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1,4 km Overall

39. Kerzerslauf 2017 - 1,4 km Overall

Ränge: 501-1000 (6.51,5)
Rang Name Jg Land Ort Team Zeit Rückstand Stnr Kat/Rang Schnitt ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 501. Balmer Amélie Noé 2007 Galmiz 6.51,5 2.31,3 (33002) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 96. 4.53 501. Campbell Yanis 2008 Kerzers 6.51,5 2.31,3 (34018) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 95. 4.53 503. Morand Alicia 2008 Court Les Morands 6.51,8 2.31,6 (35092) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 56. 4.54 504. Schädler Kiara 2007 Binningen 6.52,0 2.31,8 (33090) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 97. 4.54 505. Belk Lena Mari 2007 Kerzers 4b Kerzers 6.52,3 2.32,1 (33006) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 98. 4.54 506. Kauer Jan-Jakob 2009 Fribourg 6.53,0 2.32,8 (34060) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 96. 4.55 506. Remund Elena 2008 Rizenbach 6.53,0 2.32,8 (35105) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 57. 4.55 506. Simon Emilie 2008 Münchenbuchsee 6.53,0 2.32,8 (35123) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 57. 4.55 509. Knupp Alissa 2007 Ulmiz 4. Klasse Ulmiz 6.54,1 2.33,9 (33051) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 99. 4.55 510. Aegerter Annina 2008 Langenthal 6.54,2 2.34,0 (35003) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 59. 4.55 511. Gerber Lauri 2009 Kerzers 6.54,6 2.34,4 (34040) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 97. 4.56 512. Hostettler Cedric Yves 2008 Fräschels 6.54,8 2.34,6 (34054) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 98. 4.56 513. Goebel Anna 2008 Jeuss 6.55,1 2.34,9 (41027) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 60. 4.56 514. Kocher Leah 2009 Münchenwiler 6.55,3 2.35,1 (35071) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 61. 4.56 515. Berger Tobias 2008 Belp 6.55,7 2.35,5 (34006) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 99. 4.56 516. Bracher Lia 2008 Bäriswil BE 6.56,8 2.36,6 (41111) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 62. 4.57 516. Ratter Jeremi 2009 Bern 6.56,8 2.36,6 (34095) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 100. 4.57 516. Schafer Laura 2006 Schmitten FR 6.56,8 2.36,6 (33091) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 100. 4.57 519. Bajramoski Nijas 2006 Kerzers Klasse 5a 6.57,0 2.36,8 (32005) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 118. 4.57 520. Brunschwiler Emily 2006 Niederscherli 6.58,5 2.38,3 (33011) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 101. 4.58 521. Lehmann Leona 2009 Agriswil 6.59,0 2.38,8 (35081) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 63. 4.59 521. Pedrazzoli Nayeli 2009 Muntelier Campus Heprolino 6.59,0 2.38,8 (35099) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 63. 4.59 523. Ten Busch Benjamin 2008 Kerzers 6.59,2 2.39,0 (34121) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 101. 4.59 524. Salai Leon 2009 Schmitten FR 7.00,0 2.39,8 (34104) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 102. 5.00 525. Brandenberger John 2005 Laupen BE Schule Kriechenwil 7.00,1 2.39,9 (41103) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 61. 5.00 526. Beluli Azem 2007 Kerzers 4. Klasse Kerzers 7.00,3 2.40,1 (32009) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 119. 5.00 527. Steffen Tabea 2006 Lengnau BE 7.00,5 2.40,3 (33108) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 102. 5.00 528. Simon Lisa 2006 Münchenbuchsee 7.00,9 2.40,7 (33106) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 103. 5.00 529. Marti Lynn 2008 Oberwangen b. Bern 7.01,0 2.40,8 (35088) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 65. 5.00 530. Binggeli Fiona 2008 Belp 7.01,8 2.41,6 (35011) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 66. 5.01 530. Gattlen Zoë 2009 Thun 7.01,8 2.41,6 (35046) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 66. 5.01 532. Vallotton Lucie 2008 Wabern 7.01,9 2.41,7 (35152) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 68. 5.01 533. Aubry Phileas 2009 Kerzers 7.02,2 2.42,0 (34002) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 103. 5.01 534. Kolly Manon 2008 Belp 7.02,6 2.42,4 (35073) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 69. 5.01 534. Lettens Felix 2009 Kerzers 7.02,6 2.42,4 (41116) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 104. 5.01 536. Frank Florina 2008 Kerzers 7.03,7 2.43,5 (35040) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 70. 5.02 536. Joye Camille 2009 Vallon 7.03,7 2.43,5 (35067) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 70. 5.02 538. Testa Alessia 2005 Kerzers 7.04,7 2.44,5 (31069) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 80. 5.03 539. Stooss Jana Ina 2007 Wileroltigen 7.04,8 2.44,6 (33110) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 104. 5.03 540. Bruins Cristian 2008 Golaten 7.05,0 2.44,8 (34014) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 105. 5.03 541. Cossa Océane 2008 Le Locle 7.05,2 2.45,0 (35026) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 72. 5.03 542. Okle Lars 2009 Köniz 7.05,8 2.45,6 (34146) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 106. 5.04 542. Wittwer Varinia 2007 Galmiz 7.05,8 2.45,6 (33125) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 105. 5.04 544. Schlup Maurice 2006 Kerzers 4. Klasse Kerzers 7.06,1 2.45,9 (32105) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 120. 5.04 545. Bichsel Sarah 2008 Neuenegg 7.06,4 2.46,2 (35010) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 73. 5.04 546. Mosimann Elea 2007 Kerzers 7.06,6 2.46,4 (33069) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 106. 5.04 547. Frutiger Alexis 2007 Le Landeron 7.06,7 2.46,5 (32139) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 121. 5.04 548. Leuenberger Tanja 2007 Salvenach 7.06,9 2.46,7 (33057) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 107. 5.04 549. Amstutz Tobias 2007 Kerzers 7.07,2 2.47,0 (32002) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 122. 5.05 550. Keller Ursina 2009 Detligen KTV Radelfingen 7.07,8 2.47,6 (35149) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 74. 5.05 551. Ineichen Swen 2005 Bulle 7.07,9 2.47,7 (41034) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 62. 5.05 552. Saffore Cynthia 2008 Fribourg 7.08,4 2.48,2 (35113) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 75. 5.06 553. Fercher Ben 2009 Ulmiz 7.08,5 2.48,3 (34031) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 107. 5.06 554. Jost Lionel 2009 Glis 7.08,7 2.48,5 (34058) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 108. 5.06 555. Notz Fabrizia 2008 Kerzers 7.09,5 2.49,3 (35096) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 76. 5.06 556. Correia Cardoso Cindy 2005 Kerzers 7.09,7 2.49,5 (41009) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 81. 5.06 556. Spycher Matys 2007 Delley 7.09,7 2.49,5 (32114) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 123. 5.06 558. Schwab Aline 2007 Fräschels 7.10,1 2.49,9 (33100) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 108. 5.07 559. Imperatori Mara Lia 2009 Zollikofen Imperatoris 7.10,3 2.50,1 (35063) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 77. 5.07 560. Gerbex Abel 2006 Yverdon-les-Bains 7.10,4 2.50,2 (32037) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 124. 5.07 561. Bühlmann Pascale 2008 Kerzers 7.10,6 2.50,4 (35143) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 78. 5.07 562. Leuenberger Lynn 2009 Kerzers 7.10,9 2.50,7 (35083) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 79. 5.07 563. Taboada Kyiann 2008 Grandson 7.11,1 2.50,9 (34119) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 109. 5.07 564. Fontana Mayliss 2004 Domdidier 7.11,3 2.51,1 (41120) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 82. 5.08 564. Gafner Chiara 2008 Kerzers 7.11,3 2.51,1 (35045) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 80. 5.08 566. Witschi Mia 2009 Murten 7.11,4 2.51,2 (41124) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 81. 5.08 567. Vuagniaux Romain 2008 Ollon VD 7.11,6 2.51,4 (41087) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 110. 5.08 568. Roth Linda 2007 Täuffelen 7.11,9 2.51,7 (33084) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 109. 5.08 569. Taboada Kaïs 2009 Grandson 7.12,2 2.52,0 (34118) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 111. 5.08 570. Allemann Eléonore 2009 Cressier FR 7.12,3 2.52,1 (41115) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 82. 5.08 571. Erni Estela 2009 Müntschemier 7.12,5 2.52,3 (35147) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 83. 5.08 571. Schmid Larina 2009 Mühleberg Larina 7.12,5 2.52,3 (35117) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 83. 5.08 573. Glauser Amely 2005 Ried bei Kerzers 7.12,6 2.52,4 (31025) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 83. 5.09 574. Hurni Nina 2008 Ulmiz 5H Schule ABGRU 7.13,4 2.53,2 (35061) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 85. 5.09 575. Lettens Alice 2007 Kerzers 4b Kerzers 7.14,3 2.54,1 (33056) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 110. 5.10 575. Schmid Sara 2008 Belp 7.14,3 2.54,1 (35118) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 86. 5.10 577. Dubois Elisa 2005 Fontainemelon 7.15,0 2.54,8 (31085) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 84. 5.10 578. Haussener Noah 2009 Dombresson 7.15,2 2.55,0 (34048) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 112. 5.10 579. Schick Leandra 2006 Gümmenen 7.15,9 2.55,7 (33094) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 111. 5.11 580. Schlosser Mélissa 2004 Echallens 7.16,1 2.55,9 (31060) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 85. 5.11 581. Arn Selina 2008 Fräschels 7.16,7 2.56,5 (35141) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 87. 5.11 582. Chambettaz Lucie 2004 Rossens FR 7.16,8 2.56,6 (31014) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 86. 5.12 583. Augsburger Lia 2009 Ins 7.16,9 2.56,7 (41002) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 88. 5.12 584. Studer Alina 2004 Breitenbach 7.17,1 2.56,9 (31068) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 87. 5.12 585. Belk Elin Ina 2008 Kerzers 7.17,5 2.57,3 (35007) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 89. 5.12 586. Machado Leite Mickael 2009 Kerzers 7.18,4 2.58,2 (34078) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 113. 5.13 587. Perrinjaquet Manon 2006 Nods 7.20,2 3.00,0 (33077) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 112. 5.14 588. Kaufmann Nora-Sofia 2009 Münchenstein 7.20,3 3.00,1 (35068) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 90. 5.14 589. Michel Cataline 2008 Murten 7.21,3 3.01,1 (35089) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 91. 5.15 590. Prod'Hom Elioth 2008 La Tour-de-Peilz 7.21,7 3.01,5 (34093) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 114. 5.15 591. Jeanguenat Joëlle 2008 Gurbrü 7.22,2 3.02,0 (35065) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 92. 5.15 592. Ringgenberg Elia 2008 Therwil 7.22,4 3.02,2 (34097) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 115. 5.16 593. Gonçalves Fonseca Dora 2007 Kerzers 7.22,8 3.02,6 (41108) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 113. 5.16 593. Oesterling Emma 2007 Gümligen 7.22,8 3.02,6 (33075) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 113. 5.16 595. Graf Lavinia 2007 Kerzers 7.23,1 3.02,9 (33034) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 115. 5.16 596. Gfeller Lena 2006 Sumiswald 7.23,2 3.03,0 (33032) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 116. 5.16 597. Gupta Arshia 2009 Kerzers 7.23,6 3.03,4 (35054) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 93. 5.16 597. Uldry Tamara 2007 Orbe Les Traîne Gourdins 7.23,6 3.03,4 (33116) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 117. 5.16 599. Siffert Maxence 2009 Cheseaux-Noréaz 7.24,7 3.04,5 (34113) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 116. 5.17 600. Lebrun Linea 2009 Kerzers 7.25,2 3.05,0 (35079) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 94. 5.18 600. Tolaj Dielli 2006 Kerzers 4. Klasse Kerzers 7.25,2 3.05,0 (32122) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 125. 5.18 602. Bajraj Diana 2006 Kerzers 4. Klasse Kerzers 7.25,6 3.05,4 (33001) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 118. 5.18 603. Leuenberger David 2009 Salvenach 7.25,8 3.05,6 (34074) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 117. 5.18 604. Murina Larissa 2008 Kirchberg BE 7.26,9 3.06,7 (35095) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 95. 5.19 605. Spycher Selina 2007 Ulmiz 5H Schule ABGRU 7.27,0 3.06,8 (33107) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 119. 5.19 606. Schlatter Lindsay 2009 Ueberstorf 7.28,8 3.08,6 (41062) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 96. 5.20 607. George Layla 2007 Kerzers 7.29,6 3.09,4 (33031) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 120. 5.21 608. Chassot Celia 2009 Châtel-sur-Montsalvens 7.29,8 3.09,6 (35146) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 97. 5.21 609. Lütt Shanice 2005 Kerzers Jugi Kerzers 7.30,3 3.10,1 (31040) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 88. 5.21 610. Ott Silas 2008 Rothrist 7.30,6 3.10,4 (34090) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 118. 5.21 611. Rütschi Fabian 2007 Bolligen 7.30,7 3.10,5 (41121) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 126. 5.21 612. Graf Sara 2009 Jeuss 7.30,8 3.10,6 (35051) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 98. 5.22 613. Bleuler Felix 2009 Kerzers 7.31,5 3.11,3 (34009) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 119. 5.22 614. Lehmann Mia 2009 Wünnewil 7.32,1 3.11,9 (35082) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 99. 5.22 615. Dubey Noah 2009 Domdidier 7.32,3 3.12,1 (34025) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 120. 5.23 615. Jüni Renja 2004 Laupen BE Schule Kriechenwil 7.32,3 3.12,1 (31034) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 89. 5.23 615. Wey Morgan 2009 Kerzers 7.32,3 3.12,1 (34132) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 120. 5.23 618. Schädelin Minna Noe 2009 Bern 7.33,4 3.13,2 (35114) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 100. 5.23 619. Kobel Zoe 2005 Kriechenwil Schule Kriechenwil 7.33,7 3.13,5 (31037) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 90. 5.24 619. Mwagandi Malaika 2007 Düdingen 7.33,7 3.13,5 (33072) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 121. 5.24 621. Fuchs Elena 2009 Bern 7.34,4 3.14,2 (35043) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 101. 5.24 622. Aebi Elin Sophia 2008 Agriswil 7.34,8 3.14,6 (35001) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 102. 5.24 623. Ith Vanessa 2009 Murten 7.35,8 3.15,6 (35064) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 103. 5.25 624. Marti Chantal 2006 Kerzers Jugi Kerzers 7.36,4 3.16,2 (33062) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 122. 5.26 624. Testa Luana 2007 Kerzers Jugi Kerzers 7.36,4 3.16,2 (33113) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 122. 5.26 624. von Weissenfluh Jael 2005 Guttannen Jugi Guttannen 7.36,4 3.16,2 (41076) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 91. 5.26 627. Zürcher Emilie 2007 Bex Emilie + Mélissa + papa 7.37,1 3.16,9 (41100) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 124. 5.26 628. Rentsch Flavia 2008 Gammen 7.37,2 3.17,0 (35106) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 104. 5.26 629. Reber Julia 2008 Agriswil 5H Schule ABGRU 7.37,4 3.17,2 (35103) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 105. 5.26 630. Nussbaum Flurina 2009 Gammen 7.38,1 3.17,9 (35098) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 106. 5.27 631. Lazzara Luca 2009 Gurmels 7.38,7 3.18,5 (34071) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 122. 5.27 632. Wagisbach Katja Zoe 2007 Mühleberg 7.38,9 3.18,7 (33120) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 125. 5.27 633. Scheuner Lara 2004 Vinelz 7.39,3 3.19,1 (31059) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 92. 5.28 634. Asani Pajazit 2008 Kerzers 7.39,5 3.19,3 (34001) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 123. 5.28 635. Moser Lyn 2008 Erlach Turnverein Erlach 7.40,4 3.20,2 (35139) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 107. 5.28 636. Delobel Emilie 2004 Courtelary 7.41,0 3.20,8 (41107) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14F 93. 5.29 637. Repetti Valerye 2007 Düdingen 7.41,6 3.21,4 (41057) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 126. 5.29 637. Saffore Tiziana 2006 Fribourg 7.41,6 3.21,4 (33087) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 126. 5.29 639. Beyeler Olivia 2009 Ried b. Kerzers 7.42,4 3.22,2 (35009) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 108. 5.30 640. Utiger Michelle 2009 Zollikofen 7.42,5 3.22,3 (35131) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 109. 5.30 641. Etter Joy 2008 Ried b. Kerzers 5H Schule ABGRU 7.43,0 3.22,8 (35036) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 110. 5.30 641. Gouveia Raphaël 2008 Genève 7.43,0 3.22,8 (34043) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 124. 5.30 643. Wolski Antoni 2008 Winterthur 7.43,2 3.23,0 (34135) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 125. 5.30 644. Ammann Zoë 2008 Moosseedorf 7.43,7 3.23,5 (35140) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 111. 5.31 645. Pedro Borges Gabriela 2008 Courtepin 7.44,2 3.24,0 (35100) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 112. 5.31 645. Shala Adrijana 2006 Kerzers 7.44,2 3.24,0 (33141) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 128. 5.31 647. Gysin Micha 2009 Ormalingen 7.45,3 3.25,1 (32047) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 126. 5.32 648. Lidzba Fynn 2008 Bern 7.45,7 3.25,5 (34075) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 127. 5.32 649. Krummen Anna-Lena 2008 Ried b. Kerzers 5H Schule ABGRU 7.46,4 3.26,2 (35075) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 113. 5.33 650. Ziehli Lea 2007 Lobsigen 7.47,1 3.26,9 (33129) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 129. 5.33 651. Kümin Iris 2009 Fräschels 7.48,3 3.28,1 (35076) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 114. 5.34 651. Locher Fabio 2009 Ferenbalm 7.48,3 3.28,1 (34076) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 128. 5.34 653. Stübi Anina 2006 Kerzers 4b Kerzers 7.48,8 3.28,6 (33111) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 130. 5.34 654. Bohm Nyke 2008 Ins 7.49,4 3.29,2 (35012) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 115. 5.35 655. Bringhen Sebastian 2008 Gurbrü Birdbook Runners 7.49,9 3.29,7 (34013) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 129. 5.35 655. Radelfinger Jarno 2008 Muntelier Radelfinger 7.49,9 3.29,7 (34094) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 129. 5.35 657. Silva Mendes Lara 2008 Kerzers 7.50,2 3.30,0 (35122) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 116. 5.35 658. Geiser Jack 2009 Erlach Lakeland Dogsport / Big Friend 7.50,8 3.30,6 (34038) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 131. 5.36 659. Höhne Neele 2006 Laupen BE Schule Kriechenwil 7.50,9 3.30,7 (41102) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 131. 5.36 659. Ruch Ramona 2007 Laupen BE Schule Kriechenwil 7.50,9 3.30,7 (41101) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 131. 5.36 661. Schacher Noam 2009 Vers-chez-Perrin 7.52,1 3.31,9 (41126) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 132. 5.37 662. Hauser Yanic 2005 Rizenbach 7.52,3 3.32,1 (30020) Diplom Foto Video 2-U14M 63. 5.37 663. Gerber Jann Luca 2009 Golaten 7.52,5 3.32,3 (34039) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 133. 5.37 664. Trachsel Chiara 2007 Ulmiz 4. Klasse Ulmiz 7.52,9 3.32,7 (33115) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 133. 5.37 665. Brügger Anna 2008 Rosshäusern 7.54,7 3.34,5 (35142) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 117. 5.39 666. Hofstetter Laura 2009 Galmiz Mars 7.58,9 3.38,7 (35059) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 118. 5.42 667. Steiner Lenja 2008 Düdingen 7.59,3 3.39,1 (35125) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 119. 5.42 668. Tubach Romane 2008 Cousset 8.00,5 3.40,3 (35151) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 120. 5.43 669. Tomasino Loane 2009 Léchelles 8.01,5 3.41,3 (35130) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 121. 5.43 670. Nourry Ana 2009 Léchelles 8.02,2 3.42,0 (35097) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 122. 5.44 671. Vanevska Gjurgjica 2006 Kerzers Klasse 5a 8.02,8 3.42,6 (41088) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 134. 5.44 672. Krieg Jasmin 2008 Kerzers 8.03,4 3.43,2 (35074) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 123. 5.45 673. Liechti Shina Jana 2008 Nidau 8.03,5 3.43,3 (35084) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 124. 5.45 674. Zingg Domenica 2008 Ferenbalm 8.03,7 3.43,5 (35137) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 125. 5.45 675. Moosmann Laszlo 2009 Morges 8.09,5 3.49,3 (34088) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 134. 5.49 676. Liechti Juli 2008 Bern twentyform.ch 8.10,5 3.50,3 (34145) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 135. 5.50 677. Farrelly Aislinn 2009 Nyon 8.13,3 3.53,1 (35038) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 126. 5.52 678. Redjepi Albion 2007 Ulmiz 5H Schule ABGRU 8.14,3 3.54,1 (32097) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12M 127. 5.53 679. Ineichen Léa 2007 Bulle 8.15,6 3.55,4 (41033) Diplom Foto Video 2-U12F 135. 5.54 680. Fontana Suzy 2009 Domdidier 8.16,6 3.56,4 (41118) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 127. 5.54 681. Bracher Rico 2008 Gempenach 8.17,3 3.57,1 (34012) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 136. 5.55 682. Kramer Michael 2008 Gempenach 5H Schule ABGRU 8.19,0 3.58,8 (34066) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 137. 5.56 683. Munz Lena 2009 Kerzers 8.19,5 3.59,3 (35094) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 128. 5.56 684. Widmer Ciara 2009 Menziken 8.19,8 3.59,6 (35135) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 129. 5.57 685. Greco Larissa 2009 Kerzers Läri 8.20,8 4.00,6 (35052) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 130. 5.57 686. Egger Aline 2008 Cressier FR 8.20,9 4.00,7 (35035) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 131. 5.57 687. Hähni Lucie 2009 Kerzers 8.23,3 4.03,1 (35056) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 132. 5.59 688. Rudnicka Julia 2009 Kerzers 8.24,0 4.03,8 (35111) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 133. 6.00 689. Pittet Katia 2009 Sugiez 8.26,1 4.05,9 (35102) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 134. 6.01 690. Ferreira Maria 2009 Kerzers 8.27,2 4.07,0 (41018) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 135. 6.02 691. Surchat Tess 2009 Ursy 8.28,3 4.08,1 (35127) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 136. 6.03 692. Amstutz Sophie 2009 Kerzers 8.31,9 4.11,7 (35005) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10F 137. 6.05 693. Keller Fabian 2009 Kerzers 8.39,7 4.19,5 (34061) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 138. 6.11 694. Tumminello Angelo 2009 Kerzers 8.40,0 4.19,8 (34124) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 139. 6.11 695. Ringgenberg Max 2008 Therwil 8.46,0 4.25,8 (34098) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 140. 6.15 696. Schlegel Luca 2009 Cheyres 8.46,1 4.25,9 (41127) Diplom Foto Video 2-U10M 141. 6.15 DNF Stucki Eleanor 2004 Préverenges 1.05,9 2. Durchlau (31067) Foto Video 2-U14F ---- DNF von Burg Aline 2009 Bettlach 5.41,0 2. Durchlau (35132) Foto Video 2-U10F ----

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