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Bundesliga MTB Heubach 2013 - Land "UKR"

Kategorie Rang Name/Ort Jg Team/Ortschaft Bemerkung Zeit Rückstand Stnr ¦ Runde 1 ¦ Runde 2 ¦ Runde 3 ¦ Runde 4 ¦ Runde 5 ¦ Runde 6 ¦ Runde 7 ¦ Runde 8 ¦ Runde 9 ¦ Runde 10 ¦ ¦ ¦nach 2. Runde ¦nach 3. Runde ¦nach 4. Runde ¦nach 5. Runde ¦nach 6. Runde ¦nach 7. Runde ¦nach 8. Runde ¦nach 9. Runde ¦ach 10. Runde ¦ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BL_HE 57. Batsutsa Mykhaylo, UKR 1990 National Team of Ukraine - 3 Runden 59.46,7 3.Runde (83) ¦ 18.16 62.¦ 21.21 61.¦ 20.08 55.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ¦ ¦ 39.38 59.¦ 59.46 57.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ BL_Damen 40. Belomoina Yana, UKR 1992 Brentjens Mountainbike Racing DNF 19.26,6 1.Runde (54) ¦ 19.26 17.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ¦ ¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ BL_D_U23 17. Belomoina Yana, UKR 1992 Brentjens Mountainbike Racing DNF 19.26,6 1.Runde (54) ¦ 19.26 3.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ¦ ¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ BL_D_U19 4. Hordiiuk Diana, UKR 1995 National Team of Ukraine --- 1:05.00,7 3.52,0 (331) ¦ 20.39 4.¦ 21.53 4.¦ 22.27 4.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ¦ ¦ 42.33 4.¦ 1:05.00 4.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ BL_Damen 25. Popova Iryna, UKR 1991 National Team of Ukraine --- 1:54.39,3 21.58,3 (52) ¦ 21.32 34.¦ 22.21 25.¦ 22.40 22.¦ 24.30 25.¦ 23.35 21.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ¦ ¦ 43.53 26.¦ 1:06.33 25.¦ 1:31.04 25.¦ 1:54.39 25.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ BL_D_U23 9. Popova Iryna, UKR 1991 National Team of Ukraine --- 1:54.39,3 18.50,2 (52) ¦ 21.32 13.¦ 22.21 9.¦ 22.40 7.¦ 24.30 9.¦ 23.35 6.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ¦ ¦ 43.53 10.¦ 1:06.33 9.¦ 1:31.04 9.¦ 1:54.39 9.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ BL_M_U19 35. Prykhodko Kostyantyn, UKR 1996 National Team of Ukraine --- 1:15.14,3 10.35,8 (296) ¦ 18.22 43.¦ 18.24 30.¦ 19.25 39.¦ 19.02 36.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ¦ ¦ 36.46 38.¦ 56.11 37.¦ 1:15.14 35.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ BL_HE 25. Rysenko Sergii, UKR 1980 National Team ofUkraine --- 1:40.56,8 9.47,2 (84) ¦ 15.58 31.¦ 16.40 28.¦ 16.28 16.¦ 16.57 21.¦ 17.13 24.¦ 17.38 27.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ¦ ¦ 32.38 29.¦ 49.07 24.¦ 1:06.05 25.¦ 1:23.18 24.¦ 1:40.56 25.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ BL_H_U23 45. Shevtsov Artem, UKR 1994 National Team of Ukraine --- 1:33.20,7 13.50,4 (193) ¦ 16.29 23.¦ 17.52 37.¦ 19.09 50.¦ 20.58 57.¦ 18.51 36.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ¦ ¦ 34.21 28.¦ 53.30 40.¦ 1:14.29 45.¦ 1:33.20 45.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ BL_Damen 26. Tereshchuk Marta, UKR 1992 National Team of Ukraine --- 1:55.18,6 22.37,6 (53) ¦ 21.34 35.¦ 22.24 27.¦ 23.08 25.¦ 23.59 23.¦ 24.12 23.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ¦ ¦ 43.59 28.¦ 1:07.07 27.¦ 1:31.06 26.¦ 1:55.18 26.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ BL_D_U23 10. Tereshchuk Marta, UKR 1992 National Team of Ukraine --- 1:55.18,6 19.29,5 (53) ¦ 21.34 14.¦ 22.24 11.¦ 23.08 9.¦ 23.59 7.¦ 24.12 7.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ¦ ¦ 43.59 11.¦ 1:07.07 11.¦ 1:31.06 10.¦ 1:55.18 10.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ BL_D_U19 8. Tkachova Darya, UKR 1996 National Team of Ukraine --- 1:07.04,5 5.55,8 (332) ¦ 21.07 11.¦ 23.02 7.¦ 22.54 6.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ¦ ¦ 44.09 9.¦ 1:07.04 8.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ BL_M_U19 21. Zavolokin Oleksii, UKR 1995 National Team of Ukraine --- 1:11.48,9 7.10,4 (297) ¦ 17.59 35.¦ 17.08 13.¦ 18.03 15.¦ 18.37 24.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ¦ ¦ 35.08 21.¦ 53.11 19.¦ 1:11.48 21.¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦ ---- ----¦
Total 13

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