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39. Kerzerslauf 2017 - nach Name "I"

Kategorie Rang Name und Vorname Jg Land/Ort S Start Zeit Rückstand Stnr Overall Schnitt ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15-M45 495. Iacono Enrico 1968 Gland 17091 1:35.42,5 43.02,4 (17091) Diplom Foto Video 15M 3023. 6.22 15-M20 425. Iannetti Fabrizio 1987 Basel 8078 1:17.35,7 32.37,8 (8078) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1962. 5.10 5-F20 33. Ianos Daniela 1973 Zollikofen 21221 23.56,7 5.44,8 (21221) Diplom Foto Video 5F 82. 4.47 2-U10M 61. Ignjatovic Mladen 2009 Murten 34055 6.29,8 1.15,2 (34055) Diplom Foto Video OV2 390. 4.38 15-F20 243. Iliu Gloria 1987 Basel 9118 1:24.33,1 33.51,0 (9118) Diplom Foto Video 15F 843. 5.38 15-M20 44. Imboden Björn 1987 St. Niklaus VS 1067 56.47,4 11.49,5 (1067) Diplom Foto Video 15M 104. 3.47 5-F20 276. Imboden Kerstin 1992 Glis 24051 32.47,7 14.35,8 (24051) Diplom Foto Video 5F 442. 6.33 5-F20 383. Imboden Nicole 1986 St. Niklaus VS 24052 37.32,7 19.20,8 (24052) Diplom Foto Video 5F 561. 7.30 15-M35 247. Imfeld Lukas 1980 Heimberg 12022 1:13.32,8 22.24,3 (12022) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1525. 4.54 15-M45 93. Imhof Michael 1972 Wichtrach 1185 1:04.47,3 12.07,2 (1185) Diplom Foto Video 15M 554. 4.19 15-F45 229. Imhof Nathalie 1970 Val-d'Illiez 13122 1:36.11,4 38.49,2 (13122) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1419. 6.24 15-U20M 3. Imhof Samuel 1998 Bouveret 1263 57.00,8 4.11,5 (1263) Diplom Foto Video 15M 118. 3.48 15-M50 271. Imhof Ueli 1967 Orpund 10258 1:16.58,6 21.59,4 (10258) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1901. 5.07 15-M65 26. Imoberdorf Emil 1950 Ulrichen 5245 1:17.44,2 14.45,8 (5245) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1979. 5.10 15-M60 99. Imoberdorf German 1955 Meyriez 11142 1:20.47,4 22.26,0 (11142) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2259. 5.23 15-M35 254. Imobersteg Gilles 1982 Saint-Saphorin 40182 1:14.10,3 23.01,8 (40182) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1605. 4.56 5-F20 204. Imobersteg Nathalie 1972 Rapperswil BE 23235 30.26,1 12.14,2 (23235) Diplom Foto Video 5F 357. 6.05 5-WM20 --- Imobersteg Urs 1970 Rapperswil BE 25194 44.00,1 ----- (25194) Diplom Foto Video --- 8.48 2-U10F 36. Imperatori Carla Sofia 2008 Zollikofen 35062 6.29,9 1.12,9 (35062) Diplom Foto Video OV2 392. 4.38 15-M45 239. Imperatori Claudio 1971 Zollikofen 3266 1:12.39,9 19.59,8 (3266) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1415. 4.50 1-MuVaKi --- Imperatori Enzo Valent 2013 Zollikofen 38039 1.53,9 ----- (38039) Diplom Foto Video MukiVaKi 87. 6.19 15-WF20 --- Imperatori Francesca 1965 Acquarossa 28042 2:14.08,5 ----- (28042) Diplom Foto Video --- 8.56 2-U10F 77. Imperatori Mara Lia 2009 Zollikofen 35063 7.10,3 1.53,3 (35063) Diplom Foto Video OV2 559. 5.07 15-F45 261. Inäbnit Doris 1971 Ringgenberg BE 16163 1:45.10,7 47.48,5 (16163) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1610. 7.00 15-M45 488. Inäbnit Martin 1968 Ringgenberg BE 14125 1:33.56,5 41.16,4 (14125) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2990. 6.15 15-M35 320. Inderkum David 1980 Olten 40183 1:19.09,4 28.00,9 (40183) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2124. 5.16 15-M45 148. Indermaur Martin 1969 Bern 40432 1:08.01,2 15.21,1 (40432) Diplom Foto Video 15M 892. 4.32 15-M40 156. Induni Antoine 1975 Bevaix 6114 1:07.36,8 18.02,9 (6114) Diplom Foto Video 15M 827. 4.30 15-M40 422. Ineichen Christian 1977 Marbach LU 13123 1:26.05,1 36.31,2 (13123) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2671. 5.44 15-M35 245. Ineichen Gallus Beatus 1982 Bern 7103 1:13.24,5 22.16,0 (7103) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1507. 4.53 2-U12F 135. Ineichen Léa 2007 Bulle 41033 8.15,6 3.18,1 (41033) Diplom Foto Video OV2 679. 5.54 15-F35 135. Ineichen Letizia 1978 Luzern 14124 1:28.31,3 34.10,5 (14124) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1069. 5.54 15-M35 356. Ineichen Rodolphe 1980 Bulle 40184 1:23.09,0 32.00,5 (40184) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2482. 5.32 2-U14M 62. Ineichen Swen 2005 Bulle 41034 7.07,9 2.47,7 (41034) Diplom Foto Video OV2 551. 5.05 15-M55 24. Ingold Daniel 1960 Bettlach 5061 1:04.32,3 9.03,3 (5061) Diplom Foto Video 15M 531. 4.18 15-F40 98. Ingold Dunja 1976 Montbrelloz 9119 1:20.55,5 25.54,1 (9119) Diplom Foto Video 15F 613. 5.23 5-F20 171. Ingold Manuela 1975 Münsingen 23089 29.41,5 11.29,6 (23089) Diplom Foto Video 5F 307. 5.56 15-M45 256. Ingold Martin 1969 Heimenhausen 3267 1:13.39,7 20.59,6 (3267) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1537. 4.54 1-MuVaKi --- Ingold Nick 2013 Münsingen 38040 3.43,8 ----- (38040) Diplom Foto Video MukiVaKi 212. 12.26 15-M45 452. Ingold Roger 1969 Rüttenen 11143 1:26.53,6 34.13,5 (11143) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2713. 5.47 15-F50 78. Innaurato Dolores 1965 Vessy 10205 1:20.33,0 16.42,6 (10205) Diplom Foto Video 15F 593. 5.22 15-M45 2. Invernizzi Bruno 1971 Quartino 83 53.13,8 0.33,7 (83) Diplom Foto Video 15M 39. 3.32 15-WF20 --- Inzirillo Doris 1958 Cortébert 28048 2:19.36,2 ----- (28048) Diplom Foto Video --- 9.18 15-M55 15. Inzirillo Maurice 1960 Cortébert 1243 1:02.45,3 7.16,3 (1243) Diplom Foto Video 15M 398. 4.11 5-F20 433. Ipen Alexa 1967 Basel 24131 46.54,2 28.42,3 (24131) Diplom Foto Video 5F 626. 9.22 15-M45 506. Ipen Gerd 1968 Basel 17005 1:44.29,8 51.49,7 (17005) Diplom Foto Video 15M 3128. 6.57 15-WF20 --- Iredale Deborah 1958 Bogis-Bossey 29063 2:21.03,6 ----- (29063) Diplom Foto Video --- 9.24 15-WM20 --- Iredale Ian 1957 Bogis-Bossey 29062 2:20.58,8 ----- (29062) Diplom Foto Video --- 9.23 15-WM20 --- Ischer Jean-Pierre 1959 Bôle 29126 2:11.32,1 ----- (29126) Diplom Foto Video --- 8.46 15-M45 90. Ischer Philippe 1972 Boudry 2111 1:04.33,4 11.53,3 (2111) Diplom Foto Video 15M 535. 4.18 15-WF20 --- Ischi Franziska 1958 Aarwangen 27046 2:01.55,5 ----- (27046) Diplom Foto Video --- 8.07 15-M35 93. Ischi Sebastien 1982 Murten 4290 1:04.56,7 13.48,2 (4290) Diplom Foto Video 15M 570. 4.19 15-F20 345. Iseli Daniela 1987 Ittigen 12141 1:30.38,0 39.55,9 (12141) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1192. 6.02 15-M65 57. Iseli Ernst 1951 Burgdorf 8079 1:26.22,6 23.24,2 (8079) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2686. 5.45 5-F20 22. Iseli Jeannine 1970 Schüpfen 3084 22.31,8 4.19,9 (3084) Diplom Foto Video 5F 55. 4.30 2-U12M 30. Iseli Marco 2006 Hasle-Rüegsau 32055 5.33,3 0.53,5 (32055) Diplom Foto Video OV2 109. 3.58 5-U14F 2. Iseli Rawa 2006 Schüpfen 20518 20.35,6 0.02,5 (20518) Diplom Foto Video 5F 26. 4.07 15-F20 69. Isler Cindy 1990 La Chaux-de-Fonds 5013 1:10.24,0 19.41,9 (5013) Diplom Foto Video 15F 150. 4.41 15-F50 2. Isler Corinne 1966 La Cibourg 3268 1:04.42,7 0.52,3 (3268) Diplom Foto Video 15F 61. 4.18 5-M20 114. Isler Koni 1967 Brügg BE 21089 26.53,7 11.05,6 (21089) Diplom Foto Video 5M 230. 5.22 15-M50 17. Isler Patrice 1967 La Cibourg 2023 1:00.17,5 5.18,3 (2023) Diplom Foto Video 15M 260. 4.01 15-F60 34. Isler Susanne 1956 Stalden (Sarnen) 12229 1:30.28,0 19.34,7 (12229) Diplom Foto Video 15F 1186. 6.01 15-M35 361. Isoz Samuel 1981 Salavaux 16164 1:23.36,7 32.28,2 (16164) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2514. 5.34 15-M45 278. Itel Marco 1972 Biberist 5130 1:14.31,0 21.50,9 (5130) Diplom Foto Video 15M 1646. 4.58 15-M20 538. Iten Alain 1989 Gümligen 13124 1:29.45,5 44.47,6 (13124) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2856. 5.59 15-MV 16. Ith Markus 1972 Murten 50063 1:26.35,1 27.47,3 (50063) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2696. 5.46 5-WM20 --- Ith René 1941 Murten 22159 42.33,8 ----- (22159) Diplom Foto Video --- 8.30 2-U12M 46. Ith Sebastian 2007 Murten 32056 5.43,5 1.03,7 (32056) Diplom Foto Video OV2 147. 4.05 2-U10F 103. Ith Vanessa 2009 Murten 35064 7.35,8 2.18,8 (35064) Diplom Foto Video OV2 623. 5.25 1-MuVaKi --- Itten Alexis 2014 Les Geneveys-sur-Cof 42029 2.21,6 ----- (42029) Diplom Foto Video MukiVaKi 164. 7.52 15-F40 151. Ivone Adeline 1977 Le Noirmont 12023 1:25.25,2 30.23,8 (12023) Diplom Foto Video 15F 906. 5.41 15-M40 417. Ivone Luca 1976 Le Noirmont 11144 1:25.25,1 35.51,2 (11144) Diplom Foto Video 15M 2636. 5.41
Total 72

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