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(13) 60km Cyclotour Genève-Lausanne

Cyclotour du Léman 2015, Lausanne - (13) 60km Cyclotour Genève-Lausanne

rang nom an pays lieu équipe temps retard doss ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- Abourayak Fatima 1963 Versoix 2:27.41,2 ----- (5411) foto --- Agrey Regan 1990 Genève Adventistes 3:46.30,6 ----- (5019) foto --- Agudo Ruben 1990 F-St Genis Pouilly 2:21.07,9 ----- (5036) foto --- Alama Ibrahim 1990 Vessy les cinqucylstes 1:50.20,3 ----- (5023) foto --- Albino José 1958 Satigny C.A.C.A. 2:11.05,8 ----- (5037) foto --- Alvarez Monica 1973 Assens 2:23.50,2 ----- (5038) foto --- Alves Jean 1944 Genève 2:34.55,9 ----- (5410) foto --- Amaral Antonio 1970 Meyrin C.A.C.A. 1:41.26,1 ----- (5039) foto --- Amaral Manuel 1974 Versoix C.A.C.A. 1:42.53,7 ----- (5040) foto --- Ammann Natasha 1989 Genève 1:56.14,1 ----- (5041) foto --- Andrade José 1967 F-Thoiry C.A.C.A. 1:42.46,9 ----- (5043) foto --- Ania Arturo 1975 Founex 2:22.18,2 ----- (5046) foto --- Argese Federico 1970 Genève 1:49.48,4 ----- (5047) foto --- Atwood Michel 1969 Veyrier 2:12.23,0 ----- (5048) foto --- Auderset Serge 1984 Oron-la-Ville 2:18.11,2 ----- (5049) foto --- Bacelar Sofia 1971 Bogis-Bossey C-TA-C 2:34.29,9 ----- (5245) foto --- Badina Xavier 1967 Nyon Axen/Elitys 1:41.12,7 ----- (5051) foto --- Bapst Francine 1968 Corbières 2:16.54,7 ----- (5246) foto --- Barata Helio 1977 Genève C.A.C.A. 1:48.44,1 ----- (5053) foto --- Barraud Martine 1963 F-Creuzier le Neuf 2:47.54,0 ----- (5054) foto --- Baskalovic Yvette 1963 Chailly-Montreux 1:59.30,9 ----- (5055) foto --- Basset Serge 1953 F-Ecully 2:17.03,1 ----- (5056) foto --- Baudin Patrick 1966 Cossonay-Ville 1:52.02,5 ----- (5057) foto --- Bavaud Christian 1980 Vernier 1:53.45,2 ----- (5058) foto --- Beltrami Carine 1974 Ecublens VD 3:22.24,7 ----- (5060) foto --- Ben Chenni Almando 1943 Versoix 2:07.38,0 ----- (5061) foto --- Benavent Roberto 1981 Genève JAV/Bikes Brigade 1:19.41,9 ----- (5063) foto --- Besnard Séverine 1972 La Tour-de-Peilz 2:35.47,2 ----- (5064) foto --- Bisetti Damien 1968 Chambésy VELOSOPHE BIKES BRIGADE 1:19.43,5 ----- (5065) foto --- Blanc Serge 1965 Cossonay-Ville 1:53.26,5 ----- (5066) foto --- Bodin Julia 1988 Lausanne Zimfit 2:28.03,6 ----- (5247) foto --- Boissavy Florence 1977 F-Escurolles 2:47.58,6 ----- (5067) foto --- Bolton David 1967 Onex 1:59.15,6 ----- (5248) foto --- Bonafont Esther 1959 Eysins Global Blue SA 3 3:37.11,3 ----- (3032) foto --- Boudali Abdelmounim 1970 Genève 2:16.40,6 ----- (5068) foto --- Brahim Aline 1984 Borex GenevaTriathlon.org 2:27.53,2 ----- (5069) foto --- Brana Anselmo 1965 Fribourg 2:46.29,9 ----- (5249) foto --- Brana Luis 1969 Avry-sur-Matran 2:46.29,7 ----- (5250) foto --- Brice David 1942 GB-Southampton 2:16.22,2 ----- (5070) foto --- Busch Tristan 1970 Commugny 1:48.43,9 ----- (5251) foto --- Butoescu Nicoleta 1979 Penthalaz 3:07.22,3 ----- (5252) foto --- Buttet Catherine 1964 Vésenaz 2:05.35,3 ----- (5071) foto --- Cacaos Fredlene 1985 Carouge GE Picyc 2:51.50,0 ----- (5072) foto --- Caillon Alexandre ???? Genève 1:49.34,5 ----- (5073) foto --- Campbell Robert 1967 Onex 2:11.10,1 ----- (5253) foto --- Candil David 1989 Crissier 2:08.45,6 ----- (5254) foto --- Carballo David 1971 Plan-les-Ouates JAV/BIKES BRIGADE 1:29.33,2 ----- (5074) foto --- Carballo Sebastian 1971 Genève JAV/BIKES BRIGADE 1:21.01,3 ----- (5075) foto --- Casal Diamantino Lourenço 1958 Meyrin 1:43.57,6 ----- (5255) foto --- Cathelineau Benjamin 1999 F-Ferney Voltaire 1:58.10,6 ----- (5256) foto --- Cathelineau Francois 1968 F-Ferney Voltaire 1:58.10,0 ----- (5257) foto --- Cawthray Richard 1975 F-Neydens JAV/BikesBrigade 1:19.41,1 ----- (5077) foto --- Cederberg Malin 1968 Versoix Cross fit Terre Sainte 2:11.52,9 ----- (5258) foto --- Chambaz Daniel 1937 Lausanne 2:44.06,6 ----- (290) foto --- Charbonnier André 1945 F-Le Breuil 3:25.30,2 ----- (5078) foto --- Charital Christophe 1970 F-La Roche sur Foron 1:52.00,8 ----- (5079) foto --- Cherix Justin 1997 Syens 2:14.52,8 ----- (5080) foto --- Cherix Martial 1968 Syens 2:14.47,6 ----- (5081) foto --- Chervaz Isabelle 1974 Collombey 3:27.15,9 ----- (5259) foto --- Claro Arnaldo 1962 Les Acacias C.A.C.A. 1:43.55,2 ----- (5082) foto --- Clémençon Corinne 1969 F-Espinasse Vozelle 2:48.03,7 ----- (5083) foto --- Compagnone Fabrizio 1989 Meyrin Patek Philippe 3:11.00,3 ----- (5028) foto --- Conde Jorge 1968 Genève 1:45.10,2 ----- (5084) foto --- Conti Fabiano 1990 Grand-Lancy les cinqucylstes 1:50.18,6 ----- (5024) foto --- Conus Charly 1960 Remaufens 2:05.10,1 ----- (5260) foto --- Cordier Laurent 1968 F-Thyez Team DJC 2:07.04,4 ----- (5001) foto --- Cornes Stephen 1967 Vessy Old Gits 2:12.24,6 ----- (5085) foto --- Costa Didier 1975 F-Fillinges Patek Philippe 1:50.03,9 ----- (5029) foto --- Costa Lameira Antonio 1964 Meyrin C.A.C.A. 1:45.00,2 ----- (5086) foto --- Costa Samuel 1996 Meyrin C.A.C.A. 1:36.52,2 ----- (5087) foto --- Couyoumtzelis Christian 1967 F-Vetraz Monthoux Julius Baer 2:29.27,1 ----- (5088) foto --- Crawford Victoria 1985 Genève 2:30.14,7 ----- (5261) foto --- Curnier Francois 1964 F-Prevessin Moens 1:45.25,8 ----- (5089) foto --- Daniltchev Alex 1981 Borex GenevaTriathlon.org 2:27.57,3 ----- (5090) foto --- Davison Coralie 1979 GB-London Team Sam 2:22.00,6 ----- (5262) foto --- De Castro Brites Antonio 1959 Carouge GE patek groupe 3:14.28,2 ----- (5030) foto --- Decrind Frédéric 1967 Versoix Concours RTS 2:06.48,3 ----- (5092) foto --- Delacrausaz Frederic 1965 Crissier 2:09.51,7 ----- (5405) foto --- Delicado Daniel 1981 Genève Adventistes 3:46.28,9 ----- (5020) foto --- Delouvrier Myriam 1980 Lausanne 2:35.52,1 ----- (5263) foto --- Derivaz Alain 1971 Genève 1:45.09,9 ----- (5093) foto --- Desbiolles Christophe 1970 F-Etaux Patek Philippe 1:50.01,7 ----- (5031) foto --- Desplanque Benjamin 1975 F-Gaillard 2:43.10,7 ----- (5394) foto --- Di Cola Giovanni 1958 Genève 1:41.12,4 ----- (5264) foto --- Di Natale Jean-Baptisite 1971 Prilly 2:10.30,7 ----- (410) foto --- Di Natale Thibault 2002 Prilly 2:10.30,6 ----- (5095) foto --- Di Stefano Jane 1972 Troinex 3:07.42,2 ----- (5096) foto --- Duret Jacques 1971 F-Ornex 1:45.33,3 ----- (5098) foto --- Ellis Rebecca 1978 Carouge GE 2:33.02,9 ----- (5265) foto --- Elwan Mahmoud 1978 Lausanne 2:26.07,7 ----- (5099) foto --- Erard Fabrice 1984 Vevey 1:59.56,8 ----- (5100) foto --- Erard Lionel 1988 Vevey 1:59.54,6 ----- (5101) foto --- Ernst Stéphane 1980 Epalinges 2:55.32,9 ----- (5103) foto --- Fairless Jo 1970 Rüschlikon 2:11.48,0 ----- (5104) foto --- Faure Stéphanie 1960 Versoix Concept Girls 3:04.51,4 ----- (5266) foto --- Favarger Stéphanie 1983 Grand-Lancy 3:07.25,5 ----- (5267) foto --- Favre Camille 1985 Meinier 2:40.36,6 ----- (5106) foto --- Fellay Arnaud 1977 Morges 1:43.41,3 ----- (5268) foto --- Felli Maurice 1955 Chailly-Montreux 2:07.11,7 ----- (5107) foto --- Fernandez Philippe 1990 Genève 1:56.16,2 ----- (5108) foto --- Fiechter Corinne 1955 Genève 2:41.53,0 ----- (5109) foto --- Fiol Fabrice 1973 F-Onnion Team DJC 2:07.03,4 ----- (5002) foto --- Fischer Lucie-Claudia 1999 Leysin Ski Club Leysin 2:01.27,4 ----- (5269) foto --- Fischer Philippe 1963 Leysin Ski Club Leysin 2:01.26,9 ----- (5270) foto --- Fontannaz Victor 1985 Lausanne Eldora II 2:35.31,4 ----- (3013) foto --- Formiga Chiara 1974 Commugny 2:26.56,2 ----- (5271) foto --- Fournier Laurent 1965 F-Cranves Sales Citec 2:34.36,0 ----- (5014) foto --- Fournier Noémie 1997 F-Cranves Sales Citec 2:34.33,6 ----- (5015) foto --- Fraix Christelle 1975 F-Gaillard 3:27.50,8 ----- (5110) foto --- Friedmann Ariel 1973 Lausanne 2:08.26,4 ----- (5111) foto --- Friend Catie 1973 Le Châble VS 2:05.18,1 ----- (5272) foto --- Fuchs Joachim 1989 Perly les cinqucylstes 1:50.18,5 ----- (5025) foto --- Fuentes Laure 1986 F-Anthy sur Leman 2:40.36,8 ----- (5113) foto --- Gabor Zsolt 1970 Vernier 2:35.04,0 ----- (5273) foto --- Gaffield Mary 1963 F-Echenevex 3:25.54,3 ----- (5114) foto --- Gardello Marie-Laure 1972 Anières 2:01.43,2 ----- (5274) foto --- Gavillet Harald 1982 Anières JAV/Bikes Brigade 1:19.42,5 ----- (5115) foto --- Gerardin Laurent 1973 F-Thyez Team DJC 2:07.03,5 ----- (5003) foto --- Girardin Paul ???? Thônex 2:34.55,8 ----- (5409) foto --- Giulio Darlène 1955 St-Sulpice VD 2:32.18,7 ----- (5404) foto --- Gobbo Walter 1958 Châtelaine 1:45.38,4 ----- (5118) foto --- Gonzalez Emmanuel 1979 Versoix 1:54.39,8 ----- (5275) foto --- Green Chris 1973 Coppet The Green Party 2:15.03,9 ----- (5005) foto --- Green Kathryn 1969 Coppet The Green Party 2:15.04,2 ----- (5006) foto --- Greener Robert 1952 F-Echenevex 2:23.28,6 ----- (5276) foto --- Greentree Chris 1972 Etoy 1:45.32,7 ----- (5277) foto --- Grundy Ruth 1973 Coppet The Green Party 2:15.03,2 ----- (5007) foto --- Guévry Catherine 1956 Genève Concept Girls 3:04.55,3 ----- (5119) foto --- Hallereau Laury 1989 Bern 3:08.05,8 ----- (5120) foto --- Hamdi Nicolas 1980 Genève 2:46.38,6 ----- (5121) foto --- Hart William 1938 Chambésy 2:06.35,4 ----- (5122) foto --- Henchoz Jean-Marc 1950 Echallens 2:38.42,1 ----- (5123) foto --- Herbst Georges ???? Meyrin 3:29.40,5 ----- (5407) foto --- Hernandez Arturo 1984 Petit-Lancy Adventistes 3:46.30,3 ----- (5021) foto --- Hernandez Israel 1980 Petit-Lancy Adventistes 3:46.28,4 ----- (5022) foto --- Hoang Tuong 1946 Vandoeuvres 3:12.55,1 ----- (5124) foto --- Hogendijk Marjolaine 1962 Corsier GE 2:04.37,4 ----- (5278) foto --- Hostettler Antoine 1997 Echandens-Denges 2:03.59,8 ----- (5125) foto --- Hostettler Danielle 1963 Echandens-Denges 2:10.20,8 ----- (5126) foto --- Hübscher Charles 1969 Fribourg 2:16.43,2 ----- (5127) foto --- Hübscher Paul 1948 Marly 2:16.44,3 ----- (5128) foto --- Hugentobler Bruno 1950 Fruthwilen 2:34.39,5 ----- (5129) foto --- Hugentobler Michael 1980 Lausanne 2:34.38,5 ----- (5130) foto --- Ighrarene Liazid 1973 Chêne-Bourg JPM Flyers 3:24.47,0 ----- (5279) foto --- Jacinto Marcalo 1973 Vernier C.A.C.A 1:48.42,5 ----- (5133) foto --- Jacquier Blandine 1960 F-Sciez 4:39.48,6 ----- (5134) foto --- Jeantet Jean-François 1961 F-Annemasse Citec 2:34.30,6 ----- (5016) foto --- Jubin Jean-Marc 1962 Forel (Lavaux) 2:10.54,4 ----- (5135) foto --- Jubin Kevin 1998 Forel (Lavaux) 2:07.34,0 ----- (5136) foto --- Jubin Patricia 1968 Forel (Lavaux) 2:26.02,5 ----- (5137) foto --- Kadziela Lukasz 1984 Lausanne Gunvor 2:02.28,8 ----- (5280) foto --- Karamustafa Bora 1968 Bernex 1:58.47,1 ----- (5281) foto --- Kardas Nejat 1969 Geneva 2:11.28,6 ----- (5282) foto --- Kaeser Arthur 1936 Petit-Lancy 2:20.44,1 ----- (5138) foto --- Kim Hae Young 1993 Chavannes-près-Renens 1:46.43,0 ----- (5139) foto --- Knaelmann Hildegard 1967 Ecublens VD 2:29.06,9 ----- (5140) foto --- Koseoglu Ali Erdem 1969 Genève 2:11.30,6 ----- (5141) foto --- Kritikos Daniel 1980 Cham Captain Awesome 2:50.41,8 ----- (5403) foto --- Kritikos Liz 1982 Cham 2:51.08,0 ----- (5142) foto --- Kunz Ilka 1973 Thierrens 1:56.05,0 ----- (5143) foto --- Kurkowska Krzysztofa 1974 Yens 2:24.34,0 ----- (5144) foto --- Lachka Brahim 1982 Genève 2:41.41,7 ----- (5283) foto --- Lara Juan Carlos 1959 Prangins 2:46.35,5 ----- (5284) foto --- Larraya Maria 1967 Geneva 2:51.15,4 ----- (5285) foto --- Ledermann Serge 1959 Tannay Genevatriathlon 1:42.22,8 ----- (5145) foto --- Leresche Anne 1970 Chapelle-sur-Moudon 4:17.36,7 ----- (5146) foto --- Leresche Frédéric 1968 Chapelle-sur-Moudon 4:17.35,0 ----- (5147) foto --- Litterio Livio 1977 Genève 2:07.36,7 ----- (5148) foto --- Lopez Gonzalez Juan 1983 Genève 2:16.32,7 ----- (5149) foto --- Löser Ben 1997 D-Lauda-Königshofen 1:54.04,2 ----- (5150) foto --- Lourenço José 1967 Le Lignon C.A.C.A. 1:45.41,6 ----- (5151) foto --- Lovey Gwendoline 1981 Neuchâtel Citec 2:34.28,7 ----- (5009) foto --- Lovey Julien 1982 Neuchâtel Citec 2:34.26,9 ----- (5010) foto --- Lüth Felix 1986 Genève 1:59.52,8 ----- (5286) foto --- Macieira De Almeida Luis 1993 Petit-Lancy Patek Philippe 3:10.17,2 ----- (5033) foto --- Magraw Kendra 1983 Genève 2:30.30,6 ----- (5152) foto --- Mair Liza 1970 Coppet The Green Party 2:15.03,4 ----- (5008) foto --- Makin Dominic 1983 Cheseaux-sur-Lausanne Team Sam 3:08.18,5 ----- (5287) foto --- Mansuy Sylvie 1974 F-Valleiry 2:37.00,7 ----- (5153) foto --- Marmy Charles 1991 Grand-Lancy les cinqucylstes 1:50.21,6 ----- (5026) foto --- Martin Pierre Yves 1956 Veyrier JAV/Bikes Brigade 1:20.48,7 ----- (5155) foto --- Martius Valente ???? Genève 2:05.26,4 ----- (5156) foto --- Matos Rodolfo 1972 Onex Taino Riders 2:07.30,9 ----- (835) foto --- Mcgillen Margaret 1973 F-Vetraz Monthoux Geneva Runners 2:58.48,1 ----- (5157) foto --- Megevand Sarah 1982 F-Sciez 3:06.15,4 ----- (5158) foto --- Meier Eric 1959 Genève 2:20.00,7 ----- (5408) foto --- Meijer Peter 1972 F-Challex 1:53.04,7 ----- (5289) foto --- Message Sarah 1970 GB-West Sussex 2:04.28,8 ----- (5290) foto --- Messerli Charlotte 1950 Bernex 2:22.51,2 ----- (5160) foto --- Messias Fabiano 1979 Genève 1:44.41,6 ----- (5161) foto --- Meystre Jean-Luc 1946 Corseaux 2:14.56,8 ----- (5162) foto --- Miller Andrew 1982 Geneva 2:34.05,2 ----- (5291) foto --- Milligan Amanda 1958 F-Gex 3:25.53,5 ----- (5163) foto --- Morrison William 1962 St-Prex 2:18.29,4 ----- (5164) foto --- Moule Sonia 1989 Bern 3:08.04,7 ----- (5292) foto --- Munafo Antonina 1961 Crans-près-Céligny Genevatriathlon 2:01.52,1 ----- (5166) foto --- Murisier Bernard 1967 Penthalaz 2:06.01,4 ----- (5167) foto --- Muriuki Job 1982 Genève 1:45.05,4 ----- (5293) foto --- Nekhoda Ostap 1985 Genève 2:05.15,3 ----- (5168) foto --- Nirrengarten Pierre 1974 F-Sarrebourg 1:47.45,4 ----- (5169) foto --- Nyberg Carl 1979 Chavannes-de-Bogis 1:41.19,9 ----- (5170) foto --- Ogihara Makiko 1978 Genève 2:41.40,7 ----- (5294) foto --- Ollagnier Stéphanie 1972 F-Roanne 3:08.47,2 ----- (5171) foto --- Oppliger Patrick 1972 Cossonay-Ville 1:55.10,5 ----- (5172) foto --- Ortiz Diego 1979 Lausanne 2:54.47,2 ----- (5402) foto --- Oudendijk Patrick 1978 Coppet 2:04.07,6 ----- (5174) foto --- Ouldbraham Mouloud 1969 F-Cluses Team DJC 2:07.02,4 ----- (5004) foto --- Pavia Diego 1967 Nyon Touring Club Suisse 2:16.39,7 ----- (5176) foto --- Pearce Melanie 1977 GB-Hook Team Hook 2:54.09,9 ----- (5295) foto --- Pedretti Yann 1988 Grand-Lancy les cinqucylstes 1:50.20,7 ----- (5027) foto --- Peletta Maurizio 1965 I-San Paolo Cervo (BI) 1:41.10,1 ----- (5177) foto --- Pelletier Eric 1971 F-Morez Patek Philippe 2:05.57,9 ----- (5034) foto --- Pereira José 1975 Epalinges 2:04.38,5 ----- (5178) foto --- Perez David 1978 Bussigny 2:06.04,9 ----- (5179) foto --- Perez Juan 1963 Genève 2:00.42,9 ----- (5296) foto --- Pichard David 1976 Ecublens VD 1:46.06,3 ----- (5180) foto --- Pinhao Filipe 1977 Meyrin 1:58.57,0 ----- (5182) foto --- Pini Lothar 1971 Bussigny 2:34.49,9 ----- (5183) foto --- Pittard Alexandre 1979 Nyon Geneva Tri 2:33.42,4 ----- (5184) foto --- Placido Giovanni 1971 Genève CN Divonne 1:41.02,6 ----- (5185) foto --- Pochon Catherine 1959 Collonge-Bellerive 2:04.37,6 ----- (5186) foto --- Popescu Mihai 2000 Versoix SMART ATHLETIC 1:44.57,6 ----- (5406) foto --- Porchet Nicolas 1976 Eysins 1:38.12,8 ----- (5187) foto --- Poulin Florent 1980 F-Lucinges Citec 2:34.32,1 ----- (5017) foto --- Prince Bernard C.A. 1943 Echallens 1:44.04,2 ----- (5188) foto --- Puzyrko Timur 1976 RUS-Moscow Cycleon.ru 1:35.33,4 ----- (5189) foto --- Quistgard Peter 1982 Cham 2:31.31,0 ----- (5190) foto --- Racine Céline 1980 Fleurier 1:59.36,1 ----- (5191) foto --- Rambl Anita ???? Penthalaz 3:57.25,9 ----- (5192) foto --- Rebollo Lledo Inmaculada 1954 Morges Sancho Panzas 2:55.01,3 ----- (5193) foto --- Reeves Gretchen 1971 Mies 2:11.51,1 ----- (5297) foto --- Reeves Kenneth 1968 Mies 1:44.44,9 ----- (5298) foto --- Regerat Christine 1968 F-Prevessin Moens 2:04.14,8 ----- (5299) foto --- Reich Brigitte 1960 Bern 2:32.52,1 ----- (5194) foto --- Reid Linda 1962 Lussy-sur-Morges 3:16.58,6 ----- (5195) foto --- Reist Christian 1965 Petit-Lancy 1:44.29,3 ----- (5300) foto --- Rivera Rio Guillermo 1965 Chêne-Bougeries 2:09.43,5 ----- (5301) foto --- Roch Nadia 1964 Penthaz 3:32.31,5 ----- (5198) foto --- Rohrbach Philippe 1957 Courtedoux 1:58.35,4 ----- (5200) foto --- Rohrbasser Thomas 1988 Chêne-Bougeries 1:41.41,8 ----- (5302) foto --- Rollini Marc 1975 Genève JAV/BikesBrigade 1:19.40,7 ----- (5201) foto --- Rosado Luis Filipe Soldad 1986 Gland 2:07.01,8 ----- (5303) foto --- Roud Claude Alain 1964 F-Crozet 2:08.39,8 ----- (5202) foto --- Roux Céline 1976 F-Gaillard 2:40.38,1 ----- (5203) foto --- Rubeli Valentine 1957 Gy 2:47.25,6 ----- (5204) foto --- Rudaz Alexandra 1967 Lausanne 2:38.42,0 ----- (5205) foto --- Ruffet Christophe 1969 Hermance 2:40.31,9 ----- (5206) foto --- Santos Luis 1983 F-St Genis Pouilly 2:00.41,0 ----- (5304) foto --- Satorre Christophe 1986 Cologny Satorre-Palace 2:18.26,9 ----- (5305) foto --- Satorre José Emiliano 1954 Cologny Satorre-Palace 2:21.55,8 ----- (5306) foto --- Schaedler Fabien 1986 Bernex Citec 2:34.26,0 ----- (5011) foto --- Schaller Nathalie ???? Valeyres-sous-Montagny 2:33.44,1 ----- (5208) foto --- Schmutz Sandrine 1980 Nyon 2:33.32,3 ----- (5307) foto --- Schneider Hermann 1947 Boveresse 1:59.37,1 ----- (5209) foto --- Sciboz Irène 1966 Fribourg 2:18.57,7 ----- (5308) foto --- Shaw Brian 1963 St-Prex 2:18.29,0 ----- (5210) foto --- Silva Luis 1964 Versoix C.A.C.A. 1:41.27,0 ----- (5212) foto --- Simond Nicolas 1984 Grand-Saconnex Citec 2:34.29,1 ----- (5012) foto --- Smith Claire 1963 Vésenaz 2:33.02,1 ----- (5310) foto --- Stavinoha Stacy 1963 Prangins 2:46.37,2 ----- (5311) foto --- Strebel Christopher 1974 Grandvaux 1:45.32,1 ----- (5312) foto --- Stroudinsky Emmanuel 1973 Genève 2:08.26,4 ----- (5213) foto --- Studer Christine 1959 Vessy 3:07.39,9 ----- (5214) foto --- Suchet Valentin 1996 Montherod Tri Bike 1:40.24,3 ----- (5401) foto --- Szynalski Lise 1985 Genève 3:07.44,9 ----- (5215) foto --- Szynalski Murielle 1958 Troinex 3:07.42,4 ----- (5216) foto --- Tanghe Jean-François 1950 F-Thonon les Bains 3:02.34,1 ----- (5412) foto --- Taylor Howard 1966 Commugny Taylor 2:42.12,0 ----- (5218) foto --- Taylor Katharine 1974 Commugny Taylor 2:42.13,5 ----- (5219) foto --- Tetah Enora 1983 Denges 2:00.51,2 ----- (5220) foto --- Theytaz Philippe 1961 Lausanne 2:44.05,3 ----- (5314) foto --- Thompson Kathy 1960 Founex 3:16.59,5 ----- (5221) foto --- Tily Yves 1951 F-St Orens de Gameville Golden Team 2:06.10,0 ----- (5223) foto --- Tolmats Tiit 1953 Genève 2:20.00,5 ----- (5224) foto --- Tron David 1984 Genève Citec 2:34.31,3 ----- (5013) foto --- Troussier Jean-Baptiste ???? F-Ambilly 1:40.36,3 ----- (5315) foto --- Tufo Franco 1967 La Croix-de-Rozon Citec 2:34.31,9 ----- (5018) foto --- Tulpinck Gisèle 1961 B-Walhain Vanwynsberghe 3:51.45,5 ----- (5225) foto --- Turelli Gianni 1945 Préverenges FFSV 2:18.48,3 ----- (3021) foto --- Valette Antoine 1987 Genève berney associés 1:42.07,9 ----- (5226) foto --- Vallet Pascal 1965 St-Prex 1:56.35,3 ----- (5227) foto --- van den Bossche Lisa 1985 Geneva 2:16.39,7 ----- (5316) foto --- Van Schaik Tijana 1975 Eysins Global Blue SA 3 3:37.11,9 ----- (3035) foto --- Vandewalle Pascal 1959 F-Villard 1:50.51,1 ----- (5229) foto --- von Richter Vanessa 1972 Genève Anouk Foundation 3:02.59,6 ----- (5318) foto --- von Tschammer Frédérique 1970 F-Roanne 3:08.46,7 ----- (5231) foto --- Vonlanthen Sébastien 1979 Onex 1:41.04,0 ----- (5232) foto --- Vuataz Cyrille ???? Genève 1:38.33,1 ----- (5319) foto --- Vulliemin Jean-François 1958 Penthaz 3:46.40,0 ----- (5233) foto --- Waldispuhl Marc 1980 F-Challex 1:53.03,2 ----- (5320) foto --- Wates Douglas 1975 GB-Farnborough Team Hook 2:54.07,4 ----- (5234) foto --- Wates Wendy 1977 GB-Farnborough Team Hook 2:54.04,8 ----- (5321) foto --- Wehrli Eric 1951 Anières CUI-Université de Genève 1:45.43,5 ----- (5235) foto --- White Gillian 1952 GB-Colchester 4:21.35,0 ----- (5236) foto --- White Michael 1948 GB-Colchester 4:21.34,8 ----- (5237) foto --- Williams Melanie 1960 Lutry 3:35.35,5 ----- (5238) foto --- Williams Naomi 1997 Lutry 3:35.22,6 ----- (5322) foto --- Winkler Charles 1970 Plan-les-Ouates Julius Baer 2:29.20,9 ----- (5239) foto --- Zappella Vanessa 1992 Rikon im Tösstal 2:09.56,8 ----- (5240) foto --- Zaynashev Timur 1982 Genève Triathlon Club de Genève 1:40.41,8 ----- (5241) foto --- Zell Alain 1969 Rolle 2:11.19,6 ----- (5242) foto --- Zihlmann Gabrielle 1961 Versoix 4:13.25,1 ----- (5243) foto --- Zihlmann Gérard 1960 Versoix 4:13.23,7 ----- (5244) foto

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