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Schweizer Frauenlauf, Bern 2015 - (24) Nordic Walking 5km
Rang Name/Ort Jg Team/Ort Zeit Rückstand Stnr Schnitt ¦ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Abbet Murielle 1957 Renan BE 46.28,4 ----- (44081) Diplom Video 9.17 ¦ --- Achermann Edith 1961 Reiden 45.08,2 ----- (44061) Diplom Video 9.01 ¦ --- Achermann Heidi 1969 Stans 45.21,8 ----- (44051) Diplom Video 9.04 ¦ --- Ackermann Susanne 1954 Düdingen 46.45,0 ----- (43087) Diplom Video 9.21 ¦ --- Aebi Daniela 1964 Wynigen 36.41,5 ----- (43158) Diplom Video 7.20 ¦ --- Aebischer Anny 1958 Alterswil FR 45.14,6 ----- (44058) Diplom Video 9.02 ¦ --- Aeschlimann Cindy 1990 Zollikofen 43.56,8 ----- (44144) Diplom Video 8.47 ¦ --- Aeschlimann Therese 1965 Schwanden im Emmental 43.57,6 ----- (44148) Diplom Video 8.47 ¦ --- Affolter-Ramser Therese 1965 Bern 41.40,3 ----- (44083) Diplom Video 8.20 ¦ --- Agten Lisette 1953 Brig 46.45,5 ----- (45053) Diplom Video 9.21 ¦ --- Aguilar Martine 1960 Genève 46.16,3 ----- (45208) Diplom Video 9.15 ¦ --- Aigner Susanne 1963 Frenkendorf 48.13,2 ----- (46161) Diplom Video 9.38 ¦ --- Allenbach Iris 1969 Thierachern 43.30,7 ----- (45012) Diplom Video 8.42 ¦ --- Allenbach Sonja 1961 Frick 44.53,1 ----- (46120) Diplom Video 8.58 ¦ --- Amahaotu Mirjam 1972 Worb 49.08,1 ----- (46096) Diplom Video 9.49 ¦ --- Amrein Bernadette 1957 Alberswil 49.26,5 ----- (44022) Diplom Video 9.53 ¦ --- Amrein Christine 1984 Rothrist 49.25,4 ----- (44021) Diplom Video 9.53 ¦ --- Anderegg Lea 1970 Bern 40.35,8 ----- (43076) Diplom Video 8.07 ¦ --- Anderegg-Rüfli Claudia 1962 Burgdorf 45.59,4 ----- (46073) Diplom Video 9.11 ¦ --- Andreeva Zlatka 1975 Mollis 43.47,5 ----- (46133) Diplom Video 8.45 ¦ --- Andriuet Rita 1951 Disentis/Mustér 45.24,3 ----- (46157) Diplom Video 9.04 ¦ --- Anisimova Berni Maria 1986 Wil SG 49.58,1 ----- (45117) Diplom Video 9.59 ¦ --- Anisimova Krucker Natalia 1960 Wil SG 49.57,4 ----- (45118) Diplom Video 9.59 ¦ --- Annen Ursula 1953 Zweisimmen 45.52,9 ----- (43140) Diplom Video 9.10 ¦ --- Aregger Gipsy 1952 Herrliberg 43.03,8 ----- (43032) Diplom Video 8.36 ¦ --- Arni Sylvia 1950 Würenlingen 50.39,3 ----- (46026) Diplom Video 10.07 ¦ --- Arnold Rita 1961 Staldenried 50.45,3 ----- (46118) Diplom Video 10.09 ¦ --- Aschwanden Linda 1981 Allenwinden 48.31,1 ----- (45223) Diplom Video 9.42 ¦ --- Bach Regula, Wängi 1969 Wängi Walk 49.43,0 ----- (45138) Diplom Video 9.56 ¦ --- Bächler Therese 1954 Thun 46.04,6 ----- (45075) Diplom Video 9.12 ¦ --- Bächli Marlies 1960 Hausen AG 40.30,3 ----- (43169) Diplom Video 8.06 ¦ --- Bächtold Gaby 1969 Rheinau 41.27,4 ----- (45114) Diplom Video 8.17 ¦ --- Bader Marlies, FL-Schaan 1931 LSB 52.07,7 ----- (45174) Diplom Video 10.25 ¦ --- Bähler Jeanine 1966 Lohn-Ammannsegg 46.26,7 ----- (46167) Diplom Video 9.17 ¦ --- Ballat Ursula 1942 Wichtrach 47.22,1 ----- (45062) Diplom Video 9.28 ¦ --- Balmer Catherine 1967 Genève 39.18,2 ----- (45150) Diplom Video 7.51 ¦ --- Balmer Morgane 1994 Genève 39.13,0 ----- (45210) Diplom Video 7.50 ¦ --- Bandi Eliane 1958 Schüpfen 52.28,4 ----- (46023) Diplom Video 10.29 ¦ --- Baer Conny 1969 Niederurnen 44.48,8 ----- (46102) Diplom Video 8.57 ¦ --- Bär Ruth 1960 Kirchlindach 46.59,3 ----- (45197) Diplom Video 9.23 ¦ --- Bärtsch Andrea 1983 Berschis 43.01,4 ----- (45020) Diplom Video 8.36 ¦ --- Bättig Gudrun 1945 Rüfenacht BE 46.20,2 ----- (45237) Diplom Video 9.16 ¦ --- Bättig Yvonne 1969 Spiez 46.20,3 ----- (45238) Diplom Video 9.16 ¦ --- Baudenbacher Ruth 1953 Thun 44.31,1 ----- (44064) Diplom Video 8.54 ¦ --- Baudenbacher Sabine 1980 Thun 43.58,5 ----- (44065) Diplom Video 8.47 ¦ --- Baumgartner Annemarie 1959 Lütisburg 46.36,6 ----- (43074) Diplom Video 9.19 ¦ --- Baumgartner Marianne 1965 Fankhaus (Trub) 41.54,8 ----- (43114) Diplom Video 8.22 ¦ --- Baumgartner Sabine 1964 Fankhaus (Trub) 45.13,4 ----- (44091) Diplom Video 9.02 ¦ --- Baumgartner Therese 1966 Fankhaus (Trub) 41.54,6 ----- (43062) Diplom Video 8.22 ¦ --- Beer-Jampen Ruth 1959 Gerzensee 45.01,0 ----- (44085) Diplom Video 9.00 ¦ --- Bennett Rice Claire 1971 Zürich 46.17,9 ----- (45188) Diplom Video 9.15 ¦ --- Berger Ruth 1954 Lengnau BE 43.30,5 ----- (46088) Diplom Video 8.42 ¦ --- Berger Sandy 1988 Sursee 41.08,3 ----- (43153) Diplom Video 8.13 ¦ --- Berger Virginie 1983 Fleurier 47.18,6 ----- (45073) Diplom Video 9.27 ¦ --- Bermudez Maria 1959 Oberurnen 44.48,9 ----- (46104) Diplom Video 8.57 ¦ --- Bertschinger Anita 1973 Urdorf 44.56,5 ----- (44126) Diplom Video 8.59 ¦ --- Bhend Ursula 1959 Niederrohrdorf 43.09,8 ----- (44100) Diplom Video 8.37 ¦ --- Biber Madeleine 1964 Zürich 52.38,4 ----- (46033) Diplom Video 10.31 ¦ --- Bickel Rosmarie 1958 Willadingen 44.05,5 ----- (44011) Diplom Video 8.49 ¦ --- Bieber Marie-Louise 1958 Deitingen 45.28,4 ----- (46001) Diplom Video 9.05 ¦ --- Bieri Edith 1960 Neftenbach 48.34,7 ----- (43004) Diplom Video 9.42 ¦ --- Bieri Monica 1974 Lyss 47.10,9 ----- (45071) Diplom Video 9.26 ¦ --- Bigler Brigitte 1962 Rüdtligen 41.42,4 ----- (43024) Diplom Video 8.20 ¦ --- Bilgerig Irene 1953 Wettingen 45.07,6 ----- (44092) Diplom Video 9.01 ¦ --- Birrer Alexandra 1969 Stans 40.30,6 ----- (43041) Diplom Video 8.06 ¦ --- Bischof-Thum Silvia 1961 Frick 46.06,3 ----- (46121) Diplom Video 9.13 ¦ --- Blanc Patricia 1961 Boll 44.22,8 ----- (45081) Diplom Video 8.52 ¦ --- Blaser Doris 1967 Thun 48.06,1 ----- (45199) Diplom Video 9.37 ¦ --- Blatter Käthi 1960 Oberbütschel 46.07,3 ----- (45047) Diplom Video 9.13 ¦ --- Blatter-Locher Marlis 1968 Susten 44.04,6 ----- (43130) Diplom Video 8.48 ¦ --- Blatter Marie-Anna 1952 Utzigen 54.31,2 ----- (46160) Diplom Video 10.54 ¦ --- Bohren Mirjam 1968 Oftringen 43.39,7 ----- (43144) Diplom Video 8.43 ¦ --- Bolliger Buser Anne Käthi 1953 Boll 40.54,1 ----- (43131) Diplom Video 8.10 ¦ --- Bollinger Maria 1952 Luzern 45.19,1 ----- (44062) Diplom Video 9.03 ¦ --- Bonfils Sandrine 1966 Sugiez 42.59,6 ----- (44134) Diplom Video 8.35 ¦ --- Bonvin Nathalie 1972 Sierre 46.00,7 ----- (44117) Diplom Video 9.12 ¦ --- Boschung Barbara 1970 Laupen BE 46.52,1 ----- (43165) Diplom Video 9.22 ¦ --- Boschung Manuela 1962 Kloten 43.28,6 ----- (45042) Diplom Video 8.41 ¦ --- Bossard Ursula 1966 Niederrohrdorf 37.43,0 ----- (43145) Diplom Video 7.32 ¦ --- Bosshart Heidi 1973 Malix 46.45,0 ----- (43124) Diplom Video 9.21 ¦ --- Breitenmoser Sylvia 1964 Volketswil 41.43,4 ----- (43060) Diplom Video 8.20 ¦ --- Brügger Monika 1972 Gretzenbach 45.33,2 ----- (43047) Diplom Video 9.06 ¦ --- Brügger Yvonne 1973 Frutigen 45.47,8 ----- (43028) Diplom Video 9.09 ¦ --- Brulhart Rosanna 1964 Marly 44.02,0 ----- (45241) Diplom Video 8.48 ¦ --- Brülhart Ursula 1940 Düdingen 46.44,8 ----- (43099) Diplom Video 9.20 ¦ --- Brünisholz Erika 1966 Lanzenhäusern 49.59,6 ----- (45132) Diplom Video 9.59 ¦ --- Brunner Marie-Louise 1951 Oberkirch LU 41.40,3 ----- (43042) Diplom Video 8.20 ¦ --- Brunner Ruth 1956 Wettingen 45.26,6 ----- (44093) Diplom Video 9.05 ¦ --- Büchel Antonia, FL-Ruggell 1949 LSB 44.49,1 ----- (45170) Diplom Video 8.57 ¦ --- Bucheli Caroline 1975 Urtenen-Schönbühl 46.04,9 ----- (46056) Diplom Video 9.12 ¦ --- Bucheli Mariann 1954 Biglen 47.35,8 ----- (43107) Diplom Video 9.31 ¦ --- Bucher Annemarie 1944 Münchenbuchsee 46.47,7 ----- (46080) Diplom Video 9.21 ¦ --- Bühler-Delacrétaz Sandra 1971 Langenthal 37.54,4 ----- (46075) Diplom Video 7.34 ¦ --- Bühler Priska 1964 Gunzwil 50.34,7 ----- (46101) Diplom Video 10.06 ¦ --- Buholzer Marlis 1958 Steffisburg 43.08,5 ----- (46093) Diplom Video 8.37 ¦ --- Bürgi Susanne 1966 Steinhausen 53.06,8 ----- (43066) Diplom Video 10.37 ¦ --- Buri Heidi 1967 Gunten 40.44,4 ----- (45013) Diplom Video 8.08 ¦ --- Burn Margrith 1940 Bern 46.11,4 ----- (45196) Diplom Video 9.14 ¦ --- Burri-Jenatsch Christina 1961 Oberwil BL 38.29,4 ----- (43006) Diplom Video 7.41 ¦ --- Buser Corinne 1977 Frick 49.30,7 ----- (46122) Diplom Video 9.54 ¦ --- Buser-Stäuble Ursula 1943 Basel 50.37,0 ----- (46154) Diplom Video 10.07 ¦ --- Businger Trudy 1948 Grosswangen 50.49,0 ----- (44082) Diplom Video 10.09 ¦ --- Buess-Wyss Theresia Maria 1954 Zeglingen 45.34,6 ----- (44108) Diplom Video 9.06 ¦ --- Caflisch Anita 1963 Malix 43.45,6 ----- (43053) Diplom Video 8.45 ¦ --- Calonder Anni 1944 Trin 51.04,6 ----- (46141) Diplom Video 10.12 ¦ --- Cancer Dell'Anna Daniela 1961 Moutier 54.15,2 ----- (46142) Diplom Video 10.51 ¦ --- Capaul Petra 1973 Bern 43.25,0 ----- (45059) Diplom Video 8.41 ¦ --- Caprara Brunella 1968 Lumino 47.19,7 ----- (46084) Diplom Video 9.27 ¦ --- Carabotti Fleury Sandra 1962 Moutier 54.13,5 ----- (46143) Diplom Video 10.50 ¦ --- Caspar Martina 1966 Malix 44.18,8 ----- (43054) Diplom Video 8.51 ¦ --- Catic Kadefa 1966 Frick 42.58,8 ----- (46123) Diplom Video 8.35 ¦ --- Cavin-Allenbach Fabienne 1962 Lausanne 53.34,5 ----- (46048) Diplom Video 10.42 ¦ --- Cervini-Weishaupt Yvonne 1960 F-Ornex 52.36,9 ----- (46031) Diplom Video 10.31 ¦ --- Chapatte Françoise 1968 Rolle 49.41,7 ----- (45001) Diplom Video 9.56 ¦ --- Charmillot Sandra 1968 Vicques 46.13,2 ----- (46098) Diplom Video 9.14 ¦ --- Chautems Helena 1958 Lugnorre 45.53,1 ----- (44135) Diplom Video 9.10 ¦ --- Chrétien Nathalie 1970 Riedtwil 50.58,5 ----- (46150) Diplom Video 10.11 ¦ --- Colacino Antonia 1957 Fislisbach 43.35,7 ----- (45112) Diplom Video 8.43 ¦ --- Collaud Sylviane 1974 St-Aubin FR 45.20,1 ----- (44164) Diplom Video 9.04 ¦ --- Collenberg Frida 1936 Chur 43.29,0 ----- (43083) Diplom Video 8.41 ¦ --- Corre Chantal 1959 Genève 46.39,7 ----- (45240) Diplom Video 9.19 ¦ --- Curty Yvette 1955 Bern 48.29,7 ----- (45096) Diplom Video 9.41 ¦ --- Dahinden Annelies 1953 Dornach 40.51,2 ----- (43029) Diplom Video 8.10 ¦ --- Dähler Anita 1963 Frauenkappelen 43.15,7 ----- (43081) Diplom Video 8.39 ¦ --- Damal Christiane 1959 Genève 48.48,8 ----- (44077) Diplom Video 9.45 ¦ --- Damjanovic Ljilja 1969 Bern 42.48,5 ----- (43001) Diplom Video 8.33 ¦ --- Daengeli Maja 1960 Subingen 39.13,7 ----- (43013) Diplom Video 7.50 ¦ --- De Baptistis Gabriella 1960 Bern 45.58,2 ----- (45106) Diplom Video 9.11 ¦ --- De Paola Clementina 1980 Hünenberg 48.47,2 ----- (46146) Diplom Video 9.45 ¦ --- De Paola Ingrid 1953 Hünenberg 48.45,3 ----- (46147) Diplom Video 9.45 ¦ --- Debrunner Ruth 1961 Inkwil 44.08,9 ----- (43080) Diplom Video 8.49 ¦ --- Decurtins Marianne 1944 Hinwil 45.18,6 ----- (45040) Diplom Video 9.03 ¦ --- Dell'Anna Iadarola Silvana 1968 Moutier 54.13,6 ----- (46144) Diplom Video 10.50 ¦ --- Dellsperger Iris, Boll 1971 RC Bern-Rosengarten 45.35,6 ----- (45005) Diplom Video 9.07 ¦ --- Den Boer Siv 1966 Untersiggenthal 42.26,5 ----- (46017) Diplom Video 8.29 ¦ --- Di Felice Barbara 1955 Belp 45.10,1 ----- (44060) Diplom Video 9.02 ¦ --- Diener Rösli 1956 Bubendorf 44.17,8 ----- (43097) Diplom Video 8.51 ¦ --- Diggelmann Denise 1966 Basel 44.41,3 ----- (46089) Diplom Video 8.56 ¦ --- Diodano Schmid Esther 1965 Frick 51.21,3 ----- (46124) Diplom Video 10.16 ¦ --- Donia-Faic Dana 1967 Chur 1:01.41,5 ----- (46065) Diplom Video 12.20 ¦ --- Donzallaz Anne-Laure 1957 La Chaux-de-Fonds 46.58,6 ----- (45154) Diplom Video 9.23 ¦ --- Drauschke Ute 1965 Bern 41.33,2 ----- (43196) Diplom Video 8.18 ¦ --- Draxler Kathrin 1964 Vernier 45.34,5 ----- (46097) Diplom Video 9.06 ¦ --- Dück Gabriela 1958 Aesch BL 50.17,2 ----- (46074) Diplom Video 10.03 ¦ --- Dunkel Monika 1969 Wyssachen 46.28,6 ----- (46077) Diplom Video 9.17 ¦ --- Dürr Cécile 1953 Gelterkinden 48.24,8 ----- (46100) Diplom Video 9.40 ¦ --- Durrer Elisabeth 1954 Inwil 46.22,9 ----- (46182) Diplom Video 9.16 ¦ --- Eberle Anita 1957 Finstersee 37.58,5 ----- (43091) Diplom Video 7.35 ¦ --- Eberli Manuela 1974 Oberhofen am Thunersee 41.03,3 ----- (44071) Diplom Video 8.12 ¦ --- Eckart Lea Maria, Bern 1990 Schloss Utzigen gepflegte 47.22,6 ----- (45035) Diplom Video 9.28 ¦ --- Egger Beatrice 1963 Belp 43.22,3 ----- (43167) Diplom Video 8.40 ¦ --- Eggimann Annemarie 1966 Aeschlen b. Oberdiessbach 47.36,6 ----- (45192) Diplom Video 9.31 ¦ --- Eggimann Brigitte 1970 Rieden AG 41.48,5 ----- (46105) Diplom Video 8.21 ¦ --- Eggimann Claudine 1953 Kandersteg 44.36,2 ----- (43115) Diplom Video 8.55 ¦ --- Egloff Heidi, Oberrohrdorf 1934 Nordic Walking Treff Mell 53.53,8 ----- (44154) Diplom Video 10.46 ¦ --- Egloff Margrit, Oberrohrdorf 1938 Nordic Walking Treff Mell 53.55,0 ----- (44155) Diplom Video 10.47 ¦ --- Eichmann Arlette 1959 Fällanden 53.33,1 ----- (46010) Diplom Video 10.42 ¦ --- Eigermann Daniela 1990 Wetzikon ZH 48.12,6 ----- (46177) Diplom Video 9.38 ¦ --- Eitzinger Daniela, FL-Ruggell 1964 LSB 52.05,6 ----- (45171) Diplom Video 10.25 ¦ --- Ellinger Fabiola 1967 Mollis 43.48,8 ----- (46134) Diplom Video 8.45 ¦ --- Emmenegger Brigitte 1963 Wettingen 44.49,0 ----- (44094) Diplom Video 8.57 ¦ --- Engel Dorly 1941 St-Blaise 58.15,3 ----- (46114) Diplom Video 11.39 ¦ --- Erne Myrta 1959 Wettingen 45.28,8 ----- (44095) Diplom Video 9.05 ¦ --- Escher Beatrice 1970 Rüschegg Gambach 47.48,9 ----- (44113) Diplom Video 9.33 ¦ --- Escher Lisa-Marie 1995 Rüschegg Gambach 50.04,1 ----- (44114) Diplom Video 10.00 ¦ --- Esser Ingrid 1969 Liebistorf 44.01,9 ----- (44042) Diplom Video 8.48 ¦ --- Fahrni Rita 1962 Rothrist 46.10,2 ----- (43046) Diplom Video 9.14 ¦ --- Fankhauser Kathrin 1978 Zimmerwald 45.25,9 ----- (44102) Diplom Video 9.05 ¦ --- Fankhauser Manuela 1980 Rüderswil 46.39,1 ----- (45052) Diplom Video 9.19 ¦ --- Fasel Marianne 1953 Düdingen 46.56,3 ----- (43126) Diplom Video 9.23 ¦ --- Federici Madeleine 1962 Pully 50.58,3 ----- (44036) Diplom Video 10.11 ¦ --- Fehlmann Rosa 1946 Liesberg Dorf 43.52,6 ----- (44016) Diplom Video 8.46 ¦ --- Fernandez Susanne 1971 Azmoos 47.25,9 ----- (45123) Diplom Video 9.29 ¦ --- Feuz Margrit 1952 Gimmelwald 52.29,2 ----- (46014) Diplom Video 10.29 ¦ --- Finger Franziska 1978 Heimberg 42.20,4 ----- (46057) Diplom Video 8.28 ¦ --- Fisch Valérie 1966 Unterentfelden 45.32,4 ----- (43051) Diplom Video 9.06 ¦ --- Fischer Gabriela 1968 Amriswil 48.04,1 ----- (46011) Diplom Video 9.36 ¦ --- Fischer Ursula 1949 Gränichen 48.35,4 ----- (43003) Diplom Video 9.43 ¦ --- Flükiger Christa 1981 Zollbrück 40.36,6 ----- (43111) Diplom Video 8.07 ¦ --- Flury Lenka 1954 Münchenbuchsee 41.13,6 ----- (43021) Diplom Video 8.14 ¦ --- Flury Marie-Louise 1947 Härkingen 49.03,4 ----- (33341) Diplom Video 9.48 ¦ --- Flury Ursula 1961 Oberrieden 43.02,0 ----- (44006) Diplom Video 8.36 ¦ --- Fontana Adriana 1955 Zürich 50.19,5 ----- (46037) Diplom Video 10.03 ¦ --- Forrer Brigitte 1957 Trübbach 48.41,5 ----- (46087) Diplom Video 9.44 ¦ --- Fracas-Giodano Claudia 1967 Frick 51.23,8 ----- (46125) Diplom Video 10.16 ¦ --- Fraguas Geneviève 1972 Genève 1:00.25,5 ----- (46168) Diplom Video 12.05 ¦ --- Frei Charlotte 1951 Zofingen 50.35,6 ----- (45100) Diplom Video 10.07 ¦ --- Frei Elisabeth 1974 St-Légier 50.46,3 ----- (46174) Diplom Video 10.09 ¦ --- Freiburghaus Daniela 1967 Port 41.29,6 ----- (43174) Diplom Video 8.17 ¦ --- Freiburghaus Esther 1957 Merligen 42.04,1 ----- (43079) Diplom Video 8.24 ¦ --- Freiburghaus-Rytz Annerös 1957 Cordast 46.13,8 ----- (44139) Diplom Video 9.14 ¦ --- Friedli Erika, Burgdorf 1954 Oberstufe Pestalozzi Team 41.42,9 ----- (44003) Diplom Video 8.20 ¦ --- Fritz Alexandra 1990 Bönigen b. Interlaken 47.52,3 ----- (44172) Diplom Video 9.34 ¦ --- Fröhlich-Wyder Marie-Therese 1969 Köniz 50.37,2 ----- (46043) Diplom Video 10.07 ¦ --- Fuchs-Siegrist Sandra 1970 Riniken 47.21,6 ----- (44111) Diplom Video 9.28 ¦ --- Fuchs Yvonne 1981 Kerns 44.26,2 ----- (44168) Diplom Video 8.53 ¦ --- Furrer Therese 1949 Brig 48.52,9 ----- (45058) Diplom Video 9.46 ¦ --- Furrer-Zgraggen Claudia 1976 Erstfeld 38.38,2 ----- (43033) Diplom Video 7.43 ¦ --- Fürsinger Irma 1966 Dallenwil 41.29,2 ----- (44053) Diplom Video 8.17 ¦ --- Garcia Sara 1970 Domat/Ems 47.26,0 ----- (45121) Diplom Video 9.29 ¦ --- Gauchat Melanie 1979 Wichtrach 45.36,7 ----- (45160) Diplom Video 9.07 ¦ --- Gauer Marlis 1979 Appenzell 41.06,2 ----- (45022) Diplom Video 8.13 ¦ --- Gaus Andrea 1970 Hätzingen 48.31,3 ----- (44087) Diplom Video 9.42 ¦ --- Gavillet Caroline 1964 Brugg AG 44.40,9 ----- (45030) Diplom Video 8.56 ¦ --- Geiger Irene 1967 Wettingen 42.27,3 ----- (43175) Diplom Video 8.29 ¦ --- Geissbühler Marianne 1957 Häusernmoos im Emmental 50.57,1 ----- (46149) Diplom Video 10.11 ¦ --- Georgy Ginette 1949 Uerikon 50.01,2 ----- (45101) Diplom Video 10.00 ¦ --- Gerber Monica 1951 Oberdorf NW 41.06,4 ----- (43030) Diplom Video 8.13 ¦ --- Gerber Natascha 1976 Luterbach 48.19,1 ----- (46165) Diplom Video 9.39 ¦ --- Gerdesmeyer Petra, Bern 1963 Bollwerk Apotheke 44.10,3 ----- (46035) Diplom Video 8.50 ¦ --- Gex Sylviane 1957 Pully 53.19,6 ----- (44130) Diplom Video 10.39 ¦ --- Giacometto Rita 1953 Bern 43.57,0 ----- (43170) Diplom Video 8.47 ¦ --- Gianom Derungs Cilgia 1959 Ftan 51.46,7 ----- (46034) Diplom Video 10.21 ¦ --- Gilli Yvonne 1957 Wil SG 42.20,4 ----- (44075) Diplom Video 8.28 ¦ --- Gilliéron-Egli Anna 1957 Bergdietikon 42.29,1 ----- (45125) Diplom Video 8.29 ¦ --- Gisler Iten Regina 1965 Unterägeri 48.31,6 ----- (45222) Diplom Video 9.42 ¦ --- Gisler Karin 1970 Subingen 45.14,0 ----- (44025) Diplom Video 9.02 ¦ --- Gjorgiev Vionika 1979 Mollis 43.47,6 ----- (46135) Diplom Video 8.45 ¦ --- Glarner Judith 1972 Wohlen AG 47.20,4 ----- (46061) Diplom Video 9.28 ¦ --- Gloor Ruth 1948 Stansstad 38.56,8 ----- (43015) Diplom Video 7.47 ¦ --- Gobet Doris 1971 Deitingen 44.36,6 ----- (44044) Diplom Video 8.55 ¦ --- Gohlisch Heidi 1958 Niederurnen 42.05,0 ----- (45046) Diplom Video 8.25 ¦ --- Goei Helene 1958 Zollikofen 46.17,1 ----- (46051) Diplom Video 9.15 ¦ --- Goldinger Silvia 1961 Wallisellen 47.03,0 ----- (43057) Diplom Video 9.24 ¦ --- Grädel Christine 1986 Huttwil 46.04,8 ----- (44013) Diplom Video 9.12 ¦ --- Grädel Monika 1958 Port 41.11,5 ----- (43110) Diplom Video 8.14 ¦ --- Graf Barbara 1985 Münchenbuchsee 47.02,1 ----- (45107) Diplom Video 9.24 ¦ --- Graf Denise 1960 Bern 48.29,4 ----- (45115) Diplom Video 9.41 ¦ --- Graf-Obrist Patricia 1974 Aarwangen 47.35,4 ----- (45227) Diplom Video 9.31 ¦ --- Graillot Isabelle 1958 F-Douvaine 46.47,6 ----- (46145) Diplom Video 9.21 ¦ --- Grämiger Paula 1968 Mollis 43.49,1 ----- (46178) Diplom Video 8.45 ¦ --- Grasso Corinne 1966 Ostermundigen 46.52,0 ----- (43163) Diplom Video 9.22 ¦ --- Gresch Daniela 1985 Bönigen b. Interlaken 47.53,1 ----- (44173) Diplom Video 9.34 ¦ --- Grieder-Rickenbacher Eva 1954 Kilchberg BL 45.33,0 ----- (44109) Diplom Video 9.06 ¦ --- Griner Daniela 1977 Lauwil 40.36,3 ----- (45029) Diplom Video 8.07 ¦ --- Grob Lydia 1953 Frümsen 47.21,2 ----- (45225) Diplom Video 9.28 ¦ --- Grob Regula 1961 Homburg 39.12,8 ----- (43135) Diplom Video 7.50 ¦ --- Grossenbacher Manuela 1969 Aarwangen 47.33,5 ----- (45228) Diplom Video 9.30 ¦ --- Grundbacher Rita 1951 Ebikon 45.04,1 ----- (44023) Diplom Video 9.00 ¦ --- Grunder Erika 1959 Blankenburg 46.11,3 ----- (46151) Diplom Video 9.14 ¦ --- Grünig Heidi 1953 Gümligen 41.12,6 ----- (46152) Diplom Video 8.14 ¦ --- Guarino Claudia 1976 Dietikon 51.53,1 ----- (46138) Diplom Video 10.22 ¦ --- Gubler Ursula 1951 Weinfelden 47.50,0 ----- (45202) Diplom Video 9.34 ¦ --- Güntensperger Vreni 1963 Wettingen 40.16,7 ----- (43176) Diplom Video 8.03 ¦ --- Gunti Susi 1965 Kleinlützel 44.04,0 ----- (44120) Diplom Video 8.48 ¦ --- Gwerder Erika 1965 Niederhasli 48.28,5 ----- (45136) Diplom Video 9.41 ¦ --- Gysin Monica 1966 Häfelfingen 40.18,3 ----- (43148) Diplom Video 8.03 ¦ --- Gysler Monika 1965 Kehrsatz 45.27,7 ----- (44105) Diplom Video 9.05 ¦ --- Hadorn Heidrun 1943 Muri b. Bern 41.35,3 ----- (43034) Diplom Video 8.19 ¦ --- Hafner Ursula 1961 Deitingen 43.57,2 ----- (46002) Diplom Video 8.47 ¦ --- Hainaut Joëlle 1962 Thônex 44.50,7 ----- (46164) Diplom Video 8.58 ¦ --- Halbeisen Sonja 1955 Worb 39.17,3 ----- (43017) Diplom Video 7.51 ¦ --- Haldimann Erika 1944 Wichtrach 47.21,0 ----- (45063) Diplom Video 9.28 ¦ --- Haller Dora 1959 Wittenbach 41.23,3 ----- (43181) Diplom Video 8.16 ¦ --- Haenni Daniela 1987 Lotzwil 44.07,7 ----- (44045) Diplom Video 8.49 ¦ --- Haenni Therese 1965 Lotzwil 44.08,4 ----- (44046) Diplom Video 8.49 ¦ --- Hauri-Ziehler Jacqueline 1972 Beinwil am See 50.06,8 ----- (46110) Diplom Video 10.01 ¦ --- Häuselmann Heidi 1949 Zollikofen 48.41,3 ----- (46052) Diplom Video 9.44 ¦ --- Heiniger Doris 1986 Dürrenroth 46.05,4 ----- (44107) Diplom Video 9.13 ¦ --- Heiniger Edith 1966 Wyssachen 46.31,2 ----- (46078) Diplom Video 9.18 ¦ --- Heiniger Hanna 1967 Seuzach 43.20,6 ----- (43146) Diplom Video 8.40 ¦ --- Heiniger Karin 1975 Uttigen 45.15,5 ----- (45088) Diplom Video 9.03 ¦ --- Heller Luzia 1939 Dornach 39.59,4 ----- (43014) Diplom Video 7.59 ¦ --- Hess Monika 1956 Inwil 45.54,7 ----- (46175) Diplom Video 9.10 ¦ --- Hess Regula 1974 Olten 46.00,1 ----- (44110) Diplom Video 9.12 ¦ --- Hiller Silvia 1963 Deitingen 42.49,9 ----- (46003) Diplom Video 8.33 ¦ --- Hiltbrand Doris 1968 Ostermundigen 48.11,9 ----- (46185) Diplom Video 9.38 ¦ --- Hitz Adelheid 1967 Oberrieden 43.01,0 ----- (44112) Diplom Video 8.36 ¦ --- Hochuli Katharina 1948 Belp 47.02,7 ----- (45077) Diplom Video 9.24 ¦ --- Hofer Christine 1976 Langenthal 46.21,0 ----- (45184) Diplom Video 9.16 ¦ --- Hollenstein Margrit 1942 Wilen b. Wil 47.48,3 ----- (45090) Diplom Video 9.33 ¦ --- Holliger Karin 1957 Brugg AG 43.47,9 ----- (43178) Diplom Video 8.45 ¦ --- Hostettler Erika 1952 Schwarzenburg 43.36,1 ----- (44001) Diplom Video 8.43 ¦ --- Hostettler Yvonne 1984 Schwarzenburg 43.32,9 ----- (44078) Diplom Video 8.42 ¦ --- Huber Brigitte 1958 Zug 44.12,4 ----- (43098) Diplom Video 8.50 ¦ --- Huber Carole 1970 Romanshorn 48.03,8 ----- (46013) Diplom Video 9.36 ¦ --- Huber Elvira 1988 Egolzwil 44.12,9 ----- (43154) Diplom Video 8.50 ¦ --- Huber-Ottet Myrielle 1963 Künten 46.49,2 ----- (45236) Diplom Video 9.21 ¦ --- Hüberli Anna 1948 Scuol 43.44,1 ----- (46112) Diplom Video 8.44 ¦ --- Huebscher Theres 1943 Aesch LU 43.52,4 ----- (46071) Diplom Video 8.46 ¦ --- Hubschmid Heidi 1953 Ostermundigen 46.28,0 ----- (45097) Diplom Video 9.17 ¦ --- Hug Eliane 1964 Koppigen 47.59,9 ----- (46153) Diplom Video 9.35 ¦ --- Hunger Regina 1964 Wittwil 44.34,6 ----- (44047) Diplom Video 8.54 ¦ --- Hunziker Kerstin 1963 Langenthal 46.25,2 ----- (45216) Diplom Video 9.17 ¦ --- Hurni Nathalie 1969 Gurbrü 47.01,4 ----- (45008) Diplom Video 9.24 ¦ --- Hürzeler Heidi 1964 Hefenhofen 48.08,6 ----- (46012) Diplom Video 9.37 ¦ --- Hutmacher Susan 1975 Ranflüh 44.30,6 ----- (44026) Diplom Video 8.54 ¦ --- Huwiler Inge 1972 Zürich 52.41,4 ----- (46032) Diplom Video 10.32 ¦ --- Ifert Sidonia 1956 Muttenz 42.15,2 ----- (45027) Diplom Video 8.27 ¦ --- Imer Aline 1995 Wabern 55.36,9 ----- (45211) Diplom Video 11.07 ¦ --- Imfeld Fabienne 1961 Chavannes-près-Renens 44.54,9 ----- (44037) Diplom Video 8.58 ¦ --- Inniger Bea, Bettlach 1951 Omega 43.59,9 ----- (43037) Diplom Video 8.47 ¦ --- Iseli Susanne 1978 Utzenstorf 38.09,6 ----- (43025) Diplom Video 7.37 ¦ --- Iten Marlise 1959 Edlibach 48.20,6 ----- (45054) Diplom Video 9.40 ¦ --- Jacomet Elisabeth 1953 Zürich 47.54,9 ----- (46008) Diplom Video 9.34 ¦ --- Jäggi Gabriela, Wangen b. Olten 1961 Bollwerk Apotheke 44.09,9 ----- (46036) Diplom Video 8.49 ¦ --- Jakob Doris 1963 Schönenberg ZH 50.08,0 ----- (45207) Diplom Video 10.01 ¦ --- Jansen Christine 1975 Frenkendorf 44.47,3 ----- (43020) Diplom Video 8.57 ¦ --- Jansen Cornelia 1973 Frenkendorf 44.46,3 ----- (43058) Diplom Video 8.57 ¦ --- Jenk Tamsin, Köniz 1973 Schloss Utzigen gepflegte 47.24,6 ----- (45037) Diplom Video 9.28 ¦ --- Johner Nicole 1985 Uettligen 50.34,4 ----- (46015) Diplom Video 10.06 ¦ --- Joller Regina 1960 Edlibach 42.09,4 ----- (43090) Diplom Video 8.25 ¦ --- Joray Uschi, Selzach 1960 Omega 49.29,4 ----- (43039) Diplom Video 9.53 ¦ --- Jordi Annemarie 1950 Aarburg 43.37,9 ----- (44127) Diplom Video 8.43 ¦ --- Jörg-Flühmann Sandra 1976 St-Martin FR 49.39,4 ----- (45153) Diplom Video 9.55 ¦ --- Jörg Lydia 1949 Vevey 49.40,6 ----- (45104) Diplom Video 9.56 ¦ --- Jörimann Daniela 1976 Versam 44.13,6 ----- (43133) Diplom Video 8.50 ¦ --- Jost Gertrud 1950 Utzenstorf 39.29,3 ----- (43010) Diplom Video 7.53 ¦ --- Jost Ruth 1949 Ipsach 47.46,0 ----- (45181) Diplom Video 9.33 ¦ --- Joye Karine 1969 Châtonnaye 39.14,2 ----- (32052) Diplom Video 7.50 ¦ --- Jud Priska, Ernetschwil 1958 DTV Gommiswald 44.50,5 ----- (43067) Diplom Video 8.58 ¦ --- Kälin Irene, Unteriberg 1964 DTV Unteriberg 47.03,7 ----- (45176) Diplom Video 9.24 ¦ --- Kamber-Hefti Vroni 1962 Luchsingen 48.33,1 ----- (44019) Diplom Video 9.42 ¦ --- Karli Marianne 1958 Zufikon 45.14,8 ----- (44160) Diplom Video 9.02 ¦ --- Kauflin Margrit 1951 Winterthur 47.55,1 ----- (46009) Diplom Video 9.35 ¦ --- Kaufmann Andrea 1965 Kloten 43.27,2 ----- (45041) Diplom Video 8.41 ¦ --- Kaufmann Margrit 1965 Bösingen 43.25,1 ----- (45060) Diplom Video 8.41 ¦ --- Kaufmann Ruth 1966 Lanzenhäusern 49.57,7 ----- (45133) Diplom Video 9.59 ¦ --- Kehrli Sonja 1967 Langnau i. E. 43.43,1 ----- (43162) Diplom Video 8.44 ¦ --- Kellenberger Monica 1947 Ostermundigen 50.16,6 ----- (45191) Diplom Video 10.03 ¦ --- Keller Heidi 1945 Pratteln 50.37,6 ----- (46155) Diplom Video 10.07 ¦ --- Keller Irene 1956 Chur 46.30,0 ----- (45049) Diplom Video 9.18 ¦ --- Keller Käthi 1961 Biberist 46.40,4 ----- (46119) Diplom Video 9.20 ¦ --- Keller Susanne 1958 Windisch 43.04,8 ----- (44048) Diplom Video 8.36 ¦ --- Keller Susanne 1957 Bern 47.45,2 ----- (45190) Diplom Video 9.33 ¦ --- Kinoshita Maki 1973 Bern 43.21,0 ----- (46099) Diplom Video 8.40 ¦ --- Kissling Manuela 1984 Subingen 49.17,3 ----- (46166) Diplom Video 9.51 ¦ --- Knauer Franziska 1970 Konolfingen 52.02,7 ----- (45067) Diplom Video 10.24 ¦ --- Kneubühl Nelli 1966 Uetendorf 41.03,4 ----- (43027) Diplom Video 8.12 ¦ --- Kneubühl Therese 1975 Schliern b. Köniz 43.44,6 ----- (44103) Diplom Video 8.44 ¦ --- Knöpfel Rose-Marie 1949 Münsingen 41.11,5 ----- (43109) Diplom Video 8.14 ¦ --- Knuchel Heidi 1960 Bellach 56.32,2 ----- (46041) Diplom Video 11.18 ¦ --- Koch Gabriela 1962 Gränichen 47.35,7 ----- (46063) Diplom Video 9.31 ¦ --- Koller Anna, Mägenwil 1946 Nordic Walking Treff Mell 44.41,0 ----- (44156) Diplom Video 8.56 ¦ --- Koller Cornelia 1972 Langendorf 43.05,1 ----- (44035) Diplom Video 8.37 ¦ --- Koelliker Ruth 1953 Erlinsbach SO 47.40,3 ----- (46156) Diplom Video 9.32 ¦ --- Kolly-Yoshida Fumi Fumi 1968 Bern 43.20,5 ----- (46180) Diplom Video 8.40 ¦ --- König Annette 1952 Davos Dorf 48.36,2 ----- (45141) Diplom Video 9.43 ¦ --- Kourrich-Holliger Esther 1952 Reinach BL 46.12,5 ----- (45163) Diplom Video 9.14 ¦ --- Kramer Sylvia 1965 Kerzers 47.02,2 ----- (45009) Diplom Video 9.24 ¦ --- Krasniqi Selvete 1966 Mollis 43.46,9 ----- (46136) Diplom Video 8.45 ¦ --- Krattinger Denise 1950 Treyvaux 46.31,6 ----- (44007) Diplom Video 9.18 ¦ --- Krebs Barbara, Uetendorf 1974 Schloss Utzigen gepflegte 47.23,7 ----- (45039) Diplom Video 9.28 ¦ --- Krebs-Brügger Sandra 1968 Uttigen 45.14,8 ----- (42149) Diplom Video 9.02 ¦ --- Krummen-Steiner Marlen 1973 Biglen 51.08,6 ----- (45147) Diplom Video 10.13 ¦ --- Kuhn Alexandra 1969 Gretzenbach 46.11,8 ----- (43048) Diplom Video 9.14 ¦ --- Kuhn-Gerber Doris 1966 Niederhünigen 43.34,4 ----- (45119) Diplom Video 8.42 ¦ --- Kunz Lisbeth 1950 Schenkon 39.11,5 ----- (43043) Diplom Video 7.50 ¦ --- Kunz Marianne 1956 Affoltern am Albis 44.01,9 ----- (44014) Diplom Video 8.48 ¦ --- Kunz Mary 1978 Zufikon 44.18,7 ----- (44161) Diplom Video 8.51 ¦ --- Kunz Sabine 1973 Büttikon AG 44.45,9 ----- (44159) Diplom Video 8.57 ¦ --- Kunz Vreni 1943 Zufikon 50.01,9 ----- (44162) Diplom Video 10.00 ¦ --- Künzi Ruth 1956 Oensingen 46.12,1 ----- (45124) Diplom Video 9.14 ¦ --- Künzler Doris 1982 Meiringen 47.13,3 ----- (46029) Diplom Video 9.26 ¦ --- Kuppelwieser Beatrice 1956 Arosa 45.36,7 ----- (45066) Diplom Video 9.07 ¦ --- Kupper Silvia, Grenchen 1959 Omega 54.40,7 ----- (43035) Diplom Video 10.56 ¦ --- Läderach Margrit 1940 Ostermundigen 46.39,7 ----- (45198) Diplom Video 9.19 ¦ --- Landis Helene 1952 Turgi 47.07,0 ----- (45031) Diplom Video 9.25 ¦ --- Lanz Heidi 1944 Ostermundigen 46.26,5 ----- (45098) Diplom Video 9.17 ¦ --- Lanz-Stirnemann Karin 1974 Münchenbuchsee 43.11,6 ----- (43052) Diplom Video 8.38 ¦ --- Lässer Antoinette 1954 Montherod 41.11,3 ----- (43077) Diplom Video 8.14 ¦ --- Lätt Sandra 1971 Kyburg-Buchegg 38.00,1 ----- (43143) Diplom Video 7.36 ¦ --- Lauber Barbara 1969 D-Weil am Rhein 44.24,1 ----- (45102) Diplom Video 8.52 ¦ --- Lauper Elisabeth 1965 Montcherand 45.32,1 ----- (43050) Diplom Video 9.06 ¦ --- Lauper Jana 1994 Murten 43.29,7 ----- (43156) Diplom Video 8.41 ¦ --- Lauper Silvia 1965 Murten 45.00,6 ----- (43157) Diplom Video 9.00 ¦ --- Layaz Christiane 1967 Treyvaux 43.46,5 ----- (43120) Diplom Video 8.45 ¦ --- Ledergerber Andrea 1983 Waldkirch 51.58,8 ----- (46092) Diplom Video 10.23 ¦ --- Ledergerber Esther 1954 Buchs SG 48.42,7 ----- (46086) Diplom Video 9.44 ¦ --- Ledergerber Monika 1977 Wittenbach 52.01,2 ----- (46139) Diplom Video 10.24 ¦ --- Lehmann-Friedli Agnes 1968 Bettlach 41.20,0 ----- (43129) Diplom Video 8.16 ¦ --- Lehmann Hildi 1950 Gempen 43.51,8 ----- (44119) Diplom Video 8.46 ¦ --- Lehmann Ursula 1956 Münsingen 40.33,8 ----- (43137) Diplom Video 8.06 ¦ --- Lengacher Gabi 1967 Spiez 42.10,4 ----- (43149) Diplom Video 8.26 ¦ --- Leon Zamora Lorena 1962 Gümligen 43.19,5 ----- (43103) Diplom Video 8.39 ¦ --- Lerf-Tgetgel Regula 1963 Schüpfen 49.27,1 ----- (45156) Diplom Video 9.53 ¦ --- Leuenberger Eliane 1963 Kehrsatz 46.47,3 ----- (46054) Diplom Video 9.21 ¦ --- Liberato Jacqueline 1965 Beringen 39.37,1 ----- (43092) Diplom Video 7.55 ¦ --- Liechti Yvonne 1969 Ueberstorf 47.14,2 ----- (45233) Diplom Video 9.26 ¦ --- Liem Mengia 1977 Wolfenschiessen 45.22,9 ----- (44057) Diplom Video 9.04 ¦ --- Lobo Marie-Constance 1958 Lavigny 41.53,6 ----- (43084) Diplom Video 8.22 ¦ --- Locher Daniela 1969 Oberschan 48.39,4 ----- (46107) Diplom Video 9.43 ¦ --- Looser-Bont Franziska 1977 Amriswil 48.05,3 ----- (46082) Diplom Video 9.37 ¦ --- Loosli-Hiller Brigitte 1964 Bubendorf 40.23,1 ----- (43018) Diplom Video 8.04 ¦ --- Lötscher Anne-Marie 1949 Willisau 46.52,7 ----- (43108) Diplom Video 9.22 ¦ --- Lötscher Erika 1954 Grosswangen 48.13,3 ----- (44017) Diplom Video 9.38 ¦ --- Lüchinger Rita 1958 St. Gallen 53.11,2 ----- (45085) Diplom Video 10.38 ¦ --- Lüdi Doris, Gommiswald 1965 DTV Gommiswald 44.50,3 ----- (43069) Diplom Video 8.58 ¦ --- Lüthi Christine 1972 Burgdorf 38.58,5 ----- (43138) Diplom Video 7.47 ¦ --- Macquat Josette 1949 Delémont 46.11,4 ----- (46049) Diplom Video 9.14 ¦ --- Maeder Anneroes 1949 Schliern b. Köniz 46.17,8 ----- (45050) Diplom Video 9.15 ¦ --- Maier Gabriele 1967 Kreuzlingen 45.50,8 ----- (46038) Diplom Video 9.10 ¦ --- Malfatti Christa 1978 Dintikon 46.20,6 ----- (45220) Diplom Video 9.16 ¦ --- Manes Annerös 1959 Burgdorf 45.51,0 ----- (45109) Diplom Video 9.10 ¦ --- Marassi Brigitte 1959 Zürich 59.07,6 ----- (46045) Diplom Video 11.49 ¦ --- Marek Mascha 1981 Köniz 49.10,7 ----- (44146) Diplom Video 9.50 ¦ --- Marolf Anita 1961 Köniz 43.39,8 ----- (45061) Diplom Video 8.43 ¦ --- Marras Edith 1956 Bern 42.02,8 ----- (43102) Diplom Video 8.24 ¦ --- Marti Denise 1949 Biel/Bienne 47.34,6 ----- (45033) Diplom Video 9.30 ¦ --- Marty Rita, Unteriberg 1962 DTV Unteriberg 46.01,5 ----- (45177) Diplom Video 9.12 ¦ --- Marty Sandee, Unteriberg 1960 DTV Unteriberg 47.06,3 ----- (45178) Diplom Video 9.25 ¦ --- Marty Silvia 1977 Lostorf 46.26,5 ----- (45016) Diplom Video 9.17 ¦ --- Marty Ursi, Unteriberg 1969 DTV Unteriberg 46.02,1 ----- (45179) Diplom Video 9.12 ¦ --- Mast Susanna 1949 Kirchdorf BE 45.01,2 ----- (44032) Diplom Video 9.00 ¦ --- Mathis Ingrid 1962 Dallenwil 45.20,0 ----- (44054) Diplom Video 9.04 ¦ --- Mattern Johanna 1976 Oltingen 45.43,1 ----- (45099) Diplom Video 9.08 ¦ --- Maurer Nicole 1983 Reisiswil 43.29,7 ----- (43172) Diplom Video 8.41 ¦ --- Meesters Maya 1955 Luchsingen 45.33,6 ----- (44020) Diplom Video 9.06 ¦ --- Meier Hanni 1942 Tägerig 53.57,6 ----- (44158) Diplom Video 10.47 ¦ --- Meier Susanne 1968 Herzogenbuchsee 40.42,6 ----- (43005) Diplom Video 8.08 ¦ --- Meloni-Ceresa Angela 1959 Iragna 47.29,7 ----- (46085) Diplom Video 9.29 ¦ --- Meyer-Bleiker Esther 1953 Volketswil 48.27,9 ----- (45194) Diplom Video 9.41 ¦ --- Meyer Claudia 1969 Bolligen 43.36,1 ----- (46116) Diplom Video 8.43 ¦ --- Meyer Gabi 1974 Thun 50.04,6 ----- (45162) Diplom Video 10.00 ¦ --- Michel Heidy 1953 Sarnen 39.01,9 ----- (43008) Diplom Video 7.48 ¦ --- Michel Katharina 1957 Ersigen 44.24,2 ----- (45044) Diplom Video 8.52 ¦ --- Michel-Tüscher Verena 1965 Gerlafingen 46.08,7 ----- (45206) Diplom Video 9.13 ¦ --- Milani Rita 1947 Dietikon 40.56,9 ----- (43179) Diplom Video 8.11 ¦ --- Minder Renate 1959 Liebefeld 47.08,5 ----- (45159) Diplom Video 9.25 ¦ --- Minder-Rutishauser Claudia 1968 Zürich 43.49,1 ----- (43117) Diplom Video 8.45 ¦ --- Minder Ursula 1961 Unterägeri 39.42,3 ----- (43070) Diplom Video 7.56 ¦ --- Möckli Sonja 1973 Konolfingen 52.00,9 ----- (45068) Diplom Video 10.24 ¦ --- Monnard Priska 1965 Rolle 44.06,0 ----- (45002) Diplom Video 8.49 ¦ --- Monneron Françoise 1969 Niederwangen b. Bern 44.07,8 ----- (44166) Diplom Video 8.49 ¦ --- Moser Elisabeth 1961 Landiswil 45.01,7 ----- (45186) Diplom Video 9.00 ¦ --- Moser Lea 1991 Kehrsatz 46.48,0 ----- (46055) Diplom Video 9.21 ¦ --- Moser Zeiter Karin 1966 Triengen 40.03,0 ----- (43071) Diplom Video 8.00 ¦ --- Mosimann Anne-Marie 1954 St-Aubin FR 46.57,4 ----- (44165) Diplom Video 9.23 ¦ --- Mosimann Regula 1969 Herzogenbuchsee 47.52,5 ----- (46111) Diplom Video 9.34 ¦ --- Mühlethaler Erika 1944 Wilen b. Wil 44.38,6 ----- (44024) Diplom Video 8.55 ¦ --- Muhmenthaler Rahel 1972 Solothurn 52.47,1 ----- (45015) Diplom Video 10.33 ¦ --- Mulle Marie Theres 1940 Altdorf UR 47.19,5 ----- (45072) Diplom Video 9.27 ¦ --- Müller Clara, FL-Schaan 1956 LSB 51.18,8 ----- (45175) Diplom Video 10.15 ¦ --- Müller Claudine 1969 Köniz 50.36,2 ----- (46044) Diplom Video 10.07 ¦ --- Müller Jeannette 1967 Birmenstorf AG 44.17,1 ----- (46005) Diplom Video 8.51 ¦ --- Müller Karin 1980 Lenzburg 39.46,3 ----- (43173) Diplom Video 7.57 ¦ --- Müller Regina 1956 Wettingen 45.08,9 ----- (44096) Diplom Video 9.01 ¦ --- Müller Regina 1968 Umiken 42.14,0 ----- (44090) Diplom Video 8.26 ¦ --- Muller Véronique 1969 Belfaux 43.59,6 ----- (45242) Diplom Video 8.47 ¦ --- Müller Yvonne 1967 Henggart 41.30,6 ----- (43093) Diplom Video 8.18 ¦ --- Mutzner Nicole 1971 Haldenstein 47.26,4 ----- (45122) Diplom Video 9.29 ¦ --- Näf Trudi 1947 Uznach 45.43,0 ----- (45182) Diplom Video 9.08 ¦ --- Nägeli Heidi, Mellingen 1949 Nordic Walking Treff Mell 53.55,3 ----- (44157) Diplom Video 10.47 ¦ --- Naussed Berta 1951 Schlatt TG 54.59,1 ----- (46069) Diplom Video 10.59 ¦ --- Negroni Claudia 1965 4142 Münchenstein 46.18,5 ----- (46095) Diplom Video 9.15 ¦ --- Neuenschwander Edith 1970 Langenthal 38.59,7 ----- (43045) Diplom Video 7.47 ¦ --- Neuenschwander Ursula 1954 Rüegsauschachen 46.25,6 ----- (45215) Diplom Video 9.17 ¦ --- Neuhaus Bernadette 1960 Zeihen 45.03,3 ----- (45217) Diplom Video 9.00 ¦ --- Neuhaus Sarah 1985 Sulz AG 42.22,4 ----- (44152) Diplom Video 8.28 ¦ --- Nicolet Denise 1959 Treyvaux 43.45,7 ----- (43072) Diplom Video 8.45 ¦ --- Niederberger Monika 1973 Dallenwil 43.28,1 ----- (44055) Diplom Video 8.41 ¦ --- Niederberger Ruth 1964 Stans 45.20,4 ----- (44052) Diplom Video 9.04 ¦ --- Niederberger Ruth 1968 Oberdorf NW 40.01,4 ----- (43031) Diplom Video 8.00 ¦ --- Nikles Pia 1962 Chur 47.24,5 ----- (45120) Diplom Video 9.28 ¦ --- Nobs Marianne 1963 Schüpfen 52.28,7 ----- (46024) Diplom Video 10.29 ¦ --- Noël Béatrice 1947 Middes 46.41,2 ----- (43106) Diplom Video 9.20 ¦ --- Noël Chantal 1979 Le Pâquier-Montbarry 46.40,5 ----- (43105) Diplom Video 9.20 ¦ --- Noll Ruth 1946 Glis 51.29,8 ----- (45243) Diplom Video 10.17 ¦ --- Notter Iris 1968 Niederlenz 1:02.06,4 ----- (46132) Diplom Video 12.25 ¦ --- Nüesch Margaret 1956 Spreitenbach 47.02,6 ----- (43096) Diplom Video 9.24 ¦ --- Nussbaumer-Schnell Patricia 1971 Liesberg Dorf 44.05,0 ----- (44121) Diplom Video 8.49 ¦ --- Nyikos Hedi 1945 Bettingen 41.47,6 ----- (43063) Diplom Video 8.21 ¦ --- Odermatt Monika 1972 Horw 44.38,7 ----- (45137) Diplom Video 8.55 ¦ --- Palumbo Cornelia 1958 Wettingen 49.36,7 ----- (44097) Diplom Video 9.55 ¦ --- Paratusic Mediha 1974 Oberurnen 43.49,8 ----- (46137) Diplom Video 8.45 ¦ --- Parvex Sibylle 1977 Wohlen AG 47.22,3 ----- (46131) Diplom Video 9.28 ¦ --- Pascucci Giuseppina 1969 Meyrin 1:00.45,3 ----- (46170) Diplom Video 12.09 ¦ --- Patané Maria 1991 Ipsach 40.07,4 ----- (44101) Diplom Video 8.01 ¦ --- Pauchard Germaine 1954 Düdingen 46.42,9 ----- (43088) Diplom Video 9.20 ¦ --- Pauli Lilian 1966 Rubigen 45.51,0 ----- (44104) Diplom Video 9.10 ¦ --- Pauli Renate 1966 Schlosswil 47.23,7 ----- (45006) Diplom Video 9.28 ¦ --- Paulmichl Raffaela 1983 Oetwil am See 48.13,5 ----- (46176) Diplom Video 9.38 ¦ --- Perissinotto Barbara, Surava 1963 ARGO 54.11,4 ----- (45167) Diplom Video 10.50 ¦ --- Perret Elsbeth 1951 Spiez 39.55,2 ----- (43016) Diplom Video 7.59 ¦ --- Petrasinovic Rada 1966 Luzern 39.47,5 ----- (43147) Diplom Video 7.57 ¦ --- Pezzoli Emma 1964 Bodio TI 47.35,0 ----- (46030) Diplom Video 9.31 ¦ --- Pfeifer Cilly, FL-Ruggell 1953 LSB 42.10,0 ----- (45172) Diplom Video 8.26 ¦ --- Pfister-Helfer Claudine 1963 Gerzensee 48.18,9 ----- (44086) Diplom Video 9.39 ¦ --- Pletscher Regina 1958 Bubendorf 44.17,3 ----- (43100) Diplom Video 8.51 ¦ --- Polo Florentina 1952 Bern 51.41,8 ----- (46059) Diplom Video 10.20 ¦ --- Poppi Irma 1934 Uster 51.56,5 ----- (46016) Diplom Video 10.23 ¦ --- Portmann Yvonne 1973 Rümlang 42.15,9 ----- (44124) Diplom Video 8.27 ¦ --- Prevost Eveline 1974 Jonen 44.14,6 ----- (43134) Diplom Video 8.50 ¦ --- Prior Ursula 1958 Reutigen 40.58,0 ----- (44167) Diplom Video 8.11 ¦ --- Progler Sylvie 1961 Les Diablerets 48.01,4 ----- (45235) Diplom Video 9.36 ¦ --- Quadranti Rosmarie 1957 Volketswil 42.21,0 ----- (44068) Diplom Video 8.28 ¦ --- Quiblier Florence 1965 Rolle 55.58,0 ----- (44132) Diplom Video 11.11 ¦ --- Quindos Carmen 1954 Ostermundigen 51.42,4 ----- (46019) Diplom Video 10.20 ¦ --- Racine-Friedli Margret 1956 Sonvilier 47.00,9 ----- (45155) Diplom Video 9.24 ¦ --- Racine Katiou 1972 Delémont 46.10,5 ----- (46050) Diplom Video 9.14 ¦ --- Rapaz Bernadette 1962 Lugnorre 45.52,9 ----- (44136) Diplom Video 9.10 ¦ --- Rappazzo Rosa 1948 Meyrin 1:00.45,9 ----- (46171) Diplom Video 12.09 ¦ --- Rätzer Margrit 1943 Othmarsingen 43.19,6 ----- (43116) Diplom Video 8.39 ¦ --- Rauber Beatrice 1967 Bellach 40.01,0 ----- (43159) Diplom Video 8.00 ¦ --- Reber Erika 1977 Wichtrach 45.36,5 ----- (45161) Diplom Video 9.07 ¦ --- Reber Mirjam 1975 Lohn-Ammannsegg 52.46,5 ----- (44151) Diplom Video 10.33 ¦ --- Reber Nadja 1994 Schüpbach 42.19,5 ----- (44150) Diplom Video 8.27 ¦ --- Reber Ruth 1962 Fankhaus (Trub) 45.13,1 ----- (44029) Diplom Video 9.02 ¦ --- Renggli Sandra 1975 Füllinsdorf 46.14,0 ----- (45164) Diplom Video 9.14 ¦ --- Renz-Bättig Christine 1954 Münchenbuchsee 44.49,6 ----- (45193) Diplom Video 8.57 ¦ --- Repond Marlies 1966 Kleingurmels 50.23,2 ----- (44067) Diplom Video 10.04 ¦ --- Ricklin Madeleine, Uznach 1954 DTV Gommiswald 44.50,5 ----- (43068) Diplom Video 8.58 ¦ --- Riehm-Reiser Renata 1956 Uster 44.09,5 ----- (44129) Diplom Video 8.49 ¦ --- Riesch Lotti 1940 Chur 51.16,7 ----- (45113) Diplom Video 10.15 ¦ --- Riesen Ruth 1966 Hinterfultigen 45.06,6 ----- (43128) Diplom Video 9.01 ¦ --- Rime Véronique 1964 Genève 39.18,4 ----- (45151) Diplom Video 7.51 ¦ --- Rindlisbacher Bernadette 1954 Alterswil FR 45.15,0 ----- (44059) Diplom Video 9.03 ¦ --- Riner Sonja 1969 Faoug 44.02,7 ----- (44039) Diplom Video 8.48 ¦ --- Ritter Buri Verena 1959 Hettiswil b. Hindelbank 44.22,8 ----- (45032) Diplom Video 8.52 ¦ --- Ritter Kathia 1954 Siglistorf 42.15,2 ----- (43065) Diplom Video 8.27 ¦ --- Ritter Susanne 1968 Oberburg 54.03,2 ----- (45110) Diplom Video 10.48 ¦ --- Roffler Heidi 1957 Luzein 48.08,5 ----- (44074) Diplom Video 9.37 ¦ --- Rosenberger Sabrina 1988 Schliern b. Köniz 49.10,7 ----- (44147) Diplom Video 9.50 ¦ --- Rosset Claire-Lise 1954 Bougy-Villars 46.33,0 ----- (45045) Diplom Video 9.18 ¦ --- Röst Mar 1944 Kreuzlingen 54.04,4 ----- (44072) Diplom Video 10.48 ¦ --- Roth Vreni, Wängi 1963 Wängi Walk 46.46,5 ----- (45139) Diplom Video 9.21 ¦ --- Rothen Angela 1993 Schlosswil 51.07,0 ----- (45144) Diplom Video 10.13 ¦ --- Röthlin Maria 1964 Sarnen 47.03,7 ----- (45165) Diplom Video 9.24 ¦ --- Röthlisberger Theres 1962 Leuzigen 47.14,4 ----- (45082) Diplom Video 9.26 ¦ --- Rubi Erika 1968 Kirchdorf BE 46.50,1 ----- (43164) Diplom Video 9.22 ¦ --- Rüde Fabienne 1963 Lugnorre 43.00,2 ----- (44137) Diplom Video 8.36 ¦ --- Rudolf von Rohr Pia 1967 Subingen 40.41,6 ----- (43113) Diplom Video 8.08 ¦ --- Rufener Heidi 1946 Thun 48.05,9 ----- (45200) Diplom Video 9.37 ¦ --- Rufer Ursula, Hindelbank 1953 Schloss Utzigen gepflegte 47.26,6 ----- (45038) Diplom Video 9.29 ¦ --- Rütsche Andrea 1968 Caslano 46.08,6 ----- (45142) Diplom Video 9.13 ¦ --- Saladin Sandra 1969 Safenwil 45.41,9 ----- (43011) Diplom Video 9.08 ¦ --- Salituro Emanuela 1969 Bern 49.13,2 ----- (45087) Diplom Video 9.50 ¦ --- Salzmann Claire 1968 Bavois 45.34,1 ----- (43136) Diplom Video 9.06 ¦ --- Savoy Viviane 1947 Petit-Lancy 1:00.28,3 ----- (46169) Diplom Video 12.05 ¦ --- Saxer Eva, Utzigen 1970 Schloss Utzigen gepflegte 47.24,8 ----- (45036) Diplom Video 9.28 ¦ --- Scartazzini Sandra 1981 Belp 55.37,4 ----- (45214) Diplom Video 11.07 ¦ --- Scerri Alessandra 1991 Genève 46.04,8 ----- (45148) Diplom Video 9.12 ¦ --- Scerri Anne 1960 Genève 46.00,2 ----- (45149) Diplom Video 9.12 ¦ --- Schäfer Iris 1967 Roggwil BE 48.05,9 ----- (45048) Diplom Video 9.37 ¦ --- Schai-Graf Christine 1965 Niederlenz 47.13,2 ----- (45093) Diplom Video 9.26 ¦ --- Schär Sandra 1964 Bern 45.32,6 ----- (45080) Diplom Video 9.06 ¦ --- Schärer Kathrin, Wängi 1950 Wängi Walk 46.49,9 ----- (45140) Diplom Video 9.21 ¦ --- Schärer Liselotte 1956 Ostermundigen 42.31,9 ----- (43177) Diplom Video 8.30 ¦ --- Schatzmann-Zweifel Bettina 1963 Hausen AG 46.35,5 ----- (43182) Diplom Video 9.19 ¦ --- Schaufelberger Sibylle 1964 Spiez 46.02,5 ----- (45195) Diplom Video 9.12 ¦ --- Schellenberg Susanne 1961 Egg b. Zürich 44.33,6 ----- (43056) Diplom Video 8.54 ¦ --- Schelshorn Sonja 1964 Safenwil 42.02,4 ----- (43012) Diplom Video 8.24 ¦ --- Schenker Rosmarie 1957 Rothrist 48.14,5 ----- (46072) Diplom Video 9.38 ¦ --- Schild-Riesen Marianna 1965 Muntelier 51.28,3 ----- (45086) Diplom Video 10.17 ¦ --- Schlatter Marianne, Riniken 1955 Nordic Walking Treff Mell 49.54,9 ----- (44153) Diplom Video 9.58 ¦ --- Schlosshauer Edelgard 1948 Belp 46.53,6 ----- (45091) Diplom Video 9.22 ¦ --- Schlup Doris 1972 Brügglen 37.37,0 ----- (43142) Diplom Video 7.31 ¦ --- Schmid-Haslebacher Astrid 1967 Muri b. Bern 45.59,3 ----- (44171) Diplom Video 9.11 ¦ --- Schmid Silvia 1961 Dintikon 44.18,1 ----- (46060) Diplom Video 8.51 ¦ --- Schmidlin Anita 1972 Bern 43.58,4 ----- (43166) Diplom Video 8.47 ¦ --- Schmidt Denise 1964 Cornaux NE 43.07,9 ----- (44141) Diplom Video 8.37 ¦ --- Schmidt Michaela 1977 Steffisburg 42.20,0 ----- (44066) Diplom Video 8.28 ¦ --- Schmucki Bianca 1978 Basel 50.49,1 ----- (46090) Diplom Video 10.09 ¦ --- Schmucki Ursula 1957 Ebikon 41.36,2 ----- (44049) Diplom Video 8.19 ¦ --- Schmutz-Wälti Daniela 1972 Bern 45.34,8 ----- (45131) Diplom Video 9.06 ¦ --- Schneibel Yvonne 1973 Greifensee 46.59,8 ----- (46106) Diplom Video 9.23 ¦ --- Schneider Cornelia 1975 Mels 44.34,1 ----- (45019) Diplom Video 8.54 ¦ --- Schneider Luzia 1957 Lichtensteig 44.16,7 ----- (46159) Diplom Video 8.51 ¦ --- Schneider Marianne 1961 Brüttelen 44.07,6 ----- (43085) Diplom Video 8.49 ¦ --- Schneider Zita 1963 Bellach 56.32,2 ----- (46042) Diplom Video 11.18 ¦ --- Schneiter Daniela 1977 Hünibach 46.05,5 ----- (45076) Diplom Video 9.13 ¦ --- Schneiter Manuela 1978 Morschach 48.32,3 ----- (45224) Diplom Video 9.42 ¦ --- Schnell-Kaeser Patricia 1962 Schmitten FR 43.35,1 ----- (43180) Diplom Video 8.43 ¦ --- Schoeb Anne-Catherine 1970 Rolle 55.57,3 ----- (44133) Diplom Video 11.11 ¦ --- Schocher Annemarie 1957 Malix 42.53,0 ----- (43055) Diplom Video 8.34 ¦ --- Schönenberger-Hofmann Trudi, Kir 1957 Oberstufe Kirchberg SG Te 47.51,6 ----- (45024) Diplom Video 9.34 ¦ --- Schönenberger Melanie 1983 St. Gallen 47.48,4 ----- (45021) Diplom Video 9.33 ¦ --- Schori Karin 1971 Studen BE 46.15,2 ----- (45180) Diplom Video 9.15 ¦ --- Schorr Heidi 1966 Aarwangen 47.35,0 ----- (45230) Diplom Video 9.31 ¦ --- Schrag Jenny 1995 Aegerten 45.30,2 ----- (44040) Diplom Video 9.06 ¦ --- Schröder Karla 1957 Gümmenen 46.17,4 ----- (45007) Diplom Video 9.15 ¦ --- Schuler Claudia 1967 Steinen 44.30,6 ----- (46067) Diplom Video 8.54 ¦ --- Schüpbach Regula 1967 Brünisried 43.00,5 ----- (44070) Diplom Video 8.36 ¦ --- Schüpbach Sabine 1961 Stettlen 44.28,8 ----- (45135) Diplom Video 8.53 ¦ --- Schüpbach Sandra 1972 Grosshöchstetten 43.43,6 ----- (43161) Diplom Video 8.44 ¦ --- Schürch Renate 1971 Belp 44.05,8 ----- (45064) Diplom Video 8.49 ¦ --- Schürch Vanessa 1983 Basel 50.48,9 ----- (46091) Diplom Video 10.09 ¦ --- Schütz Claudia 1976 Biel/Bienne 45.51,3 ----- (45095) Diplom Video 9.10 ¦ --- Schütz Esther, Bettlach 1956 Omega 43.57,0 ----- (43038) Diplom Video 8.47 ¦ --- Schütz Romina, Grenchen 1988 Omega 42.58,5 ----- (43036) Diplom Video 8.35 ¦ --- Schwab Annemarie 1949 Leuzigen 47.26,8 ----- (45083) Diplom Video 9.29 ¦ --- Schwarz-Marti Claudia 1970 Schüpfen 49.09,3 ----- (44084) Diplom Video 9.49 ¦ --- Schwegler Brigitte 1958 Neuenhof 47.08,4 ----- (44099) Diplom Video 9.25 ¦ --- Seliner Sabrina 1970 Niederurnen 44.48,4 ----- (46103) Diplom Video 8.57 ¦ --- Seliner Ursula 1967 Murg 48.26,6 ----- (45185) Diplom Video 9.41 ¦ --- Senn Mariann 1958 Buchs SG 45.02,1 ----- (45226) Diplom Video 9.00 ¦ --- Shahria Mundiyati 1980 Wabern 49.40,2 ----- (46181) Diplom Video 9.56 ¦ --- Sharp Ruth 1951 Schüpfen 52.29,7 ----- (46025) Diplom Video 10.29 ¦ --- Simeone Vittoria 1969 Staufen 49.09,3 ----- (44122) Diplom Video 9.49 ¦ --- Singy Barbara 1971 Gränichen 47.13,4 ----- (45092) Diplom Video 9.26 ¦ --- Sommer Anita 1993 Lützelflüh-Goldbach 39.48,9 ----- (43168) Diplom Video 7.57 ¦ --- Sommer Sabrina 1979 Rorschach 48.56,2 ----- (45023) Diplom Video 9.47 ¦ --- Sonnard Monique 1960 Pully 53.22,2 ----- (44131) Diplom Video 10.40 ¦ --- Sooder Barbara 1948 Belp 47.03,9 ----- (45245) Diplom Video 9.24 ¦ --- Spahr Ursula 1967 Langenthal 45.38,9 ----- (44089) Diplom Video 9.07 ¦ --- Spalt Monika, FL-Ruggell 1958 LSB 44.31,3 ----- (45173) Diplom Video 8.54 ¦ --- Späti Franziska 1962 Bellach 42.40,2 ----- (44031) Diplom Video 8.32 ¦ --- Sprenger Annemarie 1946 Rickenbach b. Wil 47.46,8 ----- (45089) Diplom Video 9.33 ¦ --- Stadelmann Pia 1955 Frick 42.59,3 ----- (46127) Diplom Video 8.35 ¦ --- Städler Mirjam 1955 Altstätten SG 42.23,3 ----- (43118) Diplom Video 8.28 ¦ --- Stäger Daniela 1967 Biglen 46.56,4 ----- (43122) Diplom Video 9.23 ¦ --- Stampfli Eveline 1967 Solothurn 46.43,4 ----- (44079) Diplom Video 9.20 ¦ --- Stampfli Manuela 1969 Bolken 43.24,7 ----- (44080) Diplom Video 8.40 ¦ --- Stauffer Regine 1956 La Chaux-de-Fonds 37.11,9 ----- (43009) Diplom Video 7.26 ¦ --- Steffen Lisbeth 1947 Belp 49.14,5 ----- (45065) Diplom Video 9.50 ¦ --- Steiner Heidi 1952 Worb 50.13,9 ----- (45158) Diplom Video 10.02 ¦ --- Steiner Käthi 1942 Schlosswil 51.07,0 ----- (45145) Diplom Video 10.13 ¦ --- Steiner Ruth 1973 Menzingen 48.19,5 ----- (45055) Diplom Video 9.39 ¦ --- Steiner Ursula 1972 Hasle-Rüegsau 43.34,5 ----- (46117) Diplom Video 8.42 ¦ --- Steinmann Milena 1980 Utzenstorf 38.10,6 ----- (43139) Diplom Video 7.38 ¦ --- Steur Margrit 1946 Belp 42.44,8 ----- (43127) Diplom Video 8.32 ¦ --- Stieger Angelika 1964 Hinterforst 48.06,3 ----- (45129) Diplom Video 9.37 ¦ --- Stieger Martina 1964 Hinterforst 48.06,3 ----- (45130) Diplom Video 9.37 ¦ --- Stillhart Claudia 1972 Jona 41.33,3 ----- (43061) Diplom Video 8.18 ¦ --- Stöckli Ursula 1953 Susten 43.11,5 ----- (43132) Diplom Video 8.38 ¦ --- Strässle Daniela 1960 Schötz 44.59,0 ----- (44163) Diplom Video 8.59 ¦ --- Streuli Marlene 1961 Tegerfelden 40.24,0 ----- (45219) Diplom Video 8.04 ¦ --- Streuli Ramona 1985 Würenlingen 44.24,5 ----- (45218) Diplom Video 8.52 ¦ --- Strotz Patricia 1969 Gunzwil 50.33,8 ----- (46064) Diplom Video 10.06 ¦ --- Stuber Margrit, Kirchberg BE 1956 Oberstufe Pestalozzi Team 41.44,6 ----- (44004) Diplom Video 8.20 ¦ --- Stucki Barbara 1956 Zollikofen 38.49,1 ----- (43171) Diplom Video 7.45 ¦ --- Studer Elisabeth 1952 Frick 44.51,6 ----- (46128) Diplom Video 8.58 ¦ --- Studer Therese 1955 Deitingen 42.26,2 ----- (46004) Diplom Video 8.29 ¦ --- Stuker Therese 1955 Melchnau 43.43,0 ----- (43075) Diplom Video 8.44 ¦ --- Sturzenegger Barbara 1970 Walkringen 46.24,9 ----- (45201) Diplom Video 9.16 ¦ --- Suri Marianne, Aefligen 1954 Oberstufe Pestalozzi Team 41.43,1 ----- (44005) Diplom Video 8.20 ¦ --- Sutter Ananda, Bern 1964 Schloss Utzigen gepflegte 47.20,8 ----- (45034) Diplom Video 9.28 ¦ --- Sutter Esther 1951 Uznach 47.04,9 ----- (45183) Diplom Video 9.24 ¦ --- Sütterlin Cornelia 1970 Münchenstein 46.17,2 ----- (46094) Diplom Video 9.15 ¦ --- Sütterlin Verena 1949 Schönenbuch 45.28,0 ----- (44033) Diplom Video 9.05 ¦ --- Tanner Erika 1959 Schüpfheim 40.54,1 ----- (46179) Diplom Video 8.10 ¦ --- Tantanini Margrit 1943 Opfikon 52.49,2 ----- (46158) Diplom Video 10.33 ¦ --- Tassone Maria 1966 Bern 41.21,1 ----- (44041) Diplom Video 8.16 ¦ --- Teutsch Daniela 1962 Frick 46.07,9 ----- (46129) Diplom Video 9.13 ¦ --- Theobald Berti Stephanie 1961 Zollikon 49.59,6 ----- (45189) Diplom Video 9.59 ¦ --- Theurillat Erna 1931 Courtemaîche 48.35,1 ----- (45128) Diplom Video 9.43 ¦ --- Thomi Michelle 1944 Meyrin 1:00.25,3 ----- (46172) Diplom Video 12.05 ¦ --- Thommen Karin 1961 Füllinsdorf 46.53,6 ----- (44073) Diplom Video 9.22 ¦ --- Thuer Beatrice 1962 Wabern 44.31,0 ----- (43078) Diplom Video 8.54 ¦ --- Thurnherr Simone, Oberriet SG 1977 Bewegen. Mit Spass und Ja 53.49,2 ----- (45205) Diplom Video 10.45 ¦ --- Tichy Angelika 1983 Wädenswil 51.40,3 ----- (46046) Diplom Video 10.20 ¦ --- Tichy Ursula 1941 D-Tübingen 51.41,4 ----- (46047) Diplom Video 10.20 ¦ --- Tisma Caroline 1960 Chêne-Bougeries 47.19,9 ----- (45152) Diplom Video 9.27 ¦ --- Tomaschett Katharina 1955 Affoltern am Albis 44.02,6 ----- (43095) Diplom Video 8.48 ¦ --- Tonazzo Anita 1953 Zollikofen 48.40,6 ----- (46053) Diplom Video 9.44 ¦ --- Trachsel Daniela 1988 Grossaffoltern 49.38,9 ----- (45074) Diplom Video 9.55 ¦ --- Trösch Simone 1980 Staufen 49.09,7 ----- (44123) Diplom Video 9.49 ¦ --- Trost Daniela 1973 Wettingen 49.39,2 ----- (44098) Diplom Video 9.55 ¦ --- Troxler Manuela 1977 Buochs 44.25,0 ----- (44169) Diplom Video 8.53 ¦ --- Tschudin Françoise 1945 Neuchâtel 58.15,6 ----- (46113) Diplom Video 11.39 ¦ --- Tschumi Daniela 1967 Bettlach 39.50,8 ----- (43019) Diplom Video 7.58 ¦ --- Tschumi Horti 1946 Ersigen 43.14,9 ----- (43151) Diplom Video 8.38 ¦ --- Uhlmann Brigitte 1958 Nottwil 41.36,8 ----- (44050) Diplom Video 8.19 ¦ --- Unternährer Nicole 1983 Dietwil 47.51,5 ----- (44010) Diplom Video 9.34 ¦ --- Utiger Denise 1981 Ittigen 47.30,9 ----- (45057) Diplom Video 9.30 ¦ --- Utiger Liliane 1953 Meikirch 47.29,7 ----- (45056) Diplom Video 9.29 ¦ --- Uttinger Sylvie 1952 Horgen 42.39,2 ----- (44027) Diplom Video 8.31 ¦ --- Van Winckel Els 1961 Nyon 48.49,1 ----- (46163) Diplom Video 9.45 ¦ --- Vaucher-Rollat Josiane 1953 Le Locle 51.15,9 ----- (44069) Diplom Video 10.15 ¦ --- Vauthier Christiane 1955 Cernier 39.26,5 ----- (43150) Diplom Video 7.53 ¦ --- Villiger Theresia 1962 Wabern 48.38,6 ----- (45204) Diplom Video 9.43 ¦ --- Vinzens Rosmarie 1940 Wabern 43.32,8 ----- (43082) Diplom Video 8.42 ¦ --- Vlacic Dragana 1972 Urnäsch 43.06,0 ----- (43125) Diplom Video 8.37 ¦ --- Vögeli Maria Do Carmo 1968 Frick 43.54,4 ----- (46130) Diplom Video 8.46 ¦ --- Vogelsang Sabrina 1981 Kirchdorf AG 49.41,6 ----- (46020) Diplom Video 9.56 ¦ --- Vogelsanger Monika 1965 Untersiggenthal 42.27,2 ----- (46018) Diplom Video 8.29 ¦ --- Voirol Marielle 1963 Fontainemelon 47.46,4 ----- (44140) Diplom Video 9.33 ¦ --- von Arx Christine 1968 Münchenbuchsee 42.30,3 ----- (46184) Diplom Video 8.30 ¦ --- von Arx Sylvie 1962 Sarnen 44.36,5 ----- (45221) Diplom Video 8.55 ¦ --- von Bergen Andrea 1975 Sarnen 39.02,7 ----- (43007) Diplom Video 7.48 ¦ --- von Bergen Andrea 1976 Brienzwiler 47.15,1 ----- (46028) Diplom Video 9.27 ¦ --- von Niederhäusern Liselotte 1958 Flamatt 47.15,2 ----- (45187) Diplom Video 9.27 ¦ --- Vonlanthen Nicole 1972 Heitenried 43.14,3 ----- (43112) Diplom Video 8.38 ¦ --- Vontobel Alice 1939 Frauenfeld 48.41,3 ----- (45127) Diplom Video 9.44 ¦ --- Walker Erika 1957 Hätzingen 45.35,6 ----- (44018) Diplom Video 9.07 ¦ --- Waelter Angela 1978 Oberuzwil 47.48,3 ----- (45203) Diplom Video 9.33 ¦ --- Walther Annemarie 1944 Kreuzlingen 50.32,5 ----- (46039) Diplom Video 10.06 ¦ --- Walther Brigitte 1970 Kreuzlingen 50.26,9 ----- (46040) Diplom Video 10.05 ¦ --- Wälti Monika 1969 Walterswil SO 40.53,2 ----- (45084) Diplom Video 8.10 ¦ --- Weber Elisabeth, Nesselnbach 1953 Nordic Walking Treff Mell 40.58,4 ----- (45018) Diplom Video 8.11 ¦ --- Wegmüller-Schenk Kathrin 1969 Stettlen 49.24,8 ----- (45157) Diplom Video 9.52 ¦ --- Wehrle-Portmann Irene 1966 Dierikon 42.56,1 ----- (43123) Diplom Video 8.35 ¦ --- Weibel Janine 1980 Reigoldswil 44.58,6 ----- (45028) Diplom Video 8.59 ¦ --- Weingartner Ruth 1960 Luzern 41.29,9 ----- (43073) Diplom Video 8.17 ¦ --- Weishaupt Inge 1940 Ueberstorf 52.37,2 ----- (46027) Diplom Video 10.31 ¦ --- Weissberg Madeleine 1957 Biel/Bienne 47.45,6 ----- (45105) Diplom Video 9.33 ¦ --- Weisskopf Patricia 1966 Münchenstein 41.08,2 ----- (45234) Diplom Video 8.13 ¦ --- Wener Beatrice 1983 Sumiswald 46.47,5 ----- (45010) Diplom Video 9.21 ¦ --- Wenger Birgit 1976 Heimberg 42.20,5 ----- (46058) Diplom Video 8.28 ¦ --- Wenger Zhana 1977 La Chaux-de-Fonds 47.45,6 ----- (44142) Diplom Video 9.33 ¦ --- Wernli Brigitte 1965 Niederlenz 43.31,7 ----- (45094) Diplom Video 8.42 ¦ --- Werren Agnes 1949 Seon 1:02.08,3 ----- (46062) Diplom Video 12.25 ¦ --- Werthmüller Manuela 1986 Köniz 55.37,7 ----- (45212) Diplom Video 11.07 ¦ --- Wettstein Martine 1955 Genève 45.59,4 ----- (45209) Diplom Video 9.11 ¦ --- Widmer Petra 1963 Dietikon 44.02,1 ----- (46022) Diplom Video 8.48 ¦ --- Willisch Ernestine 1939 Täsch 47.48,6 ----- (45134) Diplom Video 9.33 ¦ --- Windlin Silvia 1960 Sarnen 47.03,9 ----- (45166) Diplom Video 9.24 ¦ --- Winterflood Michèle 1972 Beringen 44.21,6 ----- (45069) Diplom Video 8.52 ¦ --- Winz Brigitte 1971 Utzenstorf 42.37,6 ----- (43026) Diplom Video 8.31 ¦ --- Winz Karin, Nidau 1984 Omega 42.58,1 ----- (43040) Diplom Video 8.35 ¦ --- Witschi Barbara 1947 Birr-Lupfig 48.53,4 ----- (46006) Diplom Video 9.46 ¦ --- Witschi Sabine 1978 Baden 48.51,8 ----- (46007) Diplom Video 9.46 ¦ --- Wolf Hélène 1951 Grolley 42.08,7 ----- (45003) Diplom Video 8.25 ¦ --- Wüthrich Karin 1971 Utzigen 41.41,7 ----- (44002) Diplom Video 8.20 ¦ --- Wyder Lisabeth 1953 Neuenegg 43.43,8 ----- (44106) Diplom Video 8.44 ¦ --- Wyser Verena, Surava 1972 ARGO 54.15,1 ----- (45169) Diplom Video 10.51 ¦ --- Wyss Regula 1975 Konolfingen 45.35,7 ----- (45043) Diplom Video 9.07 ¦ --- Wyss Susanne 1958 Aarwangen 47.34,5 ----- (45231) Diplom Video 9.30 ¦ --- Wyssen Silvia 1963 Heimenschwand 44.06,0 ----- (44028) Diplom Video 8.49 ¦ --- Zbinden Anne-Marie 1957 Courtaman 46.12,3 ----- (44138) Diplom Video 9.14 ¦ --- Zbinden Barbara 1981 Schüpfen 47.20,0 ----- (45078) Diplom Video 9.28 ¦ --- Zbinden Marlise 1947 Jeuss 47.20,3 ----- (45079) Diplom Video 9.28 ¦ --- Zbinden Vreni 1937 Egg b. Zürich 51.45,1 ----- (46083) Diplom Video 10.21 ¦ --- Zeller Andrea 1973 Stechelberg 47.25,3 ----- (45239) Diplom Video 9.29 ¦ --- Zeller Lilly 1950 Zweisimmen 45.53,4 ----- (43141) Diplom Video 9.10 ¦ --- Zeller Petra 1967 Henggart 40.20,3 ----- (43094) Diplom Video 8.04 ¦ --- Ziehler Cornelia 1973 Boniswil 48.42,2 ----- (46108) Diplom Video 9.44 ¦ --- Zihlmann Yvonne 1952 Dällikon 47.54,8 ----- (46148) Diplom Video 9.34 ¦ --- Zimmermann Judith 1955 Dierikon 46.35,4 ----- (45051) Diplom Video 9.19 ¦ --- Zingg Susanna 1958 Kaufdorf 41.56,7 ----- (43119) Diplom Video 8.23 ¦ --- Zinn Gisela 1962 Rütihof 43.32,1 ----- (43064) Diplom Video 8.42 ¦ --- Zryd Marianne 1952 Uettligen 45.10,0 ----- (44012) Diplom Video 9.02 ¦ --- Zuber Patricia 1971 Kirchberg BE 51.29,1 ----- (45244) Diplom Video 10.17 ¦ --- Züger-Gubser Barbara 1980 Linthal 47.48,2 ----- (44125) Diplom Video 9.33 ¦ --- Zurbriggen Doris 1954 Köniz 41.47,3 ----- (43044) Diplom Video 8.21 ¦ --- Zürcher-Jenni Margrit 1969 Signau 40.27,7 ----- (45011) Diplom Video 8.05 ¦ --- Zurfluh-Christen Monika 1962 Dietwil 47.51,9 ----- (43089) Diplom Video 9.34 ¦ --- Zwahlen Noémie 1992 Yvonand 48.42,6 ----- (44038) Diplom Video 9.44 ¦ --- Zwygart Denise 1973 Liebefeld 43.02,7 ----- (43022) Diplom Video 8.36 ¦ --- Zwygart Trudi 1948 Grossaffoltern 45.33,6 ----- (43023) Diplom Video 9.06 ¦
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