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40. Kerzerslauf 2018 - nach Name "M"
Kategorie Rang Name und Vorname Jg Land/Ort S Start Zeit Rückstand Stnr Overall Schnitt ¦ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15-M75 9. Maag Heinz 1939 Neuenegg 15076 1:29.39,1 13.10,2 (15076) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2821. 5.58 ¦ 15-M50 188. Mâarouf Abdel 1967 Bern 40381 1:14.00,1 20.58,4 (40381) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1458. 4.56 ¦ 15-M55 156. Mabboux Theo 1961 St. Antoni 12251 1:17.41,1 22.19,2 (12251) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1864. 5.10 ¦ 15-M35 426. Mabillard Hugo 1983 Aigle 14152 1:39.28,0 55.32,5 (14152) Diplom Foto Video 15M 3078. 6.37 ¦ 15-F45 60. Macchi Anouck 1972 Pampigny 10233 1:18.02,3 21.27,0 (10233) Diplom Foto Video 15F 424. 5.12 ¦ 15-M50 202. Macchi Christophe 1968 Pampigny 10234 1:14.55,0 21.53,3 (10234) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1568. 4.59 ¦ 5-F20 480. Macconi Pamela 1976 Marly 24262 46.15,3 28.04,6 (24262) Diplom Foto Video 5F 671. 9.15 ¦ 5-M20 127. Machado Aderito 1977 Kerzers 22202 26.33,0 11.20,3 (22202) Diplom Foto Video 5M 239. 5.18 ¦ 15-U18M 18. Machado Leite Patrick 2001 Kerzers 7161 1:20.01,2 23.14,6 (7161) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2116. 5.20 ¦ 15-F45 183. Macherel Nadia 1969 Chénens 12211 1:31.41,7 35.06,4 (12211) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1241. 6.06 ¦ 15-M45 441. Mackay James 1971 Yverdon-les-Bains 14153 1:31.32,7 38.38,5 (14153) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2888. 6.06 ¦ 15-M40 377. Madeira Pedro 1976 Lucens 40465 1:20.16,3 29.27,9 (40465) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2147. 5.21 ¦ 5-WF20 --- Maeder Anne-Marie 1958 Interlaken 25114 46.14,4 ----- (25114) Diplom Foto Video --- 9.14 ¦ 5-WM20 --- Mäder Anton 1970 Plaffeien 24221 52.12,9 ----- (24221) Diplom Foto Video --- 10.26 ¦ 15-F50 48. Mäder Beatrice 1967 Laupen BE 12256 1:17.45,8 15.52,8 (12256) Diplom Foto Video 15F 404. 5.11 ¦ 15-M50 221. Mader Christian 1967 Kerzers 6163 1:16.28,0 23.26,3 (6163) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1745. 5.05 ¦ 15-M20 431. Maeder Christian 1986 Kerzers 10286 1:19.16,9 35.49,4 (10286) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2032. 5.17 ¦ 15-M40 419. Mader Christian 1976 Büren an der Aare 9150 1:25.15,8 34.27,4 (9150) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2552. 5.41 ¦ 1-MuVaKi --- Mäder Elin 2015 Ried b. Kerzers 39052 5.04,5 ----- (39052) Diplom Foto Video MukiVaKi 230. 16.55 ¦ 5-F20 271. Maeder Franziska 1978 Aarau 24153 31.52,1 13.41,4 (24153) Diplom Foto Video 5F 425. 6.22 ¦ 15-M60 150. Mäder Hanspeter 1954 Bern 12221 1:34.04,5 34.47,6 (12221) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2959. 6.16 ¦ 15-M40 53. Maeder Joël 1977 Villars-Tiercelin 2027 1:02.52,6 12.04,2 (2027) Diplom Foto Video 15M 380. 4.11 ¦ 1-MuVaKi --- Mäder Lars 2013 Ried b. Kerzers 38057 2.08,8 ----- (38057) Diplom Foto Video MukiVaKi 116. 7.09 ¦ 15-M60 38. Mäder Martin 1955 Kirchberg BE 5112 1:13.45,2 14.28,3 (5112) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1423. 4.55 ¦ 5-F20 287. Mader Melanie 1977 Büren an der Aare 22010 32.08,4 13.57,7 (22010) Diplom Foto Video 5F 443. 6.25 ¦ 15-F20 389. Maeder Miriam 1987 Lyss 14154 1:35.36,3 44.27,8 (14154) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1397. 6.22 ¦ 1-U07M 26. Maeder Nicola 2012 Fräschels 36543 1.21,5 0.19,4 (36543) Diplom Foto Video OV1 141. 4.31 ¦ 1-MuVaKi --- Maeder Nina 2013 Rizenbach 39053 1.24,4 ----- (39053) Diplom Foto Video MukiVaKi 11. 4.41 ¦ 15-M35 345. Mäder Pascal 1980 Wünnewil 9179 1:21.05,9 37.10,4 (9179) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2216. 5.24 ¦ 15-M50 183. Maeder Patrick 1967 Arch 3067 1:13.42,7 20.41,0 (3067) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1412. 4.54 ¦ 15-M55 318. Maeder Peter G 1963 Ried b. Kerzers 15289 1:37.06,3 41.44,4 (15289) Diplom Foto Video 15M 3034. 6.28 ¦ 15-M40 290. Mager Thomas 1974 Aarberg 8088 1:15.01,7 24.13,3 (8088) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1579. 5.00 ¦ 15-WM20 --- Magina Antonio 1961 Kloten 27332 2:02.47,4 ----- (27332) Diplom Foto Video --- 8.11 ¦ 15-M20 427. Magnin Olivier 1988 Nyon 15290 1:19.09,1 35.41,6 (15290) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2015. 5.16 ¦ 15-M20 160. Magnin Raphaël 1993 Matran 2230 1:04.59,1 21.31,6 (2230) Diplom Foto Video 15M 523. 4.19 ¦ 5-F20 213. Mahlke Friederike 1974 Pfäffikon SZ 23054 30.48,4 12.37,7 (23054) Diplom Foto Video 5F 355. 6.09 ¦ 15-M45 72. Mahon François 1973 Schwadernau 1273 1:03.52,2 10.58,0 (1273) Diplom Foto Video 15M 450. 4.15 ¦ 2-U10M 40. Mahon Julien 2009 Schwadernau 34095 6.11,9 1.10,4 (34095) Diplom Foto Video OV2 258. 4.25 ¦ 1-U07M 62. Mahon Séverin 2012 Schwadernau 36544 1.38,4 0.36,3 (36544) Diplom Foto Video OV1 259. 5.28 ¦ 2-U12F 44. Mahr Hannah 2007 Wileroltigen 33075 6.10,7 1.13,5 (33075) Diplom Foto Video OV2 254. 4.24 ¦ 2-U14F 30. Mahr Julia 2005 Wileroltigen 22107 5.42,8 1.04,8 (22107) Diplom Foto Video OV2 125. 4.04 ¦ 5-M20 32. Mahrer Andreas 1981 Bern 21018 21.50,7 6.38,0 (21018) Diplom Foto Video 5M 75. 4.22 ¦ 15-F20 147. Maillard Amandine 1991 Bulle 6164 1:19.20,3 28.11,8 (6164) Diplom Foto Video 15F 501. 5.17 ¦ 15-WF20 --- Maillard Anne 1963 Marly 27134 2:10.52,4 ----- (27134) Diplom Foto Video --- 8.43 ¦ 15-F45 191. Maillard Délèze Christ 1973 Marly 15204 1:33.29,5 36.54,2 (15204) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1320. 6.13 ¦ 15-F45 177. Maillard Emmanuelle 1971 Villarsel-le-Gibloux 12212 1:30.38,8 34.03,5 (12212) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1189. 6.02 ¦ 15-F20 206. Maillard Isabelle 1991 Bern 9151 1:22.53,1 31.44,6 (9151) Diplom Foto Video 15F 706. 5.31 ¦ 15-M50 404. Maillard Jean-Claude 1965 Bôle 7164 1:30.54,4 37.52,7 (7164) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2872. 6.03 ¦ 15-M40 267. Maillard Philippe 1978 Fribourg 5106 1:14.06,1 23.17,7 (5106) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1477. 4.56 ¦ 15-M55 17. Maillard Pierre-André 1961 Remaufens 2028 1:02.49,0 7.27,1 (2028) Diplom Foto Video 15M 376. 4.11 ¦ 15-F50 16. Maillard Ruth 1966 Remaufens 5107 1:11.38,8 9.45,8 (5107) Diplom Foto Video 15F 186. 4.46 ¦ 15-M50 283. Maillat Claude 1968 Montbrelloz 6165 1:19.40,1 26.38,4 (6165) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2076. 5.18 ¦ 15-WF20 --- Maillat Laurence 1966 Montbrelloz 27049 2:05.35,2 ----- (27049) Diplom Foto Video --- 8.22 ¦ 15-F40 77. Maillefer Cristel 1975 Peseux 7313 1:18.37,4 22.33,2 (7313) Diplom Foto Video 15F 460. 5.14 ¦ 15-M45 212. Maillefer Yves 1970 Villarimboud 5231 1:13.33,3 20.39,1 (5231) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1382. 4.54 ¦ 15-F35 12. Maimone Emilia 1981 Münsingen 3197 1:05.42,4 12.44,9 (3197) Diplom Foto Video 15F 59. 4.22 ¦ 15-M35 2. Maina Charles 1982 KEN-Kenia 7 44.31,4 0.35,9 (7) Diplom Foto Video 15M 5. 2.58 ¦ 15-M55 167. Maître Thierry 1963 Saignelégier 9158 1:18.40,0 23.18,1 (9158) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1957. 5.14 ¦ 15-M20 3. Makau Nicholas 1990 KEN-Kenia 3 44.18,1 0.50,6 (3) Diplom Foto Video 15M 4. 2.57 ¦ 2-U14F 64. Maksutaj Diellza 2005 Langenthal 31042 6.39,0 2.01,0 (31042) Diplom Foto Video OV2 395. 4.45 ¦ 15-M20 240. Mammone Fabian 1995 Gampel 3198 1:09.48,2 26.20,7 (3198) Diplom Foto Video 15M 967. 4.39 ¦ 15-M50 72. Mancini Domenico 1966 Palézieux 8089 1:07.01,5 13.59,8 (8089) Diplom Foto Video 15M 686. 4.28 ¦ 15-M45 28. Mandik Petr 1969 Cartigny 65 59.36,6 6.42,4 (65) Diplom Foto Video 15M 210. 3.58 ¦ 5-U18F 23. Mandikova Klara 2002 Cartigny 21107 28.24,1 8.58,9 (21107) Diplom Foto Video 5F 231. 5.40 ¦ 2-U12F 63. Mandikova Tereza 2007 Cartigny 33076 6.23,3 1.26,1 (33076) Diplom Foto Video OV2 311. 4.33 ¦ 15-M40 236. Mangisch Adrian 1976 Bitsch 4163 1:13.10,5 22.22,1 (4163) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1332. 4.52 ¦ 2-U10F 26. Mangisch Alessandra 2009 Bitsch 35082 6.35,6 1.03,5 (35082) Diplom Foto Video OV2 379. 4.42 ¦ 5-F20 18. Mangisch Eleonora 1974 Bitsch 4164 22.48,4 4.37,7 (4164) Diplom Foto Video 5F 61. 4.33 ¦ 15-M45 390. Mani Andreas 1973 Münchenbuchsee 12213 1:24.55,5 32.01,3 (12213) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2532. 5.39 ¦ 15-M40 401. Mann Danny 1977 Ittigen 14155 1:22.17,9 31.29,5 (14155) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2342. 5.29 ¦ 2-U10M 56. Mann Dominik 2010 Ittigen 34098 6.19,3 1.17,8 (34098) Diplom Foto Video OV2 293. 4.30 ¦ 1-U08M 12. Mann Maximilian 2011 Ittigen 36031 1.08,1 0.12,6 (36031) Diplom Foto Video OV1 28. 3.47 ¦ 15-F40 164. Mannhart Hermine 1974 Naters 11162 1:26.20,5 30.16,3 (11162) Diplom Foto Video 15F 925. 5.45 ¦ 15-F20 353. Mansencal Laureen 1990 Fribourg 14156 1:32.22,1 41.13,6 (14156) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1265. 6.09 ¦ 5-F20 290. Manser Fabienne 1993 Romanshorn 40196 32.08,9 13.58,2 (40196) Diplom Foto Video 5F 446. 6.25 ¦ 15-M55 236. Manser René 1963 Hirschthal 9152 1:24.51,6 29.29,7 (9152) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2521. 5.39 ¦ 5-WF20 --- Manta Denise 1977 Wileroltigen 25115 45.53,4 ----- (25115) Diplom Foto Video --- 9.10 ¦ 2-U10F 129. Manta Luisa 2010 Wileroltigen 35083 8.15,8 2.43,7 (35083) Diplom Foto Video OV2 676. 5.54 ¦ 1-MuVaKi --- Manta Valentina 2013 Wileroltigen 39054 1.35,5 ----- (39054) Diplom Foto Video MukiVaKi 24. 5.18 ¦ 5-U18F 35. Manua Cuase Erika 2001 Courtaman 24263 46.16,0 26.50,8 (24263) Diplom Foto Video 5F 672. 9.15 ¦ 15-F20 DNF Manuel Fanny 1984 Biel/Bienne 13171 ----- ----- (13171) Foto Video 15F ---- ¦ 15-F45 160. Maradan Delphine 1972 Fribourg 7165 1:28.21,4 31.46,1 (7165) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1048. 5.53 ¦ 15-M45 392. Maradan Denis Louis 1969 Avry-sur-Matran 10192 1:25.09,9 32.15,7 (10192) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2546. 5.40 ¦ 15-M40 114. Marazza Gionata 1976 Giubiasco 4165 1:06.59,0 16.10,6 (4165) Diplom Foto Video 15M 679. 4.27 ¦ 15-M50 55. Marbacher Urs 1964 Hasle LU 1137 1:04.56,4 11.54,7 (1137) Diplom Foto Video 15M 522. 4.19 ¦ 5-WF20 --- Marchesi Elisabetta 1969 Unterägeri 25254 48.07,3 ----- (25254) Diplom Foto Video --- 9.37 ¦ 15-F20 372. Marchesi Emilie 1989 Fribourg 17084 1:34.07,2 42.58,7 (17084) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1347. 6.16 ¦ 15-M55 80. Maréchal Benoît 1963 Le Mont-sur-Lausanne 10103 1:11.37,9 16.16,0 (10103) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1160. 4.46 ¦ 15-F70 2. Margot Michelle 1947 Courgevaux 7167 1:19.25,9 8.50,0 (7167) Diplom Foto Video 15F 511. 5.17 ¦ 5-F20 240. Margueron Nicole 1981 Villarsel-le-Gibloux 24029 31.17,7 13.07,0 (24029) Diplom Foto Video 5F 386. 6.15 ¦ 5-M20 279. Marguet Sylvain 1976 Bernex 23152 34.01,1 18.48,4 (23152) Diplom Foto Video 5M 443. 6.48 ¦ 15-M20 454. Maridor Mathieu 1985 Fribourg 10101 1:20.52,8 37.25,3 (10101) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2195. 5.23 ¦ 15-F55 98. Mariéthod Chantal 1960 Saxon 15120 1:39.48,8 30.12,7 (15120) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1535. 6.39 ¦ 15-F35 155. Marinello Laura 1979 Schwarzenburg 13172 1:28.06,6 35.09,1 (13172) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1033. 5.52 ¦ 15-M40 341. Marinic Alex 1974 Amriswil 4166 1:17.55,3 27.06,9 (4166) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1891. 5.11 ¦ 15-M40 196. Marinic Peter 1975 Baden 4297 1:11.35,3 20.46,9 (4297) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1157. 4.46 ¦ 15-M40 366. Marino Daniel 1978 Uetendorf 10102 1:19.32,0 28.43,6 (10102) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2063. 5.18 ¦ 15-F40 225. Mariotti Murielle 1974 Lovens 17085 1:35.58,6 39.54,4 (17085) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1410. 6.23 ¦ 15-M40 343. Marmet Ernst 1974 Zollikofen 6166 1:18.13,1 27.24,7 (6166) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1916. 5.12 ¦ 5-M20 242. Marmet Jean-Pierre 1976 Zollikofen 24250 31.30,8 16.18,1 (24250) Diplom Foto Video 5M 394. 6.18 ¦ 15-F20 21. Marmet Salome 1991 Langnau i. E. 2231 1:04.20,2 13.11,7 (2231) Diplom Foto Video 15F 43. 4.17 ¦ 15-M45 111. Marmy Christophe 1973 Murist 2232 1:07.00,2 14.06,0 (2232) Diplom Foto Video 15M 683. 4.28 ¦ 15-M40 50. Marmy Philippe 1975 Bussy FR 1218 1:02.32,4 11.44,0 (1218) Diplom Foto Video 15M 362. 4.10 ¦ 2-U12M 90. Marolf Fabian Elias 2008 Rikon im Tösstal 32064 6.50,2 2.18,1 (32064) Diplom Foto Video OV2 443. 4.53 ¦ 15-WM20 --- Marolf Kurt 1957 Bonstetten 27175 2:02.55,7 ----- (27175) Diplom Foto Video --- 8.11 ¦ 5-WF20 --- Marolf Manuela 1975 Rikon im Tösstal 25116 58.58,4 ----- (25116) Diplom Foto Video --- 11.47 ¦ 15-F75 5. Marolf Rosemarie 1943 Biel/Bienne 16270 1:56.05,5 24.46,3 (16270) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1696. 7.44 ¦ 15-M40 368. Marolf Valentin 1975 Rikon im Tösstal 11163 1:19.41,8 28.53,4 (11163) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2079. 5.18 ¦ 5-U14M 39. Maron Dominik 2006 Unterentfelden 22203 26.09,8 7.09,5 (22203) Diplom Foto Video 5M 227. 5.13 ¦ 5-F20 327. Maron Rachel 1969 Unterentfelden 22204 33.11,8 15.01,1 (22204) Diplom Foto Video 5F 490. 6.38 ¦ 15-F45 79. Marquis Catherine 1970 Monthey 9153 1:20.18,8 23.43,5 (9153) Diplom Foto Video 15F 568. 5.21 ¦ 15-M55 237. Marquis Francois 1961 Corminboeuf 11164 1:24.53,9 29.32,0 (11164) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2529. 5.39 ¦ 15-WF20 --- Marquis Stämpfli Marie 1965 Mervelier 27057 2:00.34,2 ----- (27057) Diplom Foto Video --- 8.02 ¦ 5-U16M 38. Marquis Valentin 2003 Corminboeuf 22011 28.29,3 9.57,8 (22011) Diplom Foto Video 5M 314. 5.41 ¦ 15-M35 210. Marques Pedro 1983 Müntschemier 17279 1:11.46,4 27.50,9 (17279) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1176. 4.47 ¦ 15-WM20 --- Marro Ernest 1947 Biel/Bienne 27008 2:08.29,2 ----- (27008) Diplom Foto Video --- 8.33 ¦ 15-M20 544. Marro Raphael 1986 Bösingen 11165 1:30.28,9 47.01,4 (11165) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2858. 6.01 ¦ 5-WF20 --- Marthaler Aline 1988 Kerzers 25117 1:06.09,2 ----- (25117) Diplom Foto Video --- 13.13 ¦ 5-F20 267. Marti Alexandra 1991 Bern 22012 31.45,9 13.35,2 (22012) Diplom Foto Video 5F 420. 6.21 ¦ 15-F45 257. Marti Ana 1969 Laconnex 17146 2:01.12,7 1:04.37,4 (17146) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1708. 8.04 ¦ 15-F40 127. Marti Andrea 1974 Rubigen 12044 1:23.30,1 27.25,9 (12044) Diplom Foto Video 15F 745. 5.34 ¦ 5-WF20 --- Marti Beatrice 1970 Finsterhennen 25118 47.51,7 ----- (25118) Diplom Foto Video --- 9.34 ¦ 5-F20 441. Marti Brigitte 1969 Kallnach 24185 38.02,6 19.51,9 (24185) Diplom Foto Video 5F 624. 7.36 ¦ 2-U14F 70. Marti Chantal 2006 Kerzers 31087 6.53,5 2.15,5 (31087) Diplom Foto Video OV2 457. 4.55 ¦ 15-M35 359. Marti Christoph 1980 Münchenbuchsee 15042 1:22.32,8 38.37,3 (15042) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2361. 5.30 ¦ 15-M20 228. Marti David 1988 Cugy FR 40197 1:09.20,9 25.53,4 (40197) Diplom Foto Video 15M 919. 4.37 ¦ 15-M55 310. Marti Hans 1963 Lyss 13173 1:34.18,5 38.56,6 (13173) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2967. 6.17 ¦ 2-U12M 48. Marti Janis 2007 Ersigen 32065 5.55,2 1.23,1 (32065) Diplom Foto Video OV2 183. 4.13 ¦ 5-M20 4. Marti Lukas 1987 Bern 40198 16.13,7 1.01,0 (40198) Diplom Foto Video 5M 4. 3.14 ¦ 1-U08F 22. Marti Malea 2011 Ersigen 37056 1.14,8 0.16,7 (37056) Diplom Foto Video OV1 74. 4.09 ¦ 5-U16M 1. Marti Mickael 2004 Sonceboz-Sombeval 20019 18.31,5 ----- (20019) Diplom Foto Video 5M 25. 3.42 ¦ 15-WF20 --- Marti Nicole 1979 Kirchberg BE 27233 2:24.34,7 ----- (27233) Diplom Foto Video --- 9.38 ¦ 5-M20 302. Marti Reto 1970 Bösingen 24159 37.02,8 21.50,1 (24159) Diplom Foto Video 5M 472. 7.24 ¦ 5-F20 153. Marti-Stucki Karin 1989 Belp 22013 29.18,2 11.07,5 (22013) Diplom Foto Video 5F 282. 5.51 ¦ 15-M40 146. Marti Urs 1976 Ersigen 3261 1:08.36,9 17.48,5 (3261) Diplom Foto Video 15M 832. 4.34 ¦ 5-WM20 --- Marti Walter 1949 Sugiez 25119 46.59,3 ----- (25119) Diplom Foto Video --- 9.23 ¦ 15-F40 234. Martin Brigitte 1974 Aefligen 9154 1:37.52,0 41.47,8 (9154) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1479. 6.31 ¦ 15-F50 85. Martin Claudine 1968 Penthalaz 11166 1:22.49,5 20.56,5 (11166) Diplom Foto Video 15F 695. 5.31 ¦ 15-M35 401. Martin Cyriaque 1980 Biel/Bienne 13174 1:28.24,2 44.28,7 (13174) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2753. 5.53 ¦ 15-M45 255. Martin Daniel 1973 Aefligen 6167 1:15.48,0 22.53,8 (6167) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1667. 5.03 ¦ 15-WF20 --- Martin Jacqueline 1974 Granges-Paccot 27204 2:16.58,6 ----- (27204) Diplom Foto Video --- 9.07 ¦ 15-M35 344. Martin Jean-Frédéric 1983 Le Mont-Pèlerin 14157 1:21.03,2 37.07,7 (14157) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2212. 5.24 ¦ 15-F20 183. Martin Lisa 1985 Le Mont-Pèlerin 14158 1:21.04,7 29.56,2 (14158) Diplom Foto Video 15F 604. 5.24 ¦ 15-F50 116. Martin Therese 1965 Herzogenbuchsee 11167 1:27.06,4 25.13,4 (11167) Diplom Foto Video 15F 971. 5.48 ¦ 15-F40 261. Martinez Nicolet Adria 1975 Lausanne 16249 1:53.09,9 57.05,7 (16249) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1689. 7.32 ¦ 15-M45 382. Martins Almeida José C 1972 Gampelen 40199 1:24.28,4 31.34,2 (40199) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2494. 5.37 ¦ 5-U16F 51. Martins Beatriz 2004 Kerzers 23055 31.36,4 12.24,7 (23055) Diplom Foto Video 5F 407. 6.19 ¦ 15-M20 408. Martins Teixeira Fabio 1992 Kerzers 7168 1:17.36,6 34.09,1 (7168) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1852. 5.10 ¦ 15-M20 536. Martins Tiago 1993 Kerzers 17273 1:29.12,4 45.44,9 (17273) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2799. 5.56 ¦ 15-M40 25. Marty Patrick 1975 Derendingen 1058 59.39,7 8.51,3 (1058) Diplom Foto Video 15M 212. 3.58 ¦ 15-M45 105. Marugg Mathis 1970 Bellmund 2233 1:06.41,1 13.46,9 (2233) Diplom Foto Video 15M 652. 4.26 ¦ 15-M20 95. Marxer Felix 1992 FL-Eschen 1219 1:00.23,0 16.55,5 (1219) Diplom Foto Video 15M 253. 4.01 ¦ 15-F50 146. Masciadri Monica 1965 Worb 12194 1:30.20,9 28.27,9 (12194) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1170. 6.01 ¦ 15-M40 313. Masi Salvatore 1976 Zwingen 12046 1:16.15,8 25.27,4 (12046) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1724. 5.05 ¦ 15-M20 376. Masini Kevin 1988 Puidoux 40200 1:15.47,0 32.19,5 (40200) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1665. 5.03 ¦ 5-WF20 --- Massara Monika 1968 Bern 25120 42.20,4 ----- (25120) Diplom Foto Video --- 8.28 ¦ 15-M20 572. Mast Marco 1984 Biel/Bienne 10104 1:46.37,5 1:03.10,0 (10104) Diplom Foto Video 15M 3151. 7.06 ¦ 15-M50 229. Mastroianni Giovanni 1966 Granges-Paccot 9299 1:17.19,2 24.17,5 (9299) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1815. 5.09 ¦ 15-M20 98. Matasci Luca 1990 Arbedo 40201 1:00.46,2 17.18,7 (40201) Diplom Foto Video 15M 269. 4.03 ¦ 15-M20 41. Matera Andrea 1987 Olten 40436 54.53,8 11.26,3 (40436) Diplom Foto Video 15M 69. 3.39 ¦ 15-M50 416. Matheron Christophe 1966 La Tour-de-Peilz 8310 1:34.41,8 41.40,1 (8310) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2975. 6.18 ¦ 15-F50 145. Mathieu Esther 1967 Worben 13175 1:30.14,6 28.21,6 (13175) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1166. 6.00 ¦ 5-M20 211. Mathis Angelo 1962 Wabern 24117 30.00,0 14.47,3 (24117) Diplom Foto Video 5M 357. 6.00 ¦ 15-F40 DNF Mathis Claudia 1976 Kerzers 6168 ----- ----- (6168) Foto Video 15F ---- ¦ 5-F20 393. Mathis Rosa Anna 1964 Wabern 24118 35.23,3 17.12,6 (24118) Diplom Foto Video 5F 568. 7.04 ¦ 15-WF20 --- Mathys Brigitte 1969 Unterseen 27186 2:17.48,0 ----- (27186) Diplom Foto Video --- 9.11 ¦ 5-WF20 --- Mathys Christine 1978 Müntschemier 24284 47.30,3 ----- (24284) Diplom Foto Video --- 9.30 ¦ 5-M20 154. Mathys Claudio 1964 Kerzers 23056 27.22,7 12.10,0 (23056) Diplom Foto Video 5M 272. 5.28 ¦ 15-M45 361. Mathys Daniel 1973 Wahlendorf 9155 1:22.42,1 29.47,9 (9155) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2369. 5.30 ¦ 15-MV 17. Mathys Daniel 1973 Wahlendorf 50103 1:23.57,2 25.39,2 (50103) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2462. 5.35 ¦ 2-U10M 168. Mathys Iven 2009 Thörigen 34099 8.35,7 3.34,2 (34099) Diplom Foto Video OV2 697. 6.08 ¦ 15-M35 62. Mathys Jean-Marc 1982 Ollon VD 1304 1:02.15,9 18.20,4 (1304) Diplom Foto Video 15M 345. 4.09 ¦ 1-MuVaKi --- Mathys Jona Elias 2013 Müntschemier 38058 2.06,2 ----- (38058) Diplom Foto Video MukiVaKi 109. 7.00 ¦ 2-U14M 34. Mathys Luc 2006 Kerzers 30021 5.36,3 1.05,3 (30021) Diplom Foto Video OV2 103. 4.00 ¦ 5-U14M 40. Mathys Luc 2006 Kerzers 41050 27.06,5 8.06,2 (41050) Diplom Foto Video 5M 263. 5.25 ¦ 15-F20 2. Mathys Maude 1987 Ollon VD 532 51.31,9 0.23,4 (532) Diplom Foto Video 15F 2. 3.26 ¦ 2-U10F 141. Mathys Noée 2010 Thörigen 35084 9.00,0 3.27,9 (35084) Diplom Foto Video OV2 706. 6.25 ¦ 15-F65 2. Mathys Odilia 1953 Rubigen 5108 1:13.29,7 4.53,4 (5108) Diplom Foto Video 15F 234. 4.53 ¦ 15-M35 223. Mathys Philippe 1981 Rüegsauschachen 40202 1:12.42,4 28.46,9 (40202) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1274. 4.50 ¦ 15-M35 304. Matias Pedro 1980 Colombier NE 8090 1:18.07,0 34.11,5 (8090) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1908. 5.12 ¦ 15-F40 15. Mattenberger Mélanie 1978 Bussigny 3021 1:05.40,2 9.36,0 (3021) Diplom Foto Video 15F 58. 4.22 ¦ 5-U14F 3. Mattenberger Noémie 2006 Bussigny 20519 21.38,3 1.18,8 (20519) Diplom Foto Video 5F 36. 4.19 ¦ 2-U14F 4. Mattenberger Noémie 2006 Bussigny 31088 4.52,9 0.14,9 (31088) Diplom Foto Video OV2 17. 3.29 ¦ 2-U10M 1. Mattenberger Romain 2009 Bussigny 34100 5.01,5 ----- (34100) Diplom Foto Video OV2 24. 3.35 ¦ 15-M20 81. Matter Jérémy 1984 F-Morteau 40204 58.59,7 15.32,2 (40204) Diplom Foto Video 15M 182. 3.55 ¦ 15-M70 7. Matter John 1948 Finsterhennen 40205 1:17.19,9 6.09,8 (40205) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1817. 5.09 ¦ 15-F35 82. Matthey-De-L'Endroit J 1982 Froideville 14159 1:19.34,1 26.36,6 (14159) Diplom Foto Video 15F 521. 5.18 ¦ 1-MuVaKi --- Mattig Lenia 2013 Bettmeralp 42012 1.54,7 ----- (42012) Diplom Foto Video MukiVaKi 67. 6.22 ¦ 1-U07F 60. Mattig Sofia 2012 Bettmeralp 41051 1.34,9 0.31,6 (41051) Diplom Foto Video OV1 247. 5.16 ¦ 15-F20 382. Mattig Stefanie 1988 Bettmeralp 14160 1:34.51,3 43.42,8 (14160) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1375. 6.19 ¦ 15-M35 224. Maturana Carlos 1983 Lausanne 6169 1:12.49,8 28.54,3 (6169) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1283. 4.51 ¦ 2-U12F 58. Maturana Shaya 2007 Lausanne 33078 6.20,9 1.23,7 (33078) Diplom Foto Video OV2 300. 4.32 ¦ 15-F20 147. Matzinger Chantal 1984 Marly 9156 1:19.20,3 28.11,8 (9156) Diplom Foto Video 15F 501. 5.17 ¦ 5-F20 428. Mauchle Andrea 1993 Abtwil SG 40415 37.17,9 19.07,2 (40415) Diplom Foto Video 5F 609. 7.27 ¦ 15-F40 253. Mauduit Barbara 1977 Biel/Bienne 14161 1:45.02,8 48.58,6 (14161) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1626. 7.00 ¦ 5-M20 93. Mauerhofer Beat 1966 Neuenegg 21108 25.20,6 10.07,9 (21108) Diplom Foto Video 5M 185. 5.04 ¦ 15-F40 3. Maurer Arlette 1974 Olten 542 1:00.05,4 4.01,2 (542) Diplom Foto Video 15F 15. 4.00 ¦ 15-WF20 --- Maurer Barbara 1974 Ammerzwil BE 27295 2:20.54,7 ----- (27295) Diplom Foto Video --- 9.23 ¦ 15-WF20 --- Maurer Corinne 1976 Grossaffoltern 27294 2:20.55,8 ----- (27294) Diplom Foto Video --- 9.23 ¦ 15-MV 24. Maurer Eugen 1969 Ried b. Kerzers 50024 1:31.40,7 33.22,7 (50024) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2894. 6.06 ¦ 2-U12M 38. Maurer Leandro 2008 Ried b. Kerzers 32066 5.47,2 1.15,1 (32066) Diplom Foto Video OV2 150. 4.08 ¦ 5-MV05 2. Maurer Leandro 2008 Ried b. Kerzers 50075 23.32,3 1.51,2 (50075) Diplom Foto Video 5M 132. 4.42 ¦ 15-M20 369. Maurer Manuel 1988 Bern 7169 1:15.36,8 32.09,3 (7169) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1645. 5.02 ¦ 15-M55 185. Maurer Martin 1961 Möhlin 8204 1:19.49,3 24.27,4 (8204) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2096. 5.19 ¦ 15-F20 5. Maurer Melanie 1988 Liebefeld 556 57.06,9 5.58,4 (556) Diplom Foto Video 15F 8. 3.48 ¦ 15-F50 201. Maurer Renate 1966 Walperswil 16033 1:40.40,0 38.47,0 (16033) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1556. 6.42 ¦ 2-U12F 9. Maurer Sarah-Lia 2007 Busswil b. Büren 33155 5.33,0 0.35,8 (33155) Diplom Foto Video OV2 91. 3.57 ¦ 15-WF20 --- Maurer Tamara 1980 Champoz 27238 2:20.21,8 ----- (27238) Diplom Foto Video --- 9.21 ¦ 15-M60 30. Maurer Urs 1955 Ried b. Kerzers 5232 1:12.25,0 13.08,1 (5232) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1251. 4.49 ¦ 15-F20 82. Maurer Valerie 1989 Neuchâtel 8288 1:14.40,1 23.31,6 (8288) Diplom Foto Video 15F 280. 4.58 ¦ 15-WM20 --- Mauri Davide 1964 Epalinges 27333 2:05.54,3 ----- (27333) Diplom Foto Video --- 8.23 ¦ 5-WF20 --- Mauron Alexandra 1980 Fribourg 25121 52.43,9 ----- (25121) Diplom Foto Video --- 10.32 ¦ 15-F40 144. Mauron Ariane 1975 Cormagens 11168 1:24.59,6 28.55,4 (11168) Diplom Foto Video 15F 835. 5.39 ¦ 15-F45 171. Mauron-Hemmer Elisabet 1970 Villars-sur-Glâne 11169 1:29.28,4 32.53,1 (11169) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1127. 5.57 ¦ 5-F20 304. Mauron Sulger Stefanie 1985 Villars-sur-Glâne 24186 32.35,5 14.24,8 (24186) Diplom Foto Video 5F 465. 6.31 ¦ 15-M35 192. Mauron Thierry 1983 Courgevaux 5014 1:10.39,9 26.44,4 (5014) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1057. 4.42 ¦ 15-M20 59. Mauron Vincent 1984 Romont FR 1138 57.10,2 13.42,7 (1138) Diplom Foto Video 15M 105. 3.48 ¦ 15-M20 495. Mausimann Chirstian 1989 Onnens 7170 1:24.50,0 41.22,5 (7170) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2519. 5.39 ¦ 15-M45 78. Mayer Matthias 1970 Herzogenbuchsee 2068 1:04.39,0 11.44,8 (2068) Diplom Foto Video 15M 500. 4.18 ¦ 2-U12M 43. Mayoraz Louis 2008 Colombier NE 32067 5.49,7 1.17,6 (32067) Diplom Foto Video OV2 160. 4.09 ¦ 2-U10F 67. Mayoraz Neela 2010 Colombier NE 35085 7.03,2 1.31,1 (35085) Diplom Foto Video OV2 517. 5.02 ¦ 2-U14M 20. Mayoraz Tom 2006 Moutier 30023 5.21,1 0.50,1 (30023) Diplom Foto Video OV2 59. 3.49 ¦ 15-U20M 20. Mazacek Jan 2000 Eptingen 4316 1:13.39,4 19.46,5 (4316) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1401. 4.54 ¦ 15-M20 451. Mazotti Enzo 1997 Kerzers 13176 1:20.30,6 37.03,1 (13176) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2175. 5.22 ¦ 15-F35 131. Mazotti Silvia 1982 Ipsach 13177 1:25.36,8 32.39,3 (13177) Diplom Foto Video 15F 867. 5.42 ¦ 15-M65 18. Mbassi Nounke Alfred 1953 Lausanne 8024 1:15.50,1 13.07,4 (8024) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1669. 5.03 ¦ 15-M40 482. Mbekou Gabriel 1974 Fribourg 17197 1:46.57,2 56.08,8 (17197) Diplom Foto Video 15M 3159. 7.07 ¦ 2-U10F 145. Mbekou Pevida Lorraine 2010 Fribourg 35086 10.34,1 5.02,0 (35086) Diplom Foto Video OV2 713. 7.32 ¦ 1-U08F 59. Mbekou Pevida Xénia 2011 Fribourg 37057 1.27,3 0.29,2 (37057) Diplom Foto Video OV1 196. 4.51 ¦ 15-M55 242. Mc Evoy Noel 1960 Ittigen 11170 1:25.30,7 30.08,8 (11170) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2570. 5.42 ¦ 15-M45 101. Mcintyre Niall 1969 Rolle 2234 1:06.27,3 13.33,1 (2234) Diplom Foto Video 15M 638. 4.25 ¦ 15-U20M 5. Mcintyre Paul 2000 Rolle 1139 1:01.22,9 7.30,0 (1139) Diplom Foto Video 15M 298. 4.05 ¦ 15-M20 216. Méan Yves-Manuel 1986 Zürich 4179 1:08.41,0 25.13,5 (4179) Diplom Foto Video 15M 839. 4.34 ¦ 15-M40 224. Meconi Pierre-Yves 1976 Fribourg 8025 1:12.42,4 21.54,0 (8025) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1274. 4.50 ¦ 15-F40 DNF Megert Mara 1978 Münsingen 13178 ----- ----- (13178) Foto Video 15F ---- ¦ 5-MB 5. Mehmedovic Jemil 2002 Zollikofen 24273 35.21,3 3.49,6 (24273) Diplom Foto Video 5M 458. 7.04 ¦ 15-M45 293. Mehmeti Afrim 1973 Fleurier 40206 1:18.25,4 25.31,2 (40206) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1934. 5.13 ¦ 15-F45 118. Mehmeti Delphine 1971 Fleurier 15205 1:23.56,0 27.20,7 (15205) Diplom Foto Video 15F 768. 5.35 ¦ 15-F40 153. Meichtry Katarina 1976 Kollbrunn 15043 1:25.47,3 29.43,1 (15043) Diplom Foto Video 15F 882. 5.43 ¦ 15-F35 152. Meienberg Ursina 1982 Gstaad 12048 1:27.49,2 34.51,7 (12048) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1019. 5.51 ¦ 5-F20 54. Meier Aline 1998 Wileroltigen 22108 25.57,3 7.46,6 (22108) Diplom Foto Video 5F 130. 5.11 ¦ 15-M35 160. Meier Andreas 1980 Dornach 2235 1:08.55,3 24.59,8 (2235) Diplom Foto Video 15M 869. 4.35 ¦ 15-F55 35. Meier Christine 1960 Rüegsauschachen 12134 1:22.13,8 12.37,7 (12134) Diplom Foto Video 15F 665. 5.28 ¦ 15-M20 298. Meier Dominik 1985 Büron 8155 1:12.21,9 28.54,4 (8155) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1238. 4.49 ¦ 15-M20 39. Meier Fabian 1984 Aarau 40207 54.36,2 11.08,7 (40207) Diplom Foto Video 15M 61. 3.38 ¦ 5-MV05 13. Meier Fredi 1945 Muntelier 50025 42.37,1 20.56,0 (50025) Diplom Foto Video 5M 496. 8.31 ¦ 5-WF20 --- Meier Ghislaine 1975 Diesse 25123 44.54,9 ----- (25123) Diplom Foto Video --- 8.58 ¦ 15-M60 99. Meier Harald 1957 Schmitten FR 8267 1:22.09,3 22.52,4 (8267) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2330. 5.28 ¦ 15-WF20 --- Meier Helene 1965 Gossau ZH 7314 2:16.28,1 ----- (7314) Diplom Foto Video --- 9.05 ¦ 5-WF20 --- Meier Inka 1989 Münsingen 25124 46.47,5 ----- (25124) Diplom Foto Video --- 9.21 ¦ 15-M20 288. Meier Julian 1992 Luzern 4168 1:12.01,8 28.34,3 (4168) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1197. 4.48 ¦ 15-M45 147. Meier Jürg 1969 Basel 3068 1:09.15,2 16.21,0 (3068) Diplom Foto Video 15M 908. 4.37 ¦ 15-M65 45. Meier Kurt 1949 Heiden 10105 1:22.25,3 19.42,6 (10105) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2351. 5.29 ¦ 15-F50 86. Meier Petra 1968 Solothurn 12135 1:22.54,6 21.01,6 (12135) Diplom Foto Video 15F 708. 5.31 ¦ 15-M35 245. Meier Philipp 1982 Teufenthal AG 7171 1:13.39,0 29.43,5 (7171) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1398. 4.54 ¦ 15-M50 195. Meier Roland 1964 Herzogenbuchsee 5109 1:14.35,0 21.33,3 (5109) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1531. 4.58 ¦ 15-M45 59. Meier Sacha 1972 Flurlingen 40208 1:02.46,6 9.52,4 (40208) Diplom Foto Video 15M 374. 4.11 ¦ 5-F20 150. Meier Sandra 1993 Suberg 22109 29.09,5 10.58,8 (22109) Diplom Foto Video 5F 276. 5.49 ¦ 5-WF20 --- Meier Trudy 1947 Niederhasli 25125 43.50,5 ----- (25125) Diplom Foto Video --- 8.46 ¦ 15-M35 225. Meier Ueli 1983 Herisau 9159 1:12.52,9 28.57,4 (9159) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1290. 4.51 ¦ 2-U10M 73. Meierhans Lars 2010 Wahlendorf 34101 6.30,8 1.29,3 (34101) Diplom Foto Video OV2 354. 4.39 ¦ 1-MuVaKi --- Meierhans Malin Sophia 2013 Wahlendorf 39055 2.07,4 ----- (39055) Diplom Foto Video MukiVaKi 111. 7.04 ¦ 15-M60 106. Meile Daniel 1958 Büren an der Aare 17270 1:23.32,6 24.15,7 (17270) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2424. 5.34 ¦ 15-F35 132. Meister Andrea 1979 Dotzigen 11171 1:25.38,2 32.40,7 (11171) Diplom Foto Video 15F 869. 5.42 ¦ 15-M55 204. Meister Bernd 1962 Münchenbuchsee 6171 1:21.35,8 26.13,9 (6171) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2264. 5.26 ¦ 5-F20 227. Meister Eva 1986 Selzach 23153 31.03,7 12.53,0 (23153) Diplom Foto Video 5F 372. 6.12 ¦ 15-F40 241. Meister Fabienne 1978 Grandval 17087 1:39.45,7 43.41,5 (17087) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1533. 6.39 ¦ 1-MuVaKi --- Meister Jael 2014 Thun 39056 1.59,8 ----- (39056) Diplom Foto Video MukiVaKi 89. 6.39 ¦ 15-M40 476. Meister Joachim 1974 Grandval 17088 1:39.48,2 48.59,8 (17088) Diplom Foto Video 15M 3082. 6.39 ¦ 2-U12F 41. Meister Julia 2007 Kerzers 33079 6.07,9 1.10,7 (33079) Diplom Foto Video OV2 240. 4.22 ¦ 5-F20 420. Meister Katja 1976 Kerzers 24078 37.02,4 18.51,7 (24078) Diplom Foto Video 5F 598. 7.24 ¦ 1-U08M 54. Meister Loic 2011 Spiez 36032 1.24,0 0.28,5 (36032) Diplom Foto Video OV1 165. 4.40 ¦ 5-F20 221. Meister Rahel 1984 Heinrichswil 23154 30.57,6 12.46,9 (23154) Diplom Foto Video 5F 366. 6.11 ¦ 5-U14M 65. Meister Robin 2008 Kerzers 24079 36.57,5 17.57,2 (24079) Diplom Foto Video 5M 471. 7.23 ¦ 15-F20 442. Meister Sabine 1985 Visp 16158 1:46.59,7 55.51,2 (16158) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1646. 7.07 ¦ 5-U16M 31. Meister Yanik 2003 Münchenbuchsee 23057 26.06,7 7.35,2 (23057) Diplom Foto Video 5M 224. 5.13 ¦ 2-U10M 59. Meister Yannik 2009 Spiez 34102 6.21,7 1.20,2 (34102) Diplom Foto Video OV2 306. 4.32 ¦ 15-M35 384. Mejia Daniel 1980 Lausanne 17198 1:25.49,0 41.53,5 (17198) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2598. 5.43 ¦ 15-M55 183. Melchers Clive Rolf 1961 Froideville 7172 1:19.28,6 24.06,7 (7172) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2053. 5.17 ¦ 15-U20M 18. Mella Gabriel 1999 Corcelles NE 7173 1:12.52,3 18.59,4 (7173) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1289. 4.51 ¦ 15-M60 95. Melly Serge 1954 Crassier 6172 1:21.44,7 22.27,8 (6172) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2293. 5.26 ¦ 15-F35 139. Membrez Mariana 1981 Villars-sur-Glâne 13302 1:26.30,4 33.32,9 (13302) Diplom Foto Video 15F 942. 5.46 ¦ 15-WF20 --- Mencarini Daniela 1976 Meyrin 27285 2:18.15,5 ----- (27285) Diplom Foto Video --- 9.13 ¦ 15-M40 439. Mendes Levi 1976 Cournillens 9300 1:28.33,8 37.45,4 (9300) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2759. 5.54 ¦ 2-U14F 40. Mengis Leandra 2006 Glis 31043 5.54,2 1.16,2 (31043) Diplom Foto Video OV2 177. 4.13 ¦ 5-U16M 13. Mengis Lukas 2004 Glis 20043 22.16,7 3.45,2 (20043) Diplom Foto Video 5M 89. 4.27 ¦ 15-M20 319. Menis Raphaël 1985 Moutier 6173 1:13.18,2 29.50,7 (6173) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1343. 4.53 ¦ 15-M45 202. Menoud Didier 1970 Cossonay-Ville 9160 1:13.13,4 20.19,2 (9160) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1339. 4.52 ¦ 1-U07M 4. Mentzel Dag 2012 Bern 36545 1.05,8 0.03,7 (36545) Diplom Foto Video OV1 18. 3.39 ¦ 15-M55 215. Menzi Ronald 1961 Schwarzenburg 10236 1:22.47,6 27.25,7 (10236) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2373. 5.31 ¦ 15-WM20 --- Menzi Walter 1950 Volketswil 27097 2:06.12,1 ----- (27097) Diplom Foto Video --- 8.24 ¦ 5-F20 476. Mercanton Jacqueline 1950 Lausanne 24187 44.37,6 26.26,9 (24187) Diplom Foto Video 5F 665. 8.55 ¦ 15-F35 29. Merçay Clémence 1982 Neuchâtel 40210 1:10.26,4 17.28,9 (40210) Diplom Foto Video 15F 144. 4.41 ¦ 15-F65 23. Mercer Barbara 1950 Tannay 17165 1:47.44,4 39.08,1 (17165) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1657. 7.10 ¦ 5-U18M 1. Mercer Jaryd 2001 Tannay 20006 16.38,6 ----- (20006) Diplom Foto Video 5M 5. 3.19 ¦ 5-U18F 5. Mercer Kaya 2001 Mies-Tannay 20536 21.39,3 2.14,1 (20536) Diplom Foto Video 5F 37. 4.19 ¦ 15-F40 37. Mercier Annie 1978 Lausanne 11172 1:13.29,8 17.25,6 (11172) Diplom Foto Video 15F 235. 4.53 ¦ 15-F60 6. Merk Nelly 1958 Oetwil am See 7174 1:13.08,2 5.24,7 (7174) Diplom Foto Video 15F 224. 4.52 ¦ 15-M45 364. Merkel Florian 1973 Münchenbuchsee 14163 1:23.02,0 30.07,8 (14163) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2387. 5.32 ¦ 15-M20 405. Merki Andreas 1998 Egg b. Zürich 15206 1:17.34,5 34.07,0 (15206) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1847. 5.10 ¦ 5-M20 191. Merlach Claude 1967 Bellmund 24286 28.54,5 13.41,8 (24286) Diplom Foto Video 5M 323. 5.46 ¦ 15-M60 109. Mermod Claude 1958 Grosshöchstetten 11173 1:24.16,7 24.59,8 (11173) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2481. 5.37 ¦ 15-M55 230. Mermoud Didier 1963 La Sarraz 17089 1:24.32,0 29.10,1 (17089) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2500. 5.38 ¦ 5-F20 237. Mermoud Martine 1963 La Sarraz 23218 31.15,7 13.05,0 (23218) Diplom Foto Video 5F 383. 6.15 ¦ 15-WM20 --- Mertenat Sacha 1962 Etoy 27365 2:06.10,2 ----- (27365) Diplom Foto Video --- 8.24 ¦ 15-F50 44. Merz Beate 1964 Lostorf 40211 1:17.03,7 15.10,7 (40211) Diplom Foto Video 15F 376. 5.08 ¦ 15-F35 141. Merz Hoegen Sarina 1979 Bad Zurzach 14164 1:26.46,1 33.48,6 (14164) Diplom Foto Video 15F 954. 5.47 ¦ 15-M40 274. Merz Marco 1978 St. Erhard 8026 1:14.21,6 23.33,2 (8026) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1504. 4.57 ¦ 5-M20 116. Merz Markus 1967 Niederurnen 21072 26.00,9 10.48,2 (21072) Diplom Foto Video 5M 220. 5.12 ¦ 15-F20 450. Merz Petra 1992 Weinfelden 17259 2:02.40,4 1:11.31,9 (17259) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1711. 8.10 ¦ 15-M55 350. Merz Thomas 1962 Weinfelden 17260 2:02.40,2 1:07.18,3 (17260) Diplom Foto Video 15M 3218. 8.10 ¦ 5-M20 172. Messer Bruno 1974 Busswil b. Büren 22110 28.03,8 12.51,1 (22110) Diplom Foto Video 5M 298. 5.36 ¦ 5-WF20 --- Messer Doris 1968 Kirchlindach 25126 50.17,7 ----- (25126) Diplom Foto Video --- 10.03 ¦ 15-M55 162. Messer Rudolf 1960 Riedholz 12049 1:18.15,5 22.53,6 (12049) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1921. 5.13 ¦ 15-F20 413. Messer Stephanie 1985 Ulmiz 17090 1:38.35,4 47.26,9 (17090) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1506. 6.34 ¦ 15-M65 86. Messerli Hervé 1953 La Tour-de-Trême 12171 1:35.22,6 32.39,9 (12171) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2990. 6.21 ¦ 5-F20 357. Messerli Isabelle 1978 Zürich 24147 33.59,9 15.49,2 (24147) Diplom Foto Video 5F 528. 6.47 ¦ 2-U10M 71. Messerli Jan 2009 Zürich 34103 6.30,1 1.28,6 (34103) Diplom Foto Video OV2 351. 4.38 ¦ 15-M40 320. Messerli Michael 1976 Kerzers 40400 1:16.42,1 25.53,7 (40400) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1763. 5.06 ¦ 5-U18F 27. Messerli Noemi 2001 Rüeggisberg 24076 32.14,4 12.49,2 (24076) Diplom Foto Video 5F 451. 6.26 ¦ 5-M20 118. Messerli Peter 1972 Kerzers 40212 26.02,7 10.50,0 (40212) Diplom Foto Video 5M 222. 5.12 ¦ 15-M65 28. Messerli Peter 1950 Steffisburg 8108 1:17.47,4 15.04,7 (8108) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1880. 5.11 ¦ 15-M20 209. Meszaros Gabor 1988 Bern 7175 1:08.26,4 24.58,9 (7175) Diplom Foto Video 15M 813. 4.33 ¦ 5-U16M 33. Métral Nolan 2004 Salavaux 22116 26.30,8 7.59,3 (22116) Diplom Foto Video 5M 237. 5.18 ¦ 15-M20 479. Metz Martin 1987 Spiez 15044 1:22.55,1 39.27,6 (15044) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2380. 5.31 ¦ 15-F50 38. Metzger Beatrice 1964 Seedorf BE 6174 1:15.38,9 13.45,9 (6174) Diplom Foto Video 15F 330. 5.02 ¦ 15-M55 114. Metzger Willi 1960 Seedorf BE 9161 1:14.42,1 19.20,2 (9161) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1547. 4.58 ¦ 15-F40 264. Metzler Monika 1974 Heiden 17221 2:02.51,8 1:06.47,6 (17221) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1713. 8.11 ¦ 15-M45 459. Metzler Roger 1970 Heiden 17091 1:36.23,7 43.29,5 (17091) Diplom Foto Video 15M 3016. 6.25 ¦ 15-M35 348. Meunier Nicolas 1983 Lausanne 10287 1:21.33,3 37.37,8 (10287) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2259. 5.26 ¦ 15-M35 335. Meuter Roland 1980 Grossaffoltern 13303 1:20.06,1 36.10,6 (13303) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2122. 5.20 ¦ 15-F40 109. Meuwly Aline 1975 La Chaux-de-Fonds 13179 1:22.05,0 26.00,8 (13179) Diplom Foto Video 15F 652. 5.28 ¦ 15-F60 54. Meuwly Brigitte 1954 Gümmenen 17140 1:38.08,5 30.25,0 (17140) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1491. 6.32 ¦ 15-WF20 --- Meuwly Marie-Claude 1956 Fribourg 27213 2:14.05,1 ----- (27213) Diplom Foto Video --- 8.56 ¦ 5-WF20 --- Meyer Andrea 1973 Gelterfingen 25127 47.25,7 ----- (25127) Diplom Foto Video --- 9.29 ¦ 15-M20 20. Meyer Andreas 1986 Luzern 43 51.35,4 8.07,9 (43) Diplom Foto Video 15M 24. 3.26 ¦ 5-F20 307. Meyer Cornelia 1974 Steffisburg 23058 32.37,5 14.26,8 (23058) Diplom Foto Video 5F 468. 6.31 ¦ 15-WM20 --- Meyer Daniel 1961 Bévilard 27358 1:57.41,6 ----- (27358) Diplom Foto Video --- 7.50 ¦ 15-M20 127. Meyer David 1990 Schliern b. Köniz 3022 1:03.00,4 19.32,9 (3022) Diplom Foto Video 15M 387. 4.12 ¦ 15-F20 223. Meyer Denise 1988 Volketswil 12050 1:24.00,3 32.51,8 (12050) Diplom Foto Video 15F 776. 5.36 ¦ 5-WF20 --- Meyer Doris 1957 Brügg BE 25128 53.39,4 ----- (25128) Diplom Foto Video --- 10.43 ¦ 15-FV 25. Meyer Elisabeth 1950 Kerzers 50026 2:14.40,7 1:06.35,6 (50026) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1728. 8.58 ¦ 15-M45 82. Meyer Florian 1973 Wynau 3069 1:05.06,5 12.12,3 (3069) Diplom Foto Video 15M 532. 4.20 ¦ 5-M20 269. Meyer Franz 1940 Vordemwald 22111 33.27,0 18.14,3 (22111) Diplom Foto Video 5M 429. 6.41 ¦ 15-M20 99. Meyer Hannes 1990 Siselen BE 2029 1:00.46,4 17.18,9 (2029) Diplom Foto Video 15M 270. 4.03 ¦ 5-M20 132. Meyer Hans 1960 Heimenschwand 22112 26.38,4 11.25,7 (22112) Diplom Foto Video 5M 244. 5.19 ¦ 15-WF20 --- Meyer Joëlle 1961 Bévilard 27359 2:23.19,0 ----- (27359) Diplom Foto Video --- 9.33 ¦ 15-M20 449. Meyer Jonas Thierry 1989 Winterthur 4169 1:20.15,4 36.47,9 (4169) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2144. 5.21 ¦ 1-MuVaKi --- Meyer Julie 2014 Murten 39057 2.33,1 ----- (39057) Diplom Foto Video MukiVaKi 172. 8.30 ¦ 15-F20 252. Meyer Laetitia 1988 Vuarrens 13181 1:25.30,9 34.22,4 (13181) Diplom Foto Video 15F 860. 5.42 ¦ 5-F20 369. Meyer Laurence 1979 Ersigen 24030 34.27,1 16.16,4 (24030) Diplom Foto Video 5F 542. 6.53 ¦ 2-U14M 30. Meyer Lenny 2006 Steffisburg 30024 5.32,9 1.01,9 (30024) Diplom Foto Video OV2 90. 3.57 ¦ 2-U12M 61. Meyer Merrick 2008 Steffisburg 32068 6.09,6 1.37,5 (32068) Diplom Foto Video OV2 247. 4.24 ¦ 15-F35 92. Meyer Nadia 1983 La Chaux-de-Fonds 10237 1:20.56,0 27.58,5 (10237) Diplom Foto Video 15F 595. 5.23 ¦ 15-M40 131. Meyer Pascal 1976 Bern 3262 1:07.43,4 16.55,0 (3262) Diplom Foto Video 15M 757. 4.30 ¦ 5-M20 225. Meyer Rene 1968 Evilard 40411 30.27,9 15.15,2 (40411) Diplom Foto Video 5M 374. 6.05 ¦ 15-WM20 --- Meyer Roland 1959 Scherz 27198 2:01.14,6 ----- (27198) Diplom Foto Video --- 8.04 ¦ 15-M20 146. Meyer Roman 1992 Biel/Bienne 2120 1:04.03,0 20.35,5 (2120) Diplom Foto Video 15M 465. 4.16 ¦ 15-M35 386. Meyer Stefan 1980 Courgevaux 14165 1:26.09,3 42.13,8 (14165) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2622. 5.44 ¦ 5-M20 140. Meyer Suter Daniel 1961 Kerzers 23059 26.53,5 11.40,8 (23059) Diplom Foto Video 5M 254. 5.22 ¦ 1-MuVaKi --- Meyer Thierry 2013 Bern 38059 1.45,3 ----- (38059) Diplom Foto Video MukiVaKi 43. 5.51 ¦ 15-F50 61. Meyer-Wilmes Christel 1964 Münsingen 8092 1:19.23,0 17.30,0 (8092) Diplom Foto Video 15F 506. 5.17 ¦ 1-MuVaKi --- Meyer Zoë 2013 Courgevaux 39058 3.27,2 ----- (39058) Diplom Foto Video MukiVaKi 218. 11.30 ¦ 15-F20 285. Meylan Caroline 1984 Cheseaux-sur-Lausann 9162 1:27.35,9 36.27,4 (9162) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1000. 5.50 ¦ 15-M55 126. Meylan Nicolas 1962 Lausanne 5184 1:15.33,3 20.11,4 (5184) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1635. 5.02 ¦ 15-M45 428. Meyle Mex 1971 Worb 40440 1:29.02,7 36.08,5 (40440) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2794. 5.56 ¦ 15-M75 1. Meyrat Danilo 1936 Muriaux 4170 1:16.28,9 ----- (4170) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1750. 5.05 ¦ 15-M40 19. Meystre Fabian 1978 Chardonne 1140 58.40,5 7.52,1 (1140) Diplom Foto Video 15M 171. 3.54 ¦ 15-F20 339. Mezger Sindy 1992 Romont FR 14166 1:31.02,4 39.53,9 (14166) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1212. 6.04 ¦ 15-M40 426. Mezzi Davide 1976 Delémont 11174 1:26.25,8 35.37,4 (11174) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2637. 5.45 ¦ 5-U18F 2. Michael Sina 2002 Niederwangen b. Bern 40214 19.26,0 0.00,8 (40214) Diplom Foto Video 5F 10. 3.53 ¦ 15-M40 154. Michaelis Tobias 1977 Burgdorf 6176 1:09.03,5 18.15,1 (6176) Diplom Foto Video 15M 880. 4.36 ¦ 15-M35 293. Michaud Gaylord 1980 Pailly 10106 1:17.30,7 33.35,2 (10106) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1838. 5.10 ¦ 15-M20 395. Michel Benoit 1990 Ménières 4171 1:16.54,0 33.26,5 (4171) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1782. 5.07 ¦ 2-U12F 70. Michel Cataline 2008 Murten 33080 6.25,4 1.28,2 (33080) Diplom Foto Video OV2 328. 4.35 ¦ 15-M45 10. Michel Cédric 1973 Les Geneveys-sur-Cof 1059 57.16,4 4.22,2 (1059) Diplom Foto Video 15M 110. 3.49 ¦ 15-M40 135. Michel Francois 1978 Givisiez 2236 1:07.54,8 17.06,4 (2236) Diplom Foto Video 15M 770. 4.31 ¦ 5-WF20 --- Michel-Heimo Liliane 1956 Düdingen 25129 44.18,6 ----- (25129) Diplom Foto Video --- 8.51 ¦ 15-WF20 --- Michel Katharina 1957 Hindelbank 27240 2:26.03,3 ----- (27240) Diplom Foto Video --- 9.44 ¦ 15-F20 70. Michel Kathrin 1986 Nottwil 8093 1:13.24,0 22.15,5 (8093) Diplom Foto Video 15F 230. 4.53 ¦ 2-U14M 44. Michel Nicolas 2006 Murten 30025 5.49,2 1.18,2 (30025) Diplom Foto Video OV2 155. 4.09 ¦ 15-M20 387. Michel Pascal 1985 Liebefeld 10107 1:16.07,6 32.40,1 (10107) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1707. 5.04 ¦ 15-M35 308. Michel Patrick 1983 La Chaux-de-Fonds 9164 1:18.37,3 34.41,8 (9164) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1951. 5.14 ¦ 15-M40 251. Michel Thomas 1977 Gümligen 7176 1:13.39,3 22.50,9 (7176) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1400. 4.54 ¦ 15-WU20F --- Michoud Chloé 2004 Cossonay 27071 2:03.42,1 ----- (27071) Diplom Foto Video --- 8.14 ¦ 5-U14F 15. Michoud Lucy 2006 Cossonay 20546 25.59,1 5.39,6 (20546) Diplom Foto Video 5F 131. 5.11 ¦ 2-U12F 6. Michoud Marilou 2008 Cossonay 33081 5.24,8 0.27,6 (33081) Diplom Foto Video OV2 68. 3.52 ¦ 15-F35 36. Michoud Samantha 1980 Cossonay 8156 1:12.23,4 19.25,9 (8156) Diplom Foto Video 15F 203. 4.49 ¦ 15-F20 212. Miehlbradt Jenifer 1988 Sion 12051 1:23.19,5 32.11,0 (12051) Diplom Foto Video 15F 734. 5.33 ¦ 5-U16F 6. Miescher Aarti 2003 Muri bei Bern 20512 20.24,1 1.12,4 (20512) Diplom Foto Video 5F 20. 4.04 ¦ 2-U14F 20. Miescher Anouk 2006 Muri b. Bern 31044 5.27,8 0.49,8 (31044) Diplom Foto Video OV2 78. 3.54 ¦ 15-F45 138. Miholova Sandra 1972 CZ-Praha 40390 1:25.54,6 29.19,3 (40390) Diplom Foto Video 15F 890. 5.43 ¦ 15-F40 156. Milesi Audrey 1977 Neuheim 14168 1:25.56,2 29.52,0 (14168) Diplom Foto Video 15F 895. 5.43 ¦ 15-WM20 --- Millet Christophe 1970 Freienbach 27362 2:03.23,5 ----- (27362) Diplom Foto Video --- 8.13 ¦ 15-M20 281. Millilus Iwan 1996 Eggerberg 16292 1:11.25,5 27.58,0 (16292) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1143. 4.45 ¦ 15-M55 27. Millius Beat 1959 Baltschieder 2069 1:05.18,2 9.56,3 (2069) Diplom Foto Video 15M 544. 4.21 ¦ 15-F50 198. Millius Ellen 1966 Baltschieder 13182 1:39.26,7 37.33,7 (13182) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1525. 6.37 ¦ 5-F20 292. Millius Laura 1993 Chippis 22208 32.13,6 14.02,9 (22208) Diplom Foto Video 5F 450. 6.26 ¦ 15-F20 89. Millius Nadine 1992 Eggerberg 5110 1:15.05,7 23.57,2 (5110) Diplom Foto Video 15F 303. 5.00 ¦ 15-M55 194. Milz Christian 1963 Corcelles NE 9165 1:20.44,2 25.22,3 (9165) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2188. 5.22 ¦ 5-U16M 7. Milz Julien 2004 Corcelles NE 20020 20.40,5 2.09,0 (20020) Diplom Foto Video 5M 49. 4.08 ¦ 15-F50 20. Minder Esther 1966 Mühledorf BE 5042 1:12.35,8 10.42,8 (5042) Diplom Foto Video 15F 210. 4.50 ¦ 15-M40 48. Minder Mickaël 1977 Malleray 1221 1:02.23,1 11.34,7 (1221) Diplom Foto Video 15M 357. 4.09 ¦ 5-U14M 43. Minder Numa 2005 Malleray 24119 27.27,6 8.27,3 (24119) Diplom Foto Video 5M 275. 5.29 ¦ 15-F40 204. Minder Rüegsegger Corn 1978 Nant 15207 1:32.30,9 36.26,7 (15207) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1275. 6.10 ¦ 15-F40 88. Minder Sylvie 1977 Malleray 6177 1:19.25,6 23.21,4 (6177) Diplom Foto Video 15F 510. 5.17 ¦ 15-M20 168. Mingard Olivier 1988 Bern 2070 1:05.33,1 22.05,6 (2070) Diplom Foto Video 15M 565. 4.22 ¦ 15-M35 154. Minguely David 1979 Domdidier 6178 1:08.46,4 24.50,9 (6178) Diplom Foto Video 15M 848. 4.35 ¦ 15-F45 167. Miranda Fabienne 1969 Lausanne 7177 1:29.09,5 32.34,2 (7177) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1101. 5.56 ¦ 15-M50 344. Miranda Philippe 1966 Bernex 9166 1:23.56,4 30.54,7 (9166) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2457. 5.35 ¦ 15-MV 2. Mirzai Ali Reza 1985 Aarberg 50117 59.11,8 0.53,8 (50117) Diplom Foto Video 15M 192. 3.56 ¦ 5-F20 328. Mischler Claudia 1994 Bolligen 23060 33.15,8 15.05,1 (23060) Diplom Foto Video 5F 494. 6.39 ¦ 15-F55 65. Mischler Ghislaine 1959 Delémont 15208 1:29.50,5 20.14,4 (15208) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1150. 5.59 ¦ 15-M50 41. Mischler Martin 1968 Treyvaux 1222 1:03.19,0 10.17,3 (1222) Diplom Foto Video 15M 408. 4.13 ¦ 15-M35 133. Mischler Reto 1981 Bern 4172 1:07.20,2 23.24,7 (4172) Diplom Foto Video 15M 720. 4.29 ¦ 15-WM20 --- Mischler Roland 1948 Nidau 27046 1:53.12,0 ----- (27046) Diplom Foto Video --- 7.32 ¦ 5-F20 235. Mischler Sarah 1982 Aarberg 23167 31.14,2 13.03,5 (23167) Diplom Foto Video 5F 381. 6.14 ¦ 15-F40 174. Mischler Stéphanie 1976 Treyvaux 9167 1:27.23,2 31.19,0 (9167) Diplom Foto Video 15F 985. 5.49 ¦ 15-WM20 --- Mischler Werner 1949 Thierachern 27011 1:54.41,0 ----- (27011) Diplom Foto Video --- 7.38 ¦ 15-M60 88. Mischler Werner 1954 Delémont 13183 1:21.17,2 22.00,3 (13183) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2234. 5.25 ¦ 5-M20 11. Misgun Tesfay 1992 Brunnenthal 40401 17.25,4 2.12,7 (40401) Diplom Foto Video 5M 15. 3.29 ¦ 1-U08F 32. Miszczuk Wiktoria 2011 Kerzers 37058 1.18,1 0.20,0 (37058) Diplom Foto Video OV1 106. 4.20 ¦ 15-M40 83. Mitride Stephane 1977 Lausanne 2030 1:04.59,4 14.11,0 (2030) Diplom Foto Video 15M 525. 4.19 ¦ 15-WF20 --- Mitrione Sandra 1976 Kerzers 27334 2:09.03,3 ----- (27334) Diplom Foto Video --- 8.36 ¦ 15-M40 110. Moffa Maurizio 1975 Bern 6310 1:06.40,5 15.52,1 (6310) Diplom Foto Video 15M 650. 4.26 ¦ 15-F45 68. Moffatt Lorna 1972 Lupsingen 40215 1:19.05,5 22.30,2 (40215) Diplom Foto Video 15F 487. 5.16 ¦ 15-WF20 --- Moffen Florence 1961 Marin-Epagnier 27161 2:04.12,3 ----- (27161) Diplom Foto Video --- 8.16 ¦ 15-M40 388. Mogis David 1976 Yverdon-les-Bains 9168 1:21.00,4 30.12,0 (9168) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2208. 5.24 ¦ 15-F45 27. Mogis Fabienne 1973 Yverdon-les-Bains 4173 1:11.51,5 15.16,2 (4173) Diplom Foto Video 15F 190. 4.47 ¦ 15-M50 56. Möglich Stefan 1967 D-Oberkirch 3120 1:04.59,7 11.58,0 (3120) Diplom Foto Video 15M 526. 4.19 ¦ 15-M35 411. Mohamadi Mathieu 1981 Riaz 12052 1:32.20,4 48.24,9 (12052) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2917. 6.09 ¦ 15-M40 3. Mohcen El Baz 1978 F-Stetten 40216 52.13,8 1.25,4 (40216) Diplom Foto Video 15M 28. 3.28 ¦ 15-F35 5. Moinat Aurélie 1980 Denens 2031 1:02.56,1 9.58,6 (2031) Diplom Foto Video 15F 31. 4.11 ¦ 15-F35 138. Mollard Magali 1979 Courgenay 14170 1:26.25,9 33.28,4 (14170) Diplom Foto Video 15F 935. 5.45 ¦ 15-M50 53. Mollet Jürg 1966 Lohn-Ammannsegg 4174 1:04.47,0 11.45,3 (4174) Diplom Foto Video 15M 508. 4.19 ¦ 5-F20 223. Molliet Burkhalter Suz 1977 Grenchen 22209 31.00,0 12.49,3 (22209) Diplom Foto Video 5F 368. 6.12 ¦ 15-M40 237. Molnar Peter 1974 Neftenbach 7178 1:13.11,3 22.22,9 (7178) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1334. 4.52 ¦ 5-F20 364. Moloney Fiona 1994 Siebnen 23168 34.13,8 16.03,1 (23168) Diplom Foto Video 5F 535. 6.50 ¦ 5-F20 401. Moloney Sarah 1993 Siebnen 24047 35.44,2 17.33,5 (24047) Diplom Foto Video 5F 579. 7.08 ¦ 15-M55 244. Momot Thomas 1962 Bern 9169 1:25.37,8 30.15,9 (9169) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2583. 5.42 ¦ 15-F40 162. Monachon Céline 1976 Courtelary 13184 1:26.18,4 30.14,2 (13184) Diplom Foto Video 15F 922. 5.45 ¦ 15-M35 218. Monachon Mathieu 1979 Courtelary 4175 1:12.22,6 28.27,1 (4175) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1242. 4.49 ¦ 15-F45 243. Monbaron Jucivany 1973 Montreux 40217 1:46.26,0 49.50,7 (40217) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1641. 7.05 ¦ 15-F45 122. Mönch Christine 1971 Kerzers 11183 1:24.17,3 27.42,0 (11183) Diplom Foto Video 15F 795. 5.37 ¦ 15-M35 267. Moning David 1983 Marly 7179 1:15.11,7 31.16,2 (7179) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1600. 5.00 ¦ 2-U14F 17. Moning Kenisha 2006 Ipsach 31089 5.19,8 0.41,8 (31089) Diplom Foto Video OV2 56. 3.48 ¦ 15-F20 13. Monnard Celine 1990 Cheseaux-Noréaz 543 1:01.07,9 9.59,4 (543) Diplom Foto Video 15F 20. 4.04 ¦ 15-M55 19. Monnard Philippe 1960 Cheseaux-Noréaz 40218 1:04.01,4 8.39,5 (40218) Diplom Foto Video 15M 461. 4.16 ¦ 5-M20 58. Monney Fabien 1991 Wünnewil 21189 23.55,8 8.43,1 (21189) Diplom Foto Video 5M 137. 4.47 ¦ 15-M40 61. Monney Laurent 1977 Moudon 3023 1:03.24,9 12.36,5 (3023) Diplom Foto Video 15M 417. 4.13 ¦ 15-F55 44. Monney Regula 1963 St-Légier 11175 1:24.47,9 15.11,8 (11175) Diplom Foto Video 15F 825. 5.39 ¦ 15-F40 93. Monney Véronique 1974 Corpataux-Magnedens 13185 1:19.37,4 23.33,2 (13185) Diplom Foto Video 15F 528. 5.18 ¦ 15-U20M 26. Monnier Mael 1999 Cuarnens 6179 1:20.05,3 26.12,4 (6179) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2121. 5.20 ¦ 15-M20 556. Monnier Sébastien 1985 Lutry 11176 1:35.51,0 52.23,5 (11176) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2999. 6.23 ¦ 15-WU20F --- Monnier Solenn 2003 Cuarnens 27067 2:03.06,5 ----- (27067) Diplom Foto Video --- 8.12 ¦ 15-M50 224. Montandon Alain 1965 Les Breuleux 5272 1:16.46,1 23.44,4 (5272) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1770. 5.07 ¦ 15-M60 165. Montandon Claude 1954 Auvernier 16034 1:40.38,1 41.21,2 (16034) Diplom Foto Video 15M 3099. 6.42 ¦ 15-F50 194. Montandon Nathalie 1966 Auvernier 16035 1:38.46,4 36.53,4 (16035) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1511. 6.35 ¦ 15-F40 138. Montavon Evelyne 1975 Aumont 6180 1:24.20,2 28.16,0 (6180) Diplom Foto Video 15F 799. 5.37 ¦ 1-MuVaKi --- Monteiro Dias Emma 2013 Yverdon-les-Bains 39059 1.45,3 ----- (39059) Diplom Foto Video MukiVaKi 43. 5.51 ¦ 15-M40 45. Monteiro Filipe 1974 Tafers 2032 1:01.57,4 11.09,0 (2032) Diplom Foto Video 15M 331. 4.07 ¦ 2-U12M 29. Monteiro Yann 2007 Tafers 32069 5.37,2 1.05,1 (32069) Diplom Foto Video OV2 107. 4.00 ¦ 5-WM20 --- Montero Rafael 1949 Lyss 25130 44.02,7 ----- (25130) Diplom Foto Video --- 8.48 ¦ 15-F20 33. Montero Suarez Célia 1988 Bern 3119 1:07.35,2 16.26,7 (3119) Diplom Foto Video 15F 82. 4.30 ¦ 15-M40 326. Monti Raphael 1976 Ste-Croix 4176 1:16.58,6 26.10,2 (4176) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1786. 5.07 ¦ 15-F40 161. Moor Cornelia 1978 Zofingen 14171 1:26.13,4 30.09,2 (14171) Diplom Foto Video 15F 914. 5.44 ¦ 15-M45 60. Moos Yvan 1973 Ayent 1305 1:02.54,9 10.00,7 (1305) Diplom Foto Video 15M 384. 4.11 ¦ 15-M45 110. Mooser Alexandre 1973 Fribourg 40220 1:06.59,9 14.05,7 (40220) Diplom Foto Video 15M 681. 4.27 ¦ 5-F20 158. Mooser Jara 1993 Kestenholz 16159 29.21,1 11.10,4 (16159) Diplom Foto Video 5F 287. 5.52 ¦ 15-M20 211. Mooser Ramon 1984 Farvagny 4317 1:08.29,2 25.01,7 (4317) Diplom Foto Video 15M 818. 4.33 ¦ 15-F35 224. Mooser Sarah 1980 Marsens 14172 1:43.26,0 50.28,5 (14172) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1600. 6.53 ¦ 5-M20 317. Mooser Vincent 1979 Granges-Paccot 24154 39.56,9 24.44,2 (24154) Diplom Foto Video 5M 489. 7.59 ¦ 15-M45 277. Moosmann Christophe 1973 Echichens 9171 1:17.35,0 24.40,8 (9171) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1849. 5.10 ¦ 15-M45 67. Moosmann Peter 1970 Ostermundigen 2237 1:03.19,3 10.25,1 (2237) Diplom Foto Video 15M 409. 4.13 ¦ 15-F40 171. Mora-Rubio Begonya 1974 Genève 11313 1:27.14,0 31.09,8 (11313) Diplom Foto Video 15F 975. 5.48 ¦ 2-U12M 7. Morand Alexis 2007 Court 32070 4.52,9 0.20,8 (32070) Diplom Foto Video OV2 17. 3.29 ¦ 15-M40 49. Morand Benoit 1978 Broc 1274 1:02.25,1 11.36,7 (1274) Diplom Foto Video 15M 359. 4.09 ¦ 1-U07M 34. Morand Dylan 2012 Court 36546 1.24,7 0.22,6 (36546) Diplom Foto Video OV1 171. 4.42 ¦ 15-M55 28. Morand Jean-Pierre 1959 Bévilard 4177 1:05.31,9 10.10,0 (4177) Diplom Foto Video 15M 561. 4.22 ¦ 5-U16M 32. Morand Jonatann 2004 Court 23155 26.27,3 7.55,8 (23155) Diplom Foto Video 5M 233. 5.17 ¦ 15-F20 168. Morand Marie-Anne 1987 Basel 9172 1:20.13,4 29.04,9 (9172) Diplom Foto Video 15F 562. 5.20 ¦ 15-M40 373. Morand Yannick 1975 Boudry 8205 1:19.59,8 29.11,4 (8205) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2112. 5.19 ¦ 15-M55 161. Morard Christian 1963 Bourguillon 8294 1:18.14,1 22.52,2 (8294) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1920. 5.12 ¦ 15-M50 297. Morard Jacques 1967 Fribourg 12108 1:20.22,0 27.20,3 (12108) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2166. 5.21 ¦ 15-M55 341. Morard Olivier 1961 Solothurn 12253 1:46.56,1 51.34,2 (12253) Diplom Foto Video 15M 3158. 7.07 ¦ 15-U18M 4. Morard Quentin 2001 Marsens 1224 1:02.22,2 5.35,6 (1224) Diplom Foto Video 15M 354. 4.09 ¦ 15-F45 206. Morard Sandra 1970 Bramois 15045 1:35.46,7 39.11,4 (15045) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1403. 6.23 ¦ 15-F45 181. Moravetz Nathalie 1971 D-Rickenbach 13186 1:31.08,8 34.33,5 (13186) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1217. 6.04 ¦ 2-U10F 62. Morchetti Julie 2009 Vuadens 35087 7.01,1 1.29,0 (35087) Diplom Foto Video OV2 507. 5.00 ¦ 5-F20 130. Morchetti Séverine 1974 Vuadens 22113 28.43,8 10.33,1 (22113) Diplom Foto Video 5F 252. 5.44 ¦ 15-M20 119. Moreira Mario 1988 La Sagne NE 2033 1:01.54,1 18.26,6 (2033) Diplom Foto Video 15M 327. 4.07 ¦ 15-M50 45. Moreira Sérgio 1965 Yverdon-les-Bains 2317 1:03.55,6 10.53,9 (2317) Diplom Foto Video 15M 454. 4.15 ¦ 15-WF20 --- Morel Anne 1972 Romont FR 27288 2:20.24,7 ----- (27288) Diplom Foto Video --- 9.21 ¦ 15-M45 417. Morel Denis 1973 Villarimboud 14173 1:27.50,8 34.56,6 (14173) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2721. 5.51 ¦ 5-U14M 55. Morel Ivan 2008 Villars-sur-Glâne 24031 29.15,4 10.15,1 (24031) Diplom Foto Video 5M 336. 5.51 ¦ 5-F20 159. Morel Maude 1975 Villars-sur-Glâne 23219 29.23,1 11.12,4 (23219) Diplom Foto Video 5F 289. 5.52 ¦ 5-WM20 --- Morel Stéphane 1973 Romont FR 25131 49.08,7 ----- (25131) Diplom Foto Video --- 9.49 ¦ 15-M55 36. Morel Willy 1961 Poliez-Pittet 1283 1:06.27,0 11.05,1 (1283) Diplom Foto Video 15M 637. 4.25 ¦ 15-M20 514. Moret Gilles 1989 Bulle 14174 1:26.15,2 42.47,7 (14174) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2626. 5.45 ¦ 15-F40 213. Moretto Beatrice 1974 Ulmiz 12294 1:33.38,7 37.34,5 (12294) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1323. 6.14 ¦ 2-U14M 6. Moretto Elia Nando 2006 Ulmiz 30061 4.50,3 0.19,3 (30061) Diplom Foto Video OV2 13. 3.27 ¦ 15-F20 131. Morf Melanie 1984 Winterthur 12053 1:18.30,5 27.22,0 (12053) Diplom Foto Video 15F 452. 5.14 ¦ 15-F40 9. Morgado Madalena 1978 Courtepin 2238 1:04.02,1 7.57,9 (2238) Diplom Foto Video 15F 39. 4.16 ¦ 15-M40 2. Morgado Mario 1975 Courtaman 55 51.26,2 0.37,8 (55) Diplom Foto Video 15M 22. 3.25 ¦ 15-F55 23. Morgan Liliane 1961 St-Blaise 10110 1:18.26,3 8.50,2 (10110) Diplom Foto Video 15F 449. 5.13 ¦ 15-M50 268. Morganella Giuseppe 1966 Sierre 9173 1:18.42,6 25.40,9 (9173) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1962. 5.14 ¦ 15-F50 195. Morganella Sabine 1967 Sierre 9174 1:38.58,8 37.05,8 (9174) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1517. 6.35 ¦ 15-MV 33. Morgenegg Fritz 1944 Lurtigen 50093 2:20.27,1 1:22.09,1 (50093) Diplom Foto Video 15M 3236. 9.21 ¦ 15-FV 16. Moeri Esther 1963 Ulmiz 50052 2:04.48,1 56.43,0 (50052) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1717. 8.19 ¦ 15-M70 56. Möri Hugo 1946 Ipsach 17223 1:59.19,5 48.09,4 (17223) Diplom Foto Video 15M 3211. 7.57 ¦ 5-MV05 18. Moeri Jürg 1958 Ulmiz 50072 47.31,7 25.50,6 (50072) Diplom Foto Video 5M 506. 9.30 ¦ 15-F60 26. Mori-Kohler Barbara 1957 Kallnach 11178 1:28.57,9 21.14,4 (11178) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1083. 5.55 ¦ 15-F20 179. Mori Marina Delia 1985 Bern 11177 1:20.50,1 29.41,6 (11177) Diplom Foto Video 15F 587. 5.23 ¦ 15-M50 42. Moritz Frank 1966 Günsberg 2239 1:03.26,0 10.24,3 (2239) Diplom Foto Video 15M 420. 4.13 ¦ 15-U18F 10. Moritz Nina 2001 Günsberg 9176 1:20.21,1 16.04,2 (9176) Diplom Foto Video 15F 570. 5.21 ¦ 5-WF20 --- Moroni Mélanie 1982 Corpataux-Magnedens 25132 46.04,8 ----- (25132) Diplom Foto Video --- 9.12 ¦ 15-M20 543. Mosch Andreas 1987 Füllinsdorf 14175 1:30.08,5 46.41,0 (14175) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2842. 6.00 ¦ 15-M35 141. Moschini Paolo 1979 Lausanne 7180 1:08.01,1 24.05,6 (7180) Diplom Foto Video 15M 778. 4.32 ¦ 15-M45 196. Mosele Urs 1970 Ostermundigen 3024 1:12.41,9 19.47,7 (3024) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1272. 4.50 ¦ 15-WF20 --- Moser Adelheid 1952 Spiez 27116 2:06.42,0 ----- (27116) Diplom Foto Video --- 8.26 ¦ 15-M20 455. Moser Adrian 1985 Vinelz 40221 1:20.53,9 37.26,4 (40221) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2200. 5.23 ¦ 5-WM20 --- Moser Albrecht 1945 Pieterlen 12254 46.43,2 ----- (12254) Diplom Foto Video --- 9.20 ¦ 15-F40 116. Moser Alexandra 1976 Koppigen 9177 1:22.43,5 26.39,3 (9177) Diplom Foto Video 15F 690. 5.30 ¦ 15-F45 25. Moser Aline 1969 La Chaux-de-Fonds 5185 1:11.00,3 14.25,0 (5185) Diplom Foto Video 15F 169. 4.44 ¦ 5-F20 379. Moser Andrea 1972 Hittnau 24188 35.00,1 16.49,4 (24188) Diplom Foto Video 5F 554. 7.00 ¦ 15-F40 71. Moser Balmer Mirjam 1977 Bern 9301 1:18.02,2 21.58,0 (9301) Diplom Foto Video 15F 422. 5.12 ¦ 15-M55 30. Moser Christian 1960 Schwadernau 2305 1:05.42,5 10.20,6 (2305) Diplom Foto Video 15M 575. 4.22 ¦ 5-WF20 --- Moser Claudia 1966 Ittigen 25133 48.11,4 ----- (25133) Diplom Foto Video --- 9.38 ¦ 15-M35 369. Moser Damien 1981 Biel/Bienne 9178 1:23.56,6 40.01,1 (9178) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2459. 5.35 ¦ 5-M20 201. Moser Hanspeter 1969 Hittnau 24189 29.31,2 14.18,5 (24189) Diplom Foto Video 5M 342. 5.54 ¦ 15-M20 399. Moser Kevin 1991 Tafers 6181 1:17.08,3 33.40,8 (6181) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1797. 5.08 ¦ 5-U16M 30. Moser Lars 2003 Messen 21110 25.59,2 7.27,7 (21110) Diplom Foto Video 5M 218. 5.11 ¦ 2-U14M 47. Moser Linus 2006 Thun 30026 6.02,5 1.31,5 (30026) Diplom Foto Video OV2 218. 4.18 ¦ 2-U10M 15. Moser Luca Timo 2010 Ins 34104 5.50,2 0.48,7 (34104) Diplom Foto Video OV2 163. 4.10 ¦ 2-U12F 73. Moser Lyn 2008 Erlach 33084 6.28,6 1.31,4 (33084) Diplom Foto Video OV2 341. 4.37 ¦ 5-U14M 9. Moser Manuel 2005 Koppigen 20054 21.49,5 2.49,2 (20054) Diplom Foto Video 5M 74. 4.21 ¦ 15-BF 4. Moser Marianne 1961 Seftigen 17093 1:42.21,9 36.21,6 (17093) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1590. 6.49 ¦ 5-WF20 --- Moser Marianne 1955 Messen 25134 45.20,8 ----- (25134) Diplom Foto Video --- 9.04 ¦ 15-M40 240. Moser Martin 1978 Basel 5111 1:13.16,6 22.28,2 (5111) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1341. 4.53 ¦ 15-F20 365. Moser Michèle 1986 Zürich 40222 1:33.03,4 41.54,9 (40222) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1301. 6.12 ¦ 15-U18F 16. Moser Miriam 2002 Täuffelen 17222 1:36.35,5 32.18,6 (17222) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1439. 6.26 ¦ 5-F20 284. Moser Miriam 1979 Konolfingen 22210 32.04,9 13.54,2 (22210) Diplom Foto Video 5F 440. 6.24 ¦ 15-WF20 --- Moser Nyamekye Sarah 1974 Mies 27335 2:17.06,5 ----- (27335) Diplom Foto Video --- 9.08 ¦ 15-M20 131. Moser Pascal 1993 Ried b. Kerzers 2240 1:03.25,1 19.57,6 (2240) Diplom Foto Video 15M 419. 4.13 ¦ 15-M45 336. Moser Pascal 1973 Pieterlen 8157 1:21.18,4 28.24,2 (8157) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2235. 5.25 ¦ 5-M20 19. Moser Patrick 1988 Wabern 20022 19.37,1 4.24,4 (20022) Diplom Foto Video 5M 37. 3.55 ¦ 15-F55 66. Moser Rosmarie 1963 Seftigen 15090 1:30.11,2 20.35,1 (15090) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1163. 6.00 ¦ 5-U16M 16. Moser Simon 2004 Düdingen 22258 22.33,1 4.01,6 (22258) Diplom Foto Video 5M 97. 4.30 ¦ 1-MuVaKi --- Moser Til 2013 Erlach 38060 1.59,9 ----- (38060) Diplom Foto Video MukiVaKi 90. 6.39 ¦ 15-M50 82. Moser Ulrich 1966 Lyss 3070 1:07.51,2 14.49,5 (3070) Diplom Foto Video 15M 769. 4.31 ¦ 5-F20 63. Moser Ursula 1974 Messen 21111 26.40,4 8.29,7 (21111) Diplom Foto Video 5F 158. 5.20 ¦ 1-U08F 27. Mosimann Aurélia 2011 Dombresson 37059 1.15,6 0.17,5 (37059) Diplom Foto Video OV1 86. 4.12 ¦ 2-U12F 48. Mosimann Elea 2007 Kerzers 33085 6.14,1 1.16,9 (33085) Diplom Foto Video OV2 264. 4.27 ¦ 15-M50 403. Mosimann Fritz 1967 Worben 16303 1:30.50,1 37.48,4 (16303) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2870. 6.03 ¦ 15-F55 88. Mosimann Heidi 1959 Oberstammheim 14176 1:36.09,9 26.33,8 (14176) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1416. 6.24 ¦ 15-F20 112. Mosimann Janine 1986 Winterthur 14177 1:17.18,0 26.09,5 (14177) Diplom Foto Video 15F 388. 5.09 ¦ 15-U18M 9. Mosimann Janosch 2003 Kerzers 7181 1:08.25,1 11.38,5 (7181) Diplom Foto Video 15M 811. 4.33 ¦ 15-M20 84. Mosimann Jonas 1992 Biglen 1090 59.12,1 15.44,6 (1090) Diplom Foto Video 15M 193. 3.56 ¦ 5-U16M 26. Mosimann Marius 2003 Ins 21112 24.40,8 6.09,3 (21112) Diplom Foto Video 5M 161. 4.56 ¦ 1-U08F 12. Mosimann Mila 2011 Ins 37060 1.09,3 0.11,2 (37060) Diplom Foto Video OV1 35. 3.51 ¦ 15-F20 427. Mosimann Pascale 1987 Lyss 13187 1:41.30,6 50.22,1 (13187) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1573. 6.46 ¦ 15-M60 154. Mosimann Peter 1958 Oberstammheim 13188 1:35.12,1 35.55,2 (13188) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2988. 6.20 ¦ 15-WM20 --- Mosimann Ruedi 1948 Winterthur 27343 2:00.43,9 ----- (27343) Diplom Foto Video --- 8.02 ¦ 15-F35 140. Mosimann Stéphanie 1980 Dombresson 16160 1:26.33,8 33.36,3 (16160) Diplom Foto Video 15F 944. 5.46 ¦ 2-U10F 19. Mosimann Tania 2009 Dombresson 35088 6.27,5 0.55,4 (35088) Diplom Foto Video OV2 338. 4.36 ¦ 15-M65 DNF Mosimann Walter 1952 Lyssach 8226 ----- ----- (8226) Foto Video 15M ---- ¦ 2-U14F 34. Mosimann Zoe 2006 Kerzers 31045 5.46,3 1.08,3 (31045) Diplom Foto Video OV2 144. 4.07 ¦ 15-F35 113. Mostowfi Sandra 1979 Zürich 17007 1:23.19,5 30.22,0 (17007) Diplom Foto Video 15F 734. 5.33 ¦ 15-M50 147. Mottola Salvatore 1966 Basel 10111 1:11.47,8 18.46,1 (10111) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1179. 4.47 ¦ 15-M35 DNF Moulin Xavier 1979 Martigny 47 ----- ----- (47) Foto Video 15M ---- ¦ 15-M40 222. Mouzo Martin 1978 Cormondrèche 11179 1:12.35,2 21.46,8 (11179) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1265. 4.50 ¦ 15-F20 384. Mouzo Pamela 1986 Rossemaison 16161 1:35.13,7 44.05,2 (16161) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1384. 6.20 ¦ 15-M50 411. Mudlaff Zdzislaw 1965 Rickenbach LU 17166 1:33.31,0 40.29,3 (17166) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2947. 6.14 ¦ 15-F45 166. Mühlebach Nicole 1969 Bassersdorf 13189 1:29.01,8 32.26,5 (13189) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1087. 5.56 ¦ 5-FB 2. Mühlebach Theres 1978 Bern 24002 32.00,0 0.48,0 (24002) Diplom Foto Video 5F 434. 6.24 ¦ 15-M45 353. Mühlemann Andreas 1970 Fräschels 5113 1:22.07,9 29.13,7 (5113) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2328. 5.28 ¦ 15-M45 53. Mühlethaler Kurt 1971 Herzogenbuchsee 1142 1:02.03,5 9.09,3 (1142) Diplom Foto Video 15M 334. 4.08 ¦ 15-F50 87. Mühlheim Isabelle 1968 Jouxtens-Mézery 10112 1:22.55,5 21.02,5 (10112) Diplom Foto Video 15F 709. 5.31 ¦ 15-M45 339. Mühlheim Philippe 1970 Jouxtens-Mézery 10113 1:21.32,0 28.37,8 (10113) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2255. 5.26 ¦ 15-M50 290. Muhmenthaler Rolf 1968 Täuffelen 15046 1:19.58,6 26.56,9 (15046) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2110. 5.19 ¦ 15-F45 236. Muhmenthaler Ursula 1971 Blumenstein 17167 1:43.35,3 47.00,0 (17167) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1605. 6.54 ¦ 15-F20 161. Mülhauser Nadia 1996 Düdingen 14178 1:19.59,0 28.50,5 (14178) Diplom Foto Video 15F 546. 5.19 ¦ 15-F20 86. Müller Andrea 1994 Oberdorf SO 13287 1:14.51,2 23.42,7 (13287) Diplom Foto Video 15F 290. 4.59 ¦ 15-M50 417. Müller Andreas 1964 Bern 11184 1:34.53,8 41.52,1 (11184) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2978. 6.19 ¦ 15-F35 100. Müller Anita 1980 Reinach BL 11185 1:21.47,1 28.49,6 (11185) Diplom Foto Video 15F 639. 5.27 ¦ 5-F20 67. Müller Anne 1966 Bern 21225 26.56,1 8.45,4 (21225) Diplom Foto Video 5F 167. 5.23 ¦ 15-M50 210. Müller Armin 1967 Steffisburg 9180 1:15.34,8 22.33,1 (9180) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1639. 5.02 ¦ 5-M20 262. Müller Beat 1962 Brienz BE 22117 32.31,4 17.18,7 (22117) Diplom Foto Video 5M 418. 6.30 ¦ 5-F20 42. Müller Beatrice 1965 Aeschi b. Spiez 21114 25.18,6 7.07,9 (21114) Diplom Foto Video 5F 111. 5.03 ¦ 15-F40 100. Müller-Berberat Véroni 1978 Porrentruy 15211 1:20.51,4 24.47,2 (15211) Diplom Foto Video 15F 589. 5.23 ¦ 15-MV 8. Müller Bernhard 1953 Jeuss 50105 1:16.02,7 17.44,7 (50105) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1695. 5.04 ¦ 15-M55 342. Müller Bernhard 1962 Bern 6185 1:47.25,5 52.03,6 (6185) Diplom Foto Video 15M 3163. 7.09 ¦ 15-F35 80. Müller Carmen 1980 Interlaken 6186 1:19.32,8 26.35,3 (6186) Diplom Foto Video 15F 516. 5.18 ¦ 5-U14M 57. Müller Cedric 2005 Flamatt 23125 29.31,2 10.30,9 (23125) Diplom Foto Video 5M 342. 5.54 ¦ 15-M45 455. Müller Christian 1970 Luzern 40394 1:36.03,4 43.09,2 (40394) Diplom Foto Video 15M 3006. 6.24 ¦ 5-F20 1. Müller Christine 1993 Aeschi b. Spiez 20505 18.10,7 ----- (20505) Diplom Foto Video 5F 1. 3.38 ¦ 15-M45 167. Müller Christoph 1972 Gondiswil 4180 1:10.27,1 17.32,9 (4180) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1035. 4.41 ¦ 15-F35 134. Müller Corinne 1982 Bern 13289 1:25.48,5 32.51,0 (13289) Diplom Foto Video 15F 884. 5.43 ¦ 5-M20 249. Müller Daniel 1974 Brienzwiler 24190 31.41,4 16.28,7 (24190) Diplom Foto Video 5M 404. 6.20 ¦ 15-F35 63. Müller Daniela 1980 Konolfingen 8027 1:16.44,4 23.46,9 (8027) Diplom Foto Video 15F 363. 5.06 ¦ 15-M20 170. Müller David 1990 Aarau 7185 1:05.36,7 22.09,2 (7185) Diplom Foto Video 15M 569. 4.22 ¦ 1-MuVaKi --- Müller Elliot 2014 Delley 38061 2.05,1 ----- (38061) Diplom Foto Video MukiVaKi 106. 6.57 ¦ 15-M35 197. Mueller Felix 1982 Bern 5043 1:10.50,1 26.54,6 (5043) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1079. 4.43 ¦ 5-F20 389. Müller Franziska 1969 Flamatt 23126 35.18,2 17.07,5 (23126) Diplom Foto Video 5F 564. 7.03 ¦ 2-U12M 69. Mueller Frederico 2007 Murten 41145 6.23,4 1.51,3 (41145) Diplom Foto Video OV2 312. 4.33 ¦ 15-M55 26. Müller Hans 1960 Wichtrach 3085 1:05.15,6 9.53,7 (3085) Diplom Foto Video 15M 543. 4.21 ¦ 15-M45 269. Müller Hans-Peter 1969 Kappelen 5254 1:17.02,2 24.08,0 (5254) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1790. 5.08 ¦ 15-F20 143. Müller Janine 1995 Lausanne 10193 1:19.04,7 27.56,2 (10193) Diplom Foto Video 15F 486. 5.16 ¦ 15-M40 139. Müller John 1976 Thun 3199 1:08.09,7 17.21,3 (3199) Diplom Foto Video 15M 788. 4.32 ¦ 15-M50 144. Müller Kurt 1968 Leimbach AG 6187 1:11.43,9 18.42,2 (6187) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1171. 4.46 ¦ 5-U18F 25. Müller Lea 2001 Grossaffoltern 23249 29.38,9 10.13,7 (23249) Diplom Foto Video 5F 297. 5.55 ¦ 15-M65 46. Müller Lorenz 1952 Biel/Bienne 40224 1:22.25,4 19.42,7 (40224) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2352. 5.29 ¦ 15-M50 118. Müller Markus 1966 Biel/Bienne 3200 1:10.16,9 17.15,2 (3200) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1017. 4.41 ¦ 5-M20 291. Müller Markus 1970 Flamatt 23127 35.18,1 20.05,4 (23127) Diplom Foto Video 5M 456. 7.03 ¦ 15-WM20 --- Müller Martin 1972 Porrentruy 27242 2:12.19,1 ----- (27242) Diplom Foto Video --- 8.49 ¦ 15-M40 64. Müller Matthias 1977 Zofingen 2242 1:03.35,2 12.46,8 (2242) Diplom Foto Video 15M 435. 4.14 ¦ 15-M20 324. Müller Micha 1995 Uetendorf 13190 1:13.39,8 30.12,3 (13190) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1403. 4.54 ¦ 5-WF20 --- Müller Mirjam 1982 Münchenstein 40225 53.31,7 ----- (40225) Diplom Foto Video --- 10.42 ¦ 15-F35 93. Müller Nadia 1979 Mörigen 8028 1:21.01,3 28.03,8 (8028) Diplom Foto Video 15F 601. 5.24 ¦ 2-U10M 62. Müller Nico Loic 2009 Brünisried 34106 6.23,8 1.22,3 (34106) Diplom Foto Video OV2 318. 4.34 ¦ 2-U10M 80. Müller Noah 2010 Delley 34107 6.36,0 1.34,5 (34107) Diplom Foto Video OV2 381. 4.42 ¦ 15-M20 502. Müller Patrik 1987 Steffisburg 16162 1:25.15,3 41.47,8 (16162) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2551. 5.41 ¦ 15-M60 148. Müller Peter 1958 Langnau i. E. 16018 1:33.27,2 34.10,3 (16018) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2943. 6.13 ¦ 15-M55 193. Müller Peter 1962 Lyss 5160 1:20.39,8 25.17,9 (5160) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2183. 5.22 ¦ 15-F45 231. Müller Petra 1969 Aeschi b. Spiez 12214 1:41.36,5 45.01,2 (12214) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1575. 6.46 ¦ 15-F40 160. Müller Petra 1974 Langnau i. E. 13304 1:26.13,3 30.09,1 (13304) Diplom Foto Video 15F 913. 5.44 ¦ 15-M50 223. Müller Philippe 1965 Langenthal 6311 1:16.44,5 23.42,8 (6311) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1767. 5.06 ¦ 2-U10M 131. Müller Quentin 2009 Brienzwiler 34108 7.15,9 2.14,4 (34108) Diplom Foto Video OV2 565. 5.11 ¦ 15-F50 82. Müller Renate 1967 Mühleberg 11187 1:22.07,7 20.14,7 (11187) Diplom Foto Video 15F 661. 5.28 ¦ 15-M20 332. Muller Romain 1984 Nyon 6183 1:13.53,8 30.26,3 (6183) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1441. 4.55 ¦ 5-M20 206. Müller Romuald 1978 Delley 22014 29.43,5 14.30,8 (22014) Diplom Foto Video 5M 351. 5.56 ¦ 15-WM20 --- Müller Ruedi 1948 Finsterhennen 27125 2:07.46,8 ----- (27125) Diplom Foto Video --- 8.31 ¦ 15-F20 295. Müller Sabine 1986 Fribourg 14180 1:28.05,8 36.57,3 (14180) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1032. 5.52 ¦ 5-U20F 7. Müller Sandra 2000 Aeschi b. Spiez 20537 21.37,0 3.07,3 (20537) Diplom Foto Video 5F 34. 4.19 ¦ 15-M20 71. Müller Stefan 1987 Wichtrach 1225 58.04,3 14.36,8 (1225) Diplom Foto Video 15M 139. 3.52 ¦ 5-F20 104. Müller-Steiner Eliane 1982 St. Gallen 22247 28.14,4 10.03,7 (22247) Diplom Foto Video 5F 222. 5.38 ¦ 15-F40 60. Müller Susanne 1977 Herzogenbuchsee 8056 1:16.43,8 20.39,6 (8056) Diplom Foto Video 15F 362. 5.06 ¦ 1-MuVaKi --- Müller Yann Raphael 2013 Fribourg 38062 2.11,6 ----- (38062) Diplom Foto Video MukiVaKi 121. 7.18 ¦ 15-M20 7. Mulu Maweu 1992 KEN-Kenia 5 45.21,0 1.53,5 (5) Diplom Foto Video 15M 9. 3.01 ¦ 15-F55 31. Mumenthaler Elisabeth 1963 Gals 8268 1:20.46,2 11.10,1 (8268) Diplom Foto Video 15F 582. 5.23 ¦ 15-M20 329. Mumenthaler Martin 1987 Rohrbach 7182 1:13.51,5 30.24,0 (7182) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1435. 4.55 ¦ 15-M60 48. Münger-Stuker Roland 1957 Jegenstorf 5206 1:15.28,2 16.11,3 (5206) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1624. 5.01 ¦ 15-M50 349. Munoz Alfonso 1967 Le Mont-sur-Lausanne 8206 1:24.08,0 31.06,3 (8206) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2474. 5.36 ¦ 2-U10F 88. Munz Lena 2009 Kerzers 35089 7.20,8 1.48,7 (35089) Diplom Foto Video OV2 584. 5.14 ¦ 5-U20F 23. Mura Lorina 2000 Salavaux 23061 31.20,2 12.50,5 (23061) Diplom Foto Video 5F 393. 6.16 ¦ 5-U16M 22. Muralt Alex 2004 Zollikofen 22212 23.28,1 4.56,6 (22212) Diplom Foto Video 5M 127. 4.41 ¦ 5-F20 469. Muralt Alexandra 1997 Gurmels 24217 41.54,8 23.44,1 (24217) Diplom Foto Video 5F 657. 8.22 ¦ 5-U14M 14. Muralt Luca 2006 Zollikofen 22213 22.30,7 3.30,4 (22213) Diplom Foto Video 5M 95. 4.30 ¦ 5-U18M 27. Muralt Patrick 2001 Gurmels 24156 33.39,4 17.00,8 (24156) Diplom Foto Video 5M 435. 6.43 ¦ 15-M50 284. Muralt Thomas 1968 Zollikofen 7183 1:19.42,4 26.40,7 (7183) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2082. 5.18 ¦ 15-F20 253. Muri Manuela 1986 Tennwil 12153 1:25.33,2 34.24,7 (12153) Diplom Foto Video 15F 864. 5.42 ¦ 15-WF20 --- Muri Marianne 1955 Seon 27164 2:11.34,7 ----- (27164) Diplom Foto Video --- 8.46 ¦ 1-MuVaKi --- Mürner David 2013 Huttwil 38063 1.54,3 ----- (38063) Diplom Foto Video MukiVaKi 66. 6.21 ¦ 15-M45 282. Mürner Matthias 1973 Huttwil 14181 1:17.45,8 24.51,6 (14181) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1878. 5.11 ¦ 1-U08M 30. Mürner Micha 2011 Huttwil 36033 1.13,6 0.18,1 (36033) Diplom Foto Video OV1 67. 4.05 ¦ 2-U10M 163. Mürner Simon 2009 Huttwil 34109 8.15,8 3.14,3 (34109) Diplom Foto Video OV2 676. 5.54 ¦ 1-U07M 30. Murri Jaron 2012 Muntelier 36548 1.22,9 0.20,8 (36548) Diplom Foto Video OV1 154. 4.36 ¦ 15-M40 464. Musolino Fabien 1974 Rochefort 6184 1:33.25,7 42.37,3 (6184) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2942. 6.13 ¦ 15-F20 278. Musset Delphine 1987 Bulle 15209 1:27.12,9 36.04,4 (15209) Diplom Foto Video 15F 974. 5.48 ¦ 2-U14F 43. Mustafa Leona 2006 Kerzers 31047 5.56,2 1.18,2 (31047) Diplom Foto Video OV2 193. 4.14 ¦ 5-F20 316. Muster Carine 1978 Montalchez 23062 32.49,2 14.38,5 (23062) Diplom Foto Video 5F 478. 6.33 ¦ 1-U07F 5. Muster Elizabeth 2012 Montalchez 37540 1.11,9 0.08,6 (37540) Diplom Foto Video OV1 58. 3.59 ¦ 5-U16F 34. Muster Johanna 2004 Montalchez 21113 26.43,4 7.31,7 (21113) Diplom Foto Video 5F 160. 5.20 ¦ 1-MuVaKi --- Muster Judith 2014 Montalchez 39060 2.33,4 ----- (39060) Diplom Foto Video MukiVaKi 173. 8.31 ¦ 5-U14F 42. Muster Victoria 2008 Montalchez 23063 30.53,2 10.33,7 (23063) Diplom Foto Video 5F 362. 6.10 ¦ 5-WF20 --- Muston Jacqueline 1944 La Tour-de-Peilz 25135 55.37,3 ----- (25135) Diplom Foto Video --- 11.07 ¦ 15-F45 111. Musy Nicole 1973 Zürich 11181 1:23.13,0 26.37,7 (11181) Diplom Foto Video 15F 729. 5.32 ¦ 15-M75 11. Musy Pierre 1943 Ste-Croix 12255 1:31.15,6 14.46,7 (12255) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2881. 6.05 ¦ 5-M20 296. Musy Pierre 1938 Corcelles-près-Payer 24155 36.07,7 20.55,0 (24155) Diplom Foto Video 5M 463. 7.13 ¦ 15-M20 5. Mutie Tom 1994 KEN-Kenia 2 44.54,1 1.26,6 (2) Diplom Foto Video 15M 7. 2.59 ¦ 2-U12M 66. Mutti Ethan 2008 Bottens 32072 6.19,0 1.46,9 (32072) Diplom Foto Video OV2 292. 4.30 ¦ 2-U10F 123. Mutti Lily 2010 Bottens 35090 8.06,1 2.34,0 (35090) Diplom Foto Video OV2 668. 5.47 ¦ 15-M20 374. Muzalyev Andriy 1989 Carouge GE 15047 1:15.45,5 32.18,0 (15047) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1661. 5.03 ¦ 15-M55 292. Muzalyev Oleksiy 1962 Carouge GE 11182 1:30.37,6 35.15,7 (11182) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2860. 6.02 ¦ 5-F20 135. Muzenga Estelle 1988 Bern 22114 28.51,1 10.40,4 (22114) Diplom Foto Video 5F 258. 5.46 ¦ 1-MuVaKi --- Mwagandi Amir 2014 Düdingen 38064 1.48,9 ----- (38064) Diplom Foto Video MukiVaKi 55. 6.03 ¦ 1-U07F 46. Mwagandi Jamila 2012 Düdingen 37541 1.30,0 0.26,7 (37541) Diplom Foto Video OV1 218. 5.00 ¦ 2-U12F 91. Mwagandi Malaika 2007 Düdingen 33087 6.53,2 1.56,0 (33087) Diplom Foto Video OV2 455. 4.55 ¦
Total 678
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