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6th stg: St. Leonhard/I - Sarnthein/I

6th stg: St. Leonhard/I - Sarnthein/I - rankings

6th stg: St. Leonhard/I - Sarnthein/I rankings overall Teams Team members Out Teams
GORE-TEX® Transalpine-Run 2016 cup ranking by categories

rankings by name A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z
rankings by countries/cities A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Z other countries: A AUS B BR CAN CH CHI CZ DK E F FI FL GB GR I ISL ISR J L MEX MTQ N NL NZL PL RUS S USA

Top rankings overall --- Overall 198 ranked
1. GORE RUNNING WEAR# TEAM - MAMMUT, Italien / Deutschland 4:13.14,4 (15) 2. GORE RUNNING WEAR - BOA# CLOSURE SYSTEM TEAM, Österreich / Italien 4:14.16,4 (257) 3. TEAM TRAIL MAGAZIN, Deutschland 4:27.18,4 (258)

Top Teams Men Men 39 ranked PDF 1. GORE RUNNING WEAR# TEAM - MAMMUT, Italien / Deutschland 4:13.14,4 (15) 2. GORE RUNNING WEAR - BOA# CLOSURE SYSTEM TEAM, Österreich / Italien 4:14.16,4 (257) 3. TEAM TRAIL MAGAZIN, Deutschland 4:27.18,4 (258)
Women Women 17 ranked PDF 1. TEAM TRAMPELPFADLAUF.DE, Deutschland 6:15.09,7 (178) 2. TEAM PACE SPORTS FITNESS, Kanada 6:21.44,7 (10) 3. TEAM DYNAFIT GORE-TEX# FOOTWEAR, Österreich / Deutschland 6:25.11,8 (253)
Mast-Men Master Men 46 ranked PDF 1. GORE RUNNING WEAR TEAM GERMANY, Deutschland 4:37.47,3 (18) 2. SPORT KESSLER MAMMUT / SALOMON TRAILRUNNING TEAM, Österreich / Deutschland 4:43.05,0 (6) 3. TEAM SEEBERGER, Deutschland 4:47.11,9 (5)
SenM-Men Senior Master Men 24 ranked PDF 1. TEAM ASC SARNTAL/LAUFFREUNDE, Italien 5:13.47,9 (207) 2. TEAM HAGLÖFS, Deutschland 5:14.47,3 (20) 3. TEAM WUHLETALRUNNER, Deutschland 5:38.33,9 (154)
Mixed Mixed 34 ranked PDF 1. SALOMON RUNNING TEAM AUSTRIA, Österreich 4:47.42,5 (12) 2. TEAM LEKI, Deutschland 4:49.54,7 (270) 3. SALOMON SUUNTO TEAM POLAND, Polen 4:51.59,5 (21)
Mast-Mix Master Mixed 38 ranked PDF 1. TEAM STONEMAN, Italien 5:11.54,9 (200) 2. TEAM MIRSARNER, Italien 5:22.51,3 (251) 3. TEAM EISENHERZEN, Deutschland 5:24.12,1 (151)

Top Team members Runner Runner 396 ranked 1. Jung Daniel, 1983, I-Naturns (BZ) 4:13.14,4 (15-1) 1. Schiessl Helmut, 1972, Buchenberg 4:13.14,4 (15-2) 3. Kabicher Michael, 1985, A-Mondsee 4:14.15,9 (257-2)
IF Individual Finisher 58 ranked PDF 1. Dippacher Matthias, 1977, Heroldsbach 4:27.17,8 (177-2) 2. Biehl Marcus, 1969, Detmold 4:29.56,6 (7-1) 3. Zwinger Bernd, 1978, A-Salzburg 4:42.38,5 (252-2)
Out Out of Race 31 ranked 1. Pfanzelt Uwe, 1961, Pforzen 6:06.37,6 (150-1) 2. Soresi Leonardo, 1973, I-Spilimbergo (PN) 6:21.54,7 (183-1) 3. Kodlin Peter, 1965, Jesberg 7:15.31,7 (273-1)
Guest Guest 4 ranked PDF 1. Auf der Heide Moritz, 1987, München 4:13.19,4 (504-1) 2. Old Jim, 1969, United Kingdom 7:21.36,5 (624-1) 3. Milano Daniele, 1968, Italy 8:38.51,7 (625-1)
GuestOut Guest out of race 1 ranked
Top Out Teams OutTeam Out of Race Team 6 ranked

GORE-TEX® Transalpine-Run 2016

Top cup ranking by categories --- Individual Finisher 58 ranked PDF 1. Dippacher Matthias, Heroldsbach 24:42.55,3 2. Biehl Marcus, Detmold 25:55.56,3 3. Zwinger Bernd, A-Salzburg 27:58.50,6
--- Men 39 ranked PDF 1. GORE RUNNING WEAR# TEAM - MAMMUT, Italien / Deutschland 23:24.49,0 2. GORE RUNNING WEAR - BOA# CLOSURE SYSTEM TEAM, Österreich / Italien 23:39.08,5 3. TEAM VERTICAL POWER, Österreich 24:08.31,1
--- Women 17 ranked PDF 1. TEAM TRAMPELPFADLAUF.DE, Deutschland 33:05.30,3 2. TEAM DYNAFIT GORE-TEX# FOOTWEAR, Österreich / Deutschland 33:55.37,5 3. TEAM PACE SPORTS FITNESS, Kanada 35:01.44,3
--- Master Men 46 ranked PDF 1. GORE RUNNING WEAR TEAM GERMANY, Deutschland 24:46.09,5 2. SPORT KESSLER MAMMUT / SALOMON TRAILRUNNING TEAM, Österreich / Deutschland 25:26.21,6 3. TEAM D'BÄRNER OBERLENDER, Schweiz 25:52.10,3
--- Senior Master Men 24 ranked PDF 1. TEAM HAGLÖFS, Deutschland 28:44.29,5 2. TEAM WUHLETALRUNNER, Deutschland 30:06.24,2 3. TEAM ASC SARNTAL/LAUFFREUNDE, Italien 30:25.06,6
--- Mixed 34 ranked PDF 1. TEAM SALOMON / INOV-8, Deutschland 26:22.25,3 2. SALOMON RUNNING TEAM AUSTRIA, Österreich 26:31.54,0 3. TEAM LEKI, Deutschland 26:41.38,8
--- Master Mixed 38 ranked PDF 1. TEAM STONEMAN, Italien 30:03.00,9 2. TEAM EISENHERZEN, Deutschland 30:19.19,9 3. TEAM MIRSARNER, Italien 30:31.39,5

Official timing and results by DATASPORT, CH-Gerlafingen www.datasport.com for results, online registration, informations and news

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