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3rd stg: St. Anton Arlberg/A - Landeck/A - country "CAN"
category pos name/city year team/city cat team rang time back bib --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notoff 28. Johnson Ally, CAN-Calgary 1972 TEAM MAPLE & EDELWEIĆ Notoff 3:27.18,1 V1 (300-2) Runner 469. Labonte Jerome, CAN-Canmore 1965 TEAM DHARMA SPIRIT Mast-Mix 45 8:42.06,6 4:20.38,6 (117-2) Runner 470. Labonte Katherine, CAN-Canmore 1965 TEAM DHARMA SPIRIT Mast-Mix 45 8:42.06,7 4:20.38,7 (117-1) Runner 339. Isenor Jodi, CAN-Ingramport 1975 TEAM MADE IN CANADA Mast-Mix 29 7:20.56,0 2:59.28,0 (238-1) Runner 344. Blackburn Missy, CAN-Kelowna 1963 TEAM QUAIL`S PACE Women 13 7:21.16,9 2:59.48,9 (191-2) Notoff 30. Downs Terry, CAN-Kelowna 1970 TEAM AMAZING PACE Women 0 3:36.10,2 V1 (140-1) Runner 343. Hawes Carolyn, CAN-Kelowna 1962 TEAM QUAIL`S PACE Women 13 7:21.16,8 2:59.48,8 (191-1) IF 15. Karsgaard Carrie, CAN-Kelowna 1979 PACE SPORTS FITNESS IF 0 6:18.30,9 1:29.20,8 (184-2) Runner 229. Karsgaard Nathan, CAN-Kelowna 1975 P.A.C.E Oddity Mast-Men 34 6:36.25,4 2:14.57,4 (268-2) IF 41. Swaisland Stephanie, CAN-Kelowna 1960 TEAM AMAZING PACE IF 0 7:41.58,5 2:52.48,4 (140-2) Notoff 7. Unser Renee, CAN-Kelowna 1976 PACE SPORTS FITNESS Women 0 2:35.20,9 V1 (184-1) Runner 340. Isenor Karine, CAN-Seabright 1972 TEAM MADE IN CANADA Mast-Mix 29 7:20.56,2 2:59.28,2 (238-2) Runner 314. Payeur Joel, CAN-Vancouver 1982 TEAM COUPLE OF RUNNERS Mixed 17 7:07.51,4 2:46.23,4 (197-2) Runner 313. Penway Shannon, CAN-Vancouver 1989 TEAM COUPLE OF RUNNERS Mixed 17 7:07.51,2 2:46.23,2 (197-1) Runner 230. Straw Dan, CAN-Vernon 1971 P.A.C.E Oddity Mast-Men 34 6:36.25,9 2:14.57,9 (268-1)
total 15
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