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Schweizer Frauenlauf, Bern 2015 - (113) W55 Frauen 10km
Rang Name/Ort Jg Team/Ortschaft Zeit Rückstand Stnr Overall Schnitt ¦ Runde 1 ¦ Runde 2 ¦ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fankhauser Beatrice 1959 Roggwil BE 41.07,1 ----- (1327) Diplom Video 10km 21. 4.06 ¦ 16.21 1.¦ 24.46 1.¦ 2. Morand Myriam 1960 Bévilard 46.21,0 5.13,9 (1082) Diplom Video 10km 141. 4.38 ¦ 18.43 2.¦ 27.37 2.¦ 3. Bucher-Stocker Rita 1960 Hermetschwil-Staffeln 47.12,7 6.05,6 (1372) Diplom Video 10km 180. 4.43 ¦ 18.57 3.¦ 28.15 3.¦ 4. Umbricht Silvana 1958 Gibswil-Ried 47.28,3 6.21,2 (1481) Diplom Video 10km 198. 4.44 ¦ 19.11 5.¦ 28.17 4.¦ 5. Ummel Susanne 1959 Suhr 47.39,9 6.32,8 (1041) Diplom Video 10km 214. 4.45 ¦ 19.01 4.¦ 28.38 5.¦ 6. Nemeth Margret 1959 Riehen 47.57,7 6.50,6 (1380) Diplom Video 10km 229. 4.47 ¦ 19.15 6.¦ 28.42 6.¦ 7. Zahler Rosmarie 1960 Sigriswil 49.02,2 7.55,1 (1188) Diplom Video 10km 333. 4.54 ¦ 19.57 10.¦ 29.05 7.¦ 8. Hofmann Christiane 1956 Hüntwangen 49.04,9 7.57,8 (1149) Diplom Video 10km 334. 4.54 ¦ 19.41 8.¦ 29.23 10.¦ 9. Ryser Silvia 1957 Grosshöchstetten 49.13,6 8.06,5 (1168) Diplom Video 10km 347. 4.55 ¦ 19.38 7.¦ 29.35 12.¦ 10. Madlener Gaby 1959 Muri b. Bern 49.44,8 8.37,7 (1132) Diplom Video 10km 412. 4.58 ¦ 20.03 11.¦ 29.41 13.¦ 11. Bischof Maegi 1960 Teufen AR 49.45,9 8.38,8 (1308) Diplom Video 10km 417. 4.58 ¦ 20.34 15.¦ 29.11 8.¦ 12. Monney Agathe 1960 Mézières FR 50.01,5 8.54,4 (2669) Diplom Video 10km 446. 5.00 ¦ 20.44 20.¦ 29.17 9.¦ 13. Jost Annelies 1957 Eriswil 50.02,7 8.55,6 (1641) Diplom Video 10km 448. 5.00 ¦ 19.57 9.¦ 30.05 15.¦ 14. Zysset Marianne 1958 Uetendorf 50.05,7 8.58,6 (2582) Diplom Video 10km 455. 5.00 ¦ 20.33 14.¦ 29.32 11.¦ 15. Schönenberger Verena 1957 Uzwil 50.24,7 9.17,6 (1310) Diplom Video 10km 488. 5.02 ¦ 20.11 12.¦ 30.13 19.¦ 16. Campomori Myrta 1960 Hünibach 50.27,0 9.19,9 (1169) Diplom Video 10km 495. 5.02 ¦ 20.25 13.¦ 30.01 14.¦ 17. Schaer Katharina 1960 Wädenswil 50.48,1 9.41,0 (2039) Diplom Video 10km 548. 5.04 ¦ 20.35 16.¦ 30.13 19.¦ 18. Stutz Rita 1960 Hohenrain 50.55,1 9.48,0 (2071) Diplom Video 10km 559. 5.05 ¦ 20.47 22.¦ 30.08 16.¦ 19. Rindlisbacher Doris 1960 Solothurn 51.00,7 9.53,6 (2006) Diplom Video 10km 566. 5.06 ¦ 20.43 19.¦ 30.17 21.¦ 20. Forster Junko 1960 Oberentfelden 51.11,6 10.04,5 (1519) Diplom Video 10km 595. 5.07 ¦ 20.35 18.¦ 30.35 23.¦ 21. Märchy Judith 1960 Baar 51.13,0 10.05,9 (1600) Diplom Video 10km 598. 5.07 ¦ 21.03 26.¦ 30.09 18.¦ 22. Dattrino Kordula 1959 Gorduno 51.13,5 10.06,4 (1280) Diplom Video 10km 599. 5.07 ¦ 21.04 27.¦ 30.08 17.¦ 23. Moullet Christine 1958 Vessy 51.18,6 10.11,5 (2574) Diplom Video 10km 611. 5.07 ¦ 20.45 21.¦ 30.32 22.¦ 24. Graf Pedretti Monica 1957 Basel 51.46,4 10.39,3 (1520) Diplom Video 10km 684. 5.10 ¦ 20.54 24.¦ 30.51 26.¦ 25. Gonzalez Angela 1958 Hegnau 51.58,5 10.51,4 (1561) Diplom Video 10km 717. 5.11 ¦ 21.07 28.¦ 30.50 25.¦ 26. Egli Bernadette 1958 Winterthur 52.05,2 10.58,1 (2486) Diplom Video 10km 736. 5.12 ¦ 20.49 23.¦ 31.15 29.¦ 27. Fritschi Maria, Kirchberg SG 1957 Oberstufe Kirchberg SG Te 52.13,6 11.06,5 (6396) Diplom Video 10km 757. 5.13 ¦ 21.16 29.¦ 30.57 27.¦ 28. Blum Erna 1958 Brenzikofen 52.44,7 11.37,6 (2233) Diplom Video 10km 849. 5.16 ¦ 20.55 25.¦ 31.49 35.¦ 29. Jacquemart Franziska 1960 Grub AR 52.50,1 11.43,0 (2217) Diplom Video 10km 860. 5.17 ¦ 21.59 38.¦ 30.50 24.¦ 30. Peyer Verena 1957 Vordemwald 53.14,2 12.07,1 (2746) Diplom Video 10km 926. 5.19 ¦ 21.38 32.¦ 31.35 32.¦ 31. Scheuch Heidi 1956 Pfyn 53.35,9 12.28,8 (2032) Diplom Video 10km 989. 5.21 ¦ 21.24 30.¦ 32.11 38.¦ 32. Meiller Marianne 1956 Gelterkinden 53.54,6 12.47,5 (2618) Diplom Video 10km 1056. 5.23 ¦ 21.56 37.¦ 31.57 36.¦ 33. Jovanovic Zorica 1958 Hunzenschwil 53.55,2 12.48,1 (6783) Diplom Video 10km 1058. 5.23 ¦ 22.19 46.¦ 31.35 31.¦ 34. Duc-Cavegn Regula 1960 Chermignon 53.57,7 12.50,6 (2480) Diplom Video 10km 1065. 5.23 ¦ 21.38 33.¦ 32.19 40.¦ 35. Suri Margrit 1956 Bubendorf 54.02,9 12.55,8 (2483) Diplom Video 10km 1087. 5.24 ¦ 22.41 50.¦ 31.21 30.¦ 36. Bannwart Ruth 1960 Zürich 54.08,0 13.00,9 (2402) Diplom Video 10km 1108. 5.24 ¦ 21.29 31.¦ 32.39 46.¦ 37. Abegg Monica 1959 Uetikon am See 54.09,4 13.02,3 (1553) Diplom Video 10km 1114. 5.24 ¦ 21.45 35.¦ 32.24 41.¦ 38. Gonzalez Annelies 1960 FL-Vaduz 54.12,0 13.04,9 (2635) Diplom Video 10km 1125. 5.25 ¦ 22.57 55.¦ 31.14 28.¦ 39. Aubry Luzia 1959 Würenlos 54.15,4 13.08,3 (2141) Diplom Video 10km 1138. 5.25 ¦ 22.03 40.¦ 32.12 39.¦ 40. Perreten Heidi 1960 Gstaad 54.18,7 13.11,6 (2135) Diplom Video 10km 1153. 5.25 ¦ 21.43 34.¦ 32.35 44.¦ 41. Lötscher Monika 1957 Grosswangen 54.28,0 13.20,9 (3719) Diplom Video 10km 1177. 5.26 ¦ 22.25 48.¦ 32.02 37.¦ 42. Müller Maja 1959 Häfelfingen 54.33,1 13.26,0 (1253) Diplom Video 10km 1191. 5.27 ¦ 21.52 36.¦ 32.41 47.¦ 43. Oesterle Brigitte 1959 D-Waldshut-Tiengen 54.34,5 13.27,4 (3456) Diplom Video 10km 1198. 5.27 ¦ 22.52 53.¦ 31.42 34.¦ 44. Senn Marlies 1957 D-Waldshut-Tiengen 54.34,6 13.27,5 (3457) Diplom Video 10km 1199. 5.27 ¦ 22.52 54.¦ 31.41 33.¦ 45. Marti Maria 1960 Brünisried 54.40,1 13.33,0 (3376) Diplom Video 10km 1211. 5.28 ¦ 22.12 43.¦ 32.27 42.¦ 46. Spoerri Klara 1957 Zürich 54.54,8 13.47,7 (2508) Diplom Video 10km 1254. 5.29 ¦ 22.01 39.¦ 32.53 48.¦ 47. Bosshard Maja 1957 Hofstetten ZH 55.21,8 14.14,7 (2409) Diplom Video 10km 1349. 5.32 ¦ 22.05 41.¦ 33.16 50.¦ 48. Tobler Annelies 1960 Basel 55.28,3 14.21,2 (3002) Diplom Video 10km 1368. 5.32 ¦ 22.51 52.¦ 32.36 45.¦ 49. Rimann Ursula 1959 Unterendingen 55.56,6 14.49,5 (3213) Diplom Video 10km 1482. 5.35 ¦ 23.22 67.¦ 32.34 43.¦ 50. Gisin Brigitte 1959 St. Margarethen TG 56.02,2 14.55,1 (4595) Diplom Video 10km 1495. 5.36 ¦ 23.03 59.¦ 32.58 49.¦ 51. Hanisch Michaela 1958 Basel 56.21,4 15.14,3 (2778) Diplom Video 10km 1567. 5.38 ¦ 22.45 51.¦ 33.35 56.¦ 52. Nydegger Therese 1956 Belp 56.29,7 15.22,6 (3153) Diplom Video 10km 1592. 5.38 ¦ 23.05 61.¦ 33.24 51.¦ 53. Matzler Arja 1956 Gelterkinden 56.35,4 15.28,3 (2595) Diplom Video 10km 1609. 5.39 ¦ 22.23 47.¦ 34.11 63.¦ 54. Weissbrodt-Seewer Ingrid 1958 Agarn 56.42,1 15.35,0 (2502) Diplom Video 10km 1626. 5.40 ¦ 23.16 65.¦ 33.26 53.¦ 55. Preisig Romy 1956 Herisau 56.48,3 15.41,2 (3237) Diplom Video 10km 1642. 5.40 ¦ 23.06 62.¦ 33.42 57.¦ 56. Biasca Elena 1959 Bern 56.49,2 15.42,1 (2289) Diplom Video 10km 1647. 5.40 ¦ 22.35 49.¦ 34.13 64.¦ 57. Gozel Marisa 1959 Vinzel 56.51,3 15.44,2 (2181) Diplom Video 10km 1661. 5.41 ¦ 23.25 68.¦ 33.25 52.¦ 58. Keller Marceline 1957 Waldstatt 57.09,8 16.02,7 (2454) Diplom Video 10km 1726. 5.42 ¦ 22.15 44.¦ 34.54 79.¦ 59. Zaugg Rosmarie 1957 Villmergen 57.18,8 16.11,7 (2654) Diplom Video 10km 1757. 5.43 ¦ 23.02 58.¦ 34.16 66.¦ 60. Wittlin-Saameli Ruth 1958 Oberwil BL 57.19,2 16.12,1 (3632) Diplom Video 10km 1762. 5.43 ¦ 23.29 71.¦ 33.49 58.¦ 61. Soldini Silvia 1957 Elgg 57.21,1 16.14,0 (1294) Diplom Video 10km 1771. 5.44 ¦ 22.11 42.¦ 35.10 84.¦ 62. Guéra Isabelle 1960 Liebefeld 57.22,4 16.15,3 (3004) Diplom Video 10km 1775. 5.44 ¦ 23.00 56.¦ 34.21 68.¦ 63. Fischer Maria-Luisa 1956 Bern 57.27,8 16.20,7 (2299) Diplom Video 10km 1791. 5.44 ¦ 23.33 73.¦ 33.54 59.¦ 64. Bigler Cathy 1956 Chernex 57.29,9 16.22,8 (4614) Diplom Video 10km 1804. 5.44 ¦ 23.55 81.¦ 33.34 55.¦ 65. Wyttenbach Christine 1960 Thörigen 57.37,4 16.30,3 (4517) Diplom Video 10km 1824. 5.45 ¦ 23.02 57.¦ 34.35 74.¦ 66. Pasquier Laurence 1959 Fribourg 57.41,4 16.34,3 (2273) Diplom Video 10km 1837. 5.46 ¦ 23.26 69.¦ 34.14 65.¦ 67. Meinen Isabelle 1958 Gebenstorf 57.51,7 16.44,6 (3339) Diplom Video 10km 1882. 5.47 ¦ 23.29 70.¦ 34.22 69.¦ 68. Fischer Claudia 1956 Basel 58.02,5 16.55,4 (4232) Diplom Video 10km 1927. 5.48 ¦ 24.06 86.¦ 33.56 60.¦ 69. Gantenbein Susanne 1957 Watt 58.03,6 16.56,5 (6696) Diplom Video 10km 1931. 5.48 ¦ 24.00 84.¦ 34.03 61.¦ 70. Büschi Renggli Monique 1957 Murten 58.07,2 17.00,1 (3608) Diplom Video 10km 1951. 5.48 ¦ 24.38 107.¦ 33.28 54.¦ 71. Wilhelm Lalita 1959 Kirchdorf AG 58.13,4 17.06,3 (3102) Diplom Video 10km 1979. 5.49 ¦ 23.55 82.¦ 34.17 67.¦ 72. Sellschopp Monique 1957 Basel 58.20,1 17.13,0 (3006) Diplom Video 10km 2008. 5.50 ¦ 23.11 64.¦ 35.08 83.¦ 73. Dufaux Lilli 1958 Ostermundigen 58.22,3 17.15,2 (4180) Diplom Video 10km 2019. 5.50 ¦ 23.47 79.¦ 34.34 73.¦ 74. Sonderegger Lydia 1960 Altstätten SG 58.24,6 17.17,5 (3534) Diplom Video 10km 2031. 5.50 ¦ 23.10 63.¦ 35.14 87.¦ 75. Tramonti Corenlia 1958 Altdorf UR 58.28,4 17.21,3 (4303) Diplom Video 10km 2041. 5.50 ¦ 24.17 94.¦ 34.11 62.¦ 76. Farron Consuelo 1960 Lausanne 58.34,0 17.26,9 (4087) Diplom Video 10km 2072. 5.51 ¦ 23.51 80.¦ 34.42 77.¦ 77. Kallen Annarös 1958 Boltigen 58.34,4 17.27,3 (3084) Diplom Video 10km 2075. 5.51 ¦ 23.30 72.¦ 35.04 81.¦ 78. Held Ruth 1956 Malix 58.41,5 17.34,4 (3182) Diplom Video 10km 2104. 5.52 ¦ 23.46 78.¦ 34.55 80.¦ 79. Kalchofner Isabelle 1956 Schliern b. Köniz 58.48,6 17.41,5 (4194) Diplom Video 10km 2136. 5.52 ¦ 23.19 66.¦ 35.29 91.¦ 80. Ducommun Marie-Christine 1958 Le Mont-sur-Lausanne 58.50,1 17.43,0 (4468) Diplom Video 10km 2142. 5.53 ¦ 24.14 91.¦ 34.36 75.¦ 81. Schmid Magdalena 1959 Schüpfen 58.53,1 17.46,0 (3123) Diplom Video 10km 2151. 5.53 ¦ 24.20 95.¦ 34.32 72.¦ 82. Neuenschwander Marianne 1959 Avry-sur-Matran 58.56,6 17.49,5 (3475) Diplom Video 10km 2165. 5.53 ¦ 24.07 87.¦ 34.48 78.¦ 83. Steiner Madeleine 1960 Biberist 59.00,6 17.53,5 (3275) Diplom Video 10km 2195. 5.54 ¦ 23.04 60.¦ 35.56 100.¦ 84. Saxer Christa 1958 Mühlethurnen 59.06,5 17.59,4 (4426) Diplom Video 10km 2211. 5.54 ¦ 24.28 100.¦ 34.38 76.¦ 85. Hofer Elsbeth 1957 Trogen 59.13,4 18.06,3 (2094) Diplom Video 10km 2238. 5.55 ¦ 22.16 45.¦ 36.56 119.¦ 86. Deplazes Bernadette 1956 Muri b. Bern 59.13,8 18.06,7 (3338) Diplom Video 10km 2239. 5.55 ¦ 24.42 108.¦ 34.31 71.¦ 87. Marolf Erika 1958 Güttingen 59.14,1 18.07,0 (2467) Diplom Video 10km 2241. 5.55 ¦ 24.46 111.¦ 34.27 70.¦ 88. Chételat-Dangel Caroline 1957 Muri b. Bern 59.16,8 18.09,7 (4185) Diplom Video 10km 2252. 5.55 ¦ 24.08 88.¦ 35.08 82.¦ 89. Ciaramella Astrid 1958 Flawil 59.26,7 18.19,6 (4372) Diplom Video 10km 2290. 5.56 ¦ 24.00 85.¦ 35.26 90.¦ 90. Scheidegger Isabelle 1958 Liebistorf 59.27,9 18.20,8 (3187) Diplom Video 10km 2296. 5.56 ¦ 24.15 92.¦ 35.12 86.¦ 91. Herrmann Ute 1959 Zürich 59.29,1 18.22,0 (3667) Diplom Video 10km 2301. 5.56 ¦ 24.11 90.¦ 35.18 89.¦ 92. Eigenmann Rita 1960 Glarus 59.41,2 18.34,1 (4579) Diplom Video 10km 2362. 5.58 ¦ 24.25 96.¦ 35.15 88.¦ 93. Hekele Doris 1959 Sisseln AG 59.46,1 18.39,0 (3574) Diplom Video 10km 2382. 5.58 ¦ 23.37 75.¦ 36.09 105.¦ 94. Pasquinelli Veronika 1957 Bern 59.48,9 18.41,8 (3555) Diplom Video 10km 2390. 5.58 ¦ 23.59 83.¦ 35.49 99.¦ 95. Arn Anita 1960 Olten 59.54,4 18.47,3 (3131) Diplom Video 10km 2411. 5.59 ¦ 24.16 93.¦ 35.37 94.¦ 96. Studer Käthi 1958 Horriwil 59.59,4 18.52,3 (6554) Diplom Video 10km 2428. 5.59 ¦ 24.49 114.¦ 35.10 84.¦ 97. Gobet Fabienne 1957 Villariaz 1:00.01,1 18.54,0 (4112) Diplom Video 10km 2436. 6.00 ¦ 24.25 97.¦ 35.35 93.¦ 98. Parantainen Ehrler Leena 1960 Felsberg 1:00.06,6 18.59,5 (3773) Diplom Video 10km 2452. 6.00 ¦ 24.27 98.¦ 35.39 95.¦ 99. Sommer Katharina 1960 Dürrenroth 1:00.11,8 19.04,7 (2328) Diplom Video 10km 2469. 6.01 ¦ 23.34 74.¦ 36.37 110.¦ 100. Germann Rosmarie 1960 Niederteufen 1:00.19,8 19.12,7 (6398) Diplom Video 10km 2499. 6.01 ¦ 23.42 77.¦ 36.37 111.¦ 101. Widmer Caroline 1960 Zürich 1:00.21,6 19.14,5 (4323) Diplom Video 10km 2503. 6.02 ¦ 24.32 104.¦ 35.48 98.¦ 102. Sax Ursula 1957 Zürich 1:00.24,2 19.17,1 (3584) Diplom Video 10km 2515. 6.02 ¦ 23.39 76.¦ 36.44 114.¦ 103. Grau Käthi 1956 Feuerthalen 1:00.27,4 19.20,3 (3314) Diplom Video 10km 2521. 6.02 ¦ 24.31 102.¦ 35.56 100.¦ 104. Karnusian Manuschak 1960 Mittelhäusern 1:00.41,2 19.34,1 (3690) Diplom Video 10km 2561. 6.04 ¦ 25.09 120.¦ 35.31 92.¦ 105. Mathys-Beutler Therese 1956 Walterswil BE 1:00.43,5 19.36,4 (3729) Diplom Video 10km 2565. 6.04 ¦ 24.09 89.¦ 36.34 109.¦ 106. Zuber Esther 1957 Muri b. Bern 1:01.00,8 19.53,7 (4633) Diplom Video 10km 2617. 6.06 ¦ 24.32 103.¦ 36.28 108.¦ 107. Membrez Véronique 1960 Savièse 1:01.01,4 19.54,3 (4126) Diplom Video 10km 2620. 6.06 ¦ 25.19 122.¦ 35.42 97.¦ 108. Born Katharina 1960 Solothurn 1:01.05,1 19.58,0 (5012) Diplom Video 10km 2636. 6.06 ¦ 25.04 117.¦ 36.00 102.¦ 109. Gysel Therese 1960 Heimisbach 1:01.09,0 20.01,9 (3011) Diplom Video 10km 2651. 6.06 ¦ 24.28 99.¦ 36.40 113.¦ 110. Martin Nadine 1959 Lausanne 1:01.10,9 20.03,8 (4461) Diplom Video 10km 2655. 6.07 ¦ 25.07 119.¦ 36.03 103.¦ 111. Gürtler Silvia 1960 Ormalingen 1:01.16,5 20.09,4 (5058) Diplom Video 10km 2671. 6.07 ¦ 24.36 106.¦ 36.39 112.¦ 112. Flury Gabi 1960 Lohn-Ammannsegg 1:01.17,8 20.10,7 (4532) Diplom Video 10km 2673. 6.07 ¦ 25.14 121.¦ 36.03 104.¦ 113. Kost Charlotte, Luzern 1956 Theresianum Ingenbohl 1:01.25,7 20.18,6 (6477) Diplom Video 10km 2692. 6.08 ¦ 25.45 139.¦ 35.40 96.¦ 114. Dössegger Regina 1957 Regensberg 1:01.42,4 20.35,3 (5128) Diplom Video 10km 2748. 6.10 ¦ 25.23 125.¦ 36.18 106.¦ 114. Huser Romy 1960 Seelisberg 1:01.42,4 20.35,3 (3217) Diplom Video 10km 2748. 6.10 ¦ 24.29 101.¦ 37.12 125.¦ 116. Novak Eva 1958 Wabern 1:02.01,6 20.54,5 (3765) Diplom Video 10km 2805. 6.12 ¦ 24.45 110.¦ 37.16 127.¦ 117. Forster Verena 1960 St. Gallen 1:02.12,7 21.05,6 (5164) Diplom Video 10km 2835. 6.13 ¦ 25.04 116.¦ 37.08 124.¦ 118. Jutzi Anna-Rosa 1958 Aeschau 1:02.15,4 21.08,3 (4519) Diplom Video 10km 2842. 6.13 ¦ 24.48 113.¦ 37.26 130.¦ 119. Schädeli Manuela 1959 Winkel 1:02.16,7 21.09,6 (3433) Diplom Video 10km 2848. 6.13 ¦ 25.01 115.¦ 37.15 126.¦ 120. Trippi Sissy 1956 Massagno 1:02.18,4 21.11,3 (6535) Diplom Video 10km 2852. 6.13 ¦ 25.51 142.¦ 36.27 107.¦ 121. Saussaz Barbara 1958 Rennaz 1:02.22,8 21.15,7 (4487) Diplom Video 10km 2859. 6.14 ¦ 24.34 105.¦ 37.48 135.¦ 122. Mancilla Beatrice 1960 Genève 1:02.24,5 21.17,4 (3352) Diplom Video 10km 2869. 6.14 ¦ 24.44 109.¦ 37.40 133.¦ 123. Bossart Alice 1960 Kaiseraugst 1:02.24,7 21.17,6 (3355) Diplom Video 10km 2872. 6.14 ¦ 25.21 123.¦ 37.03 121.¦ 124. Schmid Debora 1960 Basel 1:02.25,4 21.18,3 (4526) Diplom Video 10km 2874. 6.14 ¦ 25.35 132.¦ 36.49 116.¦ 125. Kilchmann Esther 1960 Ormalingen 1:02.39,5 21.32,4 (3700) Diplom Video 10km 2913. 6.15 ¦ 25.36 134.¦ 37.02 120.¦ 126. Dobler-Marfurt Esther 1956 Wallisellen 1:02.43,8 21.36,7 (4332) Diplom Video 10km 2924. 6.16 ¦ 25.36 133.¦ 37.07 123.¦ 127. Laim Maya 1959 Malix 1:02.47,7 21.40,6 (5106) Diplom Video 10km 2935. 6.16 ¦ 24.47 112.¦ 38.00 139.¦ 128. Imboden Krebs Irene 1956 Bern 1:02.49,0 21.41,9 (5020) Diplom Video 10km 2942. 6.16 ¦ 25.54 144.¦ 36.54 118.¦ 129. Rüegg Susanna 1960 Rapperswil SG 1:03.05,1 21.58,0 (6427) Diplom Video 10km 2974. 6.18 ¦ 26.15 154.¦ 36.50 117.¦ 130. Wingling Katharina 1959 Kirchberg BE 1:03.06,3 21.59,2 (6677) Diplom Video 10km 2981. 6.18 ¦ 25.28 127.¦ 37.37 132.¦ 131. Gäumann Eva-Maria 1959 Münsingen 1:03.11,0 22.03,9 (5685) Diplom Video 10km 2986. 6.19 ¦ 25.40 136.¦ 37.30 131.¦ 132. Wüest-Wolfisberg Margrith 1958 Rain 1:03.12,8 22.05,7 (5362) Diplom Video 10km 2989. 6.19 ¦ 25.48 140.¦ 37.24 129.¦ 133. Fankhauser Susanne 1957 Nänikon 1:03.13,2 22.06,1 (5619) Diplom Video 10km 2990. 6.19 ¦ 26.28 161.¦ 36.45 115.¦ 134. Wettstein-Kropf Veronika 1959 Rubigen 1:03.16,4 22.09,3 (5416) Diplom Video 10km 2999. 6.19 ¦ 26.12 150.¦ 37.04 122.¦ 135. Kissling Anita 1957 Bern 1:03.23,1 22.16,0 (5150) Diplom Video 10km 3022. 6.20 ¦ 25.23 124.¦ 38.00 138.¦ 136. Siegenthaler Marianne 1958 Ramosch 1:03.37,9 22.30,8 (5527) Diplom Video 10km 3066. 6.21 ¦ 25.41 137.¦ 37.56 137.¦ 137. Vegh-Seiterle Madeleine 1958 Witterswil 1:03.40,6 22.33,5 (5018) Diplom Video 10km 3074. 6.22 ¦ 25.29 128.¦ 38.11 140.¦ 138. Imhof Rita 1960 Bern 1:03.48,5 22.41,4 (5091) Diplom Video 10km 3092. 6.22 ¦ 26.27 160.¦ 37.21 128.¦ 139. Degelo Theres 1959 Basel 1:03.51,2 22.44,1 (5008) Diplom Video 10km 3097. 6.23 ¦ 26.06 148.¦ 37.45 134.¦ 140. Cossa Sylviane 1957 Romanel-sur-Lausanne 1:04.06,0 22.58,9 (4090) Diplom Video 10km 3133. 6.24 ¦ 25.29 129.¦ 38.36 142.¦ 141. Millius Berty 1960 Baltschieder 1:04.16,9 23.09,8 (3692) Diplom Video 10km 3151. 6.25 ¦ 26.26 159.¦ 37.50 136.¦ 142. Stoeckli Hermina 1956 Niederbipp 1:04.32,5 23.25,4 (5136) Diplom Video 10km 3194. 6.27 ¦ 25.55 146.¦ 38.37 143.¦ 143. Pfeiffer Franziska 1959 Sta. Maria Val Müstair 1:04.35,4 23.28,3 (3491) Diplom Video 10km 3200. 6.27 ¦ 25.27 126.¦ 39.07 154.¦ 144. Linder-Lang Sylvia 1960 Winkel 1:04.42,3 23.35,2 (6191) Diplom Video 10km 3219. 6.28 ¦ 26.02 147.¦ 38.40 144.¦ 145. Friederich-Baur Marianne 1956 Basel 1:04.47,2 23.40,1 (3523) Diplom Video 10km 3229. 6.28 ¦ 25.31 131.¦ 39.15 156.¦ 146. Boedtker Marianne 1958 Burgdorf 1:04.55,7 23.48,6 (5330) Diplom Video 10km 3248. 6.29 ¦ 25.51 142.¦ 39.04 152.¦ 147. Sundermann Sabine 1958 Thürnen 1:04.59,9 23.52,8 (5173) Diplom Video 10km 3257. 6.29 ¦ 26.14 152.¦ 38.45 147.¦ 148. Grolimund Brigitte 1960 Kloten 1:05.09,4 24.02,3 (4667) Diplom Video 10km 3272. 6.30 ¦ 26.14 153.¦ 38.54 149.¦ 149. Schaller Irma 1957 Luzern 1:05.09,5 24.02,4 (5144) Diplom Video 10km 3273. 6.30 ¦ 25.29 130.¦ 39.39 162.¦ 150. Thomas Astrid 1959 Embrach 1:05.30,6 24.23,5 (5049) Diplom Video 10km 3322. 6.33 ¦ 26.38 165.¦ 38.51 148.¦ 151. Marxer Angelika 1957 FL-Nendeln 1:05.36,3 24.29,2 (4598) Diplom Video 10km 3337. 6.33 ¦ 25.54 145.¦ 39.41 163.¦ 152. Clémençon Désirée 1957 Bern 1:05.38,5 24.31,4 (5300) Diplom Video 10km 3338. 6.33 ¦ 25.50 141.¦ 39.47 165.¦ 153. Lemp Neuenschwander Susi 1959 Bern 1:05.40,3 24.33,2 (5176) Diplom Video 10km 3342. 6.34 ¦ 26.58 177.¦ 38.41 145.¦ 154. Schuler Renata 1959 Wetzikon ZH 1:05.40,6 24.33,5 (5424) Diplom Video 10km 3343. 6.34 ¦ 26.45 171.¦ 38.54 150.¦ 155. Reber Heidi 1960 Matten b. Interlaken 1:05.48,8 24.41,7 (5441) Diplom Video 10km 3361. 6.34 ¦ 26.41 168.¦ 39.07 153.¦ 156. Dépraz Lutgard 1957 Lausanne 1:05.51,2 24.44,1 (5317) Diplom Video 10km 3368. 6.35 ¦ 26.24 158.¦ 39.26 160.¦ 157. Wieser Christina 1956 Chur 1:05.52,4 24.45,3 (5449) Diplom Video 10km 3370. 6.35 ¦ 25.37 135.¦ 40.14 171.¦ 158. Bauer Claudia 1960 Zürich 1:05.56,2 24.49,1 (6762) Diplom Video 10km 3380. 6.35 ¦ 26.43 169.¦ 39.12 155.¦ 159. Geissbühler Annette 1957 Langenthal 1:05.58,1 24.51,0 (6110) Diplom Video 10km 3382. 6.35 ¦ 26.06 149.¦ 39.51 166.¦ 160. Baumgartner Marlise 1959 Vinelz 1:06.00,7 24.53,6 (5161) Diplom Video 10km 3391. 6.36 ¦ 26.38 166.¦ 39.21 159.¦ 161. Brito Mirandolina 1959 Basel 1:06.03,2 24.56,1 (5559) Diplom Video 10km 3396. 6.36 ¦ 27.04 179.¦ 38.58 151.¦ 162. Walsh S. Magrini Hilda 1959 Spiez 1:06.07,7 25.00,6 (6158) Diplom Video 10km 3402. 6.36 ¦ 27.24 184.¦ 38.43 146.¦ 163. Bernasconi Jolanda 1956 Russikon 1:06.08,0 25.00,9 (6003) Diplom Video 10km 3403. 6.36 ¦ 26.51 175.¦ 39.16 158.¦ 164. Zaugg Marlise 1960 Schliern b. Köniz 1:06.13,9 25.06,8 (5166) Diplom Video 10km 3416. 6.37 ¦ 26.58 176.¦ 39.15 157.¦ 165. Born Susanne 1957 Uerikon 1:06.23,7 25.16,6 (5155) Diplom Video 10km 3441. 6.38 ¦ 26.44 170.¦ 39.39 161.¦ 166. Chatelet Myriam 1958 Genève 1:06.25,3 25.18,2 (2122) Diplom Video 10km 3450. 6.38 ¦ 26.24 157.¦ 40.01 167.¦ 167. Godel Nicole 1956 Le Locle 1:06.35,9 25.28,8 (4620) Diplom Video 10km 3463. 6.39 ¦ 26.22 156.¦ 40.13 170.¦ 168. Mermet Marie 1956 D-Heidelberg 1:06.41,2 25.34,1 (6559) Diplom Video 10km 3474. 6.40 ¦ 26.36 164.¦ 40.04 168.¦ 169. Hari-Britsch Andrea 1957 Frutigen 1:06.47,8 25.40,7 (5124) Diplom Video 10km 3483. 6.40 ¦ 26.16 155.¦ 40.31 172.¦ 170. Lanthemann Marlène 1958 Auvernier 1:06.52,4 25.45,3 (5580) Diplom Video 10km 3492. 6.41 ¦ 27.06 180.¦ 39.45 164.¦ 171. Cervini-Weishaupt Yvonne 1960 F-Ornex 1:06.59,2 25.52,1 (4458) Diplom Video 10km 3500. 6.41 ¦ 28.38 193.¦ 38.20 141.¦ 172. Plüss Brigitta 1956 Dänikon ZH 1:07.05,0 25.57,9 (5293) Diplom Video 10km 3510. 6.42 ¦ 26.51 174.¦ 40.13 169.¦ 173. Morgenthaler Monica 1957 Hirschthal 1:07.09,2 26.02,1 (5167) Diplom Video 10km 3516. 6.42 ¦ 26.13 151.¦ 40.55 177.¦ 174. Arnet Lotti 1960 Solothurn 1:07.40,6 26.33,5 (4644) Diplom Video 10km 3565. 6.46 ¦ 25.44 138.¦ 41.56 186.¦ 175. Lässig Brigitte 1960 Zürich 1:07.43,2 26.36,1 (5711) Diplom Video 10km 3571. 6.46 ¦ 26.58 178.¦ 40.44 175.¦ 176. Krähenbühl Renate 1958 Oekingen 1:07.43,3 26.36,2 (5372) Diplom Video 10km 3572. 6.46 ¦ 26.28 162.¦ 41.14 183.¦ 177. Moser-Winkler Judith 1958 Biglen 1:07.44,0 26.36,9 (5390) Diplom Video 10km 3574. 6.46 ¦ 27.09 182.¦ 40.34 173.¦ 178. Droll Sabina 1959 Seltisberg 1:07.59,0 26.51,9 (6821) Diplom Video 10km 3590. 6.47 ¦ 26.39 167.¦ 41.19 184.¦ 179. Oxe Elisabeth 1959 Basel 1:08.26,7 27.19,6 (6019) Diplom Video 10km 3629. 6.50 ¦ 27.42 186.¦ 40.43 174.¦ 180. Villars-Imhof Beatrix 1960 Gümligen 1:08.37,0 27.29,9 (6606) Diplom Video 10km 3643. 6.51 ¦ 27.23 183.¦ 41.13 182.¦ 181. Droz Dominique 1957 Neuchâtel 1:08.55,4 27.48,3 (5333) Diplom Video 10km 3669. 6.53 ¦ 27.47 187.¦ 41.08 180.¦ 182. Buchter Therese 1959 Wil SG 1:09.14,0 28.06,9 (2014) Diplom Video 10km 3698. 6.55 ¦ 26.35 163.¦ 42.38 189.¦ 183. Thibaudeau Nicola 1960 Neuchâtel 1:09.15,7 28.08,6 (5023) Diplom Video 10km 3701. 6.55 ¦ 28.18 191.¦ 40.57 178.¦ 184. Hügli Marianne 1958 Arch 1:09.20,8 28.13,7 (6149) Diplom Video 10km 3712. 6.56 ¦ 28.12 189.¦ 41.08 181.¦ 185. Gasser Marianne 1959 Saint-Légier 1:09.21,6 28.14,5 (6155) Diplom Video 10km 3713. 6.56 ¦ 28.37 192.¦ 40.44 176.¦ 186. Schwarz Daniela 1958 Zürich 1:10.00,8 28.53,7 (6018) Diplom Video 10km 3757. 7.00 ¦ 28.57 194.¦ 41.03 179.¦ 187. Flammer Elisabeth 1960 St-Blaise 1:10.01,9 28.54,8 (5319) Diplom Video 10km 3758. 7.00 ¦ 27.40 185.¦ 42.21 187.¦ 188. Imhof Sigrun 1958 Bern 1:10.38,9 29.31,8 (6640) Diplom Video 10km 3784. 7.03 ¦ 29.10 198.¦ 41.28 185.¦ 189. Michlig Vreni 1960 Naters 1:10.59,1 29.52,0 (5323) Diplom Video 10km 3799. 7.05 ¦ 26.48 172.¦ 44.10 193.¦ 190. Gasser Madeleine 1958 Naters 1:10.59,7 29.52,6 (5321) Diplom Video 10km 3801. 7.05 ¦ 26.49 173.¦ 44.10 192.¦ 191. Teodori Felicitas 1958 Chavannes-près-Renens 1:11.04,4 29.57,3 (4466) Diplom Video 10km 3805. 7.06 ¦ 28.01 188.¦ 43.03 191.¦ 192. Stahel Sylvia 1958 Hirschthal 1:11.11,3 30.04,2 (5168) Diplom Video 10km 3811. 7.07 ¦ 28.12 190.¦ 42.58 190.¦ 193. Tucker Kate 1957 Thürnen 1:11.36,1 30.29,0 (6103) Diplom Video 10km 3828. 7.09 ¦ 29.06 195.¦ 42.29 188.¦ 194. Thoma Marlies 1956 Langnau am Albis 1:14.33,6 33.26,5 (6025) Diplom Video 10km 3910. 7.27 ¦ 27.07 181.¦ 47.25 197.¦ 195. Rabaglio Manuela 1960 Bern 1:15.01,1 33.54,0 (6460) Diplom Video 10km 3920. 7.30 ¦ 29.07 196.¦ 45.53 195.¦ 196. Griesser Sophie 1957 Zürich 1:15.45,4 34.38,3 (6695) Diplom Video 10km 3927. 7.34 ¦ 29.10 197.¦ 46.35 196.¦ 197. Stammbach Monique 1956 Sargans 1:16.21,2 35.14,1 (6123) Diplom Video 10km 3935. 7.38 ¦ 30.39 200.¦ 45.41 194.¦ 198. Föhn Eva Maria 1958 Brugg AG 1:23.43,3 42.36,2 (4257) Diplom Video 10km 3982. 8.22 ¦ 32.44 201.¦ 50.58 198.¦
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