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Overall Running 10km

Schweizer Frauenlauf, Bern 2016 - Overall Running 10km

Ränge: 1001-1500 (52.59,7)
Rang Name/Ort Jg Team/Ortschaft Zeit Rückstand Stnr Kat/Rang Schnitt ¦ Start- km5 ¦ km5- km10 ¦ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1001. Herren Esther 1968 Lurtigen 52.59,7 16.09,8 (2147) Diplom Video 10-W45 126. 5.17 ¦ 25.15 871.¦ 27.44 1158.¦ 1002. Bettini Susanne 1967 Beringen 52.59,8 16.09,9 (3259) Diplom Video 10-W45 127. 5.17 ¦ 25.28 955.¦ 27.31 1059.¦ 1003. Studer Annette 1975 Luzern 53.00,3 16.10,4 (4385) Diplom Video 10-W40 132. 5.18 ¦ 25.25 935.¦ 27.35 1091.¦ 1004. Scherrer Melanie 1984 Bütschwil 53.01,1 16.11,2 (3225) Diplom Video 10-W30 124. 5.18 ¦ 25.07 800.¦ 27.53 1236.¦ 1005. Hänni Corinne 1989 Bern 53.01,4 16.11,5 (3213) Diplom Video 10-W20 263. 5.18 ¦ 25.04 778.¦ 27.56 1273.¦ 1005. Ogi Jacqueline 2000 Wattenwil 53.01,4 16.11,5 (2188) Diplom Video 10-U18 31. 5.18 ¦ 25.10 831.¦ 27.50 1213.¦ 1007. Vonderach Janine 1969 Kleindöttingen 53.01,9 16.12,0 (3096) Diplom Video 10-W45 128. 5.18 ¦ 25.29 961.¦ 27.32 1067.¦ 1008. Kessler Simone 1972 Teufen AR 53.02,9 16.13,0 (3070) Diplom Video 10-W40 133. 5.18 ¦ 25.09 819.¦ 27.53 1239.¦ 1008. Römer Christina 1965 Ennetbaden 53.02,9 16.13,0 (4093) Diplom Video 10-W50 96. 5.18 ¦ 25.35 1012.¦ 27.27 1038.¦ 1010. Reber Denise 1979 Diemtigen 53.03,0 16.13,1 (7150) Diplom Video 10-W35 129. 5.18 ¦ 26.00 1206.¦ 27.02 863.¦ 1011. Rumasuglia Judith 1963 Genève 53.03,6 16.13,7 (6137) Diplom Video 10-W50 97. 5.18 ¦ 25.39 1041.¦ 27.23 1011.¦ 1012. Müller Lavinia 2002 Unterägeri 53.03,7 16.13,8 (5320) Diplom Video 10-U16 11. 5.18 ¦ 25.47 1114.¦ 27.16 949.¦ 1013. Frizzell Lydia 1964 Monthey 53.03,8 16.13,9 (2180) Diplom Video 10-W50 98. 5.18 ¦ 26.03 1234.¦ 26.59 846.¦ 1014. Jacquemart Franziska 1960 Grub AR 53.04,4 16.14,5 (2217) Diplom Video 10-W55 41. 5.18 ¦ 25.13 851.¦ 27.50 1213.¦ 1014. Jardon Maribel 1967 Chardonne 53.04,4 16.14,5 (4018) Diplom Video 10-W45 129. 5.18 ¦ 25.25 932.¦ 27.39 1118.¦ 1016. Pätz Alina 1990 Urdorf 53.04,5 16.14,6 (4161) Diplom Video 10-W20 264. 5.18 ¦ 26.26 1404.¦ 26.38 696.¦ 1017. Habegger Erika 1962 Dübendorf 53.04,6 16.14,7 (2210) Diplom Video 10-W50 99. 5.18 ¦ 25.31 980.¦ 27.33 1070.¦ 1018. Bischof Astrid 1967 Schaffhausen 53.04,7 16.14,8 (3007) Diplom Video 10-W45 130. 5.18 ¦ 25.22 920.¦ 27.41 1142.¦ 1018. Jeanmonod Jacqueline 1973 Bussigny 53.04,7 16.14,8 (4328) Diplom Video 10-W40 134. 5.18 ¦ 24.46 677.¦ 28.18 1451.¦ 1020. Beaud Nicole 1972 Charmey (Gruyère) 53.05,0 16.15,1 (4051) Diplom Video 10-W40 135. 5.18 ¦ 25.51 1144.¦ 27.14 941.¦ 1020. Traxel Petra 1974 Attinghausen 53.05,0 16.15,1 (5274) Diplom Video 10-W40 135. 5.18 ¦ 25.23 925.¦ 27.41 1140.¦ 1022. Clavadetscher Annina 1992 Bern 53.05,4 16.15,5 (2227) Diplom Video 10-W20 265. 5.18 ¦ 24.41 653.¦ 28.24 1488.¦ 1023. Eyring Regula 1972 Jegenstorf 53.05,6 16.15,7 (2469) Diplom Video 10-W40 137. 5.18 ¦ 25.25 937.¦ 27.40 1132.¦ 1024. Schaller Sabine 1971 Naters 53.05,8 16.15,9 (7160) Diplom Video 10-W45 131. 5.18 ¦ 25.30 970.¦ 27.35 1094.¦ 1025. Cuttat Chantal 1972 Murten 53.06,4 16.16,5 (3287) Diplom Video 10-W40 138. 5.18 ¦ 25.11 842.¦ 27.54 1253.¦ 1026. Fatzer Désirée 1992 Arbon 53.06,5 16.16,6 (1289) Diplom Video 10-W20 266. 5.18 ¦ 25.26 942.¦ 27.39 1124.¦ 1027. Limacher Rösli 1950 Alpnach Dorf 53.06,9 16.17,0 (5014) Diplom Video 10-W65 5. 5.18 ¦ 25.10 828.¦ 27.56 1271.¦ 1028. Lanz Kneissler Kathrin 1972 Bern 53.07,3 16.17,4 (5340) Diplom Video 10-W40 139. 5.18 ¦ 25.35 1012.¦ 27.31 1061.¦ 1029. Straub Vera 1993 Uster 53.07,7 16.17,8 (13118) Diplom Video 10-W20 267. 5.18 ¦ 25.40 1047.¦ 27.27 1037.¦ 1030. Ulrich Rachel 1974 Kappel SO 53.07,9 16.18,0 (3196) Diplom Video 10-W40 140. 5.18 ¦ 26.10 1279.¦ 26.57 827.¦ 1031. Schweizer Sandra 1989 St. Gallen 53.08,8 16.18,9 (3108) Diplom Video 10-W20 268. 5.18 ¦ 25.39 1038.¦ 27.29 1053.¦ 1032. Bannwart Marcela 1976 Rapperswil BE 53.08,9 16.19,0 (3008) Diplom Video 10-W40 141. 5.18 ¦ 24.41 650.¦ 28.27 1521.¦ 1033. Gantenbein Sandra 1984 Bern 53.09,3 16.19,4 (6043) Diplom Video 10-W30 125. 5.18 ¦ 26.06 1259.¦ 27.02 867.¦ 1034. Bachmann Marie 1994 Marly 53.09,8 16.19,9 (12262) Diplom Video 10-W20 269. 5.18 ¦ 26.19 1356.¦ 26.50 769.¦ 1035. Bieri Joëlle 2000 Jona 53.10,2 16.20,3 (4150) Diplom Video 10-U18 32. 5.19 ¦ 26.16 1329.¦ 26.53 798.¦ 1036. Holderegger Nicole 1987 Bern 53.10,7 16.20,8 (4441) Diplom Video 10-W20 270. 5.19 ¦ 26.01 1214.¦ 27.09 907.¦ 1037. Perreten Heidi 1960 Gstaad 53.10,8 16.20,9 (3004) Diplom Video 10-W55 42. 5.19 ¦ 25.22 917.¦ 27.48 1191.¦ 1038. Thallinger Anne 1995 Burgdorf 53.11,0 16.21,1 (2414) Diplom Video 10-W20 271. 5.19 ¦ 26.03 1230.¦ 27.07 895.¦ 1039. Heller Regula 1961 Dierikon 53.11,2 16.21,3 (3111) Diplom Video 10-W55 43. 5.19 ¦ 25.03 769.¦ 28.08 1381.¦ 1040. Aeschlimann Christine 1966 Bern 53.11,3 16.21,4 (3083) Diplom Video 10-W50 100. 5.19 ¦ 25.45 1093.¦ 27.25 1024.¦ 1041. Henzi Martina 1989 Derendingen 53.11,8 16.21,9 (2058) Diplom Video 10-W20 272. 5.19 ¦ 25.10 828.¦ 28.01 1314.¦ 1041. Kunz Eveline 1967 Köniz 53.11,8 16.21,9 (2035) Diplom Video 10-W45 132. 5.19 ¦ 24.38 634.¦ 28.33 1576.¦ 1043. Mörgeli Claudia 1971 Wald ZH 53.11,9 16.22,0 (2211) Diplom Video 10-W45 133. 5.19 ¦ 24.50 699.¦ 28.21 1473.¦ 1044. Zubler Iris 1963 Schaffhausen 53.12,2 16.22,3 (3076) Diplom Video 10-W50 101. 5.19 ¦ 25.49 1130.¦ 27.22 1003.¦ 1045. Freund Nadine 1974 Muri b. Bern 53.12,3 16.22,4 (6027) Diplom Video 10-W40 142. 5.19 ¦ 26.04 1238.¦ 27.07 896.¦ 1046. Plapp Franziska 1967 Wangen b. Dübendorf 53.12,7 16.22,8 (5321) Diplom Video 10-W45 134. 5.19 ¦ 25.48 1121.¦ 27.24 1020.¦ 1047. Sager Patrizia 1970 Murten 53.13,6 16.23,7 (7132) Diplom Video 10-W45 135. 5.19 ¦ 25.49 1128.¦ 27.24 1016.¦ 1048. Reinhart Ramona 1990 Bolligen 53.13,9 16.24,0 (3069) Diplom Video 10-W20 273. 5.19 ¦ 25.19 890.¦ 27.54 1251.¦ 1049. Abgottspon Natalie 1988 Staldenried 53.14,1 16.24,2 (3262) Diplom Video 10-W20 274. 5.19 ¦ 25.56 1175.¦ 27.17 966.¦ 1049. Dupré Nadia 1980 Mervelier 53.14,1 16.24,2 (4029) Diplom Video 10-W35 130. 5.19 ¦ 25.46 1107.¦ 27.27 1038.¦ 1049. Herbst Anja 1998 Bottighofen 53.14,1 16.24,2 (2428) Diplom Video 10-U20 40. 5.19 ¦ 25.49 1130.¦ 27.24 1018.¦ 1052. Wüthrich Patricia 1992 Granges-Paccot 53.14,4 16.24,5 (3082) Diplom Video 10-W20 275. 5.19 ¦ 25.45 1097.¦ 27.28 1046.¦ 1053. Herzig Carmen 1992 Aarau 53.14,5 16.24,6 (8284) Diplom Video 10-W20 276. 5.19 ¦ 25.49 1134.¦ 27.24 1018.¦ 1054. Müller Tatjana 1987 Staldenried 53.14,6 16.24,7 (3264) Diplom Video 10-W20 277. 5.19 ¦ 25.56 1182.¦ 27.17 965.¦ 1054. Nicoulin Isabelle 1970 Courcelon 53.14,6 16.24,7 (3123) Diplom Video 10-W45 136. 5.19 ¦ 25.31 985.¦ 27.43 1151.¦ 1056. Brigger Kerstin 1990 Staldenried 53.14,7 16.24,8 (3263) Diplom Video 10-W20 278. 5.19 ¦ 25.56 1178.¦ 27.18 972.¦ 1056. Herzig Mirjam 1991 Langenthal 53.14,7 16.24,8 (3039) Diplom Video 10-W20 278. 5.19 ¦ 25.52 1155.¦ 27.22 1001.¦ 1058. Randegger Melanie 1989 Weinfelden 53.14,9 16.25,0 (11364) Diplom Video 10-W20 280. 5.19 ¦ 26.31 1456.¦ 26.43 729.¦ 1058. Stoop Salome 1999 Langnau i. E. 53.14,9 16.25,0 (13159) Diplom Video 10-U18 33. 5.19 ¦ 27.19 1850.¦ 25.55 475.¦ 1060. Niedermann Nadine 1988 Weinfelden 53.15,0 16.25,1 (11363) Diplom Video 10-W20 281. 5.19 ¦ 26.32 1459.¦ 26.42 721.¦ 1061. Dörflinger Melina 1985 Bern 53.15,2 16.25,3 (2451) Diplom Video 10-W30 126. 5.19 ¦ 24.43 666.¦ 28.31 1558.¦ 1062. Rasch Lisa 1993 Matten b. Interlaken 53.15,5 16.25,6 (2456) Diplom Video 10-W20 282. 5.19 ¦ 24.01 453.¦ 29.14 1944.¦ 1063. Crelier Stéphanie 1992 Fribourg 53.15,7 16.25,8 (5227) Diplom Video 10-W20 283. 5.19 ¦ 25.58 1191.¦ 27.17 955.¦ 1064. Gysin Heidy 1962 Rothenfluh 53.16,1 16.26,2 (2192) Diplom Video 10-W50 102. 5.19 ¦ 25.34 1004.¦ 27.41 1138.¦ 1065. Plüss Andrea 1999 Senarclens 53.16,5 16.26,6 (3233) Diplom Video 10-U18 34. 5.19 ¦ 25.13 850.¦ 28.03 1331.¦ 1066. Giot Madeleine 1970 Wünnewil 53.17,3 16.27,4 (5284) Diplom Video 10-W45 137. 5.19 ¦ 25.44 1085.¦ 27.32 1065.¦ 1067. Melet Patricia 1975 Vuadens 53.17,6 16.27,7 (3193) Diplom Video 10-W40 143. 5.19 ¦ 25.35 1008.¦ 27.42 1146.¦ 1068. Bardill Monika 1982 Conters im Prättigau 53.17,7 16.27,8 (5158) Diplom Video 10-W30 127. 5.19 ¦ 25.47 1112.¦ 27.30 1055.¦ 1069. Pfister Julie 1962 Genève 53.18,3 16.28,4 (6138) Diplom Video 10-W50 103. 5.19 ¦ 25.56 1179.¦ 27.21 994.¦ 1070. Kauer Annette 1972 Mauss 53.18,4 16.28,5 (3180) Diplom Video 10-W40 144. 5.19 ¦ 25.44 1081.¦ 27.33 1076.¦ 1071. Morger Mirjam 1994 Jona 53.18,6 16.28,7 (4152) Diplom Video 10-W20 284. 5.19 ¦ 26.05 1242.¦ 27.13 935.¦ 1072. Marthy Rahel 1985 Luzern 53.19,5 16.29,6 (8219) Diplom Video 10-W30 128. 5.19 ¦ 26.18 1344.¦ 27.01 858.¦ 1073. Kummer Tamara 1994 Näfels 53.20,0 16.30,1 (9229) Diplom Video 10-W20 285. 5.20 ¦ 25.40 1046.¦ 27.39 1123.¦ 1074. Winiger Leah 1998 Kriens 53.20,5 16.30,6 (8062) Diplom Video 10-U20 41. 5.20 ¦ 25.48 1126.¦ 27.31 1060.¦ 1075. Züricher Dorothe 1973 Zürich 53.21,2 16.31,3 (3127) Diplom Video 10-W40 145. 5.20 ¦ 25.48 1123.¦ 27.32 1067.¦ 1076. Brantschen Barbara 1966 Baltschieder 53.21,3 16.31,4 (3266) Diplom Video 10-W50 104. 5.20 ¦ 25.34 1002.¦ 27.46 1182.¦ 1077. Feuz Kathrina 1987 Bern 53.22,2 16.32,3 (3168) Diplom Video 10-W20 286. 5.20 ¦ 25.46 1106.¦ 27.35 1094.¦ 1078. Cremone Maria 1965 Sierre 53.22,3 16.32,4 (2136) Diplom Video 10-W50 105. 5.20 ¦ 26.11 1285.¦ 27.11 925.¦ 1079. Brudermann Claudia 1968 Rumisberg 53.22,7 16.32,8 (3170) Diplom Video 10-W45 138. 5.20 ¦ 25.20 905.¦ 28.01 1319.¦ 1079. Schorn Uta 1972 Schübelbach 53.22,7 16.32,8 (1287) Diplom Video 10-W40 146. 5.20 ¦ 25.36 1019.¦ 27.46 1177.¦ 1079. Winge Anne 1978 Ennetbaden 53.22,7 16.32,8 (9335) Diplom Video 10-W35 131. 5.20 ¦ 26.05 1248.¦ 27.17 959.¦ 1082. Fournier Florence 1972 Basse-Nendaz 53.22,9 16.33,0 (4246) Diplom Video 10-W40 147. 5.20 ¦ 25.14 868.¦ 28.08 1379.¦ 1082. Wild Anja 1995 Oberkulm 53.22,9 16.33,0 (4383) Diplom Video 10-W20 287. 5.20 ¦ 25.56 1179.¦ 27.26 1032.¦ 1084. Bühlmann Soraya 1982 Bern 53.23,0 16.33,1 (2232) Diplom Video 10-W30 129. 5.20 ¦ 25.10 837.¦ 28.12 1405.¦ 1085. Lüscher Corinne 1972 Glarus 53.23,4 16.33,5 (4430) Diplom Video 10-W40 148. 5.20 ¦ 26.05 1253.¦ 27.17 964.¦ 1086. Müller-Bühler Erika 1964 Unterägeri 53.23,5 16.33,6 (3249) Diplom Video 10-W50 106. 5.20 ¦ 25.45 1089.¦ 27.38 1114.¦ 1087. Bouchet Alessia 1990 Genève 53.23,9 16.34,0 (2397) Diplom Video 10-W20 288. 5.20 ¦ 25.35 1011.¦ 27.48 1190.¦ 1088. Müller Irene 1967 Arisdorf 53.24,2 16.34,3 (3117) Diplom Video 10-W45 139. 5.20 ¦ 25.29 966.¦ 27.54 1249.¦ 1089. Feldmann Meret 1990 Bern 53.24,3 16.34,4 (7401) Diplom Video 10-W20 289. 5.20 ¦ 25.16 875.¦ 28.08 1379.¦ 1089. Ramseier Martina 1991 Däniken SO 53.24,3 16.34,4 (8281) Diplom Video 10-W20 289. 5.20 ¦ 25.48 1122.¦ 27.36 1097.¦ 1091. Käser-Widmer Annemarie 1962 Leimiswil 53.24,7 16.34,8 (2369) Diplom Video 10-W50 107. 5.20 ¦ 25.25 938.¦ 27.59 1297.¦ 1092. Bigler Cathy 1956 Chernex 53.24,8 16.34,9 (3190) Diplom Video 10-W60 10. 5.20 ¦ 25.36 1018.¦ 27.48 1191.¦ 1093. Gavillet Odile 1997 Posat 53.25,4 16.35,5 (4320) Diplom Video 10-U20 42. 5.20 ¦ 26.08 1271.¦ 27.17 955.¦ 1094. Hausmann-Gasser Danielle 1982 Bern 53.25,9 16.36,0 (4350) Diplom Video 10-W30 130. 5.20 ¦ 25.30 971.¦ 27.55 1260.¦ 1095. Fuhrer Christine 1989 Bern 53.26,8 16.36,9 (2392) Diplom Video 10-W20 291. 5.20 ¦ 25.14 860.¦ 28.12 1408.¦ 1095. Gonçalves Elisabete 1970 Basel 53.26,8 16.36,9 (1132) Diplom Video 10-W45 140. 5.20 ¦ 25.37 1031.¦ 27.48 1195.¦ 1095. Koch Silvia 1965 Wettingen 53.26,8 16.36,9 (3061) Diplom Video 10-W50 108. 5.20 ¦ 25.19 888.¦ 28.07 1374.¦ 1098. Spiegel Patricia 1983 Härkingen 53.26,9 16.37,0 (3090) Diplom Video 10-W30 131. 5.20 ¦ 25.47 1112.¦ 27.39 1120.¦ 1099. Gysin Barbara 1984 Liestal 53.27,8 16.37,9 (12283) Diplom Video 10-W30 132. 5.20 ¦ 26.37 1486.¦ 26.50 771.¦ 1100. Studer Regine 1962 Gelterkinden 53.28,7 16.38,8 (2129) Diplom Video 10-W50 109. 5.20 ¦ 25.34 1001.¦ 27.54 1245.¦ 1101. Meister Patricia 1996 Elgg 53.28,9 16.39,0 (2384) Diplom Video 10-W20 292. 5.20 ¦ 25.35 1005.¦ 27.53 1239.¦ 1102. Heinzer Monika 1961 Ibach 53.29,0 16.39,1 (2165) Diplom Video 10-W55 44. 5.20 ¦ 25.51 1145.¦ 27.37 1109.¦ 1103. Andriuet Flurina 1979 Domat/Ems 53.29,2 16.39,3 (3100) Diplom Video 10-W35 132. 5.20 ¦ 25.10 831.¦ 28.18 1450.¦ 1104. Keane Marta 1985 Fribourg 53.29,6 16.39,7 (13266) Diplom Video 10-W30 133. 5.20 ¦ 25.17 882.¦ 28.11 1400.¦ 1105. Gysin Andrea 1983 Läufelfingen 53.29,7 16.39,8 (3169) Diplom Video 10-W30 134. 5.20 ¦ 25.14 858.¦ 28.15 1432.¦ 1105. Salzmann Marlis 1980 Aeschau 53.29,7 16.39,8 (3229) Diplom Video 10-W35 133. 5.20 ¦ 26.33 1467.¦ 26.55 814.¦ 1107. Sallin Beatrice 1964 Subingen 53.29,8 16.39,9 (3171) Diplom Video 10-W50 110. 5.20 ¦ 25.33 997.¦ 27.56 1268.¦ 1107. Silva Susana 1981 Zürich 53.29,8 16.39,9 (8109) Diplom Video 10-W35 134. 5.20 ¦ 25.41 1053.¦ 27.48 1194.¦ 1109. Bopp Monika 1981 Pfäffikon ZH 53.30,4 16.40,5 (3103) Diplom Video 10-W35 135. 5.21 ¦ 25.50 1140.¦ 27.40 1129.¦ 1110. Haemmerli Jolanda 1980 Wagen 53.30,9 16.41,0 (2212) Diplom Video 10-W35 136. 5.21 ¦ 25.18 886.¦ 28.12 1405.¦ 1111. Vogel-Wassmer Marlen 1972 Hägglingen 53.31,0 16.41,1 (11324) Diplom Video 10-W40 149. 5.21 ¦ 25.58 1192.¦ 27.32 1063.¦ 1112. Baechler Maya 1972 Sion 53.31,2 16.41,3 (9110) Diplom Video 10-W40 150. 5.21 ¦ 24.55 720.¦ 28.35 1597.¦ 1113. Stieger Manuela 1979 Trogen 53.31,7 16.41,8 (6369) Diplom Video 10-W35 137. 5.21 ¦ 27.04 1707.¦ 26.27 631.¦ 1114. Good Kathrin 1963 Basel 53.32,1 16.42,2 (4202) Diplom Video 10-W50 111. 5.21 ¦ 26.28 1424.¦ 27.03 869.¦ 1115. Studer Nina 1990 Schüpfheim 53.32,4 16.42,5 (2359) Diplom Video 10-W20 293. 5.21 ¦ 25.40 1045.¦ 27.52 1227.¦ 1116. Hollinger Cornelia 1980 Rheinfelden 53.33,6 16.43,7 (4371) Diplom Video 10-W35 138. 5.21 ¦ 25.50 1137.¦ 27.43 1155.¦ 1117. Haldimann Manuela 1993 Oberscherli 53.34,3 16.44,4 (4200) Diplom Video 10-W20 294. 5.21 ¦ 25.07 795.¦ 28.27 1516.¦ 1118. Löffel Barbara 1961 Konolfingen 53.34,5 16.44,6 (3255) Diplom Video 10-W55 45. 5.21 ¦ 25.42 1065.¦ 27.52 1230.¦ 1118. von Rotz Andrea 1985 Kerns 53.34,5 16.44,6 (8369) Diplom Video 10-W30 135. 5.21 ¦ 26.20 1366.¦ 27.13 938.¦ 1120. Zellweger Sarah 1971 Bözberg 53.34,6 16.44,7 (4377) Diplom Video 10-W45 141. 5.21 ¦ 25.46 1102.¦ 27.48 1187.¦ 1121. Bicker Katrin 1985 Chur 53.34,9 16.45,0 (8245) Diplom Video 10-W30 136. 5.21 ¦ 25.44 1085.¦ 27.50 1206.¦ 1122. Carenini Zuleika 1977 Preonzo 53.35,3 16.45,4 (4117) Diplom Video 10-W35 139. 5.21 ¦ 25.28 955.¦ 28.07 1366.¦ 1123. Roth Corinne 1972 Alpnach Dorf 53.35,4 16.45,5 (3042) Diplom Video 10-W40 151. 5.21 ¦ 26.42 1523.¦ 26.53 796.¦ 1124. Nussbaum Marie-Claire 1971 Wavre 53.35,5 16.45,6 (3207) Diplom Video 10-W45 142. 5.21 ¦ 25.09 821.¦ 28.26 1506.¦ 1125. Rietli Sonja 1971 Schwerzenbach 53.35,9 16.46,0 (8332) Diplom Video 10-W45 143. 5.21 ¦ 25.31 981.¦ 28.04 1345.¦ 1126. Arnold Nicole 1976 Altdorf UR 53.36,4 16.46,5 (2367) Diplom Video 10-W40 152. 5.21 ¦ 25.51 1148.¦ 27.44 1164.¦ 1127. Gross Ariane 1970 Niedergösgen 53.36,5 16.46,6 (3094) Diplom Video 10-W45 144. 5.21 ¦ 26.10 1282.¦ 27.26 1030.¦ 1128. Solenthaler Corinne 1991 Bern 53.36,6 16.46,7 (4195) Diplom Video 10-W20 295. 5.21 ¦ 26.18 1346.¦ 27.18 969.¦ 1129. Hemmi Barbara 1965 Winterthur 53.37,7 16.47,8 (2388) Diplom Video 10-W50 112. 5.21 ¦ 25.51 1146.¦ 27.46 1179.¦ 1129. Müller Annette 1965 Gebenstorf 53.37,7 16.47,8 (8213) Diplom Video 10-W50 112. 5.21 ¦ 26.05 1251.¦ 27.32 1062.¦ 1131. Nigg Karin 1968 St. Gallen 53.37,8 16.47,9 (3109) Diplom Video 10-W45 145. 5.21 ¦ 25.43 1075.¦ 27.53 1239.¦ 1132. Gollin Elisabeth 1963 Roggwil BE 53.38,4 16.48,5 (4225) Diplom Video 10-W50 114. 5.21 ¦ 25.22 919.¦ 28.15 1434.¦ 1133. Kläger Tanja 1986 Ebnat-Kappel 53.38,6 16.48,7 (4307) Diplom Video 10-W30 137. 5.21 ¦ 25.37 1024.¦ 28.01 1316.¦ 1134. Hämmerli Sabrina 1988 Wädenswil 53.38,8 16.48,9 (5078) Diplom Video 10-W20 296. 5.21 ¦ 25.26 943.¦ 28.12 1402.¦ 1135. Jäckel Annette 1967 Thörishaus 53.39,1 16.49,2 (2005) Diplom Video 10-W45 146. 5.21 ¦ 25.58 1188.¦ 27.40 1135.¦ 1136. Gomez Claudia 1976 Bubikon 53.39,2 16.49,3 (4231) Diplom Video 10-W40 153. 5.21 ¦ 25.48 1124.¦ 27.50 1210.¦ 1137. Steiger Isabel 1986 Bern 53.40,0 16.50,1 (4445) Diplom Video 10-W30 138. 5.22 ¦ 25.33 993.¦ 28.06 1365.¦ 1138. Lorenz Viola 1995 Zürich 53.40,1 16.50,2 (8309) Diplom Video 10-W20 297. 5.22 ¦ 26.05 1245.¦ 27.34 1084.¦ 1139. Leisibach Nicole 1976 Hünenberg 53.41,0 16.51,1 (10122) Diplom Video 10-W40 154. 5.22 ¦ 26.41 1519.¦ 26.59 841.¦ 1139. Schär Karin 1989 Bowil 53.41,0 16.51,1 (3279) Diplom Video 10-W20 298. 5.22 ¦ 25.44 1087.¦ 27.56 1264.¦ 1141. Molnar Elvira 1991 Cossonay-Ville 53.41,2 16.51,3 (5369) Diplom Video 10-W20 299. 5.22 ¦ 25.44 1079.¦ 27.56 1272.¦ 1141. Sandbaumhüter Friederike 1988 Bern 53.41,2 16.51,3 (5339) Diplom Video 10-W20 299. 5.22 ¦ 26.19 1353.¦ 27.21 994.¦ 1143. Seiler Manuela 1969 Herzogenbuchsee 53.41,9 16.52,0 (3074) Diplom Video 10-W45 147. 5.22 ¦ 25.35 1016.¦ 28.06 1359.¦ 1144. Suri Margrit 1956 Bubendorf 53.42,1 16.52,2 (3113) Diplom Video 10-W60 11. 5.22 ¦ 26.08 1274.¦ 27.33 1070.¦ 1145. Engels Ulrike 1981 Oberwil BL 53.42,2 16.52,3 (6394) Diplom Video 10-W35 140. 5.22 ¦ 26.28 1427.¦ 27.13 934.¦ 1146. Mächler Tabea 1989 Jona 53.42,3 16.52,4 (2266) Diplom Video 10-W20 301. 5.22 ¦ 26.17 1339.¦ 27.24 1017.¦ 1146. Perracini Anna-Isabel 1998 Kehrsatz 53.42,3 16.52,4 (5135) Diplom Video 10-U20 43. 5.22 ¦ 24.33 611.¦ 29.08 1879.¦ 1148. Nauer Laura, Wilen b. Wollerau 2002 Schule Leutschen 53.42,6 16.52,7 (9232) Diplom Video 10-U16 12. 5.22 ¦ 27.54 2176.¦ 25.48 454.¦ 1149. Nelson Adrienne 1985 Zürich 53.42,8 16.52,9 (2465) Diplom Video 10-W30 139. 5.22 ¦ 27.05 1718.¦ 26.37 687.¦ 1150. Shaw Stephanie 1984 Glis 53.42,9 16.53,0 (5378) Diplom Video 10-W30 140. 5.22 ¦ 26.16 1330.¦ 27.26 1025.¦ 1151. Grünig Sarah Nathalia, Bern 1984 Globetrotter Tours AG 53.43,1 16.53,2 (9029) Diplom Video 10-W30 141. 5.22 ¦ 25.52 1153.¦ 27.51 1220.¦ 1152. Brunner Mirjam 1993 Würenlos 53.43,4 16.53,5 (2070) Diplom Video 10-W20 302. 5.22 ¦ 25.58 1186.¦ 27.45 1168.¦ 1152. Fankhauser Evelyne 1978 Winterthur 53.43,4 16.53,5 (3112) Diplom Video 10-W35 141. 5.22 ¦ 25.37 1025.¦ 28.06 1362.¦ 1152. Kunz Brigitta 1963 Steinhausen 53.43,4 16.53,5 (3045) Diplom Video 10-W50 115. 5.22 ¦ 25.18 886.¦ 28.24 1492.¦ 1155. Hofstetter Doris 1962 Winterthur 53.43,5 16.53,6 (2138) Diplom Video 10-W50 116. 5.22 ¦ 25.52 1157.¦ 27.51 1218.¦ 1155. Pégaitaz Christine 1965 Villars-sur-Glâne 53.43,5 16.53,6 (4015) Diplom Video 10-W50 116. 5.22 ¦ 25.53 1165.¦ 27.49 1201.¦ 1157. Müller Anninja 1993 Kerns 53.44,2 16.54,3 (2331) Diplom Video 10-W20 303. 5.22 ¦ 25.32 990.¦ 28.11 1398.¦ 1158. Ribbe Anita 1972 Maschwanden 53.44,4 16.54,5 (2214) Diplom Video 10-W40 155. 5.22 ¦ 26.00 1205.¦ 27.43 1157.¦ 1159. Wahl Sandra 1988 Muttenz 53.44,7 16.54,8 (4458) Diplom Video 10-W20 304. 5.22 ¦ 25.58 1186.¦ 27.46 1180.¦ 1160. Juvet-Koua Hortense 1972 Riddes 53.45,4 16.55,5 (4311) Diplom Video 10-W40 156. 5.22 ¦ 25.12 846.¦ 28.32 1566.¦ 1161. Wahrenberger Susanne 1990 Rossrüti 53.45,7 16.55,8 (2344) Diplom Video 10-W20 305. 5.22 ¦ 25.01 761.¦ 28.43 1647.¦ 1162. Buess Florence 1988 Hochwald 53.45,9 16.56,0 (5271) Diplom Video 10-W20 306. 5.22 ¦ 25.40 1051.¦ 28.05 1349.¦ 1163. Livache Joelle 1975 Charmey (Gruyère) 53.46,0 16.56,1 (4133) Diplom Video 10-W40 157. 5.22 ¦ 25.54 1167.¦ 27.51 1226.¦ 1164. Penker-Grüter Karin 1974 Fällanden 53.46,2 16.56,3 (2084) Diplom Video 10-W40 158. 5.22 ¦ 25.19 893.¦ 28.26 1509.¦ 1165. Tschudin Sabine 1970 Arlesheim 53.46,3 16.56,4 (5053) Diplom Video 10-W45 148. 5.22 ¦ 26.21 1371.¦ 27.25 1022.¦ 1166. Brönnimann Corine 1988 Hasle-Rüegsau 53.46,4 16.56,5 (5138) Diplom Video 10-W20 307. 5.22 ¦ 26.11 1290.¦ 27.34 1086.¦ 1167. Kuchler Stefanie 1986 Zürich 53.46,6 16.56,7 (13240) Diplom Video 10-W30 142. 5.22 ¦ 27.06 1722.¦ 26.40 705.¦ 1168. Schmalz Alexandra 1983 Brig 53.47,3 16.57,4 (7367) Diplom Video 10-W30 143. 5.22 ¦ 25.31 979.¦ 28.16 1436.¦ 1169. Berchtold-Gasser Tanja 1972 Giswil 53.47,5 16.57,6 (6340) Diplom Video 10-W40 159. 5.22 ¦ 26.31 1450.¦ 27.16 950.¦ 1169. Inauen Caroline 1984 Herisau 53.47,5 16.57,6 (6247) Diplom Video 10-W30 144. 5.22 ¦ 26.07 1263.¦ 27.39 1124.¦ 1171. Stempfel Florence 1991 Rechthalten 53.47,9 16.58,0 (3166) Diplom Video 10-W20 308. 5.22 ¦ 25.11 839.¦ 28.36 1604.¦ 1172. Flückiger Janine 1987 Bern 53.48,4 16.58,5 (4443) Diplom Video 10-W20 309. 5.22 ¦ 26.12 1296.¦ 27.35 1093.¦ 1173. Blonski Dominika 1982 Zürich 53.48,8 16.58,9 (1237) Diplom Video 10-W30 145. 5.22 ¦ 25.31 983.¦ 28.17 1444.¦ 1174. Pfaff Daniela 1986 Glarus 53.49,0 16.59,1 (5077) Diplom Video 10-W30 146. 5.22 ¦ 26.02 1224.¦ 27.46 1176.¦ 1175. Bruder Sophie 1994 Egliswil 53.49,3 16.59,4 (4280) Diplom Video 10-W20 310. 5.22 ¦ 25.43 1072.¦ 28.05 1353.¦ 1176. Bigler Emilie 1992 Chernex 53.50,0 17.00,1 (9349) Diplom Video 10-W20 311. 5.23 ¦ 26.39 1506.¦ 27.10 920.¦ 1177. Camenisch Jacqueline 1970 Chur 53.50,2 17.00,3 (4392) Diplom Video 10-W45 149. 5.23 ¦ 25.46 1099.¦ 28.04 1342.¦ 1178. Acciarito Alessandra 1976 Luzern 53.50,3 17.00,4 (1071) Diplom Video 10-W40 160. 5.23 ¦ 26.27 1408.¦ 27.23 1006.¦ 1179. Wolf Sylvia 1958 Giswil 53.51,0 17.01,1 (3164) Diplom Video 10-W55 46. 5.23 ¦ 26.29 1436.¦ 27.21 991.¦ 1180. Julen Lynn 1993 Sierre 53.51,3 17.01,4 (5025) Diplom Video 10-W20 312. 5.23 ¦ 26.36 1478.¦ 27.15 947.¦ 1181. Känzig Tanja 1990 Biel/Bienne 53.51,4 17.01,5 (5382) Diplom Video 10-W20 313. 5.23 ¦ 26.58 1671.¦ 26.52 792.¦ 1182. Greuter Vilija 1974 Ebmatingen 53.51,8 17.01,9 (13111) Diplom Video 10-W40 161. 5.23 ¦ 25.57 1183.¦ 27.53 1239.¦ 1183. Wyss Esther 1971 Biglen 53.53,2 17.03,3 (2322) Diplom Video 10-W45 150. 5.23 ¦ 24.29 591.¦ 29.24 2018.¦ 1184. Bernet Celia 2000 Gommiswald 53.53,3 17.03,4 (4304) Diplom Video 10-U18 35. 5.23 ¦ 26.04 1237.¦ 27.49 1197.¦ 1185. Gertsch Anne 1970 Neuchâtel 53.53,4 17.03,5 (2281) Diplom Video 10-W45 151. 5.23 ¦ 26.29 1429.¦ 27.24 1015.¦ 1185. Villiger Janine 1998 Aarburg 53.53,4 17.03,5 (10253) Diplom Video 10-U20 44. 5.23 ¦ 26.47 1579.¦ 27.05 879.¦ 1187. Stähli Alexa 1981 Burgdorf 53.53,5 17.03,6 (3288) Diplom Video 10-W35 142. 5.23 ¦ 26.04 1240.¦ 27.48 1191.¦ 1188. Zeder Susanne 1963 Dintikon 53.53,7 17.03,8 (3073) Diplom Video 10-W50 118. 5.23 ¦ 26.05 1245.¦ 27.48 1189.¦ 1189. Schacher Elisa 1978 Bern 53.54,0 17.04,1 (10277) Diplom Video 10-W35 143. 5.23 ¦ 26.45 1549.¦ 27.09 904.¦ 1190. Friederich Andrea 1970 Liebefeld 53.54,3 17.04,4 (11306) Diplom Video 10-W45 152. 5.23 ¦ 26.45 1551.¦ 27.09 907.¦ 1191. Michel Sereina 1994 Davos Dorf 53.54,4 17.04,5 (12111) Diplom Video 10-W20 314. 5.23 ¦ 25.05 782.¦ 28.48 1688.¦ 1192. Ambuehl Livia 1995 Bern 53.54,5 17.04,6 (12063) Diplom Video 10-W20 315. 5.23 ¦ 25.06 784.¦ 28.48 1685.¦ 1193. Herget Annette 1970 Ernetschwil 53.55,0 17.05,1 (4212) Diplom Video 10-W45 153. 5.23 ¦ 25.39 1041.¦ 28.15 1428.¦ 1194. Seiler-Müller Charlotte 1955 Münsingen 53.55,4 17.05,5 (2376) Diplom Video 10-W60 12. 5.23 ¦ 26.15 1315.¦ 27.40 1130.¦ 1195. Steinsiepe Olivia 1993 Stettlen 53.56,2 17.06,3 (5383) Diplom Video 10-W20 316. 5.23 ¦ 26.58 1671.¦ 26.57 826.¦ 1196. Thallinger Franziska 1969 Burgdorf 53.56,9 17.07,0 (2455) Diplom Video 10-W45 154. 5.23 ¦ 25.59 1203.¦ 27.57 1277.¦ 1197. Bühler Nicole 1986 Luzern 53.57,1 17.07,2 (2071) Diplom Video 10-W30 147. 5.23 ¦ 26.16 1323.¦ 27.41 1136.¦ 1198. Cogné Morgane 1990 Granges-Paccot 53.57,2 17.07,3 (6384) Diplom Video 10-W20 317. 5.23 ¦ 26.40 1510.¦ 27.17 957.¦ 1199. Rutishauser Nora 1987 Düdingen 53.57,3 17.07,4 (8264) Diplom Video 10-W20 318. 5.23 ¦ 25.40 1048.¦ 28.16 1440.¦ 1200. Berger Sabrina 1991 Glattfelden 53.58,0 17.08,1 (8388) Diplom Video 10-W20 319. 5.23 ¦ 26.54 1638.¦ 27.03 870.¦ 1200. Rohrer-Chavarria Andrea 1983 Bern 53.58,0 17.08,1 (11299) Diplom Video 10-W30 148. 5.23 ¦ 26.29 1438.¦ 27.28 1043.¦ 1202. Koller Nicole 1977 Uster 53.58,3 17.08,4 (5036) Diplom Video 10-W35 144. 5.23 ¦ 26.52 1620.¦ 27.06 880.¦ 1203. Untersander Ladina, Ebnat-Kappel 1999 Kanti Wattwil 53.58,9 17.09,0 (5167) Diplom Video 10-U18 36. 5.23 ¦ 25.46 1102.¦ 28.12 1409.¦ 1204. Fischer Susi 1963 Oftringen 53.59,0 17.09,1 (3016) Diplom Video 10-W50 119. 5.23 ¦ 25.50 1138.¦ 28.08 1387.¦ 1205. Gerber Andrea 1980 Heimberg 53.59,1 17.09,2 (4271) Diplom Video 10-W35 145. 5.23 ¦ 26.02 1220.¦ 27.56 1273.¦ 1206. Jerkic Eliane 1980 Wohlen AG 53.59,9 17.10,0 (2275) Diplom Video 10-W35 146. 5.23 ¦ 25.55 1172.¦ 28.04 1346.¦ 1207. Wyss Susanne 1972 Grasswil 54.00,0 17.10,1 (3242) Diplom Video 10-W40 162. 5.24 ¦ 26.22 1380.¦ 27.37 1106.¦ 1208. Gassmann Ursula 1969 Wetzikon ZH 54.00,2 17.10,3 (1903) Diplom Video 10-W45 155. 5.24 ¦ 25.40 1051.¦ 28.19 1454.¦ 1209. Bär Jeannette, Zürich 1980 Theresianum Ingenbohl 54.00,3 17.10,4 (4296) Diplom Video 10-W35 147. 5.24 ¦ 25.29 963.¦ 28.31 1548.¦ 1209. Greber Susanne 1968 Steffisburg 54.00,3 17.10,4 (3087) Diplom Video 10-W45 156. 5.24 ¦ 25.58 1189.¦ 28.01 1319.¦ 1211. Biedermann Nadine 1991 Bern 54.00,9 17.11,0 (4253) Diplom Video 10-W20 320. 5.24 ¦ 26.38 1496.¦ 27.22 999.¦ 1212. Bircher-Suits Maarja 1974 Zürich 54.01,3 17.11,4 (5074) Diplom Video 10-W40 163. 5.24 ¦ 25.44 1081.¦ 28.16 1438.¦ 1213. Bucher Ronny 1966 Erlenbach ZH 54.01,6 17.11,7 (8140) Diplom Video 10-W50 120. 5.24 ¦ 25.53 1166.¦ 28.07 1374.¦ 1213. Wittenwiler Nadia 1992 Rapperswil SG 54.01,6 17.11,7 (8206) Diplom Video 10-W20 321. 5.24 ¦ 25.45 1093.¦ 28.16 1435.¦ 1215. Howald Claudia 1969 Herzogenbuchsee 54.01,7 17.11,8 (5324) Diplom Video 10-W45 157. 5.24 ¦ 25.41 1056.¦ 28.20 1463.¦ 1216. Danuser Iris 1972 Bad Ragaz 54.01,9 17.12,0 (2259) Diplom Video 10-W40 164. 5.24 ¦ 25.47 1119.¦ 28.14 1422.¦ 1217. Sommerhalder Jacqueline 1964 Beinwil am See 54.02,1 17.12,2 (4097) Diplom Video 10-W50 121. 5.24 ¦ 25.51 1148.¦ 28.10 1393.¦ 1218. Stöckli Cécile 1966 Ettiswil 54.02,2 17.12,3 (4106) Diplom Video 10-W50 122. 5.24 ¦ 26.15 1314.¦ 27.47 1186.¦ 1219. Fischer Janine 1993 Luzern 54.02,9 17.13,0 (4284) Diplom Video 10-W20 322. 5.24 ¦ 25.36 1017.¦ 28.26 1511.¦ 1219. Gygax Agnes 1971 Krauchthal 54.02,9 17.13,0 (7136) Diplom Video 10-W45 158. 5.24 ¦ 25.58 1193.¦ 28.04 1338.¦ 1219. Urech Regula 1982 Glattfelden 54.02,9 17.13,0 (8389) Diplom Video 10-W30 149. 5.24 ¦ 26.23 1382.¦ 27.39 1122.¦ 1222. Freudenberg Karen 1967 Bern 54.03,1 17.13,2 (3167) Diplom Video 10-W45 159. 5.24 ¦ 25.46 1104.¦ 28.16 1438.¦ 1223. Kaspar Nadine 1990 Uster 54.03,2 17.13,3 (8392) Diplom Video 10-W20 323. 5.24 ¦ 26.20 1364.¦ 27.42 1149.¦ 1224. Oberson-Raetzo Petra 1971 Alterswil FR 54.03,4 17.13,5 (3208) Diplom Video 10-W45 160. 5.24 ¦ 26.12 1296.¦ 27.50 1210.¦ 1225. Perracini-Liechti Ruth 1968 Kehrsatz 54.03,5 17.13,6 (4058) Diplom Video 10-W45 161. 5.24 ¦ 25.56 1175.¦ 28.07 1368.¦ 1226. Diethelm Christener Barbara 1965 Zäziwil 54.03,6 17.13,7 (7141) Diplom Video 10-W50 123. 5.24 ¦ 26.05 1248.¦ 27.58 1286.¦ 1227. Vieira Elisabete 1976 Zürich 54.03,7 17.13,8 (13243) Diplom Video 10-W40 165. 5.24 ¦ 25.36 1023.¦ 28.26 1511.¦ 1228. Seger Laura 1988 Gossau SG 54.03,8 17.13,9 (8158) Diplom Video 10-W20 324. 5.24 ¦ 26.21 1371.¦ 27.42 1146.¦ 1229. Eggenberger Noëmi 1984 Bern 54.04,1 17.14,2 (1249) Diplom Video 10-W30 150. 5.24 ¦ 26.30 1447.¦ 27.33 1070.¦ 1230. Christen Manuela 1985 Bern 54.04,2 17.14,3 (4418) Diplom Video 10-W30 151. 5.24 ¦ 26.30 1442.¦ 27.33 1079.¦ 1231. Abegg Monica 1959 Uetikon am See 54.04,4 17.14,5 (2389) Diplom Video 10-W55 47. 5.24 ¦ 26.02 1224.¦ 28.01 1314.¦ 1231. Keller Bettina 1967 Habstetten 54.04,4 17.14,5 (5341) Diplom Video 10-W45 162. 5.24 ¦ 26.40 1513.¦ 27.24 1014.¦ 1233. Keusch Prisca 1973 Wünnewil 54.04,7 17.14,8 (4268) Diplom Video 10-W40 166. 5.24 ¦ 25.20 898.¦ 28.44 1651.¦ 1234. Ehrensperger Franziska 1966 Regensdorf 54.04,8 17.14,9 (4181) Diplom Video 10-W50 124. 5.24 ¦ 26.13 1301.¦ 27.51 1221.¦ 1235. Meyer Stéphanie 1988 Broc 54.05,0 17.15,1 (7276) Diplom Video 10-W20 325. 5.24 ¦ 26.55 1652.¦ 27.09 914.¦ 1236. Glaus Nadine 1983 Bern 54.05,1 17.15,2 (5296) Diplom Video 10-W30 152. 5.24 ¦ 26.14 1307.¦ 27.50 1212.¦ 1236. Martins Moreira Cindy 1992 Broc 54.05,1 17.15,2 (7275) Diplom Video 10-W20 326. 5.24 ¦ 26.55 1653.¦ 27.09 912.¦ 1238. Brügger Johanna 1987 Liebefeld 54.05,2 17.15,3 (6028) Diplom Video 10-W20 327. 5.24 ¦ 26.45 1555.¦ 27.19 980.¦ 1239. Bussmann Sabina 1984 Worblaufen 54.05,3 17.15,4 (5062) Diplom Video 10-W30 153. 5.24 ¦ 26.14 1308.¦ 27.50 1213.¦ 1240. Bettinelli Manon 1990 Hauterive NE 54.05,4 17.15,5 (10019) Diplom Video 10-W20 328. 5.24 ¦ 26.26 1403.¦ 27.39 1117.¦ 1240. Caviezel Barbara 1970 Bad Ragaz 54.05,4 17.15,5 (3187) Diplom Video 10-W45 163. 5.24 ¦ 25.27 949.¦ 28.37 1613.¦ 1242. Buchli-Zimmerli Lena 1984 Felsberg 54.05,7 17.15,8 (6242) Diplom Video 10-W30 154. 5.24 ¦ 26.15 1318.¦ 27.50 1208.¦ 1242. Haas Larissa 1991 Chur 54.05,7 17.15,8 (6241) Diplom Video 10-W20 329. 5.24 ¦ 26.14 1311.¦ 27.50 1213.¦ 1244. Hidber Isabella 1980 Hinwil 54.05,8 17.15,9 (3265) Diplom Video 10-W35 148. 5.24 ¦ 25.07 794.¦ 28.58 1785.¦ 1245. Seematter Antoinette 1969 Unteriberg 54.06,5 17.16,6 (6403) Diplom Video 10-W45 164. 5.24 ¦ 26.23 1382.¦ 27.43 1153.¦ 1246. Eich Corinne 1985 Utzigen 54.06,7 17.16,8 (2234) Diplom Video 10-W30 155. 5.24 ¦ 26.44 1539.¦ 27.22 1001.¦ 1246. Lüönd Isabella 1959 Chur 54.06,7 17.16,8 (2202) Diplom Video 10-W55 48. 5.24 ¦ 26.13 1298.¦ 27.53 1236.¦ 1248. Bollhalder Heidi 1985 Ebnat-Kappel 54.07,5 17.17,6 (3226) Diplom Video 10-W30 156. 5.24 ¦ 25.59 1195.¦ 28.08 1382.¦ 1249. Neff Priska 1994 Hosenruck 54.07,9 17.18,0 (4411) Diplom Video 10-W20 330. 5.24 ¦ 25.34 1002.¦ 28.33 1575.¦ 1250. Schneider Schmutz Barbara 1970 Münsingen 54.08,4 17.18,5 (5008) Diplom Video 10-W45 165. 5.24 ¦ 26.18 1345.¦ 27.50 1204.¦ 1251. Aeschlimann Simona 1999 Freimettigen 54.08,6 17.18,7 (1234) Diplom Video 10-U18 37. 5.24 ¦ 25.42 1066.¦ 28.26 1504.¦ 1251. Etter Sophie Luzia 1998 Zollikofen 54.08,6 17.18,7 (2314) Diplom Video 10-U20 45. 5.24 ¦ 26.44 1548.¦ 27.23 1012.¦ 1253. Lehmann Rahel 1991 Rüdtligen 54.08,9 17.19,0 (3244) Diplom Video 10-W20 331. 5.24 ¦ 26.08 1273.¦ 28.00 1309.¦ 1254. Aeschlimann Salome 1994 Urtenen-Schönbühl 54.09,0 17.19,1 (1060) Diplom Video 10-W20 332. 5.24 ¦ 25.42 1066.¦ 28.26 1508.¦ 1254. Sansonnens Edmée-Angeline 1982 Marly 54.09,0 17.19,1 (2143) Diplom Video 10-W30 157. 5.24 ¦ 26.00 1207.¦ 28.08 1382.¦ 1256. Beyeler Sarah Emanuela 1978 Zürich 54.09,1 17.19,2 (3071) Diplom Video 10-W35 149. 5.24 ¦ 26.27 1416.¦ 27.41 1139.¦ 1256. Oeschger-Schürch Yvonne 1974 Zuzwil BE 54.09,1 17.19,2 (6047) Diplom Video 10-W40 167. 5.24 ¦ 27.29 1951.¦ 26.39 701.¦ 1258. Buchwalder-Michel Anne-Lise 1966 Les Pommerats 54.09,5 17.19,6 (7302) Diplom Video 10-W50 125. 5.24 ¦ 26.00 1204.¦ 28.09 1389.¦ 1259. Flück Sabine, Wettingen 1968 Kantonsschule Wettingen 54.09,6 17.19,7 (8214) Diplom Video 10-W45 166. 5.24 ¦ 26.52 1618.¦ 27.17 962.¦ 1259. Maksutaj Lirie 1995 Langenthal 54.09,6 17.19,7 (4374) Diplom Video 10-W20 333. 5.24 ¦ 26.16 1327.¦ 27.53 1234.¦ 1261. Mezenen Eva 1997 Guggisberg 54.09,8 17.19,9 (7422) Diplom Video 10-U20 46. 5.24 ¦ 25.41 1057.¦ 28.28 1527.¦ 1262. Hunziker Martina 1989 Bern 54.10,0 17.20,1 (6319) Diplom Video 10-W20 334. 5.25 ¦ 26.14 1311.¦ 27.55 1257.¦ 1263. De Barrio Silvia 1979 Nyon 54.10,2 17.20,3 (4331) Diplom Video 10-W35 150. 5.25 ¦ 25.29 964.¦ 28.40 1630.¦ 1264. Schori Sabine 1978 Gwatt (Thun) 54.11,0 17.21,1 (4204) Diplom Video 10-W35 151. 5.25 ¦ 26.16 1323.¦ 27.55 1254.¦ 1265. Kuvaja-Catalano Heli Marika 1966 F-Rosenau 54.11,8 17.21,9 (3254) Diplom Video 10-W50 126. 5.25 ¦ 25.50 1141.¦ 28.21 1472.¦ 1266. Mcgarry Jennifer 1985 Oberwil BL 54.11,9 17.22,0 (4080) Diplom Video 10-W30 158. 5.25 ¦ 27.02 1698.¦ 27.09 912.¦ 1267. Blagojevic Rada 1988 Versoix 54.12,1 17.22,2 (3077) Diplom Video 10-W20 335. 5.25 ¦ 26.12 1293.¦ 27.59 1301.¦ 1268. Wolfer Daniela 1982 Elgg 54.12,6 17.22,7 (4485) Diplom Video 10-W30 159. 5.25 ¦ 26.19 1359.¦ 27.52 1233.¦ 1269. Flach Karin 1967 Zürich 54.12,7 17.22,8 (4129) Diplom Video 10-W45 167. 5.25 ¦ 26.18 1342.¦ 27.54 1249.¦ 1269. Tüscher Sabine 1975 Zuzwil BE 54.12,7 17.22,8 (6048) Diplom Video 10-W40 168. 5.25 ¦ 27.30 1959.¦ 26.42 716.¦ 1271. Blanco Dina 1971 Laupen BE 54.12,9 17.23,0 (3271) Diplom Video 10-W45 168. 5.25 ¦ 26.49 1598.¦ 27.23 1007.¦ 1272. Kindschi Regina 1953 Davos Dorf 54.13,1 17.23,2 (5288) Diplom Video 10-W60 13. 5.25 ¦ 25.32 991.¦ 28.40 1624.¦ 1273. Davet Valérie 1972 Châtillon FR 54.13,4 17.23,5 (6248) Diplom Video 10-W40 169. 5.25 ¦ 26.06 1255.¦ 28.07 1369.¦ 1274. Fricker Livia, Basel 1986 Kantonsschule Wettingen 54.13,5 17.23,6 (7251) Diplom Video 10-W30 160. 5.25 ¦ 26.35 1473.¦ 27.38 1110.¦ 1275. Cattin Angélique 1983 Courtételle 54.13,8 17.23,9 (2182) Diplom Video 10-W30 161. 5.25 ¦ 26.06 1257.¦ 28.07 1374.¦ 1276. Thoma Ramona 1985 St. Gallen 54.13,9 17.24,0 (4167) Diplom Video 10-W30 162. 5.25 ¦ 26.15 1317.¦ 27.58 1291.¦ 1277. Dieth Andrea 1964 Malans GR 54.14,1 17.24,2 (1173) Diplom Video 10-W50 127. 5.25 ¦ 25.26 941.¦ 28.47 1679.¦ 1278. Gill Anjali 1984 Zürich 54.14,4 17.24,5 (8311) Diplom Video 10-W30 163. 5.25 ¦ 26.31 1450.¦ 27.43 1153.¦ 1279. Michel Gisela 1972 Bern 54.14,6 17.24,7 (2144) Diplom Video 10-W40 170. 5.25 ¦ 25.37 1026.¦ 28.37 1612.¦ 1279. Schneider Brigitte 1963 Gümligen 54.14,6 17.24,7 (4054) Diplom Video 10-W50 128. 5.25 ¦ 26.00 1209.¦ 28.13 1419.¦ 1281. Isenschmid Obrist Barbara 1965 Niederscherli 54.15,2 17.25,3 (4059) Diplom Video 10-W50 129. 5.25 ¦ 25.59 1197.¦ 28.15 1433.¦ 1282. Baumgartner Jolanda 1987 Kloten 54.15,4 17.25,5 (2207) Diplom Video 10-W20 336. 5.25 ¦ 26.46 1568.¦ 27.29 1051.¦ 1283. Breitenmoser Madlene 1985 Zürich 54.15,5 17.25,6 (13066) Diplom Video 10-W30 164. 5.25 ¦ 26.13 1302.¦ 28.01 1316.¦ 1283. Kobashi Nagisa 1985 Luzern 54.15,5 17.25,6 (2201) Diplom Video 10-W30 164. 5.25 ¦ 26.46 1572.¦ 27.29 1050.¦ 1283. Kuonen Rahel 1986 Bern 54.15,5 17.25,6 (10026) Diplom Video 10-W30 164. 5.25 ¦ 26.46 1575.¦ 27.28 1048.¦ 1286. Amsler Eri 1986 Schafisheim 54.15,7 17.25,8 (8043) Diplom Video 10-W30 167. 5.25 ¦ 26.31 1455.¦ 27.44 1158.¦ 1287. Egger Susi 1943 St. Gallen 54.15,9 17.26,0 (3056) Diplom Video 10-W70 1. 5.25 ¦ 25.55 1174.¦ 28.20 1464.¦ 1287. Scaramuzza Rina 1983 Uetliburg SG 54.15,9 17.26,0 (9195) Diplom Video 10-W30 168. 5.25 ¦ 27.08 1742.¦ 27.07 893.¦ 1289. Buchs Elvira 1986 Rechthalten 54.16,0 17.26,1 (4436) Diplom Video 10-W30 169. 5.25 ¦ 27.16 1806.¦ 27.00 847.¦ 1289. Buchs Laurence 1987 Jaun 54.16,0 17.26,1 (4338) Diplom Video 10-W20 337. 5.25 ¦ 27.15 1804.¦ 27.00 848.¦ 1289. Spiess Beeler Traudel 1966 Rothenthurm 54.16,0 17.26,1 (4112) Diplom Video 10-W50 130. 5.25 ¦ 26.01 1213.¦ 28.14 1425.¦ 1292. Schrader Birte 1979 Zürich 54.16,8 17.26,9 (5289) Diplom Video 10-W35 152. 5.25 ¦ 26.37 1483.¦ 27.39 1124.¦ 1293. Gantenbein Brigitta 1971 Zollikofen 54.17,4 17.27,5 (5244) Diplom Video 10-W45 169. 5.25 ¦ 25.49 1130.¦ 28.27 1523.¦ 1294. Schneebeli Ruth 1964 Ottenbach 54.18,1 17.28,2 (2153) Diplom Video 10-W50 131. 5.25 ¦ 26.38 1496.¦ 27.39 1118.¦ 1294. Thönnissen Evelyne 1971 Sierre 54.18,1 17.28,2 (2052) Diplom Video 10-W45 170. 5.25 ¦ 26.28 1420.¦ 27.49 1202.¦ 1296. Bachmann Sandra 1972 Horgen 54.18,7 17.28,8 (6304) Diplom Video 10-W40 171. 5.25 ¦ 26.21 1375.¦ 27.57 1277.¦ 1297. Rüfenacht Susanne 1986 Bern 54.18,9 17.29,0 (12070) Diplom Video 10-W30 170. 5.25 ¦ 26.19 1354.¦ 27.59 1297.¦ 1298. Walt Renata 1946 Uster 54.19,2 17.29,3 (4402) Diplom Video 10-W70 2. 5.25 ¦ 26.19 1356.¦ 27.59 1299.¦ 1299. Ruckstuhl Regina 1975 Aarau 54.19,3 17.29,4 (6258) Diplom Video 10-W40 172. 5.25 ¦ 26.23 1387.¦ 27.55 1262.¦ 1300. Nyffenegger Irja 1981 Muralto 54.19,6 17.29,7 (4464) Diplom Video 10-W35 153. 5.25 ¦ 26.32 1461.¦ 27.46 1184.¦ 1301. Scheidegger Claudia 1965 Schänis 54.19,7 17.29,8 (2467) Diplom Video 10-W50 132. 5.25 ¦ 25.50 1138.¦ 28.29 1538.¦ 1302. Jenny Eva 1987 Oberwil BL 54.20,4 17.30,5 (5010) Diplom Video 10-W20 338. 5.26 ¦ 26.15 1315.¦ 28.05 1350.¦ 1303. Müller Sabine 1973 Uster 54.20,5 17.30,6 (5037) Diplom Video 10-W40 173. 5.26 ¦ 26.51 1617.¦ 27.28 1047.¦ 1304. Gilgien Marie-Laure 1991 Palézieux 54.20,6 17.30,7 (11205) Diplom Video 10-W20 339. 5.26 ¦ 26.24 1394.¦ 27.56 1263.¦ 1304. Hess Stephanie 1988 Birsfelden 54.20,6 17.30,7 (6291) Diplom Video 10-W20 339. 5.26 ¦ 26.07 1266.¦ 28.12 1413.¦ 1306. Lehmann Regula 1962 Langenthal 54.20,9 17.31,0 (5194) Diplom Video 10-W50 133. 5.26 ¦ 26.15 1319.¦ 28.05 1351.¦ 1307. Marti Maria 1960 Brünisried 54.21,3 17.31,4 (5129) Diplom Video 10-W55 49. 5.26 ¦ 25.46 1109.¦ 28.34 1585.¦ 1308. Zumsteg Claudia 1975 Aesch BL 54.22,7 17.32,8 (6352) Diplom Video 10-W40 174. 5.26 ¦ 26.24 1392.¦ 27.58 1289.¦ 1309. Horst Marianne 1964 Gerzensee 54.22,9 17.33,0 (4265) Diplom Video 10-W50 134. 5.26 ¦ 26.25 1397.¦ 27.57 1284.¦ 1310. Wenger Sabrina 1989 Bern 54.23,3 17.33,4 (7217) Diplom Video 10-W20 341. 5.26 ¦ 26.20 1363.¦ 28.03 1332.¦ 1311. Mayer Karin 1997 Bern 54.24,7 17.34,8 (7211) Diplom Video 10-U20 47. 5.26 ¦ 26.30 1440.¦ 27.54 1251.¦ 1312. Walzer Lea 1996 Bern 54.24,9 17.35,0 (7327) Diplom Video 10-W20 342. 5.26 ¦ 26.39 1503.¦ 27.45 1168.¦ 1313. Zimmermann Amanda 1985 Zürich 54.25,2 17.35,3 (12116) Diplom Video 10-W30 171. 5.26 ¦ 26.24 1392.¦ 28.00 1312.¦ 1314. Matzler Arja 1956 Gelterkinden 54.25,5 17.35,6 (3232) Diplom Video 10-W60 14. 5.26 ¦ 26.01 1215.¦ 28.23 1485.¦ 1315. Siegenthaler Marina 1990 Ehrendingen 54.25,8 17.35,9 (5216) Diplom Video 10-W20 343. 5.26 ¦ 27.07 1726.¦ 27.18 976.¦ 1316. Brodard Caroline 1982 Lausanne 54.26,0 17.36,1 (4002) Diplom Video 10-W30 172. 5.26 ¦ 25.53 1160.¦ 28.32 1570.¦ 1317. Berchtold Gertrud 1964 Giswil 54.26,7 17.36,8 (2381) Diplom Video 10-W50 135. 5.26 ¦ 25.36 1022.¦ 28.50 1700.¦ 1317. Kurt Nina 1989 Aarwangen 54.26,7 17.36,8 (8187) Diplom Video 10-W20 344. 5.26 ¦ 26.07 1263.¦ 28.19 1452.¦ 1319. Beuret-Badel Mélanie 1978 Courchapoix 54.27,0 17.37,1 (4028) Diplom Video 10-W35 154. 5.26 ¦ 26.07 1261.¦ 28.20 1461.¦ 1320. Hess Stephanie 1986 Zürich 54.27,2 17.37,3 (8092) Diplom Video 10-W30 173. 5.26 ¦ 26.22 1381.¦ 28.04 1344.¦ 1321. Teissl Janine 1984 Bern 54.27,4 17.37,5 (4042) Diplom Video 10-W30 174. 5.26 ¦ 26.10 1283.¦ 28.16 1443.¦ 1322. Caviezel Roberta 1963 Scuol 54.27,5 17.37,6 (4121) Diplom Video 10-W50 136. 5.26 ¦ 25.31 981.¦ 28.56 1754.¦ 1323. Hermesdorf Sylvia 1962 Kreuzlingen 54.27,8 17.37,9 (3174) Diplom Video 10-W50 137. 5.26 ¦ 26.01 1215.¦ 28.26 1502.¦ 1324. Zurbruegg Silvia 1961 Frutigen 54.27,9 17.38,0 (6016) Diplom Video 10-W55 50. 5.26 ¦ 26.09 1277.¦ 28.18 1448.¦ 1325. Knöpfel Monika 1973 St. Gallen 54.28,0 17.38,1 (4409) Diplom Video 10-W40 175. 5.26 ¦ 25.59 1202.¦ 28.28 1527.¦ 1325. Lustenberger Brigitta 1971 Gross 54.28,0 17.38,1 (4159) Diplom Video 10-W45 171. 5.26 ¦ 25.33 999.¦ 28.54 1737.¦ 1327. Zimmermann Milena 1997 Bern 54.28,1 17.38,2 (7214) Diplom Video 10-U20 48. 5.26 ¦ 26.30 1445.¦ 27.57 1283.¦ 1328. Mahmoudi Ouarda 1966 Glovelier 54.28,5 17.38,6 (9262) Diplom Video 10-W50 138. 5.26 ¦ 25.38 1035.¦ 28.49 1698.¦ 1329. Bürge Doris 1968 Wettingen 54.28,6 17.38,7 (2195) Diplom Video 10-W45 172. 5.26 ¦ 26.00 1207.¦ 28.27 1522.¦ 1330. Angst Marianne 1978 Volketswil 54.28,8 17.38,9 (4472) Diplom Video 10-W35 155. 5.26 ¦ 26.37 1487.¦ 27.51 1221.¦ 1331. Giger Daniela 1963 Zug 54.28,9 17.39,0 (3014) Diplom Video 10-W50 139. 5.26 ¦ 26.28 1424.¦ 28.00 1306.¦ 1332. Buri Joëlle 2001 Ittigen 54.29,5 17.39,6 (7410) Diplom Video 10-U16 13. 5.26 ¦ 26.23 1388.¦ 28.05 1355.¦ 1333. Sauser Alexandra 1993 Nürensdorf 54.30,5 17.40,6 (4140) Diplom Video 10-W20 345. 5.27 ¦ 26.28 1420.¦ 28.02 1322.¦ 1334. Arnold Rita 1967 St. Erhard 54.30,8 17.40,9 (3121) Diplom Video 10-W45 173. 5.27 ¦ 26.06 1255.¦ 28.24 1494.¦ 1335. Röhheuser Katrin 1981 Zürich 54.30,9 17.41,0 (3202) Diplom Video 10-W35 156. 5.27 ¦ 26.08 1268.¦ 28.22 1478.¦ 1336. Erb Maja 1966 Winterthur 54.31,0 17.41,1 (3052) Diplom Video 10-W50 140. 5.27 ¦ 26.40 1508.¦ 27.51 1218.¦ 1336. Kübler Annette 1962 Adliswil 54.31,0 17.41,1 (4240) Diplom Video 10-W50 140. 5.27 ¦ 25.54 1168.¦ 28.36 1605.¦ 1338. Gharbi-Zaugg Katrin 1969 Estavayer-le-Lac 54.31,2 17.41,3 (4414) Diplom Video 10-W45 174. 5.27 ¦ 26.16 1330.¦ 28.14 1424.¦ 1339. Schumacher Irene 1968 Ruswil 54.31,5 17.41,6 (6267) Diplom Video 10-W45 175. 5.27 ¦ 26.45 1549.¦ 27.46 1180.¦ 1340. Lannutti Meriel 1991 Thun 54.31,7 17.41,8 (10058) Diplom Video 10-W20 346. 5.27 ¦ 26.53 1630.¦ 27.38 1114.¦ 1341. Bucheli Jeannine 1991 Ebikon 54.32,2 17.42,3 (5124) Diplom Video 10-W20 347. 5.27 ¦ 26.25 1400.¦ 28.06 1363.¦ 1342. Elmiger Gabriela 1992 Fribourg 54.32,3 17.42,4 (2433) Diplom Video 10-W20 348. 5.27 ¦ 25.59 1200.¦ 28.32 1565.¦ 1343. Schmid Leonie 1991 Bern 54.33,1 17.43,2 (10131) Diplom Video 10-W20 349. 5.27 ¦ 26.55 1645.¦ 27.37 1108.¦ 1344. Rohrer Marion 1992 Rorschach 54.33,3 17.43,4 (4201) Diplom Video 10-W20 350. 5.27 ¦ 26.47 1577.¦ 27.46 1177.¦ 1345. Bertschi Martina 1988 Solothurn 54.33,4 17.43,5 (3020) Diplom Video 10-W20 351. 5.27 ¦ 25.59 1199.¦ 28.33 1582.¦ 1345. Pfister Hollinger Evi 1972 Baden 54.33,4 17.43,5 (5367) Diplom Video 10-W40 176. 5.27 ¦ 26.30 1442.¦ 28.03 1330.¦ 1347. Andermatt Claudia, Lungern 1970 Ski Club Schwendi Langis 54.33,6 17.43,7 (10307) Diplom Video 10-W45 176. 5.27 ¦ 26.33 1466.¦ 27.59 1302.¦ 1347. Stammler Lina 1989 Bern 54.33,6 17.43,7 (10130) Diplom Video 10-W20 352. 5.27 ¦ 26.55 1645.¦ 27.38 1111.¦ 1349. Käser Julia 1993 Twann 54.33,7 17.43,8 (5029) Diplom Video 10-W20 353. 5.27 ¦ 26.53 1628.¦ 27.40 1134.¦ 1350. Köpfer Franziska 1968 Kleindietwil 54.34,0 17.44,1 (4376) Diplom Video 10-W45 177. 5.27 ¦ 26.24 1390.¦ 28.09 1390.¦ 1351. Bleuer Petra 1982 Bern 54.34,6 17.44,7 (5359) Diplom Video 10-W30 175. 5.27 ¦ 26.57 1664.¦ 27.36 1100.¦ 1352. Flückiger Angela 1988 Hallwil 54.34,9 17.45,0 (4382) Diplom Video 10-W20 354. 5.27 ¦ 26.03 1226.¦ 28.31 1560.¦ 1353. Debrunner Yvonne 1988 Bern 54.35,3 17.45,4 (4252) Diplom Video 10-W20 355. 5.27 ¦ 25.43 1075.¦ 28.51 1710.¦ 1353. Strebel Astrid 1962 Wettingen 54.35,3 17.45,4 (3097) Diplom Video 10-W50 142. 5.27 ¦ 26.04 1236.¦ 28.31 1552.¦ 1355. Grob Susanne 1972 Busswil 54.35,7 17.45,8 (5089) Diplom Video 10-W40 177. 5.27 ¦ 26.50 1607.¦ 27.44 1164.¦ 1356. Treuthardt Sandra 1988 Thun 54.36,5 17.46,6 (11415) Diplom Video 10-W20 356. 5.27 ¦ 26.58 1667.¦ 27.38 1111.¦ 1357. Kneubühler Agnes 1966 Rubigen 54.36,9 17.47,0 (7227) Diplom Video 10-W50 143. 5.27 ¦ 26.43 1535.¦ 27.53 1235.¦ 1358. Ramseier Kabula 1982 Münsingen 54.37,6 17.47,7 (3301) Diplom Video 10-W30 176. 5.27 ¦ 26.43 1529.¦ 27.54 1248.¦ 1359. Koch Cornelia 1986 Auenstein 54.37,8 17.47,9 (10073) Diplom Video 10-W30 177. 5.27 ¦ 27.19 1850.¦ 27.17 966.¦ 1360. Erhart Sonja 1988 Bern 54.37,9 17.48,0 (2229) Diplom Video 10-W20 357. 5.27 ¦ 25.28 953.¦ 29.09 1888.¦ 1360. Schmid Lorena 1985 Uerkheim 54.37,9 17.48,0 (10069) Diplom Video 10-W30 178. 5.27 ¦ 27.21 1867.¦ 27.16 953.¦ 1362. Jovanovic Zorica 1958 Hunzenschwil 54.38,0 17.48,1 (3185) Diplom Video 10-W55 51. 5.27 ¦ 26.01 1210.¦ 28.36 1607.¦ 1362. Urfer Ursula 1966 Kirchdorf BE 54.38,0 17.48,1 (4266) Diplom Video 10-W50 144. 5.27 ¦ 26.25 1399.¦ 28.12 1409.¦ 1364. Schatzmann Cilgia 1988 Flums 54.38,3 17.48,4 (5175) Diplom Video 10-W20 358. 5.27 ¦ 27.17 1820.¦ 27.20 988.¦ 1365. Fleury Laurence 1970 Bassecourt 54.38,6 17.48,7 (9261) Diplom Video 10-W45 178. 5.27 ¦ 26.11 1287.¦ 28.27 1519.¦ 1366. Gottsponer Marion 1975 Visperterminen 54.38,7 17.48,8 (2353) Diplom Video 10-W40 178. 5.27 ¦ 26.19 1356.¦ 28.19 1453.¦ 1367. Schai Noemi 2000 Stäfa 54.39,4 17.49,5 (6204) Diplom Video 10-U18 38. 5.27 ¦ 26.29 1429.¦ 28.10 1391.¦ 1368. Collins Prisca 1966 Unterlunkhofen 54.39,9 17.50,0 (6209) Diplom Video 10-W50 145. 5.27 ¦ 26.48 1585.¦ 27.51 1225.¦ 1368. Roth Gisela 1972 Krattigen 54.39,9 17.50,0 (4455) Diplom Video 10-W40 179. 5.27 ¦ 25.47 1118.¦ 28.52 1718.¦ 1370. Bachmann Sévérine 1986 Thun 54.40,4 17.50,5 (7143) Diplom Video 10-W30 179. 5.28 ¦ 26.42 1523.¦ 27.58 1286.¦ 1371. Schneider Marina 1982 Gwatt (Thun) 54.40,8 17.50,9 (4364) Diplom Video 10-W30 180. 5.28 ¦ 25.06 789.¦ 29.34 2116.¦ 1372. Schai Sandra 1966 Stäfa 54.41,0 17.51,1 (6205) Diplom Video 10-W50 146. 5.28 ¦ 26.29 1429.¦ 28.11 1400.¦ 1373. Lenhardt Dora 1984 Rubigen 54.41,3 17.51,4 (13224) Diplom Video 10-W30 181. 5.28 ¦ 26.17 1339.¦ 28.23 1482.¦ 1374. Betschart Romana 1979 Wangs 54.41,7 17.51,8 (4466) Diplom Video 10-W35 157. 5.28 ¦ 26.42 1521.¦ 27.59 1299.¦ 1375. Schmidli Irma 1963 Baldegg 54.42,0 17.52,1 (8372) Diplom Video 10-W50 147. 5.28 ¦ 26.38 1493.¦ 28.03 1336.¦ 1376. Laager Ursula 1967 Arlesheim 54.42,1 17.52,2 (3159) Diplom Video 10-W45 179. 5.28 ¦ 25.15 871.¦ 29.26 2046.¦ 1377. Truija Maria 1976 Erlenbach ZH 54.42,4 17.52,5 (8334) Diplom Video 10-W40 180. 5.28 ¦ 26.27 1410.¦ 28.15 1426.¦ 1378. von Allmen Kathrin 1985 Bern 54.43,0 17.53,1 (7313) Diplom Video 10-W30 182. 5.28 ¦ 26.06 1258.¦ 28.36 1602.¦ 1379. Gehlken Susanne 1968 Stettlen 54.43,2 17.53,3 (4050) Diplom Video 10-W45 180. 5.28 ¦ 26.58 1676.¦ 27.44 1160.¦ 1380. Jöhl Carina 1973 Staad SG 54.43,6 17.53,7 (4192) Diplom Video 10-W40 181. 5.28 ¦ 25.01 753.¦ 29.42 2185.¦ 1381. Kerboas Laurence 1963 Lausanne 54.43,9 17.54,0 (7260) Diplom Video 10-W50 148. 5.28 ¦ 26.31 1453.¦ 28.12 1411.¦ 1382. Hofer Renate 1961 Thun 54.44,7 17.54,8 (4070) Diplom Video 10-W55 52. 5.28 ¦ 26.29 1429.¦ 28.15 1431.¦ 1383. Espi Pilar 1964 Bellinzona 54.44,8 17.54,9 (4116) Diplom Video 10-W50 149. 5.28 ¦ 26.32 1457.¦ 28.12 1412.¦ 1384. Frei Claudia 1976 Baden 54.44,9 17.55,0 (5347) Diplom Video 10-W40 182. 5.28 ¦ 26.27 1413.¦ 28.17 1444.¦ 1385. Andrey-Ibach Karin 1972 Bern 54.45,0 17.55,1 (10275) Diplom Video 10-W40 183. 5.28 ¦ 26.44 1539.¦ 28.00 1311.¦ 1386. Frei Ramona 1993 Ruswil 54.45,1 17.55,2 (4203) Diplom Video 10-W20 359. 5.28 ¦ 25.28 958.¦ 29.16 1960.¦ 1387. Dubach Stefanie 1986 Buchs AG 54.45,3 17.55,4 (2290) Diplom Video 10-W30 183. 5.28 ¦ 25.40 1049.¦ 29.04 1843.¦ 1388. Farcy Anne 1979 Epalinges 54.45,6 17.55,7 (4499) Diplom Video 10-W35 158. 5.28 ¦ 25.37 1027.¦ 29.08 1875.¦ 1389. Müller Yvonne 1991 Glarus 54.45,7 17.55,8 (2094) Diplom Video 10-W20 360. 5.28 ¦ 26.17 1337.¦ 28.28 1525.¦ 1390. Winkler Dominique 1983 Hinterkappelen 54.45,9 17.56,0 (5397) Diplom Video 10-W30 184. 5.28 ¦ 27.03 1704.¦ 27.42 1144.¦ 1391. Biner Christa 1983 Zermatt 54.46,0 17.56,1 (7434) Diplom Video 10-W30 185. 5.28 ¦ 27.00 1689.¦ 27.45 1167.¦ 1392. Ledermann Maya 1966 Speicher 54.46,2 17.56,3 (4235) Diplom Video 10-W50 150. 5.28 ¦ 25.49 1134.¦ 28.56 1758.¦ 1393. Kälin Cindy 1989 Bern 54.46,3 17.56,4 (11262) Diplom Video 10-W20 361. 5.28 ¦ 26.36 1476.¦ 28.10 1391.¦ 1394. Mullick Caroline 1979 Erlenbach ZH 54.46,4 17.56,5 (8333) Diplom Video 10-W35 159. 5.28 ¦ 26.38 1496.¦ 28.07 1374.¦ 1395. Laug Michelle 1981 Genève 54.46,6 17.56,7 (5027) Diplom Video 10-W35 160. 5.28 ¦ 27.12 1779.¦ 27.33 1080.¦ 1396. Rähm Karin 1968 Herrenschwanden 54.47,0 17.57,1 (7093) Diplom Video 10-W45 181. 5.28 ¦ 26.50 1606.¦ 27.56 1268.¦ 1397. Uhlmann Weber Barbara 1968 Bern 54.47,1 17.57,2 (6148) Diplom Video 10-W45 182. 5.28 ¦ 26.05 1244.¦ 28.41 1634.¦ 1398. Lauener Kim Sarah 1995 Uettligen 54.47,3 17.57,4 (2220) Diplom Video 10-W20 362. 5.28 ¦ 25.53 1161.¦ 28.54 1730.¦ 1399. Rindlisbacher Nicole 1986 Bern 54.47,6 17.57,7 (6235) Diplom Video 10-W30 186. 5.28 ¦ 26.16 1325.¦ 28.31 1554.¦ 1400. Hollenstein Claudia 1989 Appenzell 54.47,7 17.57,8 (8348) Diplom Video 10-W20 363. 5.28 ¦ 27.01 1694.¦ 27.45 1173.¦ 1400. Hürlimann Laura 1988 Zürich 54.47,7 17.57,8 (3135) Diplom Video 10-W20 363. 5.28 ¦ 26.44 1537.¦ 28.03 1334.¦ 1400. Schneuwly Michèle 1982 Lausanne 54.47,7 17.57,8 (7373) Diplom Video 10-W30 187. 5.28 ¦ 26.46 1565.¦ 28.01 1316.¦ 1403. Grütter Anina 1986 Uznach 54.47,9 17.58,0 (3175) Diplom Video 10-W30 188. 5.28 ¦ 26.17 1335.¦ 28.30 1545.¦ 1404. Fuchs Mirjam 1985 Zürich 54.48,2 17.58,3 (9051) Diplom Video 10-W30 189. 5.28 ¦ 27.49 2123.¦ 26.59 838.¦ 1405. Jeremias Ramona 1976 Hinterkappelen 54.48,8 17.58,9 (5370) Diplom Video 10-W40 184. 5.28 ¦ 26.48 1590.¦ 27.59 1302.¦ 1406. Van Drunen Daniela 1973 Seedorf BE 54.49,1 17.59,2 (4063) Diplom Video 10-W40 185. 5.28 ¦ 26.17 1335.¦ 28.31 1558.¦ 1407. Rossi Laura 1975 Kehrsatz 54.49,6 17.59,7 (2185) Diplom Video 10-W40 186. 5.28 ¦ 25.43 1071.¦ 29.06 1858.¦ 1408. Käser Ursula 1969 Neuchâtel 54.50,5 18.00,6 (4426) Diplom Video 10-W45 183. 5.29 ¦ 25.51 1152.¦ 28.58 1783.¦ 1409. Schmidli Sibylle 1991 Baldegg 54.50,7 18.00,8 (8373) Diplom Video 10-W20 365. 5.29 ¦ 26.46 1563.¦ 28.04 1347.¦ 1410. Herzig Lisbeth 1956 Langenthal 54.50,9 18.01,0 (5282) Diplom Video 10-W60 15. 5.29 ¦ 26.39 1503.¦ 28.11 1397.¦ 1411. Tobler Annelies 1960 Basel 54.51,0 18.01,1 (4194) Diplom Video 10-W55 53. 5.29 ¦ 26.46 1565.¦ 28.04 1348.¦ 1412. Murith Cindy 1980 Riaz 54.51,2 18.01,3 (7022) Diplom Video 10-W35 161. 5.29 ¦ 27.01 1693.¦ 27.49 1199.¦ 1413. Magnin Marie 1986 Pensier 54.51,3 18.01,4 (7034) Diplom Video 10-W30 190. 5.29 ¦ 27.01 1690.¦ 27.50 1206.¦ 1414. Spinner Keira 1997 Aeugst am Albis 54.51,6 18.01,7 (2100) Diplom Video 10-U20 49. 5.29 ¦ 26.10 1279.¦ 28.41 1633.¦ 1415. Mcintyre Cathriona 1976 Neuchâtel 54.51,9 18.02,0 (7051) Diplom Video 10-W40 187. 5.29 ¦ 26.55 1644.¦ 27.56 1273.¦ 1416. Molliet Burkhalter Suzanne 1977 Grenchen 54.52,1 18.02,2 (2008) Diplom Video 10-W35 162. 5.29 ¦ 25.53 1161.¦ 28.58 1785.¦ 1417. Mena María Rosa 1963 Mies 54.52,7 18.02,8 (4332) Diplom Video 10-W50 151. 5.29 ¦ 26.37 1489.¦ 28.15 1426.¦ 1418. Streit Claudia 1971 Stettlen 54.53,4 18.03,5 (6045) Diplom Video 10-W45 184. 5.29 ¦ 26.06 1260.¦ 28.46 1667.¦ 1419. Zaugg Alexandra 1992 Fislisbach 54.53,8 18.03,9 (5315) Diplom Video 10-W20 366. 5.29 ¦ 27.15 1800.¦ 27.38 1111.¦ 1420. Heinser Tricia 1974 Zürich 54.54,2 18.04,3 (5368) Diplom Video 10-W40 188. 5.29 ¦ 26.45 1555.¦ 28.08 1386.¦ 1421. Amsler Pascale 1968 Ettingen 54.54,6 18.04,7 (5214) Diplom Video 10-W45 185. 5.29 ¦ 26.27 1414.¦ 28.26 1513.¦ 1421. Baumeler Anna 1962 Zug 54.54,6 18.04,7 (3257) Diplom Video 10-W50 152. 5.29 ¦ 26.14 1305.¦ 28.40 1627.¦ 1423. Crameri Maya 1966 Igis 54.54,7 18.04,8 (2081) Diplom Video 10-W50 153. 5.29 ¦ 25.33 1000.¦ 29.21 1992.¦ 1424. Blatter Sylvie 1978 Veyras 54.54,8 18.04,9 (5143) Diplom Video 10-W35 163. 5.29 ¦ 27.18 1837.¦ 27.35 1096.¦ 1425. Kundert Monika 1977 Steffisburg 54.54,9 18.05,0 (5198) Diplom Video 10-W35 164. 5.29 ¦ 26.22 1377.¦ 28.32 1570.¦ 1426. Formaz Deanne, Pfäffikon SZ 2001 Kantonsschule Ausserschwy 54.55,0 18.05,1 (3141) Diplom Video 10-U16 14. 5.29 ¦ 26.03 1229.¦ 28.51 1715.¦ 1427. Levasseur Nicole 1958 Vernamiège 54.55,1 18.05,2 (7300) Diplom Video 10-W55 54. 5.29 ¦ 26.47 1580.¦ 28.07 1371.¦ 1428. Lauber Julia 1993 Lenk im Simmental 54.55,3 18.05,4 (5065) Diplom Video 10-W20 367. 5.29 ¦ 26.41 1516.¦ 28.13 1421.¦ 1429. Dietwyler Daniela 1983 Baden 54.55,4 18.05,5 (2010) Diplom Video 10-W30 191. 5.29 ¦ 26.28 1418.¦ 28.27 1517.¦ 1429. Zumbrunnen Erika 1964 Saanen 54.55,4 18.05,5 (4222) Diplom Video 10-W50 154. 5.29 ¦ 26.28 1418.¦ 28.27 1517.¦ 1431. Aeschbacher Sonja 1984 Ittigen 54.55,6 18.05,7 (10186) Diplom Video 10-W30 192. 5.29 ¦ 26.22 1378.¦ 28.33 1577.¦ 1432. Schmid Flo 1999 Lenk im Simmental 54.55,9 18.06,0 (10062) Diplom Video 10-U18 39. 5.29 ¦ 25.59 1196.¦ 28.56 1761.¦ 1432. Schwarz Manuela 1972 Safenwil 54.55,9 18.06,0 (6095) Diplom Video 10-W40 189. 5.29 ¦ 27.07 1724.¦ 27.48 1195.¦ 1434. Huber-Schuler Anita 1974 Müselbach 54.56,0 18.06,1 (5326) Diplom Video 10-W40 190. 5.29 ¦ 26.30 1446.¦ 28.25 1496.¦ 1435. Kämpfer Jolanda 1972 Münsingen 54.56,4 18.06,5 (9077) Diplom Video 10-W40 191. 5.29 ¦ 26.28 1422.¦ 28.27 1523.¦ 1436. Hausherr Anna 1989 Bern 54.56,6 18.06,7 (12241) Diplom Video 10-W20 368. 5.29 ¦ 26.21 1374.¦ 28.35 1592.¦ 1437. Lanz Müller Andrea 1971 Thun 54.56,7 18.06,8 (3078) Diplom Video 10-W45 186. 5.29 ¦ 26.14 1310.¦ 28.42 1638.¦ 1438. Zemp Melanie 1984 Chur 54.57,2 18.07,3 (5399) Diplom Video 10-W30 193. 5.29 ¦ 27.42 2050.¦ 27.14 946.¦ 1439. Schneider Rebekka 1981 Gais 54.57,6 18.07,7 (9382) Diplom Video 10-W35 165. 5.29 ¦ 27.03 1703.¦ 27.54 1244.¦ 1440. Glück Kathrin 1983 Lyssach 54.58,1 18.08,2 (5343) Diplom Video 10-W30 194. 5.29 ¦ 26.18 1349.¦ 28.39 1621.¦ 1441. Eggenberg Manuela 1990 Fribourg 54.58,4 18.08,5 (2447) Diplom Video 10-W20 369. 5.29 ¦ 26.56 1655.¦ 28.02 1322.¦ 1442. Stöckli Rea 1991 Düdingen 54.58,6 18.08,7 (2454) Diplom Video 10-W20 370. 5.29 ¦ 26.56 1658.¦ 28.02 1324.¦ 1443. Stauffer Irene 1968 Oberurnen 54.59,2 18.09,3 (8249) Diplom Video 10-W45 187. 5.29 ¦ 26.42 1525.¦ 28.16 1437.¦ 1444. Lötscher Claudia 1967 Sigigen 54.59,7 18.09,8 (6010) Diplom Video 10-W45 188. 5.29 ¦ 27.13 1780.¦ 27.46 1182.¦ 1444. Thallinger Sophie 1993 Biel/Bienne 54.59,7 18.09,8 (2284) Diplom Video 10-W20 371. 5.29 ¦ 26.16 1327.¦ 28.43 1645.¦ 1446. Humbel Barbara, Wettingen 1959 Kantonsschule Wettingen 54.59,9 18.10,0 (8215) Diplom Video 10-W55 55. 5.29 ¦ 26.54 1638.¦ 28.05 1353.¦ 1447. Kyburz Anita 1989 Zug 55.00,7 18.10,8 (3132) Diplom Video 10-W20 372. 5.30 ¦ 25.56 1181.¦ 29.04 1836.¦ 1448. Gisler Tabea 1995 Baden 55.00,8 18.10,9 (13015) Diplom Video 10-W20 373. 5.30 ¦ 27.18 1828.¦ 27.42 1149.¦ 1448. Kempf Heidi 1964 Luzern 55.00,8 18.10,9 (3122) Diplom Video 10-W50 155. 5.30 ¦ 26.36 1478.¦ 28.24 1491.¦ 1448. Pelz Denisa 1984 Burgdorf 55.00,8 18.10,9 (5137) Diplom Video 10-W30 195. 5.30 ¦ 27.05 1714.¦ 27.55 1259.¦ 1451. Seydoux Caroline 1985 Bern 55.00,9 18.11,0 (7086) Diplom Video 10-W30 196. 5.30 ¦ 26.45 1553.¦ 28.15 1430.¦ 1452. Balogh Selina 1994 Lachen SZ 55.01,2 18.11,3 (8340) Diplom Video 10-W20 374. 5.30 ¦ 26.52 1618.¦ 28.09 1388.¦ 1452. Looser Daniela 1986 Diepoldsau 55.01,2 18.11,3 (6350) Diplom Video 10-W30 197. 5.30 ¦ 26.46 1565.¦ 28.15 1428.¦ 1452. Mulle Patrizia 1974 Schwarzenberg LU 55.01,2 18.11,3 (5151) Diplom Video 10-W40 192. 5.30 ¦ 26.18 1342.¦ 28.43 1644.¦ 1455. Bucher Franziska 1960 Grindelwald 55.01,6 18.11,7 (5006) Diplom Video 10-W55 56. 5.30 ¦ 26.13 1299.¦ 28.48 1684.¦ 1456. Baumann Chantal 1989 Obfelden 55.01,7 18.11,8 (8393) Diplom Video 10-W20 375. 5.30 ¦ 26.14 1304.¦ 28.47 1680.¦ 1457. Balogh Ingrid 1961 Altendorf 55.01,9 18.12,0 (5110) Diplom Video 10-W55 57. 5.30 ¦ 26.11 1290.¦ 28.50 1702.¦ 1457. Weinmann Mona 1965 Egg b. Zürich 55.01,9 18.12,0 (8236) Diplom Video 10-W50 156. 5.30 ¦ 26.03 1234.¦ 28.58 1778.¦ 1459. Jantsch Andrea 1976 Liebefeld 55.02,0 18.12,1 (4263) Diplom Video 10-W40 193. 5.30 ¦ 25.30 974.¦ 29.31 2091.¦ 1459. Schmid-Fuchser Regula 1973 Frutigen 55.02,0 18.12,1 (6309) Diplom Video 10-W40 193. 5.30 ¦ 26.56 1654.¦ 28.06 1359.¦ 1459. Westerhoff Nina 1985 Bern 55.02,0 18.12,1 (7321) Diplom Video 10-W30 198. 5.30 ¦ 27.16 1808.¦ 27.45 1173.¦ 1462. Glauser Chantal 1985 Zürich 55.02,1 18.12,2 (9190) Diplom Video 10-W30 199. 5.30 ¦ 27.04 1709.¦ 27.57 1281.¦ 1463. Schraag Sabrina 1982 Zürich 55.02,2 18.12,3 (2204) Diplom Video 10-W30 200. 5.30 ¦ 26.29 1434.¦ 28.32 1568.¦ 1464. Niedermann Emilija 1979 Zuckenriet 55.02,3 18.12,4 (3059) Diplom Video 10-W35 166. 5.30 ¦ 26.09 1278.¦ 28.52 1719.¦ 1465. Biedermann Jessica 1991 Bern 55.02,4 18.12,5 (9271) Diplom Video 10-W20 376. 5.30 ¦ 27.17 1821.¦ 27.44 1166.¦ 1466. Faedi Simone 1973 Basel 55.02,5 18.12,6 (5310) Diplom Video 10-W40 195. 5.30 ¦ 26.58 1669.¦ 28.04 1339.¦ 1467. Haffter Sara 1992 Basel 55.02,7 18.12,8 (8421) Diplom Video 10-W20 377. 5.30 ¦ 26.20 1368.¦ 28.41 1634.¦ 1468. Degrandi Franziska 1988 Unterentfelden 55.02,8 18.12,9 (3130) Diplom Video 10-W20 378. 5.30 ¦ 26.58 1674.¦ 28.04 1339.¦ 1469. Peter-Zangerl Rahel 1970 Erlenbach ZH 55.03,0 18.13,1 (2152) Diplom Video 10-W45 189. 5.30 ¦ 26.37 1485.¦ 28.25 1500.¦ 1470. Hüppi Marianne 1969 Ernetschwil 55.03,1 18.13,2 (8142) Diplom Video 10-W45 190. 5.30 ¦ 26.15 1321.¦ 28.47 1676.¦ 1471. Blum Erna 1958 Brenzikofen 55.03,2 18.13,3 (3162) Diplom Video 10-W55 58. 5.30 ¦ 26.02 1221.¦ 29.00 1807.¦ 1472. Bachmann Monika 1964 Hochdorf 55.03,3 18.13,4 (3129) Diplom Video 10-W50 157. 5.30 ¦ 26.20 1368.¦ 28.42 1642.¦ 1473. Zemp Sabrina 1987 Luzern 55.03,5 18.13,6 (4463) Diplom Video 10-W20 379. 5.30 ¦ 26.14 1306.¦ 28.49 1694.¦ 1474. Kesseli Maria Amparo 1974 Gams 55.03,8 18.13,9 (2468) Diplom Video 10-W40 196. 5.30 ¦ 26.53 1626.¦ 28.10 1395.¦ 1475. Baschung Laura 1992 Derendingen 55.04,3 18.14,4 (6395) Diplom Video 10-W20 380. 5.30 ¦ 27.27 1917.¦ 27.36 1101.¦ 1476. Krämer Maja 1991 Biberist 55.04,6 18.14,7 (8357) Diplom Video 10-W20 381. 5.30 ¦ 27.27 1916.¦ 27.37 1103.¦ 1476. Papazoglou Elisabeth 1987 Zürich 55.04,6 18.14,7 (10235) Diplom Video 10-W20 381. 5.30 ¦ 27.05 1719.¦ 27.58 1292.¦ 1478. Ziegler Salome 1989 Rapperswil SG 55.04,7 18.14,8 (8136) Diplom Video 10-W20 383. 5.30 ¦ 26.39 1500.¦ 28.25 1499.¦ 1479. Seifert Juliane, Biel/Bienne 1985 TOBS 55.04,9 18.15,0 (9206) Diplom Video 10-W30 201. 5.30 ¦ 26.27 1407.¦ 28.37 1616.¦ 1479. von Felten Barbara 1977 Niederwil AG 55.04,9 18.15,0 (4218) Diplom Video 10-W35 167. 5.30 ¦ 27.07 1736.¦ 27.57 1279.¦ 1481. Eicher Dorli 1961 Eriz 55.05,1 18.15,2 (3191) Diplom Video 10-W55 59. 5.30 ¦ 26.08 1269.¦ 28.56 1762.¦ 1482. Schneider Sarah 1989 Bern 55.05,2 18.15,3 (5338) Diplom Video 10-W20 384. 5.30 ¦ 26.39 1501.¦ 28.25 1501.¦ 1483. Fritsche Marina 1991 Oberriet SG 55.05,8 18.15,9 (3270) Diplom Video 10-W20 385. 5.30 ¦ 25.55 1173.¦ 29.10 1897.¦ 1484. Koradi Noemi 2000 Rüegsauschachen 55.06,4 18.16,5 (7240) Diplom Video 10-U18 40. 5.30 ¦ 26.49 1601.¦ 28.16 1440.¦ 1485. Hufschmid Daniela 1980 Nesselnbach 55.06,9 18.17,0 (4217) Diplom Video 10-W35 168. 5.30 ¦ 26.46 1571.¦ 28.20 1465.¦ 1485. Seiler Beatrix 1974 Dintikon 55.06,9 18.17,0 (3219) Diplom Video 10-W40 197. 5.30 ¦ 26.05 1254.¦ 29.01 1810.¦ 1487. Schweizer Patricia 1971 Oberhofen am Thunersee 55.07,2 18.17,3 (4073) Diplom Video 10-W45 191. 5.30 ¦ 26.36 1476.¦ 28.31 1548.¦ 1488. Teuffer Anita 1979 Schüpfheim 55.07,3 18.17,4 (4101) Diplom Video 10-W35 169. 5.30 ¦ 26.18 1349.¦ 28.48 1686.¦ 1489. Ruedin Anja 1967 Gland 55.07,8 18.17,9 (7179) Diplom Video 10-W45 192. 5.30 ¦ 27.06 1723.¦ 28.01 1313.¦ 1490. Etter Iris 1964 Gattikon 55.08,2 18.18,3 (3079) Diplom Video 10-W50 158. 5.30 ¦ 26.02 1221.¦ 29.05 1855.¦ 1491. Luchsinger Karina 1975 Gossau ZH 55.08,4 18.18,5 (13048) Diplom Video 10-W40 198. 5.30 ¦ 26.45 1555.¦ 28.22 1479.¦ 1492. Herrmann Simone 1985 Zürich 55.08,5 18.18,6 (9053) Diplom Video 10-W30 202. 5.30 ¦ 27.49 2121.¦ 27.19 979.¦ 1493. Brand Manuela 1966 Gempenach 55.08,9 18.19,0 (5022) Diplom Video 10-W50 159. 5.30 ¦ 26.49 1597.¦ 28.19 1457.¦ 1493. Vanzetto Magda 1979 Zürich 55.08,9 18.19,0 (5331) Diplom Video 10-W35 170. 5.30 ¦ 26.15 1320.¦ 28.53 1726.¦ 1495. Schär Nina 2000 Grosshöchstetten 55.09,1 18.19,2 (7361) Diplom Video 10-U18 41. 5.30 ¦ 27.57 2201.¦ 27.12 929.¦ 1496. Allitt Nicki 1974 F-Hegenheim 55.09,4 18.19,5 (3188) Diplom Video 10-W40 199. 5.30 ¦ 26.40 1514.¦ 28.28 1534.¦ 1497. Gmür Sonja 1977 Walenstadt 55.09,5 18.19,6 (4180) Diplom Video 10-W35 171. 5.30 ¦ 25.59 1197.¦ 29.10 1892.¦ 1498. Riederer Flavia 1999 Madiswil 55.10,2 18.20,3 (5346) Diplom Video 10-U18 42. 5.31 ¦ 27.27 1920.¦ 27.42 1148.¦ 1498. Schoenenberger Annelies 1970 Oberhelfenschwil 55.10,2 18.20,3 (6276) Diplom Video 10-W45 193. 5.31 ¦ 26.41 1516.¦ 28.28 1533.¦ 1500. Vetter Luzia 1976 Obernau 55.10,7 18.20,8 (3186) Diplom Video 10-W40 200. 5.31 ¦ 26.03 1230.¦ 29.07 1869.¦

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