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(24) Master

CRAFT Bike Transalp - 8th stage: Rovereto > Riva d. Garda - (24) Master

Rang Team Fahrer1 Fahrer2 Zeit Rückstand Stnr Overall ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. ROCKY MOUNTAIN/ Centurion Bresser Carsten Bölts Udo 1:47.21,9 ----- (21) Urkunde Foto Teams 15. 2. Jeep Scott Grasegger Hans Laner Andreas 1:49.33,8 2.11,9 (65) Urkunde Foto Teams 20. 3. Team Tecno MTB Segata Claudio Dellagiacoma Piergio 1:50.22,9 3.01,0 (29) Urkunde Foto Teams 24. 4. Peerkes Bike Team 1 van Bekkum Remco Bloeming Bas 1:55.33,0 8.11,1 (73) Urkunde Foto Teams 36. 5. Craft - Sebamed Hannawald Klaus Cech Roman 1:56.32,8 9.10,9 (19) Urkunde Foto Teams 41. 6. SCOTT # Der Fahrradladen Gudensberg Damm Thorsten Bohorc Bojan 1:56.44,6 9.22,7 (63) Urkunde Foto Teams 42. 7. Team Sunshine Racers Nals Paris Viktor Piazza Thomas 1:57.02,9 9.41,0 (462) Urkunde Foto Teams 43. 8. TEAM MSTINA VIVIBIKE 1 Pianca Marco Alberton Alessandro 2:00.06,0 12.44,1 (175) Urkunde Foto Teams 57. 9. Team Triangolo Lariano Dell'Oca Andrea Longoni Gianluca 2:00.20,9 12.59,0 (463) Urkunde Foto Teams 59. 10. Anningerwarriors Brandl Markus Friedrich Michael 2:00.46,8 13.24,9 (378) Urkunde Foto Teams 63. 11. TEAM Bike & More 6 - Manuel Bike as Merighetti Franco Battaglia Mauro 2:01.23,0 14.01,1 (47) Urkunde Foto Teams 65. 12. Alleghe-Civetta Ski Roccon Paolo Fratta Stefano 2:02.46,7 15.24,8 (528) Urkunde Foto Teams 69. 13. Team Hardrocx Knutsen Thomas Morga Larsen Tom 2:03.42,6 16.20,7 (448) Urkunde Foto Teams 77. 14. K2BTT Pereira Joaquim Giacosa Paolo 2:04.23,6 17.01,7 (417) Urkunde Foto Teams 83. 15. Scott - Radhaus Starnberg and Frien Susallek Veit Vogel Jörg 2:04.35,1 17.13,2 (32) Urkunde Foto Teams 86. 16. VELO SPORT GÖTTINGEN 3 Schmidtmann Jörg Brandt Wolf Dieter 2:05.06,2 17.44,3 (136) Urkunde Foto Teams 89. 17. Team Spartaan Buitenhek Rene Schouten Richard 2:05.45,3 18.23,4 (31) Urkunde Foto Teams 90. 18. MMR BIKES San Martin Del Campo Alonso Villaron Dani 2:05.47,1 18.25,2 (79) Urkunde Foto Teams 91. 19. Ottica Lepori Ambrosini Reto Valenti Ivan 2:06.28,7 19.06,8 (168) Urkunde Foto Teams 96. 20. Bike Werf Werf Marcus Witt Wolf-Thorsten 2:06.43,4 19.21,5 (126) Urkunde Foto Teams 98. 21. Corbike 2 De La Asunción Herná Alsina Costa Josep M 2:06.45,7 19.23,8 (119) Urkunde Foto Teams 99. 22. www.gasthofseefeld.ch Guignard Andreas Posch Heinz 2:07.19,6 19.57,7 (479) Urkunde Foto Teams 102. 23. Giant-Nutrixxion Altermatt Martin Fässler Othmar 2:07.30,6 20.08,7 (409) Urkunde Foto Teams 104. 24. Venutto Ossowski Adam Biewald Adam Venutto 2:09.02,9 21.41,0 (134) Urkunde Foto Teams 113. 25. Onlyoff - Parco Dei Ciliegi Baiesi Alessandro Mainardi Massimilian 2:09.12,3 21.50,4 (430) Urkunde Foto Teams 115. 26. Peerkes Bike Team 2 Wouters Peter Schellekens Sjack 2:10.11,1 22.49,2 (87) Urkunde Foto Teams 119. 27. TEAM Bike & More 12 - Misma & More Bergamelli Enrico Carrara Claudio 2:11.13,5 23.51,6 (39) Urkunde Foto Teams 124. 28. Diana Sport Petr Tomas Kavan Marek 2:11.24,9 24.03,0 (395) Urkunde Foto Teams 128. 29. Crazy Veloshop Wenger Hanspeter Dähler Matthias 2:12.04,0 24.42,1 (391) Urkunde Foto Teams 132. 30. TEAM Bike & More 3 Confalonieri Angelo Nava Mauro 2:13.17,6 25.55,7 (44) Urkunde Foto Teams 136. 31. Team Pirna Master Gollmann Uwe Brust Sven 2:13.44,8 26.22,9 (460) Urkunde Foto Teams 137. 32. Attack vertical Chassot Jacques Giller David 2:15.14,6 27.52,7 (381) Urkunde Foto Teams 141. 33. Alpenwelt Karwendel Mittenwald Veit Christoph Mannes Mario 2:15.44,4 28.22,5 (162) Urkunde Foto Teams 143. 34. Univega Pro Cycling Team Jäger Thomas Kretzberg Thomas 2:16.14,9 28.53,0 (139) Urkunde Foto Teams 150. 35. United Bikers van Haarlem Johan Camps Sven 2:16.24,9 29.03,0 (470) Urkunde Foto Teams 151. 36. Tennessee Pass cookhouse Hall Tyson Locher Ryan 2:17.33,9 30.12,0 (467) Urkunde Foto Teams 160. 37. Das dreckige Duo Freiberg Jens Wendtlandt Gerhard 2:17.51,2 30.29,3 (393) Urkunde Foto Teams 162. 38. Bikemag.hu - Tatanka Racing Team Varallyai Laszlo Vock Balazs 2:17.52,7 30.30,8 (163) Urkunde Foto Teams 163. 39. ZAES Sportswear Vergeer Pascal Hassing Patrick 2:18.05,0 30.43,1 (526) Urkunde Foto Teams 166. 40. Bike System Factory Team Rech Elvi Tagliapietra Claudio 2:19.48,5 32.26,6 (529) Urkunde Foto Teams 175. 41. king kong Krant Monny van Heerdt Willem 2:19.56,9 32.35,0 (106) Urkunde Foto Teams 177. 42. Transalp Junkies Culino Guido Gschwendtner Sepp 2:20.21,1 32.59,2 (469) Urkunde Foto Teams 178. 43. Valkenburg Rooding Leo Wijnen Rogier 2:20.43,8 33.21,9 (324) Urkunde Foto Teams 180. 44. CRAFT and Friends Hess Volker Schneider Martin 2:20.55,4 33.33,5 (152) Urkunde Foto Teams 181. 45. Kommando 8. August Staiger Martin Stadelmeier Wolfgang 2:21.10,3 33.48,4 (421) Urkunde Foto Teams 183. 46. Team Hüttenzauber Dahmen Markus Funcke Michael 2:23.38,6 36.16,7 (449) Urkunde Foto Teams 191. 47. Wear the Fox Hat Bryson Robbie Mawhirt Paul 2:23.46,7 36.24,8 (474) Urkunde Foto Teams 194. 48. TEAM BUCKLIGE WELT Fuchs Gerhard Riegler Johann 2:23.51,1 36.29,2 (446) Urkunde Foto Teams 196. 49. Redheads Team Hanke Andreas Zauner Peter 2:24.01,3 36.39,4 (160) Urkunde Foto Teams 198. 50. ASD CASSINIS CYCLING TEAM Berta Michele Rogate Roberto 2:25.11,0 37.49,1 (379) Urkunde Foto Teams 202. 51. Dois Vagabundos Seargent Michael Gava Mendes Giullian 2:25.33,3 38.11,4 (397) Urkunde Foto Teams 203. 52. Vredehoek Scollies van der Westhuizen D Evard Pierre 2:26.25,3 39.03,4 (473) Urkunde Foto Teams 204. 53. SÜEDBODEN Schröder Philipp Pfister Stefan 2:27.15,1 39.53,2 (441) Urkunde Foto Teams 207. 54. Test Team One Repitz Daniel Lindner Jürgen 2:27.16,7 39.54,8 (140) Urkunde Foto Teams 209. 55. Team Venlo Steggink Ralph Grosze-Holz Marco 2:27.31,5 40.09,6 (464) Urkunde Foto Teams 210. 56. Stevens Stevens Lucas Stevens Emiel 2:27.31,8 40.09,9 (439) Urkunde Foto Teams 211. 57. The Brothers Bertolini Omar Bertolini Massimilia 2:28.31,5 41.09,6 (468) Urkunde Foto Teams 212. 58. BeerKeller Keller Fritz Beer Urs 2:28.45,3 41.23,4 (383) Urkunde Foto Teams 215. 59. Bikestore SV 09 Würzburg van Baal Oliver Prach Christopher 2:29.03,2 41.41,3 (386) Urkunde Foto Teams 218. 60. Craft and Friends Zimmermann Mario Zöllner Frank 2:29.13,6 41.51,7 (153) Urkunde Foto Teams 219. 61. MADMAX Mouwen Franc Crookes Greg 2:30.13,9 42.52,0 (424) Urkunde Foto Teams 224. 62. Baseline Benard Rod Williamson Shaun 2:30.14,0 42.52,1 (206) Urkunde Foto Teams 225. 63. Demmerer Racing Team Demmerer Gerhard Demmerer Bernd 2:30.14,8 42.52,9 (394) Urkunde Foto Teams 226. 64. Freeheeler Brugger Rolf Scherrer Michael 2:30.15,9 42.54,0 (405) Urkunde Foto Teams 227. 65. Peerkes Bike Team 3 van den Bergh Barry Mertens Peter 2:30.58,5 43.36,6 (170) Urkunde Foto Teams 229. 66. NRW-Express Heupel Michael Bangert Maik 2:31.24,8 44.02,9 (428) Urkunde Foto Teams 230. 67. LOVI RAZING Franz herbrenner Lovranich Gerhard Lovranich Christian 2:31.50,6 44.28,7 (254) Urkunde Foto Teams 235. 68. Genussteam Schultz Rigo Krause Matthias 2:32.29,3 45.07,4 (407) Urkunde Foto Teams 237. 69. TEAM Bike & More 9 - Andrea Cardill Merighetti Nicola Omassi Nicola 2:34.35,4 47.13,5 (50) Urkunde Foto Teams 242. 70. Grenzgänger Pfurtscheller Harald Rohrer Hansjörg 2:34.58,2 47.36,3 (411) Urkunde Foto Teams 244. 71. Corbike 3 Jimenez Estrada Albe Méndez Villavilla Ca 2:35.20,8 47.58,9 (118) Urkunde Foto Teams 248. 72. IBM-Brockenkinder Künne Maik Bromann Uwe 2:35.35,3 48.13,4 (416) Urkunde Foto Teams 249. 73. IBM - Harzer Hirten Berthold Jörg Schneider Marten 2:35.35,6 48.13,7 (415) Urkunde Foto Teams 250. 74. Team SODRA Mauritzon Patric Norrby Kristian 2:35.42,9 48.21,0 (461) Urkunde Foto Teams 251. 75. Brothers Grimm Grimm Jörg Grimm Thomas 2:36.18,0 48.56,1 (389) Urkunde Foto Teams 255. 76. hammer horse racing team powered by Martin Christoph Staples Stuart 2:36.43,0 49.21,1 (412) Urkunde Foto Teams 259. 77. Genussteam 2 Boelt Axel Graichen Uwe 2:37.45,3 50.23,4 (408) Urkunde Foto Teams 262. 78. Duvel Lovers Verswijvel Eric Smets Danny 2:37.47,2 50.25,3 (399) Urkunde Foto Teams 263. 79. *** sunshine & stars *** Roth Jürgen Gundlach Friedrich-W 2:38.18,2 50.56,3 (374) Urkunde Foto Teams 265. 80. Team Bonsai Bikes Winter Thomas Aust Peter 2:38.24,9 51.03,0 (445) Urkunde Foto Teams 266. 81. Allroadmaniacs.nl Tijssen Harold Boon Gerben 2:38.32,2 51.10,3 (376) Urkunde Foto Teams 267. 82. Go Bro Stanbury Andy Stanbury Paul 2:40.52,5 53.30,6 (410) Urkunde Foto Teams 279. 83. SV Amberg Transalp Mändl Wolfgang Koller Josef 2:41.40,4 54.18,5 (442) Urkunde Foto Teams 284. 84. Killertal Rider Rundel Albert Hoffmann Jürgen 2:42.22,7 55.00,8 (419) Urkunde Foto Teams 285. 85. TeamSkar Skar Haakon Skar Petter 2:42.54,5 55.32,6 (465) Urkunde Foto Teams 286. 86. Stöckli 29er Team / Serrenok Waibel Norbert Gaszner Gabor 2:43.05,3 55.43,4 (59) Urkunde Foto Teams 288. 87. Master of Pain Kafka Robert Pröpper Werner 2:43.42,0 56.20,1 (426) Urkunde Foto Teams 290. 88. Club Ciclista Cassà Cabarrocas Eduard Ruscalleda Carlos 2:44.45,1 57.23,2 (121) Urkunde Foto Teams 292. 89. TEAM Bike & More 1 - ASD MTB4ALL Di Martino Giovanni Riccato Mauro 2:44.48,8 57.26,9 (40) Urkunde Foto Teams 293. 90. WILLY-TEAM8S Stock Dirk De Baets John 2:45.42,1 58.20,2 (179) Urkunde Foto Teams 296. 91. CSK Broistedt Graf Thomas Ferdinand Thomas 2:46.27,7 59.05,8 (392) Urkunde Foto Teams 300. 92. Alps for breakfast Edelhäuser Johannes Greven Brian 2:47.01,4 59.39,5 (377) Urkunde Foto Teams 302. 93. Team Oberbayern - Rocky Mountain Te Krepold Hans-Michael Brosig Martin 2:47.05,2 59.43,3 (533) Urkunde Foto Teams 303. 94. CRAFT ROCKY MOUNTAIN Bären Kopp Rainer Streckenbach Armin 2:47.51,1 1:00.29,2 (20) Urkunde Foto Teams 306. 95. Brawo Siesespeck Dirk Müller Jann 2:47.53,5 1:00.31,6 (387) Urkunde Foto Teams 307. 96. Whyless Reed Mark van Rooyen Pieter 2:50.46,2 1:03.24,3 (478) Urkunde Foto Teams 310. 97. Team Israel 8 Engel Gabriel Wolff Yonathan 2:52.11,6 1:04.49,7 (455) Urkunde Foto Teams 313. 98. TEAM Bike & More 11 - Baz Snow Race Rota Marco Pedrali Luca 2:52.18,6 1:04.56,7 (42) Urkunde Foto Teams 314. 99. Corbike 5 Sabate Rius Marc Vila Carrera Marc 2:52.30,8 1:05.08,9 (116) Urkunde Foto Teams 315. 100. Team Nässja Thorin Martin Ahlqvist Joel 2:53.51,1 1:06.29,2 (458) Urkunde Foto Teams 319. 101. Team Israel 1 Inbar Asaf Carmi Hadoram 2:54.11,4 1:06.49,5 (450) Urkunde Foto Teams 321. 102. Franken-Quartett 2 Rosenberger Volker Kohlmann Norbert 2:54.57,0 1:07.35,1 (234) Urkunde Foto Teams 323. 103. erez eyal Bar-Eliezer Eyal Latner Erez 2:55.21,3 1:07.59,4 (226) Urkunde Foto Teams 324. 104. Schurwaldschleicher Brem Jörg Leuz Jürgen 2:56.00,7 1:08.38,8 (280) Urkunde Foto Teams 325. 105. Team Pichnerbau-Denifl Guglberger Günter Wechselberger Georg 2:56.10,9 1:08.49,0 (396) Urkunde Foto Teams 327. 106. Team Joffe Rasmussen Rolf Sostrand Jon Petter 2:57.34,2 1:10.12,3 (457) Urkunde Foto Teams 332. 107. Teamwork Laber Udo Kemmer Christoph 2:58.04,0 1:10.42,1 (466) Urkunde Foto Teams 334. 108. White Knuckle Racing Hazelton Keith Roberts Steven 2:58.06,0 1:10.44,1 (477) Urkunde Foto Teams 335. 109. Team Foss Sport Norway Arntzen Stein Simonsen Hoel Lars A 2:58.54,4 1:11.32,5 (447) Urkunde Foto Teams 336. 110. Team Bike Technik Nussloch Rohrmann Matthias Claßen Gerhard 2:59.06,9 1:11.45,0 (444) Urkunde Foto Teams 337. 111. "TEAM ""Die Moorenweiser""" Blechinger Markus Heigl Michael 2:59.07,2 1:11.45,3 (443) Urkunde Foto Teams 338. 112. TEAM Bike & More 7 - Marinelli - Fe Pericoli Giancarlo Sirchi Gianluca 3:00.13,9 1:12.52,0 (48) Urkunde Foto Teams 340. 113. Baikal Naumov Oleg Onofrei Iurii 3:00.17,1 1:12.55,2 (382) Urkunde Foto Teams 341. 114. Oneplanet adventure Owen Ian Horsley Richard 3:00.29,5 1:13.07,6 (429) Urkunde Foto Teams 342. 115. BSC Flatline Fuchshuber Günther Baumgartner Harald 3:02.14,6 1:14.52,7 (390) Urkunde Foto Teams 345. 116. Eyjafjallajokull Gíslason Gudmundur Palsson Arnthor 3:04.52,5 1:17.30,6 (228) Urkunde Foto Teams 351. 117. Riwotech Racing Team Wolf Horst Bourges Wolfgang 3:06.09,2 1:18.47,3 (435) Urkunde Foto Teams 355. 118. dwarslooper Brieger Oliver Imhoff Matthias 3:07.29,9 1:20.08,0 (400) Urkunde Foto Teams 356. 119. TEAM VIVERE IL GRAPPA Bongiorno Sandro Zancanaro Luca 3:07.46,1 1:20.24,2 (143) Urkunde Foto Teams 360. 120. Team Israel 2 Landau Danny Markus Gurion Arie 3:09.00,4 1:21.38,5 (451) Urkunde Foto Teams 362. 121. PlusMinus Weiss Gerfried Wurzinger Wolfgang 3:12.15,5 1:24.53,6 (433) Urkunde Foto Teams 364. 122. brazucas Santos Carlos Andre Dutra Djalma 3:16.30,6 1:29.08,7 (388) Urkunde Foto Teams 373. 123. VISITCOSTARICA.COM Garita Calvo Roberto Garita Hernández Jai 3:19.55,7 1:32.33,8 (472) Urkunde Foto Teams 380. 124. Fulda-Ruhr Express Eckert Thorsten Mitter Kai-Wolfgang 3:21.02,1 1:33.40,2 (406) Urkunde Foto Teams 381. 125. Stitch + Otti Dietz Markus Niebling Frank 3:21.32,1 1:34.10,2 (398) Urkunde Foto Teams 382. 126. Craft and Friends Ploem Reiner Cappelle Andre 3:28.30,4 1:41.08,5 (23) Urkunde Foto Teams 385. 127. Team Israel 4 Matza Sagi Shamai Shapira Hagai 3:28.36,5 1:41.14,6 (452) Urkunde Foto Teams 386. 128. giantstore amsterdam Hunnersen Robert Loques Eric Jean Lou 3:30.12,0 1:42.50,1 (238) Urkunde Foto Teams 388. 129. TEAM Bike & More 4 - Well&Win Matellicani Andrea Pascucci Ostilio 3:30.27,7 1:43.05,8 (45) Urkunde Foto Teams 389. 130. Haus Seegarten feat. Die Strampler Baart René Roth Matthias 3:33.39,7 1:46.17,8 (413) Urkunde Foto Teams 392. 131. Team Israel 5 Betzalel Avi Danoch Yuval 3:42.03,6 1:54.41,7 (453) Urkunde Foto Teams 394. 132. Fighting Marmots I Toyne David Topham Steven 3:42.40,8 1:55.18,9 (404) Urkunde Foto Teams 396. 133. philalex Mamet Alexandre Schimpf Philippe 4:17.38,5 2:30.16,6 (432) Urkunde Foto Teams 401.

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