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2017 Absa Cape Epic - Prologue: Meerendal - country "USA"

category pos name county rider 1 rider 2 time back bib overall ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rider 1294. Alexander Janet USA-United States of America Alexander Janet Bowskill Jon 2:08.18,4 1:06.26,2 (171-1) All 1300. Rider 1155. Araujo Kathryn USA-United States of America Araujo Kathryn Mclaughlin Jake 1:52.38,0 50.45,8 (566-1) All 1159. Rider 603. Baeza Gabriel USA-United States of America Baeza Gabriel Maund Chris 1:35.12,6 33.20,4 (413-1) All 605. Rider 287. Beloni Reid USA-United States of America Chambers John Beloni Reid 1:25.52,1 23.59,9 (211-2) All 288. Rider 30. Bishop Jeremiah USA-United States of America Kleinhans Erik Bishop Jeremiah 1:06.54,3 5.02,1 (15-2) All 30. Rider 541. Bliss John USA-United States of America Bliss John Davis Joel 1:32.41,8 30.49,6 (75-1) All 542. Rider 919. Braun Paul USA-United States of America Cadieux Kevin Braun Paul 1:44.14,6 42.22,4 (622-2) All 922. Rider 829. Burke David USA-United States of America Burke David Morgan Hugh 1:41.15,0 39.22,8 (558-1) All 832. Rider 919. Cadieux Kevin USA-United States of America Cadieux Kevin Braun Paul 1:44.14,6 42.22,4 (622-1) All 922. Rider 1112. Calimano Chris USA-United States of America Calimano Chris Edwards James 1:50.50,5 48.58,3 (103-1) All 1115. Rider 770. Campbell Colin USA-United States of America Campbell Colin Holland Christopher 1:39.16,2 37.24,0 (190-1) All 773. Rider 229. Cobb Bradley USA-United States of America Cobb Bradley Williams Carla 1:23.48,0 21.55,8 (449-1) All 230. Rider 539. Dannelley Mary USA-United States of America Dannelley Mary Dannelley Mike 1:32.40,9 30.48,7 (453-1) All 540. Rider 539. Dannelley Mike USA-United States of America Dannelley Mary Dannelley Mike 1:32.40,9 30.48,7 (453-2) All 540. Rider 542. Davis Joel USA-United States of America Bliss John Davis Joel 1:32.41,9 30.49,7 (75-2) All 543. Rider 717. Eastlund Alan USA-United States of America Ishaug Kevin Eastlund Alan 1:37.22,1 35.29,9 (265-2) All 720. Rider 1079. Egues Randy USA-United States of America Egues Randy Negas Daniel 1:49.36,2 47.44,0 (428-1) All 1082. Rider 674. Fass Jason USA-United States of America Pane Justin Fass Jason 1:36.34,5 34.42,3 (257-2) All 677. Rider 309. Geiskopf Jeffrey USA-United States of America Geiskopf Jeffrey Pritchett David 1:26.46,5 24.54,3 (602-1) All 310. Rider 33. Grotts Howard USA-United States of America Cesar Montoya Paolo Grotts Howard 1:07.15,3 5.23,1 (19-2) All 33. Rider 660. Hawkins Richard USA-United States of America Hawkins Richard Pinnock Geoff 1:36.16,8 34.24,6 (309-1) All 663. Rider 54. Hincapie George USA-United States of America Evans Cadel Hincapie George 1:10.52,8 9.00,6 (63-2) All 54. Rider 771. Holland Christopher USA-United States of America Campbell Colin Holland Christopher 1:39.16,6 37.24,4 (190-2) All 774. Rider 718. Ishaug Kevin USA-United States of America Ishaug Kevin Eastlund Alan 1:37.22,7 35.30,5 (265-1) All 721. Rider 665. Lebovitz Stephen USA-United States of America Lebovitz Stephen Swenka Ben 1:36.18,9 34.26,7 (150-1) All 668. Rider 605. Maund Chris USA-United States of America Baeza Gabriel Maund Chris 1:35.13,3 33.21,1 (413-2) All 607. Rider 1155. Mclaughlin Jake USA-United States of America Araujo Kathryn Mclaughlin Jake 1:52.38,0 50.45,8 (566-2) All 1159. Rider 1080. Negas Daniel USA-United States of America Egues Randy Negas Daniel 1:49.36,5 47.44,3 (428-2) All 1083. Rider 466. Ordonez Ricardo USA-United States of America Arango Felix Andres Ordonez Ricardo 1:31.11,9 29.19,7 (197-2) All 467. Rider 675. Pane Justin USA-United States of America Pane Justin Fass Jason 1:36.34,7 34.42,5 (257-1) All 678. Rider 1280. Petervary Tracey USA-United States of America Seaburg Mark Petervary Tracey 2:06.34,0 1:04.41,8 (514-2) All 1286. Rider 310. Pritchett David USA-United States of America Geiskopf Jeffrey Pritchett David 1:26.46,7 24.54,5 (602-2) All 311. Rider 1168. Pulford Adam USA-United States of America Hughes Peter Pulford Adam 1:53.22,8 51.30,6 (210-2) All 1172. Rider 1154. Radamus Aldo USA-United States of America Duff Philip Radamus Aldo 1:52.32,1 50.39,9 (44-2) All 1158. Rider 886. Rake Scott USA-United States of America Salman Jordan Rake Scott 1:43.00,2 41.08,0 (147-2) All 889. Rider 887. Salman Jordan USA-United States of America Salman Jordan Rake Scott 1:43.00,9 41.08,7 (147-1) All 890. Rider 1279. Seaburg Mark USA-United States of America Seaburg Mark Petervary Tracey 2:06.33,8 1:04.41,6 (514-1) All 1285. Rider 1021. Seiberling William USA-United States of America Seiberling William Zartman Daniel 1:47.35,0 45.42,8 (223-1) All 1024. Rider 666. Swenka Ben USA-United States of America Lebovitz Stephen Swenka Ben 1:36.19,4 34.27,2 (150-2) All 669. Rider 931. Talbert Michael USA-United States of America Talbert Michael Mccallum Lenard Scott 1:44.34,5 42.42,3 (463-1) All 934. Rider 565. Thornton Anthony USA-United States of America Thornton Anthony Watkins Garren D 1:33.41,9 31.49,7 (505-1) All 566. Rider 565. Watkins Garren D USA-United States of America Thornton Anthony Watkins Garren D 1:33.41,9 31.49,7 (505-2) All 566. Rider 230. Williams Carla USA-United States of America Cobb Bradley Williams Carla 1:23.48,2 21.56,0 (449-2) All 231. Rider 1022. Zartman Daniel USA-United States of America Seiberling William Zartman Daniel 1:47.35,4 45.43,2 (223-2) All 1025.
total 44

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