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Groupe E Celsius BerGiBike 2016, Bulle - 79km Hommes Scratch
rang nom an pays lieu équipe temps retard doss cat/rang ¦ > La Roche ¦ > Rossens ¦ > Villarlod ¦ > Bulle ¦ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Stauffer Hansueli 1987 Sigriswil BIXS PRO TEAM 3:46.19,3 ----- (36) foto 79-HE 1. ¦ 1:44.37 1.¦ 23.52 1.¦ 41.35 3.¦ 56.14 1.¦ 2. Moser Andreas 1984 Madiswil Zaunteam Mittelland/VC Bützber 3:51.24,5 5.05,2 (118) foto 79-HE 2. ¦ 1:47.10 2.¦ 24.37 5.¦ 40.57 1.¦ 58.40 3.¦ 3. Thie Florian 1989 Thun BigFriends Racing Team 3:51.29,9 5.10,6 (129) foto 79-HE 3. ¦ 1:47.14 4.¦ 24.31 3.¦ 41.19 2.¦ 58.24 2.¦ 4. Grand Anthony 1991 Blonay Sui199111026 3:55.37,4 9.18,1 (4) foto 79-HE 4. ¦ 1:47.16 5.¦ 24.30 2.¦ 42.30 4.¦ 1:01.19 6.¦ 5. Kälin Silvan 1993 Unteriberg Strüby BiXS Team 3:58.13,8 11.54,5 (40) foto 79-HE 5. ¦ 1:50.15 7.¦ 25.45 10.¦ 42.57 7.¦ 59.15 4.¦ 6. Alig Mathias 1987 Vals BikeSurselva - Pivot 3:58.16,4 11.57,1 (39) foto 79-HE 6. ¦ 1:50.14 6.¦ 25.47 11.¦ 42.38 6.¦ 59.36 5.¦ 7. Tresch Patrick 1983 Schattdorf Strüby Bixs Team 3:58.35,7 12.16,4 (46) foto 79-HP1 1. ¦ 1:47.10 3.¦ 24.36 4.¦ 42.33 5.¦ 1:04.15 23.¦ 8. Reimann Rick 1991 Uster Lenovo-CUBE 4:01.40,1 15.20,8 (45) foto 79-HE 7. ¦ 1:51.01 9.¦ 24.59 7.¦ 44.12 8.¦ 1:01.26 7.¦ 9. Wenger Florian 1994 Montagny-la-Ville VC Payerne 4:02.40,1 16.20,8 (113) foto 79-HE 8. ¦ 1:50.17 8.¦ 25.44 9.¦ 44.12 9.¦ 1:02.25 12.¦ 10. Tschanz David 1986 Orvin Team alouettes.ch 4:04.49,5 18.30,2 (9) foto 79-HP1 2. ¦ 1:52.17 11.¦ 25.23 8.¦ 45.24 12.¦ 1:01.45 9.¦ 11. Daniel Christophe 1973 Marsens Team Chiffelle 4:06.09,9 19.50,6 (5) foto 79-HP2 1. ¦ 1:52.56 12.¦ 25.54 13.¦ 45.28 13.¦ 1:01.50 10.¦ 12. Gerber Hansjürg 1966 Thun bikeholiday.ch/ace factory 4:06.10,2 19.50,9 (3) foto 79-HP2 2. ¦ 1:53.23 13.¦ 26.03 14.¦ 45.02 11.¦ 1:01.42 8.¦ 13. Garnier Laurent 1968 Grandson 4:07.55,6 21.36,3 (8) foto 79-HP2 3. ¦ 1:53.33 14.¦ 25.52 12.¦ 44.58 10.¦ 1:03.31 16.¦ 14. Rossetti Camille 1988 Travers Team GIANT Neuchâtel 4:08.24,6 22.05,3 (152) foto 79-HP1 3. ¦ 1:53.56 15.¦ 24.53 6.¦ 47.00 21.¦ 1:02.33 13.¦ 15. Amgarten Norbert 1980 Kerns auerpower.ch/o-tour 4:10.24,1 24.04,8 (138) foto 79-HP1 4. ¦ 1:55.33 19.¦ 27.21 25.¦ 45.35 14.¦ 1:01.53 11.¦ 16. Slinger Marc 1978 Bulle LAPB 4:11.53,9 25.34,6 (128) foto 79-HE 9. ¦ 1:56.45 22.¦ 26.35 17.¦ 45.45 15.¦ 1:02.47 14.¦ 17. Nick Andrey 1997 Plasselb BSO MAHU 4:12.43,4 26.24,1 (148) foto 79-HE 10. ¦ 1:54.14 16.¦ 27.03 22.¦ 47.28 23.¦ 1:03.56 19.¦ 18. Kropf Peter 1973 Linden 4:14.46,3 28.27,0 (17) foto 79-HP2 4. ¦ 1:56.20 20.¦ 27.25 26.¦ 46.15 18.¦ 1:04.45 24.¦ 19. Pfister Markus 1983 Lupsingen Scott / 4biker 4:15.58,6 29.39,3 (19) foto 79-HP1 5. ¦ 1:55.10 18.¦ 26.51 19.¦ 48.34 32.¦ 1:05.22 29.¦ 20. Breitenmoser Fabian 1990 Mosnang Velothek-Kalag 4:16.34,8 30.15,5 (442) foto 79-HP1 6. ¦ 1:57.49 24.¦ 28.04 33.¦ 46.37 20.¦ 1:04.03 21.¦ 21. Haesler Jacques 1977 Lugnorre Thömus Factory 4:16.52,9 30.33,6 (7) foto 79-HP1 7. ¦ 1:51.16 10.¦ 36.14 232.¦ 45.54 16.¦ 1:03.28 15.¦ 22. Morard Eric 1977 Chermignon GS SPORTSWEAR Bergamont Mathie 4:17.40,7 31.21,4 (12) foto 79-HE 11. ¦ 1:58.12 25.¦ 26.53 20.¦ 47.33 25.¦ 1:05.01 28.¦ 23. Deglise Richard 1980 Châtel-St-Denis Altmann Sport 4:18.39,1 32.19,8 (51) foto 79-HP1 8. ¦ 1:59.57 32.¦ 27.31 28.¦ 47.20 22.¦ 1:03.49 17.¦ 24. Flück Vincent 1985 Hauteville Routier Bikers Equipements 4:18.40,6 32.21,3 (6) foto 79-HE 12. ¦ 1:56.41 21.¦ 26.37 18.¦ 47.56 27.¦ 1:07.25 36.¦ 25. Gachet Nicolas 1982 Pringy Pédale Bulloise 4:19.24,2 33.04,9 (16) foto 79-HP1 9. ¦ 2:01.31 37.¦ 27.41 29.¦ 46.03 17.¦ 1:04.07 22.¦ 26. Charrière Thierry 1980 Charmey (Gruyère) Pédale bulloise 4:20.02,4 33.43,1 (131) foto 79-HP1 10. ¦ 1:57.12 23.¦ 28.40 41.¦ 48.34 31.¦ 1:05.35 30.¦ 27. Loetscher Joachim 1982 Bôle Alouettes.ch 4:20.11,0 33.51,7 (50) foto 79-HP1 11. ¦ 2:00.18 33.¦ 27.17 24.¦ 47.41 26.¦ 1:04.53 26.¦ 28. Hofer Daniel 1971 Blumenstein Crazy Velo Shop Scott 4:20.22,8 34.03,5 (56) foto 79-HP2 5. ¦ 2:01.51 38.¦ 28.08 34.¦ 46.26 19.¦ 1:03.56 18.¦ 29. Lüthi Tobias 1984 Bätterkinden 4:20.46,1 34.26,8 (13) foto 79-HP1 12. ¦ 1:58.56 29.¦ 28.36 40.¦ 48.14 29.¦ 1:04.58 27.¦ 30. Gendre Xavier 1981 Morlon Cycles paches 4:22.27,0 36.07,7 (11) foto 79-HP1 13. ¦ 2:01.57 40.¦ 26.31 16.¦ 49.07 37.¦ 1:04.50 25.¦ 31. Georges Kevin 1986 Evolène Team TEXNER-ADDICTIV-BIKE Spor 4:23.13,8 36.54,5 (116) foto 79-HE 13. ¦ 2:01.12 35.¦ 26.16 15.¦ 47.33 24.¦ 1:08.12 41.¦ 32. Biffiger Christian 1972 Glis Thömus Racing Team 4:24.39,3 38.20,0 (48) foto 79-HE 14. ¦ 2:02.06 41.¦ 27.11 23.¦ 48.20 30.¦ 1:07.01 33.¦ 33. L'Eplattenier Cédric 1992 Ependes VD VTT Balcon du Jura 4:25.49,4 39.30,1 (114) foto 79-HE 15. ¦ 2:01.08 34.¦ 28.09 35.¦ 48.47 36.¦ 1:07.44 38.¦ 34. Thalmann Reto 1979 Hitzkirch müller 2rad emmen 4:26.58,1 40.38,8 (742) foto 79-HP1 14. ¦ 2:01.28 36.¦ 28.20 38.¦ 49.15 38.¦ 1:07.53 39.¦ 35. Furrer Claudio 1985 Baltschieder Ken's Bikeshop 4:27.22,7 41.03,4 (63) foto 79-HP1 15. ¦ 2:01.56 39.¦ 27.41 30.¦ 48.11 28.¦ 1:09.32 49.¦ 36. Torrent Noé 1996 Ayent Bergamont GS sportwear 4:27.41,4 41.22,1 (130) foto 79-HE 16. ¦ 1:58.16 26.¦ 33.24 148.¦ 48.36 33.¦ 1:07.24 35.¦ 37. Bucher Bärti 1961 Sachseln BiXS - Master 4:27.41,8 41.22,5 (60) foto 79-HP2 6. ¦ 2:03.06 45.¦ 28.34 39.¦ 48.37 34.¦ 1:07.23 34.¦ 38. Walther Michael 1989 Winterthur Velothek-Kalag 4:28.55,5 42.36,2 (705) foto 79-HP1 16. ¦ 2:02.40 44.¦ 28.55 46.¦ 49.24 39.¦ 1:07.54 40.¦ 39. Jauner Thomas 1974 Zermatt Thömus Factory Team 4:30.41,4 44.22,1 (52) foto 79-HP2 7. ¦ 1:58.44 28.¦ 27.46 31.¦ 51.09 53.¦ 1:13.01 87.¦ 40. Savary Ivar 1992 Romanens Cycles Pache 4:31.19,6 45.00,3 (44) foto 79-HP1 17. ¦ 1:59.48 31.¦ 27.26 27.¦ 50.29 45.¦ 1:13.34 93.¦ 41. Spreiter Patric 1979 Bauma 4:33.24,0 47.04,7 (699) foto 79-HP1 18. ¦ 2:06.05 51.¦ 28.44 44.¦ 50.10 43.¦ 1:08.24 42.¦ 42. Peterer Stefan 1981 Stettfurt Thömus Racing Team 4:36.24,4 50.05,1 (64) foto 79-HP1 19. ¦ 2:10.09 71.¦ 29.15 52.¦ 50.18 44.¦ 1:06.41 32.¦ 43. Rohrer Marco 1984 Sachseln Fusion World / www.o-tour.ch 4:36.49,7 50.30,4 (141) foto 79-HP1 20. ¦ 2:03.09 46.¦ 31.27 92.¦ 50.05 41.¦ 1:12.06 75.¦ 44. Schlegel Christoph 1979 Brienz BE Imboden Bike 4:36.50,8 50.31,5 (53) foto 79-HP1 21. ¦ 2:11.53 83.¦ 32.13 117.¦ 48.39 35.¦ 1:04.03 20.¦ 45. Gavillet Julien 1983 Riaz Cycles passion Bulle 4:36.51,2 50.31,9 (20) foto 79-HP1 22. ¦ 2:07.22 56.¦ 29.02 47.¦ 51.52 63.¦ 1:08.33 43.¦ 46. Sottas Arnaud 1987 Bulle Team Toro 4:36.54,8 50.35,5 (698) foto 79-HP1 23. ¦ 2:06.25 52.¦ 30.15 64.¦ 51.35 61.¦ 1:08.38 44.¦ 47. Kohler Julien 1989 Bulle Team Toro 4:36.56,6 50.37,3 (624) foto 79-HP1 24. ¦ 2:06.32 53.¦ 30.10 62.¦ 51.32 60.¦ 1:08.41 45.¦ 48. Seeberger Hans-Baptist 1984 Kippel One80° 4:37.02,7 50.43,4 (115) foto 79-HE 17. ¦ 1:58.17 27.¦ 28.15 37.¦ 52.14 66.¦ 1:18.15 142.¦ 49. Agraso Javier 1991 Delémont Team Bicycleddy 4:37.03,8 50.44,5 (765) foto 79-HP1 25. ¦ 2:08.35 61.¦ 28.12 36.¦ 51.13 54.¦ 1:09.02 46.¦ 50. Fragnière Vincent 1980 Charmey (Gruyère) 4:37.30,0 51.10,7 (471) foto 79-HP1 26. ¦ 2:08.55 66.¦ 30.15 65.¦ 50.43 46.¦ 1:07.35 37.¦ 51. Kolly Stephan 1982 Riaz Dupasquier Sports 4:38.29,5 52.10,2 (120) foto 79-HP1 27. ¦ 2:07.53 59.¦ 30.31 69.¦ 51.01 51.¦ 1:09.03 47.¦ 52. Metry Michel 1976 Susten VC Elite Susten 4:39.14,2 52.54,9 (156) foto 79-HP2 8. ¦ 2:08.39 63.¦ 29.10 49.¦ 50.53 49.¦ 1:10.30 58.¦ 53. Born Patrick 1977 Biel/Bienne BBBikers 4:40.11,1 53.51,8 (388) foto 79-HP1 28. ¦ 2:06.36 54.¦ 29.41 56.¦ 52.07 64.¦ 1:11.45 71.¦ 54. Baeriswyl Vincent 1992 Bourguillon 4:40.39,2 54.19,9 (15) foto 79-HE 18. ¦ 2:02.09 42.¦ 27.02 21.¦ 57.26 117.¦ 1:14.00 98.¦ 55. Schumacher Bruno 1989 Lamboing Jumpin`Ghost Biel 4:40.44,7 54.25,4 (95) foto 79-HP1 29. ¦ 2:05.15 49.¦ 30.40 73.¦ 52.36 70.¦ 1:12.12 77.¦ 56. Magnin Eric 1980 La Roche FR Team Biberli 4:40.47,2 54.27,9 (71) foto 79-HP1 30. ¦ 2:09.31 68.¦ 29.10 49.¦ 50.44 47.¦ 1:11.20 66.¦ 57. Gyger Thomas 1982 Reconvilier 4:40.49,7 54.30,4 (155) foto 79-HP1 31. ¦ 2:09.05 67.¦ 29.36 54.¦ 50.45 48.¦ 1:11.22 67.¦ 58. Cucciolillo Patrick 1978 Merligen 2-Rad Götz Unterseen 4:42.06,9 55.47,6 (468) foto 79-HP1 32. ¦ 2:08.04 60.¦ 31.54 104.¦ 51.40 62.¦ 1:10.27 57.¦ 59. Tugler Dominique 1963 Avry-sur-Matran VC PAYERNE PROCYCLES 4:42.14,4 55.55,1 (18) foto 79-HP2 9. ¦ 2:10.30 74.¦ 28.50 45.¦ 52.41 72.¦ 1:10.12 54.¦ 60. Aeby Christophe 1978 Villarsel-sur-Marly Team Profilsport 4:42.36,0 56.16,7 (62) foto 79-HP1 33. ¦ 2:09.40 69.¦ 29.45 57.¦ 52.33 69.¦ 1:10.36 60.¦ 61. Juan Yves-Alain 1971 Couvet Team Giant Neuchatel 4:42.37,4 56.18,1 (125) foto 79-HE 19. ¦ 2:03.24 47.¦ 28.40 42.¦ 55.06 90.¦ 1:15.25 114.¦ 62. Wüthrich Markus 1968 Unterseen Imboden Bike Lauterbrunnen 4:42.40,5 56.21,2 (135) foto 79-HP2 10. ¦ 2:08.44 64.¦ 29.57 60.¦ 51.00 50.¦ 1:12.58 85.¦ 63. Terreaux Sebastien 1976 Meyriez Thoemus Factory 4:42.46,0 56.26,7 (151) foto 79-HP2 11. ¦ 2:10.57 77.¦ 29.10 48.¦ 53.00 74.¦ 1:09.37 52.¦ 64. Reuche Laurent 1975 Les Brenets 4:42.49,2 56.29,9 (55) foto 79-HP2 12. ¦ 2:12.06 86.¦ 34.31 176.¦ 50.07 42.¦ 1:06.04 31.¦ 65. Marendaz Jacky 1964 Mathod 4:43.44,0 57.24,7 (76) foto 79-HP2 13. ¦ 2:12.21 89.¦ 30.20 67.¦ 51.26 57.¦ 1:09.35 50.¦ 66. Buntschu Sandro 1997 St. Silvester Stöckli / BSO 4:43.59,7 57.40,4 (35) foto 79-HP1 34. ¦ 2:08.53 65.¦ 29.34 53.¦ 53.30 78.¦ 1:12.01 74.¦ 67. Ribotel Daniel 1972 Rueyres-St-Laurent PB Bulle 4:44.55,9 58.36,6 (66) foto 79-HP2 14. ¦ 2:11.38 81.¦ 28.43 43.¦ 54.11 84.¦ 1:10.23 56.¦ 68. Kunze Marc 1980 Chavornay 4:44.59,0 58.39,7 (629) foto 79-HP1 35. ¦ 2:11.11 79.¦ 32.00 108.¦ 52.24 68.¦ 1:09.22 48.¦ 69. Bugnard Alexandre 1997 Remaufens 4:45.26,1 59.06,8 (392) foto 79-HP1 36. ¦ 2:07.48 58.¦ 30.13 63.¦ 51.13 55.¦ 1:16.10 124.¦ 70. Gremaud Raphael 1985 Môtier (Vully) Menoud bike 4:45.30,3 59.11,0 (612) foto 79-HP1 37. ¦ 2:10.59 78.¦ 30.04 61.¦ 53.20 76.¦ 1:11.05 62.¦ 71. Bruton Malcolm 1973 Allenwinden BPM Coaching 4:45.56,9 59.37,6 (23) foto 79-HP2 15. ¦ 2:13.03 92.¦ 31.47 100.¦ 51.29 58.¦ 1:09.36 51.¦ 72. Pensa Pascal 1980 Wettswil Pensa Di Corsa p/b Biroma Bike 4:46.17,8 59.58,5 (664) foto 79-HP1 38. ¦ 2:08.38 62.¦ 32.10 114.¦ 52.43 73.¦ 1:12.46 84.¦ 73. Robert-Nicoud Julien 1979 Bevaix 4:46.37,7 1:00.18,4 (70) foto 79-HP1 39. ¦ 2:10.15 73.¦ 29.11 51.¦ 53.55 82.¦ 1:13.16 89.¦ 74. Zysset David 1986 Thun Stöckli Racing Team 4:46.57,2 1:00.37,9 (78) foto 79-HP1 40. ¦ 2:10.13 72.¦ 32.32 124.¦ 52.40 71.¦ 1:11.30 68.¦ 75. Mercier Yoann 1990 Vuadens Team Chiffelle 4:47.37,5 1:01.18,2 (644) foto 79-HP1 41. ¦ 2:11.25 80.¦ 30.18 66.¦ 54.01 83.¦ 1:11.51 72.¦ 76. Dähler Andreas 1971 Schwendibach mahu.ch 4:47.46,0 1:01.26,7 (402) foto 79-HP2 16. ¦ 2:12.00 85.¦ 31.17 89.¦ 53.20 77.¦ 1:11.06 63.¦ 77. Maranon Roberto 1984 Bern Thomus 4:48.04,8 1:01.45,5 (154) foto 79-HP1 42. ¦ 2:07.33 57.¦ 34.31 176.¦ 51.31 59.¦ 1:14.29 103.¦ 78. Brodard Daniel 1973 Suisse BMC Trailcrew 4:49.13,2 1:02.53,9 (153) foto 79-HP2 17. ¦ 2:10.52 75.¦ 31.11 86.¦ 54.46 88.¦ 1:12.23 80.¦ 79. Jaszkowski Nicolas 1994 Chevroux 4:49.14,5 1:02.55,2 (83) foto 79-HP1 43. ¦ 2:16.56 112.¦ 29.46 58.¦ 49.58 40.¦ 1:12.33 81.¦ 80. Marti David 1988 Cugy FR Alouettes.ch 4:49.14,7 1:02.55,4 (67) foto 79-HP1 44. ¦ 2:12.42 91.¦ 30.40 72.¦ 53.30 79.¦ 1:12.20 79.¦ 81. Giller David 1972 Marsens Cycles Passion 4:49.15,7 1:02.56,4 (65) foto 79-HP2 18. ¦ 2:13.27 93.¦ 30.36 70.¦ 53.31 80.¦ 1:11.41 70.¦ 82. Minoggio Julien 1984 Granges-Paccot Vélo Club Fribourg 4:49.17,1 1:02.57,8 (26) foto 79-HP1 45. ¦ 2:15.57 104.¦ 30.41 74.¦ 51.21 56.¦ 1:11.17 65.¦ 83. Bauen Michael 1964 Arlesheim 4:50.44,0 1:04.24,7 (441) foto 79-HP2 19. ¦ 2:16.10 107.¦ 33.18 144.¦ 51.01 52.¦ 1:10.14 55.¦ 84. Joliat Yves 1966 La Sarraz 4:52.23,9 1:06.04,6 (414) foto 79-HP2 20. ¦ 2:14.13 96.¦ 31.42 97.¦ 55.53 103.¦ 1:10.35 59.¦ 85. Schwab Marc-Henri 1970 Froideville C'T'équipe 4:52.37,4 1:06.18,1 (88) foto 79-HP2 21. ¦ 2:12.07 87.¦ 32.43 130.¦ 55.13 92.¦ 1:12.33 82.¦ 86. Zumbühl Benjamin 1984 Wabern 4:52.50,0 1:06.30,7 (102) foto 79-HP1 46. ¦ 2:18.56 125.¦ 29.57 59.¦ 53.50 81.¦ 1:10.06 53.¦ 87. Tossut Roger 1968 Küssnacht am Rigi Velo Scheidegger Ebikon 4:54.51,1 1:08.31,8 (416) foto 79-HP2 22. ¦ 2:16.53 111.¦ 29.41 55.¦ 56.25 111.¦ 1:11.51 73.¦ 88. Mihatovic Oliver 1982 Spiegel b. Bern 4:55.13,5 1:08.54,2 (79) foto 79-HP1 47. ¦ 2:10.55 76.¦ 33.20 146.¦ 56.02 105.¦ 1:14.54 107.¦ 89. Wernli Olivier 1970 Delémont Bicycleddy GIANT 4:55.54,0 1:09.34,7 (748) foto 79-HP2 23. ¦ 2:14.37 99.¦ 32.42 128.¦ 56.22 110.¦ 1:12.11 76.¦ 90. Fankhauser Roman 1975 Villnachern Jura Biker 4:56.02,9 1:09.43,6 (602) foto 79-HP2 24. ¦ 2:14.45 100.¦ 33.27 151.¦ 52.12 65.¦ 1:15.37 116.¦ 91. Peter Stephan 1978 Luthern Bike-Hotel Krone Luthern 4:56.06,0 1:09.46,7 (413) foto 79-HP1 48. ¦ 2:16.03 105.¦ 31.19 90.¦ 55.25 95.¦ 1:13.18 90.¦ 92. Buengen Knut 1970 Hausen am Albis team roleto 4:56.20,9 1:10.01,6 (391) foto 79-HP2 25. ¦ 2:16.41 110.¦ 33.00 138.¦ 55.22 94.¦ 1:11.16 64.¦ 93. Durel Jean 1985 Bevaix 4:57.08,2 1:10.48,9 (301) foto 79-HP1 49. ¦ 2:18.09 119.¦ 31.32 93.¦ 55.10 91.¦ 1:12.16 78.¦ 94. Carrel Johann 1980 Villarvolard 4:57.09,5 1:10.50,2 (72) foto 79-HP1 50. ¦ 2:12.00 84.¦ 30.39 71.¦ 55.35 99.¦ 1:18.54 147.¦ 95. Buchwalder Lionel 1968 Courroux VCC/JoliatCycles 4:57.39,3 1:11.20,0 (444) foto 79-HP2 26. ¦ 2:17.49 116.¦ 31.58 106.¦ 54.23 85.¦ 1:13.28 92.¦ 96. Soppelsa Florian 1964 Châtel-St-Denis 4:57.58,0 1:11.38,7 (133) foto 79-HP2 27. ¦ 2:14.18 98.¦ 30.46 76.¦ 56.12 107.¦ 1:16.40 128.¦ 97. Monnet Christian 1965 Martigny GIANT-BIKENJOY 4:57.58,8 1:11.39,5 (422) foto 79-HP2 28. ¦ 2:19.32 131.¦ 32.17 119.¦ 55.31 98.¦ 1:10.37 61.¦ 98. Läderach Christian 1967 Rapperswil BE sputnik-bikeshop.ch/RV Ersigen 4:58.35,7 1:12.16,4 (85) foto 79-HP2 29. ¦ 2:17.49 115.¦ 31.17 88.¦ 55.02 89.¦ 1:14.26 101.¦ 99. Buntschu Hugo 1960 St. Silvester Stöckli 4:58.37,0 1:12.17,7 (37) foto 79-HP2 30. ¦ 2:14.17 97.¦ 31.14 87.¦ 55.18 93.¦ 1:17.46 137.¦ 100. Schranz Andreas 1972 Unterseen 2-Rad-Götz 4:58.38,6 1:12.19,3 (469) foto 79-HP2 31. ¦ 2:18.14 120.¦ 31.51 103.¦ 55.28 96.¦ 1:13.04 88.¦ 101. Bordet Damien 1982 Villars-Burquin Wanner Cycle 4:59.07,3 1:12.48,0 (479) foto 79-HP1 51. ¦ 2:16.04 106.¦ 33.22 147.¦ 56.17 109.¦ 1:13.23 91.¦ 102. Roos Damien 1977 Ecuvillens UVG 4:59.16,3 1:12.57,0 (680) foto 79-HP1 52. ¦ 2:10.07 70.¦ 31.09 85.¦ 58.19 129.¦ 1:19.40 160.¦ 103. Kistler Simon Andrea 1996 Feutersoey speed-wheels.ch/Veloclub Saane 4:59.47,2 1:13.27,9 (722) foto 79-HP1 53. ¦ 2:13.29 94.¦ 32.17 120.¦ 1:00.18 150.¦ 1:13.41 95.¦ 104. Varnier Loïc 1986 Riaz 5:00.33,5 1:14.14,2 (24) foto 79-HE 20. ¦ 2:16.18 108.¦ 36.59 246.¦ 52.22 67.¦ 1:14.53 106.¦ 105. Nünlist Aldo 1970 Egerkingen VelostationOensingen 5:00.38,1 1:14.18,8 (25) foto 79-HP2 32. ¦ 2:20.33 141.¦ 30.54 77.¦ 54.42 87.¦ 1:14.27 102.¦ 106. Rindlisbacher René 1970 Schliern b. Köniz Velo Gfeller 5:01.08,8 1:14.49,5 (42) foto 79-HP2 33. ¦ 2:15.44 103.¦ 31.07 83.¦ 55.53 101.¦ 1:18.24 143.¦ 107. Buchs Nicolas 1985 Posat Giboux 5:01.28,6 1:15.09,3 (415) foto 79-HP1 54. ¦ 2:19.33 133.¦ 31.08 84.¦ 55.55 104.¦ 1:14.50 105.¦ 108. Lussi Markus 1972 Dübendorf Bike Solution Zell 5:02.32,8 1:16.13,5 (638) foto 79-HP2 34. ¦ 2:14.06 95.¦ 32.06 111.¦ 58.45 135.¦ 1:17.34 132.¦ 109. Brandenberger Frédéric 1977 Corbières vccMorteau montbenoit 5:02.51,9 1:16.32,6 (144) foto 79-HE 21. ¦ 2:19.43 134.¦ 30.22 68.¦ 56.58 112.¦ 1:15.47 118.¦ 110. Marguet Adrien 1989 Le Cerneux-Péquignot 5:02.57,5 1:16.38,2 (474) foto 79-HP1 55. ¦ 2:20.15 139.¦ 31.32 94.¦ 55.45 100.¦ 1:15.24 113.¦ 111. Beeler Yannis 1972 Cudrefin Follow me Cudrefin 5:03.10,9 1:16.51,6 (318) foto 79-HP2 35. ¦ 2:20.15 140.¦ 32.51 134.¦ 54.35 86.¦ 1:15.27 115.¦ 112. Deglise Cyril 1980 St-Légier Altmann Sport 5:03.51,8 1:17.32,5 (86) foto 79-HP1 56. ¦ 2:18.08 118.¦ 33.11 141.¦ 56.16 108.¦ 1:16.15 126.¦ 113. Borgeaud Fabrice 1980 Sion 5:04.05,6 1:17.46,3 (387) foto 79-HP1 57. ¦ 2:19.19 128.¦ 33.38 156.¦ 56.10 106.¦ 1:14.57 108.¦ 114. Gremion Fabien 1994 La Tour-de-Trême o2MounTainBike 5:04.35,0 1:18.15,7 (417) foto 79-HP1 58. ¦ 2:11.47 82.¦ 30.41 75.¦ 1:09.05 248.¦ 1:13.00 86.¦ 115. Delaquis Quentin 1996 Matran VC Fribourg 5:04.41,3 1:18.22,0 (27) foto 79-HE 22. ¦ 2:15.42 101.¦ 38.46 279.¦ 53.13 75.¦ 1:16.58 130.¦ 116. Molliet Laurent 1980 Riaz Sottas Fit - Dupasquier Sports 5:05.00,3 1:18.41,0 (33) foto 79-HP1 59. ¦ 2:18.53 124.¦ 34.03 167.¦ 57.38 119.¦ 1:14.24 100.¦ 117. Schmocker Christophe 1972 Chardonne Cyclomaniacs/VCVevey 5:05.04,6 1:18.45,3 (57) foto 79-HP2 36. ¦ 2:17.01 113.¦ 31.59 107.¦ 57.58 122.¦ 1:18.04 140.¦ 118. Bucher Pascal 1972 Aettenschwil bergwerk.ch 5:05.13,8 1:18.54,5 (443) foto 79-HP2 37. ¦ 2:18.32 121.¦ 33.25 149.¦ 59.14 141.¦ 1:14.01 99.¦ 119. Duvoisin Antony 1965 Boudevilliers VTT et Détente 5:05.13,9 1:18.54,6 (757) foto 79-HP2 38. ¦ 2:19.30 130.¦ 33.18 145.¦ 57.00 113.¦ 1:15.24 112.¦ 120. Kolly François 1988 Romont FR Sports Aventures 5:05.21,1 1:19.01,8 (724) foto 79-HP1 60. ¦ 2:20.06 137.¦ 32.11 115.¦ 58.03 124.¦ 1:15.00 109.¦ 121. Baumgartner Jürg 1971 Steffisburg RC Steffisburg 5:05.40,5 1:19.21,2 (762) foto 79-HP2 39. ¦ 2:17.54 117.¦ 30.55 79.¦ 57.10 116.¦ 1:19.39 159.¦ 122. Savary Sebastien 1975 Vers-chez-Perrin FELT Dani Vtt 5:06.12,9 1:19.53,6 (419) foto 79-HP2 40. ¦ 2:19.23 129.¦ 32.15 118.¦ 58.16 128.¦ 1:16.17 127.¦ 123. Enzler Markus 1972 Busswil Team Stöckli 5:06.40,8 1:20.21,5 (87) foto 79-HP2 41. ¦ 2:23.44 161.¦ 32.44 131.¦ 57.28 118.¦ 1:12.42 83.¦ 124. Clément Yves 1989 Ependes FR VC-Fribourg 5:06.41,9 1:20.22,6 (147) foto 79-HE 23. ¦ 2:12.25 90.¦ 31.42 96.¦ 1:01.35 163.¦ 1:20.58 174.¦ 125. Fuchs Christian 1975 Lungern n'H Biketeam 5:06.56,2 1:20.36,9 (68) foto 79-HP2 42. ¦ 2:16.27 109.¦ 33.13 143.¦ 57.09 115.¦ 1:20.05 162.¦ 126. Quenet Hervé 1973 Chevenez GSA 5:07.33,8 1:21.14,5 (477) foto 79-HP2 43. ¦ 2:20.36 142.¦ 31.48 101.¦ 55.31 97.¦ 1:19.37 158.¦ 127. Käch Josef 1985 Kriens Müller 2rad Emmen 5:08.20,6 1:22.01,3 (622) foto 79-HP1 61. ¦ 2:12.18 88.¦ 40.59 313.¦ 59.01 138.¦ 1:16.01 121.¦ 128. Roy Alexandre 1982 Courtételle #vccjoliatcycles 5:08.43,2 1:22.23,9 (685) foto 79-HP1 62. ¦ 2:22.52 155.¦ 33.08 140.¦ 58.50 137.¦ 1:13.52 97.¦ 129. Zimmer Ueli 1960 Hagneck RICOTER 5:09.04,1 1:22.44,8 (82) foto 79-HP2 44. ¦ 2:22.52 156.¦ 31.00 82.¦ 57.04 114.¦ 1:18.06 141.¦ 130. Senn Robert 1960 Zug Phoenix-Bike Racing Team 5:09.12,8 1:22.53,5 (90) foto 79-HP2 45. ¦ 2:20.49 145.¦ 33.13 142.¦ 59.01 139.¦ 1:16.08 123.¦ 131. Koncz Szabolcs 1982 Fribourg Scott 5:09.19,0 1:22.59,7 (725) foto 79-HP1 63. ¦ 2:23.06 158.¦ 34.40 183.¦ 57.55 121.¦ 1:13.36 94.¦ 132. Reif Thomas 1972 Aeugst am Albis Bike-Helden 5:09.19,8 1:23.00,5 (93) foto 79-HP2 46. ¦ 2:18.37 122.¦ 32.49 132.¦ 59.02 140.¦ 1:18.49 146.¦ 133. Rossier Fabien 1983 Neyruz FR Team Chiffelle 5:09.25,5 1:23.06,2 (145) foto 79-HP1 64. ¦ 2:21.40 151.¦ 32.41 127.¦ 58.50 136.¦ 1:16.13 125.¦ 134. Robadey Serge 1970 Enney New work 5:09.26,0 1:23.06,7 (676) foto 79-HP2 47. ¦ 2:28.42 189.¦ 30.55 78.¦ 58.13 125.¦ 1:11.35 69.¦ 135. Siegen Daniel 1974 Wiler (Lötschen) Bike Sport Simplon Brig 5:09.46,7 1:23.27,4 (150) foto 79-HE 24. ¦ 2:19.07 126.¦ 31.49 102.¦ 58.15 127.¦ 1:20.34 169.¦ 136. Racine Fabien 1988 Sugiez 5:10.54,9 1:24.35,6 (733) foto 79-HP1 65. ¦ 2:23.28 159.¦ 33.53 159.¦ 55.53 101.¦ 1:17.40 134.¦ 137. Pasquier Nathan 1990 La Tour-de-Trême 5:11.30,7 1:25.11,4 (310) foto 79-HP1 66. ¦ 2:19.58 135.¦ 32.23 122.¦ 58.45 134.¦ 1:20.23 168.¦ 138. Petitpierre Xavier 1993 Ste-Croix 5:12.21,7 1:26.02,4 (731) foto 79-HP1 67. ¦ 2:15.43 102.¦ 35.32 211.¦ 1:07.16 227.¦ 1:13.48 96.¦ 139. Wyss Thomas 1966 Liesberg Dorf 5:12.22,2 1:26.02,9 (92) foto 79-HP2 48. ¦ 2:21.36 148.¦ 37.32 257.¦ 57.53 120.¦ 1:15.19 111.¦ 140. Eisele Marcel 1977 Uitikon Waldegg 5:13.04,8 1:26.45,5 (109) foto 79-HP1 68. ¦ 2:25.52 170.¦ 31.43 98.¦ 59.29 144.¦ 1:16.00 120.¦ 141. Blaser Franz 1974 Subingen 5:13.25,4 1:27.06,1 (100) foto 79-HP2 49. ¦ 2:22.57 157.¦ 33.31 153.¦ 58.01 123.¦ 1:18.55 149.¦ 142. Erbeia Grégoire 1975 Choulex Fatbike-Switzerland 5:13.47,6 1:27.28,3 (429) foto 79-HP2 50. ¦ 2:21.37 149.¦ 34.18 172.¦ 59.51 147.¦ 1:18.00 139.¦ 143. Grossmann Andi 1972 Gersau Zentralbike Racing team 5:13.59,6 1:27.40,3 (719) foto 79-HP2 51. ¦ 2:21.12 147.¦ 32.01 109.¦ 1:01.57 167.¦ 1:18.48 145.¦ 144. Serra Marco 1981 Jonschwil Velothek Kalag 5:14.29,3 1:28.10,0 (739) foto 79-HP1 69. ¦ 2:20.14 138.¦ 34.58 192.¦ 58.35 132.¦ 1:20.40 171.¦ 145. Progin Lionel 1982 Vuadens Menoud Bike 5:14.48,1 1:28.28,8 (31) foto 79-HP1 70. ¦ 2:17.22 114.¦ 32.43 129.¦ 1:02.41 172.¦ 1:22.00 195.¦ 146. Berdoz Clément 1982 Château-d'Oex Château-d'Oex Global Cycle 5:15.04,3 1:28.45,0 (382) foto 79-HP1 71. ¦ 2:24.42 166.¦ 32.02 110.¦ 1:00.38 153.¦ 1:17.41 135.¦ 147. Junker René 1964 Ipsach 5:15.10,9 1:28.51,6 (99) foto 79-HP2 52. ¦ 2:19.33 132.¦ 34.19 173.¦ 1:01.16 159.¦ 1:20.02 161.¦ 148. Moret Frédéric 1985 Blonay DANI VTT FELT 5:15.37,1 1:29.17,8 (136) foto 79-HP1 72. ¦ 2:20.56 146.¦ 30.58 81.¦ 1:02.05 171.¦ 1:21.36 189.¦ 149. Scheurer Markus 1962 Bolligen Bikeline 5:15.42,4 1:29.23,1 (61) foto 79-HP2 53. ¦ 2:28.09 186.¦ 32.10 113.¦ 59.32 145.¦ 1:15.50 119.¦ 150. Grognuz Christophe 1982 Cugy FR 5:15.46,7 1:29.27,4 (146) foto 79-HP1 73. ¦ 2:26.36 174.¦ 30.58 80.¦ 1:00.38 152.¦ 1:17.33 131.¦ 151. Gothuey Jérome 1976 Pringy 5:17.02,6 1:30.43,3 (105) foto 79-HP2 54. ¦ 2:20.45 144.¦ 31.37 95.¦ 1:03.21 181.¦ 1:21.18 183.¦ 152. Mottaz Valentin 1986 Chavornay 5:17.10,2 1:30.50,9 (653) foto 79-HP1 74. ¦ 2:19.08 127.¦ 34.50 189.¦ 1:00.19 151.¦ 1:22.53 205.¦ 153. Räss Markus 1968 Münsingen RV Ersigen 5:17.44,2 1:31.24,9 (764) foto 79-HP2 55. ¦ 2:22.11 152.¦ 37.43 260.¦ 1:03.16 178.¦ 1:14.33 104.¦ 154. Chenaux Nicolas 1970 Châtonnaye 5:17.44,3 1:31.25,0 (29) foto 79-HP2 56. ¦ 2:25.50 169.¦ 35.45 219.¦ 58.15 126.¦ 1:17.53 138.¦ 155. Martinez Miguel 1978 Chavannes-les-Forts Team Martinez 5:18.12,6 1:31.53,3 (641) foto 79-HP1 75. ¦ 2:28.54 194.¦ 33.04 139.¦ 1:01.00 157.¦ 1:15.13 110.¦ 156. Michel Loïc 1991 Remaufens Sports-aventures 5:20.06,6 1:33.47,3 (648) foto 79-HP1 76. ¦ 2:20.06 136.¦ 32.11 116.¦ 1:00.11 149.¦ 1:27.38 252.¦ 157. Pretre Nicolas 1961 Corgémont Vélo Passion 5:20.18,0 1:33.58,7 (89) foto 79-HP2 57. ¦ 2:22.33 154.¦ 31.47 99.¦ 1:05.04 205.¦ 1:20.52 173.¦ 158. Berset Claude-Bernard 1971 Meyrin Chouilly Racing, 5:20.24,5 1:34.05,2 (383) foto 79-HP2 58. ¦ 2:30.03 201.¦ 34.46 187.¦ 59.28 143.¦ 1:16.06 122.¦ 159. Kurth Alexandre 1965 Basel 5:20.32,3 1:34.13,0 (104) foto 79-HP2 59. ¦ 2:25.00 168.¦ 34.37 179.¦ 59.17 142.¦ 1:21.36 189.¦ 160. Troutot Sébastien 1976 Prez-vers-Siviriez Team Chiffelle 5:20.41,4 1:34.22,1 (34) foto 79-HP2 60. ¦ 2:27.48 182.¦ 33.58 162.¦ 58.34 131.¦ 1:20.20 166.¦ 161. Constantin Maxime 1990 St-Léonard Bike holiday 5:22.33,2 1:36.13,9 (770) foto 79-HP1 77. ¦ 2:31.05 207.¦ 34.40 182.¦ 59.54 148.¦ 1:16.53 129.¦ 162. Scyboz Nicolas 1962 Pringy 5:22.49,4 1:36.30,1 (306) foto 79-HP2 61. ¦ 2:20.41 143.¦ 32.31 123.¦ 1:05.25 210.¦ 1:24.11 212.¦ 163. Castella Didier 1970 Pringy 5:22.49,6 1:36.30,3 (445) foto 79-HP2 62. ¦ 2:26.14 172.¦ 34.21 174.¦ 1:00.41 154.¦ 1:21.32 187.¦ 164. Maillard Didier 1972 Vauderens Team Racing Chiffelle Bike 5:22.55,4 1:36.36,1 (38) foto 79-HP2 63. ¦ 2:28.10 187.¦ 33.37 155.¦ 58.44 133.¦ 1:22.23 200.¦ 165. Wälchli Christian 1978 Heitenried BigFriends.ch 5:23.28,7 1:37.09,4 (77) foto 79-HP1 78. ¦ 2:26.41 175.¦ 31.58 105.¦ 1:01.57 168.¦ 1:22.51 204.¦ 166. Schaller Yannick 1986 Bassecourt Team Tabourat 5:23.51,5 1:37.32,2 (689) foto 79-HP1 79. ¦ 2:24.21 162.¦ 34.14 169.¦ 1:04.52 202.¦ 1:20.23 167.¦ 167. Mock Robert 1968 Münchenstein Baueng las Dezale Café 5:24.06,1 1:37.46,8 (433) foto 79-HP2 64. ¦ 2:30.40 206.¦ 33.00 136.¦ 1:00.49 155.¦ 1:19.35 157.¦ 168. Reduce Christian 1979 Vétroz Team Chiron 5:24.11,7 1:37.52,4 (674) foto 79-HP1 80. ¦ 2:24.28 163.¦ 34.05 168.¦ 1:03.49 186.¦ 1:21.47 192.¦ 169. Singy Christophe 1977 Villarlod 5:24.12,1 1:37.52,8 (454) foto 79-HP1 81. ¦ 2:29.21 197.¦ 32.32 124.¦ 1:01.15 158.¦ 1:21.01 176.¦ 170. Maillard Blaise 1992 St-Martin FR Pythoud Cycles 5:24.17,9 1:37.58,6 (639) foto 79-HP1 82. ¦ 2:26.09 171.¦ 32.21 121.¦ 1:06.12 216.¦ 1:19.34 155.¦ 171. Mauron Thierry 1983 Courgevaux Vélo Club Payern 5:25.20,8 1:39.01,5 (302) foto 79-HP1 83. ¦ 2:27.11 180.¦ 33.33 154.¦ 1:02.44 173.¦ 1:21.50 193.¦ 172. Schornoz Daniel 1968 Vuisternens-en-Ogoz 5:26.12,3 1:39.53,0 (28) foto 79-HP2 65. ¦ 2:27.05 178.¦ 33.00 137.¦ 1:04.11 189.¦ 1:21.53 194.¦ 173. Zumsteg Marco 1987 Zeiningen Stöckli Racing Team 5:26.24,7 1:40.05,4 (710) foto 79-HP1 84. ¦ 2:22.13 153.¦ 34.51 190.¦ 1:04.27 192.¦ 1:24.52 226.¦ 174. Maillard Frédéric 1971 Bulle 5:26.43,4 1:40.24,1 (108) foto 79-HP2 66. ¦ 2:29.05 196.¦ 35.56 223.¦ 1:01.23 161.¦ 1:20.18 165.¦ 175. Lindner Adrian 1981 Ueberstorf LIEBHERR 5:27.27,5 1:41.08,2 (428) foto 79-HP1 85. ¦ 2:32.21 214.¦ 33.28 152.¦ 1:03.57 187.¦ 1:17.41 136.¦ 176. Joliat Martial 1985 Courgenay Gsajoie compétition 5:27.41,3 1:41.22,0 (97) foto 79-HP1 86. ¦ 2:34.39 231.¦ 31.27 91.¦ 1:01.23 160.¦ 1:20.10 163.¦ 177. Chèvre Frédéric 1975 Courcelon VC Courtételle 5:27.44,7 1:41.25,4 (446) foto 79-HP2 67. ¦ 2:28.14 188.¦ 35.18 203.¦ 1:04.37 197.¦ 1:19.34 156.¦ 178. Galdos Gorka 1980 Yverdon-les-Bains Team Suchet 5:28.15,8 1:41.56,5 (605) foto 79-HP1 87. ¦ 2:29.44 199.¦ 34.56 191.¦ 1:04.30 194.¦ 1:19.04 151.¦ 179. Kuse Christoph 1982 Ipsach Veloatelier Biel 5:28.30,2 1:42.10,9 (455) foto 79-HP1 88. ¦ 2:24.57 167.¦ 32.07 112.¦ 1:04.48 201.¦ 1:26.37 243.¦ 180. Fankhauser Ueli 1963 Ranflüh 5:28.35,7 1:42.16,4 (101) foto 79-HP2 68. ¦ 2:31.06 208.¦ 35.01 194.¦ 1:01.23 162.¦ 1:21.04 179.¦ 181. Oswald Roland 1970 Münsingen Crazy Veloshop-Scott / RSC Aar 5:29.29,0 1:43.09,7 (662) foto 79-HP2 69. ¦ 2:32.22 215.¦ 36.03 227.¦ 1:01.50 165.¦ 1:19.12 153.¦ 182. Kohler Stefan 1969 Hirschthal Sportequipment.ch 5:29.46,9 1:43.27,6 (69) foto 79-HP2 70. ¦ 2:26.59 176.¦ 32.50 133.¦ 1:05.25 209.¦ 1:24.31 219.¦ 183. Rouiller Dominique 1973 Avry-devant-Pont 5:30.23,7 1:44.04,4 (684) foto 79-HP2 71. ¦ 2:32.25 217.¦ 36.01 225.¦ 1:02.56 175.¦ 1:19.00 150.¦ 184. Lorimier Vincent 1978 Blonay 5:30.29,3 1:44.10,0 (637) foto 79-HP1 89. ¦ 2:33.06 223.¦ 35.18 202.¦ 1:06.20 218.¦ 1:15.44 117.¦ 185. Pythoud Joël 1969 Orny Les amis de la course 5:30.35,3 1:44.16,0 (420) foto 79-HP2 72. ¦ 2:28.48 193.¦ 35.54 221.¦ 1:05.38 211.¦ 1:20.14 164.¦ 186. Maradan Gaëtan 1988 Dombresson Technibike 5:30.36,7 1:44.17,4 (472) foto 79-HE 25. ¦ 2:27.07 179.¦ 35.30 208.¦ 1:01.40 164.¦ 1:26.18 240.¦ 187. Gassner Philip 1979 Hämikon 5:30.38,8 1:44.19,5 (344) foto 79-HP1 90. ¦ 2:29.30 198.¦ 34.15 170.¦ 1:04.42 199.¦ 1:22.10 199.¦ 188. Vouillamoz Emile 1959 Riddes Garage Sporting 5:30.56,7 1:44.37,4 (106) foto 79-HP2 73. ¦ 2:30.35 205.¦ 39.25 290.¦ 1:02.01 169.¦ 1:18.54 148.¦ 189. Binggeli Markus 1965 Cordast Thömus 5:30.57,6 1:44.38,3 (119) foto 79-HE 26. ¦ 2:28.08 184.¦ 32.36 126.¦ 1:04.32 195.¦ 1:25.41 235.¦ 190. Noirat Alan 1990 Miécourt Mont-Terri XCO Team 5:31.22,7 1:45.03,4 (658) foto 79-HP1 91. ¦ 2:28.47 190.¦ 33.57 161.¦ 1:03.20 180.¦ 1:25.16 228.¦ 191. Marguerat Romain 1982 Villars-Burquin Wanner Cycles Orbe 5:31.26,2 1:45.06,9 (480) foto 79-HP1 92. ¦ 2:30.15 203.¦ 35.30 207.¦ 1:04.11 188.¦ 1:21.28 186.¦ 192. Barras Thierry 1983 Gilly 5:31.46,2 1:45.26,9 (475) foto 79-HP1 93. ¦ 2:23.43 160.¦ 35.40 216.¦ 1:08.07 238.¦ 1:24.15 215.¦ 193. Roch Thierry 1995 Rossens FR 5:31.47,0 1:45.27,7 (677) foto 79-HP1 94. ¦ 2:21.40 150.¦ 35.24 206.¦ 1:05.50 213.¦ 1:28.51 267.¦ 194. Vienne Alain 1966 Vuadens 5:32.12,7 1:45.53,4 (43) foto 79-HP2 74. ¦ 2:32.45 220.¦ 33.59 163.¦ 1:00.57 156.¦ 1:24.30 218.¦ 195. Voirol Didier 1975 Cernier Technibike 5:32.17,8 1:45.58,5 (303) foto 79-HP2 75. ¦ 2:27.42 181.¦ 35.23 205.¦ 1:08.08 239.¦ 1:21.03 177.¦ 196. Von-Kaenel Karel 1990 Bonfol GS Ajoie 5:32.22,7 1:46.03,4 (353) foto 79-HP1 95. ¦ 2:35.52 242.¦ 37.48 263.¦ 59.34 146.¦ 1:19.06 152.¦ 197. Sprunger Daniel 1960 Prévonloup 5:32.45,7 1:46.26,4 (340) foto 79-HP2 76. ¦ 2:28.48 192.¦ 36.29 238.¦ 1:04.37 198.¦ 1:22.50 203.¦ 198. Probst Pascal 1975 Brüttelen 5:32.52,3 1:46.33,0 (673) foto 79-HP2 77. ¦ 2:35.54 243.¦ 33.49 158.¦ 1:04.21 191.¦ 1:18.47 144.¦ 199. Rossier Sven 1988 Neuchâtel Zeta cycling club 5:33.02,5 1:46.43,2 (682) foto 79-HP1 96. ¦ 2:31.29 209.¦ 34.38 180.¦ 1:02.04 170.¦ 1:24.50 225.¦ 200. Erbeia Mathieu 1982 Vandoeuvres 5:33.03,2 1:46.43,9 (715) foto 79-HP1 97. ¦ 2:32.55 221.¦ 35.06 197.¦ 1:03.38 184.¦ 1:21.22 184.¦ 201. Geiger Gaston 1981 Sion Team Zurich Laurent Friedl 5:33.33,4 1:47.14,1 (107) foto 79-HP1 98. ¦ 2:24.34 164.¦ 33.25 150.¦ 1:09.09 250.¦ 1:26.23 241.¦ 202. Müller Philipp 1964 Kirchberg SG Fraefel BIKE-Team 5:33.43,8 1:47.24,5 (423) foto 79-HP2 78. ¦ 2:31.34 210.¦ 37.30 256.¦ 1:02.53 174.¦ 1:21.45 191.¦ 203. Abrami Franco 1972 Vicques CHOKcycles 5:34.11,2 1:47.51,9 (758) foto 79-HP2 79. ¦ 2:36.06 244.¦ 34.17 171.¦ 1:04.32 196.¦ 1:19.14 154.¦ 204. Fasel Patrick 1976 Wünnewil Stöckli - SIDE CUT 5:34.35,7 1:48.16,4 (323) foto 79-HP2 80. ¦ 2:28.57 195.¦ 35.36 214.¦ 1:06.50 220.¦ 1:23.11 208.¦ 205. Erbeia Sébastien 1978 Vandoeuvres Fatbike-Switzerland 5:34.59,0 1:48.39,7 (436) foto 79-HP1 99. ¦ 2:28.08 185.¦ 33.53 160.¦ 1:10.00 260.¦ 1:22.56 206.¦ 206. Kälin Michael 1984 Einsiedeln Herbalife24 5:34.59,3 1:48.40,0 (623) foto 79-HP1 100. ¦ 2:33.18 226.¦ 35.08 199.¦ 1:05.43 212.¦ 1:20.49 172.¦ 207. Christe Quentin 1992 Vendlincourt Mont-Terri XCO Team 5:35.54,3 1:49.35,0 (399) foto 79-HP1 101. ¦ 2:32.16 213.¦ 36.17 234.¦ 1:03.06 176.¦ 1:24.14 214.¦ 208. Grand Didier 1977 St-Martin FR SCOTT Sports 5:36.08,1 1:49.48,8 (718) foto 79-HP1 102. ¦ 2:33.16 225.¦ 36.17 235.¦ 1:05.17 208.¦ 1:21.17 182.¦ 209. Fuhrer René 1970 Niedergösgen 5:36.34,0 1:50.14,7 (321) foto 79-HP2 81. ¦ 2:32.37 219.¦ 35.20 204.¦ 1:06.59 223.¦ 1:21.35 188.¦ 210. Dubey Patrick 1977 Villaz-St-Pierre team velosophe 5:37.11,5 1:50.52,2 (712) foto 79-HP1 103. ¦ 2:35.42 240.¦ 37.45 261.¦ 1:06.06 215.¦ 1:17.37 133.¦ 211. Delaquis Stéphane 1971 Matran Cycles Pache 5:37.17,8 1:50.58,5 (404) foto 79-HP2 82. ¦ 2:37.49 258.¦ 35.07 198.¦ 1:03.17 179.¦ 1:21.03 178.¦ 212. Wüthrich Hans 1964 Oberwangen b. Bern zaboo 5:38.19,7 1:52.00,4 (709) foto 79-HP2 83. ¦ 2:42.38 285.¦ 35.05 196.¦ 58.32 130.¦ 1:22.02 196.¦ 213. Grab Daniel 1971 Oberägeri Haag-Streit 5:38.48,2 1:52.28,9 (457) foto 79-HP2 84. ¦ 2:36.09 245.¦ 32.57 135.¦ 1:04.14 190.¦ 1:25.27 230.¦ 214. Bartolo Dominique 1961 Meyrin Choully Racing 5:38.50,1 1:52.30,8 (378) foto 79-HP2 85. ¦ 2:34.51 232.¦ 35.03 195.¦ 1:07.39 232.¦ 1:21.15 181.¦ 215. Aeby Nicolas 1987 Oberschrot Team Mahu 5:39.52,9 1:53.33,6 (121) foto 79-HP1 104. ¦ 2:28.07 183.¦ 35.33 212.¦ 1:04.59 204.¦ 1:31.12 290.¦ 216. Broekaert Kris 1980 Genève Salsaspurters 5:39.56,5 1:53.37,2 (478) foto 79-HP1 105. ¦ 2:35.08 236.¦ 35.56 222.¦ 1:03.22 182.¦ 1:25.28 231.¦ 217. Steffen Alex 1968 Schachen LU Stöckli Racing Team 5:40.56,8 1:54.37,5 (701) foto 79-HP2 86. ¦ 2:38.05 262.¦ 39.44 295.¦ 1:01.54 166.¦ 1:21.12 180.¦ 218. Joye Jean-Claude 1962 Pensier Groupe E Celsius 5:41.09,4 1:54.50,1 (338) foto 79-HP2 87. ¦ 2:32.06 212.¦ 38.51 284.¦ 1:04.54 203.¦ 1:25.16 229.¦ 219. Kizildag Tanju 1971 Senèdes 5:41.41,2 1:55.21,9 (331) foto 79-HP2 88. ¦ 2:33.33 227.¦ 35.30 210.¦ 1:09.07 249.¦ 1:23.30 209.¦ 220. Monnier Johan 1985 Agiez 5:42.04,1 1:55.44,8 (650) foto 79-HP1 106. ¦ 2:33.35 228.¦ 37.56 267.¦ 1:09.33 252.¦ 1:20.59 175.¦ 221. Gremion Bruno 1972 Bulle 5:42.13,4 1:55.54,1 (424) foto 79-HP2 89. ¦ 2:37.46 257.¦ 34.47 188.¦ 1:05.05 206.¦ 1:24.33 220.¦ 222. Pochon Pierre-Alexis 1973 Fontaines NE VTT et détente 5:42.42,8 1:56.23,5 (668) foto 79-HP2 90. ¦ 2:30.18 204.¦ 36.47 244.¦ 1:09.21 251.¦ 1:26.15 239.¦ 223. Vocat Eddy 1970 La Tour-de-Peilz LP Bulloise 5:42.45,4 1:56.26,1 (311) foto 79-HP2 91. ¦ 2:37.29 253.¦ 36.04 228.¦ 1:07.04 226.¦ 1:22.07 197.¦ 224. Reynaud Pascal 1968 St-Aubin FR 5:43.13,2 1:56.53,9 (313) foto 79-HP2 92. ¦ 2:34.59 234.¦ 34.28 175.¦ 1:08.05 236.¦ 1:25.39 233.¦ 225. Such Paul 1978 Préverenges 5:43.27,0 1:57.07,7 (342) foto 79-HP1 107. ¦ 2:37.26 251.¦ 38.23 275.¦ 1:03.16 177.¦ 1:24.21 216.¦ 226. Currat Yann 1973 Giffers Diabpower 5:43.45,5 1:57.26,2 (449) foto 79-HP2 93. ¦ 2:30.13 202.¦ 33.59 164.¦ 1:14.00 290.¦ 1:25.32 232.¦ 227. Wicht Patrick 1969 Le Pâquier-Montbarry 5:43.59,2 1:57.39,9 (470) foto 79-HP2 94. ¦ 2:26.33 173.¦ 34.02 165.¦ 1:15.25 295.¦ 1:27.58 257.¦ 228. Huber Stéphane 1972 Cheyres VC Payerne Pro Cycles 5:45.25,7 1:59.06,4 (110) foto 79-HP2 95. ¦ 2:39.38 268.¦ 34.46 186.¦ 1:06.24 219.¦ 1:24.37 223.¦ 229. Jurt Andi 1975 Luzern 5:45.28,0 1:59.08,7 (621) foto 79-HP2 96. ¦ 2:34.55 233.¦ 38.51 283.¦ 1:08.06 237.¦ 1:23.34 210.¦ 230. Deillon Thierry 1979 Siviriez Team Chiffelle 5:45.49,4 1:59.30,1 (137) foto 79-HP1 108. ¦ 2:37.27 252.¦ 35.00 193.¦ 1:07.28 229.¦ 1:25.53 236.¦ 231. Charrière Johann 1986 Grattavache 5:46.12,0 1:59.52,7 (315) foto 79-HP1 109. ¦ 2:35.37 239.¦ 36.42 241.¦ 1:07.02 224.¦ 1:26.49 244.¦ 232. Mesot Vincent 1984 La Joux FR 5:46.12,4 1:59.53,1 (324) foto 79-HP1 110. ¦ 2:32.29 218.¦ 36.20 237.¦ 1:08.08 240.¦ 1:29.13 272.¦ 233. Erard Vincent 1980 Belfaux Team Scott Menoud bike 5:46.15,5 1:59.56,2 (314) foto 79-HP1 111. ¦ 2:37.39 255.¦ 37.17 253.¦ 1:07.04 225.¦ 1:24.14 213.¦ 234. Blanc Christian 1967 Le Locle Cime Cycle 5:46.27,1 2:00.07,8 (763) foto 79-HP2 97. ¦ 2:42.27 283.¦ 37.22 254.¦ 1:04.28 193.¦ 1:22.08 198.¦ 235. Colliard Maxime 1997 Progens Pédale Bulloise 5:46.44,3 2:00.25,0 (111) foto 79-HE 27. ¦ 2:32.06 211.¦ 34.44 184.¦ 1:08.10 241.¦ 1:31.43 292.¦ 236. Missègue Alexandre 1974 Lovens Team Perskindol 5:47.53,7 2:01.34,4 (729) foto 79-HP2 98. ¦ 2:44.17 294.¦ 35.43 218.¦ 1:05.13 207.¦ 1:22.40 202.¦ 237. Charmillot Samuel 1987 Rossemaison Alouettes 5:48.01,8 2:01.42,5 (766) foto 79-HP1 112. ¦ 2:39.11 267.¦ 36.36 239.¦ 1:07.38 231.¦ 1:24.34 221.¦ 238. Terrin Didier 1983 Champtauroz VC Payerne 5:48.45,1 2:02.25,8 (350) foto 79-HP1 113. ¦ 2:38.21 264.¦ 35.11 201.¦ 1:10.49 268.¦ 1:24.22 217.¦ 239. Meuwly Yves 1984 Pringy Team l'Erdzire 5:49.22,9 2:03.03,6 (425) foto 79-HP1 114. ¦ 2:32.23 216.¦ 40.20 303.¦ 1:08.33 244.¦ 1:28.05 261.¦ 240. Egger Daniel 1965 Fribourg 5:49.41,3 2:03.22,0 (330) foto 79-HP2 99. ¦ 2:43.41 290.¦ 35.40 215.¦ 1:09.44 255.¦ 1:20.34 170.¦ 241. Dey Alexandre 1977 Villarlod faut tenir jusqu'à Bulle 5:49.43,9 2:03.24,6 (456) foto 79-HP1 115. ¦ 2:35.51 241.¦ 36.08 230.¦ 1:09.48 256.¦ 1:27.55 256.¦ 242. Zumwald Julien 1984 Bulle 5:50.03,3 2:03.44,0 (434) foto 79-HP1 116. ¦ 2:36.59 250.¦ 34.46 185.¦ 1:11.44 271.¦ 1:26.32 242.¦ 243. Hertzeisen Bastien 1986 Châtillon JU Team Bicycleddy 5:50.26,1 2:04.06,8 (616) foto 79-HP1 117. ¦ 2:37.41 256.¦ 35.59 224.¦ 1:09.55 258.¦ 1:26.49 244.¦ 244. Hofer Simon 1982 Turbenthal Level10 by HERBALIFE 5:50.44,2 2:04.24,9 (617) foto 79-HP1 118. ¦ 2:38.26 265.¦ 35.30 209.¦ 1:11.51 274.¦ 1:24.54 227.¦ 245. Brique Vincent 1975 Corminboeuf 5:50.56,0 2:04.36,7 (426) foto 79-HP2 100. ¦ 2:40.34 273.¦ 36.18 236.¦ 1:06.01 214.¦ 1:28.01 258.¦ 246. Frattini Daniel 1974 Hünibach Stöckli-Racing-Team 5:51.02,6 2:04.43,3 (316) foto 79-HP2 101. ¦ 2:44.30 297.¦ 38.50 281.¦ 1:06.15 217.¦ 1:21.26 185.¦ 247. Lottaz Christian 1973 Corminboeuf Gibuchs 5:51.08,9 2:04.49,6 (345) foto 79-HP2 102. ¦ 2:33.47 229.¦ 35.35 213.¦ 1:12.54 283.¦ 1:28.51 268.¦ 248. Koller Manuel 1981 Wil SG Velothek Kalag 5:51.10,3 2:04.51,0 (322) foto 79-HP1 119. ¦ 2:36.19 246.¦ 36.51 245.¦ 1:07.56 233.¦ 1:30.02 278.¦ 249. Birchler Ruedi 1968 Gross IRON BIKE RACE Einsiedeln 5:51.12,0 2:04.52,7 (386) foto 79-HP2 103. ¦ 2:38.39 266.¦ 36.06 229.¦ 1:08.51 245.¦ 1:27.34 251.¦ 250. Rouiller Claude 1974 Düdingen TCHEU S'KI ROILLE 5:51.41,2 2:05.21,9 (735) foto 79-HP2 104. ¦ 2:42.29 284.¦ 40.44 308.¦ 1:03.42 185.¦ 1:24.44 224.¦ 251. Marro Philippe 1969 Echarlens Tsarlinbikers 5:52.23,4 2:06.04,1 (459) foto 79-HP2 105. ¦ 2:39.43 269.¦ 36.13 231.¦ 1:13.29 287.¦ 1:22.57 207.¦ 252. Noirat Sylvain 1983 Fribourg 5:52.45,0 2:06.25,7 (659) foto 79-HP1 120. ¦ 2:35.36 238.¦ 43.01 338.¦ 1:06.54 222.¦ 1:27.13 248.¦ 253. Overney Benjamin 1980 Laupen BE 5:52.52,0 2:06.32,7 (741) foto 79-HP1 121. ¦ 2:38.21 263.¦ 36.42 240.¦ 1:07.30 230.¦ 1:30.18 281.¦ 254. Joye Samuel 1979 Posat 5:54.02,9 2:07.43,6 (427) foto 79-HP1 122. ¦ 2:34.08 230.¦ 38.10 273.¦ 1:12.44 282.¦ 1:29.00 269.¦ 255. Mariaux Phil 1963 Vionnaz vélo club Payerne-Procycle 5:55.15,5 2:08.56,2 (756) foto 79-HP2 106. ¦ 2:43.28 289.¦ 37.30 255.¦ 1:07.20 228.¦ 1:26.56 246.¦ 256. Hostettler Ulrich 1960 Niederscherli ski-velo-center.ch 5:55.16,5 2:08.57,2 (341) foto 79-HP2 107. ¦ 2:40.22 272.¦ 42.40 335.¦ 1:09.48 257.¦ 1:22.24 201.¦ 257. Luyet Jean-Baptiste 1986 Savièse CS 13 étoiles 5:55.21,3 2:09.02,0 (312) foto 79-HP1 123. ¦ 2:41.11 275.¦ 35.08 199.¦ 1:08.54 246.¦ 1:30.07 280.¦ 258. Vuichard Nicolas 1979 Semsales Cyclomaniacs 5:55.24,2 2:09.04,9 (747) foto 79-HP1 124. ¦ 2:41.43 277.¦ 37.54 265.¦ 1:09.42 254.¦ 1:26.03 237.¦ 259. Galimberti Davide 1986 Lausanne GiaJo Bike Team 5:56.06,6 2:09.47,3 (317) foto 79-HP1 125. ¦ 2:37.51 259.¦ 37.59 269.¦ 1:10.12 261.¦ 1:30.03 279.¦ 260. Bendit Fabrice 1972 Courchavon 5:56.27,9 2:10.08,6 (381) foto 79-HP2 108. ¦ 2:43.07 287.¦ 34.37 178.¦ 1:12.29 281.¦ 1:26.14 238.¦ 261. Yerly Cedric 1987 Treyvaux 5:57.20,1 2:11.00,8 (329) foto 79-HP1 126. ¦ 2:36.54 249.¦ 37.46 262.¦ 1:10.17 263.¦ 1:32.21 295.¦ 262. Clément Ludovic 1982 Vuadens 5:57.20,9 2:11.01,6 (447) foto 79-HP1 127. ¦ 2:37.53 260.¦ 37.09 252.¦ 1:14.23 293.¦ 1:27.54 255.¦ 263. Chassot Emmanuel 1975 Vuisternens-devant-Romont R-Bike 5:57.29,4 2:11.10,1 (397) foto 79-HP2 109. ¦ 2:40.37 274.¦ 37.02 248.¦ 1:11.48 273.¦ 1:28.01 259.¦ 264. Betrian Abel 1983 Fribourg 5:57.37,2 2:11.17,9 (761) foto 79-HP1 128. ¦ 2:43.10 288.¦ 37.52 264.¦ 1:08.28 243.¦ 1:28.05 260.¦ 265. Naegele Eric 1965 Orvin 5:59.13,7 2:12.54,4 (435) foto 79-HP2 110. ¦ 2:44.11 293.¦ 36.47 243.¦ 1:09.35 253.¦ 1:28.39 264.¦ 266. Mugnier Philippe 1971 Longirod Barillette 6:01.27,0 2:15.07,7 (654) foto 79-HP2 111. ¦ 2:38.04 261.¦ 35.50 220.¦ 1:20.14 320.¦ 1:27.17 250.¦ 267. Wyss Patrik 1971 Pfaffnau 6:01.51,2 2:15.31,9 (750) foto 79-HP2 112. ¦ 2:42.21 282.¦ 38.43 278.¦ 1:13.39 288.¦ 1:27.06 247.¦ 268. Frick Rainer 1961 Vuisternens-Ogoz 6:02.14,1 2:15.54,8 (343) foto 79-HP2 113. ¦ 2:47.51 306.¦ 36.42 242.¦ 1:04.47 200.¦ 1:32.53 304.¦ 269. Schmutz Maxime 1997 Belfaux Vélo Club Fribourg 6:03.06,3 2:16.47,0 (458) foto 79-HP1 129. ¦ 2:35.05 235.¦ 38.54 285.¦ 1:19.10 311.¦ 1:29.56 277.¦ 270. Schouwey Jean-Claude 1971 Wallenried 6:03.51,2 2:17.31,9 (743) foto 79-HP2 114. ¦ 2:36.44 248.¦ 47.16 369.¦ 1:14.09 291.¦ 1:25.41 234.¦ 271. Richoz Simon 1979 Givisiez 6:03.59,9 2:17.40,6 (325) foto 79-HP1 130. ¦ 2:35.24 237.¦ 52.48 384.¦ 1:11.47 272.¦ 1:23.58 211.¦ 272. Demaurex Gaétan 1983 Lausanne 6:04.18,5 2:17.59,2 (451) foto 79-HP1 131. ¦ 2:44.19 295.¦ 38.55 286.¦ 1:09.55 258.¦ 1:31.07 288.¦ 273. Grosset Yanick 1972 Frasses AC Broye Procycles 6:04.24,5 2:18.05,2 (351) foto 79-HP2 115. ¦ 2:46.20 302.¦ 37.09 251.¦ 1:11.15 269.¦ 1:29.39 275.¦ 274. Merillat Cedric 1975 La Chaux-de-Fonds Vtt&detente 6:04.31,9 2:18.12,6 (352) foto 79-HP2 116. ¦ 2:41.56 278.¦ 37.40 259.¦ 1:15.37 296.¦ 1:29.18 274.¦ 275. Dumont Alexandre 1972 Villars-sur-Glâne 6:04.44,5 2:18.25,2 (713) foto 79-HP2 117. ¦ 2:43.43 292.¦ 41.37 319.¦ 1:10.33 267.¦ 1:28.50 266.¦ 276. Leonardi Christophe 1986 Biel/Bienne Mont-Terri XCO Team 6:04.51,4 2:18.32,1 (634) foto 79-HP1 132. ¦ 2:33.13 224.¦ 39.10 288.¦ 1:19.44 317.¦ 1:32.42 300.¦ 277. Stoller Sylvain 1984 Corgémont Alouette.ch 6:06.02,5 2:19.43,2 (702) foto 79-HP1 133. ¦ 2:29.49 200.¦ 38.48 280.¦ 1:10.33 265.¦ 1:46.51 356.¦ 278. Krummen Mikaël 1981 Lausanne 6:06.09,7 2:19.50,4 (628) foto 79-HP1 134. ¦ 2:46.45 303.¦ 38.07 271.¦ 1:10.31 264.¦ 1:30.45 284.¦ 279. Kohler Rémy 1985 Aproz (Nendaz) 6:06.47,9 2:20.28,6 (432) foto 79-HP1 135. ¦ 2:52.43 321.¦ 39.58 297.¦ 1:06.50 221.¦ 1:27.15 249.¦ 280. Duc Raphaël 1992 Granges-près-Marnand Triclub Esta broye 6:07.54,1 2:21.34,8 (407) foto 79-HP1 136. ¦ 2:24.39 165.¦ 34.02 166.¦ 1:21.25 326.¦ 1:47.46 360.¦ 281. Hanimann Michael 1984 Lustmühle Ruegger-Bike-Sport.ch 6:09.22,4 2:23.03,1 (463) foto 79-HP1 137. ¦ 2:44.58 300.¦ 37.54 266.¦ 1:18.37 308.¦ 1:27.51 254.¦ 282. Rüegger Sven 1986 Gossau SG ruegger-bike-sport.ch 6:09.22,8 2:23.03,5 (462) foto 79-HP1 138. ¦ 2:44.55 299.¦ 37.58 268.¦ 1:18.39 309.¦ 1:27.49 253.¦ 283. Huwiler Frédéric 1968 Corseaux 6:09.44,3 2:23.25,0 (618) foto 79-HP2 118. ¦ 2:49.28 310.¦ 35.41 217.¦ 1:16.02 299.¦ 1:28.32 263.¦ 284. Currat Mickaël 1987 La Tour-de-Trême DUPASQUIER SPORTS 6:09.47,2 2:23.27,9 (32) foto 79-HP1 139. ¦ 2:37.32 254.¦ 36.16 233.¦ 1:17.19 304.¦ 1:38.39 331.¦ 285. Rouiller Nicolas 1982 Treyvaux 6:09.51,3 2:23.32,0 (334) foto 79-HP1 140. ¦ 2:52.21 320.¦ 37.01 247.¦ 1:11.43 270.¦ 1:28.45 265.¦ 286. Mesot Thierry 1979 Vuisternens-en-Ogoz 6:09.58,4 2:23.39,1 (339) foto 79-HP1 141. ¦ 2:50.00 313.¦ 41.58 326.¦ 1:08.04 234.¦ 1:29.54 276.¦ 287. Dussex Sébastien 1971 Ayent Valteam bike 6:10.50,7 2:24.31,4 (408) foto 79-HP2 119. ¦ 2:48.45 309.¦ 40.06 299.¦ 1:10.33 266.¦ 1:31.25 291.¦ 288. Vicini Didier 1972 Chernex 6:11.38,8 2:25.19,5 (745) foto 79-HP2 120. ¦ 2:46.56 304.¦ 46.32 364.¦ 1:09.05 247.¦ 1:29.04 271.¦ 289. Martinez Rafael 1978 Courtételle ChokCycles 6:11.48,0 2:25.28,7 (642) foto 79-HP1 142. ¦ 2:49.57 312.¦ 41.23 315.¦ 1:11.55 275.¦ 1:28.31 262.¦ 290. Krattinger Beat 1978 Bern velolade.ch / 89sports.ch 6:12.25,6 2:26.06,3 (627) foto 79-HP1 143. ¦ 2:39.50 270.¦ 37.37 258.¦ 1:10.15 262.¦ 1:44.43 347.¦ 291. Leparoux Yves 1974 Arconciel Pour le plaisir 6:12.45,3 2:26.26,0 (769) foto 79-HP2 121. ¦ 2:47.00 305.¦ 37.04 249.¦ 1:16.17 301.¦ 1:32.22 296.¦ 292. Bise Pierre 1966 Granges-de-Vesin vélo club procycles payerne 6:12.46,6 2:26.27,3 (326) foto 79-HP2 122. ¦ 2:46.14 301.¦ 38.40 277.¦ 1:15.20 294.¦ 1:32.30 298.¦ 293. Chappuis Thomas 1986 Fully Team Giant - Bike N'Joy 6:12.47,7 2:26.28,4 (394) foto 79-HP1 144. ¦ 2:42.07 280.¦ 46.32 365.¦ 1:12.13 278.¦ 1:31.53 293.¦ 294. Gobet Yves 1979 Noréaz 6:14.25,4 2:28.06,1 (717) foto 79-HP1 145. ¦ 2:49.55 311.¦ 39.35 292.¦ 1:14.15 292.¦ 1:30.39 283.¦ 295. Jungo Florian 1982 St. Antoni Santonibiker 6:14.47,0 2:28.27,7 (721) foto 79-HP1 146. ¦ 2:43.05 286.¦ 41.35 318.¦ 1:16.32 302.¦ 1:33.33 308.¦ 296. Clalüna Silvio 1967 Schenkon 6:16.17,1 2:29.57,8 (464) foto 79-HP2 123. ¦ 2:53.16 324.¦ 36.02 226.¦ 1:12.29 280.¦ 1:34.29 314.¦ 297. Loup Sylvain 1988 Grandcour 6:17.07,6 2:30.48,3 (94) foto 79-HP1 147. ¦ 2:27.01 177.¦ 1:17.14 391.¦ 1:03.37 183.¦ 1:29.13 273.¦ 298. Verdon Michel 1957 Montmagny Follow me Cudrefin 6:17.47,7 2:31.28,4 (466) foto 79-HP2 124. ¦ 2:56.52 332.¦ 39.15 289.¦ 1:08.04 234.¦ 1:33.36 309.¦ 299. Gantner Hervé 1982 Satigny Choully Racing 6:18.04,0 2:31.44,7 (606) foto 79-HP1 148. ¦ 2:58.50 340.¦ 38.08 272.¦ 1:12.01 276.¦ 1:29.03 270.¦ 300. Favre Mirko 1976 Cully 6:19.02,0 2:32.42,7 (716) foto 79-HP2 125. ¦ 2:51.12 316.¦ 38.17 274.¦ 1:13.07 285.¦ 1:36.24 324.¦ 301. Kramer Jean-Luc 1964 Lausanne vcrl 6:20.35,8 2:34.16,5 (626) foto 79-HP2 126. ¦ 2:54.31 328.¦ 39.40 293.¦ 1:13.19 286.¦ 1:33.04 306.¦ 302. Pittet Kevin 1986 Avry-devant-Pont 6:20.42,0 2:34.22,7 (346) foto 79-HP1 149. ¦ 2:43.42 291.¦ 37.08 250.¦ 1:23.49 339.¦ 1:36.01 321.¦ 303. Decurtins Marco 1962 Stäfa 6:20.42,4 2:34.23,1 (357) foto 79-HP2 127. ¦ 2:53.52 326.¦ 39.33 291.¦ 1:12.21 279.¦ 1:34.55 318.¦ 304. Chassot André 1970 Treyvaux 6:21.19,6 2:35.00,3 (755) foto 79-HP2 128. ¦ 2:44.36 298.¦ 39.42 294.¦ 1:16.58 303.¦ 1:40.01 338.¦ 305. Pfrunder Guido 1966 Einsiedeln radnroll 6:21.37,6 2:35.18,3 (732) foto 79-HP2 129. ¦ 2:52.18 319.¦ 41.43 320.¦ 1:13.05 284.¦ 1:34.29 315.¦ 306. Broye Hervé 1969 Nuvilly VC Payerne PRO Cycles 6:23.24,0 2:37.04,7 (320) foto 79-HP2 130. ¦ 2:52.12 318.¦ 42.21 330.¦ 1:12.08 277.¦ 1:36.41 326.¦ 307. Monney Serge 1971 Pully 6:25.00,6 2:38.41,3 (348) foto 79-HP2 131. ¦ 2:52.47 322.¦ 45.16 356.¦ 1:16.02 298.¦ 1:30.54 286.¦ 308. Schouwey Pascal 1981 Villarlod 6:25.10,4 2:38.51,1 (693) foto 79-HP1 150. ¦ 2:44.22 296.¦ 38.04 270.¦ 1:21.21 325.¦ 1:41.22 341.¦ 309. Wuilloud Didier 1976 Villars-sur-Glâne 6:25.19,5 2:39.00,2 (460) foto 79-HP2 132. ¦ 2:48.10 307.¦ 42.28 332.¦ 1:20.23 322.¦ 1:34.17 313.¦ 310. Barras Pascal 1969 Corminboeuf Groupe E Celius 6:25.21,3 2:39.02,0 (377) foto 79-HP2 133. ¦ 2:50.08 314.¦ 40.35 306.¦ 1:22.07 331.¦ 1:32.30 297.¦ 311. Roidt Markus 1963 Châtel-St-Denis VCRL 6:27.40,9 2:41.21,6 (679) foto 79-HP2 134. ¦ 2:58.42 338.¦ 38.25 276.¦ 1:15.47 297.¦ 1:34.45 317.¦ 312. Schouwey Jean-Baptiste 1989 Corpataux-Magnedens 6:28.18,5 2:41.59,2 (692) foto 79-HP1 151. ¦ 2:54.11 327.¦ 42.47 337.¦ 1:20.11 319.¦ 1:31.08 289.¦ 313. Vuilleumier Lionel 1970 Areuse 6:28.28,7 2:42.09,4 (704) foto 79-HP2 135. ¦ 2:51.10 315.¦ 42.05 329.¦ 1:19.20 312.¦ 1:35.52 320.¦ 314. Reymond Laurent 1983 Bulle 6:28.39,5 2:42.20,2 (675) foto 79-HP1 152. ¦ 2:53.03 323.¦ 44.30 351.¦ 1:20.16 321.¦ 1:30.48 285.¦ 315. Bueno Escosa Alexander 1984 Bern ILAIRA POWER 6:28.58,9 2:42.39,6 (431) foto 79-HP1 153. ¦ 2:42.03 279.¦ 38.50 282.¦ 1:21.01 324.¦ 1:47.03 357.¦ 316. Bossy Alain 1973 Gingins 6:30.48,4 2:44.29,1 (354) foto 79-HP2 136. ¦ 2:58.43 339.¦ 39.08 287.¦ 1:18.48 310.¦ 1:34.08 311.¦ 317. Rouiller Christian 1973 Riaz Liebherr Machines Bulle SA 6:31.59,6 2:45.40,3 (683) foto 79-HP2 137. ¦ 2:58.37 336.¦ 41.47 321.¦ 1:17.39 306.¦ 1:33.55 310.¦ 318. Steullet Jean-Claude 1977 Rocourt 6:32.38,1 2:46.18,8 (740) foto 79-HP1 154. ¦ 2:56.47 331.¦ 41.55 324.¦ 1:17.53 307.¦ 1:36.01 321.¦ 319. Vacheresse Georges 1980 Oensingen Bike House Balsthal / chi4ener 6:33.38,8 2:47.19,5 (744) foto 79-HP1 155. ¦ 3:03.55 351.¦ 44.43 352.¦ 1:13.53 289.¦ 1:31.07 287.¦ 320. Perritaz Damien 1982 Neyruz FR Ski Club Giblousia 6:34.53,7 2:48.34,4 (751) foto 79-HP1 156. ¦ 3:06.38 358.¦ 40.18 302.¦ 1:23.21 336.¦ 1:24.36 222.¦ 321. Fankhauser Stéphane 1970 Les Geneveys-sur-Coffrane Vtt&detente 6:35.23,9 2:49.04,6 (355) foto 79-HP2 138. ¦ 2:57.36 335.¦ 42.03 328.¦ 1:19.28 313.¦ 1:36.15 323.¦ 322. Doisneau Alexandre 1987 La Tour-de-Trême 6:35.24,9 2:49.05,6 (711) foto 79-HP1 157. ¦ 2:55.35 330.¦ 47.30 370.¦ 1:19.34 315.¦ 1:32.44 302.¦ 323. Longchamp Blaise 1983 Domdidier 6:35.51,8 2:49.32,5 (727) foto 79-HP1 158. ¦ 3:00.23 342.¦ 43.05 339.¦ 1:19.35 316.¦ 1:32.47 303.¦ 324. Schulé Sylvain 1987 Villarzel 6:36.51,3 2:50.32,0 (309) foto 79-HP1 159. ¦ 2:48.39 308.¦ 42.23 331.¦ 1:26.20 350.¦ 1:39.27 335.¦ 325. Bosson Michel 1959 Theilingen 6:39.29,0 2:53.09,7 (473) foto 79-HP2 139. ¦ 3:01.09 343.¦ 44.18 347.¦ 1:17.36 305.¦ 1:36.25 325.¦ 326. Cottier Blaise 1968 Berolle VELOSPRINT COSSONAY 6:39.34,1 2:53.14,8 (360) foto 79-HP2 140. ¦ 3:03.19 349.¦ 41.50 322.¦ 1:16.08 300.¦ 1:38.16 329.¦ 327. Vauthey Marc 1971 Le Mouret 6:39.44,4 2:53.25,1 (438) foto 79-HP2 141. ¦ 3:02.38 347.¦ 41.55 323.¦ 1:21.43 327.¦ 1:33.27 307.¦ 328. Claeys Simon 1984 Epalinges 6:39.47,3 2:53.28,0 (400) foto 79-HP1 160. ¦ 2:55.34 329.¦ 44.02 345.¦ 1:20.45 323.¦ 1:39.24 334.¦ 329. Kolly Daniel 1981 Fribourg 6:40.46,4 2:54.27,1 (723) foto 79-HP1 161. ¦ 3:06.36 357.¦ 40.22 304.¦ 1:23.26 337.¦ 1:30.21 282.¦ 330. Haegele Eugen 1958 Zürich 6:40.48,8 2:54.29,5 (613) foto 79-HP2 142. ¦ 2:57.01 333.¦ 47.02 367.¦ 1:24.25 343.¦ 1:32.19 294.¦ 331. Demierre Richard 1972 Châtel-St-Denis 6:42.21,7 2:56.02,4 (759) foto 79-HP2 143. ¦ 3:02.17 344.¦ 44.30 350.¦ 1:22.53 334.¦ 1:32.40 299.¦ 332. Caumont Jerome 1974 Vouvry 6:42.22,2 2:56.02,9 (760) foto 79-HP2 144. ¦ 3:02.24 346.¦ 44.23 349.¦ 1:22.51 333.¦ 1:32.42 301.¦ 333. Rouzaud Denis 1985 La Tour-de-Peilz 6:43.00,2 2:56.40,9 (736) foto 79-HP1 162. ¦ 2:51.17 317.¦ 46.15 362.¦ 1:27.49 352.¦ 1:37.37 328.¦ 334. Häller Philippe 1990 Marly Marly Bike 6:44.32,0 2:58.12,7 (720) foto 79-HP1 163. ¦ 3:06.40 360.¦ 40.47 311.¦ 1:22.22 332.¦ 1:34.42 316.¦ 335. Bächli Yves 1973 Ehrendingen FeierabendBiker / Ehrendingen 6:45.50,7 2:59.31,4 (373) foto 79-HP2 145. ¦ 2:59.21 341.¦ 40.26 305.¦ 1:30.26 363.¦ 1:35.36 319.¦ 336. Baur Daniel 1968 Dulliken 6:46.16,0 2:59.56,7 (380) foto 79-HP2 146. ¦ 3:06.30 356.¦ 45.48 361.¦ 1:19.45 318.¦ 1:34.11 312.¦ 337. Hug Alexandre 1974 Farvagny PEPE Neuhaus 6:46.21,3 3:00.02,0 (461) foto 79-HP2 147. ¦ 3:09.40 367.¦ 42.02 327.¦ 1:21.44 328.¦ 1:32.54 305.¦ 338. Garcia Nicolas 1981 Oron-la-Ville 6:47.18,1 3:00.58,8 (336) foto 79-HP1 164. ¦ 3:02.24 345.¦ 40.44 309.¦ 1:19.31 314.¦ 1:44.37 346.¦ 339. Conus Joël 1989 Granges-Paccot SCOTT Sports 6:50.01,1 3:03.41,8 (448) foto 79-HP1 165. ¦ 3:03.21 350.¦ 42.38 334.¦ 1:24.00 341.¦ 1:40.01 337.¦ 340. Chambe Thierry 1974 Donatyre Velo Payerne Procycle 6:52.11,9 3:05.52,6 (123) foto 79-HE 28. ¦ 3:19.55 379.¦ 40.07 300.¦ 1:08.17 242.¦ 1:43.51 344.¦ 341. Dafflon Christian 1982 Estavayer-le-Gibloux Ski club Giblousia 6:53.15,9 3:06.56,6 (752) foto 79-HP1 166. ¦ 3:06.39 359.¦ 40.45 310.¦ 1:28.56 358.¦ 1:36.54 327.¦ 342. Oberson Philippe 1969 Rueyres-St-Laurent Menoud-Bike 6:53.57,5 3:07.38,2 (660) foto 79-HP2 148. ¦ 3:11.51 370.¦ 40.03 298.¦ 1:23.13 335.¦ 1:38.48 333.¦ 343. Beaud Jérôme 1983 La Joux FR 6:54.56,8 3:08.37,5 (367) foto 79-HP1 167. ¦ 3:04.32 354.¦ 41.34 317.¦ 1:24.16 342.¦ 1:44.33 345.¦ 344. Longchamp Valentin 1982 Fribourg Ski Club Giblousia 6:56.11,7 3:09.52,4 (753) foto 79-HP1 168. ¦ 3:08.34 363.¦ 42.41 336.¦ 1:25.05 345.¦ 1:39.50 336.¦ 345. Rais Serge 1968 Courcelon VTT Club Jura 6:57.59,7 3:11.40,4 (734) foto 79-HP2 149. ¦ 3:03.17 348.¦ 45.04 353.¦ 1:21.53 330.¦ 1:47.44 359.¦ 346. Perseghini Mario 1960 Châtillon FR Amicale du Guidon 6:58.15,3 3:11.56,0 (359) foto 79-HP2 150. ¦ 3:05.45 355.¦ 42.34 333.¦ 1:31.18 366.¦ 1:38.36 330.¦ 347. Russi Sandro 1966 Seiry Amicale du Guidon 6:58.17,8 3:11.58,5 (453) foto 79-HP2 151. ¦ 3:04.10 352.¦ 44.17 346.¦ 1:31.07 365.¦ 1:38.41 332.¦ 348. Schornoz Thierry 1968 Bonnefontaine 6:59.14,3 3:12.55,0 (358) foto 79-HP2 152. ¦ 3:08.57 364.¦ 43.27 341.¦ 1:25.22 348.¦ 1:41.26 342.¦ 349. Schmid Frédéric 1971 Marly Fire Brirgade 6:59.18,9 3:12.59,6 (349) foto 79-HP2 153. ¦ 3:10.53 368.¦ 45.44 360.¦ 1:21.46 329.¦ 1:40.54 339.¦ 350. Genoud Laurent 1968 Adliswil 7:04.46,7 3:18.27,4 (608) foto 79-HP2 154. ¦ 3:07.20 361.¦ 43.59 344.¦ 1:23.26 338.¦ 1:50.00 363.¦ 351. Huguelet Roland 1954 Payerne VC Payerne PRO Cycles 7:08.55,3 3:22.36,0 (140) foto 79-HP2 155. ¦ 3:13.08 372.¦ 41.07 314.¦ 1:29.29 359.¦ 1:45.09 349.¦ 352. Aguettand Claude 1948 Grandvaux 7:09.04,0 3:22.44,7 (369) foto 79-HP2 156. ¦ 3:17.59 377.¦ 45.16 355.¦ 1:23.52 340.¦ 1:41.56 343.¦ 353. Schneider Michaël 1985 Vuisternens-en-Ogoz Crusty life 7:13.18,8 3:26.59,5 (690) foto 79-HP1 169. ¦ 3:21.40 383.¦ 45.09 354.¦ 1:25.16 346.¦ 1:41.12 340.¦ 354. Prélaz Florian 1994 Chapelle (Glâne) 7:17.35,4 3:31.16,1 (671) foto 79-HP1 170. ¦ 3:14.59 373.¦ 41.28 316.¦ 1:25.17 347.¦ 1:55.51 368.¦ 355. Finger Julien 1982 Coffrane 7:17.37,8 3:31.18,5 (603) foto 79-HP1 171. ¦ 3:09.39 366.¦ 43.41 343.¦ 1:28.23 355.¦ 1:55.53 369.¦ 356. Schmidt Mathias 1991 Chalais 7:24.00,3 3:37.41,0 (738) foto 79-HP1 172. ¦ 3:16.43 375.¦ 49.59 378.¦ 1:31.25 367.¦ 1:45.51 353.¦ 357. Meszaros Thomas 1978 Meyriez Trilogie running team 7:24.09,4 3:37.50,1 (645) foto 79-HP1 173. ¦ 3:25.01 387.¦ 40.08 301.¦ 1:33.39 370.¦ 1:45.20 351.¦ 358. Bigler Denis 1969 Courgevaux Tesag 7:24.09,5 3:37.50,2 (767) foto 79-HP2 157. ¦ 3:17.56 376.¦ 47.14 368.¦ 1:33.37 369.¦ 1:45.20 352.¦ 359. Mezger Stefan 1963 Grolley 7:24.09,9 3:37.50,6 (647) foto 79-HP2 158. ¦ 3:25.08 388.¦ 43.22 340.¦ 1:30.37 364.¦ 1:45.01 348.¦ 360. Almeida Nuno 1980 Noréaz Groupe E Celsius 7:24.12,0 3:37.52,7 (768) foto 79-HP1 174. ¦ 3:24.08 385.¦ 44.19 348.¦ 1:30.25 362.¦ 1:45.17 350.¦ 361. Schmutz Jean-Frédéric 1958 Belfaux 7:25.26,2 3:39.06,9 (754) foto 79-HP2 159. ¦ 3:24.59 386.¦ 49.05 376.¦ 1:24.32 344.¦ 1:46.48 355.¦ 362. Melikian Ruben 1970 Puidoux 7:25.54,1 3:39.34,8 (643) foto 79-HP2 160. ¦ 3:24.07 384.¦ 46.25 363.¦ 1:27.03 351.¦ 1:48.18 362.¦ 363. Elmiger Hubert 1973 Grandvaux 7:26.58,6 3:40.39,3 (714) foto 79-HP2 161. ¦ 3:10.54 369.¦ 51.20 381.¦ 1:36.54 372.¦ 1:47.49 361.¦ 364. Dubuis Alexis 1977 Savièse 7:27.50,3 3:41.31,0 (406) foto 79-HP1 175. ¦ 3:07.29 362.¦ 50.40 379.¦ 1:29.43 360.¦ 1:59.57 370.¦ 365. Volery Maxime 1994 Cottens FR 7:28.42,4 3:42.23,1 (746) foto 79-HP1 176. ¦ 3:20.25 381.¦ 48.09 374.¦ 1:32.26 368.¦ 1:47.41 358.¦ 366. Bertschy Marc-Alain 1963 Noréaz 7:29.25,6 3:43.06,3 (440) foto 79-HP2 162. ¦ 3:20.08 380.¦ 45.41 359.¦ 1:30.01 361.¦ 1:53.34 365.¦ 367. Frey Christophe 1982 Montagny-les-Monts Crustylife 7:37.50,6 3:51.31,3 (604) foto 79-HP1 177. ¦ 3:31.25 391.¦ 43.40 342.¦ 1:28.35 356.¦ 1:54.09 366.¦ 368. Circelli Alessandro 1965 Ecuvillens Team MENOUD Bike 7:40.03,8 3:53.44,5 (439) foto 79-HP2 163. ¦ 3:40.41 394.¦ 47.45 373.¦ 1:25.40 349.¦ 1:45.56 354.¦ 369. Kraft Daniel 1969 Le Mouret Kraftmobile 7:45.55,2 3:59.35,9 (356) foto 79-HP2 164. ¦ 3:21.23 382.¦ 56.16 388.¦ 1:35.22 371.¦ 1:52.52 364.¦ 370. Richard Sébastien 1977 Vuisternens-en-Ogoz 7:48.50,7 4:02.31,4 (361) foto 79-HP1 178. ¦ 3:29.22 389.¦ 55.13 386.¦ 1:28.46 357.¦ 1:55.28 367.¦ DNF Doutaz Maurice 1966 Pringy 4:44.16,2 Villarlod (333) foto 79-HP2 ¦ 2:36.22 247.¦ 39.44 295.¦ 1:28.09 354.¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Reichlin Benedikt 1965 Unterägeri 5:56.16,3 Villarlod (362) foto 79-HP2 ¦ 3:39.48 393.¦ 48.23 375.¦ 1:28.04 353.¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Bryand Alexandre 1987 Prangins SUI19871124 2:30.13,9 Rossens (122) foto 79-HE ¦ 2:02.14 43.¦ 27.59 32.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Ossowski Adam 1977 Wollerau VTEAM Jamis 2:53.11,7 Rossens (54) foto 79-HP1 ¦ 2:05.41 50.¦ 47.30 371.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Porras Ludovic 1995 Combremont-le-Petit VC Payerne 3:02.28,2 Rossens (127) foto 79-HE ¦ 2:28.47 191.¦ 33.40 157.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Eltschinger Stéphane 1990 Onnens FR Cycles Pache 3:13.40,0 Rossens (305) foto 79-HP1 ¦ 2:33.04 222.¦ 40.36 307.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Bapst Patrick 1968 Pringy Ochsner 3:16.47,5 Rossens (375) foto 79-HP2 ¦ 2:42.08 281.¦ 34.38 181.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Amacker Bernhard 1970 Corpataux-Magnedens 3:23.18,3 Rossens (452) foto 79-HP2 ¦ 2:41.21 276.¦ 41.56 325.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Graf Thomas 1970 Cugy FR VC Payerne ProCycles 3:45.09,7 Rossens (364) foto 79-HP2 ¦ 3:04.15 353.¦ 40.54 312.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Nicod Alexandre 1990 Granges-près-Marnand Celsius 3:46.10,3 Rossens (476) foto 79-HP1 ¦ 2:58.38 337.¦ 47.32 372.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Chappuis Alexandre 1988 Fribourg 3:49.18,4 Rossens (393) foto 79-HP1 ¦ 2:57.28 334.¦ 51.50 382.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Sautaux Cédric 1981 Riaz Pensivores Team 3:55.02,5 Rossens (737) foto 79-HP1 ¦ 3:09.23 365.¦ 45.39 358.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Bärtschiger Peter 1959 Oberägeri 3:58.10,3 Rossens (379) foto 79-HP2 ¦ 3:12.42 371.¦ 45.27 357.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Schafer Vincent 1991 Villars-sur-Glâne 4:05.36,9 Rossens (687) foto 79-HP1 ¦ 3:15.55 374.¦ 49.41 377.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Théraulaz Olivier 1975 Formangueires 4:06.12,1 Rossens (465) foto 79-HP2 ¦ 3:19.32 378.¦ 46.40 366.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Wittmer Alexandre 1974 Posieux gr. transport 4:20.55,5 Rossens (749) foto 79-HP2 ¦ 3:30.03 390.¦ 50.52 380.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Brand Andreas 1968 Wimmis SRS Pro Sportler 4:22.56,9 Rossens (437) foto 79-HP2 ¦ 2:40.07 271.¦ 1:42.49 392.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Havluj Frantisek 1983 CZ-Praha Olin a li?ky 4:32.52,2 Rossens (614) foto 79-HP1 ¦ 3:33.40 392.¦ 59.11 390.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Hofmann Laurent 1966 La Chaux-de-Fonds 4:36.15,6 Rossens (467) foto 79-HP2 ¦ 3:44.18 395.¦ 51.57 383.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Schwartz Francis 1961 Giffers 4:43.53,5 Rossens (694) foto 79-HP2 ¦ 3:45.06 396.¦ 58.47 389.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Barata Valente Helio 1977 Genève 4:51.13,8 Rossens (376) foto 79-HP1 ¦ 3:55.26 399.¦ 55.47 387.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Delmenico Andrea 1988 Morbio Inferiore 4:52.12,8 Rossens (450) foto 79-HP1 ¦ 3:58.37 400.¦ 53.34 385.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Nay Pascal 1993 Zizers Thömus Racing Team 1:54.32,5 La Roche (47) foto 79-HE ¦ 1:54.32 17.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Perrin Damian 1981 Bern GS Sportswear Bergamont Mathie 1:59.29,5 La Roche (126) foto 79-HE ¦ 1:59.29 30.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Niederberger Joël 1982 Estavannens Stöckli Racing Team 2:03.33,4 La Roche (14) foto 79-HE ¦ 2:03.33 48.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Richard Quentin 1997 Ursy team dupasquier sport / la pb 2:06.37,5 La Roche (41) foto 79-HE ¦ 2:06.37 55.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Ecoffey Sylvain 1983 Sorens www.cycles-passion.ch 2:18.39,4 La Roche (143) foto 79-HP1 ¦ 2:18.39 123.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Gilliand Yann 1970 Epalinges 2:53.25,3 La Roche (347) foto 79-HP2 ¦ 2:53.25 325.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Libert Cedric 1990 Hérémence 3:45.32,1 La Roche (365) foto 79-HP1 ¦ 3:45.32 397.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Recordon Steve 1991 Salins 3:45.35,5 La Roche (366) foto 79-HP1 ¦ 3:45.35 398.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Egli Fritz 1952 Hüttlingen wheeler eglibikes frauenfeld ----- ----- (332) foto 79-HP2 ¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Grand Damien 1982 Semsales Rocksteady bam bam ----- ----- (337) foto 79-HP1 ¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Horeira Fabio 1990 Bulle ----- ----- (771) foto 79-HP1 ¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Leuenberger Daniel 1983 Solothurn ----- ----- (726) foto 79-HP1 ¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Marques Tiago 1985 Granges-près-Marnand ----- ----- (772) foto 79-HP1 ¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Morel Pascal 1975 Matran ----- ----- (421) foto 79-HP2 ¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Resende Ruben 1993 Fribourg VCF ----- ----- (308) foto 79-HP1 ¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Risse Sébastien 1973 La Tour-de-Trême PB Bulle ----- ----- (319) foto 79-HP2 ¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Remy Cédric 1988 Charmey (Gruyère) Dani VTT felt 0.05,8 Départ Frib (10) foto 79-HE ¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Schoeni Thierry 1972 Bellerive VD team sudero steph 0.10,3 Départ Frib (132) foto 79-HP2 ¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ DNF Thalmann Franz 1960 Schwarzsee Söckli Side Cut Schwarzsee 0.13,1 Départ Frib (84) foto 79-HP2 ¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦
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