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Protective Bike Four Peaks 2016 Stage 3

Protective Bike Four Peaks 2016 Stage 3 - rankings


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Protective Bike Four Peaks 2016 Stage 3 rankings overall Herren Damen
Protective Bike Four Peaks 2016 cup ranking overall cup ranking by categories teams - total ranking

rankings by name A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z
rankings by countries/cities A B E F G H I K L M P R S T W Z other countries: B BUL CH COL CRC CZ D DK FI GB I IRL ISR L N NL PL R RUS S
Switzerland - cantons AG AI BE BL FR GR LU SG SZ TG TI UR ZH Germany - federal states BB BE BW BY HE HH MV NI NW RP SH SL SN ST TH Austria - federal states K N O SA ST T V W Italy - regions EMR MAR TAA
Top rankings overall --- Overall Women 44 ranked PDF
1. Parra Sierra Angela, 1982, COL-Bogota 2:50.57,8 (52) 2. Griner Annette, 1976, D-Murg 2:50.58,4 (18) 3. Zeller Viktoria, 1993, Altenfelden 3:00.57,3 (385)
--- Overall Men 505 ranked PDF 1. Stiebjahn Simon, 1990, D-Stuttgart 2:17.57,0 (5) 2. Mejia Luis, 1985, COL-Bogota 2:18.10,7 (96) 3. Hochenwarter Uwe, 1986, Kirchbach 2:18.51,7 (10)

Top Herren Men Men 190 ranked PDF 1. Stiebjahn Simon, 1990, D-Stuttgart 2:17.57,0 (5) 2. Mejia Luis, 1985, COL-Bogota 2:18.10,7 (96) 3. Hochenwarter Uwe, 1986, Kirchbach 2:18.51,7 (10)
Master Masters 206 ranked PDF 1. Bölts Udo, 1966, D-Heltersberg 2:31.06,9 (6) 2. Biersack Markus, 1973, D-Regensburg 2:33.36,1 (88) 3. Anthes Michael, 1973, D-Mainz 2:33.36,3 (8)
GrandMas Grand Masters 109 ranked PDF 1. Perini Gilberto, 1963, I-Forli (FC) 2:40.02,3 (234) 2. Dagn Hermann, 1965, Kirchdorf in Tirol 2:45.15,2 (181) 3. Braun Reinhard, 1962, D-Fischerbach 2:45.17,5 (72)

Top Damen Women Women 44 ranked PDF 1. Parra Sierra Angela, 1982, COL-Bogota 2:50.57,8 (52) 2. Griner Annette, 1976, D-Murg 2:50.58,4 (18) 3. Zeller Viktoria, 1993, Altenfelden 3:00.57,3 (385)

Protective Bike Four Peaks 2016

Top cup ranking overall --- Overall Women 44 ranked PDF 1. Parra Sierra Angela, 1982, COL-Bogota 2. Griner Annette, 1976, D-Murg 3. Genser Regina, 1992, Gosau
--- Overall Men 502 ranked PDF 1. Stiebjahn Simon, 1990, D-Stuttgart 2. Mejia Luis, 1985, COL-Bogota 3. Hochenwarter Uwe, 1986, Kirchbach

Top cup ranking by categories --- Women 44 ranked PDF 1. Parra Sierra Angela, 1982, COL-Bogota 8:43.35,1 2. Griner Annette, 1976, D-Murg 8:46.40,9 3. Genser Regina, 1992, Gosau 9:42.02,8
--- Men 188 ranked PDF 1. Stiebjahn Simon, 1990, D-Stuttgart 7:03.08,9 2. Mejia Luis, 1985, COL-Bogota 7:05.15,7 3. Hochenwarter Uwe, 1986, Kirchbach 7:07.51,0
--- Masters 206 ranked PDF 1. Bölts Udo, 1966, D-Heltersberg 7:49.02,5 2. Anthes Michael, 1973, D-Mainz 7:59.03,1 3. Biersack Markus, 1973, D-Regensburg 7:59.39,8
--- Grand Masters 108 ranked PDF 1. Perini Gilberto, 1963, I-Forli (FC) 8:06.33,2 2. Braun Reinhard, 1962, D-Fischerbach 8:23.39,4 3. Dagn Hermann, 1965, Kirchdorf in Tirol 8:27.33,7

Top teams - total ranking --- Teams 23 ranked PDF
Official timing and results by DATASPORT, CH-Gerlafingen www.datasport.com for results, online registration, informations and news

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