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(31) Nordic Walking

Aletsch-Halbmarathon 2015, Bettmeralp - (31) Nordic Walking

Rang Name Jg Land Ort Team Zeit Rückstand Stnr Schnitt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Aegerter-Rüegsegger Veren 1951 Schönried 4:02.08,0 ----- (2503) Diplom Foto 11.28 --- Aegerter Willy 1947 Schönried 4:02.05,6 ----- (2487) Diplom Foto 11.28 --- Aidlin Haggay 1963 Genève 4:15.48,4 ----- (2489) Diplom Foto 12.07 --- Ammann Beat 1945 Vandoeuvres Variante 5:11.02,8 ----- (2496) Diplom Foto 14.44 --- Ammann Lynda 1954 Vandoeuvres Variante 5:11.02,1 ----- (2497) Diplom Foto 14.44 --- Banfi Elisa 1975 I-Lecco (LC) 4:15.24,7 ----- (2460) Diplom Foto 12.06 --- Bärtschi Annemarie 1971 Sumiswald WG Hirschthal 3:58.59,0 ----- (2502) Diplom Foto 11.19 --- Bickel Amanda 1989 Thun 4:34.38,8 ----- (2504) Diplom Foto 13.00 --- Bolliger Monika 1969 Genève 4:15.49,7 ----- (2490) Diplom Foto 12.07 --- Bretscher Simone 1986 Solothurn 3:17.33,0 ----- (2479) Diplom Foto 9.21 --- Christen Fritz 1964 Dürrenroth Sportverein Dürrenroth 3:36.03,3 ----- (2491) Diplom Foto 10.14 --- Dazio Nadia 1967 Maggia 3:47.41,0 ----- (2468) Diplom Foto 10.47 --- Delamadeleine Carine 1975 Bioley-Orjulaz 4:33.19,4 ----- (2461) Diplom Foto 12.57 --- Equey Nadine 1982 Corsier-sur-Vevey 3:47.59,9 ----- (2512) Diplom Foto 10.48 --- Fathi Marianne 1953 Bernex Fondation Respirer 4:06.36,2 ----- (2501) Diplom Foto 11.41 --- Feller Roland 1966 Bern 4:32.51,4 ----- (2484) Diplom Foto 12.55 --- Guex Marinette 1967 Matran ACPM 3:29.53,6 ----- (2467) Diplom Foto 9.56 --- Heller-Schmid Rahel 1965 Schüpfheim 3:29.59,5 ----- (2477) Diplom Foto 9.57 --- Heller Werner Michael 1965 Schüpfheim 3:30.02,0 ----- (2476) Diplom Foto 9.57 --- Hofer Marie 1958 Etoy Fondation respirer 3:28.00,1 ----- (2473) Diplom Foto 9.51 --- Hofer Michaël 1960 Etoy Fondation respirer 3:11.39,5 ----- (2474) Diplom Foto 9.05 --- Huber Tabea 1961 Hinwil 3:22.08,8 ----- (2480) Diplom Foto 9.34 --- Hügli Marianne 1958 Arch runningcoach.ch 4:32.08,1 ----- (2465) Diplom Foto 12.53 --- Huser Romy 1960 Seelisberg 3:39.27,0 ----- (2495) Diplom Foto 10.24 --- Jani Reena 1986 Jens 3:47.55,0 ----- (2481) Diplom Foto 10.48 --- Johnston Debora 1983 Genève 3:47.53,6 ----- (2721) Diplom Foto 10.48 --- Juillet Jacqueline 1958 Fontainemelon 3:53.36,5 ----- (2485) Diplom Foto 11.04 --- Kessler Rosmarie 1963 Weesen 3:20.27,3 ----- (2451) Diplom Foto 9.30 --- Kessler Stephanie 1989 Weesen 4:05.50,8 ----- (2722) Diplom Foto 11.39 DNF Klinger Claude 1958 F-Wintzenheim ELSASSER'S ----- ----- (2505) Foto ---- --- Kuhac Ivana 1984 Wiedlisbach 3:46.03,6 ----- (2482) Diplom Foto 10.42 --- Kuest Margarita 1953 D-Sinzheim 3:48.25,6 ----- (1945) Diplom Foto 10.49 DNF Lebrun Lucienne 1957 F-Biesheim ELSASSER'S ----- ----- (2506) Foto ---- --- Lehner-Lierz Ursula 1952 Männedorf 4:37.12,0 ----- (2483) Diplom Foto 13.08 --- Lerch Caroline 1959 Tägertschi 3:44.18,2 ----- (2510) Diplom Foto 10.37 --- Lerch Ulrich 1956 Tägertschi 3:41.38,3 ----- (2513) Diplom Foto 10.30 --- Lottaz Susanne 1961 Wohlen b. Bern 3:59.26,4 ----- (2514) Diplom Foto 11.20 --- Macherel Jean-Daniel 1960 Duillier 3:48.12,0 ----- (2470) Diplom Foto 10.48 --- Macherel Jeanne-Chantal 1965 Duillier Fondation respirer 3:48.11,5 ----- (2471) Diplom Foto 10.48 --- Meyer Daniel 1973 Ried-Brig 3:20.51,6 ----- (2498) Diplom Foto 9.31 --- Milliard Michaël 1981 Nyon Footing-Club Lausanne 3:36.26,1 ----- (2723) Diplom Foto 10.15 --- Morgenegg Fritz 1944 Lurtigen Runandwalk Kerzers 4:24.41,7 ----- (2515) Diplom Foto 12.32 --- Nyfeler Anita 1958 Dotzigen 3:58.57,3 ----- (47) Diplom Foto 11.19 DNF Osenberg Andre 1965 F-Wintzenheim ELSASSER'S ----- ----- (2507) Foto ---- --- Peter Thomas 1966 Möhlin 4:22.13,7 ----- (2508) Diplom Foto 12.25 --- Petrillo Daniele 1966 Chur 3:56.05,1 ----- (2453) Diplom Foto 11.11 --- Pruijssers Ellen 1968 Möhlin Tömelli 4:22.13,1 ----- (2472) Diplom Foto 12.25 --- Rey Maurice 1962 Seigneux 4:22.40,6 ----- (2492) Diplom Foto 12.26 --- Ritschard Marcel 1964 Strengelbach 3:42.36,0 ----- (2466) Diplom Foto 10.32 --- Roethlisbergr Hans 1959 Wyssachen Sportverein Dürrenroth 3:36.05,8 ----- (2493) Diplom Foto 10.14 --- Schaffner Fredy 1953 Schöftland 3:11.48,5 ----- (2454) Diplom Foto 9.05 --- Schaffner Silvia 1960 Schöftland 3:41.17,3 ----- (2455) Diplom Foto 10.29 --- Schlegel Kathrin 1957 Ulmiz run and walk Kerzers 3:49.46,2 ----- (2729) Diplom Foto 10.53 --- Sommer Johannes 1954 Dürrenroth SV Dürrenroth 3:36.05,4 ----- (2478) Diplom Foto 10.14 --- Suardet Nicole 1960 Féchy 3:54.06,9 ----- (2516) Diplom Foto 11.05 --- Suardet Philippe 1958 Féchy 3:54.06,0 ----- (2517) Diplom Foto 11.05 --- Thalmann Laurence 1972 Estavayer-le-Lac 4:33.19,4 ----- (2462) Diplom Foto 12.57 --- Vazquez David 1981 Meinier 4:29.39,6 ----- (2499) Diplom Foto 12.46 --- Vazquez Sabrina 1983 Meinier 4:41.37,2 ----- (2500) Diplom Foto 13.20 --- Viragh Stutz Andréa 1961 Chambrelien 3:38.40,2 ----- (2488) Diplom Foto 10.21 --- Voigt Cornelia 1976 Effretikon 3:37.32,6 ----- (811) Diplom Foto 10.18 --- Weber Stefanie 1987 Uttigen 4:11.21,6 ----- (2475) Diplom Foto 11.54 --- Weibel Sonja 1971 Chur 4:05.06,1 ----- (2456) Diplom Foto 11.36 --- Zimmermann Adrian 1962 Wohlen b. Bern 3:36.47,9 ----- (2518) Diplom Foto 10.16 --- Zimmitti Anabela 1970 Daillens Nordic Ducks Dream Team 3:33.52,7 ----- (2486) Diplom Foto 10.08

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