 51. Pisano Filippo 1982 Yvonand 1147 1:00.29,9 16.34,4 (1147) Diplom Foto Video 15M 260. 4.01 ¦ 15-M45 187. Pitetti Eric 1970 Nyon 3206 1:12.02,4 19.08,2 (3206) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1198. 4.48 ¦ 5-WM20 --- Pittet Bernard 1955 Biel/Bienne 25150 42.22,8 ----- (25150) Diplom Foto Video --- 8.28 ¦ 5-WF20 --- Pittet Claudine 1958 Biel/Bienne 25151 55.34,8 ----- (25151) Diplom Foto Video --- 11.06 ¦ 15-M60 134. Pittet François 1955 Bofflens 14206 1:29.43,6 30.26,7 (14206) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2824. 5.58 ¦ 15-WF20 --- Pittet Martha 1954 Lully FR 27290 2:43.48,6 ----- (27290) Diplom Foto Video --- 10.55 ¦ 15-M40 179. Pittet Patrice 1975 La Neirigue 6313 1:10.40,5 19.52,1 (6313) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1058. 4.42 ¦ 5-F20 378. Pittet Stéphanie 1983 Romont FR 24257 34.49,9 16.39,2 (24257) Diplom Foto Video 5F 553. 6.57 ¦ 15-F60 31. Placereani Sonja 1958 Stein AG 9194 1:29.19,3 21.35,8 (9194) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1116. 5.57 ¦ 15-M50 377. Plancherel Dominique 1966 Treycovagnes 15224 1:27.36,9 34.35,2 (15224) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2709. 5.50 ¦ 15-M40 455. Plancherel Richard 1974 Estavayer-le-Lac 12290 1:30.42,8 39.54,4 (12290) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2865. 6.02 ¦ 15-F50 121. Plancherel Sonia 1965 Treycovagnes 15225 1:27.36,2 25.43,2 (15225) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1001. 5.50 ¦ 15-M45 437. Plaschke Ingo 1971 D-Düsseldorf 17200 1:31.22,1 38.27,9 (17200) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2884. 6.05 ¦ 15-M50 272. Plattner Martin 1965 Bühl b. Aarberg 9195 1:18.47,7 25.46,0 (9195) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1976. 5.15 ¦ 15-M20 423. Plaz Alessandro 1994 Berg SG 15051 1:18.53,3 35.25,8 (15051) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1982. 5.15 ¦ 5-F20 392. Plaz Michaela 1993 Wittenbach 24195 35.21,6 17.10,9 (24195) Diplom Foto Video 5F 567. 7.04 ¦ 15-M35 134. Ple Patrick 1982 Trélex 3026 1:07.28,7 23.33,2 (3026) Diplom Foto Video 15M 732. 4.29 ¦ 5-U16M 18. Plyusnin Yaroslav 2004 Kerzers 21203 22.43,5 4.12,0 (21203) Diplom Foto Video 5M 107. 4.32 ¦ 15-M45 35. Pochon Frederic 1973 Avry-devant-Pont 1229 1:00.04,6 7.10,4 (1229) Diplom Foto Video 15M 234. 4.00 ¦ 5-F20 308. Poffet Martine 1977 Olten 40249 32.40,0 14.29,3 (40249) Diplom Foto Video 5F 469. 6.32 ¦ 15-F50 167. Pointet Nicole 1968 Jongny 13208 1:33.08,9 31.15,9 (13208) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1302. 6.12 ¦ 15-M20 360. Politino Emanuele 1986 Lausanne 6196 1:15.19,2 31.51,7 (6196) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1610. 5.01 ¦ 2-U12F 22. Poltera Calie 2007 Evilard 33097 5.51,2 0.54,0 (33097) Diplom Foto Video OV2 166. 4.10 ¦ 2-U14M 24. Poltera Jorin 2005 Evilard 30031 5.23,8 0.52,8 (30031) Diplom Foto Video OV2 67. 3.51 ¦ 15-WF20 --- Pomi Lara 1969 Biel/Bienne 27311 2:38.41,2 ----- (27311) Diplom Foto Video --- 10.34 ¦ 2-U10F 27. Popea Emilia 2010 Lutry 35155 6.36,2 1.04,1 (35155) Diplom Foto Video OV2 382. 4.43 ¦ 5-U14M 8. Popea Théotime 2008 Lutry 20073 21.26,8 2.26,5 (20073) Diplom Foto Video 5M 66. 4.17 ¦ 15-M35 88. Popescu Lucien 1979 Rolle 2250 1:04.17,5 20.22,0 (2250) Diplom Foto Video 15M 481. 4.17 ¦ 15-F20 333. Porchet Johanna 1989 Vevey 10119 1:30.42,8 39.34,3 (10119) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1191. 6.02 ¦ 15-M45 85. Porchet Laurent 1969 Fiez 7204 1:05.26,0 12.31,8 (7204) Diplom Foto Video 15M 550. 4.21 ¦ 15-F35 153. Portier Laurence 1979 Porsel 12216 1:27.50,6 34.53,1 (12216) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1020. 5.51 ¦ 15-F35 58. Portmann Angela 1982 Oberentfelden 40387 1:15.35,4 22.37,9 (40387) Diplom Foto Video 15F 326. 5.02 ¦ 5-U18F 20. Portmann Anna 2002 Kerzers 22023 26.52,4 7.27,2 (22023) Diplom Foto Video 5F 165. 5.22 ¦ 2-U12M 52. Portmann Rafael 2007 Kerzers 32079 5.56,4 1.24,3 (32079) Diplom Foto Video OV2 194. 4.14 ¦ 15-F60 65. Portmann Ruth 1954 Zollikofen 16036 1:43.07,4 35.23,9 (16036) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1598. 6.52 ¦ 15-M40 152. Portner David 1977 Aarberg 3071 1:08.57,5 18.09,1 (3071) Diplom Foto Video 15M 873. 4.35 ¦ 5-U14M 33. Portner Loic 2006 Aarberg 21058 25.38,6 6.38,3 (21058) Diplom Foto Video 5M 195. 5.07 ¦ 5-U18M 11. Portner Nico 2002 Aarberg 20056 21.06,5 4.27,9 (20056) Diplom Foto Video 5M 59. 4.13 ¦ 5-F20 278. Portner Stefanie 1987 Schwarzenburg 40250 31.59,8 13.49,1 (40250) Diplom Foto Video 5F 433. 6.23 ¦ 15-F50 108. Poschung Annarös 1967 Zäziwil 6197 1:26.24,3 24.31,3 (6197) Diplom Foto Video 15F 932. 5.45 ¦ 15-M35 135. Pouillaude Bertrand 1983 Genève 3027 1:07.29,9 23.34,4 (3027) Diplom Foto Video 15M 735. 4.29 ¦ 15-M35 50. Poulsen Jens 1979 Zürich 2290 1:00.28,4 16.32,9 (2290) Diplom Foto Video 15M 259. 4.01 ¦ 1-U07F 18. Pouly Ava 2012 Praz (Vully) 41057 1.20,9 0.17,6 (41057) Diplom Foto Video OV1 130. 4.29 ¦ 2-U10M 53. Pouly Sid 2010 Praz (Vully) 41058 6.17,5 1.16,0 (41058) Diplom Foto Video OV2 279. 4.29 ¦ 15-M35 281. Praz Emmanuel 1981 Villars-sur-Glâne 9196 1:16.06,1 32.10,6 (9196) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1703. 5.04 ¦ 5-M20 149. Praz Patrick 1962 Conthey 21157 27.13,8 12.01,1 (21157) Diplom Foto Video 5M 266. 5.26 ¦ 15-M50 263. Prélaz Jean-Michel 1964 Rue 9197 1:18.30,2 25.28,5 (9197) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1943. 5.14 ¦ 15-M20 485. Prestle-Schmidtzberg U 1984 Bern 12175 1:23.31,1 40.03,6 (12175) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2423. 5.34 ¦ 5-WF20 --- Pretot Irène 1949 Neuchâtel 25152 47.02,9 ----- (25152) Diplom Foto Video --- 9.24 ¦ 15-F40 110. Prêtre Christine 1974 Bern 16174 1:22.06,6 26.02,4 (16174) Diplom Foto Video 15F 655. 5.28 ¦ 15-M55 248. Pretterklieber Ruppert 1961 Hauptwil 8054 1:25.46,5 30.24,6 (8054) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2594. 5.43 ¦ 15-M35 269. Previdoli Mario 1980 Wichtrach 6198 1:15.38,5 31.43,0 (6198) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1652. 5.02 ¦ S15-Staf 24. Leisi Julia 1989 Langendorf 842 1:18.24,2 20.20,1 (842) Diplom Foto Video --- 5.13 ¦ 15-F20 184. Probst Daniela 1992 Neuendorf 12060 1:21.06,6 29.58,1 (12060) Diplom Foto Video 15F 605. 5.24 ¦ 15-M20 166. Probst David 1997 Murten 1230 1:05.28,8 22.01,3 (1230) Diplom Foto Video 15M 555. 4.21 ¦ 15-WF20 --- Probst Monika 1961 Bern 27338 2:38.54,2 ----- (27338) Diplom Foto Video --- 10.35 ¦ 5-WM20 --- Prod'Hom Lionel 1979 La Tour-de-Peilz 25153 39.29,7 ----- (25153) Diplom Foto Video --- 7.53 ¦ 5-WF20 --- Progin Fabienne 1963 Villars-sur-Glâne 25154 50.49,1 ----- (25154) Diplom Foto Video --- 10.09 ¦ 15-F40 169. Progin-Grangier Cécile 1976 Vuadens 12110 1:26.50,6 30.46,4 (12110) Diplom Foto Video 15F 958. 5.47 ¦ 5-WM20 --- Progin Jean-Bernard 1962 Villars-sur-Glâne 25155 50.49,2 ----- (25155) Diplom Foto Video --- 10.09 ¦ 15-F35 165. Progin Laetitia 1983 Yverdon-les-Bains 13209 1:29.06,5 36.09,0 (13209) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1093. 5.56 ¦ 5-F20 459. Progin Noémie 1991 Bulle 24127 39.53,9 21.43,2 (24127) Diplom Foto Video 5F 644. 7.58 ¦ 15-M40 459. Prokop Frank 1977 Bäretswil 16173 1:31.58,8 41.10,4 (16173) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2904. 6.07 ¦ 5-U16F 39. Prol Laeticia 2004 Cossonay 21226 27.53,3 8.41,6 (21226) Diplom Foto Video 5F 214. 5.34 ¦ 5-U16F 26. Prol Maeva 2004 Cossonay 21158 25.46,9 6.35,2 (21158) Diplom Foto Video 5F 124. 5.09 ¦ 15-F20 370. Pröpper Madeleine 1985 Brügg BE 15227 1:34.01,7 42.53,2 (15227) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1338. 6.16 ¦ 15-M20 363. Proserpi Livio 1986 Peseux 3028 1:15.27,7 32.00,2 (3028) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1622. 5.01 ¦ 15-M45 461. Prost Andreas 1972 Cossonay-Ville 13210 1:36.51,1 43.56,9 (13210) Diplom Foto Video 15M 3024. 6.27 ¦ 5-U16M 39. Prost Léo 2003 Cossonay-Ville 21117 28.42,3 10.10,8 (21117) Diplom Foto Video 5M 320. 5.44 ¦ 1-MuVaKi --- Prostka Cédric 2013 Murten 38067 1.46,8 ----- (38067) Diplom Foto Video MukiVaKi 51. 5.56 ¦ 15-M50 278. Protze Hans Rudolf 1968 Riaz 16296 1:19.27,9 26.26,2 (16296) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2051. 5.17 ¦ 15-F45 42. Prudlo Marion 1969 Bern 6199 1:15.01,8 18.26,5 (6199) Diplom Foto Video 15F 300. 5.00 ¦ 5-F20 387. Psota Rebekka 1978 Zollikofen 40252 35.14,4 17.03,7 (40252) Diplom Foto Video 5F 562. 7.02 ¦ 15-F20 267. Pugin Florence 1985 Neirivue 14208 1:26.21,2 35.12,7 (14208) Diplom Foto Video 15F 926. 5.45 ¦ 15-M35 164. Pugin Yann 1980 Pampigny 2123 1:09.11,6 25.16,1 (2123) Diplom Foto Video 15M 895. 4.36 ¦ 5-F20 57. Pugliese Manuela 1982 Cordast 21192 26.25,2 8.14,5 (21192) Diplom Foto Video 5F 145. 5.17 ¦ 15-M70 50. Puissant Georges 1947 Bernex 17168 1:49.02,6 37.52,5 (17168) Diplom Foto Video 15M 3178. 7.16 ¦ 15-F50 63. Pulfer Beatrice 1967 Erlach 8095 1:20.04,2 18.11,2 (8095) Diplom Foto Video 15F 552. 5.20 ¦ 15-M45 452. Pulver Stephan 1972 Lostorf 14209 1:35.15,6 42.21,4 (14209) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2989. 6.21 ¦ 5-F20 376. Puenzieux Anne 1986 Remaufens 23220 34.49,3 16.38,6 (23220) Diplom Foto Video 5F 551. 6.57 ¦ 15-WF20 --- Pueroni Ruffieux Aless 1970 Châbles FR 27118 2:04.34,7 ----- (27118) Diplom Foto Video --- 8.18 ¦ 15-M20 225. Purro Adrien 1989 Villars-sur-Glâne 4207 1:09.08,4 25.40,9 (4207) Diplom Foto Video 15M 888. 4.36 ¦ 5-F20 191. Pürro Angela 1984 Cordast 24233 30.12,4 12.01,7 (24233) Diplom Foto Video 5F 329. 6.02 ¦ 5-F20 294. Pürro Astrid 1970 Plasselb 24070 32.17,6 14.06,9 (24070) Diplom Foto Video 5F 453. 6.27 ¦ 15-F45 48. Purro Francine 1969 Farvagny-le-Petit 11206 1:16.17,7 19.42,4 (11206) Diplom Foto Video 15F 348. 5.05 ¦ 5-F20 293. Pürro Nadja 1997 Plasselb 24071 32.17,5 14.06,8 (24071) Diplom Foto Video 5F 452. 6.27 ¦ 5-F20 440. Pury Christine 1978 Bernex 23157 38.00,5 19.49,8 (23157) Diplom Foto Video 5F 623. 7.36 ¦ 15-F55 67. Pusterla Anne-Marie 1959 Collonge-Bellerive 13212 1:30.32,5 20.56,4 (13212) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1183. 6.02 ¦ 15-M70 16. Putallaz Jean-Yves 1947 Sensine 9198 1:24.24,0 13.13,9 (9198) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2488. 5.37 ¦ 5-U18F 9. Puusepp Maarika 2001 Gipf-Oberfrick 21118 23.45,0 4.19,8 (21118) Diplom Foto Video 5F 79. 4.45 ¦ 15-F35 170. Python Martine 1982 Romont FR 12139 1:29.20,4 36.22,9 (12139) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1119. 5.57 ¦ 15-M40 450. Python Olivier 1976 Romont FR 12140 1:29.20,3 38.31,9 (12140) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2806. 5.57 ¦ 15-F20 230. Python Tatiana 1988 Fribourg 14210 1:24.18,9 33.10,4 (14210) Diplom Foto Video 15F 797. 5.37 ¦
Total 312

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