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(23) Grand Masters

2017 Absa Cape Epic - Prologue: Meerendal - (23) Grand Masters

¦ Cape Epic pos name country rider 1 rider 2 time back bib overall ¦ result ¦ total pos num ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Meerendal CBC 3 Switzerland / Austria Bucher Barti Zoerweg Heinz 1:16.11,9 ----- (67) Teams 42. ¦ 1:16.11,9 ¦ 1:16.11,9 1. (1) 2. ABSA Bus Boys South Africa Anderson Greg Kruger Deon 1:20.10,4 3.58,5 (304) Teams 73. ¦ 1:20.10,4 ¦ 1:20.10,4 2. (1) 3. ALAIN - KAPPIUS France Broglia Alain Morra Alain 1:22.21,4 6.09,5 (130) Teams 99. ¦ 1:22.21,4 ¦ 1:22.21,4 3. (1) 4. Bestmed Jaguar Sandton South Africa Benson Rex Mapstone Rory 1:25.13,7 9.01,8 (312) Teams 131. ¦ 1:25.13,7 ¦ 1:25.13,7 4. (1) 5. Holte MTB Club Denmark Hansen Bo Falck Kristiansen Carsten 1:25.29,5 9.17,6 (291) Teams 139. ¦ 1:25.29,5 ¦ 1:25.29,5 5. (1) 6. Pitstop1Sport24hrs South Africa Baker Waleed Nel Marius 1:28.35,0 12.23,1 (342) Teams 181. ¦ 1:28.35,0 ¦ 1:28.35,0 6. (1) 7. Lesotho-Friends Switzerland / South Afric Hofmann Thomas Stoessel Frank 1:29.44,2 13.32,3 (164) Teams 202. ¦ 1:29.44,2 ¦ 1:29.44,2 7. (1) 8. Sputnik Switzerland Guido Peter Borer Wyss Thomas 1:29.56,3 13.44,4 (388) Teams 207. ¦ 1:29.56,3 ¦ 1:29.56,3 8. (1) 9. Cape Airconditioning South Africa La Grange Landon Winn Peter 1:30.34,5 14.22,6 (594) Teams 221. ¦ 1:30.34,5 ¦ 1:30.34,5 9. (1) 10. PitstopSport24hrs3 South Africa Mahomed Ahmed Zaid Osman Dawood 1:31.38,7 15.26,8 (483) Teams 245. ¦ 1:31.38,7 ¦ 1:31.38,7 10. (1) 11. Gutta Boyz Norway Tollefsen Ivar Hilde Trond 1:32.16,6 16.04,7 (412) Teams 262. ¦ 1:32.16,6 ¦ 1:32.16,6 11. (1) 12. Buffon Luxembourg / Belgium Guebenne Richard Brasseur Vincent 1:32.39,3 16.27,4 (184) Teams 268. ¦ 1:32.39,3 ¦ 1:32.39,3 12. (1) 13. Alchemist-Mountain Flyer United States of America Bliss John Davis Joel 1:32.41,9 16.30,0 (75) Teams 271. ¦ 1:32.41,9 ¦ 1:32.41,9 13. (1) 14. Vilacons/Gaes Spain Dominguez Casas David Rodríguez Barón Dídac 1:33.36,8 17.24,9 (410) Teams 280. ¦ 1:33.36,8 ¦ 1:33.36,8 14. (1) 15. The Big Roll South Africa Payne Nigel Payne Adrian 1:34.03,6 17.51,7 (353) Teams 288. ¦ 1:34.03,6 ¦ 1:34.03,6 15. (1) 16. BH South Africa South Africa Wilson Ray Augoustides Mike 1:34.22,3 18.10,4 (313) Teams 293. ¦ 1:34.22,3 ¦ 1:34.22,3 16. (1) 17. XTRASPACE Goosebury South Africa Goosen Colin Hanbury Dave 1:35.44,1 19.32,2 (538) Teams 317. ¦ 1:35.44,1 ¦ 1:35.44,1 17. (1) 18. Pedal Damn It Belgium Verbeke Renaat De Meyer Jozef 1:36.14,7 20.02,8 (481) Teams 329. ¦ 1:36.14,7 ¦ 1:36.14,7 18. (1) 19. Best Mates USA / South Africa Hawkins Richard Pinnock Geoff 1:36.16,8 20.04,9 (309) Teams 330. ¦ 1:36.16,8 ¦ 1:36.16,8 19. (1) 20. Challenge Spain Grau Gomar Marc Carreras Victor 1:36.42,4 20.30,5 (101) Teams 340. ¦ 1:36.42,4 ¦ 1:36.42,4 20. (1) 21. Meerendal CBC Songo Switzerland Alig Giusep Meier Matthaeus 1:37.19,2 21.07,3 (433) Teams 357. ¦ 1:37.19,2 ¦ 1:37.19,2 21. (1) 22. Gruppo Sportivo Switzerland Denzler Reto Sterf Markus 1:37.38,9 21.27,0 (283) Teams 363. ¦ 1:37.38,9 ¦ 1:37.38,9 22. (1) 23. Speedneedle-Campana Germany Sommerfeld Markus Agrusta Domenico 1:37.41,5 21.29,6 (572) Teams 365. ¦ 1:37.41,5 ¦ 1:37.41,5 23. (1) 24. Gicate Bike Team 2 Angola / Portugal Moniz Luis Sousa Campos Pedro 1:37.56,0 21.44,1 (575) Teams 371. ¦ 1:37.56,0 ¦ 1:37.56,0 24. (1) 25. AQP Kool Peru Fioretto Roberto Soto Jose 1:39.19,1 23.07,2 (154) Teams 386. ¦ 1:39.19,1 ¦ 1:39.19,1 25. (1) 26. OK Norway Skjetne Olve Aas Kjartan 1:39.37,5 23.25,6 (203) Teams 392. ¦ 1:39.37,5 ¦ 1:39.37,5 26. (1) 27. Woolworths Standard Bank South Africa Buddle Ralph Reaper Michael 1:39.59,5 23.47,6 (647) Teams 398. ¦ 1:39.59,5 ¦ 1:39.59,5 27. (1) 28. Woolworths Accenture South Africa Mchendrie Craig Brown Steven 1:40.23,6 24.11,7 (646) Teams 402. ¦ 1:40.23,6 ¦ 1:40.23,6 28. (1) 29. Simply Store South Africa Kaiser Bruce Peirone Gavin 1:40.48,8 24.36,9 (487) Teams 408. ¦ 1:40.48,8 ¦ 1:40.48,8 29. (1) 30. Young Guns South Africa Meyers Bruce Jacobs James 1:40.50,2 24.38,3 (416) Teams 409. ¦ 1:40.50,2 ¦ 1:40.50,2 30. (1) 31. Qhubeka Bermuda Bermuda / South Africa Swart Charles Maguire Sean 1:41.03,8 24.51,9 (111) Teams 410. ¦ 1:41.03,8 ¦ 1:41.03,8 31. (1) 32. Atlantic Alliance USA / England Burke David Morgan Hugh 1:41.15,1 25.03,2 (558) Teams 414. ¦ 1:41.15,1 ¦ 1:41.15,1 32. (1) 33. Worrydego South Africa De Wet Wouter Hugo Barry 1:41.15,7 25.03,8 (655) Teams 415. ¦ 1:41.15,7 ¦ 1:41.15,7 33. (1) 34. Class of 84 South Africa Du Preez Pieter Coetsee Dirk 1:41.43,8 25.31,9 (317) Teams 426. ¦ 1:41.43,8 ¦ 1:41.43,8 34. (1) 35. Europcar Portugal Damas Jorge Moura Paulo Manuel Dio 1:41.55,4 25.43,5 (250) Teams 428. ¦ 1:41.55,4 ¦ 1:41.55,4 35. (1) 36. Let's Roc SA England Smith Neil Hughes Gary 1:43.11,0 26.59,1 (409) Teams 447. ¦ 1:43.11,0 ¦ 1:43.11,0 36. (1) 37. SAPower South Africa Vernede Scip Wright Andy 1:43.50,5 27.38,6 (520) Teams 456. ¦ 1:43.50,5 ¦ 1:43.50,5 37. (1) 38. Halo United States of America Cadieux Kevin Braun Paul 1:44.14,7 28.02,8 (622) Teams 460. ¦ 1:44.14,7 ¦ 1:44.14,7 38. (1) 39. Gauchos Argentina Ramirez Nole Omar Anto Gonzalez Martin 1:44.33,0 28.21,1 (272) Teams 465. ¦ 1:44.33,0 ¦ 1:44.33,0 39. (1) 40. Old Cranks USA / Canada Talbert Michael Mccallum Lenard Scott 1:44.35,0 28.23,1 (463) Teams 466. ¦ 1:44.35,0 ¦ 1:44.35,0 40. (1) 41. Mesclats France Migliorini Eric Lagiscarde Philippe 1:45.00,5 28.48,6 (439) Teams 474. ¦ 1:45.00,5 ¦ 1:45.00,5 41. (1) 42. Bizfind South Africa Coetzee Chris Van der Vyver Willie 1:45.02,6 28.50,7 (248) Teams 476. ¦ 1:45.02,6 ¦ 1:45.02,6 42. (1) 43. CC Crushers South Africa Crous Carl Visser Joe 1:46.10,6 29.58,7 (316) Teams 490. ¦ 1:46.10,6 ¦ 1:46.10,6 43. (1) 44. Curry Racing Germany / Austria Rudolf Jan-Peter Vinczencz Georg 1:46.26,5 30.14,6 (212) Teams 492. ¦ 1:46.26,5 ¦ 1:46.26,5 44. (1) 45. Meerendal CBC 6 Switzerland Anneler Albert Schatzmann Andreas 1:46.31,1 30.19,2 (434) Teams 494. ¦ 1:46.31,1 ¦ 1:46.31,1 45. (1) 46. Sergeant Hardy South Africa Foulkes Oscar Viljoen Piet 1:46.57,2 30.45,3 (350) Teams 500. ¦ 1:46.57,2 ¦ 1:46.57,2 46. (1) 47. Darling Meat South Africa Van der Merwe Wydeman Kriel Stephen 1:47.07,8 30.55,9 (219) Teams 508. ¦ 1:47.07,8 ¦ 1:47.07,8 47. (1) 48. SA's 1st bike shop - 1897 South Africa Verwayen Ian Menzies Max 1:47.29,4 31.17,5 (246) Teams 510. ¦ 1:47.29,4 ¦ 1:47.29,4 48. (1) 49. 47 & 57 South Africa Steyn Charles Van Rensburg Piet 1:49.32,9 33.21,0 (391) Teams 538. ¦ 1:49.32,9 ¦ 1:49.32,9 49. (1) 50. Lakeside Software South Africa Coleman Tony Boyce Don 1:49.41,3 33.29,4 (398) Teams 542. ¦ 1:49.41,3 ¦ 1:49.41,3 50. (1) 51. Intelichem Grand Masters South Africa Mostert Johan Mostert Marius 1:49.42,9 33.31,0 (298) Teams 543. ¦ 1:49.42,9 ¦ 1:49.42,9 51. (1) 52. SA Truck Bodies South Africa Botha Dirk Samuel Du Toit Frans 1:50.12,6 34.00,7 (347) Teams 549. ¦ 1:50.12,6 ¦ 1:50.12,6 52. (1) 53. Fatboys South Africa Coetzer Fanus Du Plessis Andre 1:51.08,5 34.56,6 (96) Teams 559. ¦ 1:51.08,5 ¦ 1:51.08,5 53. (1) 54. Old Friends South Africa Kuehnemann Claas Oertel George 1:51.36,4 35.24,5 (464) Teams 566. ¦ 1:51.36,4 ¦ 1:51.36,4 54. (1) 55. Assos Switzerland / USA Duff Philip Radamus Aldo 1:52.32,4 36.20,5 (44) Teams 577. ¦ 1:52.32,4 ¦ 1:52.32,4 55. (1) 56. World Famous Salty Balls Scotland / Wales Hodgson Andy Salt Stephen 1:53.29,9 37.18,0 (654) Teams 586. ¦ 1:53.29,9 ¦ 1:53.29,9 56. (1) 57. Prospect Visuals England / Hong Kong Laight Simon Laight Matthew 1:53.47,3 37.35,4 (383) Teams 589. ¦ 1:53.47,3 ¦ 1:53.47,3 57. (1) 58. Hope England Hughes Norman Allison Paul 1:54.28,0 38.16,1 (292) Teams 592. ¦ 1:54.28,0 ¦ 1:54.28,0 58. (1) 59. Willehonde South Africa Gouws Chris Kritzinger Cobus 1:55.55,9 39.44,0 (635) Teams 602. ¦ 1:55.55,9 ¦ 1:55.55,9 59. (1) 60. Gemini ASD Italy Cardin Giorgio Matellicani Andrea 2:07.52,8 51.40,9 (274) Teams 644. ¦ 2:07.52,8 ¦ 2:07.52,8 60. (1) 61. Mustek South Africa Gomes Wade Mann Peter 2:12.11,6 55.59,7 (251) Teams 650. ¦ 2:12.11,6 ¦ 2:12.11,6 61. (1) 62. Take 2 South Africa Shannon Nigel Brink Paul 2:23.21,8 1:07.09,9 (550) Teams 656. ¦ 2:23.21,8 ¦ 2:23.21,8 62. (1)

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